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Exit Ticket Questions 12-10 Open Class

Exit Ticket Questions
Factual Knowledge
1. Define "center of mass" in your own words.
2. Identify the center of mass in a rectangular object and explain how you located it.
3. List the key factors that determine the balance point of an object.
Conceptual Knowledge
1. Explain how the center of mass is related to an object's ability to balance.
2. Compare the center of mass for a regular shape (e.g., square) and an irregular
shape (e.g., an L-shaped object).
3. Why does the location of the center of mass matter for self-balancing toys?
Procedural Knowledge
1. Describe the steps you would take to find the center of mass of an irregularly
shaped object.
2. Using the concept of the center of mass, predict where the balance point of a given
object would be.
3. Create a simple diagram to show how you would determine the balance point of
a seesaw with uneven weights.
Metacognitive Knowledge
1. Reflect on your understanding of the center of mass. What part of today’s lesson
was most challenging, and why?
2. How could you apply the concept of the center of mass to design a toy that
balances itself?
3. What strategies did you use to understand the relationship between the center of
mass and the balance point?