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ICT Illustration: Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies Module

Department of Education
Personal Entrepreneurial competencies
Module 1
Schools Division Office – Muntinlupa City
Student Center for Life Skills Bldg., Centennial Ave., Brgy. Tunasan, Muntinlupa City
(02) 8805-9935 / (02) 8805-9940
This module was designed to help you master the topic about the Personal
Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECS) related to digital illustration |
Photoshop. You will have a first-hand experience in educational activities leading
to assessment of your personal entrepreneurial competencies (PECs) and the
entrepreneurial competencies of a successful artist within your community. You
will also have several activities that will align your competencies with those of
successful practitioners. Moreover, this module will encourage you to think about
entrepreneurship and its role in the business community as well as in the
economic and social development of an individual.
The scope of this module permits it to be used in many different learning
situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students.
The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course.
After going through this module, you are expected to:
Create a plan of action that strengthens/further develops one’s PECs in Illustration
Specifically, you will be able to:
1. Identify areas of improvement, development and growth.
2. Align your PECS according to your business or career choice.
3. Create a plan of action that ensures success in your business or career
Directions: Circle the letter of the best answer. Write your answers on the provided
1. A person with skills and capabilities to see and evaluate business
a. Entrepreneurs
b. Managers
c. Office Employee
d. Student
2. Means working diligently and being consistent about it.
a. Risk Taker
b. Committed to Work
c. Hardworking
d. Initiative
3. Which one do you think is not a quality of a successful entrepreneur?
a. Boastful
b. Creativity
c. Goal-oriented
d. Profit-oriented
4. Why do you think that an entrepreneur should be not easily defeated by
a. Entrepreneur doesn’t take ‘no’ for an answer
b. Tring again and again until you succeed
c. View failure as an opportunity
d. All of the above
5. A strategic process of innovation and new product creation.
a. Apprenticeship
b. Craftsmanship
c. Entrepreneurship
d. Marketing
Personal Entrepreneurial
Competencies (PECs)
To start with this module, let us first understand the words entrepreneurs and
Image 1.1 Armode Graphics Design Banner
Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs) It refers to the key
characteristics that a successful entrepreneur should have in order to be
successful. Use of Influence Strategies The art of planning and establishing
influence among the customers or the public.
Entrepreneurs are those with the skills and capabilities to see and evaluate
business opportunities. They are individuals who can strategically identify products
or services needed by the community, and have the capacity to deliver them at the
right time and at the right place. They are agents of economic change; they
organize, manage, and assume risks of a business.
Entrepreneurship, on the other hand, is not just a simple business activity but a
strategic process of innovation and new product creation. Basically,
entrepreneurship is both an art and science of converting business ideas into
marketable products or services to improve the quality of living.
Now that you have background knowledge about entrepreneurs and
entrepreneurship, you can now walk through in assessing your PECs. Always
remember that successful entrepreneurs continuously develop and improve their
Task 1.1 Matching Type
Directions: Match the entrepreneurial competencies in column A with their
meaning in column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on the
provided worksheet.
________ 1. Creativity
8. Hardworking
________ 2. Profit-oriented
9. Ability to accept change
________ 3. Goal-oriented
10. Committed to work
________ 4. Sound decision maker
a. makes wise decisions towards
the set objectives
b. unblinding faith that ultimately
you will triumph trusting in
one’s ability
________ 5. Possess people skills
________ 6. Excellent Planner
________ 7. Risk Taker
c. adoptable to change
d. innovates to have an edge over
other competitors
e. solid dedication
f. skillful in record keeping
g. always sticks to the plan
h. turn those ideas into profits
relates well to people
opportunity to have/earn
Task 1.2 Guide Questions
Directions: The following are guide questions which covers the entire module.
Write your answers on your worksheet. Discuss / share these to the
a. Explain why entrepreneurial activities are important to social development
and economy progress.
b. What entrepreneurial activities related to digital Illustration do you know
and are capable of doing?
c. If you were given the opportunity to own a business that relates to digital
Illustration, do you think you will be confident to manage it? Explain your
d. What do you think are the most important competencies one must possess
in order to be successful in running a chosen business?
e. Name successful entrepreneurs from your community whose businesses are
related to digital Illustration. Make sure you will be able to share with the
class the PECs that made them successful.
Learning Goals and
After understanding the objectives of this module, having gone through preassessment, and answering the guide questions, you will be asked to set your own
personal goals and targets. These goals and targets will urge you to further achieve
the ultimate objective of this module. In the end, these ultimate goals will motivate
you to learn more about PECs.
