DON MARIANO MARCOS MEMORIAL STATE UNIVERSITY Mid La Union Campus City of San Fernando, La Union, Philippines Telephone Number: (072)607-57-98 Website Address: Email Address: COLLEGE OF GRADUATE STUDIES Guidelines for the Case Paper in Global Trends in Development Administration and Governance 1. Choose a topic/case related to this subject (Refer to the Course Syllabus). It can range from local to global issues, but the landing/ application is in the Philippine setting. 2. Make sure your topic is worth scrutinizing, analyzing, and giving possible solutions to the identified issues or problems. 3. Contextualize your case/ paper analysis in the realm of public administration or development administration, or a combination of both, as the case may depend on your field of specialization and/ or nature of work. 4. Considering the time limitations, a systematic literature review shall be used in this paper, but the highlight would be your analysis as a Development Administration scholar. 5. Provide an appropriate and catchy title for your paper that can be considered for possible publication (since your curriculum requires you to publish one). Delusions on Curbing Corruption: Issues and Controversies in the PhilHealth Fund The Irony of Duterteconomics: Consequences of Over Spending and Over Borrowing for the Build! Build! Build! Program "Quo Vadis, Philippines? An Analysis on Post-Covid Phenomenon COVID-19 Contact Tracing: A Tale of Two Cities of Baguio and Vigan 6. No duplication of topics as much as possible. 7. The minimum parts of the paper are: a. Abstract - a brief synthesis of your paper. It shall be a one-paragraph encoded in a separate page b. Introduction - provide a comprehensive factual description of your topics following the macro to micro perspectives from various authorities or literatures or reports. Citations are mandatory in this part. c. Framework - search for related theories, principles, legal anchors, or doctrines that may back up your analysis of the topic. Cite them properly. d. Objectives - simply enumerate the purposes or intents of the paper. This will be your basis for giving subtitles/ headings in your results and discussions. Orgective of the study e. Methodology - present the research design, approach, procedures or tools used in the paper. Explain or justify why it is a systematic literature review. f. Results and Discussions - provides in-depth presentation, analysis and interpretation of the findings you obtained or gathered. The substance or gist of this part will be your rational judgement of the data (qualitative or quantitative) DON MARIANO MARCOS MEMORIAL STATE UNIVERSITY Mid La Union Campus City of San Fernando, La Union, Philippines Telephone Number: (072)607-57-98 Website Address: Email Address: COLLEGE OF GRADUATE STUDIES you have shown or demonstrated. You may place here sub-headings as aligned in the objectives in order to guide the reader. g. Lessons Drawn/ Analysis - What can be learned from your paper? You may suggest here in this part be that a policy alternative, amendments of existing law, practical, doable steps etc. h. Conclusions and Recommendations - provide a summation/ summary of points you want to convey from your paper. Generalizations must be persuasive and supported by evidences. i. References - provide list of references you used in the paper using APA format. 8. Encode your paper in the following format: a. Font Style: Trebuchet MS b. Font Size: 12 c. Spacing: 1.5 d. Margin: 1 inch in all sides e. Size: Letter size f. Justified g. No. of Pages - Minimum of 15, Maximum of 20 9. You may refer to my previous researches/ case papers published in the following websites for your pattern/ benchmarking: a. https:/ / b. c. d. e. https: // Hil_B.pdf f. presentation.pptx g. h. 10. Submit the full paper and PPT used on or before the scheduled final examination. 19-30 pares y- 10 glides 11. Paper Presentation will be done during the last two meetings of this semester. The schedule of presenters shall be announced on the latter date. 12. Each presenter will be given 15-20 minutes to share his/ her research/ paper output. The powerpoint should be in capsule form and/ or bulleted with graphics. You may design your PPT into 8-10 slides only to ensure conciseness and brevity. DON MARIANO MARCOS MEMORIAL STATE UNIVERSITY Mid La Union Campus City of San Fernando, La Union, Philippines Telephone Number: (072)607-57-98 Website Address: Email Address: COLLEGE OF GRADUATE STUDIES 13. Non-submission of this requirement will cause for a failing mark. Prepared by: ATTY. ALLAN HIL B. PAJIMOLA Subject Professor, College of Graduate Studies