NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS NATIONAL TRAINING SERVICE PROGRAM LITERACY TRAINING SERVICE (DOCUMENTION) GROUP 1 Leader: Ysabelle Kathlina E. Canino Gabriel G. Alipin Kate Ferlene S. Carbajosa Shaynne S. Gutierrez Lovelyn C. Hurano Beah Mamaril Ivy L. Morada Cherish Julie S. Norbe Angel Pag-orogon Pearl Joy G. Pillado Submitted to: Professor: Vina A. Gapuz Course: BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Subject: NSTP-LTS 2 Schedule: MONDAY (10:30-1:30) Date: May 13, 2024 Activity: Community Immersion Location: Barangay, Mamatid, City of Cabuyao, Laguna 1 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS INTRODUCTION: In this paper, we will talk about our time with the National Service Training Program (NSTP). We got to help kids who don't go to school and make learning fun for them. This wasn't just about them; it was also about us, as college students, trying out teaching. Working with these kids was a big lesson for us. We didn't just give them facts; we made strong bonds and made learning fun. Seeing them get excited to learn was a big reward. It made us see how much power education has. For us, this wasn't just for the kids' future. It was a chance for us to grow and learn too. We got more patience, imagination, and the skill to be flexible. These are things we need in any job we do. Teaching let us see the hard parts and the joys of teaching, and we won't forget it. We hope that what these kids learned will help them get good chances. At the same time, this time has set a base for our own success. This work has made us trust in the good change learning can bring, not just for those we teach, but for us too. OBJECTIVES: 1. Describe the NSTP Experience: To detail our involvement with the National Service Training Program and its impact on underprivileged children. 2. Highlight the Mutual Benefits: To explain how the program benefited both the children and us, as college students, in terms of educational engagement and personal growth. 3. Showcase the Power of Education: To illustrate the trans-formative power of education through the bonds we formed and the excitement we inspired in the children. 4. Reflect on Personal Development: To reflect on the personal development we experienced, including increased patience, creativity, and adaptability. 5. Emphasize Long-term Impact: To discuss the potential long-term benefits for the children and the foundational skills and confidence we gained for our future careers. CONTENT: 2 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS Preparation week This picture was taken at the barangay hall in Banlic, Cabuyao to inform our professor that all members in our group came to the barangay captain to sign our form. Location 3 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS We came directly to the chosen location of where we will conduct our immersion and let the children know that we will come back in four Sundays and will teach them the basic learning to widen their knowledge. Snacks We gave some snacks to the children that we will teach when we start our immersion. We bought some biscuits and candies to show how grateful we are to them for treating us with respect and kindness. 1ST WEEK 4 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS A day before the assigned schedule of immersion, we spent 500 pesos (50 pesos per member) for the food we will give out to the children. Before we started the immersion, we made sure that the place where we will conduct our immersion is safe and clean to avoid the children being sick and for them to feel comfortable while listening to us. We have appointed 4 batches in our group to have all members do a task for this project to be successful. We grouped this 3 members for the task to clean the place before and after our immersion. Preparing the lesson before we call the children to the designated place. 5 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO Visiting of the professor of the subject of NSTP to our immersion. 6 NSTP2-LTS NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS Introducing ourselves to the children and them introducing themselves to us. Giving the children notebooks for writing our lessons that we will teach to them. 7 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS During our time teaching the children, we call each child to the front to know if they learned from us and we use it as a guide on how to improve our ways of teaching. After the lesson we provided, we let them copy the letters/words in their notebook so that they won’t forget what they learned from us that day and we also helped those who are struggling to write so that they can improve in writing. 8 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS We gave biscuits and juices to the children to satisfy their hunger. After the break time, we also came up with some games for the kids to enjoy their experience with us. One of the games is separating the children into two groups and then the first in line will receive a word from us and must whisper it to the person next in line. 9 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS This continues until it comes to the last person in line and then he/she should be able to say out loud the word that we said to the first person. First group that can guess the words up to 5 wins. We helped them to get home safely after the immersion. 10 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS 2nd Week A day before the assigned schedule of immersion, we spent 800 pesos (80 pesos per member) for the food we will give out to the children. Before we started the immersion, we made sure that the place where we will conduct our immersion is safe and clean to avoid the children being sick and for them to feel comfortable while listening to us. We have appointed 4 batches in our group to have all 11 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS members do a task for this project to be successful. We grouped these 2 members for the task to clean the place before and after our immersion. Introducing ourselves to the children and them introducing themselves to us, the 2nd week group, and 3 members of our group assigned to be the teacher that will teach the basic mathematics. Teaching the children to count from 1-20 and by 5-100 also the addition and subtraction. 12 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS While teaching, we noticed that the children were getting sleepy and not paying attention to us, so we invited them to come up front to dance and have fun to wake up their spirits and make them happy. After that, we sent them back to their seats to continue the lesson. 13 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS We gave biscuits and juices to the children to satisfy their hunger. After the break time, we also came up with some games for the kids to enjoy their experience with us. 14 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS The games are “hephep hooray and pinoy henyo.” We changed the hephep hooray mechanics, instead of hephep hoorey they’ll say plus minus and in pinoy henyo we choose numbers instead of words. At the end of the activity, we thanked them for their cooperation and helped them to get home safely after the immersion. 15 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS 3rd Week We introduced ourselves to the children and them introducing themselves to us. We test the abilities of all the students one by one for us to know their progress. 16 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS We gave a meal that consists of rice and chicken to satisfy the hunger of our students and after they ate, we talked with each other and bonded. 