1 LEGENDARY E ABS B O © 2018 2 O K WELCOME to the Legendary Abs E-book! I‘m glad you could make it, and I‘m incredibly excited for you to begin making progress towards creating a mid section that you can truly be proud of. This program is intended to take you from 0-100 in terms of Ab development. It‘s designed in a way that is accommodating for all levels of experience, so don‘t be alarmed if you‘re a beginner. If there is one thing that has become paramount over the years, it‘s that learning from mistakes is not only beneficial, but absolutely necessary for progress. It‘s one of the most rewarding practices that you could implement. However, learning from mistakes takes time. Lots of it! So what is better than learning from your own mistakes through trial and error? You guessed it. Learning from others mistakes that have gone before you and attained what you are seeking. 3 That is exactly why this program was created! To provide you with a bulletproof system that you can incorporate without fail. You ultimately get to skip the trial and error process! The guess work has been taking out of the equation, and with that you have more time to dedicate to doing the things you absolutely love – like watching Rick & Morty, playing Fortnite or shaving your cat. Before we begin, let me give you a quick run down of what you can expect from the program. The proceeding will include my very own 6 week Ab training program with 30 unique workouts, sets, reps, workout descriptions and video tutorials of EVERY single exercise you will be performing to eliminate confusion altogether! Not only that, but you will also learn everything you need to show of your newly developed set of Abs to your peers. You‘ll be the talk of the town, and then only thing people will ask you is... “How?” 4 INDEX / SECTION ONE EATING FOR ABS SECTION TWO SUPPLEMENT PROTOCOL SECTION THREE CARDIO PROTOCOL SECTION FOUR DISCIPLINE SECTION FIVE TERMINOLOGY SECTION SIX 6 WEEK legendary ab program 5 1 SECTION ONE EATING FOR ABS NUTRITION Creating the body of your dreams will ultimately come down to two main things: your training & nutritional practices. A lot of people will try and tell you that the quality of your nutrition doesn‘t matter at all; this couldn‘t be further from the truth. The harsh reality is, your training will not operate to perfection without a strong foundation of nutrition. Think of your training like the player on the court, and the nutrition as the coach sitting on the bench ensuring that every play is executed to perfection. Kobe is your training, and Phil Jackson is your nutrition. Don‘t understand sports references? All good I gotchu. Let‘s imagine that you‘re baking a cake. Any good cake will begin and end at the ingredients; you can‘t change this process once you‘ve started baking. So the baking process is your training, and your nutrition is every ingredient that goes into making an absolutely delicious cake. There‘s simply no denying the importance of nutrition. And frankly, I could dedicate a big part of my success to having a highly nutritious diet. Food is the fuel that contributes to just about every single function that our bodies go through. It sounds rather cliché, but, you are exactly what you eat. Literally. You‘re body will go through a complete change within eight or nine years. This means that every single cell in your body would have been replaced. From muscles to the cells in your eyeballs – everything will be new. So, over that period of time, you can either fuel those new cells with a good, healthy, highly-nutritious and highly productive diet, rich in colorful vegetables and foods from the earth... or you can fuel them with a highly processed, highly toxic, unproductive diet that consists of soda, fast food and alcohol. 7 SECTION ONE: Title Of The Section One Goes Right here TRACKING FOOD Obsessing over food seems to be the hype in the fitness industry nowadays, and I know following a regimented diet and quantifying everything with numbers can be a bit of an annoyance. It‘s like budgeting... who likes that? But there is no doubting the benefits of understanding where your money goes; the same goes for your calories. Now, I‘m not telling you that you need to weigh every single little speck of food down to the last almond that you eat, because that can get a bit heady and not what this games about. It‘s about living a healthy, flexible life; and mental health plays a role in that. However, the more accurate you are with your calories and macros, the more accurate your results will be. In fact, the only way to know exactly what your eating and your metabolism, is to weigh your food 1. MACROS: Firstly, there is three macro-nutrients and they are Carbohydrates, Proteins and Fats. All three of which possess a calorie content. 1 gram of Carbohydrate and Protein possesses 4 calories, whereas 1 gram of Fat possesses 9 calories. 