Instituto de Bachillerato Nobel Azalea No. 23 A Barrio Xaltocán Del. Xochimilco, 16090, CDMX Ciclo Escolar 2024-2025 1st Semester A 1st Partial Student’s name : ________________________________________________ List number ___________ Teacher:__________________________ Group: _________ Date:_____________________ Questions: 54 Correct answers: ________ / Score : 54 _________ Student’s signature: _________________________________ Time : 50 minutes. INSTRUCTIONS You are not allowed to check, neither notebooks nor notes. One´s exam will be null if a student speaks or takes a peek at someone else's exam. You have to use a pen of your own. Avoid using liquid paper The exam is to be taken individually. Do your best and be honest with yourself. Every single question has a value of 1 point. Weighting EVALUATION Exam 40% ________ Continued evaluation 40% _________ Project 20% _________