Light Railway Transit (LRT) National Authority for Tunnels (NAT) Electrical Inspection Test Plan Manual Power Transformers Protection Relays L.R.T Prepared By: Usama Ali Taha Testing and Comissioning Engineer CREC-AVIC INTL. Revised By: Mahmoud Abd ELShafy Senior Power Supply Engineer Khatib&Alami Mariam Adel Senior Power Supply Engineer National Authority for Tunnels Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Introduction We provide a guidebook for the owner to supervise and follow up Testing and Commissioning for all the power supply equipment’s in LRT project. Why Testing and Commissioning? - To assure all tested equipment or system supplied by contractor within applicable standards and manufacturer’s tolerance. - To assure that the systems are installed accordance with design specification: • Shipping and installation damage. • Field and factory wiring errors. • Manufacturing defects and system. • Components not accordance with drawing and specification. • And some of the problem can be detected during testing only. - When these defects found before start-up, they can be corrected under warranty without safety hazard. - Consequential damage of loss / production that can be occur if discovered after start-up or energizing. Page | 2 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. References • • • • • Page | 3 ASNI: American national standards institute IEEE: Institute for electrical and electronic engineers IE: International electro technical committee. CSD Commissioning Manual Madkour & El-Fanar Testing Team Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Content Table of Contents Introduction: ...........................................................................................................................................2 References: ..............................................................................................................................................3 GIS and Switchgears............................................................................ 11 GIS HV CB Tests ..................................................................................................................... 11 Mechanical Check and Visual Inspection: ..................................................................................... 13 Spring Charging Motor: ................................................................................................................. 14 Coil Resistance Test: ....................................................................................................................... 14 Timing Test: .................................................................................................................................... 15 SWGR MV CB Tests................................................................................................................ 17 Mechanical Check and Visual Inspection: ..................................................................................... 19 Insulation Resistance Test: ............................................................................................................. 20 Spring Charging Motor: ................................................................................................................. 21 Coil Resistance Test: ....................................................................................................................... 21 Contact Resistance Test: ................................................................................................................. 22 Timing Test: .................................................................................................................................... 23 GIS HV DS Procedure Tests .................................................................................................... 25 Mechanical Check and Visual Inspection: ..................................................................................... 27 Timing Test: .................................................................................................................................... 27 SWGR MV DS Procedure Tests ........................................................................................................... 29 Mechanical Check and Visual Inspection: ..................................................................................... 31 Timing Test: .................................................................................................................................... 31 Contact Resistance Test: ................................................................................................................. 33 GIS BB Contact Resistance Procedure Tests .......................................................................... 34 Mechanical Check and Visual Inspection: ..................................................................................... 36 Contact Resistance Test: ................................................................................................................. 36 SWGR BB Contact Resistance Procedure Tests ..................................................................... 37 Mechanical Check and Visual Inspection: ..................................................................................... 39 Contact Resistance Test: ................................................................................................................. 39 GIS HV Procedure Tests.......................................................................................................... 40 Page | 4 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Mechanical and Visual Inspection Test: ......................................................................................... 42 Measurement of insulation Resistance Test: .................................................................................. 43 High Voltage and PD (Partial Discharge) Test: ............................................................................. 44 SWGR HV Procedure Tests .................................................................................................... 50 Mechanical and Visual Inspection Test: ......................................................................................... 52 Measurement of insulation Resistance Test: .................................................................................. 53 High Voltage Test:........................................................................................................................... 54 SWGR Mechanical Interlock Procedure Test......................................................................... 56 Mechanical Interlock Check: .......................................................................................................... 57 GIS Mechanical Interlock Procedure Test .............................................................................. 59 Mechanical Interlock Check: .......................................................................................................... 60 Surge Arrestor Procedure Test................................................................................................ 62 Mechanical and Visual Inspection Test: ......................................................................................... 64 Insulation Resistance Test: ............................................................................................................. 65 loss factor tan δ and capacitance C Test: ....................................................................................... 66 GIS Primary Injection Procedure Test ................................................................................... 68 Primary Injection Test .................................................................................................................... 70 SWGR Primary Injection Procedure Test .............................................................................. 72 Primary Injection Test .................................................................................................................... 74 Current Transformers ......................................................................... 76 CT Procedure Tests.................................................................................................................. 76 Mechanical Check and Visual Inspection: ..................................................................................... 78 Winding Resistance Test: ................................................................................................................ 80 Turns Ratio-Polarity Test: .............................................................................................................. 82 Excitation Curve Test: .................................................................................................................... 83 Burden Test: .................................................................................................................................... 84 CT Loop Procedure Test.......................................................................................................... 86 Secondary Loop current Injection Test:......................................................................................... 88 Loop Resistance and Burden Test: ................................................................................................. 89 Voltage Transformers .......................................................................... 90 VT Procedure Tests.................................................................................................................. 90 Mechanical Check and Visual Inspection: ..................................................................................... 92 Page | 5 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Insulation Resistance Test: ............................................................................................................. 92 Winding Resistance Test ................................................................................................................. 94 Polarity Check Test:........................................................................................................................ 95 Turns Ratio Error Test: .................................................................................................................. 96 Burden Test: .................................................................................................................................... 98 VT Loop Procedure Test.......................................................................................................... 99 Secondary Loop Voltage Injection Test: ...................................................................................... 101 Power Transformers .......................................................................... 102 Procedure Tests ...................................................................................................................... 102 Mechanical Check and Visual Inspection: ................................................................................... 105 Polarization Index Test: ................................................................................................................ 105 Turns-Ratio (TTR) Test:............................................................................................................... 107 DC Winding Resistance Test: ....................................................................................................... 108 loss factor tan δ and capacitance C of the winding Test: ............................................................. 110 loss factor tan δ and capacitance C of the Bushing Test .............................................................. 113 Zero sequence impudence Test ..................................................................................................... 115 Vector Group Check Test ............................................................................................................. 116 Magnetic Balance Test .................................................................................................................. 118 Short Circuit Impedance Test....................................................................................................... 120 Excitation Current (No load) Test ................................................................................................ 122 SFRA Test ..................................................................................................................................... 124 Oil and Winding Temperature Calibration Test.......................................................................... 131 On Load Tap Changer Test .......................................................................................................... 133 Oil Dielectric Breakdown Test ...................................................................................................... 135 Supervision Equipment Functional Test ...................................................................................... 137 Traction Transformers ...................................................................... 139 Procedure Tests ...................................................................................................................... 139 Mechanical Check and Visual Inspection: ................................................................................... 142 Polarization Index Test: ................................................................................................................ 142 Turns-Ratio (TTR) Test:............................................................................................................... 144 DC Winding Resistance Test: ....................................................................................................... 145 Loss factor tan δ and capacitance C of the winding Test: ............................................................ 147 Page | 6 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. loss factor tan δ and capacitance C of the Bushing Test .............................................................. 150 Vector Group Check Test ............................................................................................................. 152 Magnetic Balance Test .................................................................................................................. 154 Short Circuit Impedance Test....................................................................................................... 156 Excitation Current (No load) Test ................................................................................................ 158 SFRA Test ..................................................................................................................................... 160 Oil and Winding Temperature Calibration Test.......................................................................... 166 On Load Tap Changer Test .......................................................................................................... 168 Oil Dielectric Breakdown Test ...................................................................................................... 170 Supervision Equipment Functional Test ...................................................................................... 172 Auxiliary Transformer ...................................................................... 174 Procedure Tests ...................................................................................................................... 174 Mechanical Check and Visual Inspection: ................................................................................... 176 Polarization Index Test: ................................................................................................................ 176 Turns-Ratio (TTR) Test:............................................................................................................... 177 DC Winding Resistance Test: ....................................................................................................... 178 Grounding Transformer.................................................................... 181 Procedure Tests ...................................................................................................................... 181 Mechanical Check and Visual Inspection: ................................................................................... 183 Polarization Index Test: ................................................................................................................ 183 DC Winding Resistance Test: ....................................................................................................... 185 Zero Sequence Impedance Test: ................................................................................................... 186 Neutral Resistor Test: ................................................................................................................... 187 Neutral Current Transformer Test: ............................................................................................. 187 Stability Tests ..................................................................................... 188 Power Transformer Stability Procedure Test ....................................................................... 188 Power Transformer Stability Test ................................................................................................ 191 Traction Transformer Stability Procedure Test ................................................................... 195 Traction transformer Stability Test ............................................................................................. 198 Busbar Stability Procedure Test............................................................................................ 205 Busbar Stability Test..................................................................................................................... 207 (REF) Restricted Earth Fault Stability Procedure Test ....................................................... 211 Page | 7 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Restricted Earth Fault (REF) Stability Test................................................................................. 215 HV Under Ground Feeder Stability Procedure Test ............................................................ 218 HV Under Ground Feeder Stability Test ..................................................................................... 220 Meters Tests ....................................................................................... 226 Digital Meters Test ................................................................................................................. 226 Mechanical and Visual Inspection Test: ....................................................................................... 228 Secondary Current and Voltage Injection Test: .......................................................................... 228 Energy Meter Procedure Test ............................................................................................... 230 Mechanical and Visual Inspection Test: ....................................................................................... 232 Secondary Current and Voltage Injection Test: .......................................................................... 232 SF6 Gas Tests ..................................................................................... 235 SF6 Analysis Procedure Test ................................................................................................. 235 SF6 Analysis Test .......................................................................................................................... 238 SF6 Gauge Procedure Test .................................................................................................... 239 SF6 Gauge Test ............................................................................................................................. 240 MV Cables Tests ................................................................................ 241 VLF Procedure Test ............................................................................................................... 241 Measurement of insulation Resistance Test: ................................................................................ 243 High Voltage Test:......................................................................................................................... 245 Batteries Tests .................................................................................... 246 Battery Discharge Procedure Test ......................................................................................... 246 Battery Discharge Test: ................................................................................................................ 248 Static Var Generator Tests ................................................................ 250 SVG Procedure Tests ............................................................................................................. 250 Contact Resistance Test: ............................................................................................................... 252 Circuit Breaker Timing Test: ....................................................................................................... 253 Current Transformer Tests: ......................................................................................................... 254 Step Down Transformer Tests: ..................................................................................................... 260 High Voltage Tests: ....................................................................................................................... 265 Measurement of insulation Resistance: ........................................................................................ 266 PLC Function Test: ....................................................................................................................... 267 Page | 8 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Cold Run Test: .............................................................................................................................. 267 Hot Run Test: ................................................................................................................................ 267 Protection Function Test:.............................................................................................................. 268 Scheme Check Test: ...................................................................................................................... 268 POWER QUALITY ANALYZER IMAGE BEFORE ENERGIEZ Test: .................................. 268 POWER QUALITY ANALYZER IMAGE AFTER ENERGIEZ Test: ..................................... 268 Protection Relays Tests ...................................................................... 269 PCS-931 Relay Functions Test Procedures ........................................................................... 269 Mechanical Check and Visual Inspection: ................................................................................... 273 Electrical Tests: ............................................................................................................................. 273 Earth Fault Protection (50G/51G/IDMT_ROC) Test .................................................................. 274 Inverse time of EF protection test ................................................................................................. 275 Overcurrent protection (50P/51P/IDMT_OC) ............................................................................. 277 Definite time of OC protection test ............................................................................................... 277 Inverse time of Overcurrent protection Test ................................................................................ 278 Line Differential Protection (87L) Test ........................................................................................ 280 Steady State (Biased 87L) Differential Relay ............................................................................... 282 Steady State (Biased 87L) Differential Relay ............................................................................... 286 Zero Sequence Differential Protection (87 Neutral) Test ............................................................. 290 87 Function blocked by CTS Test ................................................................................................. 295 87 Interstrip function Test ............................................................................................................ 296 Distance Protection (21M/21Q) Test............................................................................................. 298 Distance Protection (21Q) ............................................................................................................. 299 Distance Tele-Protection Schemes Test ........................................................................................ 310 Permissive Underreaching Transfer Trip (PUTT) ....................................................................... 312 Blocking Transfer Trip ................................................................................................................. 314 Switch onto fault protection (21SOTF/50PSOTF) ....................................................................... 316 Switch onto fault protection (21SOTF) By Manual Close BI: ..................................................... 316 Switch onto fault protection (21SOTF) By Breaker Position BI: ................................................ 317 Switch onto fault protection (50PSOTF) By Breaker Position BI: .............................................. 319 Reverse Power (32R) Protection Test ........................................................................................... 320 Auto Reclose (79) and Synch Check Protection Test ................................................................... 322 Synch Check Test .......................................................................................................................... 328 Page | 9 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Over Voltage and Under Voltage Protection Functions(59P/27P) Test ....................................... 330 Broken Conductor (46BC) Protection Function .......................................................................... 331 Thermal Overload (49).................................................................................................................. 333 Power Swing Releasing Block Protection Function Test .............................................................. 335 VTS (Voltage Supervision) Protection Function .......................................................................... 337 Loss of one or two phases test: ...................................................................................................... 337 CHECK THE FUSE FAIL UNBLOCKING BY I2> and Io>...................................................... 338 Check the relay unblocking trip during internal fuse fail for Io & I ........................................... 338 Testing of 3 phase voltages loss (detect 3p) ................................................................................... 338 DELTA I> Test.............................................................................................................................. 339 Absence of 3 phase volts online Energization test ........................................................................ 339 Fault Locator Protection Function (FL) ....................................................................................... 339 PCS-978 Power Transformer Relay Functions Procedure Test ........................................... 341 Transformer Differential Protection (87T) Test........................................................................... 345 Inrush Current 2nd Harmonics Blocking Test .............................................................................. 354 Inrush Current 3rd and 5th Harmonics Blocking Test .................................................................. 355 Restricted Earth Fault (64REF) Protection Test.......................................................................... 356 Over Excitation (24DT) Protection Function Test ....................................................................... 361 PCS-9671S Traction Transformer Relay Functions Procedure Test ................................... 363 Transformer Differential Protection (87T) Test........................................................................... 368 Inrush Current 2nd Harmonics Blocking Test .............................................................................. 376 Over Excitation (24DT) Protection Function Test ....................................................................... 378 PCS-9151C BBP Relay Protection Functions Test Procedure ............................................. 380 Busbar Differential Protection (87BBP) Test ............................................................................... 384 Feeder Breaker Failure Protection (BFP) Test ............................................................................ 391 PCS-9151 ATS Relay Protection Functions Procedure Test ................................................ 396 Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) Test ........................................................................................ 399 MR TAPCON 260 AVR Relay Functions Procedure Test ................................................... 405 Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) Test.................................................................................... 408 End to End Procedure Test ................................................................................................................. 420 Mechanical and Visual Inspection Test: ....................................................................................... 422 End To End of Differential Over Head T.L Test: ........................................................................ 423 Page | 10 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. GIS And Switchgears GIS HV CB Tests Page | 11 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 1) Circuit Breaker Technical Data (Name Plate) Manufacturer Type Bay No. Rated Current Rated Voltage Short Circuit Current Rated Frequency Rated Gas Pressure Coil Voltage Production date Serial No. 2) Test Equipment’s Used: Note: Used tester types below or approved testers. S.N Type Make 1 EGIL Megger 2 Multimeter OMICRON ** ALL CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES SHOULD BE PROVIDED. Page | 12 Calibration date Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 3) TESTS: Mechanical Check and Visual Inspection: 3.1.1) Purpose of test: - Make sure that circuit breaker is ready to test and doesn’t have any damage parts which prevents perfuming tests. REMARKS # TEST DESCRIPTION (OK / NOT OK) 1. Inspect bus for physical damage or defects. 2. Check nameplate information for correctness. 3. Check tightness of all bolted connections (torque wrench method). 4. Check all wiring is correct according to approved drawings and that terminal connections are secure. 5. Check quality of paintwork. 6. Check that all grounding cables are securely connected. 7. Check for correct breaker position indication (breaker open/closed). 8. Check operation of all mechanical interlocks with associated disconnects, grounding switches, racking truck mechanism, cubicle doors, etc. 9. Verify correct spring status indication (spring charged/discharged). 10. Check for gas leakage. 11. Check for correct SF6 pressure in each pole. 12. Verify that all special filling adapters have been provided. Perform all specific checks on the mechanism according to the manufacturer’s 13. instructions. 14. Verify that correct Dispatch Numbers have been installed. Page | 13 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Spring Charging Motor: 3.1.2) Purpose of test: - Calculate max spring motor current and spring charging time to compare them with name plate or FAT values. ➢ Criteria: (As per FAT): 660/1100 W, Current ~ 5Amp ➢ Note: This test is performed for GIS/SWG circuit breakers. 3.1.3) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Connect multimeter by spring motor circuit. 2- Close the breaker. 3- Evaluate results for max current and time for this by stopwatch. 4- Compare measured values by FAT results if accepted. 5- Repeat this step at 85% of operating voltage. Coil Resistance Test: 3.1.4) Purpose of test: - Make sure that closing and opening coil resistance within range value of FAT results. ➢ Criteria: (As per FAT Results). ➢ Note: This test is performed for GIS/SWG circuit breakers. 3.1.5) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Connect props of multimeter by closing and opening terminals coil. 2- Evaluate results for closing - opening1,2 coil. 3- Compare measured values by FAT results if accepted. Page | 14 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. PHASE Closing Coil (Ω) Opening Coil1 (Ω) Opening Coil2 (Ω) R S T Timing Test: 3.1.6) Purpose of test: - This test is used on medium and high-voltage circuit breakers and provides information as to whether the operating mechanism of the circuit breaker is operating properly or not by measuring the closing and opening time of the breaker contacts. - This test can be used to determine the opening and closing speeds of the breaker, the interval time for closing and tripping and the contact bounce. The test provides information that can be used to detect problems such as weak accelerating springs, defective shock absorbers, dashpots, buffers, and closing mechanisms. - Make sure circuit breaker poles at closing and opening position time is within range of times value of FAT results. 3.1.7) Work Instructions/Test Procedures : 1- Preparing connection of EGIL tester as shown below. 2- Connect external DC supply for closing and tripping coils. 3- Connect wires for closing and tripping coils at schematic DWG. 4- Connect sensing current feedback cable as shown. 5- Evaluate results for each sequence and compared it by FAT results. 6- Repeat same sequence at 85% of voltage supply. ➢ Criteria: (As per FAT): Closing time 35-70ms & Opening Time 25-40ms. ➢ Note: This results for GIS CB. Page | 15 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Applied Voltage (V) Timing (ms) Operation Close Open1 Open2 Close-Open1 100% VDC Close-Open2 OCO1 OCO2 Close 85% VDC Open1 Open2 Page | 16 R S T Aux Contact Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. SWGR MV CB Tests Page | 17 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 1) Circuit Breaker Technical Data (Name Plate) Manufacturer Type Bay No. Rated Current Rated Voltage Short Circuit Current Rated Frequency Production date Coil Voltage Serial No. 2) Test Equipment’s Used: Note: Used tester types below or approved testers S.N Type Make 1 EGIL Megger 2 Multimeter OMICRON 3 Megger 5K VDC Megger 4 Ohmmeter Megger ** ALL CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES SHOULD BE PROVIDED. Page | 18 Calibration date Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 3) TESTS: Mechanical Check and Visual Inspection: 3.1.1) Purpose of test: - Make sure that circuit breaker is ready to test and doesn’t have any damage parts which prevents perfuming tests. REMARKS # TEST DESCRIPTION (OK / NOT OK) 15. Inspect bus for physical damage or defects. 16. Check nameplate information for correctness. 17. Check tightness of all bolted connections (torque wrench method). Check all wiring is correct according to approved drawings and that terminal 18. connections are secure. 19. Check quality of paintwork. 20. Check that all grounding cables are securely connected. 21. Check for correct breaker position indication (breaker open/closed). Check operation of all mechanical interlocks with associated disconnects, 22. grounding switches, racking truck mechanism, cubicle doors, etc. 23. Verify correct spring status indication (spring charged/discharged). 24. Check for gas leakage. 25. Check for correct SF6 pressure in each pole. 26. Verify that all special filling adapters have been provided. Perform all specific checks on the mechanism according to the 27. manufacturer’s instructions. 28. Verify that correct Dispatch Numbers have been installed. Page | 19 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Insulation Resistance Test: 3.2.1) Purpose of test: - To determine the equipment in proper condition to put in service. Results can be kept as record to compare in future and to understand the trend of insulation during maintenance. ➢ Applied Voltage: 5000V DC ➢ Criteria: (As per FAT): More than 2500 MΩ. ➢ Note: this test is performed for GIS/SWG circuit breakers. 3.2.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Connect megger tester as shown below. 2- Apply voltage test value for each connection. 3- Close circuit breaker. 4- Repeat this step for phase Y and B. 5- Evaluate test results and compare it by FAT results. Insulation Resistance test between R phase and Y,B phase are earthed. R CB Close Page | 20 R S EARTH S T Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Spring Charging Motor: 3.3.1) Purpose of test: - Calculate max spring motor current and spring charging time to compare them with name plate or FAT values. ➢ Criteria: (As per FAT): 660/1100 W, Current ~ 5Amp 3.3.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Connect multimeter by spring motor circuit. 2- Close the breaker. 3- Evaluate results for max current and time for this by stopwatch. 4- Compare measured values by FAT results if accepted. 5- Repeat this step at 85% of operating voltage. Coil Resistance Test: 3.4.1) Purpose of test: - Make sure that closing and opening coil resistance within range value of FAT results. ➢ Criteria: (As per FAT Results). 3.4.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Connect props of multimeter by closing and opening terminals coil. 2- Evaluate results for closing - opening1,2 coil. 3- Compare measured values by FAT results if accepted. PHASE R S T Page | 21 Closing Coil (Ω) Opening Coil1 (Ω) Opening Coil2 (Ω) Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Contact Resistance Test: 3.5.1) Purpose of test: - Contact resistance tests are usually performed using a micro/milliohm meter or a low ohmmeter. The measurement of contact resistance helps to identify fretting corrosion of contacts and can diagnose and prevent contact corrosion. An increase in contact resistance can cause a high voltage to drop in the system and needs to be controlled. - Make sure contact resistance of 3 poles of circuit breaker within range value of FAT results. 3.5.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Select path for injection current start and end point. 2- Connect cables of ohmmeter tester at selected path. 3- Start test be increase gradually injected current until 100A value. 4- Evaluate results for all selected paths. 5- Compare between measured values and FAT results if accepted. 6- Evaluate all results values and filling down test table formats. ➢ Injected Current: 100A DC ➢ Criteria: (As per FAT): within +/- 5% of FAT test Reports. (≤30 µΩ per phase). ➢ Note: this test is performed for medium SWG. Phase Result (µΩ) R S T Page | 22 Remarks (OK / NOT OK) Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Timing Test: 3.6.1) Purpose of test: - This test is used on medium and high-voltage circuit breakers and provides information as to whether the operating mechanism of the circuit breaker is operating properly or not by measuring the closing and opening time of the breaker contacts. - This test can be used to determine the opening and closing speeds of the breaker, the interval time for closing and tripping and the contact bounce. The test provides information that can be used to detect problems such as weak accelerating springs, defective shock absorbers, dashpots, buffers, and closing mechanisms. - Make sure circuit breaker poles at closing and opening position time is within range of times value of FAT results. 3.6.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Preparing connection of EGIL tester as shown below. 2- Connect external DC supply for closing and tripping coils. 3- Connect wires for closing and tripping coils at schematic DWG. 4- Connect sensing current feedback cable as shown. 5- Evaluate results for each sequence and compared it by FAT results. 6- Repeat same sequence at 85% of voltage supply. ➢ Note: This test is performed for GIS/SWG circuit breakers. Page | 23 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ➢ Criteria: (As per FAT): Closing time 35-70ms & Opening Time 25-40ms. Applied Voltage (V) Timing (ms) Operation R S T Aux Contact Close Open 100% VDC OCO Close 85% VDC Open ➢ Criteria: (As per FAT): Closing time 35-70ms & Opening Time 25-40ms. Page | 24 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. GIS HV DS Procedure Tests Page | 25 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 1) Disconnector Switch Technical Data (Name Plate) Rated SF6 Gas Manufacturer Pressure Make Rated Voltage Rated Current Rated Frequency Short Circuit Current Coil Voltage Spring Motor Voltage Serial No. 2) Test Equipment’s Used: Note: Used tester types below or approved testers S.N Type Make 1 EGIL Megger ** ALL CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES SHOULD BE PROVIDED. Page | 26 Calibration date Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 3) TESTS: Mechanical Check and Visual Inspection: 3.1.1) Purpose of test: - Make sure that circuit breaker is ready to test and doesn’t have any damage parts which prevents perfuming tests. # TEST DESCRIPTION REMARKS (OK / NOT OK) 29. Inspect for any physical damage or defects. 30. Check name plate information for correctness. 31. Check for disconnector switch position indication (open/close) 32. Perform all specific checks as per manufacturer's recommendations. 33. Verify connection as per approved drawing. 