2. PROTEINS A general rule of thumb in the fitness community is to shoot for 1 gram per pound of body weight. However, a ratio that‘s a little more optimal is a range of 1.1 to 1.4 grams per pound of body-weight. This gives more variance for a large amount of different body types. 3. CARBS Think of all your favorite foods, chances are carbs are lurking around within them. Your body utilizes carbohydrates to make glucose which is the preferred energy source that our bodies run off. “I LEARNT THE VALUE OF HEALTHY EATING BY EATING HEALTHY” 8 SECTION ONE: Title Of The Section One Goes Right here Calories Deficit Calories simply put are a unit of energy that we use for every single activity that we perform, consciously and unconsciously. v If your goal is to lose weight / burn fat, than this is your golden rule. To lose weight, you must eat fewer calories than your body burns each day. A calorie deficit is the magic that makes weight loss possible. Think of your body as a bank for energy – if you don‘t put any calories in the bank, then the bank will come after it‘s money, your body does this by then breaking down cells, either adipose tissue (fat) or muscle and then converts the cells into energy. The way to create a calorie deficit is to either eat less, move more or ideally a combination of both. • The way to figure out whether or not you‘re in a calorie deficit is to do the math. Unfortunately no sane person wants to do math – but it‘s okay, it‘s really not all that hard! 9 MACROS Macros‘, short for macro-nutrients forms the basis of dieting. There are three macro-nutrients: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. All three of which possess a caloric content. Protein and carbohydrates equate to 4 calories per gram, and fats equate to 9 calories per gram. Your ability to calculate and adjust your macros correctly will largely determine whether or not you reach the physique of your dreams. I encourage you to practice mindfulness. Being mindful whilst eating or while choosing what to eat: sit, chew, and breath with your food. Too many people just smash down food whilst being absorbed in something else, television, social media you name it. Use your senses! Appreciate what is on the plate: doing so will signal satiety and you‘ll be less likely to overeat. We‘re all different, you‘re metabolism, overall health, genetics and lifestyle will be so different to the next persons. And they all those things play a vital role in how much energy you‘ll need to be in-taking, and therefore, how many calories and macros you should be consuming. Food Is Fuel Another tip is to actually enjoy your food. Do not cloud your eating experience with negative thoughts. Your body will then manifest these thoughts and go to on unleashing a hell of cortisol on top of that. You‘re essentially adding more fuel to the fire. If you make a bad food choice, try and let it go! It‘s in the past for one, and two, you‘re a human and as a human you are going to make mistakes. There are going to be road bumps along the road. All that matters is you Win most the days. Your body will react to what you do most of the time, not just that one time you ate a donut. IIf you find yourself snacking or binge eating from time to time, you may have developed an unhealthy relationship with food. The good news is that there are some steps that you can help you stop overeating and binge eating one and for all. The first step is to think of your food as a source of fuel rather than something to relieve stress or for pure enjoyment. It might seem hard at first to not look at food purely for enjoyment purposes, but trust me once you do it convinces your mind to look for food that will be more beneficial to yourself in a longer schemes rather than right there in the moment. 10 SECTION ONE: Title Of The Section One Goes Right here MEAL PLAN EXAMPLE Meal 1 OATS / EGGS 1c egg white 1 whole egg 3/4 cup oats Blueberries 1 scoop Protein Meal 2 PRE WORKOUT 400g Sweet Potato 1 tbls of Peanut Butter 100g Chicken Breast 1c Broccoli Meal 4 CHICKEN / RICE 150g Chicken Breast 1c Brown Rice 1 tbls Olive Oil 1c Greens Meal 3 POST WORKOUT 2 sccops Protein 100g Low Sugar Cereal 1c Almond Milk Meal 5 SALAD Large Mixed Green Salad 100g Avocado 200g White Fish Lemon Dressing 11 SECTION ONE: Title Of The Section One Goes Right here Shopping List Proteins • • • • • • • • Vegetables Egg Whites Egg Wholes Turkey Breast Chicken Breast Lean Steaks Tuna – 1 Can in Oil / Water Fish Whey Protein Carbs • • • • • • • • Broccoli Broccolini Asparagus Spinach Kale Tomatos Beets Squash Fats • • • Brown Rice White Rice Sweet Potato • • • • • • Red Potato Oats Fresh Fruits Whole Grain Pasta Rice Cakes Vegetables 12 • • • • • • • Olive Oil Almond Butter Peanut Butter Avocado Almonds Cashews Coconut Oil ONLINE COACHING L I N K B E L O W FOR PERSONALISED MEAL PLANS & TRAINING PROGRAMS - CHECK OUT MY ONLINE COACHING APP! 13 2 SECTION TWO SUPPLEMENTS SUPPLEMENTS Before we begin down the ever so controversial topic of supplementation within the fitness industry, I need you to grasp this one thing: Supplements are... supplements. A supplement, by definition is: “a thing added to something else in order to complete it or enhance it”. This implies that there‘s already something else at work – for example your diet, training and recovery. These supplements are here to greatly enhance the process of those golden three! Supplementing during a bulk or cut can help speed up the process as well as maximize the process. Taking the correct high-quality supplements at the right time will give you the extra edge to capatilize on your shreds! 