17 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS 4th Week A day before the assigned schedule of immersion, we spent 800 pesos (80 pesos per member) for the food we will give out to the children. We bought 6 boxes of pizza and bought each of them juice from the store. 18 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS We started to teach them basic shapes and then recall with all the other lessons we taught them. 19 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS After we taught them, we eventually prepared for the certificates to give them for their “graduation”. We called them one by one up to the stage to let them experience what it feels like to graduate even if this immersion only lasted four weeks/days. 20 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS We prepared pizza for the last week for them to enjoy their last day with us and we made sure that they enjoyed, and this experience will be unforgettable for them and for us. 21 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS Saying our goodbyes inside the patrol and making last memories with them Having the children brought home with the help of the barangay. 22 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS MNATIONAL TRAINING SERVICE PROGRAM LITERACY TRAINING SERVICE (IMMERSION DOCUMENTION) Group 2 Submitted By: Leader: Kean Yuel S. Calderon John Reizon M. Batitis Eisen Timothy M. Suelto John Michael F. Gravelez Ayen Syruz G. Saguid Lance Harold N. Esteban Shaine L. Egay Kevin B. Delos Santos Jimwell Gebora John Carlo R. Salazar Submitted to: Professor: Vina A. Gapuz Course: BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Subject: NSTP-LTS 2 Schedule: MONDAY (10:30-1:30) Date: May 13, 2024 Activity: Community Immersion Location: Barangay, Uwisan, Calamba City, Laguna 23 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS INTRODUCTION The immersion outreach program is a new experience for us. We are glad to have the chance to experience it; as they say, experience is the best teacher. Through this immersion outreach program, we are given opportunities to have exposure to and become familiar with the real workplace, thus giving us a firsthand experience wherein we can apply our learned competencies in school, as well as get along with the community and connect with the people. It was fulfilling since we had the chance to extend help to the community. Immersion somehow gave us a venue to improve ourselves and made us realize that learning is a continuous process and that there are more challenges to face in the real world. OBJECTIVES 1. To ensure that every child gain foundational skill in reading, writing, and mathematics to navigate daily life and further educational opportunities. 2. To provide tailored and inclusive educational experiences that address individual learning needs, promote critical thinking skills, and empower students to successfully reintegrate into formal education or develop practical skills for future livelihoods. 3. To ensure all children have access to quality education regardless of their circumstances. 24 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS WEEK 1 LEAD THE PRAYER Today (April 07, 2024) We start our day with a Prayer. A call to God to serve the chance to become all that God has called them to be and prayer is the key to providing them that opportunity. Guide them all to be successful today. But before we start the prayer, we asked them their religion to avoid misunderstanding, so far all of them are Roman Catholic. Our Prayer: Lord, I pray that you will remind my children daily that your love for them is everlasting (Psalm 103:17). Cultivate a grateful heart within them (Psalm 118:28). Help them speak the truth to others and to themselves (Ephesians 4:25). Fill them with joy and peace (Romans 15:13) After we pray, we started to do what our plan to teach the kids new things. 25 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS ORIENTATION Here, we present each of them individually. We are aware of the kids who attended our immersion. We conducted basic mathematical activities for them to enhance their mathematical thinking that they use when they are going to school to give them some advanced knowledge in solving math equations. If they get the answer correctly, we give them prizes to have the energy to answer the next basic math equation. We enjoy teaching them basic math equations because they all love math, and they are very energetic when we call them to answer the equations. 26 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS Teaching basic mathematics to children can be fun and engaging! Start with counting games, and then introduce addition and subtraction using visual aids like toys or blocks. Make it interactive with activities like counting’s of objectives. Gradually introduce concepts like multiplication and division using real-life examples and encourage problem-solving through puzzles and games. Remember to keep it positive and supportive to foster a love for math. After the happy ending of the various activities, we started giving different foods to serve as a reward to the children who gave their time to listen in our teaching and ended our immersion smoothly and safely; it was a good experience, we are being a college student, we’re able to teach those younger than us. 27 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS Each child displays their activities, and we are pleased with them since it demonstrates their dedication to learning. I had a comfortable and enjoyable day’s end while learning. WEEK 2 LEAD THE PRAYER 28 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS Here, we demonstrate to the kids that we always show them our prayer before we begin teaching. We must respect our Lord and lead them in respect so that the kids will grow appropriately as we want to share our lives with them on a regular basis. In this part of our activity and as a part of our flow, it improves children’s thinking and helps them construct their understanding of the subject matter. It promotes children’s involvement and engagement. Teaching kids about tracing and counting is important for their cognitive development. 29 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS Through tracing, they improve their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination, while counting helps them understand numbers and enhance their basic math skills. These early learning experiences establish a strong foundation for their future academic success. After our happy teaching to the children, we had a game for them to have fun and more attractive to listen to our teaching and we gave different kinds of games and all of them have a prize for each winner we were satisfied teaching children like them even if they don’t listen to us very well, our immersion ended well and we happily taught children 30 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS like them that not almost everyone can go to school. I consider being a college student a fun experience. They also create a welcoming and inclusive ambiance that keeps us doing what we must teach the best for them; their trust and dignity are enough for us to show that they love learning and eating. In conclusion, the most exciting part is that our experience demonstrated the significant impact that access to nutritious food can have on children’s health. 