"/ REBOILERS 10 REBOILERS Contents 10.1 Introduction 444 10.2 Types of Reboilers 444 10.3 Design of Kettle Re boilers 449 10.4 Design of Horizontal Thermosyphon Reboilers 10.5 Design of Vertical Thermosyphon Re boilers 10.6 Computer Software 488 467 473 10 / 444 10/444 REBOI LERS REBOILERS 10.1 Introduction 10.1 A reboiler is a heat exchanger that is used to generate the vapor supplied to the bottom tray of a distillation column. The liquid from the bottom of the column is partially vaporized in the exchanger, which is usually of the shell-and-tube type. The heating medium is most often condensing steam, but commercial heat-transfer fluids and other process streams are also used. Boiling takes place either in the tubes or in the shell, depending on the type of reboiler. reboiler. Exchangers that supply vapor for other unit operations are referred to as vaporizers, but are similar in most respects to reboilers. Thermal and hydraulic analyses of reboilers are generally more complex than for single-phase exchangers. Some of the complicating factors are the following: •9 Distillation bottom liquids are often mixtures having substantial boiling ranges. Hence, the physical properties of the liquid and vapor fractions can exhibit large variations throughout the reboiler. Thermodynamic Thermodynamic calculations are required to determine the phase compositions and other properties within the reboiler. •9 A zone or incremental analysis is generally required for rigorous calculations. •9 Two-phase flow occurs in the boiling section of the reboiler and, in the case of thermosyphon units, in the return line to the distillation column. •9 For recirculating thermosyphon reboilers, the circulation rate is determined by the hydraulics in both the reboiler and the piping connecting the distillation column and reboiler. Hence, the reboiler re boiler and connecting piping must be considered as a unit. The hydraulic circuit adds another iterative loop to the design procedure. Even with simplifying assumptions, the complete design of a reboiler system can be a formidable task without the aid of computer software. For rigorous calculations, commercial software is a practical necessity. 10.2 Types of Reboilers Reboilers are classified according to their orientation and the type of circulation employed. The most commonly used types are described below. 10.2.1 Kettle reboilers 10.2.1 reboilers 10.1) consists of a horizontally mounted TEMA K-shell and a tube bundle A kettle reboiler (Figure 10.1) comprised of either U-tubes or straight tubes (regular or finned) with a pull-through (type T) floating head. The tube bundle is unbaffled, so support plates are provided for tube support. Liquid is fed by gravity from the column sump and enters at the bottom of the shell through one or more nozzles. The liquid flows upward across the tube bundle, where boiling takes place on the exterior surface of the tubes. Vapor and liquid are separated in the space above the bundle, and the vapor flows overhead to the column, while the liquid flows over a weir and is drawn off as the bottom product. Low circulation rates, horizontal configuration and all-vapor return flow make kettle reboilers relatively insensitive to system hydraulics. As a result, they tend to be reliable even at very low (vacuum) or high (near critical) pressures where thermosyphon reboilers are most prone to operational problems. Kettles can also operate efficiently with small temperature driving forces, as high heat fluxes can be obtained by increasing the tube pitch [1]. [1]. On the negative side, low circulation rates make kettles very susceptible to fouling, and the over-sized K-shell is relatively expensive. 10.2.2 10.2.2 Vertical Vertical thermosyphon reboilers A vertical thermosyphon thermosyphon reboiler (Figure 10.2) 10.2) consists of a TEMA E-shell with a single-pass tube bundle. The boiling liquid usually flows through the tubes as shown, but shell-side boiling may be used in special situations, e.g., with a corrosive heating medium. A mixture of vapor and liquid is returned to the distillation column, where phase separation occurs. The driving force for the flow is the density difference between the liquid in the feed circuit and the two-phase mixture in the 10/ 445 R EBO ILE RS REBOILERS 10/445 (-L ~. Vapor Vapor ,.. Level Level control " ~ l I -.:.:.-:..-,-:.:.:.-. :ii~':~;~:.'.:__.i-_.k:_'.7: :':-'..'_~:~ l~' :::~-::--i[ii:-::~-:i~f-i~-~":.!.!!ii.' ."];-.::.-:?I Feed- Bottoms ~ Bottoms reboiler (Source: Ref. [1]). 10.1 Typical configuration for Ref. [1]). for a kettle reboi/er Figure 10.1 Figure V or I Vapor ' ' Liquidf>~E ~ taui, Levelcontroll-~~q control 1 Level qili,!i~i~i:i..~ii:l III fI I i~i~~:i~i~i~i!?i~!i~i: I I I I Fi I~:::i:ii:i~!ii?/!eed :?:ii;!i": ; Feed I I I t___~ 7 B oBottoms ttoms 10.2 Typical for aa vertical Ref [1]). reboiler (Source: {1 ]). vertical thermosyphon (Source: Ref. configuration for thermosyphon reboi/er Figure 10.2 Typical configuration Figure in the usually boiling region sump isis usually column sump forvacuum region and line. Except and return the column return line. vacuum services, services, the Exceptfor liquid in the liquid boiling close to to that uppertubesheet static an adequate in the level close adequate static provide an ataa level the upper that of tubesheetin ofthe maintained at reboil erto to provide the reboiler maintained typically maintained maintained at 50-70% of head. For operations, the Forvacuum ofthe liquid level tube height at 50-70% vacuum operations, height to to the liquid level isis typically the tube head. reduce the liquid fed the reboiler re boiler [3]. [3]. elevation of boiling point the boiling the liquid to the point elevation ofthe fed to reduce distillation columns, to distillation usually attached are usually costs Vertical thermosyphon attached directly so the columns, so the costs directly to thermosyphon reboilers reboilers are Vertical TEMA E-shell the required are minimized, and piping piping are ofsupport required plot E-shell isis minimized, as support structures structures and plot space. space. The TheTEMA as isis the of attained in relatively high high velocity in these advantage isis that that the Another advantage the relatively relatively inexpensive. velocity attained also relatively these inexpensive. Another also fouling. On to minimize other hand, limited by the other hand, tube tends to height of by the minimize fouling. units tends On the ofliquid the height tube length in liquid in length isis limited units the cost the liquid ofraising limitation the skirt increase the heightto to increase raisingthe skirt height and the the column This limitation cost of liquid level. level. This sump and column sump the make these duties. The units relatively services with relatively expensive these units boiling for services large duties. expensive for to make with very tends to The boiling very large tends is due drawback increase with for the head services point temperature large static to small another point increase due to the large static head is another drawback for services with small temperature difficult, especially the vertical vertical configuration makes maintenance drivingforces. maintenance more especiallywhen forces. Also, configuration makes Also, the when more difficult, driving on the the area the outside of the heating medium the heating unit isis the unit causes fouling near the tubes and/or the tubes area near medium causes fouling on outside of and/or the the congested. congested. thermosyphon reboilers Horizontal thermosyphon reboilers 10.2.3 Horizontal 10.2.3 although employaTEMA reboilers(Figure thermosyphonreboilers Horizontalthermosyphon a TEMAG-, 10.3)usually (Figure10.3) or X-shell,although usuallyemploy H-,orX-shell, Horizontal G-, H-, used.The bundlemay configuredfor Thetube ]-shellsare asshown, E-and maybe tubebundle passas sometimesused. beconfigured singlepass andJ-shells aresometimes shown, foraasingle Estraight tubes passes. In the latter case, either tubes (plain orfinned) orfor be multiple passes. In the either U-tubes finned) may formultiple (plain or latter case, U-tubes or may be or straight or the shell ofthe from the upward across tube bottom of fed toto the shell and flows upward Liquid from the column the bottom column isis fed across the the tube used. Liquid and flows used. 10/446 10/446 REBOILERS REBOILERS bundle.Boiling Boilingtakes takesplace placeon onthe theexterior exteriortube tubesurface, surface,and andaamixture mixtureofvapor of vaporand andliquid liquidisisreturned returned bundle. the column. column. As Aswith withvertical verticalthermosyphons, thermosyphons, the thecirculation circulationisisdriven drivenby bythe thedensity densitydifference difference toto the betweenthe theliquid liquidininthe thecolumn columnsump sumpand andthe thetwo-phase two-phasemixture mixtureininthe thereboiler reboilerand andreturn returnline. line. between Theflow flowpattern patternininhorizontal horizontalthermosyphon thermosyphonreboilers reboilersisissimilar similartotothat thatininkettle kettlereboilers, re boilers,but butthe the The highercirculation circulation rates rates and and lower lowervaporization vaporizationfractions fractionsinin horizontal horizontalthermosyphons thermosyphonsmake makethem them higher less susceptible susceptible toto fouling. fouling. Due Due toto the the horizontal horizontal configuration configuration and and separate separate support support structures, structures, less theseunits unitsare arenot notsubject subjectto torestrictions restrictionson onweight weightor ortube tubelength. length.As Asaaresult, result,they theyare aregenerally generallybetbetthese tersuited suitedthan thanvertical verticalthermosyphons thermosyphonsfor forservices serviceswith withvery verylarge largeduties. duties.The Thehorizontal horizontalconfiguraconfigurater tionisisalso alsoadvantageous advantageousfor forhandling handlingliquids liquidsof ofmoderately moderatelyhigh highviscosity, viscosity,because becauseaarelatively relativelysmall small tion statichead headisisrequired requiredtotoovercome overcomefluid fluidfriction frictionand anddrive drivethe theflow. flow.Arule A ruleofthumb of thumbisisthata that ahorizontal horizontal static ratherthan than aavertical vertical thermosyphon thermosyphon should shouldbe be considered consideredififthe thefeed feedviscosity viscosityexceeds exceeds0.5 0.5cp. cp. rather 10.2.4 Forced Forced flow flow reboilers reboilers 10.2.4 In aa forced forced flow flow reboiler reboiler system system (Figure (Figure 10.4) 10.4) the the circulation circulation isis driven driven by by aa pump pump rather rather than than In by gravity. gravity. The The boiling boiling liquid liquid usually usually flows flows in in the the tubes, tubes, and and the the reboiler reboiler may may be be oriented oriented either either by horizontally or orvertically. vertically. AATEMA TEMAE-shell E-shellisisusually usuallyused usedwith withaatube tu bebundle bundleconfigured configuredfor foraasingle single horizontally pass. These These units units are are characterized characterized by byhigh high tube-side tube-sidevelocities velocitiesand andvery verylow lowvaporization vaporizationfractions fractions pass. (usually less less than than 1% 1% [1]) [1]) in in order order to to mitigate mitigate fouling. fouling. The The main main use use of offorced forced flow flow reboilers reboilers isis in in (usually services with with severe severe fouling fouling problems problems and/or and/ orhighly highlyviscous viscous (greater (greaterthan than 25 25cp) cp) liquids liquidsfor forwhich which services kettle and and thermosyphon thermosyphon reboilers reboilers are are not not well well suited. suited. Pumping Pumping costs costs render render forced forced flow flow units units kettle uneconomical for for routine routine services. services. uneconomical ! ' Vapor Level Level >. control control . Liquid, . . . . " >�---� ~ r---,L'qutaf fi t f. 9 t l' -4i-----.~ i I f i Feed Feed / 9 1 Bottoms Bottoms 10.3 Typical for aa horizontal horizontal thermosyphon reboiler (Source: (Source: Ref. et. [1]). [1)). thermosyphon reboiler configuration for Typical configuration Figure 10.3 Figure Level Level control control Vapor Vapor ! ~"-- _ . . ~ fl~ i ! ,' -- - Liquid . , ii! !! !iiiiii!!iill I - Feed Feed ~ ? Bottoms ~ Bottoms reboiler (Source: Ref. [1]). [11). Figure 10.4 Typical configuration for a forced flow reboiler Figure REBOILERS R EBOILERS 447 10// 447 10 reboilers 10.2.5 Internal reboilers 10.2.5 re boiler (Figure 10.5) consists of a tube bundle (usually U-tubes) that is inserted inserted directly An internal reboiler required, it is the least the sump of the the least connecting piping is required, the distillation column. Since no shell or connecting into the accommodated expensive type of reboiler. area that that can be accommodated reboiler. However, the the amount of heat-transfer area expensive cause operational is severely limited. Also, formation of froth and foam in the the column sump sump can cause used. reboiler is infrequently used. this type of reboiler result, this problems. As a result, problems. versus once-through 10.2.6 Recirculating operation Recirculating versus once-through operation 10.2.6 systems can be the recirculating be of either either the Figures 10.2 and 10.3, re boiler systems Thermosyphon reboiler recirculating type, as in Figures Thermosyphon from the type shown tray bottom tray latter case, once-through type the once-through Figure 10.6. In the or the case, the the bottom shown in Figure the liquid from the latter or trap-out, from from which the return reboiler. The The liquid is collected liquid fraction return flow which it flows to the collected in a trap-out, fraction of the the reboiler. is as the collects in product. Thus, bottom product. Thus, the the bottom passes the column in the the liquid passes drawn as from which which it is drawn sump, from column sump, collects reboiler only once, kettle reboiler. reboiler. as with through the the reboiler once, as with a kettle through feed lines provides a larger smaller feed lines and operation requires generally provides Once-through operation requires smaller temperature and generally larger temperature Once-through mixtures, the force in recirculating point of the boiling boiling point liquid fed to in the of the to a recirculating driving force the reboiler. reboiler. For the liquid For mixtures, driving returned from due to from the is enriched re boiler, which the reboiler, which is the addition of the elevated due to the reboiler is the liquid returned is elevated addition of enriched in reboiler boiling zone components. As mean temperature higher boiling result, the temperature difference zone of the boiling boiling components. the mean As aa result, the higher in the difference in the some systems, Recirculation can in increased systems, e.g., fouling in exchanger is can also also result reduced. Recirculation is reduced. in some the exchanger e.g., result in increased fouling the results polymerization. exposure high decomposition in chemical temperatures or to when when exposure to high temperatures results in chemical decomposition or polymerization. _ _ . . . . Level control -4 i' Bottoms Bottoms 10.5 Typical foran Ref. [1]). reboiler (Source: internal reboiler an internal Typical configuration configuration for (Source: Ref. Figure 10.5 [11). Figure Product Product Reboiler Reboiler Figure 10.6 Typicalconfiguration Ref.[2]). reboilersystem 10.6 Typical configuration for foraa once-through once-through thermosyphon thermosyphon reboiler [21). (Source:Ref. system (Source: Figure 10/ 448 10 / 448 RREBOILERS EBOILERS For reliable reliable design design and and operation, operation, the the vapor vapor weight weight fraction fraction in in thermosyphon thermosyphon reboilers reboilers should should For be limited limited to to about about 25-30% 25--30% for for organic organic compounds compounds and and about about 10% 10% for for water water and and aqueous aqueous solutions solutions be [1,2]. IfIf these these limits limits cannot cannot be be attained attained with with once-through once-through operation, operation, then then aa recirculating recirculating system system [1,2]. should be be used. used. should 10.2.7 Reboiler Reboiler selection selection 10.2.7 In some some applications applications the the choice choice of of reboiler reboiler type type isis clear-cut. clear-cut. For For example, example, severely severely fouling fouling or or very very In viscous liquids liquids dictate dictate aa forced forced flow flowreboiler. reboiler. Similarly, Similarly, aa dirty dirty or or corrosive corrosive heating heating medium medium together together viscous with aa moderately moderately fouling fouling process process stream stream favors favors aa horizontal horizontal thermosyphon thermosyphon reboiler. reboiler. In In most most appliappliwith cations, however, however, more more than than one one type type of of reboiler reboiler will will be be suitable. suitable. In In these these situations situations the the selection selection isis cations, usually based based on on considerations considerations of of economics, economics, reliability, reliability, controllability, controllability, and and experience experience with with simsimusually ilar services. services. The The guidelines guidelines presented presented by by Palen Palen [1] [1] and and reproduced reproduced in in Table Table 10.1 10.1 provide provide useful useful ilar information in in this this regard. regard. Kister Kister [3] [3] also also gives gives aa good good concise concise comparison comparison of of reboiler reboiler types types and and information the applications applications in in which which each each is is preferred. preferred. the Sloley [2] [2] surveyed surveyed the the use use ofvertical of vertical versus versus horizontal horizontal thermosyphon thermosyphon reboilers reboilers in in the the petroleum petroleum Sloley refining, petrochemical petrochemical and and chemical chemical industries. industries. Of Ofthe the thermosyphons thermosyphons used used in in petroleum petroleum refining, refining, refining, 95% are are horizontal horizontal units; units; in in the the petrochemical petrochemical industry, industry, 70% 70% are are vertical vertical units; units; and and in in the the chemical chemical 95% industry, nearly nearly 100% 100% are are vertical vertical units. units. He He attributes attributes this this distribution distribution to to two two factors, factors, size size and and industry, fouling tendency. tendency. For For the the relatively relatively small, small, clean clean services services typical typical of of the the chemical chemical industry, industry, vertical vertical fouling thermosyphons are are favored, favored, whereas whereas the the large large and and relatively relatively dirty dirty services services common common in in petroleum petroleum thermosyphons refining dictate dictate horizontal horizontal thermosyphons. thermosyphons. Services Services in in the the petrochemical petrochemical industry industry also also tend tend to to be be refining Table 10.1 10.1 Guidelines Guidelines for for Reboiler Reboiler Selection Selection Table type Reboiler type Process conditions conditions Process Operating pressure Operating Moderate Near critical vacuum Deep vacuum Design AT Moderate Large Small (mixture) Very small (pure component) Fouling Clean Moderate Heavy Very heavy Mixture boiling range Pure component Narrow Wide Very wide, with viscous liquid Kettle or Kettle internal internal Horizontal Horizontal shell-side thermosyphon thermosyphon Vertical Vertical tube-side tube-side thermosyphon thermosyphon Forced flow flow E B-E B G R R R B Rd Rd E E E E B F B G R F F B G-Rd Rd Pp E E Pp Pp G Rd Pp Pp G G Rd Pp G B B Rd E E G B G G F F-P G G G G-Rd G B B Pp E E E B abbreviations: B: best; best; G: G: good operation; F: fair fair operation, operation, but better choice choice is possible; possible; Rd: Rd: risky risky unless unless carefully carefully good operation; Category abbreviations: Category could be best choice choice in some some cases; cases; R: R: risky risky because because of insufficient insufficient data; data; P: P: poor poor operation; operation; and E: operable operable designed, but could designed, unnecessarily expensive. expensive. but unnecessarily Source: Ref. Ref. [[1) Source: 1] R E BBOOI I LLERS ERS 10/ 10 / 449 relatively large, but to a lesser extent than in petroleum refining, and they are generally cleaner as well. Hence, the use of horizontal thermosyphons in petrochemical applications is less extensive The above analysis compared with petroleum refining, but greater than in the chemical industry. The 10.1 because size permitting, a vertical thermosyphon is is somewhat contradictory with Table 10.1 indicated for moderate to heavy fouling on the boiling side. The reason is that in a vertical unit the boiling fluid is on the tube side, which is relatively easy to clean, the vertical configuration notwithstanding. Overall, however, the vertical thermosyphon is the most frequently used type of reboiler [3]. Size boiler type of choice unless the service is such that one of the permitting, it will generally be the re reboiler other types offers distinct advantages, as discussed above. 10.3 Design of Kettle Reboilers 10.3.1 Design Design strategy 10.3.1 A schematic representation of the circulation in a kettle reboiler is shown in Figure 10.7. 10.7. The circulation rate through through the tube bundle is determined by a balance between the static head of liquid outside the bundle and the pressure pressure drop across the bundle. A two-phase mixture exists in the bundle and the vapor fraction varies with position. Therefore, the bundle hydraulics are coupled with the heat transfer, and a computer model (such as that in the HTRI or HTFS software package) is required to perform these calculations. Since the circulation rate in a kettle reboiler is relatively low, low, the pressure drop in the unit is usually quite small. Therefore, a reasonable approximation is to neglect the pressure pressure drop in the unit and size the bundle using the heat-transfer correlations given in Section 9.3. Since kettles utilize once-through operation, the feed rate is equal to the liquid flow rate from the bottom tray of the distillation column. Hence, the feed and return lines can be sized to accommodate the required liquid and vapor flows based on the available static head of liquid in the column sump. Because the flow in each line is single phase (liquid feed and vapor return), the hydraulic calculations are Vapor out Vapor \ [ Clear 1 { / " ~14~ I~;i ~ t ,~ ! quid IY, j XI Clear ] \\ t\ /Zr!'I't;II'I IN / // I __L-i [ FBuodlei [1 I I i \ \ \-I- ',i,l I l,l _J / / / 1 I Liquid feed Figure 10.7 10. 7 Schematic representation representation of the circulation in a kettle reboiler Source: Ref. [4}. [4]. Figure 10/450 10/450 REBOILERS EBOILERS straightforward. Furthermore, Furthermore,the theheat-transfer heat-transferand andhydraulic hydrauliccalculations calculationsare areindependent independentofofone one straightforward. another, making making the the entire entire approximate approximate design design procedure procedurerelatively relativelysimple simple and and suitable suitablefor forhand hand another, calculations. calculations. 10.3.2 Mean Mean temperature difference temperature difference 10.3.2 In exchangers exchangers with with boiling boiling or or condensing condensing mixtures, mixtures, the the true true mean mean temperature temperature difference difference isisnot not In generally equal equal toto F(ATln)cf because the the stream stream enthalpy enthalpy varies varies nonlinearly nonlinearly with with temperature temperature F(AT\~)r because generally over the the boiling boiling or or condensing condensing range, range, violating violating an an underlying underlying premise premise of of the the F-factor F-factor method. method. over Computeralgorithms algorithmshandle handlethis thissituation situationby byperforming performingaazone zoneanalysis analysis (incremental (incrementalcalculations) calculations) Computer in which which each each zone zone or or section section of ofthe the exchanger exchanger isis such such that that the the stream stream enthalpy enthalpy isis nearly nearly linear linear in withinthe the zone. zone. For Forthe the approximate approximatedesign designprocedure procedureoutlined outlinedabove, above,however, however, an aneffective effectivemean mean within temperaturedifference differencefor forthe thereboiler reboilerisisrequired. required.For Forkettle kettlereboilers, re boilers,Palen Palen[(1) recommendsusing using temperature 1] recommends the logarithmic logarithmic mean mean temperature temperature difference difference (LMTD) (LMTD) based based on on the the exit exit vapor vapor temperature temperature as as aa the conservative approximation approximation for forthe the mean mean temperature temperature difference. difference.That Thatis, is, the the LMTD LMTD isis calculated calculated conservative assumingthat thatthe the shell-side shell-sidefluid fluidtemperature temperatureisisconstant constantand andequal equalto tothe thetemperature temperatureof ofthe thevapor vapor assuming leavingthe the reboiler. reboiler. leaving 10.3.3 Fouling factors Fouling factors 10.3.3 Since heat-transfer heat-transfer coefficients coefficients are are generally generally high high in in reboilers, reboilers, the the specified specified fouling fouling allowance allowance Since can account account for for aa substantial substantial fraction fraction of ofthe the total total thermal thermal resistance. resistance. Therefore, Therefore, itit isis important important to to can use realistic realistic values values for for the the fouling fouling factors factors in in order order to to avoid avoid gross gross over-design over-design that that could could result result in in use operational problems problems as as well well as as needless needless expense. expense. The The recommendations recommendations of of Palen Palen and and Small Small [5] [5] operational are given given in in Table Table 10.2. 10.2. TEMA TEMA fouling fouling factors factors or or those those given given in in Table Table 3.3 3.3 may may also also be be useful useful for for are some applications. applications. As As always, always, however, however, the the best best source source for for fouling fouling factors factors isis prior prior experience experience with with some the same same or or similar similar application. application. the 10.3.4 NNumber of nozzles nozzles 10.3.4 u m b e r of In order order to to obtain obtain aa reasonably reasonably uniform uniform flow flow distribution distribution along along the the length length of of the the tube tube bundle, bundle, an an In adequate number number of of feed feed and and vapor vapor return return nozzles nozzles should should be be used. used. For For aa tube tube bundle bundle of of length length LL adequate and diameter diameterDb, the number, number, Nn, N,,, of ofnozzle nozzle pairs pairs (feed (feed and and return) return) isis determined determinedfrom fromthe the following following D,, the and empirical equation equation [1,6]" (1,6): empirical L N,, = L N,- (10.1) (10.1) 5Db 5D, The calculated calculated value value is is rounded rounded upward upward to to the the next next largest largest integer. integer. The Table 10.2 10.2 Recommended Recommended Fouling Factors for for Reboiler Reboiler Design Design Fouling Factors Table Boiling-side stream stream Boiling-side factor (h. (h.f? .·F/Btu) Fouling factor Fouling ft2 .oF/Btu) C--Cs normal hydrocarbons C1-C8 normal hydrocarbons Heavier normal polymerizing hydrocarbons hydrocarbons Diolefins and polymefizing 0-0.001 0-0.001 0.001-0.003 0.001-0.003 0.003-0.005 0.003-0.005 Heating-side stream stream Heating-side Condensing steam Condensing organic organic Condensing Organic liquid Source: Ref. Ref. [5] [5] Source: 0-0.0005 0.0005-0.001 0.0005-0.002 REBOILERS REBOILERS 10/451 10 / 451 10.3.5 Shell Shell ddiameter 10.3.5 iameter chosen to provide adequate The diameter to provide above the of the surface of diameter of the adequate space the surface space above the K-shell is chosen boiling the boiling The A rule the distance distance from rule of thumb that the uppermost is that vapor-liquid disengagement. thumb is the uppermost disengagement. A from the for vapor-liquid liquid for liquid of the shell diameter. to the more rigorous tube to the shell be at least 40% of the somewhat more at least the shell should be A somewhat shell should diameter. A the top rigorous top of tube based on the vapor vapor loading for the the following empirical on the is based loading [5,6]: empirical equation equation for (5,6]: procedure is sizing procedure ( (7° )0.5 )0.5 2290p, VL -= 2290 V/., pv ~ Do PL -- Pv PL (10.2) (10.2) where where VL == vapor vapor loading loading 0(lbm/h.ft) VL b m / h . ft3) (Ibm/ft?) and liquid densities 0bm/ft liquid densities vapor and pPy,pL v , PL = = vapor 3) surface tension tension (dyne/cm) (dyne/cm) aa == surface divided by vapor space. the mass of the volume of vapor divided is the rate of by the loading is the vapor The space. The mass flow flow rate the volume The vapor of vapor vapor loading The to vapor is velocity to by value low allow Equation (10.2) provide given intended a sufficiently value given by Equation (10.2) is intended to provide a sufficiently low vapor velocity to allow from segment area, calculated from is calculated The dome entrained liquid area, SSA, dome segment droplets. The liquid droplets. of entrained settling of gravitational settling gravitational A , is loading as the vapor as follows: vapor loading follows: the SSA A -_ y mv LL •X VL VL (10.3) (10.3) where where vapor mass flow rate (lbm/h) mass flow my ==vapor rate 0bin/h) rhv length of tube bundle oftube (ft) bundle (ft) LL ==length albm/h, lbm/h.ft VL cx VL ft3 SSA A ~aftft? 