15 SECTION ONE: Title Of The Section One Goes Right here 16 20% OFF “FRASERFIT“ 1 u p n u t r i t i o USE MY CODE “FRASERFIT“ TO SAVE 20% OFF ON YOUR NEXT ORDER! WWW.1UPNUTRITION.COM 17 n 3 SECTION THREE CARDIO EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW CARDIO Losing stubborn body fat and getting into the best shape of one‘s life may require at least some aerobic exercise. If you‘re like most guys (or gals), you do cardio to help you stay lean and show off the muscle gains you‘ve made from hitting the iron. Which is all well and dandy, but when it comes to which type of cardio is best for burning fat, you have to decide which lean body type you are after. If you train like a long distance runner, than you‘ll get a long distance runner‘s body: little muscle, very lean and fragile. Vise versa, if you train like a sprinter – you‘ll get a sprinter‘s body: powerful lean muscle. Here‘s something we can all agree on: Intensity is KING! As intensity increases, more calories are burnt. That‘s why high intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts are a great choice for getting shredded whilst maintaining muscle mass.v 19 CARDIO The idea is that through utilizing cardio you can allow yourself to not only consume more foods whilst in a cutting phase, but also increase your metabolic rate – which we‘ll go into shortly. Considering if you‘re trying to lose weight at 1 lb per week, you‘ll need to eat in a weekly calorie deficit of 3500 calories (500 calories per day). Now, as discussed prior, this imbalance has to come from one of two options: Eating less or Moving more. For example, you can either eat 3 less donuts OR walk around 2 hours a day. Both those options are not appealing whatsoever. No one wants to walk on a treadmill for 2 hours a day, and sometimes when you‘re dieting, every calorie can make a difference. So instead of killing yourself mentally and physically battling a treadmill day in day out, I‘m going to give you an effective alternative to the traditional way of doing cardio. 20 SECTION ONE: Title Of The Section One Goes Right here HIIT VS LISS CARDIO WHICH IS BETTER FOR FAT LOSS? What in the bloody hell are these acronyms? Well, these are the two forms of cardio that will be used most of the time. HIIT stands for High intensity interval training, which consists of short sprint intervals coupled with low-moderate intensity work. An example of this would be to 15 second sprint followed by a 45 second steady paced walk to cool down and bring your heart rate back to normal, then repeating. LISS stands for Low intensity steady state cardio, which is comprised of purely low-moderate intensity work. An example of this would be walking on the treadmill or riding a bike at a pace that allows you to hold a conversation, or watch my latest YouTube Video (search Fraser Wilson) 21 SECTION ONE: Title Of The Section One Goes Right here IMPROVING METABOLISM So how do you change your metabolism with cardio? Well, this all comes down to mitochondria. If you want to change your metabolism, you have to increase muscle mass. Your muscles have these energy producing units called ‚mitochondria‘ and this is where ATP are made and fats are burned. The more mitochondria you have the greater oxidation capacity you will have for fat loss. HIIT increases mitochondria capacity and you actually increase the amount of mitochondria you produce. That‘s why studies show that you get greater fat loss through HIIT because of the increase in oxidative capacity. Whereas in LISS you‘re just burning calories at that precise moment, there‘s no after effect of energy expenditure – and it hurts you down the line because you‘re body adapts to it and you will end up requiring more to lose the same. There‘s a common trend of people doing hours and hours a week of LISS and according to calculations they should be losing pounds, but they can‘t lose anything because there metabolism adjusts to low intensity exercise. It just doesn‘t cut it because it‘s just a calorie burner at that time. If you do LISS all the time, you‘re basically trading calories in for calories out and you can cut these calories through diet and get the same effects. 