31 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS WEEK 3 Prayer is a joyful activity that brings fun and safety to children. When children pray, they experience happiness and delight in connecting with God. It provides them with a comforting and trustworthy space where they can share their fears and desires. Through prayer, children learn to be grateful and seek guidance and protection. It also gives them a sense of security, knowing that they are not alone and that there is a greater and loving power watching over them. Through prayer, children learn to be wiser, calmer, and more compassionate towards others. Our prayer Dear God, we come to you with open hearts, seeking fun, safety, and learning. Grant us the gift of laughter and enjoyment, as we engage in activities that bring us joy and happiness. Keep us safe from any harm or danger and provide us with a secure environment where we can freely explore and learn. May your wisdom and guidance be with us as we grow, helping us to acquire knowledge and wisdom that will shape our future. Amen. 32 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS “Stop Dance” can be adapted to incorporate language learning. You could play the game using instructions, encouraging children to listen and respond accordingly. It’s a fun way to engage them in language practice while enjoying the games. “Stop Dance” is a fun activity where kids freeze when the music stops. The mechanics of this game is when you move your out but if you freeze, you’re still in the game. It’s a great way to promote coordination and listening skills while having a blast! After the opening prayer we had a recitation and different kinds of games followed and after that we started giving them activities where they can really learn something from our activities that contain different subjects such as math, English and many others we have already created activities that we know we can help. Children like them, some of them are no longer able to study because of their condition we are happy to give guidance to children like them even for a short time. 33 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS After our happy teaching to the children, we take a picture of our attendance, including the children. Because of this, they also foster an environment that is friendly and inclusive, which motivates us to continue teaching them what is best for them. Their dignity and faith in us also demonstrate how much they have enjoyed learning. 34 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS WEEK 4 Prayer is a joyful activity that brings fun and safety to children. When children pray, they experience happiness and delight in connecting with God. It provides them with a comforting and trustworthy space where they can share their fears and desires. Through prayer, children learn to be grateful and seek guidance and protection. It also gives them a sense of security, knowing that they are not alone and that there is a greater and loving power watching over them. Through prayer, children learn to be wiser, calmer, and more compassionate towards others. Before we start teaching a new lesson, we first change the mood by asking the students to participate in our little games. We came up with “Hephep Hooray” everyone was exciting as they know that they can beat each other but little they know that the game was hard because they need to act as the mic land on them. Everyone was happy and sad at the same time because they lost but as they watch they laugh as they see others lost at the end of the game, we have a 3 winner after that everyone was exciting to other game which is “ROCK PAPER AND SCISSOR” Before we play a game we pic at least 6 per team and the team it’s Boys vs. Girls at first girl was losing but it’s didn’t let them down as the girl named “Janith” take them all down and win the game and the last game that we play before we start the discussion is “group yourselves “it’s a game that when the MC call a number you will group yourself into designated number. As everyone play they got along to each other and sometimes they betray the other one just to get in the game but in the end the winner was only 3 everyone was hyped and waiting for the next game but we inform that we will continue the game after our little discussion. 35 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS As our immersion goes to an end, engaging with children’s by having an activity is always part of our routine. It always provides happiness and excitement that gives an opportunity to acquire and develop skills such as teamwork, productivity, and communication. It is very important as part of our teaching because it provides social interactions that they can use in a work environment. Part of our activities covers learning, understanding, behavior, etc. It also prepares children for their future careers strengthening their skills and expertise. It is also enhancing their competencies, skills, and their future endeavors. 36 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS Snack time The last day of our immersion recess, it was truly a rejuvenating experience that allowed us to step away from the daily grind and immerse ourselves in leisure activities. It provided a much-needed break from the demands of work, offering a chance to recharge both mentally and physically. During this time, we had the opportunity to connect with children on a more personal level, strengthening bonds and fostering a sense of camaraderie. Whether it was engaging in casual conversations over lunch or participating in different activities, the immersion recess served as a reminder of the importance of social connections in the workplace. Moreover, stepping away from our usual routines provided a fresh perspective and allowed for moments of introspection. Away from the pressures of deadlines and responsibilities, we had the space to reflect on our goals, achievements, and areas for growth. This introspective time can be invaluable for personal development and career planning. As we return to our regular schedules, it’s important to carry forward the lessons learned during our immersion recess. Prioritizing self-care, nurturing relationships, seeking new experiences, and embracing moments of reflection are all essential practices that contribute to our overall happiness and success, both in and out of the workplace. 37 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS After completing activities, recognition for their efforts can feel validating and motivating. Whether it’s acknowledgment from others or simply recognizing their own achievements, it’s important to celebrate their hard work. That’s a thoughtful way to recognize effort and achievement! Rewarding others with small prizes can be a nice way to celebrate accomplishments and maintain motivation. NATIONAL TRAINING SERVICE PROGRAM 38 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO LITERACY TRAINING SERVICE (DOCUMENTION) GROUP 3 Leader: Vincent P. Batigulao Members: Angeline D. Bantolo Janna R. Carandang Micco E. Cartas Jaylo C. Castro Dianalyn P. Hinto Louis Ajroush D. Ignote Anna Lena B. Mendoza Kylle R. Recarro Angel Rain M. San Jose Submitted to: Professor: Vina A. Gapuz Course: BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Subject: NSTP-LTS 2 Schedule: MONDAY (10:30-1:30) Date: May 13, 2024 Activity: Community Immersion Location: Morales Subdivision, Paciano Rizal, Calamba, Laguna 39 NSTP2-LTS NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS INTRODUCTION: The goal of the NSTP's Literacy Training Service (LTS) is to prepare students to become teacher reading and writing literacy and numeracy to young people who are not in school and to other members of the public. Although