統計與統計計算語言 R Statistics and Statistical Computing Language R Instructor: Time: Room: Credits: E-mail: Chen-Chao Tao Monday 1:20-5:20 pm Office: HK222 Office Phone: 31540 Office Hours: Monday 11:00-13:00 and by appointment 4 taoc@nycu.edu.tw I usually respond to students’ e-mails within 24 hours of receipt. If 48 hours pass, please resend your e-mail. TAs Molly Huang (黃莫勛) mo312483015.hk12@nycu.edu.tw Sonia Hsiao (蕭羽彤) sonia.hk12@nycu.edu.tw Course description This course aims to offer a solid introduction to and integration of statistical thinking and statistical computing language R. Statistical thinking is a way of knowing to facilitate decisionmaking in the face of uncertainty and constitutes the foundation of science. Given that data have permeated every section of society, how to make sense of data and translate them into actionable insight is an indispensable ability for the future world. Moreover, you will learn R for statistical analysis in step. R is a free software across multiple operating systems, designed specifically for statistical computing and graphics with interactive features. It suits the needs of expert number-crunchers as well as amateur data analysts. Real world datasets from Taiwan Communication Survey and media industry may be used to foster your competence. Source: http://timoelliott.com/ Statistics and statistical computing language R 2 Goals and Objectives By the completion of this course, students should be able to: ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Understand fundamental concepts and procedures in statistical methods. Critically evaluate and discern research claims and statistical analyses encountered in everyday life and professional work. Perform statistics using R and RStudio and become a coder. Choose appropriate statistical methods to solve real-world problems. Required Textbooks Howell, D. C. (2017). Fundamental statistics for the behavioral sciences (9th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. Recommended Textbooks Salkind, N. J., & Shaw, L. A. (2019). Statistics for people who (think they) hate statistics using R. Sage. Required Software ▪ R (https://www.r-project.org/) and RStudio (https://posit.co/) Grading/Evaluation Assignment Exercises Labs Exam 1 Exam 2 Exam 3 Percent of grade 36% 12% 20% 20% 20% Due date Weeks 1-5, 7, 9-10, & 12-15 Weeks 1-5, 7, 9-10, & 12-15 Week 6 (Chs. 1-8) Week 11 (Chs. 9-11) Week 16 (Chs. 19, 20, 12- 14, 16) Overview of Assignments Submission format: Unless otherwise specified, all assignments must be completed in R markdown. Use your student ID as the filename. The HTML file generated from the R Markdown file must be submitted on E3. No scanned images are allowed. Collaboration policy: You are encouraged to discuss assignments with classmates. However, anything submitted (including both code and written text) must reflect your original work in your own words. Note that copying others’ work and allowing others to copy your work will both get zero. Chen-Chao Tao Statistics and statistical computing language R 3 Labs. There will be around 50-100-minute lab sessions every class period. Unless otherwise specified, all lab guides must be completed and due at 18:30 on the day they are released. Lab work cannot be made up. The work you submit for grading must be written up independently. Exercises. Problem sets will be announced after each lecture and due next week before class. The work you submit for grading must be written up independently. Exams. There will be three exams during the semester, consisting of mainly short answer/analysis-based questions. Each exam will not be cumulative; it will focus on course material taught after the previous exam. However, many concepts tested on the later exams will build on concepts tested on the earlier exams. All exams include two parts: the first part is close-book and close-note and takes about 1-2 hours; the second part is open-book and opennote and take about 2-3 hours. There will be a 10-minute break between these two parts. Calculators, cellphones, and any other technologies are not acceptable. Each exam covers approximately one-third of the material (150-200 pages). You are responsible for attending examinations as scheduled. No make-up exam will be given. Generative AI tools are not allowed during exams. Required online supplement By enrolling in this course, you are required to join the Facebook group “Statistics and Statistical Computing Language R.” It is an online community where all members of this course can ask questions, provide possible solutions, and share experiences. Course Policies Academic misconduct Late work Technology AI policy Food Chen-Chao Tao Plagiarism, cheating on exams, and copying of exercises will be subject to disciplinary action. All assignments must be turned in electronically (and in hard copy if noticed) on time. Assignments turned in after the due day will be subtracted 10 points (one full grade) for each day late. No electronic equipment is allowed during lecture. All cell or smartphones, tablets, and notebooks must be turned off. Generative artificial intelligence (generative AI) tools (such as ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini, and others) have been gradually available for wide use. Academic research is not an exception. You may use generative AI tools for debugging and learning. Be aware of the hallucination produced by generative AI tools. But all your assignments submitted in this course must be your own. The use of generative AI tools to complete any part of your work will be treated as plagiarism. You may not eat during class. Statistics and statistical computing language R 4 Course Schedule and Readings Week Date Topic 1 0217 Introduction & Overview Reading(s) Howell, Ch 1 (17 pages) Assignments Exercise 1 Howell, Ch 2 (17 pages) Howell, Ch 3 (29 pages) Howell, Ch 4 (16 pages) Howell, Ch 5 (28 pages) Howell, Ch 6 (22 pages) Howell, Ch 7 (20 pages) Exercise 2 Howell, Ch 8 (33 pages) Exercise 5 Howell, Ch 9 (43 pages) Exercise 6 2 0224 3 0303 4 0310 5 0317 6 0324 Basic Concepts & Displaying data Measures of Central Tendency & Variability The Normal Distribution & Basic Concepts of Probability Sampling distribution and Hypothesis testing Exam 1 7 0331 Correlation 8 0407 Spring break! 9 0414 Regression Howell, Ch 10 (44 pages) Exercise 7 10 0421 Multiple regression Howell, Ch 11 (34 pages) Exercise 8 11 0428 Exam 2 12 0505 0512 Howell, Ch 19 (29 pages) Howell, Ch 20 (20 pages) Howell, Ch 12 (35 pages) Exercise 9 13 14 0519 15 0526 16 0602 Chi-Square Nonparametric Statistics Hypothesis Tests Applied to Means: One Sample Hypothesis Tests Applied to Means: Two Related/Independent Samples One-Way Analysis of Variance Exam 3 Chen-Chao Tao Exercise 3 Exercise 4 Exercise 10 Howell, Ch 13 (17 pages) Howell, Ch 14 (27 pages) Exercise 11 Howell, Ch 16 (44 pages) Exercise 12