2 cross-section shown area isis the the dome area Considering the K-shell cross-section the area the K-shell Figure 10.7, segment area shown inin Figure 10.7, the dome segment Considering above the liquid surface. that lies For known surface. For ofthe the liquid diameter and known bundle segment that circular segment bundle diameter lies above and dome dome the circular of can be area, the circular (bytrial trial and be determined table of the shell determined (by error) from segment area, ofcircular fromthe diametercan anderror) thetable shell diameter segment level isis usually 10.A. Since Since the above the areas inin Appendix maintained slightly segment areas Appendix 10.A. the liquid liquid level slightly above usually maintained the segment of the approximately height the row shell equal liquid top the in diameter of tubes, bundle to is top row of tubes, the height of liquid in the shell is approximately equal to the bundle diameter bottom of the clearance between the the plus the accountfor and the bundle and the shell. shell. However, the bottom forthe the bundle ofthe However, toto account clearance between plus purposeof thisheight andfroth offoaming foamingand 3-5in. maybe beincremented by3-5 incrementedby frothformation, of forthe formation,this heightmay thepurpose in.for effectof effect vaporoutlet diameter [6]. thevapor theshell Demisterpads padscan outletnozzles shelldiameter alsobe canalso installedininthe [ 6]. Demister calculatingthe nozzlestoto beinstalled calculating furtherreduce reduceentrainment. entrainment. further EExample x a m p l e 110.1 0.1 requiresaadome 5.5ftft2.2•The plusclearance kettle reboiler areaofof5.5 reboilerrequires clearanceisis diameterplus Thebundle segmentarea dome segment bundlediameter AAkettle diameterisisrequired? shelldiameter Whatshell 22.4in. approximately22.4 in.What required? approximately Solution Solution liquid height for foaming 4 in. toto the effective liquid height ofof height toto account gives an account for an effective Adding 4in. the liquid foaming gives liquid height Adding approximately60% heightisisapproximately 2.2ft.ft. For liquidheight firsttrial, the first effectiveliquid trial, assume Forthe theeffective the 60%ofofthe assumethe 26.4i in. 26.4 n . -=2.2 Then, diameter.Then, shelldiameter. shell D,==22/0.6 Ds 2.2/0.6 ==3.67ft 3.67 ft Further,the (shell)diameter 40%,i.e., circle(shell) height,h,h,totocircle theratio sectorheight, ratioofofsector diameterisis40%, i.e., Further, 0.4 hh/D / D ==11-0.6 - 0.6 ==0.4 10// 452 452 10 REEBBO R O I I LLEERRSS From the the table table in in Appendix Appendix 10.A 10.A with with h/D h/D == 0.4, 0.4, the the sector sector area area factor factor isis A A= 0.29337. This This value value From = 0.29337. must be be multiplied multiplied by by the the square square of of the the shell shell diameter diameter to to obtain obtain the the actual actual segment segment area. area. Thus, Thus, must SA == 0.29337 0.29337 (3.67) (3.67)2 == 3.95 3.95 ftft?2 SA Since this this isis less less than than the the required required dome dome segment segment area, area, aa larger larger shell shell diameter diameter is is needed. needed. For For the the Since second trial, trial, assume assume the the effective effective liquid liquid height height is is 55% 55% of of the the shell shell diameter. diameter. Then, Then, second 2.2 2.2 D.0gs Ds = 0.55 ==4.0f 4.0 ft h/D ==1--0.55 0.45 h/D 1 - 0.55 == 0.45 A == 0.34278 0.34278 (Appendix (Appendix 10.A) 10.A) A SA ft 2 SA == 0.34278(4.0) 0.34278(4.0)2 == 5.48 5.48 -~ 2 5.5 5.5° Therefore, aa shell shell diameter diameter of of approximately approximately 44 ftft is is required. required. Therefore, 10.3.6 Liquid Liquid ooverflow 10.3.6 v e r f l o w rreservoir eservoir With aa kettle kettle reboiler, reboiler, surge surge capacity capacity is is provided provided by by the the liquid liquid overflow overflow reservoir reservoir in in the the kettle, kettle, With as opposed opposed to to the the column column sump sump when when a thermosyphon thermosyphon reboiler reboiler is is used. used. The The liquid liquid holdup holdup time time as in the the overflow overflow reservoir reservoir is is usually usually significantly less less than than in in the the column column sump sump due due to to the the cost cost of of in extending the the length length of of the the K-shell, of of which which only only the the bottom bottom portion portion is is useable. useable. The The small size size and and extending limited holdup holdup time time can can make make the the liquid liquid level in in the the reservoir reservoir difficult difficult to to control, control, and and can can lead lead to to limited relatively large large fluctuations fluctuations in in the the bottom bottom product product flow rate. rate. These These fluctuations fluctuations can can adversely adversely affect affect relatively the operation operation of of downstream downstream units units unless unless aa separate separate surge surge vessel vessel is provided provided downstream downstream of of the the the reboiler, or or the the bottom bottom product product flows flows to to storage. storage. These These problems problems can can be be avoided avoided by by eliminating eliminating the the reboiler, overflow weir weir in in the the kettle kettle [7]. However, However, a drawback drawback of of this this strategy strategy is is that that incomplete incomplete separation separation overflow reboiler feed feed and reboiled reboiled liquid liquid results results in the the (partial) (partial) loss loss of one one theoretical theoretical distillation distillation stage. stage. of reboiler 10.3.7 Finned tubing 10.3.7 Radial low-fin tubes tubes and and tubes tubes with surface surface enhancements enhancements designed designed to improve improve nucleate nucleate boiling boiling characteristics can be be used used in reboilers reboilers and and vaporizers. vaporizers. They They are are particularly particularly effective effective when when the the characteristics temperature driving driving force force is small, and and hence hence they they are are widely widely used used in refrigeration refrigeration systems. In additemperature to providing providing a large large heat-transfer heat-transfer surface surface per per unit unit volume, volume, finned tubes tubes can result result in significantly tion to higher boiling boiling heat-transfer heat-transfer coefficients coefficients compared compared with plain tubes tubes due due to the the convective convective effect of higher two-phase flow between between the the fins [1]. As the the temperature temperature driving force increases, increases, the the boiling-side boiling-side two-phase resistance tends tends to become become small compared compared with the the thermal thermal resistances resistances of the the tube tube wall and and heatheatresistance medium, and and the the advantage advantage of finned tubes tubes is substantially diminished. diminished. A quantitative quantitative treatment treatment ing medium, and enhanced enhanced surfaces surfaces is beyond beyond the the scope scope of this this book. book. of boiling on finned and 10.3.8 Steam Steam as heating medium 10.3.8 When condensing condensing steam is used used as a heating heating medium, it is common practice practice to use use an approxWhen heat-transfer coefficient on the the heating heating side for design design purposes. purposes. Typically, a value of imate heat-transfer 1500Btu/h W/m? ·K This value is referred referred to the the external external tube tube surface surface and 1500 Btu/h. .ft? ft2..·F(8500 ~ K)) is used. This includes a fouling allowance. Thus, Thus, for steam condensing condensing inside plain tubes tubes we have: includes 1500Btu/hf·F 8500 W/m?·K [(Do/Di)(1/hi D i ) ] - 1 ~ 1500Btu/h. ft 2 .~ F ~ 8500W/m 2. K [(D,/DD) (/h, ++ eRo)]'= condensate nozzles are are presented presented in Table Table 10.3. 10.3. The The data guidelines for sizing steam and condensate Some guidelines Ref. [8] and are for vertical thermosyphon reboilers. reboilers. However, they can be be used used as are taken from Ref. reboilers of similar size. general guidelines for all types of reboilers REBOILERS REBOILERS 10/453 10 / 453 Table 10.3 Guidelines for Sizing Steam and Condensate Nozzles Shell OD ((in.) in.) 16 2O 20 24 30 36 42 Heat-transfer area (ft) (ft2) 130 215 330-450 525-1065 735-1520 1400-2180 Nominal nozzle nozzle diameter (in.) (in.) Steam Condensate 4 4 6 6-8 6--8 88 88 1.5 1.5 22 33 3-4 44 4 Source: Ref. Ref. [8] [8] 10.3.9 Two-phase Two-phase density calculation density calculation In order order to calculate the static head in the reboiler, the density of the two-phase mixture in the boiling region must must be determined. For cross flow over tube bundles, this calculation is usually made methods for separated made using using either the homogeneous homogeneous model, Equation (9.51), or one of the methods flow in tubes, such as the Chisholm correlation, Equation (9.63). Experimental data indicate that neither approach neither approach is particularly accurate [9], but there is no entirely satisfactory alternative. The homogeneous model is somewhat homogeneous somewhat easier to use, but the Chisholm correlation will generally give a more conservative conservative (larger) result for the static head. The following example illustrates the design procedure The procedure for kettle reboilers. Example 110.2 0.2 lb/h of a distillation bottoms 96,000 lb/h bottoms having the following composition will be partially vaporized in a reboiler: Component Mole% Mole % Critical Critical pressure (psia) (psia) Propane i-butane /-butane n-butane 15 15 25 60 616.3 529.0 551.1 The enter the re boiler as a (nearly) saturated liquid at 250 psia. The dew-point temThe stream stream will enter reboiler perature of the stream at 250 psia is 205.6F. psia will perature 250psia 205.6~ Saturated steam at a design pressure pressure of 20 20psia be used used as the heating heating medium. The reboiler is to supply 48,0001b/h 48,000 lb/h of vapor to the distillation column. The The reboiler reboiler feed line will be approximately 23 ft long, while the vapor return line will have a total length of approximately 20 ft. The The available elevation difference between the liquid level in re boiler inlet is 9 ft. Physical property data are given in the following table. the column sump and the reboiler Design a kettle reboiler for this service. Property Reboiler feed Liquidoverflow overflow Vapor Vaporreturn Liquid T (oF) (F H(Btu/lbm) H (Btu/lbm) C Cp(Btu/Ibm.F) (Btu/lbm. ~ k(Btu/h·ft.·F) k(Btu/h, ft. oF) u(cp) # (cp) p(lbm/ft) p(lbm/ft 3) o (dyne/cm) a(dyne/cm) Molecular weight 197.6 106.7 106.7 0.805 0.046 0.074 28.4 3.64 56.02 56.02 202.4 109.9 0.811 0.046 0.074 28.4 3.59 56.57 202.4 216.4 216.4 0.576 0.014 0.0095 2.76 55.48 10/454 10 / 454 RREBOILERS EBOI LERS Solution Solution (a) Make Makeinitial initial specifications. specifications. (a) (i) Fluid Fluidplacement placement (i) There isis no no choice choice here; here; the the boiling boilingfluid fluid must mustbe be placed placed inin the the shell shell and and the the heating heating There mediumininthe thetubes. tubes. medium (ii) Tubing Tubing (ii) One-inch, 14 14BWG, BWG,U-tubes U-tubeswith withaalength lengthof of16 16ftare specified.AAtubing tubingdiameter diameterofof¾ in. One-inch, ft are specified. 3/~in. could also also be beused. used. could (iii) Shell Shell and andhead head types types (iii) TEMA K-shell K-shell isis chosen chosen for for aa kettle kettle reboiler, reboiler, and and aa type type BB head head isis chosen chosen since since the the AATEMA tube-sidefluid fluid (steam) (steam) isis clean. clean.Thus, Thus, aaBKU BKUconfiguration configurationisisspecified. specified. tube-side (iv) Tube Tube layout layout (iv) square layout layoutwith with aatube tubepitch pitch of of1.25 1.25in. in. isisspecified specifiedtotopermit permitmechanical mechanicalcleaning cleaningof of AAsquare the external external tube tube surfaces. surfaces.Although Althoughthis this service service should shouldbe bequite quiteclean, clean, contaminants contaminantsinin the distillation feed feed streams streamstend tend totoconcentrate concentrateininthe thebottoms, bottoms, and andkettle kettlereboilers reboilersare arevery very distillation prone toto fouling. fouling. prone (v) Baffles Baffles and and sealing sealing strips strips (v) Noneare arespecified specifiedfor foraakettle kettlereboiler. re boiler. Support Supportplates plateswill willbe beused usedtotoprovide providetube tubesupport support None and vibration vibration suppression. suppression. Four Four plates plates are are specified specified toto give give an an unsupported unsupported tube tubelength length and that isis safely safely below belowthe the maximum maximum of of74 74in. in. listed listed in inTable Table 5.C1. 5.Cl. that (vi) Construction Construction materials materials (vi) Since neither neither stream stream isis corrosive, corrosive, plain plain carbon carbon steel steel isis specified specified for for all all components. components. Since (b) Energy Energy balance balance and and steam steam flow flow rate. rate. (b) The reboiler reboiler duty duty isis obtained obtained from from an an energy energy balance balance on on the the process process stream stream (boiling (boiling fluid): fluid): The q -- b'lvHv 4- m L H L -- b ' I F H F where the the subscripts subscripts F, F, L, L, and and VV refer refer to to the the reboiler reboiler feed, feed, liquid liquid overflow, overflow, and and vapor vapor return return where streams, respectively. respectively. Substituting Substituting the the appropriate appropriate enthalpies enthalpies and and flow flow rates rates gives: gives: streams, = 48, 48,000 48,000 000 xX 2216.4 1 6 . 4 ++ 48, 000 xX 1109.9-96,000 0 9 . 9 - 96, 0 0 0 xX 1106.7 06.7 qQ = 25.42 10 Btu/h Btu/h q0 -~ 5.42 x 106 From Table Table A.8, A.8, the the latent latent heat heat of of condensation condensation for for steam steam at at 20psia 20 psia isis 960.1Btu/lbm. 960.1 Btu/lbm. From Therefore, the steam flow rate will be: Therefore, the steam flow rate will be: = = 5.42 5.42 • 106/960.1 10/960.1 -= 56451bm/h 5645 lbm/h mnstean - - q/~.steam 0/stea - blsteam (c) Mean Mean temperature temperature difference. difference. The effective effective mean mean temperature temperature difference difference is is computed computed as as ififthe the boiling-side boiling-side temperature temperature were were The constant at at the the vapor vapor exit exit temperature, temperature, which which in in this this case case isis 202.4 202.4F. The temperature temperature of of the the constant ~ The condensing steam steam is is also also constant constant at at the the saturation saturation temperature, temperature, which which isis 228.0~ 228.0F at at 20 20 psia psia condensing from Table Table A.8. A8. Therefore, Therefore, the the effective effective mean mean temperature temperature difference difference is: is: from AT% == 2228.0 202.4 == 25.6~ 25.6F ATm 2 8 . 0 -- 202.4 Approximate overall coefficient. coefficient. (d) Approximate Referring to Table Table 3.5, it is is seen seen that that for for light light hydrocarbons hydrocarbons boiling boiling on on the the shell shell side side with with Referring steam on the the tube tube side, 200 _< < UD Up <_ _< 300 Btu/h Btu/h -.ft? Taking the the mid-range mid-range value value condensing steam condensing ft2-.PF ~ Taking Up == 250 250Btu/h..ft? .·F for for preliminary preliminary design design purposes. purposes. gives UD Btu/h.. ft2 .~ REBOILERS R EBOI LERS (e) 10/455 10 / 455 number of tubes. area and Heat-transfer area and number tubes. Heat-transfer 54210" q _ 5.42 • 106 ~_ __g7? 847 ft 2 U AAT% UD Tm 250 •25.6 25.6 A 847 n;= t - - -= = 202 -}()} nD,L n(/12) • 16 zrDoL zr(1/12) 16 A A represents the that nnt represents bundle, i.e., the the bundle, the sections of tubing Note that number of straight the number straight sections tubing in the Note U-tubes, this For U-tubes, number of tube this is twice number of tubes. actual number tube holes tubes. tubesheet. For twice the holes in the the actual the tubesheet. number the value tables, and and so value listed corresponds to the listed in the be referred so will be referred to the tube-count tube-count tables, However, it corresponds of tubes. tubes. the number number of as the as passes. Number of tube tube passes. (f) Number For condensing are sufficient. sufficient. condensing steam, steam, two passes passes are For Actual tube tube count and bundle diameter. count and bundle diameter. (g) Actual This shell the closest size is count is 212 tubes closest tube tubes in aa 23.25 in. shell. is From Table Table C.5, the shell. This tube count shell size From The bundle the tubesheet. at the course, be be the smaller K-shell at of course, diameter of the the K-shell bundle diameter tubesheet. The diameter will, of smaller diameter the but a value smaller, but calculations. be sufficiently design calculations. sufficiently accurate for design somewhat smaller, accurate for value of 23 in. will be somewhat Required overall coefficient. coefficient. (h) Required The required the usual usual manner: heat-transfer coefficient calculated in the manner: required overall overall heat-transfer coefficient is is calculated The q == nan Do DL nt:r L AAT Tm Vreq Ua -- 5.42 x 10 6 5.42 10° 238Btu/h == 238 Btu/h 9.f ft 2?.·F 9~ 25.6 16 x 25.6 (1/12) x 16 n x (1/12) 212 x Jr coefficient, hh;. () Inside Inside coefficient, (i) i. take: For condensing we take: steam we condensing steam For 1500Btu/h.f.·F Ro)] '2 + eDi)]-1 [(/DD) (1~hi (/h, + [(Do/Di) ~ 1500 Btu/h 9ft 2. ~ h, -= hb. coefficient, ho Outside coefficient, h. (j) Outside (j) in order which was safe presented in was presented used in to ensure Palen's [1] Chapter 9, will [1] method, be used will be in Chapter method, which ensure aa safe order to Palen's the Mostinski on the conservative) design. design. It based on correlation for nucleate boiling the nucleate It is Mostinski correlation for the (i.e., conservative) is based boiling (i.e., to which account for applied to factors are coefficient, to for mixture which correction effects mixture effects correction factors heat-transfer coefficient, to account are applied heat-transfer tube bundle. and convection bundle. in the convection in the tube and coefficient, hh, boiling coefficient, Nucleate boiling (i) Nucleate (i) nb for the pseudo-critical and compute the and pseudo-reduced the pseudo-critical pseudo-reduced pressures The first the to compute step is first step is to pressures for The of the which will will be place of used in Mostinski correlation: in place in the mixture, which the Mostinski be used the true true values values in correlation: mixture, psi 555.4 psi 529.0 ++ 0.60 0.60 551.1 -= 555.4 epc - ~ x i Pa, ec,i =015x616.3 - 0.15 x 616.3 ++0.25 0.25 x 529.0 • 551.1 P=} 0.45 P, -=PIP, P/epc -= 2250/555.4 5 0 / 5 5 5 . 4 -= 0.45 Ppr mixture Equation (9.2a), with the the mixture given in Mostinski correlation in Equation The Mostinski is used as given used as correlation is (9.2a), along along with The since Ppr Also, since is given by by Equation (9.17a). Also, correction factor Equation (9.17a). as given factor as (9.18) is 0.2, Equation Equation (9.18) P, >> 0.2, correction pressure correction factor. Thus, calculate the the pressure Thus, correction factor. used to to calculate used hnb 0.00622 P~176 # Fm , --=0.00622P!"F,F% Fp 1 . 8 p- ~- r 1.8(0.45)0 1-8(0-45) 0 1 7 - 1.5715 1.5715 F, -=1.8PP - (+0.0176208R07°(1 + 0.0176 0~176 -1 F»= Fm To --Th BBR R - = TD T B -= - 205.6 2 0 5 . 6 -- 1197.6 9 7 . 6 =8.0F - 8.0 ~ 10/456 REBOILERS Since the actual heat flux is unknown, it is approximated using the required required duty: • _ 0q '%DL ntrcDoL _ 54210° 5.42 x 106 - 6103 Btu/h. ft .22 212/2 212zr(1/12) x % 16 = 6103Bt/h.ft F%»= Fm = [1+0.0176(6103)1(9)05][1 + 0.0176(6103)~176 -1 0.7636 = 0.7636 hnb = 0.00622(555.4)~ 0.7 x 1.5715 1.5715 x 0.7636 ha =0.00622(555.4)°"(6103) hnb =261 = 261 Btu/hf? Btu/h. ft 2 ·F .o F h), (ii) (ii) Bundle boiling coefficient, h hb The The boiling heat-transfer coefficient for the tube bundle is given by Equation (9.19): hb = hnb Fb + hnc Although the tube tube wall temperature temperature is unknown, with an overall temperature temperature difference of 25.6°F, 25.6~ the heat transfer transfer by natural convection should be small compared to the boiling Therefore, hp component. Therefore, hnc is roughly estimated as 44 Btu/h.ft.F Btu/h. ft2. ~ component. The bundle Db ~ 23in.: 23 in.: The bundle convection factor is computed using Equation (9.20) with D, Ic(Pb.)?D, \ _ 1.0]]0·75 o.75 0.785Db F=10+01 Fb = 1.0 + 0.1 C1 (PT/Do)2Do [ -o±[ «ig.,]" _ 1.0] 0.75 0.785 x 23 = 1.0 + 0.1 1.0(1.25/1.0 1.0(1.25/1.0)2 xx 1.0 1.0 Fb = 1.5856 F, = The outside coefficient is then: The h,=h, + 44 2 F ho = hb =261 - - 261 x 1.5856 + = 458Btu/h 458 Btu/h .ft? 9f t 2 .~ (k) Overall coefficient. UD -- [ (1~hi + RDi) (Do/Di) + Do In (Do~DO + 1/ho + Rno1-13 2 ktube J Based on the values in Table 10.2, a boiling-side fouling allowance of 0.0005 h h.- ft22.- °F ~ /Btu is deemed deemed appropriate for this service. For 1-in. 1-in. 14 BWG tubes, D; Di = = 0.834in. 0.834 in. from Table B.1. Taking ktuae 26 Btu/h. ft. ~ for carbon steel, we obtain: kn. ~==26 Btu/h ·ft.·F + 1.0/458 0.0005] -1 UD-[a»o». = [ (1/1500) + "e,yy,94,rs-oo os] » 2• (1.0/12) In (1.0/0.834) + Up = 275 Btu/h Btu/h .f? 9ft 2 .~ F Un = F (1) Check heat flux and iterate if necessary. Check heat 0) A new estimate of the heat flux can be obtained using the overall coefficient coefficient: ¢~t = Un UD AT,, b Tm = - 275 275 •x25.6 2 5 . 6= - 7040Btu/h 7040 Btu/h- .f? ft 2 REBOI R E B O I L LEAS ERS 457 10 / 457 calculate hnb, previous estimate estimate used used to calculate the previous this value differs significantly from steps from the h,, steps Since this and (k) should and UD until consistent consistent values Due to the values for ~@ and are obtained. Up are the obtained. Due be repeated should be repeated until (j) and exact heat-transfer coefficient the mean both the temperature difference, mean temperature the heat-transfer difference, exact uncertainty in both coefficient and and the uncertainty are obtained obtained after The following values not required. after several several more values are iterations: required. The more iterations: convergence is not convergence = hb Btu/h 9.f? ft 2 .o F PF h,, ~ 523 523Btu/h = ft2 Btu/h.9ft @ ~= 7600 Btu/h UD Btu/h. .f ft ?2 .o F ·F U, ~ 297 297Btu/h coefficient exceeds exceeds the Btu/h • ft22 .~ required coefficient coefficient of • °F by overall coefficient significant The overall the required by aa significant of 238 Btu/h. The indicating that over-sized. that the amount (over-design(over-design = 25%), indicating the reboiler reboiler is over-sized. amount heat flux. (m) Critical heat the Mosfinski boiling on Mostinski nucleate boiling for nucleate The critical heat flux for on a single tube is calculated critical heat calculated using single tube using the The correlation, Equation (9.23a): Equation (9.23a)" correlation, ~. qc -= 803 P " C 'p0.35 r ( Pr) 0"9 9 (1 --P,)99 803P,P 555.4(0.45)03(1 0.45)0 == 803 •x 555.4(0.45)~ 0.45) 0.9 196,912Btu/h.ft @, -= 196, qc 912 Btu/h 9ft 2 the bundle is obtained (9.24): from Equation critical heat obtained from bundle is heat flux for the The critical flux for Equation (9.24)" The d» -=- 196, 912¢% @c,bone -=- qc,tube 196, 912r @ease Cb qc,bundle bundle geometry parameter is given by: The bundle geometry parameter is given The ~b -- D, Db 23 23 = 2121¢ ==01085 0.1085 ~D, nt Do 212 x 1.0 is less is calculated Since this the bundle as: calculated as: bundle correction than 0.323, value is this value factor is less than correction factor 0.323, the Since x 0.1085 0.1085 -= 0.3364 0.3364 d» =3.1 3.1 W% ~ b -=3.1 - 3.1 x Cb : the critical is: heat flux the bundle flux for for the critical heat bundle is: Therefore, the Therefore, ft 0.3364 "~ 196, 912 240 Btu/h. 2 66, 912 x 0.3364 66, 240 Btu/h. ft 2 @ewnae --= 196, qc,bundle flux is: heat flux to the actual heat the critical critical heat flux to ratio of of the the actual heat flux the ratio Now the is: Now 0.11 @/@eunae --= 7600/66, 7600/66, 240 240 -2- 0.11 q/qc,bundle in order exceed 0.7 reliable not exceed ratio should 0. 7 in an adequate provide an for reliable order to This ratio should not to provide safety margin margin for adequate safety This the present case, this operation of re boiler. In is easily of the In the the reboiler. criterion is present case, met. this criterion easily met. operation temperature difference, nucleate boiling be in the nucleate process-side temperature Note: In the process-side mustbe In addition, addition, the difference, A in the AT, boiling Note: Te, must of ATe the maximum AT, may range. In value of In operation, operation, the exceed the nucleate boiling, value for for nucleate may exceed the value maximum value boiling, range. particularly when unit isis clean. clean. This when the situation can This situation rectified by the unit be rectified the can usually usually be by adjusting adjusting the particularly of substances are tabulated number of for aa number steam pressure. tabulated for Ref. substances in pressure. Maximum values of in Ref. Maximum values of ATe AT, are steam 10], and appropriate design theyprovide provide guidance and they forthe specifying an an appropriate guidance in theheating in specifying design temperature temperature for heating [[10], 10/458 10 / 458 REBOILERS R EBOILERS medium in these these and similar cases. For a given substance, the critical AT, medium Te decreases decreases markedly with increasing increasing pressure. pressure. It is sometimes stated that the overall AT T should not exceed about 90-100F order to ensure 90-100~ in order ensure nucleate boiling. However, this rule is not generally valid owing pressure on the critical A ATe. (in part) to the the effect of pressure T~. (n) Design modification. The The simplest way to modify the initial design in order to reduce the amount of heat-transfer area is to shorten The required tube length is calculated as follows: shorten the tubes. The Llo req = Ire 0q n, nt n yrD Do Up UD AT%» A Tm 5.42 x 10° 10 6 5.42 212(1/12) 212 :r(1/12) 297 x 297 x 25.6 12.8 ft Lreq = - 12.8ft Therefore, a tube length of 13 ft will be sufficient. A second option is to reduce the number number of tubes. From the tube-count table, the next smallest standard bundle bundle (21.25 in.) contains 172 tubes. This modification will not be pursued here; it is left as an exercise for the reader reader to determine the suitability of this configuration. (o) Number Number of nozzles. number of pairs of nozzles: Equation (10.1) gives the number 13 L » I = 1.36 Nn = - 5p, 5 Db -- 5c3712 5 (23/12) 136 Rounding Rounding upward to the next largest integer gives two pairs of inlet and outlet nozzles. They will be spaced approximately 4.4 ft apart. (p) Shell diameter. We first use Equation Equation (10.2) to calculate the vapor loading: VL - 2290 2290p¢ pv VL = ( o a )0.5 0.5 3.59 ) )0. 5 )0. 5 2290 x 2.76 2 8 . 4 2.76 =22902.7° ( 5g.4--276 _~,o P L - - Pv VL = - 2365 lbm/h lbm/h .9ft ft a VL The required dome segment area is then found using Equation (10.3): The (10.3)" SA SA inv " LxxVL VL _- 48,000 ± _~-1.56ff2 _48,000 1.56f 13 x 2365 reboiler is estimated by adding 4 in. to the approximate Next, the effective liquid height in the reboiler bundle bundle diameter (23 in.) to account for foaming, giving a value of 27 in. Assuming as a first height is 60% of the shell diameter, we obtain: approximation that the liquid height D. 27 -[,=so Ds = 0.6 = 45.0 in. =s.7st ~ 3.75 ft h/D - 1-0.6 1 - 0.6 = - 0.4 h/ D= The The sector area factor is obtained from Appendix 10.A: - 0.29337 A= RS R E BBOOI I LE R S 10 / 459 10/ Multiplying this factor by the the square square of the the diameter diameter gives the segment segment area: SA = - 0.29337(3.75) 0.29337(3.75) 2 = - 4.13? 4.13 ft 2 SA Since this is greater greater than the required required area, a smaller diameter diameter is needed. needed. Assuming Assuming (after more trials) that the the effective liquid height several more height is 73% of the shell diameter, the next trial gives: 27 D.=5,-3s.9oo. Ds = 0.73 = 36.99in. =3.08M ~ 3.08ft h/D = - 1-0.73 1 - 0.73 = - 0.27 h/D A = - 0.17109 0.17109 (Appendix 10.A) SA = - 0.17109(3.08) 0.17109(3.08) 2 = - 1.62 f? ft 2 SA This value is slightly larger required dome dome segment segment area, which is acceptable. acceptable. This larger than than the the required Therefore, diameter of about 37 in. will suffice. Therefore, a shell diameter (q) Liquid overflow reservoir. reservoir. The reservoir is sized to provide provide adequate The reservoir adequate holdup holdup time for control purposes. purposes. We first calculate the volumetric flow rate the rate of liquid over the the weir: volumetric flow rate = = 48, 000 l b m / h 48, 000lbm/h min = 28.17 28.17ft/ ft3/min (28.4 1bm/ft3) lbm/ft 3) (60 min/h) min/h) Next, the the cross-sectional cross-sectional area area of the the shell sector sector below the weir is calculated. The The sector height height the weir height, which is about is equal to the about 23 in. Therefore, Therefore, h/D = - 23/37 = - 0.62 h/D = 0.38 11-h/D - h/D - The factor corresponding The sector sector area area factor corresponding to this value is 0.27386 from Appendix 10.A. Hence, Hence, sector area area above weir = - 0.27386(37/12) 0.27386(37/12) 2 = - 2.60 ft ft 2 sector sector area area below weir = - r(37/12)/4 :r(37/12)2/4 - 2.60 = - 4.87 ft? ft 2 sector required is: Now the the shell length length required 28.17 ft3/min 28.17ft3/min::::: . ooffhholdup Ls LS 5.8 - 58ft/ . ft/min mm o Id up 2 4.87 ft 2 4.87ft Therefore, a reservoir reservoir length of 3 ft will provide a holdup time of approximately 30 s, which Therefore, is adequate adequate to control the the liquid level using a standard standard cascaded cascaded level-to-flow control loop. With return bends bends and clearances, clearances, the overall length of the allowances for U-tube return the shell will then be about 17 ft. It is assumed assumed that relatively large fluctuations in the bottom product product flow rate are about acceptable in this application. acceptable 10/460 10 / 460 REBOILERS R E B O I LE RS return lines. (r) Feed and return The available liquid head between the reboiler reboiler inlet and the surface of the liquid in the column sump is 9 ft. The The corresponding pressure difference is: APata»le A Pavailable = - - PL(g/g)Ah, PL ( g / g c ) A h L = - - 28.4 (1.0) (1.0) x• 99 APavailabl e = - - 255.61bf/ft? 255.6 lbf/ft 2 = - 1.775 1.775 psi AP%ata»e This pressure pressure difference must be sufficient to compensate for the friction losses in the feed line, vapor return line, and the reboiler itself; the static heads in the reboiler and return line; and the pressure loss due to acceleration of the fluid in the re boiler resulting from vapor forreboiler mation. Of these losses, only the friction losses in the feed and return lines can be readily controlled, and these lines must be sized to meet the available pressure drop. We consider each of the pressure losses in turn. (i) Static heads The static head consists of two parts, namely, the two-phase region between the re reboiler The boiler inlet and the surface of the boiling fluid, and the vapor region from the surface of the boiling fluid through the return line and back down to the liquid surface in the column sump. We estimate the two-phase head loss using the average vapor fraction in the boiling region, XXave ave = - 0.25. The average density is calculated using the homogeneous model, which is sufficiently accurate for the present purpose: [ Pave Pave ]1 [ "z]=ass e -[- b]'-[y -- 1 - Xave PL sOL Xave at- + PV PV -- 0.75 + 28.4 + 2.76 ~ 2.76J ~ 8.55 lbm/ft 3 . m/ The vertical distance between the reboiler inlet and the surface of the boiling fluid is approximately 23 in. The corresponding static pressure difference is: . _ 8.55 X• (23/12) _ O 114 DSI Pt p = A Pp -144 = 0.114 psi 4r 144 =1.. The elevation difference between the boiling fluid surface in the reboiler and the liquid surface in the column sump is: Ah =9- 9 - 23/12 = - 7.08ft 7.08 ft The pressure pressure difference corresponding to this head of vapor is: p = A'y APv 2.76 X• 7.08 ~ . 