Add: Decimal Addition 1. Find the decimal 2. Line up the decimals 3. Fill in empty spots with zero 4. Add 5. Bring down decimal in your answer Subtract: Decimal Subtraction 1. Find the decimal 2. Line up the decimals 3. Fill in empty spots with zero 4. Subtract 5. Bring down decimal in your answer Decimal Multiplication 1. The number with most digits goes on top 2. Decimals do not have to line up 3. Multiply like normal 4. Count how many places in 1st number the decimal is moved over 5. Count how many places in 2nd number the decimal is moved over 6. This is how many places you move your decimal in the answer Multiply: Divide: Decimal Division v 1. Divisor can not have a decimal 2. Move the divisor decimal so it is a whole number 3. Move the same amount of places in dividend 4. Place a decimal straight up where you write your answer, re-write problem 5. Divide like normal Subtract: Add: Decimal Addition Decimal Subtraction 1. Find the decimal 2. Line up the decimals 3. Fill in empty spots with zero 4. Add 5. Bring down decimal in your answer 1. Find the decimal 2. Line up the decimals 3. Fill in empty spots with zero 4. Subtract 5. Bring down decimal in your answer Decimal Multiplication 1. The number with most digits goes on top 2. Decimals do not have to line up 3. Multiply like normal 4. Count how many places in 1st number the decimal is moved over 5. Count how many places in 2nd number the decimal is moved over 6. This is how many places you move your decimal in the answer Multiply: Divide: Decimal Division v 1. Divisor can not have a decimal 2. Move the divisor decimal so it is a whole number 3. Move the same amount of places in dividend 4. Place a decimal straight up where you write your answer, re-write problem 5. Divide like normal