DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY COURSE INFORMATION SHEET PROGRAMME: Information Technology DEGREE: B.Tech COURSE: Computer Networks SEMESTER:5 CREDITS:4 COURSE TYPE: CORE /ELECTIVE / BREADTH/ S&H : CORE CONTACT HOURS: 6 hours/Week. COURSE CODE: CS3591/C511 COURSE AREA/STREAM: Networking & Communication CORRESPONDING LAB COURSE CODE (IF ANY): ____ Ms. S. Arockia Rubi COURSE COORDINATOR NAME SYLLABUS Module I II III IV V Details Hours Data Communication - Networks – Network Types – Protocol Layering – TCP/IP Protocol suite – OSI Model – Introduction to Sockets Application Layer protocols: HTTP – FTP – Email protocols (SMTP POP3 - IMAP - MIME) – DNS – SNMP Introduction - Transport-Layer Protocols: UDP – TCP: Connection Management – Flow control - Congestion Control - Congestion avoidance (DECbit, RED) – SCTP – Quality of Service Switching : Packet Switching - Internet protocol - IPV4 – IP Addressing – Subnetting - IPV6, ARP, RARP, ICMP, DHCP Routing and protocols: Unicast routing - Distance Vector Routing - RIP Link State Routing – OSPF – Path-vector routing - BGP - Multicast Routing: DVMRP – PIM Data Link Layer – Framing – Flow control – Error control – Data-Link Layer Protocols – HDLC – PPP - Media Access Control – Ethernet Basics – CSMA/CD – Virtual LAN – Wireless LAN (802.11) - Physical Layer: Data and Signals - Performance – Transmission media- Switching – Circuit Switching. TOTAL HOURS TEXT/REFERENCE BOOKS: 10 9 7 7 12 45 T/R BOOK TITLE/AUTHORS/PUBLICATION James F. Kurose, Keith W. Ross, Computer Networking, A Top-Down Approach T1 Featuring the Internet, Eighth Edition, Pearson Education, 2021. Behrouz A. Forouzan, Data Communications and Networking with TCP/IP T2 Protocol Suite, Sixth Edition TMH, 2022 Larry L. Peterson, Bruce S. Davie, Computer Networks: A Systems Approach, Fifth R1 Edition, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc., 2012. William Stallings, Data and Computer Communications, Tenth Edition, Pearson R2 Education, 2013. Nader F. Mir, Computer and Communication Networks, Second Edition, Prentice Hall, R3 2014. Ying-Dar Lin, Ren-Hung Hwang, Fred Baker, “Computer Networks: An Open Source R4 Approach”, McGraw Hill, 2012. COURSE PRE-REQUISITES: C.CODE COURSE NAME MA3354 Discrete Mathematics CS3451 Introduction to Operating Systems DESCRIPTION Graph Theory for Routing Algorithms Understanding of Operating Systems SEM III IV COURSE OBJECTIVES: 1 To understand the concept of layering in networks. 2 To know the functions of protocols of each layer of TCP/IP protocol suite. 3 To visualize the end-to-end flow of information. 4 To learn the functions of network layer and the various routing protocols. 5 To familiarize the functions and protocols of the Transport layer. COURSE OUTCOMES: Course Code and Name : CS3591 - Computer Networks CO Statements Knowledge Level The students should be able to C511.1 Explain the basic layers and its functions in computer networks. K2 C511.2 Understand the basics of how data flows from one node to another. K2 C511.3 Analyze routing algorithms. K4 C511.4 Describe protocols for various functions in the network. K2 C511.5 Analyze the working of various application layer protocols. K4 CORELATION BETWEEN COURSE OUTCOMES AND PROGRAMME OUTCOMES Subject Course Outcome C511.1 C511.2 C511.3 C511.4 C511.5 C511 CO Vs PO Computer Networks PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO1 PSO2 PSO3 1 3 3 1 1 1.8 3 2 2 1 3 2.2 1 2 1 2 2 1.6 3 1 3 3 3 2.6 2 2 1 3 1 1.8 - - - 1 1 2 3 2 1.8 1 2 2 3 1 1.8 3 2 1 1 3 2 1 3 3 1 3 2.2 2 3 3 3 1 2.4 3 2 2 2 1 2.2 2 1 1 2 2 1.8 JUSTIFICATION FOR CORELATION Course Mapped with Outcome Justification POs Number PO1 (Low) PO2 (High) PO3 (Low) PO4 (High) CO1 It involves Strong theory in science and mathematics related to the basic layers and its functions in computer networks. It provides basic idea in first principles of mathematics, science, and engineering sciences related to the basic layers and its functions in computer networks. It involves providing fair idea in finding solution to complex problems related to the basic layers and its functions in computer networks. It involves providing Strong idea for design of experiments and synthesis of information related to the basic layers and its functions in computer networks. PO5 (Medium) It provides fair idea in applying modern engineering and IT tools related to the basics of how data flows from one node to another. PO9 (Low) It provides basic idea to understand the Individual and team work to the basic layers and its functions in computer networks. PO10 (Low) PO11 (High) It involves basic idea for Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities related to the basic layers and its functions in computer networks. It provides Strong idea to understand the Project management and finance related to the basic layers and its functions in computer networks. CO2 PO12 (Low) It involves basic theory for design of experiments and synthesis of information related to the basic layers and its functions in computer networks. PO1 (High) It involves Strong theory in science and mathematics related to the basics of how data flows from one node to another. PO2 (Medium) It involves fair theory with first principles of mathematics, science, and engineering sciences