See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: An Overview of API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 Fitness-For-Service Assessment Standard with Applications to Case Studies Conference Paper · December 2017 CITATIONS READS 0 13,793 1 author: Mohammad Mohammad Megahed Cairo University 119 PUBLICATIONS 1,031 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE All content following this page was uploaded by Mohammad Mohammad Megahed on 07 February 2018. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. An Overview of API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 Fitness-For-Service Assessment Standard with Applications to Case Studies By Mohammad M. Megahed Professor of Solid Mechanics Cairo University – Egypt Keynote Lecture Presented at Al-Azhar 14th International Conference on Engineering, Architecture & Technology 12-14 December 2017 Cairo, Egypt Layout of This Presentation Concepts What is FFS assessment Objectives, Advantages, History, Contents The THREE Levels of Assessment Concept of Remaining Strength Factor (RSF) Concept of Failure Assessment Diagram (FAD) Case Studies Case #1: Fire Damage in a Drilling Platform Case #2: Wall Cracking in Regeneration Columns Case #3: Corroded Cantilever Pipe Case #4: Pipes Suffering from Pitting Resource Documents of FFS Standard 1320 Pages (2016 Issue) 374 Pages (2007 Issue) Objectives of FFS Assessment FFS assessment is a multi-disciplinary approach to determine whether an equipment, which is suffering from flaws or damage or subjected to operating conditions higher than design loads, is fit for continued service or not. Final outcome of FFS assessment is a decision: to run as is, repair, re-rate, alter, or retire the equipment. FFS outcome may also include an estimate of remaining life which is useful for planning future inspection (in case of continued service) and future budgeting (in case of equipment retiring) FFS Arabic Terminology Arabic تقييم لياقة المعدة لالستمرار فى الخدمة من عدمه استمرار المعدة فى الخدمة كما هى اجراء اصالحات على المعدة االستمرار فى الخدمة عند أحمال مخفضة اجراء تغييرات فى التصميم احالة المعدة الى االستيداع English Fitness for Service Assessment-FFS To run as is To repair To Re-Rate To Alter To Retire Historical Background of FFS Assessment 1990: Joint industry project was organized by the Materials Properties Council (MPC) to develop FFS guidelines for the refining industry 2000: Based on MPC final report, API issued API-579 recommended practice (RP) for FFS Assessment, which was welcomed by both refinery and non-refinery industries 2007: ASME joined forces with API and issued API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 Standard 2016: Latest edition of API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 Standard with a number of reorganizations, Updates and addition ofr Part-14 on Fatigue Contents of API 579 - Code Parts Part 1 - Introduction Part 2 - FFS Engineering Evaluation Procedure Part 3 - Brittle Fracture Part 4 - General Metal Loss Part 5 - Localized Metal Loss Part 6 - Pitting Corrosion Part 7 - Blisters, HIC, and SOHIC Damage Part 8 - Weld Misalignment and Shell Distortions Part 9 - Crack-Like Flaws Part 10 - Equipment Operating in the Creep Range Part 11 - Fire Damage Part 12 - Dents, Gouges, and Dent-Gouge Combinations Part 13 - Laminations Part 14 - Fatigue List of Annexes of FFS Standards (2007 Issue) Annex A - Thickness, MAWP, and Stress Equations for a FFS Assessment Annex B1 - Stress Analysis Overview for a FFS Assessment Annex B2 - Recommendations for Linearization of Stress Results for Stress Classification Annex B3 – Histogram Development and Cycle Counting for Fatigue Analysis Annex C - Compendium of Stress Intensity Factor Solutions Annex D - Compendium of Reference Stress Solutions Annex E - Residual Stresses in a FFS Evaluation Annex F - Material Properties for a FFS Assessment Annex G – Damage Mechanisms Annex H – Technical Basis and Validation Annex I - Glossary of Terms and Definitions Annex K – Crack Opening Areas Multidisciplinary Nature of FFS Assessment Fitness of Service Assessment require familiarity with the following fields: Stress Analysis Finite Element Analysis Metallurgy Materials Engineering Non-Destructive Examinations (NDE) Corrosion Science and Engineering Fracture Mechanics API 579 Assessment Levels Level 1 assessment: Most conservative conservative screening criteria Minimum amount of inspection and information May be performed by an Inspector or Engineer If result not acceptable, can resort to levels 2 or 3 more detailed evaluation More