136 ips1 ~ O0.136 psi 144 144 1.. The total pressure pressure difference due to static heads is the sum of the above values: APstatic + 0.136 = - 0.250 0.250psi AP,ante =- - 0.114 +0.136 psi (ii) Friction and acceleration losses in reboiler The boilers. The friction loss is small due to the low circulation rate characteristic of kettle re reboilers. The large vapor volume provided in the kettle results in a relatively low vapor velocity, and therefore the acceleration loss is also small. Hence, both these losses can be neglected. However, as a safety factor, an allowance of 0.2 psi will be made for the sum of these boilers, so an allowance of losses. (A range of 0.2-0.5 psi is typical for thermosyphon re reboilers, 0.2 psi should be more than adequate for a kettle.) REBOILERS REBOILERS (iii) 10/461 lines loss in feed lines Friction loss configuration shown assuming the the feed lines. The shown below We begin below for the the configuration length begin by assuming The total length sump and the the tee tee is approximately between the the column approximately 23 ft as given the primary line between column sump of the Each branch secondary line between the tee the secondary between the tee and and the the branch of the the problem problem statement. statement. Each in the length 1.0 ft. segment of length length 2.2 ft and a vertical segment of length horizontal segment re boiler has has a horizontal vertical segment reboiler Column k Reboiler Reboiler } I t Thus, for the primary ft/ s. Thus, chosen to The pipe give a liquid for the of about liquid velocity of pipe diameter diameter is chosen to give primary about 5 ft/s. The line: Di-()"[Mes0woo," (4~V) 1/2_ [ 4 ( 9 6 , 0 0 0 / 3 6 0 0 ) ] 1/2 nV n x 28.4 xx 5 zr 0.49ft D, -= 0.49 5.87in. Di ft -= 5.87 in. B.2, a 6-in. schedule From Table inside diameter schedule 40 pipe diameter of an inside Table B.2, 6.065 in. is of 6.065 with an is appropriate. pipe with appropriate. From the flow rate Therefore, For the rate is the secondary secondary line, line, the halved. Therefore, is halved. For D i - [ 4 ( 4 8 ' 0x0 028.4 / 3 6 0x0 )5] - 0.0346 ft - 4.15 in. diameter of A 4-in. inside diameter How4.026 in. with an an inside the closest schedule 40 closest match. of 4.026 pipe with 4-in. schedule match. Howis the in. is 40 pipe A V?2 will of pV the value value of erosion prevention TEMA erosion nozzles, the the TEMA inlet nozzles, with 4-in. will exceed ever, with 4-in. inlet exceed the prevention ever, lbm/ft.s to avoid the need need for avoid the 500 lbm/ft, order to Therefore, in bubble-point liquids. liquids. Therefore, for limit of of 500 in order for bubble-point limit s 2 for protection, 5-in. will be 5-in. nozzles used. nozzles with be used. piping will with matching matching piping impingement protection, impingement computed using of using the pressure drop drop is is computed The pressure equivalent pipe flow resistance for flow the equivalent pipe lengths resistance of lengths for The for the are tabulated equivalent lengths Appendix D. D. The fittings given given in tabulated sizes are lengths for in Appendix the two The equivalent two pipe pipe sizes fittings 5-in. pipe of the the pressure one branch because the only one that only pipe is branch of Note that used because the 5-in. pressure drop below. Note is used drop isis below. same for branch. the same each parallel for each parallel branch. the Item Item length Equivalent length Equivalent 6-in. pipe (ft) pipe (ft) of 6-in. of Equivalent length length Equivalent 5-in. pipe pipe (ft) of 5-in. (ft) of Straight pipe pipe sections sections Straight elbows 90°~ elbows 90 Tee Tee reducer 6" xx5" 6" 5" reducer Entrance loss loss Entrance loss Exit loss Exit Total Total 23 23 20 20 30 30 18 18 91 91 3.2 3.2 8.5 8.5 44 28 28 43.7 43.7 10/462 REBOILERS REBOILERS The Reynolds number number for the the 6-in. pipe is: The 4m 4 x 96, 000 4rh _ 4 x 96, 000 - 1.351 x 1( 106 e = -= =I'bl n r(6.065/12) 7rD Di lz zr(6.065/12) x0.074 0.074 x 2.419 Re- The calculated using using Equation The friction factor is calculated Equation (4.8): (4.8)" f = - 0.3673 0.3673 R R e -92314 02314 _ - 0.3673 (1.351 x 10°)-02314 106) -02314 f f = 0.014 I= The equivalent pipe length used used in The pressure pressure drop is given by Equation (4.5) with the equivalent place of the the actual length. The mass flux and specific gravity are computed place The mass computed first: a~ial'~-«sacs». 96, 000 = 478, 500 l b m / h 9ft 2 G - me-in/A#ow - (7r/4) (6.065/12) 2 cS - = p/pater P/Pwater = -- 28.4/62.43 2 8 . 4 / 6 2 . 4 3= - 0.455 0.455 AP = LG 2 ff LG? • 91(478, 500) 2 0.014 x91(478,500)° 7.50 7.50 x 10\(6.065/12) 1012(6.065/12) x 0.455 x 1.0 A Pf/ = 7.50 7.50 x 10D,s¢ 1012Di s r 0.169 psi =- 0.169 A P/~ AP; The calculations the 5-in. pipe are are similar: The calculations for the 4 Xx 48,000 48, 000 Re = 811,768 Re= ~(@i7/12) zr(5.047/12) x x 0.07424¢ 0.074 x 2.419 811, 768 f = - 0.3673(811,768) -0334 -0"2314 2 ---- 0.0158 f G= 48, 000 48,000 2 = 345, 499 499 1bm/h·ft l b m / h 9ft 2 =345, (z~/4) (5.047/12) n/ 5 ,047/1 i:2 43.7(345, 499) 2 0.0158 X• 43.7(345,499)2 _ 1012(5.047/12) 7.50 x 10\2(5.047 /12) Xx 0.455 Xx 1.0 P El-t AP/- = A P / ~ 0.0574 psi AP, The The total friction loss in the the feed lines is therefore: therefore: AP.feed = - - 0.169 + + 0.0574 ~- 0.226 psi AP% (iv) Friction loss in return return lines return line configuration similar to that of the A return the feed line is assumed assumed as shown below. The The has a total length branch of primary length of 20 ft as given in the the problem problem statement. Each Each branch primary line has the line connected boiler has the connected to the the re reboiler has a vertical segment segment of length length 1.0 ft and a horizontal segment of length length 2.2 ft. segment REBOILERS R EBOILERS Column Column 10/463 10 / 463 id t f v-,, lReboiler er \ velocity using recommended vapor the maximum using Equamaximum recommended We begin vapor velocity Equacalculating the begin by by calculating We tion (5.B.1): (5.B.1): tion Ya Ymax : 1800 1800 1800 1800 (pM)o. 5 = (250 x 55.48) 15.3 ft/s 55.48 =153ft/s @250 (pn05 lowervelocity 12ft/s. The lines sized for lines will velocity of the main somewhat lower about 12 main line, ft/ s. For for aa somewhat will be be sized line, ofabout For the The diameter is: is: the required required diameter the 1/2 -(9 Di(~-~14rh 1/2 _ [4(48, 000/3600) ] )"Tu«a]" 12 7rnx2.76 x 2.76 x 12 npV D, -=0.716ft 8.59in. Di 0.716 ft -= 8.59 in. internaldiameter aninternal FromTable matchisisan pipewith B.2,the 8-in. schedule withan diameter theclosest schedule40 an&in. Table B.2, closestmatch 40pipe From of7.981 7.981in. of in. split-flowsection, section,we Forthe the split-flow wehave: have: For 000/3600)] 112 = 0 506 ft= 6 07. D· = [41(29, Di-[4(29'000/3600)] /x 22.76 7 r x 12 = 0.506 ' nx27612 ' ft = 6.07 in. mn. forthis Six-inchschedule section.Equivalent thissection. in.) isisappropriate pipe (ID (ID= Equivalentpipe schedule40 appropriatefor pipe 6.065in.) 40pipe Six-inch = 6.065 lengthsare summarizedininthe thefollowing table: aresummarized followingtable: lengths Item Item length Equivalentlength Equivalent 8-in.pipe (ft) pipe(ft) ofof8-in. length Equivalentlength Equivalent 6-in.pipe (ft) pipe(ft) ofof6-in. sections pipesections Straightpipe Straight elbow 90° 90 ~ elbow Tee Tee expander 6"6"xx8"8"expander loss Entranceloss Entrance Ex.itloss loss Exit Total Total 20 20 14 14 40 40 48 48 122 122 3.2 3.2 10 10 77 1818 38.2 38.2 10/464 10 / 464 REBOILERS REBOILERS The calculations for the 8-in. line are as follows: The R ee R 4m n rcD; Di # _ 4• --4.044• 48.0 40ox1o° n(7.891/12) rr (7.891/12) •x 0.0095 x • 2.419 f =0.3673 -- 0.3673 R -02314 0.3673 = 0.3673 (4.044 (4.044 • 10°) 106) -0.2314 -02314 2 ~ 0.0109 Ree -02314 f 48, 000 48,000 2 G - in/A~ow IA 138. 165 165 Ibr G = - (7r/4) (7.981/12) 2 l3, = 138, lbm/h/h 9ft 2 in/Anoe 165)m/I·ft (j4(7.981/f2? Pwater = S -= p/ P/Pwater -- 2.76/62.43 2 . 7 6 / 6 2 . 4 3= - 0.0442 f f LG L G2 I::!,. P1------A P f -- 7.50 7 . 5 0 • 10\ 1012 Ds¢ Dis r - 0.0109 x• 122(138, 165)° 165) 2 7 . 5 0 x 1012(7.981/12) 1 0 1 2 ( 7 . 9 8 1 / 1 2 ) 0.0442 • 0 . 0 4 4 2 • 1.0 7.50 A Pf 2 ~ 0.115 psi AP, The calculations for the 6-in. line are similar, but the flow rate is halved: The 44 •X 24,000 24, 000 Re - = 2 . 6 3 1 • 1066 Re = ~(6065/12) :r(6.065/12) •x 0.0095 0.0095 • 2Jig 2.419 2.631 x 10 f =0.3673(2.631 - 0.3673(2.631 x 10°)-02314 106) -~ = 0.012 0.012 f GG=, 24,000 24, 000 = 119, 625 lbm/h 9ft 22 , 55/1252 =119,625lbm/h·ft /4)(6065 (:if4) (6.065/12) 625) 2 0.012 xX 38.2(119, 625)° 7.50 • 10\2(6.065/12) 1012(6.065/12) x 0.0442 X• 1.0 1.0 P -----:-=---------l: !,.1 APf - A P f 0.0392 ~ 0.0392 psi AP; The total friction loss in the return The return lines is thus: = = APreturn 0.115 + + 0.0392 ~ 0.154 psi APen - 0.115 (v) Total pressure pressure loss The the sum of the individual losses calculated above: The total pressure pressure loss is the /k etota 1= - AP.ante A Pstatic + A Preboiler + -Jr- AP'rat A Pfeed + + AP,eur A Preturn APoat + AP%eotar = 0.191 + + 0.2 + + 0.226 + + 0.154 = APa = Aetotal -- 0.770psi 0.770 psi Since this value is less than the available pressure 775 psi, the piping configurapressure drop of 1. 1.775 tion is acceptable. In actual operation, the liquid level in the column sump will self-adjust to satisfy the pressure pressure balance. Tube-side pressure (s) Tube-side pressure drop. The pressure pressure drop for condensing condensing steam is usually small due to the low flow rate compared The with sensible heating media. For completeness, however, the pressure pressure drop is estimated here. pressure drop in the straight sections of tubing can For a condensing condensing vapor, the two-phase pressure be approximated by half the pressure pressure drop calculated at the inlet conditions (saturated steam REBOILERS R EBOILERS 10/465 10 / 465 from at 20 psia, vapor ffraction= psia, vapor obtained from The requisite requisite physical properties steam are are obtained properties of steam at r a c t i o n - 1.0). The Tables A.8 and A.9: and A.9" Tables = p - 1/20.087 1/20.087 -= 0.0498 lbm/ft3 0.0498 lbm/ft 0.0498/62.43 -= 00.000797 SS -= - Pp/ / PPwater w a t e r -= - 0.0498/62.43 .000797 #f.L -= 0.012 cp m -- 5645 llbm/h rh bm/h (from step step (b)) (b)) (from hhper tube -= 5645(2/212) -= 53.251bm/h 53.25lbm/h I:Ylpertube - m (mi(/n,) np/nt) -= 5645(2/212) c_ 53.25 53.25 G - "per»be b l p e r tube _ fir/a) G/9) D D?}2 (:r/4) (/4) (0.834/12) 0.834/12?2 A?2 14.037lbm/h. == 14, 037 l b m / h 9ft ' ' Di G (0.834/12) 14,037 (0.834/12) •14,037 _PG = =_33,608 33,608 RR% e - 0.012 •X 2.419 2.419 0.012 # using Equation friction factor calculated using is calculated (5.2): The friction factor is Equation (5.2)" The 02585 ff -=0.4137 0.4137 RRe-02585 e -~ =_ 0.4137 (33,608) 608) -o.2585 0.4137(33, 0.0280 fI= - 0.0280 on the calculated by pressure drop is calculated drop is incorporating aa factor side of factor of the right 1/2 on of 1/2 The pressure of by incorporating right side The Equation (5.1)" (5.D): Equation 11 n/a LC2 11E e5[, Ds¢ ]-j, se A P f f?2 ~ -~ 7.50 • 1012D i s ck 75010 - -2 2 o0280x2x13 14037 2 1j ore.am; 7.50 (0.834/12) •0.000797 0.000797 • 1.0 7.50 • 1012 10 (0.834/12) 1.0 psi = 0.173 0.173 psi AAP; Pf ~ the return the pressure can be in the neglected. approximation, the return bends bends can of approximation, degree of this degree be neglected. To this drop in pressure drop To the nozzles will be calculated to pressure drop Based on sizing. Based check the nozzles will on the nozzle However, the in the the pressure be calculated to check drop in nozzle sizing. However, schedule 40 Table 10.3, selected for steam and 10.3, 66 and respectively. and 3-in. are selected and condensate, 40 nozzles nozzles are condensate, respectively. for steam 3-in. schedule Table nozzle we the steam For the steam nozzle we have: have: For rh i _ G, = Gn " (:r/4)D (j4)p?2 - 5645 5645 2 28, 137 l b m / h 9ft 2 (/(6.065/12» (rr/4) (6.065/12) 2 =28, 1371bm/h ·ft = Di Gn (6.065/12) 28, 137 137 _ 489,903 (6.065/12) •28, _PG = 489, 903 RRe, en - # 2.419 0.012 •X 2.419 0.012 ' for the the inlet nozzle loss. turbulent, allow loss. From head for flow isis turbulent, the flow inlet nozzle velocity head From Equation Since the allow 11 velocity Equation Since (4.11), we obtain: we obtain: (4.11), 1.334 • 10 10-13(28, (28, 137) 137)°2 _1,334 =1.334 10-?, P, Aen,steam1.334 •x 10 -13 G 21,/s /s- = 44n,steam =t.. 0.000797 0.000797 = 0.133 0.133 psi psi AA%,stea Pn,steam -- 10/466 10 / 466 RREBOILES EBOILERS Forthe thecondensate condensateatat20 20psia, psia,the thephysical physicalproperties propertiesare areobtained obtainedfrom fromTables TablesA.8 A.8and andA.9. A.9. For 59.40lbm/ft ppo -=1/0.016834 1/0.016834 -= 59.40 lbm/ft 3 p/ Pwater --= 59.40/62.4359.40/62.43 = 0.9515 0.9515 SS- = P/Pwater 0.255cp #µ, -= 0.255 cp Gn = in rh @j0p? (Jr/4)D~ 5645 5645 .2 == 109,958 lbm/h 9ft 2 109, 958 1bm/h·ft (/4(3.06871: 0r/4) (3.068/12) 2 Di Gn (3.068/12) 109,958 _ (3068/12) •109,958 Re, =_PG, 45,575 Ren = = 45, 575 0.255 •X 2.419 2.419 /z 0.255 Since the the flow flowisis turbulent, turbulent, allow allow 0.5 0.5velocity velocityhead head for forthe theloss lossinin the the exit exitnozzle: nozzle: Since 0.5 x 1.334 x 10-13(109, 958) 2 _0.51.334 10 -(109,958 _0.00085i P, == 0.00085 psi 4in,condensate =• ·psi APn,condensate 0.9515 0.9515 The total total tube-side tube-side pressure pressure drop drop isis estimated estimated as: as: The AF%steam ++ APn,condensate AF%,condensate AAP; P i ~£: AAP; P f ++ ~ken,steam = AP; -= 0.173 0.173 ++ 0.133 0.133 ++ 0.00085 0.00085 ~ 0.3 0.3psi psi APi The pressure pressure drop drop isis small, small, as as itit should should be be for for condensing condensing steam. steam. Therefore, Therefore, the the tubing tubing and and The nozzle configurations configurations are are acceptable. acceptable. nozzle The final final design design parameters parameters are are summarized summarized below. below. The Design summary summary Design Shell type: type: BKU BKU Shell Shell ID: ID: 23.25 23.25 in./37 in./37 in. in. Shell Shell length: length: approximately approximately 17 17 ftft Shell Length beyond weir: 3 ft Length beyond weir: 3 ft Weir height: height: approximately approximately 23 23 in. in. Weir Tube bundle: bundle: 212 212 tubes tubes (106 (106 U-tubes), U-tubes), 11 in. in. OD, OD, 14 14 BWG, BWG, 13 13ft long on on 1.25 l.25in. square pitch pitch Tube ft long in. square Baffles: none none Baffles: Support plates: plates: 3 (One (One less less plate plate isis used used due due to to the the reduced reduced tube tube length.) length.) Support Shell-side nozzles: nozzles: two two 5-in. schedule schedule 40 40 inlet, inlet, two two 6-in. schedule schedule 40 40 vapor vapor outlet, outlet, one one 4-in. 4-in. schedule schedule Shell-side 40 liquid outlet 40 liquid outlet Tube-side nozzles: nozzles: 6-in. schedule schedule 40 40 inlet, inlet, 3-in. schedule schedule 40 40 outlet outlet Tube-side Feed lines: lines: 6-in. schedule schedule 40 40 from from column column to to inlet inlet tee, tee, 5-in. schedule schedule 40 40 from from tee tee to to reboiler reboiler Feed Return lines: lines: 6-in. schedule schedule 40 40 from from reboiler reboiler to to outlet outlet tee, tee, 8-in. 8-in. schedule schedule 40 40 from from tee tee to to column column Return Materials: plain carbon carbon steel steel throughout throughout Materials: Note: The The wall thickness thickness of shell-side shell-side nozzles nozzles is is subject subject to to revision revision pending pending results results of of mechanical mechanical Note: design calculations. calculations. See See Example Example 10.7 10. 7 for for the the latter. latter. design REBOILERS R EBOILERS 10/467 10/467 10.4 Design of Horizontal Thermosyphon Reboilers strategy 10.4.1 Design 10.4.1 Design strategy that in a kettle horizontal thermosyphon reboiler is similar to that The boiling-side circulation in a horizontal kettle thermosyphon reboiler The horizontal used. With G- and H-shells, the reboiler, particularly when the horizontal when a cross-flow shell (X-shell) is used. reboiler, the overall flow pattern more a mixture components, so the mixture of impart additional axial flow components, baffle(s) impart pattern is more baffle(s) flow. The cross flow and axial flow. results in a The higher rate typical of thermosyphons higher circulation rate thermosyphons also results cross higher drop relative to kettles, as as well as and pressure as a higher pressure drop higher shell-side heat-transfer heat-transfer coefficient and higher mean temperature better mixing in the temperature difference difference due due to better the shell. mean approximate computational scheme to differences notwithstanding, The above differences an approximate scheme similar to notwithstanding, an The Notice from that used be applied to horizontal horizontal thermosyphon thermosyphon units. Notice reboilers can be used for kettle reboilers from that the bundle and bundle convection depends only on bundle geometry geometry and on the convection factor, Fb, the bundle that the F, depends Equation (9.20) that this degree heat-transfer independent of the the circulation rate. degree of approximation, rate. Therefore, approximation, the the heat-transfer Therefore, to this is independent rate, and are decoupled. independent of circulation coefficient is independent the heat transfer and decoupled. circulation rate, and hydraulics heat transfer hydraulics are and the coefficient units. for thermosyphon this approximation thermosyphon units. approximation is conservative conservative for Clearly, this the two-phase the difficulty of calculating drop in a horizontal tube bundle two-phase pressure horizontal tube pressure drop Due to the calculating the bundle with Due position, it is not not practical to calculate area that that varies calculate the drop in in pressure drop vertical position, varies with vertical the pressure a flow area reboiler within an approximate method suitable horizontal thermosyphon framework of an for within the the framework suitable for thermosyphon reboiler approximate method a horizontal alternative, an an average can be psi can As an expedient estimate average value hand calculations. expedient alternative, of 0.35 psi to estimate be used value of used to calculations. As hand acceleration losses the sum the reboiler. the friction and reboiler. losses in the and acceleration sum of the the to difference in aa horizontal mean temperature temperature difference higher mean relative to To account for the thermosyphon relative account for horizontal thermosyphon the higher To Palen [1] co-current LMTD conservative approximation (1) recommends using aa co-current kettle reboiler, as aa conservative LMTD as approximation a kettle reboiler, Palen recommends using as if the is calculated mean driving shell-side and tube-side fluids force. That the mean calculated as the LMTD for the and tube-side the shell-side That is, the LMTD is driving force. fluids for flowing co-currently. were flowing were With the hydraulic calculations calculations can, principle, hydraulics decoupled, can, in heat transfer decoupled, the in principle, the heat the hydraulic and hydraulics transfer and With that used similar to In the kettle reboiler to that reboiler in used for the in Example Example 10.2. In performed in aa manner manner similar for the be performed the kettle be in the case, however, considerably more more difficult. the return thermosyphon case, the calculations The fluid return fluid in calculations are however, the difficult. The are considerably thermosyphon mixture, so from the re boiler is the reboiler required. Also, two-phase flow calculations in so two-phase line from is a vapor-liquid are required. vapor-liquid mixture, Also, in calculations are line rate is by aa balance unit the determined by circulation rate the available balance between static head between the the circulation recirculating unit head available static is determined a recirculating sump and and the Therefore, lines, and in the and reboiler. the feed of liquid in the column sump feed lines, re boiler. Therefore, the losses losses in return lines, the column lines, return of be attained closure of of the reasonable accuracy. must be balance must within reasonable pressure balance accuracy. Furthermore, to within Furthermore, the the attained to the pressure closure fraction, which vapor fraction, turn depends the vapor in turn the the return depends on on the drop in the lines depends pressure drop depends on on the which in return lines pressure The upshot the connecting is required connecting lines circulation rate. procedure is iterative procedure upshot is an iterative size the required to lines rate. The that an is that to size circulation the circulation fraction. circulation rate rate and determine the vapor fraction. and vapor and determine and computational methods, discussed in More rigorous implementation, are for computer are discussed in methods, suitable rigorous computational computer implementation, suitable for More (11,12). Refs. [11,121. Refs. 10.4.2 D 10.4.2 e s i g n gguidelines uidelines Design given in 10.3 for Section 10.3 nozzles given in Section The recommendations of nozzles factors and recommendations for fouling factors and number for fouling kettle for kettle number of The applicable to are the given for thermosyphon reboilers, horizontal thermosyphon also applicable for reboilers, as are also to horizontal as are reboilers are the guidelines guidelines given reboilers and the medium. The heating medium. bundle and the shell the heating between the steam as top ofthe as the tube bundle ismuch clearance between the top The clearance shell is much of the tube steam vapor-liquid disengagement less than disengagement is not required is not since vapor-liquid than in kettle reboilers, in kettle required in in aa thermosyphon reboilers, since thermosyphon less to approximately clearance cross-sectional rule of make the is to cross-sectional area area equal unit. One the clearance thumb is half of thumb to make One rule equal to approximately half unit. area [13]. (13]. flow area the outlet outlet nozzle nozzle flow the because the baffles in TEMA Gthe horizontal and H-shells are preferred boiling mixtures preferred for H-shells are for wide mixtures because wide boiling G- and in horizontal baffles TEMA ofthe lighter components. these units reduce flashing to reduce liquid enriched Flashing leaves the lighter components. Flashing leaves the flashing of the liquid enriched in in help to units help these rate which reduces and, hence, the rate higher boiling the higher the temperature temperature driving hence, the reduces the force and, boiling components, components, which driving force the these units transfer. The of heat length of in these of the The total two-thirds of total length the horizontal units isis about baffle(s) horizontal baffle about two-thirds the heat transfer. of the of (s) in length. shell length. shell the velocity the two-phase ofthe to prevent order to unstable operation In order mixture velocity of system, the re boiler system, operation of the reboiler ofthe prevent unstable two-phase mixture In line should value [14]: following value should not exceed the the following the return return line not exceed in the [ 14]: in 0.5 = (4000 (4000//Ptp) pa)"° Vmax V»a - (10.4) (10.4) 10/468 10 / 468 RREBOILERS EBOILERS where where Va = maximum maximum velocity velocity (if/s) (ft/s) Vmax density of oftwo-phase two-phase mixture mixture 0bm/ft (lbm/ft) p = density Ptp3) : A complete complete design design problem problem will will not not be be worked worked here here due due to to the the lengthiness lengthiness of of the the calculations. calculations. A However, the the following following example example illustrates illustrates the the thermal thermal analysis analysis of of aa horizontal horizontal thermosyphon thermosyphon However, reboiler. reboiler. Example 10.3 10.3 Example A reboiler reboiler for for aa revamped revamped distillation distillation column column in in aa refinery refinery must must supply supply 60,000 60,000lb/h ofvapor vapor consistconsistA lb/h of ing of of aa petroleum petroleum fraction. fraction. The The stream stream from from the the column column sump sump will will enter enter the the reboiler reboiler as as aa (nearly) (nearly) ing saturated liquid liquid at at 35 35 psia. psia. The The dew-point dew-point temperature temperature of of this this stream stream is is 321~ 321 °Fat 35 psia, psia, and and approxapproxsaturated at 35 imately 20% 20% by by weight weight will will be be vaporized vaporized in in the the reboiler. reboiler. The The properties properties of of the the reboiler re boiler feed feed and and the the imately vapor and and liquid liquid fractions fractions of of the the return return stream stream are are given given in in the the following following table: table: vapor Property Property Reboiler Reboiler feed Liquid Liquid return return Vapor Vapor return return (P TT (o F) H (Btu/lbm) (Btu/lbm) H C» (Btu/lbm. (Btu/lbm.·F) Cp ~ (Btu/h·ft.·F) k (Btu/h. ft. oF) #u (cp) (lbm/ft) p 0bm/ft 3) ao (dyne/cm) P,, (psia) Ppc 289 136.6 136.6 0.601 0.055 0.179 39.06 11.6 406.5 298.6 298.6 142.1 0.606 0.054 0.054 0.177 38.94 11.4 11.4 - 298.6 265.9 0.494 0.494 0.014 0.014 0.00885 0.4787 - Heat will be be supplied by a Therminol Therminol® synthetic liquid liquid organic organic heat-transfer heat-transfer fluid with a temperature temperature supplied by Heat | synthetic 420-380F. The The allowable pressure pressure drop drop is 10 psi. Average Average properties properties of the the Therminol Therminol® range of 420-380~ range | are given in the the table table below: are Property Thermino1 T,~. = 400~ 400F Therminol | at Tare C» (Btu/lbm (Btu/lbm.·F) Cp 9~ (Btu/h·ft.·F) k (Btu/h. ft. ~ u (cp) s Pr 0.534 0.0613 0.84 0.882 17.70 : A used used horizontal horizontal thermosyphon thermosyphon reboiler reboiler consisting of a 23.25-in. 23.25-in. ID TEMA TEMA X-shell with 145 Utubes (tube count count of 290) is available at the plant plant site. The The tubes tubes are are 3/4-in. ¾-in. OD, 14 BWG, 16 16ft tubes ft long 1.0-in. square the bundle, bundle, which is configured for two passes, passes, has has a diameter diameter of square pitch, and the on a 1.0-in. Tube-side nozzles consist of 6-in. 6-in. schedule schedule 40 pipe. Material Material of construction construction is approximately 20 in. Tube-side throughout. Will the reboiler reboiler be suitable for this service? plain carbon steel throughout. REBOILERS R EBOILERS 10/469 10/469 Solution Solution Energy balances. balances. (a) Energy the boiling The energy fluid is: energy balance balance for the boiling fluid The q - fnvHv + m L H L - I;tIFHF The feed rate to to the reboiler is liquid return and the 60,000/0.20 = 300,000 lbm/h, return rate is 60,000/0.20-300,000 lbm/h, and is the reboiler rate is the liquid feed rate The 000 -= 240,000 240,000 lbm/h. Therefore, lbm/h. Therefore, 3O0,OOO ---60, 300,000 60, 000 240,000 xX 142.1 136.6 00O xX 136.6 60,000 142.1 -- 300, 300, 000 265.9 ++ 240,000 q -= 60, 000 xX 265.9 Btu/h 000 B q =- 9, 078, 000 tu/h energy balance the Therminol The energy balance for Therminol® for the The | is: qq- = ((CpT)m inCpAT)Th 9,O78, 38O) = inTh O.534(42O ---- 380) OOO -min, x 0.534(420 9, 078, 000 OOO llbm/h 425, 000 min, --= 425, inTh bm/h difference. temperature difference. Mean temperature (b) Mean co-current: The effective were co-current: computed as effective mean difference isis computed mean temperature temperature difference as ifif the the flow flow were The ! 289°F A T - 131~ [ 289~ AT = 131F / 420~ 420F ~ ( ,.,., ) «T A'mean rT m e a n ~= ( A Tln) co-current - i)co-current I > 298.6°F ] 298"6~ > 380F 380~ 131 81.4 131 --81.4 j(131/814j In (131/81.4) ! AT A T - =81.4°F 81.4~ 10 4. 20F = 104.2~ (c) Heat-transfer Heat-transfer area. area. (c) 29O xx 7r n xx (0.75/12) 911f? (0.75/12) x 16 16 -= 911 AA -= nnub,L t r c D o L -= 290 ft 2 overall coefficient. (d) Required Required overall coefficient. (d) qq 9,078,000 9, 078, 000 0 /T ==96Btu/hf·'F 96 B t u / h . ft 2 9 ~ Ur ~req - - AAT% A r m e a n9I11O45 911 x 104.2 2 coefficient, hi. Inside coefficient, ht. (e) Inside (e) D, -=- 0.584 O.584in. Di in. ~h(np/nt) h(»lo) c_ m G (/4)D} (rr/4)D~ = 425, 000(2/290) =_1.575. 425, 000(2/290) //h 1,575, 679 679 l1bm bm h 9. ftf? 2 (/4)(0.584/12? (rr/4) (0.584/12) 2 "?' (0.584/12) x 1,575, 679 _g7 1,575,679 _(0.584/12) 738 = 37, 738 37,7 O842419 0.84 x 2.419 D,C, RReee - D I G / #l = B.1) (Table B.1) (Table = = 10/470 10 / 470 RREBOILERS EBOI LERS Since the the flow flow isis turbulent, turbulent, Equation Equation (4.1) (4.1) isis used used to to calculate calculate hi: h;: Since .023Re~ 1/3 (/.t//.tw) 0"14 -0.023(37, 738) 0.8 (17.70) 1/3 (1.0) = O0.023RP»V(/a)"" 0.023(37, 738)(17.70)/(1.0) NNu u - = 274.9 274.9 NNu u - = h, = ((/D,)NM, hi k/Di)Nu- au i 0.0613 xx 274.9 _0.0613 274. =_346Btu/h.f? 346 B t u / h . if2. .F oF (0.584/12) (0.584/12) (f) Outside Outside coefficient, coefficient, ho h, == hb. h. if) () Nucleate Nucleate boiling boiling coefficient coefficient (i) The pseudo-reduced pseudo-reduced pressure pressure isis used used in in place place of of the the reduced reduced pressure: pressure: The P, = P/P,, 0.0861 P p r - - P / P p c -=35/406.5 35/406.5 -= 0.0861 Since this this value value isis less less than than 0.2, 0.2, Equation Equation (9.5) (9.5) isis used used to to calculate calculate the the pressure pressure correction correction Since factor in in the the Mostinski Mostinski correlation: correlation: factor 2.1P ~ + [9 + ( 1 - P r 2 ) 'IP? -llPr 2 =21P4[9+(-P?) FF» p - [9+ (0.0861)1-'} 0.27 ++ [9 + [[11 -- (0.0861)2] -1 } (0.0861) = 2.1(0.0861) 2.1(0.0861)" (0.08612 FF» p - =1.1573 1.1573 The required required duty duty is is used used to to obtain obtain an an initial initial estimate estimate of of the the heat heat flux: flux: The @ -=q/A 9965 Btu/h. Btu/h.ft q / A -=9,078,000/911 9,078, 000/911 -= 9965 ft 2 The boiling boiling range range is is calculated calculated from from the the given given data data and and used used to to compute compute the the mixture mixture The correction factor factor using using Equation Equation (9.17a)" (9.17a): correction = TD Tn --Th = 32~ 32F T B -=321 - 3 2 1 --289 289 -- BBR R - Fm = (1+0.0176a01BR075)-1 (1 + 0.0176 q~176 F%= == [1 ++0.0176(9965)5(32)0750.0176(9965)~176 -1 = 0.5149 0.5149 FF%» m - The nucleate nucleate boiling boiling coefficient coefficient is obtained obtained by by substituting substituting the the above above values values into into the the The Mostinski correlation, correlation, Equation Equation (9.2a)" (9.2a): Mosfinski 069 07 = == 0.00622(406.5)0"69(9965) 1.1573 x0.5149 0.5149 0.00622(406.5)0(9965)0.7 x1.1573 147Btu/h.f?.·F h)= hna - 147 Btu/h 9ft 2. ~ h,a - 0.00622P92F,F%» hna 0.00622P'c q" F p F m (ii) Bundle Bundle boiling boiling coefficient, coefficient, hb h, (ii) The correction correction factor factor for for bundle bundle convective convective effects effects is calculated calculated using using Equation Equation (9.20)" (9.20): The 1.0]0.75 _ 1.0] 0.75 0.785Db F= 1.0 + 0.1 [ C1 ( P 0.785Db T/Do) 2 x Do Fb - - 1.0 + 0.1 C(Pr/D? D% 1.0]0.75 _- 1.0] 0.75 0.785 0.785 xX 20 20 = 1.0 0.1 [ +'10(10/0.75)? = 1.0 + 0.1 1.0(1.0/0.75)2 x075 0.75 FF,b -= 1.5947 REBOILERS REBOILERS 10 / 471 10/471 rough approximation of 44 Btu/h Btu/h. • ft ft22 •9°~Fis is adequate for the natural convection coefA rough ficient, hnc, hnc, because temperature difference is large. The boiling coefficient for the because the temperature bundle is given by Equation (9.19): bundle (9.19)" h» h b -= h,F hnbFb + + hp h n c= - 147 x• 1.5947 + + 44 hb = -- 278Btu/h 278 Btu/h. .f ft?2 ·F .~ = - h,, ho h,, (g) Fouling factors. Based on the guidelines in Table 10.2, the fouling factors are chosen as follows: RDi 0.0005 h . ft 2. ·F/Btu ~ Rpt = 0.0005h.ft. (organic liquid heating medium) RDo -- 0.001 h. ft 2-. PF/Btu ~ Rp, =0.001h.ft? (heavier normal hydrocarbon) - - (h) Overall coefficient. ]-I Doln 11 RDiDo Do In (Do/Di) RDi Do R ]-1 [E Do UD) ll )o UD -- h, hi Di 2ktube + ~h,, -~ D Di hF RDo D, + 2ke I _l = [I - ]-1 0.75 1 1 0.0005 Xx 0.75 (0.584/12) In (0.75/0.584) _ 0 OOl]-l 0.584 2 Xx 26 ++ 2-~ 278 + 0.584 ++ 0.001 . 346 Xx 0.584 + + + = UD ~ 109Btu/h 109 Btu/h .9fft?2 ·F .~F U» (i) Check heat () heat flux. - U Up AT%, ATm = --109 109 x 104.2 1 0 4 . 2= - 11,358 Btu/h.ft? Btu/h. ft 2 @= This 14% higher higher than the initial estimate of the heat flux. Therefore, several This value is about 14% more iterations were performed performed to obtain the following converged values: h,, 04 Btu/h hb 3 ~ 304 Btu/h. .f? ft 2.."F ~ UD = ~ 113Btu/h.f? 113 Btu/h. ft 2-.·F ~ U = 9ft 2 @ ~ 11,730 Btu/h Btu/h.f? (j) Critical heat flux. The critical heat heat flux for a single tube is calculated using Equation (9.23a): The (9.23a)" qc = - 803P,P( 803 Pc pO.35(1 - P,)9 Pr)0.9 @. = 803 x 406.5(0.0861)0(1 406.5(0.0861) 0.35(1 --0.0861) - 0.0861) 0.9 = 127, 596 Btu/h.f? Btu/h 9ft 2 ~,qc =- 127,596 The The bundle bundle geometry geometry factor is given by: D, Db ~b-- ~D, » ntDo 20 = 0.09195 20007¢ 290 x 0.75 = 0.09195 10/472 10 / 472 RREBOILERS E B O I LERS Since this this value value isis less less than than 0.323, 0.323, the the bundle bundle correction correction factor factor is: is: Since =3. 