this component is primarily intended for education majors and one of the best ways to contribute to the development of our country is to educate underprivileged groups in society who did not have a formal education, It focuses to teach the other segment of society with skills and potential by teaching numeracy and literacy it's aims the strengthen the knowledge, skills, value, of the future educator to be used not only in the field of teaching but also volunteering teaching literacy and numeracy to young ones out of school youth children. Teaching out of school will teaches them the values of ethics, empathy, and civic duty. By understanding their responsibilities, young individuals can contribute constructively to society. the objectives are to help them understand the importance of studying develop their skills, enhance their knowledge and giving a youth the opportunity to contribute the knowledge and input of every child, and these concepts will help the futures student teacher to develop more skills and it also a big help to future teacher for their communication skills especially in teaching. Furthermore, it will also be beneficial for them to practice teaching to those children, teaching out of school youth such a big help to them to know the basic skills, by reading books, writing, and to open their big understanding in education and the purpose of education in their daily lives, how education help them to grow in the society. PROJECT OBJECTIVES: 40 • To improve basic numeracy and literacy skills through immersion learning experience. • Increase Numeracy Skills: It is important to understand the basic concepts of mathematics in terms of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division through involved in activities. • Improve Literacy Skills: Through conducting the students an exercise and written activities like spelling and including their reading comprehension. • Learn to analyze their Situation: By learning this ability they can apply their numeracy and literacy skills by their everyday daily lives. • Prepare students for the next level of their learning: To make sure that students have basis learning in numeracy and literacy, so that it can help them to decide or to achieve what kind of goal or dream they want to pursue someday. NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS Documentation of 1st Week: First Day April 7, 2024 Schedule Time: 08:00 - 11:00 08:00 to 08:10 - Prayer to start the program. 08:10 to 09:00 - Introduction of us and purpose, next are the students or children’s to introduce their selves 09:00 to 09:45 - Lesson and Activity 09:45 to 10:00 - Ice breaker or games 10:00 to 10:30 - Break time 10:30 to 11:00 - Reflection of the students about their learning. Introduction: Before we start the activity, we begin with a prayer to seek guidance for our first week of teaching. After the prayer, we ask our students to introduce themselves, including their age, and write their names on a piece of paper. Then, we introduce ourselves one by one as Ate and Kuya and give them a warm welcome for our first week and our first meeting. 41 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS Lesson and Activity: After we introduced ourselves, we just answered simple mathematics like addition, and most of them know how to add, so we didn't have a hard time teaching, and only a few of them couldn't answer properly. Ice breaker and Games: After the lesson, we have ice breakers and games, which are fantastic tools to help children feel more comfortable, make new friends, and foster a sense of community. These activities are not only fun but also play a crucial role in social development, teamwork, and communication skills. 42 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS Break time: At this time, we let the children rest and eat first. so that they have the appetite and strength for the next activity. 43 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS Reflection: After they finished their snacks, we asked if they had fun, if the immersion was worth their time, and what they learned that day. 44 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS Documentation of 2nd Week: Second Day April 24, 2024 Schedule time: 08:00 to 11:00 08:00 to 08:10 - Prayer to start the program 08:10 to 09:00- Kamustahan 09:00 to 09:45- Lesson, and Activity 09:45 to 10:00- Ice Breaker or Games 10:00 to 10:30- Break Time 10:30 to 11:00- Reflection about what they learn Introduction: We asked them to write down the important things that happened to them throughout the week, if they read at home. Then we told them what kind of improvement happened to them after one week of their reading. Lesson and Activity: After our introduction for the second day of our immersion, we began teaching them how to read and write letters. Our students enjoyed today's lessons and activities. 45 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS After our first lesson, we initiated an icebreaker game to make today's activity fun and interactive. This game will improve the learners' communication abilities and foster unity among them 46 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS Break time: After the icebreaker and games, we prepare food for kids to help kids recharge their energy. Just like adults, kids can get tired and lose focus after working hard on their schoolwork and activities. Taking a break gives them a chance to rest and regain their energy. When they return to their tasks, they feel more refreshed and ready to concentrate. 47 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS Reflection: After they finished their snack, like last week, we asked them what they learned that day. And we also asked if they still enjoyed the activity, we did for them. 48 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS Documentation of 3rd Week: SCHEDULE: 07:00 A.M. the members must be on our NSTP immersion assigned place DURATION 08:00 to 11:00 PRAYER 08:10 to 08:15 LESSON 1 08:15 to 09:00 AM BREAK TIME 09:00 to 09:35 LESSON 2 09:35 to 10:20 ACTIVITIES 10:20 to 10: 55 END OF CLASSES 11:00 AM 49 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS THIRD WEEK OF NSTP-LTS COMMUNITY IMMERSION SUNDAY OF APRIL 21, 2024 LESSON 1 08:15 AM to 9:00 AM The lesson we discuss in our 3rd week is numeracy. We teach the kids how to add and subtract, and they also recognize the numbers 1 to 100. The kids already know or have knowledge of this lesson, and we also have activities for them on how to add and subtract. We are happy because most of them know the answers and have perfect scores. BREAK TIME 09:00 to 09:35 50 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS After the kids finished their activities, we gave them a break. We gave them the biscuits and juice to make sure they had enough energy for their next activity. It’s important to keep them energized and excited throughout the day. After the break, they were ready to start the next task. END OF CLASSES 11:00 51 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS At this time, before we started, we prayed for guidance and strength for teaching because this was our third day. We hope that on our last day, we will finish our activities well and positively influence our students. We want to provide enjoyment on our final day and create a happy memory for our students during our community immersion, which they will remember when they grow older. We are thankful that even on the shortest days, you give us a wonderful time and a blast to enjoy our teaching with all of you. 52 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS FOURTH WEEK/LAST DAY OF NSTP-LTS COMMUNITY IMMERSION SUNDAY OF APRIL 28, 2024 PRAYER 08:10 to 08:15 To start our day, we gathered around and prayed to thank all mighty God for the blessings and a safe immersion for our last day. I hope we can finish our activities well. We also hope that on our last day of teaching, all the children were happy. LESSON 1 8:15 AM to 9:00 AM Our first lesson is about numeracy since we noticed that most of our student’s weaknesses are in mathematics. The lesson is missing addends, which test the children’s problem-solving skills. Of course, we guided them on how to solve this basic mathematical problem. It is crucial for the children to have a mastery of problem solving so that, in the future, they won’t struggle in their everyday lives. Our students enjoyed this lesson since they are slowly getting better at answering this type of problem. This resulted in a positive bond between the children because they were also helping each other in our lesson. 