CLIENT : CONSULTANT : PROJECT: DOKOUHE COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT STEEL STRUCTURE CALCULATION For Hoists & Crane - WORKSHOP BUILDING (10T) IN-HOUSE REVISIONS DOCUMENT REVISIONS THIS DOCUMENT IS A PROPERTY OF MAPNA GROUP AND MUST NOT BE COPIED NOR TRANSFERREDTO A THIRD PARTY WITHOUT PRIOR AUTHORIZATIIN B B A Second Issue S.K S.K S.A S.A 8/15/2021 A Second Issue S.K S.K S.A S.A 0 First Issue S.K S.K S.A S.A 7/23/2020 0 First Issue S.K S.K S.A S.A 7/23/2020 REV. DESCRIPTION DESG DRAWN. CHK APP. DATE REV. DESCRIPTION DESG DRAWN CHKD APP. Rev:A Doc. No. : TPH/ND-00/BP-M-08-BM3019 Design Stage Contract No. : Page 1 of 17 BASIC / DETAIL MAPNA GROUP MAPNA'S DWG No. MD3/ND-00/BP-M08-BM3-019 SUB-CONTRACTOR'S Doc. No 8/15/2021 Date CLIENT : CONSULTANT : PROJECT: DOKOUHE COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT Page No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 DOCUMENT REVISIONS 0 A X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X B C D E F Remarks G IN-HOUSE REVISIONS 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Remarks 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 THIS DOCUMENT IS A PROPERTY OF MAPNA GROUP AND MUST NOT BE COPIED NOR TRANSFERREDTO A THIRD PARTY WITHOUT PRIOR AUTHORIZATIIN Page No. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Rev:A Doc. No. : TPH/ND-00/BP-M-08-BM3019 Design Stage Contract No. : Page 2 of 17 BASIC / DETAIL MAPNA GROUP MAPNA'S DWG No. MD3/ND-00/BP-M08-BM3-019 SUB-CONTRACTOR'S Doc. No CLIENT : CONSULTANT : PROJECT: DOKOUHE COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CHAPTER 1: GIRDER THIS DOCUMENT IS A PROPERTY OF MAPNA GROUP AND MUST NOT BE COPIED NOR TRANSFERREDTO A THIRD PARTY WITHOUT PRIOR AUTHORIZATIIN CALCULATION Rev:A Doc. No. : TPH/ND-00/BP-M-08-BM3019 Design Stage Contract No. : Page 3 of 17 BASIC / DETAIL MAPNA GROUP MAPNA'S DWG No. MD3/ND-00/BP-M08-BM3-019 SUB-CONTRACTOR'S Doc. No CLIENT : CONSULTANT : PROJECT: DOKOUHE COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT 1-1- INTRODUCTION This chapter applies to design structure of main girder in accordance with CMAA, FEM and DIN standards. Calculations in this chapter is considered as a basis for structural design and COSMOS analysis in chapter 2 is only for overview. 1-2- Design Load First step is find of the external forces and their combination that act on the structure. According to CMAA standard, follow Loads to be considered: Principal loads Dead Load (DL) Trolley Load (TL) Lifted Load (LL) Vertical Inertia Forces Dead Load Factor (DLF) Hoist Load Factor (HLF) Inertia Forces From Drives Additional loads Operating wind load (WLO) Forces Due to Skewing (SK) THIS DOCUMENT IS A PROPERTY OF MAPNA GROUP AND MUST NOT BE COPIED NOR TRANSFERREDTO A THIRD PARTY WITHOUT PRIOR AUTHORIZATIIN Extraordinary loads Collision Forces (CF) Rev:A Doc. No. : TPH/ND-00/BP-M-08-BM3019 Design Stage Contract No. : Page 4 of 17 BASIC / DETAIL MAPNA GROUP MAPNA'S DWG No. MD3/ND-00/BP-M08-BM3-019 SUB-CONTRACTOR'S Doc. No CLIENT : CONSULTANT : PROJECT: DOKOUHE COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT 1-3- Girder Calculation L = 10.8m Q = 10000kg Span Hoisting capacity Wtrolley = 1410kg Trolley weight WBridge = 2024kg Weight of bridge V = 2.5 / 12 m min Bridge speed Crane Girder dimension H = 600mm b = 350mm t 1 = 8mm t 2 = 8mm t 3 = 30mm t 4 = 10mm h1 = 330mm h 2 = 310mm EA60 X 60 X 6 Longitudinal stiffener T Diaphragm = 8mm Diaphragm thickness Material :St37 THIS DOCUMENT IS A PROPERTY OF MAPNA GROUP AND MUST NOT BE COPIED NOR TRANSFERREDTO A THIRD PARTY WITHOUT PRIOR AUTHORIZATIIN 1-4- Girder Section Properties Moment