ASSESSMENT OF THE ABDOMEN PEPTIC ULCER • PEPTIC ULCER, or open sores, that form in the lining of the esophagus, stomach, or small intestine when acid eats away the protective mucous covering and erodes the underlying lining of these organs. • GASTRIC ULCER - ulcer in the stomach • Helicobacter pylori PEPTIC ULCER Other symptoms: chest pain, fatigue, weight loss, black or tarry stools, and vomiting, which may be bloody Signs & Symptoms: • painful • can bleed • some people experience no pain until the ulcer is quite advanced If left untreated: üinternal bleeding üinfection üscar tissue üabdominal pain, felt anywhere between the sternum and navel üburning sensation that often wakes the client in the night üworse on an empty stomach (often temporarily relieved with acidreducing medications / foods) üfeeling of fullness that leads to reduced fluid and food intake, hunger, an empty feeling 1 to 3 hours after a meal ümild nausea PEPTIC ULCER Screening: At present, there is no recommendation for screening for peptic ulcer disease. PEPTIC ULCER PEPTIC ULCER GASTROESOPHAGEAL DISEASE • GERD • a digestive disease that occurs when stomach acid or contents flow back into the esophagus. The backwash (reflux) irritates the lining of the esophagus, and, if left untreated, over time, chronic esophageal irritation can lead to serious complications. • These complications include narrowing of the esophagus (esophageal stricture), esophageal ulcer, or Barrett esophagus, a condition involving precancerous changes in the esophagus (Mayo Clinic, 2020a). GASTROESOPHAGEAL DISEASE • When both acid reflux and heartburn occur at least twice a week, or interfere with daily life, it is recommended that a person see a health care provider, as permanent damage to the esophagus can result. • Symptoms of GERD include hoarseness, laryngitis, chronic dry cough, asthma or worsening of asthma symptoms, feeling as if there is a lump in the throat, sudden increase in saliva, bad breath (halitosis), earaches, and/or chest pain or discomfort (seek emergency care for chest pain) (Cleveland Clinic, 2019). GASTROESOPHAGEAL DISEASE Symptoms: ühoarseness ülaryngitis üchronic dry cough üasthma or worsening of asthma symptoms üfeeling as if there is a lump in the throat üsudden increase in saliva übad breath (halitosis) üEaraches üchest pain or discomfort GASTROESOPHAGEAL DISEASE Screening: Upper Endoscopy GASTROESOPHAGEAL DISEASE GASTROESOPHAGEAL DISEASE GASTROESOPHAGEAL DISEASE