Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION XII SCHOOLS DIVISION OF SOUTH COTABATO SILWAY-8 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SILWAY-8, POLOMOLOK Income Generating Project (IGP) Proposal “Mine Mo, Para sa Kinabukasan Ko” (Online and Offline Production of Used but Useful Items) Proponents: JUNELYN B. RIO Master Teacher I JENNY ROSE M. INOJALES Master Teacher I GERALDINE M. SALUNA Teacher III JANICE O. EGOC Teacher III Noted: HIYASMINDA C. DIOLANTO School Principal III JUDITH G. DINGAL Principal II/Principal In-Charge Evaluated by: CRISTOPHER T. FRUSA Senior Education Program Specialist Planning and Research APPROVED: RUTH L. ESTACIO PhD, CESO VI Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Officer In-Charge Office of the Schools Division Superintendent Income Generating Project (IGP) Proposal Address: Purok Masigla, Silway-8, Polomolok Telephone Number: (083) 877-4739 Email Address: Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION XII SCHOOLS DIVISION OF SOUTH COTABATO SILWAY-8 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SILWAY-8, POLOMOLOK I. PROJECT SUMMARY INFORMATION 1. Project Title: “Mine Mo, Para sa Kinabukasan Ko” (Online and Offline Production of Used but Useful Items) 2. Proponents: Junelyn B. Rio Master Teacher I Jenny Rose M. Inojales Master Teacher I Geraldine M. Saluna Teacher III Janice O. Egoc Teacher III 3. Address/Project Site: Old Guard House, Silway-8 Elementary School, Silway-8, Polomolok South Cotabato 4. Contact Persons: Junelyn B. Rio (09778149653) Master Teacher I Jenny Rose M. Inojales (09171284213) Master Teacher I Geraldine M. Saluna (09778240399) Teacher III Janice O. Egoc (09155185431) Teacher III 5. Number of Beneficiaries: 20 Less Fortunate Learners /Non and Poor Readers Provision of School Supplies, Clothes and Food Worth 2000.00 each child 6. Total Project Cost: P 40,000.00 Address: Purok Masigla, Silway-8, Polomolok Telephone Number: (083) 877-4739 Email Address: Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION XII SCHOOLS DIVISION OF SOUTH COTABATO SILWAY-8 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SILWAY-8, POLOMOLOK 7. Source of Funds: Income from the items to be sold online, live selling and actual or personal meet up/selling. II. RATIONALE Nowadays, there are families who cannot provide the needs of the children due to poverty. This scenario will end up into parents not sending their children to school or children will keep on making absences and worst others will drop. These children need to be saved and be given extra care and love by providing them food, supplies and clothing. We the proponents came up with this IGP because we see the necessity especially when face to face classes will come back. Since this project is one year in duration it will be timely that when the project will be done the amount will be gathered in full and the recipients will be identified and can enjoy the privilege. III. PROJECT OBJECTIVES General To conduct an Income Generating Project (IGP) on “ Mine Mo, Para sa Kinabukasan Ko” Specific To have online, live and personal selling of used but still useful things of the teachers and friends. To accumulate P40, 000.00 to assist the needs of the less fortunate learners and non or slow readers. IV. PROJECT DESCRIPTION “Mine Mo, Para sa Kinabukasan Ko”, is an income generating project initiated by the teachers of Silway-8 Elementary School. In this IGP, the teachers will collect used but still useful items from their own belongings, from the co teachers or from their friends and relatives. The items can be clothes, blankets, home Address: Purok Masigla, Silway-8, Polomolok Telephone Number: (083) 877-4739 Email Address: Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION XII SCHOOLS DIVISION OF SOUTH COTABATO SILWAY-8 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SILWAY-8, POLOMOLOK accessories/appliances, plants and other things saleable. Those who will let their items to be sold will be given back the amount as their capital. The proponents will sort the items by classification. Then, there will be official account to be used for the posting of items, live selling and an area for meeting up and personal viewing of the items. The proponents will choose 40 beneficiaries from the learners. The learners will be given school supplies, food and clothes. V. MECHANICS AND IMPLEMENTATION: Pre Implementation The proponents will make an IGP Proposal for the approval of the division office. This will also the time to start the collection of items