detailed calculations needed Would be done by an experienced Engineer Produces more precise results If result not acceptable, can resort to level 3 The most detailed evaluation Detailed inspection and information required Usually based on numerical techniques such as FEA Most rigorous Produces most precise results. To be performed by experienced engineering specialist Level 2 assessment: Level 3 assessment: Matching between Degradation Mechanisms and FFS Parts- 2007 Version Concept of Remaining Strength Factor (RSF) RSF = LDC /LUC RSF LDC LUC = Remaining Strength Factor = Limit Load of the Damaged Component = Limit Load of the Un-Damaged Component RSF is estimated by equations for Levels-1,2 RSF is computed by Non-linear FEA in Level-3 RSF is compared with an allowable value RSFa =0.9 say If RSF<RSFa then the component can be operated at a reduced pressure (Re-rated) MAWPr/MAWP = RSF/RSFa MAWP = Original maximum allowable pressure MAWPr = Rerated pressure value Deformed Shapes at limit loads of corroded pipe with FCA = 0.4 mm, 1 mm and 1.6 mm Calculation of RSF for corroded cantilever pipes with increasing corrosion levels Future Operation FCA P-Limit RSF Months after (mm) (MPa) last inspection 0 0 37 100% 4 0.4 18 49% 10 1.0 15 41 % 16 1.6 12 32% (a) (b) Part-9 Failure Assessment Diagram- FAD Toughness Ratio Kr 1 0.8 Unacceptable Region Cut-off for steels with yield plateau 0.6 Cut-off for ASTM A508 Cut-off for Cr-Mn steels Cut-off for stainless steels 0.4 Acceptable Region 0.2 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 Load Ratio L ys P r P ref 2 2.5 14 Advantages of FFS Assessment Safe and reliable operation of aging equipment Reduce downtime by eliminating unnecessary repairs Extra time to plan shutdown and replacement of equipment Improved yields, if rate of equipment deterioration or life consumption can be estimated Case-1 Fitness-For-Service Assessment of A Drilling Platform Structure and Piping following Fire Damage Introduction This investigation was called upon following a major fire incident that took place on a Drilling Platform 2004. The methodology used in the assessment of fire damage (Part-11 of API-RP-579. This recommended practice was the first issue of FFS-579 (2000), see Fig.1 In level-1, evidence is gathered and collected to justify assigning a component to a certain heat exposure zone. The fire damage was thus categorized into six distinctive heat exposure zones as illustrated in the platform computer model shown in Fig. 2. Fig.1. Consequences of Fire Damage Fig.2. Identification of the 6 Heat Exposure Zones Level-1 Assessment The Three Levels of Assessment of Fire Damage THREE levels of assessment of increasing complexity: Level-1: Gather data and documents to justify assigning a component to a certain heat exposure zone Level-2: Conducted for Components that did not pass level-1 and need to be assessed for continued service. Requires hardness measurement in order to determine the remaining strength of the affected Material Level-3: More complex assessment conducted for components that did not pass level 2. Reliance is made on grain size measurement and metallurgical in-sito investigations Specifications of Features of the 6 Fire Zones Categorization of fire damage into 6 distinctive zones of fire exposure according to thermal effects on materials Zone-I: Ambient temperature during fire = No Exposure Zone-II: Ambient to 66o C = Smoke and water exposure Zone-III: 66oC – 204o C - Light heat exposure Zone-IV: 204oC – 427oC - Moderate heat exposure Zone-V : 427oC – 732oC - Heavy heat exposure Zone-VI: Greater than 732oC – Severe heat exposure Level-2 Assessment Level-2 Assessment require measurement of surface hardness in order to estimate the remaining strength of component material following exposure to fire. Many pipelines in addition to specific parts of the platform steel structure were assessed according to level-2. The investigation involved measurement of hardness and remaining pipe wall thickness at thousands of locations on the fire affected zones. Estimated remaining ultimate tensile strengths (UTS) were thus estimated Hardness Survey on Fire-Affected Piping Variation of BH Hardness .VS. Position of Test Header 6" and 8" HB (MIN.) 200 HB (MAX.) 180 160 Av. for Gr-B 140 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 Position Along PIPE OP 6" Along PIPE NO 6" Along PIPE MN 6" 20 Along PIPE TW 8" 40 Along PIPE ST 6" 60 Along PIPE MS 6" 80 Min. for Gr-B Along PIPE LK 6" Along PIPE EF 6" Along PIPE FG 6" Along PIPE GH 6" Along PIPE GH 6" Along PIPE IJ 6" Along PIPE JK 6" 100 