0.09195 -= 0.285 0.285 3.11 ~ b -=3.1 - 3.1 xx 0.09195 C¢% b : The critical critical heat heat flux flux for for the the bundle bundle isis given given by by Equation Equation (9.24)" (9.24): The @e,one --= qc,tube 127, 596 596 •x 0.285 0.285 @e.nae dPbd --= 127, qc,bundle 36, 365 365 Btu/h Btu/h.ft? @e»one --= 36, qc,bundle 9ft 2 The ratio ratio of of the the actual actual heat heat flux flux to to the the critical critical heat heat flux flux is: is: The = @/@nae -=- 11,730/36, 11, 730/36, 365 365 ~ 0.32 0.32 q/qc,bundle Since the the ratio ratio isis less less than than 0.7 0.7 and and UD Up >> Ureq, the reboiler reboiler isis thermally thermally acceptable. acceptable. Una, the Since (k) Tube-side Tube-side pressure pressure drop. drop. (k) (i) Friction Friction loss loss (i) The calculation calculation uses uses Equation Equation (5.2) (5.2) for for the the friction friction factor factor and and Equation Equation (5.1) (5.1) for for the the The pressure drop: drop: pressure 0.4137 (37, 0.0271 (37, 738) 738)-0.2585 ff -=0.4137R% 0.4137 Re -~0.2585 =_ 0.4137 -0.2585 =_ 0.0271 ffn,L np L G G2 AP, 7.50 x lO12Di s dpi APf- 7.50 10\D,s¢ 0.0271 2 • 16(1,575,679) 0.0271 xx2 160,575, 679)°2 7.5 0.882 xx 1.0 10\2(0.584/12) xx 0.882 7.5 x 1012(0.584/12) 6.69psi AP; -= 6.69 APf psi Minor losses losses (ii) Minor From Table Table 5.1, the the number number of of velocity velocity heads heads allocated allocated for for minor minor losses losses with with turbulent turbulent From flow in in U-tubes U-tubes is: flow = 1.6 np --1.5 1 . 5 -=1.6x2-1.5 1.6 • 2 - 1 . 5 -=1.7 1.7 1.6n o, : Olr Substituting in Equation Equation (5.3) yields: yields: Substituting ',G/s = 1.334 xx 1010-- 1 3 x 1.7(1,575, 1.7(1,575, 679)2/0.882 679)/0.882 lO-13olrG2/s- AP, == 1.334 1.334 APr • 10 AP, == 0.64 0.64 psi psi APr (iii) Nozzle Nozzle losses losses For 6in. 6-in. schedule schedule 40 40 nozzles nozzles we we have: have: For G, _ Gn = rh " "(/9)D} (z~/4)D~ 425,000 _425,000 118,361 1bm/hf? =2, 2,118, 361 lbm/h 9f t 2 (/4) (6.065/12)?2 " " (~r/4) (6.065/12) Di Gn (6.065/12) 2,118, 361 _ 526.907 (6.065/12) x2,118,361 _DC Ren = = 526, 907 Re,, = # 0842419 0.84 x 2.419 Since the the flow is turbulent, turbulent, Equation Equation (5.4) is used used to to estimate estimate the the pressure pressure drop: drop: Since -N,G;/s APn x 10-13Ns G 2 / s -=2.0x 2.0 • 10 -13 x1(2, 1(2,118,361)2/0.882 AP, -= 2.0 2.0x10 10118,361)/0.882 AP, -= 1.02 1.02psi APn psi REBOILERS R EBOILERS 10/473 10 / 473 (iv) Total pressure pressure drop (iv) AP AP, -= 6.69 ++0.64 = A + APn + AAP + 1.02 AP; A P i -Pf + Pr + 0.64 + AP A P i ~2 8.4 psi the pressure Since the the reboiler reboiler is hydraulically pressure drop is within the specified limit of 10 psi, the acceptable. the reboiler reboiler is thermally this service. thermally and hydraulically suitable for this In summary, the 10.5 Design of Vertical Thermosyphon Reboilers 10.5.1 Introduction Introduction 10.5.1 procedure developed reboilers is presented presented thermosyphon reboilers developed by Fair [10] for design of vertical The procedure vertical thermosyphon The has been reboiler design, and method has incorporates industrial reboiler been widely used and it incorporates this section. This used for industrial This method in this the design calculation. Newer amenable to hand that help make design problem some simplifications problem more make the more amenable hand calculation. Newer simplifications that some by Fair boiling are used in place Fair [10], of those convective boiling and convective correlations for two-phase place of are used those given by two-phase flow and [ 10], correlations design strategy is the but the the basic basic design same. the same. but the reboiler Point A is at re boiler system. the liquid liquid the surface Figure 10.8 shows system. Point configuration of the shows the at the surface of the the configuration Figure respectively. Boiling are at the tubesheets, respectively. inlet and outlet Boiling Points B and the inlet and D the column sump. Points D are outlet tubesheets, in the sensible heat Band occurs. at point transfer occurs. begins at point C; between heat transfer points B assumed that between points that only sensible begins and C, it is assumed heating zone for the zone is that sensible heating the reboiler The reason enters the liquid generally that the the sensible generally enters the liquid reason for reboiler subcooled subcooled The inlet line. static head sump and line. heat losses the inlet in the head in losses in the the column the static due to the and heat extent due some extent column sump to some • Column Column ; A Liquid Liquid TT l D ------ f A Reboiler Reboiler l co LAC Ac (Boiling) LCD (Boiling) C ···········•·········· B .. ,q (Sensibl e heating) heating) LBC lBc (Sensible 1 reboiler system. vertical thermosyphon Figure 10.8 10.8 Configuration of vertical system. thermosyphon reboiler Configuration of Figure 10 // 474 474 10 RREBOILERS EBOILERS 10.5.2 Pressure Pressure balance balance 10.5.2 With reference reference to to Figure Figure 10.8, 10.8, the the system system pressure pressure balance balance can can be be stated stated as as follows: follows: With (PB- Pz) + (Pc- P,) + (PD- PC) + (PA- PD) --0 (10.5) (10.5) The first first pressure pressure difference, difference, PB Pg --PA, consists of of the the static static liquid liquid head head minus minus the the friction friction loss loss in in The PA, consists the inlet inlet line. line. Expressing Expressing the the pressure pressure difference difference in in units units of of psi psi and and setting setting the the viscosity viscosity correction correction the factor to to unity unity in in Equation Equation (4.5), (4.5), we we have: have: factor PB _ PA -- PL (g/gc) (ZA - ZB) _ fin Lin G 2. zn 144 7.50 x 1012DinSL (10.6) (10.6) Here, ZA z4 and and zB z are are the the elevations elevations at at points points A A and and B, B, respectively, respectively, and and the the subscript subscript "in" "in" refers refers to to Here, the inlet inlet line line to to the the reboiler. reboiler. Also, Also, Lin La» isis an an equivalent equivalent length length that that accounts accounts for for entrance, entrance, exit, exit, and and the fitting losses. losses. fitting A similar similar result result holds holds for for the the second second term, term, Pc Pc --Ps, the tube tube entrance entrance loss loss is is neglected: neglected: A PB, ifif the Gf Pc PB -- - PPL(glg)Lpc L (g/gc)LBc __ ftfgc LBC G2t Pe --P, 144 7.50 10D,s; 144 7.50 x IO12DtSL (10.7) (10.7) The subscript subscript "t" "t" in in this this equation equation refers refers to to the the reboiler reboiler tubes. tubes. The The pressure pressure difference, difference, PPp Pc, across across the the boiling boiling zone zone includes includes an an acceleration acceleration loss loss term term in in The D --- Pc, addition to to the the static static head head and and friction friction loss loss terms: terms: addition D AAP,cD AP%cc PPp D --Pe P c - =-AP.aec -APstatic,CDP f , c D -- APacc,CD (10.8) (10.8) The pressure pressure difference difference due due to to the the static static head head of fluid fluid is is obtained obtained by by integrating integrating the the two-phase two-phase The over the the boiling boiling zone, zone, but but the the integral integral can can be be approximated approximated using using an an appropriate appropriate average average density over density density: density: 2p zD f f).Pstatic,CD = (g/144gc) (g /144gc) f ptp Ptp dz dz ~=(g /144gc)PtpLCD APstatic,C D -(g/144gc)-fitpLcD ¢ zc (10.9) Fair [10] recommends recommends calculating calculating the the average average density, density, Ptp, vapor weight weight fraction fraction equal equal to Fair Ptp, at a vapor one-third the the value value at at the the reboiler reboiler exit. one-third The friction friction loss loss is obtained obtained by integrating integrating the the two-phase two-phase pressure pressure gradient gradient over over the the boiling boiling zone, zone, The but it, too, too, can can be be approximated, approximated, in this this case case using using an an average average two-phase two-phase multiplier: multiplier: but ZD p AP.co= I 2-2 2 df(AP/Dod fLcoGio 75 10Ds; 7.5 x IO12DtSL (10.10) ¢ gc d, --2 recommends calculating calculating CLO at a vapor vapor weight weight fraction fraction equal equal to two-thirds two-thirds the the value at the the Fair [[10] 10] recommends reboiler exit. reboiler The pressure change due due to acceleration acceleration of the the fluid resulting resulting from vapor vapor formation formation is given by pressure change The the following equation equation [10]" [10]: the G G G Gt2y = Gt2Y : Gt2Y Aeecp =- -..=..=12 APacc,CD 144gcPwaterSL 3.75 x 1012SL · = 144gcPL 144goL 144gPwaterSL 10/sL (10.11) (10.11) REBOILERS REBOILERS 10/475 10 / 475 where (1 - Xe)22 PLX22 _(-),Pi (10.12) t 1 (10.12) Veve Y - 11-£ye - gV,e PVeV,e In this equation, Xe Xe and gV,e cv,e are the vapor mass fraction and the void fraction at the reboiler exit. The Pp, includes static head, friction, and acceleration effects. Since it The pressure pressure difference, PA -- PD, is common practice (except for vacuum operation) to maintain the liquid level in the column sump near the elevation of the upper tubesheet tubesheet in the reboiler, the static head effect is neglected. The effect of the velocity change from the reboiler tubes to the return line is accounted for explicitly. Lex. The The result Other losses are lumped with the friction loss term by means of an equivalent length, La. is as follows: fexLex Gex~LO,ex 2 2 @+D PA - PD -- (G2 - G% G2x) (y + 1)1a1.G,so. P, -, 3.75 x 10ls, IO12sL 3.75 7.50 7.50 x 10\Das lO12DexSL _C- (10.13) i In this equation, the subscript "ex" designates conditions in the exit line from the reboiler. Substituting for the four pressure pressure differences in Equation (10.5) and combining terms leads to the following result: Pg!Ac -- Pg!co pLgLAc -~tpgLcD 144g% 144gc G2ex(y +1-G} + 1) - G2t G6 i finLinG~n 7.50 x 10D%s 1012DinSL 7.50 I 3.75 x 10s; 1012s L 3.75 ftLBcG2t fLpcG; 7.50 x 10\Dsr IO12DtSL 7.50 2-2 2-2 ftLcDGt CLO fL-coGio 7.50 x 10D,st lO12DtSL 7.50 fexLex GexCLO,ex 2 2 f1a€do = 0 12 DasL = 7.50 x 10lO12DexSL 7.50 (10.14) This equation provides a relationship between the circulation rate and the exit vapor fraction in the reboiler. It can be solved explicitly for the circulation rate if the dependence of the friction factors on flow rate is neglected. The solution is: i 3.210/ 3.2 x 101~ (g/gc) (pLLAc -- Pl-cv) --fitpLcD) Dsg/g2(PLAc ."2 2 5 mi=-D_ 2 1_[�(-y-+-)_(_D_ l Dex__ t_ ) __4 -n-��)-+_l_Ln ni __g_ ( �-)�-+---,( ��)-L_s_c ( _+_L_c_D_¢__ f )_+_f o e_L_ex_< x l>_L__ o ex_(_g , e_ x__ t 5) 2Dt (y+l) Dt 4 1 ~ex -n-~t +f'nLin Dt ~ 5 + ft n-T (LBc + LcDr + fexLexr (10.15) where where in; ~hi = tube-side mass flow rate (bm/h) (lbm/h) n; = number nt number of tubes in reboiler PL,-fitp oc,llbm/ft bm/ff 3 P, 7 ox Luc,L-co,Inc.In. La o LAC, LCD, LBC , Lin, Lex ~ ft D,,D»».Da Dt, Din, Dex a cx ft For SI units, change the constant in Equation (10.15) from 3.2 3x 10! 1010 to 1234. This will give mi; ~1'/i in k g / s when lengths and diameters are in m and densities are in kg/m?' k g / m 3.. Note that the factor g/ge g/gc kg/s equals 1.0 in English units and 9.81 in SI S! units. Equation (10.15) can be solved iteratively to obtain the circulation rate and exit vapor fraction. For computer implementation, the integrals appearing in Equations (9.9) (9.9) and (9.10) can be evaluated rather than using approximate average values of p by numerical integration rather PtI~and ; r o. 10.5.3 Sensible 10.5.3 S e n s i b l e hheating e a t i n g zone zone In order to calculate the circulation rate using Equation (10.15), the length, Lpc. LBC, of the sensible heating zone must be determined. Fair's (10] [10] method for estimating Lc LBC is described here. Boiling is assumed to begin when the liquid in the tubes becomes saturated; subcooled boiling is not considered, which is a conservative approach for design purposes. 10/476 REBOILERS REBOILERS In flowing from point B to C, the fluid pressure decreases due to the elevation change and friction effects. At the same time, the fluid temperature increases due to heat transfer. A linear relationship between the temperature and pressure pressure is assumed: Te (AT/D) T c --T% TB (AT~L) =- (AP/D) Pc - PB (AP/L) Pe -P (10.16) The saturation curve is linearized about point A to obtain: Ta Tsat - T, TA = (AT/AP)sat =(AT/AP)%a p, P. Psat sat - PA A (10.17) Now at point C, the fluid reaches saturation, so that Tc =Ta = Zsat and Pc = = Paa. Psat. If heat losses in the reboiler feed line are neglected, then it also follows that T4=T,g. TA = TB. With these equalities, Equations (10.16) and (10.17) can be combined to obtain the following expression for the pressure pressure at point C: pointC: P» -Pe PB -Pc Pe PB P - PA (A ( A T/AP)Na T / AP)sat =-------(AT/D) (10.18) (AT/AP)sat - (AT~L) (AT/AP)a (PL (AP/L) If friction losses are neglected, then the pressure pressure differences on the left side of this equation are proportional to elevation differences, i.e., (PB -- PC) I (P8 - PA) ~ L s c I (ZA - ZB) (10.19) Furthermore, Furthermore, if the liquid level in the column sump is kept at approximately the upper tubesheet level, then (z4 Lgc + (ZA --z3) ZB) "~LBC + Lcp LeD = -- tube length. Equation (10.18) can then be written as: = LBc LBC (AT/AP)aa (AT/AP)sat Tac+Le LBC + LeD (AT/AP)sat - {TTL (AT~L) cT/AP), «at (P/L) (AP/L) (10.20) (10.20) The The left side of this equation is the fractional tube length required for sensible heating. (AT/AP)sat, two points on the saturation curve are needed in the vicinity of In order order to evaluate (AT/AP)a, (TA, PA). If the latter point is known from column design calculations, then only one additional point (T4,P). is needed at a temperature somewhat higher higher than T4. TA. For a pure component, this simply entails calculation of the vapor pressure pressure at an appropriate temperature. For a mixture, a bubble-point pressure calculation is required. pressure The pressure The pressure gradient in the sensible heating zone is calculated as follows: - ( (AP/L) AP/L) = - 9Lg/g2) PL(g/gc) + + AP APf,Bc/L pc/L (10.21) (10.21) The friction loss term in this equation can usually be neglected. Note that friction losses were neglected in deriving Equation (10.20). The The temperature gradient in the sensible heating zone is estimated as follows: AT/L - ntJrDo UDA Tm (10.22) bIiCp,L UD and AT~ A Tm are the overall coefficient and mean driving force, respectively, for the sensible Here, Up heating zone. REBOILERS R EBOILERS 10/477 10 / 477 10.5.4 Mist flow limit 10.5.4 re boiler design heat-transfer coefficient design due drop in heat-transfer due to the mist flow regime the large drop The mist regime is avoided in reboiler The dryout. Fair [[10] the onset presented a simple empirical correlation correlation for the tube wall dryout. onset accompanies tube that accompanies that 10] presented amount of data, it was later verified correlation was based very limited amount Although the based on a very the correlation of mist flow. Although mixtures. et al. [[15] range of data for hydrocarbons, over a wide range their mixtures. hydrocarbons, alcohols, water, and their by Palen et 15] over as follows: correlation is as The correlation The 10X% G»ts =1.8 Gt,mist1.8 • 106Xtt (10.23a) (10.23a) where where Get == tube-side onset of mist tube-side mass mist flow Obm/h(lbm/h.ft?) mass flux at at onset Gt,mist ft2) parameter, Equation Equation (9.37) Lockhart--Martinelli parameter, X Xtt == Lockhart-Martinelli equation is: the corresponding terms of units, the corresponding equation of SI units, In terms G»e -=2.44 10X% Gt,mist 2.44 • 103Xtt (10.23b) the value ox kkg/s·m. by where Gt,mist tube-side mass given by kept safely value given Gs o~ be kept The tube-side below the should be mass flux flux should safely below where g / s . m 2. The This will occur, but still possible the design does not possible that that the will ensure dryout does that dryout ensure that but itit is design is still not occur, Equation (10.23). Equation (10.23). This should the low-vapor-fraction flux should heat flux flux. Hence, the critical low-vapor-fraction critical exceed the heat flux heat flux. critical heat Hence, the may exceed critical heat flux may heat and compared heat flux. compared with computed and be computed also be the design flux. with the design heat also instabilities Flow instabilities 10.5.5 Flow 10.5.5 flow in that result of instability Two-phase flow types of instability that from compressibility to several compressibility in pipes several types pipes isis subject result from subject to Two-phase thermosyphon In thermosyphon pressure-drop-versus-flow-rate relationship the shape shape of and the effects and relationship [13]. [ 13]. In of the the pressure-drop-versus-flow-rate effects characterized result in and "geysering", "chugging" and that are are characterized "geysering", conditions reboilers, flow instability can can result conditions that flowinstability in "chugging" reboilers, in the conditions occur in the the flow the slug changes in occur primarily flow pattern. slug flow and periodic changes by periodic pattern. These primarily in flow and These conditions by decelerated. These and decelerated. flow regimes These of liquid alternately accelerated slugs of large slugs liquid are accelerated and when large plug flow regimes when are alternately plug operationalproblems be prevented. column, and cause operational problemsin prevented. and hence, in the distillation column, hence, must instabilities can can cause mustbe the distillation instabilities the inlet stable as to become tendsto tubes tends pressure isis reduced. Therefore, in reboiler inletpressure flowin become more reduced. Therefore, The flow as the re boilertubes more stable The the reboiler feed line the stabilize the often placed reboiler to restriction isis often placed in to help in the or other valve or flow restriction help stabilize line to to the the feed other flow aa valve compensate for system pressure discrepancies in valve can can also in the The valve used to for discrepancies balance. be used also be the system to compensate pressure balance. flow. The flow. limitations Size limitations 10.5.6 Size 10.5.6 vertical thermosyphon reboilers are to suppreviously noted, related to supthermosyphon reboilers As previously are subject to size noted, vertical limitations related size limitations subject to As and height height considerations. portand considerations. General are that ofthree operating in General guidelines in maximum of shells operating guidelines are three shells thataa maximum port on aa single area distillation column, heat-transfer area can be supported on column, with with aa maximum total heat-transfer single distillation be supported maximum total parallel can parallel are usually approximately 25,000 of 8-16 in the of 8-20 with values 8-16ft the range usually in 8-20ft, lengths are range of Tube lengths of approximately 25,000ftft?. values of of 2. Tube ft, with ft most common. common. being most being 10.5.7 Design strategy Design strategy 10.5.7 design, calculation circulation ofthe threemain mainsteps: preliminarydesign, consistsof thecirculation steps: preliminary designprocedure ofthree calculation of Thedesign procedureconsists The rate, and drop in ofheat transfer and re boiler tubes. rate of calculation of and pressure tubes. and stepwise pressure drop heattransfer in the stepwise calculation ofthe the reboiler the rate rate, Preliminary design design Preliminary configurationfor usingan approximate theusual initialconfiguration properisisobtained thereboiler Aninitial usualmanner mannerusing forthe obtainedininthe reboilerproper anapproximate An required surface forcetotoestimate overall driving coefficientalong an overall drivingforce overallheat-transfer heat-transfercoefficient therequired surface estimate the with an alongwith overall established. For configuration of For recirculating return lines be established. recirculating and return lines must area. The of the The configuration must also also be the feed feed and area. the equivalently, the initial estimate an initial can be sized using (or equivalently, using an the recirculation be sized the lines rate (or units, the forthe recirculation rate lines can estimate for units, fraction). exitvapor vaporfraction). exit 10/478 10 / 478 REBOILERS REBOI LERS Circulation rate Circulation rate The length of the sensible heating zone is first calculated using Equation (10.20). Then EquaThe tion (10.15) is solved iteratively to obtain the circulation rate and exit vapor fraction. The mass flux in the tubes should be checked against the value given by Equation (10.23) to ensure that the flow is not in or near the mist flow regime. If the calculated circulation rate and vapor fraction are not acceptable, the piping configuration is modified and the calculations repeated. S t e p w i s e ccalculations alculations Stepwise A zone analysis is performed performed by selecting an increment, Ax, of the vapor weight fraction. In each vapor-fraction interval, the arithmetic average vapor fraction is used to calculate the boiling heattransfer coefficient, two-phase density, and friction loss. The overall heat-transfer coefficient and transfer average driving force for the interval are used to calculate the tube length required to achieve the increment increment in vapor fraction. The pressure pressure drop for each interval is calculated by summing the static, friction, and acceleration The losses. The The acceleration loss for a given interval, k, is calculated using the following modification of Equation (10.11): [, P } A P aac« cc'k- 7 = __ Grt:,.Yk Gt2AYk 3.75 x 10s, 1012SL 3.75 (10.24) (10.24) + Here A A (Yk + 1) is the change in y ?, from the beginning to the end of the kth interval. AYk = A( thermodynamic (flash) calculations are required to determine For mixtures, thermodynamic determine the phase compositions and fluid temperature temperature for each interval. These These values are needed to obtain fluid physical properties, which in turn are needed for heat-transfer and pressure-drop properties, pressure-drop calculations. The The calculations for each interval are iterative in nature. A value for the heat flux must be assumed assumed to calculate the boiling heat-transfer coefficient, which is needed to calculate the tube length for the interval. From the tube length, a new value for the heat flux is obtained, thereby closing the iterative loop. The thermodynamic and pressure-drop calculations constitute another iterative sequence. The thermodynamic The sum of the pressure The pressure drops for all intervals provides an improved estimate for the pressure pressure PD -- Pc, difference, Pp Pc, and this value, when combined with the other terms in Equation (10.5), should satisfy the pressure pressure balance. If there is a significant discrepancy, a new circulation rate is computed and the zone analysis is repeated. Similarly, the sum of the tube lengths for all intervals, including the sensible heating zone, should reboiler boiler configuration equal or be slightly less than the actual tube length. If this is not the case, the re is modified and the calculations are repeated. Note that this will require the calculation of a new circulation rate. For an acceptable design, it is also necessary necessary that the heat flux in each zone be less then the critical heat flux. The The accuracy of the stepwise calculations depends depends on the number number of intervals used. A single interval, though generally not very accurate, is the most expedient option for hand calculations. In this case, the circulation rate is not adjusted (unless the reboiler configuration is modified) and heat-transfer calculations for the zone are performed. only the heat-transfer performed. The The following example is a slightly modified version of a problem originally presented presented by Fair [10]. [10]. It involves some simplifying features, e.g., the boiling-side fluid is a pure component, the sizes of the feed and return lines are specified in the problem statement, and constant fluid properties properties are assumed. Example E x a m p l e 110.4 0.4 reboiler is required A reboiler 15,000 lb/h of vapor to a distillation column that separates cyclorequired to supply 15,0001b/h hexane as the bottoms bottoms product. The heating medium will be steam at a design pressure hexane pressure of 18 psia. EBOILERS R EBOILERS 10/479 10 / 479 16psia. The temperature 182°F and 16 pressure below the bottom tray in the the column are 182~ temperature and pressure The psia. Physical the following table: these conditions conditions are given in the property data for cyclohexane at these property Property Liquid Vapor p 0bm/ft 3) (bm/ft) #u (cp) (Btu/Ibm.·F) C (Btu/lbm Cp 9~ (Btu/h.ft.·F) k (Btu/h. ft. ~ (]bf/ft) a (lbf/ft) 2 (Btu/lbm) Pr 45.0 0.40 0.45 0.086 0.00124 154 5.063 0.200 0.0086 I equation [[16], where esat Pat o~ the following equation torr and vapor pressure The vapor pressure of cyclohexane cyclohexane is given by the ox torr The 16], where T cxK: K: Ta [ 2766.63 2766.63 ]] Paa -=exp exp 15.7527 -- T - 50.50 7_50.50 Psat pressure of cyclohexane The critical critical pressure psia. cyclohexane is 590.5 psia. The feet of 6-in. schedule The feed line to the reboiler will consist pipe, and consist of 100 equivalent and the equivalent feet schedule 40 pipe, the the reboiler The pipe. Design recirculating vertical vertical feet of 10-in. schedule Design a recirculating equivalent feet consist of 50 equivalent schedule 40 pipe. return line will consist return reboiler for thermosyphon reboiler this service. service. for this thermosyphon Solution Solution Make initial specifications. initial specifications. (a) Make placement Fluid placement (i) Fluid will flow in Cyclohexane will in the the shell. tubes with in the the tubes steam in with steam shell. Cyclohexane (ii) Tubing Tubing (ii) of 88ft with aa length tubes are BWG tubes Relatively short are tubes with length of short tubes One-inch, 14 specified. Relatively are specified. 14 BWG One-inch, ft are order to to minimize in the the liquid in order liquid height column sump. height in used in minimize the sump. the column used head types types and head (iii) Shell and (iii) is chosen E-shell is condensing chosen for A TEMA vertical thermosyphon for aa vertical thermosyphon reboiler. TEMA E-shell Since condensing reboiler. Since A heads configuration can clean fluid, Channel-type heads is aa clean be used. can be fixed-tubesheet configuration fluid, aa fixed-tubesheet steam is used. Channel-type steam for ease of tubesheet an AEL AEL configuration access. Thus, selected for tubesheet access. configuration is specified. A are selected is specified. Thus, an ease of A are less expensive NEN configuration could also also be used. be used. configuration could expensive NEN somewhat less somewhat Tube layout layout (iv) Tube since mechanical pitch of triangular layout specified since is specified layout with 1.25 in. with aa tube of 1.25 of tube pitch cleaning of in. is mechanical cleaning A triangular A external tube tube surfaces not required. is not required. the external surfaces is the (v) Baffles Baffles (v) with aa 35% the cut and 35% cut baffles with on the B/D, ~ 0.4 based on of B/Ds Segmental baffles spacing of and aa spacing are specified specified based Segmental 0.4 are given in in Figure Figure 5.4. for condensing condensing vapors 5.4. recommendation for vapors given recommendation (vi) Sealing Sealing strips strips (vi) are required required for exchanger. for aa fixed-tubesheet fixed-tubesheet exchanger. None are None (vii) Construction materials Construction materials (vii) is specified corrosive, plain stream isis corrosive, carbon steel all components. Since neither neither stream plain carbon for all steel is components. specified for Since = rate. flow rate. Energy balance steam flow balance and (b) Energy and steam (b) rate and obtained ofvaporization is duty re latent heat The heat of and the boiler from vapor generation generation rate the vapor the latent vaporization The reboiler duty is obtained from the cyclohexane: for cyclohexane: for Btu/h 10 Btu/h 15,000 2.31 x 106 my -= 15, qq= - rhv~ 000 x 1154 5 4 -= 2.31 10/480 10 / 480 RREBOILERS EBOILERS FromTable TableA.8, A.8, the thelatent latentheat heatof ofcondensation condensationfor forsteam steam at at 18 18psia psiaisis963.7 963. 7 Btu/lbm. Btu/lbm. Therefore, Therefore, From the steam steam flow flow rate rate is: is: the hhstea» -= =2.31 msteam - qq/.steam / X s t e a m -2.31 • 2397 Ibm/h 110/963.7 0 6 / 9 6 3 . 7 -= 23971bm/h (c) Mean Mean temperature difference. temperature difference. (c) Table A.8, A.8, the the temperature temperature of of saturated saturated steam steam at at 18 18 psia psia isis 222.4~ 222.4°F. Assuming Assuming that that cyclocycloFFrom r o m Table hexane vaporizes vaporizes at at aa constant constant temperature temperature of of 182~ 182°F, i.e., i.e., neglecting neglecting pressure effects in in the the pressure effects hexane reboiler we have: system, reboiler system, we have: = 182 == 40.4~ 40.4°F AAT% T m = 222.4 2 2 2 . 4 -- 182 (d) Heat-transfer Heat-transfer area area and and number number of of tubes. tubes. (d) Based on on Table Table 3.5, 3.5, an an overall overall heat-transfer heat-transfer coefficient coefficient of of 250 250 BBtu/h.ft. assumed. The The Based t u / h . ft 2 .~°Fis is assumed. required area area is is then: then: required AA = 2.31 • 10 6 228.7 ft 2 --_23110" =228.7? UT», 250 250 xx 40.4 40.4 UDATm q' The corresponding corresponding number number of of tubes tubes is: is: The A A nt = rcDoL D.L - 228.7 228.7 109 RH@/2j Jr(l/12) x• 8 =109 (e) N Number of tube tube passes passes and and actual actual tube tube count. count. u m b e r of (e) A single tube pass is used used for for aa vertical vertical thermosyphon thermosyphon reboiler. reboiler. From From Table Table C.6, C.6, the the closest closest single tube pass is A tube count count is is 106 106 tubes tubes in in aa 15.25-in. 15.25-in. shell. shell. tube This completes completes the the preliminary preliminary design design of of the the reboiler reboiler system. system. Since Since the the piping piping configuration configuration was was This specified in in the the problem statement, sizing sizing of of the the feed feed and and return return lines lines is is not not required required here. here. The The problem statement, specified circulation rate rate is is calculated calculated in in the the steps steps that that follow; follow; only only the the final final iteration iteration is is presented. presented. circulation (f) (f) Estimated circulation circulation rate. rate. Estimated Assume an an exit exit vapor fraction of of 13.2%, i.e., i.e., XXee -= 0.132. 0 .132. The The corresponding circulation rate rate is: is: vapor fraction corresponding circulation Assume rhv _15.0_113,6361bm/ 15,000 », _" = = 113,636 l b m / h rhi = ¢ Xe 0.132 0.132 (g) Friction Friction factors. factors. The internal internal diameters diameters for for the the tubes, tubes, inlet inlet line, line, and and exit exit line line are are obtained obtained from from Tables Tables B.1 B.1 The andB.2: and B.2: = D, == 0.834 0.834in. 0.0695 ftft Dt in. = 0.0695 D# -=6.065in. 0.5054 ftft Din 6.065 in. == 0.5054 Da -= 10.02 10.02in. 0.835 ftft Dex in. == 0.835 The corresponding numbers are are computed computed next, next, based based on on all-liquid all-liquid flow: corresponding Reynolds Reynolds numbers The Re, =_ Ret 4rni Si npDu ntyrDtlzL =_ 44x113,636 • 113,636 n xx 0.0695 0.0695 xx 0.4 0.4 xx 2.419 2.419 106 xx Jr 4mi __ " 44x113,636 • 113, 636 44m; rhi 44 xX 113,636 113,636 Ree = yrDintZL ~Du -- yr •x05054 2419 Rein 0.5054 •0.4 0.4 x 2.419 297 == 20, 297 =295, 295,866 866 079 179, 079 R ex = ReLo == == 179, "Loe Dau rr xx0.835 ' rcDextZL 0.835 x 0.4 x2.419 2.419 EBOILERS REBOI LERS 10/481 10 / 481 Equations used to calculate the friction factors for the pipes and tubes, Equations (4.8) and (5.2) are used respectively: - 0.4137 0.4137Ret = 0.4137(20, 297) 02585 -0.2585 0.O319 = 0.0319 f, = Re, 0~2585 0.4137(2O, fi, fin = - O.3673Re,933 0.3673Rein ~ - 0.3673(295, 866) -0234 -~ = 0.0199 0.3673(295, 0.O199 fex =0.3673Re,}; f = 0.O224 - 0 . 