to be sold. The proponents will also open an account for the income. During Implementation The proponents will sort, prepare and make online platform where to sell the items. The schedule of selling will be after class hours and weekends. The income will be deposited into the account opened intended for the IGP. Post Implementation The proponents will withdraw the amount and buy materials for the 20 recipients of the IGP. These shall be properly documented. The proponents will submit for approval the whole package of the IGP. VI. EXPECTED OUTPUT Production capacity and expected outputs The production capacity will be covering from December 2021 to December 2022. This one year IGP will sell at least 3 times a week. Each week should Address: Purok Masigla, Silway-8, Polomolok Telephone Number: (083) 877-4739 Email Address: Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION XII SCHOOLS DIVISION OF SOUTH COTABATO SILWAY-8 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SILWAY-8, POLOMOLOK have at least P 834.00 income so that at the end of the year we can come up with 40,000.00 Projected summary of Gross Sale of Products Capital Gross Income 30,0000 70,000.00 40,000.00 VII. WORKPLAN OF ACTIVITIES Major Activities Persons Responsible Preparation and approval of IGP Proposal Proponents, School Head, District Head November 2021 Collection of Used but Useful Items Proponents December 2021November 2022 Accounting and Auditing of Income Proponents Every Month Deposit of Income Janice O. Egoc Every Week Procurement of Items for the Beneficiaries Proponents December 2022 Preparation and Submission of IGP Terminal Report Proponents December 2022 VIII. BUDGETARY REQUIREMENTS For the selling Address: Purok Masigla, Silway-8, Polomolok Telephone Number: (083) 877-4739 Email Address: Time Frame Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION XII SCHOOLS DIVISION OF SOUTH COTABATO SILWAY-8 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SILWAY-8, POLOMOLOK Particulars Cost Used Clothes 10,000.00 Plants 5,000 Household Items 5,0000 Appliances and Furniture 10,000.00 TOTAL 30,000.00 For the Beneficiaries (20 x 2000.00 each) Particulars School Supplies Clothes Groceries TOTAL Amount 10,000.00 10,000.00 20,000.00 40,000.00 IX. PROJECT OPERATIONAL DESCRIPTION A. Market Product Description The products to be sold are used clothes, items and household items Target Market Everybody Price and Pricing 50-250 for clothes 20-200 for household items 100-5000 for furniture and appliances Terms of Sale Direct Consumers B. Technical Address: Purok Masigla, Silway-8, Polomolok Telephone Number: (083) 877-4739 Email Address: Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION XII SCHOOLS DIVISION OF SOUTH COTABATO SILWAY-8 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SILWAY-8, POLOMOLOK Project Location Purok Masigla, Silway-8 Elementary School, Silway-8 Polomolok, South Cotabato Production capacity and expected output The production capacity will be covering from December 2021 to December 2022. This one year IGP will sell at least 3 times a week. Each week should have at least P 834.00 income so that at the end of the year we can come up with 40,000.00 Technical Production Processes Making of IGP Proposal Submission of Proposal and Collection and sorting of Items Display and Selling of Products Display and Selling of Products D. Financial Capital Requirement: P30,000.00 Source of Funds: Personal from the Proponents Investment Cost: P70,000.00 Projected Income Statement: P40,000.000 X. MONITORING AND EVALUATION Activity Period Sorting and Preparation Every Saturday Auditing Every month Address: Purok Masigla, Silway-8, Polomolok Telephone Number: (083) 877-4739 Email Address: Remarks Accounting of Income Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION XII SCHOOLS DIVISION OF SOUTH COTABATO SILWAY-8 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SILWAY-8, POLOMOLOK Deposit of Income Every Week Prepared by: JUNELYN B. RIO Master Teacher I JENNY ROSE M. INOJALES Master Teacher I GERALDINE M. SALUNA Teacher III JANICE O. EGOC Teacher III Noted: HIYASMINDA C. DIOLANTO School Principal III JUDITH G. DINGAL Principal II/Principal In-Charge Evaluated by: CRISTOPHER T. FRUSA Senior Education Program Specialist Planning and Research APPROVED: RUTH L. ESTACIO PhD, CESO VI Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Officer In-Charge Office of the Schools Division Superintendent Address: Purok Masigla, Silway-8, Polomolok Telephone Number: (083) 877-4739 Email Address: