1 The The following following values values may may be be used: used: acceleration acceleration due due to to gravity gravity gg == 9.80 9.80 m/s m/s” 2 gravitational gravitational field field constant constant g = 9.80 N / kg g=9.80N/ kg universal gravitational universal gravitational constant constant G = 6.67 X 10-11 NN m G=6.67 X10"! mn’2 2 /kg /kg? speed speed of of light light in in air air 8 cc = = 3.00 3.00 X X 10 108 m/s m/s Coulomb Coulomb constant constant 9 2 kk=9.0 = 9.0 XX 10 Nm / C2 10°N m?/C? 11 elementary elementary charge charge ee== 1.602 10-19 C 1.602 X X10”C 11 electron electron volt volt -19 eV = 1.602 X eV=1.602 X 10 101° JJ Plank’s Plank’s constant constant -34 hh=6.63 = 6.63 X Js X 10 10*4Js -15 hh=414X = 4.14 X 10 10% eV eVs s mass mass of of an an electron electron m mee == 9.11 9.11 X X 10 10°!-31 kg kg mass proton mass of of aa proton m Mpp == 1.67 1.67 X X 10 10°’-27 kg kg mass mass of of aa neutron neutron -27 m kg mn n = = 1.67 1.67 X X 10 10°’ kg radius radius of of the the Earth Earth rree = = 6.38 6.38 X X 10 10°6 m m mass mass of of the the Earth Earth m me e = = 5.98 5.98 X X 10 10%24 kg kg Magnetic Magnetic Permeability Permeability of of free free space space 4π x 10-7 T m / A 4nx107Tm/A Vq L 2 ο Add y, = = Vq_ (—£.) dm ‘v,> v0 * 2Dam πΊπ GM π£πππ = √ π Vq ay = =—Vq * dm dm _ LL tbtwn plates = btwn plates ~~ Vo v0 πΊπ GM π = π2 π πππ΄ sinA _ π πππ΅ sinB _ π πππΆ sinc a π = ~ πc*2 = =a’π2 + +b?π 2 − — 2πππππ π 2abcosé D π = ~ πc 2 −4ππ −πβ√π —b¥vVb2-4ac π₯ x = = ——— 2π 2a 2 Chapter 1 Chapter 3 T = FF yp sin 0 F= Stres ress = —AF —kx Ep AL = — Strain kRA*® = mv” Chapter 4 p= my BAL — Saar? B _ Ap _ mAV At = ma = 0 Protal; nitial = Chapter7 _ Ae ORE Y= Protalgnat = Pom ro a= ra _AtAw Chapter 5 a= F=kx re _ W= F-Ad = FAd cos 0 Ws @) oT At Ex, = smv A6 = E. = hx? A® = w,At 5(o1 + >" Ep + Ex AF, = mgAh + soi = w," + 2ad6 T=7X EF =rF sit 7T=Ia E =—=Fy t Trotat = Tem + mP? Wr = 70 Fx otational gle L = Io Yo, Chapter 6 E,= —GMm r = Ey = a —GMm 2r 3 as = TI-o-¢ Chapter 8 r= k DA ; r 2GM Vese wo)A A@ = w,At — sak 2 Ex, = PP 2m Etotal + kx’® s=r0 At J = Ap = Fat AProtal kx Ex = skA® L PAt + Sade 1,2 = 2 3 smy, = q(Vi — V2) kaya: Nq2 E, = R=Nm=—~d hy r — m " APD = (or ul -— 1) iN _ (destructive interference) a _ Be e wax L _4 m= Chapter Op 10 = __ Moe 1-2 5 ; 2d sin Ave 0 = 1 Ff v= _ Chapter 12 ! P = . 2898 x 10" max ~ Ave + 1+ a T Myv r= x = Acos 0 n=< ° 0; = m sin0, 7m, sin h Py f= plo ax E oton ‘max Ww ° Chapter 14 c 1 Essay = life + gmv" ApyAy AE=> Am = on 4X $c4Y + 4He h 3 A ZX A 0 724i ¥ + e+ h AX 5 4¥4+%4y T aX+ Me AEAt= on Chapter 11 Double Slit and Diffraction Grating - uS E Il, = I, cos’0 io tan 6, = — Bc (As)? = e2(An? — (Ax)? 3 c=hf _! : Ln = MVP n md =|PuS2 — PnS1| (constructive interference) Po = md = dsin On 5.29 x 10°" m in : 2-4Y¥ +9 1\t hen N=No m.ke 2 2 tr r= 1.2¥A (fm) n n22 Activity = 0.693N i4 Eg = ~2.18 x 1078 J 1 ο(11 phase 22ntnt = (m + we)ο¬ phase shift shift constructi ve; 0Oor2 or 2 phase phaseshifts shifts destructiv =(m+ constructive; d estructive|eο 2 ο[I1 Phase 22ntnt = mο¬ phase shift shift destructiv or 2 phase phase shifts shifts constructi =mA destructive;e; 0 Oor2 constructiveveο| 22t=mA t = mο¬ ο[air air wedge wedge]ο _ 2 = moe! + Fy d = my ; oe b= me = E = moc? + qV (linacs) , one on (mye)? + (m9e7)? = (me?) 1.22 2V 1-2 —— (m + sh) (constructive interference) F = qvB sin @ mr p Ww, ; B= 2 . my = w sin Oy my = | Mo m= Single Slit 2rr WNT B= or vy _ _¥ L=1o)/1-4 2t Chapter 9 F = BIL sin @ B- lg me AR te 13 t0 L em 7 Y= Chapter _ dAx = r Vv (m + Py) (destructive interference) _ v