WRITER’S EFFECT QUESTIONS Use the following passage for questions 1–5: "The old house stood alone on the hill, its windows dark and vacant, like empty eyes staring out into the night. Ivy crept along the crumbling walls, and the wind whispered through the cracks, filling the air with a ghostly chill." 1. Question: How does the writer’s description of the house create a sense of isolation? 2. Question: How does the use of personification in the passage enhance its mood? 3. Question: What effect does the simile “like empty eyes staring out into the night” have on the reader? 4. Question: How does the writer use imagery to convey a sense of decay? 5. Question: How does sentence structure contribute to the suspense in the passage? Use the following passage for questions 6–10: "The market was alive with sounds and colors, a riot of laughter, chatter, and music blending into a cheerful chaos. Vendors called out, their voices weaving through the air like melodies, while children darted between stalls, their laughter ringing like bells." 6. Question: How does the writer’s description of the market create a lively atmosphere? 7. Question: How does the use of simile enhance the reader’s experience of the sounds in the market? 8. Question: What effect does the repetition of sound imagery have in this passage? 9. Question: How does the writer’s use of diction contribute to the mood of the passage? 10. Question: How does the contrast in sentence length affect the reader’s experience of the market?