Week 10: Blue Zones Learning outcomes: Identify factors that influence life expectancy. Discuss successful aging and how physical activity can be used to optimise aging. Questions to think about during this tutorial: How can environmental influences affect physical activity participation? How can life expectancy be improved? Activity 1 – Physical Activity in Successful Aging - 1. Identify three components of successful aging low probability of disease and disease related disability Active engagement in life High functioning capacity 2. How can physical activity be embodied in these three components of successful aging (provide examples)? Activity 2 – Blue Zone Observations Use the prescribed reading (Buettner & Skemp, 2016) to answer the following questions: 1. Identify the nine common denominators among the blue zones (power 9). - Move naturally Purpose Downshift 80% rule Plant slant Wine Belong Loved ones first Right tribe 2. What lifestyle similarities do you have with those living in the blue zones? Accessible healthcare Active lifestyle 3. What lifestyle differences do you have with those living in the blue zones? Don’t live with parents and grandparents in the same hose Don’t follow a plant based lifestyle Too much stress and fast paced 4. Why is Sydney not a blue zone? Diversity 5. Can we make Sydney a blue zone? Why or why not? Activity 3 – Blue Zone Quiz Follow the link and complete the quiz: https://apps.bluezones.com/en/vitality/background 1. Identify health factors (e.g. physical activity) this quiz assessed to estimate your life expectancy. 2. What are the limitations of this quiz? 3. What are the limitations of the blue zone research?