Rwanda’s Economic Health (A study of three significant slices of the Rwandan economy in three different papers) Nzeyimana Parfait March 2022 Kigali, Rwanda DEDICATE This book is dedicated to: My family Young economist Writers Space Africa- Rwanda Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 1 Foreword A healthy economy is equitable, participative, growing, sustainable, and stable. This book consists of three research papers touching on the topics labeled as Estimating timevarying volatility in consumer prices in Rwanda (Feb2009-May2021), The effect of government expenditures on inflation in Rwanda (2006Q1-2019Q4) and Forecasting the industrial output in Rwanda using the Box-Jenkins methodology(BJ) (2006Q1-2020Q4). All those studies combined in this book showcase the health of the Rwandan economy in the studied period on those aspects of growth, sustainability, and stability. This book has an interest in providing fact-based evidence on the health and status of the Rwandan economy in the studied period, it provides analysis and policy recommendations to continue improving policy-making and sustainable development in Rwanda. The first article focuses on estimating time-varying volatility in CPI main components and its impact on economic growth. The volatility was assessed using the ARCH family models where the GARCH (1,1) models were used using monthly data ranging from the period of February 2009 to May 2021 obtained from the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda, the National Bank of Rwanda, and the U.S Energy Information Administration. The three main contributors to the CPI in Rwanda were the ones that were considered for analyzing the volatility and its persistence in the CPI components. More to that, this study did look at also how inflation volatility plays a role in predicting the level of economic growth in Rwanda. From the estimations, we found that for housing CPI volatility is not persistent as its coefficient of persistence is 0.843901 less than one, while for transport and food & non-alcoholic beverages they are persistent with their coefficients being 1.137753 and 1.348036 respectively, we have also found that CPI volatility has a significant impact Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 2 in predicting the level of economic growth mainly the nominal gross domestic product with its coefficient of persistence being 1.0237 as further explained in the findings. The second article focuses on the effects of the government expenditure on inflation in Rwanda where, to understand the effect of government expenditures on inflation in Rwanda we have used the autoregressive distributed lag (ADRL) model to investigate the relationship between them. In that framework, we found evidence that the two are related and that the increase in government spending in Rwanda lead to a decrease in inflation both in the short and the long-run. However, referring to the theoretical and empirical literature used in this study, it is seen that in different cases the government expenditures have an opposite effect on inflation as to the case of Rwanda. Thus efforts should be made by policymakers to diversify the ways through which they finance the government expenditures, so that they do not rely on the traditional ways to finance the government spending including taxation and external borrowing. The third article focuses on forecasting the industrial output in Rwanda using the BoxJenkins methodology(BJ), The interest of this study is to find an ARIMA model which is most appropriate to forecasting industrial growth in Rwanda using Eviews. The BoxJenkins methodology is the one that was used in this paper and based on the research obtained, we identified the model appropriate to forecasting industrial output in Rwanda as ARIMA (2,1,10). And based on the model selected the estimated forecast of the industrial output in Rwanda will increase on minimum average of 0.35 percent quarterly in the period of 2021Q1 to 2023Q1 and on minimum average of 0.34 percent from 2023Q2 to 2023Q4. The results of the forecasting unit price of industrial output using Eviews software on 2021Q1– 2023Q4 are stable enough. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 3 Disclaimer; Comments, suggestions and questions can be send on This book is open for discussion and constructive criticism. Nzeyimana Parfait. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 4 Table of content. Dedicate ........................................................................................Pg1 Foreward........................................................................................Pg2-3 Disclaimer......................................................................................Pg4 Estimating time-varying volatility in consumer prices in Rwanda (Feb2009-May2021).................................................................Pg6-33 Effects of government expenditures on inflation in Rwanda (2006Q1-2019Q4)......................................................................Pg34-65 Forecasting the industrial sector growth in Rwanda using Box– Jenkins (BJ) methodology.....................................................Pg65-126 Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 5 Estimating time-varying volatility in consumer prices in Rwanda (Feb2009May2021) Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 6 Abstract This study dealt with estimating time-varying volatility in CPI main components and its impact on economic growth. The volatility was assessed using the ARCH family models where the GARCH (1,1) models were used using monthly data ranging from the period of February 2009 to May 2021 obtained from the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda, the National Bank of Rwanda, and the U.S Energy Information Administration. The three main contributors to the CPI in Rwanda were the ones that were considered for analyzing the volatility and its persistence in the CPI components. More to that, this study did look at also how inflation volatility plays a role in predicting the level of economic growth in Rwanda. From the estimations, we found that for housing CPI volatility is not persistent as its coefficient of persistence is 0.843901 less than one, while for transport and food & nonalcoholic beverages they are persistent with their coefficients being 1.137753 and 1.348036 respectively, we have also found that CPI volatility has a significant impact in predicting the level of economic growth mainly the nominal gross domestic product with its coefficient of persistence being 1.0237 as further explained in the findings. Keywords: CPI inflation, Transport CPI, food & nonalcoholic CPI, exchange rate, housing CPI, Core inflation, Gross domestic product, time-varying volatility, and variance. 1. Introduction The unforeseen component in the time series of inflation that emerges from recurrent shocks is described by inflation volatility. The literature on variability or volatility of inflation is thin. Although the extant literature provides strong evidence on the adverse effects on economic welfare, it says little about the empirical features of inflation volatility across the economies. The current literature also lacks a theoretical analysis of the fundamental determinants of inflation volatility. Furthermore, in the sparse research on inflation volatility, there are more studies based on advanced countries and less for developing countries (Shesadri and Banerjee, June 2013). Therefore, since the adoption of the price-based monetary policy in 2019 in Rwanda, it is very important to assess the volatility in consumer prices (CPI) inflation. Thus, a forward-looking approach to monetary policy implementation requires, among other things, enhanced forecasting capacity. During the preparation phase that preceded the adoption of the price-based monetary policy, the National Bank of Rwanda (NBR) Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 7 has explored a variety of inflation forecasting tools to guide monetary policy decisions. The tools include near-term forecasting models such as short-term inflation forecasting (STIF) and the Autoregressive Moving Average (ARMA), as well as the Quarterly Projection Model (QPM) of the forecasting and policy analysis system (FPAS). (Maniraguha F,Karangwa M, Mwenese B and Bagabe J, 2019) Econometric literature shows that the short-term forecasting using ARMA-type models becomes limited when price series are volatile due to their restrictive assumptions of linearity and homoscedastic error variance (Lama, A. Jha, G., R. Paul, B. Gurug, 2015). Therefore, given the observed magnitude of price volatility in Rwanda, there is an increasing demand for the assessment of volatility to improve the quality of accuracy of short-term forecasts. (Maniraguha F,Karangwa M, Mwenese B and Bagabe J, 2019). More to solve the issue of thin literature on consumer price volatility in Rwanda which is necessary as Rwanda in using the price-based monetary policy, this study will also address the issue of improving the quality accuracy of short term forecast in inflation volatility in Rwanda. To understand that this study will consider the main drivers or the fundamental volatility determinants of consumer price volatility in Rwanda which includes the transport CPI, housing, electricity, gas, and other fuels CPI as well as food and non-alcoholic beverages. By understanding the dynamics of volatility in these CPI components we will be able to understand the persistence of the shocks in these components which will help to model and control the resulting volatility in the total CPI which is the headline inflation. And if we can then model the headline inflation or at least the core part of it this will help in predicting the level of inflation which supports the price-based monetary policy as the central bank will be able to set appropriate policies in its main mission of controlling inflation. 2. Literature review. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a measure that examines the weighted average of prices of a basket of consumer goods and services, such as transportation, food, and medical care. It is calculated by taking price changes for each item in the predetermined basket of goods and averaging them. Changes in the CPI are used to assess price changes associated with the cost of living (Jason . F and Peter. W, 2021). The CPI is one of the most frequently used statistics for identifying periods of inflation or deflation. It may be compared with the producer price index (PPI), which instead of considering prices paid by consumers looks at what businesses pay for inputs (Jason . F and Peter. W, 2021). Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 8 In this section in which we are talking about different kinds of literature that are related to our study. However, there are only two studies that talk about the time-varying volatility in consumer prices in Rwanda, and worldwide the existing literature is very scarce. Nevertheless, the literature on price volatility on the stock market is abundant and we shall also include it as it has a weight of relevancy in terms of determining the methodology and estimation of the time-varying volatility in consumer prices. Which is the reason why we have consulted a variety of studies and research which will help us in this paper. Inflation is undoubtedly one of the most largely observed and tested economic variables both theoretically and empirically. Its causes, impacts on other economic variables, and cost to the overall economy are well known and understood. There could be arguments for having, or not, moderate inflation in the economy and its pros and cons, nonetheless, if the debate focuses on inflation uncertainty or inflation volatility instead of inflation level, economists have almost consensus about its negative impact over some of the most important economic variables, like output and growth rate via different channels. (Syed, Kumail, Abbas, and Rizvia, 2013). Discussions are ongoing on the cause of inflation uncertainty; some researchers opined that monetary policy is the key in the determination of inflation uncertainty since it originates from the uncertainty of the monetary policy regime, commonly termed “regime uncertainty”. They argued that when there are high inflation policymakers confront a dilemma, i.e., at one end, they want to bring down inflation, at the other end; they are scared that it may trigger a recession in the economy. Since the public is not aware of the direction of policymakers, it becomes highly uncertain of the future course of inflation. They further stated that the uncertainty rises further as a result of the announcement of unrealistic stabilization programs by the governments in the face of the increase in high inflation. However, inflation uncertainty arises due to the unknown size of the change in price level because of a certain change in the money supply. (Bamanga, Muhammad A. et al., 2016). Using GARCH model, (Thornton, 2006) used monthly data of South African Consumer Price index from 1957:01 to 2005:09 to examine the relationship between inflation and inflation uncertainty. The result supports Friedman`s hypothesis that high inflation leads to more variable inflation. (Kotonikas, 2004) looked at the inflation and inflation uncertainty and the impact of the explicit targeting in the context of the UK economy using the GARCH model and came up with the findings that there exists a positive relationship between past inflation and uncertainty about future inflation, in line with the Friedman-Ball causal link. (Conrad, C.and Karanasos, M., 2005) in their work used the ARFIMA-FIGARCH model which generates long memory in both the conditional mean and variance of inflation using monthly CPI data of the USA, Japan, and the UK to examine the relationship Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 9 between inflation and inflation uncertainty. Their findings indicated that inflation significantly raises inflation uncertainty as predicted by Friedman’s hypothesis. (Rizvi, S.K and Naqvi, B., 2010) examined the relationship between inflation and uncertainty in Pakistan using quarterly data from 1976:01 to 2008:02. They modeled Inflation to be determined by real growth rate and M2 growth rate and inflation uncertainty as time varying process using GARCH framework. The study analyzed asymmetric behavior of inflation uncertainty using GJRGARCH and EGARCH models and then asymmetry and leverage effects employing news impact curves. The authors investigated the causality between inflation and inflation uncertainty using bivariate Granger-Causality test. They found strong evidence that the FriedmanBall inflation uncertainty hypothesis holds for Pakistan. (Balcilar , M. and Ozdemir, A., 2013) employed Granger causality tests within a conditional Gaussian Markov switching vector autoregressive (MS-VAR) model using monthly CPI data for G-7 countries (Canada, France, Germany, Japan, United Kingdom, and the United States) covering the period 1959:12–2008:10 to examine the relationship between inflation and inflation uncertainty. The study found evidence in favor of the Friedman hypothesis for Canada and the United States. (Hegerty, 2012) used an Exponential GARCH and monthly CPI data from 1976 – 2011 to examine the relationship between inflation and inflation uncertainty in nine African countries (Burkina Faso, Botswana, Cote d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Gambia, Kenya, Nigeria, Niger and South Africa) and found that the Friedman hypothesis holds true in all the countries. (Valdovinos, C.F. and Gerling, K, 2011) also found that increased inflation raised inflation uncertainty by examining links between inflation and inflation uncertainty in WAEMU countries (Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal, and Togo) using monthly CPI data for the period of 1994 to 2009. In a recent study on inflation volatility in Nigeria (Omotosho, B.S and Doguwa, S. I., 2013), used three components of monthly CPI (core, food and headline) from1996 to 2011 and investigated the dynamics of inflation volatility in Nigeria employing three GARCH type models i.e. symmetric GARCH, asymmetric TGARCH, and EGARCH. The authors found that the asymmetric TGARCH (1, 1) was appropriate for explaining the dynamics of headline and core CPI volatilities in Nigeria. However, the symmetric GARCH (1, 1) was adequate for decomposing the volatility in food CPI. The study, however, was silent on investigating the relationship between inflation and inflation uncertainty. 3. Methodology This paper is estimating the time-varying volatility in consumer prices and accounts on the effects of inflation volatility in Rwanda and its importance in predicting the level of inflation in Rwanda as Rwanda is using the inflation targeting framework on her journey Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 10 to control inflation. The study design and data analysis methods will be focused on as we will be using secondary data which was collected from the national institute of statistics of Rwanda and the national bank of Rwanda. The period that this paper will be covering is from February 2009 to May 2021. 3.1. Empirical Model For this particular study we have chosen the GARCH models as our econometric model to estimate the volatility in consumer prices. The generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) process is an econometric term developed in 1982 by Robert F. Engle, an economist and 2003 winner of the Nobel Memorial Prize for Economics (Will. K and Margaret.J, 2020). Heteroskedasticity describes the irregular pattern of variation of an error term, or variable, in a statistical model. Essentially, where there is heteroskedasticity, observations do not conform to a linear pattern. Instead, they tend to cluster. The result is that the conclusions and predictive value drawn from the model will not be reliable. GARCH is a statistical model that can be used to analyze a number of different types of financial data, for instance, macroeconomic data. Financial institutions typically use this model to estimate the volatility of returns for stocks, bonds, and market indices. They use the resulting information to determine pricing, judge which assets will potentially provide higher returns, and forecast the returns of current investments to help in their asset allocation, hedging, risk management, and portfolio optimization decisions (Will. K and Margaret.J, 2020). The general process for a GARCH model involves three steps. The first is to estimate a best-fitting autoregressive model. The second is to compute autocorrelations of the error term. The third step is to test for significance. GARCH processes differ from homoskedastic models, which assume constant volatility and are used in basic ordinary least squares (OLS) analysis. OLS aims to minimize the deviations between data points and a regression line to fit those points (Will. K and Margaret.J, 2020). With the consumer prices, the volatility varies depending on or during certain periods and this volatility depends on past variance, which makes a homoskedastic model suboptional. GARCH processes, because they are autoregressive, depend on past squared observations and past variances to model for current variance. GARCH processes are widely used in finance due to their effectiveness in modeling asset returns and inflation. GARCH aims to minimize errors in forecasting by accounting for errors in prior forecasting and enhancing the accuracy of ongoing predictions (Will. K and Margaret.J, 2020). Our study uses the GARCH as it considers the time-varying volatility explained by its past deviations as well as its past volatility which is disregarded by the ARCH model Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 11 3.2. Model specification 3.2.1. Housing CPI model specification Mean equation: πππβππ’π ππππ‘ = π + ππππππππππ¦ + π½ππππππππππ + ππ‘ (1) 2 Volatility equation: βπ‘ = π + πβπ‘−1 + πππ‘−1 (2) In the above equations, the πππβππ’π ππππ‘ shows the housing inflation CPI at time t, where π, π πππ π½ are the constant and coefficient of the model. πππππππππ¦ πππ ππππππππππ are the independent variables (explanatory variables) of the specified model and ππ‘ which is the error term. After estimating the mean equation of the housing inflation CPI a GARCH equation is estimated where π, π, πππ π are the constant and coefficients of the GARCH term and the ARCH term respectively. 3.2.2. Transport CPI model specification Mean equation: ππππ‘ππππ ππππ‘π‘ = π + ππππππ₯πβπ‘−1 + π½ππππππ_ππππππ π‘−2 + π log πππππππππππ‘−2+ ∅ππππππππ‘−2 +ππ‘ (3) 2 Volatility equation: βπ‘ = π + πβπ‘−1 + πππ‘−1 (4) In the above equations, the ππππ‘ππππ ππππ‘π‘ shows the transport inflation CPI at time t, where π, π, π , π½ πππ ∅ are the constant and coefficient of the model. Log ππ₯πβπ‘−2 , ππππππ_ππππππ π‘−2 , ππππππππππππππ‘−2 πππ ππππππππ‘−2 are the independent variables (explanatory variables) of the specified model and ππ‘ which is the error term. After estimating the mean equation of the transport inflation CPI a GARCH equation is estimated where π, π, πππ π are the constant and coefficients of the GARCH term and the ARCH term respectively. 3.2.3. Food and non-alcoholic beverages model specification Mean equation: ππππππππ‘ = π + π log ππππππππππ + ππππππ₯πβπ‘−1 + π½πππππππ βπππππ’ππ‘ + ππ‘ (5) 2 Volatility equation: βπ‘ = π + πβπ‘−1 + πππ‘−1 (6) In the above equations, the ππππππππ‘ shows the food inflation CPI at time t, where π, π, π πππ π½ are the constant and coefficient of the model. πππππ₯πβπ‘−1 , πππππππ βπππππ’ππ‘ πππ πππππππππππππ are the independent variables (explanatory variables) of the specified model and ππ‘ which is the error term. After estimating the mean equation of the food inflation CPI a GARCH equation is estimated where π, π, πππ π are the constant and coefficients of the GARCH term and the ARCH term respectively. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 12 3.2.4. GDP model specification. To understand how alienating the ideal that inflation volatility have an impact on predicting economic growth in Rwanda we have specified an additional equation to the main ones already specified above in the model specification section, this one holding the GDP as the dependent variable with the headline CPI and the core CPI as the independent variables. Running the model, we have observed the presence of the ARCH effects in the residuals thus we used the GARCH models instead of the Ordinary Least Squares method with our mean equation as : ππππΊπ·ππ‘ = π + π log βππππ‘−1 + 2 πππππππππ‘−1 + ππ‘ (7) and our volatility equation as: βπ‘ = π + πβπ‘−1 + πππ‘−1 (8) In the above equations, the ππππΊπ·ππ‘ shows the Gross Domestic Product at time t, where π, π πππ π are the constant and coefficient of the model. Log βππππ‘−1 πππ ππππππππ‘−1 are the independent variables (explanatory variables) of the specified model and ππ‘ which is the error term. After estimating the mean equation of the gross domestic product a GARCH equation is estimated where π, π, πππ π are the constant and coefficients of the GARCH term and the ARCH term respectively. 3.3. Data source, treatment, and variable description In this study, the data were treated in different ways where we collected the data from different sources and in different formats. In the CPI publication by the national institute of Statistics, we selected the monthly data of the consumer price index on our selected CPI components and put them in one excel sheet prior to testing. We also collected quarterly GDP data from GDP publications from the national institute of statistics and we transformed it into monthly data using excel formulas, therefore we put them together with the CPI data in the same excel sheet prior to testing. We have also taken exchange rate data in monthly format from the National bank of Rwanda and we also put them together with the previously collected data in the same excel sheet for prior testing. Finally, we took oil prices data from U.S Energy Information Administration (EIA)s in a monthly format and put them together with the previously collected data in the same excel sheet prior to testing. After tabulating and transforming the data in one excel spreadsheet these were analyzed using EVIEWS-9 software in order to reach the ultimate purpose of the study. 4. Results This section of the study is providing the answers to the research questions and hypothesis testing. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 13 4.1. Stationarity results Noting that all the series (variables) prior running the models for the sake of ensuring stationarity they were all subject to the ADF test, to test for their stationarity and they were all found to be stationary (integrated) at first difference. See results of the ADF below. Table 1. Unit root test using ADF test results at level Series/ unit root test at level LOGAGRIGDP LOGCORE LOGENERGY LOGEXCH LOGFOOD LOGFRESH_PRODUCT LOGGDP LOGHEAD LOGHOUSING LOGNONAGRIGDP LOGOIL_PRICES LOGTRANSPORT Prob./individual intercept 0.7199 0.9361 0.7773 0.9964 0.7233 0.5836 0.8258 0.8593 0.9034 0.8152 0.1905 0.2719 Prob./ trend and intercept 0.1847 0.1984 0.0183 0.2613 0.1752 0.0171 0.0277 0.0719 0.0112 0.0320 0.0735 0.0084 Prob./none 0.9999 1.0000 0.9927 1.0000 0.9907 0.9775 1.0000 0.9999 0.9995 1.0000 0.6947 0.9139 Source: Authors calculation using EVIEWS 9 As it can be clearly seen the above table all the tested time series at level have the probability higher than 5% which means that we can accept the null hypothesis that those series have unit root at level hence not stationary and thus we can proceed testing for the unit root at first difference. Table 2. Unit root test using ADF test at first difference Series/ unit root test at first difference D(LOGAGRIGDP) D(LOGCORE) D(LOGENERGY) D(LOGEXCH) D(LOGFOOD) D(LOGFRESH_PRODUCT) D(LOGGDP) D(LOGHEAD) D(LOGHOUSING) D(LOGNONAGRIGDP) D(LOGOIL_PRICES) D(LOGTRANSPORT) Prob./indiv idual intercept 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Prob./ trend and intercept 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Prob./none 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0079 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Source: Authors calculation using EVIEWS 9 Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 14 As it can be clearly observed in the table above all the series have the probability less than 5% at 1% which means that we can reject the null hypothesis suggesting that there is the presence of unit root. Thus we can conclude that our series are stationary(integrated) at first difference. 4.2. Estimation results for the analysis of the Heteroskedasticity test (the ARCH effect). In order to use the ARCH/GARCH models in any research, there have to be some conditions or assumptions which are fulfilled, and that assumption is the presence of the ARCH effect or simply the heteroskedasticity. To be able to do such, we have to estimate the equations using Ordinary Least Square methods and then test their residuals (heteroskedasticity test) in order to verify if really there is ARCH effect so that we can use or not use the ARCH family models. Therefore, we estimated the below equations so that we can determine whether or not the ARCH family models are appropriate. Figure 1. Estimation outputs for headline CPI using OLS method. Source: Authors estimation using eviews 9 As it can be observed from the above output energy and agricultural GDP have a very significant relationship with the housing CPI at 1% level of significance, where a 1% increase in energy will lead to anincrease of 0.35% in housing CPI and a 1% increase in agricultural GDP will lead to an increase of 0.12% in housing CPI. The R_squared of the model is 0.98 % which means that our model is fit. However, this estimation does not tell us much to wether we will be using the the ARCH family models to understant the volatility in consumer prices of this this component of Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 15 inflation. Reason why we have to test for the residuals so that we can confirm the presence of the heteroskedasticity or not in our model so that we can go ahead with the ARCH familiy models or not to explain the the volatility in the housing CPI. Figure 2. Residuals for headline CPI Source: authors estimation using EVIEWS9 After estimating the residual test for testing the presence of conditional heteroskedasticity in our model we have found that basing on the above figure the probability of Chi-square at lag 1 is very significant at 1% level of significance and that the probability for the residuals are also strongly significant at 1% level of significance which confirms that in our model there is the presence of heteroskedasticity and gives us a go ahead to use the ARCH family models for the analysis of volatility in the housing CPI. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 16 Figure 3. Estimation output for the food & non-alcoholic beverages using OLS Source: authors estimation using EVIEWS9 As it can be observed from the above output the fresh product CPI and exchange rate have a very significant relationship with the food and non-alcoholic beverage CPI at 1% level of significance, where a 1% increase in fresh product CPI will lead to anincrease of 0.75% in food and non-alcoholic beverage CPI and a 1% increase in echange rate will lead to an increase of 0.24% in food and non-alcoholic beverage CPI. However, the non agricultural CPI though it seemingly have a negative relationship with the food and nonalcoholic beverage CPI that raltionship is not significant. The R_squared of the model is 0.99 % which means that our model is fit. However, this estimation does not tell us much to wether we will be using the the ARCH family models to understant the volatility in consumer prices of this this component of inflation. Reason why we have to test for the residuals so that we can confirm the presence of the heteroskedasticity or not in our model so that we can go ahead with the ARCH familiy models or not to explain the the volatility in the food and non alcoholic beverages CPI. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 17 Figure 4. Estimation output for the residuals of food & non-alcoholic beverages Source: authors estimation using EVIEWS9 After estimating the residual test for testing the presence of conditional heteroskedasticity in our model we have found that basing on the above figure the probability of Chi-square at lag 1 is very significant at 1% level of significance and that the probability for the residuals are also strongly significant at 1% level of significance which confirms that in our model there is the presence of heteroskedasticity and gives us a go ahead to use the ARCH family models for the analysis of volatility in the food and nonalcoholic beverages CPI. Figure 5. Estimation output for transport CPI using OLS. Source: authors estimation using EVIEWS9 Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 18 As it can be observed from the above output the core CPI and non-agriculture GDP have a very significant relationship with the transport CPI at 1% level of significance, where a 1% increase in core CPI will lead to anincrease of 1.85% in transport CPI and a 1% increase in non agricultural GDP will lead to an decrease of 0.26% in transport CPI. However, the oil prices and exchange rate though they seemingly have a negative and positive relationship with the transport CPI that raltionship is not significant. The R_squared of the model is 0.79 % which means that our model is fit. However, this estimation does not tell us much to wether we will be using the the ARCH family models to understant the volatility in consumer prices of this this component of inflation. Reason why we have to test for the residuals so that we can confirm the presence of the heteroskedasticity or not in our model so that we can go ahead with the ARCH familiy models or not to explain the the volatility in the transport CPI. Figure 6. Estimation output for residuals for transport CPI Source: authors estimation using EVIEWS9 After estimating the residual test for testing the presence of conditional heteroskedasticity in our model we have found that basing on the above figure the probability of Chi-square at lag 1 is very significant at 1% level of significance and that the probability for the residuals are also strongly significant at 1% level of significance which confirms that in our model there is the presence of heteroskedasticity and gives us a go ahead to use the ARCH family models for the analysis of volatility in the transport CPI. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 19 Figure 7. Estimation output of the GDP using OLS Source: authors estimation using EVIEWS9 As it can be observed from the above output core CPI have a very significant relationship with the gross domestic product at 1% level of significance, where a 1% increase in core CPI will lead to anincrease of 0.55% in GDP and the hadline CPI have a positive but non significant relationship where a 1% in headline CPI will lead to an increase of 0.55% in GDP. The R_squared of the model is 0.98 % which means that our model is fit. However, this estimation does not tell us much to wether we will be using the the ARCH family models to understant the volatility in consumer prices of this this component of inflation. Reason why we have to test for the residuals so that we can confirm the presence of the heteroskedasticity or not in our model so that we can go ahead with the ARCH familiy models or not to explain the the volatility in the gross domestic product. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 20 Figure 8. Estimation output of the residuals for the GDP output Source: authors estimation using EVIEWS9 After estimating the residual test for testing the presence of conditional heteroskedasticity in our model we have found that basing on the above figure the probability of Chi-square at lag 1 is very significant at 1% level of significance and that the probability for the residuals are also strongly significant at 1% level of significance which confirms that in our model there is the presence of heteroskedasticity and gives us a go ahead to use the ARCH family models for the analysis of volatility in the gross domestic product. Table 3. Summary for the results of the heteroskedasticity test. ARCH effect test for the specified equations Equation Prob. F(1,444) Prob. Chi-square RESID^2(-1) housing 0.000 0.000 0.000 Food& non-alcoholic 0.000 beverages 0.000 0.000 Transport 0.000 0.000 0.000 GDP 0.000 0.000 0.000 Source: Authors calculation using EVIEWS 9 Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 21 From the above results one can observe that there is the ARCH effect in the equations tested, therefore we cannot use the ordinary least squares method to analyze and run the models. Thus in this study we will be using the ARCH/GARCH family models. 4.3. Behavior of CPI volatility in Rwanda As prior explained above, the consumer price volatility is the difference in price of the commodity’s day to day percentage and it describes the fluctuations in commodities prices. For us to understand this behavior we plot the residuals for the CPI volatility as shown below; Figure 9. Residuals for headline CPI 4.9 4.8 4.7 4.6 4.5 .02 4.4 .01 4.3 .00 -.01 -.02 -.03 09 10 11 12 13 Residual 14 15 16 17 Actual 18 19 20 21 Fitted Source: Authors computation using EVIEWS9 As it can be observed on the above graph the inflation volatility is high and variant, with period of high volatility followed by periods of high volatility and those of low volatility followed by those of low volatility as indicated by the residuals. Observing the actual or the inflation itself we can observe that inflation have been increasing but with different variations over the selected period of February 2009 to May 2021. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 22 Figure 10. Residuals for core CPI in Rwanda. 4.9 4.8 4.7 .04 4.6 .03 .02 4.5 .01 4.4 .00 -.01 -.02 09 10 11 12 13 Residual 14 15 16 Actual 17 18 19 20 21 Fitted Source: authors calculation using EVIEWS9 Similarly, as the headline CPI inflation, the slope of core CPI in Rwanda is upward and rising and the residuals of this CPI is also fluctuating and variant however, though they present similar conditions in the conditions of variance where periods of high volatility are followed by periods of high volatility and those of low volatility followed by those of low volatility, they do present major differences notably because even if there are fluctuations they are different in that, on the headline CPI there is a very high volatility compared to the core inflation which seems to be stable along the time with very low volatility or fluctuations because this kind of inflation is controlled by the central bank. However, it can be clearly noticed that in May of the 2020, the core CPI was at its pick and this effect is not seen on the side of the headline inflation while the core inflation is part of the headline inflation. To understand the reason behind this one need to first know that the headline inflation is the core inflation and the prices of fresh products (agricultural products) as well as energy including oil prices all together. During the period of May 2020 in Rwanda as well as the world until date we were are facing covid-19 pandemic which has affected our economy negatively and it was in that period where Rwanda was in lock down and this have caused the core CPI to rise in its components due to the consequent increase in imports while the exports were drastically reduced, this was also due to the speculation and the high level of demand of products of first necessities during that period which explains the pick in volatility in core inflation due to that negative shock. Nevertheless, this significant pick doesn’t appear in the headline inflation series as it was curbed by the prices of oil, energy and fresh products which were very low at the period due to the pandemic plus then significant drop in demand of oil due to the lockdowns. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 23 As prior mentioned above that the core inflation is the type of inflation that can be controlled by the government as well as the central bank, this was also seen in that period as different price controlling mechanisms that were put in place specially to deal with the speculation and other controllable factors that were pushing up the level of prices mainly of the core inflation, and this explains why in the month of June 2020 the prices started to reduce and then reach to its volatile pick downward in October 2020 only to be stable again in December of 2020 due to that positive shock induced by the price controlling mechanisms by both the government (mainly through the ministry of commerce and industries (MINICOM)) and the national bank of Rwanda (BNR). 4.4. Testing the first Hypothesis Ho: Consumer price volatility has an effect on the economic growth in Rwanda H1: consumer price volatility has no effect on the economic growth in Rwanda When the market value of services and goods which are produced within an economy increases or is increasing then we can talk about the economic growth. And the main measure of economic growth is GDP (gross domestic product). In order to understand well the impact of the CPI we estimated the equation (9) and (10). 4.4.1. Estimations output for the GARCH (1,1) pre-models for GDP. In order for us to choose the best fitting model which can explain our hypothesis testing we have to estimate all the equations using different error distributions so that we can test their residuals so that we can determine the best fitting model. Figure 11. GARCH (1,1) model estimation for GDP using normal distribution of errors Source: Authors estimation using EVIEWS9 Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 24 From the above output we can observe that the model output has very significant mean equation where the lagged value of the headline inflation and the lagged value of the core inflation have very significant coefficients at 1% level of significance which entails that a 1% increase in headline and core inflation will cause an increase in GDP of 0.56% and 2.5% respectively. The variance equation has also very significant ARCH and GARCH term at 1% level of significance which means that the gross domestic product depends both on its past deviations and its past volatility. The coefficient of persistence is also significant where it is of 1.0237 which means that the present shocks will be seen in the forecasts for many periods ahead. Figure 12. GARCH (1,1) model estimation for GDP using correlogram squared residuals Source: Authors estimation using EVIEWS9 From the figure above one can notice that the correlegram squared residuals have probabilities which are above the 10% thus we can conclude that there is no autocorelleration in our model. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 25 Figure 13. GARCH (1,1) model estimation for GDP ARCH LM test Source: Authors estimation using EVIEWS9 From the above figure we can confirm that there is no autocorelleration in our model as both the Chi-square and the WGT_residual probability is above the 10% level of significance. Plus, the model has passed both the correlegram squared residuals and ARCH LM tests which means that our model can be considered for further selection. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 26 Figure 14. GARCH (1,1) using student’s t distribution of errors Source: Authors estimation using EVIEWS9 From the above output we can observe that the model output has very significant mean equation where the lagged value of the headline inflation and the lagged value of the core inflation have very significant coefficients at 1% level of significance which entails that a 1% increase in headline and core inflation will cause an increase in GDP of 0.56% and 2.5% respectively. The variance equation has also very significant ARCH and GARCH term at 1% level of significance which means that the gross domestic product depends both on its past deviations and its past volatility. The coefficient of persistence is also significant where it is of 1.0332255 which means that the present shocks will be seen in the forecasts for many periods ahead. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 27 Figure 15. GARCH (1,1) correlerogram squared residuals Source: Authors estimation using EVIEWS9 From the figure above one can notice that the correlegram squared residuals have probabilities which are above the 10% thus we can conclude that there is no autocorelleration in our model. Figure 16. GARCH (1,1) for GDP ARCH LM test. Source: Authors estimation using EVIEWS9 From the above figure we can confirm that there is no autocorelleration in our model as both the Chi-square and the WGT_residual probability is above the 10% level of significance. Plus, the model has passed both the correlegram squared residuals and ARCH LM tests which means that our model can be considered for further selection. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 28 Figure 17. GARCH (1,1) estimation output for GDP using generalized error distribution Source: Authors estimation using EVIEWS9 From the above output we can observe that the model output has very significant mean equation where the lagged value of the headline inflation and the lagged value of the core inflation have very significant coefficients at 1% level of significance which entails that a 1% increase in headline and core inflation will cause an increase in GDP of 0.51% and 2.59% respectively. The variance equation has also very significant ARCH and GARCH term at 1% level of significance which means that the gross domestic product depends both on its past deviations and its past volatility. The coefficient of persistence is also significant where it is of 1.002822 which means that the present shocks will be seen in the forecasts for many periods ahead. