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Middle School Assessment Policy (Grades 6-8)

Middle School assessment: (6-8 Grades)
The Middle school’s assessment structure includes formative assessments, mid –semester summative
assessments and end-of-semester assessments to evaluate learners’ progress and proficiency.
Formative Assessments: represents the process of gathering, analyzing, interpreting and using evidence
to improve student learning. Teachers use varied techniques to assess the student learning level;
Socratic seminar, Essays, Group and individual oral presentations, Multimedia presentations, Multiplechoice style quizzes and tests, Portfolios and Skits and performances and also ensures every learner in
the class participates in the class equally.
We should introduce reading and listening components in the language learning part.
Summative assessment: summative Learners occurs at the end of a teaching and learning cycle when
students are given the opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned by applying their knowledge
in new and authentic contexts. Summative assessments are a means to gauge student learning relative
to the standards communicated to students prior to and during formative assessment. Summative
assessment is generally used as part of the grading process.
Summative assessed through, Written tests/examinations and individual projects,
We are planning to introduce multiple choice questions and
We should introduce Cambridge progression tests and Cambridge secondary checkpoint exams to
middle school students and for Grade 8 learners.