Given a nonlinear function as X(t) Vector where x(t) is the uxl State ust) is the px1 input vector F(X(t) u(t) is the , State Vector Uxl . F(X (t) u(t) = For linearizing [Ct) F(xct) ucts) with respect to a nominal operating = , point (Xo. Uo) Assume X(t) Then Xi(t) : (XI (t) X2(t) = Xn(t)] . . . . Fi(X(t) X2(t) = - - Xu(t) - , * (t) Fz (X (t) i = X2(t) . STEP 1 U Ct) , . Xn(t) U.It) ... , Halt) · - --Up(t)) Define the state Uz(t)---Up(t)) . . variable i Xn(t) Fr ( X(t) Xact)--- XuIt) = Define . U . St) , . Nalt) ... Up(te) : Xol E Hol => I . . Xoz Noz · , F (Xo1 Xoz Xo Nos · - is nominal operating points Hop ------- You , U01 Noz : Hop) - . . # (X01 XO2 Xon ------- Xon , Upl ... . = STEP 2 0 Define the nominal Uoz- · Hops = 0 . . operating points i Fn(X0 Xo2 · · . Yon, U0l Koz - -- . Hop) = 8 limerizing the nonlinear system the Taylor expansion method is commonly used. Taylor expansion approximates a nonlinear function as a polynomial series around the equilibrium point expressed as follows When , : , f(x) = f"(X)(X- Xo) f(x0) + f(x)(X Xo) + - + influence of high-order terms on the function value becomes negligible. Therefore in the linearization process only the zeroth-order and first-order terms are retained while the second-order and high order In this expansion , as decreases , X-Xo the , , , terms are omitted X STEP 3 . Tyalor Series = + . So : Fi(Xo1 Xoz- Xon Hol Hoz , . ... . Uo) + Ex(X, Xoi) - + ... Gn(x(Xn Xon) y x(u, 401) + (Up Hop) + - - + ... - - i xn Fn (X0 Xo2 Xon Ur Mon-- Kop) + x(X1 Xoilt--= + - - , , . x(Xn Xon) E (4) 401) - + - +.. - + G(x(Up Hop) - that * equal X1 Xo1 Xz Xo2-- Xn Yon U1 Hol = = = = - . Assume(X1 X1 = o Ul = U1 - , OX2 : -Ur ,, 8U2 Because of OX1 · Xo1 , X2-Xon Uz-Hon ... Up = 0X2 .. . X " . X =x + * xn ... . OU1 . = : Uz Coz = , Xn-Yon Based on Up Hop : Up-Hop Onz. - UDU - -Xn + +... 044 1 & STEP 4 . Define the i o ... error Xi = X1 +...X + 1 +... the state space function we get below be written , the state space matrix can as : I I · i Final