3 6 7 3 R e L o i -0 e 2314 x -- 0.36730179,O79) 0.3673(179, 079) -033\ -~ = 0.0224 (h) Sensible heating heating zone. (i) Slope of saturation saturation curve curve Conditions Conditions in the column sump sump are first checked checked by calculating the vapor pressure pressure of cyclohexane at the the given temperature temperature of 182~ 182F= cyclohexane = 356.7K: 356.7 K" 2766.63 [I ]I - 826.6torr 2766.63 Paa P s a t =exp - exp 15.7527 15.7527 - 356.7-5O.5O 356.7 - 50.50 = 826.6torr P%a Psat = - 826.6torr 826.6 torr • / atm 14.696 psi psi/atm . = 15.98 psia = 76O 760 torr/atm torr/atm This pressure of 16 psia below the bottom This value is in close agreement agreement with the the stated pressure bottom tray the column. the vapor pressure in the column. Next, the pressure is calculated calculated at a somewhat somewhat higher higher temperature, temperature, 1 9 2 ~ = 362.2 K" 192F 362.2K: 2766.63 ]1 [I Pea 15.7527 P s a t =exp - exp 15.7527 - 362.2 362.2 --505O - 50.50 = - 969.5torr 969.5 torr P s a t - = 969.5 • 14.696/76O 14.696/760-= 18.75 psia P.a The required slope is obtained The required obtained as follows: (( A4./4 TT / A P ) P) s a t )sat - (ii) (ii) 1 9 2 -- 182 192 . = 33.61~ 6 ' OF /psi .0l 1875 --15.98 1 8 . 7 5 - 15.98 Pressure gradient gradient Pressure The pressure gradient gradient in the sensible The pressure sensible heating heating zone is estimated estimated using using Equation (10.21), neglecting the the friction loss term: neglecting _ -(AP/L) - PLGE/ED) PL(g/gc) _ 45x 45 • 1_ 1.0 ---0.3125psi/ft 03125; /f -(AP/D) ' ·psI 144 144 144 144 (iii) (iii) Temperature gradient Temperature gradient estimate the temperature gradient gradient in the sensible sensible heating heating zone, the heat-transfer heat-transfer To estimate the temperature coefficient the tubes tubes is calculated using using the Seider-Tate Seider-Tate equation: coefficient for all-liquid flow in the hLo = -- (/D,) ( k L / D t ) 0.023RP}" x O.023Re~ 1/3 ho = (0.O86/0.0695) (0.086/0.0695) 0.O23(2O, • 0.023(20, 297)(5.O63)/° 297) 0.8 (5.063) 1/3 = hLo hLo = - - 136 Btu/h.ft.PF Btu/h 9ft 22 9 ~ 10/ 482 10 / 482 RREBOILERS EBOILERS The overall overall coefficient coefficient isis calculated calculated assuming assuming aa film film coefficient coefficient (including (including foulfoulThe ing) of of 1500Btu/h.ft2.~ 1500 Btu/h .f?. °F for for steam steam and and aa fouling fouling allowance allowance for for cyclohexane of cyclohexane of ing) 0.001h.f? 0.001 h. ft2. .·F/Btu: ~ ]-l [[( 1 ) D o l n( ( D 1 o / D t ) ) D0ln(D0/D1) ++(/h,+Ro») (1/ho + RDo)]Uo= (Do/Ot) 0./Do) ~Lo+RDi ++ UD= 2ktube 2. ~,,ow LT -[a00so(,'.-oo,). (wdoosw ln2x(1"0/0"834)26 + 15001]-1 1 0.001) + (1/12) --[(1.0/0.834)(1-~+ . 136 + . + 2 x26 + 1500 1Btu/h.f?."F Un ~9 UD 91Bm/h. ft 2. ~ The temperature temperaturegradient gradientisiscalculated calculatedusing usingEquation Equation (10.22) (10.22) with withaamean meantemperature temperature The difference of ofapproximately approximately40~ 40F:9 difference _DaUpAT» ntzrDoUoATm AAT/ T/L- mi,Cr,L iniCp, L 106zr(1/12)x 91 x 40 1.975·F/At = 106(/12) 91 4 =_ 1.975~ 113,636 0.45 113, 636 xx 0.45 (iv) Length Length of ofsensible sensible heating heating zone zone (iv) The fractional fractional length length of ofthe the sensible sensible heating heating zone zone isis estimated estimated using using Equation Equation (10.20): (10.20): The Inc (AT/AP)Na LBC (AT/AP)sat ---= ------=--=-� (AT~L) Lnc + Lc (AT/L) LBC + LCD (AT/AP)%at (AP/L) (AT/AP)sat(PL Lc LBC 3.61 3.61 ==0.364 0.364 8s =Ig¢ 1.975 3.61 3.61 ++ 0.3125 0.3125 Lpc ~=2.9ft LBC 2.9ft follows that that LeD LcSLAc "~ Sr5.1 ft. ItIt isis assumed assumed that that the the liquid liquid level level in in the the column column sump sump ItIt follows ~-LAC 5.1 ft. maintained at at approximately approximately the the elevation elevation of ofthe the upper upper tubesheet tubesheet in in the the reboiler. re boiler. isis maintained (i) Average Average two-phase two-phase density. density. (i) The two-phase two-phase density density is is calculated calculated at at aavapor vaporfraction fraction ofxe/3 ofx/3 -= 0.044. 0.044. The The Lockhart-Martinelli Lockhart--Martinelli The parameter is is calculated calculated using using Equation Equation (9.37)" (9.37): parameter •-(',)«"«o" X u - ( 1 - x~) (PV / PL) 0.5 (IZL/ IZV) 0.1 -(',,)"«±vasso" = = ( 1 - 00".09404. 0) 4 4 (0.2/45) 0.5(0.4/0.0086) ~ 1.563 X t t - 1.563 Since this this value is greater greater than than unity, the the Chisholm Chisholm correlation, correlation, Equation Equation (9.63), (9.63), gives gives the the slip slip Since ratio as: (0L/ 0%»)"° SR == (PL / Phom) 0.5 The homogeneous homogeneous density is is given by Equation Equation (9.51)" (9.51): The (1- [0.044/0.2 Pon=[x/py + (1 - x)/PL] 0)/pr] -1 '= Phom - - [X/PV -]-- [0.044/0.2 ++0.956/45] 0.956/45] -1 Pon -=4.1452lbm/ft Phom - 4 . 1 4 5 2 lbm/ft 3 REBOI LERS REBOILERS 10 / 483 10/483 Substitution into the above equation gives the slip ratio: S R - = (45/4.1452)° (45/4.1452) 0"~ = - 3.295 SR Next, the void fraction is computed using Equation (9.59). sv ~V = m x 0.044 + 3.295 x 0.956 • 0.2/45 0.044 +3.295 ------- = ---------- x x +SR(1 + S R ( 1 - -0)pv/PL x)PV/PL ey = sY -- 0.7586 Finally, the two-phase density is computed from Equation (9.54): (9.54)" --fitp = - &vov svPv + + ((1 - ev)p e V ) P L =0.7586 -- 0.7586 x 0.2 + + 0.2414 x 45 P, --fitp - 11.01lbm/ft 11.01 lbm/ft 3 7 = (j) Average two-phase multiplier. The two-phase multiplier is calculated at a vapor fraction of 2x,/3 2 X e / 3 -=0.088. - 0 . 0 8 8 . The T h e M~ller-MfillerThe Steinhagen and Heck (MSH) correlation, Equation (9.53), is used here: o,= --2 CLO _ y 2 x 3 ++ 2x(Y 2 Yr + [1 + 2(Y? -° 1)](1--X) 1/3 1)0 The Chisholm Chisholm parameter, Y, is calculated using Equation (9.42) with n -= 0.2585 for heatThe exchanger exchanger tubes: yY = - (lo)"(/u,)"? ( p L / P V ) 0.5 ( # V / # L ) n/2 -- (45/0.2)°(0.0086/0.4)0.2585/2 (45/0.2) 0.5 (0.0086/0.4)0.2585/2 Y -= 9.13 Substituting Substituting in the MSH correlation gives: --2 - 1) }(0.912) 1/3 CLO = -- (9.13)(0.088) (9.13) 2 ( 0 " 0 8 8 ) 3 + + {1 + 2 2 • 0.088((9.13) 0.088((9.13) 2 1))(0.912)° @, {1 + -2 --2 Wo = 15.08 CLO- (k) Two-phase Two-phase multiplier for exit line. The repeated with x =x, The above calculation is repeated -Xe = - 0.132. For the exit pipe, however, the Chisholm parameter parameter is calculated with n -= 0.2314. Thus, - (45/0.2)~ (0.0086/0.4) 0 . 2 3 1 4 / 2 9.62 = 9.62 Y =(45/0.2)(0.0086/0.4)02314/2 (9.62)2(0.132) 3 + {1 +2 + 2 • 0.132((9.62) 0.132((9.62) 2 - 1))(0.868)/° 1)}(0.868) 1/3 + (1 io, =-- (9.62)(0.132) r -- 24.22 24.22 who. = r LOex () (1) Exit void fraction. At xx =x, the Lockhart-Martinelli - Xe -=0.132, 0.132, the Lockhart-Martinelli parameter parameter is: Xn= (1 ( 1-0 132) 013? 0·9 (0.2/45) 0.5 (0.4/0.0086) ~ - 0.533 (0.2/45)°(0.4/0.0086)"= 10/484 10 / 484 REBOILERS EBOI LERS Since this this value value isis less less than than 1.0, 1.0, the the Chisholm Chisholm correlation correlation gives gives the the slip slip ratio ratio as" as: Since SSR R - = ((/ p L / P0) V) 025- (45/0.2)025= 3.873 (45/0.2)0 3.873 From Equation Equation (9.59), (9.59), the the void void fraction fraction is: is: From , Xe 0.132 0.132 eve=-------=---------eV,e" -- Xe + S R ( 1 - --)pv/ Xe)PV/PL ,+SR(1 PL 0.132 ++ 3.873 3.873 • 0.868 0.868 0.2/45 0.132 • 0.2/45 = €v,, -- 00.8983 8V,e .8983 (m) Acceleration Acceleration parameter. parameter. (m) The acceleration acceleration parameter, parameter, y, is given given by by Equation Equation (10.12)" (10.12): y, is The (1 0.868 45(0.132) 45(@.122 T _(-,,_0868» -1 + 1= 0.1017 0.2 0.2 • 0.8983 0.8983 Pveve Y - 11- ev,, eV,e Pvev,e 0.1017 - Xe) 2 pL x2 10.77 yy- = 10.77 (n) Circulation Circulation rate. rate. (n) Equation (10.15) (10.15) is is used used to to obtain obtain aa new new estimate estimate of of the the circulation circulation rate. rate. Due Due to to the the complexity complexity Equation of the the equation, equation, the the individual individual terms terms are are computed computed separately, separately, starting starting with with the the numerator: numerator: of /go(obAc 10\Ds;(g numerator -= 3.2 3.2 • 101~ - --fitpLcD) 7Lc) numerator (g/gc) (pLLAc -- 10\(0.0695)°(45/62.43) 01.0) (45 3.2 11.01 xx 5.1) 5.1) == 3.2 • 1010(0.0695)5(45/62.43)(1.0)(45 • 55.1 . 1 -- 11.01 numerator -= 6, 483,575 483, 575 numerator t'' ] Each of of the the four four terms terms in in the the denominator denominator is is computed computed next: next: Each { z)' #] (y + 1) ~xex - n-~ = 2 x 0.0695 11.77 a-[-.«[( . term 1 - 2Dt (Dtt 4 1 / { term 1 -= 6.6150 6.6150 • 10° term 10-5 (000:::) 4 1 / (1~-6)2 term 2 -= finLin film,(D,/D,)? 0.0199 xx 100(0.0695/0.5054) 100(0.0695/0.5054)°5 term ( D t / D i n ) 5 -= 0.0199 term 2 -= 9.7859 9.7859 x 10 10-" term -5 -2 0.0319 2 2 0.0319 ( term33 -= (fi/n (f/np(pc + LCDCLo) Lcpdio) -- (106)2 15. 08) (ogzC?9 term 2) (LBc + (2.9 ++5.1 5.1 x 15.08) term 3 -= 2.2658 2.2658 10-4 -22.658 10" term x 10 22.658 x 10 -5 term 2 term 4 --=falafo(D,/D,"? 0.0224 •x 50 50 24.22(0.0695/0.835)°5 fexLexCLO,ex ( D t / D e x ) 5 == 0.0224 x 24.22(0.0695/0.835) term 10- 4 -= 10.836 term 4 -= 1.0836 •x 10 10.836 x 10 -5 -" Substituting the the above above values values into into Equation Equation (10.15) gives: gives: Substituting 6,483,575 6, 483,575 == 1.2994 • 110l 010 .:2 2 1.2994 ; - (6.6150 66150 ++ 9.7859 9.7859 ++ 22.658 22.658 ++ 10.836) x10-5 mi 10 -5 mi, = 113,991 113, 991 lbm/h lbm/h /;n i -- REBOILERS R EBOI LERS 10/485 10 / 485 the assumed about 0.3%, agrees with the 0.3%, which within about rate of 113,636 lbm/h This value agrees assumed flow rate lbm/h to within which This than adequate The average adequate for convergence. convergence. The average of the calculated values values is and calculated more than the assumed assumed and is more as the the final value, i.e., taken as 113,991 ++ 113,636 _113,991 113,63° _ 113, 814 1bm/h ,: /~/i 2 ~ 113,814 lbm/h Mist flow limit. (o) Mist by Equation The mass (10.23a): at the mass flux at onset of mist given by the onset Equation (10.23a)" mist flow is given The f?2 4001bm/h. 1.8 10X -= 1.8 x 106 10 x2 0.533 -= 959, 400 Gst -= 1.8 Grmis x 106Xtt l b m / h , ft the tubes mass flux in the tubes is: actual mass The actual The Gt G ' 113,814 113,814 ?2 =283.0291bm/h. 283,029 lbm/h 9ft 106(~/4) 106(/) (0.0695) ' (0.0695j2 ' /~/i mi, nt (:r/4) D2t n(/4)D?} mist flow limit, as The actual would be mass flux is far below vapor fraction fraction expected with below the with aa vapor actual mass as would be expected the mist The about 13%. 13%. of only about The following the circulation steps deal following steps calculation. The with the zone analysis deal with completes the circulation rate the zone This completes rate calculation. analysis This In this To simplify used. In zone is boiling zone calculations). To the pressure matters, a single simplify matters, case, the this case, is used. (stepwise calculations). pressure single boiling (stepwise tubes is not Therefore, only not recalculated is not the tubes adjusted. Therefore, rate is drop in the and the not adjusted. circulation rate only heatthe circulation heatrecalculated and drop zone analysis. transfer calculations the zone are involved in the analysis. calculations are transfer zone. Duty in boiling boiling zone. (p) Duty The cyclohexane on the boiling zone temperature the temperature cyclohexane temperature based on zone is temperature in the is estimated estimated based the boiling The above: calculated above: gradient calculated gradient + 1.975 2 187.7~ 1.975 x2.9 = 182 ++ ((A 187.7F Tcyhx A TT/L)Lnc / L ) L B c -= 182 + 2.9 "" Ta» -zone is of the the sensible duty in in the temperature of required to to raise sensible heating that required the is that raise the the duty Hence, the heating zone the temperature Hence, liquid by by 5.7~ 5.7·F: liquid 113,814 = 113, 0.45 291, 933 Btu/h Btu/h 5.7 == 291,933 814 xx 0.45 x 5.7 qBc == min,CpLATBc qBC iCp,L ATBc = boiling zone zone. zone is the boiling The duty for the the total the sensible sensible heating duty for for the is the the duty total duty duty minus minus the duty for heating zone. The TThus, hus, c 10 --- 2291,933 0Bc --= 2.31 2.31 x 106 10 BBtu/h qCD =0 -- q - qBC 9 1 , 9 3 3 ~2 22.018 . 0 1 8 x 106 tu/h (q) (q) Boiling Boiling heat-transfer heat-transfer coefficient. coefficient. (9.80), isis correlation, Equation Since the Equation (9.80), the Liu-Winterton fluid isis aa pure boiling fluid Liu-Winterton correlation, pure component, component, the the boiling Since The average the zone fraction for average vapor weight fraction zone calculate the to calculate vapor weight used to the heat-transfer heat-transfer coefficient. coefficient. The for the used 0.132/2 == 0.066. in the the calculations, used in i.e.,x calculations, i.e., 0.066. is used is x= = 0.132/2 h,)?2 ++ ((Erw h,)?)/2 = [[GSrw ( S L w hnb) E L w hL)2] 1/2 hh, b - factor The enhancement (i) The enhancement factor (i) The convective Equation (9.82)" convective enhancement (9.82): by Equation enhancement factor, factor, ELW, given by Er, isis given The 0v/ p»)35 ELW [1 ++xPrGo x Pt'L (,OL --- pV) /,ov ] 0"35 Erw --=[1 0.2)/0.21035 [1 ++0.066 5.063(45 -- 0.2)/0.2] == [1 0.066 xx 5.063(450.35 Erw --=4.550 ELW 4.550 10 / 486 10/486 REBOILERS REBOILERS The suppression suppression factor (ii) (ii) The The The nucleate boiling suppression suppression factor, Sw, S L W , is given by Equation (9.81): (9.81)" SLW = - - [1 + -~- 0.055E}} 0.055 ELW0.1ReO.16]-I Sw Re]-' The Reynolds number The number is calculated for the liquid phase flowing alone in the tubes: 4(1 - x) ( m i / n t ) _(-)0n/no) Re, R e L -Du 7rDtl~l ReL = -- 18, 987 Re; 4(1 -0.066) - 0.066) (113, (113,814/106) 4( 814/106) n zr x 0.0695 x 0.4 x 2.419 Substituting into the above equation for Sr S L W gives: SLW = -- [1 +0.055(4.550)(18,987)018] + 0.055(4.550)~ 987)016] -1 0.7636 -- 0.7636 Sw (iii) Convective heat-transfer coefficient The Dittus-Boelter Dittus-Boelter correlation, correlation, Equation (9.75), is used in conjunction with the The Li u--Winterton correlation Liu-Winterton correlation to calculate hp. hL. hL = -- 0.023(/D)Re}Pr}" O.023(kL/Dt)'-'l~eL~ 8,-,rr[.O4 h, = 0.023(0.086/0.0695) 0.023(0.086/0.0695) (18, 987)(5.063)4 987) 0.8 (5.063) 0.4 = h, hL = -- 144Btu/h.f? 144 Btu/h 9ft2..F ~ (iv) Nucleate boiling heat-transfer coefficient The The Cooper correlation correlation in the form of Equation (9.6a) is used to calculate h,: hnb" n-^0 67n0 12 pr)-O.55M-0.5 h, hna =2100p?(- z l q 9 r r" ( - log,o log10P,) -05M-0.5 For cyclohexane, the molecular weight is M M= = 84. The The pressure pressure in the boiling zone is estimated as the vapor pressure pressure of cyclohexane at 187.7F= 187.7~ = 359.8 K: -s»[m-~,i"it]-so-ms»« re Psat -- exp [15.7527 - 2766.63 1 - 904.96 torr = 17.5 psia 3 5 9 . 8 - 50.50 l The pressure is then: The reduced reduced pressure P r =P/P, - P/Pc = - 17.5/590.5 = - 0.0296 P, The The heat flux is estimated using the total duty and total tube length, as follows: 0 ~¢s 2.31 x 106 = 12,476 Btu/h. ft 2 23110° 12,476Btu/h.f 106 rr Xx 0.0695 Xx 8 Substituting into the above equation for h, hna gives: hnb =21(12,476)0(0.0296)0(--- 21(12,476) 0.67(0.0296) ~ ( - loglo -~ (84) -~ log,6 0.0296) -05(840)-05 h, h, hnb =660Btu/h.f? -- 660 Btu/h. ft2..·F ~ R E B O I LE RS REBOILERS (v) 10 / 487 10/487 Convective boiling coefficient Substituting Liu-Winterton correlation gives Substituting the results results from the above steps into the Liu-Winterton the following result result for hs: h6: ha = - [(0.7636 [(0.7636 • 660) 660) 2 + (4.550 •x 144)1/ 144)2] 1/2 827Btu/h.f?° - 827 Btu/h. ft2 .~ F h, (r) Overall coefficient. higher velocity and greater Due to the higher greater agitation in the boiling zone, a fouling factor of 0.0005 h.ft? h. ft 2..·F/Btu ~ is deemed appropriate appropriate for cyclohexane. A film coefficient, including fouling allowance, of 1500 Btu/h Btu/h. • ft.·F ft2. ~ is again assumed for steam. The The overall heat-transfer coefficient for the the boiling zone is then: -t- oJ i+(1~ + RDo11 UD-- [~i (hii-}-eDi) 2ktube (±--] 1+ oln 4? [1~ + . 1+ «ados + J,] -[,',(Loos) -1 1 - 0.834 0.834 8--~ 827 +0"0005 + (1/12) In2• 2 X 26 + 15001]-1 1500 ~ .f.·F UD 332.6 B t u / h . ft2. Un ==332.6Btu/h (s) Check heat heat flux and iterate if necessary. The mean temperature temperature difference for the boiling zone is taken as: The A Tm = rsteam - T%an Tcyhx =222.4 = 222.4 - 187.7 = = 34.7F 34.7 ~F AT%=Tkea n decreases with decreasing pressure, pressure, both the steam and Since the the saturation temperature temperature decreases cyclohexane temperatures temperatures will vary somewhat over the length of the boiling zone due to the pressure pressure drops drops experienced experienced by the two streams. These These effects are neglected here. Thus, the heat flux is: heat @~t= 541 Btu/h.ft - Up UD AT%, A T m =332.6 -- 332.6 x34.7 • 34.7 = -- 11, 11,541Btu/h. ft2 This This value is within 10% 10% of the initial estimate of 12,476 Btu/h Btu/h •9ft2. 2. After a few more iterations, the following converged values are obtained: h, hnb =622Btu/h = 622 Btu/h. .f ft?2..F ~ h, hb = = 809Btu/h 809 Btu/h. .f ft?2..·F ~ .f. UD -- 329Btu/h 329 Btu/h. ft 2 9 F ~ Uno = - 11,416 Btu/h 9ft 2 @ =11,416Btu/h.ft (t) Tube Tube length. The tube length required for the The the boiling zone is calculated as follows: Lreq - qCD ntrcDoUDATm = 2.018 • 10° 106 --~ 6.4ft 26.4ft 106r(1/12) 106Jr(1/12) • 329 x• 34.7 This greater than the available length of 5.1 ft, indicating that the reboiler is somewhat This value is greater under-sized. 10/488 10/488 REBOILERS REBOILERS (u) Critical Criticalheat heatflux. flux. (u) For brevity, the critical critical heat heat flux flux isis estimated estimated using using Palen's Palen's method method as as given given by by Equation Equation For brevity, the (9.84a): (9.84a): (03/ P96P - 3 1)0.35pO.61pO.25 qc 070 (DZt/L) (1 - P,) Pr) @. -= 16, 16,070 16,070 070 [[(0.0695)/810(590.5)0"(0.0296)(1 0.0296) == 16, (0.0695)2/8] 0.35 (590.5) 0"61 (0.0296) 0.25 (I --- 0.0296) = 23,690 690Btu/h Btu/h·9 ftft? qc@, ~ 23, 2 @/@. ~I/~Ic = 11,416/23, 11,416/23,690 690 ~2 0.48 0.48 Thus, the the heat heatflux flux isis safely safelybelow belowthe the critical criticalvalue. value. Thus, (v) Design Design modification. modification. (v) Based on on the the above above calculations, calculations, the the only only problem problem with with the the initial initial design design isis that that the the unit unit isis Based under-sized. The The under-surfacing under-surfacing isis due due to to the the presence presence of ofaasignificant significantsensible sensibleheating heatingzone zone under-sized. that was was not not considered considered in in the the preliminary preliminary design. design. Although Although aa more more rigorous rigorous analysis using analysis using that more zones zones might might yield yield aa different different result, result, itit isis assumed assumed here here that that some some modification modification of ofthe the more initial design is required. Three possible design changes are the following: initial design is required. Three possible design changes are the following: (i) Increase Increase the the tube tube length length from from 88 to to 10ft. 10ft. This This change change will will increase increase the the static static head head and, and, (i) hence, the the degree degree of ofsubcooling subcooling at atthe the reboiler reboilerentrance. entrance. ItItwill willthus thustend tendto to increase increasethe the hence, length of ofthe the sensible sensible heating heating zone. zone. length (ii) Increase Increase the the number number of of tubes. tubes. From From the the tube-count tube-count table, table, the the next next largest largest unit unit isis aa (ii) 17.25-in. shell shell containing containing 147 147 tubes. tubes. This This represents represents an an increase increase of of about about 39% 39% in in heatheat17.25-in. transfer area, area, whereas whereas the the initial initial design design isis under-surfaced under-surfaced by by less less than than 20%. 20%. transfer (iii) Raise Raise the the steam steam temperature temperature by by 5-8~ 5-8°F, corresponding corresponding to to aa steam steam pressure pressure of of20-21 20-21psia. psia. (iii) This change change will will reduce reduce the thetube tube length lengthrequired required in in both boththe the sensible sensible heating heatingand andboiling boiling This zones. Of Ofthe the three three options options considered considered here, here, this this one one appears appearsto tobe bethe the simplest simplestand andmost most zones. cost effective. effective. cost Each of ofthe the above above changes changeswill will affect affectthe the circulation circulation rate; rate; therefore, therefore, verification verification requires requires essentially essentially Each complete recalculation recalculation for for each each case. case. Due Due to to the the lengthiness lengthiness of ofthe the calculations, calculations, no no further further analysis analysis complete is presented presented here. here. is 10.6 Computer Software Computer Software 10.6 10.6.1 H HEXTRAN 10.6.1 EXTRAN The shell-and-tube shell-and-tube module module in in HEXTRAN HEXTRAN is is used used for for reboilers reboilers and and condensers, condensers, as as well well as as for for singlesingleThe phase heat heat exchangers. exchangers. For For streams streams defined defined as as compositional compositional type, type, the the software software automatically automatically phase detects phase phase changes changes and and uses uses the the appropriate appropriate computational computational methods. methods. A A zone zone analysis analysis is is always always detects performed for for operations operations involving involving aa phase phase change. change. The The HEXTRAN HEXTRAN documentation documentation states states that that performed Chen's method method is is used used for for boiling boiling heat-transfer heat-transfer calculations, calculations, but but little little additional additional information information is is Chen's provided. provided. piping is not not integrated integrated with with the the heat-exchanger heat-exchanger modules modules in in HEXTRAN. HEXTRAN. A A separate separate Connecting piping module exists that that can be be used used to to calculate calculate pressure pressure losses losses in in the the reboiler reboiler feed feed and and return return piping module are handled handled by means means of either either flow resistance resistance coefficients coefficients or or equivalent equivalent lengths, lengths, lines. Pipe fittings are are performed performed automatically. automatically. Pressure Pressure changes changes due due to to friction, friction, and two-phase flow calculations are acceleration, and elevation change change are are accounted accounted for. However, However, the the software software does does not not automatically the circulation rate rate for a thermosyphon thermosyphon reboiler, reboiler, which which is a significant drawback drawback for for design design calculate the work. The following of the attributes attributes of HEXTRAN (version 9.1) with regard regard following two examples examine some ofthe The to reboiler applications. REBOILERS R E B O I LE RS 10/489 10 / 489 Example E x a m p l e 110.5 0.5 Use HEXTRAN HEXTRAN to rate the kettle reboiler designed in Example 10.2, 10.2, and compare the results with those obtained previously by hand. Solution Solution Under Units of Measure, the English system of units is selected. Then, under Components and Thermodynamics, propane,/-butane, propane, i-butane, and n-butane are selected from the list oflibrary Thermodynamics, of library components by double-clicking on each desired component. (Note that water is not required as a component for this problem.) The Peng-Robinson (PR) (PR) equation of state is selected as the principal thermodynamic method for the light hydrocarbon mixture. Thus, a New Method Slate called (arbitrarily) SETI SET1 is defined on the Method tab and the options shown below are chosen from the pop-up lists obtained by right-clicking on the items in the thermodynamic data tree. Components and Thermodynamics + Selected Components -i..,~ PROPANE PROPAHE iEl .i'. IBUTANE BUTANE BUTANE BUTANE Data [ • - .Thermodynamic .• memnodynamic Data Method Slate Narr fer -l_] .:.) I i ~---~ Equilibrium(Peng-Robinson) � (Pong-R-•on) ~ Enthalpy Enthalpy (Peng-Robinson) (Peng- Robinson) Entropy Density C...) [ ~--4} d Vbpor Mpor (Peng-Robinson) (Peng-Robinson) i L-~O TeohData ¢ Uquid Uquid (.API Data Book) Poly (P1Tech ~ j _Tans»on T~nsport O=a pa ~ ynamic "~soosity (Ubrary) Dynamic Mscosity (Library) ~ _J meal hermalConductivity Conductivity (Library) (Lurry) Surface Surface Tension Tension (Library') (Lbrary) ~ _Jhspecton InspectionProperty Property Data Das �t ;- .=l The API method for liquid density is chosen because it should be more reliable than the PR method for hydrocarbons. For transport properties, the Library method designates that property values are obtained from the program's pure-component databank. No methods are required for entropy or inspection property data in this problem. After setting up the flowsheet, the tube-side feed stream is defined as a Water Water/Steam /Steam stream by Change Configuration Configuration from the pop-up menu. Doubleright-clicking on the stream and selecting Change clicking on the stream brings up the Specifications form, where the pressure is set to 20 psia, and the flow rate is specified as 5645 5645 lb/h lb/h of steam. Saturated steam tables will will automatically be used by the program to obtain property values for this stream. The shell-side feed stream is defined as a compositional stream, i.e., a stream having a defined composition, which is the default category. On the Specifications form its thermal condition is set by (250 psia) for the first specification and selecting Bubble entering the pressure (250 Bubble Point Point for the second specification. The total stream flow flow rate (96,000 (96,000 lb/h) is also entered. The stream composition is specified by entering the mole percent of each component in place of the component (molar) flow flow 10// 490 490 10 RE R E BBO O I I LLE E RRS S rates. When When these these values values sum sum to to 100, 100, they they are are automatically automatically interpreted interpreted as as percentages percentages by by the the rates. program. program. Data for for the the exchanger exchanger are are obtained obtained from from Example Example 10.2 10.2 and and entered entered on on the the appropriate appropriate forms, forms, Data with the the exception exception of of the the shell shell ID, ID, which which isis not not specified. specified. The The reason reason is is that that when when the the correct correct with value of of 23.25 23.25 in. in. isis entered, entered, the the program program gives gives an an error error message message and and fails fails to to generate generate aa solution, solution, value apparently due due to to aa bug bug in in the the software. software. When When the the shell shell ID ID isis not not specified, specified, the the program program calculates calculates apparently the diameter diameter based based on on the the tube tube data data supplied. supplied. In In the the present present case case itit calculates calculates aa diameter diameter of of 23 23 in., in., the which isis essentially essentially the the correct correct result. result. In In addition addition to to the the data data from from Example Example 10.2, 10.2, aa fouling fouling factor factor which of 0.0005 0.0005 h. h.f.·F/Btu is specified specified for for steam. steam. Fouling Fouling factors factors for for both both streams streams are are entered entered on on the the of ft2. ~ is Film Options Options form. form. Film Finally, under under Input/Calculation Input/Calculation Options, Options, the the maximum maximum number number of of iterations iterations for for the the flowsheet flowsheet isis Finally, set to to 100 100 because because the the default default value value of of 30 30 proved proved to to be be insufficient insufficient for for this this problem. problem. set The input input file file generated generated by by the the HEXTRAN HEXTRAN GUI GUI is is given given below, below, followed followed by by aa summary summary of of results results The extracted from from the the HEXTRAN HEXTRAN output output file. file. From From the the latter latter itit can can be be seen seen that that the the reboiler reboiler generates generates extracted 48,571 lb/h lb/h of of vapor, vapor, which which is is slightly slightly more more than than the the required required rate rate of of 48,000 48,000 lb/h. lb/h. Thus, Thus, itit appears appears 48,571 that the the unit unit is is sized sized almost almost perfectly. perfectly. In In fact, fact, however, however, the the amount amount of ofvapor vapor generated generated by by the the unit unit is is that limited by by the the amount amount of of steam steam supplied, supplied, rather rather than than by by the the available available heat-transfer heat-transfer area. area. Referring Referring limited to the the zone zone analysis analysis data data given given below, below, itit is is seen seen that that all all the the steam steam condenses condenses in in the the first first five five zones, zones, to leaving only only condensate condensate to to be be subcooled subcooled in in the the last last zone. zone. The The area area contained contained in in the the last last zone zone is is leaving 117.2f, which is is about about 16% 16% of of the the total total surface surface area area in in the the reboiler. reboiler. Thus, Thus, according according to to HEXTRAN, HEXTRAN, 117.2 ft2, which the unit unit is is about about 16% over-sized. over-sized. Indeed, Indeed, ifthe if the steam steam flow flow rate rate is is increased increased to to 6850 6850 lb/h, lb/h, the the subcooled subcooled the condensate zone zone is is eliminated eliminated and and the the amount amount of of vapor vapor generated generated increases increases to to 58,349 58,349 lb/h. lb/h. condensate The following table table compares compares results results from from HEXTRAN HEXTRAN with with those those obtained obtained by by hand hand in in Example Example The 10.2. As As expected, expected, the the boiling boiling heat-transfer heat-transfer coefficient coefficient calculated calculated by by hand hand is considerably considerably more more 10.2. conservative than than the the value value computed computed by by HEXTRAN. HEXTRAN. However, However, the the effective effective coefficient coefficient for for steam steam conservative used in Example Example 10.2 is is actually actually much much higher higher than than the the value value computed computed by by HEXTRAN. HEXTRAN. This This result result used is due due to to the the fouling fouling factor factor used used for for steam steam in in the the present present example, example, without without which which the the effective effective is steam coefficient coefficient for for HEXTRAN HEXTRAN would would be be about about 1760 1760Btu/h.f? .·F The The steam-side steam-side pressure pressure drop drop steam Btu/h. ft2 .~ found by by HEXTRAN HEXTRAN is is comparable comparable to to the the value value estimated estimated by by hand. hand. Not Not surprisingly, surprisingly, the the boiling-side boiling-side found pressure drop drop calculated calculated by by HEXTRAN HEXTRAN is is much much smaller smaller than than the the value value assumed assumed (as an an upper upper bound) bound) pressure the hand hand calculations. calculations. Finally, Finally, the the mean mean temperature temperature difference difference used used in in the the hand hand calculations calculations is is in the quite close close to the the weighted weighted average average value value from from HEXTRAN. HEXTRAN. quite Item h,, (Btu/h. (Btu/h-.·F) ho ft2. ~ (/h + RDi) Rp»)}' (Btu/h.f?-·F) {((ID» (Do/Di) (l/h/+ }-1 (Btu/h. ft2. ~ U» (Btu/h. (Btu/hf.