34. Check that all grounding cables are securely connected. Timing Test: 3.2.1) Purpose of test: - This test is used on medium and high-voltage disconnectors provides information as to whether the operating mechanism of the disconnector is operating properly or not by measuring the closing and opening time of the breaker contacts. - This test can be used to determine the opening and closing speeds of the disconnector, the interval time for closing and tripping and the contact bounce. The test provides information that can be used to detect problems such as weak accelerating springs, defective shock absorbers, dashpots, buffers, and closing mechanisms. - Make sure disconnectors poles at closing and opening position time is within range of times value of FAT results. Page | 27 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 3.2.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures : 1- Preparing connection of EGIL tester as shown below. 2- Connect external DC supply for closing and tripping coils. 3- Connect wires for closing and tripping coils at schematic DWG. 4- Connect sensing current feedback cable as shown. 5- Evaluate results for each sequence and compared it by FAT results. 6- Repeat same sequence at 85% of voltage supply. ➢ Note: This test is performed for GIS/SWG circuit breakers. ➢ Criteria: (As per FAT): Closing ≤6sec, Opening ≤6sec) Applied Voltage (V) Timing (s) Operation Close 100% VDC Open Close 85% VDC Open Page | 28 R S T Aux Contact Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. SWGR MV DS Procedure Tests Page | 29 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 1) Disconnector Switch Technical Data (Name Plate) Manufacturer Type Make Serial No. Bay No. Control Voltage Operation time Motor Power Rated Current Year of Manufacture 2) Test Equipment’s Used: Note: Used tester types below or approved testers S.N Type Make 1 EGIL Megger 2 Ohmmeter Megger ** ALL CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES SHOULD BE PROVIDED. Page | 30 Calibration date Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 3) TESTS: Mechanical Check and Visual Inspection: 3.1.1) Purpose of test: - Make sure that disconnector is ready to test and doesn’t have any damage parts which prevents perfuming tests. # TEST DESCRIPTION REMARKS (OK / NOT OK) 35. Inspect for any physical damage or defects. 36. Check name plate information for correctness. 37. Check for disconnector switch position indication (open/close) 38. Perform all specific checks as per manufacturer's recommendations. 39. Verify connection as per approved drawing. 40. Check that all grounding cables are securely connected. Timing Test: 3.2.1) Purpose of test: - This test is used on medium and high-voltage disconnectors provides information as to whether the operating mechanism of the disconnector is operating properly or not by measuring the closing and opening time of the breaker contacts. - This test can be used to determine the opening and closing speeds of the disconnector, the interval time for closing and tripping and the contact bounce. The test provides information that can be used to detect problems such as weak accelerating springs, defective shock absorbers, dashpots, buffers, and closing mechanisms. - Make sure disconnectors poles at closing and opening position time is within range of times value of FAT results. 3.2.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures : 1- Preparing connection of EGIL tester as shown below. 2- Connect external DC supply for closing and tripping coils. 3- Connect wires for closing and tripping coils at schematic DWG. 4- Connect sensing current feedback cable as shown. Page | 31 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 5- Evaluate results for each sequence and compared it by FAT results. 6- Repeat same sequence at 85% of voltage supply. ➢ Note: This test is performed for GIS/SWG circuit breakers. ➢ Criteria: (As per FAT): Closing ≤6sec, Opening ≤6sec) Applied Voltage (V) Timing (s) Operation Close 100% VDC Open Close 85% VDC Open Page | 32 R S T Aux Contact Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Contact Resistance Test: 3.1.8) Purpose of test: - Contact resistance tests are usually performed using a micro/milliohm meter or a low ohmmeter. The measurement of contact resistance helps to identify fretting corrosion of contacts and can diagnose and prevent contact corrosion. An increase in contact resistance can cause a high voltage drop in the system and needs to be controlled. - Make sure contact resistance of 3 poles of disconnector switch within range value of FAT results. ➢ Injected Current: 100A DC. ➢ Criteria: (As per FAT): within +/- 5% of FAT test Reports. 3.1.9) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Select path for injection current start and end point. 2- Connect cables of ohmmeter tester at selected path. 3- Start test be increase gradually injected current until 100A value. 4- Evaluate results for all selected paths. 5- Compare between measured values and FAT results if accepted. 6- Evaluate all results values and filling down test table formats. Phase R S T Page | 33 Result (µΩ) Remarks (OK / NOT OK) Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. GIS BB Contact Resistance Procedure Tests Page | 34 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 1) Test Equipment’s Used Note: Used tester types below or approved testers by consultant. S.N Type Make 1 Micro-ohmmeter meter Megger ➢ ALL CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES ARE PROVIDED. Page | 35 Calibration date Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 2) TESTS: Mechanical Check and Visual Inspection: # REMARKS (OK / NOT OK) TEST DESCRIPTION 41. Inspect bus for physical damage or defects. 42. Check tightness of all bolted connections (torque wrench method). 43. Check quality of paintwork. 44. Check that all grounding cables are securely connected. Contact Resistance Test: 2.2.1) Purpose of test: - Measure contact resistance of GIS, SWG busbar to make sure that all joints are good and no defected parts. ➢ Injected Current: 100A DC ➢ Criteria: (As per FAT): within +/- 5% of FAT test Reports. ➢ Note: this test is performed for GIS/SWG circuit breakers. 2.2.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Select path for injection current start and end point. 2- Connect cables of ohmmeter tester at selected path. 3- Start test be increase gradually injected current until 100A value. 4- Evaluate results for all selected paths for GIS or SWG. 5- Compare between measured values and FAT results if accepted. # 1 FROM BAY POINT BAY No. of No. of bays bays Page | 36 TO POINT Contact Resistance µΩ THROUGH R S T REMARKS (OK / NOT OK) Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. SWGR BB Contact Resistance Procedure Tests Page | 37 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 1) Test Equipment’s Used Note: Used tester types below or approved testers by consultant. S.N Type Make 1 Micro-ohmmeter meter Megger ➢ ALL CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES ARE PROVIDED. Page | 38 Calibration date Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 2) TESTS: Mechanical Check and Visual Inspection: # REMARKS (OK / NOT OK) TEST DESCRIPTION 45. Inspect bus for physical damage or defects. 46. Check tightness of all bolted connections (torque wrench method). 47. Check quality of paintwork. 48. Check that all grounding cables are securely connected. Contact Resistance Test: 2.2.3) Purpose of test: - Measure contact resistance of GIS, SWG busbar to make sure that all joints are good and no defected parts. ➢ Injected Current: 100A DC ➢ Criteria: (As per FAT): within +/- 5% of FAT test Reports. ➢ Note: this test is performed for GIS/SWG circuit breakers. 2.2.4) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Select path for injection current start and end point. 2- Connect cables of ohmmeter tester at selected path. 3- Start test be increase gradually injected current until 100A value. 4- Evaluate results for all selected paths for GIS or SWG. 5- Compare between measured values and FAT results if accepted. 1 CIRCUIT (BAY – BAY) K1-1 – K1-2 8 BB Section n # Page | 39 R Contact Resistance µΩ S T REMARKS (OK / NOT OK) Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. GIS HV Procedure Tests Page | 40 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 1) Test Equipment’s Used: Note: Used tester types below or approved testers. S.N Type Make 1 Portable UHF PD monitor, PD sensor, Coaxial cable; Noise sensor or band rejection filter. 2 HV Compartment mobile Car SIEMENS Energy 3 Megger Megger Calibration date ** ALL CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES SHOULD BE PROVIDED. ➢ Additional Safety Precautions: • Before testing, safety area should be installed around the H.V equipment. (Clearance: 4m). • Appropriate display device (Warning light, Warning plate) should be installed to notify of the testing. • The customer (or his representative at the substation) shall instruct to the test personnel on safety work procedures at substation, and safety during its commissioning, and shall ensure the obedience. • Unauthorized persons are not strictly allowed to stay in GIS room during tests. Page | 41 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 2) TESTS: Mechanical and Visual Inspection Test: TEST # TEST DESCRIPTION 1. The resistance of the permanent earthing grid must be tested. 2. THE GIS must be filled with the SF6 gas at rated pressure. 3. GAS leakage test and moisture content test shall be performed. 4. ALL mechanical operation tests of DS, ES and C.B shall be performed. 5. Secondary windings of all CT shall be short circuited and grounded. 6. Surge arrestor have to be dismantled. 7. All adjacent portions are insulated and grounded. 8. 9. 10. VT’S not designed for GIS HV test are removed or insulated by opening of a disconnector Power transformers are isolated form the GIS substation and connected to ground Test voltage shall be applied from H.V test to GIS via GAS to air bushing connected to GIS with the wire covered by corona free shield. 12. All apparatus of the circuit being tested are in a closed position. All grounding switches of the circuit being tested are in opened position. 13. Cable boxes are isolated from the substation and connected to ground. 14. All work on the substation is interrupted and staff is warned that a test will be carried out. 11. Page | 42 Remarks ( OK / NOT OK ) Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Measurement of insulation Resistance Test: - Between main circuit and earth 2.2.1) Purpose of test: - Check quality of insulation resistance before performing high pot test and comparing it by name plate values or FAT results if its accepted. ➢ Applied Voltage: 5000V DC ➢ Criteria: R≥1GΩ as per FAT results. 2.2.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Between main circuit and earth shall be measured by using 5kV Insulation resistance test kit. 2- Before and after high voltage test. 3- All CB & DS → Closed, All ES & VT → Opened 4- Evaluate results on table. Check Time Date Phase Measured Value Result Acceptance Norm R-E Before HV S-E T-E -5kV -. More than 1 GΩ R-E After HV S-E T-E ➢ Note: - Measurement values may vary depending on the measurement time. - Namely, Measurement values may vary due to differences in the moisture of the morning and afternoon. Page | 43 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. High Voltage and PD (Partial Discharge) Test: 2.3.1) Purpose of test: - To determine whether the actual condition will be healthy for this designed GIS. To ensure there is no problem to energize. - Partial discharge (PD) can occur in medium and high voltage switchgear. PD represents a breakdown between two conducting electrodes. If PD is not detected, the damage to the electrical equipment can be catastrophic and cause serious safety events in the workplace. Partial discharge can easily be detected by ultrasound and should be part of a routine predictive maintenance inspection strategy of electrical components. ➢ Acceptance Criteria: - Shall be withstood (IEC 62271-203). - The voltage tolerance of HV test is within ±3% (IEC 60060-3) - In the event of a disruptive discharge occurring during dielectric tests on site, the tests shall be repeated. ➢ Guidelines on repetition tests: The guideline is based on recommendations of IEC 62271-203(2003) standards. - Annex C 6 of these standards assorts between two kinds of flashover. a. Mere gas discharges. In this case the reason is supposed to lie in an impurity (particle) which burn away during the flash over. b. Flash overs involving solid insulating material. - GIS Maker's Policy about disruptive discharge (Flash Over) 1) When disruptive discharge is occurred, the GIS should be visually inspected all gas compartments. 2) After evacuating the gas, all inspection cover will be opened. Look for some electrical trace of the solid insulation, enclosure, and main conductor. 3) Take the necessary action at the fault point, the HV test will be done again. Progress procedure: - Before the visually inspection in the GIS, test voltage injection again without any modification to the GIS. - CASE 1 If another F.O takes place at lower voltage level, it is to be assumed that solid insulation (spacer, insulated rod, post insulator etc.) is affected. Dividing the test section by disconnector, it can be fined out the location of disruptive discharge. After repair or replace of the Page | 44 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. defective solid insulation, HV test is repeated for concerned test section. - CASE 2 If the F.O voltage is the same as previous value, check the pole distance. (DS, ES, CB etc.) - CASE 3 If the test voltage can be raised to a value above the previous F.O voltage, as checking the SO2 of the SF6 gas, find out the F.O occurred section and degas and inspect inside to confirm that the any problem inside. If there's some electrical trace of the solid insulation, take a necessary action. If there's no visual defect, we assume that cause for F.O has been eliminated by itself. HV test is repeated for concerned test section. (90sec). 2.3.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Prior to performing the GIS EHV/HV Test, calibration of the GIS PD internal sensor shall first be conducted as per the following Steps: • Calibration of the GIS PD internal sensor without monitoring system: - By Use of 3phase unified GIS using internal sensor: ▪ Connect UHF Calibrator to internal UHF sensor and portable UHF PD monitor to another internal UHF sensor, Spacer, and noise sensor. ▪ Record the spectrum reading from portable UHF PD monitor. 2- Perform the GIS EHV/HV Test and GIS EHV Partial Discharge Test: • Connect all Circuit Breakers, disconnector switch, earth switch, and remove all earthing wires with CT shorted and VT connected to check the reading of voltage during test. • Connect EHV/HV tester to GIS as shown below. Page | 45 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. • Connect VT during injection EHV/HV. • According to IEC 62271-101/103 the test value for 220kV GIS is 460kV. • Site HV test is 80% from standard values, in other words, test value for 220kV GIS is 368kV for one minute (60 sec) or 335kV for 3min. • We will follow previous IEC standard procedure for voltage step rising for ensuring the voltage soaking process for gas stabilization for determined time 3-5 minutes. • The voltage rising process for 220kV GIS will be as follow: • Inject voltage at phase R with Y+B connected to Earth as per the following: - Rated voltage for 3 mins. - Increase the voltage gradually up to 1.2 rated voltage for 1min. - Record the leakage current for GIS EHV/HV Test. Page | 46 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. - Decrease the voltage gradually up to rated voltage to perform the GIS EHV partial discharge test. • Print the spectrum reading from portable UHF PD monitor or from mounting system panel if available. Page | 47 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Page | 48 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. • All the test results should be recorded in the test format and check list. • Repeat above for phase Y and B. - α: Voltage was applied for the time necessary to perform the PD measurements in the points on the GIS enclosure. (After HV Test) Date Phase Section R S T Page | 49 Standard Test Voltage (kV) Duration (Min) 146 220 368 170 146 220 368 170 146 220 368 170 5 3 1 α 5 3 1 α 5 3 1 α Actual Data Injection Voltage (kV) Frequency (Hz) Current (A) Result Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. SWGR HV Procedure Tests Page | 50 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 1) Test Equipment’s Used: Note: Used tester types below or approved testers. S.N Type Make 1 Megger Megger 2 HVT-70/50 Tester Calibration date ** ALL CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES SHOULD BE PROVIDED. ➢ Additional Safety Precautions: • Before testing, safety area should be installed around the H.V equipment. (Clearance: 4m). • Appropriate display device (Warning light, Warning plate) should be installed to notify of the testing. • The customer (or his representative at the substation) shall instruct to the test personnel on safety work procedures at substation, and safety during its commissioning, and shall ensure the obedience. • Unauthorized persons are not strictly allowed to stay in SWGR room during tests. Page | 51 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 2) TESTS: Mechanical and Visual Inspection Test: TEST # TEST DESCRIPTION 1. The resistance of the permanent earthing grid must be tested. 2. ALL mechanical operation tests of ES and C.B shall be performed. 3. Secondary windings of all CT shall be short circuited and grounded. 4. Surge arrestors must be dismantled. 5. All adjacent portions are insulated and grounded. 6. VT’S not designed for SWGR HV test are removed or insulated by opening of a disconnector 7. Test voltage shall be applied from H.V test to CB Poles with the wire covered by corona free shield. 8. All apparatus of the circuit being tested are in a closed position. 9. All grounding switches of the circuit being tested are in opened position. 10. Cable boxes are isolated from the substation and connected to ground. 11. All work on the substation is interrupted and staff is warned that a test will be carried out. Page | 52 Remarks ( OK / NOT OK ) Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Measurement of insulation Resistance Test: Between main circuit and earth 2.2.1) Purpose of test: - Check quality of insulation resistance before performing high pot test and comparing it by name plate values or FAT results if its accepted. ➢ Applied Voltage: 5000V DC ➢ Criteria: R≥1GΩ as per FAT results. 2.2.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Between main circuit and earth shall be measured by using 5kV Insulation resistance test kit. 2- Before and after high voltage test. 3- All CBs → Closed, All ES & VT → Opened 4- Evaluate results on table. ➢ Section-n High-Voltage Test: • Insulation Resistance Test: @ 5KV DC for 1 min duration before HV Test: C.B. Racked in and Closed Section -1 R –(S+T+G) S- (R+T+G) T – (R+S+G) Insulation Resistance • Insulation Resistance Test: @ 5KV DC for 1 min duration After HV Test: C.B. Racked in and Closed Section -1 R –(S+T+G) S- (R+T+G) T – (R+S+G) Insulation Resistance [ ➢ Note: Make sure results of insulation resistance after high voltage test is less than before it. ➢ Note: - Measurement values may vary depending on the measurement time. - Namely, Measurement values may vary due to differences in the moisture of the morning and afternoon. Page | 53 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. High Voltage Test: 2.3.1) Purpose of test: - To determine whether the actual condition will be healthy for this designed switchgear. To ensure there is no problem to energize. ➢ Acceptance Criteria: - Shall be withstood (IEC 62271-203). - The voltage tolerance of HV test is within ±3% (IEC 60060-3) - In the event of a disruptive discharge occurring during dielectric tests on site, the tests shall be repeated. 2.3.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Circuit Breaker ON, remove all earth wiring and Earth Switch in ON Position: Inject voltage 3uo (3x rated Voltage/√3) for a duration of 1 min for Phase R with Y+B earthed. Refer to the below image: 2- Repeat the above Procedure for the remaining 2 phases Y and B. 3- Record the Leakage current for each phase. 4- The measured leakage current should be as per the factory test value. 5- Evaluate results of HV values and leakage current. 6- Filing all results on test format tables. Page | 54 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. • HV Test by AC HV Testers for 60 Sec Duration: 1st C.B. is racked in and closed and al CBs of section are Racked in and Open Position Phase Applied Voltage Leakage Current (mA) Duration R S 40 KV 60 Sec T • HV Test by AC HV Testers for 60 Sec Duration: 1st C.B. is racked in and closed and al CBs of section are Racked in and Closed Position Phase Applied Voltage Leakage Current (mA) Duration R S 40 KV 60 Sec T ➢ Note: Make sure results of leakage current values when CB s are opened less than which are closed. 2- After we finish HV test at selected values, we connected VT by fuses and inject rated voltage of SWGR value. 3- Measure values of voltage at digital meters and protection relays. 4- Evaluate results and filling it on test tables. Phase R-N S-N T-N Page | 55 Measured Point Location Measured Voltage (V) Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. SWGR Mechanical Interlock Procedure Test Page | 56 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 1) Test Equipment’s Used S.N Type Make 1 SWGR tools for ES, CB, DS SWGR Manufacture Calibration date 2) TESTS: Mechanical Interlock Check: 2.1.1) Purpose of test: - Mechanical testing is very important to verify that SWGR mechanical parts work together properly and all switchgear parts work properly during daily operation. - Make sure that mechanical interlock between electrical compartments meet FAT and operation requirements. 2.1.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Check for any defected parts of compartments before starting any type of testes on it. 2- Check for all interlock conditions between circuit breaker and earth switch or disconnectors to make sure every compartment work properly. 3- Check for test and service positions of circuit breaker. 4- Evaluate any defected part of compartment and record it on test format tables as shown below: Checked #. ES OK/NOT OK 1 ES CLOSE: Check C.B cannot rack in. 2 ES CLOSE: Check can open Rear door and front door. 3 ES OPEN: Check cannot open Rear door and front door. 4 ES OPEN: Check ES emergency front door. 5 ES OPEN: Check ES emergency rear door. Page | 57 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Checked #. C.B OK/NOT OK 1 In service position CB door is locked. 2 In test position CB door is open. 3 CB can't operate in middle traveling position. 4 Can’t Rack C.B in or out while CB closed, or door is open. 5 ES cannot operate while CB in service. 6 Check CB emergency trip. 7 Check CB emergency door in service position. # VT Checked OK/NOT OK 1 VIS with front door and rear door (Can’t open) 2 VT truck with VT panel door 3 VT truck rack in and rack out positions 4 VT emergency door while in service. 5- Repeat this step for all bays of SWGR or GIS. Page | 58 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. GIS Mechanical Interlock Procedure Test Page | 59 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 1) Test Equipment’s Used S.N Type Make 1 SWGR tools for ES, CB, DS SWGR Manufacture Calibration date 2) TESTS: Mechanical Interlock Check: 2.1.1) Purpose of test: - Mechanical testing is very important to verify that SWGR mechanical parts work together properly and all switchgear parts work properly during daily operation. - Make sure that mechanical interlock between electrical compartments meet FAT and operation requirements. 2.1.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Check for any defected parts of compartments before starting any type of testes on it. 2- Check for all interlock conditions between circuit breaker and earth switch or disconnectors to make sure every compartment work properly. 3- Check for test and service positions of circuit breaker. 4- Evaluate any defected part of compartment and record it on test format tables as shown below: Bay No: Checked #. ES/DS OK/NOT OK 1 Q51 2 Q52 3 Q53 4 Q1 5 Q2 Page | 60 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Checked #. C.B OK/NOT OK 1 Spring Charging 2 Operation 5- Repeat this step for all bays of SWGR or GIS. Page | 61 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Surge Arrestor Procedure Test Page | 62 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 1) Surge Arrestor (Name Plate) Manufacturer Model No. Rated Voltage Rated Frequency MCOV Serial No. LD Class System Voltage PR Relief Current 2) Test Equipment’s Used: Note: Used tester types below or approved testers. S.N Type Make 1 Megger Megger 2 CPC 100 OMICRON 3 CP TD 12/15 OMICRON ** ALL CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES SHOULD BE PROVIDED. Page | 63 Calibration date Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 3) TESTS: Mechanical and Visual Inspection Test: # DESCRIPTION 1. Inspect for physical damage / defects. 2. Check tightness of all bolted connections (torque wrench method). 3. For multi-unit stacks, check that the physical arrangement of the units are erected according to the manufacturer’s specifications. 4. Check that all grounding cables are correctly and secured connected. 5. Verify Meter as per approved drawings. 6. Check name plate information for correctness as per SEC’s specifications. 7. Check that impulse counter and leakage current meter glasses are not broken or cracked. Page | 64 CHECKED (OK / NOT OK) Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Insulation Resistance Test: 3.2.1) Purpose of test: - To determine the equipment in proper condition to put in service. Results can be kept as record to compare in future and to understand the trend of insulation during maintenance. ➢ Applied Voltage: 5000V DC 3.2.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Thoroughly clean all Bushings of the surge arresters to be tested. 2- Connect megger tester as shown below. 3- Perform Insulation Resistance Testing with injected DC voltage of 5kV as per the following test connections. 4- Repeat previous steps for phases B and C. 5- Evaluate test results and compare it by FAT results. Phase R S T Page | 65 Measured Value (GΩ) Remarks (OK / NOT OK) Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. loss factor tan δ and capacitance C Test: 3.3.1) Purpose of test: - The main purpose of the tan delta test is to make sure of maintaining a secure and reliable functioning of the transformer. With the calculation of dissipation factor and capacitance values, it provides the result of insulation behavior of bushings and in windings too. - Variation in the capacitance value, for instance, it indicates partial kind of breakdowns in bushings and automated movement of windings. Insulation deprivation, aging of the equipment, enhancement in the energy levels is transformed into heat. The number of losses in these is calculated as the dissipation factor. - All modern bushings rated 23 kV and higher have a power factor, or capacitance tap which permits dissipation factor testing of the bushing while it is in place on the apparatus without disconnecting any leads to the bushing. The dis-septation factor is measured by the ungrounded specimen test (UST) which eliminates the influence of transformer winding insulation, breaker arc-interrupters, or support structures which are connected to the bushing terminal. ➢ Criteria: The acceptance criteria for field tests that the measured value doesn’t exceed 0.5% according to FAT. ➢ Using our CP TD12 respectively CP TD15 combined with TESTRANO 600 or CPC 100/80, you can determine a wide range of electric and dielectric parameters: • Power factor (cos φ) / dissipation factor (tan δ). • Capacitance. • Exciting current. 3.3.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Connect CPC100 by CP TD 12/15 Unit as shown below. 2- Apply 10kV Test voltage from CPC100 kit screen. 3- Connect test ground to apparatus ground. 4- Connect the high-voltage lead to the terminal at the top of the bushing and the low-voltage lead (red) to the power factor tap. 5- Ground the apparatus tank. The tap is normally grounded through a spring, and it is necessary, Page | 66 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 6- when making measurements, to remove the plug which seals and grounds the tap. Use the UST measure red, ground blue test mode setting (UST-R). 7- Perform the Dissipation Factor (tan δ) test as per the below test connections: PHASE R S T Page | 67 Test Voltage (kV) Capacitance (nF) DF% Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. GIS Primary Injection Procedure Test Page | 68 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 1) Test Equipment’s Used: Note: Used ODEN Tester for primary injection at GIS Busbar because high load impedance and we need high injected current. S.N Type Make 1 ODEN Megger 2 Clamp meter Megger Calibration date ** ALL CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES SHOULD BE PROVIDED. - Use series connection when you want a high voltage at a high load impedance. - Use parallel connection when you need a low internal impedance to be able to generate high current. Page | 69 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 2) TESTS: Primary Injection Test 2.1.1) Purpose of test: - Primary injection test is to ensure the CT circuits are properly connected with respected cores and there is no mix up in the circuits (phase identification). 2.1.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedure: - Core Identification Test: • In this test we confirm the CT secondary connection. • Inject low current (for example:50A). • Use small jumper to short CT secondary from CT box, the measurement will be gone at panel. • Repeat this test for all phases and cores. - Short and isolate facility Test: • We confirm the CT short and isolate facility for correct connection. • Inject low current (for example:50A). • Short CT links then isolate the external wiring to confirm CT circuit will not be opened. - Single earth point (SEP) Test: • For all CT loops, each CT loop must have one (SEP), otherwise secondary current will be divided. • Open earth point and check with buzzer that there is no earth link is closed, then close on point. - Primary injection Test: • After confirming all previous steps, CT is ready now to the primary injection test. • Choose two points to connect two terminals of ODEN Cables. • Make sure chosen closed path has two specified CTs to check them. • Use ODEN kit to inject current. • Measure the secondary current in all loop up to the end of this loop. Page | 70 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ➢ INJECTED PRIMARY CURRENT ( • CORE-1: Protection Core: Phase R S T N Page | 71 Terminal NO. Injected Current (A) Terminal NO. )A Measured Current (A) Terminal NO. Measured Current (A) Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. SWGR Primary Injection Procedure Test Page | 72 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 1) Test Equipment’s Used: Note: Used CPC 100 Tester for primary injection at SWG because is less than ODEN in weight or used another approved tester. S.N Type Make 1 CPC 100 +Current Booster CB2 OMICRON 2 Clamp meter Megger Calibration date ** ALL CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES SHOULD BE PROVIDED. - For primary injection by CPC 100,you need external booster (CB2) which connected to CPC 100 kit as shown in figure below Page | 73 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 2) TESTS: Primary Injection Test 2.1.1) Purpose of test: - Primary injection test is to ensure the CT circuits are properly connected with respected cores and there is no mix up in the circuits (phase identification). 2.1.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedure: - Core Identification Test: • In this test we confirm the CT secondary connection. • Inject low current (for example:50A). • Use small jumper to short CT secondary from CT box, the measurement will be gone at panel. • Repeat this test for all phases and cores. - Short and isolate facility Test: • We confirm the CT short and isolate facility for correct connection. • Inject low current (for example:50A). • Short CT links then isolate the external wiring to confirm CT circuit will not be opened. - Single earth point (SEP) Test: • For all CT loops, each CT loop must have one (SEP), otherwise secondary current will be divided. • Open earth point and check with buzzer that there is no earth link is closed, then close on point. - Primary injection Test: • After confirming all previous steps, CT is ready now to the primary injection test. • Choose two points to connect two terminals of ODEN Cables. • Make sure chosen closed path has two specified CTs to check them. • Use CPC100+Booster with connection is shown below kit to inject current. • Select one of two modes: - 1000A mode - 2000A mode Page | 74 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. • Measure the secondary current in all loops up to the end of this loop. ➢ INJECTED PRIMARY CURRENT ( • CORE-1: Protection Core: Phase R S T N Page | 75 Terminal NO. Injected Current (A) Terminal NO. )A Measured Current (A) Terminal NO. Measured Current (A) Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Current Transformers CT Procedure Tests Page | 76 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 1) Current Transformer Technical Data (Name Plate) Manufacturer Model No. Bay No. Rated Frequency 50 Hz Burden Class Ratio Core 1 Core 2 Core 3 Core 4 2) Test Equipment’s Used: Note: Used tester types below or approved testers. S.N Type Make 1 Megger 5K VDC Megger 2 OMICRON CT Analyzer OMICRON ** ALL CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES SHOULD BE PROVIDED. Page | 77 Calibration date Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 3) TESTS: Mechanical Check and Visual Inspection: 3.1.1) Purpose of test: - Make sure that current transformer is ready to test and doesn’t have any damage parts which prevents perfuming tests. # TEST DESCRIPTION 1. Inspect for physical damage or defects. 2. Check nameplate information for correctness. 4. Check that outdoor secondary wiring terminations are installed in moisture proof enclosures. Check tightness of all bolted connections (torque wrench method). 5. Check that all grounding cables are securely connected. 6. Check secondary wiring is correctly color coded and size of wires is as specified. 7. Check proper lugs have been used on terminations. 8. Check CT locations physically and secondary terminal labeling has been done correctly. 3. REMARKS (OK / NOT OK) 3.1) Insulation Resistance Test: 3.2.1) Purpose of test: - To determine the equipment in proper condition to put in service. Results can be kept as a record to compare in future and to understand the trend of insulation during maintenance. ➢ Applied Voltage: • 5000V DC for Primary – Earth. • 2500V DC for Primary – Secondary. • 1000V DC for Secondary - Secondary & Secondary - Earth ➢ Criteria: As per FAT): More than 2500 MΩ for Primary – Secondary – Earth More than 2000 MΩ for Secondary - Earth and between secondaries. ➢ Note: This test is performed for GIS/SWG current transformer. Page | 78 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 3.2.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedure: 1- Connect megger tester as shown below. 2- Apply voltage test value for each connection. 3- Make sure CT secondaries earth connection are disconnected. 4- Make sure GIS/SWG is earthed successfully. 5- Evaluate test results and compare it by FAT results. Phase: n Primary Earth Core 1 Core 2 Core 3 Core 4 Primary - Earth Page | 79 Core 1 Core 2 Core 3 Core 4 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Winding Resistance Test: 3.3.1) Purpose of test: - Secondary resistance test is to verify the CT secondary winding resistance with specified one and no discontinuity in the winding. - Make sure measured value doesn’t affect on knee voltage value of current transformer. ➢ The Resistance card is only available if winding resistance measurement is enabled in the Select Cards page (Default Test Card Selection or Select Cards soft key in the CT-Object card). ➢ Depending on your selection on the Select Cards page, the Resistance card shows the parameters and results for the primary winding resistance measurement or the secondary winding resistance measurement only, or for both measurements. Page | 80 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ➢ Criteria: within +/- 5% of FAT test Reports ➢ Note: CT Analyzer by OMICRON tester is used for all tests of current transformer. 3.3.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedure: 1- Connect CT to CT Analyzer kit as shown in figure below. 2- Make sure terminal slide of secondary wiring is opened. 3- Choose the below tests from tester window. 4- Evaluate results as software file report which is printed later to attached with main test report. 5- Compare measured values with FAT results. Page | 81 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Turns Ratio-Polarity Test: 3.4.1) Purpose of test: - Ratio test is to ensure the turns ratio of the all the taps. - Make sure polarity of CT is OK for performing succeed stability test. ➢ Criteria: (As per FAT Results). ➢ The Ratio card is only available if it is enabled in the Select Cards page (Default Test Settings or Select Cards soft key in the CTObject card). ➢ The ratio test measures the current ratio of the CT considering the operating burden (parameter "Burden" in CT-Object card) or the nominal burden (parameter "VA" in CT-Object card). ➢ For a better understanding of the test results, the most important settings from the CT-Object card are shown once again in the upper part of the Ratio card. ➢ Note: Although the test is not performed with the real current, the test results reflect the current ratio and not the voltage ratio. ➢ Note: Although the test is not performed with the real current, the test results reflect the current ratio and not the voltage ratio. Page | 82 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 3.4.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedure: 1- Connect CT to CT Analyzer kit as shown in figure below. 2- Make sure terminal slide of secondary wiring is opened. 3- Choose the below tests from tester window. 4- Evaluate results as software file report which is printed later to attached with main test report. 5- Compare measured values with FAT results Excitation Curve Test: 3.5.1) Purpose of test: - Mag curve test is to confirm the magnetization characteristics of CT. - Calculate knee voltage point for current transformer which CT enter saturation region after this point. ➢ The excitation graph page shows the graph calculated from the test results. ➢ To display the excitation graph, press the Exist. Graph soft key in the Excitation card. The graph shows the r.m.s. terminal/core voltage over the r.m.s./peak current depending on the selected standard. ➢ Criteria: The %age error for Magnetizing current shall be within +/-5% of the factory Test. ➢ ALL OMICRON CT ANALYZER REPORTS ARE PROVIDED. ➢ ALL FAT REPORTS ARE PROVIDED. Page | 83 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 3.5.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedure: 1- Connect CT to CT Analyzer kit as shown in figure below. 2- Make sure terminal slide of secondary wiring is opened. 3- Choose the below tests from tester window. 4- Evaluate results as software file report which is printed later to attached with main test report. 5- Compare measured values with FAT results. Burden Test: 3.6.1) Purpose of test: - Calculate secondary winding connected burden (VA) and compare it by name plate values or FAT results. - Calculate resistance of secondary winding of current transformer and compare it by name plate values or FAT results. ➢ The Burden card is only available if it is enabled on the Select Cards page (Default Test Card Selection or Select Cards soft key in the CT-Object card). ➢ Using the Burden card, a current transformer’s secondary burden impedance can be measured with the selected secondary current (Isn) at nominal frequency. ➢ If a current other than Isn should be used to test the burden, the desired test current can be entered in the "I-test" parameter field. Page | 84 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 3.6.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedure: 1- Connect CT to CT Analyzer kit as shown in figure below. 2- Make sure terminal slide of secondary wiring is opened. 3- Choose the below tests from tester window. 4- Evaluate results as software file report which is printed later to attached with main test report. 5- Compare measured values with FAT results Page | 85 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. CT Loop Procedure Test Page | 86 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 1) Current Transformer Technical Data (Name Plate) Manufacturer Model No. Bay No. Rated Frequency 50 Hz Burden Class Ratio Core 1 Core 2 Core 3 Core 4 2) Test Equipment’s Used: Note: Used tester types below or approved testers. S.N Type Make 1 FREJA 300 Megger 2 Multi-Ammeter Megger ** ALL CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES SHOULD BE PROVIDED. Page | 87 Calibration date Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 3) TESTS: Secondary Loop current Injection Test: 3.1.1) Purpose of test: - Check the CTS’ protection and metering cores loops continuity. - Make sure all injected values are corrected at metering and protection devices. ➢ Criteria: As per FAT): %error accuracy of metering and protection core. 3.1.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedure: 1- Make sure CT terminal block slide is opened to inject secondary loop. 2- Connect 4 wire of FREJA tester for 4 points of CT from schematic DWG. 3- Make sure that one specified (SEP) single earth point. 4- Measure the secondary current in all loops up to the end of this loop. 5- Inject different values of current to make sure no swape between external cores of cable. 