lOMoARcPSD|49218470 Python elab Program Programming For Problem Solving (SRM Institute of Science and Technology) Scan to open on Studocu Studocu is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university Downloaded by Maram Pujith (marampujithkumar@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|49218470 I/O – Session 1 Binita was traveling from Chennai tot = int(input('')) hrs = int(tot/60) mins = int(tot % 60) print(hrs, 'Hours and', mins,'Minutes') Compute the area of a triangle import math s1=昀氀oat(input()) s2=昀氀oat(input()) s3=昀氀oat(input()) s=(s1+s2+s3)/2 area =math.sqrt(s*(s-s1)*(s-s2)*(s-s3)) print('The area of triangle is {}'.format(area)) Vetrivel wants to convert the days=int(input()) hours=int(input()) minutes=int(input()) seconds=int(input()) result=(days*24*3600)+(hours*3600)+(minutes*60)+seconds print(result) Timothy boom having the 昀椀rst name fname=input() Downloaded by Maram Pujith (marampujithkumar@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|49218470 lname=input() reversed_name= lname + " " + fname print("Hello",reversed_name) The electricity o昀케cer has men琀椀on uc = int(input()) cpu = int(input()) tb = int(uc ** cpu) print(tb) What is the sum of the digits def calculate(n, power): return sum([int(i) for i in str(pow(n, power))]) n=2 power = int(input('')) print (calculate(n,power)) Arif planned to make a room length=昀氀oat(input()) width=昀氀oat(input()) area=length*width print(round(area,2)) Laasya bought a new volley ball r = 昀氀oat(input('')) pi = 3.14 volume = (4.0/3.0)*pi*r**3 Downloaded by Maram Pujith (marampujithkumar@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|49218470 print(volume) In geometry, the area enclosed r = 昀氀oat(input("")) pi = 3.142 area = pi * r**2 print("The area of the circle with radius",r,"is:",area) Pinnaccio went to the school G=int(input()) S=int(input()) print("The Range of given data =",G-S) Sajid was booking a train 琀椀cket num1,num2,num3=input().split() total=int(num1)+int(num2)+int(num3) print(total) Selvan was playing with an object l = int(input('')) w = int(input('')) h = int(input('')) sa = (2*((w*l)+(l*h)+(h*w))) print(sa) Athika and ritu got a nice job Downloaded by Maram Pujith (marampujithkumar@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|49218470 bpa = 昀氀oat(input('')) hra = bpa*0.8 da = bpa*0.4 total = hra+da+bpa print('{:.02f}'.format(total)) Janaki wants to 昀椀nd the distance import math x1=int(input()) y1=int(input()) x2=int(input()) y2=int(input()) d=math.sqrt((x2-x1)**2+(y2-y1)**2) print(d) Ra琀椀ka a young millionaire p=昀氀oat(input()) i=昀氀oat(input()) t=int(input()) interest=(p*i*t)/100 amount=p+interest print("Interest a昀琀er {c} Years = ${a:.2f}\nTotal Amount a昀琀er {c} Years = ${b:.2f}".format(a=interest,b=amount,c=t)) Compute the area of triangle import math s1=昀氀oat(input()) Downloaded by Maram Pujith (marampujithkumar@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|49218470 s2=昀氀oat(input()) s3=昀氀oat(input()) s=(s1+s2+s3)/2 area=math.sqrt (s*(s-s1)*(s-s2)*(s-s3)) print("The area of triangle is",area) Nancy bought apples num1 = int(input()) num2 = int(input()) quo琀椀ent = round(num1/num2) remainder = num1%num2 print("Quo琀椀ent:",end="") print(quo琀椀ent) print("Remainder:",end="") print(remainder) Downloaded by Maram Pujith (marampujithkumar@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|49218470 Flow control - Session 2 Caleb and Salima are living in interior village x=int(input()) y=int(input()) if x>y: print(x-y) else: print(x+y) Shree and Harry was living in the town num1=昀氀oat(input()) num2=昀氀oat(input()) if num1-num2==0.5 or num2-num1==0.5: print("Approximate Number") else: print("Not an Approximate Number") Mr.Issac the head of Tamilnadu f=昀氀oat(input()) c=(f-32)*(5/9) print(round(c,2),"Cen琀椀grade") if c>=150: print("Very Hot") elif 150>=c>=100: print("Hot") else: print("Moderate") Adhi and Tara travel frequently m=int(input()) Downloaded by Maram Pujith (marampujithkumar@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|49218470 r=昀氀oat(input()) d=int(input()) if m==4 or m==5: r1=r*d e=(r1*20)/100 print("Rs."+"%.2f"%(r1+e)) else: print("Rs."