22 SECTION ONE: Title Of The Section One Goes Right here SO SHOULD YOU HITT IT OR QUIT IT? 1. All in all, there‘s no disputing that cardiovascular exercise is great for overall health, not only fat loss. Therefore the best kind of cardio you could do, is the one that you WILL do. Do the type of cardio that you prefer. It doesn‘t have to be boring like walking on a treadmill for 2 hours, it could be as simple as shooting some hoops, walking your dog, shadow boxing, wrestling your partner, literally anything – as long as it gets your heart rate up and smacks a smile 23 4 SECTION FOUR DISCIPLINE Like anything in life, it won‘t work unless you do! This program is geared for your progression – I can give you my word that if you put everything you‘ve got into the next 6 weeks, you tick the boxes on your training and your nutrition, you will see huge improvements! Understand this.... the following Ab program isn‘t your common cookie cutter bullsh*t! It will test your limits and will be extremely difficult at times. In fact, I expect that you may not be able to perform some of the exercises listed within the program. But you know what... that‘s alright! Understand: improvement at anything is based on thousands of tiny failures, and the magnitude of your success is based on how many times you’ve failed at something. We can only ever be truly succesvsful at something we’re willing to fail at. If we’re unwilling to fall flat on our face in the way of adversity, then we’re unwilling to succeed. 25 “SUCCESS IS NOT A GOOD TEACHER FAILURE MAKES YOU HUMBLE” Why do we avoid failure then? It’s painful right? But then why do we avoid pain? Our pain often makes us stronger, more resilient, more adapted! Just as one must suffer the physical pain to developer stronger muscles and bones, maybe the pain your experiencing is necessary for your own psychological growth. Regardless of what you may be going through right now, the solution is to grow through it. Utilize that pain in its entirety to advance yourself to the next level. Become a problem solver and go on the offense, regardless of the potential pain or failure that may come along with it. You’ve got it within you to handle it! Never fear failure... it’s the only way forward! 26 SECTION ONE: Title Of The Section One Goes Right here TERMINOLOGY Alright, before you begin diving head first into the program – let me clear up some terminology that you may want to get familiar with: 1. REP: Abbreviation of “repetition” - the number of times you move the weight from point a to point b. Taking the weight from the starting point a to point b and back to point a = one rep 2. SET A collective of reps – 3 sets of 10 reps implies that you with do 3 full sets of 10 repetitions with rest in between each set 3. SUPERSET Performing two exercises back-to-back without rest in between the exercises (resting only once you‘ve completed both exercises) 4. CIRCUIT Performing multiple exercises back-to-back-to-back without rest in between the exercises (resting only once you come to the end of the circuit) 5. TEMPO Refers to the speed at which the exercise is intended to be performed – this one, while often overlooked, is extremely important as time-under-tension plays a large role in muscular hypertrophy 6. AMRAP Abbreviation for “As many reps as possible” similar to taking the set to failure 7. Without further ado, let‘s get into the good stuff: 27 t 6 WEEK 6 PACK r a i n 28 i n g 6 WEEK AB PROGRAM DAY 1: ABS Exercise Sets Reps Lying Leg Raises 3 15 Reverse Lying Ab Crunch 3 15 Plank Knees To Chest 3 10 each side Flutter Kicks 3 45 - 60 Stomach Vacuums 2 5 HIIT CARDIO: - Bike Sprints or - Outdoor Sprints or - Boxing Bag - 5 mins Video Tempo TEMPO: 1 concentric :1 hold : 2 negative Rest: 60 seconds TEMPO: 1 concentric :2 hold : 2 negative Rest: 45 seconds TEMPO: 1 concentric :2 hold : 2 negative Rest: 45 seconds TEMPO: FAST PACED Rest: 45 seconds Perform 2 sets of stomach vacuums holding it in for as long Rest: 45 seconds 45 seconds LOW intensity, followed by 15 seconds HIGH intensity, repeat 5 times *Sprint 50m, then walk back 50m, then repeat 5 times 30 seconds all out punches, followed by 30 second active rest (walk / slow skip), repeat 5 times 29 DAY 2: OBLIQUES Exercise Sets Reps Bar Oblique Spins 3 15 Heel Touches 3 15 Russian Twists 3 10 each side Plank Ups 3 10 Stomach Vacuum 2 5 HIIT CARDIO: - Bike Sprints or - Outdoor Sprints or - Boxing Bag - 5 mins Video Tempo TEMPO: 0 concentric :2 hold : 0 negative Rest: 60 seconds TEMPO: 0 concentric :1 hold : 0 negative Rest: 45 seconds TEMPO: 0 concentric :2 hold : 0 negative Rest: 45 seconds TEMPO: 1 concentric : 2 hold : 2 negative Rest: 45 seconds Perform 2 sets of stomach vacuums holding it in for as long Rest: 45 seconds 45 seconds LOW intensity, followed by 15 seconds HIGH intensity, repeat 5 times *Sprint 50m, then walk back 50m, then repeat 5 times 30 seconds all out punches, followed by 30 second active rest (walk / slow skip), repeat 5 times 30 DAY 3: REST 31 DAY 4: CORE Exercise Plank Side Plank Sets 4 4 Reps 60 seconds 60 seconds each side Video Tempo Set up in a plank position, be sure to keep as much flexion