lOMoARcPSD|46348894 Management-Quiz-1 - Mock quiz Management (Henan University of Economics and Law) Scan to open on Studocu Studocu is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university Downloaded by Thu? Hi?n Ph?m (phamthuyhien.work@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|46348894 Class A Operator Management Quiz Jan. 2017 1. When taking disciplinary action, you should a. Argue with the employee b. Allow employee to speak for the others involved c. Make the disciplinary process as formal as possible d. Enforce policies and rules with consistency 2. Which of the following three factors affects an employee’s motivation? a. Attitude, interests and needs b. Attitude, interests and salary c. Attitude, interests and working conditions d. Attitude, needs and salary 3. Managers are judged by: a. What they get others to do b. Their personality c. What they do d. How fast they work 4. The process or activity of optimally utilizing human resources to achieve predetermined goals and objectives in the most efficient and effective way possible is: a. b. c. d. Directing Controlling Planning Organizing 5. As a manager, you cannot evaluate: a. The performance of the employee b. The behavior of the employee c. The risk taking characteristics of the employee d. The attitude of the employee 6. Which of the following will help motivate employees? a. Compromise on poor performance b. Ask for performance and set standards c. Use positive reinforcement, and generalize it d. Use the same methods of reinforcement for everyone Page 1 of 10 Downloaded by Thu? Hi?n Ph?m (phamthuyhien.work@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|46348894 7. Which statement about power is true? a. Authority gives power b. Power can be delegated c. Power must be earned d. Power is given through the legitimacy of the position 8. Which style of leadership asks for subordinates input, using them to reinforce their position on how the task should be done, and the methods to be used? a. Autocratic b. Delegating c. Relationship d. Task 9. Which style of management would be most effective in an emergency situation? a. Autocratic b. Consultative c. Delegating d. Participating 10. Which theory of management describes the boss who believes people are lazy, and need constant supervision? a. Theory x b. Theory y c. Theory z d. Democratic theory 11. Quality circles and quality of life management styles are often referred to as: a. Japanese style b. German style c. Autocratic style d. Theory X style 12. The freedom to act, make decisions and challenge one’s self to be more creative fits which of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs? a. Social needs b. Security needs c. Basic needs d. Self-fulfillment needs Page 2 of 10 Downloaded by Thu? Hi?n Ph?m (phamthuyhien.work@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|46348894 13. Which of the following is a function of management? a. Doing b. Staffing c. Sampling d. Maintaining 14. Reaching toward an objective or striving to meet a mission statement would fall into what part of management? a. Planning b. Directing c. Controlling d. Staffing 15. The theory of Unity of Command is: a. Where each working unit has one person in charge with authority to make decisions up to a certain level b. Where each working unit has multiple people in charge and a vote is taken when decisions must be made c. Where each working unit has many departments, and no one person is in charge d. None of the above 16. The upper limit of employees or subordinates a supervisor can effectively manage is called: a. Span of control b. Span of manpower c. Span of organization d. Span of functions 17. Supervisors have the tendency to spend most of their time on this function: a. Directing b. Controlling c. Planning d. Staffing 18. Which managerial function clarifies the boundaries of authority and responsibility within a department? a. Planning b. Organizing c. Directing d. Controlling Page 3 of 10 Downloaded by Thu? Hi?n Ph?m (phamthuyhien.work@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|46348894 19. When solving a group conflict, you should: a. Establish a winner and loser group b. Resolve it in such a way that there is no apparent winner or loser c. Smooth over the problem, hope it will go away with time d. Support the position with the most people involved 20. Which statement is true? a. A managers status within the organization does not influence communication with subordinates b. In a well operated organization, communication always flows upward c. The manager/subordinate status does not have any influence on communications between the two parties d. People prefer, most of the time, to communicate with the higher status level positions 21. Which of the following is NOT a rule for effective listening? a. Do not anticipate what the employee will say b. Do not fake attention c. Try to retain everything the employee is saying d. Listen without evaluating 22. When resolving problems between two employees, the manager should: a. Base all decisions on the employees attitudes b. Remember that differences exist between employees personalities c. Make your decision based on the employees behavior d. Stall for time, because time fixes everything 23. The right or privilege to direct or request a behavior or action, along with the right to discipline is: a. Control b. Power c. Authority d. Leadership Page 4 of 10 Downloaded by Thu? Hi?n Ph?m (phamthuyhien.work@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|46348894 24. In any useful description of management you will find two premises, which statement contains one of those premises: a. b. c. d. 25. Develop people and direction of things. Develop people and not the direction of things. Direction of things and not the development of people. Management performs task rather than corrects workers mistakes. Managers should know and use the three types of planning. These are: a. b. c. d. 26. Emergency, Task, & Contingency. Goal, Long range, & Contingency. Short range, Long range, & Contingency. Task, Long range, & Emergency. To be able to formulate a workable plan you must first: a. b. c. d. 27 Have knowledge of utilities’ policies & rules. Know of available resources. State the objective to be achieved. Understand the utilities’ methods & procedures. When preparing a budget you should: a. b. c. d. 28 Add a per cent increase to last year’s budget values. Ask more than you need so you can cover contingencies. Do not budget for any contingencies. Be realistic in projecting needs. A job description should contain which of the following? a. b. c. d. Benefits. Duties. Number of positions required. Salary. Page 5 of 10 Downloaded by Thu? Hi?n Ph?m (phamthuyhien.work@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|46348894 29. Which is not a characteristic of a good directive? a. b. c. d. 30. Open time element Appropriate wording. Compatibility with objectives. .Reasonableness. Things such as, titles, promotions, and a private office would be placed into which level of “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs”? a. b. c. d. 31. Belongingness. Physiological. Security. Self-esteem/Ego. Which of the following is an advantage of group decisions? a. b. c. d. 32. Compromise & bargaining. Majority decision making. Time. Variety of approaches. What is the most common type of employee training? a. b. c. d. 33. On the job training. Seminars. Trade schools. Work delegation programs. When open-ended time assignments are given, which of the following is true: a. b. c. d. Accountability is non-existent. All tasks are completed when manager expected. Employee procrastination level is low. Projects are worked on at a consistent pace. Page 6 of 10 Downloaded by Thu? Hi?n Ph?m (phamthuyhien.work@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|46348894 34. Managers who direct the work of the rank and file employees are known as: a. b. c. d. 35. Top Managers. First Line Managers. Middle Managers. Operative. Which statement on authority is true? a. b. c. d. 36. Authority & power are the same. Authority cannot be delegated. Authority and responsibility must be considered together. Authority comes with power. In McGregor’s X and Y Theory of leadership, the “Y” manager would: a. b. c. d. 37. Allow employees to become part of the decision making process. Issues direct, clears orders and expects them to be accepted & carried out. Leave little doubt who is boss and who the subordinate is. Does not allow employees to become part of decision making process. Autocratic leadership style may be useful when: a. b. c. d. 38. Experienced crew members with high skill levels will perform the task. Hazardous working conditions exist. Non-emergency conditions exist. Leader does not have expertise required to do the task. One of the abilities a manager needs to be successful is the ability to match leadership style to the work situation, which is necessary because of three concerns. These are: a. b. c. d. Interpersonal relationships, worker/task maturity, orders & directives. Manager accessibility, training, task. Task, interpersonal relationships, worker/task maturity. Workers, communication style, social activities. Page 7 of 10 Downloaded by Thu? Hi?n Ph?m (phamthuyhien.work@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|46348894 39. Managers cannot evaluate: a. b. c. d. 40. Attitude of employee. Behavior of employee. Performance of employee. Risk taking characteristics of employee. Listening is the key to knowledge and understanding. Which item listed below will not aid effective listening: a. b. c. d. 41. Anticipate what will be said next. Ask questions. Focus on speaker. Paraphrase message. Open-end time assignments can produce: a. b. c. d. 42. Completed projects on time. Employee accountability. Procrastination. Project work schedule improvements. Before you can solve a problem you must: a. b. c. d. 43. Define the problem Decide to use group or individual decision Establish objectives Review need for decision The process of setting goals and establishing guidelines for meeting them is called: a. b. c. d. Planning. Supervising. Evaluating. Managing. Page 8 of 10 Downloaded by Thu? Hi?n Ph?m (phamthuyhien.work@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|46348894 44. Which of these statements best describes the concept of reinforcement? a. b. c. d. Rewards are negative reinforcements. Punishment and reward are both reinforcements. Punishment cannot be a reinforcements. Punishment can never be fair. Page 9 of 10 Downloaded by Thu? Hi?n Ph?m (phamthuyhien.work@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|46348894 Answer key to Management Quiz Jan. 2017 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. D A A D D B C D A A A D B A A A C B B D C B C B C C D B A D D A A B C A B C A A 41. 42. 43. 44. C A A B Page 10 of 10 Downloaded by Thu? Hi?n Ph?m (phamthuyhien.work@gmail.com)