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Marketing Health Services Test Bank, 4e Thomas

Marketing Health Services, 4e Thomas Test bank
1. Marketing as we perceive it today ________.
a. has been around for centuries
b. did not emerge until the last decade of the twentieth century
*c. is a particularly American concept
d. was spawned by the industrial economy
2. Prior to the emergence of modern marketing in the last half of the
twentieth century, “marketing” activities can best be described as
a. advertising
*b. sales
c. networking
d. none of the above
3. The development of modern concepts of both healthcare and marketing
were given impetus by the changing _______ in American society in the
second half of the twentieth century.
*a. values
b. economy
c. political system
d. defined benefits
4. “Sales” differ from modern concepts of marketing in that sales
a. involve interaction between a buyer and seller
b. attempt to increase the volume of business
*c. focus on transactions with existing customers
d. use trade shows to promote products
5. Which of the following did not contribute to the emergence of
marketing after World War II?
a. Pent-up demand for goods and services
b. Expansion of the variety of products available
c. Increased discretionary income
*d. A shrinking middle class
6. Prior to the emergence of healthcare marketing as a separate
function, virtually all healthcare organizations used ________.
a. advertising
b. telemarketing
*c. public relations
d. social marketing
7. Hospitals that believed “if you build it they will come” were most
closely associated with which phase?
*a. Production phase
b. Sales phase
c. Marketing phase
d. None of the above
8. For healthcare, the 1960s and 1970s were periods of ________.
a. restructuring
*b. rapid expansion
c. declining patient volumes
d. distrust of physicians
9. By the 1980s, healthcare was becoming a(n) ________ market.
*a. buyer’s
b. seller’s
c. producer’s
d. advertiser’s
10. One of the major developments in healthcare that made marketing
essential was ________.
a. monopolistic tendencies
b. fragmentation of services
*c. introduction of competition
d. limits in the number of healthcare options
11. When the financial crunch hit healthcare in the 1980s and 1990s,
marketing budgets were often cut because ________.
a. marketers were not team players
b. no marketing efforts had been successful
c. hospital administrators wanted to do their own marketing
*d. hospital administrators were not convinced of the value of
12. In what way is healthcare different from other industries?
a. There are buyers and sellers.
b. Consumers are increasingly important.
*c. Customers often do not know the price of the services
d. Customer satisfaction is important.
13. Which of the following is a unique characteristic of the healthcare
a. There are buyers and sellers.
b. There is heated competition.
*c. Third parties often come between the seller and the buyer.
d. Services have different characteristics than goods do.
14. Organizations that provide health services differ from
organizations in other industries in that ________.
*a. making a profit is not always the goal
b. return on investment is important
c. they are bureaucratic
d. customer needs drive product development
15. What characteristic unique to the healthcare industry served as a
barrier to the development of marketing?
a. Concerns over the cost of marketing
b. The need to cover costs
c. Poorly trained executives
*d. Ethical concerns over marketing, particularly advertising
16. The most significant development affecting healthcare since 2010
has been -----_______.
a. the emergence of managed care
*b. the Affordable Care Act
c. the rise of consumerism
d. micromarketing