EHS Orientation CCC TUXPAN FASE I Siemens Energy is a registered trademark licensed by Siemens AG. Strictly Confidential © Siemens Energy, 2020 KMX – KIEWIT MEXICO Project Description Owner: CFE Facility Name: CCC TUXPAN Project Location: Tuxpan, Veracruz, Mexico Project Address: CT Presidente Adolfo López Mateos. CCC Tuxpan Phase I will have a net Summer Design capacity of 1057 MW, using natural gas as the primary fuel and consisting of: Two (2) Gas Turbogenerators Two (2) Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSG) associated with each gas turbogenerator One (1) Steam Turbogenerator One (1) main open-type cooling system with seawater through an existing intake structure A discharge channel to the sea (existing structure) Auxiliary systems such as: Fuel Supply System, Electrical Systems. COPYRIGHT 2017 KIEWIT CORPORATION New Unit Programa Cero Daños SE GP G SO & GCO New Unit Orlando "PRINCIPLES" "BEHAVIORS" ESSENTIALS BLOCKS 2022-02-10 6 Unrestricted © Siemens Energy, 2022 Life-Changing Categories CONFINED SPACES Any unplanned event that occurs while employees are in a confined space or when there is a lack of safety with employees in a permitrequired confined space. Any unplanned event involving the partial, total, or potential failure of a temporary structure with occupational or public exposure. . LIFTING AND RIGGING EXCAVACION CRANES UTILITIES/SERVICE LINES Any unplanned event or rigging failures under the hook of a crane or during manual maneuvers Any unplanned event involving cranes but not including rigging issues under the hook.. TRAFFIC MAINTENANCE Any unplanned event involving workers exposed to traffic and the public ENERGY ISOLATION 2022-02-10 TEMPORARY STRUCTURES Any unplanned release of kinetic, mechanical, thermal, hydraulic, gravitational, electrical, or other forms of stored energy to which workers are exposed.. Any unplanned event that occurs while employees are working in or around a trench or excavation Any unplanned contact with a service line, whether the line is known or unknown HUMAN-MACHINE INTERFACE Any unplanned event involving workers potentially exposed to machinery operations or collisions involving equipment. WORKING AT HEIGHTS Any unplanned event resulting in a fall from heights or a dropped object.. 7 Unrestricted © Siemens Energy, 2022 Acciones que cambian vida (ACV) & Programa de Zero daño 2022-02-10 8 Unrestricted © Siemens Energy, 2022 KMX – KIEWIT MEXICO Site-Specific Safety Manual (EHSM) • It is an integral component for the proper management of safety agreed upon by the consortium parties. • This EHSM is the guide that allows compliance with all the objectives and standards required by the client. • All the training required to perform activities safely originates from the general risk analysis.. COPYRIGHT 2017 KIEWIT CORPORATION Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Eye Protection Head Protection Long Sleeves Hearing Protection Reflective Vest Hand Protection Foot Protection Diciembre 2021 10 Sin restricción © Siemens Energy, 2021 Definiciones Unsafe Act • They are failures, oversights, omissions made by people when performing a task or activity, which could put the person's integrity at risk. are the facilities, work Unsafe • They equipment, machinery, and tools that are NOT in a condition to be Condition used and to perform any work. Diciembre 2021 11 Sin restricción © Siemens Energy, 2021 Incidents Near miss Diciembre 2021 Unsafe condition Unsafe act Incident 12 Sin restricción © Siemens Energy, 2021 3W Risk Assessment (Work, Worker, Workplace) 3W’s Work (Trabajo) (Trabajador) Lack of Procedures for the Task Mood and Attitudes Affecting Infrequent, High-Risk, or First-Time Task Performance (Fatigue, Stress, Pandemic) Required Tools and Their Availability Tasks Performed for the First Time Diciembre 2021 Worker Lack of Knowledge and/or Skill to Perform the Task Unfamiliar with the Task (First Time, Staff Rotation, Near Holidays) Physical Ability Workplace (Lugar de Trabajo) Environment (Temperature, Pressure, Humidity, etc.) Work Area (Elevated, Confined, Noisy, Wet, Slippery, etc.) Interaction (Contractors, Plant Managers, Clients) Culture (Communication Styles, Attitudes at the Worksite) 16 Sin restricción © Siemens Energy, 2021 Compliance with Work Procedure - Read and Understand the Procedure - Follow the Procedure Sequence - Prevent Skipping Steps in a Work Activity - - Prevent Knowledge-Based Errors Diciembre 2021 17 Sin restricción © Siemens Energy, 2021 KMX – KIEWIT MEXICO EPP Specific It is the PPE or set of PPE that modifies the Basic PPE according to a specific procedure; area signage and is used for high-risk activities, such as hot work, work at heights, etc. COPYRIGHT 2017 KIEWIT CORPORATION KMX – KIEWIT MEXICO Access Points • Any change in elevation of more