Quiz #1 Key Concepts Outline NUR 431 SP25 Chapters 25, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 37, 45, 47 Ashlee Mattutini, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC The quiz will be about 30-35 questions, mostly multiple choice. May have some photos, a few fill-ins or true/false. I. II. III. IV. V. Atraumatic Care Ch 30 a. Definition b. How to provide atraumatic care/examples c. Benefits of providing Health Assessment of Children Ch 32 a. Health history – components additional to adult health history b. Exam – components different from/additional to adult physical exam Health Supervision, Screenings and Immunizations Ch 31 * a. 3 components of health supervision b. Screenings performed at well child visits, and why performed c. Anticipatory Guidance examples d. Vaccines i. Be familiar with the required childhood vaccines ii. Know broadly at what ages vaccines are given (example MMR is not given as late as 18yo) iii. Know the basics of the illnesses these vaccines are preventing iv. Know which vaccines are live vs. inactivated v. Memorize how they are given (SQ, IM) vi. Know when vaccines should be held or not given Key Interventions Ch 35 a. Medication Dosing and Administration i. Convert pounds to kg ii. Determine liquid dosing calculations iii. Determine best routes iv. Safety v. Parent education b. Delivery of medications via all routes Diverse Settings Ch 33 a. Appropriate developmental care in various settings b. Appropriate education based on settings c. Separation anxiety d. Preparation for surgery 1 VI. VII. e. Appropriate use of restraints in children f. Benefits of community-based nursing and home health care Growth and Development of Infants Ch 25 * a. Importance of Growth Charts b. Trends in measurement, eg infant’s weight triples by 12 months old c. Importance of Head Circumference, assessing fontanelles, and head shape d. Developmental Theories i. Piaget ii. Erikson iii. Freud e. Developmental milestones for Infants… and determine if delayed i. Gross motor (example when should an infant begin to crawl?) ii. Fine motor (example when does an infant begin to use the pincer grasp?) iii. Speech and Language/Communication (example when does an infant begin to make recognizable sounds?) f. Primitive and Protective Reflexes, when they appear and disappear g. Normal vital signs for this age group h. Normal stooling and voiding (urination) patterns i. Needs of premature infants j. Breastfeeding vs bottle-feeding considerations k. Social/Emotional/behavioral (Stranger anxiety, stranger awareness) l. Sleep Hygiene i. routine bedtimes ii. sleep safety iii. SIDS: risks and prevention m. Safety, Injury Prevention (Anticipatory guidance) i. Car, Helmet, Water/drowning, Choking, Supervision, Falls, Burns n. Nutrition i. Patterns based on age ii. Healthy eating habits iii. Prevention of childhood obesity Infection and Immune System Ch 37, 47 * a. Immunological dysfunction b. Know basics of the immune system c. HIV: how acquired/red flags/nursing care d. RSV: how to identify e. Autoimmune disorders f. Allergy/anaphylaxis, difference between intolerance and allergy 2 VIII. i. Signs/symptoms of anaphylaxis, management g. Fevers: pros and cons, management of h. Be familiar with the common infectious diseases discussed in class i. Know in general the zoonotic and parasitic diseases, symptoms and mgmt. Skin Ch 45 a. Differentiate between rashes b. Red flags of rashes c. Treatment for rashes/when to return to school d. Eczema, chronic rashes e. Burns and burn care f. Viral exanthem *Heavier content from these topics 3