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Global Healthcare Manager Test Bank

1. ch01-001
In the system analysis inspired by Donabedian (exhibit 1.1
in the textbook), the relation between resources and health
services processes contributes to or produces which of the
a. Utilization
b. Productivity
*c. Efficiency
d. Effectiveness
e. Outcomes
f. None of the above
2. ch01-002
In the system analysis inspired by Donabedian (exhibit 1.1
in the textbook), the relation between health services
processes and outcomes contributes to or produces which of
the following?
a. Utilization
b. Efficiency
c. Indicators
*d. Effectiveness
e. None of the above
3. ch01-003
The main functions of healthcare systems and organizations
in the continuum of care include which of the following?
a. Financing
b. Provision of health services
c. Stewardship
d. Resource development
*e. All of the above
f. Only a, b, and c
4. ch01-004
Which of the following domains reported in a World Bank
study are related to the “iron triangle” concept?
a. Access
b. Efficacy
c. Sustainability
d. Quality
e. All of the above
*f. Choices a and d only
5. ch01-005
Which element of the IHI “triple aim” concept represents an
addition to the traditional “iron triangle” approach to
healthcare management?
a. Access
b. Efficiency
c. Quality
*d. Population health
e. None of the above
6. ch01-006
Which of the following was not identified as critical issue
facing hospitals by the BMZ/GTZ/WHO meeting in 2010?
a. Clarifying the role and function of hospitals in
the health system
b. Hospital governance and autonomy
c. Involvement of private hospital actors
*d. The diapering of public hospitals around the world
e. All of the above
f. Choices c and d
7. ch01-007
Which of the following statements about primary care
provision is true, according to chapter 1 of the text?
a. The development of primary care has emerged as the
central strategy to achieve universal access,
comprehensive care, and cost containment mostly in
developing countries.
b. The declaration of Alma-Ata in 1978 was formulated
by public health leaders who were not committed to
healthcare as a right or responsibility of the state.
c. The primary care team becomes a mediator between
the community and the other levels of the system.
d. Primary care systems are ultimately dependent on
e. Choices a, b, and c
*f. Choices c and d
8. ch01-008
Which of the following objectives have emerged as central
to the regionalization process?
a. The efficient utilization of limited health
b. The efficient utilization of expensive health
c. The provision of adequate health services to the
d. The improvement of standards for health services
*e. All of the above
f. Only a, b, and c
9. ch01-009
A good organizational chart for a healthcare organization
is one based on which of the following?
a. Functional design
b. Divisional design
c. Matrix design
d. A combination of a, b, and c
*e. All the above
f. Only a, b and c
10. ch01-010
Which of the following elements is critical for determining
the physical design and structure of a healthcare
a. The prearchitectural medical functioning program
b. The urbanization and development plans of
surrounding communities
c. The physical human, material, and technological
resources of each functional unit
d. The potable water and water treatment management
e. Choices a, b and c
*f. Choices a, c, and d
11. ch01-011
Which of the following should be considered before the
determination of medical and instrumental equipment
a. Installation of capacity that responds to the needs
of the target population
b. Functionality in compliance with current regulation
c. The clinical and support units’ specific capacities
d. Financial resources available and level of
complexity expected for the medical facility
*e. All the above
f. Choices a, b and c
12. ch01-012
Which of the following elements are part of a successful
planning process in the design and construction of a
a. The executive project that is done before the
prearchitectural functional program
b. The executive project that does not require a
detailed project management system
c. The executive project that always must be
contracted to a third-party company
*d. An executive project that defines all systems,
facilities, and equipment and incorporates development
of the operating system and definition of the
management model to be used to operate the unit.
e. Choices a, c, and d
f. Only a and c
13. ch01-013
The functional units of the clinical area include which of
the following categories?
a. Outpatient services
b. Support services
c. Support treatment services
d. Hospitalization and special care units
*e. All of the above
f. Only a and d
14. ch01-014
Which of the following statements is true when managing
facilities, materials, and support services?
*a. Managing of physical infrastructure focuses on the
conservation, maintenance, and operation of buildings,
facilities, and equipment.
b. Routines must be strictly followed, allowing no
c. Training is not the responsibility of the medical
equipment maintenance and supply department.
d. Health technology assessment focuses on making
specific technical evaluations of medical equipment.
e. Choices a, b, and c
f. Only d and d
15. ch01-015
Which of the following statements about pharmacy services
in a healthcare unit is not true?
a. The function of pharmacy services is only to
procure, prepare, and distribute drugs.
b. The operation of pharmacy services should not be
affected by the way physicians prescribe or nurses
administer medications.
c. The operation of the medication system is affected
by the administrative processing, control, and
reimbursement mechanisms established by the health
d. Drug and medication management is critical in the
overall operations of healthcare organizations.
e. Choices b and c
*f. Choices a and b
16. ch01-016
The original conception of a healthcare systemic analysis
by Donabedian includes structure, process, and outcomes.
*a. True
b. False
17. ch01-017
All of the six domains included in the World Bank Report by
Bradley (2010) are related to the “iron triangle” concept
introduced by Kissick.
a. True
*b. False
18. ch01-018
The “triple aim” and the “iron triangle” use exactly the
same principles and concepts.
a. True
*b. False
19. ch01-019
The authors of the text maintain that the “goal for lowresource societies is to provide essential services that
are realistically within their reach, with community
*a. True
b. False
20. ch01-020
A prearchitectural medical functional program is developed
with information from the location and geographical area of
influence; the target population, with its demographic and
epidemiologic profile; the types of services to be offered;
and the market analysis with respect to offer and demand of
services both public and private.
*a. True
b. False