"Unlock the limitless possibilities of ICT and shape the future with innovation and connectivity!" LAB MANUAL CS 101- Information & Communication Technologies INSTRUCTOR: Engr.Shaharyar CS-101 Information and Communication Technologies Lab Contents LAB 1 .......................................................................................................................................... 2 Electronic mail and E-mail Application ................................................................................ 2 Objective: ............................................................................................................................. 2 Procedure: ............................................................................................................................ 2 Lab Task: ............................................................................................................................ 5 Lab 2 .......................................................................................................................................... 6 Computer Keyboard Shortcuts and Special Characters .................................................. 6 Lab Task: ............................................................................................................................ 7 Lab 3 .......................................................................................................................................... 8 Identification of Parts of Computer ...................................................................................... 8 Objective:.......................................................................................................................... 8 Procedure :........................................................................................................................ 8 Parts of CPU ........................................................................................................................ 11 Procedure:....................................................................................................................... 11 Lab 4 ........................................................................................................................................ 14 Desktop, Start Menu, Taskbar and Icons ............................................................................ 14 Using Internet through Web Browser ................................................................................... 14 Objective: ........................................................................................................................... 14 Procedure: .......................................................................................................................... 14 Lab Tasks : ........................................................................................................................ 18 Lab 5 ........................................................................................................................................ 19 MS Word and its basic Use ................................................................................................... 19 Objective: ........................................................................................................................... 19 Procedure: .......................................................................................................................... 19 Lab Task : ......................................................................................................................... 23 LAB 6 ........................................................................................................................................ 24 MS Powerpoint and its use ................................................................................................... 24 Objective: ........................................................................................................................... 24 Procedure: .......................................................................................................................... 24 Lab Task : ......................................................................................................................... 27 LAB 07 ...................................................................................................................................... 28 MS EXCEL and its basic use .................................................................................................. 28 Objective: ........................................................................................................................... 28 Procedure: .......................................................................................................................... 28 Lab Task: .......................................................................................................................... 29 CS-101 Information and Communication Technologies Lab LAB 1 Electronic mail and E-mail Application Objective: Awareness with the basic terminology of Electronic Mail and its components for safe and easy documentation over internet. Procedure: E-mail makes up a majority of Internet traffic today. They provide a cheap, fast and convenient way of communicating with each other. Some of the terms which users come across while using email are as follows: way some e-mail clients receive their mail. technical name for the way e-mail messages are sent on the Internet by the clients. -mailed material meant for self-promotion, advertisement, or pure silliness. Spam, or electronic junk mail, is probably one of the most offensive aspects of the Internet. Every e-mail message contains two basic parts: the header and the body. The body is simply the text that the user wants the person on the other end to see on receiving the message. The following are the different headers the user needs to be concerned about when sending e-mail: CS-101 Information and Communication Technologies Lab -mail address of the person to whom the e-mail is being sent. -mail address. -30 characters) description of what the message is about. -mail addresses of additional recipients. mail message to another person without the first person he sends the message knowing about it. -mail messages. -mail servers require it to process e-mail. This header is filled by the current Time and Date control panels of the user’s PC. CS-101 Information and Communication Technologies Lab CS-101 Information and Communication Technologies Lab Lab