GEMINI CRIMINOLOGY ONLINE REVIEW AND TRAINING CENTER CRIME DETECTION AND INVESTIGATION 1. It is, in most cases, the initial step for obtaining information to determine the origin and cause of fire. a. evidence collection b. laboratory examination of evidence c. interview witnesses d. interrogation of suspects 2. The primary course of action in case of a fire. a. pack up and flee c. call an ambulance b. run for your life d. raise the alarm 3. The main product of the combustion of carbon. It is not poisonous but is an asphyxiant which lowers the proportion of oxygen available for breathing. a. carbon oxide b. carbon monoxide c. carbon paper d. carbon dioxide 4. A normal product of combustion, and is poisonous, especially when the air supply to the fire is restricted. a. carbon oxide b. carbon monoxide c. carbon paper d. carbon dioxide 5. The fire resisting property of structural elements and the behavior of a building material in a fire, it is used to predict how long it will resist the effect of a fire before it fails. a. fire resistance b. fire duration c. fire proof d. fire strength 6. A type of fire that is the result of the combustion of certain metals in finely divided forms; magnesium, potassium, zinc, etc…. a. class A b. class B c. class C d. class D 7. A type of fire which results from burning of wood, paper, textiles, and other carbonaceous materials. Extinguishment of this fire is by quenching and cooling. a. class A b. class B c. class C d. class D 8. The following are components of fire except one: a. gas b. fuel c. oxygen d. heat 9. It is observed in structural fires and can be an indicator of the fire travel and point of origin. a. charring b. alligatoring c. V pattern d. pour pattern 10. A pattern or network of fine, irregular lines in glass and wood. a. crazing b. spalling c. light bulbs d. charring 11. A tool employed by an arsonist to delay the start of the fire and allow him to establish an alibi. a. accelerants b. delaying tactic c. timing device d. stopper 12. It can be readily identified by their distinctive odors, and the most common examples are gasoline, turpentine and kerosene. a. accelerants b. trailers c. timing device d. stopper 13. This catalytic combustion device is the most common means employed to detect flammable vapors. a. accelerant b. sniffer c. timing device d. stopper 1 14. The irresistible impulse or compulsion to start a fire and experience gratification and satisfaction from it. a. fire starter syndrome b. pyrotechnic disease c. pyromania d. pyrophobia 15. It is known as the “Fire Code of the Philippines.” a. PD 1108 b. PD 1017 c. PD 1081 d. PD 1185 16. Any material or mixture consisting of a fuel and oxidizer used to set off explosives. a. blasting agent b. blasting cap c. gun powder c. explosive primer 17. These are description of materials or compounds that are easily set on fire except one: a. combustible b. corrosive c. flammable d. inflammable 18. Any material having a flash point at or above 37.80 degree Celsius or 100 degree Fahrenheit. a. combustible liquid b. flammable liquid c. inflammable liquid d. corrosive liquid 19. Any liquid that causes fire when in contact with organic matter. a. combustible liquid b. flammable liquid c. inflammable liquid d. corrosive liquid 20. An extremely hot luminous bridge formed by the passage of an electric current across the space between two conductors. a. electrical arc b. damper c. duct system d. ember 21. The active principle of burning, characterized by the heat and light combustion. a. explosion b. arson c. combustion d. fire 22. A type of fire, of flammable liquid and gasses. a. class A b. class B c. class C d. class D 23. A mass movement in a fluid, an example a liquid or a gas where fluid at one temperature and density moves under the influence of gravity at different temperatures. a. conduction b. convection c. radiation d. combustion 24. The temperature at which a liquid is transformed or converted to vapor. a. a. burning point b. melting point b. c. freezing point d. boiling point 25. The first action taken by a traffic unit to escape from a collision course or to avoid hazard. a. point of no return b. point of no escape c. start of evasive action d. final position 26. The movement of vehicles, and pedestrians in a road or highway. a. traffic b. flight c. trip d. journey 27. A method of locating a spot in the area by measurements from two or more reference points. a. traffic report b. spot report c. triangulation d. accident investigation 28. The force that tends to pull all objects to the center of the earth. a. inertia b. friction c. energy d. gravity 2 29. Any motor vehicle accident that results in no death, but only injuries to one or more persons. a. fatal b. chronic c. non-fatal d. injurious 30. The “Traffic and Land Transportation Code of the Philippines>” a. RA 7160 b. RA 8551 c. RA 6425 d. RA 4136 31. An occurrence in a sequence of events, which usually produces unintended injury,death or property damage. a. traffic incidents b. traffic accidents c. traffic hazards d. traffic events 32. Any motor vehicle accident occurring on a traffic way. a. non motor vehicle traffic accident b. non motor vehicle non-traffic accident c. motor vehicle non-traffic accident d. motor vehicle traffic accident 33. An order wherein a violator is commanded to appear in court, but without detaining him. a. traffic citation b. traffic request c. traffic warrant d. traffic violation 34. The first accidental touching of an object collision course or otherwise avoid a hazard. a. primary contact b. secondary contact c. disengagement d. initial contact 35. The following are the three E’s of Traffic Management and Operation except one: a. Engineering b. Education c. Enforcement d. Evaluation 36. The “Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002.” a. RA 9870 b. RA 9165 c. RA 1017 d. RA 6195 37. Drugs that produce perceptual alteration, varying emotional change, thought disruption and ego distortion. a. tranquillisers b. hallucinogens c. stimulants d. depressants 38. Drugs which produce insensibility, stupor, melancholy or dullness of the mind with delusions. a. stimulants b. narcotics c. depressants d. hallucinogens 39. The practice or profession of having sexual intercourse for money or profit. a. gynaecology b. prostitution c. pornography d. sex business 40. The scientific name of marijuana. a. cannabis sativa L c. deoxyribonucleic acid b. pappaver somniferum d. methamphetamine 41. The original components of heroin and morphine. a. codeine c. opium b. caffeine d. methamphethamine 42. An inter department agency that enforce and carry out the law against illegal drugs. a. Phil. Drug Enforcement Agency b. Bureau of Drugs c. Dangerous Drug Board d. Food and Drug Administration 43. A harmful conduct or habit, the indulgence of which leads to depravity, wickedness and corruption of the mind and body. a. vice b. abuse c. addiction d. virtue 44. The most common form of stimulant. a. heroin c. morphine b. codeine d. shabu 45. It is scientifically known as methamphethamine hydrochloride. 3 a. heroin c. morphine b. codeine d. shabu 46. A derivative of opium which is used a cough reliever. a. codeine b. heroin c. morphine d. caffeine 47. Any part of the plant of the papaver somniferum, including the seeds. a. opium poppy b. marijuana c. caffeine d. codeine 48. Another term for drug addiction. a. drug use c. drug pushing b. drug net d. drug dependence 49. Commercially produced drugs that can be legally sold or dispensed only by a physician’s order. a. illegal drugs b. prohibited drugs c. regulated drugs d. prescription drugs 50. Any chemical substance that by virtue of its chemical nature alters the structure and functioning of living organism. a. alcohol b. poison c. drug d. vice 4