PERIODICAL TEST IN ENGLISH 6 QUARTER 3 Name: __________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________ I. Score: __________________ Read and understand the following situations. Find its meaning and encircle the letter of the correct answer. 1. Erra is a good leader in the class. She believes that actions speak louder than words, that’s why she always succeeds in everything she does. A. You hear your actions speak B. Your words are softer than your action C. It’s easy to say things but difficult to act and follow through D. Words without actions are meaningless 2. My grandmother said,” Always put your best foot forward” every time if you want to have a good future. A. Give your best every time B. Choose carefully what best foot you are going to step forward C. Observe your foot when you are walking D. Choose what is your best foot 3. Miel is hardworking and has a strong faith in God. She believes that you should do your best and God will do the rest. A. To become successful, you must do your part and trust God. B. God will help you achieve your dream even if you do nothing. C. Let God work for you. D. God will do everything if you trust Him. 4. Ashley is the noisiest in the class. Her classmates termed her “An empty vessel makes much noise” because she ranked last in the class. A. An empty vessel is noisy B. People who know nothing are the most talkative C. An incapable person can do a lot D. Ashley is an empty vessel 5. Chelsea believed what you sow is what you reap depending how much effort you exert on certain things. A. You can get what you want all the time B. You plant more so, you can harvest more C. What you do is what you get. It depends on how good/bad your action D. You will harvest what you plant 6. Iara is an Aeta. She has no confidence to show her talent because of her physical appearance. Her teacher, Jona reminds her that beauty is in the eye of the beholder so, she does not have to worry what others would say. A. What is beautiful to someone is the same to others B. What is beautiful to someone maybe different to others C. You can see beauty in the eye of a person D. A person’s eye is beautiful 7. Flynn once a victim of gossips. Because of this, her anger outburst and whispered to those gossipers, “Curiosity killed the cat” A. A curious person can kill a cat B. It’s dangerous meddling in the business of others C. There is always a consequence in everything you do D. The cat was killed by its curiosity 8. Jazzy sets goals ahead. She always looks in the future. Sometimes she overthinks what will happen to her when she becomes old. Her father told her don’t cross a bridge until you come to it. A. Just focus the present situation and not worry with the things ahead B. Check the bridge if it has damage before you continue crossing C. Make plan, so you can be ready D. Cross the bridge ahead of time 9. For Rein time is gold. He finishes his work on time. A. The time is colored gold B. The clock is glowing C. Spend your time efficiently D. Time is a treasure 10. Gia is friendly, but she does not trust easily. She chooses carefully her friends. She always keeps in mind the saying, “Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are”. A. Your friend’s character may be reflected on you B. I will know your friends if you tell me who are they C. You and your friends are the same person D. Birds of the same feather, flock together 11. Which of the following is not useful in preparing a clear, coherent and comprehensive viewpoint a. listening b. making assumptions c. research d. stating facts 12. Is writing an outline helpful in presenting clear, coherent, and comprehensive viewpoints? a. no b. yes c. maybe d. possibly 13. Which of the following is not necessary in presenting one’s viewpoint? A. Read the topic sentence B. Look for the facts and figures C. Listening to others is a waste of time in presenting your viewpoints D. Look for specific words or keywords that strengthen one’s viewpoint 14. Which of the following is very necessary in presenting one's viewpoint? A. Read the topic sentence B. Look for the facts and figures C. Look for specific words or keywords that strengthen one’s viewpoint. D. All of the above 15. Why should a text have both cohesion and coherence? A. Without the other, a text will still ca be confusing for the readers. B. It is fine for a next to just have one without the other. C. It creates a balanced and structured organization in a text. D. The readers will not be convinced to agree with the writer's point. 16. How should a recipe text be arranged to achieve coherence? A. The recipe should start from the general concept to more specific ideas. B. The recipe should be arranged in the chronological order of the steps. C. The recipe should be divided into a summary and detailed analysis. D. The recipe should follow a sequence similar to a literary ploy outline. 