PILE FOUNDATION DESIGN OPTIMIZATION through Pile Testing INTRODUCTION Pile foundations are critical component of deep foundation systems for tall buildings and heavy infrastructures like bridges, particularly when surface soils are too weak to support the imposed loads. Pile foundations are complex and an expensive operations that when inefficiently deployed could place finacial strain on the entire project. We want to explore the optimization of pile foundation design through comprehensive pile testing methods, focusing on reducing material and construction costs while maintaining structural integrity. PILE CAPACITY DETERMINATION Unlike the simple Terzaghi’s Model which is based on single homogeneous soil strata, deep foundations often cut through multiple layer of different soils. Theoretical design from soil test data often results in very conservative results: • Uncertainties in dealing with several soil conditions. • Many approximations on the side of safety (n values) • Extra caution from inexperience Pile design by pile testing—such as static load testing and dynamic load testing—offers better assessment of pile capacity and allows for a more efficient pile designs. PILE CAPACITY DETERMINATION MATRIX Eurocode 7 recognizes four approaches to capacity determinations that can be tabulated thus: Analysis Method (Non-Test Methods) Static Method Dynamic Method Comprehensive subsoil investigation with static analysis (Alpha or Beta Methods) FOS =3 Testing Methods Full scale static Load Test. FOS= 1.5 Comprehensive subsoil High Strain Dynamic investigation with Pile Wave Load Test. Equation Analysis (GRLWEAP) FOS =2.5 FOS= 2.0 SAMPLE VARIATIONS IN PILE CAPACITY PILE CAPACITY FACTOR OF SAFETY (FOS) Factor of safety is not fixed. Eurocode 7 provides for a basic factor of safety based on the reliability of the design model, construction methods and correlation of the adequacy of number of pile tested. Design FOS are products of basic factors and correlation factors based on the number of tests done PILE TEST DESIGN METHODS Testing of piles is either for capacity or shaft integrity. Shaft quality is essential for pile performance. Load tests can either be done to design the pile or verify the pile capcity. BUT: Using pile load test to determine capacity is expensive and time consuming. Traditional Pile design Method EXPENSIVE, REALLY? WHAT IF? Soil Test Design Pile Capacity Determine Number of Piles Verify Capacity With Load Test to 150% for the working pile Pile Tests Design Methods Soil Test Estimate Pile Capacity Install Trail Piles Test Load trial pile to Failure or grater 250% of estimated capacity Establish a new Design Load Capacity Determine Number of Piles Verify Capacity With Load Test to 150% for the working pile POTENTIAL BENEFITS OF PILE DESIGN METHODS VIA TESTING Pile testing is really an expensive and time-consuming exercise, but the possible return on money spent usually outstrip the cost of trial pile testing. A careful analysis of cost to benefit helps to better convince a client to adopt this procedure. A CASE STUDY ON KOFO ABAYOMI VI, LAGOS This was a proposed office medium rise building development. The piles were initially designed for a capcity of 500kN. We reckoned with the structural engineer of record, that higher capcity is possible based on the depth of pile and soil formation. 3 Nos of trail piles were installed and tested to 750kN and 1,125kN ULS. 750kN was then adopted for the foundation design. A total of about 200 piles were installed. By simple ratio this would have been about 300 piles in total. A total cost savings of for about 100 piles was achieved in the process. If we account for cost of trial piles, a total cost savings is seventy-five million naira (N75,000,000). The soil profile and load tests for the KOFO ABAYOMI VI, LAGOS FURTHER TECHNICS FOR PILE DESIGN BY TESTING Dynamic Load Test DLT: • Dynamic load testing can be used on trial piles. Only a test load of 2% to 5% of the anticipated capacity is needed. • It is a non-destructive. It evaluates total capacity without damaging the tested piles. The piles doesn’t have to discarded after testing • Further verifications to 150% can then be made via static load test. • DLT offers great cost and time savings for pile design process FURTHER TECHNICS (contd) Comprehensive subsoil Investigation: • Good subsoil investigation is the step towards efficient pile design. • SPTs should be standardized and well supervised • CPTs are better for pile design. Experience: • Consulting with experienced foundation engineer is critical for some class of projects is essential Use of Reaction Piles: • Use of reaction piles instead of kentledge is a faster and safer method for static load testing. FURTHER TECHNICS (contd) Sound Bearing Capacity Definitions: • 10% diameter of pile as failure does not have a sound basis for bearing capacity determination. Methods which simulate plastic behaviour of piles offers better evaluations. Hansen 80% is known to be good for larger diameter bored piles while Davisson offset criteria works well driven piles. CAPWAP procedure is excellent for driven and bored tested dynamically provided the test load is big enough to activate full capacity. • Extrapolation procedures can be used when piles are not tested to failure. Some methods are Mazurkiewiczs or Chin-Konder. FURTHER TECHNICS (contd) Maintained Load test Procedure: • Maintained Load Test Procedure is recommended especial for load tests on of trials. This makes the load test curve smooth enough for capacity analysis, especially if extrapolation is need. Cyclic load should not be used Some Technics Methods For Pile Design By Pile Testing The 10% criterion by BS and Eurocode does not have sound theoretical basis. The Hansen criteria seeks limits of plastic failure are better recommended for bored piles. The Davisson offset Criteria have been known from experience to be better suited for bored piles. CASE EXAMPLE 2: EKO ANTLANTIC PROJECT It was required to carry out load test ascertain working load. The Ultimate test 5475kN is. It was impractical to work with kentlege for the load size. So we used the Woking piles as reaction pile. CASE EXAMPLE 2: EKO ANTLANTIC PROJECT SLT RESULTS It was required to carry out load test ascertain working load. The Ultimate test is 50 THANK YOU