Reduction Reactions (Redox midation - - - Transfer of electrons/electron Oxygen Is Losing For covalent compounds - density from one atom to Reduction Is Gaining , another (elections) : transfer -no actual find agents via election density - - elections of treated there is as if transfer atom with to greater electronegativity - - - - - Oxidizing Reducing agent Agents Only be can can Even contains atoms being contains being oxidized - - atoms single atoms specific one Agents - - agent , , is have multiple atoms, one though other atoms in agent - oxidized/reduced of which actually stimulates don't affect reation For union : actual they charge reaction are still of ion mentioned ↳ number after charge (e g 2t) reducing pagent ↑ polyatomic ions molecules atom/element Oxidation Numbers/States oxidizing reduced . . agent - 8 +4 2 F 2 Fe 30 - + W ↓ reduced W oxidized For an evalent bond : ↳ - number after hypothetical charge if reaction happened charge le g + 2) . . then ... 1 Naturally . occuring elements oxidation number O 2 . Simples mon atomic ion Oxidation number . Sum of alloxidation 3 (polyatomic) ion In 4 Oxidation . oxygen in peroxides (e g H202) = . . when uncombined (8) S . Oxidation number of when uncombined (H) = 6 Group I metals E . . Group &metals Tonic - rules > 2 Lovalent > rules - Fez8 3 +3 = ↓ 2 2 - + 0 charge = on ion -2 rule (very rare) rule to pure element refer , , Be Rb (s Fri) My Ca Sr Ba Ra) Li Nu K , , , , , = , , , 1 + = + 2 = -2 , maybe 3, 4, 5 Fez8 3 + 3(8 - = 1 3 < and molecule + = -1 0 numbers to pure element refer , = a (very rare) hydrogen . = -1 0 = in hydrides (e g. Nut) 7 of all oxidation sum , of number of atoms in numbers (S2-2) charge on ion = , 3(8 ↓ +2 - Fez83 + 320 - > 2Fe + 316 I 2 - > - > 2 2Fe + 316 I 2 - + 4 - 2 [Fe + 310 > Oxygen Fe = 0 (naturally occurring) Balance the rest accordingly f +3 - reducing oxidizing agent agent - +3 1 oxidized + 2 not + 1 2 +6 - 2 + - 2 Y reduced + 1 2 - W agent - Y reduced - Oxidizing agent O - + 2 f 3 + reducing +2 I oxidized +5 - 2 +2 +6 - 2 redox - Redox Equations Balancing Oxidation Number Method : DAssign Oxidation Number to all + +5 - + 1 2 - 2 + 1 ② Identify atoms that +1 + 5 - + 1 2 - 2 - 2 +2 - Atoms 28 change oxidation number + 1 - +2 2 - 28 => => - & J Y ③ Balance +1 + 5 - + 1 2 - atoms that 2 + 1 - change oxidation +2 2 - 28 already > - - & number Ja balanced ① Determine total contribution of oxidation numbers by each type of atom loxidation number) x (# of atoms) x (# of molecules) +1 + 5 - + 1 2 - 2 + 1 - 2 - 28 => & & +2 1 => Sx(x) = Ja 2x(x) = 2 5 - 2x(x) = - 2 8x(x) = g ⑤ Use LCM +1 + 5 - of + 1 2 gained and elections 2 - + 1 - +2 2 - last make them equal 28 => => to => - ⑮ ↓+ S ↳ 5 X = = 3 2 + x - 2 X 3 + 1 2 of 2 2 + 1 - = 8 - 2 and - x lost 3 +2 2 3 2 + = 2 gained LCM +1 + 5 - J = - 6 28 2 3 ⑤ > => + S 2e- xB] - 2 = Ge lost J 2 - ⑧ If occurring in acidic/basic solutions balance O like half-reaction in method ⑦ Balance remaining electrons via inspection +1 + 5 - + 1 2 - 2 + 1 - +2 2 3 2 - 2 28 3 2 => ⑤ & => - + S 2e- xB] - 2 = Ge lost J and H - 3 2 + ) = +6 2 - + 1 +6 2 - +3 2 +6 - 2 + 3 2 3 3x2 - x3 Entgains 2x6 = + 12 - - 2x3 = - 6 - 6-4 = 2 +5 - + 1 2 3 - 2 + 6 +6 = - 4 loses 2 2x3(L(M) + 1 = - = 2 loses 6 + 1 - 4 + 2 2 2 - I 2 3 grind Ru - 2x3 = loses6 - 2 Half-Reaction D Assign Method : Oxidation Numbers f +5 - 2 - to all 2 + 1 atoms + 3 11 - [ ② Identify Oxidation and reaction oxidation half-reaction : Al > Al(8H)y- reduction half-reaction : N85- NH3 2 important for Step - + - I 3 + (basic solution) half-reactions - > ③ Balance non hydrogen and oxygen atoms oxidation half-reaction : Al > Al(8H(4- reduction half-reaction : N85 #Balance oxggen -) for entire molecule , half each in reaction - -> oxidation half-reaction : Al reduction half-reaction : NH3 by adding atoms + 4H20 - > (1Al already balanced Has to each 1N per side, per side half-reaction Al(8H(4- N85- NH3 + > 3H28 ③ Balance hydrogen atoms by adding Ht to each half-reaction Al(OH(4- + 4H oxidation half-reaction Al + 4H20 reduction half-reaction : ⑥ Add OH-ions He added to + > - : NO3 + 9H* - > NH3 + 3H28 to BOTH sides of each half-reaction , one for each of half reaction ONE side Only applies to basic solutions skip if solution is acidic , oxidation hulf-reaction : Al reduction half-reaction : + 4H20 + 48H- N85 + 9H + + > 40H - Al(OH(4 + 4H > NH3 + + + 40H 3428 + 90H ⑦ Lancel out #20 molecules excess Only applies to basic solutions skip if solution is acidic , 20 + 48H+ oxidation hulf-reaction : Al Al 48H + - AlL8H(4- + > Al(8H(4- - > NH3 + 3 20 JOH- NH3 + 90H- N85 + + /H * reduction half-reaction : No5 + JH - + > + N85 + 6H20 L > - ⑧Add electrons to balance charge of each oxidation half-reaction : Al reduction half-reaction : 48H + - - > > NH3 + + 90H 98H- half-reaction Al(8H(4 + ze- N85 + 6H20 + 8e - > NH3 + 90H- ⑨ Balance two half-reactions by multiplying each side by LCM of added eI hulf-reaction Al(8H(4 + 3e -]x8 [Al + 48H oxidation - : 8 Al + 328H - > - 8 Al(8H(4- + 24e reduction half-reaction : [NO3 + 6H20 + 8e 3N85 + 18H20 + 24e - - > NH3 > 3 NH3 + 90H] + 270H ⑱ Add reactions together 8 Al + 328H+ 3N0z+ 10H 20 + 24e- 8 Al(8H(4 + 24e =3 NH3+ 270H- ⑪ Lancel out 8 , optional add spectator ions : Alth 3 Noz+ 10 H20tXe =8 AllOH(4 -3 NAzt2/H + ↓ 8 Al + 58H + 3N8z + 18H20 - 8 A)(8H(4 + 3NH3 In +* -- > In - 3 NHyt + oxidation : [In reduction : (Oz + 18 H 42n 5 + - g + 8e + - Noz- +18H" - > (2 oxidation : [CuS + 4H28 reduction : [NO3- + 4H + Mn((N)g" + 82 - (n2 > 3 - 8 8H > + - - + - > + + 8H + + 82 ] - + +3 4 3(ut + 35042- 2 + 80 + 4 + 3(u* + 35042 Mn((N) , - + 8N8 + 4H2 3 Mn((N)6" - Mn((N)63- + 1e 82 4H + 487) - He 2H28 > 5842 + NO + 24283x8 > - + +j - + 223x4 NHyt + 3H20 + 22n + 32 + 3(u) + 12 48 + 8N85 + 3 + + NHy* + 3H202x/ - + 3(u) + 8N0z > - 2t In > - - Oxidation hulf-reaction , Oxidation loses product half-reaction , - reduction elections, elections in + 48H reduction is elections going elections , in reactant