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 29 Figure 18. GARCH (1,1) correlerogram squared residuals Source: Authors estimation using EVIEWS9 From the figure above one can notice that the correlegram squared residuals have probabilities which are above the 10% thus we can conclude that there is no autocorelleration in our model. Figure 19. GARCH (1,1) for GDP ARCH LM test. Source: Authors estimation using EVIEWS9 From the above figure we can confirm that there is no autocorelleration in our model as both the Chi-square and the WGT_residual probability is above the 10% level of significance. Plus, the model has passed both the correlegram squared residuals and ARCH LM tests which means that our model can be considered for further selection. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 30 4.4.1. Summary for residual diagnostics In order to choose the best and fit model to represent the impact of CPI in predicting the economic growth in Rwanda we have conducted different tests including those specified above in the validity and reliability tests. Table 4. Diagnostic tests for the GDP equation Normal Distribution Significant coefficients Five ARCH significant Yes GARCH significant Yes Log like hood 284.2932 Adjusted R2 0.981954 Schwartz I C -3.664244 Autocorelleration (ARCH LM test & None Correlogram squared residuals) Source: authors calculations using EVIEWS 9 Student t Five Yes Yes 284.0342 0.982012 -3.626771 None Generalized Error (GED) Five Yes Yes 286.4261 0.981695 -3.659314 None Form the above results we can observe that the GARCH (1,1) model estimated using the Normal(Gaussian) distribution is the one which is more fit than the others and which can explain better how the CPI can play a role in predicting the level of economic growth in Rwanda. As it has the Schwartz criterion which is very small compared to the other similar models estimated. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 31 Figure 20. Estimation output for the chosen of the GDP equation Source: authors calculations using EVIEWS9 The above mean equation results are suggesting that GDP is explained by healine CPIand core CPI inflation. As a matter of fact one percent increase in the headline CPIincreases the value of GDP by 0.56 percent and also that a one percent increase in core CPI will increase the value of the GDP by 2.5 percent. The results entails that there is a positive relationship between inflation and economic growth in Rwanda, and these results are in line with the findings of (Ananias G, Mathias K and KASAI N,, 2018) Where they found that there is existence of a non-linear relationship between GDP growth and inflation in Rwanda and the optimal level was estimated at 5.9% at the time which is where the GDP in Rwanda would be maximized . This non-linear relationship between GDP growth and inflation in Rwanda means that the economic growth and inflation in Rwanda have a positive consistent relationship up to a certain point or threshold level of inflation where, if it goes over that point the economic growth in Rwanda will start to decline. More to that, the threshold inflation varies between 1.0% – 3.0% for developed countries, 11.0% – 12.0% for developing countries and 9.0% for all countries, respectively. For SubSaharan Africa, Ndoricimpa (2017) estimated the inflation threshold at 9.0% for lowincome countries, 6.5% for middleincome countries and 6.7% for all countries taken together as per ( Khan, M. S. and A.S. Senhadji, 2000). Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 32 Additionally, in the chosen period inflation in Rwanda wether the headline CPI or the core CPI they did not exceed the threshold band for the deveoping countries and even the core CPI have not also exceeded the the inflationary band set by the central bank of 5 ± 3 and this can explain the results in our mean equation where inflation have a significant and positive relationship with the economic Growth . Considering the variance equation (volatility equation) we can observe that the estimated GARCH(1,1) using the normal Gaussian distribution of errors is the one which is more appropriate to estimated and explain the GDP volatilty, and from the results above it is noticed that both the ARCH and the GARCH term are significant which means that the GDP volatility depends both on its past deviations as well as it past volatility. The persistance coeffcient (sum of ARCH and GARCH parameters) (π + π) equivalent to C(6) and C(5) respectively in the estimation output is 1.0237 which is above the conditions of stationarity which is set as π + π should be less than one and in our case it is not fullfiling the conditions which means that the effects of todays schocks in GDP dies away slowly and remains in the forecasts of variance for many periods in the future. Thus we can conclude by accepting the null hypothesis that the CPI volatility have an impact in predicting the economic growth in Rwanda as the coeffients of the mean equation are very significant in predicting the economic growth togther with the significant GARCH and ARCH terms whose also the persistant volatility as present shocks last long in the forecasts of many periods ahead. This implies that given that inflation in Rwanda is maximizing the econmic growth this will favor investiments, employment creation, innovations, the competitiveness to exports and etc However, if the volatility in that GDP is highly volatile and persitent to an extent where the optimal inflation level is surpased this will affect the aggregate demand and the investiments as well as firms which by the fear of paying higher rates in raising capital will be less likely to hire new employees or undertake new capital investiments. 3.5. Testing for the second hypothesis testing As afore mentioned above our hypothesis goes like; Ho: There is persistence in CPI volatility in Rwanda H1: There is no persistence in CPI volatility in Rwanda And to test this hypothesis we picked four main components of the CPI in Rwanda and considered them as the dependent variables as explained and elaborated in chapter 2 section 2.5. regarding the model specification. Therefore, in this section we are going to test the hypothesis that CPI is persistent in Rwanda on each of the specified models. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 33 4.4.1. Estimations outputs for the GARCH (1,1) pre-models for housing CPI. In order for us to choose the best fitting model which can explain our hypothesis testing we have to estimate all the equations using different error distributions so that we can test their residuals so that we can determine the best fitting model. Figure 21. GARCH (1,1) model estimation for housing CPI using normal distribution of errors Source: authors calculations using EVIEWS9 The above mean equation results are suggesting that housing CPIis explained by energy CPI and agricultural GDP as they are all very significant at one percent level of significance . As a matter of fact one percent increase in the energy CPI increases the value of housing CPI by 0.36 percent and one percent increase in agricultural GDP will increase the value of the housing CPI by 0.12 percent. And these results are very significant which means that the explanatory variables have a very high level of significance in predicting the level of housing CPI inflation. Considering the variance equation we can observe that the estimated GARCH(1,1) it is noticed that only the ARCH term is significant which means that the housing CPI volatility depends only on its past deviations but not on it past volatility. The persistance coeffcient (the ARCH term in this case) is 0.635147 which is fullfiling the conditions of stationarity which should be less than one and in our case it is fullfiling this condition which means that the effects of todays schocks in housing CPI dies away quickly and doesn’t remains in the forecasts of variance for many periods in the future Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 34 Figure 22. GARCH (1,1) model estimation for housing CPI using correlogram squared residuals Source: authors calculations using EVIEWS9 From the figure above one can notice that the correlegram squared residuals have probabilities which are above the 10% thus we can conclude that there is no autocorelleration in our model. Figure 23. GARCH (1,1) model estimation for housing CPI ARCH LM test Source: authors calculations using EVIEWS9 From the above figure we can confirm that there is no autocorelleration in our model as both the Chi-square and the WGT_residual probability is above the 10% level of Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 35 significance. Plus, the model has passed both the correlegram squared residuals and ARCH LM tests which means that our model can be considered for further selection. Figure 24. GARCH (1,1) using student’s t distribution of errors Source: authors estimation using EVIEWS9 The above mean equation results are suggesting that housing CPIis explained by energy CPI and agricultural GDP as they are all very significant at one percent level of significance . As a matter of fact one percent increase in the energy CPI increases the value of housing CPI by 0.36 percent and one percent increase in agricultural GDP will increase the value of the housing CPI by 0.11 percent. And these results are very significant which means that the explanatory variables have a very high level of significance in predicting the level of housing CPI inflation. Considering the variance equation we can observe that the estimated GARCH(1,1) it is noticed that only the ARCH term is significant and behaving normally which means that the housing CPI volatility depends only on its past deviations but not on it past volatility. The persistance coeffcient (the ARCH term in this case) is 1.070386 which is not fullfiling the conditions of stationarity which should be less than one and in our case it is not fullfiling this condition which means that the effects of todays schocks in housing CPI dies away slowly and remains in the forecasts of variance for many periods in the future. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 36 Figure 25. GARCH (1,1) correlerogram squared residuals Source: authors estimation using EVIEWS9 From the figure above one can notice that the correlegram squared residuals have probabilities which are above the 10% thus we can conclude that there is no autocorelleration in our model. Figure 26. GARCH (1,1) for housing ARCH LM test. Source: authors estimation using EVIEWS9 From the above figure we can confirm that there is no autocorelleration in our model as both the Chi-square and the WGT_residual probability is above the 10% level of significance. Plus, the model has passed both the correlegram squared residuals and ARCH LM tests which means that our model can be considered for further selection. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 37 Figure 27. GARCH (1,1) estimation output for housing using generalized error distribution Source: authors estimation using EVIEWS9 The above mean equation results are suggesting that housing CPIis explained by energy CPI and agricultural GDP as they are all very significant at one percent level of significance . As a matter of fact one percent increase in the energy CPI increases the value of housing CPI by 0.40 percent and one percent increase in agricultural GDP will increase the value of the housing CPI by 0.11 percent. And these results are very significant which means that the explanatory variables have a very high level of significance in predicting the level of housing CPI inflation. Considering the variance equation (volatility equation) we can observe that the estimated GARCH(1,1) using the generalized distribution of errors is the one which is more appropriate to estimated and explain the time-varying volatility in housing CPI inflation, and from the results above it is noticed that both the ARCH and the GARCH term are significant which means that the housing CPI volatility depends both on its past deviations as well as it past volatility. The persistance coeffcient (sum of ARCH and GARCH parameters) (π + π) equivalent to C(6) and C(5) respectively in the estimation output is 0.843901 which is fullfiling the conditions of stationarity which is set as π + π should be less than one and in our case it is fullfiling this condition which means that the effects of todays schocks in housing CPI dies away quickly and doesn’t remains in the forecasts of variance for many periods in the future. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 38 Figure 28. GARCH (1,1) correlerogram squared residuals Source: authors estimation using EVIEWS9 From the figure above one can notice that the correlegram squared residuals have probabilities which are less than the 10% thus we can conclude that there is autocorelleration in our model. Figure 29. GARCH (1,1) for housing ARCH LM test. Source: authors estimation using EVIEWS9 From the above figure we can confirm that there is autocorelleration in our model as both the Chi-square and the WGT_residual probability is less the 10% level of significance. Plus, the model has passed both the correlegram squared residuals and ARCH LM tests which means that our model cannot be considered for further selection. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 39 Table 4. Summary for the diagnostic test for housing CPI Normal Distribution Significant coefficients Four ARCH significant Yes GARCH significant No Log likehood 489.4255 2 Adjusted R 0.983957 Schwartz I C -6.411269 Autocorelleration (ARCH None LM test & Correlogram squared residuals) Source: authors calculations using EVIEWS 9 Student t All Yes Yes 490.5212 0.982798 -6.392311 None Generalized Error (GED) All Yes Yes 497.8066 0.982914 -6.490761 yes Form the above results we can observe that the GARCH (1,1) model estimated using the Normal distribution of errors is the one which is more fit than the others and which can explain better the behavior in time-varying volatility in the housing CPI in Rwanda. As it has the highest R-squared value and the Schwartz criterion which is very small compared to the other similar models estimated. Figure 30. Estimation output for the chosen housing CPI model Source: Authors calculations using EVIEWS9 Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 40 The above mean equation results are suggesting that housing CPIis explained by energy CPI and agricultural GDP as they are all very significant at one percent level of significance . As a matter of fact one percent increase in the energy CPI increases the value of housing CPI by 0.36 percent and one percent increase in agricultural GDP will increase the value of the housing CPI by 0.12 percent. And these results are very significant which means that the explanatory variables have a very high level of significance in predicting the level of housing CPI inflation. Considering the variance equation (volatility equation) we can observe that the estimated GARCH(1,1) using the normal distribution of errors is the one which is more appropriate to estimate and explain the time-varying volatility in housing CPI inflation, and from the results above it is noticed that only the ARCH term is significant which means that the housing CPI volatility depends only on its past deviations but not on it past volatility. The persistance coeffcient (the ARCH term in this case) is 0.635147 which is fullfiling the conditions of stationarity which should be less than one and in our case it is fullfiling this condition which means that the effects of todays schocks in housing CPI dies away quickly and doesn’t remains in the forecasts of variance for many periods in the future. Thus we can conclude by rejecting the null hypothesis that CPI is not persistant in the case of housing inflation even though as prior mentioned the periods of high volatility are followed by those of high volatility and vice versa, but the schocks in this component of CPI are not long lasting in the periods ahead. The housing variable index is calculated together with water, electricity, gas and other fuels and those are essential goods and services that the househlds depends on day to day for their activities and survival. Most of them like housing, water and electricity it is very hard to substitue them, which means that even if there is an increase in in their prices people will still have to consume. And given the important weight of this component in the CPI basket of 2,075 in Rwanda. Thus, even a slight increase in that component CPI will be noticable in the overall inflation inflation in Rwanda. Therefore, if there is a high increase in this component’s CPI which is significantly persistant it can drive the inflation higher and though that effect won’t be longlasting in periods ahead as seen above with the persistance coefficient. However, as is very difficult to control the energy prices and the agricultural gross domestic product for they are affected by wide range of factors that the central bank cannot control, their should be a coordination between the central bank’s policies and the government policies. Where the government can set policies that can curb the rise in the energy prices as well as the drop down of the output in the agricultural production i.e. sacrificing some revenues that the government could get through taxes from gas, energy, fuel in the period of high volatility in prices for those commodities so that they prices can not go higher on the market which can lead to the rise in housing CPI as seen in the model and many more. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 41 4.4.2. Outputs for the GARCH (1,1) pre- models for food and non-alcoholic beverages CPI. In order for us to choose the best fitting model which can explain our hypothesis testing we have to estimate all the equations using different error distributions so that we can test their residuals so that we can determine the best fitting model. Figure 31. GARCH (1,1) model estimation for food& non-alcoholic CPI using normal distribution of errors Source: authors estimation using EVIEWS9 The above mean equation results are suggesting that food& non-alcoholic CPI is explained by a one month lagged value of exchange rate, fresh products prices and nonagricultural GDP as they are all very significant at one percent level of significance . As a matter of fact one percent increase in the exchange rate increases the value of food& nonalcoholic CPI by 0.24 percent , one percent increase in fresh product CPI increases the food& non-alcoholic CPI by 0.68 percent and one percent increase in non-agricultural GDP CPI will lead to a decrease of food& non-alcoholic CPI of 0.017 percent. And these results are very significant which means that the explanatory variables have a very high level of significance in predicting the level of headline CPI inflation. Considering the variance equation (volatility equation) we can observe that the estimated GARCH(1,1) using the normal Gaussian distribution of errors is the one which is more appropriate to estimated and explain the food& non-alcoholic CPIvolatilty, and from the results above it is noticed that both the ARCH and the GARCH term are significant which means that the headline CPI volatility depends both on its past deviations as well as it past volatility. The persistance coeffcient (sum of ARCH and GARCH parameters) (π + π) equivalent to C(9) and C(8) respectively in the estimation output is 1.1377.53 which Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 42 is not fullfiling the condition of stationarity which is set as π + π should be less than one and in our case it is not fullfiling this condition which means that the effects of todays schocks in food& non-alcoholic CPI in dies away slowly and remains in the forecasts of variance for many periods in the future. Figure 32. GARCH (1,1) model estimation for food& non-alcoholic CPI using correlogram squared residuals Source: authors estimation using EVIEWS9 From the figure above one can notice that the correlegram squared residuals have probabilities which are above the 10% thus we can conclude that there is no autocorelleration in our model. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 43 Figure 33. GARCH (1,1) model estimation for food& non-alcoholic CPI ARCH LM test Source: authors estimation using EVIEWS9 From the above figure we can confirm that there is no autocorelleration in our model as both the Chi-square and the WGT_residual probability is above the 10% level of significance. Plus, the model has passed both the correlegram squared residuals and ARCH LM tests which means that our model can be considered for further selection. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 44 Figure 34. GARCH (1,1) using student’s t distribution of errors Source: authors estimation using EVIEWS9 The above mean equation results are suggesting that food& non-alcoholic CPI is explained by a one month lagged value of exchange rate, fresh products prices and nonagricultural GDP as they are all very significant at one percent level of significance. As a matter of fact, one percent increase in the exchange rate increases the value of food& nonalcoholic CPI by 0.24 percent, one percent increase in fresh product CPI increases the food& non-alcoholic CPI by 0.68 percent and one percent increase in non-agricultural GDP CPI will lead to a decrease of food& non-alcoholic CPI of 0.017 percent. And these results are very significant which means that the explanatory variables have a very high level of significance in predicting the level of headline CPI inflation. Considering the variance equation (volatility equation) we can observe that the estimated GARCH(1,1) using the normal Gaussian distribution of errors is the one which is more appropriate to estimated and explain the food& non-alcoholic CPI volatility, and from the results above it is noticed that both the ARCH and the GARCH term are significant which means that the headline CPI volatility might depend both on its past deviations as well as it past volatility however, the GARCH term behaves poorly which means that the model depends on its past deviations only. The ARCH term is equivalent to 1.093137 which is not fulfilling the condition of stationarity which should be less than one and in our case it is not fulfilling this condition which means that the effects of today’s shocks in food& non-alcoholic CPI in dies away slowly and remains in the forecasts of variance for many periods in the future. