AMETANK REPORT The following report is subject to the disclaimer statement as stated in the Disclaimer and Special Notes section at the end. Table of Contents Project Design Data and Summary Roof and Structure Design Details Top Member Design Shell Design Bottom Design Wind Moment Seismic Design Capacities and Weights Reactions on Foundation Disclaimer and Special Notes No Warnings!! Project Design Data and Summary Back Project Data Job : 2023-01-20-10-19 Date of Calcs. : 20-Jan-2023 Mfg. or Insp. Date : Designer : Richard Project : Tag ID : water tank 36 Plant : Plant Location : Site : Design Basis : API-650 13th Edition Errata 1, 2021 Design Parameters and Operating Conditions Design Parameters Design Internal Pressure = 0 KPa or 0 mmh2o Design External Pressure = -0 KPa or -0 mmh2o D of Tank = 36 m OD of Tank = 36.02 m ID of Tank = 36 m CL of Tank = 36.01 m Shell Height = 7.5 m S.G of Contents = 1 S.G of Hydrotest = 1 Max Design Liq. Level = 7.2 m Max Operating Liq. Level = 5.4 m Min Liq. Level = 1.12 m Design Temperature = 54 ºC MDMT (Minimum Design Metal Temperature) = -2 ºC Tank Joint Efficiency = 1 Ground Snow Load = 0 kPa Roof Live Load = 1 kPa Additional Roof Dead Load = 0 kPa Wind Load Basis: ASCE7-05 3 Second Gust Wind Speed (entered), Vg = 30 m/s = 108 kph Wind Importance Factor, Iw = 1 Design Wind Speed, V = Vg * SQRT(Iw) = 108 kph Seismic Method: API-650 - Non ASCE7(Sp) Seismic Use Group = I Site Class = E Sp (g) = 0.05 T_L (sec) = 4 Av (g) = 0.15 Q=1 Fa = 2.5 Fv = 3.5 Importance Factor = 1 Rwi = 3.5 Rwc = 2 Design Remarks Summary Results Shell Shell Width # (mm) Material CA (mm) JE Min Yield Strength Tensile Strength Sd (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) St (MPa) Weight (kg) 1 2500 A36 0 1 250 400 160 171 26,591 2 2500 A36 0 1 250 400 160 171 22,160 3 2500 A36 0 1 250 400 160 171 17,729 (continued) t-min Shell Weight CA Erection # (kg) (mm) t-Des (mm) t-Test (mm) t-min Seismic (mm) t-min ExtPe (mm) t-min (mm) t-Actual (mm) Status 1 26,591 8 7.61 7.12 6.55 NA 8 12 OK 2 22,160 8 4.85 4.54 4.37 NA 8 10 OK 3 17,729 8 2.09 1.96 2.11 NA 8 8 OK Total Weight of Shell = 66,520.19 kg Roof Type = Structurally Supported Conical Roof Plates Material = A36 Structural Material = A36 t.required = 5 mm t.actual = 5 mm Roof corrosion allowance = 0 mm Roof Joint Efficiency = 0.7 Plates Overlap Weight = 0 kg Plates Weight = 40,254.47 kg Structure Rafters Qty At Radius (m) Size Length (m) W (N/m) Ind. Weight (kg) Total Weight (kg) 54 IPE330 16.58 481.5 814.53 43,984.73 18 Rafters Total Weight = 43,984.73 kg Columns Qty At Radius (m) Size Length (m) W (N/m) Ind. Weight (kg) Total Weight (kg) 1 12" SCH STD 8.05 723.97 594.91 594.91 0 Columns Total Weight = 594.91 kg Bottom Type : Cone-Up Bottom Floor Bottom Material = A36 t.required = 6 mm t.actual = 6 mm Bottom corrosion allowance = 0 mm Bottom Joint Efficiency = 0.35 Total Weight of Bottom = 49,773.87 kg Annular Ring Material = A36 t.actual = 8 mm Weight = 5,460.85 kg Top Member Type = Detail B Size = L200x200x15 Material = A36 Weight = 5,145.16 kg Nameplate Information Pressure Combination Factor 0.4 Design Standard API-650 13th Edition Errata 1, 2021 Appendices Used E Roof A36 : 5 mm Shell (1) A36 : 12 mm Shell (2) A36 : 10 mm Shell (3) A36 : 8 mm Bottom A36 : 6 mm Annular Ring A36 : 8 mm Roof and Structure Design Details Back Roof Type (Cone) = Cone Structure Support Type (Outside Structure With Center Column) = Outside Structure With Center Column Material Properties Material (A36) = A36 Minimum Tensile Strength (Sut) = 400.0 MPa Minimum Yield Strength (Sy) = 250.0 MPa As per API-650 Table 5-2 a, Allowable Design Stress (Sd) = 160.0 MPa Density (d) = 7,840 kg/m^3 Geometry Rh = Horizontal Radius (m) slope = Slope (Rise / Run) Rh = 18.06 m slope = 0.06 Description Variable Equation Value Unit Slope Angle Theta ARCTAN(slope) 3.58 deg Angle With Vertical Line Alpha 90 - Theta 86.42 deg Height h Rh * TAN(Theta) 1.13 m Surface Area A (pi * (Rh^2)) / COS(Theta) 1,026.9 m^2 Center of Gravity from Base CG h/3 0.38 m Vertical Projected Area Av Rh * h 20.39 m^2 Horizontal Projected Area Ah pi * (Rh^2) 1,024.9 m^2 Volume V (pi * (Rh^2) * h) / 3 385.66 m^3 Description Variable Equation Value Unit Plates Nominal Weight Wr-pl A*d*t 40,254.48 kg Plates Corroded Weight Wr-pl-corr A * d * (t - CA) 40,254.48 kg New Plates Dead Load Pressure DL-pl 0.39 Weights DL-add = Added dead load (kPa) d-ins = Insulation Density (kg/m^3) t = Plates Thickness (mm) t-ins = Insulation Thickness (mm) DL-add = 0.0 kPa d-ins = 130 kg/m^3 t = 5 mm t-ins = 0 mm ((9.80665 * Wr-pl) / Ah) * (1 / 1000) kPa Corroded Plates Dead Load Pressure DL-pl-corr ((9.80665 * Wr-pl-corr) / Ah) * (1 / 1000) 0.39 kPa Insulation Weight Wr-ins t-ins * d-ins * A 0.0 kg Insulation Dead Load Pressure DL-ins ((9.80665 * Wr-ins) / Ah) * (1 / 1000) 0.0 kPa Dead Load DL DL-pl + DL-ins + DL-add 0.39 kPa Total Nominal Dead Weight Wr-DL (DL * Ah) / 9.80665 40,254.48 kg Additional Dead Weight Wr-DLadd (DL-add * Ah) / 9.80665 0.0 kg Loads B = Maximum Gravity Load Combination Based on Balanced Snow Load (kPa) Fpe = External Pressure Combination Factor Lr = Minimum Roof Live Load (kPa) Pe = Design External Pressure (kPa) S = Ground Snow Load (kPa) Sb = Balanced Snow load per API 650 Section 5.2.1 (h) (kPa) Su = Unbalanced Snow load per API 650 Section 5.2.1 (h) (kPa) U = Maximum Gravity Load Combination Based on Unbalanced Snow Load (kPa) W-max-gravity-load = Maximum Gravity Load Weight (kg) e.1b = Gravity Loads Combination 1 Based on Balanced Snow Load per API 650 Section 5.2.2 (kPa) e.1u = Gravity Loads Combination 1 Based on Unbalanced Snow Load per API 650 Section 5.2.2 (kPa) e.2b = Gravity Loads Combination 2 Based on Balanced Snow Load per API 650 Section 5.2.2 (kPa) e.2u = Gravity Loads Combination 2 Based on Unbalanced Snow Load per API 650 Section 5.2.2 (kPa) max-gravity-load = Maximum Gravity Load (kPa) Fpe = 0.4 Lr = 1.0 kPa Pe = 0.0 kPa S = 0.0 kPa Sb = 0.84 * S Sb = 0.84 * 0.0 Sb = 0.0 kPa Su = Sb Su = 0.0 Su = 0.0 kPa e.1b = DL + MAX(Lr , Sb) + (Fpe * Pe) e.1b = 0.3852 + MAX(1.0 , 0.0) + (0.4 * 0.0) e.1b = 1.39 kPa e.2b = DL + Pe + (0.4 * MAX(Lr , Sb)) e.2b = 0.3852 + 0.0 + (0.4 * MAX(1.0 , 0.0)) e.2b = 0.79 kPa B = MAX(e.1b , e.2b) B = MAX(1.3852 , 0.7852) B = 1.39 kPa e.1u = DL + MAX(Lr , Su) + (Fpe * Pe) e.1u = 0.3852 + MAX(1.0 , 0.0) + (0.4 * 0.0) e.1u = 1.39 kPa e.2u = DL + Pe + (0.4 * MAX(Lr , Su)) e.2u = 0.3852 + 0.0 + (0.4 * MAX(1.0 , 0.0)) e.2u = 0.79 kPa U = MAX(e.1u , e.2u) U = MAX(1.3852 , 0.7852) U = 1.39 kPa max-gravity-load = MAX(B , U) max-gravity-load = MAX(1.3852 , 1.3852) max-gravity-load = 1.39 kPa W-max-gravity-load = (max-gravity-load * Ah * 1000) / 9.80665 W-max-gravity-load = (1.3852 * 1,024.9001 * 1000) / 9.80665 W-max-gravity-load = 144,765.21 kg Erection Requirements t-erec-req = Minimum Erection Thickness Including Corrosion Allowance (mm) As per API-650, Minimum Erection Thickness (t-erec) = 5 mm t-erec-req = t-erec + CA t-erec-req = 5 + 0 t-erec-req = 5 mm Required Thickness t-req = Required Thickness (mm) t-req = t-erec-req t-req = 5 t-req = 5 mm t >= t-req ==> PASS Structure Design Calculations Radial Bay 0 (Center Bay) Center Bay Rafters Spacing and Quantity CA = Roof Corrosion Allowance (mm) DL = Dead load (kPa) Fp = Pressure Combination Factor Fy = Roof Yield Strength (MPa) Lr = Roof Live Load (kPa) N-actual-1 = Actual Number of Rafters N-min-1 = Rafters Quantity Required P-ext-1-1 = Maximum External Pressure (kPa) P-max-1 = Maximun Roof Load Based on Rafters Actual Spacing (MPa) R-1 = Rafters Outer Radius (mm) S = Ground Snow Load (kPa) Sb = Balanced Snow Load (kPa) TL = Roof Total Load (Dead + Live) (MPa) l = Maximum Rafter Spacing (mm) l-actual-1 = Rafters Actual Spacing (mm) l_calc = Calculated Maximum Rafter Spacing per API-650 (mm) t-actual = Roof Actual Thickness (mm) t-calc-1 = Roof Required Thickness Based on Rafters Actual Spacing (mm) CA = 0 mm DL = 0.39 kPa Fp = 0.4 Fy = 250.0 MPa Lr = 1.0 kPa N-actual-1 = 54 R-1 = 18,000 mm S = 0.0 kPa Sb = 0.0 kPa TL = 0.0013851707698449584 MPa t-actual = 5 mm l_calc = (t-actual - CA) * SQRT(((1.5 * Fy) / TL)) l_calc = (5 - 0) * SQRT(((1.5 * 250.0) / 0.0014)) l_calc = 2,601.56 (Set to 2,100 mm since it cannot be greater than 2,100) l = l-max-by-user l = 2,100 l = 2,100 mm N-min-1 = CEILING(((2 * pi * R-1) / l)) N-min-1 = CEILING(((2 * pi * 18,000) / 2,100)) N-min-1 = 54 N-recommended-1 must be a multiple of 1, therefore N-recommended-1 = 54. N-rft-1 >= N-min-1 ==> PASS l-actual-1 = (2 * pi * R-1) / N-actual-1 l-actual-1 = (2 * pi * 18,000) / 54 l-actual-1 = 2,094.4 mm t-calc-1 = (l-actual-1 / SQRT(((1.5 * Fy) / TL))) + CA t-calc-1 = (2,094.3951 / SQRT(((1.5 * 250.0) / 0.0014))) + 0 t-calc-1 = 4.03 mm Center Bay Maximum Allowable External Pressure Based on Rafters Actual Spacing P-max-1 = (1.5 * Fy) / ((l-actual-1 / (t-actual - CA))^2) P-max-1 = (1.5 * 250.0) / ((2,094.3951 / (5 - 0))^2) P-max-1 = 0.0021372437174555625 MPa P-ext-1-1 = (P-max-1 - DL - (Fp * MAX(S , Lr))) * -1 P-ext-1-1 = (2.1372 - 0.3852 - (0.4 * MAX(0.0 , 1.0))) * -1 P-ext-1-1 = -1.35 kPa Center Bay Rafter Design Average-p-width-1 = Average Plate Width (mm) Average-r-s-inner-1 = Average Rafter Spacing on Inner Side (mm) Average-r-s-shell-1 = Average Rafter Spacing on Outer Side (mm) CA-rft = Rafter Corrosion Allowance (mm) Ma-rft = Rafter Material Max-P-1 = Max Load Allowed per Rafter (MPa) Max-r-span-1 = Rafter Design Length (mm) Mmax-rft-1 = Maximum Bending Moment for the Dead Load Only ( Mmax-rft-1 = Maximum Bending Moment ( N-actual-1 = Actual Number of Rafters N_braces = Recommended Number of Braces P-ext-2-1 = Vacuum Limited by Rafter Type (kPa) Ri-1 = Inner Radius (mm) Ro-1 = Outer Radius (mm) Sd-DL-rft-1 = Rafter Allowable Stress for Dead Load Only Case (MPa) Sd-rft-1 = Rafter Allowable Stress (MPa) Sx-rft-Req-1 = Minimum Required Elastic Section Modulus (cm^3) Sx-rft-Req-1-1 = Required Elastic Section Modulus for the Dead Load and Live Load Case (cm^3) Sx-rft-Req-1-2 = Required Elastic Section Modulus for Dead Load