Distinguish Technical Terms Used in Research (Research Paper) Why is research important? inform action, to prove a theory, and contribute to developing knowledge in a field or study. It is a way of life. What is “Research? -defined as “a systematic and scientific procedure of data collection, compilation, analysis, interpretation, and implication pertaining to any problem.” Researc Quantitative Qualitative h research research -describes, infers, and resolves problems using numbers. -is based on words, feelings, emotions, sounds and other non-numerical and unquantifiable elements. Action research, thesis, dissertation, and case study are examples of research. - Income – P5,000 – Concept is a P8,000 term that - Age – 18 y/o – 20 y/o - Education Level – abstractly High School Graduate, describes and College Graduate, Post names an object, Graduate a phenomenon, - Number of Siblings – 3 siblings in the family, or an idea. 4 or more siblings in the family Examples: Theory is an organized body of theory of relativity, concepts and atomic theory, principles theory of intended to evolution, and explain a quantum particular theory phenomenon. Quantitative Example is a Method This is drug abuser a method that telling you focuses on how many pills numbers, they consume objective hard per week. data. Qualitative Examples is a drug abuser Method It telling you uses words how they feel instead of about abusing numbers to drugs. display data. Variables are any Examples are age, sex, business income and quality of a person, expenses, country of group subject, birth, capital event, condition or expenditure, class situation that grades, eye color and varies or takes on vehicle type different values. Hypothesis is a logical supposition, a reasonable guess, and educated conjecture. For example, a researcher might be interested in the relationship between study habits and test anxiety. The researcher would propose a hypothesis about how these two variables are related, such as "Test anxiety decreases as a result of effective study habits." Sampling it is the For example, a random sample may include process of selecting choosing the names of 25 participants who employees out of a hat in a are representatives company of 250 employees. The population of a larger is all 250 employees, and population – gain the sample is random an understanding because each employee has an equal chance of of a larger being chosen. population. SMART is a good way to remember the fundamentals of research paper writing, and to help prepare an author in writing a successful research paper. Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Time Here are some common ways you can narrow down a research topic: By demographic characteristics Narrow it down by age group, occupation, ethnic group, gender, etc. e.g. challenges faced by international college graduates entering the workforce By relevant issues e.g. challenges Try to identify key issues related to your faced by college topic, especially ones graduates who that you have an are unable to opinion on. You can turn your opinion into find meaningful your thesis statement or research question. or relevant work e.g. challenges By location faced by college Focus on a specific country, graduates province, city, or entering the type of workforce in environment rural Ontario (rural vs. urban). By timeframe e.g. challenges Decide whether you faced by college want to study recent events or a historical graduates time period. This will entering the also help you decide workforce during how current the the COVID-19 information you use pandemic z must be. By causes e.g. Why do You can take employers the perspective hire fewer of looking for college causes of an graduates? issue you are researching.