See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: International Business, 8th edition Book · April 2019 CITATIONS READS 30 39,439 3 authors, including: Rajneesh Narula Simon Collinson University of Reading Zhejiang University 206 PUBLICATIONS 13,943 CITATIONS 79 PUBLICATIONS 1,869 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE All content following this page was uploaded by Rajneesh Narula on 06 March 2020. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. SEE PROFILE Eighth Edition International Business, 8th Edition, by Collinson, Narula and Rugman presents students with data and evidence to map trends, make predictions and take on the role of decision makers in business and governments to enable them to lead organizations with real insight in a complex, global environment. This textbook connects tried-and-tested theory, analytical frameworks, data and case examples to deliver a comprehensive guide to the subject from authors who keep pace with the ongoing developments in both theory and practice. Focusing on the impacts of decisions on both the performance of multinational firms and the societies and economies they work in. Additional resources to accompany the book are available at New to this edition: • Over 90 new and updated case studies from a diverse range of businesses and industries from around the world, such as IKEA, Alibaba, the global beer market, MPesa mobile banking and the Canadian car manufacturer Magna. • New content on responsible business, illustrated with case studies on the US-Venezuela oil dispute, the Huawei spy accusation and climate change partnerships between businesses and government agencies. • A new emphasis on global value chains, outsourcing and cooperative alliances underpinned by innovation and knowledge creation. • The major implications of ongoing changes in the politics of global trade including Brexit and the US-China trade war. Simon Collinson is Deputy Pro-Vice Chancellor, Director of the City-Region Economic Development Institute (City-REDI) and Professor of International Business and Innovation at the University of Birmingham, UK. Rajneesh Narula is the John H. Dunning Chair of International Business Regulation at the Henley Business School, University of Reading, UK. Amir Qamar is Assistant Professor in Strategic Management at Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham, UK. He has worked as a contributor and researcher for this edition. Pearson, the world’s learning company. Front cover image: ImageFlow/Shutterstock Eighth Edition Alan M. Rugman was the founding author of this textbook and it serves as a reminder of his contribution to the IB field. INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS Explore and understand international business through practical, theory and analytical frameworks Collinson Narula Rugman INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS Simon Collinson Rajneesh Narula Alan M. Rugman INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS Eighth Edition ISBN 978-1-292-27415-7 CVR_COLLINSON_8_9781292274157.indd 1,3 View publication stats 24/12/2019 10:29