Only Case (cm^3) TL = Total Top Load (Dead + Live) (MPa) Theta = Slope Angle (deg) W-DL-rft-1 = Rafter Design Dead (rafter weight + top dead load) (N/mm) W-Max-rft-1 = Maximum stress allowed for each rafter in ring (N/mm) W-rft-1 = Rafter Design Load (rafter weight + top load) (N/mm) b = Braces Positions (mm) div = Deflection Limit Divisor (mm) CA-rft = 0 mm Ma-rft = A36 N-actual-1 = 54 Ri-1 = 1,671.52 mm Ro-1 = 18,000 mm TL = 0.0013851707698449584 MPa Theta = 3.58 deg b = [5,371.36 10,891.75 ] mm div = 180 mm Section Modulus About X Axis (Sx-corr) = 713,100 mm^3 Max-r-span-1 = (Ro-1 - Ri-1) / COS(Theta) Max-r-span-1 = (18,000 - 1,671.5235) / COS(3.5763) Max-r-span-1 = 16,360.34 mm Average-r-s-inner-1 = (2 * pi * Ri-1) / N-actual-1 Average-r-s-inner-1 = (2 * pi * 1,671.5235) / 54 Average-r-s-inner-1 = 194.49 mm Average-r-s-shell-1 = (2 * pi * Ro-1) / N-actual-1 Average-r-s-shell-1 = (2 * pi * 18,000) / 54 Average-r-s-shell-1 = 2,094.4 mm Average-p-width-1 = (Average-r-s-inner-1 + Average-r-s-shell-1) / 2 Average-p-width-1 = (194.4906 + 2,094.3951) / 2 Average-p-width-1 = 1,144.44 mm Center Bay Rafter Material Properties Material (A36) = A36 Minimum Tensile Strength (Sut) = 400.0 MPa Minimum Yield Strength (Sy) = 250.0 MPa Modulus of Elasticity at Design Temperature (E) = 199,000 MPa Center Bay Rafter I-Beam Size IPE330 Section Properties Description Variable New Corroded Unit Weight W 49.1 49.1 kg/m Cross Sectional Area A 6,260 6,260 mm^2 Radius of Gyration About X Axis rx 137.1 137.1 mm Radius of Gyration About Y Axis ry 35.5 35.5 mm Moment Of Inertia About X Axis Ix 117,700,000 117,700,000 mm^4 Moment Of Inertia About Y Axis Iy 7,881,000 7,881,000 mm^4 Section Modulus About X Axis Sx 713,100 713,100 mm^3 Section Modulus About Y Axis Sy 98,520 98,520 mm^3 Plastic Section Modulus About X Axis Zx 804,300 804,300 mm^3 Plastic Section Modulus About Y Axis Zy 153,700 153,700 mm^3 Warping Constant cw 199,100,000,000 199,100,000,000 mm^6 Torsional Constant j 281,500 281,500 mm^4 Centroid to Edge Max x Distance ex 80 80 mm Centroid to Edge Max y Distance ey 165 165 mm I-Beam Flange Width wf 160 160 mm I-Beam Flange Thickness tf 11.5 11.5 mm I-Beam Depth d 330 330 mm I-Beam Web Thickness tw 7.5 7.5 mm Center Bay Rafter Allowable Flexural Strength per AISC-360 Lp = Limiting laterally unbraced length for the limit state of yielding per AISC-360 F2-5 (mm) Lr = Limiting laterally unbraced length for the limit state of inelastic lateral-torsional buckling per AISC-360 F2-6 (mm) M = Lateral torsional buckling per AISC-360 F2-2 ( Ma = Allowable Flexural Strength ( Mn = Nominal flexural strength per AISC-360 F2 ( Mp = Yielding per AISC-360 F2-1 ( Mpa = Allowable Flexural Strength Assuming the Member is Braced ( Ypf = Limiting slenderness parameter for compact flange Ypw = Limiting slenderness parameter for compact web Yrf = Limiting slenderness parameter for noncompact flange Yrw = Limiting slenderness parameter for noncompact web bf = Flange width (mm) c = Coefficient per AISC-360 F2-8a h = Web height (mm) ho = Distance between the flange centroids (mm) rts = Effective radius of gyration per AISC-360 F2-7 (mm) bf = wf / 2 = 80 mm h = d - (2 * tf) = 307.0 mm Ypf = 0.38 * SQRT((E / Fy)) Ypf = 0.38 * SQRT((199,000 / 250.0)) Ypf = 10.72 Yrf = 1 * SQRT((E / Fy)) Yrf = 1 * SQRT((199,000 / 250.0)) Yrf = 28.21 Ypw = 3.76 * SQRT((E / Fy)) Ypw = 3.76 * SQRT((199,000 / 250.0)) Ypw = 106.08 Yrw = 5.7 * SQRT((E / Fy)) Yrw = 5.7 * SQRT((199,000 / 250.0)) Yrw = 160.82 As per AISC-360 table B4.1b Flange width to thickness ratio check : (bf / tf) <= Ypf ==> Flange is compact As per AISC-360 table B4.1b Web height to thickness ratio check : (h / tw) <= Ypw ==> Web is compact Mp = Fy * Zx Mp = 250.0 * 804,300 Mp = 201,075,000 Unbraced length (Lb) = 5,520.39 mm Lp = 1.76 * ry * SQRT((E / Fy)) Lp = 1.76 * 35.5 * SQRT((199,000 / 250.0)) Lp = 1,762.78 mm ho = d - tf ho = 330 - 11.5 ho = 318.5 mm c=1 rts = SQRT((SQRT((Iy * Cw)) / Sx)) rts = SQRT((SQRT((7,881,000 * 199,100,000,000)) / 713,100)) rts = 41.91 mm Lr = 1.95 * rts * (E / (0.7 * Fy)) * SQRT((((J * c) / (Sx * ho)) + SQRT(((((J * c) / (Sx * ho))^2) + (6.76 * (((0.7 * Fy) / E)^2)))))) Lr = 1.95 * 41.912 * (199,000 / (0.7 * 250.0)) * SQRT((((281,500 * 1) / (713,100 * 318.5)) + SQRT(((((281,500 * 1) / (713,100 * 318.5))^2) + (6.76 * (((0.7 * 250.0) / 199,000)^2)))))) Lr = 5,759.21 mm (Lp < Lb) AND (Lb <= Lr) M = Cb * (Mp - ((Mp - (0.7 * Fy * Sx)) * ((Lb - Lp) / (Lr - Lp)))) M = 1 * (201,075,000 - ((201,075,000 - (0.7 * 250.0 * 713,100)) * ((5,520.3941 - 1,762.7777) / (5,759.2133 - 1,762.7777)))) M = 129,350,994.11 Mpa = Mp / 1.67 Mpa = 201,075,000 / 1.67 Mpa = 120,404,191.62 Mn = MIN(Mp , M) = 129,350,994.11 Ma = Mn / 1.67 Ma = 129,350,994.1134 / 1.67 Ma = 77,455,685.1 Center Bay Rafter Required Section Modulus for Dead Load and Live Load Design Case W-rft-1 = (TL * Average-p-width-1) + W W-rft-1 = (0.0014 * 1,144.4428) + 0.4815 W-rft-1 = 2.07 N/mm Mmax-rft-1 = (W-rft-1 * (Max-r-span-1^2)) / 8 Mmax-rft-1 = (2.0668 * (16,360.337^2)) / 8 Mmax-rft-1 = 69,148,627.13 Sd-rft-1 = Mpa / Sx-corr Sd-rft-1 = 120,404,191.6168 / 713,100 Sd-rft-1 = 168.85 MPa Sx-rft-Req-1-1 = (Mmax-rft-1 / Sd-rft-1) / 1000 Sx-rft-Req-1-1 = (69,148,627.1344 / 168.8462) / 1000 Sx-rft-Req-1-1 = 409.54 cm^3 Center Bay Rafter Required Section Modulus for Dead Load Only Design Case W-DL-rft-1 = (DL * Average-p-width-1) + W W-DL-rft-1 = (0.0004 * 1,144.4428) + 0.4815 W-DL-rft-1 = 0.92 N/mm N_braces = CEILING((Max-r-span-1 / Lr)) - 1 N_braces = CEILING((16,360.337 / 5,759.2133)) - 1 N_braces = 2 Mmax-rft-1 = (W-DL-rft-1 * (Max-r-span-1^2)) / 8 Mmax-rft-1 = (0.9223 * (16,360.337^2)) / 8 Mmax-rft-1 = 30,858,340.97 Sd-DL-rft-1 = Ma / Sx-corr Sd-DL-rft-1 = 77,455,685.0978 / 713,100 Sd-DL-rft-1 = 108.62 MPa Sx-rft-Req-1-2 = (Mmax-rft-1 / Sd-DL-rft-1) / 1000 Sx-rft-Req-1-2 = (30,858,340.9666 / 108.6183) / 1000 Sx-rft-Req-1-2 = 284.1 cm^3 Center Bay Rafter Minimum Required Section Modulus Sx-rft-Req-1 = MAX(Sx-rft-Req-1-1 , Sx-rft-Req-1-2) Sx-rft-Req-1 = MAX(409.5363 , 284.099) Sx-rft-Req-1 = 409.54 cm^3 Sx-corr >= Sx-rft-Req-1 ==> PASS Center Bay Rafter Required Radius of Gyration (Slenderness Check) L = Member Unbraced Length (mm) L/r = Slenderness Ratio r = Governing Radius of Gyration (mm) r-req = Required Radius of Gyration (mm) L = 16,360.34 mm r = 137.1 mm As per API-650, Max Slenderness Ratio (max-ratio) = 300 L/r = L / r L/r = 16,360.337 / 137.1 L/r = 119.33 r-req = L / max-ratio r-req = 16,360.337 / 300 r-req = 54.53 mm L/r <= 300 ==> PASS Center Bay Rafter Minimum Required Thickness As per API-650, Minimum Nominal Thickness (t-min) = 4.3 mm As per API-650, Minimum Corroded Thickness (t-min-corr) = 2.4 mm tf >= t-min ==> PASS tf-corr >= t-min-corr ==> PASS tw >= t-min ==> PASS tw-corr >= t-min-corr ==> PASS Center Bay Rafter Deflection delta = Beam Uniform Load Deflection (mm) delta_max = Maximum Allowable Deflection (mm) div = Deflection limit divisor (mm) div = 180 mm delta_max = L / div delta_max = 16,360.337 / 180 delta_max = 90.89 mm delta = (5 * W * (L^4)) / (384 * E * Ix) delta = (5 * 2.0668 * (16,360.337^4)) / (384 * 199,000 * 117,700,000) delta = 82.31 mm delta <= delta_max ==> PASS Center Bay Rafter Maximum Allowable External Pressure W-Max-rft-1 = (Sx-corr * Sd-rft-1 * 8) / (Max-r-span-1^2) W-Max-rft-1 = (713,100 * 168.8462 * 8) / (16,360.337^2) W-Max-rft-1 = 3.6 N/mm Max-P-1 = (W-Max-rft-1 - W) / Average-p-width-1 Max-P-1 = (3.5987 - 0.4815) / 1,144.4428 Max-P-1 = 0.0027237756645115234 MPa P-ext-2-1 = (Max-P-1 - DL - (Fp * MAX(S , Lr))) * -1 P-ext-2-1 = (2.7238 - 0.3852 - (0.4 * MAX(0.0 , 1.0))) * -1 P-ext-2-1 = -1.94 kPa Center Bay Girder Design Not required for center column Center Bay Column Design A-req-1 = Required Cross Sectional Area Of Column (mm^2) Average-p-width-1 = Average plate width (mm) Average-r-s-inner-1 = Average rafter spacing on inner girder (mm) Average-r-s-shell-1 = Average rafter spacing on shell (mm) C1-1 = Total Inner Rafters Length Supported by Girder (mm) C2-1 = Total Outer Rafters Length Supported by Girder (mm) CA-col = Column Corrosion Allowance (mm) Girder-Length-1 = Girder Length (mm) Girder-Weight-1 = Girder Weight (kg/mm) L-col = Column design length (m) Ma-col = Column Material Max-P-column-1 = Maximum Load allowed per Column (MPa) N-actual-1 = Actual number of rafters P-c-1 = Column Total Load (N) P-ext-4-1 = Vacuum Limited by Column Type (kPa) R-inner-1 = Inner radius (mm) R-outer-1 = Outer radius (mm) Rafter-L-1 = Rafter Length (mm) Rafter-Weight-1 = Rafter Weight per Linear Length (kg/mm) Rafter-Weight-prev-1 = Rafter Weight per Linear Length previous (kg/mm) Sca = Allowable Compressive Stress (MPa) TL = Roof Total Load (Dead + Live) (kPa) W-DL-col-top = Dead Load on Column (N) W-DL-girder-1 = Girder Dead Load Weight Including Rafters and Roof Dead Loads (N/mm) W-DL-rafter-1 = Rafter Dead Load Weight Including Roof Dead Load (N/mm) W-Max-column-1 = Maximum weight allowed for each column in ring (N) W-col = Column Weight (N) W-col-top = Load on Column (N) W-girder-1 = Girder Total Weight Including Rafters and Roof Loads (N/mm) W-rafter-1 = Rafter Design Load (rafter weight + top load) (N/mm) radial-distance-1 = Radial Distance (mm) Average-p-width-1 = 1,144.44 mm Average-r-s-inner-1 = 194.49 mm Average-r-s-shell-1 = 2,094.4 mm C1-1 = 0 mm C2-1 = 0 mm CA-col = 0 mm Girder-Length-1 = 0 mm Girder-Weight-1 = nil L-col = 8.06 m Ma-col = A106-B N-actual-1 = 54 R-inner-1 = 1,671.52 mm R-outer-1 = 18,000 mm Rafter-Weight-1 = 0.05 kg/mm Rafter-Weight-prev-1 = nil TL = 1.39 kPa W-DL-girder-1 = 0 N/mm W-DL-rafter-1 = 0.92 N/mm W-girder-1 = 0 N/mm W-rafter-1 = 2.07 N/mm radial-distance-1 = 0.0 mm Center Bay Column Material Properties Material (A106-B) = A106-B Minimum Tensile Strength (Sut) = 415 MPa Minimum Yield Strength (Sy) = 240 MPa Modulus of Elasticity at Design Temperature (E) = 199,836.36 MPa Center Bay Column Pipe Size 12 SCH STD Section Properties Description Variable New Corroded Unit Weight W 73.83 73.83 kg/m Cross Sectional Area A 9,405.76 9,405.76 