Coherent GMSK Demodulation in Communication Systems Lecture by [Your Name] Course: Digital Communication Systems February 4, 2025 1 Introduction to GMSK Demodulation 1.1 Overview of GMSK Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying (GMSK) is a continuous-phase frequency shift keying (CPFSK) modulation scheme used in wireless communication systems like GSM, Bluetooth, and satellite communication. It offers bandwidth efficiency, low power consumption, and resilience to nonlinear distortions. 1.2 Why Use Coherent Demodulation? Coherent demodulation of GMSK is based on precise carrier phase tracking. Compared to non-coherent detection, coherent detection offers: • Better Bit Error Rate (BER) performance. • Higher spectral efficiency. • Robust synchronization mechanisms. • Reduced inter-symbol interference (ISI). Coherent demodulation requires a synchronized local oscillator and phase-locked loop (PLL) for carrier recovery. 2 Theoretical Basis of Coherent GMSK Demodulation 2.1 Mathematical Representation of GMSK The transmitted GMSK signal is given by: s(t) = A cos (2πfc t + ϕ(t)) where: • A is the signal amplitude. 1 (1) • fc is the carrier frequency. • ϕ(t) is the modulated phase: ϕ(t) = πh X ak q(t − kTb ) (2) k • h = 0.5 (modulation index). • ak is the NRZ-modulated bit sequence (±1). • q(t) is the Gaussian-filtered impulse response. 3 Coherent GMSK Demodulation Process 3.1 Quadrature Decomposition To demodulate GMSK coherently, we use Quadrature Demodulation: 3.2 I(t) = s(t) · cos(2πfc t) (3) Q(t) = s(t) · sin(2πfc t) (4) Low-Pass Filtering The signals I(t) and Q(t) contain high-frequency terms that must be removed using lowpass filters (LPFs): If (t) = A cos(ϕ(t)) (5) Qf (t) = A sin(ϕ(t)) 3.3 Phase Extraction The phase of the received signal is extracted using: Qf (t) −1 θ(t) = tan If (t) 3.4 (6) (7) Differential Phase Detection Since GMSK carries information in phase transitions, we compute the differential phase: ∆θ(t) = θ(t) − θ(t − Tb ) 3.5 Bit Decision A threshold decision rule is applied: • If ∆θ(t) > 0 ⇒ Bit = 1 • If ∆θ(t) < 0 ⇒ Bit = 0 2 (8) 4 Implementation in Vivado (FPGA-Based Design) 4.1 System Overview To implement coherent GMSK demodulation on an FPGA, the following components are required: • ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter) – Converts received RF signals to digital. • IQ Demodulator – Extracts I(t) and Q(t). • Low-Pass FIR Filters – Removes high-frequency noise. • CORDIC Algorithm – Computes θ(t). • Differential Decoder – Extracts binary data. • NRZI Decoder – Converts data into final output. 4.2 HDL Implementation The core components are implemented in Verilog: Listing 1: IQ Demodulator (Mixers) assign I = R F s i g n a l ∗ c o s ( 2 ∗ p i ∗ f c ∗ t ) ; assign Q = R F s i g n a l ∗ s i n ( 2 ∗ p i ∗ f c ∗ t ) ; Listing 2: Phase Extraction Using CORDIC t h e t a = atan2 (Q, I ) ; Listing 3: Differential Phase Calculation delta theta = theta − theta previous ; 5 Performance Considerations Parameter Impact Carrier Frequency Offset Demodulation errors Phase Noise Degrades BER Multipath Interference Increases ISI Solution Use PLL-based tracking Use adaptive filtering Apply equalization techniques Table 1: Performance Factors in Coherent GMSK Demodulation 6 Conclusion • Coherent GMSK demodulation provides better performance than non-coherent methods. • IQ demodulation, CORDIC phase detection, and differential decoding are the core building blocks. • Vivado and FPGA-based implementation allows real-time high-speed processing. 3 7 References 1. Proakis, J. G., & Salehi, M. (2008). Digital Communications. McGraw-Hill. 2. Haykin, S. (2001). Communication Systems. John Wiley & Sons. 3. Vivado Design Suite User Guide, Xilinx. 4