within your Abs and Glutes See video example for details Rest: 60 seconds Set up in a side plank position, be sure to keep as much flexion within your obliques that are closest to the floor See video example for details Rest: 60 seconds Set up in a hanging position on a bar (use wrist wraps if needed) proceed to raise your legs up to create a L position while still hanging Hanging Leg Raise Static Holds 2 Hold until failure Hold that position for as long as your possibly can, once you begin to fail with your legs straight out, bring them in to your body and hold a hanging knee raise contraction until failure This is an epic burn and will help you transition into performing a hanging leg raise with perfect form Rest: 45 seconds 32 DAY 5: HIIT ABS Exercise Body-weight Crunch Sets Reps 3 15 - 20 Superset w/ V- ins 3 3 20 15 Mountain Climbers 3 30 Hanging Knee Crossovers 3 20 L Sit Toe Touches Video Tempo TEMPO: 1 concentric :2 hold : 2 negative TEMPO: 1 concentric :2 hold : 2 negative Rest: 60 seconds TEMPO: 1 concentric : 1 hold : 1 negative Superset w/ Rest: 45 seconds TEMPO: 1 concentric : 1 hold : 0 negative Superset w/ Russian Twists 3 20 - 30 Stomach Vacuum 2 5 HIIT CARDIO: - Bike Sprints or - Outdoor Sprints or - Boxing Bag 5 mins Hold each contraction for 1 second Rest: 45 seconds Perform 2 sets of stomach vacuums holding it in for as long Rest: 45 seconds 45 seconds LOW intensity, followed by 15 seconds HIGH intensity, repeat 5 times *Sprint 50m, then walk back 50m, then repeat 5 times 30 seconds all out punches, followed by 30 second active rest (walk / slow skip), repeat 5 times 33 DAY 6: REST 34 DAY 7: OBLIQUES Exercise Sets Reps Russian Twists 3 30 Plank Hip Twists 3 20 Side Oblique Crunch 3 15 each side Stomach Vacuum 3 5 HIIT CARDIO: - Bike Sprints or - Outdoor Sprints or - Boxing Bag - 5 mins Video Tempo TEMPO: 0 concentric :2 hold : 0 negative Rest: 60 seconds TEMPO: 1 concentric :1 hold : 1 negative Rest: 60 seconds TEMPO: 1 concentric :2 hold : 1 negative Rest: 45 seconds Perform 3 sets of stomach vacuums holding it in for as long Rest: 45 seconds 45 seconds LOW intensity, followed by 15 seconds HIGH intensity, repeat 5 times *Sprint 50m, then walk back 50m, then repeat 5 times 30 seconds all out punches, followed by 30 second active rest (walk / slow skip), repeat 5 times 35 DAY 8: LOWER ABS Exercise Sets Reps Hanging Leg Raise Static Holds 3 Hold until failure Lying Decline Hip Raises 3 10 V Ins 3 20 Stomach Vacuum 3 5 HIIT CARDIO: - Bike Sprints or - Outdoor Sprints or - Boxing Bag - 7 mins Video Tempo Set up in a hanging position on a bar (use wrist wraps if needed) proceed to raise your legs up to create a L position while still hanging Rest: 60 seconds TEMPO: 1 concentric : 2 hold : 2 negative Rest: 60 seconds TEMPO: 2 concentric : 2 hold : 2 negative Rest: 45 seconds Perform 3 sets of stomach vacuums holding it in for as long Rest: 45 seconds 45 seconds LOW intensity, followed by 15 seconds HIGH intensity, repeat 7 times *Sprint 50m, then walk back 50m, then repeat 7 times 30 seconds all out punches, followed by 30 second active rest (walk / slow skip), repeat 7 times 36 DAY 9: REST 37 DAY 10: HIIT ABS Exercise L Sit Toe Touches Sets Reps 3 15 - 20 Superset w/ Bicycle Crunches Exercise Ball Crunch 3 20 3 15 3 15 Decline Russian Twists 3 20 Tempo TEMPO: 1 concentric :1 hold : 1 negative TEMPO: 1 concentric :2 hold : 1 negative Rest: 60 seconds TEMPO: 1 concentric : 2 hold : 1 negative Superset w/ Exercise Ball Pike Video TEMPO: 1 concentric : 2 hold : 1 negative Rest: 45 seconds TEMPO: 1 sec hold on each twist Superset w/ Flutter Kicks 3 45 - 60 Stomach Vacuum 3 5 HIIT CARDIO: - Bike Sprints or - Outdoor Sprints or - Boxing Bag 7 mins TEMPO: FAST PACED Rest: 45 seconds Perform 3 sets of stomach vacuums holding it in for as long Rest: 45 seconds 45 seconds LOW intensity, followed by 15 seconds HIGH intensity, repeat 7 times *Sprint 50m, then walk back 50m, then repeat 7 times 30 seconds all out punches, followed by 30 second active rest (walk / slow skip), repeat 7 times 38 DAY 11: REST 39 DAY 12: LOWER ABS Exercise Sets Reps Decline Leg Raises 3 10 – 15 Exercise Ball Knee Ins 3 10 Lying Hip Ups 3 8 HIIT CARDIO: - Bike Sprints or - Outdoor Sprints or - Boxing Bag - 7 mins Video Tempo STEMPO: 1 concentric :2 hold : 2 negative Rest: 60 seconds TEMPO: 2 concentric :2 hold : 3 negative Rest: 60 seconds Tempo: 1 concentric : 3 hold : 3 negative See video tutorial Rest: 60 seconds 45 seconds LOW intensity, followed by 15 seconds HIGH intensity, repeat 7 times *Sprint 50m, then walk back 50m, then repeat 7 times 30 seconds all out punches, followed by 30 second active rest (walk / slow skip), repeat 7 times 40 DAY 13: CORE Exercise Ab Wheel Roll Out Plank Sets 3 4 Reps 60 seconds 3 10 Stomach Vacuum 3 5 HIIT CARDIO: - Bike Sprints or - Outdoor Sprints or - Boxing Bag - Tempo TEMPO: 1 concentric : 2 hold : 2 negative See video example for details Rest: 60 seconds 8 Plank Ups Video