mm^2 Radius of Gyration About X Axis rx 111.18 111.18 mm Radius of Gyration About Y Axis ry 111.18 111.18 mm Pipe Thickness t-pipe 9.52 9.52 mm Pipe Inner Diameter ID-pipe 304.8 304.8 mm Pipe Outer Diameter OD-pipe 323.85 323.85 mm Center Bay Column Allowable Compressive Strength per AISC-360 Fe = Elastic Buckling Stress per AISC-360 E3-4 (MPa) Pa = Allowable Compressive Strength (N) Pn = Nominal compressive strength per AISC-360 E3-1 (N) Radius of gyration : (rx = ry) AND (Ly = Lx) Fe = ((pi^2) * E) / (((K * Ly) / ry)^2) Fe = ((pi^2) * 199,836.3636) / (((1 * 8,058.3692) / 111.1817)^2) Fe = 375.45 MPa As per AISC-360 table B4.1a Pipe width to thickness ratio : (D / t) <= (0.11 * (E / Fy)) ==> Pipe is not slender Fcr = Critical stress per AISC-360 E3-2 (MPa) (Fy / Fe) <= 2.25 Fcr = (0.658^(Fy / Fe)) * Fy Fcr = (0.658^(240 / 375.4451)) * 240 Fcr = 183.66 MPa Pn = Fcr * Ag Pn = 183.6596 * 9,405.7576 Pn = 1,727,458.05 N Pa = Pn / 1.67 Pa = 1,727,458.0452 / 1.67 Pa = 1,034,406.02 N Center Bay Column Load Rafter-L-1 = (R-outer-1 - R-inner-1) / COS(Theta) Rafter-L-1 = (18,000 - 1,671.5235) / COS(3.5763) Rafter-L-1 = 16,360.34 mm W-col = W * L-col W-col = 723.9784 * 8.0584 W-col = 5,834.09 N W-col-top = (Rafter-L-1 * W-rafter-1 * N-actual-1) / 2 W-col-top = (16,360.337 * 2.0668 * 54) / 2 W-col-top = 912,945.95 N W-DL-col-top = (Rafter-L-1 * W-DL-rafter-1 * N-actual-1) / 2 W-DL-col-top = (16,360.337 * 0.9223 * 54) / 2 W-DL-col-top = 407,412.25 N P-c-1 = W-col-top + W-col P-c-1 = 912,945.953 + 5,834.0856 P-c-1 = 918,780.04 N Center Bay Column Required Cross Sectional Area Sca = Pa / A-corr Sca = 1,034,406.0151 / 9,405.7576 Sca = 109.98 MPa A-req-1 = P-c-1 / Sca A-req-1 = 918,780.0385 / 109.9758 A-req-1 = 8,354.38 mm^2 A-corr >= A-req-1 ==> PASS Center Bay Column Minimum Required Thickness As per API-650, Minimum Nominal Thickness (t-min) = 6 mm As per API-650, Minimum Corroded Thickness (t-min-corr) = 2.4 mm t-pipe >= t-min ==> PASS t-pipe-corr >= t-min-corr ==> PASS Center Bay Column Required Radius of Gyration (Slenderness Check) L = Member Unbraced Length (mm) L/r = Slenderness Ratio r = Governing Radius of Gyration (mm) r-req = Required Radius of Gyration (mm) L = 8,058.37 mm r = 111.18 mm As per API-650, Max Slenderness Ratio (max-ratio) = 180 L/r = L / r L/r = 8,058.3692 / 111.1817 L/r = 72.48 r-req = L / max-ratio r-req = 8,058.3692 / 180 r-req = 44.77 mm L/r <= 180 ==> PASS Center Bay Column Top Plate Design CA = Top Plate Corrosion Allowance (mm) Fa = Top Plate Allowable Stress (MPa) Fb = Top Plate Stress per Steel Plate Engineering Data Volume 2 Part I Table 1-1A (MPa) Ma = Material P = Column Load (N) a = Top Plate Radius (mm) r0 = Column Radius (mm) t = Top Plate Thickness (mm) v = Poisson's Ratio CA = 0 mm Ma = A36 P = 912,945.95 N a = 1,671.52 mm r0 = 161.92 mm t = 10 mm v = 0.3 NOTE: No credit is taken for the circular plate support. Material (A36) = A36 Minimum Tensile Strength (Sut) = 400.0 MPa Minimum Yield Strength (Sy) = 250.0 MPa Fa = 0.75 * Fy Fa = 0.75 * 250.0 Fa = 187.5 MPa Fb = 1.43 * (LOG((a / r0), 10) + 0.334 + (0.06 * ((r0 / a)^2))) * (P / ((t - CA)^2)) Fb = 1.43 * (LOG((1,671.5235 / 161.925), 10) + 0.334 + (0.06 * ((161.925 / 1,671.5235)^2))) * (912,945.953 / ((10 - 0)^2)) Fb = 17,603.03 MPa Center Bay Column Base Plate Design B = Base Plate Length in the X direction (mm) CA = Base Plate Corrosion Allowance (mm) Ma = Material N = Base Plate Length in the Y direction (mm) P = Total Column Load (N) bf = Column Length in the X direction (mm) d = Column Length in the Y direction (mm) fcp = Soil Bearing Capacity (kPa) l = Critical Base Plate Cantilever Dimension (mm) m = Cantilever Distance in the Y Direction (mm) n = Cantilever Distance in the X Direction (mm) np = Yield-Line Theory Cantilever Distance (mm) tp = Base Plate Thickness (mm) tp-design = Plate Required Thickness per AISC 13th Edition Part 14 (mm) tp-req = Plate Required Thickness (mm) B = 451 mm CA = 0 mm Ma = A36 N = 451 mm P = 918,780.04 N bf = 323.85 mm d = 323.85 mm fcp = 145 kPa tp = 24 mm Note: Base plate is designed with the assumption that it is on a slab foundation or concrete footing. m = (N - (0.8 * d)) / 2 m = (451 - (0.8 * 323.85)) / 2 m = 95.96 mm n = (B - (0.8 * bf)) / 2 n = (451 - (0.8 * 323.85)) / 2 n = 95.96 mm np = SQRT((bf * d)) / 4 np = SQRT((323.85 * 323.85)) / 4 np = 80.96 mm l = MAX(m , n , np) l = MAX(95.96 , 95.96 , 80.9625) l = 95.96 mm tp-design = (l * SQRT(((3.33 * P) / (Sy * B * N)))) + CA tp-design = (95.96 * SQRT(((3.33 * 918,780.0385) / (250.0 * 451 * 451)))) + 0 tp-design = 23.54 mm As per API-650, Minimum Allowable Thickness (tp-erection) = 12 mm tp-req = MAX(tp-erection , tp-design) tp-req = MAX(12 , 23.5381) tp-req = 23.54 mm tp >= tp-req ==> PASS Center Bay Column Maximum Allowable External Pressure W-Max-column-1 = (Sca * A-corr) - W W-Max-column-1 = (109.9758 * 9,405.7576) - 723.9784 W-Max-column-1 = 1,033,682.04 N Max-P-column-1 = ((W-Max-column-1 / ((Rafter-L-1 * N-actual-1) / 2)) - Rafter-Weight-1) / Average-p-width-1 Max-P-column-1 = ((1,033,682.0366 / ((16,360.337 * 54) / 2)) - 0.0491) / 1,144.4428 Max-P-column-1 = 0.002001831182105669 MPa P-ext-4-1 = (Max-P-column-1 - DL - (Fp * MAX(S , Lr))) * -1 P-ext-4-1 = (2.0018 - 0.3852 - (0.4 * MAX(0.0 , 1.0))) * -1 P-ext-4-1 = -1.22 kPa Top Member Detail B Design Back DLR = Nominal Weight of Roof Plates and Attached Structural (N) DLS = Nominal Weight of Shell Plates and Framing (N) DLS = Ws + W_framing DLS = 652,340.3042 + 50,401.9652 DLS = 702,742.27 N DLR = Wr + W_structural DLR = 394,761.5724 + 215,671.4438 DLR = 610,433.02 N Material Properties Material (A36) = A36 Minimum Tensile Strength (Sut) = 400.0 MPa Minimum Yield Strength (Sy) = 250.0 MPa Compression Ring Detail b Properties A_detail = Detail Total Area (mm^2) A_roof = Contributing Roof Area (mm^2) A_shell = Contributing Shell Area (mm^2) I_shell = Contributing Shell Moment Of Inertia (mm^4) R2 = Length of Normal to Head (mm) Wc = Maximum Width of Participating Shell per API-650 Figure F-2 (mm) Wh = Maximum Width of Participating Head per API-650 Figure F-2 (mm) R2 = (ID / 2) / SIN(Theta) R2 = (36,000 / 2) / SIN(3.5763) R2 = 288,561.95 mm Wh = 0.3 * SQRT((R2 * (th - CA-head))) Wh = 0.3 * SQRT((288,561.9518 * (5 - 0))) Wh = 360.35 (Set to 300 mm since it cannot be greater than 300) Wc = 0.6 * SQRT(((ID / 2) * (tc-nominal - CA-shell))) Wc = 0.6 * SQRT(((36,000 / 2) * (8 - 0))) Wc = 227.68 mm Angle Size L200X200X15 Section Properties Description Variable New Corroded Unit Weight W 45.6 45.6 kg/m Cross Sectional Area A 5,810 5,810 mm^2 Moment Of Inertia About X Axis Ix 22,089,999.0 22,089,999.0 mm^4 Moment Of Inertia About Y Axis Iy 22,089,999.0 22,089,999.0 mm^4 Section Modulus About X Axis Sx 152,000.0 152,000.0 mm^3 Section Modulus About Y Axis Sy 152,000.0 152,000.0 mm^3 Centroid X Coords cx 54.8 54.8 mm Centroid Y Coords cy 54.8 54.8 mm Angle Long Leg Length L1-angle 200 200 mm Angle Short Leg Length L2-angle 200 200 mm Angle Thickness t-angle 15.0 15.0 mm I_shell = ((Wc - h) * ((tc-nominal - CA-shell)^3)) / 12 I_shell = ((227.684 - 8.0) * ((8 - 0)^3)) / 12 I_shell = 9,373.18 mm^4 A_shell = (Wc - h) * (tc-nominal - CA-shell) A_shell = (227.684 - 8.0) * (8 - 0) A_shell = 1,757.47 mm^2 A_roof = Wh * (th - CA-head) A_roof = 300 * (5 - 0) A_roof = 1,500 mm^2 A_detail = A_shell + A_roof + A-corr A_detail = 1,757.4719 + 1,500 + 5,810 A_detail = 9,067.47 mm^2 Stiffener and Shell Combined Section Properties Description Variable Equation Value Unit Shell centroid d_shell (tc-nominal - CA-shell) / 2 4 mm Stiffener centroid d_stiff cy + (tc-nominal - CA-shell) 62.8 mm moment of inertia of first body I_1 Ic + (Area * (Distance^2)) 45,003,710.4 mm^4 moment of inertia of second I_2 body Ic + (Area * (Distance^2)) 37,492.73 mm^4 Total area A_1 + A_2 7,567.47 mm^2 Sum of moments of inertia's I_sum I_1 + I_2 45,041,203.13 mm^4 Combined centroid c_combined ((Centroid-1 * Area-1) + (Centroid-2 * Area-2)) / (Area-1 + Area-2) 49.14 Combined moment of inertia I_combined Ic - (Area * (Distance^2)) 26,764,552.74 mm^4 Distance from neutral axis to edge 1 (inside) e1 c_combined 49.14 mm Distance from neutral axis to edge 2 (outside) e2 ((tc-nominal - CA-shell) + L1-angle) e1 158.86 mm Combined stiffener shell section modulus S I / MAX(d-1 , d-2) 168,483.4 mm^3 A_sum Erection Requirement As per API-650, Minimum Size of Top Corner Ring (Size-min) = L80x80x10 mm Minimum Section Modulus per Erection Requirement (Sx-min) = 15.4 cm^3 Sx >= Sx-min ==> PASS Internal Pressure - Appendix F Requirements A_actual = Area resisting compressive force (mm^2) D = Tank nominal diameter (m) DLR = Nominal weight of roof plates and attached structural (N) DLS = Nominal weight of shell plates and framing (N) Fp = Internal Pressure Combination Factor Fy = Minimum specified yield-strength of the materials in the roof-to-shell junction (MPa) ID = Tank inside diameter (m) MDL = Moment About the Shell-to-Bottom Joint from the Nominal Weight of the Shell and Roof Structural Supported by the Shell that is not Attached to the Roof Plate (N.m) MDLR = Moment About the Shell-to-Bottom Joint from the Nominal Weight of the Roof Plate Plus any Structural Components Attached to the Roof (N.m) MF = Moment About the Shell-to-Bottom Joint from Liquid Weight (N.m) Mw = Wind Moment From Horizontal Plus Vertical Wind Pressures (N.m) Mws = Wind Moment From Horizontal Wind Pressure (N.m) P = Design pressure (kPa) P_uplift = Uplift due to internal pressure per API-650 F.1.2 (N) Theta angle = Angle between the roof and a horizontal plane at the roof-to-shell junction (deg) W_add_DL = Additional dead load weight (N) W_framing = Weight of framing supported by the shell and roof (N) W_structural = Weight of roof attached structural (N) Wr = Roof plates weight (N) Ws = Shell plates weight (N) A_actual = 9,067.47 mm^2 D = 36.0 m DLR = 610,433.02 N DLS = 702,742.27 N Fp = 0.4 Fy = 250.0 MPa ID = 36.0 m MDL = 12,649,360.85 N.m MDLR = 10,987,794.29 N.m MF = 30,574,854.09 N.m Mw = 291,349.84 N.m Mws = 291,349.84 N.m P = 0.0 kPa Theta