+"%.2f"%(r*d)) Mrs.Swathy is a principal s1=int(input()) s2=int(input()) s3=int(input()) s4=int(input()) s5=int(input()) t=s1+s2+s3+s4+s5 p=t/5 print("%.2f"%p,"Percent") if p>=90: print("Grade A") elif 90>=p>=80: print("Grade B") elif 80>=p>=70: print("Grade C") elif 70>=p>=60: print("Grade D") elif 60>=p>=40: print("Grade E") else: print("Grade F") A team from royal squatraclub Downloaded by Maram Pujith (marampujithkumar@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|49218470 a1=int(input()) w1=int(input()) if a1>=18 and w1>=50: print("Eligible for Dona琀椀on") else: print("Not Eligible for Dona琀椀on") Arav and Aaron are par琀椀cipa琀椀ng a1=int(input()) a2=int(input()) if a1>a2: print(a1-a2) else: print(a2-a1) A paytm announced a cash back n=int(input()) a=n%10 if a%2==0: print("Even Currency") else: print("Odd Currency") Three brothers want to take a photo b1=int(input()) b2=int(input()) b3=int(input()) if b1>b2 and b1>b3: print(b1) elif b2>b1 and b2>b3: print(b2) Downloaded by Maram Pujith (marampujithkumar@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|49218470 else: print(b3) Selvan is working as a QC a=input() if a.isdigit(): print("NOT AN ALPHABET") else: print("ALPHABET") Laasya looking at the friends birthday a=int(input()) if a%4==0: print("LEAP YEAR") else: print("NOT A LEAP YEAR") The elec琀椀on commission of India age = int(input()) if age >= 18: print("Eligible") else: print("Not Eligible") Caleb and Irfan are purchasing apple1 = int(input()) apple2 = int(input()) apple3 = int(input()) if apple2 > apple1 and apple3 > apple2: print("Fit into Budget") else: Downloaded by Maram Pujith (marampujithkumar@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|49218470 print("Doesn't 昀椀t into Budget") A琀椀fa would like to withdraw wamt=int(input()) inamt=昀氀oat(input()) if wamt%5==0: if wamt>inamt: print("Invalid Withdrawal Request") print("Ini琀椀al Balance :",format(inamt,".2f")) else: x=(inamt-wamt)-0.5 print("Current Balance :",format(x,".2f")) print("Ini琀椀al Balance :",format(inamt,".2f")) Yasir techie is working in a military num = int(input()) if(num>0): print("POSITIVE") else: print("NEGATIVE") Simon was working in a casa grand Arunmozhivarman a famous skill trainer operator=input() n1=昀氀oat(input()) n2=昀氀oat(input()) sum=n1+n2 di昀昀erence=n1-n2 product=n1*n2 divison=n1/n2 Downloaded by Maram Pujith (marampujithkumar@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|49218470 if operator=='+': print(sum) elif operator=='-': print(di昀昀ernce) elif operator=='*': print(product) elif operator=='/': print(divison) else: print("Invalid Input") Downloaded by Maram Pujith (marampujithkumar@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|49218470 Arrays and Loops – Session 3 Akash the die heart s=int(input()) for i in range(s,0,-1): for j in range(i): print(i,end=" ") print() Euler asked the ques琀椀on to ramanujam def sum_of_mul琀椀ples(N): total = 0 for i in range(N): if i % 3 == 0 or i % 5 == 0: total += i return total N = int(input()) # get input from user print(sum_of_mul琀椀ples(N)) # calculate and print the sum of mul琀椀ples Matrix is a rectangular arrangement r=int(input()) c=int(input()) matrix=[] for i in range(r): a =[] for j in range(c): a.append(int(input())) matrix.append(a) for i in range(r): for j in range(c): print(matrix[i][j], end = " ") Downloaded by Maram Pujith (marampujithkumar@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|49218470 print() In our ins琀椀tu琀椀ons celebrates a=int(input()) c=[] for i in range(a): c.append(a) for j in range(i + 1): if j == i: print(chr(97 + j), end=" ") else: print(chr(97 + j), end=" ") print() 2520 is the smallest number import math # Returns the lcm of 昀椀rst n numbers def lcm(n): ans = 1 for i in range(1, n + 1): ans = int((ans * i)/math.gcd(ans, i)) return ans if 1>2: a=5 # main n = int(input()) print (lcm(n)) Pentagonal numbers are generated Downloaded by Maram Pujith (marampujithkumar@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|49218470 length = int(input()) for n in range(1,length): p = round(n*((3*n)-1)/2) print(p) Mukesh and salima was looking a=int(input()) b=[] for i in range(a): c=int(input()) b.append(c) x=[] y=[] for i in b: if i not in x: x.append(i) elif i in x: y.append(i) else: break print(len(y)) Thanos and iron man had a challenge a=int(input()) b=[] for i in range(a): c=int(input()) b.append(c) e=[] o=[] for i in b: Downloaded by Maram Pujith (marampujithkumar@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|49218470 if i%2==0: e.append(i) else: o.append(i) for i in e: print(i,end=' ') print() for i in o: print(i,end=' ') Matrix is a rectangular arrangement r=int(input()) c=int(input()) matrix=[] for i in range(r): a =[] for j in range(c): a.append(int(input())) matrix.append(a) for i in range(len(matrix)): k=0 for j in matrix: print(matrix[k][i], end = " ") k+=1 print() In the ba琀琀le of kurukshestra n=int(input()) Downloaded by Maram Pujith (marampujithkumar@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|49218470 m=1 for i in range(n): h='* ' print(h*m) m+=1 n = int(input()) # get input from user # iterate over each row for i in range(n): # print the appropriate number of stars for