CBIA021 – Business Information Systems MOILA MM ADMINISTRATION ASPECTS Learner guide Prescribed Textbooks – A how to….guide to computers Consultation Hours – Thursdays from 09:00 till 15:00 Concept Tests – Learner Guide Assessments. 27 Feb and 16 April 2024 Assessment Weighting: 35% Test 1, 45% for Test 2, Class Attendance Register – 75% Attendance Register Introduction – Why CBIA DIGITAL ACUMEN – SAICA 4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION IMPACT SKILLS SET REQUIRED TO REMAIN RELEVANT DATA ANALYSIS AND DATA-VISUALISATION DECISION-MAKING FOR ACCOUNTANTS ANALYTICS AND PROBLEM-SOLVING DATA KNOWLEDGE AND STRATEGY DATA AND TECHNOLOGY Learning Objectives At the end of this module, you should have gained knowledge of the following aspects: Understand technology revolution and technologies of the 4th Industrial revolution. Accountants role and use of data. Assimilate knowledge of data versus information and basic data concepts. Understand how characteristics of data may affect its quality. Know how and where to store data and access stored data (Local, Service provider and Cloud). Understand DBMS and advantages of each type of DBMS. Understand how data connects the world – The Web, Intranet and Extranet. Describe and explain effect of Data protection and privacy. Data and technology – Technology Revolution Industrial 4.0 Technologies Buzz words in today technology world. Artificial Intelligence. Robotics Automation Big Data Gene editing Machine Learning Additive Manufacturing Internet of things and Internet of People ? Self-Study. Research and understand the meaning of each technology. Importance of data to Accountants Data versus information and basic data concepts Data is raw facts – Facts that are not yet processed and have no meaning attached to them. E.g List of prospective applicants for SoA 2024. Information – Data with meaning. Processed data with context. Data is Asset - Ultimate purpose of all business information systems is to help businesses use information as an organizational resource. Data quality and Characteristics Data quality is essential and determines whether data can be used for its intended purpose or not. Characteristics of quality data includes: Accuracy – Data needs to be free from errors and omission Completeness – Incomplete information may result in misleading business decision Reliable – Credible source of data should be considered Timeliness – Information should be provide soon enough to allows proper decision making Relevance – Relates to the context intended for. Data Storage Data may be stored on a local server or cloud-server. Local server (A.K.A on-premises) refers to database and related applications hosted on the premises of the organisation – Data is stored physically on the premises of the entity. Cloud Server refer to database and application stored in cloud with no physical substance. Management evaluation of which server to use and decision making. Some of the factors to consider before choosing on the storage server includes: Next Slide……. Factors to consider Cloud – Server Local – On premises Server Cost Most cloud-based storage operate on a payas-you-go model reducing the start-up cost, hardware and maintenance Local servers will require significant upfront cost for infrastructure, hardware and software for storage. Control Organisation has limited control over its database and its management. Should there be a failure from cloud service provider, organisation cannot access its data. Organisation has full control and access of their data and is ultimately responsible for the control. Entity may enforce its own compliance regulations and laws Security Entrusting third party with data may comprise confidentiality and integrity of data. In most cases, it contravenes data policies of the organisation. Data remains within the security fences and firewalls of the organisation Customisation The design and customs are predefined by the cloud-server service provider. Organisation has the ability to design and customise databases to its own specification. Scalability Allows an organisation to easily increase or decrease resources based on demand without upfront capital investment. Scaling is limited by hardware constrains and database limitations. Performance Service provider provides high data availability and low failure tolerance for service ratings. Local databases are normally subjected to failure and disruption with logs taking longer than anticipated. DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS (DBMS) A database, the heart of an information system, is a collection of all relevant data organized in a series of integrated files. Microsoft Access or FileMaker Pro for home or small-office use. In a large organization, a DBMS such as Oracle or IBM DB2 might be used. Database can be centralised or decentralised Centralised - database that is located, stored, and maintained in a single location. Mainly central computer or database system, for example a desktop or server CPU, or a mainframe computer. Decentralised - Database that supports data distributed across several different sites. Does not have a central owner or single authority. Structure of centralised and decentralised. Advantages of Centralised DBMS Advantages of Centralised DBMS(Disadvantages of decentralised): 1. Data Consistency - Centralized DBMS ensures data consistency across the entire system. Reduces the risk of discrepancies and conflicting information 2. Security – security to data is implemented at a single point ensuring easier management of access, permission and data encryption. 