Along PIPE AB 8" HB 120 30 32 34 36 38 40 Results of FFS Assessment Affected pipes that need to be replaced were identified Pipes that need to be de-rated were further investigated. Allowable stress for affected piping Safd is estimated using hardness measurement and appropriate piping design codes. Safd =Min [0.25 Sutsht (SaT/SaA), SaT ) Procedures for repair of the steel structure were proposed. Pressure De-Rating of Heat Affected Piping Outcomes of FFS Assessment of Fire Damage FFS has identified fire-affected piping FFS provided piping de-rated capacities. Fire-affected zones of the platform structures has been identified for possible repair actions. The root cause of the fire incident was identified as an explosion in a riser due to local thinning of riser wall thickness at the splash zone. Case-2 Fitness-For-Service Assessment of Two Regeneration Columns Suffering from Wall Cracking Introduction A gas plant implements a sweetening process, in which CO2 and small amounts of H2S are stripped-off the produced gas through two Lean Benfield System Trains # A, B. The process is conducted inside a vertical tower; known as a “Regeneration Column”. Geometry of the column: height = 28 m above the skirt, Di = 3 m, wall thickness =16 mm The lower 18.6 m is fabricated from carbon steel (ASTMA516- Grade 70) with yield strength around 400 MPa, while the upper 10 m is fabricated from stainless steel 316. A passivation technique of the inner wall was adopted through circulating a Vanadium Pent-Oxide (V2O5) through the lower section the regenerator column; supposed to be effective for a normal duration of 5 years Construction of the Regeneration Column Design Conditions and Loads Design Conditions Design Pressure Pd = 4.1 barg, Operating pressure Po = 1.6 barg, Po reduced to = 0.4 barg. Design temp. Td = 140 oC , Operating temp. To = 115 oC. Column weight +Contents = 1350 kN Maximum eccentricity of weight = 100 mm Maximum wind speed = 31 m/sec Estimation of Stresses in the wall due to Operating Loads: Hoop stress due to 0.4 barg = +4 MPa Axial stress due to 0.4 barg = +2 MPa Axial stress due to column weight = -9 MPa Stress due to weight eccentricity = + 1.2 MPa Highest hoop stress due to P = 4 MPa = 1% of Sy Highest compressive stress due to all loads = -8 MPa = 2 % of Sy Problem History and Inspection Data History Year 1999: commissioning of the two columns: A, B Year 2002: Uniform pitting observed at C.S./S.S. interface of deepest pit =1.5 mm. Pits attributed to galvanic corrosion. Year 2004: Leaks observed at small pinholes at weld locations in the CS section, e.g. at shell girth welds, and piping connections. Years 2004-2006: Increasing number of leaks + observed corrosion in the vessel wall under the insulation Damage was observed only in column A but not in column B Most Important Inspection Results (April 2006) Vessel Body: Branched long through-thickness crack at the girth weld of Strakes 4 and 5. Down-Comer: Non-penetrating internal circumferential cracks at the welds connecting the down- comer piping to the vessel wall with max. length of 220 mm. N5 and N6 Nozzles: Non-penetrating internal circumferential cracks at the HAZ of the welds connecting nozzles to vessel wall, lengths up to 150-230 mm Girth Weld Crack Defects Through-Thickness Branched crack ~80 mm long at shell girth weld joining strakes 4 and 5. Scope: Use API-579 RP for FFS Assessment of the most significant cracks in Column A Cracks at toes of welds connecting down-comer to shell Crack Cracks near welds of nozzles N5 , N6 Shell girth-weld Methodology of Part-9 of API-579 RP for Crack-Like Flaws: FAD FAD combines the effects of stress field and stress intensity factor into one assessment point Level-3 Assessments Assessment result for each cracking case is shown on a simple plot known as the Failure Assessment Diagram (FAD), which characterizes the border of safe operation in a 2-D plot. Since the observed cracking pattern was growing with time, it was compulsory to implement Level-3 assessment, which is the most stringent assessment procedure. Assessment results of the most severe cracks in the column wall identified both the present condition and the remaining life of the column based on Level-3 assessment. Toughness Ratio Kr FFS of Down-Comer Flaws Increasing Crack Depth (a) 4 5 3.5 Case # a [mm] K iR MPa m K iR / K mat 1 2 3 4 5 6.4 8 9.6 12.8 16 91.81 119.77 150.23 203.975 497.21 0.69 0.90 1.14 1.55 3.77 4 1.5 Not-Acceptable 3 1 2 1 0.5 Crack Acceptable 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 Load Ratio LPr ys P ref 2 2.5 36 FFS of the