QUAID-E-AWAM UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, NAWABSHAH Website: www.quest.edu.pk QUEST TESTING SERVICE (QAUTS) SAMPLE TEST PAPER (JUNIOR ENGINEER) SUBJECT / RELEVANT TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE 1. The impact of unbalancing in the supply if a three-phase induction motor is connected to infinite bus working at normal conditions. a) unequal heating losses b) stopping of motor c) increase in lower d) none of the mentioned 2. A power system with maximum load of 10 MW. Plant reserve capacity if the plant capacity factor is 40% and annual load factor is 60%. a) 4 MW b) 5 MW c) 1.5 MW d) 15 MW (RSE+Rse+RL) > d) (Rse+RL) > 3. Condition for self-excitation for a DC series generator is a) (Ra+Rse) > RC b) (RSE+Rse+RL) < c) RC RC 4. Capacitance of a cable becomes RC if insulation of a cable with relative permittivity 4 is replaced with a cable with insulation having relative permittivity 2. a) Double b) Four times c) One half d) One fourth 5. In a scenario where there are three-phase half wave diode rectifiers using 3 diodes, each of the diodes conducts for a) 90 degrees b) 120 degrees c) 180 degrees d) 360 degrees INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 6. Internal storage to the CPU is provided by a) Registers b) Program Counters c) Controllers d) Internal chips PAKISTAN STUDIES 7. Quiad e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah took oath as first Governor General of Pakistan on a) 14th August 1947 b) 15th August 1947 c) 11th September 1948 d) 25th December 1948 GENERAL KNOWLEDGE 8. World immunization day is celebrated on a) 10th November b) 15th November c) 20th November d) 25th November ISLAMIC STUDIES 9. Khateeb-ul-Anbiya is the title of a) Hazrat Ibrahim A.S b) Hazrat Idrees A.S c) Hazrat Shoaib A.S d) Hazrat Yaqoob A.S CURRENT AFFAIRS 10. The 2022 ICC Men’s T20 World Cup was hosted by a) New Zealand b) England ? c) Australia d) UAE QUAID-E-AWAM UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, NAWABSHAH Website: www.quest.edu.pk QUEST TESTING SERVICE (QAUTS) SAMPLE TEST PAPER (ASSISTANT MANAGER FINANCE) SUBJECT / RELEVANT TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE 1. tells the market value of the firm. a) Dividend b) Working capital c) Capital budgeting decisions decisions decisions d) The trade-off between risk and return 2. If the owner’s equity decreases in attribution to the business activities, it is known as a) Assets b) Revenue c) Drawing d) Revenue c) Trade d) Liquidity 3. What does change inversely with profitability? a) Risk b) Accounts 4. The demand curve is a) Horizontal when there is perfect elasticity. b) Flat c) Vertical 5. Capacity to create credit by commercial banks d) Inclined if the securities are sold by the central bank. a) Rises b) Falls c) May rise or fall d) Does not change INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 6. Internal storage to the CPU is provided by a) Registers b) Program c) Controllers Counters d) Internal chips PAKISTAN STUDIES 7. Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah took oath as the first Governor General of Pakistan on a) 14th August b) 15th August 1947 1947 c) 11th September 1948 d) 25th December 1948 GENERAL KNOWLEDGE 8. World immunization day is celebrated on a) 10th November b) 15th November c) 20th November d) 25th November ISLAMIC STUDIES 9. Khateeb-ul-Anbiya is the title of a) Hazrat Ibrahim A.S b) Hazrat Idrees A.S c) Hazrat Shoaib d) Hazrat Yaqoob A.S A.S CURRENT AFFAIRS 10. The 2022 ICC Men’s T20 World Cup was hosted by a) New Zealand b) England c) Australia ? d) UAE QUAID-E-AWAM UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, NAWABSHAH Website: www.quest.edu.pk QUEST TESTING SERVICE (QAUTS) SAMPLE TEST PAPER (ASSISTANT MANAGER COMMERCIAL / REVENUE OFFICER) SUBJECT / RELEVANT TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE 1. Which of the following are not included in the balance of payments on current account? a) Foreign stocks b) Current transfer and bonds c) Merchandise items exports 2. Future market and forward market can be differentiated on the basis of a) Maturity b) Credit risk c) Price range d) Services . d) All of the above 3. Which of the following types of organizations use financial swaps? a) Commercial b) Government banks 4. c) Multinational d) All of the companies above organizations is not considered while analysis of exchange rate forecasting. a) price trends b) money supply c) inflation rates 5. If a bank accepts trade drafts, they become a) letters of credit b) bankers' d) interest rates . c) commercial acceptances paper d) bills of lading INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 6. Internal storage to the CPU is provided by a) Registers b) Program Counters c) Controllers d) Internal chips PAKISTAN STUDIES 7. Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah took oath as the first Governor General of Pakistan on a) 14th August 1947 b) 15th August 1947 c) 11th September 1948 d) 25th December 1948 GENERAL KNOWLEDGE 8. World immunization day is celebrated on a) 10th November b) 15th November c) 20th November d) 25th November ISLAMIC STUDIES 9. Khateeb-ul-Anbiya is the title of a) Hazrat Ibrahim A.S b) Hazrat Idrees A.S c) Hazrat Shoaib A.S d) Hazrat Yaqoob A.S CURRENT AFFAIRS 10. The 2022 ICC Men’s T20 World Cup was hosted by a) New Zealand b) England ? c) Australia d) UAE