Set up in a plank position, be sure to keep as much flexion within your Abs and Glutes See video example for details Rest: 60 seconds TEMPO: 1 concentric : 2 hold : 2 negative Rest: 45 seconds Perform 3 sets of stomach vacuums holding it in for as long Rest: 45 seconds 45 seconds LOW intensity, followed by 15 seconds HIGH intensity, repeat 7 times 7 mins *Sprint 50m, then walk back 50m, then repeat 7 times 30 seconds all out punches, followed by 30 second active rest (walk / slow skip), repeat 7 times 41 DAY 14: REST 42 DAY 15: OBLIQUE SHREDDER Exercise Sets Reps Heel Touches 4 20 Russian Twists 3 20 Side Oblique Crunch 3 15 each side Stomach Vacuum 4 5 HIIT CARDIO: - Bike Sprints or - Outdoor Sprints or - Boxing Bag - 9 mins Video Tempo TEMPO: 0 concentric :1 hold : 0 negative Rest: 45 seconds TEMPO: 0 concentric :2 hold : 0 negative Rest: 45 seconds TTEMPO: 1 concentric :2 hold : 1 negative Rest: 45 seconds Perform 4 sets of stomach vacuums holding it in for as long Rest: 30 seconds 45 seconds LOW intensity, followed by 15 seconds HIGH intensity, repeat 9 times *Sprint 50m, then walk back 50m, then repeat 9 times 30 seconds all out punches, followed by 30 second active rest (walk / slow skip), repeat 9 times 43 DAY 16: LOWER ABS Exercise Sets Reps Hanging Knee Raises 3 10 – 15 Exercise Ball Knee Ins 3 10 – 15 Dragon-Flag Negatives 2 5 Stomach Vacuum 4 5 HIIT CARDIO: - Bike Sprints or - Outdoor Sprints or - Boxing Bag - 9 mins Video Tempo STEMPO: 1 concentric :2 hold : 2 negative Rest: 60 seconds TEMPO: 1 concentric : 2 hold : 3 negative Rest: 60 seconds TEMPO: 1 concentric : 1 hold : 4 negative See video tutorial Rest: 90 seconds Perform 4 sets of stomach vacuums holding it in for as long Rest: 45 seconds 45 seconds LOW intensity, followed by 15 seconds HIGH intensity, repeat 9 times *Sprint 50m, then walk back 50m, then repeat 9 times 30 seconds all out punches, followed by 30 second active rest (walk / slow skip), repeat 9 times 44 DAY 17: REST 45 DAY 18: HIIT ABS Exercise Hanging Knee Crossovers Sets Reps 3 20 Video Tempo TEMPO: 1 concentric :1 hold : 0 negative Superset w/ Static Hold Rest: 60 seconds Hanging Static Holds 3 20 seconds Bicycle Crunch 3 30 TEMPO: 1 concentric : 2 hold : 1 negative Flutter Kicks 3 45 - 60 Weighted Cable Crunch 3 10 - 15 TEMPO: FAST PACED Rest: 45 seconds TEMPO: 1 concentric : 2 hold : 2 negative Superset w/ Superset w/ V Ins 3 15 Stomach Vacuum 3 5 HIIT CARDIO: - Bike Sprints or - Outdoor Sprints or - Boxing Bag TEMPO: 1 concentric : 2 hold : 2 negative Rest: 45 seconds Perform 4 sets of stomach vacuums holding it in for as long Rest: 45 seconds 45 seconds LOW intensity, followed by 15 seconds HIGH intensity, repeat 9 times 9 mins *Sprint 50m, then walk back 50m, then repeat 9 times 30 seconds all out punches, followed by 30 second active rest (walk / slow skip), repeat 9 times 46 DAY 19: REST 47 DAY 20: CORE Exercise Ab Wheel Roll Out Plank Sets 3 4 Reps 60 seconds 3 10 Stomach Vacuum 4 5 HIIT CARDIO: - Bike Sprints or - Outdoor Sprints or - Boxing Bag - Tempo TEMPO: 1 concentric : 2 hold : 2 negative See video example for details Rest: 60 seconds 8 Plank Ups Video Set up in a plank position, be sure to keep as much flexion within your Abs and Glutes See video example for details Rest: 60 seconds TEMPO: 1 concentric : 2 hold : 2 negative Rest: 45 seconds Perform 3 sets of stomach vacuums holding it in for as long Rest: 45 seconds 45 seconds LOW intensity, followed by 15 seconds HIGH intensity, repeat 9 times 9 mins *Sprint 50m, then walk back 50m, then repeat 9 times 30 seconds all out punches, followed by 30 second active rest (walk / slow skip), repeat 9 times 48 DAY 21: OBLIQUE SHREDDER Exercise Sets Reps Exercise Ball Ab Twist 3 20 Decline Sit Up Into Twist 3 10 Stomach Vacuum 4 5 HIIT CARDIO: - Bike Sprints or - Outdoor Sprints or - Boxing Bag - Video Tempo TEMPO: 1 concentric : 2 hold : 1 negative See video tutorial Rest: 60 seconds TEMPO: 1 concentric : 2 hold : 2 negative Set yourself up on a decline bench or platform with your back flat against the bench, this is your starting position See video tutorial Rest: 60 seconds Perform 4 sets of stomach vacuums holding it in for as long Rest: 30 seconds 45 seconds LOW intensity, followed by 15 seconds HIGH intensity, repeat 9 times 9 mins *Sprint 50m, then walk back 50m, then repeat 9 times 30 seconds all out punches, followed by 30 second active rest (walk / slow skip), repeat 9 times 49 DAY 22: REST 50 DAY 23: LOWER ABS Exercise Sets Reps Hanging Leg Raises to Belly Button 3 10 Lying Leg Raise With Oblique Twist 3 20 Plank Leg In Twist 2 10 each side Stomach Vacuum 4 5 HIIT CARDIO: - Bike Sprints or - Outdoor Sprints or - Boxing Bag - 11 mins Video Tempo STEMPO: 1 concentric : 2 hold : 2 negative Rest: 60 seconds TEMPO: 1 concentric : 1 hold : 2 negative Rest: 60 seconds TEMPO: 1 concentric : 0 hold : 0 negative See video tutorial Rest: 90 seconds Perform 4 sets of stomach vacuums holding it in for