53 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS BREAK TIME 09:00 to 09:35 After our first lesson for the last day of our group’s community immersion, we stick to our schedule for our break time. We gave them their favorite biscuits and juices, which made the children happy and content, even though it’s a simple snack. As you can see, they made their bond stronger as they also shared with one another their snacks to enjoy. During this hour, we observe the children’s behavior toward each other. And all in all, it was a positive outcome. We are overjoyed since our students appreciated our simple treat for them. 54 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS LESSON 2 09:35 to 10:20 In this picture, we taught the children how to count and write. Because most of them still have difficulty writing and counting in mathematics. So we classmates persevered and taught the children to learn. So that at least they can improve themselves in writing and counting. 55 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS ACTIVITY 10:20 to 10:55 Here in this picture, we are doing an activity with the children we are teaching. We tried to see if what we taught them was adopted by them, and they understood well. The other children understood, but there are still some children who are struggling. But even so, at least they have knowledge to take in when the day comes because of what we taught them. In our activity, we also gave prizes to the children for their skill in answering questions and for their enjoyment of answering 56 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS END OF CLASSES 11:00 In this last group picture, we asked the children to take pictures for documentation and for the memorable moments that we will be able to spend with the children. We gave them a toy and some school supplies that they can use for their studies. And this is to thank them for cooperating with us for four weeks in our NSTP immersion. 57 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS NATIONAL TRAINING SERVICE PROGRAM LITERACY TRAINING SERVICE (COMMUNITY IMMERSION DOCUMENTATION) GROUP 4 Leader: Gillian D. Guerra Khemberly A. Azores Rojan S. Bancil Mark Angel C. Caparanga Shaine Lexar L. Lutero Aileen D. Mirabona Laurence U. Libang Jairah S. Pangadlin Cjay Vertudazo Gicel O. Potulan Submitted to: Professor: Vina A. Gapuz Course: BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Subject: NSTP-LTS 2 Schedule: MONDAY (10:30-1:30) Date: May 13, 2024 Activity: Community Immersion Location: Purok 1 Isip Compound, Parian, Calamba City, Laguna 58 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS INTRODUCTION Community immersion is a version of service learning that is more integrated with a student’s passion and interest, is longer term and it’s related to the ongoing development of community and social justice issues. Community immersion learning fulfills many of the school’s goals for students becoming involved citizens learning through worthwhile tasks, and developing leadership, advocacy and problem-solving skills it. Also provides another avenue for students to discover new interest. A method is defined as Community Immersion (Service) emphasizes the active engagement of youth in carefully planned experiences that address real community needs and are coordinated with the school and community to foster learning and development. It gives young people scheduled time to reflect, discuss, or write about what they saw and did during the real the real service activity. It is interwoven with learning objectives. This gives young people the chance uses their newly gained knowledge and skills in authentic settings within their local communities. By expanding student learning outside of the classroom and into the community, it improves what is though in schools. That has to do with social justice and community development. OBJECTIVES Comprehending Community Dynamics, Immersion facilities people’s comprehension of social cultural and economic dynamics. That exists inside a community. Developing Relationships, it promotes ties and trust between people and the community, which necessary for productive cooperation and assistance. Finding needs and Assets, it makes it possible to evaluate the needs and assets and strengths of the community directly, which helps with the creation of pertinent programs and inventions. Encouraging Cultural Competence, by exposing people to a variety of viewpoints, beliefs, and custom, immersion improves cultural sensitivity and competency. Empowerment and participation, it gives local residents the ability to actively take part in activities and decision-making processes that have an impact on their daily life. Encouraging Social Justice and Equity, immersion programs work to address social justice and equity by interacting directly with communities. Encouraging Learning and Development Immersion, offers a setting for professional and personal growth, fostering introspection, learning, and development. 59 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS DURING PREPARATION We gathered at the school to plan for our next action before heading to the Parian’s Barangay commanders. To ensure our collective safety, this group first prayed and begged God for direction. We headed straight to Barangay Parian, Calamba City to get signed by the concerned party as soon as we had finished discussing our plan of action. It was like the Barangay Captain of Parian was waiting us to arrive everything was prepared and we were offered lunch, his councilors were presents as well. Therefore, we are encircled by councilor in the photo below. Photo with Barangay Captain and councilors of Parian, Calamba City. 60 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS NSTP – LTS WORK IMMERSION 2nd day preparation 04/ 06/24 On our second day preparation we thought about what we would teach the children and we also bought bread, juices and some candy for the price and so we could give them something. 61 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS NSTP – LTS WORK IMMERSION 1ST Week 04/07/24 Schedule time 8:30- 11:00 This is the first day of our immersion. We get together at Isip Compound Purok 1 Barangay Parian, Calamba, Laguna we gathered all the children/ our students. Next, we started with prayer and introduced ourselves, and we explained why we were in front of them, and then we asked them their name and ages. 62 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS LESSON AND ACTIVITY We started our first lesson with her which is basic proper hygiene such as how to properly brush teeth, wash hands properly brush teeth, and take a shower every day after we asked them to answer questions about our lesson and those who answered we gave a prize and candy besides that we also prepared an activity on the paper for them to answer and most of them answered our activity correctly. 