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 45 Figure 35. GARCH (1,1) correlerogram squared residuals Source: authors estimation using EVIEWS9 From the figure above one can notice that the correlegram squared residuals have probabilities which are above the 10% thus we can conclude that there is no autocorelleration in our model. Figure 36. GARCH (1,1) for food and non-alcoholic beverages ARCH LM test. Source: authors estimation using EVIEWS9 From the above figure we can confirm that there is no autocorelleration in our model as both the Chi-square and the WGT_residual probability is above the 10% level of significance. Plus, the model has passed both the correlegram squared residuals and ARCH LM tests which means that our model can be considered for further selection. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 46 Figure 37. GARCH (1,1) estimation output for food and non-alcoholic beveages using generalized error distribution Source: authors estimation using EVIEWS9 The above mean equation results are suggesting that food& non-alcoholic CPI is explained by a one month lagged value of exchange rate, fresh products prices and nonagricultural GDP as they are all very significant at one percent level of significance. As a matter of fact, one percent increase in the exchange rate increases the value of food& nonalcoholic CPI by 0.23 percent, one percent increase in fresh product CPI increases the food& non-alcoholic CPI by 0.68 percent and one percent increase in non-agricultural GDP CPI will lead to a decrease of food& non-alcoholic CPI of 0.013 percent. And these results are very significant which means that the explanatory variables have a very high level of significance in predicting the level of headline CPI inflation. Considering the variance equation (volatility equation) we can observe that the estimated GARCH (1,1) using the normal Gaussian distribution of errors is the one which is more appropriate to estimated and explain the food& non-alcoholic CPI volatility, and from the results above it is noticed that only the ARCH term is significant which means that the headline CPI volatility depends only on its past deviations. The ARCH term is equivalent to 1.093137 which is not fulfilling the condition of stationarity which should be less than one and in our case it is not fulfilling this condition which means that the effects of today’s shocks in food& non-alcoholic CPI in dies away slowly and remains in the forecasts of variance for many periods in the future. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 47 Figure 38. GARCH (1,1) correlerogram squared residuals Source: authors estimation using EVIEWS9 From the figure above one can notice that the correlegram squared residuals have probabilities which are above the 10% thus we can conclude that there is no autocorelleration in our model. Figure 39. GARCH (1,1) for food& non-alcoholic ARCH LM test. Source: authors estimation using EVIEWS9 From the above figure we can confirm that there is no autocorelleration in our model as both the Chi-square and the WGT_residual probability is above the 5% level of Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 48 significance. Plus, the model has passed both the correlegram squared residuals and ARCH LM tests which means that our model can be considered for further selection. Table 5. Summary for the diagnostic test for food& no-alcoholic beverages Normal Distribution Significant coefficients All ARCH significant Yes GARCH significant Yes Log like hood 441.9095 2 Adjusted R 0.990327 Schwartz I C -5.774734 Autocorelleration (ARCH None LM test & Correlogram squared residuals) Source: authors calculations using EVIEWS 9 Student t Six Yes Yes 446.1959 0.990185 -5.799104 None Generalized Error (GED) Five Yes No 444.6511 0.990307 -5.778087 None Form the above results we can observe that the GARCH (1,1) model estimated using the Normal(Gaussian) distribution is the one which is more fit than the others and which can explain better the behavior in time-varying volatility in food& non alcoholic beverages CPIin Rwanda. As it has the highest adjusted R squared which all coefficients being significant. However, though the model estimated using the student t error distribution has the lowest Schwartz criterion compared to the other similar models estimated its GARCH term behaves poorly as it has sign bias being negative. Figure 40. Estimation output for the chosen food &non-alcoholic beverages CPI model Source: Authors calculations using EVIEWS9 Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 49 The above mean equation results are suggesting that food& non-alcoholic CPI is explained by a one month lagged value of exchange rate, fresh products prices and nonagricultural GDP as they are all very significant at one percent level of significance . As a matter of fact one percent increase in the exchange rate increases the value of food& nonalcoholic CPI by 0.24 percent , one percent increase in fresh product CPI increases the food& non-alcoholic CPI by 0.68 percent and one percent increase in non-agricultural GDP CPI will lead to a decrease of food& non-alcoholic CPI of 0.017 percent. And these results are very significant which means that the explanatory variables have a very high level of significance in predicting the level of headline CPI inflation. Considering the variance equation (volatility equation) we can observe that the estimated GARCH(1,1) using the normal Gaussian distribution of errors is the one which is more appropriate to estimated and explain the food& non-alcoholic CPIvolatilty, and from the results above it is noticed that both the ARCH and the GARCH term are significant which means that the headline CPI volatility depends both on its past deviations as well as it past volatility. The persistance coeffcient (sum of ARCH and GARCH parameters) (π + π) equivalent to C(9) and C(8) respectively in the estimation output is 1.1377.53 which is not fullfiling the condition of stationarity which is set as π + π should be less than one and in our case it is not fullfiling this condition which means that the effects of todays schocks in food& non-alcoholic CPI in dies away slowly and remains in the forecasts of variance for many periods in the future. Thus we can conclude by acepting the null hypothesis that CPI is persistant in the case of food& non-alcoholic inflation even though as prior mentioned the periods of high volatility are followed by those of high volatility and vice versa, it is also observed that the schocks in this component of CPI are long lasting in the periods ahead. Given that the food and non-alcoholic beverages have the biggest weight in the CPI basket of 2,738 a high and persistent volatility in that component of the CPI is not good as this can affect the people’s purchasing power on food and non-alcoholic beverages and can drive easily the overall inflation high. And as it is difficult to control the fresh products CPI, the government should ensure that there are appropriate policies i.e. helping farmers have good irrigation means and large modern warehouses. So that even in in time of climatic hardiships or bad seasons can not affect the fresh product prices as well as the food and non-alcoholic CPI. 4.4.2. Estimations output for the GARCH (1,1) pre-models for transport CPI. In order for us to choose the best fitting model which can explain our hypothesis testing we have to estimate all the equations using different error distributions so that we can test their residuals so that we can determine the best fitting model. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 50 Figure 41. GARCH (1,1) model estimation for transport CPI using normal distribution of errors Source: authors estimation using EVIEWS9 The above mean equation results are suggesting that transport CPIis explained by a one month lagged value of exchange rate, two month lagged value of core CPI inflation, two months lagged value of oil prices and two months lagged value of non agricultural GDP as they are all very significant at one percent level of significance . As a matter of fact one percent increase in the exchange rate decreases the value of transport CPI by 0.030 percent , one percent increase in core CPI will increase the value of the transport CPI by 1.70 percent, one percent increase in oil prices decreases the transport CPI by 0.04 percent and one percent increase in non agricultural GDP will lead to an decrease of transport CPI of 0.21 percent. And these results are very significant which means that the explanatory variables have a very high level of significance in predicting the level of transport CPI inflation. Considering the variance equation (volatility equation) we can observe that the estimated GARCH(1,1) and from the results above it is noticed that only the ARCH and GARCH term are significant which means that the transport CPI volatility depends on its past deviations and on its past volatility. The persistance coeffcient (sum of ARCH and GARCH parameters) (π + π) equivalent to C(9) and C(8) respectively in the estimation output is 1.504611 which is not fullfiling the conditions of stationarity which is set as π should be laying between zero and one therefore in our case it is not fullfiling this condition which means that the effects of todays schocks in headline CPI in dies away slowly and does remains in the forecasts of variance for many periods in the future. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 51 Figure 42. GARCH (1,1) model estimation for transport CPI using correlogram squared residuals Source: authors estimation using EVIEWS9 From the figure above one can notice that the correlegram squared residuals have probabilities which are less the 10% thus we can conclude that there is autocorelleration in our model. Figure 43. GARCH (1,1) model estimation for transport CPI ARCH LM test Source: authors estimation using EVIEWS9 From the above figure we can confirm that there is no autocorelleration in our model as both the Chi-square and the WGT_residual probability is above the 10% level of Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 52 significance. Plus, the model has passed both the correlegram squared residuals and ARCH LM tests which means that our model cannot be considered for further selection. Figure 44. GARCH (1,1) using student’s t distribution of errors Source: authors estimation using EVIEWS9 The above mean equation results are suggesting that transport CPIis explained by a one month lagged value of exchange rate, two month lagged value of core CPI inflation, two months lagged value of oil prices and two months lagged value of non agricultural GDP as they are all very significant at one percent level of significance . As a matter of fact one percent increase in the exchange rate decreases the value of transport CPI by 0.018 percent , one percent increase in core CPIwill increase the value of the transport CPI by 1.60 percent, one percent increase in oil prices increases the transport CPI by 0.032 percent and one percent increase in non agricultural GDP will lead to an decrease of transport CPI of 0.14 percent. And these results are very significant which means that the explanatory variables have a very high level of significance in predicting the level of transport CPI inflation. Considering the variance equation (volatility equation) we can observe that the estimated GARCH(1,1) and from the results above it is noticed that only the ARCH term is significant which means that the transport CPI volatility depends on its past deviations but not on its past volatility. The ARCH term coeffcient π equivalent to C(7) respectively in the estimation output is 1.348036 which is not fullfiling the conditions of stationarity which is set as π should be laying between zero and one therefore in our case it is not fullfiling this condition which means that the effects of todays schocks in headline CPI in Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 53 dies away slowly and does remains in the forecasts of variance for many periods in the future. Figure 45. GARCH (1,1) correlerogram squared residuals Source: authors estimation using EVIEWS9 From the figure above one can notice that the correlegram squared residuals have probabilities which are above the 10% thus we can conclude that there is no autocorelleration in our model. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 54 Figure 46. GARCH (1,1) for transport ARCH LM test. Source: authors estimation using EVIEWS9 From the above figure we can confirm that there is no autocorelleration in our model as both the Chi-square and the WGT_residual probability is above the 10% level of significance. Plus, the model has passed both the correlegram squared residuals and ARCH LM tests which means that our model can be considered for further selection. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 55 Figure 47. GARCH (1,1) estimation output for housing using generalized error distribution Source: authors estimation using EVIEWS9 The above mean equation results are suggesting that transport CPIis explained by a one month lagged value of exchange rate, two month lagged value of core CPI inflation, two months lagged value of oil prices and two months lagged value of non agricultural GDP as they are all very significant at one percent level of significance . As a matter of fact with the exception of exchange rate where one percent increase in the exchange rate increases the value of transport CPI by 0.012 percent but is not significance , one percent increase in core CPI will increase the value of the transport CPI by 1.45 percent, one percent increase in oil prices increases the transport CPI by 0.038 percent and one percent increase in non agricultural GDP will lead to an decrease of transport CPI of 0.18 percent. And these results are very significant which means that the explanatory variables have a very high level of significance in predicting the level of transport CPI inflation. Considering the variance equation (volatility equation) we can observe that the estimated GARCH(1,1) and from the results above it is noticed that only the ARCH term is significant which means that the transport CPI volatility depends on its past deviations but not on its past volatility. The ARCH term coeffcient π equivalent to C(7) respectively in the estimation output is 1.348036 which is not fullfiling the conditions of stationarity which is set as π should be laying between zero and one therefore in our case it is not fullfiling this condition which means that the effects of todays schocks in headline CPI in Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 56 dies away slowly and does remains in the forecasts of variance for many periods in the future. Figure 48. GARCH (1,1) correlerogram squared residuals Source: authors estimation using EVIEWS9 From the figure above one can notice that the correlegram squared residuals have probabilities which are above the 10% thus we can conclude that there is no autocorelleration in our model. Figure 49. GARCH (1,1) for transport ARCH LM test. Source: authors estimation using EVIEWS9 Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 57 From the above figure we can confirm that there is no autocorelleration in our model as both the Chi-square and the WGT_residual probability is above the 10% level of significance. Plus, the model has passed both the correlegram squared residuals and ARCH LM tests which means that our model can be considered for further selection. Table 6. Summary of diagnostic test for transport CPI Normal Distribution Student t Generalized Error (GED) Significant coefficients Six Seven Six ARCH significant Yes Yes Yes GARCH significant Yes No Yes Log like hood 273.0926 291.0037 273.9224 Adjusted R2 0.752298 0.759479 0.716811 Schwartz I C -3.467920 -3.679144 -3.445153 None None Autocorelleration (ARCH Yes(with LM test & Correlogram correlegram squared residuals) squared residuals) Source: authors calculations using EVIEWS 9 Form the above results we can observe that the GARCH (1,1) model estimated using the student t error distribution as it is the one which is more fit than the others and which can explain better the behavior in time-varying volatility in transport CPIin Rwanda. As it has the highest adjusted R squared, log likehood and the Schwartz criterion which is very small compared to the other similar models estimated. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 58 Figure 50. Estimation output for choosen transport CPI model Source: Authors calculations using EVIEWS9 The above mean equation results are suggesting that transport CPIis explained by a one month lagged value of exchange rate, two month lagged value of core CPI inflation, two months lagged value of oil prices and two months lagged value of non agricultural GDP as they are all very significant at one percent level of significance . As a matter of fact one percent increase in the exchange rate decreases the value of transport CPI by 0.018 percent , one percent increase in core CPIwill increase the value of the transport CPI by 1.60 percent, one percent increase in oil prices increases the transport CPI by 0.032 percent and one percent increase in non agricultural GDP will lead to an decrease of transport CPI of 0.14 percent. And these results are very significant which means that the explanatory variables have a very high level of significance in predicting the level of transport CPI inflation. Considering the variance equation (volatility equation) we can observe that the estimated GARCH(1,1) using the student t distribution of erro is the onthatch is more appropriate to estimated and explain the transport CPIvolatilty, and from the results above it is noticed that only the ARCH term is significant which means that the transport CPI volatil depends n its past deviations but not on its past volatility. The ARCH tercoefficientnt π equivalent to C(7) respectively in the estimation outpu is 1.348036 which is notfulfillingg the conditions of stationarity which is set as π should be laying between zero and one therefore in our case it is not ulfilling this condition which means that the effects of today’s shocks in headline CPI in dies away slowly and does remain in the forecasts of variance for many periods in the future. Thus we can conclude by accepting the null hypothesis that CPIis persistent in the case of transport inflation even though as prior mentioned the periods of high volatility are Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 59 followed by those of high volatility and vice versa, it is also observed that the shocks in this component of CPIare long-lasting in the periods ahead. Despite the weight of 1,245 of the transport CPI in the CPI basket, an increase in transport prices affects enormously the economy in terms of movement of people, goods, and delivery of services as transport is a major factor of economic growth, therefore, the government could put price regulating mechanismsms’s that can help in regulating the transport prices so that their volatility cannot be very high which can affect even the overall inflation or even stagnate the economic growth. 5. Conclusion and policy recommendations For the sake of understanding inflation dynamics in Rwanda, this research paper estimates the magnitude and persistence in consumer price indices in Rwanda by considering housing, food &non-alcoholic beverages and transport CPI in the period between 2009 and 2021 using monthly data obtained from the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda, the National bank of Rwanda and the U.S Energy Information Administration. After running the data, answering the different research questions, and testing the hypothesis this study has reached the following conclusions: The inflation volatility is high and variant, with periods of high volatility followed by periods of high volatility and those of low volatility followed by those of low volatility as indicated by the residuals of the headline and those of the core CPI and by observing the actual or the inflation itself we can observe that inflation has been increasing but with different variations over the selected period of February 2009 to May 2021. There non-linear relationship between GDP growth and inflation in Rwanda where the economic growth and inflation in Rwanda have a positive consistent relationship up to a certain point or threshold level of inflation where, if it goes over that point the economic growth in Rwanda will start to decline. These also indicated that the effects of todays’ shocks in GDP dies away slowly and remains in the forecasts of variance for many periods in the future as its persistence coefficients exhibit the conditions of stability thus the model being explosive as the persistence coefficient was 1.0237 above one than one and all the coefficients of the mean equation were significant at one percent level thus the null hypothesis was accepted. For the housing CPI the the null hypothesis was rejected as the CPI is not persistent as the shocks in this component of CPI are not long-lasting in the periods ahead as the persistence coefficient of the model is less than one which means that it fulfills the pre-requisite condition for stability as the persistence coefficient was 0.843901 less one than one and all the coefficients of the mean equation were significant at one percent level thus the null hypothesis rejected accepted. For the transport CPI and the food& non-alcoholic beverages the null hypothesis was accepted as the CPI is persistent as the shocks in this component of CPI are long-lasting in the periods ahead as the persistent coefficient of the model does not fulfill the pre-requisites condition for stability as the persistence coefficient was 1.137753 and 1.348036 respectively above one than one and all the coefficients of the mean equation were significant at one percent level thus the null hypothesis was accepted. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 60 More to that, for the transport CPI, it was seen that this component of inflation does not depend on its past volatility but instead on its past deviations as the GARCH term is not significant. As a matter of recommendation; further research should be made in this area because so far there is very little literature in analyzing consumer price volatility and the available papers are very scarce to date, thus further research incentives on this subject will bring more innovations and understanding of the discussed matter. As Rwanda is now using inflation targeting (price-based monetary policy), the study of consumer price volatility needs more attention as it helps a lot in understanding the inflation dynamics. Therefore, the national bank of Rwanda, individual researchers, and policymakers should bring more interest on this subject. Additionally, in forecasting and predicting the inflation and inflation volatility alongside the currently used models including the NTFS and ARMA the ARCH family models should also be considered as they can increase accuracy in the near term forecast for the consumer prices. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 61 Works Cited Adam and Khadija. 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Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 65 Abstract A good government spending plan is essential and critical for an economy. A good understanding of it is essential so as to have an efficient and evidence based planification which is fundamental to prevent that government expenditures leads not to deficits or even inflation due to different issues that can be associated to it as described further in the study. To understand the effect of government expenditures on inflation in Rwanda we have used the autoregressive distributed lag (ADRL) model to investigate the relationship between them. In that framework we found the evidence that the two are related and that the increase in government spending in Rwanda lead to a decrease in inflation both in the short and the long-run However, referring to the theoretical and empirical literatures used in this study, it is seen that in different cases the government expenditures have an opposite effect on inflation as to the case of Rwanda. Thus efforts should be made by policy makers to diversify the ways through which they finance the government expenditures, so that they do not rely on the traditional ways to finance the government spending including taxation and external borrowing. Keywords: government expenditures (spending), inflation, Rwanda Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 66 1. Introduction Government expenditures or the government spending is the money spent by the government or public sector in the provision of services and acquisition of goods and services for current use which is then classified as government final expenditure different from government investment which is where the government acquires the services and goods for future use. There are different ways in which the government spending is financed where one can note the indirect and direct taxes, foreign borrowing and domestic borrowing where the government borrows from its’ citizens. The government, along with the cost of economic stabilization, incurs distribution and allocation costs. However, increase in government spending in form of intervention, going by the neo-Classical economists could result to high inflation outcomes given the full employment assumption (Olayungbo, 2013). In general, fiscal policy in many countries is faced with many problems which includes, Tax collection difficulties, institutional inadequacy, problems related to access to foreign capital, Money issuing to finance public expenditures which in turn causes inflation. Therefore, government expenditures in addition to the impact on production can have an impact on inflation (Georgantopoulos A., (2010)). The literature about inflation indicates that the economists have spent plenty of time to understand the reasons that cause inflation. The economists have succeeded to give details about the sources of the inflation. But, until now the relation of the inflation and the other macroeconomic variables such as the government expenditures has remained debatable. Government expenditures according to the economic situation are changing. According to the Keynesian view, the government needs to spend in order to achieve stability in the economy, stimulate or increase productivity or investment (Mohsen Mehraraa, 2016). Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 67 In Rwanda inflation has been stable throughout the recent years but if not well managed it can be an issue as it has a significant effect on economic variables and can crucially impact individuals’ lives. In this matrix, we can acknowledge that the mastery of the origins of inflation can help the authorities in designing and implementing proper policies as to when it is making necessary spending in order to ensure stability of the economy, improving or stimulating productivity and investment according to the Keynesian view through income redistribution between the poor and the rich or through direct public investment. Using a variety of instruments such as government spending, although in both theoretical and practical experiences of countries have been proven that increases in government spending causes inflation, it’s one of the significant issues in the possibility of achieving economic growth After several decades that most economists focus on monetary policy, by the financial global crisis in 2008, again fiscal policy as a tool of economic stabilization was considered by economists. In fact, the effects of fiscal policy on economic activity in countries with emerging markets and developing countries are not clear in the short and long term. Since the economies of developing countries compared to developed countries in the business cycles are facing with more volatility and this factor makes them more vulnerable to shocks of the financial crisis (Mohsen Mehraraa, 2016). But the monetary and fiscal policies can help to alleviate the impact of the financial crisis when it is occurring. The main objective of this study is to empirically traverse the relationship present between inflation and government expenditures in Rwanda by using the ADRL approach based on quarterly data over the period 2006-2019. The rest of this paper is structured as follows: section 2 analyses the government expenditure and allocation in Rwanda, section 3 reviews the theoretical and empirical literature on the relationship between government expenditures and inflation, section 4 presents the methodology, section5 presents results and discuss findings and section 6 concludes with policy recommendations. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 68 2. Government spending and allocation in Rwanda In this section we are going to discuss on the government spending and allocation of funds to different sectors of the economy as per NST1 (National Strategy for Transformation 1) for the fiscal year 2019/20 in comparison to the fiscal year 2018/19 We will also look at inflation and in relation to government expenditures along the years. 2.1 Government spending and allocation structure in Rwanda Generally speaking, the Rwanda’s government spending goes through various sectors of the economy including agriculture, education, and others through different policies like the policy of Nkunganire where the government provides subsidies to help farmers buy seeds, manure and irrigation materials for the improvement of the agricultural sector together with other facilities provided through the ministry of agriculture and livestock. Still on that, there are many more other policies through which the government of Rwanda spends money to support the population and economic growth as to allocating resources to different areas or sectors of the economy as per NST1 (which is a government strategy developed as an implementation instrument for the remainder of Vision 2020 and the first four years of the Vision 2050. The budget allocation to the three NST1 pillars is as follows. (MINECOFIN, June 2019)). Public Finance Management (PFM) has taken the biggest piece of the pie (it has also had the third largest increase in budget allocation when compared to the FY18/19) as the Government continues to ensure that both the external debt and project loans are within acceptable limits. As priority area one under the social transformation pillar of the NST1. (MINECOFIN, June 2019) Education has taken the second biggest share of the pie. Priorities under the education sector are to focus on improvement of access to quality education ranging from construction of classrooms countrywide, to in-house text books production and Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 69 distribution and promotion of STEM subjects in primary and secondly schools. (MINECOFIN, June 2019) Water and Sanitation had the largest increase in the budget allocation to the tune of 47% when compared to the current year. The increase is to enable: The finalization of the construction of two water treatment plants in Kanzenze (Bugesera) and Gihira (Rubavu). Connecting 109 productive use areas to water including industrial parks, commercial centres, schools and Health Centers. Undertake construction of Kigali Centralized Sewerage System phase 1. (MINECOFIN, June 2019) Environment and Natural Resources had the second largest increase in budget allocation to the tune of 36% when compared to the current year. The increase is towards Rwanda’s continued effort to preserve Natural resources and the environment in order to promote the green economy, which presents multiple opportunities for the economy. Key interventions to be implemented in 2019/2020 include: Rehabilitation of urban wetlands in Kigali City; Re-afforestation and rehabilitation of the degraded area of Jali, Mount Kigali and Rebero with 30 ha of new forest planted and 420 has of forest maintained; Urban Forestry for Sustainable City through beatification, landscaping and greening in urban areas; Increase the area covered by forests focusing on agroforestry; and Implementation of flood control measures (MINECOFIN, June 2019) Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 70 Figure 1. Government expenditures per sectors as per NST1. Government spending per sectors in NST1 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% % shareFY18/19 % shareFY19/20 % change from FY18/19 Source: Author’s chart: Data from Sustaining the Momentum: Rwanda’s 2019/20 National Budget Insights and Highlights If we look at the structure of the government spending in Rwanda throughout the fiscal year of 2019/2020 as specified in the budget we see that the government spending in Rwanda was classified into five categories including the recurrent expenditures, the capital/development expenditures, net lending, and accumulation of deposits and arrears of payments. Looking at the recurrent expenditure, the allocated amount of FRW 1,424.5bn in fiscal year 2019/20 is 9% higher than the allocated amount in the fiscal year 2018/19. The increase in recurrent expenditure is mainly driven by increased allocations for both wage and nonwage related items arising from ongoing restructuring exercises including creation of new structures in the public sector. Specifically, the increase in the allocated amount for wages will cater for restructuring of education and health sector salaries including new recruitments as well as increases in allowances of the security agencies. (MINECOFIN, June 2019). Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 71 Talking on the capital expenditure, total capital spending in the fiscal year 2019/20 has been estimated at FRW 1,152.1bn. This figure is made up of FRW 694bn of domestically financed expenditure and FRW458.2bn of foreign financed expenditure. With regard to the domestically financed portion, the allocated amount is to allow the implementation of priority projects that will increase access to electricity, water and sanitation as well as education and health. In the case of the foreign financed portion, the allocated amount is to cover projects in the energy, roads and agriculture sectors (MINECOFIN, June 2019). Coming on the net lending, Outlays under net lending in the fiscal year 2019/20 have increased by 28% from the previous year’s budget allocation. The increase in the allocated amount is mainly for two significant spending areas: funds for the recapitalization of BRD – which is going to be done over a three year period and funds to Rwandair to support its expansion strategy BRD has been recapitalized to promote accelerated private sector growth (MINECOFIN, June 2019). Figure.2. Government spending in Rwanda fiscal year 2019/2020. RWF'billions Government spending fiscal year 2019/20 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 Recurrent Budget Development Budget Net lending Arrears of payment Accumulation deposits 2018/19 Billion 1,310 1,041 190 27.2 16.96 2019/20Billion 1,424.50 1,152.10 244.1 30 25.5 Source: Author’s chart: Data from Sustaining the Momentum: Rwanda’s 2019/20 National Budget Insights and Highlights Talking about inflation and government expenditures we can see that despite the increase in government spending in respect to core inflation which is the type of inflation that the Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 72 government can control, we observe that in Rwanda despite the increase of government spending this in turn have not affected that much core inflation which remained stable over time despite its’ slight increase. Figure.3. Government spending and core inflation in Rwanda from period 2006 to 2019. Government spending and core inflation 500.0 450.0 400.0 350.0 300.0 250.0 200.0 150.0 100.0 50.0 0.0 CPI_core GVEXP Source: Author’s chart: Data from National Institute of Statistics Rwanda (NISR). 3. Literature review. In consideration to the main purpose of this paper, this section reviews theoretical and empirical literature on the effect of government spending on inflation in Rwanda and other factors that may influence the inflation to hike or decrease. 3.1. Theoretical literature. If it is true that inflation is a “social evil”, it is true that inflation reduces the costs of the public sector, since certain groups in society cannot defend. Moreover, the fiscal drag – the crop that inflation gives policy-makers in countries with progressive tax systems of type – is disappearing in many states, since the awareness of citizens in this respect has increased in recent years (Mohsen Mehraraa, 2016). Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 73 Therefore, following such perspectives, inflation may be observed as a weakness of the government to execute its credit obligations. However, these governments can make use of inflation to benefits from the rise in price. As the situation of unforeseen inflation can be used by the government to gain profit and this can be a regular instrument for the government in lack of financial commitment. Brescian Turroni was the first economist who studied the relationship between budget deficits and inflation. He came to the conclusion that the relationship between deficits and inflation could be negative. Patinkin in 1993 showed how the pressure, including political interests, can be a helpful to decrease the differences in nominal spending of revenues by using inflation. In other words, he believes that when government expenditure is larger than revenues, borrowing from the central bank to finance can be requested. This action increases the rate of inflation and thus reduces the real expenditure of government. The negative effect of inflation on the real costs of government, known as Patinkin effect. (Mohsen Mehraraa, 2016) About the role and effect of inflation on tax revenues, Tanzi discussed for the first time that inflation reduces the real value of tax revenues (Tanzi, 1987). His belief that real value of tax revenues decreases due to inflation was based on the fact that there is a common delay in tax payment for developing countries and that could lead to a large deficit known as Tanzi effect. Tanzi and Patinkin effect showed themselves in countries with inflation experience. Depending on economic conditions, intensity will be different. The Tanzi effect from income and Patinkin effect from the expenditure impress the deficit. (Mohsen Mehraraa, 2016) Based on a dynamic system analysis, the relationship between current spending, deficit, money supply and inflation can be explained. If government expenditure increases, this increase makes the budget situation worse and leads to deficit. On the other hand, increasing government debt to central bank (as a source of monetary base) will bring Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 74 increase in monetary base, and will lead to increase money supply. However, with regard to the positive relationship between the general level of prices and liquidity, increasing the money supply will lead to an increase in inflation. However, the inflation led to a decrease in the real value of government spending in the next period. So this decrease forces the government to compensate for its cost value, by increasing nominal expenditure the next period. But increase in expenditure will increase the budget deficit and repeat the above process. So the increase in government expenditure (deficit) and the general level of prices, a cause and effect relationship is established (Piontkivsky R., 2001) 3.2. Empirical literature. Different studies have explored the relationship between government expenditures and inflation for developed and developing countries both in time of war and peace, such extensive empirical and theoretical analysis were made to investigate that relationship. (Han, 2002)Investigated the relationship between inflation and the size of government. They found that inflation is significantly and positively related to the size of government mainly when periods of war and peace are compared. Also they show a weak positive peacetime time series correlation between inflation and the size of government and a negative cross-country correlation of inflation with non-defense spending. (Ezirim Ch., 2008) studies the relationship between public expenditure growth and inflation in the U.S using the co integration analysis and Granger Causality Model applied to time series annual data from 1970 – 2002. The results indicate that public expenditure and inflation have a long-run equilibrium relation between them. Inflation significantly influences public expenditure decisions in the U.S. Public expenditure growth aggravated inflationary pressures in the country, where reduction in public expenditure tends to reduce inflation. (Mohammad S.D, 2009) Try to find out long run relationship among M2, inflation, government expenditure impact and economic growth in case of Pakistan. For this Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 75 purpose, they have used Johnson co integration and Granger causality test to find out long run association and causality. They found a negative relation between public expenditure and inflation. They attempted to explain that most of public expenditure is non-development and inflation is due to adverse supply shock (cost push inflation) in case of Pakistan. (Pekarski, 2010) Analyzes budget deficits and inflation in inflationary economies. The main finding is that recurrent outbursts of extreme inflation in these economies can be explicitly explained by the hysteresis effect associated with the action of two mechanisms: the arithmetic of the wrong side of the ITLC and the Patinkin effect. Another finding is that changes in different items of the budget balance sheet may have very different effects on inflation (apart from their different effects on the real economy). (Magazzino, 2011)Examines the nexus between public expenditure and inflation for the Mediterranean countries during the period 1970-2009, using a time-series approach. He found a long-run relationship between the growth of public expenditure and inflation for some countries. Furthermore, Granger causality tests results show a short-run evidence of a directional and bidirectional relationship from expenditure to inflation for all countries. (Musa, 2013)Investigated and measured the long and short run relationship of monetary and fiscal policies on economic growth in Nigeria. A VECM technique was employed to analyze and draw policy inferences. They showed it is clear that monetary policy exacted greater impact on the economic growth but the effects of fiscal policy had lower magnitude more specifically when there is decrease in the inflation rate (Surjaningsih, 2012)Examine the impact of fiscal policy on output and inflation in Indonesia. VECM1 was applied over quarterly data, covering the period 1990 to 2009. Empirical results showed that government spending is more effective to stimulate economic growth especially in times of recession, compared to taxation policies. While Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 76 the increase in government spending causes a decrease in inflation, tax increases lead to higher inflation. (Olayungbo, 2013)Examines asymmetry causal relationship between government spending and inflation in Nigeria from the period of 1970 to 2010. The asymmetry causality test shows that a unidirectional causality exists from negative government expenditure changes (low or contractionary government spending) to positive inflation changes (high inflation) in the VAR2 model. The finding implies that inflationary pressure in Nigeria is state dependent, that is high inflation is caused by low or contractionary government spending. 