CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS KNOWLEDGE YEAR 9 SECOND TERM 2025 TOPIC :DIGNITY OF LABOUR TEXT: (2Thessalonians 3:6-15; Colossians 3:23) STARTER 1 .What is dignity? 2.What is labour? MEANING OF DIGNITY OF LABOUR • Dignity of labour simply means the respect given to all labour or work. • It also means the ability to recognize the worth of every job with the desired respect. PAULS TEACHING ON DIGNITY OF LABOUR •The teaching of Paul on the dignity of labour was connected with his teaching on the second coming of Jesus to the church of God of Thessalonica. After Paul’s visit, some of the members of the church thought Jesus second was nearby. They thought there was no need to work any longer if Jesus would soon arrive. They expected the church to supply all their needs until Jesus comes and they refused to work. • CONT •When this message got to Paul, he wrote to them a letter warning them that their belief was wrong and that their idea was born out of laziness. He then advised them to work and earn money. He also told them to keep away from anyone who refuses to work in order that he might be ashamed. But he should not be seen as an enemy rather he should be encouraged to work. CONT Paul told them that they should not eat with anyone who is lazy and refuses to work. He used himself as an example that he was able to provide for his need by being hard-working. He said he did not eat anybody’s bread without paying for it. He did not depend on others for sustenance. He wanted the church to imitate him. MORAL LESSONS • Paul’s teaching on the dignity of labour was meant to condemn laziness among the children of God. • All Christians should refuse to be lazy because laziness brings lack, • makes somebody to be an instrument in the hands of the devil, • takes somebody to crime, • turns somebody to a servant, • takes away happiness and joy from people CLASS TASK • Write five (skills) you can do in addition to education