Task: Every student is required to create E-mail Account that starts with his/her name and ends with his/her class roll number. After the creation of E-mail account, every student is required to send E-mail at following E-mail address engrshaharyar@uetmardan.edu.pk CS-101 Information and Communication Technologies Lab Lab 2 Computer Keyboard Shortcuts and Special Characters CS-101 Information and Communication Technologies Lab Lab Task: Identify the basic function of keys of keyboard in the figure given below and Email the finished lab task at engrshaharyar@uetmardan.edu.pk : CS-101 Information and Communication Technologies Lab Lab 3 Identification of Parts of Computer Objective: To study and identify the basic parts of computer. Procedure : CS-101 Information and Communication Technologies Lab CS-101 Information and Communication Technologies Lab CS-101 Information and Communication Technologies Lab Parts of CPU To understand the basic components of CPU. Procedure: CS-101 Information and Communication Technologies Lab CS-101 Information and Communication Technologies Lab Lab Task : Identify the internal parts of CPU in tower top or desktop casing of Lab PC’s available in your Laboratory. Identify the basic function of mouse in the figure given below. Email at engrshaharyar@uetmardan.edu.pk CS-101 Information and Communication Technologies Lab Lab 4 Desktop, Start Menu, Taskbar and Icons Using Internet through Web Browser Objective: Awareness and acquaintance with the use of Graphical user interface on Operating System which includes the use of Desktop, Start menu , Taskbar and graphical icons. Awareness with use of web browser (Google Chrome) and search engine (Google) for better use of internet for knowledge. Procedure: CS-101 Information and Communication Technologies Lab CS-101 Information and Communication Technologies Lab Web Browser: Microsoft Edge has been one of the famous web browsers in the family of windows operating system. www and ftp protocols work on Microsoft Edge. CS-101 Information and Communication Technologies Lab Search Engine : One of the most famous search engine websites is Google. We can search thousands of websites, ebooks and pictures through Google. We can download relevant document, pictures and files using Google search tools available on website of Google. CS-101 Information and Communication Technologies Lab Lab Tasks : Open the IT/CMS Section Staff in website of UET Mardan(www.uetmardan.edu.pk) using the web browser of Microsoft Edge, Mozilaa FireFox and Google Chrome. Also search the faculty profiles(1st Semester) of Computer Software Engineering Department using the search tools of Google search Engine along with Location of UET Mardan using Google Maps. Identify the different graphical icons on your desktop screens along with the use of Start menu and Desktop. Also change the background picture of your desktop from available picture files in “My Pictures Folder” in “Documents’ folder. After performing all of the above mentioned subtasks, Email the relevant evidence to engrshaharyar@uetmardan.edu.pk CS-101 Information and Communication Technologies Lab Lab 5 MS Word and its basic Use Objective: Create a document using a suitable word processing package, like MS Word, with at least three paragraphs and perform editing operations. Procedure: Notepad is used to create and edit simple text files shown with names of file extensions *.txt(text).It has got very limited functionality in formatting the text. Similarly MS Wordpad has higher functionality relevant to editing and formatting Text Documents shown with extensions of *.rtf(Rich text Format). Sample of contents of Bio Data Text file is given below as an example. CS-101 Information and Communication Technologies Lab Sample of contents of Bio Data.rtf file in Wordpad is given below as an example. The following Passage will be edited in MS Word according to the steps given below. CS-101 Information and Communication Technologies Lab Steps: Opening Word 1. Click Start button, then go to programs submenu and then select Microsoft word. In some computers Microsoft Word could be inside Microsoft Office sub menu as it is a part of larger package called MS Office. 2. Press Enter, Word will open and you will get the message Microsoft Word Document 1 Edit. The Word Screen 1. Like all applications in Windows the program window of MS Word contains the Title bar at the top followed by the Menu bar, the toolbars, one or more toolbar, formatting bar, the document window and the status bar at the bottom. There also could be ruler bar below the formatting bar. 2. This complete program window can appear in any of three sizes on the screen 3. Restore: It covers 2/3 rd part of the screen 4. Maximize: It covers the complete screen except the area of the task bar. 5. Minimize: It appears as an icon in the taskbar. 6. It is important to note that the taskbar is always visible. CS-101 Information and Communication Technologies Lab 7. Title bar: The TITLE BAR appears at the top of the window and it contains the name of the document followed by the name of the program. At the right hand corner of the bar there are three buttons: Minimize, Maximize/Restore and Close button. Entering text 1. It is done through the alpha numeric keys on the key board. 2. The text gets inserted to the left of where Insertion pointer is positioned on the screen. The pointer keeps moving towards the right as more and more text is inserted. The insertion pointer can be identified as a blinking I-beam shape on the document window. If it is not blinking then no text can be inserted. (read only copy of document) Saving a document 1. First decide a file name and location; that is, in which drive and/or folder you want to save this file. 2. Select SAVE AS..from FILE menu and press ENTER. 