as long Rest: 45 seconds 45 seconds LOW intensity, followed by 15 seconds HIGH intensity, repeat 11 times *Sprint 50m, then walk back 50m, then repeat 11 times 30 seconds all out punches, followed by 30 second active rest (walk / slow skip), repeat 11 times 51 DAY 24: CORE Exercise Weighted Cable Crunch Sets 3 Reps Tempo TEMPO: 1 concentric : 2 hold : 2 negative Rest: 60 seconds 15 TEMPO: 2 concentric : 2 hold : 2 negative Decline Ab Crunch (2 part) 3 Superman‘s 3 10 Stomach Vacuum 4 5 HIIT CARDIO: - Bike Sprints or - Outdoor Sprints or - Boxing Bag Video - 10 See video example for details Rest: 90 seconds TEMPO: 1 concentric : 2 hold : 1 negative Rest: 60 seconds Perform 4 sets of stomach vacuums holding it in for as long Rest: 45 seconds 45 seconds LOW intensity, followed by 15 seconds HIGH intensity, repeat 11 times 11 mins *Sprint 50m, then walk back 50m, then repeat 11 times 30 seconds all out punches, followed by 30 second active rest (walk / slow skip), repeat 11 times 52 DAY 25: REST 53 DAY 26: OBLIQUE SHRED Exercise Crunch Twist Elbows To Knees Sets 3 Reps Tempo TTEMPO: 1 concentric : 1 hold : 1 negative Rest: 60 seconds 20 TEMPO: 1 concentric : 2 hold : 2 negative Hanging Around The Worlds 3 Hanging Oblique Raise 3 10 each side Stomach Vacuum 4 5 HIIT CARDIO: - Bike Sprints or - Outdoor Sprints or - Boxing Bag Video - 10 11 mins See video example for details Rest: 60 seconds TEMPO: 1 concentric : 2 hold : 2 negative Rest: 60 seconds Perform 4 sets of stomach vacuums holding it in for as long Rest: 45 seconds 45 seconds LOW intensity, followed by 15 seconds HIGH intensity, repeat 11 times *Sprint 50m, then walk back 50m, then repeat 11 times 30 seconds all out punches, followed by 30 second active rest (walk / slow skip), repeat 11 times 54 DAY 27: REST 55 DAY 28: LOWER ABS Exercise Sets Reps Hanging Leg Raises to Bar 3 10 – 15 Exercise Ball Knee Ins 3 10 – 15 Hanging Leg Raise Static Holds 3 Hold to failure 56 Video Tempo STEMPO: 1 concentric : 1 hold : 2 negative Rest: 60 seconds TEMPO: 1 concentric : 2 hold : 3 negative Rest: 60 seconds See video tutorial Rest: 90 seconds DAY 29: CORE Exercise Hands Extended Plank Sets 3 Reps 60 seconds Video Tempo Set up in a plank position, however this time we want to push our hands out in front of our body Rest: 60 seconds TEMPO: 1 concentric : 1 hold : 1 negative Exercise Ball Pass 3 10 passes Flutter Kicks 2 45 – 60 Stomach Vacuum 4 5 HIIT CARDIO: - Bike Sprints or - Outdoor Sprints or - Boxing Bag - 13 mins See video example for details Rest: 60 seconds TEMPO: FAST PACED Rest: 45 seconds Perform 4 sets of stomach vacuums holding it in for as long Rest: 45 seconds 45 seconds LOW intensity, followed by 15 seconds HIGH intensity, repeat 13 times *Sprint 50m, then walk back 50m, then repeat 13 times 30 seconds all out punches, followed by 30 second active rest (walk / slow skip), repeat 13 times 57 DAY 30: REST 58 DAY 31: HIIT ABS Exercise Hanging Leg Raises Sets Reps 3 10 - 15 Video Tempo TEMPO: 1 concentric : 1 hold : 2 negative Superset w/ Bench Sit Ups Weighted Cable Crunch 3 10 - 15 3 10 – 15 Superset w/ Cable Wood Chopper Lying Hip Ups 3 10 each side 3 10 Avoid using your hips to move the weight Rest: 90 seconds TTEMPO: 1 concentric : 2 hold : 1 negative TTEMPO: 1 concentric : 2 hold : 1 negative Rest: 45 seconds Tempo: 1 concentric : 3 hold : 3 negative Superset w/ Side Oblique Crunch Stomach Vacuum HIIT CARDIO: - Bike Sprints or - Outdoor Sprints or - Boxing Bag 3 15 each side 4 5 TEMPO: 1 concentric : 2 hold : 1 negative Rest: 45 seconds 4 sets of vacuums 45 seconds LOW intensity, followed by 15 seconds HIGH intensity, repeat 13 times 13 mins *Sprint 50m, then walk back 50m, then repeat 13 times 30 seconds all out punches, followed by 30 second active rest (walk / slow skip), repeat 13 times 59 DAY 32: REST 60 DAY 33: LOWER ABS Exercise Hanging Leg Raises to Bar Sets Reps 3 10 – 15 3 20 Lying Leg Raise Static Holds 3 30 seconds Exercise Ball Knee Ins 3 10 – 15 Stomach Vacuum 4 5 V Ins Video Tempo STEMPO: 1 concentric : 1 hold : 2 negative Rest: 90 seconds TEMPO: 2 concentric :2 hold : 2 negative Superset w/ HIIT CARDIO: - Bike Sprints or - Outdoor Sprints or - Boxing Bag - 13 mins static holds Rest: 45 seconds TEMPO: 1 concentric : 2 hold : 3 negative Rest: 45 seconds Perform 4 sets of stomach vacuums holding it in for as long Rest: 45 seconds 45 seconds LOW intensity, followed by 15 seconds HIGH intensity, repeat 13 times *Sprint 50m, then walk back 50m, then repeat 13 times 30 seconds all out punches, followed by 30 second active rest (walk / slow skip), repeat 13 times 61 DAY 34: OBLIQUE SHRED Exercise Sets Reps Video Tempo TEMPO: 1 concentric : 1 hold : 1 negative Side Plank Twists 3 10 each side See video demo Rest: 45 seconds TEMPO: 1 concentric : 1 hold : 1 negative Cable Wood Chopper 3 10 – 15 each side Hanging Around The Worlds 3 10 Stomach Vacuum 4 5 HIIT CARDIO: - Bike Sprints or - Outdoor Sprints or - Boxing Bag - 13 mins