this row for j in range(i+1): print("* ", end="") print() # move to the next line Marvel Studios is known n = int(input()) # Read the character names names = [] for i in range(n): names.append(input()) # Sort the names in alphabe琀椀cal order names.sort() # Display the sorted names for name in names: print(name) Mathema琀椀cs teacher gave the home r=int(input()) c=int(input()) matrix=[] Downloaded by Maram Pujith (marampujithkumar@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|49218470 for i in range(r*2): a =[] for j in range(c): a.append(int(input())) matrix.append(a) matrix1=matrix[:r] matrix2=matrix[r:] for i in range(r): for j in range(c): print(matrix1[i][j]+matrix2[i][j],end=' ') print() Downloaded by Maram Pujith (marampujithkumar@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|49218470 Strings – Session 4 Arif likes to play valley ball def determine_winner(match): arif_score = 0 opponent_score = 0 score_set = set() # use a set to keep track of the scores for i in range(len(match)): if match[i] == '1': arif_score += 1 else: opponent_score += 1 if (arif_score >= 11 or opponent_score >= 11) and abs(arif_score - opponent_score) >= 2: if arif_score > opponent_score: return "WIN" else: return "LOSS" score_set.add((arif_score, opponent_score)) # add the current score to the set # check if the match ended with a score less than 11-10 last_score = list(score_set)[-1] if last_score[0] >= 11 or last_score[1] >= 11: if last_score[0] > last_score[1]: return "WIN" else: return "LOSS" else: return "LOSS" # main func琀椀on if __name__ == "__main__": t=int(input()) # number of test cases Downloaded by Maram Pujith (marampujithkumar@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|49218470 for i in range(t): matchscenario=str(input()) # input string describing match result = determine_winner(matchscenario) print(result) # print the winner of the match Janaki set the password s=str(input()) # Prin琀椀ng all substrings of the string s for i in range(len(s)): for j in range(i+1, len(s)+1): print(s[i:j]) Lokesh usually likes to play def can_be_iden琀椀cal(n, s1, s2): s1_count = s1.count('1') s2_count = s2.count('1') if s1_count != s2_count: return "NO" else: return "YES" t = int(input()) for i in range(t): n=int(input()) s1=str(input()) s2=str(input()) print(can_be_iden琀椀cal(n, s1, s2)) Janaki has the extra ability t=int(input()) # Loop through each test case Downloaded by Maram Pujith (marampujithkumar@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|49218470 for i in range(t): # Get the string test_string=str(input()) # Reverse the string string_reversed = test_string[::-1] # Print the reversed string print(string_reversed) A long 琀椀me age, there resided t = int(input()) # Looping through each test case for i in range(t): # Reading the input string str1=str(input()) # Ini琀椀alizing the vowel count count = 0 # Looping through each character in the string for j in range(len(str1)): # Checking if the character is a vowel if str1[j] in "aeiouAEIOU": count += 1 # Prin琀椀ng the vowel count for the current string print(count) Sudan and siva are classmates # Taking input for the number of test cases t = int(input()) # Looping through each test case for i in range(t): Downloaded by Maram Pujith (marampujithkumar@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|49218470 # Taking input for the string str1=str(input()) # Sor琀椀ng the characters in the string using the sorted() func琀椀on and the key parameter sorted_string = sorted(str1, key=lambda x: x.isupper()) # Joining the sorted characters back to form the 昀椀nal string 昀椀nal_string = ''.join(sorted_string) # Prin琀椀ng the 昀椀nal string print(昀椀nal_string) Aaron has a number D containing def check_all_same(s): # Count number of 0s and 1s count_0 = s.count('0') count_1 = s.count('1') # If all digits are already same, return Yes if count_0 == len(s) or count_1 == len(s): return "YES" # If there is only one 0 or one 1, return Yes if count_0 == 1 or count_1 == 1: return "YES" # If there is more than one 0 and more than one 1, return No if count_0 > 1 and count_1 > 1: return "NO" # If there is exactly one 0 and more than one 1, or exactly one 1 and more than one 0, return Yes else: return "YES" if __name__ == "__main__": Downloaded by Maram Pujith (marampujithkumar@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|49218470 # Get number of test cases T = int(input()) # Loop over all test cases for i in range(T): # Get input string s=str(input()) # Call func琀椀on to check if all digits can be made same by 昀氀ipping one digit result = check_all_same(s) # Print the result print(result) Downloaded by Maram Pujith (marampujithkumar@gmail.com)