6- Evaluate test results and compare it by FAT results. Page | 88 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Phase Terminal NO. Injected Current (A) Terminal NO. Measured Current (A) Terminal NO. Measured Current (A) 0.25 ∟0▪ 0.5 ∟240▪ 0.75 ∟120▪ 0.43 R S T N Loop Resistance and Burden Test: 3.2.1) Purpose of test: - Calculate external loop resistance and connected load burden with CT. - Make sure measured values are within range of name plate data or FAT results. ➢ Criteria: As per Name Plate Data): value of CT Burden. 3.2.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedure: 1- Inject 1A from FREJA tester for all phases. 2- By using multimeter measure voltage of each core for each phase. 3- Compare measured values with name plate data if accepted. 4- Repeat this step for all phases with all cores. Phase R Core ZR(Ω) Burden (VA) Phase Y ZS(Ω) Burden (VA) Phase B ZT(Ω) Burden (VA) Core 1 Core 2 Core 3 Core 4 ➢ For Burden Check we inject rated current (1A) and then measure VA for each single phase. Page | 89 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Voltage Transformers VT Procedure Tests Page | 90 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 1) Voltage Transformer Technical Data (Name Plate) Manufacturer Model No. Bay No. Rated Frequency Ratio Burden Class Phase R Phase S Phase T Core 1 Core 2 Core 3 Serial No. 2) Test Equipment’s Used: Note: Used tester types below or approved testers. S.N Type Make 1 Megger 5K VDC Megger 2 CPC 100 OMICRON ** ALL CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES SHOULD BE PROVIDED. Page | 91 Calibration date Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 3) TESTS: Mechanical Check and Visual Inspection: 3.1.1) Purpose of test: - Make sure that voltage transformer is ready to test and doesn’t have any damage parts which prevents perfuming tests. REMARKS # TEST DESCRIPTION (OK / NOT OK) 1. Inspect for physical damage or defects. 2. Check nameplate information for correctness. 3. Check tightness of all bolted connection. Check that the HV connection does not transfer stress to the HV 4. terminal. 5. Check that all grounding cables are securely connected. Check mechanical clearances and proper operation of all isolation and 6. grounding devices (as applicable). 7. Check integrity of primary fuses (if applicable). 8. Check insulation liquid level (if applicable). Insulation Resistance Test: 3.2.1) Purpose of test: - To determine the equipment in proper condition to put in service. Results can be kept as record to compare in future and to understand the trend of insulation during maintenance ➢ Applied Voltage: • 5000V DC for Primary – Earth. • 2500V DC for Primary – Secondary. • 1000V DC for Secondary - Secondary & Secondary - Earth ➢ Criteria: As per FAT): More than 2500 MΩ for Primary – Secondary – Earth More than 2000 MΩ for Secondary - Earth and between secondaries. Page | 92 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ➢ Note: This test is performed for GIS/SWG voltage transformer. 3.2.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedure: 1- Connect megger tester as shown below. 2- Apply voltage test value for each connection. 3- Make sure VT secondaries earth connection are disconnected. 4- Make sure GIS/SWG is earthed successfully. 5- Evaluate test results and compare it by FAT results. Core 1 Primary Earth Core 1 Core 2 Core 3 Primary – Earth Page | 93 Core 2 Core 3 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Winding Resistance Test 3.3.1) Purpose of test: - Winding resistance test is to verify the PT primary and secondary have no discontinuity or abnormal in the winding. ➢ Criteria: within +/- 5% of FAT test Reports ➢ Note: CT Analyzer by OMICRON tester is used for all tests of current transformer. 3.3.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedure: 1- Setup the CALIBRATED test instrument in a firm, reasonably level base and dry area. 2- Identify test parameters and terminals for proper connections. 3- Set-up and effectively ground the test instrument. Supply voltage, 110Vac or 230Vac. Conduct testing as per the following illustrated test Connections: Page | 94 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 4- Power ON the Test Instrument and select R-Winding Test Card. 5- Properly fill-up test settings: 6- Press I/O (test start/stop) push-button to start the test. 7- Save test card for printing. For multi-tap core/s, create and save test card for each tap tested. 8- Note and record all necessary test parameters 9- Evaluate test result as per general standard ratings and accuracy classes for Voltage transformers. Phase R (mΩ) Phase S (mΩ) Phase T (mΩ) Core 1 Core 2 Core 3 ➢ ALL FAT REPORTS ARE PROVIDED. Polarity Check Test: 3.4.1) Purpose of test: - Make sure that polarity is ok for all cores of VT to avoid maloperation of protection relays or metering devices. ➢ Criteria: Polarity is OK. 3.4.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedure: 1- Setup the CALIBRATED test instrument in a firm, reasonably level base and dry area. 2- Identify test parameters and terminals for proper connections. 3- Set-up and effectively ground the test instrument. Supply voltage, 110Vac or 230Vac. Conduct testing as per the following illustrated test Connections: Page | 95 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 4- Power ON the Test Instrument and select Polarity Test Card. 5- Properly fill-up test settings: 6- Press I/O (test start/stop) push-button to start the test. 7- Save test card for printing. For multi-tap core/s, create and save test card for each tap tested. 8- Note and record all necessary test parameters 9- Evaluate test result as per general standard ratings and accuracy classes for Voltage transformers. Phase R Phase S Phase T Core 1 (OK / NOT OK) (OK / NOT OK) (OK / NOT OK) Core 2 (OK / NOT OK) (OK / NOT OK) (OK / NOT OK) Core 3 (OK / NOT OK) (OK / NOT OK) (OK / NOT OK) Turns Ratio Error Test: 3.5.1) Purpose of test: - Calculate turns ratio of VT to make sure that VT is achieved requirements for protection and metering. ➢ Criteria: The %age error for Ratio test shall be within +/-0.5% of FAT results. ➢ ALL FAT REPORTS ARE PROVIDED. 3.5.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedure: 1- Setup the CALIBRATED test instrument in a firm, reasonably level base and dry area. 2- Identify test parameters and terminals for proper connections. 3- Set-up and effectively ground the test instrument. Supply voltage, 110Vac or 230Vac. Conduct testing as per the following illustrated test Connections: Page | 96 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 4567- Power ON the Test Instrument and select VT Ratio Test Card. Properly fill-up test settings: Press I/O (test start/stop) push-button to start the test. Save test card for printing. For multi-tap core/s, create and save test card for each tap tested. 8- Note and record all necessary test parameters. 9- Evaluate test result as per general standard ratings. Calculated ratio Phase R Measured ratio Core 1 Core 2 Core 3 Page | 97 Ratio Error (%) Phase S Measured ratio Ratio Error (%) Phase T Measured ratio Ratio Error (%) Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Burden Test: 3.1.10) Purpose of test: - Calculate secondary winding connected burden (VA) and compare it by name plate values or FAT results. - Calculate resistance of secondary winding of current transformer and compare it by name plate values or FAT results. ➢ The Burden card is only available if it is enabled on the Select Cards page (Default Test Card Selection or Select Cards soft key in the CT-Object card). ➢ Using the Burden card, a current transformer’s secondary burden impedance can be measured with the selected secondary current (Isn) at nominal frequency. ➢ If a current other than Isn should be used to test the burden, the desired test current can be entered in the "I-test" parameter field. 3.1.11) 1234- Work Instructions/Test Procedure: Connect CT to CT Analyzer kit as shown in figure below. Make sure terminal slide of secondary wiring is opened. Choose the below tests from tester window. Evaluate results as software file report which is printed later to attached with main test report. 5- Compare measured values with FAT results Page | 98 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. VT Loop Procedure Test Page | 99 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 1) Voltage Transformer Technical Data (Name Plate) Manufacturer Model No. Bay No. Rated Frequency Ratio Burden Class Phase R Phase S Phase T Core 1 Core 2 Core 3 Serial No. 2) Test Equipment’s Used: Note: Used tester types below or approved testers. S. N Type Make 1 FREJA 300 Megger ** ALL CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES SHOULD BE PROVIDED. Page | 100 Calibration date Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 3) TESTS: Secondary Loop Voltage Injection Test: 3.1.1) Purpose of test: - Check the VTS’ protection and metering cores loops continuity. - Secondary injection test is to verify the VT wiring connected properly to the load and there is no discontinuity and all the VT ratio setting set inside the protection devices are correct. ➢ Criteria: As per FAT): %error accuracy of metering and protection core. 3.1.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures : 1- Make sure VT terminal block slide is opened to inject secondary loop. 2- Connect 4 wire of FREJA tester for 4 points of VT from schematic DWG. 3- Make sure that one specified (SEP) single earth point. 4- Measure the secondary voltage in all loop up to the end of this loop. 5- Inject different values of voltage to make sure no swape between external cores of cable. 6- Evaluate test results and compare it by FAT results. Bay: Bay: Bay: Phase Terminal NO. R S T Page | 101 Injected Voltage (V) (0.25Vr) =14.4 (0.5Vr) =28.9 (Vr)=57.73 Terminal NO. Measured Voltage (V) Terminal NO. Measured Voltage (V) Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Power Transformers Procedure Tests Page | 102 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 1) Transformer Technical Data (Name Plate) - For example: this name plate for power transformer installed at Traction_2 SS - Page | 103 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 2) Test Equipment’s Used: Note: Used tester types below or approved testers by consultant. S.N Type Make 1 Megger 5K VDC Megger 2 CPC 100 OMICRON 3 Diesel Generator PREDATOR 4 Multimeter + Clamp meter Megger 5 CP TD 12/15 OMICRON 6 FRAX99 – Sweep Frequency Response Analysis 7 Microcal T500 8 ZWJD111 Megger Euro Tron ** ALL CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES SHOULD BE PROVIDED. Page | 104 Calibration date Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 3) TESTS: Mechanical Check and Visual Inspection: 3.1.1) Purpose of test: - Make sure that transformer is ready to test and doesn’t have a damage part which prevents perfuming tests. # TEST DESCRIPTION REMARKS (OK / NOT OK) Inspect for physical damage/defects (see for any cracks, chips, etc. on 49. visible outer layer of the cast resin). 50. Check nameplate for correctness. 51. Check tightness of all bolted connections (torque wrench method). Check that all grounding is securely connected, including star point 52. neutral. 53. Perform all specific checks per manufacturer instructions 54. Check proper operation of all auxiliary devices (if applicable) Polarization Index Test: 3.2.1) Purpose of test: - Check quality of winding insulation resistance before performing high pot test and comparing it by name plate values or FAT results if its accepted. - Check for all connections as shown below. ➢ Applied Voltage: 2500/5000V DC ➢ Criteria: PI > 1.25 POLARIZATION INDEX (PI) = 10 min Insulation resistance (Meg−ohm) reading 1 min Insulation resistance (Meg−ohm) reading ≥ 1.25. 3.2.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures : 1- Connect megger tester as shown below. 2- Apply voltage test value for each connection. 3- Evaluate test results and compare it by FAT results. 4- Calculate PI value for each connection and make sure that more than criteria value. Page | 105 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 1)HV-LV winding insulation resistance test 2)HV winding-Ground insulation resistance test 3)LV winding-Ground insulation resistance test 4)Core-Frame insulation resistance test 5)Frame-Earth insulation resistance test 6)Core-Earth insulation resistance test Winding Under Test HV – E HV – LV LV- E Core + Clamp Core – E Clamp – E Page | 106 Test Voltage (kV) Results after 60 Seconds Results after 600 Seconds PI Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Turns-Ratio (TTR) Test: 3.3.1) Purpose of test: - Ratio test is used to make sure that the ratio between the windings of the primary and secondary coils follow the proper specifications. - This test ensures that the transformer will provide the proper step down in voltage. ➢ The CPC 100 tester is used or any approved suitable tester, the turns-ratio test can be performed by two types of connections (1-PH or 3-PH) connections which are available at site and approved, we use 1st connection. ➢ Criteria: The acceptance criteria for field tests that the range of measured ratio shall be equal to the calculated ration ±0.5 %. 1) Single-Phase Test Connection: CPC 100 only with a maximum output voltage of 2000V. 2) Three-Phase Test Connection: CPC 100 + CP SB1 with a maximum output voltage of 300V. 3.3.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures : 1- Connect CPC100 connections as shown below. 2- Apply selected test type from CPC100 window. 3- Connect primary winding connections and be careful during test. 4- Evaluate results during each tap. Page | 107 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Tap Voltage Tap H.V LV Measured Value Cal. Ratio Ratio Error % (mA) Ratio Error % (mA) Ratio Error % (mA) No. of Taps DC Winding Resistance Test: 3.4.1) Purpose of test: - The purpose of measuring the DC winding resistance of the transformer windings is to check the welding quality of the winding joints and whether the windings have short circuits between the windings, whether the contact positions of the voltage tap switches are good and whether the actual positions of the taps match, whether there is a break in the lead wires or not. ➢ The CPC 100 is required or any approved tester. Before beginning the DC Winding Resistance test, please consider the following, ➢ The DC Winding Resistance Test should always be the last test performed on a power transformer. ➢ The DC Winding Resistance test can be performed with the CPC 100 or another approved tester using three methods, which include: • 400A DC Method – Recommend for measuring resistances < 50mΩ and (e.g. typically useful for performing a low-voltage winding resistance measurement) • 6A DC Method – Recommended for measuring resistances > 50mΩ and <10Ω (e.g. typically useful for performing a high-voltage winding resistance measurement). • 2-Wire Method – Recommended for measuring resistances >10Ω only. ➢ Note: make sure that each phase results must same as other phases within %error. Page | 108 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 3.4.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures : 1- Connect CPC100 connections as shown below. 2- Apply selected test type from CPC100 window. 3- Connect primary winding connections and be careful during test. 4- Repeat this step for all phases at all number of taps. 5- Evaluate results during each tap. ➢ High Voltage Side Winding Resistance: ➢ Criteria: As per FAT Results. ➢ Ambient Temperature: 28ᵒC RN (Ω) TAP # SN (Ω) TN (Ω) No. of taps ➢ Low Voltage Winding Resistance: ➢ Criteria: As per FAT Results. ➢ Ambient Temperature: 28ᵒC rs (mΩ) Page | 109 st (mΩ) tr (mΩ) Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. loss factor tan δ and capacitance C of the winding Test: 3.5.1) Purpose of test: - The main purpose of the tan delta test is to make sure of maintaining a secure and reliable functioning of the transformer. With the calculation of dissipation factor and capacitance values, it provides the result of insulation behavior of bushings and in windings too. - Variation in the capacitance value, for instance, it indicates partial kind of breakdowns in bushings and automated movement of windings. Insulation deprivation, aging of the equipment, enhancement in the energy levels is transformed into heat. The number of losses in these is calculated as the dissipation factor. - With the tan delta testing method, one can easily know the dissipation factor and the capacitance values at the required level of frequencies. So, any kind of aging factor can be identified earlier, and the corresponding action can be implemented. ➢ Criteria: The acceptance criteria for field tests that the measured value doesn’t exceed 0.5% according to FAT. 3.5.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- A Tan Delta test is performed by applying an ac voltage to a test cell of known gap, measuring the total current flow through the oil, and separating and comparing the reactive and resistance portions of the current passing through the oil. 2- Connect CPC100 by CP TD 12/15 Unit as shown below. 3- Short Circuit each winding of the transformer at its bushing terminals and connect all windings to ground except the winding to be measured. 4- Apply 10kV Test voltage from CPC100 kit screen. 5- Apply all test for all connections are mentioned in table below. Page | 110 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Insulation type Test Mode HV/LV+G GST HV+LV/G GST LV/HV+G GST HV/LV UST Page | 111 Test Voltage (kV) Capacitance (nF) Leakage Current (mA) Tan Delta @ 30ᵒC Tan δ = (IR /IC) Tan Delta @ 20ᵒC Tan δ = (IR /IC) Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Page | 112 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. loss factor tan δ and capacitance C of the Bushing Test 3.5.3) Purpose of test: - The main purpose of the tan delta test is to make sure of maintaining a secure and reliable functioning of the transformer. With the calculation of dissipation factor and capacitance values, it provides the result of insulation behavior of bushings and in windings too. - Variation in the capacitance value, for instance, it indicates partial kind of breakdowns in bushings and automated movement of windings. Insulation deprivation, aging of the equipment, enhancement in the energy levels is transformed into heat. The number of losses in these is calculated as the dissipation factor. - All modern bushings rated 23 kV and higher have a power factor, or capacitance tap which permits dissipation factor testing of the bushing while it is in place on the apparatus without disconnecting any leads to the bushing. The dis-septation factor is measured by the ungrounded specimen test (UST) which eliminates the influence of transformer winding insulation, breaker arc-interrupters, or support structures which are connected to the bushing terminal. ➢ Criteria: The acceptance criteria for field tests that the measured value doesn’t exceed 0.5% according to FAT. 3.5.4) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- A Tan Delta test is performed by applying an ac voltage to a test cell of known gap, measuring the total current flow through the oil, and separating and comparing the reactive and resistance portions of the current passing through the oil. 2- Connect CPC100 by CP TD 12/15 Unit as shown below. 3- Apply 10kV Test voltage from CPC100 kit screen. 4- Connect test ground to apparatus ground. 5- Connect the high-voltage lead to the terminal at the top of the bushing and the low-voltage lead (red) to the power factor tap. 6- Ground the apparatus tank. The tap is normally grounded through a spring, and it is necessary, 7- when making measurements, to remove the plug which seals and grounds the tap. Use the UST measure red, ground blue test mode setting (UST-R). Page | 113 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 8- Apply all test for all phases are mentioned in table below. 9- Evaluate results and check if it accepted. - Connection of UST mode for Bushing insulation test. - This kit connection for illustration only. HV Insulation type Test Mode Test Voltage (kV) Tan Delta % N 10 R 10 UST-A S 10 T 10 Page | 114 Capacitance (pF) Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Zero sequence impudence Test 3.5.5) Purpose of test: - The purpose of this test is to measure the zero-sequence impedance for all-star connected windings of the transformer needed for earth fault protection and earth fault current calculations. 3.5.6) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Setup the CALIBRATED test instrument in a firm, reasonably level base and dry area. 2- Thoroughly clean all Bushings of the Transformer to be tested. 3- Identify test parameters and terminals for proper connections. 4- Conduct testing as per the following illustrated test Connections: • Test Connection with HV Winding Shorted. • Record the Measured Current (Im) and Measured Voltage (Vm) at first, middle and last tap. • Calculate the Zero Sequence Impedance Percentage error by using the formula: Z% = Page | 115 3∗𝑉𝑚/𝐼𝑚 (𝑉𝑟/√3)/𝐼𝑟 Ω/phase Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Tap position 9 Rated power 16MVA HV rated voltage: 220Kv LV rated voltage 20Kv HV rated current: 42A LV rated current 419A LV HV Vm Im Zo Zo% Vector Group Check Test 3.5.7) Purpose of test: - Vector group testing is done to ensure the parallel operation of three phase transformer connected in the power system. There are various ways of connecting three phase transformers with phase shift of 0 ,±30 and 180 degree This phase shift is due to different ways for connecting the primary and secondary windings of the transformer. To connect the various transformer, the secondary waveform should be same for all the transformer otherwise a large circulating current will flow in system that may cause short circuit 3.5.8) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Setup the CALIBRATED test instrument in a firm, reasonably level base and dry area. 2- Thoroughly clean all Bushings of the Transformer to be tested 3- Keep the tap changer of transformer at Nominal Tap 4- Identify test parameters & terminals for proper Connection (Consider a Transformer with HV Side R-Y-B-N and LV side r-y-b) 5- Refer to the following illustrations shown below for test connections: Page | 116 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 6- Record the test result in the applicable test forms and evaluate all measured values are satisfying the following table: 1T-2t = 1S-2t 1S-2t = 1S-2s 1T-2s > 1T-2t 1R-1N = (1R-2t) + (2t-1N) Page | 117 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Magnetic Balance Test 3.5.9) Purpose of test: - Magnetic Balance test used to find the distribution of Flux (Magnetic), Core Assembly Condition and defect in winding (If any). It may check at HV Side or LV Side as per requirement/ site condition. 3.5.10) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Setup the CALIBRATED test instrument in a firm, reasonably level base and dry area. 2- Thoroughly clean all Bushings of the Transformer to be tested 3- Keep the tap changer of transformer in normal position. 4- Refer to the following illustrations shown below for test connections: - TEST CONNECTION FOR POWER TRANSFORMER MAGNETIC BALANCE TEST WITH INJECTED VOLTAGE ACROSS R & N PHASES: - TEST CONNECTION FOR POWER TRANSFORMER MAGNETIC BALANCE TEST WITH INJECTED VOLTAGE ACROSS R & N PHASES: Page | 118 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. - TEST CONNECTION FOR POWER TRANSFORMER MAGNETIC BALANCE TEST WITH INJECTED VOLTAGE ACROSS R & N PHASES: 5- Record the test result in the applicable test forms. ➢ Important Note: The Injected Voltage across R-N phases shall equal to the sum of measured voltages between Y-N and B-N. The Transformer will be deemed not in good condition if this criterion is not met. ➢ Note: selected tap position:9 for our example or power transformer. Voltage measured at HV side (V) Voltage applied (V) 1R-1N 1R-1N 231 1S-1N 230.8 1T-IN 231 1S-1N 1T-1N Voltage measured at LV side Voltage applied (V) rs 1R-1N 231 1S-1N 230.8 1T-IN 231 Page | 119 st tr Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Short Circuit Impedance Test 3.5.11) Purpose of test: - The main purpose of this test is to compute the following: • Equivalent impedance of the transformer referred to primary and secondary. • Cu loss of the transformer at any desired load. • Total voltage drops of the transformer referred to primary and secondary. 3.5.12) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Setup the CALIBRATED test instrument in a firm, reasonably level base and dry area. 2- Thoroughly clean all Bushings of the Transformer to be tested 3- Identify test parameters and terminals for proper connections. 4- Conduct testing as per the following illustrated test Connections: Page | 120 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 5- Record the Measured Input Voltage and Current as shown in the Above Connections at each phase for the first Tap, middle tap and last tap. 6- For each of the recorded Input and Current Voltage, Calculate the Average Value from all the phases. 7- Record the Rated Current and Voltage at first, middle and last taps. 8- Calculate the Impedance Voltage and %Z from by using the following formulas for each phase. Impedance Voltage = Z% = Rated Tap Current x measured Voltage Impedance Voltage Rated Tap Voltage Average Current 𝑥100 ➢ Criteria: Acceptance Criteria: (As per SEC Standard) ±10% Page | 121 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Excitation Current (No load) Test 3.5.13) Purpose of test: - The purpose of this test is to detect short-circuited turns, poor electrical connections, core de-laminations, core lamination shorts, tap changer problems, and other possible core and winding problems. On threephase transformers, results are also compared between phases. 3.5.14) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Setup the CALIBRATED test instrument in a firm, reasonably level base and dry area. 2- Thoroughly clean all Bushings of the Transformer to be tested 3- Identify test parameters and terminals for proper connections. 4- Conduct testing as per the following illustrated test Connections: Measure the No Load Current at First Tap, Middle tap, and Last tap. Page | 122 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 5- Record the measured values of No-Load Current for HV and LV test connections on applicable test forms/Formats Test Mode 1R-1N UST-A 1S-1N UST-A 1T-IN UST-A I (mA) ➢ Criteria: Acceptance Criteria: As FAT results. Page | 123 P (W) Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. SFRA Test 3.5.15) Purpose of test: - SFRA test is nothing but a Sweep Frequency Response analysis, which is used to find out the physical condition of transformer windings. - The winding of transformer or alternator rotor’s may be exposed to mechanical stresses during unsafe transportation, lightning impulse, heavy short circuit faults, transient switching impulses, and DC component etc. Due to these mechanical stresses may damage the transformer’s winding or cause displacement or deformation of transformer windings from its original position. - If the mechanical stress is high or exceeded the threshold limit, then the transformer winding may touch the core which creates the earth fault between the winding to core. ➢ Main Purposes of SFRA Test: - Transformer Core displacement - Winding displacement for both rotor and transformer - Broken or loosen clamp connections - Inter turn short circuit - Internal short circuit - Winding to Core Earth fault - Winding Open circuit condition Page | 124 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 3.5.16) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Position the test equipment/s on a safe location where possibility of falling objects is remote to happen. 2- Ensure proper grounding of the Transformer and Test equipment to be used. 3- Refer to the following diagrams for proper test connections using different FRA Measurement methods: - Considering that the Transformer being tested is in YNd11 Group, Perform the FRA test by using the End-to-End OPEN circuit method as shown in the diagram on the left and repeat for each of the phases. Page | 125 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. - Considering that the Transformer being tested is in YNd11 Group, Perform the FRA test by using the CAPACITIVE inter-winding test method as shown in the diagram on the left and repeat for each of the phases. Page | 126 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. - Considering that the Transformer being tested is in YNd11 Group, Perform the FRA test by using the End-to-End SHORT circuit method as shown in the diagram on the left and repeat for each of the phases. - Considering that the Transformer being tested is in YNd11 Group, Perform the FRA test by using the INDUCTIVE inter-winding test method as shown in the diagram on the left and repeat for each of the phase. Page | 127 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 4- Record the test results in standard test forms and evaluate as per the below common methods of FRA measurement assessment: • Time-based comparison: Current SFRA results are compared to previous results on the same power transformer under test. SFRA Results for all phases of HV Side SFRA Results for all phases of LV Side Page | 128 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. • Type-based comparison: Current SFRA results are compared to another power transformer of the same design (sister unit). • Phase-based comparison: Current SFRA results of one phase are compared to the results of the other phases of the same power transformer under test. SFRA Result for Separate R-Phase of HV Side SFRA Result for Separate R-Phase of LV Side Page | 129 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. SFRA Test Result for Power Transformer as example. Page | 130 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Oil and Winding Temperature Calibration Test 3.5.17) Purpose of test: - The temperature parameter represents the most important factor to fulfill quality, operational safety, and reliability of industrial processes. Thermocouples, RTDs and any other temperature sensors, when installed in an industrial process, they are subjected to mechanical, thermal, and chemical stresses which accelerate their aging. Therefore, it is a recommended procedure to inspect, check and calibrate each sensor during the commissioning phase and at regular and programmed time intervals. 3.5.18) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Position the test equipment/s on a safe location where possibility of falling objects is remote to happen. 2- Ensure proper grounding of the equipment to be used. 3- Set up of the Test Set: • Temperature Indicator Sensor calibration by Immersion in a heated Oil: - Actual photos of Oil Temperature calibration test on site Page | 131 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. - Record The temperature in the Oil Temp Indicator sensor and evaluate the result as per the acceptance. - Repeat the Procedure for HV and LV winding Temperature Indicators. ➢ Criteria: AS per FAT results ≤ ± 3 degree. • Winding Temperature Calibration by Secondary Current Injection: 4- Record the Following Temperature Measurements and evaluate as per the Transformer’s Manual specifications: • Oil temp at Start (A) • Oil temp at end (B) • Winding temp before current injection (C) • Winding temp after 45mins (D) • Reference simulated temperature Rise • Simulated Temperature rise measured ((D-C) – (B-A)) ➢ Note: Measured Temperatures must be as per manufacture manual specs. Reference Temp No. of Temp. Ref Page | 132 Oil Temp Indicator HV Winding Temp. Indicator1 HV Winding Temp. Indicator2 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. On Load Tap Changer Test 3.5.19) Purpose of test: - Transformers equipped with on-load tap changers (OLTCs) are crucial components in the power system due to their purpose of maintaining the voltage output desired. To maintain these voltages, they are required to perform frequent operations. - We make sure control operating panel of OLTC meet operation requirements. 3.5.20) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Position the test equipment/s on a safe location where possibility of falling objects is remote to happen. 2- Ensure proper grounding of the Transformer and Test equipment to be used. 3- Measure the Motor Starting Current of the OLTC MDU for all phases and repeat with 1 phase removed for a specific time duration as per the below figure. 4- Measure the Motor Running Current of the OLTC MDU for all phases and repeat with 1 phase removed for a specific time duration. 5- Measure the Voltages across R-Y, Y-B, and B-R phases during Operation of the OLTC’s MDU. Page | 133 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 6- Physically check the rotation of the OLTC MDU during operation by verifying if the direction of rotation is in clockwise direction. 7- Measure the resistance of OLTC MDU of all taps and repeat for all Modules 8- Record and Evaluate Test results in Test Forms. Remarks # Description (OK / NOT OK) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 HEATER Mechanical operation check Socket outlet MECHANICAL LOCK (LOWER & UPPER) LIMIT ELECTRICAL LOCK (LOWER & UPPER) LIMIT INTERLOCKING SWITCH WITH HAND CRANK Electrical operation COUNTER OPERATION checkup Local operation switch Local remote check STOP AND ROTATION POINTERS WIRING check 13 CHECK VOLTAGE, PHASE ROTATION and MOTOR FOR OLTC running CURRENT (AMPS) Page | 134 voltage current Phase rotation Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Oil Dielectric Breakdown Test 3.5.21) Purpose of test: - Oils that combine a high flashpoint with high dielectric strength have long been used as an insulating medium in transformers, switchgear, and other electrical apparatus. To ensure that the dielectric strength of the oil does not deteriorate however, proper maintenance is essential, and the basis of proper maintenance is testing. - For in-service equipment, there are many test techniques for evaluating the condition of the insulating oil. If the technique of dissolved gas analysis is excluded, oil tests can be divided into two basic groups. • The first group includes tests that are concerned with the immediate condition and acceptability of the insulation in an item of electrical equipment. This group includes dielectric breakdown voltage testing as well as moisture measurement by the Karl Fischer (KF) method, and determination of insulation condition by measuring the dielectric dissipation factor. • The second group includes tests that look at the degree of degradation and aging of the equipment’s insulation system. These tests include interfacial tension, acidity (neutralization value), resistivity and visual determination of color and appearance of the insulating oil. 3.5.22) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Position the test equipment on a safe location where possibility of falling objects is remote to happen. 2- Ensure proper grounding of the equipment to be used. 3- Set up of the Test Set: • Place the instrument on a firm, reasonably level base and dry area. • Clean the test cup/vessel using a dry hydrocarbon solvent, then dry and fill with the sample fluid to a prescribed level. • The liquid is then gently agitated to remove air bubbles, and then allowed to stand for 3 to 5 minutes. 4- Connect the test cup/vessel to the oil dielectric tester and apply the necessary voltage(kV/second) until the oil sample breaks down. Page | 135 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. (When the current arcs across the gap between the electrodes, the voltage at that instant is the dielectric breakdown strength). ➢ Typical oil color specimens the darker the color the more contaminants present: 5- Record and evaluate the results in the Test Form/s. Model Power Transformer S/N Sample 1 2 3 4 5 6 mean Page | 136 Upper OR Lower Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Supervision Equipment Functional Test 3.5.23) Purpose of test: - To guide the responsible persons in conducting Supervision Equipment’s MK Scheme & Functional Check of Power Transformer. 3.5.24) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Ensure proper grounding of the Transformer and Test equipment to be used. 2- Check all circuits as per schematic drawing of MK panel and highlight with yellow if its ok. 3- Alarms & trips shall be checked in HMI’s, workstations, and gateways. Trip commands shall be checked by closing related CB’s. 4- All functions shall be checked as per scheme, checklist, test forms and settings and all should be recorded in checklist and test forms which are to be duly signed. Page | 137 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Item Equipment 1 OTI1 Oil temperature Indicator 2 OTI2 Oil temperature Indicator 3 WTI1 Winding Temperature Indicator 4 OTL1 Oil Level Indicator for Main tank Signal Air cooling control Air cooling control Alarm Trip Air cooling control Air cooling control Alarm Trip spare spare Alarm Trip Low oil level alarm High oil level alarm Low oil level alarm High oil level alarm 5 OTL/TC1 Oil Level Indicator for OLTC 6 GOR1 Buchholz Relay for Main Tank 7 GOR/TC1 Buchholz Relay for OLTC PRD1 Pressure Relief Device for Main Tank PRD2 Pressure Relief Device for Main Tank PRD1 Quick acting oil pressure relay 8 9 10 Page | 138 Low oil level alarm Low oil level alarm High oil level alarm High oil level alarm Alarm Alarm Trip Trip Trip 1 Trip 2 Trip Trip Trip Trip TRIP Terminal at Marshalling Status Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Traction Transformers Procedure Tests Page | 139 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 1) Transformer Technical Data (Name Plate) - For example: this name plate for Traction transformer installed at Traction_1 SS - Page | 140 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 2) Test Equipment’s Used: Note: Used tester types below or approved testers by consultant. S.N Type Make 1 Megger 5K VDC Megger 2 CPC 100 OMICRON 3 Diesel Generator PREDATOR 4 Multimeter + Clamp meter Megger 5 CP TD 12/15 OMICRON 6 FRAX99 – Sweep Frequency Response Analysis 7 Microcal T500 8 ZWJD111 Megger Euro Tron ** ALL CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES SHOULD BE PROVIDED. Page | 141 Calibration date Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 3) TESTS: Mechanical Check and Visual Inspection: 3.1.1) Purpose of test: - Make sure that transformer is ready to test and doesn’t have a damage part which prevents perfuming tests. # TEST DESCRIPTION REMARKS (OK / NOT OK) Inspect for physical damage/defects (see for any cracks, chips, etc. on 55. visible outer layer of the cast resin). 56. Check nameplate for correctness. 1. Check tightness of all bolted connections (torque wrench method). 2. Check that all grounding is securely connected, including star point neutral. 3. Perform all specific checks per manufacturer instructions 4. Check proper operation of all auxiliary devices (if applicable) Polarization Index Test: 3.2.1) Purpose of test: - Check quality of winding insulation resistance before performing high pot test and comparing it by name plate values or FAT results if its accepted. - Check for all connections as shown below. ➢ Applied Voltage: 2500/5000V DC ➢ Criteria: PI > 1.25 POLARIZATION INDEX (PI) = 10 min Insulation resistance (Meg−ohm) reading 1 min Insulation resistance (Meg−ohm) reading ≥ 1.25. 3.2.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Connect megger tester as shown below. 2- Apply voltage test value for each connection. 3- Evaluate test results and compare it by FAT results. 4- Calculate PI value for each connection and make sure that more than criteria value. Page | 142 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 1)HV-LV winding insulation resistance test 4)Core-Frame insulation resistance test Winding Under Test HV –E HV – LV1 HV-LV2 LV1-E LV2-E LV1-LV2 Core-E Clamp-E Page | 143 Test Voltage 2)HV winding-Ground insulation resistance test 3)LV winding-Ground insulation resistance test 5)Frame-Earth insulation resistance test 6)Core-Earth insulation resistance test 15 Seconds (G Ω) 60 Seconds (G Ω) 600 Seconds (G Ω) PI Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Turns-Ratio (TTR) Test: 3.3.1) Purpose of test: - Ratio test is used to make sure that the ratio between the windings of the primary and secondary coils follow the proper specifications. - This test ensures that the transformer will provide the proper step down in voltage. ➢ The CPC 100 tester is used or any approved suitable tester, the turns-ratio test can be performed by two types of connections (1-PH or 3-PH) connections which are available at site and approved, we use 1st connection. ➢ Criteria: The acceptance criteria for field tests that the range of measured ratio shall be equal to the calculated ratio ±0.5 %. 3) Single-Phase Test Connection: CPC 100 only with a maximum output voltage of 2000V. 4) Three-Phase Test Connection: CPC 100 + CP SB1 with a maximum output voltage of 300V. 3.3.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures : 1- Connect CPC100 connections as shown below. 2- Apply selected test type from CPC100 window. 3- Connect primary winding connections and be careful during test. 4- Evaluate results during each tap. Page | 144 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Tap Voltage Tap H.V LV Cal. Ratio Measured Value VRS/Vrn 1 Error% mA VTS/Vtn 2 Error% mA No. of Taps 220Kv 27.5Kv DC Winding Resistance Test: 3.4.1) Purpose of test: - The purpose of measuring the DC winding resistance of the transformer windings is to check the welding quality of the winding joints and whether the windings have short circuits between the windings, whether the contact positions of the voltage tap switches are good and whether the actual positions of the taps match, whether there is a break in the lead wires or not. ➢ The CPC 100 is required or any approved tester. Before beginning the DC Winding Resistance test, please consider the following, ➢ The DC Winding Resistance Test should always be the last test performed on a power transformer. ➢ The DC Winding Resistance test can be performed with the CPC 100 or another approved tester using three methods, which include: • 400A DC Method – Recommend for measuring resistances < 50mΩ and (e.g. typically useful for performing a low-voltage winding resistance measurement) • 6A DC Method – Recommended for measuring resistances > 50mΩ and <10Ω (e.g. typically useful for performing a high-voltage winding resistance measurement). • 2-Wire Method – Recommended for measuring resistances >10Ω only. ➢ Note: make sure that each phase results must same as other phases within %error. Page | 145 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 3.4.