See video example for details Rest: 60 seconds TEMPO: 1 concentric : 2 hold : 2 negative See video demo Rest: 60 seconds Perform 4 sets of stomach vacuums holding it in for as long Rest: 45 seconds 45 seconds LOW intensity, followed by 15 seconds HIGH intensity, repeat 13 times *Sprint 50m, then walk back 50m, then repeat 13 times 30 seconds all out punches, followed by 30 second active rest (walk / slow skip), repeat 13 times 62 DAY 35: REST 63 DAY 36: HIIT ABS Exercise Hanging Leg Raises Sets Reps Video Tempo 3 10 - 15 TEMPO: 1 concentric : 2 hold : 2 negative 3 10 - 15v TEMPO: 2 concentric : 2 hold : 2 negative Superset w/ Decline Ab Crunch (2 part) Superset w/ Decline Russian Twists Weighted Cable Crunch 3 20 - 30 3 10 – 15 Superset w/ Bar Spins 3 30 Stomach Vacuum 5 5 HIIT CARDIO: - Bike Sprints or - Outdoor Sprints or - Boxing Bag TEMPO: 1 second hold on each twist Rest: 90 seconds TTEMPO: 1 concentric : 2 hold : 2 negative 0 concentric : 2 hold : 0 negative Rest: 60 seconds Perform 5 sets of stomach vacuums holding it in for as long Rest: 45 seconds 45 seconds LOW intensity, followed by 15 seconds HIGH intensity, repeat 15 times 15 mins *Sprint 50m, then walk back 50m, then repeat 15 times 30 seconds all out punches, followed by 30 second active rest (walk / slow skip), repeat 15 times 64 DAY 37: REST 65 DAY 38: CORE Exercise Ab Wheel Roll Out Sets 4 Reps Video Tempo TEMPO: 1 concentric : 2 hold : 2 negative 8 Rest: 60 seconds Hands Extended Plank 4 60 seconds Side Plank 4 60 seconds each side Lying Leg Raises 4 10 – 15 Stomach Vacuum 5 5 HIIT CARDIO: - Bike Sprints or - Outdoor Sprints or - Boxing Bag - 15 mins Set up in a plank position, however this time we want to push our hands out in front of our body Rest: 60 seconds Static hold Rest: 60 seconds TEMPO: 1 concentric :1 hold : 2 negative Rest: 60 seconds Perform 5 sets of stomach vacuums holding it in for as long Rest: 45 seconds 45 seconds LOW intensity, followed by 15 seconds HIGH intensity, repeat 15 times *Sprint 50m, then walk back 50m, then repeat 15 times 30 seconds all out punches, followed by 30 second active rest (walk / slow skip), repeat 15 times 66 DAY 39: REST 67 DAY 40: LOWER ABS Exercise Sets Reps Weighted Reverse Lying Ab Crunch 3 15 Hanging Leg Raises to Bar 3 20 3 10 – 15 Dragon-Flag Negatives 4 5 Stomach Vacuum 5 5 - Tempo TEMPO: 1 concentric : 2 hold : 2 negative Rest: 90 seconds TEMPO: 2 concentric :2 hold : 2 negative Exercise Ball Knee Ins HIIT CARDIO: - Bike Sprints or - Outdoor Sprints or - Boxing Bag Video 15 mins Rest: 45 seconds TEMPO: 1 concentric : 1 hold : 2 negative Rest: 45 seconds TEMPO: 1 concentric : 1 hold : 4 negative See video demo Rest: 90 seconds Perform 5 sets of stomach vacuums holding it in for as long Rest: 45 seconds 45 seconds LOW intensity, followed by 15 seconds HIGH intensity, repeat 15 times *Sprint 50m, then walk back 50m, then repeat 15 times 30 seconds all out punches, followed by 30 second active rest (walk / slow skip), repeat 15 times 68 DAY 41: UPPER AB SHRED Exercise Weighted Cable Crunch Sets Reps 4 10 – 15 Sit Up and Throw 4 10 – 15 Weighted Barbell Crunch 4 10 – 15 Stomach Vacuum 5 5 HIIT CARDIO: - Bike Sprints or - Outdoor Sprints or - Boxing Bag - 15 mins Video Tempo TEMPO: 1 concentric : 3 hold : 2 negative Rest: 90 seconds TEMPO: Explosive Rest: 60 seconds TEMPO: 1 concentric : 3 hold : 2 negative Rest: 60 seconds Perform 5 sets of stomach vacuums holding it in for as long Rest: 45 seconds 45 seconds LOW intensity, followed by 15 seconds HIGH intensity, repeat 15 times *Sprint 50m, then walk back 50m, then repeat 15 times 30 seconds all out punches, followed by 30 second active rest (walk / slow skip), repeat 15 times 69 DAY 42: OBLIQUE SHRED Exercise Holding DB Twists Decline Leg Raise Twists Sets 3 4 Reps Video Tempo TEMPO: 1 concentric : 2 hold : 1 negative See video demo Rest: 45 seconds 20 TEMPO: 1 concentric :2 hold : 2 negative alternating sides each rep 20 See video example for details Rest: 60 seconds Side Plank Twists 4 10 each side Stomach Vacuum 5 5 HIIT CARDIO: - Bike Sprints or - Outdoor Sprints or - Boxing Bag - 20 mins Static Holds Rest: 60 seconds Perform 5 sets of stomach vacuums holding it in for as long Rest: 45 seconds 45 seconds LOW intensity, followed by 15 seconds HIGH intensity, repeat 20 times *Sprint 50m, then walk back 50m, then repeat 20 times 30 seconds all out punches, followed by 30 second active rest (walk / slow skip), repeat 20 times 70 “YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE GREAT TO START, BUT YOU DO HAVE TO START TO BE GREAT.” THIS CONCLUDES THE EGENDARY ABS ROGRAM! I‘m so excited to see what kind of progress you can make! Please use the hashtag #FraserWilsonFit on Instagram to track your sixpack progress, post your exercises so I can check your form, and overall give me any feedback that you have on the program! INTERESTED IN MORE? Check out my website to see all my programs: www.FRASERWILSONFITNESS.com 72