Branched Through-Thickness Girth Weld FFS Treatment of Branched Crack to determine the Equivalent Crack Length as 67 mm Toughness Ratio Kr 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 Load Ratio LPr ys P ref 2 2.5 Reboiler Vapour Return Nozzle N5 – Circumferential Crack X58 with L= 150 mm is the most Serious X58 =150 mm X43 =120 mm FFS of Crack N58 with L =150 mm in Nozzle N5 for increasing Values of Crack Depth Toughness Ratio Kr 3 Case # a [mm] 1 2 3 4 8 11.2 12.8 16 2.5 4 2 m 96.6 114.8 128.3 299.7 K iR / K mat 0.733 0.871 0.973 2.274 Not-Acceptable 3 1 2 K iR MPa 1 0.5 Acceptable 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 Load Ratio L ys P r P ref 2 2.5 Conclusions and Recommendations Stresses in the tower wall due to Operating loads are very small. Residual stresses are present at the girth welds due to absence of PWHT. Presence of residual stresses + lack of effectiveness of the passivation technique are the main causes of observed cracking located primarily at or near welds in the CS section of the tower(s). FAD showed that most of the material toughness is exhausted at the through-thickness branched crack. Immediate Repair is highly recommended. Surface cracks at the down-comer weld could become serious if the crack depth exceeds 50 % of shell wall thickness. Inspection by ToFD should be conducted to verify crack growth. Similar conclusions are made for cracks at nozzles N5 and N6 Actions taken after First FFS Assessment ToFD Inspection was conducted in May 2007; almost one year after April 2006 inspection campaign ToFD inspection showed that cracks are propagating, and adjacent neighboring cracks are combining together to form longer cracks. Further ToFD inspection on columns A,B showed that cracks kept propagating at an alarming rate with column A deteriorating faster than column B. A decision was thus made to replace the two columns with new ones with improved design and material of construction FFS Assessment has thus given the operator of the columns enough lead time to re-design and contract the new improved columns Case-3 Fitness-For-Service Assessment of a Corroded Cantilever Pipe Based on an Article entitled: “Assessment of corrosion damage acceptance criteria in API579-ASME/1 code” M. S. Attia · M. M. Megahed · M. Ammar Darwish · S. Sundram, published in “The International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design” 01/2014; DOI:10.1007/s10999-014-9278-6 · 1.20 Impact Factor Problem Statement and Objectives A 4” sch. 80 API 5L Grade B steel pipe is suffering from severe corrosion, and FFS assessment is required. Wall thickness measurement by UT in 2006 and 2008 showed that the annual corrosion rate is around 1.2 mm Pipe nominal thickness is 8.6 mm and metal loss is localized in a straight section at 6 O’clock. The minimum wall thickness recorded is around 3 mm The pipe carries internal pressure in addition to mechanical loads due to attached valves This type of piping arrangements is of type-B and therefore FFS assessment of level-1 may not be made if supplemental mechanical loads can be ignored; which is not the case. Thus Levels 2 and 3 only are conducted here Schematic of the Corroded 4” Cantilever Pipe Corroded Region Nominal wall thickness = Weight of Gate Valve = Weight of Globe Valve = MAWP = Design Pressure = Current operating Pressure = Material Yield Strength = Design Stress = 8.6 mm 92 Newton 2220 Newton 9.3 MPa 1.6 MPa 241 MPa 138 MPa UT Wall Thickness in the Corroded Region Corrosion rate =1.2 mm/Y From two consecutive inspections UT Grid size: 10 mm in axial direction 46 mm in circumferential direction Nominal Wall thickness = 8.56 mm Min. Wall thickness At 180o = 3.0 mm At 135o = 3.5 mm At 225o = 4.8 mm 3D Wall Thickness Profile in Corroded Region Results of Level-1 Assessment Summary of Level-1 Acceptability Criteria FCA (mm) from last inspection Months of Future Operation 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 Acceptability of Average Measured Thickness Condition-1:Tams-FCA > TminC FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE Condition-2:Tamc-FCA >TminL TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE Acceptability of MAWP Condition-3/1: MAWPr>P-design FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE Condition-3/2:MAWPr>P-Current TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE Acceptability of Minimum Measured Thickness Condition-4: tmm –FCA <= Tlim TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE The pipe does not satisfy Level-1 acceptability criteria with respect to measured thickness The