than 30 cm requires a step. • Access points must be free of materials. • Access areas must be well identified and delineated. • Minimum width of 50 cm. • No proper access, no work. COPYRIGHT 2017 KIEWIT CORPORATION KMX – KIEWIT MEXICO Barricades To restrict access, excavations with a depth of less than 1.50 meters, use a rigid barricade. Indicates an area where caution should be exercised before entering, identify the hazards in that area before entering. If possible, take another access route. Indicates an area where there is an imminent risk. Only authorized personnel are allowed in that area. Special permission is required to enter. Extreme danger area, while this barricade is in place, entry is strictly prohibited. COPYRIGHT 2017 KIEWIT CORPORATION High-Risk Work Hot Work HAZARDS • Líquidos Inflamables • Gases tóxicos Diciembre 2021 RISKS • Quemadura • Cortadura • Explosión • Incendio ENVIRONMENT AL IMPACTS • Contaminación del Suelo • Contaminación del Aire • Generación de Residuos (electrodos usados, escorias, etc.) • Emisión de Gases de Combustión CONTROLS • Medición de gases y LEL. • Extintor portátil • Uso de EPP • Limpieza zona de trabajo • Vigía. 24 Sin restricción © Siemens Energy, 2021 KMX – KIEWIT MEXICO Hot Work • Ensure the area is free of fire hazards. • Place a "fire watch" if combustible material cannot be removed. • Fill out a hot work permit before starting. • Use appropriate PPE. • Ensure flame arrestors are in place. • Make sure to have a fire extinguisher within a maximum of 7 meters from you. • Barricade the area properly. COPYRIGHT 2017 KIEWIT CORPORATION High-Risk Work Confined Space Work HAZARDS • Falta de Oxigeno • Gases tóxicos • Excavaciones Profundas • Cámaras cerradas Diciembre 2021 RISKS • Asfixia • Intoxicación por gases ENVIRONMENT AL IMPACTS • Generación de Residuos • Contaminación del Suelo CONTROLS • Medición de gases • Uso de EPP • Presencia de vigía • Señalización de la zona • Permiso de Trabajo • ATS • Contar con equipo de rescate en el área • Comunicación fluida entre vigía y personal dentro del área 26 Sin restricción © Siemens Energy, 2021 High-Risk Work Work at Heights HAZARDS • Andamio • Escaleras RISKS • Caídas a distinto nivel • Caída de materiales y herramientas • Resbalones o tropezones • Golpes • Electrocución ENVIRONMENT AL IMPACTS • Contaminación del Suelo • Generación de Residuos Diciembre 2021 CONTROLS • Personal capacitado en trabajos de altura • Permiso de Trabajo • ATS • Exámenes médicos de aptitud • Señalizar la zona • Uso de EPP(línea de vida, arnés, barbiquejo) Inspecciona el arnés y línea de vida. Realiza un buen ajuste. Solicita un Permiso de Trabajo Especial 27 Sin restricción © Siemens Energy, 2021 KMX – KIEWIT MEXICO Scaffolding The GREEN tag will indicate that the scaffold is complete and safe for work. This tag also provides information on the dimensions of the scaffold, such as the height at which a harness must be used. Scaffolds with a YELLOW tag will indicate that the scaffold is incomplete due to construction issues (there is an opening, a missing accessory), and this should be taken as a warning of existing hazards. All efforts should be made to restore a yellow tag to a green tag as soon as possible, and 100% tie-off is required. There could be several reasons for a yellow tag on a scaffold. COPYRIGHT 2017 KIEWIT CORPORATION KMX – KIEWIT MEXICO Scaffolding A scaffold with a RED tag will indicate that the scaffold is being assembled, dismantled, or is defective and not ready for use. Do not use any scaffold that has a red tag, no tag, or a tag without the proper date. Always check the date to ensure it has been inspected for the day and check for any special instructions. If the date is incorrect on the tag or there is no tag, it is equivalent to a red tag. COPYRIGHT 2017 KIEWIT CORPORATION KMX – KIEWIT MEXICO • Only Certified Riggers • Inspection of slings before each use • Do not stand under suspended loads • Tag line on all suspended loads • Only one person giving signals at a time • Barricade the work area with red tape • Place edge protectors on sharp edges • Lifting plan required whenever rigging is used Lifting Operations Lifting Plan To be completed by the crane operator for the heaviest lift and the one requiring the most capacity for the day. (If the crane does not move all day and 15 lifts are to be made, only the heaviest needs to be calculated.) To be completed each time the crane changes location for a different maneuver. COPYRIGHT 2017 KIEWIT CORPORATION KMX – KIEWIT MEXICO Cranes •Only Certified and Qualified Operators •Set up the crane always on solid, level, and firm ground •Daily crane inspection •All crane supports must have pads. •The tires must always be off the ground before lifting any load. COPYRIGHT 2017 KIEWIT CORPORATION KMX – KIEWIT MEXICO