17. Identify the central concept of a text based on the following first sentence. An honesty box is a way to change for a product or service by replying on an honor system in which the costumer simply leaves payment in the box. A. honesty box B. virtue of integrity C. payment method D. product service 18. What does a text have when all the ideas are logically sequence? A. cohesion C. concept B. coherence D. content 19. What can you conclude about the statement? “If all nations honestly believe that all human beings are free and equal in dignity and rights.” A. There will be peace among nations B. People will all die C. Wars cannot be stopped D. Everybody will go to school 20. If weather conditions affect growth of plants and trees, then A. The products of different countries should be different B. There are countries without trees C. People have different customs D. People will all die 21. Bacteria and germs that cause diseases are found in places that are not clean. The statement is ____ A. An opinion B. A fact C. False D. Not proven 22. Fishermen use dynamite explosives and cyanide poison to catch fish. In many cases, more fish are killed than needed. The coral reef is destroyed and many reef animals are also killed too. What must be done? A. Search for more damaged coral reefs and fish nests. B. Lessen the water resources and fishermen C. Make a boat that does not cause poisonous oils. D. Invent a special fishing device that catches fish without damaging the reefs. 23. What is the element of a story which tells about the series of events and actions that relate to the central conflict? A. Character B. Plot C. Setting D. theme 24. What do you call an element of a story which is a person, or an animal that takes part in the action of a short story? A. character B. Plot C. setting D. theme 25. What is the part of a story that depicts the struggle between two persons or things in a short story? A. conflict B. Plot C. setting D. theme 26. What is the part of the story that tells the time and place in which the story happens? A. conflict B. Plot C. setting D. theme 27. What is referred to as the central idea or belief in a short story? A. Conflict B. Plot C. setting D. theme 28. Her dad commanded her to stop. He told her of his story how his life before he became successful. What shocked Mary more was the fact that her dad was also once a beggar when he was still a child. A. Conflict B. Rising Action C. Falling Action D. Resolution 29. Mary is the only child of the richest businessman in town, Mr. Diego de la Cruz. One day, she and her parents went to Disneyland for a tour. A. Conflict B. Climax C. Falling Action D. Resolution 30. Mary regretted what she had done to the dirty man. She also apologized to the manager whom she treated badly. A. Conflict B. Climax C. Falling Action D. Rising Action 31. Every time Mary sees beggars, she shares whatever food there is in her bag. a. Conflict B. Climax C. Falling Action D. Resolution 32. When Mary was about to enter the restaurant, where they were going to have lunch, she saw an old man wearing dirty and ragged clothes come to her. She got so angry that she shouted at the old man to get away from her. A. Conflict B. Climax C. Falling Action D. Resolution 33. Not only that, she told the manager of the restaurant to shoo the man away, if not, she would call godfather, the owner of the restaurant, to fire him. A. Exposition B. Climax C. Falling Action D. Resolution Direction: Determine what type of conflict is in each of the following by choosing the letter of the correct answer 34. Mang Kanoy encountered a mermaid while fishing in the middle of the sea. A. Character versus Character B. Character versus Nature C. Character versus Society D. Character versus Supernatural Forces 35. “Will I help Issa though she bullies me or I won’t lend a hand to her?” said Mel to herself. A. Character versus Nature B. Character versus Society C. Character versus Themselves D. Character versus Character 36. People of barangay Pagsubok experienced a landslide after they cut down trees a few months ago. A. Character versus Character C. Character versus Society B. Character versus Nature D. Character versus Themselves 37. A thief is keeping himself hidden from the public after he stole huge amount of money from a bank. A. Character versus Character B. Character versus Nature C. Character versus Society D. Character versus Themselves For items 38-40. Read the selection and answer the questions that follow. The Horse and the Cotton A man drove his horse to the seaside and bought there a sack of salt. The man and the horse went home at once. While crossing a stream, the horse stumbled and fell into the water. It lay there for some time until it regained its energy. Upon arising, the horse was delighted to find that it had lost its burden. After a few days, the horse again had a chance to cross the same stream, but this time it carried a sack of cotton. Remembering what happened before; it stumbled intentionally and again fell into the stream. The horse was surprised when it found out that, its load became many times heavier than before. 