of inertia: I x = 3565329.985mm4 I z = 1555116.952mm 4 Rev:A Doc. No. : TPH/ND-00/BP-M-08-BM3019 Design Stage Contract No. : Page 5 of 17 BASIC / DETAIL MAPNA GROUP MAPNA'S DWG No. MD3/ND-00/BP-M08-BM3-019 SUB-CONTRACTOR'S Doc. No CLIENT : CONSULTANT : PROJECT: DOKOUHE COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT Elastic section modulus: Point 1: Wx = 3565330mm3 Wz = 1555117 mm3 Point 2: Wx = 3655611mm3 Wz = 2267879mm3 Point 3: Wx = 3655611mm3 Wz = 2267879mm3 Point 4: Wx = 6141005mm3 Wz = 1555117 mm3 1-5- General Check of Dimensions L 25 H L 10800 = = 18.33 25 H 600 L 65 B L 11000 = = 31.42 65 B 350 CMAA Ok. CMAA Ok. 1-6- Load Combination For moving concentrated loads, the maximum bending moment will occur when the centerline of the span is midway between the center of gravity of loads and the nearest concentrated load. Based on the above rule, the distance from the runway support to the nearest trolley wheel for maximum live load moment will be as follows for equal wheel loads (AISC): 4 wheel trolley: a 2 L d L = − 2 2 THIS DOCUMENT IS A PROPERTY OF MAPNA GROUP AND MUST NOT BE COPIED NOR TRANSFERREDTO A THIRD PARTY WITHOUT PRIOR AUTHORIZATIIN d = Rev:A Doc. No. : TPH/ND-00/BP-M-08-BM3019 Design Stage Contract No. : Page 6 of 17 BASIC / DETAIL MAPNA GROUP MAPNA'S DWG No. MD3/ND-00/BP-M08-BM3-019 SUB-CONTRACTOR'S Doc. No CLIENT : CONSULTANT : PROJECT: DOKOUHE COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT R 1 = FL (1 − a ) 2L R1 = 6759 N Fig (1-1) Bridge Girder Loading 6 wheel trolley: a 2a1 − 3 3 L d L = − 2 2 3 2a1 R1 = FL ( + ) 2 L d = Fig (1-2) Bridge Girder Loading 8 wheel trolley: a − a1 2 L d L = − 2 2 d = THIS DOCUMENT IS A PROPERTY OF MAPNA GROUP AND MUST NOT BE COPIED NOR TRANSFERREDTO A THIRD PARTY WITHOUT PRIOR AUTHORIZATIIN R 1 = 2FL (1 + d a 2a1 − + ) L L L Fig (1-3) Bridge Girder Loading Rev:A Doc. No. : TPH/ND-00/BP-M-08-BM3019 Design Stage Contract No. : Page 7 of 17 BASIC / DETAIL MAPNA GROUP MAPNA'S DWG No. MD3/ND-00/BP-M08-BM3-019 SUB-CONTRACTOR'S Doc. No CLIENT : CONSULTANT : PROJECT: DOKOUHE COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT Dead Load (Girder Weight) PDL L WL2 M DL = 8 W = PDL = 2024 kg M DL = 27730 N .m Trolley Load (Trolley Weight) wheel load = MTL = PTL n PTL :Trolley load, n : Number of wheel Fig (1-1), Fig (1-2), Fig (1-3) PTL L 4 PTL = 1410 kg MTL = 38775N.m Lifting Load (Crane Capacity) wheel load = M LL = PLL n PLL : Lifting Load, n : Number of wheel Fig (1-1), Fig (1-2), Fig (1-3) PLL L 4 PLL = 10000kg M LL = 275000 N.m 1-7- Inertia Forces From Drives (IFD) THIS DOCUMENT IS A PROPERTY OF MAPNA GROUP AND MUST NOT BE COPIED NOR TRANSFERREDTO A THIRD PARTY WITHOUT PRIOR AUTHORIZATIIN The inertia forces occur during acceleration or deceleration of crane motions and depend on the driving and braking torques applied by the drive units and brakes during each cycle. Exact solution: M Horz = a (M LL + M TL + M DL ) g Rev:A Doc. No. : TPH/ND-00/BP-M-08-BM3019 Design Stage Contract No. : Page 8 of 17 BASIC / DETAIL MAPNA GROUP MAPNA'S DWG No. MD3/ND-00/BP-M08-BM3-019 SUB-CONTRACTOR'S Doc. No CLIENT : CONSULTANT : PROJECT: DOKOUHE COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT M Horz = 8702.98 N .m There is also various approximate method for calculating of horizontal bending moment. Accordance to AIST M Horz is calculated as follow (AIST): M Horz = 0.2(M LL + M TL + M DL ) Number of Driven BridgeWheels Total Number of BridgeWheels 1-8- Loads Factor Dead Load Factor This factor covers only the dead loads of the crane, trolley and its associated equipment and shall be taken according to CMAA Revised 2000: (CMAA Revised 