TYPES OF STARTS IN ATHLETICS Crouch start Standing start ON YOUR MARKS Place your strong foot as the front foot Stand keeping the toes of the back foot in a straight line to the heel of the fore foot 3 or 4 in the hands very close to the starting line at a space broader than that of the shoulder line at a space broader than that of the shoulders. Place the fingers in the hand as an arch on the neck. Look down as to relax the muscles on the neck. SET POSITION Raise the hip to get the shoulders a bit beyond the starting line. Stop the raising of the hip at the angle of the knee joint of the fore foot to be 900 and the angle of the back foot to be 1100-1200 Direct the weight of the trunk to the straightened hands. Keep the feet pressing to the ground. Pay full attention to the next signal. GO-DRIVE OUT Go forward by pressing the feet on the ground. Make a short leap close to the starter line with the back foot moving. Swing the hand opposite to the moving foot a bit faster than in a normal run. Run forward until the steps become long enough to be equal as in a normal run. FINISHNG THE RACE The finish of the race occurs as the torso of the player reaches the vertical plane running exactly on to the inner margin of the finishing line. Torso means the trunk of the player excluding head, neck, hands and feet. TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF CROUCH START 4 PHASES IN CROUCH START On your mark Set Drive/go Acceleration TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF “ON YOUR MARK” Front foot/back placed 1.5foot length behind the starting line. Rear block/foot placed 1.5 foot length behind the front block/foot Front block is usually set flatter Rear block is usually set steeper Both feet are in contact with the ground Knee of the rear leg rests on the ground Slightly more than shoulder width apart The fingers are arched Head is level with back Eyes are looking straight down (1 to 2m) TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF “SET” POSITION Heels press backwards Knee of the front leg is at 90 degrees Knee of the rear leg is at 120-140 degrees Hips are slightly higher than the shoulders The trunk is inclined forward Shoulders are slightly ahead of the hands TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF “DRIVE” POSITION Trunk straightens & lifts as both feet press hard against the blocks Hands lift from the ground together then swing alternatively Push of the rear leg is hard/short The front leg’s push is a little less hard but longer Rear leg swings forward rapidly while the body lens forward Knee & hip are fully extended at the completion of the drive phase TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF “ACCELERATION” POSITION Front foot is placed quickly on to the ball of foot for the first stride Forward lean is maintaining Lower legs are kept parallel to the ground during recovery Stride length & stride frequency are increased with each stride Trunk straightens gradually after 20-30m OBJECTIVES OF 100M to reach the maximum velocity & maintained it over the course of the race WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETTWEEN RUNNNG & WALKING When you are walking, at least one of your leg is in contact with the ground but when you are running there’s a time that both legs are not contacted with the ground WHAT IS THE MEANING OF A STEP? A step is the distance covered when you take one step. The distance your left foot travelled is your step length. WHAT IS THE MEANING OF A STRIDE? Stride length s the distance covered when you take two steps, one with each foot. Stride length is the distance from the toe of your right foot (starting position) to the toe of your left foot. EACH RUNNING STRIDE COMPROMISES TWO PHASES 1. support phase 2. flight phase support phase can be broken down into two further phases. 1. front support phase 2. drive phase flight phase can be broken down into two further phases. 1. Recovery/rear swing phase 2. Front swing phase