4. Methodology In this section, I present how I specified the econometric model and describes the methods I used to analyze data and also will discuss set of data used and the detailed description of variables used. 4.1. Empirical model. Basing on (Pesaran, 2001) we used the autoregressive distributed lag (ADRL) bound testing to explore the cointegration or long-run relationship between inflation and government expenditure in Rwanda. The choice of this test is based on the following considerations. Firstly, the ARDL cointegration technique is adopted irrespective of whether the underlying variables are I (0), I (1) or a combination of both, and cannot be applied when the underlying variables are integrated of order I (2). Thus, to avoid cashing of the ARDL technique, it is advisable to test for unit roots since variables that are integration of I (2) leads to the crashing of the technique. Secondly, if the F-statistics (Wald test) establishes that there is a single long run relationship and the sample data size is small (n ≤ 30) or finite, the ARDL error correction representation becomes relatively more efficient. According to Pesaran et al (2001), to apply the bounds test procedure, a conditional Vector Error Correction Model Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 77 (VECM) of interest can be specified to test the cointegration relationship between the underlying variables. (Apeh Kenneth, 2019) The econometric tools that were used for these verifications are the Augmented DickeyFuller test for stationarity, Johansen co-integration test for long term relationship and diagnostic tests of the underlying variables. The stability of the estimated model was verified using the CUSUM and CUSUMSQ stability tests (Apeh Kenneth, 2019) 4.2. Model specification. The model specification used in this study permits to assess the relationship between government expenditures and inflation in Rwanda. The applied model was inspired by (Apeh Kenneth, 2019) and recent papers that analyzed the relationship between government expenditures and inflation. The functional model for this study as specified as follows: Equation 1: COREINF= f (GVEXP, HOEXP, RGDP, EXH_AV, M3) Where; COREINF: is the quarterly core inflation GVEXP: is the quarterly government expenditures HOEXP: is the quarterly household expenditures RGDP: is the quarterly real gross domestic product EXCH_AV: is the average quarterly exchange rate M3; is the quarterly broad money From the above equation 1 we can see that core inflation is dependent to government expenditures, household expenditures, real gross domestic product, average exchange rate and broad money, thus the core inflation for Rwanda can be specified in log form as follow: Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 78 equation 2. ππππππππππ = πΌ0 + πΌ1 πππππ£ππ₯π + πΌ2 πππβπππ₯π + πΌ3 πππππππ + πΌ4 πππππ₯πβππ£ + πΌ5 ππππ3 + ππ Where; Logcoreinf is the core inflation measuring the level of prices in the economy on quarterly basis for the core CPI, loggvexp is the government expenditures measuring the quarterly government spending in the economy , loghoexp is the household expenditures measuring the level of household spending in the economy quarterly basis, logrgdp is the gross domestic product measuring the level of national income on quarterly basis, logexch_av is the average exchange rate measuring the level of average exchange rate of the Rwandan franc to a dollar on quarterly basis, logm3 is the broad money measuring the level of money supply in the economy on quarterly basis, the coefficients α= 0,1,2,3,4,5 are the long-run coefficients and the εr is the error term. The variables were chosen basing on similar studies including (Apeh Kenneth, 2019) (Mohsen Mehraraa, 2016) (PAHLAVANI, (2009) ) and others. The datasets was transformed using natural log to ensure normality, stability and to reduce skewness and kurtosis (Apeh Kenneth, 2019). 4.3. Data sources and variables description. Data used in this paper were obtained from different sources where the data for core inflation, government expenditure, household expenditure and real gross domestic product were obtained from the national institute of statistics of Rwanda (NISR). And the data for average exchange rate and broad money were obtained from the national bank of Rwanda (BNR). All the data used are for the period ranging from 2006 to 2019 on quarterly basis from 2006Q1 to 2019Q4. The choice for these variables was made following the approach of other empirical studies on the same subject as well as other factors advanced by the literature. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 79 As saw earlier the dependent variable in this paper is the core inflation. The values used for this core inflation are quarterly consumer price index, with these we want to explore the various factors that affect the core consumer price index basket or core inflation in Rwanda and as suggested by the topic, we will focus on the effect of government expenditure on inflation and assess to which extent it has influenced core inflation along the selected period. The government expenditure variable shows the level of government spending all along the selected period quarterly basis. Where higher government spending in an economy close to full capacity may result in higher inflationary pressures and a little increase in GDP, this study will assess the impact of government spending on core inflation in Rwanda along the years representing various spending by the government as in education, debt payment, investment in infrastructures, pension spending, welfare benefits and others. Included is also household spending which shows the level of household spending in relation to inflation, and its effect on the core consumer price index, this variable was included as it is also another factor that affects inflation as higher household spending result in the rise of in inflationary pressures. Referring to other studies like (Apeh Kenneth, 2019) (Ezirim Ch., 2008) and the effect of exchange rate on consumer price index, we have also included the average interest rate in this study as this variable also affects inflation rate as when the currency keeps on depreciating in relation to the currency of reference usually a US dollar this also favor the rise in inflation. Real gross domestic product (RGDP) variable was also included to assess how the real growth in domestic product affects the core consumer price index and according to similar studies including (Apeh Kenneth, 2019) (Ezirim Ch., 2008) (Mohsen Mehraraa, 2016) we can see that the change in domestic product have an effect on inflation and that will also be assessed on the case for Rwanda. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 80 Finally, the broad money variable as used in similar studies including (Mohsen Mehraraa, 2016) (Apeh Kenneth, 2019) and others will helps to analyze how the level of money in circulation across the selected period have affected the level of core inflation in Rwanda. In short, the interaction of those variables in computation to follow, will help to assess the effect of government spending on inflation as shown in the next section. 5. Results In this part of the paper we will see the estimation results for the specified model above and the various steps followed. 5.1. Empirical results. According to (Öztürk, 2013), if one of the variables’ unit root degree is higher than I(1), the critical values obtained by (Pesaran, 2001)and (Narayan, 2005) cannot be used in the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) approach. These critical values are based on I (0) and I (1). Therefore, it is necessary to determine whether or not the variables abide by the assumptions of the ARDL bound testing approach by performing the unit root test at the first stage of the analysis. In the first phase of the econometric analysis in this framework, the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) and PhillipsPerron (PP) unit root tests are to be performed to determine the degrees of integration of the series. (ALPER2, 2016) The unit root tests both ADF and PP results are shown in the table below: Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 81 Table 1: unit root test results both ADF and PP test. Variables LOGCOREINF Test at ADF at level PP at level ADF at first PP at difference difference first T-stat PROB T-stat PROB T-stat PROB T-stat PROB INTERCEPT -2.65 0.08 -3.88 0.00 -3.49 0.01 -3.46 0.01 TREND 2.72 0.22 -1.90 0.63 -3.99 0.01 -3.55 0.04 NONE 2.11 0.99 3.77 0.99 -2.58 0.01 -2.46 0.01 INTERCEPT 1.16 0.99 2.21 0.99 -3.26 0.02 -3.12 0.03 TREND -2.50 0.32 -2.73 0.22 -3.80 0.02 -3.80 0.02 NONE 2.71 0.99 4.76 1.00 -1.80 0.06 -1.53 0.1 INTERCEPT 0.05 0.95 -0.72 0.83 -7.54 0.00 -20.77 0.00 TREND -5.98 0.00 -5.89 0.00 -7.49 0.00 -23.18 0.00 NONE 3.260 0.99 5.17 1.00 -10.28 0.00 -9.68 0.00 INTERCEPT -0.90 0.77 -1.11 0.70 -9.84 0.00 -14.01 0.00 TREND -4.11 0.01 -4.13 0.01 -9.76 0.00 -15.22 0.00 NONE 3.11 0.99 7.53 1.00 -8.56 0.00 -8.59 0.00 INTERCEPT -0.05 0.94 0.07 0.96 -6.74 0.00 7.06 0.00 TREND -2.36 0.39 -2.63 0.26 -6.73 0.00 -7.29 0.00 NONE 5.45 1.00 -6.77 1.00 -4.97 0.00 -4.92 0.00 INTERCEPT -1.79 0.37 -5.28 0.00 3.37 0.01 -10.06 0.00 TREND -1.63 0.79 -2.85 0.1 -3.80 0.02 -10.59 0.00 2.50 0.99 -6.35 1.00 -1.39 0.1 -6.34 0.00 AND INTERCEPT LOGEXCH_AV AND INTERCEPT LOGGVEXP AND INTERCEPT LOGHOEXP AND INTERCEPT LOGRGDP AND INTERCEPT LOGM3 AND INTERCEPT NONE Source: author’s computation using EVIEWS 9.0. As observed in the table above, the variables used are all stationary (integrated) at first difference. And as discussed above and according to (Pesaran, 2001), there is no need to verify whether the regressors are stationary at level, first difference or mutually cointegrated when finding a long-run relationship among the endogenous variable and the explanatory variables. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 82 After testing for the unit root and observing that none of the variables is integrated at I (2), we can now proceed with the ADRL bound test to observe whether or not there is a long-run relationship between the explained and the explanatory variables as seen in the table below showing the results for the ADRL bound test. Table2: results of the ADRL bound test ARDL Bounds Test Date: 02/07/21 Time: 17:56 Sample: 2006Q3 2018Q4 Included observations: 50 Null Hypothesis: No long-run relationships exist Test Statistic Value k F-statistic 9.781302 5 Critical Value Bounds Significance I0 Bound I1 Bound 10% 2.26 3.35 5% 2.62 3.79 2.5% 2.96 4.18 1% 3.41 4.68 Source: Author’s computation with e-views9 As observed in the table above, we can see that the F-statistic value is greater than the 5% critical value highlighted in yellow as well as the 1% critical value highlighted in green upper bound. Therefore, this shows that there is a long-run relationship between the explained and the explanatory variables. Thus, we can strongly reject the null-hypothesis Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 83 that that there is no long-run relationship between the dependent and independent variables. After the bound test and knowing that there is a long-run relationship between the explained and explanatory variables, then we can compute for the long-run coefficients using the ADRL approach. Table3: Long-run estimated using ADRL approach Long Run Coefficients Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob. LOGEXCH_AV 0.212581 0.433246 0.490671 0.6264 LOGGVEXP -0.955153 0.367434 -2.599526 0.0131 LOGHOEXP -0.427489 0.313450 -1.363819 0.1804 LOGM3 1.063286 0.360528 2.949245 0.0054 LOGRGDP -0.591149 0.719271 -0.821872 0.4161 C 8.215796 2.923163 0.0057 2.810584 Source: Author’s computation with e-views 9 As seen in the above table, the blue-highlighted values show that their corresponding values are not significant and the yellow-highlighted values shows that their corresponding values are significant at 5% level of significance. The estimates in the above table3 for the long-run, shows that in the long-run real gross domestic product is insignificant with inflation rate in a negative way while exchange rate (exch_av) is also insignificant but in a positive way. The findings also show that in the long-run government expenditures (gvexp) and broad money (m3) have a very significant effect to inflation, even if the government have a negative effect on inflation. Now concerning our regressors of interest which is the government expenditures (gvexp) we see that it is highly significant with its p-value of 0.0131 and its coefficient of-0.955153 which means that a 1% increase in government spending will lead to a 0.95% decrease in inflation on the long-run. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 84 After the long-run coefficient estimation we have also computed the short-run error correction model whose results are shown in the table below: Table4 A and B: Error Correction Model (ECM) representation for selected ADRL model. Table4A: ECM representation for selected ADRL model before cointegration. Dependent Variable: LOGCOREINF Method: ARDL Date: 02/07/21 Time: 17:56 Sample (adjusted): 2006Q3 2018Q4 Included observations: 50 after adjustments Maximum dependent lags: 1 (Automatic selection) Model selection method: Akaike info criterion (AIC) Dynamic regressors (2 lags, automatic): LOGEXCH_AV LOGGVEXP LOGHOEXP LOGM3 LOGRGDP Fixed regressors: C Number of models evalulated: 243 Selected Model: ARDL(1, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0) Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.* LOGCOREINF(-1) 0.880360 0.037866 23.24942 0.0000 LOGEXCH_AV -0.361420 0.265824 -1.359623 0.1818 LOGEXCH_AV(-1) 0.386853 0.256018 1.511037 0.1388 LOGGVEXP -0.052431 0.020123 -2.605563 0.0129 LOGGVEXP(-1) -0.061843 0.019525 -3.167363 0.0030 LOGHOEXP -0.051145 0.034578 -1.479118 0.1471 LOGM3 -0.032034 0.035288 -0.907765 0.3696 LOGM3(-1) 0.095499 0.036136 2.642772 0.0118 LOGM3(-2) 0.063745 0.033978 1.876083 0.0681 LOGRGDP -0.070725 0.072450 -0.976191 0.3350 C 0.982937 0.267259 3.677840 0.0007 R-squared 0.997528 Mean dependent var 4.517415 Adjusted R-squared 0.996894 S.D. dependent var 0.172353 S.E. of regression 0.009606 Akaike info criterion -6.261309 Sum squared resid 0.003599 Schwarz criterion -5.840663 Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 85 Log likelihood 167.5327 Hannan-Quinn criter. -6.101125 F-statistic 1573.511 Durbin-Watson stat 1.321350 Prob(F-statistic) 0.000000 Table B: ECM cointegrating form representation for the selected ADRL model after cointegration. ARDL Cointegrating Dependent Variable: LOGCOREINF Selected Model: ARDL(1, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0) Date: 02/07/21 Time: 18:30 Sample: 2006Q1 2019Q4 Included observations: 50 Cointegrating Form Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob. D(LOGEXCH_AV) -0.361420 0.265824 -1.359623 0.1818 D(LOGGVEXP) -0.052431 0.020123 -2.605563 0.0129 D(LOGHOEXP) -0.051145 0.034578 -1.479118 0.1471 D(LOGM3) -0.032034 0.035288 -0.907765 0.3696 D(LOGM3(-1)) -0.063745 0.033978 -1.876083 0.0681 D(LOGRGDP) -0.070725 0.072450 -0.976191 0.3350 CointEq(-1) -0.119640 0.037866 -3.159567 0.0030 Cointeq = LOGCOREINF - (0.2126*LOGEXCH_AV -0.9552*LOGGVEXP -0.4275*LOGHOEXP + 1.0633*LOGM3 -0.5911*LOGRGDP + 8.2158 ) Source: both tables A and B Rwanda’s Economic Health extracted from authors’ computation of regression output using e-views9 Page 86 By observing the estimated values above in the table 4A the short-run we can see that the R2 value which equals to 0.997528 this shows that 99% of the variation of inflation rate are explained by the explanatory variables and this shows that the model is overall fit and acceptable. Still looking at the table 4A the p-values 0.0000, 0.0129, 0.0030, 0.0118 indicates that three of the explanatory variables are highly significant at 1% level in explaining inflation in Rwanda. In table4A, we can also observe that one lagged value of inflation is positively significant at 1%level of significance in explaining inflation in Rwanda and this means that inflation in Rwanda has a cumulative impact as a 1% unit increase in a year, will also increase inflation by 0.88% in the subsequent year. And at the same time we can see that government expenditure has also a lagged value which negatively affect inflation and which is highly significant at 1% level of significance as one 1%-unit increase in government spending in a year will decrease inflation by 0.05% in the subsequent year. Also we can observe that there is a lagged value for broad money which is highly significant at1% level of significance positively and this means that a 1%-unit increase in broad money in a year will lead to 0.09% increase in inflation in the subsequent year. This emphasizes that inflation in Rwanda is positively responsive to broad money and negatively to government spending. The ECM coefficient noted as cointEq(-1) in table4B is negative and highly significant. This shows that the model has a self-adjusting mechanism to adjust the short-run dynamics of variables with their corresponding long-run values. According to (Afolabi J.A, 1995) a stable long-run relationship is further proved by a highly significant error correction term. The Durbin Watson statistic which is 1.321350 shows that there might be a positive serial autocorrelation among variables, but as we can observe the R-square is less than the Durbin Watson statistic which means that our data are not spurious. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 87 To assess more of the relevance of the data we used, we proceeded with the diagnostic and stability test. For the Diagnostic tests we have carried out; the Breusch-Godfrey Serial correlation LM test, Heteroskedasticity test ARCH and the Jarcque-Bera test. The results from those tests were as follows: Table5: Breusch-Godfrey Serial correlation LM test Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation LM Test: F-statistic 1.121566 Prob. F(15,24) 0.3896 Obs*R-squared 20.60516 Prob. Chi-Square(15) 0.1499 Source: Authors computation using e-views9. The results from the serial correlation test carried on the model shows that there is no serial correlation as the chi-square probability highlighted in green above in table5 is greater than 10%. Thus the model is good for forecasting. Table6: Heteroskedasticity test ARCH Heteroskedasticity Test: ARCH F-statistic 1.621083 Prob. F(2,45) 0.2090 Obs*R-squared 3.225891 Prob. Chi-Square(2) 0.1993 Source: Authors computation using e-views9. From the above test testing for hoteroskedasticity we can observe that its probability as highlighted in red is greater than 10% thus we can conclude that our model is homoscedastic as the variance of the residual is constant. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 88 Figure4: Jarque-Bera test. 8 Series: Residuals Sample 2006Q3 2018Q4 Observations 50 7 6 5 4 3 Mean Median Maximum Minimum Std. Dev. Skewness Kurtosis -2.09e-16 -0.000312 0.027100 -0.019197 0.008570 0.381163 3.704396 Jarque-Bera Probability 2.244408 0.325562 2 1 0 -0.02 -0.01 0.00 0.01 0.02 Source: Authors computation using e-views9. The Jarque-Bera test for normality show that the residuals are normally distributed as its probability as shown in the graph above is greater than 10% and from that we can conclude that the population is normally distributed. For the stability test we carried out the test of stability for the long-run model as seen in the output graphs below showing the CUSUM and CUSUMQ test performed. These tests of cumulative sum of recursive residuals (CUSUM) and CUSUM square when applied to residuals they evaluate the stability of the model, the expectations are that both the CUSUM and CUSUMQ graphs should be within the critical boundaries at 5% level of significance for the model to be acceptable as being stable. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 89 Figure5: Graph of CUSUM test for coefficient stability of ADRL long-run 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 CUSUM 2015 2016 2017 2018 5% Significance Source: Authors computation using e-views9. Figure6: Graph of CUSUMQ test for coefficient stability of ADRL long-run 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 CUSUM of Squares 2015 2016 2017 2018 5% Significance Source: Authors computation using e-views9. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 90 From figure 5 and figure 6 we can see that both the CUSUM and CUSUMQ graphs are within the critical boundaries at 5% level of significance and this entails that the model is overall stable and therefore can be used for policy formulation. 6. Conclusion and Policy recommendations. The main focus of study is to evaluate how the level of government expenditures affect inflation in Rwanda, this was assessed using the autoregressive distributed lag with quarterly data from the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NSIR) and the National Bank of Rwanda (BNR) for the period 2006Q1 to 2019Q4. Though study mainly focused on the nature of relationship between inflation and government spending, it also assessed other factors that could affect inflation along the chosen period. In the short run the results shows that the lagged values of inflation and broad money had a positive and significant effect on inflation, it also shows that there is a lagged value of government expenditures that has a significant a negative effect on inflation, which implies that those variables have a cumulative impact on inflation in Rwanda. In the long-run the results shows that money supply (broad money) has a strong positive impact on inflation and these findings are in line with the finding found in a similar study in Iran by (PAHLAVANI, (2009) ) showing that the level of money supply was positively related to in inflation in Iran. Regarding government expenditure it is found that it has a strong negative impact respectively in explaining inflation in Rwanda and these findings are in line with a similar study made in Nigeria by (Apeh Kenneth, 2019) showing that government spending was negatively related to inflation in Nigeria. The negative relationship between inflation and government spending shows that in Rwanda there is still large spare capacity as the industries in Rwandan economy are operating under the maximum level of production, where we observe that most industries or businesses have increased their capacity without matching it with the increase in demand, this through introducing new technologies while expecting the rise in demand over investing in fixed assets. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 91 Lower demand can also explain this negative relationship, where there is loss of market share as this one gets too competitive as better products are introduced by competitors. Inefficiency can also be noted as this non efficient of factors of production by industries creates a problem which leads to less competitiveness and less unit cost than the competition. Thus, this spare capacity in Rwanda portrays that the un-utilized factors of production were used to increase the level of national product (income) which in turn didn’t cause inflationary pressures, as though there is increase in government spending, there is no increase in unit cost, and the additional consumer expenditure as well as investment that shifts the aggregate demand curve further to the right won’t cause inflation because of the spare capacity. In that perspective we have concluded that inflation in Rwanda is negatively responsive to money supply as a unit increase in government spending leads to a decrease in inflation in Rwanda. We also noticed that inflation is positively responsive to money supply as a unit increase in government expenditures leads to an increase in inflation. Therefore, based on the above findings, concerning the issue of broad money the National Bank of Rwanda should ensure effective monetary policy where there is efficient money supply mechanisms to ensure that the positive responsiveness between inflation and money supply does not become an issue in the coming future. Concerning the issue of government spending, though along the years there have been a negative relationship between inflation and government expenditures where increase in government spending have led to a decrease in inflation both in the short and the longrun run, policy makers should keep making good use of the best theoretical and empirical literatures on hand or available to analyze the best government spending designed to encourage growth for the probability of achieving that effect. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 92 The potential consequences of uncertain data or assumptions should be fully explored and analyzed before setting policies involving government spending as inefficient government spending may lead to misallocation of resources and this can lead to larger government spending with less efficiency as government expenditures are taking place of private sector expenditures and this might lead to large budget deficits. The policy makers, should also assess the way through which they finance the government spending, they should not rely on taxes and external borrowing as to finance their spending as in the long-run this can cause inflationary pressures or even inflation rate to rise ,in such case the rise in government spending would be synonym of rise in taxes or external debt which in turn will negatively affect the economy and the general increase in prices, as in such case government spending will no longer be reducing the rate of inflation but increasing it. Efforts should made by the government to increase more it’s borrowing from the National Bank of Rwanda, as voluntarily the lenders who lends to the government will not decrease their consumption as they uses their savings but the inverse would happen when they are paying higher taxes as people are unwilling to go into debt or reduce their savings. Government borrowing from the public tends to restricts private spending as much as higher taxes could do under the same conditions, and the selling and buying of the government securities will provide the National Bank of Rwanda with means of controlling the money supply hence this will be essential for efficient monetary policy. This does not only help with the monetary policy but also this avoids the bad outcomes that taxes might have on incentives, if taxes are increased above what the tax payers are accustomed to. In that perspective one can say that borrowing will permit the government spending to be higher than it could be feasible using taxes, Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 93 Finally, policy makers should diversify the ways they finance the government expenditures, by increasing the government borrowing from the National Bank of Rwanda as well as other ways that are possible, they should also ensure efficient spending by basing on reliable data and assumptions, so that increase in government spending may not affect inflation positively but contribute to a healthy economic growth. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 94 Works Cited Afolabi J.A, O. S., 1995. An Assessment of the Impact of Inflation on Financial Intermediation in Nigerian Banking Sector, s.l.: NDIC Quarterly, 5 (1):29-48. . ALPER2, A. P. D. F. Ö., 2016. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN INFLATION AND UNEMPLOYMENT: THE ARDL BOUND TESTING APPROACH FOR TURKEY1, s.l.: s.n. Apeh Kenneth, A. M. A. N. O. N., 2019. 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Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 96 Forecasting the industrial sector growth in Rwanda using Box–Jenkins (BJ) methodology (2006Q1-2020Q4) Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 97 Abstract The government of Rwanda makes projections of its revenues in order to model its monetary and fiscal policy for it to achieve that objective it is better to have a model that can estimate the future values of revenues that can be generated from the industrial sector as one of the three main sectors that makes up the economy of Rwanda.A successful time series forecasting is emperatively dependent on an appropriate fitting model. Industrial sector in Rwanda is one of important factors of the economic growth in Rwanda, with the development of the industrial sector in Rwanda, predicting the future behavior of this sector output comprises uncertainty due to the ignorance of mathematical and statistical techniques while doing predictions. The interest of this study is to find an ARIMA model which is most appropriate to forecasting industrial growth in Rwanda using Eviews. The Box-Jenkins methodology is the one which was used in this paper and based on the research obtained, we indentified the model appropriate to forecasting industrial output in Rwanda as ARIMA (2,1,10). And based on the model selected the estimated forecast of the industrial output in Rwanda will increase on average of 0.35 percent quarterly in the period of 2021Q1 to 2023Q1 and on the average of 0.34 percent from 2023Q2 to 2023Q4. The results of the forecasting industrial outpout in Rwanda using Eviews software on 2021Q1– 2023Q4 is stable enough. Keywords: time series, industry, box-jenkins methodogy, stationarity, forecasting. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 98 1.Introduction In the three main sectors that constitute a country’s economy we find the industrial sector regarded as the secondary sector of the economy after the agricultural sector which is the primary sector of the economy. This sector of the economy comprises of economic activities performed by companies, organizations and people engaged in the production of services and goods in a given field reason why industries are categorized according to the goods and services they produce. It is the industrial sector where the final(finished) products that can be used by the consumer are produced, it most of the time uses agricultural sector’s completed products which are sent for further processing. This sector of the economy can be classified into two main types where we have large(heavy) industries and small(light) industries where most of them transform raw materials into end products that can be consumed. In Rwanda the industrial sector have been developing since the last tweenty seven years, though it doesn’t contributed as the agricultural and service sector, it does contribute a significant share to the gross domestic product in Rwanda where for example in the last four quarters the industrial sector contributed 18,19,21 and 19% respectively as acoording to (NISR, 2021). The government of Rwanda makes projections of its revenues in order to model its monetary and fiscal policy for it to achieve that objective it is better to have a model that can estimate the future values of revenues that can be generated from the industrial sector as one of the three main sectors that makes up the economy of Rwanda. A successful time series forecasting is emperatively dependent on an appropriate fitting model. Industrial sector in Rwanda is one of important factors of the economic growth in Rwanda, with the development of the industrial sector in Rwanda, predicting the future Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 99 behavior of this sector output comprises uncertainty due to the ignorance of mathematical and statistical techniques while doing predictions. The main purpose of this study is to help Rwandan policy makers and planners in getting a fitted model for forecasting the future evolution of the industrial sector. The second interest of this paper is to improve the knowledge of readers who misunderstand the use of statistical knowledge in Economic Institutions. The third purpose of this paper is to study the contribution of the industrial sector to the gross domestic product. The fouth interest of this paper is to analyse the influence that the past values in the industrial sector have on its future values.The last objective of this study is to provide the tools for future researchers interested in the same fields. The rest of this articcle is made as follow; section 2 studies the industrial sector n Rwanda, section 3 reviews the literature reviews, section 4 shows the methodology, section5 presents the results and discuss findings and section 6 concludes with policy recommendations. 2. Industrial sector in Rwanda. Rwanda’s industrial sector is made of five main subsectors which are mining and quarrying, manufacturing, electricity, water and waste management,and construction. Figure: sectorial performance in Rwanda 2006Q1 to 2020Q4 Source: authors’ chart using data from NISR R_GDP national accounts 2019Q3 and 2020Q4 Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 100 From the above chart, one can observe that compared to other sectors of the Rwandan economy, the industrial sector have been laging behind well as the service sector did perform well over all other sectors except in 2020 where due to the covid-19 pandemy, this sector slowed down because of the lockdowns while the agricultural sector growed faster than other sectors highly as the goververnment policies favired the agricultural sector in the period of total lockdown, so as to prevent food insecurity in the country. 2.1. Mining and quarrying Mining is the second largest export sector in the Rwandan economy after tourism. The mining sectorin Rwanda has untapped potential that presents lucrative investiment opportunities in the entire value chain from exploration to value addition, in its NST1( national strategy for transformation 1) Rwanda recently set an ambitious target of generating USD 1.5B in export revenues by 2024 (RDB, 2021). Figure: mining and quarrying in Rwanda from 2006Q1 to 2020Q4. Source: authors’ chart using data from NISR R_GDP national accounts 2019Q3 and 2020Q4 From the above chart one can observe that the mining& querrying subsector of the idustrial sector in Rwanda have been performing well all along the years with a staedy grwoth from 2006Q1 to 2019Q4 but observed a downfall from 2020Q1 to 2020Q3 which is due to a schock caused by the covid19 pandemy which forced the countr to enter in a period of lockdowns and shutdowns of diverse activities. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 101 2.2. Manufacturing Rwanda’s manufacturing sector is largaely undervisified, and is concentrated in seven sub-sectors: Food, beverages & tobacco,textiles, clothing & leather goods, wood & paper; printing, chemicals, rubber & plastic products, non-metallic mineral products, metal products, machinery & equipment, furniture & other manufacturing (NISR, 2021) The primary industrial activities involve mainly the processing of coffee, tea, bananas, beans, sorghum, potatoes and other agricultural commodities. Other smaller scale industrial products include cement, small-scale beverages, soap, furniture, shoes, plastic goods, textiles and cigarettes. The majority of goods manufactured in Rwanda are produced for domestic consumption; in order to limit the country’s reliance on imports. The vast majority of manufacturing companies in Rwanda are located in the capital city, Kigali. Sulfo Rwanda Industries is the second largest manufacturing company in Rwanda, located in Kigali. Sulfo Rwanda produces a wide range of consumer goods for the domestic market, these include: soap, lotions, skin lightening products, washing detergents and sweets (commonwealth, 2013). Rwanda is a large exporter of metal ores, comprised of mainly tin ores; ore exportation makes up 43% of the country’s total yearly exports. The country also exports a large amount of unroasted coffee beans, which make up over 25% of total yearly exports. Rwanda’s major export partners include Switzerland 16%, China 14%, Hong Kong 7% and the US 7%. Rwanda’s development aims are outlined in Vision 2020; objectives include targeting growth and development, which focus on economy-wide improvements in productivity. The overall goal is to have transformed Rwanda’s economy by 2020, moving away from subsistence agriculture towards increased manufacturing, services and commercial agriculture (commonwealth, 2013). Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 102 Figure: manufacturing sector performance in Rwanda 2006Q1 to 2020Q4 Source: authors’ chart using data from NISR R_GDP national accounts 2019Q3 and 2020Q4 From the figure above one can observe that in the manufacturing sector in Rwanda, food, beverage& tobacco and textile,clothing and leather goods are ones performing well compared to the remaing subsectors in the manufacturing subsector of the industrial sector. 2.3. Electricty Electricity availability and consumption is a critical input for economic, social and political development of a country. It is therefore of utmost importance that a country has adequate and reliable electricity supply to meet its demand, based primarily on the existing resources. The development of a least-cost generation development plan provides a realistic guide as to how demand for electricity can be met in the medium and long-term at a minimized cost (REG, 2019). Acording to Rwanda Energy Group (REG, 2019), in selecting appropriate technological supply alternatives for the expansion of the Rwandan electricity generation system, the following important aspects are to be considered: • Rwanda is endowed with a myriad of natural resources, the most dominant of which include water, sunshine, methane at the bottom of Lake Kivu and peat reserves in the southern part of Rwanda. It is therefore important that these resources are identified and Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 103 utilized for electricity production in the most cost-efficient manner, while meeting demand and reserve margin needs. This LCPDP is dedicated to identifying the potential output from maximum and economically feasible utilization of national resources, based on cost variables such as extraction costs/emissions constraints, where applicable (REG, 2019). • Currently, peak demand and reserve during peak are served by mainly diesel-powered power plants (Jabana II, Jabana I and 10 MW of SO Energy), as well as seasonal inputs from the big hydro storage power plants on the system. The use of diesel during these hours hikes up the generation cost, and consequently the electricity tariff. Due to the existence of the Shango-Mirama interconnecting line from Rwanda to Uganda, the possibility of import of power from Uganda to reduce the generation cost prior to Hakan entry in 2020 was considered (REG, 2019). • A power network analysis12 was done on existing and planned interconnectors (including planned power plants per technology type per country), amongst the 6 Nile Equatorial Lakes Subsidiary Action Plan (NELSAP) member countries, i.e. Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda to evaluate the potential future behaviour of the interconnected system over the period 2016 – 2021. Results from this analysis showed countries with potential to be both peak and off-peak customers for excess power from Rwanda up to 2021. This therefore was one of the key scenarios considered within the plan – power trade as a strategy to increase company earnings (REG, 2019). • In line with the Paris Agreement and the 7th Sustainable Development Goal set by the United Nations (i.e. affordable and clean energy), policies existing within the Rwanda energy sector target increased contribution of renewable energy to the national electricity production. A policy target of 60% by and after 203013 was set to ensure compliance with global trends towards decarbonization of the energy sector. This was therefore an important factor to consider during scenario development. Within all developed Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 104 scenarios, compliance with this ambitious target was monitored throughout the planning horizon (REG, 2019). Figure: electricty subsector development in Rwanda 2006Q1 to 2020Q4 Source: authors’ chart using data from NISR R_GDP national accounts 2019Q3 and 2020Q4 From the above figure one can observe that the electricty subsector of the industrial sector in Rwanda have been growing upward in recent years from 2006 to 2020 and this growth is expected to continue in the years to come, but though there is that increase this subsctor is also facing different challenges as according to the Rwanda energy group, until the Hakan peat to power facility begins operation in 2020, Rwanda will have limited generation resources especially during the dry season when many hydro power plants face water shortage problems. During this period, rental diesel generation is used to supply the peak demand, and this generation comes at a high cost. The optimal expansion program indicates that there is an immediate need for the import of approximately 45 MW in the last half of 2019, based on an estimated annual uniform electricity demand growth of 10% (REG, 2019). A study conducted by Israel Electric considered different annual growth rates of 8% (low growth), 10% (base case) and 12% (high growth) due to the uncertainty of forecasts. Electricity demand forecasts were then calculated in line with recent historical trends, using existing hourly load curves for the years 2015-2016. Peak and energy demand forecasts over the next 20 years were calculated as shown in table below (REG, 2019). Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 105 Table: Annual Peak & Energy Demand Growth for Different Growth Rates source: REG, Rwanda least cost power2019 An additional econometric assessment and forecast of annual consumption growth rates based on the available data on residential consumer consumption levels and electrical appliance use provided an estimate of 9.8% for the years 2016-2040. Bearing the uncertainties associated with demand forecasting and the different results presented by these studies, it was decided that an annual demand growth rate of 10% be used for Rwanda’s generation expansion scenario development and expansion planning (REG, 2019). The remaing subsectors, water &waste managmnet and construction have also kept on growing where notably construction kept on growing faster in the recent years contributing largely to the Rwanda’s gross domestic product, though it was hindered by the covid19 pandemy. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 106 Figure: water and waste management subsector in Rwanda 2006Q1 to 2020Q4. Source: authors’ chart using data from NISR R_GDP national accounts 2019Q3 and 2020Q4 As it can be observed in the chart above the water and waste managenment subsector in indudustrial sector have been growithing though out the recent years years where it have also observed a constant growth from 2019Q2 to 2020Q2. Figure: construction 2006Q1 to 2020Q4 Source: authors’ chart using data from NISR R_GDP national accounts 2019Q3 and 2020Q4 Based on the above graph one can observe that there was an a steady increase in construction subsector which contributed a lot to the gross domestic product of Rwanda but this sector as mentioned above have witnessed a schock because of the covid19 pandemy which have lead to its downfall, though it is recovering due to the recovery policy strategies put in place by the government of Rwanda including the quick recovery fund. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 107 3. Literature review. Considering the main purpose of this study, this part reviews theoritcal and empirical literature on the on the contribution of industrial sector on development and the forecasting methodology used in this paper. 