·F) UD ft2. ~ AP (psi) APi AP, (psi)(friction (psi) (friction + + acceleration) APo AT,, (~ (F) ATm Hand HEXTRAN 523 1,500 (assumed) 297 0.3 0.2'b (assumed) 0.2 25.6 936°a 936 8573a 857 335°a 335 0.43 0.05 27.1°a 27.1 average over over first five five zones; zones; subcooled subcooled condensate condensate zone zone not included. included. Area-weighted average aArea-weighted 'Excluding nozzle nozzle losses. bExcluding HEXTRAN Input Input File for Example Example 10.5 10.5 HEXTRAN FROM HHEXTRAN $ GGENERATED E N E R A T E D FROM E X T R A N KKEYWORD E Y W O R D EEXPORTER XPORTER $ Data SSection $ GGeneral e n e r a l Data ection $ 10-5, PPROBLEM=Kettle Reboiler, SITE= SITE= TTITLE I T L E PPROJECT=Example R O J E C T = E x a m p l e 10-5, R O B L E M = K e t t l e Reboiler, $ R E B O I L E RS REBOILERS HEXTRAN Input File for Example 10.5 10.5 (continued) DIME DIME English, A R E A : F T 2 , CONDUCTIVITY=BTUH, C O N D U C T I V I T Y = B T U H , DENSITY=LB/FT3, DENSITY=LB/FT3, + AREA=FT2, English, E N E R G Y = B T U , FILM=BTUH, L I Q V O L U M E : F T 3 , POWER=-HP, POWER:HP, * ENERGY=BTU, FILM=BTUH, LIQVOLUME=FT3, P R E S S U R E : P S I A , SURFACE=DYNE, S U R F A C E : D Y N E , TIME=HR, TIME:HR, TEMPERATURE=F, TEMPERATURE:F, + PRESSURE=PSIA, UVALUE=BTUH, VAPVOLUME=FT3, WT=LB, * U VALUE=BTUH, V A P V O L U M E = F T 3 , VISCOSITY=CP, V I S C O S I T Y : C P , WT=LB, X D E N S I T Y : A P I , STDVAPOR=379.490 STDVAPOR=379.490 XDENSITY=API, $$ P R I N T ALL, * PRINT RATE:M RATE=M $$ CALC CALC PGEN=New, PGEN=New, WATER=Saturated W ATER=Saturated $$ $ Component D a t a Section Section Data Component $$ COMPONENT D ATA COMPONENT DATA $$ LIBID LIBID 1, I, P ROPANE / /* PROPANE IBUTANE / /* 2, IBUTANE 3, B UTANE BUTANE $ $ Data Thermodynamic D a t a Section Section Thermodynamic $ THERMODYNAMIC DATA THERMODYNAMIC D ATA $$ METHODS M E T H O D S SET=SETI, SET=SET1, KVALUE=PR, K V A L U E = P R , ENTHALPY(L) E N T H A L P Y (L) =PR, ENTHALPY(V)=PR, E N T H A L P Y ( V ) =PR, * DENSITY(L) D E N S I T Y ( L ) :=API, A P I , DENSITY(V)=PR, D E N S I T Y ( V ) : P R , VISCOS(L)=LIBRARY, V I S C O S (L) :LIBRARY, +* VISCOS V I S C O S (V) (V) =LIBRARY, =LIBRARY, CONDUCT C O N D U C T (L) (L) =LIBRARY, =LIBRARY, CONDUCT(V) C O N D U C T (V) =LIBRARY, =LIBRARY, S URFACE:LIBRARY SURFACE=LIBRARY $$ WATER W A T E R DECANT=ON, DECANT=ON, SOLUBILITY S O L U B I L I T Y = Simsci, Simsci, PROP PROP : Saturated Saturated $$ $Stream D a t a Section Section $Stream Data $$ STREAM DATA STREAM D ATA $$ PROP STRM=PROD, PROP S T R M = P R O D , NAME=PROD NAME=PROD $$ PROP PROP STRM=CONDENSATE, S T R M : C O N D E N S A T E , NAME=CONDENSATE NAME=CONDENSATE $$ PROP STRM=STEAM, PROP STRM=STEAM, NAME=STEAM, NAME=STEAM, P RES=20.000, PRES=20.000, STEAM=5645.000 STEAM=5645.000 $$ PROP STRM=FEED, S T R M = F E E D , NAME=FEED, NAME=FEED, PROP RATE R A T E ((W) W ) ==96000.000, 96000.000, C O M B ((M) M ) == i, 15 // ** COMP 1, 2, 2s 25 / 3, 60 60 PRES=250.000, PRES=250.000, $ $ $ Calculation C a l c u l a t i o n Type T y p e Section Section $$ SIMULATION SIMULATION $ $ TOLERANCE T TRIAL=0.01 TOLERANCE TTRIAL=0.01 $$ L I M I T S AREA=200.00, A R E A = 2 0 0 . 0 0 , 6000.00, 6000.00, LIMITS TTRIAL=I00 TTRIAL=100 SERIES=1, SERIES:I, PHASE=L, PHASE=L, 10, i0, PDAMP=0.00, PDAMP=0.00, $$ CALC CALC TWOPHASE=New, TWOPHASE=New, D P S M E T H O D = S t r e a m , MINFT-=0.80 DPSMETHOD=Stream, MINFT=0.80 $ P R I N T UNITS, UNITS, ECONOMICS, ECONOMICS, PRINT E X T E N D E D , ZONES ZONES EXTENDED, $ STREAM, STREAM, STANDARD, STANDARD, * ** + * 10/491 10 / 491 10// 492 10 REBOILERS REBOILERS HEXTRAN Input File for Example 10.5 10.5 (continued) E C O N O M I C S DAYS=350, D A Y S = 3 5 0 , EXCHANGERATE=1.00, EXCHANGERATE=I.00, CURRENCY=USDOLLAR ECONOMICS CURRENCY=USDOLLAR $$ U T C O S T OIL=3.50, 0 I L = 3 . 5 0 , GAS=3.50, G A S = 3 . 5 0 , ELECTRICITY=0.10, ELECTRICITY=0.10, * UTCOST + WATER=0.03, HPSTEAM=4.10, W ATER=0.03, H P S T E A M = 4 . 1 0 , MPSTEAM=3.90, MPSTEAM=3.90, * LPSTEAM=3.60, L P S T E A M = 3 . 6 0 , REFRIGERANT=O.0O, R E F R I G E R A N T = 0 . 0 0 , HEATINGMEDIUM=0.00 HEATINGMEDIUM=0.00 $ $ HXCOST H X C O S T BSIZE=1000.00, B S I Z E = I 0 0 0 . 0 0 , BCOST=0.00, B C O S T = 0 . 0 0 , LINEAR=50.00, LINEAR=50.00, * E X P O N E N T = 0 . 6 0 , CONSTANT=0.00, C O N S T A N T = 0 . 0 0 , UNIT UNIT EXPONENT=0.60, $ $ U n i t Operations O p e r a t i o n s Data Data $ Unit $ $ UNIT U N I T OPERATIONS OPERATIONS $$ STE UID=KETTLE UID=KETTLE STE TYPE E M A = B K U , HOTSIDE=Tubeside, H O T S I D E = T u b e s i d e , ORIENTATION=Horizontal, ORIENTATION=Horizontal, TYPE Old, T TEMA=BKU, FLOW=Countercurrent, * FLOW=Countercurrent, UESTIMATE=50.00, U E S T I M A T E = 5 0 . 0 0 , USCALER=1.00 USCALER=I.00 TUBE TUBE FEED=STEAM, P RODUCT=CONDENSATE, * FEED=STEAM, PRODUCT=CONDENSATE, LENGTH=13.00, L E N G T H = I 3 . 0 0 , 0D=1.000, OD=I.000, * BWG=I4, N U M B E R = 2 1 2 , PASS=2, PASS=2, PATTERN=90, PATTERN=90, BWG=14, NUMBER=212, PITCH=1.2500, P I T C H = I . 2 5 0 0 , MATERIAL=1, MATERIAL=l, * F O U L = 0 . 0 0 0 5 , LAYER=0, LAYER=0, * FOUL=0.0005, DPSCALER=1.00 DPSCALER=I.00 SHELL SHELL FEED=FEED, P RODUCT=PROD, FEED=FEED, PRODUCT-PROD, SERIES=I, PARALLEL=1, S ERIES=I, P ARALLEL=I, * M A T E R I A L = I, * MATERIAL=1, FOUL=0.0005, F O U L = 0 . 0 0 0 5 , LAYER=0, LAYER=0, * D P S C A L E R = I . 00 DPSCALER=1.00 $$ $$ B AFF BAFF N ONE NONE $$ TNOZZ TYPE=Conventional, TNOZZ T YPE=Conventional, ID=6.065, ID=6.065, 3.068, NUMB=1, NUMB=I, 3.068, 1 $$ ID=5.047, SNOZZ ,, ID=5.047, S N O Z Z TYPE=Conventional TYPE=Conventional 6.065, NUMB=2, NUMB=2, 6.065, $ $ LNOZZ L N O Z Z ID=4.026, ID=4.026, NUMB=1 NUMB=I $ $ CALC CALC TWOPHASE=New, T WOPHASE=New, * DPSMETHOD=Stream, D PSMETHOD=Stream, M INFT=0.80 MINFT=-0.80 * $$ P R I N T STANDARD, STANDARD, PRINT EXTENDED, EXTENDED, Z ONES ZONES * * * $ $ COST COST BSIZE=1000.00, B S I Z E = I 0 0 0 . 0 0 , BCOST=0.00, B C O S T = 0 . 0 0 , LINEAR=50.00, LINEAR=50.00, C O N S T A N T = 0 . 0 0 , EXPONENT=-0.60, E X P O N E N T = 0 . 6 0 , Unit Unit CONSTANT=0.00, $$ $ End E n d of keyword k e y w o r d file... file... 2 REBOILERS REBOILERS 10/ 10 / 493 HEXTRAN Output Output Data for Example Example 10.5 10.5 S H E L L AND A N D TUBE T U B E EXCHANGER E X C H A N G E R DATA D A T A SHEET SHEET SHELL I----------------------------------------------------------------------------I I EXCHANGER EXCHANGER N AME NAME UNIT I U N I T ID KETTLE KETTLE I SIZE SIZE 23x 156 T Y P E BKU, BKU, HORIZONTAL 23x 156 TYPE HORIZONTAL CONNECTED C O N N E C T E D 1 PARALLEL P A R A L L E L 1 SERIES SERIES I AREA/UNIT 715. FT2 (( 714. FT2 FT2 REQUIRED) REQUIRED) I AREA/UNIT 715. FT2 AREA/SHELL 715. FT2 I AREA/SHELL FT2 I I----------------------------------------------------------------------------II ONE I PERFORMANCE P E R F O R M A N C E OF OF O N E UNIT UNIT SHELL-SIDE SHELL-SIDE TUBE-SIDE TUBE-SIDE II I I----------------------------------------------------------------------------II FEED STEAM I I FEED F E E D STREAM S T R E A M NUMBER NUMBER FEED STEAM FEED STEAM I I FEED F E E D STREAM S T R E A M NAME NAME FEED STEAM T O T A L FLUID FLUID LB /HR /HR I TOTAL LB 96000. 5645. I 96000. 5645. V APOR (IN/OUT) LB /HR I VAPOR (IN/OUT) LB /HR 0./ 48571. 0./ 0. I 0./ 485vl. 0./ LIQUID hm /HR /HR I LIQUID LB 96000./ 47429. 0./ 0. I 96000./ 47429. 0./ STEAM LB /HR /HR I STEAM LB 0./ 0. 5645./ 0. I 0./ O. 5645./ W ATER LB /HR I WATER LB /HR 0./ 0. 0./ 5645. o./ o. o./ 5645. I NON C ONDENSIBLE LB /HR /HR I NON CONDENSIBLE LB 0. 0. II O. O. TEMPERATURE (IN/OUT) DEG DEG F I TEMPERATURE (IN/OUT) 197.6 202.4 228.3 217.2 I 1 9 7 . 6 // 202.4 228.3 / 217.2 PRESSURE (IN/OUT) PSIA PSIA I PRESSURE (IN/OUT) 250.00 249.95 20.00 19.57 I 250.00 / 249.95 20.00 / 19.57 I I----------------------------------------------------------------------------II I SP. GR., GR., LIQ LIQ (60F / 60F 6 0 F H2O) H20) (60F 0.569 0.571 0.000 1.000 I 0 . 5 6 9 // 0.571 0 . 0 0 0 // 1.000 I V AP (60F / 60F 6 0 F AIR) AIR) VAP (60F 0.000 1.916 0.631 0.000 I 0.000 / 1.916 0.631 / 0.000 DENSITY, LIQUID LB/FT3 I DENSITY, LIQUID LB/FT3 28.406 28.369 0.000 59.738 I 28.406 / 28.369 0.000 / 59.738 I V APOR LB/FT3 VAPOR LB/FT3 0.000 2.758 0.049 0.000 I 0.000 / 2.758 0.049 / 0.000 ISCOSITY, L IQUID CP I VVISCOSITY, LIQUID CP 0.074 0.074 0.000 0.275 I 0.074 / 0.074 0.000 / 0.275 VAPOR CP I VAPOR CP 0.000 0.009 0.012 0.000 I 0.000 / 0.009 0.012 / 0.000 THRML C OND,LIQ B TU/HR-FT-F I THRML COND,LIO BTU/HR-FT-F 0.0462 0.0459 0.0000 0.3942 I 0 .0462 / 0.0459 0.0000 / 0.3942 I VAP B TU/HR-FT-F VAP BTU/HR-FT-F 0.0000 0.0141 0.0147 0.0000 I 0.0000 / 0.0141 0.0147 / 0.0000 I SPEC.HEAT,LIQUID SPEC.HEAT,LIQUID B T U /LB /LB F BTU 0.8054 0.8106 0.0000 1.0080 I 0.8054 / 0.8106 0.0000 / 1.0080 I VAPOR B T U /LB /LB F VAPOR BTU 0.0000 0.5763 0.5049 0.0000 I 0.0000 / 0.5763 0.5049 / 0.0000 LATENT H EAT B T U /LB /LB I LATENT HEAT BTU 105. 0. I 1 0 5 . 664 4 0 . 000 0 I V ELOCITY FT/SEC VELOCITY FT/SEC 0.30 0.13 I 0.30 0.13 I DP/SHELL(DES/CALC) DP/SHELL(DES/CALC) PSI PSI 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.43 I 0.00 / 0.05 0.00 / 0.43 I FOULING F O U L I N G RESIST RESIST F T2-HR-F/BTU FT2-HR-F/BTU 0.00050 (0.00050 0.00050 I 0.00050 ( 0 . 0 0 0 5 0 REQD) REQD) 0.00050 I I----------------------------------------------------------------------------II I TRANSFER T R A N S F E R RATE RATE B TU/HR-FT2-F SERVICE BTU/HR-FT2-F SERVICE 282.91 410.66 2 8 2 . 9 1 (( 282.62 2 8 2 . 6 2 REQD), REQD) , CLEAN CLEAN 410.66 I HEAT E X C H A N G E D MMBTU M M B T U /HR /HR 5.479, I HEAT EXCHANGED 5.479, MTD 27.1, FT M T D ((CORRECTED) CORRECTED) 27.1, FT 0.982 0.982 I I I----------------------------------------------------------------------------II CONSTRUCTION O F ONE O N E SHELL SHELL I CONSTRUCTION OF SHELL-SIDE TUBE-SIDE I SHELL-SIDE TUBE-SIDE I I----------------------------------------------------------------------------I I DESIGN P RESSURE/TEMP PSIA I DESIGN PRESSURE/TEMP PSIA /F 325./ 300. 75./ 300. II 325./ 300. 75./ 300. U M B E R OF O F PASSES PASSES I NNUMBER 11 22 II I M ATERIAL MATERIAL CARB CARB I C A R B STL STL C A R B STL STL NLET N OZZLE I D/NO I IINLET NOZZLE ID/NO IN 5.0/ 6.1/ I 5.0/ 2 6.1/ 1 VAPOR NOZZLE I D/NO I VAPOR NOZZLE ID/NO IN 6.1/ 3.1/ I 6.1/ 2 3.1/ 1 I N T E R M NOZZLE NOZZLE I D/NO IN I INTERM ID/NO IN O. I 0 . 00/ / 0 I I----------------------------------------------------------------------------I I UBE: N UMBER 212, OD OD I TTUBE: NUMBER 212, 1.000 IN 14 LENGTH I 1.000 IN ,, BWG BWG L E N G T H 13.0 1 3 . 0 FT FT I T Y P E BARE, BARE, TYPE PITCH 1.2500 PATTERN I PITCH 1 . 2 5 0 0 IN, P A T T E R N 90 DEGREES DEGREES I SHELL: SHELL: 2 3 . 0 0 IN, ID 23.00 BUNDLE 22.50 I B U N D L E DIAMETER(DOTL) DIAMETER(DOTL) 2 2 . 5 0 IN IN I RHO-V2: R H O - V 2 : INLET I N L E T NOZZLE NOZZLE 1297.0 I 1 2 9 7 . 0 LB/FT-SEC2 LB/FT-SEC2 TOTAL W EIGHT/SHELL,LB I TOTAL WEIGHT/SHELL,LB 6685.2 0.138E+05 4024.7 6 6 8 5 . 2 FULL F U L L OF OF WATER WATER 0 . 1 3 8 E + 0 5 BUNDLE BUNDLE 4024.7 I I I----------------------------------------------------------------------------II 10/ 10 / 494 REBOILERS REBOI LERS HEXTRAN 10.5 (continued) HEXTRAN Output Data for Example 10.5 SHELL DATA S H E L L AND A N D TUBE T U B E EXTENDED EXTENDED D A T A SHEET SHEET I I----------------------------------------------------------------------------II EXCHANGER N AME U N I T ID ID KETTLE KETTLE I EXCHANGER NAME UNIT I SIZE 2 3x 1 56 T Y P E BKU, BKU, HORIZONTAL CONNECTED PARALLEL SERIES I I SIZE 23x 156 TYPE HORIZONTAL CONNECTED 1 PARALLEL 1 SERIES I AAREA/UNIT 715. FT2 714. I REA/UNIT 715. F T 2 (( 714. FT2 FT2 REQUIRED) REQUIRED) I I I----------------------------------------------------------------------------I ERFORMANCE OF O N E UNIT UNIT SHELL-SIDE TUBE-SIDE I PPERFORMANCE OF ONE SHELL-SIDE TUBE-SIDE I I I I----------------------------------------------------------------------------I F E E D STREAM STREAM N UMBER FEED STEAM I FEED NUMBER FEED STEAM I FEED STEAM FEED STEAM I F E E D STREAM STREAM N AME I FEED NAME 1 . 0 0 / o.49 0.49 0 . 0oo 0 I/ 1. 1 . 0oo 0 I WT F RACTION L IQUID (IN/OUT) I WT FRACTION LIQUID (IN/OUT) 1.00 o. 0. 13998. 13998. I I REYNOLDS NUMBER REYNOLDS N UMBER 0 . 0000 00 1.137 PRANDTL N UMBER I PRANDTL NUMBER O. 1.137 I 13.722 / 13.681 0.000 / 0.000 I I UOPK,LIQUID 13.722 13.681 0.000 0.000 UOPK, LIQUID I VAPOR 0.0 133 .. 7761 0 .. 000000 / 0 .. 000000 I 0 . 0 0000 / 1 61 V APOR 3 .637 / 3.586 55.448 / 56.997 I I SURFACE DYNES/CM 3.637 3.586 55.448 56.997 S U R F A C E TENSION TENSION DYNES/CM 9 4 5 . 0 (1.000) (I.000) 1066.0 (i.000) I FFILM COEF BTU/HR-FT2-F 945.0 1066.0 (1.000) I ILM C O E F ( (SCL) SCL) BTU/HR-FT2-F 0.000 0.000 I FFOULING LAYER IN 0.000 0.000 I OULING L A Y E R THICKNESS THICKNESS IN I I I----------------------------------------------------------------------------I I THERMAL R ESISTANCE I THERMAL RESISTANCE (PERCENT) (ABSOLUTE) I (ABSOLUTE) (PERCENT) I UNITS: UNITS( F T 2 - H R --F/BTU) F/BTU) (FT2-HR 0.00106 I 0.00106 29.94 29.94 SHELL F ILM I SHELL FILM 0.00112 I 0.00112 31.82 3 1.82 T U B E FILM FILM I TUBE I 0.00025 7.13 7.13 0.00025 TUBE M ETAL METAL I TUBE I 31.11 0 . 000110 0110 31.11 0. T O T A L FOULING FOULING I TOTAL I 0.00000 0.10 0.00000 0.i0 ADJUSTMENT I ADJUSTMENT I I TUBE-SIDE I SHELL- SIDE TUBE- SIDE SHELL-SIDE DROP PRESSURE D ROP I PRESSURE (PERCENT) (ABSOLUTE)I (ABSOLUTE) (ABSOLUTE) (PERCENT) (ABSOLUTE) I (PERCENT) (PERCENT) (PSIA NITS: (PSIA ) I UUNITS: 0.29 0.00 68.40 0.29 I 68.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 NOZZLES WITHOUT NOZZLES I WITHOUT 0.13 31.36 0.03 31.36 0.13 I 66.25 0.03 66.25 I INLET I N L E T NOZZLES NOZZLES 0.24 0.00 0.02 0.24 0.00 I 33.75 0.02 33.75 I O UTLET N OZZLES OUTLET NOZZLES 0.05 0.43 I 0.43 0.05 /SHELL TOTAL / SHELL I TOTAL 0.43 0.05 0.43 I 0.05 T O T A L /UNIT /UNIT I TOTAL 1.00 1.00 1.00 I 1.00 P SCALER SCALER I DDP I I I I I I----------------------------------------------------------------------------I I----------------------------------------------------------------------------I CONSTRUCTION O F ONE O N E SHELL SHELL I CONSTRUCTION OF I I I----------------------------------------------------------------------------I EFFECTIVE LENGTH 12.88 FT I 13.0 FT I TTUBE:OVERALL LENGTH 13.0 FT EFFECTIVE LENGTH 12.88 FT UBE:OVERALL LENGTH A R E A RATIO RATIO (OUT/IN) 1.199 I TOTAL THK 1.4 IN AREA (OUT/IN) 1.199 I I .4 IN T O T A L TUBESHEET TUBESHEET THK DENSITY 4 9 0 . 8 0 LB/FT3I LB/FT3I I THERMAL COND. 30.0BTU/HR-FT-F DENSITY 490.80 30 . 0 B T U / H R - FT- F THERMAL COND. I I----------------------------------------------------------------------------I I T U B E S IN IN CROSSFLOW CROSSFLOW 212 I BUNDLE: DIAMETER 22.5 IN TUBES 212 I 22.5 IN BUNDLE: D IAMETER W I N D O W AREA AREA 0 . 8 4 2 FT2 FT2 I CROSSFLOW AREA 5.201 FT2 WINDOW 0.842 I 5.201 FT2 CROSSFLOW AREA SHELL-BFL L E A K AREA AREA 0 . 0 1 9 FT2 FT2 I TUBE-BFL LEAK 0.019 FT2 SHELL-BFL LEAK 0.019 I 0. 019 FT2 TUBE-BFL L E A K AREA AREA I----------------------------------------------------------------------------I I REBOILERS REBOILERS 10 / 495 10/ HEXTRAN Output Data for Example Example 10.5 H E ~ Output Data 1 0 . 5 (continued) (continued) ZONE FOR KETTLE Z O N E ANALYSIS ANALYSIS F O R EXCHANGER EXCHANGER KETTLE TEMPERATURE PRESSURE SUMMARY TEMPERATURE - PRESSURE SUMMARY Z ONE ZONE 1 2 3 4 5 6 TEMPERATURE I N / O U T DEG DEG F TEMPERATURE IN/OUT SHELL-SIDE S HELL- SIDE TUBE -SIDE TUBE-SIDE PRESSURE PRESSURE IN/OUT PSIA IN/OUT PSIA SHELL-SIDE TUBE-SIDE SHELL- SIDE TUBE -SIDE 2 0 1 . 00/ / 201. 200.8/ 200.8/ 199.5/ 199.5/ 199.2/ 199.2/ 197.7/ 197.7/ 197.6/ 197.6/ 250.0/ 250.0/ 250.0/ 2s0.0/ 2s0.0/ 250.0/ 250.0/ 2s0.0/ 250.0/ 250.0/ 250.0/ 250.0/ 2202.4 02.4 228.3/ 228.3/ 228.0/ 228.0/ 228.0/ 228.0/ 227.7/ 227.7/ 227.7/ 227.7/ 227.5/ 227.5/ 201.0 2 01.0 2 00.8 200.8 1 99.5 199.5 1 99.2 199.2 1197.7 97.7 228.0 228.0 228.0 228.0 227.7 227.7 227.7 227.7 227.5 227.5 217.2 217.2 249.9 249.9 250.0 2s0.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 2s0.0 250.0 250.0 2so.o 250.0 20. o/ 20.0/ 19.9/ 19.9/ 19.9/ 19.9/ 19.s/ 19.8/ 19.8/ 19.8/ 19.7/ 19.7/ 19.9 19.9 19.9 19.9 19.8 19.8 19.8 19.8 19.7 19.7 ~_9.~ 19.6 HEAT AND H E A T TRANSFER TRANSFER A N D PRESSURE PRESSURE D R O P SUMMARY SUMMARY DROP ZONE ZONE 1 2 3 4 5 6 H E A T TRANSFER TRANSFER HEAT MECHANISM M ECHANISM SHELL-SIDE TUBE-SIDE SHELL-SIDE TUBE-SIDE VAPORIZATION V APORIZATION V APORIZATION VAPORIZATION VAPORIZATION VAPORIZATION VAPORIZATION VAPORIZATION VAPORIZATION VAPORIZATION VAPORIZATION V APORIZATION CONDENSATION CONDENSATION CONDENSATION CONDENSATION CONDENSATION CONDENSATION CONDENSATION CONDENSATION CONDENSATION CONDENSATION LIQ. L I Q . SUBCOOL SUBCOOL TOTAL DROP T O T A L PRESSURE PRESSURE DROP PRESSURE DROP (TOTAL) PRESSURE DROP (TOTAL) PSIA PSIA SHELL- SIDE TUBE -SIDE SHELL-SIDE TUBE-SIDE 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.i0 0.10 0.02 0.02 0.08 0.08 0.02 0.02 0.08 0.08 13 0 ..13 -------- -------- 0.05 0.05 FILM F I L M COEFF. COEFF. BTU/HR-FT2-F BTU/HR-FT2-F SHELL-SIDE TUBE-SIDE SHELL-SIDE TUBE-SIDE 936.62 936.62 936.31 936.31 936.02 936.02 935.34 9 3 5 .34 934.55 934.55 4763.73 4763.73 2093.49 2093.49 2027.16 2027.16 2294.64 2294.64 2528.96 2 5 2 8 . 96 1897.63 1897.63 25.78 25.78 0.43 0.43 HEAT SUMMARY (CONTD.) H E A T TRANSFER TRANSFER SUMMARY (CONTD. ) ZONE ZONE ------ DUTY DUTY MMBTU /HR M MBTU /HR ------- 1.81 1.81 0.29 0.29 1.52 1 .52 0.29 0.29 1.52 1.52 0.06 0.06 33.0 33.0 5.3 5.3 27.7 27.7 5.3 5.3 27.7 27.7 1.1 i .I 1 2 3 4 5 6 PERCENT PERCENT U-VALUE U-VALUE BTU/HR- FT2 - F BTU/HR-FT2-F 334.22 334.22 332.10 332.10 339.84 339.84 3 45.44 345.44 327.49 327.49 20.80 20.80 ---------TOTAL TOTAL W EIGHTED WEIGHTED OVERALL OVERALL I NSTALLED INSTALLED 5.48 5 .48 AREA AREA FT2 FT2 LMTD LMTD DEG F DEG FT FT 208.2 208.2 32.9 32.9 163.8 163.8 30.0 30.0 162.0 162.0 117.2 117.2 26.4 26.4 27.1 27.1 27.7 27.7 28.4 28.4 29.1 29.1 24.4 24.4 0.982 0.982 0.982 0.982 0.982 0.982 0.982 0.982 0.982 0.982 0.982 0.982 27.6 27.6 22.6 22.6 0.982 0.982 0.982 0.982 ------100.0 I 0 0 .0 7 1 4 .i 714.1 282.91 282.91 714.9 714.9 TOTAL U-VALUE) AREA) T O T A L DUTY D U T Y = (WT. U - V A L U E ) (TOTAL (TOTAL A R E A ) (WT. LMTD) L M T D ) (OVL. (OVL. FT) ZONE DUTY ZONE D U T Y = (ZONE (ZONE U -VALUE) ( Z O N E AREA) A R E A ) (ZONE (ZONE L M T D ) (OVL. (OVL. FT) U-VALUE) (ZONE LMTD) E x a m p l e 110.6 0.6 Example Use HEXTRAN to rate the horizontal thermosyphon reboiler of Example 10.3 and compare the results with those obtained previously by hand. Assay data (ASTM D86 distillation at atmospheric pressure) for the petroleum fraction fed to the reboiler are given in the following table. The feed stream has an average API gravity of 60°. 60 ~ 10/ 496 10/496 RE BO I LE RS REBOILERS Volume distilled Volume percent distilled (~ Temperature (F) 0 10 10 30 50 70 90 100 100 158.8 a 158.8° 210 240 260 275 275 290 309b 309 ·Initial boiling point. ainitial boiling point. bEnd point. End point. Solution Solution For this problem, the tube-side feed (Therminol) (Therminol | is defined as a bulk property stream and the values k, u, and ppo (55.063 lbm/ft) 10.3 are entered as average liquid properties on of Cp, k,/~, lbm/ft 3) given in Example 10.3 the appropriate form. Note that the density, not the specific gravity, must be entered. Additional data required for this stream are the flow rate (425,000lb/h), required (425,000 lb/h), temperature (420F) (420~ and pressure. Since the stream pressure pressure was not specified in Example 10.3, 10.3, a value of 40 psia is (arbitrarily) assumed. The The shell-side feed (petroleum fraction) is defined as an assay stream, and its flow rate (300,000 lb/h) and pressure (35 psia) are entered on the Specifications form. To complete the thermal specification of the stream, Bubble Point is selected from the list of available specifications. Next, under under Components and Thermodynamics, the Assay tab is selected and a new assay name (Al) (A1) is entered. Clicking on the Add button activates the data entry tree that includes the listings Distillation and Gravity, Gravity, as shown below. Clicking on each of these items in turn brings up the panels where the ASTM distillation data and average API gravity are entered. HEXTRAN uses the assay data to determine a set of pseudo components that represent the composition of the stream. 2 EEEEIEEI EF-E A1 ::i Asay Name (A, 3 [~Er ~ur 3 cc 5 Method Slate Enter Dat3 For . Oravity Gravity eeulaWeight reight .d Mol Molecular I.ightends Lghtends Propet _]hspection Inspection Propel A, a.:""..ol 3 [Go � [ismw be6 Type Cut Set 1 1l158.8 2 10 3 30. 4 50 70. 5 6 7 • [z@ [@o fz6@ [76 90 [o 100. [o I Process Selected Asay RS RE LE RS R E BBO O I I LE 10 // 497 order to link Al, is also entered entered on the The assay name, A1, stream in order the feed stream the Specifications form for the The the stream the assay with the stream to which it applies. the stream. The required for the set of thermodynamic procedures procedures is also required selected The PR EOS EOS is selected the assay stream. A set method is chosen the method for chosen for the API method method for equilibrium, enthalpy, and vapor density calculations; the as the method is selected properties (viscosity, The petroleum petroleum method selected for all transport transport properties calculating liquid density. The tension). surface tension). thermal conductivity, and surface are entered heat exchanger including the the number entered as number of tubes tubes exchanger are Data for the Example 10.3, including the heat as given in Example head and no baffles Tubesheet are assumed. front head the shell ID (23.25 in). A type A front assumed. Tubesheet baffles are (290) and the values for thickness and shell-side nozzles unspecified; HEXTRAN will determine are left unspecified; determine suitable nozzles are for suitable values thickness which were Example 10.3. Fouling Example 10.3 are Fouling factors these items, which from Example were not factors from not specified in Example are these entered on the Options form. the Film Options entered by the input file generated generated by the HEXTRAN GUI is given below, followed by by a summary results The input summary of results The output file. It is seen extracted from the HEXTRAN output lb/h ofvapor, seen that generates 82,390 lb/h re boiler generates that the from the the reboiler of vapor, extracted lb/h required. drop is 9.34 psi, which than the The tube-side the 60,000 lb/h tube-side pressure more than about 37% more required. The pressure drop which is about does not less than for the than the 10 psi specified the maximum of 10psi the unit. HEXTRAN does specified for compute a critical not compute less this check by hand. check must must be done by heat flux is approximately present case, be done case, the the heat the present heat flux, so this approximately hand. In the heat 2, well below by hand Btu/h • ft22 calculated hand in Example calculated by Btu/h . ft2, Example the critical value of 36,365 Btu/h. below the 13,000 Btu/h. actual operation, about 37% lower.) Therefore, the re boiler is heat flux would be about would be is suitable operation, the the reboiler suitable the heat lower.) Therefore, 10.3. (In actual obtained in Example agreement with the service, in agreement Example 10.3. result obtained the service, the result for the are compared compared with by hand calculated by hand in in the Results from those calculated the following table. The with those from HEXTRAN are table. The Results hand is very calculated by coefficient calculated very conservative conservative compared compared with with by hand heat-transfer coefficient shell-side (boiling) heat-transfer by HEXTRAN, value given by coefficients differ HEXTRAN, but the value mean The mean about 17%. the overall coefficients by only about differ by 17%. The but the the the hand slightly higher used in the than the higher than difference used value calculated calculations is slightly calculated hand calculations temperature difference the value temperature the safe However, the hand is side, about safe side, flux (UDA by hand about 10% (Up AT)) by HEXTRAN. However, is on the the heat calculated by heat flux by Tin) calculated Notice that occurs in the of the drop occurs shell-side pressure that virtually all of the shell-side the HEXTRAN value. Notice pressure drop the below the nozzles. If two instead of outlet) are nozzles (6-in. inlet, 10-in. outlet) used of the are assumed single pair two pairs assumed instead the single pair used of nozzles pairs of nozzles. pressure drop reduced to shell-side pressure by HEXTRAN, the drop is reduced the shell-side to 0.33 psi. by Item Item Hand Hand HEXTRAN HEXTRAN (Btu/h.#? h, (Btu/h. hi ft2 9.F) ~ (Btu/h.f? h, (Btu/h. ho ft2 9.·F) ~ (Btu/h .fft?2..F) U» (Btu/h. UD ~ AP (psi) APi AP, (psi) (psi) APo 346 346 278 278 113 113 8.4 8.4 104.2 104.2 11,775 11,775 346.2 555 555°a 132 132°a 9.34 9.34 1.39 1.39 98.5 98.5°a 13,002 13,002 AT,,( A Tm (oF) Un AT%, (Btu/h-ft (Btu/h.ft) UDATm e) analysis. zone analysis. average from a Area-weighted average from zone aArea-weighted for Example Input File File for HEXTRAN Input Example 10.6 10.6 HEXTRAN KEYWORD EEXPORTER FROM HHEXTRAN $$ GGENERATED E N E R A T E D FROM E X T R A N KEYWORD XPORTER $$ Section General Data Data Section $$ General $$ 10-6, PPROBLEM=Horizontal Reboiler, SITE= TITLE PPROJECT=Example SITE= TITLE R O J E C T = E x a m p l e 10-6, R O B L E M : H o r i z o n t a l TThermosyphon h e r m o s y p h o n Reboiler, $$ DENSITY=LB/FT3, * DIME English, English, AREA:FT2, AREA=FT2, CCONDUCTIVITY-=BTUH, DIME O N D U C T I V I T Y = B T U H , DENSITY=LB/FT3, FILM=BTUH, LIQVOLUME:FT3, POWER=HP, * ENERGY=BTU, FILM:BTUH, LIQVOLUME=FT3, POWER=HP, ENERGY:BTU, TEMPERATURE=F, * TIME=HR, TEMPERATURE=F, PRESSURE=PSIA, SURFACE:DYNE, SURFACE=DYNE, TIME=HR, PRESSURE=PSIA, WT=LB, * UVALUE=BTUH, VAPVOLUME:FT3, VA?VOLUME=FT3, VISCOSITY=CP, VISCOSITY=CP, WT=LB, UVALUE=BTUH, 10/ 498 10/498 REBOILERS REBOILERS HEX.TRAN Input File for Example 10.6 HEXTRAN 10.6 (continued) X D E N S I T Y = A P I , STDVAPOR=379.490 STDVAPOR=379.490 XDENSITY=API, $$ PRINT ALL, * P R I N T ALL, RATE=M RATE=M $$ CALC PGEN=New, WATER=Saturated CALC PGEN=New, W ATER=Saturated $$ C o m p o n e n t Data Section $ Data Section Component $$ C O M P O N E N T DATA DATA COMPONENT $ $ $$ ASSAY ASSAY FIT=SPLINE, CHARACTERIZE=SIMSCI, FIT= SPLINE, C H A R A C T E R I Z E = S I M S C I , MW= MW= SIMSCI, SIMSCI, TBPEP=98 C O N V E R S I O N = API87, API87, GRAVITY= G R A V I T Y = WATSONK, WATSONK, TBPIP=1, TBPIP=I, TBPEP=98 CONVERSION= W $ $ T B P C U T S I00.00, 800.00, TBPCUTS 100.00, 800.00, 1200.00, /* 1200.00, 8 / 1600.00, 1600.00, 4 /* 28 / $ $ $ T h e r m o d y n a m i c Data Data Section Section Thermodynamic $ $ T H E R M O D Y N A M I C DATA DATA THERMODYNAMIC $$ METHODS M E T H O D S SET=SETI, SET=SET1, KVALUE=PR, KVALUE=PR, ENTHALPY(L) E N T H A L P Y ( L ) ==PR, P R , ENTHALPY(V)=PR, ENTHALPY(V)=PR, * DENSITY(L) D E N S I T Y ( L ) ==API, A P I , DENSITY(V)=PR, D E N S I T Y (V) =PR, VISCOS V I S C O S ((L) L ) ==PETRO, PETRO, * VISCOS V I S C O S ((V) V ) ==PETRO, P E T R O , CONDUCT C O N D U C T ((L) L ) ==PETRO, P E T R O , CONDUCT C O N D U C T ((V) V ) ==PETRO, PETRO, S URFACE=PETRO SURFACE=PETRO $$ W A T E R DECANT=ON, D E C A N T = O N , SOLUBILITY S O L U B I L I T Y = Simsci, Simsci, PROP PROP = Saturated Saturated WATER $ $ $Stream $ S t r e a m Data Data Section Section $$ STREAM DATA STREAM D ATA $$ PROP STRM=THERM_COLD, S T R M = T H E R M COLD, NAME=THERM_COLD N A M E = T H E R M COLD PROP $$ PROP STRM=PROD, STRM=PROD, N AME=PROD PROP NAME=PROD m $$ PROP STRM=FEED, NAME=FEED, NAME=FEED, PRES=35.000, P R E S = 3 5 . 0 0 0 , PHASE=L, PHASE=L, * PROP STRM=FEED, R A T E ((W) W ) ==300000.000, 3 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 , ASSAY-=LV, A S S A Y = L V , BLEND BLEND RATE STRM=FEED, D86 STRM=FEED, * D86 D A T A = 0.0, 158.80 158.80 / 10.0, i0.0, 210.00 210.00 / 30.0, 240.00 240.00 / 50.0, DATA= 70.0, 70.0, 275.00 275.00 / 90.0, 290.00 290.00 / 100.0, i00.0, 309.00 309.00 STRM=FEED, API STRM=FEED, AVG=60.000 AVG=60.000 API 260.00 / * 260.00 $ $ PROP PROP STRM=THERMINOL, S T R M = T H E R M I N O L , NAME=THERMINOL, N A M E = T H E R M I N O L , TEMP=420.00, T E M P = 4 2 0 . 0 0 , PRES=40.000, PRES=40.000, * L I Q U I D ((W) W ) ==425000.000, 4 2 5 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 , LCP(AVG)=0.534, L C P ( A V G ) = 0 . 5 3 4 , Lcond(AVG)=0.0613, Lcond(AVG)=0.0613, * LIQUID Lvis(AVG)=0.84, L v i s ( A V G ) = 0 . 8 4 , Lden(AVG)=55.063 Lden(AVG)=55.063 $$ $ Calculation C a l c u l a t i o n Type Type Section Section $$ SIMULATION SIMULATION $$ TOLERANCE T O L E R A N C E TTRIAL=0.01 TTRIAL=0.01 $ $ REBOI LERS REBOILERS HEXTRAN 10.6 (continued) (continued) HEX.TRAN Input File for Example 10.6 LIMITS A REA=200.00, LIMITS AREA=200.00, T T R I A L = 30 TTRIAL=30 6000.00, 6000.00, SERIES=I, SERIES=1, i0, 10, PDAMP=0.00, PDAMP=0.00, +* $$ CALC CALC TWOPHASE=New, MINFT0.80 T W O P H A S E = N e w , DPSMETHOD=Stream, DPSMETHOD=Stream, MINFT=0.80 PRINT PRINT UNITS, ECONOMICS, UNITS, E CONOMICS, EXTENDED, ZONES EXTENDED, Z ONES $ STREAM, STREAM, STANDARD, STANDARD, ** $$ ECONOMICS D AYS:350, ECONOMICS DAYS=350, EXCHANGERATE=I.00, EXCHANGERATE=1.00, CURRENCY:USDOLLAR CURRENCY=USDOLLAR $$ U T C O S T OIL=3.50, O I L = 3 . 5 0 , GAS=3.50, G A S : 3 . 5 0 , ELECTRICITY-0.10, ELECTRICITY=0.10, UTCOST +* W A T E R : 0 . 0 3 , HPSTEAM=4.10, H P S T E A M : 4 . 1 0 , MPSTEAM=3.90, MPSTEAM:3.90, * WATER=0.03, LPSTEAM=3.60, HEATINGMEDIUM=0.00 L P S T E A M : 3 . 6 0 , REFRIGERANT=O.00, REFRIGERANT=0.00, HEATINGMEDIUM=0.00 $$ H X C O S T BSIZE=-1000.00, BSIZE=I000.00, HXCOST EXPONENT:0.60, EXPONENT=0.60, B C O S T = 0 . 0 0 , LINEAR=50.00, LINEAR=50.00, BCOST=0.0O, C O N S T A N T : 0 . 0 0 , UNIT UNIT CONSTANT-0.00, $ $ $ Unit U n i t Operations O p e r a t i o n s Data Data $$ U N I T OPERATIONS OPERATIONS UNIT $$ STE U ID:REBOILER STE UID=REBOILER TYPE Old, TEMA=AXU, T E M A : A X U , HOTSIDE=Tubeside, HOTSIDE=Tubeside, TYPE Old, FLOW:Countercurrent, * FLOW=Countercurrent, UESTIMATE=50.00, USCALER=1.00 UESTIMATE:50.00, USCALER:I.00 TUBE TUBE * ORIENTATION=Horizontal, ORIENTATION-=Horizontal, FEED=THERMINOL, FEED=THERMINOL, P R O D U C T = T H E R M COLD, * PRODUCT=THERM_COLD, L E N G T H : I 6 . 0 0 , OD=0.750, OD:0.750, * LENGTH=16.00, BWG:I4, N U M B E R = 2 9 0 , PASS=2, P A S S : 2 , PATTERN=90, PATTERN=90, BWG=14, NUMBER=290, PITCH=1.0000, P I T C H : I . 0 0 0 0 , MATERIAL=1, MATERIAL=I, * FOUL=0.001, L AYER=0, * FOUL=0.001, LAYER=0, DPSCALER:I.00 DPSCALER=1.00 u * $ $ SHELL SHELL F E E D = F E E D , PRODUCT-PROD, PRODUCT:PROD, * FEED=FEED, I D = 2 3 . 2 5 , SERIES=1, S E R I E S : I , PARALLEL=1, PARALLEL=I, ID=23.25, MATERIAL=1, MATERIAL=I, * F OUL:0.0005, L AYER:0, * FOUL=0.0005, LAYER=0, DPSCALER=1.00 DPSCALER:I.00 * $$ BAFF BAFF N ONE NONE $$ T N O Z Z TYPE=Conventional, TYPE=Conventional, TNOZZ ID=6.065, ID=6.065, 6.065, NUMB=1, NUMB=I, 6.065, $ CALC CALC TWOPHASE=New, * TWOPHASE=New, DPSMETHOD=Stream, D PSMETHOD=Stream, MINFT=0.80 MINFT=0.80 * $ PRINT S TANDARD, PRINT STANDARD, E XTENDED, EXTENDED, ZONES ZONES ** * $ COST COST BSIZE=1000.00, BSIZE=I000.00, CONSTANT=0.00, CONSTANT=0.00, BCOST=0.00, B C O S T = 0 . 0 0 , LINEAR=50.00, LINEAR:50.00, E X P O N E N T = 0 . 6 0 , Unit Unit EXPONENT=0.60, $$ n d of k e y w o r d file f i l e .... .. $ E End keyword * 1 * 10 / 499 10/ 10/500 10 / 500 REBOILERS REBOILERS HEXTRAN Output Data for HEXTRAN Output Data for Example Example 10.6 10.6 S H E L L AND A N D TUBE T U B E EXCHANGER E X C H A N G E R DATA D A T A SHEET SHEET SHELL I I----------------------------------------------------------------------------I U N I T ID ID REBOILER REBOILER I EXCHANGER NAME UNIT I EXCHANGER N AME SERIES I T Y P E AXU, AXU, HORIZONTAL C O N N E C T E D 1 PARALLEL PARALLEL 23x 192 TYPE HORIZONTAL CONNECTED 1 SERIES I SIZE SIZE 2 3 x 192 FT2 904. FT2 FT2 R E Q U I R E D ) AREA/SHELL AREA/SHELL FT2 I AREA/UNIT 904. FT2 (( 904. REQUIRED) 904. FT2 I AREA/UNIT 904. I I----------------------------------------------------------------------------I I SHELL-SIDE TUBE-SIDE I PERFORMANCE OF SHELL-SIDE TUBE-SIDE I PERFORMANCE OF ONE O N E UUNIT NIT I 1----------------------------------------------------------------------------II THERMINOL II THERMINOL FEED FEED E E D STREAM STREAM N UMBER I FFEED NUMBER THERMINOL THERMINOL II FEED FEED F E E D STREAM STREAM N AME I FEED NAME 425000. I TOTAL LB 300000. 425000. I 300000. T O T A L FLUID FLUID LB /HR /HR o./ o. Ii VAPOR (IN/OUT) 0./ 82390. 