related to the basics of how data flows from one node to another. PO3 (Medium) It involves basic theory providing solution to complex problems related to the basics of how data flows from one node to another. PO4 (Low) It involves fair theory for design of experiments and synthesis of information related to the basics of how data flows from one node to another. PO5 (Medium) It provides fair idea in applying modern engineering and IT tools related to the basics of how data flows from one node to another. PO9 (Medium) It provides fair idea to understand the Individual and team work to the basics of how data flows from one node to another. PO10 (Medium) PO11 (Medium) PO12 (Low) It involves fair idea for Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities related the basics of how data flows from one node to another. It provides fair idea to understand the Project management and finance related to the basics of how data flows from one node to another. It involves basic theory for design of experiments and synthesis of information related to the basics of how data flows from one node to another. PO1 (Medium) It involves fair theory in science and mathematics related to routing algorithms. PO2 (Medium) It involves fair theory with first principles of mathematics, science, and engineering sciences related to routing algorithms. PO3 (High) It involves Strong theory providing solution to complex problems related to routing algorithms. PO4 (Medium) It involves fair theory for design of experiments and synthesis of information related to routing algorithms. CO3 CO4 PO5 (Low) It provides basic idea in applying modern engineering and IT tools related to routing algorithms. PO9 (High) It provides Strong idea to understand the Individual and team work to apply routing algorithms. PO10 (High) It involves Strong idea for Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities related routing algorithms. PO11(Low) It provides basic idea to understand the Project management and finance related to apply routing algorithms. PO12 (Medium) It provides fair idea in applying modern engineering and IT tools related to apply routing algorithms. PO1 (Low) It involves basic theory in science and mathematics related to protocols for various functions in the network PO2 (High) It involves Strong theory with first principles of mathematics, science, and engineering sciences related to protocols for various functions in the network. PO3 (Low) It involves basic theory providing solution to complex problems related to protocols for various functions in the network PO4 (High) It involves Strong theory for design of experiments and synthesis of information related to protocols for various functions in the network. PO5 (Low) It provides fair idea in applying modern engineering and IT tools related to protocols for various functions in the network. PO9 (Low) It provides basic idea to understand the Individual and team work to protocols for various functions in the network PO10 (Medium) It involves fair idea for Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities related to protocols for various functions in the network. PO11 (Low) It provides basic idea to understand the Project management and finance related to protocols for various functions in the network. PO12 (Low) It provides basic idea in applying modern engineering and IT tools related to protocols for various functions in the network CO5 PO1 (Medium) It involves fair theory in science and mathematics related to working of various application layer protocols. PO2 (Medium) It involves fair theory with first principles of mathematics, science, and engineering sciences related to the working of various application layer protocols. PO3 (Medium) It involves fair theory providing solution to complex problems related to the working of various application layer protocols. PO4 (Medium) It involves fair theory for design of experiments and synthesis of information related to the working of various application layer protocols. PO5 (Medium) It provides fair idea in applying modern engineering and IT tools related to the working of various application layer protocols. PO9 (Medium) It provides fair idea to understand the Individual and team work to the working of various application layer protocols. PO10 (Medium) PO11 (Medium) PO12 (Low) the It involves fair idea for Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities related to the working of various application layer protocols. It provides fair idea to understand the Project management and finance related to the working of various application layer protocols. It involves basic theory for design of experiments and synthesis of information related to the working of various application layer protocols. CORELATION BETWEEN COURSE OUTCOMES AND PROGRAMME SPECIFIC OUTCOMES CO PSO 1 PSO 2 PSO 3 2 3 2 C511.1 3 2 1 C511.2 3 2 1 C511.3 3 2 2 C511.4 1 1 2 C511.5 C511 2.4 2.2 1.8 JUSTIFICATION FOR CORELATION Course Outcome Number Mapped with PSOs PSO1 (High) PSO2 (Medium) CO1 PSO3 (Low) PSO1 (High) PSO2 (Medium) CO2 PSO3 (High) PSO1 (Low) Justification It involves strong theory for develop and implement AI-based processes for effective decision-making in diverse domains, including business and governance, by integrating domain-specific