CODP 100 Intro to Health Information & Data Quality Midterm Study Guide Chapters 1-3 Chapter 1 Prehistoric medicine and ancient medicine were characterized by an interest in what? The focus of health care consumers is on what type of care? Know what the Health Care Quality Improvement Act of 1986 required. Know who The Health Care Financing Administration is. Hospital administrators are responsible for appointing who? Hospital-originated infections are also known as what? Who founded the American Medical Association (AMA) in Philadelphia to elevate the standard of medical education in the United States? Who improved the quality of care for surgical patients by establishing standards for surgical? What is the primary purpose of the Joint Commission? . Know how the utilization review process was strengthened. Individual state laws require health care facilities to obtain what to operate from the state departments of health? Which committee is responsible for maintaining the hospital formulary? What is used to generate diagnosis and procedure indexes? What is the purpose of contracting out health information services? Know who the American Hospital Association is. Know the purpose of the tissue review committee. Know the different staff membership categories (active, honorary, consulting) Know what The National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB) is and how is was established. Who are medical staff members granted clinical privileges by? Know the hospital department that directs the facility-wide program that monitors standards of conduct, implements sanctions for noncompliance, and maintains a confidential integrity hot line. Which coding system is used in the United States to collect information about diseases and injuries and to classify diagnoses and procedures? Know the definition of biometrics, electronic signature, digital signature. Know who Joint Commission is and its history. Know what the following committees do: - Safety - Risk Management - Utilization Review Know the difference between Medicare and Medicaid. What is the assembly and analysis of discharged patient records is called? Know the following Acts: - Deficit Reduction Act - Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act - Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006 Chapter 2 Know what professional organizations offer what certifications in coding and for what settings. Know a cancer registrar's responsibilities. Know the definition of coding. The abbreviation ACMCS means? Whose responsibility is it for gathering information concerning general liability incidents? Who oversees activities that relate to the development, implementation, maintenance of, and adherence to the organization’s policies and procedures covering privacy of and access to patient health information? Know the responsibilities of the following: - health insurance specialists -medical assistant - office manager -privacy officer -coding & reimbursement specialists -claims examiner -transcriptionist -quality manager -case manager What action can result in termination from a professional practice site? Chapter 3 Be familiar with the definition of an emergency care patient and ambulatory patient Know the definitions of following; -specialty hospitals -satellite clinics -rehabilitation facilities -behavioral health care day -respite care -personal care -hospice care -neighborhood health clinic -imaging center Know who provides care for the entire family and focus on general medicine, obstetrics, pediatrics, and geriatrics. The Veterans Health Administration administers health care to who? Know what Diagnosis Related Groups are. What are ancillary services? Know the definition of the hospital bed count. Know what services the following have to offer: - Public health departments - Family support services -Respite care -Crisis services -Skilled care -Hospice The Military Health System (MHS) administers health care for who? Who provides a system of health surveillance to monitor and prevent the outbreak of diseases? A short-term hospital has an average length of stay of how many days? Be familiar with the following: - National Commission on Correctional Health Care - The United States Public Health Agency -Administration on Aging -National Institute of Health - general hospital -ambulatory surgery patients -Health Resources and Services Administration -SAMHSA -acute care facility -AHRQ -AoA Critical access hospitals (CAHs) are located how many miles from any hospital or another CAH? Inpatients admitted to critical access hospitals are restricted to stays of how many hours?