2000: sec, page 21) DLF = 1.1 1.05 + Travel Speed (FPM ) 1.2 2000 For this case: DLF = 1.1 Hoist Load Factor This factor applies to the motion of the rated load in the vertical direction, and covers inertia forces, the mass factor due to the sudden lifting of the hoist load and the uncertainties in allowing for other influences. This factor shall be taken according to CMAA Revised 2000: (CMAA) HLF = 0.15 0.005 Hoist Speed (FPM ) 0.5 For this case: HLF = 0.15 1-9- Load Combination The combined stresses shall be calculated for the following design cases: Case 1: Crane in regular use under principal loading (stress level 1) DL (DLFBr ) +TL (DLFTr ) + LL (1 + HLF ) + IFD Case 2: Crane in regular use under principal loading and additional loading: THIS DOCUMENT IS A PROPERTY OF MAPNA GROUP AND MUST NOT BE COPIED NOR TRANSFERREDTO A THIRD PARTY WITHOUT PRIOR AUTHORIZATIIN DL (DLFBr ) +TL (DLFTr ) + LL (1 + HLF ) + IFD +WLO + SK Case 3: Extraordinary loads: The highest of the following combinations shall be considered: Crane subjected to out of service wind DL + TL + WLS Crane in collision DL + TL + LL + CF Rev:A Doc. No. : TPH/ND-00/BP-M-08-BM3019 Design Stage Contract No. : Page 9 of 17 BASIC / DETAIL MAPNA GROUP MAPNA'S DWG No. MD3/ND-00/BP-M08-BM3-019 SUB-CONTRACTOR'S Doc. No CLIENT : CONSULTANT : PROJECT: DOKOUHE COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT 125 percent of rated load. Test load (CMAA) NOTE: In the structure design, load case 1 is considered; therefore, wind load does not need to calculate. 1-10- ALLOWABLE STRESSES Allowable stresses are considered according CMAA standard: (CMAA) Allowable Stress STRESS LEVEL AND CASE ALLOWABLE ALLOWABLE COMPRESSION TENSION STRESS STRESS ALLOWABLE SHEAR STRESS 1 0.60 yp 0.60 yp 0.35 yp 2 0.60 yp 0.60 yp 0.35 yp 3 0.75 yp 0.75 yp 0.43 yp For carbon, steel of current manufacture ST-37 the yield stress yp is conventionally considered 240 MPa .Hence, for case 1 load combination allowable stress is obtained as follow: Allowable Stress for St-37 STRESS LEVEL AND CASE 1 ALLOWABLE COMPRESSION STRESS ( a ) ALLOWABLE TENSION STRESS ( a ) ALLOWABLE SHEAR STRESS ( a ) 144 Mpa 144 Mpa 84 Mpa 1-11- Combined Stresses THIS DOCUMENT IS A PROPERTY OF MAPNA GROUP AND MUST NOT BE COPIED NOR TRANSFERREDTO A THIRD PARTY WITHOUT PRIOR AUTHORIZATIIN t = y2 + x2 − y y + 3v2 a CMAA DL (DLFBr ) +TL (DLFTr ) + LL (1 + HLF ) + IFD Case 1 load combination x = Vertical + Horizontal Rev:A Doc. No. : TPH/ND-00/BP-M-08-BM3019 Design Stage Contract No. : Page 10 of 17 BASIC / DETAIL MAPNA GROUP MAPNA'S DWG No. MD3/ND-00/BP-M08-BM3-019 SUB-CONTRACTOR'S Doc. No CLIENT : CONSULTANT : PROJECT: DOKOUHE COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT DLFBr (M DL ) + (DLFTr (M TL ) + (1 + HLF )M LL ) Sx M horizontal = Horz SZ Vertical = v (max) = vb + vt maximum shear stress in the web vb = VQ 2I z t Shear stress due to the torsional moment. vt = Mt 2A t shear stress due to the resultant shear force v (max) = VQ M t + 2I z t 2At t = x2 + 3 v2 = 122MPa Combined stress 1-12- Flange stresses Local flange stresses are formed when a wheel loads the lower flange of an I-beam or a box girder. The flange stresses is calculated: Fx = k .F t2 K: factor that can be retrieved from a curve F: loading on one wheel t: flange thickness The flange stress is directly added to the general bending stress. THIS DOCUMENT IS A PROPERTY OF MAPNA GROUP AND MUST NOT BE COPIED NOR TRANSFERREDTO A THIRD PARTY WITHOUT PRIOR AUTHORIZATIIN Fx = 107 MPa Rev:A Doc. No. : TPH/ND-00/BP-M-08-BM3019 Design Stage Contract No. : Page 11 of 17 BASIC / DETAIL MAPNA GROUP MAPNA'S DWG No. MD3/ND-00/BP-M08-BM3-019 