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Year 2 Project: Three English Queens Guidelines

End of Term 2 - Year 2 - Project (Week 8 - Week 10)
Topic: Three English Queens
Project Guidelines
Project Requirements:
1. Make a display of each queen – Your display should be creative and informative.
2. Find three facts about each queen – These should be unique and interesting.
3. Find out three events during each queen’s reign – Historical events, laws passed, or
important cultural changes.
4. Add these facts and events to your display – The display should be well-organized, clear, and
visually appealing.
Project Rules:
All projects are to be done individually.
Projects must be carried out during lessons in the class from Week 8 - Week 10 with the
teacher’s guidance.
Marks will be given individually based on effort, creativity, accuracy, and presentation.
Material List:
Students may use the following materials to complete their displays:
A4 coloured paper
Markers or coloured pencils
Glue or tape
Printed or hand-drawn pictures of the queens
Fact sheets or printed information
Decorative materials (stickers, ribbons, etc.)
Assessment Criteria:
Content Accuracy (10%) – Are the facts and events correct and well-researched?
Creativity and Presentation (10%) – Is the display visually appealing and well-organized?
Effort and Engagement (5%) – Has the student put effort into their work and followed
Submission Deadline:
All projects must be completed and submitted by 10th March 2025 (Week 10).