0./ 0. o./ 82390. I VAPOR (IN/OUT) LB LB /HR /HR 425000./ 425000. I ~ooooo./ 217610. I LIQUID LB 300000./ 217610. 425000./ 425000. LIQUID LB /HR /HR o./ o. I I STEAM LB Oo .• / / 0o.. 0./ 0. STEAM LB /HR /HR o.// o. Ii WATER LB 0. 0. 0. 0. o . // o. I W ATER LB /HR /HR I NON CONDENSIBLE LB O. 0. I NON C ONDENSIBLE LB /HR /HR 420.0 / 368.1 I TEMPERATURE (IN/OUT) 288.9 298.3 420.0 368.1 I 288.9 / 298.3 TEMPERATURE (IN/OUT) DEG DEG F 40.00 / 30.66 3 s . o o // 33.6~ PRESSURE (IN/OUT) 35.00 33.61 40.00 30.66 I I P RESSURE (IN/OUT) PSIA PSIA II----------------------------------------------------------------------------II 0.739 / 0.742 0.883 / 0.883 I SP. SP. GR., (60F 0.739 0.742 0.883 0.883 I GR., LIQ LIQ (60F / 60F 60F H2O) H20) 0.000 / 3.577 0.000 / 0.000 I VAP (60F 0.000 3.577 0.000 0.000 I VAP (60F / 60F 60F AIR) AIR) 39.063 / 39.027 55.063 / 55.063 DENSITY, LIQUID LB/FT3 39.063 39.027 55.063 55.063 I I D ENSITY, LIQUID LB/FT3 I VAPOR LB/FT3 0.000 0.463 0.000 0.000 I 0.000 / 0.463 0.000 / 0.000 V APOR LB/FT3 0.179 / 0.179 0.840 / 0.840 I VVISCOSITY, LIQUID cP 0.179 0.179 0.840 0.840 I ISCOSITY, LIQUID CP 0.000 / 0.009 0.000 / 0.000 I VAPOR CP 0.000 0.009 0.000 0.000 I V APOR CP 0.0547 / 0.0541 0.0613 / 0.0613 I TTHRML BTU/HR-FT-F 0.0547 0.0541 0.0613 0.0613 I H R M L COND,LIQ COND,LIQ B TU/HR-FT-F 0.0000 / 0.0136 0.0000 / 0.0000 I VAP BTU/HR-FT-F 0.0000 0.0136 0.0000 0.0000 I V AP B TU/HR-FT-F 0.6013 / 0.6051 0.5340 / 0.5340 BTU 0.6013 0.6051 0.5340 0.5340 I I SPEC.HEAT,LIQUID SPEC.HEAT,LIQUID B T U /LB /LB F 0.0000 / 0.4936 0.0000 / 0.0000 I VAPOR 0.0000 0.4936 0.0000 0.0000 I V A P O R BTU B T U /LB /LB F 1 2 2 . 002 2 0.00 I LATENT BTU 122. 0. 00 I L A T E N T HEAT HEAT B T U /LB /LB 0.51 7.95 I VVELOCITY FT/SEC 0.51 7.95 I ELOCITY FT/SEC 0.00 / 1.39 1.39 0.00 / 9.34 I DP/SHELL(DES/CALC) PSI 0.00 0.00 9.34 I DP/SHELL(DES/CALC) PSI 0 . 0 0 0 5 0 (0.00050 ( 0 . 0 0 0 5 0 REQD) REQD) 0.00100 RESIST FT2-HR-F/BTU 0.00050 0.00100 I I FOULING FOULING R ESIST F T2-HR-F/BTU I----------------------------------------------------------------------------II I 1 3 2 . 1 7 (( 132.10 1 3 2 . 1 0 REQD), R E Q D ) , CLEAN CLEAN 172.96 I I TRANSFER BTU/HR-FT2-F SERVICE 132.17 172.96 SERVICE BTU/HR-FT2-F T R A N S F E R RATE RATE MTD(CORRECTED) 98.6, FT 0.998 0.998 I I HEAT MMBTU 11.772, MTD(CORRECTED) 98.6, FT 11.772, H E A T EXCHANGED EXCHANGED M M B T U /HR /HR I I----------------------------------------------------------------------------I I I CONSTRUCTION OF ONE CONSTRUCTION OF O N E SHELL SHELL SHELL-SIDE SHELL-SIDE TUBE-SIDE TUBE-SIDE I I I I----------------------------------------------------------------------------I too./ soo. too./ soo. I DESIGN PSIA /F 100./ 500. 100./ 500. I D E S I G N PRESSURE/TEMP PRESSURE/TEMP PSIA /F I NUMBER OF PPASSES 1 2 I N U M B E R OF ASSES C A R B STL STL C A R B STL STL I MMATERIAL CARB CARB II ATERIAL I INLET NOZZLE IN 6.1/ 1i 6.1/ 1 I INLET N O Z Z L E ID/NO ID/NO IN I ~o.o/ 1~ 6.1/ 1I I OUTLET ID/NO IN 10.0/ O U T L E T NOZZLE NOZZLE I D/NO IN I I----------------------------------------------------------------------------I I L E N G T H 16.0 16.0 FT FT .750 IN BWG I TUBE: 290, OD 00.750 IN,, BWG 14 ,, LENGTH I I TUBE: NUMBER NUMBER 290, OD P A T T E R N 90 DEGREES DEGREES I TYPE BARE, PITCH 1.0000 PATTERN I PITCH 1 . 0 0 0 0 IN, I T Y P E BARE, PAIRS S E A L I N G STRIPS STRIPS ID 23. SEALING O0 PAIRS I I SHELL: SHELL: ID 2 3 . 225 5 IN, 4 4 1 6 . 7 LB/FT-SEC2 LB/FT-SEC2 I RHO-V2: 4416.7 I R H O - V 2 : INLET I N L E T NOZZLE NOZZLE 5000.4 I 0 . I 1 3 E + 0 5 BUNDLE BUNDLE 3 7 0 1 . 3 FULL F U L L OF OF WATER WATER I TOTAL 3701.3 0.113E+05 5000.4 T O T A L WEIGHT/SHELL,LB WEIGHT/SHELL,LB I I----------------------------------------------------------------------------I I REBOILERS R EBOILERS 10 / 501 (continued) 10.6 (continued) HEXTRAN Output Data for Example 10.6 SSHELL H E L L AAND N D TTUBE U B E EEXTENDED XTENDED DDATA A T A SSHEET HEET II----------------------------------------------------------------------------I I ID RREBOILER I EEXCHANGER XCHANGER NNAME AME UUNIT N I T ID EBOILER II 192 I SSIZE IZE 223x 3 x 192 TTYPE Y P E AAXU, XU, HHORIZONTAL ORIZONTAL CCONNECTED ONNECTED 1 PPARALLEL ARALLEL 11 SSERIES ERIES I 904. FFT2 904. FT2 FT2 RREQUIRED) I AAREA/UNIT REA/UNIT 904. T 2 (( 904. EQUIRED) II II----------------------------------------------------------------------------I I I I PPERFORMANCE ERFORMANCE OOF F OONE N E UUNIT NIT SSHELL-SIDE HELL-SIDE TTUBE-SIDE UBE-SIDE II----------------------------------------------------------------------------I I I FFEED E E D SSTREAM T R E A M NNUMBER UMBER FFEED EED TTHERMINOL HERMINOL II I FFEED E E D SSTREAM T R E A M NNAME AME FFEED EED TTHERM H E R M I IN NOL OL II I WWT T FFRACTION RACTION LLIQUID IQUID ((IN/OUT) IN/OUT) 11.00 . 0 0 /I 00.73 .73 11.00 . 0 0 /I 11.00 .00 II I RREYNOLDS EYNOLDS NNUMBER UMBER 113784. 3784. 337732. 7732. II I PPRANDTL R A N D T L NNUMBER UMBER 00.772 .772 117.705 7.705 II I UUOPK,LIQUID OPK, LIQUID 112.060 2 . 0 6 0 // 112.060 2.060 00.000 . 0 0 0 /I 00.000 .000 II I VVAPOR APOR 00.000 . 0 0 0 /I 112.060 2.060 00.000 . 0 0 0 /I 00.000 .000 II I SSURFACE U R F A C E TTENSION ENSION DDYNES/CM YNES/CM 111.617 1 . 6 1 7 // 111.514 1.514 00.000 . 0 0 0 /I 00.000 .000 II (1.000) (1.000) I FFILM I L M CCOEF(SCL) OEF(SCL) BBTU/HR-FT2-F TU/HR-FT2-F 5552.0 52.0 (I.000) 3346.2 46.2 (i.000) II IN I FFOULING O U L I N G LLAYER A Y E R TTHICKNESS HICKNESS IN 00.000 .000 00.000 .000 II II----------------------------------------------------------------------------I I II TTHERMAL H E R M A L RRESISTANCE ESISTANCE II II UUNITS: NITS: ((FT2-HR-F/BTU) FT2-HR-F/BTU) ((PERCENT) PERCENT) ((ABSOLUTE) ABSOLUTE) II II SSHELL H E L L FFILM ILM 223. 3 . 994 4 00. . 000181 0181 II II TTUBE UBE FFILM ILM 449.03 9.03 00.00371 .00371 II II TTUBE UBE MMETAL ETAL 33.44 .44 00.00026 .00026 II II TTOTAL O T A L FFOULING OULING 223.58 3.58 00.00178 .00178 II II AADJUSTMENT DJUSTMENT 00.06 .06 00.00000 .00000 II II----------------------------------------------------------------------------I I II PPRESSURE RESSURE DDROP ROP SSHELL-SIDE HELL-SIDE TTUBE-SIDE UBE-SIDE II II UUNITS: NITS: ((PSIA PSIA) ) ((PERCENT) PERCENT) ((ABSOLUTE) ABSOLUTE) ((PERCENT) PERCENT) ((ABSOLUTE) ABSOLUTE)I I II WWITHOUT I T H O U T NNOZZLES OZZLES 00.01 .01 00.00 .00 888.38 8.38 88.26 . 2 6 II II IINLET NLET NNOZZLES OZZLES 334.19 4.19 00.48 .48 77.26 .26 00.68 . 6 8 II II OOUTLET UTLET NNOZZLES OZZLES 665.79 5.79 00.92 .92 44.36 .36 00.41 . 4 1 II II TTOTAL OTAL //SHELL SHELL 11. . 339 9 99.34 . 3 4 II II TTOTAL OTAL //UNIT UNIT 11. . 339 9 99.34 . 3 4 II II DDP P SSCALER CALER 11.00 .00 11.00 . 0 0 II II--------------------- ------------------------------------------------------I I I II CCONSTRUCTION ONSTRUCTION OOF F OONE N E SSHELL HELL II----------------------------------------------------------------------------I FT EEFFECTIVE FT II II TTUBE:OVERALL UBE:OVERALL LLENGTH ENGTH 116.0 6.0 FT FFECTIVE LLENGTH ENGTH 115.88 5.88 FT 1.5 IN AAREA II TTOTAL O T A L TTUBESHEET UBESHEET TTHK HK 1.5 IN R E A RRATIO ATIO ((OUT/IN) OUT/IN) 11.284 .284 II II TTHERMAL HERMAL CCOND. OND. 330.0BTU/HR-FT-F 0.0BTU/HR-FT-F DDENSITY ENSITY 4490.80 9 0 . 8 0 LLB/FT3I B/FT3I II----------------------------------------------------------------------------I I IN NNUMBER II BBAFFLE: AFFLE: TTHICKNESS HICKNESS 00.500 .500 IN UMBER i1 II II----------------------------------------------------------------------------I I II BBUNDLE: UNDLE: DDIAMETER IAMETER 222.7 2.7 IN CCROSSFLOW IN TTUBES IN U B E S IN ROSSFLOW 2290 90 II FT2 WWINDOW FT2 II II CCROSSFLOW ROSSFLOW AAREA REA 88.003 .003 FT2 I N D O W AAREA REA 11.003 .003 FT2 FT2 II II TTUBE-BFL UBE-BFL LLEAK E A K AAREA R E A 00.019 .019 FFT2 T2 SSHELL-BFL HELL-BFL LLEAK E A K AAREA REA 00.019 .019 FT2 II----------------------------------------------------------------------------I I REBOILERS REBOILERS 10/ 10 / 502 Output Data for Example Example 10.6 10.6 (continued) (continued) HEXTRAN Output ZONE A NALYSIS F O R EXCHANGER EXCHANGER REBOILER ZONE ANALYSIS FOR REBOILER TEMPERATURE - PRESSURE SUMMARY TEMPERATURE PRESSURE SUMMARY IN/OUT TEMPERATURE I N / O U T DEG DEG F TEMPERATURE SHELL- SIDE TUBE- SIDE TUBE-SIDE SHELL-SIDE Z ONE ZONE 420.0/ 420.0/ 400.8 400.8 400.8/ 383.6 383.6 400.8/ 383.6/ 368.1 3~8.Z 383.6/ 2 9 5 . 2 / 298.3 298.3 295.2/ 2 9 2 . 1 / 295.2 295.2 292.1/ 2 8 8 . 9 / 292.1 292.1 288.9/ 1 2 3 PRESSURE IN/OUT PRESSURE I N / O U T PSIA PSIA SHELL- SIDE TUBE- SIDE SHELL-SIDE TUBE-SIDE 34.1/ 34.1/ 34.5/ 34.5/ 35.0/ 35.0/ 33.6 33.6 34.1 34.1 34.5 34.5 40.0/ 40.0/ 36.5/ 36.5/ 33.5/ 33.5/ 36.5 36.5 33.5 33.5 30.7 30.7 H E A T TRANSFER T R A N S F E R AND A N D PRESSURE P R E S S U R E DROP D R O P SUMMARY SUMMARY HEAT TRANSFER H EAT T RANSFER HEAT MECHANISM MECHANISM TUBE-SIDE SHELL-SIDE TUBE-SIDE SHELL-SIDE ZONE ZONE 1 2 3 VAPORIZATION LIQ. V APORIZATION LIQ. LIQ. VAPORIZATION LIQ. VAPORIZATION VAPORIZATION LIQ. VAPORIZATION LIQ. SUBCOOL SUBCOOL SUBCOOL SUBCOOL SUBCOOL SUBCOOL DROP T O T A L PRESSURE PRESSURE D ROP TOTAL (TOTAL) PRESSURE DROP (TOTAL) PRESSURE DROP PSIA PSIA SHELL-SIDE TUBE-SIDE SHELL- SIDE TUBE- SIDE 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 3.45 3.45 3.10 3.10 2.79 2.79 -------- -------- 1 . 339 9 1. FILM F I L M COEFF. COEFF. BTU/HR-FT2-F BTU/HR-FT2-F SHELL-SIDE TUBE-SIDE SHELL-SIDE TUBE-SIDE 614.29 614.29 559.03 559.03 499.05 499.05 346.19 346.19 346.19 346.19 346.19 346.19 9.34 9.34 HEAT SUMMARY (CONTD.) H E A T TRANSFER TRANSFER SUMMARY (CONTD.) ZONE ZONE DUTY ------ DUTY MMBTU / HR MMBTU /HR ------- 4 . 35 4.35 3.90 3.90 3.52 3.52 37.0 37 . 0 33.2 33.2 29.9 29.9 1 2 3 PERCENT PERCENT U- V A L U E U-VALUE BTU/HR-FT2-F BTU/HR-FT2-F 135.46 1 3 5 .46 132.57 132.57 128.89 128.89 T O T A L DUTY DUTY = TOTAL ZONE D UTY = DUTY ZONE 1 1.77 11.77 LMTD LMTD DEG DEG F FT FT 283.5 2 8 3 .5 299.5 299.5 320.7 320.7 113. 1 1 3 .5 98.4 98.4 85.2 85.2 0.998 0 .9 9 8 0.998 0.998 0.998 0. 9 9 8 98.7 98.7 98.9 98.9 0.998 0.998 0.998 0.998 ------- ---------TOTAL TOTAL WEIGHTED W EIGHTED OVERALL OVERALL I NSTALLED INSTALLED AREA AREA FT2 FT2 903.7 903.7 i00.0 100.0 132.17 132.17 904.2 904.2 U-VALUE) U - V A L U E ) (TOTAL ( T O T A L AREA) A R E A ) (WT. LMTD) L M T D ) (OVL. FT) ( Z O N E U-VALUE) U - V A L U E ) (ZONE ( Z O N E AREA) A R E A ) (ZONE ( Z O N E LMTD) L M T D ) (OVL. FT) (ZONE (WT. 10.6.2 HTFS/Aspen HTFS/Aspen 10.6.2 The TASC module of the HTFS software package is used for shell-and-tube reboiler calculations. Although the TASC documentation provides no information regarding the correlations used in performing the thermal and hydraulic analyses, some general information concerning thermosyphon calculations is given. Additional information can be ascertained from the detailed output file generated by the software. For kettle reboilers, a recirculation model is used in which the internal circulation rate in the unit is determined by a pressure balance. The boiling-side heat-transfer coefficient is calculated based on the internal circulation rate in the kettle. Incremental (stepwise) calculations are performed in both the vertical and horizontal (axial) (axial) directions, and profiles of stream temperatures, tube wall temperature, and heat-transfer coefficients are generated. For each tube pass, the largest local value of the heat flux ratio, @/@,, Cl/Clc, is computed to determine whether the critical heat flux has been exceeded. RREBOILERS EBOILE RS .. . . . . . .. . .. . . .. .. . . Liquid ..,u.d "~ 4 ~level" eve' .~, ~ II I II II ,I II II II II II II II II ....... 10// 503 503 10 ;,f.. ..................... ;Center i .....ofi ? I ~ ~ L~emer o[ return line line return to column column to ~ ~ II I I II II II I I I II II II II II II II II I I Bottom tom shell ID ID ofof shell + k............-- Arbitrary -datum.line line..Arbitra-r-ydatum ....................... !..................... .+... | - ofaa horizontal to specify horizontal thermosyphon reboilerin 10.9 Elevations Elevations required thermosyphon reboiler the configuration in configuration of specify the required to Figure 10.9 Figure File). Help File). TASC 5.01 5.01 Help TASC (Source: (Source: TASC TASC Centerofof Center return line line return column totocolumn ..... §4 II II II II iI II II II II II I] II II t EtI Lauld .,,,,Liquid level level ~ II II II I I I I I j i Bottom Bottom ofof tubesheet tubesheet I- 'l ~,--I II I I I I I I bl] I ' II II ,~ I I Arbitrary datum line ........t......±. kApay atmie theconfiguration TASC reboilerininTASC verticalthermosyphon 10.10 Elevations Elevationsrequired thermosyphonreboiler requiredtotospecify specifythe configurationofofaavertical Figure10.10 Figure TASC5.01 5.01Help HelpFile). (Source:TASC File). (Source: whenThermosyphon ratingprocedure implementedwhen Forthermosyphon procedureisisimplemented specialrating reboilers,aaspecial Thermosyphonisis thermosyphonreboilers, For pipingconfiguration calculationmode. mode. InInthis thismode, detailsofofthe forthe thepiping reboiler mode, details thecalculation chosenasasthe configurationfor thereboiler chosen thecirculation circulationrate programcalculates enteredasasinput systemare andthe theprogram areentered rateasaspart inputand partofofthe rating calculatesthe therating system Threeelevations arerequired specifythe configurationasasshown showninin systemconfiguration overallsystem elevationsare requiredtotospecify procedure.Three theoverall procedure. andvertical verticalthermosyphons, Anynumber 10.9and 10.10for horizontaland and10.10 respectively.Any pipe forhorizontal thermosyphons,respectively. Figures10.9 numberofofpipe Figures can means connecting used piping, be the either by to of be sections model and fittings can specified sections can be used to model the connecting piping, and fittings can be specified by means of either 10// 504 504 10 REBOILERS R EBOILERS flow resistance coefficients or equivalent lengths of pipe. In addition to calculating the circulation rate, TASC also performs performs a stability assessment to determine the potential for various types of flow return lines and determined for return instability in the hydraulic circuit. Two-phase flow regimes are also determined reboiler tubes (for tube-side boiling). that for single-phase procedure for thermosyphon reboilers The design procedure reboilers using TASC is similar to that The proper is obtained by exchangers described in Example 7.6. An initial configuration for the reboiler proper runningTASC the circulation rate is unknown (for a recirculating unit) at this running TASC in design mode. Since the the boiling-side flow rate is used based on an assumed exit vapor fraction. point, an initial estimate for the the The initial configuration is then running TASC in thermosyphon mode. Here, details of the then rated by running The pressure drops are connecting piping must be supplied, and the circulation rate, exchanger duty, and pressure the results the exchanger results of the exchanger the rating calculations, design modifications for the calculated. Based on the necessary to needed, and the rating calculations are repeated. made as needed, be necessary repeated. It may be and pipe work are made runningTASC mode using of the cirusing an improved estimate procedure by running estimate ofthe re-start the design procedure TASC in design mode the reboiler the thermosyphon reboiler thermosyphon mode. After an acceptable configuration for the culation rate obtained in the has been performed using usingTASC been achieved, mechanical design calculations are performed system has TASC Mechanical. If problems made and the the unit is re-rated. problems are indicated, additional design modifications are made use of ofTASC The following examples illustrate the the use reboiler applications. The TASC for reboiler Example 10.7 10.7 Example reboiler designed in Example 10.2, and the kettle the results results with those those kettle reboiler rate the compare the and compare Use TASC to rate other methods. by other methods. obtained previously by Solution Solution entered on the input forms from Example 10.2 were the appropriate were entered forms as indicated below. appropriate TASC input Data from to be Parameters not unspecified to be calculated their default settings at their calculated by left unspecified or left settings or either left at were either not listed were Parameters the software. the (a) Start up. (a) Start Calculation Mode: Simulation Not checked checked Basic Input Mode: Not (b) Exchanger Geometry. Geometry. (b) Exchanger Exchanger General General (i) Exchanger Type: BKU Type: Exchangers in Series: Series: 1 No. Exchangers No. Exchangers in Parallel: Exchangers in Parallel: 11 No. Inside Diameter: Diameter: 23.25 in. Shell Inside Shell Side for Hot Tube-side Hot Hot Stream: for Hot Stream: Tube-side Side Kettle Details (ii) Kettle Details (ii) bundle: I1 in. above bundle: height above Weir height Weir shell diameter: large shell Kettle large diameter: 37 in. in. Kettle Geometry. Bundle Geometry. (c) Bundle (c) Details Tube Details () Tube (i) Tube Outside Outside Diameter: in. Diameter: I1 in. Tube Thickness: 0.083 Wall Thickness: Tube Wall 0.083 in. in. Tube 1.25 in. Tube Pitch: Pitch: 1.25 in. Tube Pattern: Square Tube Pattern: Square Tube Tube Length: 156in. Length: 156 Tube in. (ii) Bundle Layout Bundle Layout (ii) Number of Passes: 22 Tube-side Passes: ofTube-side Number Number of of Sealing Sealing Strip Pairs: 00 Strip Pairs: Number Bundle Size Size (iii) Bundle (iii) Tube Count Count (effective): (effective): 212 212 Tube (iv) Transverse Baffles Transverse Baffles (iv) Baffle Type" pressure drop Type: Unbaffled/Low Unbaffled/Low pressure drop Baffle REBOILERS R EBOILERS 10// 505 10 (v) Special Baffles/Supports Baffles/Supports Supports: 3 Number of Midspace Interm. Supports: (d) Nozzles. in.) aand 3.068 in.) nozzle ((ID= side, oone inlet nozzle nozzle ((ID On in.) O n tthe h e ttube u b e side, n e inlet I D -= 6 .6.065 0 6 5 in.) n d oone n e ooutlet u t l e t nozzle I D - 3.068 5.04 7in.), are specified. shell side, two inlet side, two two vvapor specified. O inlet nnozzles On are n tthe h e shell o z z l e s ((ID I D -= 5.047 in.), two a p o r ooutlet u t l e t nnozzles ozzles ID -= 4.026 specified. in.) aare (ID -=6.065 4.026 in.) in.) aand nozzle (ID liquid ooutlet (ID 6.065 in.) n d oone n e liquid u t l e t nozzle r e specified. (e) Process. Process. (lb/h) Total mass rate 0b/h) mass flow rate Total temperature (~ Inlet temperature (°F) Inlet (psia) pressure (psia) Inlet pressure Inlet Inlet mass mass quality quality Inlet resistance (h. Fouling resistance (h.ft? Fouling ft 2..F/Btu) ~ Hot stream stream Hot Cold stream stream Cold 5645 5645 228 228 20 20 1 0.0005 0.0005 96,000 96,000 197.6 197.6 250 0 0.0005 0.0005 (f) Physical Properties. Physical Properties. (f) set to <Water < Water (NEL Source is stream (steam), For the the Stream (NEL 40) >> and Data Source hot stream is set pressure and pressure Stream Data the hot (steam), the For for this this stream. stream. are required specified. No other entries are required for and 19 psi are specified. other entries levels of 20 and psi are levels by clicking cold stream, opened by interface is opened the Add clicking the under Add button button under stream, the the COMThermo COMThermo interface the cold For the For Data Source. are selected selected from and n-butane) (propane, i-butane, and from the components (propane,/-butane, the Source. The The components Stream Data n-butane) are Stream and the the list from the of is chosen thermodynamic package chosen from components, and Peng-Robinson thermodynamic package is list of the Peng-Robinson list of components, properties input methods. Returning the mole fractions (C3: mole fractions TASC properties input form, (Cg: 0.15, the TASC form, the available methods. to the Returning to available pressure levels i-C: 0.25, n-C4: levels of are entered and 240 psi are specified. n-C: 0.60) are Using psi are and pressure of 250 and specified. Using entered and i-C4: 190-210F is range for The fluid temperature range button, a temperature specified. The for fluid properties is specified. properties of the Options button, of 190-210~ the on the the Get Properties button. properties are are generated clicking on by clicking generated by Properties button. properties data, the incremental calculations is run to converge. input data, fail to the above converge. ItIt is with the the incremental above input calculations fail run with is When TASC is When rate to to increase steam flow rate increase the converged solution. obtain aa converged order to solution. lb/h in to about the steam necessary to in order about 6100 lb/h to obtain necessary outlet quality quality on given below, case is from which on below, from that the seen that the outlet can be for this is given summary for results summary this case which itit can The results be seen The is 53,165 is about rate is corresponding vapor 53,165 lb/h, the shell shell side vapor generation generation rate is 0.5538. The side is The corresponding about 10% which is lb/'h, which 10% the TASC Results Results Summary 10. 7: Simulation Simulation Run for Example Run Summary for Example 10.7: TASC Version 5.015.01 - SIMULATION TASC Version SIMULATION TASC Geometric details details Geometric Shell type/series/parallel type/series/parallel Shell area diam/tube length/total length/total area Shell diam/tube Shell No of plain tubes of plain passes/no of tubes of passes/no No (pattern) id/od/pitch (pattern) Tube id/od/pitch Tube baffles/pitch/cut No of of baffles/pitch/cut No Process details details Process Total mass flowrates shell/tube mass flowrates shell/tube Total temperature shell/tube shell/tube Inlet temperature Inlet Outlet temperature temperature shell/tube shell/tube Outlet Inlet/ outlet quality shell/tube quality shell/tube Inlet/outlet Results Results pressure drop shell/tube Total pressure drop shell/tube Total highest shell Velocity highest xflow/tube shell xflow/tube Velocity shell/tube/wall Coefficients shell/tube/wall Coefficients shell/tube Fouling coeff coeff shell/tube Fouling coefficient clean/dirty/service clean/ dirty/ service Overall coefficient Overall Heat load/eft wtd mtd mtd load/ effwtd Heat (act/req)/Duty ratio ratio (act/initial) Area ratio (act/initial) ratio (act/req)/Duty Area BKU BKU 23.3 23.3 22 0.834 0.834 00 in in in in 95999.9 lb/h lb/h 95999.9 197.48 F 197.48 oF 202.62 202.62 ~·F 0.0/0.5538 0.0/0.5538 0.482 0.482 0.19 0.19 997 997 2000 2000 516.7 516.7 55998 998 0.989 0.989 psi psi ft/s ft/s Btu/hf?·F Btu/h ft2 oF Btu/hftft?·F Btu/h 2~ Btu/hf·F Btu/hft 2 oF kBtu/h kBtu/h 11 156.0 156.0 212 212 1.0 1.0 in in 11 759.5 759.5 ftft° 2 in in in in 1.25(90) 1.25(90) 25 25 in in % % 3828 3828 Btu/hf·F Btu/h ft2 ~ 329.5 329.5 Btu/hf?F Btu/h ft2 ~ 6100.0 lb/h lb/h 6100.0 o·F F 228.0 228.0 F 204.94 o·F 204.94 1.0/0.0 1.0/0.0 0.364 0.364 84.71 84.71 1490 1490 1668 1668 329.5 329.5 24.04 24.04 1.024 1.024 psi psi ft/s ft/s Btu/hf?·F Btu/h ft2 ~ Btu/hftft?·F Btu/h 2~ Bt/hf?·F Btu/h ft2 ~ o·F F 10/ 506 10 / 506 RREEBBO O I I LLE E RRS S higher than than the the required required rate rate of of 48,000 48,000lb/h. However, the the heat heat transfer transfer isis limited limited by by the the amount amount higher lb/h. However, of steam steam supplied supplied rather rather than than the the available available heat-transfer heat-transfer area. area. Condensate Condensate subcooling subcooling occurs occurs for for of steam flow flow rates rates below below about about 7275 7275 lb/h. lb/h. At At this this steam steam rate, rate, the the vapor vapor generation generation rate rate isis 62,122 62,122 lb/h, 1b/h, steam which isis 29% 29% more more than than required. required. which A converged converged solution solution can can also also be be obtained obtained by by running running TASC TASC in in checking checking mode mode using using the the original original A steam flow flow rate rate of of 56451b/h 5645 lb/h while while keeping keeping all all other other input input data data the the same same as as above. above. The The results results steam summary for for this this run run is is shown shown below. below. In In checking checking mode, mode, the the area area ratio ratio (actual/required) (actual/required) gives gives the the summary over-design for for the the unit, unit, which which is is about about 37% 37% in in this this case. case. (The (The area area ratio ratio is is the the same same as as the the dutydutyover-design to-service overall overall coefficient coefficient ratio. ratio. In In checking checking mode mode the the value value calculated calculated for for the the service service overall overall to-service coefficient is is equal equal to to Ureq.) U.) coefficient TASC Results Results Summary Summary for for Example Example 10.7: 10.7: Checking Checking Run Run TASC TASC Version Version 5.01 5.01 --CHECKING TASC CHECKING Geometric details details Geometric Shell type/series/parallel type/series/parallel Shell Shell diam/tube diam/tube length/total length/total area area Shell No of of passes/no passes/no of of plain plain tubes tubes No Tube id/od/pitch id/od/pitch (pattern) (pattern) Tube No of of baffles/pitch/cut baffles/pitch/cut No BKU BKU 23.3 23.3 22 0.834 0.834 00 Process details details Process Total mass mass flowrates flowrates shell/tube shell/tube Total Inlet temperature temperature shell/tube shell/tube Inlet Outlet temperature temperature shell/tube shell/tube Outlet Inlet/ outlet quality quality shell/tube shell/tube Inlet/outlet 95999.9 lb/h 95999.9 lb/h 197.48 197.48 ~·F 202.21 202.21 ~·F 0.0/0.4999 0.0/0.4999 Results Results Total pressure pressure drop drop shell/tube shell/tube Total Velocity highest highest shell shell xflow/tube xflow /tube Velocity Coefficients shell/tube/wall shell/tube/wall Coefficients Fouling coeff coeff shell/tube shell/tube Fouling coefficient clean/dirty/service clean/ dirty/ service Overall coefficient Heat load/eft load/ eff wtd wtd mtd mtd Heat Area ratio ratio (act/req) (act/ req) Area 0.494 0.494 0.19 0.19 1146 1146 2000 2000 688.9 688.9 5422 1.372 1.372 in in in in psi psi ft/s ft/s Btu/hf?"F Btu/h ft2 oF Btu/h 2~ Btu/h ftft?"F Btu/hf?·F Btu/h ft2 ~F kBtu/h kBtu/h 11 156.0 156.0 212 212 1.0 1.0 in in 11 759.5 759.5 ftf?2 in in in in 1.25(90) 1.25(90) 25 25 in in % % 3831 3831 Btu/h ftft?·F Btu/h 2~ 285.6 285.6 Btu/hf?·F Btu/h ft2 ~F 5645.0 lb/h 5645.0 lb/h 228.0 228.0 ~·F 227.04 227.04 ~·F 1.0/0.0004 1.0/0.0004 0.35 0.35 78.36 78.36 3147 3147 1668 1668 392.0 392.0 25.35 25.35 psi psi ft/s ft/s Btu/hf? ·F Btu/h ft2 oF Btu/h ftf?·F Btu/h 2 oF Btu/h ftft?"F Btu/h 2 ~F ·F oF The following table table compares compares results results from the the TASC checking checking run run with those those obtained obtained by hand hand The Example 10.2 and from from HEXTRAN HEXTRAN in Example Example 10.5. 10.5. The The boiling-side heat-transfer heat-transfer coefficient coefficient in Example calculated by by hand hand is, as expected, expected, quite quite conservative conservative compared compared with the the value computed computed by TASC. calculated The situation situation is reversed reversed for the the effective effective steam steam coefficients, coefficients, due due primarily to the the fouling factor factor used used The steam in the the present present example. example. From From the the results results summary summary given above, the the steam steam coefficient coefficient for steam (referred to the the external external tube tube surface) calculated by TASC in checking checking mode mode is 3147 Btu/h Btu/h.ff? (referred 9ft2-.'~F The values obtained obtained by hand hand and byTASC for tube-side tu be-side pressure pressure drop, mean mean temperature temperature difference, difference, The heat flux ratio are in close agreement. agreement. and heat Comparison of results results from TASC and HEXTRAN HEXTRAN is obfuscated obfuscated to some some extent extent by condensate condensate Comparison the different different computational computational modes modes and steam steam flow rates rates used. However, TASC subcooling and the somewhat higher higher rate of heat heat transfer transfer since condensate condensate subcooling persists persists up predicts a somewhat clearly predicts steam flow rate of 7275 lb/h lb/h compared compared with 6850 lb/h lb /h in HEXTRAN. The The corresponding corresponding vapor to a steam generation rates are 62,122 lb/h lb/h for TASC and 58,349 lb/h lb/h for HEXTRAN, a difference difference of about 6%. 6%. generation TASC generated tubes (105 U-tubes), which agrees generated a tube layout (shown below) containing 210 tubes the value of 212 obtained obtained from the tube-count tube-count table in Example 10.2. 10.2. TASC Mechanical Mechanical well with the run to perform the mechanical mechanical design calculations calculations for the the unit. The The results show that that schedule schedule was run REBOILERS REBOILERS Item Hand HEXTRAN HEXTRAN TASC h,, ho (Btu/h .9fft?.F) 2.~ F) 523 1500 1500 (assumed) 297 0.3 0.2 (assumed) 25.6 7603 0.11 936a 936° 857a 857° 335a 335° 0.43 0 27.1° 27.1a 9079a 9079° - 1146 1090 392 0.35 0.055 25.4 9957 0.085 Ro)]]-1 '(Btu/h [[(D,/DD(/h, (Do/Di) (l/hi + RDi) (Btu/h--f ft?··F) 2. ~ U»(Btu/h UD(Btu/h 9.f ft?··F) z.~ AP APi (psi) AP, (psi)? APo (psi) b AT,,( ATm (~ U»AT, UDA Tm(Btu/h.1) (Btu/h 9ft2) (@/4)»»as (~t/qc) max 507 10 / 507 Area-weighted aArea-weighted average average over over first first five five zones; zones; subcooled subcooled condensate condensate zone zone not included. included. 'Friction and losses. bFriction and acceleration, acceleration, excluding excluding nozzle nozzle losses. 40 pipe is inadequate inadequate for the the shell-side nozzles. The The configuration generated generated by the program uses uses schedule the inlet and liquid exit nozzles, and schedule schedule 160 pipe for the schedule :XXS XXS pipe for the vapor exit nozbe specified without incurring error zles. However, less robust robust nozzles can be error messages messages from TASC (as low as schedule schedule 120 for the schedule 80 for the vapor exit nozzles). the inlet and liquid exit nozzles, and schedule If schedule schedule 160 inlet nozzles are used, required in order order to satisfy pV; pV2n < 500lbm/ft.s. 500 lbm/ft 9s 2. used, 6-in. pipe is required If schedule schedule 120 nozzles are used, 5-in. pipe will suffice. TASC Tube Layout for Kettle Reboiler 00 00 0000 000000 •000000 0000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000 000000 000000• 0000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 /oooooooo0o 1 00000000 00000000 \\oooooooo0oooooooo 00000000 00000000 \ \\oooooooo0oooooooo/ 0000000 0000000 \ o0ooooo0ooooooo •000000 000000• \ .@9169 000000 000000 BKU 210 1ubeholes Shell I0 - 23/37 in. Filename. EXAMPLE 10.7.TAl Ex10.7. ExlO.7. / 0000 00000 000 00 00 I ~ II Example 10.8 Example 10.8 Use TASC to rate the initial configuration for the vertical thermosyphon reboiler of Example 10.4 the results results with those those obtained previously by hand. and compare compare the 10// 508 508 10 RREEBBO O I I LLE E RRSS Solution Solution For this this problem, problem, TASC TASC was was run run in in thermosyphon thermosyphon mode mode with with input input data data as as given below. ParamParamgiven below. For eters not not listed listed were were either either left left at at their their default default values values or or left left unspecified unspecified to to be be calculated calculated by the by the eters software. software. (a) (a) Start Start up. up. Calculation Mode: Mode: Thermosyphon Thermosyphon Calculation Basic Input Input Mode: Mode: Not Not checked checked Basic (b) Exchanger Exchanger Geometry. Geometry. Co) (i) Exchanger Exchanger General General (i) Type: AEL AEL Type: Shell Orientation: Orientation: Vertical Vertical Shell No. Exchangers Exchangers in in Series: Series: 11 No. No. Exchangers Exchangers in in Parallel: Parallel: 11 No. Shell Inside Inside Diameter: Diameter: 15.25 15.25 in. in. Shell Side for for Hot Hot Stream: Stream: Shell-side Shell-side Hot Hot Side (c) Bundle Bundle Geometry. Geometry. (c) () Tube Tube Details Details (i) Tube Outside Outside Diameter: Diameter: 11 in. in. Tube Tube Wall Thickness: Thickness: 0.083 0.083 in. in. Tube Tube Pitch: Pitch: 1.25 1.25 in. in. Tube Tube Pattern: Pattern: Triangular Triangular Tube Tube Length: Length: 96 96 in. in. Tube (ii) Bundle Bundle Layout Layout (ii) Number of of Tube-side Tube-side Passes: Passes: 1 Number Number of of Sealing Sealing Strip Strip Pairs: Pairs: 0 Number Tube Layout Layout Data: Data: Revise Revise from from input input Tube (iii) Bundle Bundle Size (iii) Tube Count Count (effective): 106 Tube (iv) Transverse Transverse Baffles Baffles (iv) Baffle Pitch: 6.1 in. Baffle Cut: 35% Nozzles. (d) Nozzles. Tube side: 6-in. schedule schedule 40 inlet, 10-in. 10-in. schedule schedule 40 outlet outlet Tube Shell side: 4-in. schedule schedule 40 inlet, 2-in. schedule schedule 40 outlet outlet (e) Process. Process. flow rate (lb/h) Total mass flow (°F) Inlet temperature (~ Inlet pressure (psia) Inlet mass quality resistance (h. (h.f.