Topic Acids and Bases Experiments Date February 27, 2025 Grade 4 Pool 2 Duration/week 1hour 30 minutes Description Students will carry out simple practical activities Lesson Objectives CXC CSEC Chemistry Syllabus – Effective from 2015 Section A – Principles of Chemistry Specific Objectives 1.1 1. investigate the reactions of nonoxidising acids; Reactions of acids with metals, carbonates, hydrogen carbonates, bases. Refer to SO C1.2, C5.3. 2. investigate the reaction of bases with ammonium salts;. Specific Behavioural Objectives Blended Approaches By the end of the lesson students should be able to: 1. Review appropriate safety rules for carrying out experiments 2. Review how to write the components of a lab report with emphasis on the discussion, conclusion and reflection of the experiments 3. Create videos or take pictures of experiments carried out Project-Based Blended Learning – the model in which the student uses both online learning—either in the form of courses or self-directed access—and face-to-face instruction and collaboration to design, iterate, and publish project-based learning assignments, products, and related artifacts. Inside-Out Blended Learning - experiences are planned to ‘finish’ or ‘end up’ beyond the physical classroom, but still require and benefit from the unique advantages of both physical and digital spaces (Blended Learning Universe, (2020). Subject Integration Science - Chemistry – Physical and Chemical properties of acids, bases, salts - Biology - uses of acids, bases, salts in biochemical systems Technology - Use of phones to record pictures/videos of the activities Reading - Reading the instructions to carry out the experiments Engineering - Designing and carrying out experiments by improvising using different material and apparatus found in the home Art - draw and label different apparatus used to carry out the activities Mathematics - Determining the pH as a number and matching colours for different household chemicals Writing and balancing the different equations The 4Cs of Education Critical thinking Discussion of the acid and bases reactions, calculations and analysis of data Communication Writing up the lab report Collaboration Working and discussing with peers as well as showing the class examples of activities carried out Creativity Methods of presentation including song, poetry, drama, talk-show programme etc Real World Applications - Acids, bases and salts reactions/uses in environment, food industry, medical field and engineering - Different ways to use indicators to test chlorine in swimming pools, test urine for sugar and protein, acid rain on the environment, bath salts, Epsom salts and Andrew’s salts. Vocabulary acid, base, salt, alkali, acidity, basicity, strong acid and weak acid, strong base and weak base, dissociation, acid anhydride, indicator, pH scale, hydroxonium/hydronium ion, hydroxide ion, effervescense Instructional Power points with information on acids, bases and salts Material : Carry out experiments on the action of acids, make and test base (ammonia gas) Lambert, N., Mohammed, Marine, Remy, Cheryl, Mason, Louise. (2007). Heinemann Chemistry for CSEC, Revised Edition. Pearson Education, England. Chapters 1-4 Williams, E. (201620). Chemistry Simplified Series – An Introduction to Chemistry – Revised WorkBook. Speedy Prints Limited. ) Procedure FACE2FACE /ONLINE SYNCHRONOUS/ASYNCHRONOUS Engage Students will be engaged in a pre laboratory talk on the execution of the method and their expected results. Explore (Face 2 Face) Students will retrieve their laboratory manuals and read and carry out the different tasks that are asked of them. Explain Students will explain the importance of the different tests carried out writing equations where necessary Elaborate Students will carry out the experiments and research to assist with the discussion Evaluate Students will discuss, conclude and reflect on the experiment, highlighting the importance in everyday life Evaluation 2/ Reflection