38. What did the horse carried on its first journey? A. A sack of salt C. A sack of cotton B. A sack of hay D. A sack of rice 39. Why was it delighted after falling into the stream the first time? A. Its burden became heavier than before. B. Its burden was removed by his master. C. Its burden became lighter than before. D. Its burden became cotton. 40. What happened the second time it crossed the stream? A. It intentionally fell into the water. C. It fell into the water with its master B. It accidentally fell into the water. D. It fell into the water and drowned. For items 44-45. Read the selection and answer the questions that follow. Scientists found out that Mercury’s atmosphere is very hot. Venus is hot too. Mars and Pluto are too cold and their atmosphere is made up of too much carbon dioxide just like those of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. The planet Earth on the other hand has atmosphere which is made up of oxygen. Earth also receives enough light and rays from the sun which makes the planet fit for life. 44. What is the selection about? A. The Atmosphere of the Planets C. The Atmosphere of the Earth B. The Gases in the Atmosphere D. The Atmosphere of Mercury 45. What makes the planet Earth fit for life? A. enough light and rays from the sun C. no heat and light rays from the sun B. less heat light and rays from the sun D. made up of too much carbon dioxide Directions: Listen carefully then answer the questions that follow. Choose the letter of the correct answer. The Mountain and The Squirrel by Ralph Waldo Emerson The mountain and the squirrel quarreled, And the former called the latter "Little prig. Bun replied, "You are doubtless very big; But all sorts of things and weather must be taken in together. To make up a year and a sphere. And I think it no disgrace to occupy my place. If I'm not so large as you, you are not so small as I, and not half so spry: I'll not deny you make A very pretty squirrel track. Talents differ; all is well and wisely put; If I cannot carry forests on my back, neither can you crack a nut." 46. What is the title of the short story? A. The mountain B. The Squirrel C. The Mountain and The Squirrel D. The Mountain and The Bun 47. What was the cause of the quarrel between the mountain and the squirrel? A. The mountain belittled the squirrel. B. The squirrel said the mountain is wise. C. The quarrel started when the mountain called the squirrel a little prig. D. The quarrel started because the squirrel wanted to become big as the mountain. 48. What does the squirrel mean by saying “all sorts of things and weather must be make up a year and a sphere”? taken in together to A. That the mountain must show respect to others. B. That we must consider the weather each day. C. That the squirrel is mightier than the mountain. D. The squirrel may be small but it can do many things the huge mountain can't do. 49. What does the squirrel mean by saying, “If I’m not so large as you, you are not so small as I.”? A. It means that some of our limitations are good for us. B. It means that the mountain can never be. C. It means that the mountain cannot be like the small squirrel. D. It means that the squirrel cannot grow as big as the mountain. 50. Using the outline, which composition can you make? Pepper I. Earliest spices known to mankind A. So expensive that a pound served as royal gift B. Made as payment of taxes C. Considered rich property II. Pepper is a tropical vine A. Bear fruits in four years B. Produces heavily for fourteen years C. Berries produce black pepper A. Pepper Pepper was the earliest spice known to mankind. It was so expensive that a pound served as a royal gift. It was made as payment of taxes. It was also considered rich property. Pepper is a tropical vine. It bears fruit in four years. It has produced heavily for fourteen years. The berries produce black pepper. B. Pepper Pepper is a tropical vine. It bears fruit in four years. It has produced heavily for fourteen years. The berries produce black pepper. Pepper was the earliest spice known to mankind. It was so expensive that a pound served as a royal gift. It was made as payment of taxes. It was also considered rich property. C. Pepper Pepper was the earliest spice known to mankind. It was so expensive that a pound served as a royal gift. It was made as payment of taxes. It was also considered rich property. Pepper is a tropical vine. It bears fruit in four years. It produces heavily for fourteen years. The berries produce black pepper. D. Pepper Pepper is a tropical vine. It bears fruits in four years. It produces heavily for fourteen years. The berries produce black pepper. Pepper was the earliest spices known to mankind. It was so expensive that a pound served as royal gift. It was made as payment of taxes. It was also considered rich property. Hannah Nuesca Hannah Nuesca Hannah Nuesca