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Burns: Types, Treatment & Rule of Nines - Brochure Project

A&P Project: BURNS
Resources: text, notes, internet
Part I: Burn Informational Brochure (50 pts)
1. Introduction to Burns (20 pts)
a. What is the medical definition of a thermal burn?
b. What are the 2 greatest dangers for a severe burn victim?
c. What is the rule of nines used to determine?
d. Include a picture of the rule of nines diagram for adults.
e. Using the rule of nines (show how you calculate this & the
answer on your brochure):
i. Determine the total % burn if a victim spills hot coffee
down only the front of their right forearm and the front
of their right thigh.
ii. Why is it important for a doctor to estimate the % that a
victim is burned?
2. 1st degree/partial thickness (10 pts)
a. List the layer(s)/sublayers damaged
b. What are the symptoms? (What will the burn look like, etc?)
c. Include an example pictures (1 diagram & 1 real)
d. What typical/ general treatment is necessary?
e. Will there be scarring? If so, to what extent & under what
3. 2 degree/partial thickness (10 pts)
a. List the layer(s)/sublayers damaged
b. What are the symptoms? (What will the burn look like, etc?)
c. Include an example pictures (1 diagram & 1 real)
d. What typical/general treatment is necessary?
e. Will there be scarring? If so, to what extent & under what
4. 3 degree/full thickness (10 pts)
a. List the layer(s)/sublayers damaged
b. What are the symptoms? (What will the burn look like, etc?)
c. Include an example pictures (1 diagram & 1 real)
d. What typical/general treatment is necessary?
e. Will there be scarring? If so, to what extent & under what
Your task is to make an informational brochure for someone who knows
nothing about the topic. Use correct terminology but define/explain things
based on your audience.
 Please create a digital brochure
 Can be printed in black and white
 Information sections should use bullet points and phrases. Minimal sentences
may be used in order to clarify information as needed. NO BIG PARAGRAPHS –
put info into your own words and make it as concise yet accurate as possible.
 Your information & pics should completely fill the page – yet be clearly displayed
and easy to understand.
 Sources should be included under pictures and at the bottom of text boxes. You
do not need to cite the notes.