pipe should not be operated at the design pressure of 9.3 MPa The pipe can be operated for future 24 months at the current pressure of 1.6 MPa Mechanical Loads acting on the 4” Pipe Results of Level-2 FFS Assessment Summary of Level-2 Acceptability Criteria FCA (mm) from last inspection Months of Future Operation 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 Acceptability of Average Measured Thickness Condition-1:Tams-FCA > TminC FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE Condition-2:Tamc-FCA >TminL TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE Acceptability of MAWP Condition-3/1: MAWPr>P-design FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE Condition-3/2:MAWPr>P-Current TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE Acceptability of Minimum Measured Thickness Condition-4: tmm –FCA <= Tlim TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE The pipe does not satisfy Level-2 acceptability criteria with respect to measured thickness The pipe should not be operated at the design pressure of 9.3 MPa The pipe can be operated for future 16 months at the current pressure of 1.6 MPa Assessment of Remaining Life at Design and Current Pressure Values using Level-2 Corroded Pipe FE Model used in Level-3 FFS Material model = Elastic Perfectly-plastic Material Yield Strength = 207 MPa Limit load analysis is composed from 2 steps: - Apply all mechanical loads and keep them in action - Apply monotonically increasing pressure and observe stresses and strains - Limit pressure is reached when the pressure stabilizes while strains keep increasing 3D Wall Thickness Profile in Corroded Region Deformed Shapes at limit loads of corroded pipe with FCA = 0.4 mm, 1 mm and 1.6 mm Calculation of RSF for corroded cantilever pipes with increasing corrosion levels Months of Future Operation 0 4 10 16 FCA (mm) P-Limit (MPa) RSF 0 0.4 1.0 1.6 37 18 15 12 100% 49% 41 % 32% (a) (b) 1st Yield and Limit Pressures for corroded pipes after 4,10,16 months from date of last inspection compared to new pipe Months of Operation after date of last inspection 0 4 10 16 FCA (mm) P-Limit (MPa) RSF 0 0.4 1.0 1.6 37 18 15 12 100% 49% 41 % 32% 240 200 Effective Stress [MPa] FCA=0.4mm Uncorroded Py=13.5 MPa 160 120 PL=37 MPa 80 PL=18 MPa Effective Stress [MPa] 240 40 0 200 160 FCA=0.4mm FCA=1mm 120 FCA=1.6mm 80 40 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Internal Pressure [MPa] 30 35 40 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Internal Pressure [MPa] 14 16 18 20 Limit Pressures for the Corroded Pipe for Various FCA values: (a) 0.4 mm, (b) 1 mm, (c) 1.6 mm Variation of Effective Strain with Pressure for Corroded Pipes for Various FCA values: (a) 0.4 mm, (b) 1 mm, (c) 1.6 mm Conclusions and Recommendations The corroded pipe failed both Level-1 and Level-2 FFS assessments for safe operation at the design pressure of 9.3 MPa, but could be operated at the current reduced pressure of 1.6 MPa for about 24 months Ignoring Level-2 thickness acceptability criteria, a Remaining life of about 18 months is estimated for operation at a reduced pressure of 1.6 MPa Level-3 assessment shows safe operation at Pd for up to 4 months only. Operation at a reduced pressure 1.6 MPa can be tolerated for about 16 months. Case-4 Fitness-For-Service Assessment for Pipes Suffering from Pitting Damage with Increasing Severity Introduction Pitting is an extremely localized corrosion in the form of holes of metal loss in the metal. Usually corrosion exists in the form of pitting colonies. Pits can be simplified as circular defects of metal loss. Each pit can be described by two geometrical factors; pit diameter and pit depth. Part-6 of API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 presents assessment procedures to determine remaining pressure carrying capacities of pipes suffering from random pitting of increasing severity. Three cases of random colonies of increasing pitting severity are considered here for investigation by nonlinear FEA based on simplifying pits by shell elements with reduced thickness. FEA predictions are compared with level-1 and level-2 assessment of part-6 of API 579-1/ASME FFS-1. Different cross sectional shapes of pits The 8 Standard Templates of Pitting Grades Part-6 of API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 contains 8 templates of pitting charts representing 8 grades of increasing pitting severity. Colonies corresponding to higher grades of pitting simulate propagation with time of lower grades and hence contain more pits within the same area. Selection of pitting colonies