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures : 1- Connect CPC100 connections as shown below. 2- Apply selected test type from CPC100 window. 3- Connect primary winding connections and be careful during test. 4- Repeat this step for all phases at all number of taps. 5- Evaluate results during each tap. - High Voltage Side Winding Resistance: ➢ Criteria: As per FAT Results. ➢ Ambient Temperature: 28ᵒC RS (Ω) TAP # TS (Ω) No. of taps - Low Voltage Winding Resistance: ➢ Criteria: As per FAT Results. ➢ Ambient Temperature: 28ᵒC rn 1 (mΩ) Page | 146 tn 1 (mΩ) Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Loss factor tan δ and capacitance C of the winding Test: 3.5.1) Purpose of test: - The main purpose of the tan delta test is to make sure of maintaining a secure and reliable functioning of the transformer. With the calculation of dissipation factor and capacitance values, it provides the result of insulation behavior of bushings and in windings too. - Variation in the capacitance value, for instance, it indicates partial kind of breakdowns in bushings and automated movement of windings. Insulation deprivation, aging of the equipment, enhancement in the energy levels is transformed into heat. The number of losses in these is calculated as the dissipation factor. - With the tan delta testing method, one can easily know the dissipation factor and the capacitance values at the required level of frequencies. So, any kind of aging factor can be identified earlier, and the corresponding action can be implemented. ➢ Criteria: The acceptance criteria for field tests that the measured value doesn’t exceed 0.5% according to FAT. 3.5.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- A Tan Delta test is performed by applying an ac voltage to a test cell of known gap, measuring the total current flow through the oil, and separating and comparing the reactive and resistance portions of the current passing through the oil. 2- Connect CPC100 by CP TD 12/15 Unit as shown below. 3- Short Circuit each winding of the transformer at its bushing terminals and connect all windings to ground except the winding to be measured. 4- Apply 10kV Test voltage from CPC100 kit screen. 5- Apply all test for all connections are mentioned in table below. Page | 147 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Page | 148 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Insulation type Test Mode Test Voltage KV HV / LV+G GST 10 HV+ LV1/LV2+G GST 10 HV+ LV2/LV1+G GST 10 LV1/HV+LV2+G GST 10 LV2/HV+LV1+G GST 10 LV1+LV2/HV+G GST 10 HV+LV1,2/G GST 10 HV/LV1 USTA 10 HV/LV2 USTA 10 Page | 149 Capacitance nf Tan Delta % At 20 0C Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. loss factor tan δ and capacitance C of the Bushing Test 3.5.3) Purpose of test: - The main purpose of the tan delta test is to make sure of maintaining a secure and reliable functioning of the transformer. With the calculation of dissipation factor and capacitance values, it provides the result of insulation behavior of bushings and in windings too. - Variation in the capacitance value, for instance, it indicates partial kind of breakdowns in bushings and automated movement of windings. Insulation deprivation, aging of the equipment, enhancement in the energy levels is transformed into heat. The number of losses in these is calculated as the dissipation factor. - All modern bushings rated 23 kV and higher have a power factor, or capacitance tap which permits dissipation factor testing of the bushing while it is in place on the apparatus without disconnecting any leads to the bushing. The dis-septation factor is measured by the ungrounded specimen test (UST) which eliminates the influence of transformer winding insulation, breaker arc-interrupters, or support structures which are connected to the bushing terminal. ➢ Criteria: The acceptance criteria for field tests that the measured value doesn’t exceed 0.5% according to FAT. 3.5.4) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Connect CPC100 by CP TD 12/15 Unit as shown below. 2- Apply 10kV Test voltage from CPC100 kit screen. 3- Connect test ground to apparatus ground. 4- Connect the high-voltage lead to the terminal at the top of the bushing and the low-voltage lead (red) to the power factor tap. 5- Ground the apparatus tank. The tap is normally grounded through a spring, and it is necessary, 6- when making measurements, to remove the plug which seals and grounds the tap. Use the UST measure red, ground blue test mode setting (UST-R). 7- Apply all test for all phases are mentioned in table below. 8- Evaluate results and check if it accepted. Page | 150 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. - Connection of UST mode for Bushing insulation test. - This kit connection for illustration only. Test Voltage (kV) Insulation type R Test Mode 10 S 10 T 10 Page | 151 HV Tan Delta % Capacitance (pF) Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Vector Group Check Test 3.5.5) Purpose of test: - Vector group testing is done to ensure the parallel operation of three phase transformer connected in the power system. There are various ways of connecting three phase transformers with phase shift of 0 ,±30 and 180 degree This phase shift is due to different ways for connecting the primary and secondary windings of the transformer. To connect the various transformer, the secondary waveform should be same for all the transformer otherwise a large circulating current will flow in system that may cause short circuit 3.5.6) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Setup the CALIBRATED test instrument in a firm, reasonably level base and dry area. 2- Thoroughly clean all Bushings of the Transformer to be tested 3- Keep the tap changer of transformer at Nominal Tap 4- Identify test parameters & terminals for proper Connection (Consider a Transformer with HV Side R-S-T and LV side rn1&tn2) 5- Refer to the following illustrations shown below for test connections: Page | 152 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 6- Record the test result in the applicable test forms and evaluate all measured values are satisfying the following table: R-S=T-S=S-T R-S>S-n1 T-S>S-n2 R-S=(r-n1) +(S-n1) T-S=(t-n2) +(S-n2) Page | 153 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Magnetic Balance Test 3.5.7) Purpose of test: - Magnetic Balance test used to find the distribution of Flux (Magnetic), Core Assembly Condition and defect in winding (If any). It may check at HV Side or LV Side as per requirement/ site condition. 3.5.8) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Setup the CALIBRATED test instrument in a firm, reasonably level base and dry area. 2- Thoroughly clean all Bushings of the Transformer to be tested 3- Keep the tap changer of transformer in normal position. 4- Refer to the following illustrations shown below for test connections: - TEST CONNECTION FOR POWER TRANSFORMER MAGNETIC BALANCE TEST WITH INJECTED VOLTAGE ACROSS R & N PHASES: - TEST CONNECTION FOR POWER TRANSFORMER MAGNETIC BALANCE TEST WITH INJECTED VOLTAGE ACROSS R & N PHASES: - TEST CONNECTION FOR POWER TRANSFORMER MAGNETIC BALANCE TEST WITH INJECTED VOLTAGE ACROSS R & N PHASES: Page | 154 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 5- Record the test result in the applicable test forms. ➢ Important Note: The Injected Voltage across R-N phases shall equal to the sum of measured voltages between Y-N and B-N. The Transformer will be deemed not in good condition if this criterion is not met. ➢ Note: selected tap position:9b for our example or power transformer. Voltage measured at HV side (V) Voltage applied (V) RT R-T RS ST 394 Voltage measured at LV side (V) Voltage applied (V) n1-n2 R-T r-n1 t-n2 t-r 394 Condition n1&n2 Voltage applied (V) r-n1 R-T Page | 155 394 t-n2 t-r Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Short Circuit Impedance Test 3.5.9) Purpose of test: - The main purpose of this test is to compute the following: • Equivalent impedance of the transformer referred to primary and secondary. • Cu loss of the transformer at any desired load. • Total voltage drops of the transformer referred to primary and secondary. 3.5.10) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Setup the CALIBRATED test instrument in a firm, reasonably level base and dry area. 2- Thoroughly clean all Bushings of the Transformer to be tested 3- Identify test parameters and terminals for proper connections. 4- Conduct testing as per the following illustrated test Connections: 5- Record the Measured Input Voltage and Current as shown in the Above Connections at each phase for the first Tap, middle tap and last tap. 6- For each of the recorded Input and Current Voltage, Calculate the Average Value from all the phases. Page | 156 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 7- Record the Rated Current and Voltage at first, middle and last taps. 8- Calculate the Impedance Voltage and %Z from by using the following formulas for each phase. Impedance Voltage = Z% = Rated Tap Current x measured Voltage Impedance Voltage Rated Tap Voltage Average Current 𝑥100 ➢ Criteria: Acceptance Criteria: (As per SEC Standard) ±10% Tap 1 Voltage applied in volts Current measured in Amp Z% Error % RS 427 2.3 12.86 1.47 9 RS 424 2.8 12.51 0.6 17 RS 422.8 3.5 12.32 0.52 1 ST 422.6 2.2 13.12 1.9 9 ST 422.7 2.8 12.47 1.35 17 ST 423.1 3.5 12.33 0.93 Page | 157 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Excitation Current (No load) Test 3.5.11) Purpose of test: - The purpose of this test is to detect short-circuited turns, poor electrical connections, core de-laminations, core lamination shorts, tap changer problems, and other possible core and winding problems. On threephase transformers, results are also compared between phases. 3.5.12) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 6- Setup the CALIBRATED test instrument in a firm, reasonably level base and dry area. 7- Thoroughly clean all Bushings of the Transformer to be tested 8- Identify test parameters and terminals for proper connections. 9- Conduct testing as per the following illustrated test Connections: Measure the No Load Current at First Tap, Middle tap, and Last tap. Page | 158 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 10- Record the measured values of No-Load Current for HV and LV test connections on applicable test forms/Formats Excitation Current TEST I mA P (W) T-S Test mode UST-A 22.39 114.79 R-S Test mode UST-A 22.59 116.61 ➢ Criteria: Acceptance Criteria: As FAT results. Page | 159 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. SFRA Test 3.5.13) Purpose of test: - SFRA test is nothing but a Sweep Frequency Response analysis, which is used to find out the physical condition of transformer windings. - The winding of transformer or alternator rotor’s may be exposed to mechanical stresses during unsafe transportation, lightning impulse, heavy short circuit faults, transient switching impulses, and DC component etc. Due to these mechanical stresses may damage the transformer’s winding or cause displacement or deformation of transformer windings from its original position. - If the mechanical stress is high or exceeded the threshold limit, then the transformer winding may touch the core which creates the earth fault between the winding to core. ➢ Main Purposes of SFRA Test: - Transformer Core displacement - Winding displacement for both rotor and transformer - Broken or loosen clamp connections - Inter turn short circuit - Internal short circuit - Winding to Core Earth fault - Winding Open circuit condition - Page | 160 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 3.5.14) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Position the test equipment/s on a safe location where possibility of falling objects is remote to happen. 2- Ensure proper grounding of the Transformer and Test equipment to be used. 3- Refer to the following diagrams for proper test connections using different FRA Measurement methods: - Considering that the Transformer being tested is in YNd11 Group, Perform the FRA test by using the End-to-End OPEN circuit method as shown in the diagram on the left and repeat for each of the phases. Page | 161 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. - Considering that the Transformer being tested is in YNd11 Group, Perform the FRA test by using the CAPACITIVE inter-winding test method as shown in the diagram on the left and repeat for each of the phases. Page | 162 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. - Considering that the Transformer being tested is in YNd11 Group, Perform the FRA test by using the End-to-End SHORT circuit method as shown in the diagram on the left and repeat for each of the phases. - Considering that the Transformer being tested is in YNd11 Group, Perform the FRA test by using the INDUCTIVE inter-winding test method as shown in the diagram on the left and repeat for each of the phase. Page | 163 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 4- Record the test results in standard test forms and evaluate as per the below common methods of FRA measurement assessment: • Time-based comparison: Current SFRA results are compared to previous results on the same power transformer under test. • Type-based comparison: Current SFRA results are compared to another power transformer of the same design (sister unit). • Phase-based comparison: Current SFRA results of one phase are compared to the results of the other phases of the same power transformer under test. SFRA Result for Separate R-Phase of HV Side SFRA Result for Separate r-Phase of LV Side Page | 164 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. SFRA Test Results Report date: 2022-11-19 Date of Test: 12-044-22 Time of Test: 08:06:46 Company Name: AVEC Location: LRT1 Test Object: 212015N Manufacturer: Yunnan Serial Number: 212015N Built Year: 2021 Phase Design: 3 Winding Configuration: Vv0/Vv6 KV Rating: 220-27.5- KVA Rating: 40-40- NLTC Position: LTC Position: 1 Temperature: Reason For Test: Tested By: Notes: SFRA Test Result for Traction Transformer as example. Page | 165 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Oil and Winding Temperature Calibration Test 3.5.15) Purpose of test: - The temperature parameter represents the most important factor to fulfill quality, operational safety, and reliability of industrial processes. Thermocouples, RTDs and any other temperature sensors, when installed in an industrial process, they are subjected to mechanical, thermal, and chemical stresses which accelerate their aging. Therefore, it is a recommended procedure to inspect, check and calibrate each sensor during the commissioning phase and at regular and programmed time intervals. 3.5.16) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 5- Position the test equipment/s on a safe location where possibility of falling objects is remote to happen. 6- Ensure proper grounding of the equipment to be used. 7- Set up of the Test Set: • Temperature Indicator Sensor calibration by Immersion in a heated Oil: Page | 166 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. - Record The temperature in the Oil Temp Indicator sensor and evaluate the result as per the acceptance. - Repeat the Procedure for HV and LV winding Temperature Indicators. ➢ Criteria: AS per FAT results ≤ ± 3 degree. • Winding Temperature Calibration by Secondary Current Injection: 8- Record the Following Temperature Measurements and evaluate as per the Transformer’s Manual specifications: • Oil temp at Start (A) • Oil temp at end (B) • Winding temp before current injection (C) • Winding temp after 45mins (D) • Reference simulated temperature Rise • Simulated Temperature rise measured ((D-C) – (B-A)) ➢ Note: Measured Temperatures must be as per manufacture manual specs. Reference Temp No. of Temp. Ref Page | 167 Oil Temp Indicator HV Winding Temp. Indicator1 HV Winding Temp. Indicator2 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. On Load Tap Changer Test 3.5.17) Purpose of test: - Transformers equipped with on-load tap changers (OLTCs) are crucial components in the power system due to their purpose of maintaining the voltage output desired. To maintain these voltages, they are required to perform frequent operations. - We make sure control operating panel of OLTC meet operation requirements. 3.5.18) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Position the test equipment/s on a safe location where possibility of falling objects is remote to happen. 2- Ensure proper grounding of the Transformer and Test equipment to be used. 3- Measure the Motor Starting Current of the OLTC MDU for all phases and repeat with 1 phase removed for a specific time duration as per the below figure. 4- Measure the Motor Running Current of the OLTC MDU for all phases and repeat with 1 phase removed for a specific time duration. 5- Measure the Voltages across R-Y, Y-B, and B-R phases during Operation of the OLTC’s MDU. Page | 168 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 6- Physically check the rotation of the OLTC MDU during operation by verifying if the direction of rotation is in clockwise direction. 7- Measure the resistance of OLTC MDU of all taps and repeat for all Modules 8- Record and Evaluate Test results in Test Forms. Remarks # Description (OK / NOT OK) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 HEATER Mechanical operation check Socket outlet MECHANICAL LOCK (LOWER & UPPER) LIMIT ELECTRICAL LOCK (LOWER & UPPER) LIMIT INTERLOCKING SWITCH WITH HAND CRANK Electrical operation COUNTER OPERATION checkup Local operation switch Local remote check STOP AND ROTATION POINTERS WIRING check 13 CHECK VOLTAGE, PHASE ROTATION and MOTOR FOR OLTC running CURRENT (AMPS) Page | 169 voltage current Phase rotation Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Oil Dielectric Breakdown Test 3.5.19) Purpose of test: - Oils that combine a high flashpoint with high dielectric strength have long been used as an insulating medium in transformers, switchgear, and other electrical apparatus. To ensure that the dielectric strength of the oil does not deteriorate however, proper maintenance is essential, and the basis of proper maintenance is testing. - For in-service equipment, there are many test techniques for evaluating the condition of the insulating oil. If the technique of dissolved gas analysis is excluded, oil tests can be divided into two basic groups. • The first group includes tests that are concerned with the immediate condition and acceptability of the insulation in an item of electrical equipment. This group includes dielectric breakdown voltage testing as well as moisture measurement by the Karl Fischer (KF) method, and determination of insulation condition by measuring the dielectric dissipation factor. • The second group includes tests that look at the degree of degradation and aging of the equipment’s insulation system. These tests include interfacial tension, acidity (neutralization value), resistivity and visual determination of color and appearance of the insulating oil. 3.5.20) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Position the test equipment on a safe location where possibility of falling objects is remote to happen. 2- Ensure proper grounding of the equipment to be used. 3- Set up of the Test Set: • Place the instrument on a firm, reasonably level base and dry area. • Clean the test cup/vessel using a dry hydrocarbon solvent, then dry and fill with the sample fluid to a prescribed level. • The liquid is then gently agitated to remove air bubbles, and then allowed to stand for 3 to 5 minutes. 4- Connect the test cup/vessel to the oil dielectric tester and apply the necessary voltage(kV/second) until the oil sample breaks down. Page | 170 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. (When the current arcs across the gap between the electrodes, the voltage at that instant is the dielectric breakdown strength). ➢ Typical oil color specimens the darker the color the more contaminants present: 5- Record and evaluate the results in the Test Form/s. Model Traction Transformer S/N 212015N 1 2 3 4 5 6 mean Page | 171 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Supervision Equipment Functional Test 3.5.21) Purpose of test: - To guide the responsible persons in conducting Supervision Equipment’s MK Scheme & Functional Check of Power Transformer. 3.5.22) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Ensure proper grounding of the Transformer and Test equipment to be used. 2- Check all circuits as per schematic drawing of MK panel and highlight with yellow if its ok. 3- Alarms & trips shall be checked in HMI’s, workstations, and gateways. Trip commands shall be checked by closing related CB’s. 4- All functions shall be checked as per scheme, checklist, test forms and settings and all should be recorded in checklist and test forms which are to be duly signed. Page | 172 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Item Equipment 1 OTI1 Oil temperature Indicator 2 OTI2 Oil temperature Indicator 3 WTI1 Winding Temperature Indicator 4 OTL1 Oil Level Indicator for Main tank Signal Air cooling control Air cooling control Alarm Trip Air cooling control Air cooling control Alarm Trip spare spare Alarm Trip Low oil level alarm High oil level alarm Low oil level alarm High oil level alarm 5 OTL/TC1 Oil Level Indicator for OLTC 6 GOR1 Buchholz Relay for Main Tank 7 GOR/TC1 Buchholz Relay for OLTC PRD1 Pressure Relief Device for Main Tank PRD2 Pressure Relief Device for Main Tank PRD1 Quick acting oil pressure relay 8 9 10 Page | 173 Low oil level alarm Low oil level alarm High oil level alarm High oil level alarm Alarm Alarm Trip Trip Trip 1 Trip 2 Trip Trip Trip Trip TRIP Terminal at Marshalling Status Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Auxiliary Transformer Procedure Tests Page | 174 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 1) Transformer Technical Data (Name Plate) Manufacturer Type Rated Power Serial Number Vector Group Rated Frequency Short Circuit Impedance Insulation Grade Method of Cooling No-Load Current Tapping Position High Voltage Voltage (V) Current (A) Low Voltage Voltage (V) Current (A) No. of taps 2) Test Equipment’s Used: Note: Used tester types below or approved testers by consultant. S.N Type Make 1 Megger 5K VDC Megger 2 CPC 100 OMICRON ** ALL CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES SHOULD BE PROVIDED. Page | 175 Calibration date Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 3) TESTS: Mechanical Check and Visual Inspection: 3.1.1) Purpose of test: - Make sure that transformer is ready to test and doesn’t have a damage parts which prevents perfuming tests. # TEST DESCRIPTION REMARKS (OK / NOT OK) Inspect for physical damage/defects (see for any cracks, chips, etc. on 57. visible outer layer of the cast resin). 58. Check nameplate for correctness. 59. Check tightness of all bolted connections (torque wrench method). Check that all grounding is securely connected, including star point 60. neutral. 61. Perform all specific checks per manufacturer instructions 62. Check proper operation of all auxiliary devices (if applicable) Polarization Index Test: 3.2.1) Purpose of test: - To determine the equipment in proper condition to put in service. Results can be kept as record to compare in future and to understand the trend of insulation during maintenance. ➢ Applied Voltage: 5000V DC ➢ Criteria: PI > 1.25 POLARIZATION INDEX (PI) = 10 min Insulation resistance (Meg−ohm) reading 1 min Insulation resistance (Meg−ohm) reading ≥ 1.25. 3.2.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Connect megger tester as shown below. 2- Apply voltage test value for each connection. 3- Evaluate test results and compare it by FAT results. 4- Calculate PI value for each connection and make sure that more than criteria value. Page | 176 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 1)HV-LV winding insulation resistance test Test Results After 1 min 2)HV winding-Ground insulation resistance test Results After 10 min 3)LV winding-Ground insulation resistance test PI Remarks (OK / NOT OK) HV – LV HV – Earth LV – Earth Turns-Ratio (TTR) Test: 3.3.1) Purpose of test: - Main purpose of turn ratio test to check for actual turns ratio which in the range of acceptable error. ➢ The CPC 100 tester is used or any approved suitable tester, the turns-ratio test can be performed by two types of connections (1-PH or 3-PH) connections which are available at site and approved, we use 1st connection. ➢ Criteria: Error ≤ 0.5 1) Single-Phase Test Connection: CPC 100 only with a maximum output voltage of 2000V. 2) Three-Phase Test Connection: CPC 100 + CP SB1 with a maximum output voltage of 300V. Page | 177 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 3.3.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Connect CPC100 connections as shown below. 2- Apply selected test type from CPC100 window. 3- Connect primary winding connections and be careful during test. 4- Evaluate results during each tap. Tap Phases No. UV of UW taps VW Rated Ratio Measured Ratio % Error Remarks (OK / NOT OK) DC Winding Resistance Test: 3.4.1) Purpose of test: - Main purpose of winding resistance test to check for gross differences between windings and for opens in the connections and readings are compared with FAT results if they are acceptable. ➢ The CPC 100 is required or any approved tester. Before beginning the DC Winding Resistance test, please consider the following, ➢ The DC Winding Resistance Test should always be the last test performed on a power transformer. ➢ The DC Winding Resistance test can be performed with the CPC 100 or another approved tester using three methods, which include: Page | 178 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. • 400A DC Method – Recommend for measuring resistances < 50mΩ and (e.g. typically useful for performing a low-voltage winding resistance measurement) • 6A DC Method – Recommended for measuring resistances > 50mΩ and <10Ω (e.g. typically useful for performing a high-voltage winding resistance measurement). • 2-Wire Method – Recommended for measuring resistances >10Ω only. ➢ Note: make sure that each phase results must same as other phases within error. 3.4.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Connect CPC100 connections as shown below. 2- Apply selected test type from CPC100 window. 3- Connect primary winding connections and be careful during test. 4- Evaluate results during each tap. Example of the single-phase test connection for Phase-A on the low voltage winding of a Dyn1 transformer. Page | 179 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. - High Voltage Side Winding Resistance: ➢ Criteria: As per FAT Results. ➢ Ambient Temperature: 28ᵒC U V Tap Position Result (Ω) Rc @ 75 C (Ω) V W FAT R @ 30 C (Ω) Result (Ω) Rc @ 75 C (Ω) W U FAT R @ 30 C (Ω) Result (Ω) Rc @ 75 C (Ω) FAT R @ 30 C (Ω) No. of taps - Low Voltage Winding Resistance: ➢ Criteria: As per FAT Results. ➢ Ambient Temperature: 28ᵒC u v Tap Position Rm (mΩ) Rc @ 75 C (mΩ) v w FAT R @ 30 C (mΩ) Rm (mΩ) Rc @ 75 C (mΩ) w u FAT R @ 30 C (mΩ) Rm (mΩ) 1 Notes: this formula is used to calculate winding resistance referred to 75 C. Rc: Calculated value at 75 C. Rm: Measurement value which contained a measurement cable. Ta: Ambient Temperature. Rc = Rm*(235+75) (236+Ta) Page | 180 Rc @ 75 C (mΩ) FAT R @ 30 C (mΩ) Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Grounding Transformer Procedure Tests Page | 181 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 1) Transformer Technical Data (Name Plate) Manufacturer Type Rated Power Serial Number Vector Group Rated Frequency Rated Voltage Rated Current Method of Cooling Zero Sequence Imp. High Voltage Tapping Position Voltage (V) 1-n 2) Test Equipment’s Used: Note: Used tester types below or approved testers by consultant. S.N Type Make 1 Megger 5K VDC Megger 2 CPC 100 OMICRON 3 Multimeter Megger ** ALL CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES SHOULD BE PROVIDED. Page | 182 Calibration date Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 3) TESTS: Mechanical Check and Visual Inspection: 3.1.1) Purpose of test: - Make sure that transformer is ready to test and doesn’t have a damage parts which prevents perfuming tests. # TEST DESCRIPTION 1. Inspect for physical damage/defects (see for any cracks ,chips ,etc. on visible outer layer of the cast resin). 2. Check nameplate for correctness. 3. Check tightness of all bolted connections (torque wrench method). 4. Check that all grounding is securely connected, including star point neutral. 5. Perform all specific checks per manufacturer instructions 6. Check proper operation of all auxiliary devices (if applicable) REMARKS (OK / NOT OK) Polarization Index Test: 3.2.1) Purpose of test: - To determine the equipment in proper condition to put in service. Results can be kept as record to compare in future and to understand the trend of insulation during maintenance. Check quality of insulation resistance between cire and ground. ➢ Applied Voltage: 5000V DC ➢ Criteria: PI > 1.25 POLARIZATION INDEX (PI) = 10 min Insulation resistance (Meg−ohm) reading 1 min Insulation resistance (Meg−ohm) reading ≥ 1.25. 3.2.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Connect megger tester as shown below. 2- Apply voltage test value for each connection. 3- Evaluate test results and compare it by FAT results. 4- Calculate PI value for each connection and make sure that more than criteria value. Page | 183 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 2)Core-Ground insulation resistance test 1)HV winding-Ground insulation resistance test Test HV – Ground Core – Ground Page | 184 Results After 15 sec Results After 1 min PI Remarks (OK / NOT OK) Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. DC Winding Resistance Test: 3.3.1) Purpose of test: - Main purpose of winding resistance test to check for gross differences between windings and for opens in the connections and readings are compared with FAT results if they are acceptable. ➢ The CPC 100 is required or any approved tester. Before beginning the DC Winding Resistance test, please consider the following, ➢ The DC Winding Resistance Test should always be the last test performed on a power transformer. ➢ The DC Winding Resistance test can be performed with the CPC 100 or another approved tester using three methods, which include: • 400A DC Method – Recommend for measuring resistances < 50mΩ and (e.g. typically useful for performing a low-voltage winding resistance measurement) • 6A DC Method – Recommended for measuring resistances > 50mΩ and <10Ω (e.g. typically useful for performing a high-voltage winding resistance measurement). • 2-Wire Method – Recommended for measuring resistances >10Ω only. ➢ Note: make sure that each phase results must same as other phases within error. 3.3.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Connect CPC100 connections as shown below. 2- Apply selected test type from CPC100 window. 3- Connect primary winding connections and be careful during test. 4- Evaluate results during each tap. Page | 185 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. - High Voltage Side Winding Resistance: ➢ Criteria: As per FAT Results. ➢ Ambient Temperature: 35ᵒC Tap Position A O Result (Ω) FAT Result (Ω) B O Result (Ω) FAT Result (Ω) C O Result (Ω) FAT Result (Ω) 1-n Zero Sequence Impedance Test: 3.4.1) Purpose of test: - Make sure zero sequence impedance value is within value of name plate value or FAT results. - The purpose of this test is to measure the zero-sequence impedance for all-star connected windings of the transformer needed for earth fault protection and earth fault current calculations. ➢ Criteria: it must be the same as manufacturer’s nameplate. 3.4.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Setup the CALIBRATED test instrument in a firm, reasonably level base and dry area. 2- Thoroughly clean all Bushings of the Transformer to be tested. 3- Identify test parameters and terminals for proper connections. 4- Conduct testing as per the following illustrated test Connections: • Test Connection with HV Winding Shorted. Page | 186 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. • Record the Measured Current (Im) and Measured Voltage (Vm) at first, middle and last tap. • Calculate the Zero Sequence Impedance Percentage error by using the formula: 3∗𝑉𝑚/𝐼𝑚 Z% = Result Z% (𝑉𝑟/√3)/𝐼𝑟 Zero Sequence Impedance % Remarks (OK / NOT OK) Neutral Resistor Test: 3.5.1) Purpose of test: - Calculate neutral resistance value which its value is very important for earth fault protection setting, so we compare between measured value and name plate value and make sure measured value is accepted. ➢ Criteria: - it must be the same as manufacturer’s nameplate. - As per FAT Results (20Ω±5%) 3.5.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Measure resistance connected to zigzag transformer by using multimeter. 2- Evaluate results with name plate data. Test Result (Ω) Remarks (OK / NOT OK) Neutral Current Transformer Test: - This test is performed according to the CT Test procedures page:68. Page | 187 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Stability Tests Power Transformer Stability Procedure Test Page | 188 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 1) Transformer Technical Data (Name Plate) - For example: this name plate for power transformer installed at Traction_1 SS - Page | 189 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 2) Test Equipment’s Used: Note: Used ODEN Tester for primary injection at GIS Busbar because high load impedance and we need high injected current. S.N Type 1 AC Generator 2 Clamp meter Make Calibration date Megger ** ALL CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES SHOULD BE PROVIDED. ➢ Additional Safety Precautions: 1- LOCKOUT RELAY should be isolated and ensure NO POSSIBLE tripping during the test. 2- Check that any high impedance protection (ex. Transformer REF protection) is shorted before primary injection on their CT Cores. 3- Any CT cores not related to Transformer protection should be shorted for safety. 4- Check that Transformer is short-circuited at the LV side after the transformer LV Side CT for differential protection. 5- Isolate the Differential Protection Trip Links 6- The injected current should not exceed the smallest turns ratio CT. 7- Check the balance and phase sequence of the three phases power supply at the HV side of the transformer. Page | 190 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 3) TESTS: Power Transformer Stability Test 3.1.1) Purpose of test: - The objective of this test is confirmed that the differential relay or REF relay doesn't operate at normal conditions even though load currents are high, where it should operate when a fault occurs in its zone. 3.1.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedure: ➢ IMPORTANT POINTS should be CONFIRMED Before starting the Busbar stability test: 1- Make sure that star point (of all CTs used for Transformer Differential Protection) are towards power transformer, and it is grounded only in the transformer protection panels. 2- Confirm the capability of the injection kit. The injection of primary current shall satisfy and exceed 50% of secondary current that will operate the transformer relay during sensitivity. 3- The clamp meter should have a direction indication, and this direction must be taken into consideration when measurements. 4- CT loop and primary injection tests should be completed for High voltage and Low voltage sides. 5- Make sure there is no more than one earthing point on the CT at the secondary circuit for HV side and LV sides. 6- The final settings must be applied and tested before the stability test. 7- Check that all associated CT cores are having the same Knee point nearly for high voltage side and low voltage sides for high impedance protection. 8- For Transformer Differential Stability Test for 3 Phases, Use first tap, middle tap & last tap. 9- Good earth of: - The Generator. - The Transformer. - The shield of the cables. 10- The correct size of connected testing cables. 11- Determine working zones and places and preventing any person to be in these zones. Page | 191 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 12- Suitable MCB for 3-phase supply. 13- CT terminal blocks must be checked and tightness well. 14- All REF (Restricted Earth Fault) relays must be removed or its CT terminal shorted. 15- Check the Phase Sequence of the 3-Phase Supply. 16- Test equipment and tools: - Calibrated multi-meters. - Calibrated testers for measure current and phase angle. 17- If we Connect 3 phase AC voltage supply to the Low voltage side of the transformer and make a short circuit on High voltage side to get more current at low voltage side to be sensitive for protection relays. Page | 192 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. • For Transformer Differential Stability Test for 3 Phases, Use first tap, middle tap & last tap: I1=I2 & Ǿ1-Ǿ2=180˚ • For Transformer Differential Sensitivity Test Swap 3 phase of CT Polarity. Use middle tap only: I1=I2 & Ǿ1-Ǿ2=0˚ - Thesis results values for our example of power transformer for illustration only. Page | 193 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 18- Normalize the reversed CT. 19- Normalize the trip isolation links. 20- Normalize the shorted CT cores. 21- Evaluate results on test format tables as below: ➢ Note: Stability Test: • 180-degree phase Shift between HVS & LVS • For YnD11 Transformer the phase shift (180 + 30) • On reversing the CT Star point it is a differential trip state Page | 194 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Traction Transformer Stability Procedure Test Page | 195 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 1) Transformer Technical Data (Name Plate) - For example: this name plate for Traction transformer installed at Traction_1 SS - - Page | 196 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 2) Test Equipment’s Used: Note: Used ODEN Tester for primary injection at GIS Busbar because high load impedance and we need high injected current. S.N Type 1 AC Generator 2 Clamp meter Make Calibration date Megger ** ALL CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES SHOULD BE PROVIDED. ➢ Additional Safety Precautions: 1- LOCKOUT RELAY should be isolated and ensure NO POSSIBLE tripping during the test. 2- Check that any high impedance protection (ex. Transformer REF protection) is shorted before primary injection on their CT Cores. 3- Any CT cores not related to Transformer protection should be shorted for safety. 4- Check that Transformer is short-circuited at the LV side after the transformer LV Side CT for differential protection. 5- Isolate the Differential Protection Trip Links 6- The injected current should not exceed the smallest turns ratio CT. 7- Check the balance and phase sequence of the three phases power supply at the HV side of the transformer. Page | 197 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 3) TESTS: Traction transformer Stability Test 3.1.1) Purpose of test: - The objective of this test is confirmed that the differential relay or REF relay doesn't operate at normal conditions even though load currents are high, where it should operate when a fault occurs in its zone. 3.1.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedure: ➢ IMPORTANT POINTS should be CONFIRMED Before starting the Busbar stability test: 1- Make sure that star point (of all CTs used for Transformer Differential Protection) are towards traction transformer, and it is grounded only in the transformer protection panels. 2- Confirm the capability of the injection kit. The injection of primary current shall satisfy and exceed 50% of secondary current that will operate the transformer relay during sensitivity. 3- The clamp meter should have a direction indication, and this direction must be taken into consideration when measurements. 4- CT loop and primary injection tests should be completed for High voltage and Low voltage sides. 5- Make sure there is no more than one earthing point on the CT at the secondary circuit for HV side and LV sides. 6- The final settings must be applied and tested before the stability test. 7- Check that all associated CT cores are having the same Knee point nearly for high voltage side and low voltage sides for high impedance protection. 8- For Transformer Differential Stability Test for 3 Phases, Use first tap, middle tap & last tap. 9- Good earth of: - The Generator. - The Transformer. - The shield of the cables. 10- The correct size of connected testing cables. 11- Determine working zones and places and preventing any person to be in these zones. Page | 198 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 12- Suitable MCB for 3-phase supply. 13- CT terminal blocks must be checked and tightness well. 14- All REF (Restricted Earth Fault) relays must be removed or its CT terminal shorted. 15- Check the Phase Sequence of the 3-Phase Supply. 16- Test equipment and tools: - Calibrated multi-meters. - Calibrated testers for measure current and phase angle. 17- IF We Connect 2 phase AC voltage supply to Low voltage side of the transformer and make a short circuit on High voltage side. Page | 199 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Page | 200 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Page | 201 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Page | 202 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. • For Transformer Differential Stability Test for 3 Phases, Use first tap, middle tap & last tap: I1=I2 & Ǿ1-Ǿ2=0˚ • For Transformer Differential Sensitivity Test Swap 3 phase of CT Polarity. Use middle tap only: I1=I2 & Ǿ1-Ǿ2=180˚ 18- Normalize the reversed CT. 19- Normalize the trip isolation links. 20- Normalize the shorted CT cores. 