3. Back-Up and recovery - Centralized databases simplify the backup and recovery processes. Regular backups can be performed centrally, and in the event of data loss or system failure, recovery efforts are focused on a single database instance. 4. Confidentiality and Integrity – Enhances the integrity and confidentiality of information by making use of a single point. Advantages of Centralised DBMS 5. Cost Savings – Centralised DBMS saves on infrastructure cost as opposed to decentralised. Cost such as operational, maintenance and repair, support and licenses are incurred for single site(main site). 6. System design is simplified - Changes and developments to the system are performed cohesively and easily without having to synchronizing multiples sites for changes. 7. Maintenance is simplified – Maintenance are provided regularly as less administration (Preparation, Paperwork and Patches) are required. Advantages of Decentralised DBMS Advantages of Decentralised DBMS(Disadvantages of Centralised): 1. Expandable for additional workload – provides room for additional workload. The more the workload, the more the nodes for processing and storage. 2. High failure tolerance rate – Decentralised DBMS can tolerate failure compared to the centralised. When one node/site fails, this will not disrupt the entire systems as copies of data may be used from another node/site. 3. Improved performance – Decentralised DBMS can service a large number of client at the same time with a reduced number of traffic. 4. System Autonomy – Decentralised DBMS offers a great autonomy to administrator of particular node/site to make decision and implement policies independently. Advantages of Decentralised DBMS 5. Enables geographical sharing – Decentralised allows data to be shared across different geographical areas which assist ensuring compliance with laws and regulations of different regions of the global. 6. Adaptability – The system can adapt to environmental changes easily given that a node/site can be added or removed without disrupting the main system. 7. Improved data relevance – Unlike centralised DBMS , only data relevant to the region will be stored on the node/site reducing data redundancy and duplication. INTERCONNECTED WORLD Own Learning Research and understand what differentiate The internet, Extranet and Intranet. DATA PROTECTION AND SECURITY – The need for security Rise o I. technologies have increased vulnerability of entity’s assets. Security break-in has emerged from hobby to profession and evident risks of associated with information technologies. Some of the risk associated with I. technologies includes: Spyware – secretly gathering information about user as they browse the web Adware – gathering information without user intent to bring relevant advert to the user’s web as they browse Phishing – Sending illegitimate emails to defraud the recipient Pharming – Directing internet users to an illegitimate site to defraud them by obtaining their valuable information such as personal, bank accounts or secret pins Baiting - Similar to phishing attacks. What distinguishes it from phishing is the promise that the baiter gives to the recipient. For example, after completing this form you will receive free software or a gift card. Computer fraud - The unauthorized use of computer data for personal gain, such as transferring money from another’s account or charging purchases to someone else’s account. Additionally, computer crimes may includes: Email Spamming, Child pornography, Denial of Service attacks, software piracy and Identity theft. Data Protection and Security – Objective of Data security 3 Main objectives/goals in providing data security (AKA CIA triangle): 1. Confidentiality - means that a system must not allow the disclosing of information by anyone who is not authorized to access it. 2. Integrity - The security system must not allow data to be corrupted or allow unauthorized changes to a corporate database. In financial transactions, integrity is probably the most important aspect of a security system because incorrect or corrupted data can have a huge impact. 3. Availability - Computers and networks are operating and authorized users can access the information they need without delays. It also means a quick recovery in the event of a system failure or disaster. Data Protection and Security: Security Control Measures. SECURITY CONTROL MEASURES Biometric Systems Policies and Procedure Back- Up of Data VPN Security Awareness Physical Access Control: Use of I.D Card Workshop/Training Back- Up of Data Encryption Logical Access control: Password and username