ST. THOMAS ACADEMY, STO. TOMAS, BATANGAS, INC. Poblacion 3, City of Sto. Tomas, Batangas (043) 724-5048 https:/ SUPREME STUDENT GOVERNMENT OFFICER CLUB PARTICIPATION POLICY GUIDELINES Description The Student Government Program is one of the major programs of the Department of Education under the Center for Students and Co-curricular Affairs. Every public and private elementary and secondary school under the Department of Education (DepED) has its own student governments. They are usually called the Supreme Pupil Government or the SPG (for elementary) and Supreme Student Government or the SSG (for secondary). For the secondary school SSGs, the Constitution and By-Laws are adopted by all of the DepEd public and private high schools. In St. Thomas Academy, the SSG serves as the umbrella organization of all recognized student organizations and clubs in the school. All students are members of this organization. It acts as a channel of communication between the student body and the school administration. It is the foundation of the student government which exists for the purpose of and discipline by means of inspiring leadership. Vision: Young future leaders of society choose to serve in the way of piety and wisdom. Mission: Stirred by this vision, we an organized student government, believed in the development of youth to become the best leaders and concerned citizens of the society, that shall embody the ideals and principles of democracy to promote the welfare of the students and the academic standard of the school. Objective: The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for supreme student government officers regarding their participation in other clubs and organizations within the school community. By implementing this policy, the supreme student government aims to ensure fairness, transparency, and focused commitment to their roles while encouraging broader student engagement across various clubs. Policy Statement: Once elected as a supreme student government officer, individuals are required to adhere to the following guidelines regarding their involvement in other school clubs and organizations: 1. Exclusive Focus on Student Council: Supreme Student Government officers are expected to prioritize their responsibilities within the club. This includes attending meetings, organizing events, and representing the ST. THOMAS ACADEMY, STO. TOMAS, BATANGAS, INC. Poblacion 3, City of Sto. Tomas, Batangas (043) 724-5048 https:/ student body effectively. They should allocate sufficient time and energy to fulfill their duties and responsibilities within the organization. 2. Prohibition of Membership in Other Clubs/Organizations: While serving as supreme student government officers, individuals are prohibited from being active members of any other student club or organization. This restriction aims to prevent potential conflicts of interest, over-commitment, and divided focus. 3. Guest Participation: Supreme student government officers may attend events or meetings of other clubs and organizations as guests, provided that such participation does not interfere with their club duties. Guest participation should be occasional and not involve a continuous commitment that could hinder their effectiveness within the organization. 4. Collaboration and Support: Officers are encouraged to collaborate with other clubs and organizations for the betterment of the overall school community. This may involve joint initiatives, partnerships, and assistance in organizing events, as long as such collaborations do not compromise their commitment to the club. 5. Transparency and Accountability: Officers must inform their moderator and other club officers about their involvement in any extracurricular activities, including guest participation in other clubs. This transparency ensures that potential conflicts can be addressed promptly, and responsibilities can be adjusted if necessary. 6. Duration of Restriction: The prohibition on participating as a full member in other clubs or organizations remains in effect throughout the individual's term as an officer. The restriction lifts once their term concludes. 8. Periodic Review: The effectiveness of this policy will be reviewed periodically by the club officers and moderator. Adjustments may be made based on feedback from officers and observations of its impact on overall student engagement and representation. ST. THOMAS ACADEMY, STO. TOMAS, BATANGAS, INC. Poblacion 3, City of Sto. Tomas, Batangas (043) 724-5048 https:/ By adhering to these guidelines, supreme student government officers demonstrate their commitment to serving the student body and maintaining a focused approach to their responsibilities within the student council. This policy aims to strike a balance between leadership roles and broader participation in the school's extracurricular activities. Prepared by: Ms. Shaira Anne P. Natanauan SSG Moderator/Student Activity Coordinator