Figure 1.1 Strategic process to achieve the objectives of this module
Goals and
Reading Resources and Instructional Activities
After setting your own personal goals and targets in achieving the objectives of this
module, check your inherent knowledge of PECs. Answer the following guide
questions with the help of your classmates.
Task 1.3 Group Activity
Directions: Answer the following guide questions on your worksheet. Discuss /
share these to the class.
a. Explain the importance of assessing one’s PECs before engaging in a
particular entrepreneurial activity.
b. Are there other strategies or approaches where you can assess your PECs?
Explain how these strategies will become more useful in selecting a viable
business venture.
c. What are the desirable personal characteristics, attributes, lifestyles, skills,
and traits of a prospective entrepreneur? Why are these important?
d. Why is there a need to assess one’s PECs in terms of characteristics,
attributes, lifestyles, skills, and traits before starting a particular business?
e. What is the significance of evaluating PECs of a successful entrepreneur?
What helpful insights can you draw from this activity?
Entrepreneurial Competencies?
It refers to the important characteristics that should be possessed by an individual
in order to perform entrepreneurial functions effectively. In this module, you will
learn some of the most important characteristics, attributes, lifestyle, skills and
traits of a successful entrepreneur or an employee to be successful in a chosen
Qualities you Should Possess to be a Successful Entrepreneur
You should be setting goals and putting your all into achieving them; you
should be determined to make your business succeed and will remove any
obstacle that may stand in your way. You should tend to be strategic in your
game plans and always have a clear idea in mind of exactly what you want to
achieve and how you plan to achieve it.
This is one of the most important characteristics you should process as an
entrepreneur. This means working diligently and being consistent about it.
Hardworking people keep improving their performance to produce good
products and/or provide good services.
Committed to Work
You should be not easily defeated; viewing your failure as an opportunity for
future success, and if you don’t succeed the first time, you’ll stay committed
to your business and will continue to try and try again until it does succeed.
As a true entrepreneur doesn’t take ‘no’ for an answer.
Risk Taker
As a true entrepreneur you shouldn’t ask questions about whether or not
you’ll succeed—you should truly believe you will. You should display this
confidence in all aspects of life, and as a bi-product, you’re never afraid to
take risks due to your unblinding faith that ultimately you will triumph.
Willingness to Listen and Learn
The most important part of learning is listening and as a good entrepreneur
you will listen to comment and changes. Nothing is permanent but change.
Capitalize on positive and negative feedback to make your business grow.
This is one trait that, should be inborn to you. You should be able to not
only come up with ingenious ideas, but also turn those ideas into profits.
An entrepreneur takes the initiative. You must put yourself in a position
where you are responsible for the failure or success of your business.
An entrepreneur enters the world of business to generate profit or additional
income. The business shall become your bread and butter. Therefore, you
must see to it that the business can generate income.
Skills you Should Possess to be a Successful Entrepreneur
Excellent Planner
Strategic thinking and goal setting to achieve objectives by carefully
maximizing all the available resources. A good entrepreneur develops and
follows the steps in the plans diligently to realize goals. A good entrepreneur
knows that planning is an effective skill only when combined with action.
Great People Skills
You should have a strong communication skill, and it is the strength that
will enables you to effectively sell your product or service to your clients and
customers. A well-developed interpersonal skill can make a huge difference
between success and failure of the business.
Sound Decision Maker
Having the ability to think quickly and to make wise decisions towards a
pre-determined set of objectives. No one can deny that the ability to make
wise decisions is an important skill that an entrepreneur should possess.
Sound decisions should be based on given facts and information and lead
towards the pre-determined objectives.
Task 1.4 PECs Checklist
Directions: Using the PECs checklist, assess yourself by putting a check ( ✓) mark
in either strengths or development areas column. Interpret the results
by counting the total number of check marks in each of the columns.
After accomplishing the checklist, form a group and share your
insights on the result of the personal assessment.
Personal Entrepreneurial
Competencies (PECs) of an
Personal Assessment in terms of:
- Works diligently
- Self-reliance in one’s ability
- Always stick to the plan
- Solid dedication
Ability to accept changes
- Adaptable
- Innovative to have edge over other
- Always looking for an opportunity
to have/earn income
Excellent planner
- Strategic thinking and setting of
Possess people skill
- Effective and efficient
communication skills and relates
well to people
Sound decision maker
- Makes wise decisions towards the
set objectives
Interpretation or Insight:
How was your experience in discovering the strengths and the areas you need to
develop? Did you gain a valuable experience in exchanging insights with your
classmates? To learn more and deepen your understanding of PECs, do task 5
Task 1.5 Interview
Directions: Using the social media, interview an artist or entrepreneur whose type
of business is related with graphics and illustration. Focus your
questions on PECs and other business-related attributes that helped
them become successful. Write your answer on the provided
worksheet. Discuss / share these to the class.
