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Nursing Head-to-Toe Assessment Instructions

NURS FPX 4015 Assessment 5 Comprehensive Head-to-Toe Assessment
As you grow as a nurse, the ability to conduct a comprehensive and precise
physical assessment of a patient is paramount, serving as the foundation for all
subsequent healthcare decisions. This skill is closely tied to the crucial task of
formulating an accurate differential diagnosis, which guides the course of
treatment and significantly impacts patient outcomes. Incorporating an
understanding of pathophysiology and pharmacology not only aids in the
diagnostic process but also informs the development of an effective treatment plan.
Lastly, the nurse’s role extends beyond these technical aspects, encompassing the
vital responsibility of communicating these findings and plans to the patient,
thereby fostering a collaborative and informed approach to healthcare.
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This assessment must be completed on camera. You should use Kaltura to make
your recording.
If you need more information on how to create and submit your video, please refer
to Using Kaltura.
Remember, your assessment submission will not be graded if you have not
completed and submitted the Comprehensive Head-to-Toe Assessment Waiver. If
you have not, complete and submit the waiver for Assessment 1.
The purpose of this assessment is to allow you the opportunity to demonstrate your
ability to conduct an accurate and thorough examination of a patient, which is a
critical skill for nurse practitioners. Patient assessments that are either inaccurate or
not thorough can lead to misdiagnoses or suboptimal health outcomes for patients.
For this assessment, you will submit a video of yourself conducting a head-to-toe
assessment on a volunteer based on one of the Sentinel U case studies presented in
this course. Your head-to-toe assessment should include a detailed analysis of the
underlying pathophysiology of the selected disease process, the expected
assessment findings, and the patient's pharmacological needs. Additionally, you
should discuss nursing implications for the selected disease process, from a
pathophysiology, pharmacology, and physical assessment perspective.
Email: emilytutors01@gmail.com for help with RN TO BSN in a Single
billing cycle
Your video submission will be assessed on the following:
Comprehensive and Professional Assessment: Perform a comprehensive,
thorough, and accurate assessment of a patient based on a selected disease
Remember, that the person standing in as your patient should be acting
out one of the diagnoses from the Sentinel U case studies in the course.
Be careful and thorough in your assessment, make sure the camera can
see what you are doing or make sure you are describing what you are
doing to the patient.
Discussion of Diagnosis and Findings: Explain the diagnosis and findings of
the physical assessment with the patient.
What did you find in your assessment?
How did the findings help you arrive at your diagnosis?
Are you communicating the findings to the patient in a way that
provides context and helps the patient understand your findings?
Understanding of Pharmacological Needs: Discuss the pharmacological
needs of the patient within the context of their disease process and current
best practices.
What are the standard pharmacological treatments for the patient's
How does the patient's health history, other conditions, and other
medications impact the decision making process related to
pharmacological treatment options?
What other information does the patient need to know related to
potential side effects or things to avoid related to any new
pharmacological treatments for their condition?
Understanding of Pathophysiology: Explain the underlying
pathophysiology of the disease process to the patient.
How does the disease process work in the body? Which systems does it
How is the patient likely to feel if the disease process progresses?
How might symptoms of the disease process look or sound like to the
Email: emilytutors01@gmail.com for help with RN TO BSN in a Single
billing cycle
Critical Thinking and Clinical Reasoning: Synthesize assessment findings
with knowledge of the disease process, pharmacology, and pathophysiology
to establish care priorities for the patient.
What are the care priorities for the patient?
How have you used your assessment findings, combined with what you
know about the pharmacology and pathophysiology to arrive at these
What evidence-based or best-practices support these priorities?
Communication and Professionalism: The nurse displays professionalism
and communicates clearly and effectively with the appropriate use of
terminology with the patient throughout the assessment.
Total Length of Submission: Your video assessment must be 10 to 15
minutes in length.
Captions: Make sure that your Kaltura has been auto-captioned by the
system before turning it in. This helps to support accessibility best practices
and can help faculty more effectively assess your video.
Kaltura captions are automatically generated within 24 hours of you
uploading the video recording to your Kaltura library. So, make sure
you are not making your recording at the last minute.
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency
in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:
Competency 1: Explain how pathophysiology, pharmacology, and physical
assessment comprise a holistic approach to nursing care.
Synthesize assessment findings with knowledge of the disease process,
pharmacology, and pathophysiology to establish care priorities for the
Competency 3: Educate individuals on prevention and management of health
conditions, across the life span and including special populations, based on
pathophysiology, pharmacology, and physical assessment knowledge.
Discuss the pharmacological needs of the patient within the context of
their disease process and current best practices.
Explain the underlying pathophysiology of the disease process to the
Competency 4: Perform comprehensive and focused physical assessments
using appropriate techniques and tools.
Perform a comprehensive, thorough, and accurate assessment of a
patient based on a selected disease process.
Explain the diagnosis and findings of the physical assessment with the
Email: emilytutors01@gmail.com for help with RN TO BSN in a Single
billing cycle
Competency 5: Apply scholarly writing standards to communicate evidence
based strategies that support safe and effective patient care.
The nurse displays professionalism and communicates clearly and
effectively with the appropriate use of terminology with the patient
throughout the assessment.