21- Evaluate results on test format tables as below: Thesis results values for our example of traction transformer for illustration only. Page | 203 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ➢ Note: Stability Test: • 180-degree phase Shift between HVS & LVS • For Vv0/Vv6 Transformer the phase shift (0) • On reversing the CT Star point it is a differential trip state Page | 204 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Busbar Stability Procedure Test Page | 205 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 1) Test Equipment’s Used: Note: Used ODEN Tester for primary injection at GIS Busbar because high load impedance and we need high injected current. S.N Type Make 1 ODEN Megger 2 Clamp meter Megger Calibration date ** ALL CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES SHOULD BE PROVIDED. - Use series connection when you want a high voltage at a high load impedance. - Use parallel connection when you need a low internal impedance to be able to generate high current. Page | 206 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 2) TESTS: Busbar Stability Test 2.1.1) Purpose of test: - This test is prepared to carry out various pre- commissioning tests to be conducted in systematic manner for CT to ensure the healthiness and performance of the equipment. - Make sure all polarity of CTs is ok and BB protection function operates successfully during actual fault. 2.1.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedure: ➢ IMPORTANT POINTS should be CONFIRMED Before starting the Busbar stability test: 1- Final setting for Busbar protection relays should be applied and tested. 2- Make sure that star point (of all CTs used for Busbar Protection) are towards Busbar, and it is grounded only in the Busbar protection panels. 3- CT loop test should be checked (High Impedance Busbar) 4- Secondary injection for Busbar CTs should be completed. 5- Resistors (Series and Shunt) settings should be done accurately as per final setting (High Impedance Busbar). 6- CT supervision contacts shall be isolated. (High Impedance Busbar). 7- Confirm the capability of the injection kit. The injection of primary current shall satisfy and exceed 50% of secondary current that will operate the Busbar relay during sensitivity. 8- Confirm that the auxiliary contacts of the double busbar isolators are of Early make, Late break type. 9- The clamp meter should have a direction indication, and this direction must be taken into consideration when measurements. ➢ Core Identification Test: • In this test we confirm the CT secondary connection. • Inject low current (for example:50A). • Use small jumper to short CT secondary from CT box, the measurement will be gone at panel. • Repeat this test for all phases and cores. Page | 207 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ➢ Short and isolate facility Test: • We confirm the CT short and isolate facility for correct connection. • Inject low current (for example:50A). • Short CT links then isolate the external wiring to confirm CT circuit will not be opened. ➢ Single earth point (SEP) Test: • For all CT loops, each CT loop must have one (SEP), otherwise secondary current will be divided. • Open earth point and check with buzzer that there is no earth link is closed, then close on point. ➢ Primary injection Test: • After confirming all previous steps, CT is ready now to the primary injection test. • Choose two points to connect two terminals of ODEN Cables. • Make sure chosen closed path has two specified CTs to check them. • Use ODEN kit to inject current. • Measure the secondary current in all loops up to the end of this loop. • Inject primary current between feeders 1 and 2 For R Phases, • Measure currents and phase angles in all panels for discrimination zone (for BB 1 & 2) & check zone. • For BB Stability Test: I1=I2 & Ǿ1-Ǿ2=180˚ • For Sensitivity Test, Swap one of CT polarity: I1=I2 & Ǿ1-Ǿ2=0˚ • Repeat steps for Y and B phases for all feeders and Bus Page | 208 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ➢ Example for GIS 220/27.5/22Kv LRT SS: \ Page | 209 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Page | 210 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. (REF) Restricted Earth Fault Stability Procedure Test Page | 211 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 1) Transformer Technical Data (Name Plate) - For example: this name plate for power transformer installed at Traction_1 SS Page | 212 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 2) Test Equipment’s Used: Note: Used ODEN Tester for primary injection at GIS Busbar because high load impedance and we need high injected current. S.N Type Make 1 ODEN ODEN 2 Clamp meter Megger Calibration date ** ALL CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES SHOULD BE PROVIDED. - Use series connection when you want a high voltage at a high load impedance. - Use parallel connection when you need a low internal impedance to be able to generate high current. Page | 213 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ➢ Additional Safety Precautions: 1- LOCKOUT RELAY should be isolated and ensure NO POSSIBLE tripping during the test. 2- Check that any high impedance protection (ex. Transformer REF protection) is shorted before primary injection on their CT Cores. 3- Any CT cores not related to Transformer protection should be shorted for safety. 4- Check that Transformer is short-circuited at the LV side after the transformer LV Side CT for differential protection. 5- Isolate the Differential Protection Trip Links 6- The injected current should not exceed the smallest turns ratio CT. 7- Check the balance and phase sequence of the three phases power supply at the HV side of the transformer. Page | 214 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 3) TESTS: Restricted Earth Fault (REF) Stability Test 3.1.1) Purpose of test: - Earth fault is the unintended fault between the live conductor and the earth. It also occurs, because of the insulation breakdown. When the fault occurs, the short-circuit currents flow through the system, and this current is returned through the earth or any electrical equipment. This fault current damaged the equipment of the power system and interrupted the continuity of the supply. - The earth fault can be dispersed by using the restricted earth fault protection scheme. The earth fault protection scheme consists of the earth fault relay, which gives the tripping command to the circuit breaker and hence restricted the fault current. - The objective of this test is confirmed that the REF relay doesn't operate at normal conditions even though load currents are high, where it should operate when a fault occurs in its zone. 3.1.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedure: 1- Choose two points to connect two terminals of ODEN Cables. 2- Make a bridge between Transformer windings R, S&T. 3- Make sure chosen closed path has two specified CTs to check them. 4- Use ODEN kit to inject current. 5- Measure the secondary current in all loops up to the end of this loop. 6- Inject 50 A from primary test kit ODEN between CT phase R & ground. 7- Repeat the previous step with phase S & ground, then phase T & ground. Page | 215 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. • For REF Stability Test for R Phase: IR=IN & ǾR-ǾN=180˚ • For Transformer Differential Sensitivity Test Swap 3 phase of CT Polarity. Use middle tap only: I1=I2 & ǾR-ǾN=0˚ 8- Evaluate test results and fill it at test formats tables. - Thesis results values for our example of power transformer for illustration only. Page | 216 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 9- Normalize the reversed CT. 10- Normalize the trip isolation links. 11- Normalize the shorted CT cores. ➢ Note: - Stability Test: • 180-degree phase Shift between HVS & LVS • For YnD11 Transformer the phase shift (180 + 30) • On reversing the CT Star point it is a differential trip state Page | 217 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. HV Under Ground Feeder Stability Procedure Test Page | 218 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 1) Test Equipment’s Used: Note: Used INGAVAR Tester for primary injection at GIS Busbar because high load impedance and we need high injected current. S.N Type Make 1 INGVAR Megger 2 Clamp meter Megger ** ALL CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES SHOULD BE PROVIDED. Page | 219 Calibration date Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 2) TESTS: HV Under Ground Feeder Stability Test 2.1.1) Purpose of test: - The objective of this test is confirmed that the differential relay doesn't operate at normal conditions even though load currents are high, where it should operate when a fault occurs in its zone. 2.1.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedure: 1- IMPORTANT POINTS should be CONFIRMED Before starting the stability test: • Make sure that star point (of all CTs used for Underground Differential Protection) are towards underground cable, and it is grounded only in the feeder protection panels. • Confirm the capability of the injection kit. The injection of primary current shall satisfy and exceed 50% of secondary current that will operate the transformer relay during sensitivity. • Make sure there is no more than one earthing point on the CT at the secondary circuit. • The final settings must be applied and tested before the stability test. • Check that all associated CT cores have the same Knee point nearly for high voltage side and low voltage sides for high impedance protection. • Good earth of: - The INGVAR tester - The shield of the cables. • The correct size of connected testing cables. • Determine working zones and places and prevent any person to be in these zones. • Suitable MCB for 3-phase supply. • CT terminal blocks must be checked and tightness well. 2- Choose the selected path as shown in the figure below and inject between two phases of bay from TSS2 and TSS1 and we will perform these steps: Page | 220 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. For TSS2: o Open Q1&Q2 of bus bar at TSS2. o Remove earth jumper bar of earth switch disconnector Q51 or Q52 to access for INGAVAR outlet cable. o Close Q51 or Q52 to inject from it which are circled. o Close Q0 (circuit breaker) which is circled. o Close Q9 line disconnector which is circled. o Open all earth disconnectors which are not related test. o We inject from two bays D11 and D14 at TSS2 to D02 and D05 bays at TSS1. For TSS1: o Open Q1&Q2 of bus bar at TSS1. o Keep earth jumper bar of earth switch disconnector Q51 or Q52 and remove connection between it and earth bars of GIS body to close back the injection loop between phases: R&Y for example. o Close Q51 or Q52 to receive injection current from it. o Close Q0 (circuit breaker) which is circled. o Close Q9 line disconnector which is circled. o Open all earth disconnectors which are not related test. 3- Make sure chosen closed path has two specified CTs to check them. 4- Use INGAVAR kit to inject current. 5- Measure the secondary current in all loops up to the end of this loop. 6- Inject 5 A from primary test kit INGAVAR between CT phase R&Y. 7- Measure reading of secondary currents at local and remote relays for this bay and check for differential and restraint current values which at normal injection current value as 15A that restraint current greater than differential current. 8- Swap two terminal block from test plug at protection panel or LCP of this feeder to simulate fault case. 9- Measure the differential current which greater than restraint current and two local and remote relays will be trips by differential protection function if differential current equal or greater than minim pickup setting value. 10- Repeat the previous step with phase Y&B, then phase B&R. Page | 221 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. For UG Stability Test: I1=I2 & Ǿ1-Ǿ2=180˚ For Sensitivity Test, Swap one of CT polarity: I1=I2 & Ǿ1-Ǿ2=0˚ ➢ For TSS2: This figure is taken from TSS2 GIS SLD Page | 222 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ➢ For TSS1: This figure is taken from TSS1 GIS SLD Page | 223 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ➢ Stability Condition between D11 @TSS2 and D02 @TSS1 Phase D11 D02 CT Ratio 1250/1A 1250/1A IA Diff IA Rest PH-A --- --- --- --- --- --- PH-B 15 ∟0̊ 15 ∟180̊ PH-C 15 ∟180̊ 15 ∟0̊ IB Diff IC Diff ---0.00A ---- - This values from NR protection Relay (PCS-931) Page | 224 IB Rest --31.38A --- IC Rest ---- 1.596A 29.812A Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ➢ Un-Stable Condition between D11 @TSS2 and D02 @TSS1 ➢ Swap between Phase B and Neutral at TSS2 side (local Relay) Phase D11 D02 CT Ratio 1250/1A --- 1250/1A --- PH-B replaced By N (3I0) 15 A∟0̊ 15 A∟0̊ PH-C 15 A∟0̊ 15 A∟0̊ PH-A IA Diff IA Rest --- --- --- --- IB Diff IC Diff ---14.122A ---- - This values from NR protection Relay (PCS-931) Page | 225 IB Rest --14.122A --- IC Rest ---- 1.596A 32.95A Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Meters Tests Digital Meters Test Page | 226 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 1) Digital Meter Technical Data (Name Plate) Manufacturer Model Bay No. Rated Voltage 110 V DC/AC Accuracy Class 0.5 VT Ratio CT Ratio 2) Test Equipment’s Used: Note: Used tester types below or approved testers. S.N Type Make 1 FREJA 300 Megger 2 Multi-Ammeter Megger ** ALL CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES SHOULD BE PROVIDED. Page | 227 Calibration date Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 3) TESTS: Mechanical and Visual Inspection Test: # DESCRIPTION 1. Inspect for physical damage or defects. 2. Check test plug for correct function. 3. Verify all connections as per approved drawing. 4. Check tightness of all connections. 5. Check all display functions. REMARKS (OK / NOT OK) Secondary Current and Voltage Injection Test: 3.2.1) Purpose of test: - Check the CTs and VTs connections and values are corrected. - Make sure all injected values are corrected at metering Panels. - Make sure for (P-Q-PF-S) values are corrected and match with current and voltage ratios. ➢ Criteria: As per FAT): Error % = [(Measured value- actual value)/actual value] *100 Error range %= ±5 as per meter technical data. 3.2.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedure: 1- Connect 4 wire of FREJA tester for 4 points of CT from schematic DWG. 2- Connect 4 wire of FREJA tester for 4 points of VT from schematic DWG. Page | 228 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 3- Make sure that one specified (SEP) single earth point. 4- Inject different values of current to make sure no swape between external cores of cable. 5- Evaluate test results and compare it by FAT results. ➢ Current Injection: Injected one value for illustration only: Applied Current (A) primary secondary Measured Current (A) XCT:30 250 0.25 249 -0.4 S XCT:31 250 0.25 249 -0.4 T XCT:32 250 0.25 249 -0.4 N XCT:33 Measured Voltage (kV) Error % Phase Injection Point Location R ➢ Error % - Voltage Injection: Injected one value for illustration only: Applied Voltage Primary Secondary (kV) (V) Phase Injection Point Location R XVT:6 5.77 28.86 5.76 -0.17 S XVT:7 5.77 28.86 5.76 -0.17 T XVT:8 5.77 28.86 5.76 -0.17 N XVT:20 - ➢ Power Readings: V ° Phase Angel P Q P. F 0 34.62 0 1 180 -34.64 0.04 1 90 0.02 34.64 0 270 -0.02 34.62 0 Page | 229 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Energy Meter Procedure Test Page | 230 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 1) Digital Meter Technical Data (Name Plate) Panel Name K1-4 C.T Ratio 750/1 Make CEWE P.T Ratio 20000/100 Type No. PROMETER100 Accuracy Class 0.2S Serial No. WP026369 Scale Range Drwg Sheet No. 2) Test Equipment’s Used: Note: Used tester types below or approved testers. S.N Type Make 1 FREJA 300 Megger 2 Multi-Ammeter Megger ** ALL CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES SHOULD BE PROVIDED. Page | 231 Calibration date Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 3) TESTS: Mechanical and Visual Inspection Test: TEST NO: DESCRIPTION 1. Inspect for physical damage or defects. 2. Check test plug for correct function. 3. Verify all connections as per approved drawing. 4. Check tightness of all connections. 5. Check all display functions. CHECKED Secondary Current and Voltage Injection Test: 3.2.1) Purpose of test: - Check the CTs and VTs connections and values are corrected. - Make sure all injected values are corrected at metering Panels. - Make sure for (P-Q-PF-S-KWH-MVARH) values are corrected and match with current and voltage ratios. ➢ Criteria: As per FAT): Error % = [(Measured value- actual value)/actual value] *100 Error range %= ±5 as per meter technical data. 3.2.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedure: 1- Connect 4 wire of FREJA tester for 4 points of CT from schematic DWG. 2- Connect 4 wire of FREJA tester for 4 points of VT from schematic DWG. 3- Make sure that one specified (SEP) single earth point. Page | 232 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 4- Inject different values of current to make sure no swape between external cores of cable. 5- Evaluate test results and compare it by FAT results. ➢ Current Injection: Injected one value for illustration only: PHASES MEASURED CURRENT INJECTED Sec CURRENT (A) A A-N 0.25 B-N 0.5 C-N 1 ➢ SCALE VOLTAGE (V) 50 % 28.86 100 % 57.73 Page | 233 B (A) %age ERROR C Voltage Injection: Injected one value for illustration only: APPLIED Sec Ph-N [ EXPECTED CURRENT EXPECTED VOLTAGE (KV) Ph-N MEASURED VOLTAGE % ERROR (KV) A-N B-N C-N A-N B-N C-N Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ➢ Power Readings: - Active Power Reactive Power Apparent Power Sec Ph-N Voltage (V) Injected Sec Current (A) Phase Angle 1 57.73 1 0 2 57.73 1 180 3 57.73 1 90 4 57.73 1 270 S.# (MW) =√𝟑 VI Cos Φ (MVARH) =√𝟑 VI Sin Φ (MVA) =√𝟑 VI EXPECTED VALUE MW MVAR MVA MEASURED VALUE P.F MW MVAR %age ERROR OF POWER MEASURMENT S.# MW 1 2 3 4 Page | 234 MVAR MVA MVA P.F Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. SF6 Gas Tests SF6 Analysis Procedure Test Page | 235 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 1) Test Equipment’s Used: Note: Used 3-038R-R DILO Multi-Analyzer SF6 Tester or another tester for GIS compartments or any SF6 SWGR. S.N Type Make 1 DILO MULTI-ANALYZER DILO ** ALL CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES SHOULD BE PROVIDED. Page | 236 Calibration date Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 2) Check List: # TEST DESCRIPTION 1. Inspect for physical damage or defects. 2. Check nameplate information for correctness. 3. Inspect enclosures for proper alignment and foundation fixing and grounding. 4. Check quality of paintwork. 5. Ensure that all special tools and equipment are provided as specified and have proper storage. 6. Ensure that gas-handling cart (if provided) operates correctly and that special filling and degassing fittings are provided and have proper storage. 7. Check each gas section filled to correct rated pressure. 8. Check SF6 gas at each gas section for air and moisture content after filling at rated pressure. 9. Gas leak test of all flanges and joints after erection and filling. Calibrate gas pressure (density) gauges. Check the gauges 10. have correct, legible and readable scales. 11. Check the gauges are ambient temperature compensated. 12. Verify that all operating devices are correctly labeled. Page | 237 REMARKS Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 3) TESTS: SF6 Analysis Test 3.1.1) Purpose of test: - To verify the quality and condition of the gas in the equipment prior to the latter being put into service; typically, SF6 percentage and humidity are measured, to determine if SF6 decomposition products are present, though normally the result should always be below the permitted levels for re-used. - Methods of Testing: • There are two main concepts in which you can have your SF6 gas tested. Field-level gas analysis can be completed with a lightweight portal multianalyzer, or you can collect and send out your samples to a lab. Sending samples to a lab is the more accurate option but has drawbacks. One is the timeframe it can take to receive results. It is not uncommon for it to take days/weeks to receive an analysis report. • Second is the risk of human error contaminating the sample while capturing the sample. With a limited number of samples, you can draw out, you have fewer chances of successfully collecting an accurate sample. This leads us to the second concept, and usually most preferred. Testing the gas quality with a portable multi-analyzer is generally the industry standard. You are guaranteed limitless, accurate results within minutes if you use DILO zero-emission equipment or services. 3.1.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedure: 1- Make sure that test equipment and Tested panels are properly grounded. 2- Check the power supply source for equipment is stable and safe 3- Check that device/equipment under test is isolated and secured. 4- After test completion, return all removed wiring, connections to their original status. 5- Evaluate results for each compartment and comparing it with FAT results. 6- Filling results on table below as test report and repeate this steps for all bays. Phase BAY Dew Point Gauge SO2 (°C) N Page | 238 n Pressure Percentage (100%) R S T (ppmv) MPa Rel Remarks (OK/NOT OK) Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. SF6 Gauge Procedure Test Page | 239 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 1) Test Equipment’s Used: Note: we use multimeter and special tool to get 1st and 2nd stage or each gauge pressure for each compartment of GIS or SF6 SWGR. S.N Type Make Calibration date 1 Multimeter Megger ** ALL CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES SHOULD BE PROVIDED. 2) TESTS: SF6 Gauge Test 2.1.1) Purpose of test: - SF6 gas medium is more important for each compartment of GIS or SWGR so we need to check for all its conditions. - Check for all contacts of 1st and 2nd stage for all gauge pressure meter which work successfully. - Make sure for 1st stage alarm that blocking close for circuit breaker. - Make sure for 2nd stage alarm that block trip for two trip coils of circuit breaker. ➢ Criteria: The test done according to the FAT procedure and results referred to the FAT criteria. 3.3.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedure: 1- The test was proceeding locally by discharging the SF6 gas in the indicator compartment and check the performance of SF6 gauge. 2- The following figure showing the steps of gas discharging by closing valve 1 then open valve 2 using special tool. 3- The CB was checked for operation (close/open) in case of blocking condition in case of Lock and Unlock position from LCC. 4- All alarms were checked at local control cabinet (LCC). No. Bay Gauge Pressure 1 Alarm (MPa) R Meas. 1 n Page | 240 S Act. Meas. Low Pressure Lock 1 (MPa) R S T Act. Meas. Act. Meas. Act. Meas. T Act. Meas. Remarks (OK/NOT OK) Low Pressure Lock 2 (MPa) R S Act. Meas. Act. Meas. T Act. Meas. Act. Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. MV Cables Tests VLF Procedure Test Page | 241 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 1) Test Equipment’s Used: Note: Used tester types below or approved testers. S.N Type Make 1 Megger Megger 2 VLF Sinus 45Kv Megger Calibration date ** ALL CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES SHOULD BE PROVIDED. ➢ Additional Safety Precautions: • Before testing, safety area should be installed around the H.V Cable. (Clearance: 4m). • Appropriate display device (Warning light, Warning plate) should be installed to notify of the testing. • The customer (or his representative at the substation) shall instruct to the test personnel on safety work procedures at substation, and safety during its commissioning, and shall ensure the obedience. • Unauthorized persons are not strictly allowed to stay in SWGR room during tests. Page | 242 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 2) TESTS: Measurement of insulation Resistance Test: Between main circuit and earth 2.1.1) Purpose of test: - Check quality of insulation resistance before performing high pot test and comparing it by name plate values or FAT results if its accepted. ➢ Applied Voltage: 5000V DC ➢ Criteria: R≥1GΩ as per FAT results. 2.1.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- The cables must be removed from the Busbar. 2- Conduct testing as per below connection diagram with applied voltage of 5kV DC from the IR/Capacitance Tester for a duration of 1 minute. Page | 243 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 3- Between each main phase conductor and (earth-sheath+earth) shall be measured by using 5kV Insulation resistance test kit. 4- Before and after high voltage test. 5- Evaluate results on table. phase Sheath (R)/E Sheath (S)/E Sheath (T)/E R/sheath+E S/sheath+E T/sheath+E Applied voltage (DC) 1 KV for 1 min 1 KV for 1 min 1 KV for 1 min 5 KV for 1 min 5 KV for 1 min 5 KV for 1 min Megger before VLF(G.Ω) Megger after VLF(G.Ω) status ➢ Note: Make sure results of insulation resistance after high voltage test is less than before it. ➢ Note: - Measurement values may vary depending on the measurement time. - Namely, Measurement values may vary due to differences in the moisture of the morning and afternoon. Page | 244 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. High Voltage Test: 2.2.1) Purpose of test: - Voltage withstands tests need to be made between each energized phase and the grounded enclosure. For enclosures containing all three phases, each phase needs to be tested, one at a time, with the enclosure and the other two phases grounded. Before voltage withstand tests are initiated, all power transformers, surge arresters, protective gaps, power cables, overhead transmission lines, and voltage transformers need to be disconnected. Voltage transformers may be tested up to the saturation voltage of the transformer at the frequency of the test. 2.3.3) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- The cables must be removed from the Busbar. 2- Inject High voltage 3uo for a duration of 1 hr. for each phase. Refer to the below image: 3- Repeat the above Procedure for the remaining 2 phases Y and B 4- Record the Leakage current for each phase. 5- The measured leakage current should be as per the factory test value 6- VLF TEST with applied voltage 34.6 KV & frequency 0.1 HZ. Leakage current Capacitance Sequence Time (mA) (micro.F) R+S+T/E Page | 245 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Batteries Tests Battery Discharge Procedure Test Page | 246 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 1) Battery Cell Technical Data: Manufacturer Nominal Cell Voltage Dimensions Terminal Size Max Weight Container Material Type 2) Test Equipment’s Used: Note: Used tester types below or approved testers by consultant. S.N Type Make 1 Multimeter Megger 2 External Loads ** ALL CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES SHOULD BE PROVIDED. Page | 247 Calibration date Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 3) Tests: Battery Discharge Test: 3.1.1) Purpose of test: - The purpose of the test is to determine the true capacity of the battery by finding the time that it takes the battery to reach the end of discharge voltage and compare it to the expected time from the battery specifications. The ratio between the resulting time and the expected time defines the capacity of the battery in percentages. 3.1.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Ensure that the Battery Bank to be tested has not been discharged within the last 7 days before performing Battery discharge test. 2- Measure the Voltage of the battery bank and each of its battery cell while on float mode (battery being charged). 3- Disconnect the battery charger from the battery bank and perform measurement of initial voltage of each of the battery cells and the battery bank as shown above. 4- Select the discharge rate based upon the battery capacity (ampere-hour) and the time the test shall be carried out for 3 hours. 5- Start discharge process for 3 hours individually and note total voltage and cell voltage for each phase then fill down all results at test format tables as shown below. Page | 248 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ➢ Measuring before Discharging: - Time: 09:30 Cell n Total Volt: V Cell n Cell Volt Cell Volt ➢ Measuring for the first hour - Time: 10:30 Cell n Total Volt: V Current: A Cell n Cell Volt Cell Volt ➢ Measuring for the second hour - Time: 11:30 Cell n Total Volt: V Current: A Cell n Cell Volt Cell Volt ➢ Measuring for the third hour - Time: 11:30 Cell n Total Volt: V Cell Volt Current: A Cell n Cell Volt 6- Generate finally graph shows relation between total voltage and discharging hours Page | 249 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Static Var Generator Tests SVG Procedure Tests Page | 250 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 1) SVG (Static Var Compensator) Tests: 1- CONTACT RESISTANCE TEST. 2- CIRCUIT BREAKER TIMING TESTS. 3- SCHEME CHECK. 4- PLC TEST. 5- CURRENT TRANSFORMERS TEST. 6- STEP-DOWN POWER TRANSFORMER TEST. 7- HIGH VOLTAGE INSULATION TEST. 8- PROTECTION FUNCTION TEST. 9- COLD RUN TEST. 10- POWER QUALITY ANALYZER IMAGE BEFORE ENERGIEZ. 11- HOT RUN TEST. 12- POWER QUALITY ANALYZER IMAGE AFTER ENERGIEZ. 2) Test Equipment’s Used: Note: Used tester types below or approved testers by consultant. S.N Type Make 1 Megger 5K VDC Megger 2 CPC 100 OMICRON 3 Micro-ohmmeter meter Megger 4 EGIL Megger 5 HVT-70/50 Tester 6 Freja 300 7 Class (A) Power Quality Analyzer Megger ** ALL CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES SHOULD BE PROVIDED. Page | 251 Calibration date Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 3) TESTS: Contact Resistance Test: 3.1.1) Purpose of test: - The purpose is to appreciate the status of internal fabrication and dimension of conductors which lie in GIS compartment indirectly thereby ensuring good contact. 3.1.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Select path for injection current start and end point. 2- Connect cables of ohmmeter tester at selected path. 3- Start test be increase gradually injected current until 100A value. 4- Evaluate results for all selected paths. 5- Compare between measured values and FAT results if accepted. 6- Evaluate all results values and filling down test table formats. Page | 252 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Circuit Breaker Timing Test: 3.2.1) Purpose of test: - This test is used on medium and high-voltage circuit breakers and provides information as to whether the operating mechanism of the circuit breaker is operating properly or not by measuring the closing and opening time of the breaker contacts. - This test can be used to determine the opening and closing speeds of the breaker, the interval time for closing and tripping and the contact bounce. The test provides information that can be used to detect problems such as weak accelerating springs, defective shock absorbers, dashpots, buffers, and closing mechanisms. 3.2.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Preparing connection of EGIL tester as shown below. 2- Connect external DC supply for closing and tripping coils. 3- Connect wires for closing and tripping coils at schematic DWG. 4- Connect sensing current feedback cable as shown. 5- Evaluate results for each sequence and compared it by FAT results. 6- Repeat same sequence at 85% of voltage supply. Page | 253 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Current Transformer Tests: 3.3.1) Mechanical Check and Visual Inspection: Purpose of test: - Make sure that current transformer is ready to test and doesn’t have any damage parts which prevents perfuming tests. # TEST DESCRIPTION REMARKS (OK / NOT OK) 13. Inspect for physical damage or defects. 14. Check nameplate information for correctness. Check that outdoor secondary wiring terminations are installed in moisture proof enclosures. 16. Check tightness of all bolted connections (torque wrench method). 15. 17. Check that all grounding cables are securely connected. Check secondary wiring is correctly color coded and size of wires is as 18. specified. 19. Check proper lugs have been used on terminations. Check CT locations physically and secondary terminal labeling has been 20. done correctly. 3.3.2) Insulation Resistance Test: Purpose of test: - To determine the equipment in proper condition to put in service. Results can be kept as record to compare in future and to understand the trend of insulation during maintenance. ➢ Applied Voltage: • 5000V DC for Primary – Earth. • 2500V DC for Primary – Secondary. • 1000V DC for Secondary - Secondary & Secondary - Earth ➢ Criteria: As per FAT): More than 2500 MΩ for Primary – Secondary – Earth More than 2000 MΩ for Secondary - Earth and between secondaries. ➢ Note: This test is performed for GIS/SWG current transformer. Page | 254 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Work Instructions/Test Procedure: 1- Connect megger tester as shown below. 2- Apply voltage test value for each connection. 3- Make sure CT secondaries earth connection are disconnected. 4- Make sure GIS/SWG is earthed successfully. 5- Evaluate test results and compare it by FAT results. Phase: n Primary Earth Core 1 Core 2 Primary - Earth Page | 255 Core 1 Core 2 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 3.3.3) Winding Resistance Test: Purpose of test: - Secondary resistance test is to verify the CT secondary winding resistance with specified one and no discontinuity in the winding. - Make sure measured value doesn’t affect on knee voltage value of current transformer. ➢ The Resistance card is only available if winding resistance measurement is enabled in the Select Cards page (Default Test Card Selection or Select Cards soft key in the CT-Object card). ➢ Depending on your selection on the Select Cards page, the Resistance card shows the parameters and results for the primary winding resistance measurement or the secondary winding resistance measurement only, or for both measurements. ➢ Criteria: within +/- 5% of FAT test Reports ➢ Note: CT Analyzer by OMICRON tester is used for all tests of current transformer. Page | 256 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Work Instructions/Test Procedure: 1- Connect CT to CT Analyzer kit as shown in figure below. 2- Make sure terminal slide of secondary wiring is opened. 3- Choose the below tests from tester window. 4- Evaluate results as software file report which is printed later to attached with main test report. 5- Compare measured values with FAT results. Page | 257 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 3.3.4) Turns Ratio-Polarity Test: Purpose of test: - Make sure measured value of turns ratio is within error % according to FAT error criteria. - Make sure polarity of CT is OK for performing succeed stability test. ➢ Criteria: (As per FAT Results). ➢ The Ratio card is only available if it is enabled in the Select Cards page (Default Test Settings or Select Cards soft key in the CT-Object card). ➢ The ratio test measures the current ratio of the CT considering the operating burden (parameter "Burden" in CT-Object card) or the nominal burden (parameter "VA" in CT-Object card). ➢ For a better understanding of the test results, the most important settings from the CT-Object card are shown once again in the upper part of the Ratio card. ➢ Note: Although the test is not performed with the real current, the test results reflect the current ratio and not the voltage ratio. ➢ Note: Although the test is not performed with the real current, the test results reflect the current ratio and not the voltage ratio. Work Instructions/Test Procedure: 1- Connect CT to CT Analyzer kit as shown in figure below. 2- Make sure terminal slide of secondary wiring is opened. 3- Choose the below tests from tester window. 4- Evaluate results as software file report which is printed later to attached with main test report. 5- Compare measured values with FAT results. Page | 258 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 3.3.5) Excitation Curve Test: Purpose of test: - Calculate knee voltage point for current transformer which CT enter saturation region after this point. - Make sure that CT excitation curve for metering and protection core is accepted according to standard. ➢ The excitation graph page shows the graph calculated from the test results. ➢ To display the excitation graph, press the Exist. Graph soft key in the Excitation card. The graph shows the r.m.s. terminal/core voltage over the r.m.s./peak current depending on the selected standard. ➢ Criteria: The %age error for Magnetizing current shall be within +/5% of the factory Test. ➢ ALL OMICRON CT ANALYZER REPORTS ARE PROVIDED. ➢ ALL FAT REPORTS ARE PROVIDED. Work Instructions/Test Procedure: 1- Connect CT to CT Analyzer kit as shown in figure below. 2- Make sure terminal slide of secondary wiring is opened. 3- Choose the below tests from tester window. 4- Evaluate results as software file report which is printed later to attached with main test report. 5- Compare measured values with FAT results. Page | 259 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Step Down Transformer Tests: 3.4.1) Mechanical and Visual Inspection Test: Purpose of test: - Make sure that transformer is ready to test and doesn’t have a damage part which prevents perfuming tests. # TEST DESCRIPTION REMARKS (OK / NOT OK) Inspect for physical damage/defects (see for any cracks, chips, etc. on 21. visible outer layer of the cast resin). 22. Check nameplate for correctness. 23. Check tightness of all bolted connections (torque wrench method). Check that all grounding is securely connected, including star point 24. neutral. 25. Perform all specific checks per manufacturer instructions 26. Check proper operation of all auxiliary devices (if applicable) 3.4.2) Polarization Index Test: Purpose of test: - To determine the equipment in proper condition to put in service. Results can be kept as record to compare in future and to understand the trend of insulation during maintenance. ➢ Applied Voltage: 5000V DC ➢ Criteria: PI > 1.25 POLARIZATION INDEX (PI) = 10 min Insulation resistance (Meg−ohm) reading 1 min Insulation resistance (Meg−ohm) reading ≥ 1.25. Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Connect megger tester as shown below. 2- Apply voltage test value for each connection. 3- Evaluate test results and compare it by FAT results. 4- Calculate PI value for each connection and make sure that more than criteria value. Page | 260 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 1)HV-LV winding insulation resistance test Test Results After 1 min 3)LV winding-Ground insulation resistance test 2)HV winding-Ground insulation resistance test Results After 10 min PI Remarks (OK / NOT OK) HV – LV HV – Earth LV – Earth 3.4.3) Turns-Ratio (TTR) Test: Purpose of test: - Main purpose of turn ratio test to check for actual turns ratio which in the range of acceptable error. ➢ The CPC 100 tester is used or any approved suitable tester, the turns-ratio test can be performed by two types of connections (1-PH or 3-PH) connections which are available at site and approved, we use 1st connection. ➢ Criteria: Error ≤ 0.5 1) Single-Phase Test Connection: CPC 100 only with a maximum output voltage of 2000V. 2) Three-Phase Test Connection: CPC 100 + CP SB1 with a maximum output voltage of 300V. Page | 261 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Connect CPC100 connections as shown below. 2- Apply selected test type from CPC100 window. 3- Connect primary winding connections and be careful during test. 4- Evaluate results during each tap. Tap Phases No. UV of UW taps VW Page | 262 Rated Ratio Measured Ratio % Error Remarks (OK / NOT OK) Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 3.4.4) DC Winding Resistance Test: Purpose of test: - Secondary resistance test is to verify the CT secondary winding resistance with specified one and no discontinuity in the winding. ➢ The CPC 100 is required or any approved tester. Before beginning the DC Winding Resistance test, please consider the following, ➢ The DC Winding Resistance Test should always be the last test performed on a power transformer. ➢ The DC Winding Resistance test can be performed with the CPC 100 or another approved tester using three methods, which include: • 400A DC Method – Recommend for measuring resistances < 50mΩ and (e.g. typically useful for performing a low-voltage winding resistance measurement) • 6A DC Method – Recommended for measuring resistances > 50mΩ and <10Ω (e.g. typically useful for performing a highvoltage winding resistance measurement). • 2-Wire Method – Recommended for measuring resistances >10Ω only. ➢ Note: make sure that each phase results must same as other phases within error Work Instructions/Test Procedures : 1- Connect CPC100 connections as shown below. 2- Apply selected test type from CPC100 window. 3- Connect primary winding connections and be careful during test. 4- Evaluate results during each tap. Page | 263 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Example of the 1ph test connection for Phase-A on the low voltage winding of a Dyn1 transformer. - High Voltage Side Winding Resistance: ➢ Criteria: As per FAT Results. ➢ Ambient Temperature: 28ᵒC U V Tap Position Result (Ω) Rc @ 75 C (Ω) V W FAT R @ 30 C (Ω) Result (Ω) Rc @ 75 C (Ω) W U FAT R @ 30 C (Ω) Result (Ω) Rc @ 75 C (Ω) FAT R @ 30 C (Ω) No. of taps - Low Voltage Winding Resistance: ➢ Criteria: As per FAT Results. ➢ Ambient Temperature: 28ᵒC u v Tap Position Rm (mΩ) Rc @ 75 C (mΩ) v w FAT R @ 30 C (mΩ) Rm (mΩ) Rc @ 75 C (mΩ) w u FAT R @ 30 C (mΩ) Rm (mΩ) 1 Notes: this formula is used to calculate winding resistance referred to 75 C. Rc: Calculated value at 75 C. Rm: Measurement value which contained a measurement cable. Ta: Ambient Temperature. Rc = Rm*(235+75) (236+Ta) Page | 264 Rc @ 75 C (mΩ) FAT R @ 30 C (mΩ) Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. High Voltage Tests: 3.5.1) Purpose of test: - To determine the equipment is in proper condition to put in service, after installation for which it was designed and to give some basis for predicting whether that a healthy condition will remain, or deterioration is underway which can result in abnormally short life. - Check insulation resistance between CT primary and its cores-between each core to another – primary to earth and cores to earth and comparing it by FAT results if its accepted. ➢ Additional Safety Precautions: • Before testing, safety area should be installed around the H.V equipment. (Clearance: 4m). • Appropriate display device (Warning light, Warning plate) should be installed to notify of the testing. • The customer (or his representative at the substation) shall instruct to the test personnel on safety work procedures at substation, and safety during its commissioning, and shall ensure the obedience. • Unauthorized persons are not strictly allowed to stay in SWGR room during tests. 