Course Work Topic: VIRUSES Name: MILELE JEWEL ABIA Class: S.1 south Subject: Biology TASK 1 Give the characteristics of viruses. TASK 2 Examples of animal and plant viral diseases. TASK 3 How viruses are transmitted. TASK 4 Prevention for viral diseases. Answers to task one - Viruses are microscopic organisms. - Viruses consist of a central core of nucleic acid that is surrounded by o coat of one or few proteins. - Viruses are parasitic organisms. (Depend on other organisms.) - Viruses are easily crystalized. - Viruses do not have the common cellular structures. - Viruses do not carry out metabolism. - Viruses multiply only when in a living organism. - Majority of them change shape and form quite often. Answers to task two Animal viral diseases include; Influenza Measles Hepatitis B Ebola Poliomyelitis HIV/AIDS Covid-19 STDs Plant viral diseases include; Cassava mosaic Potato blight Cotton blight Tomato blight Answers to task three Viruses are spread through different ways. For example, some viruses are transmitted through vectors like the cassava mosaic which is spread by a vector known as the white fly. Other viruses are spread/transmitted through body fluids like blood that can cause the HIV/AIDS virus and viruses that cause STDs. Viruses can also be spread through air and physical contact with an infected person one example is the Corona Virus. Some viruses are transmitted through contaminated surfaces like door handles, tables, chair handles, etc. Answers to task four Since there are many ways through which viruses are transmitted, it also implies that the prevention methods are different. For example, we can prevent cassava mosaic by using stem cuttings that have not been attacked by the virus. By also the use of resistant varieties of cassava plants. While for diseases like HIV/AIDS and STDs can be prevented by use of condoms and going for antenatal checkups during pregnancy. Some diseases such as Ebola can be prevented by isolating infected people. By avoiding crowded places. By wearing face masks and cleaning surfaces regularly. By vaccinating against some viral diseases like Covid-19.