3. When a existing document needs to be saved with a different name, different format or at a different location then only SAVE AS.. can be used. Editing text 1. In the above three paragraphs, some words and lines are been edited with the help of editing functions that are available on the sub menu bar. They are: Each new line of the paragraph is started from fresh line with leaving some space at the prefix so that it will make easier to understand a new paragraph. Two lines have been written in Italics(I) style with the help of Font dialogue box to highlight the importance of C language. Two words are been colored with the help of Font Color to highlight the important languages used. When you find some of the words underlined with zigzag green , it means some CS-101 Information and Communication Technologies Lab spelling mistake, space or signs.Some words are been in written in capital and made bold to highlight the differences between the two different functions using Bold(B)s option from the Font dialogue box. To make more clear of the document or text Underlines are used using Underline(U) option from the Font dialogue box. The whole paragraph is aligned using various options from the Paragraph dialogue box like; align text left, centre, right or both left &right margins to make the document more neat and easy to read. There are bullets and numbers used from the paragraph dialogue box to note some of the important points and reduce the length of the paragraphs and make it easy to remember. Closing a document 1. Go to file menu and press ENTER on CLOSE to close the document which is active. Lab Task : Create simple Text File of Biodata of student in Notepad and format it further by including date and Time feature in MS WordPad. Also change the color of Text after editing Biodata.rtf in MS WordPad.Moreover, Edit the passage given in this lab according to the steps discussed above. Every student is required to send it through E-mail at following E-mail address engrshaharyar@uetmardan.edu.pk. CS-101 Information and Communication Technologies Lab LAB 6 MS Powerpoint and its use Objective: Create a Power-point presentation with at least 6 slides. Custom Animation is one of the basic and powerful features of PowerPoint Presentations. This Lab is devised in order to make students accustomed to the use of it. Procedure: Step 1: Go to start, then programs, and select Microsoft PowerPoint. Step 2: Click File, then new Step 3: Once you have a new presentation open, go to format and select slide layout. Select title slide, click on it to apply it to your first slide. Step 4: Click on the first block and type your intended words. Next click on the second block and type intended words . Step 5: Once you have finished entering information for your first slide. You are ready to add animation to your text, or picture. Step 6: Click on Box one. Next click the slide show tab on the toolbar Select custom animation. Now click add effect, then click emphasis, and then click Grow/Shrink. Next you want to check the setting of your animation. Look where it says modify Grow/Shrink. Click the down arrow next to “on click” and select after previous. Next go to slide show, and click view show to view your animation. Once you have seen your animation and your slide show, right click, and select end show. This takes you back to your work area. Step 7: The next step is to add another slide to your show On the toolbar click insert, and select new slide. Once you select new slide, go to slide layout (right side of screen), select the title and 2text layout. CS-101 Information and Communication Technologies Lab Go to the first box, type intended words, now go to the second box and type intended words and hit enter , next type intended words and hit enter, next type intended words and hit enter, next type intended words and hit enter, next type intended words . Step 8: Once you have finished entering information for your first slide. You are ready to add animation to your text, or picture. Step 9: Click the slide show tab on the toolbar, and select animation schemes. Go to the right of your screen, push the down arrow in the box apply to selected slides. Select fade in one by one. Next go to slide show, and click view show to view your animation. After the first slide appears select the page down button to get to the next slide, Continue to push the page down button until you get to the end of the second slide. Right click, and select end show. This takes you back to your work area. Step 10: Once you have done this, go to slide show on your toolbar and select view show! Open the presentation in slide sorter view.Add multiple slides to the master slide by right clicking in slide sorter view and press new slide. Now toggle down the menu of Slideshow and click custom animation and select multiple animation for your presentation from the available templates. You can also try the animation schemes in the menu of Slideshow. CS-101 Information and Communication Technologies Lab CS-101 Information and Communication Technologies Lab Lab Task : Create a slideshow of at least six slides according to the steps discussed in the procedure of the lab under the name of “Experience at UET Mardan” using the features of custom animation and animation schemes. Email the powerpoint presentation file “Experience at UET Mardan.pptx” at engrshaharyar@uetmardan.edu.pk CS-101 Information and Communication Technologies Lab LAB 07 MS EXCEL and its basic use Objective: Create a Spreadsheet in MS-EXCEL and enter the marks of a student, calculate total and print grade if the student has passed in all subjects along with calculation of Hostel Dues. Procedure: Steps: 1. Open MS Excel from MS Office 2. A blank sheet is open with number of Rows(in numbers) & Columns(in alphabets) 3. All kind of Calculations can be performed by using appropriate formulas 4. Graphical presentation of the information can also be presented using Insert option 5. When you open an MS Excel page, you can find 3 sheets already displayed on the 1st Page. 6. Here we have taken the example of a Marksheet of a student 7. The name & class of the student is mentioned in C4 &C5 ie, column C & row 4, 5 8. Similarly the subjects & marks are displayed using B8, C8, D8 to B14, C14, and D14 9. The total of Max marks is calculated using the formula = sum(C8:C15) 10. Similarly the total of Marks obtained is calculated using the formula = sum(D8:D15) 11. The percentage is calculated using the formula = sum(D17/C17)*100 12. The grade is obtained using the formula =If(D18>90,"S",If(D18>80,"A",If(D18>70,"B",If(D18>60,"C",If(D18>50,"D","F"))))) 13. When you hold the mouse on any of the calculations, you can find the formulas used to calculate on display bar below the submenus 14. You can use the font color to highlight any main notes, rows or columns by selecting the appropriate column name & row number. CS-101 Information and Communication Technologies Lab 15. Create the Hostel dues Sheet of different months of a student as per demonstration done in the lab. Sample is given below for guidance. Lab Task: Create the monthly Hostel dues sheet and marks sheet of at least two students in MS Excel worksheet according to the steps discussed in this lab and Email the finalized Excel Sheet at engrshaharyar@uetmardan.edu.pk Submitted by:Maryam Syed