3.5.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- It includes panel enclosure, bus bar, CT & breaker / contactor. The following precautions should be taken care, before starting the test: - A visual inspection will be made to ensure the surface dust and moisture has been removed from the component under test. - Ensure the component is isolated from other connected system, which may feedback to other components or circuits not under test. - A check shall be made to verify the ground for the component under test and test equipment being connected to system ground. - CT’s secondary terminals shall be shorted. - VT’s & Surge arresters shall be isolated from the equipment under test. - Mark out test area and assure nobody can enter during test. - Circuit breakers/contactors should be inserted and closed. Page | 265 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. - Bus bars should be fully mounted tightened and shields between phases & between phases and earth should be in place. Moreover, bus bar covers should be in place. - All Earthing switches related to equipment under test should be open. - Bus bar conductivity test shall be performed. - Insulation resistance test should be performed before and after the test. - Instructions of test equipment being used should be followed. - After each test subject under test should be discharged to ground. - HV Test by AC HV Testers for 60 Sec Duration: 1st C.B. is racked in and closed and al CBs of section are Racked in and Open Position Phase Applied Voltage Leakage Current (mA) Duration R S 18 KV 60 Sec T Measurement of insulation Resistance: 3.5.3) Purpose of test: - Check quality of insulation resistance before performing high pot test and comparing it by name plate values or FAT results if its accepted. ➢ Applied Voltage: 5000V DC ➢ Criteria: R≥1GΩ as per FAT results. 3.5.4) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Between main circuit and earth shall be measured by using 5kV Insulation resistance test kit. 2- Before and after high voltage test. 3- All CBs → Closed, All ES & VT → Opened 4- Evaluate results on table ➢ Power Units and Startup Cabinet Compartment: - Insulation Resistance Test: @ 5KV DC for 1 min duration before HV Test: R –(S+T+G) Insulation Resistance Page | 266 S- (R+T+G) T – (R+S+G) Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. - Insulation Resistance Test: @ 5KV DC for 1 min duration After HV Test: R –(S+T+G) S- (R+T+G) T – (R+S+G) Insulation Resistance ➢ Note: Make sure results of insulation resistance after high voltage test is less than before it. ➢ Note: - Measurement values may vary depending on the measurement time. - Namely, Measurement values may vary due to differences in the moisture of the morning and afternoon. PLC Function Test: 3.5.5) Purpose of test: - To verify that Hardware and Software of the PLC are met the specifications of the design. 3.5.6) Work Instructions/Test Procedures : 1- Check all PLC inputs, Output, and software logic by simulate or initiate field signals 2- Check the PLC action in various conditions. Cold Run Test: 3.5.7) Purpose of test: - To verify the proper action of the controller at all power system condition prior to energization. 3.5.8) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Check all PLC inputs, Output, and software logic by simulate or initiate field signals 2- Check the PLC action in various conditions. Hot Run Test: 3.5.9) Purpose of test: - Energize the system and assess its action. Page | 267 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Protection Function Test: 3.5.10) Purpose of test: - To verify the physical condition and electrical characteristics of protective relays. - This test is to confirm the above tested relay is properly connected / interfaced with system that required. This will verify all inputs to relay and outputs from the relay are properly connected, as it required. An injection (current/ voltage) shall be made and - Checked the functions outputs (trip, alarm, indication, control). Inputs shall be initiated from the source and monitored the proper outputs from the relay. Scheme Check Test: 3.5.11) Purpose of test: - To verify that all panels wiring are correct according to approved drawings. 3.5.12) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Operation sequence and interlock verification. 2- Opening and closing operations of switching devices from local and remote. 3- Tripping of switching devices from protection. 4- Status of switching devices to local and remote. 5- Alarms/indications availability to local and remote. POWER QUALITY ANALYZER IMAGE BEFORE ENERGIEZ Test: 3.5.13) Purpose of test: - To check the power system parameters for 24 hours at full load prior to energization. POWER QUALITY ANALYZER IMAGE AFTER ENERGIEZ Test: 3.5.14) Purpose of test: - To check the power system parameters for 24 hours at full load after energization. Page | 268 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Protection Relays Tests PCS-931 Relay Functions Test Procedures Page | 269 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 1) Protection Relay Technical Data (Name Plate) Designation No. Manufacturer Type Function Model No. S/N Aux. DC Supply Page | 270 PCS-931 NR Line Feeder Protection 1- Line Differential 2- Distance Protection 3- SOTF 4- Overcurrent 5- Earth fault 6- VT Fail 7- Power Swing PCS-931 NRJB2134812160030 110 Vdc CT Rating 1250/1 A Residual current VT rating N/A 220/0.1 KV Residual voltage Rated frequency N/A 50 HZ Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 2) Test Equipment’s Used: ➢ Note: Used tester types below or approved testers ➢ Note: we use different testers other than OMICRON tester S.N Type Make 1 OMICRON CMC256-6 OMICRON ** ALL CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES SHOULD BE PROVIDED. ** Example for connection of Freja Device to advanced relays. Page | 271 Calibration date Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ** A picture for CMC256-6. ➢ Software will be used for configuration and final setting tests - We will use the PCS-Explorer V1.1.2 in this instruction. Page | 272 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 3) TESTS: Mechanical Check and Visual Inspection: 3.1.1) Purpose of test: - Make sure that protection relay is good for testing and it doesn’t have any damage or missing parts. ITEM DESCRIPTION CHECKED 1 Inspect for any physical damage or defects. 2 Verify connections as per approved drawings. OK OK 3 Check that serial no. of relay matching with serial no. of display. OK Electrical Tests: 3.2.1) Functional Test ITEM DESCRIPTION CHECKED 4 5 Set Clock to local time Time maintained when Aux. Supply removed Make Test Mode Enable under commissioning menu to check ALARM LED Make Test Mode Enable under commissioning menu to check OUT OF SERVICE LED Apply any fault condition to check TRIP LED (Red) Apply Test LEDs under commissioning menu to check all programmable LEDs. 6 Measured FIELD SUPPLY Voltage 1 2 3 Date & time Between terminals (+ve) – (-ve) 3.2.2) Measurement Test: - Inject different values for current and voltage to make sure ratio is ok Phase Current Injected (A) R S T Phase 1∟0 1∟240 1∟120 R-N S-N T-N Page | 273 Voltage Injected (V) 57.7∟0 57.7∟240 57.7∟120 Measuring (A) “Primary Value” 1249.68 ∟0 1250.69 ∟240 1248.11 ∟120 Measuring (v) “Primary Value” 127.0 ∟0 127.1 ∟240 127.0 ∟120 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Earth Fault Protection (50G/51G/IDMT_ROC) Test 3.3.1) Definite time of EF protection test Purpose of Test - During normal operation of power system, there is trace residual current, whereas a fault current flows to earth will result in greater residual current. Therefore, residual current is adopted for the calculation of earth fault protection. - To improve the selectivity of earth fault protection in power grid with multiple power sources, directional element can be selected to control earth fault protection. For application online-transformer unit, second harmonic also can be selected to block earth fault protection to avoid the effect of sympathetic current on the protection. Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Preparing connection of OMICRON tester. 2- Connect probs of current and voltage to OMICRON tester. ➢ Protection Setting: 3- Set 50/51G1.Opt_Dir as 0, to make this function not blocked by directional element. Disable all other block element (set logic setting as 0), including50/51G1.En_Hm2_Blk、 50/51G1.En_Abnor_Blk 50/51G2.En_CTS_Blk, set 50/51G1.Opt_Curve as 0 to select definite time characteristic. Set two states in test kit. Page | 274 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. • • • • • State 1 simulates normal condition: Set Ur/Us/Ut as positive sequence rated voltage Un. Ir/Is/It set as 0. This state lasts for 11S (longer than 10S) State 2 simulates faulty state: Simulate PG fault, set faulty voltage between 0V and 0.9Un. Faulty current set as 1.05*50/51G1.3I0_Set, Faulty time set as 50/51G1.t_Op+50ms. Inverse time of EF protection test 3.4.1) Purpose of Test - During normal operation of power system, there is trace residual current, whereas a fault current flows to earth will result in greater residual current. Therefore, residual current is adopted for the calculation of earth fault protection. - To improve the selectivity of earth fault protection in power grid with multiple power sources, directional element can be selected to control earth fault protection. For application online-transformer unit, second harmonic also can be selected to block earth fault protection to avoid the effect of sympathetic current on the protection. Page | 275 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 3.4.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Preparing connection of OMICRON tester. 2- Connect probs of current and voltage to OMICRON tester. 3- Set 50/51G1.Opt_Dir=0, to make this function not blocked by directional element. Disable all other block element (set logic setting as 0), including 50/51G1.En_Hm2_Blk、 50/51G1.En_Abnor_Blk、50/51G2.En_CTS_Blk, set 50/51G1.Opt_Curve as 1 to select IEC normal inverse characteristic. Connect the trip BO of relay to the BI of test kit to measure the operating time. Open Quick CMC module in Omicron. - State 1 simulates normal condition: • Set Ur/Us/Ut as positive sequence rated voltage Un. • Ir/Is/It set as 0. • This state lasts for 11S (longer than 10S) - State 2 simulates faulty state: • Simulate PG fault, set faulty voltage between 0V and 0.9Un. • For example, 50/51G1.3I0_Set=1A, 50/51G1.TMS=0.5, Then the operating time(state:2) will be: Page | 276 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Overcurrent protection (50P/51P/IDMT_OC) Definite time of OC protection test 3.5.1) Purpose of Test - When a fault occurs in power system, usually the fault current would be very large and phase overcurrent protection operates monitoring fault current is then adopted to avoid further damage to protected equipment. Directional element can be selected to improve the sensitivity and selectivity of the protection. For application on feeder-transformer circuits, second harmonic can also be selected to block phase overcurrent protection to avoid the effect of inrush current on the protection. 3.5.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Preparing connection of OMICRON tester. 2- Connect probs of current to OMICRON tester. 3- Set 50/51P1.Opt_Dir=0, 50/51P1.En_Hm2_Blk=0, Set 50/51P1.Opt_Curve=0 to use the definite time function, Set two states in test kit: - State 1 simulate normal state: • Set Ur/Us/Ut as positive sequence rated voltage Un. • Ir/Is/It set as 0. • This state lasts for 11S (longer than 10S) - State 2 simulate faulty state: • Simulate a single-phase fault, Set faulty voltage between 0V and 0.9Un Page | 277 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. • Faulty current set as 1.05*50/51P1.I_Set, fault time set as 50/51P1.t_Op+50ms. ➢ Result: - If the faulty current is 1.05 times of setting, relay will trip, if it is 0.95 time of setting, relay will not trip. If 50/51P1.En_BlkAR set as 0. Inverse time of Overcurrent protection Test 3.6.1) Purpose of Test - During normal operation of power system, there is trace residual current, whereas a fault current flows to earth will result in greater residual current. Therefore, residual current is adopted for the calculation of earth fault protection. - To improve the selectivity of earth fault protection in power grid with multiple power sources, directional element can be selected to control earth fault protection. For application online-transformer unit, second harmonic also can be selected to block earth fault protection to avoid the effect of sympathetic current on the protection. ➢ 50/51P/IDMT (Over Current) C/C’s with equations: Page | 278 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 3.6.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures : 1- Preparing connection of OMICRON tester. 2- Connect probs of current to OMICRON tester. 3- Set 50/51P1.Opt_Dir=0, to disable direction block element. Disable all other block element by set the logic settings as 0, including50/51P1.En_Hm2_Blk, 50/51P1.En_Abnor_Blk, 50/51P1.En_CTS_Blk, and set 50/51P1.Opt_Curve=1 to select IEC normal inverse time characteristic. Connect the trip BO of relay to the BI of test kit to measure the operating time, use to measure the operating time. Open Quick CMC module in Omicron. - State 1 simulates normal condition: • Set Ur/Us/Ut as positive sequence rated voltage Un. • Ir/Is/It set as 0. • This state lasts for 11S (longer than 10S) - State 2 simulates faulty state: • Change the current and voltage to simulate a single-phase fault, Then Release The test kit. Test the operating time by inject different faulty current. • Take 50/50P1.I_Set=1A, 50/51P1.TMS=0.5 as an example, the test result of stage 2 is: Page | 279 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Line Differential Protection (87L) Test 3.7.1) Purpose of Test - Current differential protection can be used as main protection of EHV and HV overhead line or cable. It includes phase-segregated current differential protection and neutral current differential protection. - Make sure that protection relay work properly according to its differential curve with threshold values and tripping values. - Discriminate tripping and non-tripping regions of its curve. 3.7.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Preparing connection of OMICRON tester. 2- Connect probs of current to OMICRON tester. 3- Prepare calculations of differential function. 4- Calculate local and remote current carefully to inject them and make sure relay will work successfully. ➢ Current differential protection comprises three elements: 1- DPFC current differential element (2 stages) 2- Steady-state current differential element (2 stages) 3- Neutral current differential element (1 stage) 3.7.3) DPFC Differential Relay. - DPFC percent differential element only reflects fault components which can perform a sensitive protection for the transmission line. Lab test shows that it is more sensitive in the heavy load condition than the conventional percent differential element. - 1st Stage Operation Criteria: Page | 280 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. - 2nd Stage Operation Criteria: ] - Operation characteristics of DPFC Differential Function Criteria: Page | 281 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Steady State (Biased 87L) Differential Relay • Stage 1: - The pickup value of 87 biased stage 1 is 1.5 times of the pickup value setting of 87L.I_Biased. The slope is 0.6, enable the 87L_biased stage 1 function and disable the others. The settings are as follow: ➢ Test of the pickup value - Use the QuickCMC function of the test kit, set the magnitude of Ir as the ramp signal, step is 0.01A: Page | 282 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ➢ Notice: (1) Slowly increase the value of the current lower than the pickup setting until it reaches the pickup value. The device will trip when the current is higher than the settings. (2) The other two phases can be test in the same way. ➢ Differential Characteristic Test According to the formulas of this function: Page | 283 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. - We can calculate a series of threshold values that can simulate relay operation: K IR (A) ID Calculated 0.6 2 2.5 3 4 5 6 1.5 1.5 1.8 2.4 3 3.6 I1 (Local end) 1.75 2 2.4 3.2 4 4.8 I2 (Remote end) 0.25 0.5 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 R 1.49 1.49 1.79 2.39 2.9 3.59 ID measured S T 1.48 1.49 1.48 1.49 1.78 1.77 2.38 2.39 2.8 2.9 3.59 3.58 - Take Phase R differential protection as an example: • Use the QuickCMC function of the test kit, the phase angle between two sides is 180°. • Connect the trip BO of the relay to the BI of the test kit, to stop the testing automatically when relay trip. • Set local current Ir as ramp signal, step is 0.01A, step changing time 0.1S. • Remote current is fixed. Enable Auto Step. • Tick the function that stop test when the relay trips (BI changes) • Start the test kit and then click the increase button. No.1: Local current 1.75A, remote current0.25A, differential current 1.5A, and restricted current 2A. Page | 284 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ➢ Result: After the current of Ir increase up to the threshold value, differential protection of phase R trip, then the test kit stops and display operating value. No.2: Local current 2A, remote current0.5A, differential current 1.5A, and restricted current 2A. ➢ Result: After the current of Ir increase up to the threshold value, differential protection of phase R trip, then the test kit stops and display operating value. ➢ Notice: - Please refer to Node 1&2 for the other nodes. - Test the other two phases in the same way. Page | 285 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Steady State (Biased 87L) Differential Relay • Stage 2: - The pickup value of 87 biased stage 2 is the same as the pickup value setting of 87L.I_Biased. The slope is 0.6, enable the 87L_biased stage 2 function and disable the others. The settings are as follow: ➢ Test of the pickup value - Use the QuickCMC function of the test kit, set the magnitude of Ir as the ramp signal, step is 0.01A: Page | 286 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ➢ Result: After the current of Ir increase up to the threshold value, differential protection of phase R trip, then the test kit stops and display operating value. ➢ Notice: - Slowly increase the value of the current lower than the pickup setting until it reaches the pickup value. The device will trip when the current is higher than the settings. - The other two phases can be test in the same way. ➢ Differential Characteristic Test According to the formulas of this function: Page | 287 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. - We can calculate a series of threshold values that can simulate relay operation: K IR (A) ID Calculated 0.6 1.4 1.666 3 4. 5 6 1 1 1.8 2.4 3 3.6 I1 (Local end) 1.2 1.334 2.4 3.2 4 4.8 I2 (Remote end) 0.2 0.3333 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 R 1 1 1.79 2.39 2.9 3.59 ID measured S T 0.99 0.98 0.99 0.99 1.78 1.8 2.38 2.39 2.89 2.99 3.59 3.6 ➢ Take Phase R differential protection as an example: • Use the QuickCMC function of the test kit, the phase angle between two sides is 180°. • Connect the trip BO of the relay to the BI of the test kit, to stop the testing automatically when relay trip. • Set local current Ir as ramp signal, step is 0.01A, step changing time 0.1S. • Remote current is fixed. Enable Auto Step. • Tick the function that stop test when the relay trips (BI changes) • Start the test kit and then click the increase button. No.1: Local current 1.2A, remote current0.2A, differential current 1A, and restricted current 1.4A. Page | 288 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ➢ Result: After the current of Ir increase up to the threshold value, differential protection of phase R trip, then the test kit stops and display operating value. No.2: Local current 1.3A, remote current0.333A, differential current 1A, and restricted current 1.667A. ➢ Result: After the current of Ir increase up to the threshold value, differential protection of phase R trip, then the test kit stops and display operating value. ➢ Notice: - Please refer to Node 1&2 for the other nodes. - Test the other two phases in the same way. Page | 289 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Zero Sequence Differential Protection (87 Neutral) Test - The sensitivity of steady-state differential current element is too low for the slight fault during heavy load, and DPFC current differential element can only reflect the slight fault during heavy load, but low for the slow changing fault due to the small change of fault component. Neutral current differential element can be very sensitive to this kind of fault. - The pickup value of Zero sequence differential protection (87_Neutral) is the same as the pickup value setting of 87L.I_Biased. The slope is 0.75, enable the 87L_Neutral function and disable the others. The settings are as follow: Page | 290 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ➢ Test of the pickup value - Use the QuickCMC function of the test kit, set the magnitude of Ir as the ramp signal, step is 0.01A: ➢ Notice: - Slowly increase the value of the current lower than the pickup setting until it reaches the pickup value. The device will trip when the current is higher than the settings. - The other two phases can be test in the same way. Page | 291 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ➢ Differential Characteristic Test According to the formulas of this function: Page | 292 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. - We can calculate a series of threshold value which can simulate relay operation. K IR (A) ID Calculated 0.75 1.2 1.666 3 4 5 6 1 1.001 2.25 3 3.75 4.5 I1 (Local end) 1.1 1.167 2.625 3.5 4.375 5.250 I2 (Remote end) 0.1 0.166 0.375 0.5 0.625 0.75 R 0.98 1 2.24 2.99 3.748 4.5 ID measured S T 0.99 0.99 1 0.991 2.25 2.25 2.98 2.9 3.749 3.75 4.5 4.49 ➢ Take Phase R differential protection as an example: - Use the Quick CMC function of the test kit, the phase angle between two sides is 180°. - Connect the Trip Bo of the relay to the BI of the test kit, to stop the test kit automatically when relay trips. - Set local current Ir as ramp signal, step is 0.01A, step changing time 0.1S. - Remote current is fixed. - Enable Auto Step. - Tick the function that stop test when the relay trips (BI changes). - Start the test kit and then click the increase button. No.1: Local current 1.1A, remote current 0.1A, differential current 1A, and restricted current 1.2A. Page | 293 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ➢ Result: After the current of Ir increase up to the threshold value, differential protection of phase R trip, then the test kit stops and display operating value. No.2: Local current 1.167A, remote current 0.166A, differential current 1A, and restricted current 1.333A ➢ Result: After the current of Ir increase up to the threshold value, differential protection of phase R trip, then the test kit stops and display operating value. ➢ Notice: - Slowly increase the value of the current lower than the pickup setting until it reaches the pickup value. The device will trip when the current is higher than the settings. - The other two phases can be test in the same way. Page | 294 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 87 Function blocked by CTS Test - This function can be enabled or disabled by the logic setting [87L.En_CTS_Blk]. - If set 87L.En_CTS_Blk=0, after the alarm of CTS issuing, differential current will trip it reach the pickup differential currents and CTS should lower than the setting of pickup. - If set 87L.En_CTS_Blk=1, after the alarm of CTS issuing, differential protection will never trip even the differential current is very high. - Set the settings as 87L.I_CTS > 87L.I_Biased. Enable all the differential protection logic settings. ➢ 87L.En_CTS_Blk set as 0 - Use the Quick CMC function of test kit and set local Ir as ramp signal, step is 0.01A. - Start the test kit, only inject local Ir0.2A, keep longer than 10S to make sure the CTS alarm issue. - Increase the current slowly, when the differential current is higher than 87L.I_CTS, protection will trip. Page | 295 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ➢ 87L.En_CTS_Blk set as 1 - Use the Quick CMC function of test kit and set local Ir as ramp signal, step is 0.01A. - Start the test kit, only inject local Ir0.2A, keep longer than 10S to make sure the CTS alarm issue. - Increase the current slowly, when the differential current is higher than 87L.I_CTS, protection will not trip. 87 Interstrip function Test - The purpose of this function is to avoid the following circumstance: If there is an earth fault occurred with a very high resistance on a long-distance line, the relay cannot pickup if it is far away from the faulty location. - The logic setting [87L.En_InterTrp] enable or disable the logic for receive signal of inter trip function, not include the send signal. No matter set it as 0 or 1, the relay will always send the inter trip signal to the remote relay if any element operates in local side. - Set 87L.En_InterTrp=1 in local relay, if the inter trip signal from the remote relay comes, and the common condition of differential protection is satisfied (Differential current is higher than the pickup setting of 87Land0.15 times of the restricted current both), the inter trip function will operate with time delay 10ms, the operation report will be 87L.Op_InterTrp. - Set 87L.En_InterTrp=0, the relay will not operate if the inter trip signal comes. - Set local 87L.En_InterTrp as 0, remote87L.En_InterTrp as 1. Increase the pickup setting of the remote relay to avoid the relay operates caused by differential current. Page | 296 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. - Set two sequence states, the angle between the two sides is 180° (local side current is higher than the remote side), make sure the differential current is higher than the remote side pickup setting and higher than 0.15 times of restricted current. - Inject the voltage in local side to simulate distance protection operate, and the differential protection does not operate. To send the inter trip signal to the remote side. - We can find that distance protection operates in local and in the Remote Side 87L.Op_InterTrp Operates also with operating time of 10ms. ➢ Notice: - Local side faulty current2.2A, remote side 1.1A. - Differential current is 2.2-1.1=1.1A, it is larger than the pickup setting. - [Differential current] / [restricted current] =1.1/3.3=0.33, it is larger than 0.15, but less than the differential slope 0.6. Page | 297 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Distance Protection (21M/21Q) Test 3.8.1) Purpose of Test - When a fault happens on a power system, distance protection will trip circuit breaker to isolate the fault from power system with its specific time delay if the fault is within the protected zone of distance protection. - For long overhead transmission lines we use distance protection with different zones with different time for tripping can protect all transmission line. - Discriminate tripping and non-tripping zones of its setting. 3.8.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures : 1- Preparing connection of OMICRON tester. 2- Connect probs of voltage and current to OMICRON tester. 3- Calculate local and remote current carefully to inject them and make sure relay will work successfully. ➢ Distance protection includes: 1- DPFC distance protection: • It is independent fast protection providing extremely fast speed to clear close-Up fault especially on long line and thus improves system stability. 2- Mho phase-to-phase distance protection • Zone 1: forward direction • Zone 2~5: settable forward or reverse directional Neutral current differential element (1 stage) 3- Mho phase-to-ground distance protection • Zone 1: forward direction • Zone 2~5: settable forward or reverse direction. 4- Quadrilateral phase-to-phase distance protection • Zone 1: forward direction • Zone 2~5: settable forward or reverse direction 5- Quadrilateral phase-to-ground distance protection • Zone 1: forward direction Page | 298 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. • Zone 2~5: settable forward or reverse direction 6- Pilot distance protection • The pilot zone is for PUTT, POTT and blocking scheme. The forward direction element is for sending signal for POTT and tripping upon receiving permissive signal for both PUTT and POTT scheme. The forward direction element for blocking scheme is used to stop sending blocking signal. The reverse direction element is only for POTT scheme with weak infeed condition. 7- Load encroachment • It is used to prevent all distance elements from undesired trip due to load encroachment under heavy load condition especially for long lines. 8- Out-of-step protection (OOS) 9- Power swing blocking releasing (PSBR) • For power swing with external fault, distance protection is always blocked, but for power swing with internal fault, PSBR will operate to release the blocking for distance protection. 10- SOTF distance protection • For manual closing or automatic closing on to a fault, zone 2, 3 or 4 of distance protection will accelerate to trip. Distance Protection (21Q) - Setting: ➢ Notice: Page | 299 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. - In the setting list, the x in ZGx&ZPx is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, means stage 1\2\3\4\5 of the 21M/21Q. ➢ Test of phase to ground fault - According to the phase voltage calculate formula: - Use the sequence function of test kit and simulate two states: - State1 simulates the normal condition: • Set Ur/Us/Ut as positive sequence rated voltage Un. • Ir/Is/It set as 0. • This state lasts for 11S (longer than 10S, the drop-off time setting of VTS alarm). - State 2 simulates faulty state: • Faulty voltage set as 39.9V, Faulty current set as 5A. • When test the reactance setting, the faulty current should lag the voltage 75° (The angle value of positive sequence angle of line). • When test the resistance setting, the angle of faulty current and faulty voltage is the same. • State 2 lasts for 0.05S. Page | 300 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ➢ Result: • If AR ready before state 2, distance protection will trip phase R and reclose successfully. • If any stage of PG distance protection enables the Block AR logic setting, distance protection will trip three phase and not reclose. • Repeat this step for two other phases. ➢ Test of phase-to-phase fault - According to the phase voltage calculate formula: - Use the sequence function of test kit and simulate two states: - State1 simulates the normal condition: • Set Ur/Us/Ut as positive sequence rated voltage Un. • Ir/Is/It set as 0. • This state lasts for 11S (longer than 10S, the drop-off time setting of VTS alarm). - State 2 simulates faulty state: • Faulty voltage set as 23.75V, Faulty current set as 5A. • When test the reactance setting, the faulty current should lag the voltage 75°(The angle value of positive sequence angle of line). • When test the resistance setting, the angle of faulty current and faulty voltage is the same. • State 2 lasts for 0.05S. Page | 301 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 1) Test of distance protection trip R-S phase to phase fault: Urs = 23.75V S-T phase to phase fault: Ust = 23.75V T-R phase to phase fault: Utr = 23.75V ➢ Result: If the AR ready before state 2, and the AR mode is 3P AR or 1P/3P AR, the distance protection will trip three phase and auto reclose, if the AR mode is 1P AR, distance protection will trip three phase and not reclose. Page | 302 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 2) Test of distance protection not trip R-S phase to phase fault: Urs = 26.25V S-T phase to phase fault: Ust = 26.25V T-R phase to phase fault: Utr = 26.25V ➢ Result: Fault detector pick up, relay not trip. ➢ Notice: - Stage 4 is the reverse directional and during testing the angles of faulty current should plus 180° on the degrees of stage 1\2\3. Page | 303 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. - In the above pictures of the test, voltage is marked by the red circles, please set the voltage angle correctly to make sure the angle of the voltage of normal phase is continuous. ➢ Quadrilateral forward distance element characteristics: - Where: ZZD: impedance setting in forward direction RZD: resistance setting in forward direction φ: line positive-sequence characteristic angle α: the angle of directional line in the second quadrant, set by the setting [21Q.Ang_Alpha] β: the angle of directional line in the fourth quadrant, fixed at 15 ° θ: downward offset angle of the reactance line AB Page | 304 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ➢ Quadrilateral Reverse distance element characteristics: - Zone 2, 3, 4, 5 can be set as reverse direction by the setting [21 x. DirMode] (x=2, 3, 4, 5). When a fault occurs on the busbar at the back, reverse distance element is provided to clear it with definite time delay and is used as backup protection for reverse busbar fault. - Where: ZZD: impedance setting in reverse direction RZD: resistance setting in reverse direction φ: line positive-sequence characteristic angle α: the angle of directional line, set by the setting [21Q.Ang_Alpha] β: the angle of directional line, fixed at 15° θ: downward offset angle of the reactance line AB. Page | 305 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ➢ Auto test for the boundary of distance protection: - If the tester has auto test like as OMICRON CMC tester or another approved tester, we can test distance protection with satisfy each boundary of zones do not get tripes of each zone only, in addition we can print out all XRIO file of all zones with tripping and nit tripping points. - After opening the function view, click [Test Object Parameters] in the toolbox to set the distance characteristic. - Double click [Distance] to open the distance setting view. - Page | 306 Set the line impedance and the angle in [System Settings] Set the distance characteristic in [Zone Settings] Click [New] 4 times to establish 4 zones of distance protection. Click on the name of zone1, 2, 3, 4, and set the trip time and tolerances. Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. - Double click on zone 1, open the characteristic setting view. - Assume the impedance of zone 1 is 5Ω, resistance 8Ω, choose Mho or quadrilateral in [Predefined shapes] to - set the characteristic of distance protection. - 21Q (quadrilateral characteristic) Page | 307 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ➢ Notice: • Tick “Auto close” to get a closed quadrilateral automatically. • The first line, choose the mode as “Line Cartesian”, set R and X as(0, 0 and the angle as -15˚. • The second line, choose the mode as “Line Cartesian”, set R and X as( 8, 0)and the angle as 75˚. • The third line, choose the mode as “Line polar”, set Z and Phi as(5, 75˚ ), and the angle as -12˚. • The fourth line, choose the mode as “Line cartesian”, set R and X as(0, 0)and the angle as 105˚. - After setting the characteristic, click OK to go back to the test view. - Click [Sequence...] to add the test item. - Set the original point R and X as (0, 0) to set the start point of search test. - Set search length, it should cover all the impedance area. - Set the range of angle, set start angle as 0°and end angle as 90°, angle step as 30°, then click OK. - Click [Sequence...] again, set start angle as 0°and end angle as 90°, angle step as 30°, then click OK. Quadrilateral characteristic Page | 308 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Page | 309 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Distance Tele-Protection Schemes Test 3.9.1) Permissive Overreaching Transfer Trip (POTT) - ZPilot will send permissive signal to remote end once it picks up and release tripping signal upon receiving permissive signal from the remote end. Purpose of Test - Pilot distance protection determines whether it will send the signal to the remote end according to the discrimination result of the distance element or direction element. Pilot distance protection can be divided into permissive scheme and blocking scheme according to whether the signal sent is used to permit tripping or block tripping. For permissive scheme, it can be divided into overreaching mode or underreaching mode according to the setting of distance element and scheme selected, furthermore, it will provide the unblocking scheme as auxiliary function. For overreaching mode, current reversal logic and weak infeed logic are available for parallel line operation and weak power source situation respectively. We need to test these functions individually to make sure that all communication fiber between two relays and each function work successfully with setting time adapted. Work Instructions/Test Procedures 1- Preparing connection of OMICRON tester. 2- Connect probs of current and voltage to OMICRON tester. 3- Disable all other functions as follow: Item 50/51P1.En 50/51G1.En 21SOTF.En 85.Z.En VTS.En Page | 310 value 0 0 0 1 0 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ➢ Simple schematic of POTT 4- By applying signal receive to slot 09 BI 1 (TB... XB211: 10 & 21) and inject impedance value in zone 2, trip appears on relay will be tele-prot trip with 0 sec. 5- If the fault is between SS1 & SS2, There is signal transmitted between protection relays for different feeders Page | 311 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 6- If the fault is outside SS2, there is no signal transmitted between protection relays for different feeders. Permissive Underreaching Transfer Trip (PUTT) 3.10.1) Purpose of Test - Distance elements zone 1 (Z1) with underreaching setting and pilot zone (ZPilot) with overreaching setting are used for this scheme. Z1 element will send permissive signal to the remote end and release tripping after Z1 time delay expired. After receiving permissive signal with ZPilot element pickup, a tripping signal will be released. 3.10.2) Work Instruction/Test Procedures 1- Preparing connection of OMICRON tester. 2- Connect probs of current and voltage to OMICRON tester. 3- Disable all other functions as follow: Item 50/51P1.En 50/51G1.En 21SOTF.En 85.Z.En VTS.En Page | 312 value 0 0 0 1 0 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ➢ Simple schematic of PUTT 4- By applying signal receive to BI of relay and inject impedance value in zone 1, trip appears on relay will be tele-prot. trip with 0 sec. 5- If the fault is between SS1 & SS2, there is signal transmitted between protection relays for different feeders Page | 313 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Blocking Transfer Trip 3.11.1) Purpose of Test - Permissive scheme has high security, but it relies on pilot channel seriously. Pilot distance protection will not operate when there is an internal fault with abnormal channel. Blocking scheme could be considered as an alternative. - Blocking scheme takes use of pilot distance element Zpilot operation to terminate sending of blocking signal. Blocking signal will be sent once fault detector picks up without pilot zone Zpilot operation. Pilot distance protection will operate with a short time delay if pilot distance element operates and not receiving blocking signal after timer expired. 3.11.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures 1- Preparing connection of OMICRON tester. 2- Connect probs of current and voltage to OMICRON tester. 3- Disable all other functions as follow: Item 50/51P1.En 50/51G1.En 21SOTF.En 85.Z.En VTS.En value 0 0 0 1 0 4- Simulation of Blocking scheme from the injected secondary impedance zone 4(reverse zone) value to the relay Page | 314 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 5- Inject secondaries values for voltage and current for Z1 ➢ Simple schematic of Blocking Scheme Page | 315 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Switch onto fault protection (21SOTF/50PSOTF) - Setting List: Switch onto fault protection (21SOTF) By Manual Close BI: 3.13.1) Purpose of Test - When the circuit breaker is closed manually or automatically, it is possible to switch on to an existing fault. This is especially critical if the line in the remote station is grounded since time-delayed protection would not clear the fault until their time delays had elapsed. In this situation, however, the fastest possible clearance is desired. 3.13.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Preparing connection of OMICRON tester. 2- Connect probs of current and voltage to OMICRON tester. 3- Set the logic setting SOTF.Opt_Mode_ManCls as Man_Cls_BI 4- Connect the BO of the test kit to the Manual close BI of relay. 5- Preparation: Item 50/51P1.En 50/51G1.En 21SOTF.En 85.Z.En VTS.En Page | 316 value 0 0 1 0 0 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 6- Set three states in the sequence test function: - State 1: Normal condition, Set Ur/Us/Ut as positive rated voltage Un, set three phase current as 0, this state lasts for 11S. - State 2: Set the voltage and current same as state1 and output the BO of test kit to simulate the manual close command to relay, state lasts for 30ms. - State 3: Faulty state set the fault in Zone 2, Zone 3or Zone 4 area according to setting. The state lasts for 50ms. 7- Result: 21SOTF operated, time delay 25ms. Switch onto fault protection (21SOTF) By Breaker Position BI: 3.14.1) Purpose of Test - When the circuit breaker is closed manually or automatically, it is possible to switch on to an existing fault. This is especially critical if the line in the remote station is grounded since timedelayed protection would not clear the fault until their time delays had elapsed. In this situation, however, the fastest possible clearance is desired. 3.14.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures : 1- Preparing connection of OMICRON tester. 2- Connect probs of current and voltage to OMICRON tester. 3- Set SOTF.Opt_Mode_ManCls as CB Pos. 4- Preparation: Page | 317 Item value 50/51P1.En 50/51G1.En 21SOTF.En 0 0 1 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 85.Z.En VTS.En 0 0 5- Connect the BO of the test kit to the Breaker Position BI of relay. 