Each pitting grade has an area of 150 mm x 150 mm. Only a region of an area of 57 mm x 57 mm was selected at the lower left corner of each template, to satisfy the code requirement of including at least 10 pits for the assessment. Colonies of grades 1, 2 and 3 contain 12, 36 and 53 pits respectively of a widespread scattered pitting. Higher grades are evolution of lower grades with time. This evolution is presented by defining pits of each grade by a different color. Pipe wall thickness is 8 mm and with outer diameter of 458.8 mm. The pipe material is API-5L X80. Evolution of pitting Grades with Time Assessment of pitting colonies using part 6 of API579-1/ASME-FFS-1 Assessment procedures of part-6 are based on determining the remaining strength factor (RSF) for components suffering from pitting corrosion. The code consists of three levels of assessment; with levels 1 and 2 being of analytical nature and level-3 assessment relying on non-linear FEA of the pitted pipe. Level 1 assessment utilizes the 8 standard pitting templates to carry out a preliminary assessment. Level 2 assessment provides detailed assessment which considers all parameters defining the colony. Level 1 Assessment Level 1 assessment is a preliminary analysis utilizing standard pitting grades charts. Further, the remaining strength factor RSF is determined by the maximum pit depth within the pitting colony. Check if RSF ≥ RSFa , where RSFa is the allowable RSF is taken as 0.9. If the condition is verified, then the pipe passes level 1 assessment and is safe for operating at the calculated MAWP. If not, then the pipe is safe for operating at a reduced pressure MAWPr calculated according to Determination of RSF using pitting grades templates The shown tables are extracted from part 6 of API579-1/ASMEFFS-1 2016 edition provides RSF values corresponding to five levels of pit depths as represented by the ratio of remaining wall thickness at the deepest pit (Rwt ) for use in level 1 assessment. Results of Level 1 assessment RSF MAWP (MPa) Colony Gr-1 0.95 7.3 Colony Gr-2 0.91 7.3 Colony Gr-3 0.83 6.7 Level 2 Assessment Level 2 assessment provides detailed analysis which accounts for mutual interaction between neighboring pits Pitting couples are defined based on the nearest neighbor for each pit. Orientation of each pitting couple with respect to pipe longitudinal direction becomes important. For each couple, the spacing between the two pits and the orientation of the line linking them with respect to the pipe longitudinal direction should be defined. Diameters and depths of the two pits forming a couple are used in the assessment. Determination of pitting couples Results of Level 2 assessment Colony Gr-1 Colony Gr-2 Colony Gr-3 RSF 0.94 0.85 0.83 MAWP (MPa) 7.3 6.9 6.7 Level 3 assessment (Nonlinear FEA) Level 3 assessment is based on nonlinear FEA. Shell element is used to simulate the pipe wall. Pits are modeled as circular defects with reduced thickness equal to the remaining wall thickness of the pit. To estimate limit pressure for a pitted pipe, the “Twice Elastic Slope (TES)” methodology was used. TES method relies on constructing a line with a slope equal to twice the elastic slope. FE modelling for pitted pipe Von-Mises Stress Distributions from FEA Distributions of Radial deformation from FEA Limit Pressures for Pitted Pipes by TES method Perfect Pipe Limit Pressure PL (MPa) RSF 22.43 - Colony Gr-1 21.5 0.96 Colony Gr-2 20.1 0.90 Colony Gr- 3 19.9 0.89 Comparison between the results obtained using FEA and part 6 of API-579/ASME-FFS-1 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 (FEA) Colony Gr-1 0.95 0.94 0.96 RSF Colony Gr-2 0.91 0.85 0.90 Colony Gr-3 0.83 0.83 0.89 Conclusions and Recommendations Level 1 assessment provides inaccurate estimation for RSF due to its sole dependence on the deepest pit depth and templates of pitting grades. Level 2 assessment provides RSF values less than that of Level-1 estimates due to its consideration of the interaction between neighboring pits Level-3 estimates of RSF provided RSF estimates slightly higher than that of level 2 assessment. Level 3 provided detailed indications on where burst will occur and how neighboring pits interact. Research on Pitting still continuing………… Acknowledgements Acknowledgement is expressed here for my friends, colleagues and students at Cairo University (CU) who contributed to the results reported in this presentation: 1- Dr. Saad El-Raghy 2- Dr. Hesham Sobhi Sayed 3- Dr. Mohammad Salah Attia 4- Eng. Ahmad El-Taweel View publication stats (CU) (CU) (GE-Research) (CU)