Safety Measures for Lifting Equipment All hooks must have a safety latch. Prevent Shackle Slippage Any damaged sling must be taken out of service. Chain rigging is not allowed (Only with Project Manager's approval). Are riggings made in China allowed? COPYRIGHT 2017 KIEWIT CORPORATION KMX – KIEWIT MEXICO Forklifts Only authorized personnel may operate a forklift. Using the forks directly for lifting is not allowed; a special adapter is required. Lifting must be done from the mast hook. A lifting plan is required. It is important to always know the forklift's capacity in comparison to what is being lifted. COPYRIGHT 2017 KIEWIT CORPORATION KMX – KIEWIT MEXICO Permits for High-Risk Work The following permits are required: • Excavation Permit (any excavation, trench, cut, or ground penetration) • Hot Work Permit (open flame, sparks, burning, or cadmium welding) • Fire watch must be present for a minimum of 30 minutes after hot work is completed. • Confined Space Permit for tanks, vessels, and excavations deeper than 1.2 meters • Grate Removal/Open Hole Permit • Crane Movement Permit (refer to the Crane Manual for exceptions) • Electrical Line Permit COPYRIGHT 2017 KIEWIT CORPORATION AUTHORITY TO STOP WORK • Have the COURAGE to stop a job • It is your DUTY and OBLIGATION to look out for other workers • If you observe an unsafe activity, it is your RESPONSIBILITY to stop it • YOU have the AUTHORITY to stop a job until it is safe without it affecting your work. THIS IS OUR COMMITMENT TO YOU Diciembre 2021 39 Sin restricción © Siemens Energy, 2021 Zero Tolerance Behavior Diciembre 2021 46 Sin restricción © Siemens Energy, 2021 COVID-19 Protocols in (Project) 1. Only employees who are fully vaccinated (complete vaccination schedule according to the vaccine administered) may perform in-person work at Siemens Energy facilities or projects managed by Siemens Energy. Additionally, they must present a negative COVID-19 test result (antigen or PCR) taken no more than 3 days before the first entry. Subsequently, tests must be taken no more than every 15 days. 2. If an employee has not been vaccinated for a valid reason, they must communicate directly with Dr. Velarde (Siemens Energy's occupational physician) to explain the reasons for not being vaccinated. 3. If someone has COMORBIDITIES or is in a high-risk group, their medical file will be evaluated. 4. In all cases, the COVID-19 test results and the symptomatology form will be sent to Siemens Energy's occupational physician. 5. Remember that wearing a mask is mandatory at all times while inside Siemens Energy facilities. Social distancing of 2 meters must also be maintained, meeting room capacities must be respected, and only desks marked as available should be used. Additionally, all measures indicated in our COVID-19 Prevention Plan and the Instructions for Performing In-Person Work must be followed. 6. Disinfection of equipment and tools and frequent hand washing for 20 seconds is mandatory. 7. Biomedical waste (masks, goggles, face shields, disinfectant wipes, etc.) should only be disposed of in biomedical waste bins. 8. If any COVID-19 symptoms appear, you must immediately report to Siemens Supervision, isolate yourself, and follow medical recommendations. 9. Avoid crowded places. 10. Respect the COVID protocol during transportation. Diciembre 2021 49 Sin restricción © Siemens Energy, 2021 Emergency and Incident Response Plan EHS Induction - SE GP T SO LA MX Projects Siemens Energy is a registered trademark licensed by Siemens AG. Alexis Vergel Rangel | EHS 51 Sin restricción © Siemens Energy, 2020 KMX – KIEWIT MEXICO Thunderstorms Supervision is notified by radio as follows: Yellow Alert: The storm is approaching within 30 km Orange Alert: The storm is approaching within 15 km Red Alert: The storm is within 10 km You should take shelter indoors and stay away from conductive materials (metal, iron, etc.). The evacuation order will be given via ambulance or megaphone. DON'T BECOME A STATISTIC! COPYRIGHT 2017 KIEWIT CORPORATION KMX – KIEWIT MEXICO Incident Report No matter how simple an incident is, it must be reported to your Supervisor!! Why is it important??? • It can prevent a minor injury or situation from becoming serious. • To provide the required medical attention correctly and efficiently. • We can learn from incidents and thus prevent them from happening again. • In terms of physical elements, we can repair them in time. REMEMBER!! It is much more likely to get into trouble by not reporting something!! COPYRIGHT 2017 KIEWIT CORPORATION First Aid - Diciembre 2021 Scene Assessment Timely Reporting First Aid, Stabilization Transport to Authorized Medical Center 54 Sin restricción © Siemens Energy, 2021 Assembly Points – Tuxpan Phase I Diciembre 2021 55 Sin restricción © Siemens Energy, 2021