6- Set two states in the sequence test function: - State 1: Normal condition, Set Ur/Us/Ut as positive rated voltage Un, three phase current as 0, this state lasts for 11S (longer than 10S) and CB is closed position. - State 2: Fault condition, set the fault in Zone 2, Zone 3 or Zone 4 area according to setting, state lasts for 50ms. ➢ Result: 21SOTF operated, time delay 25ms. Page | 318 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Switch onto fault protection (50PSOTF) By Breaker Position BI: 3.15.1) Purpose of Test - When the circuit breaker is closed manually or automatically, it is possible to switch on to an existing fault. This is especially critical if the line in the remote station is grounded since timedelayed protection would not clear the fault until their time delays had elapsed. In this situation, however, the fastest possible clearance is desired. 3.15.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures : 1- Preparing connection of OMICRON tester. 2- Connect probs of current and voltage to OMICRON tester. 3- Set SOTF.Opt_Mode_ManCls as CB Pos. 4- Preparation: Item 50/51P1.En 50/51G1.En 21SOTF.En 85.Z.En VTS.En value 1 0 0 0 0 5- Connect the BO of the test kit to the Breaker Position BI of relay. 6- Set two states in the sequence test function: - State 1: Normal condition, Set Ur/Us/Ut as positive rated voltage Un, three phase current as 0, this state lasts for 11S. - State 2: Faulty state, the over current is higher than 50PSOTF.I_Set, lasts for 50ms. ➢ Result: 50PSOTF operated, time delay 25ms. Page | 319 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ➢ For 50PSOTF By Manual close BI is the same sequence by change BO of the Kit by BI of protection Relay. Reverse Power (32R) Protection Test 3.16.1) Purpose of Test - Due to various reasons lead to lose motivity, synchronous generator is changed to run as a motor state, absorbing energy from the power grid to drive a turbine (gas turbine) operation. To prevent turbine blade or gas turbine gear from being damaged, reverse power protection (reversal direction) should be configured. 3.16.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures : 1- Preparing connection of OMICRON tester. 2- Connect probs of current and voltage to OMICRON tester. 3- Simulate two states: - State 1 simulate normal state: • Set Ur/Us/Ut as positive sequence rated voltage Un, Ur angle =0. • Set Ir/Is/It positive sequence current 1A, the angle between the voltage and current each phase is 0°~90°. • This state lasts for 11S (longer than 10S) - State 2 simulate faulty state: • Keeps voltage not changing in this state. • According to the settings, P=20W, so the faulty current should be 20/63.51/3=0.105A, Set the Ir/Is/It=1.05×0.105A=0.11A, The angle between voltage and current each phase is 180 °, lasts for32R1.t_Trp+50ms. Page | 320 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ➢ Setting: ➢ Result: - If state2 current set as 1.05 times of setting, relay will trip, set as 0.95 time of setting, Relay not trip. Page | 321 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Auto Reclose (79) and Synch Check Protection Test 3.17.1) Purpose of Test - To maintain the integrity of the overall electrical transmission system, the device is installed on the transmission system to isolate faulted segments during system disturbances. Faults caused by lightning, wind, or tree branches could be transient in nature and may disappear once the circuit is de-energized. According to statistics, for overhead transmission line,80%~90% of the faults on overhead lines are the transient faults. Autoreclosing systems are installed to restore the faulted section of the transmission system once the fault is extinguished (providing it is a transient fault). - When external auto-reclosure is used, the device can output some configurable output to initiate external AR, such as, contact of initiating AR, phase-segregated tripping contact, single-phase tripping contact, three-phase tripping contact and contact of blocking AR. According to requirement, these contacts can be selectively connected to external autoreclosure device to initiate AR. - For certain transmission systems, auto-reclosure is used to improve system stability by restoring critical transmission paths as soon as possible. ➢ Note: this function is used for distance or over current protection function 3.17.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures : 1- Preparing connection of OMICRON tester. 2- Connect probs of current and voltage to OMICRON tester. 3- Disable other zones of distance protection except zone 1. 4- Jumper at test plug points at output contact of Auto reclose. 5- Disable other backup functions. 6- Enable AR function. 7- Close the Circuit Breaker Page | 322 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 8- Inject voltage and current (impedance value of Z1) into 3 stages as follow: • State1: Healthy state for time more than CB in Service Time (more than 3S) • State 2: Trip Z1 • State 3: CB Re-Closing state with time more than Dead Time (more than 0.5S) CB Status is simulated. ➢ AR TEST with Live Line Live Bus sync. condition ➢ AR TEST with Live Line Dead Bus sync. condition Page | 323 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ➢ AR TEST with Deadline Live Bus sync. condition ➢ AR TEST with Deadline Dead Bus sync. condition ➢ DEAD TIME Measurement: • Program two Binary Output from the relay to operate when injection of an instantaneous fault takes place (Trip contact) and connect one to Start the Timer and the other one to BI of the Freja to stop the injection. • Program another Binary Output to operate when the dead time elapses (Closing Pulse Contact) and connect it to Stop the Timer. • Measure the Dead Time of the AR relay, • Record the Dead Time and calculate the percentage error by the formula: error% = Set Time / Dead Time • Repeat the test at different settings of dead time. Page | 324 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ➢ RECLAIM TIME Measurement: • After the Dead Time has elapsed and all conditions of closing the circuit breaker are fulfilled, a closing pulse will be sent from the AR relay to the circuit breaker. Assign a BO from the AR to Start the Timer • Enable the function of AR second shot if its disabled. • Record the Reclaim Time and calculate the percentage error by the formula: error% = Set Time / Reclaim Time. ➢ Single-phase transient fault Page | 325 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Page | 326 ➢ Single-phase permanent fault ➢ AR Setting Values Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Page | 327 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Synch Check Test 1- Live Line - Live Bus Sync. Check - SYNCHRO-CHECK VOLTAGE CHECK: - Fix U1 at normal voltage and change U2. MEASURED VOLTAGE U2 SETVALUE APPLIED PICK-UP U % (V) VOLTAGE U1 Voltage (V) Errors % +U 10.0 +U -U -U +U % +U % 57.74 - Fix U2 at normal voltage and change U1. MEASURED VOLTAGE U1 SETVALUE APPLIED PICK-UP U % (V) VOLTAGE U2 Voltage (V) Errors % +U 10.0 +U -U -U +U % +U % 57.74 - SYNCHRO-CHECK FREQUENCY CHECK: - Fix U1 at normal frequency and change frequency of U2. f PICK-UP f (U2) +f -f +f -f 100mHz - Fix U2 at normal frequency and change frequency of U1. +f 100mHz Page | 328 f PICK-UP f (U1) -f +f -f Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. - SYNCHRO-CHECK PHASE ANGLE CHECK: - Fix U1at zero reference phase angle and change phase angle of U2. ANGLE DIFFERENCE (U2) SET VALUE + Angle - Angle + Angle Errors % - Angle + Angle - Angle 15 - Fix U2 at zero reference phase angle and change phase angle of U1. ANGLE DIFFERENCE (U1) SET VALUE + Angle - Angle + Angle Errors % - Angle + Angle - Angle 15 2- Live Line - Dead Bus Sync. Check - Set the live value = 80 % of nominal voltage & Dead Value = 5 % of nominal voltage. Pickup value of U1 Live Error % of U1 Pickup value of U2 Dead Error % of U2 3- Deadline - Live Bus Sync. Check - Set the live value = 80 % of nominal voltage & Dead Value = 5 % of nominal voltage Pickup value of U1 Dead Error % of U1 Pickup value of U2 Live Error % of U2 4- Deadline - Dead Bus Sync. Check - Set the live value = 80 % of nominal voltage & Dead Value = 5 % of nominal voltage Pickup value of U1 Dead Page | 329 Error % of U1 Pickup value of U2 Dead Error % of U2 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Over Voltage and Under Voltage Protection Functions(59P/27P) Test 3.16.1) Purpose of Test - Abnormal high voltages often occur e.g. in low loaded, long distance transmission lines, in islanded systems when generator voltage regulation fails, or load rejection of a generator. Even if compensation reactors are provided to avoid line overvoltage by compensation of the line capacitance and thus reduction of the overvoltage, the overvoltage will endanger the insulation if the reactors fail. The line must be de-energized within a very short time. - The overvoltage protection in this device detects the phase voltages Ua, Ub and Uc or the phase-to-phase voltages Uab, Ubc and Uca with an option of any phase or all phases operation for output. The overvoltage protection can be used for tripping purpose as well as to initiate transfer trip, which selectable controlled by local circuit breaker. 3.16.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures : 1- Preparing connection of Freja 300 tester. 2- Connect probs of voltage to Freja 300 tester. 3- Check the relay’s configuration, disturbance recorder, contact resistance of all relay outputs and the operation of binary inputs and outputs on the relay’s LCD display. 4- Configure LED’s as per required functions. 5- Perform Voltage measurement test by applying the correct VT ratio to the relay and checking both the primary and secondary measurements. 6- For Over Voltage Protection Function: • Measure and record the relay’s Pick-up voltage for L1 to L2(Phase R), L2 to L3(Phase Y), L3 to L1(Phase B), by applying secondary voltage values as per PED’s Overvoltage Setting until such time the pick-up voltage is reached. • Measure and record the relay’s drop-off voltage for L1 to L2(Phase R), L2 to L3(Phase Y), L3 to L1(Phase B), by applying secondary voltage values as per PED’s Overvoltage Setting until such time the drop-off voltage is reached. Page | 330 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. • Calculate the Reset Ratio with the formula: 7- For Over Voltage Protection Function: • Measure and record the relay’s Pick-up voltage for L1 to L2(Phase R), L2 to L3(Phase Y), L3 to L1(Phase B), by applying secondary voltage values as per PED’s Undervoltage Setting until such time the pick-up voltage is reached. • Measure and record the relay’s drop-off voltage for L1 to L2(Phase R), L2 to L3(Phase Y), L3 to L1(Phase B), by applying secondary voltage values as per PED’s Undervoltage Setting until such time the drop-off voltage is reached. • Calculate the Reset Ratio with the formula: Broken Conductor (46BC) Protection Function 3.17.1) Purpose of Test - Broken-conductor fault mainly is single-phase broken, or two-phases broken. According to the ratio of negative-sequence current to positivesequence current (I2/I1), it is used to judge whether there is a brokenconductor fault. Negative-sequence current under normal operating condition (i.e., unbalance current) is due to CT error and unbalance load, so the ratio of negative-sequence current to positive-sequence current (amplitude) is relative steady. The value with margin can then be used as the setting of broken conductor protection. It is mainly used to detect broken-conductor fault and CT circuit failure as well. 3.17.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures : 1- Preparing connection of OMICRON tester. 2- Connect probs of current and voltage to OMICRON tester. 3- Set 2 states: - State 1 is normal condition: • Set Ur/Us/Ut as positive sequence rated voltage Un. • Set Ir/Is/It as 0. • State lasts for 11S (longer than 10S) Page | 331 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. - State 2 is fault condition: • Keep Ur/Us/Ut as rated value. • Setting: • Set Is=2A∠-120°, It=2A∠120°, Ir=0.196A∠180°, • According to following equations: 𝐼2/𝐼1= [(2+0.1963)/3]/[ (4−0.1963)/3] = 0.577 Lasts for 46BC.t_Op+50ms. ➢ Result: In state 2, if I2/I1is higher than setting, relay will trip. Page | 332 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Thermal Overload (49) 3.18.1) Purpose of Test - During overload operation of a transmission line (specially for cable), great current results in greater heat to lead temperature increase and if the temperature reaches too high values the equipment might be damaged. - Thermal overload protection estimates the internal heat content (temperature) continuously. This estimation is made by using a thermal model with two-time constants, which is based on current measurement. - When the temperature increases to the alarm value, the protection issues alarm signals to remind the operator for attention, and if the temperature continues to increase to the trip value, the protection sends trip command to disconnect the protected line. - Thermal overload protection has following functions: • Thermal time characteristic Adopting IEC 60255-8 • Two stages for alarm purpose and two stages for trip purpose • Thermal accumulation can be cleared by external input signal • The device provides a thermal overload model which is based on the IEC60255-8 standard. The thermal overload formulas are shown as below. 3.18.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures : 1- Preparing connection of OMICRON tester. 2- Connect probs of current and voltage to OMICRON tester. 3- Connect BO of protection relay kit with BI of tester kit. 4- Step1: Set Ur/Us/Ut as the positive sequence rated voltage Un, and Ir/Is/It as0, then start the test kit. 5- Step2: Click the hold values button on the test view or press F9 to continue the analog outputs of the test kit. 6- Step3: Change the current and voltage to simulate a single-phase fault, then release the analog outputs of the test kit. 7- Test the operating time by injecting different faulty current. Page | 333 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ❖ Characteristic’s: ❖ Setting: ❖ Pickup values: Page | 334 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Power Swing Releasing Block Protection Function Test 3.19.1) Purpose of Test - When power swing occurs on the power system, the impedance measured by the distance measuring element may vary from the load impedance area into the operating zone of the distance element. The distance measuring element may operate due to the power swing occurs in many points of interconnected power systems. To keep the stability of whole power system, tripping due to operation of the distance measuring element during a power swing is generally not allowed. Our distance protection adopts power swing blocking releasing to avoid maloperation resulting from power swing. In another word, distance protection is blocked all along under the normal condition and power swing when the respective logic settings are enabled. Only when fault (Internal fault or power swing with internal fault) is detected, power swing blocking for distance protection is released by PSBR element. - In the Power Swing case, the Impedance will decrease but in very short time, it will be decrease related with proper time for that decreasing, so the Power Swing depend on changing the Impedance with Time (dZ / dt). However, the time must be proper with this changing (Not very short when the Impedance will decrease). - As shown in figure below, if normal load impedance locates at position 1 and the impedance locates at position 2 when positive-sequence current is lower than the setting [I_PSBR], it means FD operates between point 1 and point 2 if operation condition for FD PSBR mentioned above is fulfilled (point 3 as an example), and then FD PSBR will operate for 160ms. Page | 335 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 3.19.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures : 1- Preparing connection of Freja 300 tester. 2- Connect probs of current and voltage to Freja 300 tester. 3- Inject Normal Current & Normal Voltage, Then Decrease the Voltage by constant (d / dt), [ (i.e.) Decrease the Impedance by (dZ / dt).] 4- The Power Swing depend on changing the Impedance with Time (dZ/dt) 5- The Power Swing Impedance starts before Z5 by 5Ω 6- When the Impedance enter the Polygon the relay trip by Delay after Power Swing Blocking. 7- If the changing of the Impedance in the Polygon is slowly then the relay will be Blocked by The Power Swing Function. 8- If the changing of the Impedance in the Polygon is fastly and the Impedance is gone out from the Polygon, then any Fault will make Trip. Page | 336 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. VTS (Voltage Supervision) Protection Function 3.20.1) Purpose of Test - The VT supervision function monitors the healthiness of Potential transformers and gives alarm in case of PT fails to measure voltage. It is rare to fail PTs themselves, the common problem is with failure of protective fuses connected in series with PTS. - VTS function is very important for alarm signals when one or 2phases fail and blocking signal for distance function or another function depending on voltage. 3.20.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures : 1- Preparing connection of Freja 300 tester. 2- Connect probs of current and voltage to Freja 300 tester. 3- Setting: - VTS time delay = 5.0 Sec. - VTS I2> and Io> inhibit = 500 mA - Delta I> block =0.1 A - Threshold for 3p detect = 30 V Loss of one or two phases test: - Fixed setting = 75% VN (Ures=3Uo = 0.75 * Uph) Apply 3 Phase rated voltage (Ur V) with balanced angles. Apply 3 Phase rated current (Ir A) with balanced angles. For the phase under test start decrease the voltage on one phase and / or two phases till you get Internal fuse fail (fuse fail without time lag). - For time test inject voltage less than Vo. Page | 337 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. PHASE UNDER TEST Fixed setting (Uo=1/3 Ures) volts Measured value (Vo) volts Set Time (sec) Measured Time (sec) R Y 5.0 Sec. 14.43 V B CHECK THE FUSE FAIL UNBLOCKING BY I2> and Io> - Simulate 3 phase voltage to get fuse Fail. Io = 1/3 (IA + IB + IC), Where IA, IB, IC is vectors component I2 = 1/3 (IA + a2 * IB + a * IC), where a = 1 L120, a2 = 1 L240 For VTS Unblock by Io> inject the rated current on two phases and increase the third phase current from rated current till you get fuse fail removed. - For VTS Unblock by I2> inject 3ph balanced and but with swap phase Y with phase B angle (ph. Y angle = 120, ph. B angle = 240) With 1.0 A rated & decrease 3 phase current till you get fuse fail. - [I2> Unblock measured > mA]. - [Io> Unblock measured> mA]. Check the relay unblocking trip during internal fuse fail for Io & I - Simulate 2 stages: - Stage 1: inject 3 phase voltage to get fuse fail and zero current. - Stage 2: inject the same voltage as in stage 1 & inject 3 phase current to get a value greater than Io> inhibit. Testing of 3 phase voltages loss (detect 3p) - Setting range = 10 to 70 volts. Set volts (V) Applied current per phase(A) 30.0 V 1.0 Measured volts (V) - Apply 3 Phase Voltage as healthy condition. - Decrease the 3 phase Voltage until VTS Operate Page | 338 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. DELTA I> Test - Stage 1: normal case (V=Vr & I=Ir) for the three phase. - Stage 2: test case (V<U/V on 3phase & current >or≤ ΔI setting) for fuse fail block or fuse fail unblock. ΔI Measured= A. - Note: check of ΔI setting should be during one cycle so, use sequence test method. Absence of 3 phase volts online Energization test - VT MCB input energized (VT MCB OFF), apply 3 phase 1A current with no volts Apply Fault – Relay Not Trip - VT MCB input not energized (VT MCB ON), apply 3 phase 1A current with no volts Apply Fault – Relay Trip Fault Locator Protection Function (FL) 3.26.1) Purpose of Test - The fault locator function is used for recording an estimated distance to the point where a fault has occurred. It is mostly used in directional overcurrent protection or distance protection applications but can be also triggered by other protections. The function can be used if all three phase currents and three phase voltages are available. 3.26.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures : 1- Preparing connection of Freja 300 tester. 2- Connect probs of current and voltage to Freja 300 tester. 3- Setting: • Reactance set at = Ω/ Km • Length = Km • Calculated total reactance of line = Ω 4- Apply 3 phase voltage and current to generate zero sequence voltage and current equal to reactance impedance of the line for example at 30% of line: 5- Voltage V1= 6.83∟90 V2= 66.4∟330, V3= 66.4∟210, Current 1=1.12∟0, I2= 1.0∟240, I3=1.0∟120 6- Compensation in test set shall be set to zero for earth faults. 7- Results for Distance Relay: Page | 339 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Item Fault Type Distance to Fault Relay Fault Location Km Expected Remarks Actual 1 R-N 25% Line Length 1.3 - 2 B-N 25% Line Length 1.3 - 3 Y-B 25% Line Length 1.3 - 4 Y-N 50% Line Length 2.55 - 5 R-Y 50% Line Length 2.55 - 6 R-Y 75% Line Length 3.83 - 7 R-B 75% Line Length 3.83 - 8 Y-B 100% Line Length 5.1 9 R-Y-B 100% Line Length 5.1 10 R-N Reverse 25% Line Length -0.29 11 Y-B Reverse 25% Line Length -0.29 12 R-B Reverse 50% Line Length -0.59 13 R-Y-B Reverse 50% Line Length -0.59 14 R-Y Reverse 100% Line Length -1.17 Page | 340 - Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. PCS-978 Power Transformer Relay Functions Procedure Test Page | 341 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 1) Protection Relay Technical Data (Name Plate) - We select power Transformer YNd11 as example for all tests are mentioned below. Designation No. PCS-978 CT rating Manufacturer Type S/N NR Differential relay NRJB2134802170010 VT rating Rated frequency Aux. Voltage 300/1 A (HVS) 750/1 A (LVS) 220/0.1 KV 50 HZ 110 dc 2) Test Equipment’s Used: Note: Used tester types below or approved testers S.N Type Make 1 Freja 300 Megger Calibration date ** ALL CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES SHOULD BE PROVIDED. ➢ Software will be used for configuration and final setting tests - We will use the PCS-Explorer V1.1.2 in this instruction. Page | 342 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 3) TESTS: 3.1) Mechanical Check and Visual Inspection: 3.1.1) Purpose of test: - Make sure that protection relay is good for testing, and it doesn’t have any damage or missing parts. ITEM DESCRIPTION CHECKED 1 Inspect for any physical damage or defects. 2 Verify connections as per approved drawings. 3 Check that serial no. of relay matching with serial no. of display. 3.2) Electrical Tests: 3.2.1) Functional Test ITEM DESCRIPTION CHECKED Set Clock to local time 1 Date & time 2 4 Make Test Mode Enable under commissioning menu to check ALARM LED Make Test Mode Enable under commissioning menu to check OUT OF SERVICE LED Apply any fault condition to check TRIP LED (Red) 5 Apply Test LEDs under commissioning menu to check all programmable LEDs. 6 Measured FIELD SUPPLY Voltage - 3.2.2) Measurement Test: Inject values for current to make sure ratio is ok 3 Side Time maintained when Aux. Supply removed Input CT Between terminals (+ve) – (-ve) Applied value Displayed value IA 1A 299.628 IB 1A 300.744 IC 1A 299.628 IA 1A 750.0 IB 1A 749.07 IC 1A 749.06 1A 300.178 220 KV 20 KV 220 KV NP Page | 343 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. - Inject values for Voltage to make sure ratio is ok Side Input CT Applied value Displayed value (KV) VA 57.73 V 127.5 VB 57.73 V 127.4 VC 57.73 V 127.04 Input CT Applied value Displayed value (KV) VA 57.73 V 11.54 VB 57.73 V 11.54 VC 57.73 V 11.54 220 KV Side 20 KV Page | 344 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Transformer Differential Protection (87T) Test 3.3.1) Purpose of Test In power system, the power transformer is one of most valuable and expensive equipment. If a fault occurs in the protection zone of a transformer, current differential protection operates quickly to clear the fault to avoid the transformer from damages or reduce the maintenance cost as low as possible. We test differential protection curve for selected points and make sure that points with slope less than setting slope, the relay not trip 3.3.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures : 1- Preparing connection of FREJA tester. 2- Connect probs of current to Freja tester with one channel. 3- Prepare calculations of differential function. ➢ Pickup Differential Test: ❖ Setting: Global:system_settings Group1:diff_prot_settings Page | 345 Name Sn HVS.U1n_Plate LVS.U1n_Plate Clk_LVS_WRT_HVS Clk_PhComp HVS.En_I0Elim LVS.En_I0Elim HVS.I1n HVS.I2n LVS.I1n LVS.I2n 87T.I_Knee1 87T.I_Knee2 87T.I_Biased 87T.I_Inst 87T.Slope1 87T.Slope2 87T.Slope3 87T.I_Alm 87T.En_Inst 87T.En_Biased 87T.En_DPFC 87T.En_CTS_Blk Value 12.5 220 20 11 11 1 0 300 1 750 1 0.6 5 0.4 13 0.2 0.5 0.75 0.25 1 1 0 1 Unit MVA KV KV clk clk --A A A A PU PU PU PU ---PU ----- Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ❖ Preparation: Group1:HVS_REF_prot_settings Group1:HVS_backup_prot_settings Group1:LVS_backup_prot_settings Group1:diff_prot_settings - Page | 346 Name HVS.64REF.En HVS.50/51Px.En HVS.50/51Gx.En LVS.50/51Px.En 87T.En_CTS_Blk Value 0 0 0 0 0 ❖ Calculations: We will test pick up values of differential current by using connection below for HVS and LVS individually Unit ----- Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Calculated diff. pickup values according to the following eq.: I injected = Ipickup *Irated * CTR * KVG Where: 12.5∗1000 I rated HVS = * 1.732∗220 I rated LVS = * 12.5∗1000 1.732∗20 = 32.8 A = 360.8 A According to vector group (YNd11) from relay manual, we will use this compensation matrix and we use vector group factor KVG for easily calculations. KVG=1/compensation matrix, so we will use KVG as follow: Fault type 1 ɸ (with Zero seq. elimination) 1 ɸ (without Zero seq. elimination) 2ɸ 3ɸ LVS (Delta) 1.5 1 1 1 𝑦1 To get the min. differential current 𝑥1 = 2 = 𝑠𝑙𝑜𝑝𝑒 𝑦1−0.4 𝑥1 = 0.2 X1 = 0.222 Page | 347 HVS ( Y ) 1.73 1.73 0.866 1 y1 = 2x1 2x1-0.4 = 0.2X1 y 1 = 0.444 = min. diff. pickup Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. HVS calculations: 1 phase with zero seq. elimination = 0.444 * 32.8 * 1 2 phase = 0.444 * 32.8 * 3 phase = 0.444 * 32.8 * 300 1 3 phase = 0.444 * 360.8 * 300 * 1.73 = 0.084 A * 0.866 = 0.042 A 300 * 1 = 0.049 A LVS calculations: 1 phase w/o zero seq. elimination = 0.444 * 360.8 * 2 phase = 0.444 * 360.8 * 1 1 750 1 *1= 0.2136 A *1= 0.2136 A 750 1 750 *1= 0.2136 A Testing Values:Faulted phase R S T RS ST TR RST Page | 348 pickup 0.086 0.084 0.084 0.043 0.043 0.044 0.049 HVS Timing (ms) 25.6 26.1 26.5 26.9 26.3 26.3 26.3 pickup 0.214 0.215 0.214 0.213 0.214 0.213 0.214 LVS Timing(ms) 25.6 26.5 26.6 26.3 26.1 26.2 26.0 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ➢ Differential characteristics: ❖ Setting Preparations: As shown before in differential pickup test. ❖ Operation characteristic of sensitive biased differential element is shown below Page | 349 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ❖ c/c’s calculations for vector group YnD11we have the following o’clock so , if we inject 1 phase fault at HVS we must inject 2 phase fault at LVS. ❖ So we use 1 phase KVG value for HVS (1.73) and 2 phase KVG value for LVS(1) ❖ HVS Factor=PU*32.8*1/300*1.73=0.189PU ❖ LVS Factor=PU*360.8*1/750*1=0.481PU HVS LVS RN RT SN SR TN TS ➢ Point (2) Let X2 = 0.4 𝑦2−0.4 0.4−0 y2 – 0.4 = 0.08 = 0.2 Y2 = 0.48 Id = 0.48 = I1 – I2 Ir = 0.4 = 𝐼 1+𝐼2 2 (1) 0.8 = I1 + I2 (2) By solving (1) & (2) equations, we get I1 = 0.64 PU & I2 = 0.16 PU I1 injected = 0.64 * 0.189 = 0.121 A I2 injected = 0.16 * 0.481 = 0.077 A ➢ Point (3) Let X3 = 0.6 𝑦3−0.4 0.6−0 = 0.2 y3 = 0.52 𝐼𝑑 = 0.52 = I1 – I2 𝐼 𝑟 = 0.6 = 𝐼 1+𝐼2 2 (1) (2) By solving (1) & (2) equations , we get I1 = 0.86 PU & I2 = 0.34 PU I1 injected = 0.86 * 0.189 = 0.162 A I2 injected = 0.34 * 0.481 = 0.1635 A Page | 350 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ➢ Point (4) Let X4 = 1 𝑦4−0.52 = 0.5 y4 = 0.72 𝐼𝑑 = 0.72 = I1 – I2 (1) 1−0.6 𝐼𝑟 =1 = 𝐼 1+𝐼2 2 (2) By solving (1) & (2) equations , we get I1 = 1.36 PU & I2 = 0.64 PU I1 injected = 1.36 * 0.189 = 0.257 A I2 injected = 0.64 * 0.481 = 0.308 A ➢ Point (5) Let X5 = 3 𝑦5−0.52 = 0.5 y5 = 1.72 𝐼𝑑 = 1.72 = I1 – I2 (1) 3−0.6 𝐼𝑟 =3 = 𝐼 1+𝐼2 2 (2) By solving (1) & (2) equations , we get I1 = 3.86 PU & I2 = 2.14 PU I1 injected = 3.86 * 0.189 = 0.729 A I2 injected = 2.14 * 0.481 = 1.029 A ➢ Point (6) Let X6 = 5 𝑦6−0.52 = 0.5 y6 = 2.72 𝐼𝑑 = 2.72 = I1 – I2 (1) 5−0.6 𝐼𝑟= 5 = 𝐼 1+𝐼2 2 (2) By solving (1) & (2) equations , we get I1 = 6.36 PU & I2 = 3.64 PU I1 injected = 6.36 * 0.189 = 1.202 A I2 injected = 3.64 * 0.481 = 1.750 A Page | 351 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ➢ Point (7) Let X7 = 8 𝑦7−2.72 = 0.75 y7 = 4.97 𝐼𝑑 = 4.97 = I1 – I2 (1) 8−5 𝐼𝑟 =8= 𝐼 1+𝐼2 2 (2) By solving (1) & (2) equations, we get I1 = 10.485 PU & I2 = 5.515 PU I1 injected = 10.485 * 0.189 = 1.981 A I2 injected = 5.515* 0.481 = 2.653 A ➢ Point (8) Let X8 = 10 𝑦8−2.72 = 0.75 y8 = 6.47 𝐼𝑑 = 6.47 = I1 – I2 (1) 10−5 𝐼 𝑟 = 10 = 𝐼 1+𝐼2 2 (2) By solving (1) & (2) equations, we get I1 = 13.235 PU & I2 = 6.765 PU I1 injected = 13.235 * 0.189 = 2.501 A I2 injected = 6.765* 0.481 = 3.254 A Page | 352 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ❖ Testing Values: c/c’s point 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 HVS phase R magnitude Angle 0.121 0 0.163 0 0.257 0 0.728 0 1.199 0 1.978 0 2.496 0 LVS phase R magnitude angle 0.0765 0 0.163 0 0.307 0 1.029 0 1.751 0 2.653 0 3.255 0 LVS phase T magnitude angle 0.0765 180 0.163 180 0.307 180 1.029 180 1.751 180 2.653 180 3.255 180 c/c’s point 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 HVS phase S magnitude Angle 0.120 0 0.162 0 0.255 0 0.726 0 1.196 0 1.973 0 2.492 0 LVS phase S magnitude magnitude 0.0765 0 0.163 0 0.307 0 1.029 0 1.751 0 2.653 0 3.255 0 LVS phase R magnitude angle 0.0765 180 0.163 180 0.307 180 1.029 180 1.751 180 2.653 180 3.255 180 c/c’s point 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 HVS phase T magnitude Angle 0.121 0 0.162 0 0.255 0 0.727 0 1.197 0 1.974 0 2.493 0 LVS phase T magnitude angle 0.0765 0 0.163 0 0.307 0 1.029 0 1.751 0 2.653 0 3.255 0 LVS phase S magnitude angle 0.0765 180 0.163 180 0.307 180 1.029 180 1.751 180 2.653 180 3.255 180 Page | 353 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Inrush Current 2nd Harmonics Blocking Test 3.4.1) Purpose of Test - The “Inrush current and 2nd harmonic detection” function recognizes an inrush process on transformers, generates a blocking signal for protection functions that protect the transformer (protected object) or for protection functions that are affected in undesirable ways when transformers are switched on, and allows a sensitive setting of the protection functions. - We make sure that 2nd , 3rd and 5th harmonics frequencies don’t effect on differential protection by wrong so we block this harmonics during connecting transformer. 3.4.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Setting: Group1:diff_prot_settings Name 87T.En_Inst 87T.En_Biased 87T.K_Hm2_Inrush 87T.Opt_Inrush_Ident 87T.Opt_BlkMode_Inrush Value 1 1 0.2 1 1 Unit ---- Value 0 0 0 0 0 Unit ------ -- 2- Preparation: Group1:HVS_REF_prot_settings Group1:HVS_backup_prot_settings Group1:LVS_backup_prot_settings Name LVS.64REF.En HVS.50/51Px.En HVS.50/51Gx.En LVS.50/51Px.En LVS.50/51Gx.En 3- Connect I prim L1 & L2 from Freja with the same phase @ relay. 4- Make frequency of I prim L2 equals 100 HZ with magnitude equals 0.21 5- -Gradually decrease value of I prim until the pickup value of 2nd harmonic Page | 354 Phase Fundamental R S T 1A 1A 1A 2nd harmonic (100 HZ) pickup 0.2 0.2 0.2 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Inrush Current 3rd and 5th Harmonics Blocking Test 3.5.1) Purpose of Test - When a transformer is overexcited, the exciting current will increase sharply which may result in an unwanted operation of differential protection. Therefore, the overexcitation shall be discriminated to block differential protection. The third or fifth harmonic differential current can be selected to determinate overexcitation. - If overexcitation factor is less than 1.4, biased differential element is blocked when the constant of fifth or third harmonics is greater than [87T.K_Hm3/Hm5_OvExc] and this condition is judged as overexcitation condition without damages to transformer. If overexcitation factor is greater than 1.4, biased differential element is no longer being blocked by overexcitation because transformer is damaged in this situation. 3.5.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures : 1- Setting: Group1:diff_prot_settings Name 87T.En_Inst 87T.En_Biased 87T.K_Hm3_Inrush 87T.K_Hm3/Hm5_OvExc 87T.Opt_Inrush_Ident 87T.Opt_BlkMode_Inrush Value 1 1 0.15 0.15 1 1 Unit ------- 2- Preparation: Group1:HVS_REF_prot_settings Group1:HVS_backup_prot_settings Group1:LVS_backup_prot_settings Name LVS.64REF.En HVS.50/51Px.En HVS.50/51Gx.En LVS.50/51Px.En LVS.50/51Gx.En Value 0 0 0 0 0 Unit ------ 3- Connect I prim L1 & L2 from FREJA with the 3 phases at relay. 4- Make frequency of I prim L2 equals 150 HZ with magnitude equals 0.16 5- - Gradually decrease value of I prim until the pickup value of 3rd harmonic. Fundamental 100 % Page | 355 3rd harmonic pickup 15.28 % 5th harmonic pickup 14.34 % Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Restricted Earth Fault (64REF) Protection Test 3.6.1) Purpose of Test - Restricted earth fault protection (REF) is meant to protect a single winding of a power transformer, and the protected winding must be earthed. In the case of delta windings, the winding must be earthed by an earthing transformer, which must be electrically placed between the winding and the current transformers. REF can be applied to protection of two-winding transformer, three-winding transformer, or auto-transformer. - REF is a kind of differential protection, so it calculates differential current and restrained current. - The differential current is a vector difference of the neutral current (i.e., current flowing in the neutral conductor) and the residual current from the lines. For internal faults, this difference is equal to the total earth fault current. REF operates on the fault current only and is not dependent on eventual load currents. This makes REF a very sensitive protection. 3.6.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Setting: Group1:LVS_REF_prot_settings Name HVS.64REF.I_Knee HVS.64REF.I_Biased HVS.64REF.Slope HVS.64REF.t_Op HVS.64REF.En_CTS_Blk HVS.64REF.En_NPCurr HVS.64REF.En Value 0.8 0.15 0.3 0.1 1 1 1 Unit In In S ---- 2- Preparations: Group1:diff_prot_settings Group1:HVS_backup_prot_settings Group1:MVS_backup_prot_settings Name 87T.En_Inst 87T.En_Biased HVS.50/51Px.En HVS.50/51Gx.En MVS.50/51Px.En MVS.50/51Gx.En Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 Unit ------- 3- Connect probs of current to Freja Tester. 4- Prepare calculations of injected different values of differential current. Page | 356 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 5- Select different points for restrain current and calculate opposite differential current and make sure relay will trip or not if slope of selected points equal or greater than setting slope that relay will trip. 6- Calculations: REF's pickup criterion is: 1- Through-flowing current under undisturbed conditions or external fault: - I_NP' flows into the protected zone from ground, 3I0Cal' leaves the protected zone, i.e. is positive according to the definition of signs in above figure, therefore I_NP'= 3I0Cal'. I0d=|3I0Cal'–I_NP'|=|3I0Cal'–3I0Cal'|=0 Page | 357 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. I0r=Max (|3I0Cal'|, |I_NP'|) =|3I0Cal'| - No differential current, but restraint current corresponds to the through-flowing current, hence, REF does not operate. 2- Internal short-circuit: - The following applies I_NP'=–3I0Cal', moreover |I_NP'|=|3I0Cal'| 3I0d=|3I0Cal'–I_NP'|=|3I0Cal'–(–3I0Cal’) |=2x|3I0Cal'| 3I0r=Max (|3I0Cal'|, |I_HNP) =Max(|3I0Cal'|,|3I0Cal'|)=|3I0Cal'| Differential current are two times of restraint current and corresponding to the total fault, hence, REF operates. ❖ REF Principle: Page | 358 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ❖ REF Min. pickup testing values: ❖ there are two branches at HV side (wye winding with neutral point earthed), so there are three branches constitute REF of HV side m=3 phase R S T N (NP) pickup 0.152 0.150 0.151 0.151 Timing (ms) 128.1 127.9 127.8 128.0 notes En.NPcurr must be 0 ❖ REF C/C’s: 0.15 𝑥1 =3 , X1 = 0.05 Let I 1 = HVS phase Page | 359 & I 2 = NP ➢ Point (1) I d = 0.15 = I1 – I2 I 1 = 0.2 , I 2 = 0.05 ➢ Point (2) I d = 0.15 = I1 – I2 I 1 = 0.4 , I 2 = 0.25 ➢ Point (3) I d = 0.15 = I1 – I2 I 1 = 0.8 , , I R = 0.2 = I1 , I R = 0.4 = I1 , I 2 = 0.65 I R = 0.8 = I1 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ➢ Point (4) 𝑦1−0.15 = 0.3 , 2−0.8 I d = 0.51 = I1 – I2 , I1=2 , I 2 = 1.49 y 1 = 0.51 I R = 2 = I1 ➢ Point (5) 𝑦2−0.15 = 0.3 , 5−0.8 I d = 1.41 = I1 – I2 , I1=5 , I 2 = 3.59 y 1 = 1.41 I R = 5 = I1 ❖ Testing Values: C/C’s point 1 2 3 4 5 Page | 360 HVS Magnitude 0.2 0.399 0.80 1.989 4.986 NP angle 0 0 0 0 0 magnitude 0.05 0.25 0.65 1.49 3.59 angle 180 180 180 180 180 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Over Excitation (24DT) Protection Function Test 3.7.1) Purpose of Test - Overexcitation results from excessive applied voltage, possibly in combination with below-normal frequency. Such condition may occur when a unit is on load but are more likely to arise when it is on open circuit, or at a loss of load occurrence. Transformers directly connected to generators are danger to experience overexcitation condition. - During overexcitation, field current of transformer rises greatly to cause excessive heating and severe damage. The transformer, working magnetic flux density near the knee point, is subject to overexcitation. Frequency range for normal operation is 45~55Hz for 50Hz working frequency of power system and 55~65Hz for 60Hz working frequency of power system. Overexcitation protection can be configured at any side of transformer through PCS-Explorer, and it is recommended to be equipped at the side without OLTC. 3.7.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Setting: • Overexcitation protection consists of two stages definite-time overexcitation protection and one stage inverse-time overexcitation protection for trip purpose or alarm purpose. The voltage for protection calculation is RMS of three phase voltages and not affected by frequency fluctuation. • Overexcitation inverse-time curve is sectional linear curve, which has high adaptability. • The overexcitation degree can be reflected by overexcitation multiple which is calculated by voltage and frequency, according to the following equation: n=U*/f* Where: U* and f* are per unit value of voltage and frequency respectively. Page | 361 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ❖ Definite-time operation criterion: • U*/f*>[24DTn.K_Set] Name 24.opt_up/upp 24DT1.K_Set 24DT1.t_Op 24DT1.En 24DT2.K_Set 24DT2.t_Op 24DT2.En Group1:HVS_Backup_prot_settings Value 1 1.2 5 1 1.05 60 1 Unit -S --S -- • Alarm eq. N= 𝑉𝑎𝑐𝑡/𝑉𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝐹𝑎𝑐𝑡./𝐹𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑉𝑎𝑐𝑡/100 𝐹𝑎𝑐𝑡./50 = 1.05 = 1.05 𝑽 𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒖𝒂𝒍 = 2.1 * F actual 𝑖𝑓 𝐹 = 50 𝐻𝑍 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑉 = 105 • Trip eq. N= 𝑉𝑎𝑐𝑡/𝑉𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝐹𝑎𝑐𝑡./𝐹𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑉𝑎𝑐𝑡/100 𝐹𝑎𝑐𝑡./50 = 1.2 = 1.2 𝑽 𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒖𝒂𝒍 = 2.4 * F actual 𝑖𝑓 𝐹 = 50 𝐻𝑍 ❖ Testing values: 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑉 = 120 (by applying 3 phase voltage Pickup timing Alarm ( @ 50 HZ ) 60.51 V (per phase) 60.0064 Trip ( @ 50 HZ ) 69.11 V (per phase) 5.03 Page | 362 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. PCS-9671S Traction Transformer Relay Functions Procedure Test Page | 363 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 1) Protection Relay Technical Data (Name Plate) - We select Traction Transformer Vv0 as example for all tests are mentioned below. Designation No. PCS-9671S CT rating Manufacturer Type S/N NR Traction Differential relay NRJB2176642160050 VT rating Rated frequency Aux. Voltage - Functional diagram of PCS-9671S Page | 364 400/1 A (HVS) 2000/1 A (LVS) 220/0.1 KV 50 HZ 110 DC Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 2) Test Equipment’s Used: Note: Used tester types below or approved testers S.N Type Make 1 Freja 300 Megger Calibration date ** ALL CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES SHOULD BE PROVIDED. ➢ Software will be used for configuration and final setting tests - We will use the PCS-Studio V1.2.2 in this instruction. Page | 365 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 3) TESTS: 3.1) Mechanical Check and Visual Inspection: 3.1.1) Purpose of test: - Make sure that protection relay is good for testing, and it doesn’t have any damage or missing parts. ITEM DESCRIPTION CHECKED 1 Inspect for any physical damage or defects. 2 Verify connections as per approved drawings. 3 Check that serial no. of relay matching with serial no. of display. 3.2) Electrical Tests: 3.2.1) Functional Test ITEM DESCRIPTION CHECKED Set Clock to local time 1 Date & time 2 4 Make Test Mode Enable under commissioning menu to check ALARM LED Make Test Mode Enable under commissioning menu to check OUT OF SERVICE LED Apply any fault condition to check TRIP LED (Red) 5 Apply Test LEDs under commissioning menu to check all programmable LEDs. 6 Measured FIELD SUPPLY Voltage 3 Time maintained when Aux. Supply removed Between terminals (+ve) – (-ve) 3.2.2) Measurement Test: Inject values for current to make sure ratio is ok Phase Current Accuracy HVS CT Ratio: 400/1 Phase Current Injected (A) Measuring (A) “Primary Value” R S T 1∟0˚ 1∟240˚ 1∟120˚ 398.8 ∟0˚ 398.7 ∟240˚ 398.7 ∟119.8˚ Phase Current Accuracy LVS1 CT Ratio 2000/1 Page | 366 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Phase Current Injected (A) Measuring (A) R-N 1∟0˚ 1992.7∟0˚ Phase Current Injected (A) Measuring (A) R-N 1∟0˚ 1992.7∟0˚ Phase Current Accuracy LVS2 CT Ratio 2000/1 Inject values for Voltage to make sure ratio is ok Phase Voltage Accuracy HVS VT Ratio 220,000/100 Phase Voltage Injected (V) Measuring (Kv) “Primary Value” R S T 57.73∟0 57.73∟240 57.73∟120 127.0 ∟0 127.01 ∟240 127.0 ∟120 Phase Voltage Injected (V) Measuring (KV) R-N 57.73∟0˚ 27.491∟0˚ Phase Voltage Injected (V) Measuring (KV) R-N 57.73∟0˚ 27.491∟0˚ Phase Voltage Accuracy LVS1 VT Ratio 27.5,000/100 Phase Voltage Accuracy LVS2 VT Ratio 27.5,000/100 Page | 367 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Transformer Differential Protection (87T) Test 3.3.1) Purpose of Test - In power system, the power transformer is one of most valuable and expensive equipment. If a fault occurs in the protection zone of a transformer, current differential protection operates quickly to clear the fault to avoid the transformer from damages or reduce the maintenance cost as low as possible. - We test differential protection curve for selected points and make sure that points with slope less than setting slope, the relay not trip 3.3.