angle = 3.58 deg W_add_DL = 0.0 N W_framing = 50,401.97 N W_structural = 215,671.44 N Wr = 394,761.57 N Ws = 652,340.3 N P_uplift = P * pi * ((ID^2) / 4) P_uplift = 0.0 * pi * ((36.0^2) / 4) P_uplift = 0.0 N P_uplift <= Wr , Tank design does not need to meet App. F requirements. P_F51 = Maximum allowable internal pressure for the actual resisting area per API 650 F.5.1 (kPa) P_max_internal = Maximum allowable internal pressure (kPa) P_std = 18 kPa P_F51 = ((Fy * TAN(Theta angle) * A_actual) / (200 * (D^2))) + ((0.00127 * DLR) / (D^2)) P_F51 = ((250.0 * TAN(3.5763) * 9,067.4719) / (200 * (36.0^2))) + ((0.00127 * 610,433.0163) / (36.0^2)) P_F51 = 1.14 kPa P_max_internal = MIN(P_std , P_F51) P_max_internal = MIN(18 , 1.1448) P_max_internal = 1.14 kPa Shell Design Back Ac = Convective Design Response Spectrum Acceleration Coefficient Ai = Impulsive Design Response Spectrum Acceleration Coefficient Av = Vertical ground acceleration coefficient description CG-shell = Shell center of gravity (m) D = Tank Nominal Diameter per API-650 Note 1 (m) G = Product Design Specific Gravity Gt = Hydrotest Specific Gravity H = Shell height (m) HL = Max Liquid Level (m) Pe = Design External Pressure (kPa) Pi = Design Internal Pressure (kPa) Rwi = Impulsive Force Reduction Factor V = Wind velocity (km/hr) W-ins = Shell Insulation Weight (kg) W-shell = Shell Nominal Weight (kg) W-shell-corr = Shell Corroded Weight (kg) d-ins = Insulation Density (kg/m^3) h-min = Minimum Shell Course Height per API-650 (mm) t-ins = Insulation Thickness (mm) Ac = 0.01 Ai = 0.09 Av = 0.15 D = 36.0 m G=1 Gt = 1 H = 7.5 m HL = 7.2 m Pe = 0.0 kPa Pi = 0.0 kPa Rwi = 3.5 V = 108.0 km/hr d-ins = 130 kg/m^3 h-min = 1,800 mm t-ins = 0 mm API-650 Design Method: One Foot (1ft) Rwi = Impulsive Force Reduction Factor Rwi = 3.5 Course # 1 (bottom course) Design CA = Corrosion allowance per API-650 5.3.2 (mm) D1 = Shell Course Centerline Diameter (m) H = Design Liquid Level per API-650 (m) H' = Effective Design Liquid Level per API-650 F.2 (m) H-max = Maximum Liquid Level for the Installed Thickness (m) H-max-@-Pi = Maximum Liquid Level for the Installed Thickness @ Design Internal Pressure (m) Ht' = Effective Hydrostatic Test Liquid Level per API-650 F.2 (m) JE = Joint efficiency Ma = Course Material Pi-max-@-H = Maximum Allowable Internal Pressure for the Installed Thickness @ Design Liquid Level (kPa) Rwi = Impulsive Force Reduction Factor W-1 = Shell Course Nominal Weight (kg) W-1-corr = Shell Course Nominal Weight (kg) h1 = Course Height (m) loc = Course Location (m) t = Installed Thickness (mm) t-min = Minimum Required Thickness (mm) td = Course Design Thickness per API-650 (mm) tt = Course Hydrostatic Test Thickness per API-650 (mm) CA = 0 mm H = 7.2 m JE = 1 Ma = A36 Rwi = 3.5 h1 = 2.5 m loc = 0 m t = 12 mm Shell Course Center of Gravity (CG-1) = 1.25 m D1 = ID + t D1 = 36.0 + 0.012 D1 = 36.01 m W-1 = pi * Dc * t * h1 * d W-1 = pi * 36.012 * 0.012 * 2.5 * 7,840 W-1 = 26,609.36 kg W-1-corr = pi * Dc * (t - CA) * h1 * d W-1-corr = pi * 36.012 * (0.012 - 0.0) * 2.5 * 7,840 W-1-corr = 26,609.36 kg Material Properties Material (A36) = A36 Minimum Tensile Strength (Sut) = 400.0 MPa Minimum Yield Strength (Sy) = 250.0 MPa As per API-650 Table 5-2 a, Allowable Design Stress (Sd) = 160.0 MPa As per API-650 Table 5-2 a, Allowable Hydrostatic Test Stress (St) = 171.0 MPa Permissible Design Metal Temperature (MDMT-permissible) = -7.72 °C Thickness Required by Erection As per API-650, Thickness Required by Erection (t-erec) = 8 mm Thickness Required by Design H' = H H' = 7.2 H' = 7.2 m td = ((4.9 * D * (H' - 0.3) * SG) / Sd) + CA td = ((4.9 * 36.0 * (7.2 - 0.3) * 1) / 160.0) + 0 td = 7.61 mm Hydrostatic Test Required Thickness Ht' = H Ht' = 7.2 Ht' = 7.2 m tt = (4.9 * D * (Ht' - 0.3) * SGt) / St tt = (4.9 * 36.0 * (7.2 - 0.3) * 1) / 171.0 tt = 7.12 mm Seismic Design Required Thickness Nc = Convective Hoop Membrane Unit Force per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 (N/mm) Nh = Product Hydrostatic Membrane Force per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 and Section (N/mm) Ni = Impulsive Hoop Membrane Unit Force per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 (N/mm) Sd-seismic = Maximum Allowable Hoop Tension Membrane Stress per API-650 E.6.2.4 (MPa) ts = Seismic Minimum Thickness per API 650 Section E.6.2.4 (mm) As per API 650 Section E.6.1.4, Shell Course Liquid Surface to Analysis Point Distance (Y) = 7.2 m Ni = 8.48 * Ai * G * D * H * ((Y / H) - (0.5 * ((Y / H)^2))) * TANH((0.866 * (D / H))) Ni = 8.48 * 0.0893 * 1 * 36.0 * 7.2 * ((7.2 / 7.2) - (0.5 * ((7.2 / 7.2)^2))) * TANH((0.866 * (36.0 / 7.2))) Ni = 98.11 N/mm Nc = (1.85 * Ac * G * (D^2) * COSH(((3.68 * (H - Y)) / D))) / COSH(((3.68 * H) / D)) Nc = (1.85 * 0.0106 * 1 * (36.0^2) * COSH(((3.68 * (7.2 - 7.2)) / 36.0))) / COSH(((3.68 * 7.2) / 36.0)) Nc = 19.8 N/mm Nh = 4.9 * (H - H_offset) * D * G Nh = 4.9 * (7.2 - 0) * 36.0 * 1 Nh = 1,270.08 N/mm S_T+ = Total Combined Hoop Stress per API 650 Sections E.6.1.4, EC.6.1.3 (MPa) S_T- = Total Combined Hoop Stress per API 650 Sections E.6.1.4, EC.6.1.3 (MPa) S_T+ = (Nh + SQRT(((Ni^2) + (Nc^2) + (((Av * Nh) / 2.5)^2)))) / MAX((t - CA) , 0.0001) S_T+ = (1,270.08 + SQRT(((98.1074^2) + (19.8041^2) + (((0.1458 * 1,270.08) / 2.5)^2)))) / MAX((12 - 0) , 0.0001) S_T+ = 116.22 MPa S_T- = (Nh - SQRT(((Ni^2) + (Nc^2) + (((Av * Nh) / 2.5)^2)))) / MAX((t - CA) , 0.0001) S_T- = (1,270.08 - SQRT(((98.1074^2) + (19.8041^2) + (((0.1458 * 1,270.08) / 2.5)^2)))) / MAX((12 - 0) , 0.0001) S_T- = 95.46 MPa Sd-seismic = MIN((1.33 * Sd) , (0.9 * Fy * E)) Sd-seismic = MIN((1.33 * 160.0) , (0.9 * 250.0 * 1)) Sd-seismic = 212.8 MPa ts = ((SIGMAt+ * (tn - CA)) / S_membrane) + CA ts = ((116.2162 * (12 - 0)) / 212.8) + 0 ts = 6.55 mm Minimum Required Thickness t-min = MAX(t-erec , td , tt , ts) t-min = MAX(8 , 7.6073 , 7.1179 , 6.5535) t-min = 8 mm Rating of Installed Thickness H-max = ((((t - CA) * Sd * JE) / (4.9 * D * SG)) + 0.3) + loc H-max = ((((12 - 0) * 160.0 * 1) / (4.9 * 36.0 * 1)) + 0.3) + 0 H-max = 11.18 m H-max-@-Pi = MAX(H-max , 0) H-max-@-Pi = MAX(11.1844 , 0) H-max-@-Pi = 11.18 m Pi-max-@-H = MAX((((H-max - (H + loc)) * (9.8 * SG)) + P) , 0) Pi-max-@-H = MAX((((11.1844 - (7.2 + 0)) * (9.8 * 1)) + 0.0) , 0) Pi-max-@-H = 39.05 kPa Course # 2 Design CA = Corrosion allowance per API-650 5.3.2 (mm) D2 = Shell Course Centerline Diameter (m) H = Design Liquid Level per API-650 (m) H' = Effective Design Liquid Level per API-650 F.2 (m) H-max = Maximum Liquid Level for the Installed Thickness (m) H-max-@-Pi = Maximum Liquid Level for the Installed Thickness @ Design Internal Pressure (m) Ht' = Effective Hydrostatic Test Liquid Level per API-650 F.2 (m) JE = Joint efficiency Ma = Course Material Pi-max-@-H = Maximum Allowable Internal Pressure for the Installed Thickness @ Design Liquid Level (kPa) Rwi = Impulsive Force Reduction Factor W-2 = Shell Course Nominal Weight (kg) W-2-corr = Shell Course Nominal Weight (kg) h2 = Course Height (m) loc = Course Location (m) t = Installed Thickness (mm) t-min = Minimum Required Thickness (mm) td = Course Design Thickness per API-650 (mm) tt = Course Hydrostatic Test Thickness per API-650 (mm) CA = 0 mm H = 4.7 m JE = 1 Ma = A36 Rwi = 3.5 h2 = 2.5 m loc = 2.5 m t = 10 mm Shell Course Center of Gravity (CG-2) = 3.75 m D2 = ID + t D2 = 36.0 + 0.01 D2 = 36.01 m W-2 = pi * Dc * t * h2 * d W-2 = pi * 36.01 * 0.01 * 2.5 * 7,840 W-2 = 22,173.24 kg W-2-corr = pi * Dc * (t - CA) * h2 * d W-2-corr = pi * 36.01 * (0.01 - 0.0) * 2.5 * 7,840 W-2-corr = 22,173.24 kg Material Properties Material (A36) = A36 Minimum Tensile Strength (Sut) = 400.0 MPa Minimum Yield Strength (Sy) = 250.0 MPa As per API-650 Table 5-2 a, Allowable Design Stress (Sd) = 160.0 MPa As per API-650 Table 5-2 a, Allowable Hydrostatic Test Stress (St) = 171.0 MPa Permissible Design Metal Temperature (MDMT-permissible) = -9.15 °C Thickness Required by Erection As per API-650, Thickness Required by Erection (t-erec) = 8 mm Thickness Required by Design H' = H H' = 4.7 H' = 4.7 m td = ((4.9 * D * (H' - 0.3) * SG) / Sd) + CA td = ((4.9 * 36.0 * (4.7 - 0.3) * 1) / 160.0) + 0 td = 4.85 mm Hydrostatic Test Required Thickness Ht' = H Ht' = 4.7 Ht' = 4.7 m tt = (4.9 * D * (Ht' - 0.3) * SGt) / St tt = (4.9 * 36.0 * (4.7 - 0.3) * 1) / 171.0 tt = 4.54 mm Seismic Design Required Thickness Nc = Convective Hoop Membrane Unit Force per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 (N/mm) Nh = Product Hydrostatic Membrane Force per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 and Section (N/mm) Ni = Impulsive Hoop Membrane Unit Force per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 (N/mm) Sd-seismic = Maximum Allowable Hoop Tension Membrane Stress per API-650 E.6.2.4 (MPa) ts = Seismic Minimum Thickness per API 650 Section E.6.2.4 (mm) As per API 650 Section E.6.1.4, Shell Course Liquid Surface to Analysis Point Distance (Y) = 4.7 m Ni = 8.48 * Ai * G * D * H * ((Y / H) - (0.5 * ((Y / H)^2))) * TANH((0.866 * (D / H))) Ni = 8.48 * 0.0893 * 1 * 36.0 * 7.2 * ((4.7 / 7.2) - (0.5 * ((4.7 / 7.2)^2))) * TANH((0.866 * (36.0 / 7.2))) Ni = 86.28 N/mm Nc = (1.85 * Ac * G * (D^2) * COSH(((3.68 * (H - Y)) / D))) / COSH(((3.68 * H) / D)) Nc = (1.85 * 0.0106 * 1 * (36.0^2) * COSH(((3.68 * (7.2 - 4.7)) / 36.0))) / COSH(((3.68 * 7.2) / 36.0)) Nc = 20.45 N/mm Nh = 4.9 * (H - H_offset) * D * G Nh = 4.9 * (4.7 - 0) * 36.0 * 1 Nh = 829.08 N/mm S_T+ = Total Combined Hoop Stress per API 650 Sections E.6.1.4, EC.6.1.3 (MPa) S_T- = Total Combined Hoop Stress per API 650 Sections E.6.1.4, EC.6.1.3 (MPa) S_T+ = (Nh + SQRT(((Ni^2) + (Nc^2) + (((Av * Nh) / 2.5)^2)))) / MAX((t - CA) , 0.0001) S_T+ = (829.08 + SQRT(((86.2792^2) + (20.4543^2) + (((0.1458 * 829.08) / 2.5)^2)))) / MAX((10 - 0) , 0.0001) S_T+ = 93.01 MPa S_T- = (Nh - SQRT(((Ni^2) + (Nc^2) + (((Av * Nh) / 2.5)^2)))) / MAX((t - CA) , 0.0001) S_T- = (829.08 - SQRT(((86.2792^2) + (20.4543^2) + (((0.1458 * 829.08) / 2.5)^2)))) / MAX((10 - 0) , 0.0001) S_T- = 72.81 MPa Sd-seismic = MIN((1.33 * Sd) , (0.9 * Fy * E)) Sd-seismic = MIN((1.33 * 160.0) , (0.9 * 250.0 * 1)) Sd-seismic = 212.8 MPa ts = ((SIGMAt+ * (tn - CA)) / S_membrane) + CA ts = ((93.0077 * (10 - 0)) / 212.8) + 0 ts = 4.37 mm Minimum Required Thickness t-min = MAX(t-erec , td , tt , ts) t-min = MAX(8 , 4.851 , 4.5389 , 4.3707) t-min = 8 mm Rating of Installed Thickness H-max = ((((t - CA) * Sd * JE) / (4.9 * D * SG)) + 0.3) + loc H-max = ((((10 - 0) * 160.0 * 1) / (4.9 * 36.0 * 1)) + 0.3) + 2.5 H-max = 11.87 m H-max-@-Pi = MAX(H-max , 0) H-max-@-Pi = MAX(11.8703 , 0) H-max-@-Pi = 11.87 m Pi-max-@-H = MAX((((H-max - (H + loc)) * (9.8 * SG)) + P) , 0) Pi-max-@-H = MAX((((11.8703 - (4.7 + 2.5)) * (9.8 * 1)) + 0.0) , 0) Pi-max-@-H = 45.77 kPa Course # 3 Design CA = Corrosion allowance per API-650 5.3.2 (mm) D3 = Shell Course Centerline Diameter (m) H = Design Liquid Level per API-650 (m) H' = Effective Design Liquid Level per API-650 F.2 (m) H-max = Maximum Liquid Level for the Installed Thickness (m) H-max-@-Pi = Maximum Liquid Level for the Installed Thickness @ Design Internal Pressure (m) Ht' = Effective Hydrostatic Test Liquid Level per API-650 F.2 (m) JE = Joint efficiency Ma = Course Material Pi-max-@-H = Maximum Allowable Internal Pressure for the Installed Thickness @ Design Liquid Level (kPa) Rwi = Impulsive Force Reduction Factor W-3 = Shell Course Nominal Weight (kg) W-3-corr = Shell Course Nominal Weight (kg) h3 = Course Height (m) loc = Course Location (m) t = Installed Thickness (mm) t-min = Minimum Required Thickness (mm) td = Course Design Thickness per API-650 (mm) tt = Course Hydrostatic Test Thickness per API-650 (mm) CA = 0 mm H = 2.2 m JE = 1 Ma = A36 Rwi = 3.5 h3 = 2.5 m loc = 5.0 m t = 8 mm Shell Course Center of Gravity (CG-3) = 6.25 m D3 = ID + t D3 = 36.0 + 0.008 D3 = 36.01 m W-3 = pi * Dc * t * h3 * d W-3 = pi * 36.008 * 0.008 * 2.5 * 7,840 W-3 = 17,737.6 kg W-3-corr = pi * Dc * (t - CA) * h3 * d W-3-corr = pi * 36.008 * (0.008 - 0.0) * 2.5 * 7,840 W-3-corr = 17,737.6 kg Material Properties Material (A36) = A36 Minimum Tensile Strength (Sut) = 400.0 MPa Minimum Yield Strength (Sy) = 250.0 MPa As per API-650 Table 5-2 a, Allowable Design Stress (Sd) = 160.0 MPa As per API-650 Table 5-2 a, Allowable Hydrostatic Test Stress (St) = 171.0 MPa Permissible Design Metal Temperature (MDMT-permissible) = -10.57 °C Thickness Required by Erection As per API-650, Thickness Required by Erection (t-erec) = 8 mm Thickness Required by Design H' = H H' = 2.2 H' = 2.2 m td = ((4.9 * D * (H' - 0.3) * SG) / Sd) + CA td = ((4.9 * 36.0 * (2.2 - 0.3) * 1) / 160.0) + 0 td = 2.09 mm Hydrostatic Test Required Thickness Ht' = H Ht' = 2.2 Ht' = 2.2 m tt = (4.9 * D * (Ht' - 0.3) * SGt) / St tt = (4.9 * 36.0 * (2.2 - 0.3) * 1) / 171.0 tt = 1.96 mm Seismic Design Required Thickness Nc = Convective Hoop Membrane Unit Force per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 (N/mm) Nh = Product Hydrostatic Membrane Force per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 and Section (N/mm) Ni = Impulsive Hoop Membrane Unit Force per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 (N/mm) Sd-seismic = Maximum Allowable Hoop Tension Membrane Stress per API-650 E.6.2.4 (MPa) ts = Seismic Minimum Thickness per API 650 Section E.6.2.4 (mm) As per API 650 Section E.6.1.4, Shell Course Liquid Surface to Analysis Point Distance (Y) = 2.2 m Ni = 8.48 * Ai * G * D * H * ((Y / H) - (0.5 * ((Y / H)^2))) * TANH((0.866 * (D / H))) Ni = 8.48 * 0.0893 * 1 * 36.0 * 7.2 * ((2.2 / 7.2) - (0.5 * ((2.2 / 7.2)^2))) * TANH((0.866 * (36.0 / 7.2))) Ni = 50.79 N/mm Nc = (1.85 * Ac * G * (D^2) * COSH(((3.68 * (H - Y)) / D))) / COSH(((3.68 * H) / D)) Nc = (1.85 * 0.0106 * 1 * (36.0^2) * COSH(((3.68 * (7.2 - 2.2)) / 36.0))) / COSH(((3.68 * 7.2) / 36.0)) Nc = 22.45 N/mm Nh = 4.9 * (H - H_offset) * D * G Nh = 4.9 * (2.2 - 0) * 36.0 * 1 Nh = 388.08 N/mm S_T+ = Total Combined Hoop Stress per API 650 Sections E.6.1.4, EC.6.1.3 (MPa) S_T- = Total Combined Hoop Stress per API 650 Sections E.6.1.4, EC.6.1.3 (MPa) S_T+ = (Nh + SQRT(((Ni^2) + (Nc^2) + (((Av * Nh) / 2.5)^2)))) / MAX((t - CA) , 0.0001) S_T+ = (388.08 + SQRT(((50.7948^2) + (22.4477^2) + (((0.1458 * 388.08) / 2.5)^2)))) / MAX((8 - 0) , 0.0001) S_T+ = 56.01 MPa S_T- = (Nh - SQRT(((Ni^2) + (Nc^2) + (((Av * Nh) / 2.5)^2)))) / MAX((t - CA) , 0.0001) S_T- = (388.08 - SQRT(((50.7948^2) + (22.4477^2) + (((0.1458 * 388.08) / 2.5)^2)))) / MAX((8 - 0) , 0.0001) S_T- = 41.01 MPa Sd-seismic = MIN((1.33 * Sd) , (0.9 * Fy * E)) Sd-seismic = MIN((1.33 * 160.0) , (0.9 * 250.0 * 1)) Sd-seismic = 212.8 MPa ts = ((SIGMAt+ * (tn - CA)) / S_membrane) + CA ts = ((56.0061 * (8 - 0)) / 212.8) + 0 ts = 2.11 mm Minimum Required Thickness t-min = MAX(t-erec , td , tt , ts) t-min = MAX(8 , 2.0948 , 1.96 , 2.1055) t-min = 8 mm Rating of Installed Thickness H-max = ((((t - CA) * Sd * JE) / (4.9 * D * SG)) + 0.3) + loc H-max = ((((8 - 0) * 160.0 * 1) / (4.9 * 36.0 * 1)) + 0.3) + 5.0 H-max = 12.56 m H-max-@-Pi = MAX(H-max , 0) H-max-@-Pi = MAX(12.5562 , 0) H-max-@-Pi = 12.56 m Pi-max-@-H = MAX((((H-max - (H + loc)) * (9.8 * SG)) + P) , 0) Pi-max-@-H = MAX((((12.5562 - (2.2 + 5.0)) * (9.8 * 1)) + 0.0) , 0) Pi-max-@-H = 52.49 kPa Shell Design Summary Results W-ins = t-ins * d-ins * pi * (OD + t-ins) * H W-ins = 0.0 * 130 * pi * (36.024 + 0.0) * 7.5 W-ins = 0.0 kg W-shell-corr = W-1-corr + W-2-corr + W-3-corr W-shell-corr = 26,609.3601 + 22,173.2353 + 17,737.603 W-shell-corr = 66,520.2 kg W-shell = W-1 + W-2 + W-3 W-shell = 26,609.3601 + 22,173.2353 + 17,737.603 W-shell = 66,520.2 kg CG-shell = ((CG-1 * W-1) + (CG-2 * W-2) + (CG-3 * W-3)) / W-shell CG-shell = ((1.25 * 26,609.3601) + (3.75 * 22,173.2353) + (6.25 * 17,737.603)) / 66,520.1985 CG-shell = 3.42 m Shell Design Summary Course Height (m) Material CA (mm) JE Sy (mpa) Sut (mpa) Sd (mpa) St (mpa) t-erec (mm) 3 2.5 A36 0 1 250.0 400.0 160.0 171.0 8 2 2.5 A36 0 1 250.0 400.0 160.0 171.0 8 1 2.5 A36 0 1 250.0 400.0 160.0 171.0 8 Shell Design Summary (continued) Course t-design (mm) t-test (mm) t-seismic (mm) t-ext (mm) t-min (mm) t-installed (mm) Status H-max-@- Pi-max-@Pi (m) H (kPa) 3 2.09 1.96 2.11 N/A 8 8 PASS 12.56 52.49 2 4.85 4.54 4.37 N/A 8 10 PASS 11.87 45.77 1 7.61 7.12 6.55 N/A 8 12 PASS 11.18 39.05 Intermediate Stiffeners Design Stiffeners Design For Wind Loading D = Nominal Tank Diameter (m) H1 = Maximum Unstiffened Transformed Shell Height per API-650 (m) N = Actual Wind Girders Quantity Ns = Required Number of Girders per API 650 and Pwd = Design Wind Pressure Including Inward Drag per API-650 (kPa) Pwv = Wind Pressure where Design Wind Speed V is Used per API-650 (kPa) V = Wind velocity (km/hr) ts_min = Thickness of the Thinnest Shell Course (mm) D = 36.0 m N=0 V = 108.0 km/hr Shell Courses Heights (W) = [2.5 2.5 2.5 ] m ts_min = MIN(ts_1 , ts_2 , ts_3) ts_min = MIN(12 , 10 , 8) ts_min = 8 mm Stiffeners Required Quantity HTS = Height of Transformed Shell per API 650 (m) Transformed shell courses heights Variable Equation Value Unit Wtr_1 W_1 * SQRT(((t_min / ts_1)^5)) 0.91 m N/A N/A Wtr_2 W_2 * SQRT(((t_min / ts_2)^5)) 1.43 m N/A N/A Wtr_3 W_3 * SQRT(((t_min / ts_3)^5)) 2.50 m N/A N/A HTS = Wtr_1 + Wtr_2 + Wtr_3 HTS = 0.9072 + 1.4311 + 2.5 HTS = 4.84 m Pwv = 1.48 * ((V / 190)^2) Pwv = 1.48 * ((108.0 / 190)^2) Pwv = 0.48 kPa Pwd = Pwv + 0.24 Pwd = 0.4782 + 0.24 Pwd = 0.72 kPa H1 = 9.47 * ts_min * SQRT(((ts_min / D)^3)) * (1.72 / Pwd) H1 = 9.47 * 8 * SQRT(((8 / 36.0)^3)) * (1.72 / 0.7182) H1 = 19.01 m Ns = CEILING(((HTS / Hsafe) - 1)) Ns = CEILING(((4.8383 / 19.0068) - 1)) Ns = 0 N >= Ns ==> PASS Flat Bottom: Annular Plate Design Back Bottom Type (Cone Up with Annular Ring) = Cone Up with Annular Ring Bottom Support Type (Continuously Supported on Foundation) = Continuously Supported on Foundation Ann-w-min = Annular Ring Total Required Width (mm) CA = Corrosion allowance (mm) CA-ann = Annular Plates Corrosion Allowance (mm) CA_1 = Bottom Shell Course Corrosion Allowance (mm) E = Joint efficiency H-effective = Effective Product Height (m) L = Minimum width of annular plate as measured from inside edge of the shell to the edge of the plate in the remainder of the bottom per API-650 5.5.2 (mm) Ma-ann = Annular Plates Material Ma-bottom = Material Ma_1 = Bottom Shell Course Material S = Bottom Shell Course Maximum Stress (MPa) S1 = Bottom Shell Course Product Stress per API-650 Table 5.1a Note b (MPa) S2 = Bottom Shell Course Hydrostatic Stress per API-650 Table 5.1a Note b (MPa) Sd_1 = Bottom Shell Course Allowable Design Stress (MPa) St_1 = Bottom Shell Course Allowable Hydrostatic Test Stress (MPa) chime = Outside Projection (Chime Distance) (mm) lw = Lap of the Bottom Plates Over the Annular Plate (mm) slope = Cone slope (rise/run) tb = Installed Thickness (mm) tb-ann = Annular Plate Thickness (mm) tb-ann-req = Annular Plates Required Thickness per API-650 5.5.3 (mm) tb-req = Bottom Required Thickness (mm) td_1 = Bottom Shell Course Design Thickness (mm) ts_1 = Bottom Shell Course Nominal Thickness (mm) tt_1 = Bottom Shell Course Hydrotest Thickness (mm) w-ann = Annular Plate Actual Width (mm) CA = 0 mm CA-ann = 0 mm CA_1 = 0 mm E = 0.35 Ma-ann = A36 Ma-bottom = A36 Ma_1 = A36 Sd_1 = 160.0 MPa St_1 = 171.0 MPa chime = 50 mm lw = 40 mm slope = 0.008333333333333333 tb = 6 mm tb-ann = 8 mm td_1 = 7.61 mm ts_1 = 12 mm tt_1 = 7.12 mm w-ann = 780 mm Bottom Plates Material Properties Material (A36) = A36 Minimum Tensile Strength (Sut-btm) = 400.0 MPa Minimum Yield Strength (Sy-btm) = 250.0 MPa Density (d-btm) = 7,840 kg/m^3 Bottom Annular Ring Material Properties Material (A36) = A36 Minimum Yield Strength (Sy-ann) = 250.0 MPa Minimum Yield Strength at Ambient Temperature (Sy-ambient-ann) = 250.0 MPa Permissible Design Metal Temperature (MDMT-permissible-ann) = -10.57 °C Calculation of Hydrostatic Test Stress & Product Stress per API-650 Section 5.5.1 S1 = ((td_1 - CA_1) / (ts_1 - CA_1)) * Sd_1 S1 = ((7.6073 - 0) / (12 - 0)) * 160.0 S1 = 101.43 MPa As per API-650 5.5.1, first shell course material, A36, is in Group I; therefore, butt welded annular plates are not