63 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS BREAKTIME After we had a lesson and finished their activity, we fed the children/our students and rested while the children rested and ate, we had little conversations about their life. REMINDERS AND ENDING OF WEEK 1 REMINDERS AND ENDING OF WEEK 1 64 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS After they ate and rested, we gave them reminders about our lesson we also thanked the children for listening to us we also said that we will see each other next week and we said goodbye to them, and we sent them home and we started cleaning. 65 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS NSTP -LTS WORK IMMERSION 2ND week 04/14/24 Schedule time 8:30 -11:00 66 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS In the 2nd week we also do the same as 1st week. We prayed to start our teaching then we asked about what they learned last week and for the children who didn’t remember it we reminded them, and we had a short review about the lesson last week. 67 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS LESSON AND ACTIVITY After we finished reviewing the lesson last week, we started our new lesson to teach the first one we did we asked the children/our students if they knew about numbers, the rest of them didn’t know, so we started teaching our new basic math. Lesson such as addition, and subtraction then we did the same again. We asked her questions we also gave an activity paper and for those who had difficulty answering, our group focused on the children to make sure they understood and could answer the activity. 68 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS BREAKTIME After our lesson and doing an activity, they rested first and were give a bread and juice we are happy with the children/our students because they are getting closer to us, they are becoming comfortable with us teacher anymore they see us as their sister and brother. 69 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS ENDING OF WEEK 2 Like last week, we did the same thing we gave reminders and teased our students a little, after that we thanked them for their cooperation and listening to us then we said goodbye to them, and we also sent our students home, and we started cleaning. NSTP-LTS WORK IMMERSION 3RD Week 04/21/24 Schedule time 8:30-11:00 In 3rd week we also do the same as 2nd week. Our program always starts in prayer before we proceed to our lesson. We prepared materials for children/our students like number chart, shape chart, land and water formation chart, also paper and pencil for their activity. 70 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS LESSON AND ACTIVITY We teach them the various types and water formation various type of shape and number including alphabet, we start to discuss the land formation what it is they know them, we also call them to read at loud the information about those formation on English and Tagalog and surprisingly they can read English and Tagalog maybe little slug but still good. We also showed them various types of shape, color, number and the alphabet and we all have fun, it was so entertaining to teach and interact with them because they are so teachable and approachable. After the lesson we give them some activities about the land and water formation and happily they got high scores. 71 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS BREAKTIME AND ENDING OF WEEK 3 We ended our activity early than the previous day because the heat is so real the children are sweating too much even it’s still early as possible. We give some prices like candies, biscuit and juices. We all have fun and that’s important. They learn something from us, and we are glad to help and give some learning. 72 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS NTSP-LTS WORK IMMERSION 4th Week 04/28/24 Schedule time 8:30-11:00 On the last day of our immersion, we decided to have a party celebration for the students. We bought some prizes like educational toys and candies for students who will join our game that we prepared and a gift for each student for attending and cooperating with our immersion. 73 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS PROGRAM OR PARTY Before we start our program, we gather to pray after that we start the party. The first game is “Bring me” students happily join the games they even go back to their house to pick up some our “Bring me” thing. The second game we play is the “The boat is sinking group yourself into.” This is one of the games that we really enjoyed because it’s so chaotic. We laughed so hard, and the students do some cooperation with their friends, and we really see the betrayal and cooperation of each of them to their friends it’s so fun! 74 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS The third game is “Trip to Jerusalem” we decided to separate the girls and the boys because we are afraid that will create some problem. The girls are the first one to play and 75 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS it’s so fun because as the game started the still going, we see that the ones that remain are the larger girls we really see the advantage of them, and they used that to take the spot. When the games between ended the boys start, they game and as like girls it’s also fun because they are dancing chaotically, they say their body with vibing with the music, it’s so fun we all laughed even the parents who watched that time are also having fun. The fourth and fifth games are “Stop dance” and “Calamansi relay” It’s also chaotic and full of fun. Every end of each game we give the winners prices, and they surely satisfy to what they received. Before we ended the program, we also give them some school supplies and some other prices. The last day is enjoyable and chaotic. We are all had fun, we ended our program by taking pictures to capture some memories This immersion provides us with an experience we didn't know we needed, from preparation on day 1 to day 4. As college students, we are grateful for this memorable experience. 76 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS NSTP-LTS STUDENT’S REFLECTION What can you say about your experience in NSTP-LTS Community immersion? Gillian D. Guerra “As a leader of our group, all I can say is that is difficult to lead that kind of project which is community immersion. But since we started it I have the courage to lead it because I see the different types of children that we meet becomes happy. As a student it is an honor to admit to helping the children even in this way some of the children have come close to us. It is happy to help in simple way as long as we have many children who are happy all the worries, we have experienced we will never forget because we helped and was able to serve the children. I came up with the idea that when the time comes that I will finish my studies I will continue this kind of program so that I can help many children.” Shaine Lexar L. Lutero “At first of course it was difficult because I didn’t know how to start teaching the children and how to introduce myself to them because even though they were young, it was still very embarrassing. Until I started praying with them and listened to me there I had the courage to speak in front of them, to teach them and expand their knowledge about things, it’s nice to experience that besides you’re not ashamed anymore. You made them happy and even taught them right.” Khemberly A. Azores “At first it was difficult for me because I don’t know how to communicate to the children, I don’t know how to speak to them with a soft and sweet voice. Until I start talking to them casually, I realize that talking to children don’t require to have and sweet and soft voice. All you must do is to speak casually and just be yourself. During the immersion I start loving the children NSTP-LTS immersion makes me realized that it’s not expensive to make children happy, you must do is play with them” Aileen D. Mirabona “From the beginning to the end of the immersion, first of all we did not expect that we would be able to cope with it, but we did well and overcome the challenge. Although we experienced some struggles, we still gave our best so that we could teach the children well and provide the appropriate knowledge for them to learn. This is where our ability to give and show children the right education for them was tested, even if it was just simple method.” 