3.1. Theoritical literature. Industrialization is often essential for economic growth, and for long-run poverty reduction. The pattern of industrialization, however, impacts remarkably on how the poor benefit from growth. Pro-poor economic and industrial policies focus on increasing the economic returns to the productive factors that the poor possess, e.g. raising returns to unskilled labour, whereas policies promoting higher returns to capital and land tend to increase inequality, unless they also include changes in existing patterns of concentration of physical and human capital and of land ownership. Use of capitalintensive methods instead of labour-intensive ones tends to increase income disparities, as does the employment of skill-biased technologies, especially where the level of education is low and human capital concentrated. Also, the location of industrial facilities has an impact on overall poverty reduction and inequality (Kniivilä, 2009). After World War II, China adopted a development strategy that included deliberate insulation from the world economy, industrialization and economic dominance of the state. As the country was falling far behind Western countries, however, it began reforming its closed and centrally planned economy in 1978. Since reforms, growth has accelerated and in the 1980s and 1990s GDP growth rates were the highest in the world, 9.9 per cent and 10.3 per cent respectively, up from 6 per cent in the 1970s (Worldbank, 2004a) In its reforms, China has followed a model similar to that of other successful East Asian countries. Growth has been based on rapid industrialization, increased trade openness and exports, and gradual liberalization of financial markets. Growth has been import- Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 108 export led: technology and know-how have been imported from abroad and adapted to the domestic resources, in particular to the abundant labour force (Dutta, 2005). This has made the extensive production of export goods possible. The high domestic savings rate coupled with large foreign direct investment inflows have made massive investments in infrastructure possible. In addition, labour markets have been increasingly deregulated, facilitating labour mobility (Kniivilä, 2009) The economic development strategy that India chose after the Second World War was very similar to China’s – near autarky, industrialization and the dominance of the state in the economy. Development was considered synonymous with industrialization and industry was concentrating mainly on basic goods like steel and machinery. Private capital was not seen as an efficient motor for development, and it was considered to have a tendency towards monopolization. Because of that, state control was considered to be essential. The chosen development strategy was one of import substitution. Development policies included licensing of industrial activity, the reservation of key areas for state activity, controls over foreign direct investment, and interventions in the labour market (Kaplinsky, 1997). 3.2. Empirical literature. One of the main tasks of the economy watcher is to extract reliable signals from highfrequency indicators to provide the decision-maker with an early picture of the short-term economic situation. The index of industrial production (IPI) is probably the most important and widely analysed high-frequency indicator, given the relevance of manufacturing activity as a driver of the whole business cycle. This can be seen by the extensive comments and reactions of business analysts as soon as the IPI is published. Indeed, the IPI is a crucial variable in the forecasting process of the short-term evolution of GDP in most countries (Guido Bulligan, 2009). However, the IPI itself is characterised by a significant publication delay, which limits its usefulness and motivates the great efforts to compute reliable and updated forecasts. The Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 109 efforts of statistical institutes to shorten the delay of the first release imply a greater degree of revision of the early estimates, which leads to the usual problem of assessing the ability of alternative forecasting methods using real-time data (Guido Bulligan, 2009). The publication by Box and Jenkins of Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control (op. cit.) ushered in a new generation of forecasting tools. Popularly known as the Box– Jenkins (BJ) methodology, but technically known as the ARIMA methodology, the emphasis of these methods is not on constructing single-equation or simultaneousequation models but on analyzing the probabilistic, or stochastic, properties of economic time series (Damodar N. Gujarati, 2009). Box-Jenkins forecasting models are based on statistical concepts and principles and are able to model a wide spectrum of time series behavior. It has a large class of models to choose from and a systematic approach for identifying the correct model form. There are both statistical tests for verifying model validity and statistical measures of forecast uncertainty. In contrast, traditional forecasting models offer a limited number of models relative to the complex behavior of many time series with little in the way of guidelines and statistical tests for verifying the validity of the selected model (Dr. Joseph K. Mung’atu, 2018). 4. Methodology. In this section is presented how the econometric model is specified and the methodology used to to analyze and forecast, it also descuss the set of data used and and describes the variables used. 4.1. Empirical model. 4.1.1. Model building The ARIMA methodology is carried out in three stages described by Box and Jenkins (1976), viz. identification, estimation and diagnostic checking. Parameters of tentatively selected ARIMA Model at the identification stage; parameters are estimated at the Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 110 estimation stage and adequacy of tentatively selected model is tested at the at the diagnostic checking stage. If the model is found to be inadequate, the 3 stages are repeated until satisfactory ARIMA model is selected for the time series under consideration, to end up with a specific formula that replicates the patterns in the series as closely as possible and also produces accurate forecasts. Software packages EVIEWS contain programs for fitting of ARIMA models (Dr. Joseph K. Mung’atu, 2018). 4.1.2. Indentification stage A preliminary Box-Jenkins analysis with a plot of the initial data should be run as the starting point in determining an appropriate model. The input data must be adjusted to form a stationary series; one whose values vary more or less uniformly about a fixed level over time. Apparent trends can be adjusted by having the model apply a technique of "regular differencing," a process of computing the difference between every two successive values, computing a differenced series which has overall trend behavior removed (Dr. Joseph K. Mung’atu, 2018). The class of ARMA models is quite large and in practice we must decide which of these models is most appropriate for the data at hand n Y1, Y2 ,Y3 ,..., Yn . The correlogram and partial correlogram are two simple diagrams which can help us to make this decision (i.e. to identify the model) (Damodar N. Gujarati, 2009). The correlogram for MA model and the partial correlogram for an AR model both cut off. As we know, the correlogram for AR model dies down (but does not cut off).it can be shown that the partial correlogram for an MA model dies down as well. Thus, if both diagrams die down, we can conclude that the appropriate model is ARMA. (Damodar N. Gujarati, 2009). Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 111 Table: characteristics of a stationary model. Model ACF AR(p) Tails PACF off towards zero Cuts off to zero after lag p (exponential decay) MA(q) Cuts off to zero after lag q Tails off toward zero(exponential decay) ARMA(p,q) Tails off toward zero Tails off toward zero Source: Basics of econometrics 5th edition. Another guiding principle in model identification is that of parsimony, the total number of parameters in the model should be as small as possible, this will almost certainly produce the best forecasts, and we can obtain more precise (stable) parameter estimates if the number of parameters is small (Damodar N. Gujarati, 2009). 4.1.3. Estimation stage At the identification stage one or more models are tentatively chosen that seems to provide statistically adequate representations of the available data. Then we attempt to obtain precise estimates of parameters of the model by least squares as advocated by Box and Jenkins (Damodar N. Gujarati, 2009). According to (Dr. Joseph K. Mung’atu, 2018) & (Damodar N. Gujarati, 2009) a good model fits the following characteristics: 1) It is parsimonious: fits the available data adequately without using any unnecessary coefficients. 2) It is stationary: Stationarity condition on coefficient π΄π (π) = ∅1 ππ‘−1 + ∅2 ππ‘−2 + β― + ∅π ππ‘−π + ππ‘ If p=0: we have a pure MA model or white noise ARMA (0, q) and always MA and white noise are stationary. If p=1: AR(1) or ARMA(1,q) stationarity condition is required where Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 112 the absolute value of ∅1 must be less than 1. If p=2 : AR(2) or ARMA(2,q) stationarity condition are required where absolute value of ∅2 must be less than 1, ∅1 +∅2 <1 and ∅2 ∅2<1 . If p>2, we check this condition ∅1 +∅2 +…+∅p<1 . 3) It is invertible: Invertibility conditions on coefficients: ππ΄(π) = β¬1 π΅1 − β¬2 π΅2 − β― − β¬π π΅π If q=0, we have a pure AR or a white noise. all pure AR or white noise are invertible` If q=1,MA(1) or ARMA(p,1) ,invertibility require that the absolute value of β¬1 <1. If q=2, MA(2) or ARMA(p,2),condition for invertibility are stated as follow: the absolute value of β¬2<1 , β¬1 +β¬2 <1 and β¬2 -β¬2<1 I f q>2, we check this condition β¬1 +β¬2 +…+β¬q<1 . 4) It has statistically independent residuals An important assumption is that the random shocks π(π‘) are independent in a process. We test the shocks for independence by constructing an acf using the residuals as input data. If residuals are statistically independent, this is important evidence that it cannot improve the model further by adding more AR or MA terms. 5) It fits the available data satisfactorily (available data sufficiently well at the estimation stage) Of course no model can fit the data perfectly because there are random-shocks elements present in the data. The analyst must decide in each case if an ARIMA model fit available data well enough to be used for forecasting. Box-Jenkins suggest a minimum of 50 observations. 6) It produces sufficiently accurate forecasts (small forecast errors). Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 113 Though a good forecasting model will usually fit the past well, it is more important that it forecast the future satisfactorily. To evaluate a model by this criterion we must monitor its forecast performance. 4.1.4. Diagnostic checking stage Once a model has been identified and estimated, it is usually taken to the true model and forecast can be obtain accordingly .to protect against disastrous forecasting errors, the least we can do is to check that the fitted model is a satisfactory one. The most commonly used method is to examine the correlogram of the residuals from the fitted model to see if the residuals are a white noise (as they should be if the model is correct). Box et al (1994). Once the appropriate ARIMA model has been fitted, we can examine the goodness of fit by means of plotting the ACF of residuals of the fitted model. If the ACF and PACF of earlier lags are not in general within ±2√π band around 0 then there is probably left over serial dependence in the residuals or conditional heteroscedasticity (Damodar N. Gujarati, 2009). 4.1.5. Determining the Best Model To determine the best model of several models of ARIMA can be used several criteria, among others: criteria for Mean Square Error (MSE), Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC) and Schwartz’s Bayesian Criterion (SBC). The best model was chosen that the value of the smallest message (Aswi, 2006). 4.1.6.Forecasting future values According to Newborn and Granger (1974)βit is better to sort out the individual model to derive a preferred model that contains the useful features of the original modelβ Once Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 114 a model has been created for a time series; EVIEWS can use it to forecast future values beyond the end of the series (Dr. Joseph K. Mung’atu, 2018). 4.2. Data source and analysis. The data used in this study were from the national institute of statistics of Rwanda (NISR), in the National accounts of 2019Q3 and 2020Q4. These data ranges from the period of 2006 to 2020 on quartely basis. The varible that is going to be analyzed is the industrial oupt from that period which is is going to be forcasted for 2021,2022 and 2023. These data are analysed using the EVIEWS software, with the Box-Jenkins‘s methodology which consist of three parts: a) The autoregressive part consists of a linear regression that establishes how past values of price per kilogram of coffee exported are related to future values, b) The βIntegratedβ part refers to how many times we have to take a difference to get a stationary series, and, c) The moving average part consists of how past forecast errors are related to future values of price per kilogram of coffee exported (Damodar N. Gujarati, 2009) An ARIMA model was developed using the Box-Jenkins‘s methodology that will take into account past values and forecast errors to predict future coffee exportation levels. The Box-Jenkins‘s methodology aids in identifying a forecast model, estimating its parameters, checking the model‘s performance, and finally using it to forecast (Aswi, 2006). All of these steps are illustrated below as I develop a simple model to forecast industrial sector output . 5. Results. In this section of the paper, we will see the estimation of the model that can be used to forecast the industrial sector output, and the results of the forecast of quaterly industrial output for the seven years ahead. 5.1. Model indentification Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 115 The serial data of industrial output in Rwanda are plotted in the figure below which shows that the series kept on aising through time, and this means that they may not be stationary. But deciding if the mean is not stationary just by looking at the graph below can be misleading. Figure: Industrial growth in Rwanda 2006Q1 to 2020Q4. Source: Author’s estimation in Eviews9 5.1.1Correlogram of data at level Source: Author’s estimation using Eviews9 Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 116 The correlegram shows that the data are not stationary as the spikes are not within the boundaries both for Autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation. The Q statitics is highly signficant ; the residuals are not white noise. 5.1.2. Unit root test at level for the industrial sector output series Unit root test will help us to know if our data are stationary or not using Augmented Dickey-Fuller and including intercept, Trend and Intercept or none of these (no intercept, no Trend). If the absolute values of calculated ADF are greater than the absolute values of 5% critical value, this means that there is stationarity. When the critical value is greater than ADF value; so we do not reject the null hypothesis (H0: non-stationarity) (Damodar N. Gujarati, 2009). Figure: unit root test at level Source: Author’s estimation using Eviews9 The unit root test above shows that there is the presence of unit root in our series, thus they are not stationary at level , therefore one can proceed to test the unit root test after transforming our data into first difference to see wether our series are integrated. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 117 Unit root test at first difference Figure: unit root test at first difference Source: Authors computation using Eviews9 The unit root test above indicates that there is no presence of unit root in our series, thus they are integrated at first difference, therefore one can proceed with the indentification of tentative models.. 5.1.2. Indentification of tentative models. Figure: correlogram of industrial output at first difference Source: estimation by the author using Eviews9 The ACF have large spike at first, second and third lag and the PACF has large spike at first and second lag; this can be an ARI(p,d) or IMA(d,q) or ARIMA(p,d,q) model. Now Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 118 based on the output of our correlegram at second difference one can choose the following tentative models as shown in the table bellow; Table :Tentative models &overfiting models Model AIC SC HQC ARIMA (2,1,2) -2.494964 -2.387435 -2.453174 ARIMA (2,1,4) -2.446043 -2.338514 -2.404254 ARIMA(2,1,6) -2.438996 -2.331467 -2.397206 ARIMA (2,1,8) -2.439547 -2.332018 -2.397757 ARIMA(2,1,10) -2.637549 -2.530020 -2.595759 ARIMA(5,1,2) -2.327034 -2.216535 -2.284419 ARIMA(5,1,4) -2.136355 -2.025856 -2.093740 ARIMA(5,1,6) -2.230198 -2.119698 -2.187582 ARIMA(5,1,8) -2.347775 -2.237276 -2.305160 ARIMA(5,1,10) -2.527686 -2.417187 -2.485071 Source: author’s extimation using eviews9. After choosing the tentative models as in the above table, we extimate each model and then choose the best tentative models that can be used for forcast, as accrding to (Aswi, 2006)& (Damodar N. Gujarati, 2009), we do this process by looking at the tentative model which have the lowest AIC, SC and HQC , and based to our output we can observe that we have a model which is ARIMA(2,1,10). We can now proceed by estimating the equations and choose the best that can be used to forecast future output of the industrial sector in Rwanda. 5.1.3. Model estimation. From the above comprising the tentative and overfitting models we have choosen the model ARIMA(2,1,10) after that we estimate the equation and the output is shown in the figure below; Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 119 Figure: results of estimation of ARIMA(2,1,10) Source: author’s extimation using eviews9. From the above output, one can observe that all the coeffients are signficant and from the above output one can estimate the equation as: ππ‘ = 0.021491 − 0.445741ππ‘−2 + 0.063083ππ‘ − 0.834418ππ‘−10 5.1.4. Diagnostic checking of residuals. At this stage of the testing done to see if the selected model is already pretty well statistically. The trick is to test whether the residual estimation results already are white noise. When residual already white noise means the model is just right (Winarno, 2011) Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 120 Figure : correlogram of residuals ARIMA(2,1,10) Source: Author’s estimation using eviews 9 Looking at the above figure of ARMA structure it appears that the residual is already random. This is shown by the graph where all dots are all located inside the circle. From the independence of the residual test results, a models of ARIMA (2, 1, 10) is qualified white noise therefore it can be used for forecasting. 5.1.5. Forecasting. After a diagnostic test using ARMA structure method, the next step is to do forecasting by using models that have been chosen, namely ARIMA (2,1,10). Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 121 Figure: industrial forecast from 2006Q1 to 2023Q4 Source: authors’ calculation using eviews9 Based on the model estimated the forecasted industrial output in Rwanda will increase on average of 0.35 percent quarterly in the period of 2021Q1 to 2023Q1 and at the average of 0.34 percent from 2023Q2 to 2023Q4. 6. Conclusion and policy recommendation The industrial sector in Rwanda is one of the three main sectors of the Rwandan economy, but the output of this sector is still low compared to the other remaining sectors of the economy as viewed in the (NISR, 2021) report of quarterly GDP. The aim of this study was to analyze the quarterly output of the industrial sector data obtained from National institute of statistics of Rwanda which was collected on quarterly basis. This research as mentioned above used the Box-Jenkins methodology (BJ), (ARIMA model) in modeling the output of the industrial sector in Rwanda. The stationarity assumptions were tested using the Dickey-Fuller (ADF) statistical test and the AIC, SSE and the SBC test were used to select a good model among the tentative ARIMA models. In national accounting, policy makers are frequently confronted with decision making situation in which time is a very important factor and it is very risky to do economic planning without projecting for the future. Rwanda’s Economic Health Page 122 Forecasting, which is one technique that country leaders may rely on as an aide in supervising present operations and in planning for future necessities, plays a crucial role in industry, agriculture, service, business, Government and Constitutional planning since any efficacy they do depends on the capacity to anticipate future events and outcomes. The right to ARIMA Model forecasting industrial output in Rwanda is model ARIMA (2,1,10). The model ARIMA (2,1,10) is a better model when compared to the other tentative models. This is indicated by the parameters in the model are already significant, the value of the AIC, SC and HQC indicating that it is model which is smaller in compared to other models and it already meets the test of independence. The analysis done using the data collection from the secondary data of Rwanda national accounts for GDP on quarterly basis, industry output is important since its forecasts of the future evolution of the industrial output can be applicable to the economic activities government policy makers and financial institutions. And as observed in this paper, based on the model selected the estimated forecast of the industrial output in Rwanda will increase on minimum average of 0.35 percent quarterly in the period of 2021Q1 to 2023Q1 and on the minimum average of 0.34 percent from 2023Q2to 2023Q4. The Box-Jenkins methodology (ARIMA model) is most powerful and popular in analyzing time series data. We would recommend different and various researchers to use it. These suggestions are addressed to the planners of industrial output in Rwanda in order to improve the evolution of the industrial sector in Rwanda. The policy makers should take into consideration the results found in the study in order to make a good decision about the strategies and policies that can be made and put in place to improve and manage the evolution of the Rwandan industrial sector. They should keep conducting researches each year in order to control the evolution of Rwandan industrial output so that they can implement fact based policies that will foster the wide growth of the industrial sector in Rwanda, as the pace path taken indicates that its being done gradually and this same pace should be kept for the years to come so as to assure sustainability. We are suggesting for further research. 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