required S2 = (tt_1 / ts_1) * St_1 S2 = (7.1179 / 12) * 171.0 S2 = 101.43 MPa As per API-650 5.5.1, first shell course material, A36, is in Group I; therefore, butt welded annular plates are not required S = MAX(S1 , S2) S = MAX(101.43 , 101.43) S = 101.43 MPa Bottom Weight A-ann = Annular Ring Surface Area (m^2) A-btm = Bottom Surface Area (m^2) CA = Corrosion allowance (mm) CA-ann = Annular Plates Corrosion Allowance (mm) ID-ann = Annular Ring Inner Diameter (m) OD-ann = Annular Ring Outer Diameter (m) OD-btm = Bottom Outer Diameter (m) Theta = Slope Angle (deg) Wb-pl = Bottom Plates Weight (kg) Wb-pl-corr = Bottom Corroded Plates Weight (kg) chime = Outside Projection (Chime Distance) (mm) lw = Lap of the Bottom Plates Over the Annular Plate (mm) slope = Cone slope (rise/run) tb = Installed Thickness (mm) tb-ann = Annular Plate Thickness (mm) w-ann = Annular Plate Actual Width (mm) CA = 0 mm CA-ann = 0 mm chime = 50 mm lw = 40 mm slope = 0.008333333333333333 tb = 6 mm tb-ann = 8 mm w-ann = 780 mm OD-ann = OD + (chime * 2) OD-ann = 36.024 + (0.05 * 2) OD-ann = 36.12 m ID-ann = OD-ann - (w-ann * 2) ID-ann = 36.124 - (0.78 * 2) ID-ann = 34.56 m OD-btm = ID-ann + (lw * 2) OD-btm = 34.564 + (0.04 * 2) OD-btm = 34.64 m A-ann = pi * (((OD-ann / 2)^2) - ((ID-ann / 2)^2)) A-ann = pi * (((36.124 / 2)^2) - ((34.564 / 2)^2)) A-ann = 86.61 m^2 Theta = ARCTAN(slope) Theta = ARCTAN(0.0083) Theta = 0.48 deg A-btm = (pi * ((OD-btm / 2)^2)) / COS(Theta) A-btm = (pi * ((34.644 / 2)^2)) / COS(0.4775) A-btm = 942.67 m^2 Wb-pl = (A-btm * tb * d-btm) + (A-ann * tb-ann * d-ann) Wb-pl = (942,672,896.1448 * 6 * 7.840000000000001E-6) + (86,608,431.5838 * 8 * 7.840000000000001E-6) Wb-pl = 49,775.41 kg Wb-pl-corr = (A-btm * (tb - CA) * d-btm) + (A-ann * (tb-ann - CA-ann) * d-ann) Wb-pl-corr = (942,672,896.1448 * (6 - 0) * 7.840000000000001E-6) + (86,608,431.5838 * (8 - 0) * 7.840000000000001E-6) Wb-pl-corr = 49,775.41 kg Bottom Design due to External Pressure P-btm = Downward Pressure (kPa) Liquid Height to Pressure Conversion Factor (f) = 9.81 P-btm = (d-btm * 9.80665 * (tb - CA-btm) * (1 / 1.0E6)) + (Lmin * f * SG) P-btm = (7,840 * 9.80665 * (6 - 0) * (1 / 1.0E6)) + (1.115 * 9.8064 * 1) P-btm = 11.4 kPa P-btm >= Pv ==> There is no uplift due to external pressure Bottom Required Thickness As per API-650 5.4.1, Required Thickness by Erection (tb-erec) = 6 mm tb-req = tb-erec tb-req = 6 tb-req = 6 mm tb >= tb-req ==> PASS Bottom Outside Projection As per API-650 5.4.2, Minimum Required Outside Projection (chime) = 50 mm chime >= chime ==> PASS Annular Ring Required Thickness As per API-650 5.5.3, Annular Plates Required Thickness based on the Product Stress of the First Shell Course (tb-ann-req_1) = 6 mm As per API-650 5.5.3, Annular Plates Required Thickness based on the Hydrostatic Test Stress of the First Shell Course (tb-ann-req_2) = 6 mm tb-ann-req = MAX((tb-ann-req_1 + CA-ann) , tb-ann-req_2 , tb-req) tb-ann-req = MAX((6 + 0) , 6 , 6) tb-ann-req = 6 mm tb-ann >= tb-ann-req ==> PASS Annular Ring Effective Product Height Limit H-effective = Lmax * SG H-effective = 7.2 * 1 H-effective = 7.2 m As per API-650 5.5.3 H-effective <= 23 ==> PASS Annular Ring Required Width As per API-650 5.5.2, Density Factor of Water (Y) = 0.009810000000000001 MPa/m L = 2 * tb-ann * SQRT((Sy-ambient-ann / (2 * Y * MIN(SG , 1) * Lmax))) L = 2 * 8 * SQRT((250.0 / (2 * 0.0098 * MIN(1 , 1) * 7.2))) L = 673.09 mm Ann-w-min = L + chime + ts_1 + lw Ann-w-min = 673.0917 + 50 + 12 + 40 Ann-w-min = 775.09 mm w-ann >= Ann-w-min ==> PASS Wind Moment (Per API-650 Section 5.11) Back Wind Pressures per API-650 & ASCE7-05 I = Wind Importance Factor PWR = Roof Design Wind Pressure per API-650 5.2.1.k (kPa) PWS = Shell Design Wind Pressure per API-650 5.2.1.k (kPa) V = Design Wind Velocity (3-sec gust) (kph) Vs = Adjusted Design Wind Velocity (kph) I=1 V = 108.0 kph Wind Velocity per API-650 and ASCE7-05 Vs = V * SQRT(I) Vs = 108.0 * SQRT(1) Vs = 108.0 kph Roof Wind Pressure PWR = 1.48 * ((Vs / 190)^2) PWR = 1.48 * ((108.0 / 190)^2) PWR = 0.48 kPa Shell Wind Pressure PWS = 0.89 * ((Vs / 190)^2) PWS = 0.89 * ((108.0 / 190)^2) PWS = 0.29 kPa Wind Overturning and Sliding Stability Ah = Roof Horizontal Projected Area (m^2) Ah-total = Roof Horizontal Projected Area Including Insulation (m^2) As = Shell Total Vertical Projected Area (m^2) Av-roof = Roof Vertical Projected Area (m^2) CA-btm = Corrosion Allowance of Bottom Plates Under the Shell (mm) CA_1 = Bottom Shell Course Corrosion Allowance (mm) CG-roof = Roof Center of Gravity (m) COF = Maximum Allowable Sliding Friction Coefficient D-outer = Tank Max Outer Diameter (m) DLR = Nominal Weight of Roof Plates and Attached Structural (N) DLS = Nominal Weight of Shell Plates and Framing (N) F-friction = Friction Force (N) F-wind = Sliding Force (N) Fby = Yield Strength of Bottom Plates Under the Shell (MPa) MDL = Moment About the Shell-To-Bottom Joint from the Nominal Weight of the Shell (N.m) MDLR = Moment About the Shell-To-Bottom Joint from the Nominal Weight of the Roof Plate Plus any Attached Structural (N.m) MF = Moment About the Shell-To-Bottom Joint From Liquid Weight (N.m) MPi = Moment About the Shell-To-Bottom Joint From Design Internal Pressure per API-650 (N.m) MWR = Roof Wind Overturning Moment per API-650 (N.m) MWS = Shell Wind Overturning Moment per API-650 (N.m) Mw = Overturning Moment About the Shell-To-Bottom Joint from Wind Pressures per API-650 (N.m) Rh = Roof Horizontal Radius (m) W-struct = Roof New Structure Weight (N) W-struct-corr = Roof Corroded Structure Weight (N) Wb-pl-corr = Bottom Corroded Plates Weight (N) Wr-pl = Roof New Plates Weight (N) Wr-pl-corr = Roof Corroded Plates Weight (N) Ws-framing = Shell New Framing Weight (N) Ws-framing-corr = Shell Corroded Framing Weight (N) Ws-pl = Shell New Plates Weight (N) Ws-pl-corr = Shell Corroded Plates Weight (N) Ws-struct-corr = Roof Corroded Structure Weight Supported by Shell (N) Xs = Moment Arm of Wind Force on Shell (m) Xw = Moment Arm of Wind Force on Roof (m) tb = Thickness of Bottom Plates Under the Shell (mm) tr-ins = Roof Insulation Thickness (mm) ts-ins = Shell Insulation Thickness (mm) ts_1 = Bottom Shell Course Nominal Thickness (mm) wL = Tank Content Resisting Weight per API-650 (N/m) wind-uplift = Wind Uplift per API-650 5.2.1.k (kPa) Ah = 1,024.9 m^2 Av-roof = 20.39 m^2 CA-btm = 0 mm CA_1 = 0 mm CG-roof = 0.38 m COF = 0.4 DLR = 610,433.02 N DLS = 702,742.27 N Fby = 250.0 MPa Rh = 18.06 m W-struct = 469,938.79 N W-struct-corr = 469,938.79 N Wb-pl-corr = 488,130.06 N Wr-pl = 394,761.57 N Wr-pl-corr = 394,761.57 N Ws-framing = 50,401.97 N Ws-framing-corr = 50,456.85 N Ws-pl = 652,340.3 N Ws-pl-corr = 652,340.3 N Ws-struct-corr = 215,671.44 N tb = 8 mm tr-ins = 0 mm ts-ins = 0 mm ts_1 = 12 mm Design Uplift Pressure per API-650 5.2.1.k As per API-650 5.2.1.k.1 and Table 5.20a, for supported cone roofs meeting the requirements of 5.10.4, PWR shall be taken as zero wind-uplift = 0 kPa Overturning Moments Xw = D / 2 Xw = 36.0 / 2 Xw = 18.0 m Ah-total = pi * ((Rh + tr-ins)^2) Ah-total = pi * ((18.062 + 0.0)^2) Ah-total = 1,024.9 m^2 MPi = Pg * Ah * Xw MPi = 0.0 * 1,024.9001 * 18.0 MPi = 0.0 N.m MWR = wind-uplift * Ah-total * Xw MWR = 0.0 * 1,024.9001 * 18.0 MWR = 0.0 N.m D-outer = OD + (2 * (ts-ins / 1000)) D-outer = 36.024 + (2 * (0 / 1000)) D-outer = 36.02 m As = D-outer * H As = 36.024 * 7.5 As = 270.18 m^2 Xs = H / 2 Xs = 7.5 / 2 Xs = 3.75 m MWS = PWS * As * Xs MWS = 287.5612 * 270.18 * 3.75 MWS = 291,349.84 N.m Mw = MWR + MWS Mw = 0.0 + 291,349.8379 Mw = 291,349.84 N.m Resistance to Overturning per API-650 5.11.2 MDL = (D / 2) * DLS MDL = (36.0 / 2) * 702,742.2694 MDL = 12,649,360.85 N.m MDLR = (D / 2) * DLR MDLR = (36.0 / 2) * 610,433.0163 MDLR = 10,987,794.29 N.m wL = MIN((70.4 * Lmax * D) , (59 * (tb-req - CA-btm) * SQRT((Fby * Lmax)))) wL = MIN((70.4 * 7.2 * 36.0) , (59 * (6 - 0) * SQRT((250.0 * 7.2)))) wL = 15,018.95 N/m MF = (D / 2) * wL * pi * D MF = (36.0 / 2) * 15,018.948 * pi * 36.0 MF = 30,574,854.09 N.m An unanchored tank with supported cone roof must meet with the criteria from API-650 Criterion for supported cone roofs meeting the requirements of API-650 5.10.4 (MWS + (Fp * MPi)) < ((MDL / 1.5) + MDLR) (291,349.8379 + (0.4 * 0.0)) < ((12,649,360.8495 / 1.5) + 10,987,794.2926) 291,349.8379 < 19,420,701.5256 ==> Tank is stable Resistance to Sliding per API-650 5.11.4 F-wind = PWS * As F-wind = 287.5612 * 270.18 F-wind = 77,693.29 N F-friction = COF * (Wr-pl-corr + W-struct-corr + Ws-pl-corr + Ws-framing-corr + Wb-pl-corr) F-friction = 0.4 * (394,761.5724 + 469,938.7868 + 652,340.3042 + 50,456.8481 + 488,130.0624) F-friction = 822,251.03 N F-friction >= F-wind ==> Tank is stable Anchorage Requirement Tank anchorage due to wind is not required per API-650 5.11 Seismic Design Back Site Ground Motion Design Ac = Convective Design Response Spectrum Acceleration Coefficient per API 650 Sections E.4.6.1 Ac-min = Adjusted Convective Design Response Spectrum Acceleration Coefficient Af = Acceleration Coefficient for Sloshing Wave Height per API 650 Sections E.7.2 Ai = per API 650 Sections E.4.6.1 Ai = Impulsive Design Response Spectrum Acceleration Coefficient per API 650 Sections E.4.6.1 Anchorage_System = Anchorage System Av = Vertical Ground Acceleration Coefficient per API 650 Sections E.6.1.3 and E.2.2 D = Nominal Tank Diameter (m) Fa = Site Acceleration Coefficient Fv = Site Velocity Coefficient H = Maximum Design Product Level (m) I = Importance Factor K = Spectral Acceleration Adjustment Coefficient Ks = Sloshing Coefficient per API 650 Section E.4.5.2 Q = MCE to Design Level Scale Factor Rwc = Convective Force Reduction Factor Rwi = Impulsive Force Reduction Factor S1 = Spectral Response at a Period of One Second per API 650 Section E.4.3 SD1 = Design Spectral Response Acceleration at a Period of One Second per API 650 Sections E.4.6.1 and E.2.2 SDS = Design Spectral Response Acceleration at Short Period per API 650 Sections E.4.6.1 and E.2.2 Seismic_Site_Class = Seismic Site Class Seismic_Use_Group = Seismic Use Group Sp = Peak Ground Acceleration Ss = Spectral Response Acceleration at a Short Period per API 650 Section E.4.3 TL = Regional Dependent Transistion Period for Longer Period Ground Motion (sec) Tc = Convective Natural Period per API 650 Section E.4.5.2 (sec) rho_product = Product Mass Density (kg/m^3) shell-course-modulus-of-elasticity-information-list = Shell Course Modulus of Elasticity Information List (MPa) shell-course-thickness-information-list = Shell Course Thickness Information List (mm) Anchorage_System = SELF-ANCHORED D = 36.0 m Fa = 2.5 Fv = 3.5 H = 7.2 m I = 1.0 K = 1.5 Q=1 Rwc = 2 Rwi = 3.5 Seismic_Site_Class = SEISMIC-SITE-CLASS-E Seismic_Use_Group = SEISMIC-USE-GROUP-I Sp = 0.05 TL = 4 sec rho_product = 1,000.0 kg/m^3 shell-course-modulus-of-elasticity-information-list = [199,000 199,000 199,000 ] MPa shell-course-thickness-information-list = [8 12 10.0 ] mm Ss = 2.5 * Sp Ss = 2.5 * 0.05 Ss = 0.13 S1 = 1.25 * Sp S1 = 1.25 * 0.05 S1 = 0.06 SDS = Q * Fa * Ss SDS = 1 * 2.5 * 0.125 SDS = 0.31 SD1 = Q * Fv * S1 SD1 = 1 * 3.5 * 0.0625 SD1 = 0.22 Ks = 0.578 / SQRT(TANH(((3.68 * H) / D))) Ks = 0.578 / SQRT(TANH(((3.68 * 7.2) / 36.0))) Ks = 0.73 Tc = 1.8 * Ks * SQRT(D) Tc = 1.8 * 0.7301 * SQRT(36.0) Tc = 7.89 sec Ai = SDS * (I / Rwi) Ai = 0.3125 * (1.0 / 3.5) Ai = 0.09 Ai = MAX(Ai , 0.007) Ai = MAX(0.0893 , 0.007) Ai = 0.09 Tc > TL Ac = K * SD1 * (TL / (Tc^2)) * (I / Rwc) Ac = 1.5 * 0.2188 * (4 / (7.8852^2)) * (1.0 / 2) Ac = 0.01 Ac-min = MIN(Ac , Ai) Ac-min = MIN(0.0106 , 0.0893) Ac-min = 0.01 Av = (2 / 3) * 0.7 * SDS Av = (2 / 3) * 0.7 * 0.3125 Av = 0.15 Vertical Ground Acceleration Coefficient Specified by user (Av) = 0.15 Af = K * SD1 * I * (4 / (Tc^2)) Af = 1.5 * 0.2188 * 1.0 * (4 / (7.8852^2)) Af = 0.02 Seismic Design A = Roof Surface Area (m^2) A-rs = Roof Area Supported by The Shell (m^2) Ac = Convective Design Response Spectrum Acceleration Coefficient Af = Acceleration Coefficient for Sloshing Wave Height Ah-shell = Roof Horizontal Projected Area Supported by The Shell (m^2) Ai = Impulsive Design Response Spectrum Acceleration Coefficient Anchorage_System = Anchorage System Av = Vertical Ground Acceleration Coefficient D = Nominal Tank Diameter (m) DELTAs = Sloshing Wave Height Above Product Design Height per API 650 Section E.7.2 (m) Event_Type = Event Type Fa = Site Acceleration Coefficient Fc = Allowable Longitudinal Shell Compression Stress per API 650 Section E. (MPa) Freeboard = Actual Freeboard (m) Freeboard_recommended = Minimum Recommended Freeboard per API-650 Table E.7 (m) Fv = Site Velocity Coefficient Fy = Yield Strength (MPa) G = Specific Gravity Ge = Effective Specific Gravity per API 650 Section E.2.2 H = Maximum Design Product Level (m) H_shell = Shell height (m) Hrcg = Top of Shell to Roof and roof appurtenances Center of Gravity (m) I = Importance Factor J = Anchorage Ratio per API 650 Section E. K = Spectral Acceleration Adjustment Coefficient Ks = Sloshing Coefficient L_max = Annular Ring Required Minimum Width Max Limit per API 650 Section E. (m) Lmin-seismic = Annular Ring Required Minimum Width per API 650 Section E. (m) Ls = Actual Annular Ring Width (m) MU = Friction Coefficient Min_Anchor_Quantity = Minimum Anchor Quantity Min_Anchor_Spacing = Minimum Anchor Spacing (m) Mrw = Ringwall Overturning Moment per API 650 Section E.6.1.5 (N.m) Ms = Slab Overturning Moment per API 650 Section E.6.1.5 (N.m) P = Design Pressure (MPa) Q = MCE to Design Level Scale Factor S1 = Spectral Response Acceleration at a Period of One Second SD1 = Design Spectral Response Acceleration at a Period of 1 Second SDS = Design Spectral Response Acceleration at Short Period Sb = Roof Balanced Snow Load (Pa) Sc = Self Anchored Maximum Longitudinal Shell Compression Stress per API 650 Section E. (MPa) Seismic_Site_Class = Seismic Site Class Seismic_Use_Group = Seismic Use Group Ss = Spectral Response Acceleration Short Period TL = Regional Dependent Transistion Period for Longer Period Ground Motion (sec) Tc = Convective Natural Period (sec) V = Total Design Base Shear per API 650 Section E.6.1 (N) Vc = Design Base Shear for Convective Component per API 650 Section E.6.1 (N) Vi = Design Base Shear for Impulsive Component per API 650 Section E.6.1 (N) Vmax = Local Shear Transfer per API 650 Section E.7.7 (N/m) Vs = Self Anchored Sliding Resistance Maximum Allowable Base Shear per API 650 Section E.7.6 (N) W-struct = Roof Structure Weight (kg) W_T = Total Weight of Tank Shell, Roof, Framing, Knuckles, Product, Bottom, Attachments, Appurtenances, Participating Balanced Snow Load per API-650 Eq E.6.2.3-1 (N) Wb-attachments = Bottom Attachments Weight (kg) Wb-pl = Bottom Plates Weight (kg) Wc = Convective Effective Weight per API 650 Section E.6.1.1 (N) Weff = Total Effective Weight per API 650 Section E.6.1.1 (N) Wf = Tank Bottom Total Weight (N) Wfd = Tank Foundation Weight (N) Wg = Soil Weight (N) Wi = Impulsive Effective Weight per API 650 Section E.6.1.1 (N) Wp = Tank Contents Total Weight (N) Wr = Total Weight of Fixed Tank Roof including Framing, Knuckles, any Permanent Attachments and 10 % of the Roof Balanced Design Snow Load (N) Wr-DL-add = Roof Additional Dead Weight (kg) Wr-attachments = Roof Attachments Weight (kg) Wr-pl = Roof Plates Nominal Weight (kg) Wrs = Roof Load Acting on The Tank Shell Including 10 % of the Roof Balanced Design Snow Load (N) Ws = Total Weight of Tank Shell and Appurtenances (N) Ws-attachments = Shell Attachments Weight (kg) Ws-framing = Shell Framing Weight (kg) Ws-pl = Shell Plates Nominal Weight (kg) Wss = Roof Structure Weight Supported by The Tank Shell (kg) Xc = Height from tank shell bottom to the center of action of convective lateral force for computing ringwall overturning moment per API 650 Section E. (m) Xcs = Height from tank shell bottom to the center of action of convective lateral force for computing slab overturning moment per API 650 Section E. (m) Xi = Height from tank shell bottom to the center of action of impulsive lateral force for computing ringwall overturning moment per API 650 Section E. (m) Xis = Height from tank shell bottom to the center of action of impulsive lateral force for computing slab overturning moment per API 650 Section E. (m) Xr = Height from tank shell bottom to the center of gravity of roof and roof appurtenances per API 650 Section E.6.1.2 (m) Xs = Height from tank shell bottom to shell's center of gravity (m) ca1 = Bottom Shell Course Corrosion Allowance (mm) ca_annular_ring = Annular Ring Corrosion Allowance (mm) ca_bottom = Bottom Corrosion Allowance (mm) hs = Additional Shell Height Required Above Sloshing Height (mm) t_annular_ring = Annular Ring Thickness (mm) t_bottom = Bottom Plate Thickness (mm) ta = Thickness, excluding corrosion allowance, of the bottom annulus under the shell required to provide the resisting force for self anchorage per API-650 E.2.2 (mm) tb = Calculated Annular Ring Thickness Holddown (mm) tb-ann-corr = Annular Ring Corroded Thickness (mm) tb-corr = Bottom Plates Corroded Thickness (mm) ts1 = Bottom Shell Course Thickness (mm) ts1_c = Shell Course 1 Corroded Thickness (mm) wa = Self Anchored Force Resisting Uplift per API 650 Section E. (N/m) wa = Self Anchored Force Resisting Uplift per API 650 Section E. (N/m) wa_max = Self Anchored Force Resisting Uplift Max Limit per API 650 Section E. (N/m) wint = Calculated Design Uplift Due to Product Pressure (N/m) wrs = Specified Tank Roof Load Acting on Tank Shell (N/m) wt = Tank and Roof Weight Acting at base of Shell per API 650 Section E. (N/m) yu = Self Anchored Tank Uplift Estimate per API 650 Section E.7.3.1 (mm) A = 1,026.9 m^2 A-rs = 722.38 m^2 Ac = 0.01 Af = 0.02 Ah-shell = 720.98 m^2 Ai = 0.09 Anchorage_System = SELF-ANCHORED Av = 0.15 D = 36.0 m Event_Type = MAXIMUM-CONSIDERED-EARTHQUAKE-MCE Fa = 2.5 Fv = 3.5 Fy = 250.0 MPa G=1 H = 7.2 m H_shell = 7.5 m Hrcg = 0.38 m I = 1.0 K = 1.5 Ks = 0.73 Ls = 0.68 m MU = 0.4 Min_Anchor_Quantity = 6 Min_Anchor_Spacing = 3 m P = 0.0 MPa Q=1 S1 = 0.06 SD1 = 0.22 SDS = 0.31 Sb = 0.0 Pa Seismic_Site_Class = SEISMIC-SITE-CLASS-E Seismic_Use_Group = SEISMIC-USE-GROUP-I Ss = 0.13 TL = 4 sec Tc = 7.89 sec W-struct = 47,920.42 kg Wb-attachments = 0 kg Wb-pl = 49,775.41 kg Wfd = 0 N Wg = 0 N Wp = 71,870,067.86 N Wr-DL-add = 0.0 kg Wr-attachments = 0 kg Wr-pl = 40,254.48 kg Ws-attachments = 2 kg Ws-framing = 5,139.57 kg Ws-pl = 66,520.2 kg Wss = 21,992.37 kg Xs = 3.42 m ca1 = 0 mm ca_annular_ring = 0 mm ca_bottom = 0 mm hs = 0 mm t_annular_ring = 8 mm t_bottom = 6 mm tb = 6 mm ts1 = 12 mm Wf = Wb-pl Wf = 488,130.0624 Wf = 488,130.06 N Wr = (Wr-pl + Wr-attachments + W-struct + Wr-DL-add) + (0.1 * Sb * Ah) Wr = (394,761.5724 + 0.0 + 469,938.7868 + 0.0) + (0.1 * 0.0 * 1,024.9001) Wr = 864,700.36 N Wrs = ((Wr-pl + Wr-attachments + Wr-DL-add) * (A-rs / A)) + Wss + (0.1 * Sb * Ah-shell) Wrs = ((394,761.5724 + 0.0 + 0.0) * (722.3823 / 1,026.8999)) + 215,671.4438 + (0.1 * 0.0 * 720.9755) Wrs = 493,370.14 N Ws = Ws-pl + Ws-framing + Ws-attachments Ws = 652,340.3042 + 50,401.9652 + 19.6133 Ws = 702,761.88 N W_T = Ws + Wr + Wp + Wf W_T = 702,761.8827 + 864,700.3592 + 71,870,067.8583 + 488,130.0624 W_T = 73,925,660.16 N Effective Weight of Product Wi = (TANH((0.866 * (D / H))) / (0.866 * (D / H))) * Wp Wi = (TANH((0.866 * (36.0 / 7.2))) / (0.866 * (36.0 / 7.2))) * 71,870,067.8583 Wi = 16,592,413.37 N Wc = 0.23 * (D / H) * TANH(((3.67 * H) / D)) * Wp Wc = 0.23 * (36.0 / 7.2) * TANH(((3.67 * 7.2) / 36.0)) * 71,870,067.8583 Wc = 51,698,466.44 N Weff = Wi + Wc Weff = 16,592,413.3706 + 51,698,466.4409 Weff = 68,290,879.81 N Design Loads Vi = Ai * (Ws + Wr + Wf + Wi) Vi = 0.0893 * (702,761.8827 + 864,700.3592 + 488,130.0624 + 16,592,413.3706) Vi = 1,665,266.91 N Vc = Ac * Wc Vc = 0.0106 * 51,698,466.4409 Vc = 548,003.74 N V = SQRT(((Vi^2) + (Vc^2))) V = SQRT(((1,665,266.9068^2) + (548,003.7443^2))) V = 1,753,117.79 N Center of Action for Effective Lateral Forces Xr = H_shell + Hrcg Xr = 7.5 + 0.3763 Xr = 7.88 m Xi = 0.375 * H Xi = 0.375 * 7.2 Xi = 2.7 m Xc = (1.0 - ((COSH(((3.67 * H) / D)) - 1) / (((3.67 * H) / D) * SINH(((3.67 * H) / D))))) * H Xc = (1.0 - ((COSH(((3.67 * 7.2) / 36.0)) - 1) / (((3.67 * 7.2) / 36.0) * SINH(((3.67 * 7.2) / 36.0))))) * 7.2 Xc = 3.75 m Xis = 0.375 * (1.0 + (1.333 * (((0.866 * (D / H)) / TANH((0.866 * (D / H)))) - 1.0))) * H Xis = 0.375 * (1.0 + (1.333 * (((0.866 * (36.0 / 7.2)) / TANH((0.866 * (36.0 / 7.2)))) - 1.0))) * 7.2 Xis = 14.69 m Xcs = (1.0 - ((COSH(((3.67 * H) / D)) - 1.937) / (((3.67 * H) / D) * SINH(((3.67 * H) / D))))) * H Xcs = (1.0 - ((COSH(((3.67 * 7.2) / 36.0)) - 1.937) / (((3.67 * 7.2) / 36.0) * SINH(((3.67 * 7.2) / 36.0))))) * 7.2 Xcs = 15.22 m Overturning Moment Mrw = SQRT((((Ai * ((Wi * Xi) + (Ws * Xs) + (Wr * Xr)))^2) + ((Ac * (Wc * Xc))^2))) Mrw = SQRT((((0.0893 * ((16,592,413.3706 * 2.7) + (702,761.8827 * 3.4166) + (864,700.3592 * 7.8763)))^2) + ((0.0106 * (51,698,466.4409 * 3.7534))^2))) Mrw = 5,243,464.9 N.m Ms = SQRT((((Ai * ((Wi * Xis) + (Ws * Xs) + (Wr * Xr)))^2) + ((Ac * (Wc * Xcs))^2))) Ms = SQRT((((0.0893 * ((16,592,413.3706 * 14.6904) + (702,761.8827 * 3.4166) + (864,700.3592 * 7.8763)))^2) + ((0.0106 * (51,698,466.4409 * 15.218))^2))) Ms = 24,079,649.84 N.m Resistance to Design Loads Ge = G * (1 - (0.4 * Av)) Ge = 1 * (1 - (0.4 * 0.1458)) Ge = 0.94 wrs = Wrs / (pi * D) wrs = 493,370.1392 / (pi * 36.0) wrs = 4,362.35 N/m wt = (Ws / (pi * D)) + wrs wt = (702,761.8827 / (pi * 36.0)) + 4,362.3498 wt = 10,576.13 N/m wint = P * 1000000 * ((pi * ((D^2) / 4)) / (pi * D)) wint = 0.0 * 1000000 * ((pi * ((36.0^2) / 4)) / (pi * 36.0)) wint = 0.0 N/m Bottom Annular Plates Requirements tb-corr = t_bottom - ca_bottom tb-corr = 6 - 0 tb-corr = 6 mm ts1_c = ts1 - ca1 ts1_c = 12 - 0 ts1_c = 12 mm tb-ann-corr = t_annular_ring - ca_annular_ring tb-ann-corr = 8 - 0 tb-ann-corr = 8 mm 8 >= tb-corr ==> PASS ta = MIN(tb-ann-corr , ts1_c) ta = MIN(8 , 12) ta = 8 mm wa_max = 201.1 * H * D * Ge wa_max = 201.1 * 7.2 * 36.0 * 0.9417 wa_max = 49,085.18 N/m L_max = 0.035 * D L_max = 0.035 * 36.0 L_max = 1.26 m wa = 99 * ta * SQRT((Fy * H * Ge)) wa = 99 * 8 * SQRT((250.0 * 7.2 * 0.9417)) wa = 32,607.17 N/m Lmin-seismic = MIN(Lmax , MAX(0.45 , (0.01723 * ta * SQRT((Fy / (H * Ge)))))) Lmin-seismic = MIN(1.26 , MAX(0.45 , (0.01723 * 8 * SQRT((250.0 / (7.2 * 0.9417)))))) Lmin-seismic = 0.84 m wa <= wa_max Ls < Lmin-seismic wa = 5742 * H * Ge * Ls wa = 5742 * 7.2 * 0.9417 * 0.678 wa = 26,395.43 N/m Tank Stability J = Mrw / ((D^2) * (((wt * (1 - (0.4 * Av))) + wa) - (Fp * wint))) J = 5,243,464.9014 / ((36.0^2) * (((10,576.1291 * (1 - (0.4 * 0.1458))) + 26,395.429) - (0.4 * 0.0))) J = 0.11 J <= 1.54 ==> Tank is stable, anchoring is not required Sc = ((wt * (1 + (0.4 * Av))) + ((1.273 * Mrw) / (D^2))) * (1 / (1000 * ts)) Sc = ((10,576.1291 * (1 + (0.4 * 0.1458))) + ((1.273 * 5,243,464.9014) / (36.0^2))) * (1 / (1000 * 12)) Sc = 1.36 MPa Fc = 83 * (ts / D) Fc = 83 * (12 / 36.0) Fc = 27.67 MPa Sc < Fc (J <= 1.54) AND (V <= Vs) ==> Tank is stable, anchoring is not required Freeboard DELTAs = 0.42 * D * Af DELTAs = 0.42 * 36.0 * 0.0211 DELTAs = 0.32 m Freeboard = H_shell - Lmax-operating Freeboard = 7.5 - 5.4 Freeboard = 2.1 m [2,099.0 mm] Freeboard_recommended = 0.7 * DELTAs Freeboard_recommended = 0.7 * 0.319 Freeboard_recommended = 0.22 m [223.32 mm] As per API-650 E.7.2 and Table E.7, freeboard is recommended but not required yu = (12.1 * Fy * (L^2)) / tb yu = (12.1 * 250.0 * (0.837^2)) / 6 yu = 353.21 mm Sliding Resistance Vs = MU * (Ws + Wr + Wf + Wp) * (1.0 - (0.4 * Av)) Vs = 0.4 * (702,761.8827 + 864,700.3592 + 488,130.0624 + 71,870,067.8583) * (1.0 - (0.4 * 0.1458)) Vs = 27,845,726.26 N V <= Vs Local Shear Transfer Vmax = (2 * V) / (pi * D) Vmax = (2 * 1,753,117.7868) / (pi * 36.0) Vmax = 31,001.93 N/m Capacities and Weights Back Capacity to Top of Shell (to Tank Height) : 7,588 m3 Capacity to Design Liquid Level : 7,283 m3 Capacity to Maximum Liquid Level : 5,451 m3 Working Capacity (to Normal Working Level) : 5,451 m3 Net working Capacity (Working Capacity - Min Capacity) : 4,361 m3 Minimum Capacity (to Min Liq Level) : 1,089 m3 Component New Condition (N) New Condition (Kg) Corroded (N) Corroded (Kg) SHELL 652,341 66,521 652,341 66,521 ROOF 394,762 40,255 394,762 40,255 RAFTERS 431,343 43,985 431,343 43,985 GIRDERS 0 0 0 0 FRAMING 0 0 0 0 COLUMNS 5,835 595 5,835 595 TRUSS 0 0 0 0 STRUCTURE COMPONENTS 20,010 2,041 20,010 2,041 BOTTOM 488,115 49,774 488,115 49,774 STAIRWAYS 0 0 0 0 STIFFENERS 50,457 5,146 50,457 5,146 WIND GIRDERS 0 0 0 0 ANCHOR CHAIRS 0 0 0 0 APPURTENANCES 20 2 20 2 INSULATION 0 0 0 0 FLOATING ROOF 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 2,042,883 208,319 2,042,883 208,319 Weight of Tank, Empty : 208,319 kg Weight of Tank, Full of Product (Design SG = 1) : 7,537,026 kg Weight of Tank, Full of Water : 7,537,026.34 kg Net Working Weight, Full of Product (Design SG = 1) : 6,402,094.58 kg Net Working Weight Full of Water : 6,402,094.58 kg Foundation Area Req'd : 1,024.9 m2 Foundation Loading, Empty : 1,993.25 N/m2 Foundation Loading, Full of Product Design : 72,117.21 N/m2 Foundation Loading, Full of Water : 72,117.22 N/m2 SURFACE AREAS Roof : 1,026.89 m2 Shell : 848.23 m2 Bottom : 942.64 m2 Annular Ring : 86.6 m2 Internal Pressure Moment : 0 n-m Wind Moment : 291,349.83 n-m Seismic Moment (Ringwall) : 5,243,464.9 n-m Seismic Moment (Slab) : 24,079,649.84 n-m MISCELLANEOUS ATTACHED ROOF ITEMS MISCELLANEOUS ATTACHED SHELL ITEMS Reactions on Foundation Back Arsc = Area of Tank Roof Supported by the Tank Columns (per column) (m^2) Arss = Area of Tank Roof Supported by the Tank Shell (m^2) Wc = Columns Weights (N) Wrsc = Dead Load on Columns (N) Wrss = Weight of Tank Roof Supported by the Tank Shell (kg) Ws = Weight of the Tank Shell and Shell Appurtenances (kg) Wss = Roof Structure Weight Supported by The Tank Shell (kg) yb = Bottom Plate Density (kg/m^3) yw = Water Density (kg/m^3) Arsc = [254.47 ] m^2 Arss = 722.38 m^2 Wc = [5,834.09 ] N Wrsc = [407,412.25 ] N Wss = 21,992.37 kg yb = 7,840 kg/m^3 yw = 1,000 kg/m^3 Wrss = ((Wr-pl + Wr-ins + Wr-attachments) * (Arss / A)) + Wss Wrss = ((40,254.4776 + 0.0 + 0) * (722.3823 / 1,026.8999)) + 21,992.3668 Wrss = 50,309.75 kg Ws = Ws-pl + Ws-ins + Ws-attachments + Ws-framing Ws = 66,520.1985 + 0.0 + 2 + 5,139.5701 Ws = 71,661.77 kg Unfactored (Working Stress) Downward Reactions on Foundations Load Case Location Equation Value Unit Dead Load Shell (Ws + Wrss) / (pi * D) 10,576.13 N/m Dead Load Center Column Wc-0 + Wrsc-0 413,246.33 N Dead Load Bottom tb * yb * 9.806649999999999E-6 0.46 kPa Internal Pressure Bottom P 0.0 kPa Vacuum Shell (Pv * Arss) / (pi * D) 0.0 N/m Vacuum Center Column Pv * Arsc-0 0.0 N Hydrostatic Test Bottom Lmax * yw * (9.80665 / 1000) 70.61 kPa Minimum Roof Live Load Shell (Lr * Arss) / (pi * D) 6,387.26 N/m Minimum Roof Live Load Center Column Lr * Arsc-0 254,469.0 N Seismic Shell ((4 * (Mrw / D)) + (0.4 * (Ws + Wrss) * Av)) / (pi 5,768.18 * D) N/m Seismic Bottom (32 * Ms) / (pi * (D^3) * 1000) 5.26 kPa Snow Shell (S * Arss) / (pi * D) 0.0 N/m Snow Center Column S * Arsc-0 0.0 N Stored Liquid Bottom SG * Lmax * yw * (9.80665 / 1000) 70.61 kPa Pressure Test Bottom Pt 0.0 kPa Wind Shell (2 * (Hs^2) * PWS) / (pi * D) 286.04 N/m Seismic bottom reaction varies linearly from 32*Ms/(PI*D^3) at the tank shell to zero at the center of the tank Disclaimer and Special Notes Back AMETank is a general-purpose software for storage tank design and detailing. AMETank employs a number of procedures and processes following API, AWWA, EN, and other related standards. Neither employees, contractors, committees, and assignees of these standards nor TechnoSoft make any warranty or representation, either express or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information generated by or contained within the application software, or assume any liability or responsibility for any use, or the results of such use, of any information or process disclosed in the application or its outputs. Neither TechnoSoft nor any of TechnoSoft employees, subcontractors, consultants, or other assignees represent that the use of this software application would not infringe upon privately owned rights as related to any of the standards, algorithms, procedures, outputs, incorporated within, or generated by, the software. TechnoSoft has made its best effort to assure the accuracy and reliability of the algorithms, procedures, and data employed within and generated by the software. However, TechnoSoft makes no representation, warranty, or guarantee in connection with the use of the software, outputs, or procedures and recommendations as incorporated within the documentation, manuals, training, or any other materials exchanged as part of any communications with TechnoSoft as related to the use of the software. TechnoSoft hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting from the use of the software application and information or for the violation of any authorities having jurisdiction with which this use may conflict. AMETank facilitates the use of sound engineering practices and algorithms. The software is not intended to eliminate the need for having expertise and knowledge in deploying these sound engineering practices and algorithms. No part of the software as related to its use or the use of its outputs should be interpreted as the sole or only requirement that must be satisfied for a design. Additional requirements or alternative procedures may be used in addition to or in lieu of the software and its outputs. The procedures, algorithms, and reports used and generated by TechnoSoft and the software should not be interpreted by anyone as the only practice or software to inhibit the use of additional or alternative procedures or applications for conducting a design. TechnoSoft does not represent, warrant, or guarantee the accuracy or conformance to the applicable standard, of any data, equations, schematics, or other information incorporated within the data tables, references, or materials that has been made part of, used by, or generated by, the software application.