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures : 1- Preparing connection of FREJA tester. 2- Connect probs of current to Freja tester with one channel. 3- Prepare calculations of differential function. ➢ Pickup Differential Test: ❖ Setting: Item Opt_TractionTr Sn_Tr1 Sn_Tr2 HVS.U1n_Plate LVS1.U1n_Plate LVS2.U1n_Plate HVS. Prot.I1n HVS. Prot.I2n LVS1.I1n LVS1.I2n LVS2.I1n LVS2.I2n 87T.I_Inst_A 87T.I_Inst_B 87T.I_Inst_C 87T.I_biased_A 87T.I_biased_B 87T.I_biased_C 87T. I_Knee1_A Page | 368 value Vv 40 40 220 27.5 27.5 400 1 2000 1 2000 1 3.82 6.61 3.82 0.23 0.39 0.23 0.45 unit MVA MVA KV KV KV A A A A A A A A A A A A A Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 87T. I_Knee1_B 87T. I_Knee1_C 87T. I_Knee2_A 87T. I_Knee2_B 87T. I_Knee2_C 87T.Slope1 87T.Slope2 87T.Slope3 87T. K_Hm2_Inrush 87T. En_Inst 87T. En_Biased ❖ Differential Equations: Page | 369 0.79 0.45 1.36 2.36 1.36 0.3 0.5 0.75 0.15 ENABLED ENABLED A A A A A Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ❖ Calculations of Differential and Restraint Currents: • From the above equations: It1 I`A = Kph1 It1 It2 I`B = − Kph1 − Kph2 It2 I`C = Kph2 Where: • • UeH∗nH 220∗400 UeH∗nH 27.5∗2000 220∗400 Kph1 = UeL1∗nL1 = Kph2 = UeL2∗nL2 = 27.5∗2000 = 1.6 = 1.6 Ida = IA – 0.625 It1 Idb = IB + 0.625 It1 + 0.625 It2 Idc = IC – 0.625 It2 Ira = Irb = Page | 370 IA+0.625 It1 2 IB−0.625 It1−0.625It2 2 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ❖ Differential C/Cs: • The phase A operation criterion is listed as below: The operation criteria of phase B and phase C are similar. Ida>[87T.I_Inst_A] Where: Ida is the phase A differential current. Page | 371 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ❖ Calculations: • Characteristics of phase A & C: • We will test pick up values of differential current by using connection for HVS and LVS1 and LVS2 individually • Calculated diff. pickup values according to the equations were mentioned before. - Phase A & C: Slope = 2 = y1 y1 = 2 x1 x1 Slope = 0.3 = y1−0.23 x1 By solving Eq. (1) & Eq. (2), we get Eq. (1) y1 – 0.23 = 0.3 x1 x1 = 0.1353 Eq. (2) y1 = 0.271 HVS min. Pickup (phase A & C) = 0.271 A • LVS1 & LVS2 min. Pickup (phase A & C) = 0.271 = 0.434 A 0.625 Page | 372 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. • Characteristics of phase B: • Calculated diff. pickup values according to the equations were mentioned before. - Phase B: y1 Slope = 2 = x1 Slope = 0.3 = y1 = 2 x1 y1−0.39 x1 Eq. (1) y1 – 0.39 = 0.3 x1 By solving Eq. (1) & Eq. (2), we get x1 = 0.2294 HVS min. Pickup (phase B) = 0.459 A Eq. (2) y1 = 0.459 ➢ Note: since min. pickup of A & C less than min. pickup of B & Idb depends on LVS1 & LVS2 currents, So the min. pickup of LVS1 & LVS2 will be equal 0.434 for all phases Side HVS LVS1 LVS2 Page | 373 Phase A B C --- Min. pickup value (A) 0.274 0.463 0.274 0.437 0.439 Timing ( ms) 28.7 28.9 28.5 28.8 28.8 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ❖ Differential Slope Check: • For Phase A&C: - To check the slope of phase A & C , we must get Id & Ir for all points then we can get the injected currents as follows :➢ Point (2) Let Ir = 0.225 y2−0.23 Slope = 0.3 = 0.225 y2 = 0.2975 I d = 0.2975 = IA – 0.625 It1 2Ir = 2*0.225 = IA + 0.625 It1 ➢ Point (3) Let Ir = 0.45 y3−0.23 Slope = 0.3 = 0.45 IA=0.3775 It1 = 0.122 y3 = 0.365 I d = 0.365 = IA – 0.625 It1 2Ir = 2*0.455 = IA + 0.625 It1 IA=0.632 It1 = 0.4288 ➢ Point (4) Let Ir = 0.9 y4−0.365 Slope = 0.5 = 0.9−0.45 I d = 0.59 = IA – 0.625 It1 2Ir = 2*0.9 = IA + 0.625 It1 y4 = 0.59 IA= 1.195 It1 = 0.986 ➢ Point (5) Let Ir = 2 y5−0.59 Slope = 0.5 = 1.36−0.9 Slope = 0.75 = y6−0.82 2−1.36 I d = 1.3 = IA – 0.625 It1 2Ir = 2*2 = IA + 0.625 It1 y5 = 0.82 y6 = 1.3 IA= 2.65 It1 = 2.16 • Note: we repeat the previous calculations for Phase C and Itr2 with same calculations and record all current values as follow: Page | 374 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Phase point Id Ir 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 0.2975 0.365 0.59 1.3 0.2975 0.365 0.59 1.3 0.225 0.45 0.9 2 0.225 0.45 0.9 2 A C Injected IA With angle 00 0.375 0.631 1.194 2.640 --- Injected IC With angle 00 Injected It1 With angle 00 0.122 0.428 0.986 2.16 --0.374 0.630 1.193 2.646 --- Injected It2 With angle 00 --0.122 0.428 0.986 2.16 • For Phase B: - To check the slope of phase B , we must get Id & Ir for all points then we can get the injected currents as follows : ➢ Point (2) Let Ir = 0.3 y2−0.39 Slope = 0.3 = 0.3 I d = 0.48 = IB + 0.625 It1 2Ir = 2*0.3 = IB - 0.625 It1 1800) ➢ Point (3) Let Ir = 0.45 y3−0.39 Slope = 0.3 = 0.45 I d = 0.525 = IB + 0.625 It1 2Ir = 2*0.45 = IB - 0.625 It1 1800) ➢ Point (4) Let Ir = 0.9 y4−0.39 Slope = 0.3 = 0.79 y5−0.627 Slope = 0.5 = 0.9−0.79 I d = 0.682 = IB + 0.625 It1 2Ir = 2*0.9 = IB - 0.625 It1 with 1800) ➢ Point (5) Let Ir = 3 y6−0.682 Slope = 0.5 = 2.36−0.9 Page | 375 y2 = 0.48 IB= 0.54 It1= - 0.096 (reversed with y3 = 0.525 IA= 0.7125 It1= - 0.3 (reversed with y4 = 0.627 y5 = 0.682 IA= 1.241 It1= - 0.8944 (reversed y6 = 1.412 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Slope = 0.75 = y7−1.412 y7 = 1.892 3−2.36 I d = 1.892 = IB + 0.625 It1 2Ir = 2*3 = IB - 0.625 It1 Phase point Id Ir 2 0.48 0.3 3 0.525 0.45 4 0.682 0.9 5 1.892 3 B Injected IB With angle 00 0.541 0.542 0.713 0.713 1.240 1.241 3.944 3.946 IA= 3.946 It1= - 3.2864 (reversed with 1800) Injected It1 With angle 1800 0.096 --0.30 --0.894 --3.286 --- Injected It2 With angle 1800 --0.096 --0.30 --0.894 --3.286 Inrush Current 2nd Harmonics Blocking Test 3.4.1) Purpose of Test - The “Inrush current and 2nd harmonic detection” function recognizes an inrush process on transformers, generates a blocking signal for protection functions that protect the transformer (protected object) or for protection functions that are affected in undesirable ways when transformers are switched on, and allows a sensitive setting of the protection functions. - We make sure that 2nd , 3rd and 5th harmonics frequencies don’t effect on differential protection by wrong so we block this harmonics during connecting transformer. - The device provides optional inrush current distinguished principles: harmonic principle (second harmonic and third harmonic). The discrimination of inrush current by third harmonics is independent criterion. When an internal fault occurs and CT goes to stable saturation, there are great third harmonic component in CT secondary current. Because sensitive biased differential element has too high sensitivity, the third harmonic criterion is only used to block sensitive biased differential element to prevent it from maloperation when [87T.En_Hm3_Blk] are set as “1”. Page | 376 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 3.4.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Setting: The inrush current discrimination based on harmonics is adopted in this device. The 2nd and 3rd harmonics of differential current can be used to distinguish inrush current. Its criteria are: 𝐼𝑑_2𝑛𝑑 > [87𝑇. 𝐾_𝐻𝑚2_𝐼𝑛𝑟𝑢𝑠ℎ] × 𝐼𝑑_1𝑠𝑡 𝐼𝑑_3𝑟𝑑 > [87𝑇. 𝐾_𝐻𝑚3_𝐼𝑛𝑟𝑢𝑠ℎ] × 𝐼𝑑_1𝑠𝑡 Where: • 𝐼𝑑_2𝑛𝑑 is the second harmonic of phase differential current. • 𝐼𝑑_3𝑟𝑑 is the third harmonic of phase differential current. • 𝐼𝑑_1𝑠𝑡 is the fundamental component of corresponding phase differential current. • 2nd Harmonics set value = 15% 𝑇𝑅𝐼𝑃 < 𝑆𝐸𝑇 𝑉𝐴𝐿𝑈𝐸 𝐼𝑋𝐷𝑖𝑓 < 𝐵𝐿𝑂𝐶𝐾 𝐼𝐹𝐷𝑖𝑓 Where: X: number of harmonics F: the fundamental value phase 2nd Harmonics set value = 15% R S T Trip ≤ 15.0% < block Trip ≤ 15.1% < block Trip ≤ 15.1% < block 2- Connect I prim L1 & L2 from Freja with the same phase @ relay. 3- Make frequency of I prim L2 equals 100 HZ with magnitude equals 0.16 4- Gradually decrease value of I prim until the pickup value of 2nd harmonic. Page | 377 Phase Fundamental R S T 1A 1A 1A 2nd harmonic (100 HZ) pickup 0.15 0.15 0.15 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Over Excitation (24DT) Protection Function Test 3.5.1) Purpose of Test - Overexcitation results from excessive applied voltage, possibly in combination with below-normal frequency. Such condition may occur when a unit is on load but are more likely to arise when it is on open circuit, or at a loss of load occurrence. Transformers directly connected to generators are danger to experience overexcitation condition. - During overexcitation, field current of transformer rises greatly to cause excessive heating and severe damage. The transformer, working magnetic flux density near the knee point, is subject to overexcitation. Frequency range for normal operation is 45~55Hz for 50Hz working frequency of power system and 55~65Hz for 60Hz working frequency of power system. - Overexcitation protection can be configured at any side of transformer through PCS-Explorer, and it is recommended to be equipped at the side without OLTC. 3.5.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Setting: • Overexcitation protection consists of two stages definite-time overexcitation protection and one stage inverse-time overexcitation protection for trip purpose or alarm purpose. The voltage for protection calculation is RMS of three phase voltages and not affected by frequency fluctuation. • Overexcitation inverse-time curve is sectional linear curve, which has high adaptability. • The overexcitation degree can be reflected by overexcitation multiple which is calculated by voltage and frequency, according to the following equation: n=U*/f* - Where: U* and f* are per unit value of voltage and frequency respectively. Page | 378 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ❖ Definite-time operation criterion: item 24DT1. K_Set 24DT1. t_Op 24DT1.EN 24DT2. K_Set 24DT2. t_Alm 24DT2.EN • Value 1.2 5 ENABLE 1.05 60 ENABLE unit Sec. Sec. U*/f*>[24DTn.K_Set] • Alarm eq. N= 𝑉𝑎𝑐𝑡/𝑉𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝐹𝑎𝑐𝑡./𝐹𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑉𝑎𝑐𝑡/100 𝐹𝑎𝑐𝑡./50 = 1.05 = 1.05 𝑽 𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒖𝒂𝒍 = 2.1 * F actual 𝑖𝑓 𝐹 = 50 𝐻𝑍 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑉 = 105 • Trip eq. N= 𝑉𝑎𝑐𝑡/𝑉𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝐹𝑎𝑐𝑡./𝐹𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑉𝑎𝑐𝑡/100 𝐹𝑎𝑐𝑡./50 = 1.2 = 1.2 𝑽 𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒖𝒂𝒍 = 2.4 * F actual 𝑖𝑓 𝐹 = 50 𝐻𝑍 ❖ Testing values: Function V/F alarm V/F trip Page | 379 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑉 = 120 (by applying 3 phase voltage Freq. 50 HZ 50 HZ Pickup Voltage 60.64 69.32 Timing (S) 60.276 5.03 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. PCS-9151C BBP Relay Protection Functions Test Procedure Page | 380 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 1) Protection Relay Technical Data (Name Plate) - We take an example for Traction-1 SS GIS double bus single breaker arrangements which consist of 4 zone and bus coupler. Designation No. Manufacturer Type S/N PCS-9151C NR Centralized Busbar Relay CT rating VT rating Rated frequency Aux. Voltage Ref. CT=1250/1A 220/0.1 KV 50 HZ 111 dc 2) Test Equipment’s Used: Note: Used tester types below or approved testers S.N Type Make 1 Freja 300 Megger Calibration date ** ALL CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES SHOULD BE PROVIDED. ➢ Software will be used for configuration and final setting tests - We will use the PCS-Explorer V1.1.2 in this instruction. Page | 381 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 3) TESTS: 3.1) Mechanical Check and Visual Inspection: 3.1.1) Purpose of test: - Make sure that protection relay is good for testing and it doesn’t have any damage or missing parts. No Description Result 1 Visual Inspection / Rating Information OK 2 Case Earthing OK 3.2) Electrical Tests: 3.2.1) Functional Test ITEM DESCRIPTION Set Clock to local time 1 Date & time 2 4 Make Test Mode Enable under commissioning menu to check ALARM LED Make Test Mode Enable under commissioning menu to check OUT OF SERVICE LED Apply any fault condition to check TRIP LED (Red) 5 Apply Test LEDs under commissioning menu to check all programmable LEDs. 6 Measured FIELD SUPPLY Voltage 3 Time maintained when Aux. Supply removed 3.2.2) Measurement Test: Q1 Q2 Page | 382 Between terminals (+ve) – (-ve) CHECKED Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ➢ Note: Selection of bus disconnector Q1 or Q2 set which zone will be test. - All measurement referred to ref. CT (1250/1) • Bay D01&D15 (CT=300/1) • Q1 or Q2 Closed for D01 and D15 (Power Transformers bays) PHASE Injected current D01 reading CZ reading BB1 reading BB3 reading R 1.0 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 S 1.0 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 T 1.0 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 - CZ: Check Zone • Bay D02&D05 (CT=1250/1) • Q1 or Q2 Closed for D02 and D05 (Underground Cables bays) PHASE Injected current D02 reading CZ reading BB2 reading BB4 reading R 1.0 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 S 1.0 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 T 1.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 • Bay D06&D12 (CT=400/1) • Q1 or Q2 Closed for D06 and D12 (Traction Transformers bays) PHASE Injected current D06 reading CZ reading BB2 reading BB4 reading R 1.0 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 S 1.0 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 T 1.0 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 • Bay D11&D14 (CT=1250/1) • Q1 or Q2 Closed for D06 and D12 (Overhead T.L bays) PHASE Injected current D11 reading CZ reading BB1 reading BB3 reading R 1.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 S 1.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 T 1.0 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 • Bay D08 (CT1=CT2=1250/1) • CB Closed for D08 Injected BB1 BB2 BB3 BB4 CZ PHASE current reading reading reading reading reading R 1.0 0.99 --0.99 ----CT1 S 1.0 0.99 --0.99 ----T 1.0 1.00 --1.00 ----R 1.0 --0.99 --0.99 --CT2 S 1.0 --0.99 --0.99 --T 1.0 --1.00 --1.00 --➢ Note: For future extension bays we confirm the previous measurements. Page | 383 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Busbar Differential Protection (87BBP) Test 3.3.1) Purpose of Test - The busbar element is most important compartment at substation, so the protection of it is very important to prevent any maloperation depend on any fault, so we test its relay with two mainly functions will be discussed below which 1st function that BBP which trip any internal fault at any check zone of zone of busbar arrangement and 2nd function is BF (breaker fail protection function. - Busbar differential protection systems are used for fast and selective protection of busbars and can be implemented both centrally. - The basic mode of operation is based on the classic differential protection, in which all input and output currents are monitored and used to evaluate the operating or fault status. 3.3.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures : 1- Preparing connection of FREJA tester. 2- Connect probs of current to Freja tester with all terminal block for selected tested two bays in the same zone. 3- Make sure that test plug points for BBP and BF are jumper. 4- We will test each phase of bay with other phase of other bay. 5- Prepare calculations of differential current setting values for each bay. 6- Select bus disconnector Q1 or Q2 for selected check zone. 7- Start by zone 1 which has two bays D01 and D02 which have different CTR, but we make all calculations of differential protection referring to reference CTR=1250/1A. 8- Inject calculated current values as shown below and make sure that selected two bays will be tripped by BBP function. Page | 384 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. - Sketch Diagram for double busbar single breaker and single CT - Sketch Diagram for difference between Check zone and Discrimination (Selective) Zone - Sketch Diagram for selection zone depending on disconnectors positions Page | 385 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ➢ Pickup Differential Test: ❖ Setting: Item Value 87B.I_Pkp 87B.SlopeH_CZ 87B.SlopeL_CZ 87B.SlopeH_DZ 87B.SlopeL_DZ 87B.En En_AutoRecov_DS 87B.En_DSAlm_Blk 87B.En_CTS_Blk 87B.VCE.En 1.25 A 0.5 0.3 0.6 0.5 1 1 0 1 0 ❖ Calculations: - For Ref. CT = 1250/1 & Pickup = 1.25 - Feeder pickup (CT = 1250/1) 1 = 1.25 * 1250 * = 1.25 A 1250 - Power TR pickup (CT = 300/1) 1 1.25 * 1250 * = 5.208 A 300 - Traction TR pickup (CT = 400/1) 1 1.25 * 1250 * = 3.906 A 400 - Bay D01 and D15 (CT = 300/1) PHASE R S T RST Page | 386 PICKUP 5.231 5.232 5.233 5.225 TIMING (ms) 18.3 18.4 17.9 15.3 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. - Bay D02&D05 (CT = 1250/1) PHASE R S T RST PICKUP 1.257 1.258 1.258 1.257 - Bay D06&D12 PHASE R S T RST - Bay D11 PHASE R S T RST Page | 387 TIMING (ms) 18.9 18.3 18.5 17.6 (CT = 400/1) PICKUP 3.903 3.918 3.909 3.913 TIMING (ms) 16.3 16.6 16.5 16.7 (CT = 1250/1) PICKUP 1.256 1.255 1.258 1.255 TIMING (ms) 17.7 17.5 17.5 13.9 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ❖ BBP Differential C/Cs: - Operation C/C’s of steady state percentage restraint differential element When any phase of check zone differential current is larger than the setting, this element will be operated. The Operating criterion is: Page | 388 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ❖ BBP C/C’s curve slope check: - And we have 87B.SlopeH_CZ = 0.5 & 87B.SlopeL_DZ = 0.5 So, slope of line should be 0.5 (Id = 0.5 I r) Page | 389 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. - Let I1 be current at bay D02 & I2 current at bay D14 and D02 & D14 at the same Bus ❖ Point (1) I d = 1.25 , I1 – I2 = 1.25 I1 + I2 = 1.5 I r = 1.5 I1 = 1.375 ❖ Point (2) I d = 1.25 , I1 – I2 = 1.25 I1 + I2 = 2 , I 2 = 0.125 Ir=2 I1 = 1.625 , I 2 = 0.375 ❖ Point (3) I d = 1.25 , I1 – I2 = 1.25 I1 + I2 = 2.5 I1 = 1.875 ❖ Point (4) I d = 1.5 , I1 – I2 = 1.5 I1 + I2 = 3 Ir=3 ❖ Point (5) I d = 2.5 , I1 – I2 = 2.5 I1 + I2 = 5 Ir=5 point 1 2 3 4 5 Page | 390 I r = 2.5 I1 = 2.25 I1 = 3.75 Phase R S T R S T R S T R S T R S T , I 2 = 0.625 , I 2 = 0.75 , I 2 = 1.25 BAY D02 (A) WITH ANGLE = 0 1.362 1.364 1.388 1.615 1.618 1.617 1.873 1.877 1.891 2.252 2.254 2.270 3.740 3.760 3.744 BAY D14 (A) WITH ANGLE = 180 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.625 0.625 0.625 0.75 0.75 0.75 1.25 1.25 1.25 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Feeder Breaker Failure Protection (BFP) Test 3.4.1) Purpose of Test - To comprehend breaker failure philosophy, we will explain this example to comprehend purpose of breaker failure protection function test. - For the bus protection in Figure for example, the breakers X and Y must trip on a fault, otherwise the adjacent zone providing power to the fault must be tripped. - Similarly, for breaker X in Figure below, the adjacent zone H2 would have to be tripped if breaker X did not open. However, to maintain the speed and security in protection zones the use of timed backup protections is minimized. - Breaker X fails to clear a fault, all the equipment on bus H2 as well as bus H1 would be given a trip signal via the breaker failure protection scheme. Page | 391 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 3.4.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Preparing connection of FREJA tester. 2- Connect probs of current to Freja tester with all terminal block for selected tested two bays in the same zone. 3- Check all settings for CBF protection and its Conditions as per approved schematic drawing. 4- Check CB status and its function and logic if applicable. 5- Check CBF for mechanical protection initiate low current mode in the relay if applicable for power transformer. 6- Check CBF initiate conditions as per approved schematic drawing & Check transfer trip facility in CBF protection for feeder. 7- Check phase segregated initiation if applicable (for single pole CB) 8- Calculate Pick up / Drop OFF BF setting values as shown below then inject each value for each bay. Page | 392 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 9- Inject current setting value to simulate that breaker fail to trip and still current exist with initiation binary input to BBP relay from selected bay. 10- All B/I's and B/O's /LED configuration to be checked as per approved scheme. ❖ Setting: Item 50BF.t_ReTrp 50BF.t_TrpBC 50BF.t_TrpBB Bay1.50BF.I_Set Value 0.1 S 0.25 S 0.25 S 0.03 A Bay2.50BF.I_Set 0.4 A Bay4.50BF.I_Set BC.50BF.I_Set BC.50BF.t_TrpBB 50BF.En_Current_Ctrl ACC_BFP.En 50BF.En 50BF.En_ReTrp 0.16 A 0.4 A 0.25 S 1 0 1 1 Notes For bay D01 & D15 Typical for bay D02 , D05 , D11, D14 , D16 & D17 Typical for bay D06 & D12 bay D08 ❖ Calculations: - • Power TR pickup (CT = 300/1) = 0.03 * 1250 * 300 = 0.125 A • Traction TR pickup (CT = 400/1) = 0.16 * 1250 * 400 = 0.5 A 1250 = 0.4 A 1 1 PICKUP 0.123 0.123 0.123 0.124 1ST STAGE BF TIMING (ms) 113.3 113.4 113.3 113.2 2nd STAGE BF TIMING (ms) 264.4 263.7 264.3 264.1 1ST STAGE BF TIMING (ms) 113.9 113.6 114.0 112.5 2nd STAGE BF TIMING (ms) 264.3 264.1 264.6 262.3 Bay D02&D05 : (CT= 1250/1) PHASE R S T RST - Feeder pickup (CT = 1250/1) = 0.4 * 1250 * Bay D01&D15 : (CT= 300/1) PHASE R S T RST - 1 • PICKUP 0.401 0.403 0.402 0.399 Bay D06&D12 : (CT= 400/1) Page | 393 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. PHASE R S T RST - PICKUP 0.504 0.506 0.505 0.504 1ST STAGE BF TIMING (ms) 119.3 118.7 119.2 117.2 2nd STAGE BF TIMING (ms) 270.2 270.1 270.8 268.6 1ST STAGE BF TIMING (ms) 119.4 119.8 120.1 117.6 2nd STAGE BF TIMING (ms) 270.9 270.6 270.6 268.9 Bay D11&D14 : (CT= 1250/1) PHASE R S T RST - PICKUP 0.400 0.399 0.402 0.399 Bay D08 : (CT= 1250/1) CT1 CT2 PHASE PICKUP R S T RST R S T RST 0.402 0.403 0.402 0.399 0.402 0.402 0.402 0.400 1ST STAGE BF TIMING (ms) 120.6 120.6 121.3 119.0 121.7 122.0 122.0 119.7 2nd STAGE BF TIMING (ms) 270.2 270.5 270.8 268.7 271.3 271.3 272.0 269.3 ❖ BBP&BFP Logic Test: ➢ Notes: • BFP has topology logic as same as of BBP for tripping zones. • For each bay table, other bays are connected as follows : odd bays at Q1 & even bays at Q2 • BBP Block Selector is checked. • BF Block Selector is checked. • If we have DS status alarm, BBP will use last state of DS. Page | 394 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. • Bay D01: Bay D01 Q1 Q2 OPEN OPEN CLOSE OPEN CLOSE CLOSE OPEN CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE Q1A Q1B Q2A Q2B BC CB BBP & BFP ACTION --OPEN CLOSE CLOSE ----OPEN CLOSE --- --- ------OPEN NO TRIP CLOSE CLOSE --- --- --- --- CLOSE OPEN CLOSE CLOSE --OPEN CLOSE ----OPEN CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE TRIP BB1A TRIP BB1A & BB1B TRIP BB1A , BB1B & BC TRIP BB2A TRIP BB2A&BB2B TRIP BB2A , BB2B & BC TRIP BB1A & BB2A TRIP BB1A , BB1B , BB2A & BB2B OPEN CLOSE --CLOSE OPEN CLOSE --CLOSE --- Q1A Q1B Q2A Q2B BC CB BBP & BF ACTION ----OPEN CLOSE --OPEN CLOSE CLOSE ----- ----- ------OPEN NO TRIP CLOSE CLOSE --- • Bay D11 Bay D11 Q1 Q2 OPEN OPEN CLOSE OPEN CLOSE CLOSE Page | 395 OPEsN CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE --- --CLOSE --- OPEN CLOSE CLOSE --OPEN CLOSE OPEN CLOSE CLOSE ----OPEN CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE --CLOSE OPEN CLOSE ----- TRIP BB1B TRIP BB1A & BB1B TRIP BB1A , BB1B & BC TRIP BB2B TRIP BB2A&BB2B TRIP BB2A , BB2B & BC TRIP BB1B & BB2B TRIP BB1A , BB1B , BB2A & BB2B Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. PCS-9151 ATS Relay Protection Functions Procedure Test Page | 396 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 1) Protection Relay Technical Data (Name Plate) - We take an example for Traction-1 SS ATS between two traction transformers 220/27.5Kv Designation No. Manufacturer Type PCS-9651 NR ATS Rated frequency Aux. Voltage Traction 1&2 VT Bus 1&2 VT 50 HZ 110 Vdc 220,000/100 27,500/100 V 2) Test Equipment’s Used: Note: Used tester types below or approved testers S.N Type Make 1 Freja 300 Megger Calibration date ** ALL CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES SHOULD BE PROVIDED. ➢ Software will be used for configuration and final setting tests - We will use the PCS-Explorer V1.1.2 in this instruction. Page | 397 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 3) TESTS: 3.1) Mechanical Check and Visual Inspection: 3.1.1) Purpose of test: - Make sure that protection relay is good for testing, and it doesn’t have any damage or missing parts. No Description Result 1 Visual Inspection / Rating Information OK 2 Case Earthing OK 3.2) Electrical Tests: 3.2.1) Functional Test ITEM DESCRIPTION CHECKED Set Clock to local time 1 Date & time 2 4 Make Test Mode Enable under commissioning menu to check ALARM LED Make Test Mode Enable under commissioning menu to check OUT OF SERVICE LED Apply any fault condition to check TRIP LED (Red) 5 Apply Test LEDs under commissioning menu to check all programmable LEDs. 6 Measured FIELD SUPPLY Voltage 3 Time maintained when Aux. Supply removed Between terminals (+ve) – (-ve) 3.2.2) Measurement Test: - Traction 1 measurement accuracy (VT = 220,000/100) PHASE Injection voltage (V) Measured voltage (KV) R 57.74 127.054 S 57.74 126.992 T 57.74 127.131 - Traction 2 measurement accuracy (VT = 220,000/100) PHASE R S T Page | 398 Injection voltage (V) 57.74 57.74 57.74 Measured voltage (KV) 127.093 127.098 127.027 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. - 6.1- Bus 1 measurement accuracy (VT = 27,500/100) PHASE Injection voltage (V) R 57.737 Bus 2 measurement accuracy (VT = 27,500/100) Measured voltage (KV) 27.521 PHASE R Measured voltage (KV) 27.505 Injection voltage (V) 57.737 [ Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) Test 3.2.1) Purpose of Test - Voltage decrease or complete supply interruption represent the most important and critical problems for quality of energy supply today, it is especially true that voltage disturbances of electronic control systems and other sensitive installation can lead to complete loss of productions and long stoppage time. to realize a permeant availability, the load is supplied by at least two different power supplies which are independent from one another, and which are equipped with automatic transfer switch ATS devices. - We test ATS function for protection relay to test all procedures of operating individually to make sure that relay device will operate successfully for applied setting values and logic diagram. 3.2.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures : 1- Preparing connection of FREJA tester. 2- Connect probs of current and voltage to Freja tester. 3- Review the setting and check all setting values are matched with actual setting. 4- Setting: Item Power1.U1n Power1.U2n Power2.U1n Power2.U2n Bus1.U1n Bus1.U2n Bus2.U1n Bus2.U2n Power.U_Dd Bus1.U_Dd Bus2.U_Dd Page | 399 Value 220 KV 100 V 220 KV 100 V 27.5 KV 100 V 27.5 KV 100 V 50 V 50 V 50 V Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Power.U_LV Bus1.U_LV Bus2.U_LV Power.ATS.t_Op_VoltLoss ATS.t_Reclaim 7QF.EN_out 7QF.EN_out Page | 400 70 V 70 V 70 V 3 sec 15 sec 1 1 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 5- Review ATS logic Procedure from manual as follow and test according to it: ➢ According to relay manual we have two modes for ATS function depending on which side is energize and other side is ready. In this test we will use mode 1. ➢ The normal situation The CB1, CB3, CB5 are all close and CB2, CB4, CB6 are open. CB7 and CB8 are close and feed to OCS but they don’t attend to the ATS procedure. ➢ There have 2 fault which will cause ATS operation, one is transformer fault (for example, mechanical fault) and the other is 220kV loss. ➢ Note: the CB is act one by one, that is, the PCS-9651 sends tripping command to one CB first, and then sends tripping command to the next CB after receiving the CB position signal. The time of each CB is 200ms. ➢ The procedure is executed automatically. MT1 fault (MT2 the same) • In case of 87T (transformer differential protection) or MR (mechanical protection) protection action, send tripping command, trip the CB1, CB3 and CB5 simultaneously and send start ATS signal to ATS device PCS-9651. Page | 401 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. • After receiving the ATS signal, delay 50ms, the PCS-9651 will trip CB3, CB5, CB1 again and close CB2, CB4, CB6 orderly. • The voltage of the 220kV incoming power1 loss (ATS1), ATS2 is the same ➢ Ready Conditions: • All the following conditions are satisfied for an appoint time (the setting [ATS.t_Reclaim]), the ATS1 will be ready for operation. o CB1, CB3 and CB5 are closed, CB2, CB4 and CB6 are opened. o “Powerx.Uab_Sec”>[Power.U_Lv], “Powerx.Ubc_Sec”>[Power.U_Lv] and “Powerx.Uca_Sec”>[Power.U_Lv]. - “Powerx.Uab_Sec” is the secondary value of phase A to phase B voltage of the incoming powerx. - “Powerx.Ubc_Sec” is the secondary value of phase B to phase C voltage of the incoming powerx. - “Powerx.Uca_Sec” is the secondary value of phase C to phase A voltage of the incoming powerx. - x Is 1 and 2. o “Bus1.U_Sec”>[Bus1.U_Lv] and “Bus2.U_Sec”>[Bus2.U_Lv]. - “Bus1.U_Sec” is the secondary value of the busbar1 voltage. - “Bus2.U_Sec” is the secondary value of the busbar2 voltage. ➢ Lockout Conditions: • If anyone of the following conditions is satisfied, the ATS1 function will be blocked. o The binary input [BI_BlkATS] is “1”, or [BI_Maintenance_Power] is “1”, or [BI_Maintenance_Tr] is “1”. o The logic setting [En_ATS1] is “0”. o The voltage of the incoming power2 is lost for at least 15s. o Anyone of the circuit breakers CB1, CB2, CB3, CB4, CB5 or CB6 is not in normal operation state of this mode. o Anyone of the circuit breakers and disconnector switches refuses to operate during the ATS1 operation. o The ATS1 Operate Successfully. o The device blocked and LED indicator “HEALTHY” is off. Page | 402 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. o The position of anyone of the circuit breakers and disconnectors switches is abnormal. o If the setting [CB7.En_Out] 、[CB8.En_Out] set as 1, the PCS9651 will not operate to trip CB7 and CB8 when operate. ➢ Operation Process: • After ATS1 is ready for operation, if the following three conditions are satisfied at the same time, the fault detector of ATS1 will pick up, and the PCS-9651 will operate to trip CB3, CB5 and CB1 orderly, then close CB2, CB4 and CB6 orderly after the time delay [Power.ATS.t_Op_VoltLoss]. o “Power1.Uab_Sec”<[Power.U_Dd], “Power1.Ubc_Sec”<[Power.U_Dd], “Power1.Uca_Sec”<[Power.U_Dd], o “Bus1.U_Sec”<[Bus1.U_Dd], “Bus2.U_Sec”<[Bus2.U_Dd] o “Power2.Uab_Sec”>[Power.U_Lv], “Power2.Ubc_Sec”>[Power.U_Lv], “Power2.Uca_Sec”>[Power.U_Lv], • If the above circuit breakers operation is successful, the binary output signal [ATS.Sig_Succeeded] will be sent, otherwise the ATS1 function the ATS1 function returns 6- After reviewing logic procedure, we will be ready to test ATS function as follow: • Assume that: - CB1, CB3 & CB5 are Closed. - CB2, CB4 & CB6 are open. Traction 1 Dead Value 28.80 Page | 403 Bus 1 Dead Bus 2 Dead Value(ph.=line) Value(ph.=line) value value 49.90 49.87 Traction 2 Live Value Action 40.50 CB 3 Trip time = 3002 ms CB 5 Trip time = 3078 ms CB 1 Trip time = 3153 ms CB 2 closing time = 3238 ms CB 4 closing time = 3386 ms CB 6 closing time = 3471 ms Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. • Assume that: - CB2, CB4 & CB6 are Closed. - CB1, CB3 & CB5 are open. Traction 2 Dead Value 28.80 Bus 1 Dead Bus 2 Dead Value(ph.=line) Value(ph.=line) value value 49.90 49.85 Traction 1 Live Value Action 40.50 CB 4 Trip time = 3001 ms CB 6 Trip time = 3076 ms CB 2 Trip time = 3151 ms CB 1 closing time = 3236 ms CB 3 closing time = 3374 ms CB 5 closing time = 3457 ms • Assume that: - CB1, CB3 & CB5 are Closed - CB2, CB4 & CB6 are open - All voltage is OK, then Protection Trip occurred for Traction Action CB 3 Trip time = 0051 ms CB 5 Trip time = 0127 ms CB 1 Trip time = 0203 ms CB 2 closing time = 0287 ms CB 4 closing time = 0437 ms CB 6 closing time = 0522 ms • Assume that: - CB2, CB4 & CB6 are Closed - CB1, CB3 & CB5 are open - All voltage is OK, then Protection Trip occurred for Traction Action CB 4 Trip time = 0052 ms CB 6 Trip time = 0128 ms CB 2 Trip time = 0205 ms CB 1 closing time = 0291 ms CB 3 closing time = 0414 ms CB 5 closing time = 0496 ms • All Binary Inputs checked as per schematic diagram. • All Binary Outputs checked as per schematic diagram. Page | 404 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. MR TAPCON 260 AVR Relay Functions Procedure Test Page | 405 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 1) Protection Relay Technical Data (Name Plate) - We take an example for Traction-1 SS Power Transformer 220/20Kv Designation No. Manufacturer Type TAPCON 260 PRO MR AVR Rated frequency Aux. Voltage CT VT 50 HZ 110 Vdc 2) Test Equipment’s Used: Note: Used tester types below or approved testers S.N Type Make 1 Freja 300 Megger Calibration date ** ALL CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES SHOULD BE PROVIDED. ➢ Software will be used for configuration and final setting tests - We will use the TAPCON 260 MR Software. Page | 406 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 3) TESTS: 3.1) Mechanical Check and Visual Inspection: 3.1.1) Purpose of test: - Make sure that protection relay is good for testing, and it doesn’t have any damage or missing parts. No Description Result 1 Visual Inspection / Rating Information OK 2 Case Earthing OK 3.3) Electrical Tests: 3.2.1) Functional Test ITEM DESCRIPTION CHECKED Set Clock to local time 1 Date & time 2 4 Make Test Mode Enable under commissioning menu to check ALARM LED Make Test Mode Enable under commissioning menu to check OUT OF SERVICE LED Apply any fault condition to check TRIP LED (Red) 5 Apply Test LEDs under commissioning menu to check all programmable LEDs. 6 Measured FIELD SUPPLY Voltage 3 Time maintained when Aux. Supply removed Between terminals (+ve) – (-ve) 3.2.2) Measurement Test: ➢ Current measurement accuracy (CT = 1200/1) PHASE R Injection current (A) 1 Measured current (A) 1200 ➢ Voltage measurement accuracy (VT = 10,000/100) PHASE RS [ Page | 407 Injection Voltage (V) 100 Measured Voltage (KV) 10 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) Test **We AVR panel with MR TAPCON 260 3.3.1) Purpose of Test - The automatic voltage regulator is used to regulate the voltage. It takes the fluctuate voltage and changes them into a constant voltage. The fluctuation in the voltage mainly occurs due to the variation in load on the supply system. The variation in voltage damages the equipment of the power system. The variation in the voltage can be controlled by installing the voltage control equipment at several places likes near the transformers, generator, feeders, etc., The voltage regulator is provided in more than one point in the power system for controlling the voltage variations. - AVR panel is installed for remote automatic control of voltage of power transformers HV side. - AVR relay control the voltage by changing no. of taps of HV winding of Power transformer to maintain same voltage of low side as desired value. - Control of voltage is performed at onload process by using OLTC (onload tap change) which is placed at high voltage winding. 3.3.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures : 1- Preparing connection of FREJA tester. 2- Connect probs of current and voltage to Freja tester. 3- Review the setting and check all setting values are matched with actual setting. 4- Open software of TAPCON 260 as follow: Page | 408 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. • Open the MR TAPCON 260 software • Page | 409 Click on Establish connect to device. Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Page | 410 • Click on Connect. • Downloading the settings Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. • - Select the Device group, Device name & Name. This Device ident code is last four digits from the relay serial number. Then click finish. • Here we have the settings of TAPCON 260. Right click on the AVR Page | 411 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 5- Setting: Item Normset Desired voltage Level 1 Bandwidth Delay time T1 Delay time T2 Over voltage setting Under voltage Setting Over current setting Under Current Setting CTR VTR Pulse time Value Off 100 V ±5% 5 sec (DT) 10 sec 110 V 90 V 110 % 5% 1200/1 10000/100 1.5 sec 6- Insert setting values at software as follow: • Set the desired value 1 as 100 V, Set the bandwidth value as 5%. Page | 412 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Page | 413 • Set the overcurrent settings 110% • Set the Over Voltage & undervoltage setting 110% & 90% respectively. Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. • Set the primary current & Voltage. • Here you can check your all settings: Page | 414 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 7- Test raise and lower and other functions by using FREJA 300 tester software as follow: ➢ Bandwidth Check: - Connect the voltage and current leads as per given schemes You must inject the secondary voltage as per your setting. - Ramp from 100 V to 94 V it will start raising the pulse when it reaches 95 V. Page | 415 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. - Ramp from 100 V to 106 V it will start Lower the pulse when it reaches 105 V. ➢ Band width Test: condition pickup T1 T2 Raise voltage 95.02 V 6.16 sec 16.23 sec Lower voltage 105.1 V 6.15 sec 16.47 sec Page | 416 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ➢ Undervoltage & Overvoltage Test - To test the undervoltage ramp from 100 V to 85V it will give you trip at less than 90 V Page | 417 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. - To test the overvoltage ramp from 100 V to 115V it will give you trip at more than 110 V. Page | 418 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ➢ Overcurrent Test - To test the Overcurrent ramp secondary current 1A to 1.2 A, it will give you trip at 1320 A as primary in AVR front screen. ➢ Blocking conditions Test: Condition Pickup Over Voltage 110.9 V Under Voltage 90.18 V Over Current 1.12 A Under Current 0.052 A Page | 419 Result AVR Operation Blocked Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. Protection Relays Tests End to End Procedure Test Page | 420 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 1) Test Equipment’s Used: Note: Used tester types below or approved testers. S.N Type Make 1 Freja 300 Megger ** ALL CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES SHOULD BE PROVIDED. Page | 421 Calibration date Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. 2) TESTS: Mechanical and Visual Inspection Test: ITEM DESCRIPTION 1 Inspect for any physical damage or defects. 2 Verify connections as per approved drawings. 3 Check that serial no. of relay matching with serial no. of display. ITEM DESCRIPTION Set Clock to local time 1 Date & time Time maintained when Aux. Supply removed 2 Make Test Mode Enable under commissioning menu to check ALARM LED 3 Make Test Mode Enable under commissioning menu to check OUT OF SERVICE LED 4 Apply any fault condition to check TRIP LED (Red) 5 Apply Test LEDs under commissioning menu to check all programmable LEDs. 6 Measured FIELD SUPPLY Voltage Page | 422 Between terminals (+ve) – (-ve) CHECKED CHECKED Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. End To End of Differential Over Head T.L Test: 2.2.1) Purpose of test: - Check for differential protection trips for two protection relays for two connected stepdown substations. - Check for logic interlocks between two substations. 2.2.2) Work Instructions/Test Procedures: 1- Connect Freja 300 tester kit to the protection relay for two substation and injected measurements and pickup current values for differential biased 1 and 2 values and check that two protection relays will be operated, and two circuit breakers will be tripped by differential function then repeat this step for remote relay and check for all points. 2- Disconnect fiber optic cable and make sure its signal will be sent to two protection relays for local and remote substations. 3- Inject same values of differential protection setting and make sure that local circuit breaker will be tripped by backup protection function and differential function will be blocked and remote circuit breaker will not be tripped by any protection function. 4- By disconnecting fiber optic cable, check interlocks between two substations that no interlocks will be achieved. 5- Evaluate all case sin test format tables as shown below. Page | 423 Inspection Test Plan ITP Guidebook Safety Precautions: (1) Safety tagging shall be implemented (2) Isolate the area by safety warning tape (3) Keep a safe distance from the device being tested (4) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment prior to starting any testing activity (5) Implementation proper grounding. ➢ Measurement Check: - Injection from local end: Phase Current Injected (A) Local end Reading (A) Remote End Reading (A) Remarks Local end Reading (A) Remote End Reading (A) Remarks R S T - Injection from remote end: Phase Current Injected (A) R S T ➢ Line Differential Test: • • Check That the local and remote end Circuit breakers are closed. Check that the fiber optic cable is ok by checking the (alm. fiber not come in the relay alarms). Injection Side Current Injected (A) Local End Remote End • Local End Circuit Breaker Tripped Tripped Remote End Circuit Breaker Tripped Tripped Remarks OK OK If The Fiber optic cable Not OK and the Alm.Fiber is coming in the relay alarms Injection Side Local End Remote End Current Injected (A) Local End Circuit Breaker Tripped No Trip Remote End Circuit Breaker No Trip Tripped Remarks OK OK 6- Attach screenshots from protection relays for interlocks logic Page | 424