77 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS Gicel O. Potulan “I enjoyed the 4 weeks of our immersion because we had the experience of being able to teach children, but it wasn’t easy because we had to adjust to other students who couldn’t keep up with the lecture that we prepared to teach for that day. Thanks to our cooperation, and thanks to the children who allowed us to have fun and enjoy teaching, we were able to overcome any fatigue associated with immersion. We and our students learned a lot, including patience creativity, and true passion for education. I will never forget the moment we were immersed in.” Jairah S. Pangadlin “This immersion taught me a lot of things such as how to interact with children and teach them something. This experience is something I will remember someday because it such a good experience. The memory this immersion have is what I will look up, I am thankful to teach those children and interact with them. The memories, the experiences, and the lessons this immersion brought are something not just me but also my group members will surely treasure.” Laurence U. Libang “A community is a group of individuals united by shared values and morality, forming a unit serving others has impacted the individual by allowing interaction and empathy. Community service offers practical application of classroom knowledge understanding of diverse cultures and the opportunity to network, it also allows individuals to apply newly learned skills in community context, and community immersion helped the individuals accept their burden, develop skills and appreciate life.” 78 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS NATIONAL TRAINING SERVICE PROGRAM LITERACY TRAINING SERVICE (DOCUMENTION) GROUP 5 Leader: Albert E. Priolo Jian Chris N. Alcira Austin V. Dela Cruz Royette John A. Dehito James Marvin Delfin Eulysis Farcon John Ronnie M. MIrasol Cedric Paul R. Recondo Neil Jasper A. Tibi Submitted to: Professor: Vina A. Gapuz Course: BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Subject: NSTP-LTS 2 Schedule: MONDAY (10:30-1:30) Date: May 13, 2024 Activity: Community Immersion Location: Barangay, Lingga Calamba Laguna 79 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS INTRODUCTION The fundamental components of both lifetime learning and full social involvement are literacy and numeracy abilities. These abilities enable pupils to realize their full potential, think critically and creatively, and produce meaning. Literacy and numeracy are used in all subject areas throughout the grades. According to the Ministry of Education, literacy is "the capacity to understand, critically analyze, and create a variety of forms of communication, including oral, written, visual, digital, and multimedia, to accomplish one's goals". Literacy helps students apply their reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills across a range of subject areas. Numeracy is defined as "the ability to understand and apply mathematical concepts, processes, and skills to solve problems and make decisions in a variety of situations, including real-life scenarios. Since the beginning, there have been several definitions of literacy. In the past, being able to sign your name was regarded as a legitimate indicator of literacy. The requirements of the culture we live in for literacy have influenced our perception of what it means to be literate, and modern definitions reflect these changes. A more contemporary definition of literacy is the ability to comprehend, assess, apply, and interact with written materials in order to contribute to society, fulfill one's own objectives, advance one's knowledge, and realize one's full potential. To reach our full potential and contribute positively to society, we must all be numerate. Numeracy skills especially the capacities to comprehend data—are becoming more and more important in our highly technological environment, and employers highly value them. Poor numeracy abilities and a lack of confidence in mathematics are barriers to employment, as numeracy tests are becoming a standard component of the hiring process. As technology progresses quickly, numeracy skills are becoming more and more important in the workplace. Since more workers are performing increasingly complex jobs, numeracy is acknowledged as a crucial employability skill. OBJECTIVES Literacy helps students apply reading, writing, speaking and listening skills across a variety of subject areas.” Numeracy is “the ability to understand and apply mathematical concepts, processes, and skills to solve problems and make decisions in a variety of situations, including real-life scenarios.” This includes building skills like summarizing, predicting, making inferences, and analyzing textual information. Vocabulary Development: The objective of foundational literacy and numeracy is to grow students' vocabulary and assist them in obtaining a range of words and their meanings. 80 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS Teaching literacy to students means that they are given the ability to communicate clearly and effectively and form the foundation of modern life. Students that can't read effectively fail to grasp important concepts, score poorly on tests and ultimately, fail to meet educational milestones. NARRATIVE REPORT WEEK 1 This is the first time of our immersion. We get together at Brgy. Lingga Calamba Laguna 8:00 a.m. in the morning at covered court. We gathered all the children or students. The next, Ronnie Mirasol conducted a morning prayer before we start a class it’s around 8:15 am. 81 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS After that, we conducted a stretching exercise to be more productive our students to have energy to recite in a class. All of the teachers lead the students in a stretching exercise. Afterwards, we prepared the materials that we needed and conducted an attendance check if someone was absent or not attending our class. We explain to them first what the topic is, and we also ask them to raise their hands to know who will answer. Then, they take an activity so that we know if they learn about what the topic is. Led by Eulysis Farcon 82 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS together with Delfin, Austin, Tibi, Dehito, Alcira, Recondo, Priolo, and Mirasol, and then the students passed the activity to them. 83 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS Lastly, we gave the snacks to the children or students as a reward because they finished their activity. All the teachers assisted the students and took pictures. 