GRAPHING CHECKLIST All graphs must have the following items. Unless otherwise specified, the graphs must be done by hand. No computers allowed. 1. All axes drawn with a ruler 2. All axes numbered appropriately for the data being plotted. ➢ Use as much of the page as possible (Minimum Half a Page per graph using MS Excel) ➢ Pick a scale that is easy to work with. (Excel does this automatically) ➢ Look at the highest value on each axis to determine what scale to use. (Excel does this automatically) ➢ Do not skip any values on your axes ➢ DO NOT LABEL EVERY SQUARE ON THE AXES – every 5th square is usually sufficient 3. All axes must include labels which describe the values expressed on the axes. 4. Labels on axes must include the units of measure. 5. Your graph must be given a title that accurately describes the graph and contains the phrase “y vs. x”. 6. Use a legend to describe different lines on the same graph. 7. If the data appears linear, draw a single straight ‘line to best fit’ using a ruler. ➢ Try to go through the center of the data ➢ Slope is calculated using the trend line, not the data points ➢ If you right click on the data points, Excel will make a “trend line”. It will also allow you to display the equation of the “trend line” 8. If the line appears curved, draw a smooth ‘curve to best fit’. ➢ Go through as many points as possible but not necessarily all of them ➢ Do not connect the dots with straight line segments. ➢ If you right click on the data points, Excel will allow display a “trend line” that is nonlinear Position vs. time Graph for a Car on the Street Position (m) Time (s)