Sample Interview Guide
Name of Proprietor/Practitioner: _______________________________________________
No. of years as an Entrepreneur: ________________
Age: _______________
1. What preparations did you make before you engaged in this type of graphic
design or illustration business?
2. What special skills and characteristics do you have that are related with
your business?
3. How did you solve work-related problems during the early years of your
business operation?
4. Did you follow the tips from a successful artist or practitioner before you
engaged in your business?
5. What best business practices can you share with aspiring artist?
6. What do you think are the salient characteristics, attributes, lifestyle, skills
and traits that made you successful in your business?
Task 1.6 Essential Questions
Directions: Read and study the following questions below. You may use the
provided worksheet to write your answers.
1. Why is there a need to compare and align one’s PECs with the PECs of a
successful entrepreneur?
2. How does your action plan help sustain your strong PECs and/or address
your development areas?
3. What plan of action will you utilize to address your development areas?
Task 1.7 What’s on Your Mind
Directions: Express your thoughts about the picture. Write your answer on the
provided worksheet
Image 1.2 Drawing Progress Over the Last Few Years
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answers on a separate
sheet of paper.
1. A person with skills and capabilities to see and evaluate business
a. Entrepreneurs
c. Office Employee
b. Managers
d. Student
2. Key characteristics that a successful entrepreneur should have in order to
be successful.
a. Commitment
c. PEC
b. Creativity
d. People skills
3. Means working diligently and being consistent about it.
a. Risk Taker
c. Hardworking
b. Committed to Work
d. Initiative
4. Skills of strategic thinking and goal setting to achieve objectives.
a. Excellent Planner
c. Profit-oriented
b. Great People Skills
d. Sound Decision Maker
5. Which one do you think is not a quality of a successful entrepreneur?
c. Goal-oriented
a. Boastful
d. Profit-oriented
b. Creativity
6. Ability to think quickly and to make wise decisions towards a predetermined set of objectives.
a. Excellent Planner
c. Profit-oriented
b. Great People Skills
d. Sound Decision Maker
7. Why do you think that an entrepreneur should be not easily defeated by
a. Entrepreneur doesn’t take ‘no’ for an answer
b. Tring again and again until you succeed
c. View failure as an opportunity
d. All of the above
8. An inborn quality that turn ideas into profits.
a. Creativity
b. Risk Taker
c. Initiative
d. Goal-oriented
9. A strategic process of innovation and new product creation.
a. Apprenticeship
b. Craftsmanship
c. Entrepreneurship
d. Marketing
10. What is he most important part of learning as a good entrepreneur?
a. Communication
b. Listening
c. Socializing
d. Talking
11. Takes the initiative and put yourself in a position where you are
responsible for the failure or success of your business.
a. Committed to Work
b. Initiative
c. Risk Taker
d. Willingness to Listen and Learn
12. Setting goals and putting your all into achieving them
a. Committed to Work
b. Goal-oriented
c. Hardworking
d. Listening
13. Which of the following is not a skill you should possess to be a successful
a. Excellent Planner
b. Great People Skills
c. Sound Decision Maker
d. Willingness to Listen and Learn
14. A good entrepreneur knows that planning is an effective skill only when
combined with what?
a. Action
b. Commitment
c. Creativity
d. Strategies
15. Sound decisions should be based on this to be able to lead towards the predetermined objectives.
a. action and information
b. action and instructions
c. facts and information
d. facts and instructions
5. a
5. c
4. a
4. d
3. c
3. a
2. c
2. c
1. a
1. a
What I Know
6. d
15. c
8. i
14. a
7. b
13. d
6. g
12. b
5. j
11. b
4. a
10. b
3. e
9. c
2. k
8. a
1. h
7. d
What's In
9. c
10. f
Book/ Module
K-12 Basic Education Curriculum PC Hardware Servicing TLE (Learning Module)
Grade 10 pp. 1-13
10 Important personal characteristics of entrepreneurs. (2017, July 28). Retrieved
June 15, 2020, from https://www.hiscox.com/blog/10-important-personalcharacteristics-entrepreneurs
Tracy, B. (2016, October 05). 5 Qualities Of Successful Entrepreneurs. Retrieved
June 18, 2020, from https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/282962
Angel. (1966, January 01). 72 Before And After Drawings Show Practice Makes