84 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS WEEK 2 In the 2nd week, we did the same as in the 1st week. We get together at Brgy. Lingga Calamba Laguna 8:00 a.m. in the morning at covered court. We gathered all the children or students. Then, James Delfin leads the prayer and also Jian Alcira lead the stretching exercise. 85 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS Next, they give them activities and snacks that they deserve, like they did in week 1. Led by Ambet Priolo, James Delfin, and Royette Dehito. 86 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS WEEK 3 This is what happened in our week 3. First, we get together at Barangay Lingga Calamba, Laguna 8 o’ clock in the morning at covered court. We gathered all the children’s / our students. 87 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS The next, JIAN ALCIRA conducted a morning prayer before we start a class it’s around 8:15 a.m. After that, we conducted a stretching exercise for the students to be productive and have energy to recite. All the teachers lead the students in a stretching exercise. 88 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS Afterwards, we prepared the materials that we needed and conducted an attendance check to see if anyone was absent or not attending our class. We explain to them the first topic, and we also ask them to raise their hands if they know the answer. Then, they take an activity so that we know if they learn about what the topic is. Led by Cedric Recondo together with Delfin, Austin, Tibi, Dehito, Alcira, Farcon, Priolo, and Mirasol, and then the students passed the activity to them. 89 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS Lastly, we gave the snacks to the children or students as a reward because they finished their activity. All the teachers assisted the students and took pictures. 90 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO \ 91 NSTP2-LTS NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS WEEK 4 This narrative representing what happened in week 4 which is the last week of immersion. First, all the teachers gathered all the students in the covered court. 92 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS Then next, Eulysis lead the prayer. Royette and Neil Jasper lead the stretching exercise. 93 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS Then Mr. Ambet Priolo gives the message for all children’s who participated in our conducted immersion. Next is recognizing all the students that participated in our immersion, by giving certificates. It was led by Mr. Priolo along with the other teachers. 94 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS Then, we recognized all the students who always participate in our immersion, by giving them a perfect attendance certificate. Led by Ronnie Mirasol and Eulysis Farcon. Next is recognizing students who are active in a class, it was led by Jian Chris Alcira. 95 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS The last recognition certificate is Student of the Week, which is given to those students who are brave and not afraid to trust us to teach them. They always choose to follow our instructions and attend our immersion class rather than playing in the street or playing mobile games. Conducted by Neil Tibi and Austin Dela Cruz. 96 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS The last part of our program is giving them snacks as their reward for participating in our final week's immersion. Led by all teachers. 97 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO 98 NSTP2-LTS NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS LTS STUDENT’S PROFILE AND RELECTION REFLECTION (what is your personal realization upon experiencing the LTS Immersion?) Volunteerism is the chance to help communities not only with labor but also through emotional relief and spiritual support. Albert E. Priolo REFLECTION (what is your personal realization upon experiencing the LTS Immersion?) This experience has strengthened my commitment to promoting literacy and education as tools for social change. It has also instilled in me a deeper sense of responsibility towards contributing to the betterment of society through service and education. Austin V. Dela Cruz 99 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS REFLECTION (what is your personal realization upon experiencing the LTS Immersion?) By conducting immersion, I realized that there’s a lot of students who can’t go to school, but they can read and write. So as a student too we must appreciate the chances that we that they don’t have we are so lucky to have a chance to go to school and finish our studies and to get work better in our future. So as much as I can, I want to help as much as I can to teach them. Jian Chris N. Alcira REFLECTION (what is your personal realization upon experiencing the LTS Immersion?) -Cooperating and agreeing with them in his responsibility in teaching, and unity in all things Neil Jasper A. Tibi 100 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS REFLECTION (what is your personal realization upon experiencing the LTS Immersion?) -Upon experiencing the LTS immersion, I've come to appreciate the dedication and passion of educators who work tirelessly to improve literacy levels. This immersion could highlight the challenges faced by learners, as well as the innovative teaching methods and resources that can make a difference. Through this immersion, I've come to understand the great impact that basic literacy skills can have on people's lives, enabling them to communicate effectively and access information. This experience strengthened my belief in the importance of promoting literacy as a fundamental skill and a stimulant for positive change. Cedric Paul R. Recondo 101 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS REFLECTION (what is your personal realization upon experiencing the LTS Immersion?) - This experience has strengthened my commitment to promoting literacy and education as tools for social change. It has also instilled in me a deeper sense of responsibility towards contributing to the betterment of society through service and education. Royette John A. Dehito REFLECTION (what is your personal realization upon experiencing the LTS Immersion?) -After immersing myself in teaching children, I've realized that education isn't just about imparting knowledge; it's about nurturing curiosity, fostering creativity, and instilling confidence. Every interaction with a child is an opportunity to inspire, guide, and learn alongside them. It's a humbling experience that reminds me of the profound impact educators can have on shaping young minds and futures James Marvin Delfin 102 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO NSTP2-LTS REFLECTION (what is your personal realization upon experiencing the LTS Immersion?) - I've learned teaching kids in immersion is to be patiently in kids while teaching them and be understand the kids I've learned so far while teaching other is some others are not willing to learn and some others are willing to learn Eulysis Farcon REFLECTION (what is your personal realization upon experiencing the LTS Immersion?) It's an honor to be part of the LTS immersion because it is fun to teaching children; I've come to understand great impact skills that basic literacy can have on people's lives. John Ronnie M. Mirasol 103 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE OF CABUYAO 104 NSTP2-LTS