knowledge and advanced techniques related to the basic layers and its functions in computer networks. It involves fair theory by utilize data analysis to derive actionable insights and foresights, enabling the solution of complex business and engineering problems related to the basic layers and its functions in computer networks. It involves basic theory to apply theoretical knowledge of AI and Data Analytics, along with practical tools and techniques, to address societal problems, demonstrating proficiency in data analytics, visualization, and project coordination skills related to the basic layers and its functions in computer networks. It involves strong theory for develop and implement AI-based processes for effective decision-making in diverse domains, including business and governance, by integrating domain-specific knowledge and advanced techniques related to the basics of how data flows from one node to another. It involves fair theory by utilize data analysis to derive actionable insights and foresights, enabling the solution of complex business and engineering problems related to the basics of how data flows from one node to another. It involves strong theory to apply theoretical knowledge of AI and Data Analytics, along with practical tools and techniques, to address societal problems, demonstrating proficiency in data analytics, visualization, and project coordination skills related to the basics of how data flows from one node to another. It involves basic theory for develop and implement AI-based processes for effective decision-making in diverse domains, including business and governance, by integrating domain-specific knowledge and advanced techniques related to analyze routing algorithms. CO3 PSO2 (Low) PSO3 (High) PSO1 (Low) PSO2 (High) CO4 PSO3 (Low) PSO1 (Medium) It involves basic theory by utilize data analysis to derive actionable insights and foresights, enabling the solution of complex business and engineering problems related to analyze routing algorithms. It involves strong theory to apply theoretical knowledge of AI and Data Analytics, along with practical tools and techniques, to address societal problems, demonstrating proficiency in data analytics, visualization, and project coordination skills related to analyze routing algorithms. It involves basic theory for develop and implement AI-based processes for effective decision-making in diverse domains, including business and governance, by integrating domain-specific knowledge and advanced techniques related to protocols for various functions in the network It involves strong theory with creating innovative career paths related to design, train, and optimize neural networks to protocols for various functions in the network It involves basic theory to apply theoretical knowledge of AI and Data Analytics, along with practical tools and techniques, to address societal problems, demonstrating proficiency in data analytics, visualization, and project coordination skills r related to protocols for various functions in the network It involves fair theory for develop and implement AI-based processes for effective decision-making in diverse domains, including business and governance, by integrating domain-specific knowledge and advanced techniques related to the working of various application layer protocols. PSO2 (Medium) It involves fair theory by utilize data analysis to derive actionable insights and foresights, enabling the solution of complex business and engineering problems related to the working of various application layer protocols. PSO3 (Medium) It involves fair theory to apply theoretical knowledge of AI and Data Analytics, along with practical tools and techniques, to address societal problems, demonstrating proficiency in data analytics, visualization, and project coordination skills related to the working of various application layer protocols. CO5 WEB SOURCE REFERENCES: 1 2 3 4 5 DELIVERY/INSTRUCTIONAL METHODOLOGIES: CHALK & TALK LCD/SMART BOARDS STUD. ASSIGNMENT STUD. SEMINARS WEB RESOURCES TUTORIAL DELIVERY METHODS USED FOR EACH COURSE OUT COME SNO DELIVERY METHODS C211.1 CHALK & TALK, STUD. ASSIGNMENT, TUTORIAL C211.2 CHALK & TALK, STUD. ASSIGNMENT, TUTORIAL C211.3 CHALK & TALK , STUD.ASSIGNMENT, WEB RESOURCES C211.4 CHALK & TALK, LCD/SMART BOARDS, WEB RESOURCES, TUTORIAL C211.5 CHALK & TALK, STUD. ASSIGNMENT, LCD/SMART BOARDS, WEB RESOURCES ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGIES-DIRECT ASSIGNMENTS STUD. SEMINARS ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGIES-INDIRECT STUDENT FEEDBACK ON FACULTY (ONCE) TESTS/MODEL EXAMS UNIV. EXAMINATION ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGIES USED FOR EACH COURSE OUT COME SNO ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGIES-DIRECT METHODOLOGIES-INDIRECT ASSIGNMENTS, UNIV. EXAMINATION, STUD. C211.1 C211.2 SEMINARS, TESTS/MODEL EXAMS UNIV. EXAMINATION, TESTS/MODEL EXAMS, STUDENT FEEDBACK ON FACULTY STUDENT FEEDBACK ON FACULTY UNIV. EXAMINATION, TESTS/MODEL EXAMS, C211.3 C211.4 ASSIGNMENTS UNIV. EXAMINATION, TESTS/MODEL EXAMS STUDENT FEEDBACK ON FACULTY STUDENT FEEDBACK ON FACULTY ASSIGNMENTS, UNIV. EXAMINATION, C211.5 TESTS/MODEL EXAMS Prepared by (Course Coordinator) STUDENT FEEDBACK ON FACULTY Approved by (Programme Coordinator)