SUB-CONTRACTOR'S Doc. No CLIENT : CONSULTANT : PROJECT: DOKOUHE COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT 1-13- Deflection No general rule can be found in the crane standards for the maximum Allowed crane deflection. Deflection is according to client technical specification: y max y = 1 L 1000 PL3 48EI x ymax = 10.23 mm THIS DOCUMENT IS A PROPERTY OF MAPNA GROUP AND MUST NOT BE COPIED NOR TRANSFERREDTO A THIRD PARTY WITHOUT PRIOR AUTHORIZATIIN ymax 1 L = 10.8mm 1000 Ok. Rev:A Doc. No. : TPH/ND-00/BP-M-08-BM3019 Design Stage Contract No. : Page 12 of 17 BASIC / DETAIL MAPNA GROUP MAPNA'S DWG No. MD3/ND-00/BP-M08-BM3-019 SUB-CONTRACTOR'S Doc. No CLIENT : CONSULTANT : PROJECT: DOKOUHE COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CHAPTER 2: SOFTWARE THIS DOCUMENT IS A PROPERTY OF MAPNA GROUP AND MUST NOT BE COPIED NOR TRANSFERREDTO A THIRD PARTY WITHOUT PRIOR AUTHORIZATIIN ANALYSIS Rev:A Doc. No. : TPH/ND-00/BP-M-08-BM3019 Design Stage Contract No. : Page 13 of 17 BASIC / DETAIL MAPNA GROUP MAPNA'S DWG No. MD3/ND-00/BP-M08-BM3-019 SUB-CONTRACTOR'S Doc. No CLIENT : CONSULTANT : PROJECT: DOKOUHE COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT 2-1- Introduction Calculations in chapter 1 is considered as a basis for structural design and COSMOS analysis in this chapter is only for overview. A complete box girder is modeled in SOLIDWORKS software and all dimension is according to DWG of crane girder. Thickness of web, top flange, bottom flange and stiffener plates are 8mm, 12mm, 30mm and 8mm respectively. Width of top and bottom flange is 400mm and maximum height of web plates is 730mm. 2-2- Boundary Conditions Considering crane parked at one position and lifting the maximum load that is considered for crane operation. Hence during finite element analysis, no horizontal force is considered to be acting on the main girder. Main girder is fully fixed at the ends where it is joined to the end carriages. Trolley is assume to be at the point that is explained in section 1-6 and the 19.5 ton (include hoist capacity and dynamic load) is applied on the top of trolley plate. 2-3- Input Data of ANSYS Simulation component Description THIS DOCUMENT IS A PROPERTY OF MAPNA GROUP AND MUST NOT BE COPIED NOR TRANSFERREDTO A THIRD PARTY WITHOUT PRIOR AUTHORIZATIIN Material of Girder structure ST-37, E = 2.1e11 , = 0.3 , = 7850kg / m Trolley Structure E = 2.1e12 , = 0.3 , = 7850kg / m 3 3 Load Rev:A Doc. No. : TPH/ND-00/BP-M-08-BM3019 Design Stage Contract No. : Page 14 of 17 BASIC / DETAIL MAPNA GROUP MAPNA'S DWG No. MD3/ND-00/BP-M08-BM3-019 SUB-CONTRACTOR'S Doc. No CLIENT : CONSULTANT : PROJECT: DOKOUHE COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT Force on trolley Trolley mass 1.3 10Ton = 13Ton Bridge self-weight g = 9.81m / s 2 1410 kg 2-4- Total Deflection Comments Maximum deflection (4.14mm) is less than calculated maximum deflection (6.8) in chapter 1. THIS DOCUMENT IS A PROPERTY OF MAPNA GROUP AND MUST NOT BE COPIED NOR TRANSFERREDTO A THIRD PARTY WITHOUT PRIOR AUTHORIZATIIN 2-5- Von-Mises stress Rev:A Doc. No. : TPH/ND-00/BP-M-08-BM3019 Design Stage Contract No. : Page 15 of 17 BASIC / DETAIL MAPNA GROUP MAPNA'S DWG No. MD3/ND-00/BP-M08-BM3-019 SUB-CONTRACTOR'S Doc. No CLIENT : CONSULTANT : THIS DOCUMENT IS A PROPERTY OF MAPNA GROUP AND MUST NOT BE COPIED NOR TRANSFERREDTO A THIRD PARTY WITHOUT PRIOR AUTHORIZATIIN PROJECT: DOKOUHE COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT Rev:A Doc. No. : TPH/ND-00/BP-M-08-BM3019 Design Stage Contract No. : Page 16 of 17 BASIC / DETAIL MAPNA GROUP MAPNA'S DWG No. MD3/ND-00/BP-M08-BM3-019 SUB-CONTRACTOR'S Doc. No