° Fouling resistance ft2. ~F/Btu) Hot stream Cold stream 2397 222.4 18 11 0 113,814 182 0 0.0005 The circulation rate computed computed in Example Example 10.4 is entered entered for the the cold stream stream mass mass flow rate. The This value serves serves as an initial estimate for the the circulation rate, the the final value of which will be be This calculated by the the software. Note that that the the inlet pressure pressure of the the cold stream stream need need not not be be given as calculated calculated by the the program program in thermosyphon thermosyphon mode. Also, a fouling factor of zero zero is specified it is calculated provide a better better match of total steam-side resistance resistance with the the value used used in the for steam to provide hand calculations. hand REBOILERS R E B O I L E RS 10 // 509 Thermosyphon Details. (f) Thermosyphon T/S specification specification (i) T/S Height of Exchanger Exchanger Inlet: 0 in. Height Pressure at Liquid Surface: 16 psia Pressure Height of Liquid Surface Surface in Column: Column: 96 in. Height Height of Vapor Return Return to Column: Column: 120 in. Height the reboiler taken at that the the arbitrary at the Note that reboiler reference line for elevations (Figure 10.10) is taken elevations (Figure arbitrary reference Note tubesheet elebe at the sump is assumed upper tubesheet and the the column column sump assumed to be the upper the liquid level in the inlet, and distance of 2 ft above The return surface of the be centered return line is assumed the surface assumed to be centered a distance above the the vation. The column. (The value assumed has a relatively the column. relatively small liquid in the assumed for this effect on small effect distance has this distance the calculations. the return be at the bottom should be least 6 in. practice, however, bottom of the return line should calculations. In practice, however, the at least the liquid level expected above the column sump.) the highest highest liquid expected in the sump.) the column above circuits outlet circuits (ii) Inlet Inlet and and outlet (ii) (g) Element 1 Element Inlet Inlet Outlet Outlet element Circuit element Circuit diameter (in.) Internal diameter Internal Length (in.) Length in series series Number elements in of elements N u m b e r of parallel of elements Number elements in in parallel N u m b e r of Pipe Pipe 6.065 6.065 1200 1200 11 11 Horizontal pipe pipe Horizontal 10.02 10.02 600 600 11 11 Physical properties. properties. Physical Data Source Stream Data levels of < Water (NEL 40)> is selected as the 40) > is steam, <Water the Stream and pressure of pressure levels For steam, Source and selected as For 16psia are specified. and 16 specified. 20, 18, and psia are interface is is selected selected from from cold stream, is opened, opened, cyclohexane For the stream, the cyclohexane is COMThermo interface the cold the COMThermo For of available components and Peng-Robinson is selected list of components selected from the list available methods. A and Peng-Robinson list of from the methods. A the list the and 16 psia. range of 180-200~ 180-200F is is specified pressure levels levels of specified at of 20, 18, and psia. at pressure 20, 18, temperature range temperature the above input data given below, below, from The TASC results summary corresponding which itit to the is given corresponding to results summary above input from which data is The under-sized. The generated is that the which be seen reboiler is seen that 12,256 lb/h, lb/h, which the reboiler vapor generated can be The amount is 12,256 is under-sized. amount of of vapor can Results Summary Summary for for Example 10.8 Example 10.8 TASC Results Version 5.01 5.01 --THERMOSYPHON TASC Version TASC THERMOSYPHON Geometric details details Geometric Shell type~series~parallel type/series/parallel Shell Shell diam/tube area diam/tube length/total length/total area Shell tubes of plain passes/no of No of of passes/no plain tubes No (pattern) id/od/pitch (pattern) Tube id/od/pitch Tube No of of baffles/pitch/cut baffles/pitch/cut No AEL AEL 15.3 15.3 11 0.834 0.834 14 14 details Process details Process Total mass mass flowrates shell/tube flowrates shell/tube Total temperature shell/tube Inlet temperature shell/tube Inlet Outlet temperature temperature shell/tube shell/tube Outlet Inlet/outlet quality shell/tube quality shell/tube Inlet/outlet 2397.0 lb/h lb/h 2397.0 222.41 ~F 222.41 218.96 ~·F 218.96 1.0/0.1833 1.0/0.1833 Results Results shell/tube Total pressure drop shell/tube pressure drop Total shell xflow/tube Velocity highest x£Iow/tube highest shell Velocity shell/tube/wall Coefficients shell/tube/wall Coefficients shell/tube Fouling coeff coeff shell/tube Fouling clean/ dirty /service Overall coefficient coefficient clean/dirty/service Overall mtd Heat load/eft wtd mtd load/ eff wtd Heat ratio (act/req)/Duty Area ratio ratio (act/initial) (act/req)/Duty ratio (act/initial) Area 1.165 1.165 114.57 114.57 1584 1584 302.0 302.0 1894 1894 1.002 1.002 in in in in psi psi ft/s ft/s Btu/hf?2~·F Btu/hft Btu/h ft?2 ~·F Btu/hft Btu/hf?2~·F Btu/hft kBtu/h kBtu/h 11 96.0 96.0 106 106 1.0 1.0 6.1 6.1 11 in in 222.0 222.0 ft f°2 in in in in 1.25(30) 1.25(30) 36 36 in in % % 3876 3876 Btu/hftfF Btu/h e~ 255.7 255.7 Btu/hf?·F Btu/h fte ~ 114973.3 lb/h lb/h 114973.3 o·F F 182.71 182.71 o·F F 183.53 183.53 0.0/0.1066 0.0/0.1066 2.153 2.153 43.03 43.03 413 413 11668 668 2255.7 55.7 33.99 33.99 0.819 0.819 psi psi ft/s ft/s Btu/hf?2~F Btu/hft Btu/hf?2~·F Btu/hft Bt/hf?·F Btu/hft 2~ ~F 10/510 REBOILERS REBOILERS is about 82% 82% of the 15,000 lb/h lb/h required. On the heating side, about 18% 18% of the steam fed to the unit fails to condense. Thus, according to TASC the unit is under-surfaced by about 18%, 18%, which is comparable to the result obtained by hand in Example 10.4. The The following table provides a more detailed comparison of results from TASC and the hand calculations. Some of the data in this table were obtained from the detailed output file generated by TASC. Note that all heat-transfer coefficients given by TASC are based on the external surface area of the tubes. Thus, the value of 413 Btu/h.ft Btu/h. ftz..·F ~ for the tube-side coefficient given above in the results summary is actually h;D;/D~, hiDi/Do, so that h; hi = = 495Btu/h.ft? 495 Btu/h. ft2..·F ~ Also, note that the tube-side pressure drop of 2.153 psi in the results summary includes the static head loss in the tubes as well as acceleration, friction, and nozzle losses. Item Hand TASC TASC Circulation Circulation rate (lb/h) h~ (Btu/h 9ft2.~ h,(Btu/h.f?·F) h(Btu/h ho (Btu/h..ft.F) ft2. ~ UD(Btu/h 9ft2. ~ U»(Btu/h.f?··F) AP APi (psi)° (psi)c AP, APo(psi) (psi) ATm (~ 4T,(P 113,814 113,814 565 a 565° 1,500 1,500 (assumed) 243a 243° 0.86 114,973 114,973 495 1,584 1,584 255.7 0.894 1.165 1.165 34 34 0.217 34.7b 34.7° 0.48 (q/qc)max (@/~)»a Area-weighted aArea-weighted average of values for sensible heating and boiling zones. bValue 'Value for boiling zone. CFriction and acceleration, excluding nozzle losses. Friction The The largest differences between the values calculated by hand and by TASC are in the boiling-side heat-transfer coefficient and the critical heat flux. Clearly, the critical heat flux estimated using Palen's correlation in Example 10.4 10.4 is very conservative compared with the value computed by TASC. Conversely, the average boiling-side heat-transfer coefficient calculated by hand is about 14% 14% higher than the value computed by TASC. Nevertheless, the average overall heat-transfer 5% from the value computed by TASC. coefficient calculated by hand differs by only about 5% The tube-side pressure 10.4, although all parameters The pressure drop was not explicitly calculated in Example 10.4, needed for the calculation were evaluated. For completeness, the friction and acceleration losses are computed here. G2y (283,029) 2 • 10.77 10.77 G;y (283,029)° _03192 APacc3.75 x 10s, 1012SL = 375 3.75 x 10 1012 07208 x 0.7208 = 0.3192 psi 4r'a 375 ' 'DS! P, For the sensible heating zone, the friction loss is: LBcO fUnpcG; APf,BC = 7.50 1012 DtSL AP,c 75@x 10 Ds, 0.0319 x 2.90283,029) 2.9(283,029) 2 0.0319 0.01975si = 0.0197 psi 7.50 x<10? 0,0695 'P 1012 x 0.0695 0.72o8 x 0.7208 For the boiling zone, the friction loss is: 2-.2 2-2 2 0.0319 x• 5.1(283, 5.1(283,029) x 15.08 029) 2 15.08 ftLcDGt dPLO _0.0319 _fl.cpGdo si _0.5231 = 0.5231 psi AP,cv - 750 10 0.0695 ' P APf,cD7.50 x 10s, lO12DtSL 7.50 7.50 x 1012 x 0.0695 x 0.7208 0.7208 REBOILERS REBOILERS 10/511 The total friction loss is: APf ---- AP; APf,BC APf,cD = -- 0.0197 0.0197 + + 0.5231 0.5231 = = 0.5428 0.5428 psi pc + AP,co AP; = Therefore, APacc+ + A P / == 0.3192 + + 0.5428 ~ 0.86 psi AP, AP, Example 10.9 10.9 Use TASC to design a vertical thermosyphon reboiler for the service of Example 10.4. 10.4. Solution An initial design consisting of a 15.25-in. 15.25-in. shell containing 106 tubes (1-in. (1-in. OD, 14 BWG, 8ft 8 ft long) was rated in Example 10.8 10.8 and found to be too small. Therefore, we need to only modify the initial design until a suitable configuration is obtained. We begin by increasing the shell size, one size at a time, while keeping other design parameters fixed. Input data are the same as in Example 10.8, with the following exceptions: h.• ft22.• °F ~ /Btu is included for steam to provide an additional safety •9 A fouling factor of 0.0005 h margin. •9 The number of tubes is left unspecified, thereby allowing TASC to determine the tube count The number based on the detailed tube layout. •9 The /d, in the range 0.35-0.40, and the number of baffles The baffle pitch is adjusted to maintain B B/ds is adjusted to fit between the shell-side nozzles as indicated on the setting plan generated by TASC Mechanical. •9 The shell-side nozzles are specified to be on the same side or on opposite sides of the shell, depending on whether the number of baffles is odd or even. Running TASC in thermosyphon mode, it is found that shell sizes of 17.25 and 19.25 19.25 in. are both too small. However, with a 19.25-in. 19.25-in. shell, the heat transfer is limited by the amount of steam provided rather than the available heat-transfer area. TASC also gives the following warning message: rather Consider rear head (30° cylinder thickness due to having Consider using a V type rear (30 ~ cone) to avoid excessive nozzle/ nozzle/cylinder reinforce a large opening. to reinforce Note: Note: The conical head is a standard item. However, type Vis V is not a TEMA designation for this type of head. Therefore, the following design changes are made: •9 •9 •9 •9 Change exchanger type to AEV. Increase shell ID to 19.25 19.25 in. Increase baffle pitch to 7.0in. 7.0 in. lb/h. Increase steam flow rate from 2397 to 2500 1b/h. lbm/h of vapor, slightly more than the With these changes, the unit generates about 15,300 15,3001bm/h 15,000 lbm/h lbm/h required. Running TASC Mechanical shows that the shell-side outlet nozzle should 1.54 in. is required as opposed to the value of 0.93 in. be schedule 80, and a tubesheet thickness of 1.54 errors are indicated. Hence, with these minor modificacalculated by TASC Thermal. No other errors tions, the design is acceptable. The TASC thermal results summary for this case (including the aforementioned modifications) follows. 10/ 512 10/512 REBOILERS REBOILERS TASC Results Summary for Example E x a m p l e 10.9: 1 0 . 9 : Design Design 1 TASC TASC Version 5.01 5.01 -THERMOSYPHON - THERMOSYPHON Geometric details Shell type/series/parallel Shell diam/tube length/total area No of passes/no of plain plain tubes Tube id/od/pitch (pattern) No of baffles/pitch/cut AEV AEV 19.3 19.3 11 0.834 0.834 10 10 Process details Total mass fiowrates flowrates shell/tube Inlet temperature shell/tube Outlet temperature shell/tube Inlet/ outlet quality shell/tube Inlet/outlet 2500.0 2500.0 lb/h 222.41 222.41 ·F ~ 214.19 ·F ~ 1.0/0.0 143049.9 143049.9 182.71 182.71 184.65 184.65 0.0/0.1065 lb/h ·F ~ ·F ~ Results Total pressure drop shell/tube Velocity Velocity highest shell xflow/tube Coefficients shell/tube/wall Fouling coeff shell/tube Overall coefficient clean/ dirty/ service clean/dirty/service load/eff wtd mtd Heat load/eff Area ratio (act/req)/Duty ratio (act/initial) 0.426 0.426 83.1 83.1 1116 1116 2000 2000 256.8 256.8 2430 2430 1.009 1.009 1.73 1.73 31.67 31.67 365 1668 1668 200.2 200.2 34.55 1.008 1.008 psi ft/s Btu/h Btu/hftft?·F 2~ Btu/hf?·F Btu/hft 2~ Btu/h ft ft?2·F ~ ·F oF in in psi ft/s Btu/hf?"F Btu/hft 2~ Btu/h f?2~ ·F Btu/hft Btu/hf? Btu/h ft2 ·F ~ kBtu/h 11 96.0 175 175 1.0 1.0 7.0 in 11 366.5 366.5 ft? ft2 in in 1.25(30) 1.25(30) 36 36 in % % 3876 3876 Btu/h ft2 ~ Btu/hf?·F 200.2 200.2 Btu/h ft2·F ~ Btu/hf? N e x t we we consider c o n s i d e r iincreasing n c r e a s i n g tthe h e steam s t e a m design d e s i g n pressure p r e s s u r e from f r o m 18 to 20psia 20 psia as suggested s u g g e s t e d in ExamExamNext ple S t a r t i n g from f r o m tthe h e same s a m e initial configuration configuration and and proceeding p r o c e e d i n g to increase i n c r e a s e the t h e shell size ple 10.4. Starting s t e p w i s e as as before, before, it is found found that t h a t the t h e smallest s m a l l e s t feasible unit unit consists consists of a 17.25-in. shell containing containing stepwise 140 ttubes. u b e s . The T h e TASC TASC rresults e s u l t s summary s u m m a r y for this case is shown s h o w n below. this case TASC T A S C Results R e s u l t s Summary for Example E x a m p l e 10.9: 1 0 . 9 : Design 2 TASC Version 5.01 5.01 --THERMOSYPHON THERMOSYPHON Geometric details Shell type/series/parallel Shell diam/tube length/total area No of passes/no of plain plain tubes Tube id/od/pitch (pattern) No of baffles/pitch/cut AEV AEV 17.3 17.3 11 0.834 11 11 Process details Total mass flowrates shell/tube Inlet temperature shell/tube Outlet temperature shell/tube Inlet/outlet quality shell/tube 2450.0 lb/h 2450.0 ·F ~ 228.0 ~ 212.26 ·F 1.0/0.0 129637.0 129637.0 182.71 182.71 184.29 184.29 0.0/0.1173 lb/h oF F oF ·F Results Total pressure drop shell/tube Velocity Velocity highest shell xflow/tube Coefficients shell/tube/wall Fouling coeff shell/tube Overall coefficient clean/ dirty/ service clean/dirty/service eff wtd mtd Heat load/ load/eft /Duty ratio (act/initial) Area ratio (act/req) (act/req)/Duty 0.43 0.43 89.43 1011 1011 2000 2000 275.9 275.9 2391 2391 1.008 1.008 1.889 1.889 39.57 39.57 421 421 1668 1668 211.7 211.7 40.18 1.016 1.016 psi ft/s Btu/h ft2 oF 3876 3876 Btu/hf·F Btu/h ft2 ~ Btu/hf?·F ft2 ~ 211.7 211.7 Btu/h ft?·F oF ·F in in psi ft/s Btu/hft 2~ Btu/hf?·F Bt/hf?"F Btu/h ft2 ~ Btu/hf?"F Btu/hft2 ~ kBtu/h 11 96.0 140 140 1.0 1.0 6.4 6.4 in 11 293.2 293.2 f? ft2 in in 1.25(30) 1.25(30) 37 37 % % in ft2 ~ Btu/h ft?·F Btu/h ft2 ~ Btu/hf?·F Both B o t h of tthe h e aabove b o v e ddesigns e s i g n s are are summarized s u m m a r i z e d in the t h e following table. Tube T u b e layouts and and setting setting plans plans (from TASC TASC M Mechanical) e c h a n i c a l ) are are also shown. shown. REBOILERS REBOILERS 10/513 10 / 513 Item Design 11 Design 2 Steam design pressure pressure (psia) Exchanger Exchanger type Shell size (in.) (ft2) Surface area (ft) Number of tubes Number Tube Tube OD (in.) Tube length (ft) Tube (ft) Tube BWG TubeBWG Tube passes Tube Tube Tube pitch (in.) Tube layout Tubesheet Tubesheet thickness (in.) Number of baffles Baffle cut (%) (%) Baffle thickness (in.) Central baffle spacing (in.) End baffle spacing (in.) Sealing strip pairs Tube-side inlet nozzle Tube-side outlet nozzle Shell-side inlet nozzle Shell-side outlet nozzle AP (psi) APi AP, (psi) APo Circulation rate (lbm/h) Exit vapor fraction Vapor generation rate (lbm/h) Steam flow rate Obm/h) (lbm/h) (~lbc) m a x (@/~.)»a Flow stability assessment Two-phase flow regimes 18 AEV 19.25 367 175 1.0 8 14 11 1.25 Triangular 1.54 10 36 0.1875 7.00 14.90 0 6-in. 6-in. schedule 40 10-in. schedule 40 10-in. 4-in. schedule 40 2-in. schedule 80 2-in. 1.73 0.43 143,050 0.1065 15,235 2,500 0.15 0.15 Stable Slug, churn, annular 20 AEV 17.25 293 140 1.0 8 14 11 1.25 Triangular 1.54 11 11 37 0.1875 6.40 14.40 0 6-in. schedule 40 6-in. 10-in. schedule 40 10-in. 4-in. schedule 40 4-in. 2-in. schedule 80 2-in. 1.89 0.43 129,637 0.1173 15,206 2,450 0.20 0.20 Stable Slug, churn, annular Setting S e t t i n g Plan P l a n and Tube layout Layout for Design 1 136.5536 1 3 6 . 5 5 3 6 Overall Overall 110.0595 0 . 0 5 9 5 _ 13.9568 13.9568 __ i 8 __ 13 75~-~ -I i @ LI I 80 Pulling length length Pulling 1 0/514 10/514 REBOILERS REBOILERS 'OOOO00000Q~~ ...O 0 0 O O ) O 0 0 0 O ...:.. .... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 :: O00OOO( O000OO 000000 000000 ?000000~ 00 000 '~176176176176176 000-0000 1 O000000000(oQ 00000 0000 ~ : :000 : . O 0 0 O O 0 000 000,/: 0 0000()000 AEV: 175 tubes AShell E V : 1ID 7 5 =t u19 b e sin. .................... Shell ID = 19 in. Filename: EXAMPLE 10.9.1.TA Filename: EXAMPLE 10.9.1.TAi EX10.9 Exl 0.9 Setting Plan and Tube layout Layout for Design 2 134.2756 Overall 13 rs 13 75 16 16 88 99.784 . 7 8 4 _-_-13.7993 I I |174 ' r- ' I I I 't I @ � I I I I I I ' ' ' i -�--@ I I [' I i + I 80 Pulling length REBOILERS R EBOILERS 0-0~ //O000010000C /00000000000 0000001000000 0000001000000 0000001000000 000 000 000 0000 000 0000 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 00: / 000( AEV: 140 tubes AEV: 140tubes ~ 0 Shel ID -17 in. 10.9.2.TAi i~Filename x~l ~ 0.ae:~,IEEXAMPLE xAMPLE 10"9"2 tAi Ex10.9. 10/515 10/515 .. l 000 0 9 (nozzle $3 provided for the setting to units to these units for these is provided that a shell-side vent setting plans) is S3 on the vent nozzle (nozzle Note that gases that enter with the steam. (Vents and the steam. be added added and drains drains can be that may enter purge any non-condensable gases purge forms.) Also, an impingement impingement plate is included steam inlet the TASC Mechanical at the included at Mechanical input inlet input forms.) the steam on the saturated vapor. (An impingement impingement plate is automatically included when the included when the required for a saturated nozzle, as required estimates generated Plain + by TASC indicate Impingement.) Cost + Impingement.) that Cost estimates indicate that generated by nozzle type is specified as Plain more expensive than than the about 13% smaller unit. the smaller 13% more the t9.25-in, 19.25-in. exchanger unit. exchanger is about the suggested in namely, increasing increasing the the design modification the third 10.4, namely, third design Example 10.4, in Example modification suggested Consideration of the as an exercise reader. exercise for the reader. tube length, length, is is left as for the tube 10.6.3 HTRI Although the The Xist module shell-and-tube reboilers. re boilers. Although HTRI used for Xchanger Suite the HTRI Xchanger the HTRI module of the for shell-and-tube Suite is is used The proprietary, some regarding the has been published regarding used the methodology technology is methodology used some information is proprietary, information has been published technology [17] and thermosyphon reboilers reboilers [12]. reboilers [17] be Additional information and horizontal kettle reboilers horizontal thermosyphon [12]. Additional for kettle can be information can for approach used output files detailed output by the from the generated by program. The for the program. inferred from files generated general approach the detailed used for The general inferred described above. that of reboilers is similar of TASC described above. similar to to that reboilers model is used in is used kettle in which internal circulation circulation rate in the For kettle which the re boilers, a recirculation the kettle rate in recirculation model kettle reboilers, the internal For by aa pressure forms the basis for the basis circulation rate rate forms determined by for calculating is determined internal circulation calculating the the balance. The pressure balance. The internal is coefficient, which composed of with and convective convective terms, of nucleate terms, with is composed nucleate boiling heat-transfer coefficient, boiling and which is boiling heat-transfer boiling for nucleate boiling suppression, and mixture enhancement, and suppression, convective correction factors convective enhancement, nucleate boiling mixture effects. effects. factors for correction incremental (stepwise) exchangers, Xist (stepwise) calculations As with performs incremental with single-phase threecalculations using using aa threeXist performs single-phase exchangers, As local temperature gradients and This feature feature allows temperature gradients dimensional grid. and heat-transfer heat-transfer coefficients allows local grid. This coefficients dimensional and greatly to be computed and multi-component reliability of the reliability be computed the method, greatly improves for multi-component of the improves the method, especially especially for to multi-component anytype with any medium, including Reliable simulation is possible heating medium, simulation is possible with includingmulti-component type of systems. Reliable ofheating systems. 17]. process streams streams [[17]. condensing process condensing input and For thermosyphon program calthe program piping configuration configuration isis specified specified as the piping and the reboilers, the as input calthermosyphon reboilers, For rate. Either detailed or or simplified circulation rate. the simplified piping used. In piping configuration configuration can be used. can be culates the Either aa detailed In the the circulation culates only the latter, only and the liquid head and return the total entered. lines are head and equivalent lengths the equivalent total liquid return lines lengths of feed and are entered. of feed latter, using equivalent lines are of both equivalent lengths lengths for entered using complete details are entered former, complete details of the former, for pipe pipe fittings. In the both lines fittings. In or default default values in the equivalent lengths lengths or the program values contained Either user-specified can be used. user-specified equivalent be used. contained in program can Either 10/516 10/516 REBOILERS REBOILERS For all types of reboilers, the actual and critical heat fluxes are computed at each increment, along with the flow regime (bubble, slug, etc.) and the boiling mechanism (nucleate, film, etc.). For thermosyphons, thermosyphons, a stability assessment is also performed to determine the potential for various types of flow instability in the hydraulic circuit. The boiler applications. The following examples illustrate the use of Xist for re reboiler Example 10.10 10.10 Use Xist to rate the kettle reboiler designed in Example 10.2, and compare the results with those obtained previously by other methods. Solution Data from Example 10.2 are entered on the appropriate Xist input forms as indicated below. Parameters eters not listed are either left at their default settings or left unspecified to be calculated by the program. (a) Geometry (a) /Shell. Geometry/Shell. Case mode: Rating TEMA TEMA type: BKU Shell ID: 23.25 in. Hot fluid location: Tube side (b) Geometry /Reboiler. Geometry/Reboiler. Kettle diameter: 37 in. Number of boiling components: 3 Number Inlet pressure pressure location: At inlet nozzle Geometry/Tubes. (c) Geometry/Tubes. Tube OD: 11 in. Tube Average wall thickness: 0.083 in. Tube pitch: 1.25 in. Tube Tube layout angle: 90° Tube 90 ~ Tube passes: 2 Tube length: 13 ft Tube Tube Tube count: 212 Geometry/Baffles. (d) Geometry /Baffles. Baffle type: None (This is the only option available for a kettle.) Support plates/baffle plates/baffle space: User set: 3 Support (e) Geometry Geometry/Nozzles. IN ozzles. Shell side Inlet ID" ID: 5.047 in. Number: 2 Outlet ID: 6.065 in. Number: 2 Liquid outlet ID: 4.026 in. Radial position of inlet nozzle: Bottom Tube side Inlet ID: 6.065 in. Number: 11 Outlet ID: 3.068 in. Number: 11 (f) Process. Fluid name Phase Flow rate (1000 (1000lb/h) Inlet fraction vapor Outlet fraction vapor Inlet pressure (psia) (psia) Fouling resistance (h (h-. f? ftz ·F/Btu) .~ Hot fluid fluid Cold fluid fluid Cold Steam Condensing 5.645 5.645 11 0 20 0.0005 0.0005 Distillation Bottoms Distillation Boiling 96 0 250 0.0005 0.0005 REBOILERS REBOILERS (~) (g) 10/ 517 10/517 Hot fluid properties. Physical property input option: Component by component Heat release input method: Program calculated Clicking on the Property Property Generator Generator button opens the property generator as shown below. VMG Thermo is selected as the property package and Steam95 is selected from the list of thermodynamic methods for both the vapor and liquid phases. This method uses steam tables to obtain fluid properties. 3erorerty Generator a. EiEE'iii Property Package ] Composition ] Conditions ] Results ] Property package z ] VMG Thermo \WM[Thermo Property Package 3 3 Vapor phase package ]Steam95 Liquid phase package ]Steam95 On the composition form, water is selected from the list of components as shown below. Since it is the only component in the hot stream, its mole fraction is 1.0. 1.0. mews U&EE-EE Property Package Composition ] Conditions] Results ] Property package: VMGT hero fLomnponent ::!iiiiii: i:i,iiiiii THANE DDICHLORODIFLUOROME ICHLOIEIODIFLU0 R0 METHANE PHOSGENE PHDSGENE TRICHLOROFLUOOME THANE TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE CARBON ~::~ CAR BON TTETRACHLORIDE ETRACHLORIDE CARBONYL FLUORIDE FLUORIDE i.i::iii(iCARBONYL BROMOCHLORODIFLUOROME THANE BROMOCHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE BROMOTAICHLOROMETHANE ;!:~ BR OM O T RICH LOR OM ET HAN E BROMOTRIFLUOROMETHANE BROMOTRIFLUOROblETHANE THANE ::ii:~:,;~,DID ;DIBROMODIFLUROME ROMODIFLUOROMETHAN E CHLORO TRIFLUOROME THANE CHLOROTRIFLUOROI'4ETHANE CYANOGEN CHLORIDE CHLORIDE ::::::::::::::::::::::: CfANOGEN q~ii .::::.............. :: rd Fa ] Find Next :: :i :::, Composition Basis : ::i::: [ : : € Mass Gd Moles .: :. _-oa .................. ~ii!ii!ii!il Component 1 WATER Order Normalize ................ Molar Composition Mole Fraction 1 1.0000 ±l _J 2 3 4 5 6 7 ·/ Total: 1 Done 19 psia, are specified and the temperature On the conditions form, two pressure levels, 20 and 19psia, properties is set as shown below. The number of points in this range at which range for fluid properties properties properties are to be generated is set at 20. REBOILERS REBOILERS 10/518 10/518 ease .1ala Conditions ] Results ] Temperature Point Method Flash Method " Llser defined temperatures ( Differential G· Temperature range G Integral f Insert bubble point it in temperature range [ Insert dew point if in temperature range Pressure psia Min. Temp., F Max. Temp. F Number of Points 20 210 230 T T 19 210 230 T T 20 T T 20 I«II T T T T 10 10 . i .. .. -�--"-�L ... �-�-� = ►-1 Temperature Codes: T.Defined min/max temperature B-Calculate bubble point D-Calculate dew point SC- Sub-cooled degrees below bubble point SH- Super-heated degrees above dew point Generate Properties Done Clicking on the Generate Properties button produces the results shown below. The Transfer button is clicked to transfer the data to Xist. (Note that a maximum of 30 data points can be transferred.) Finally, clicking the Done button closes closes the property generator and returns control to the Xist input menu. g Property Generator Temperature 4 ► 210.000 210.000 211.053 211.053 212.105 212.105 213.158 213.158 214.211 214.211 215 263 215.263 216.316 216.316 217.368 217.368 218.421 218.421 219.474 219.474 220.526 220.526 221.579 221.579 222.632 222.632 223.684 223.684 178.232 179.292 180.352 181.412 182.472 183.532 184.593 185.654 186.714 187.776 188.837 189.898 190.960 192.022 20.000 sia Transfer] Heat Weight Enthalpy Fraction tu/lb Va or Print ... 0.00000 0.00000 000000 0.00000 0.00000 000000 0.00000 0.00000 000000 0.00000 0.00000 000000 0.00000 0.00000 19.000 1sia Export... 3790 59.8529 )529 59.8267 )267 59.8004 3004 59.7740 ~740 59.7474 ~474 59.7208 T208 59.6941 3941 59.6673 5673 59 6404 5404 59.6134 3134 59.5863 5863 59.5591 5591 59.5318 5318 Graph 0.28501 0.28331 0.2815 0.28151 0.2798 0.27981 0.2781 0.27811 0.2764 0.27641 0.2748 0.2748] 0.2731 0.27311 0.2715 0.27151 0.2699 0.26991 0.2683 0.26831 0.2667 0.2667q 0.2652! 0.2652 0.2636 O.2636 0.3925 0.3926 0.3927 0.3928 0.3929 0.3930 0.3931 0.3932 0.3933 0.3933 0.3934 0.3935 0.3936 59.0111 58.8984 58.7856 58.6727 58.5596 58.4463 58.3329 58.2193 58.1056 57.9917 57.8776 57.7634 57.6491 1.0077 1.0079 1.0080 1.0082 1.0084 1.0086 1.0087 1.0089 1.0091 1.0093 1.0094 Pseudo IT C 705.14 705.14 705.14 705.14 705 14 705.14 705.14 705 14 705.14 705 14 705.14 y J Done iiiiiiii#ii~i!~i!i~ii~iiii REBOILERS R EBOILERS 10/ 519 10/519 (h) properties. (h) Cold fluid properties. generated in the the same hydrocarbon stream manner as for steam. In stream are generated Properties of the same manner the hydrocarbon Properties both the Peng-Robinson thermodynamic the vapor chosen for both thermodynamic method vapor the Advanced method is chosen Advanced Peng-Robinson this case, the pressure levels, 250 and and 240 psia, are the conditions conditions form, two pressure are specified phases. On the and liquid phases. points is again set temperature range set at 20. The number with a temperature range of 195-225~ number of data points 195-225°F. The that the output summary this case is given below, from summary for this found that which it is found the over-design from which The Xist output The tubes (103 U-tubes), containing 206 tubes produced a tube 33%. Xist produced tube layout containing about 33%. U-tubes), which the unit is about for the tube-count table the tube tube layout generated and the agrees well with the tubes) and the tube-count generated by TASC (210 tubes) table (212 agrees tubes). tubes). Summary for Example Example 10.10 10.10 Xist Output Summary Xis! E Ver. 4.00 SP2 10/17/2005 SN: 1600201024 10/17/200518:34 Xist 18:34 SN" US Units Horizontal Multipass Multi pass Flow TEMA BKU Shell With No Baffles Rating -- Horizontal Messages Report for Warning See Data Check Messages Warning Messages. Runtime Message Report for for Warning Warning Messages. See Runtime Messages. Conditions Process Conditions Cold Shellside Distillation Bottoms Bottoms Fluid name Distillation lb/hr) Flow rate (1000 Ib/hr) 96.0000 frac vap.) vap.) Inlet/Outlet Y Y Inlet/Outlet (Wt. frac 0.000 0.500 F) Inlet/Outlet T 201.69 T (Deg F) inlet/Outlet (Deg 196.60 201.69 250.000 249.937 Inlet P/Avg (psia) 250.000 dP/Allow. (psi) 0.126 0.000 dP/AIIow. (psi) 0.000 (ft2-hr-F/Btu) 0.00050 Fouling (ft2-hr-F/Btu) Fouling 0.00050 Shell h Tube h Tube Hot regime Hot regime Cold regime Cold regime EMTD EMTD TEMA type type TEMA Shell ID ID Shell Series Series Parallel Parallel Orientation Orientation (Btu/ft2-hr-F) (Btu/ft2-hr-F) (Btu/ft2-hr-F) (Btu/ft2-hr-F) (-) (-) (-) (-) F) (Deg F) (Deg Shell Geometry Geometry Shell (-) (-) (inch) (inch) (-) (-) (-) (-) (deg) (deg) Tube Geometry Geometry Tube Tube type type (-) Tube (-) OD Tube OD (inch) Tube (inch) (ft) Length Length (ft) ratio Pitch ratio Pitch (-) (-) (deg) Layout Layout (deg) Tubecount (-) Tubecount (-) Pass Tube Pass Tube (-) (-) Thermal Resistance, % Resistance, % Thermal Shell 35.95 Shell 35.95 16.01 Tube Tube 16.01 39.79 Fouling Fouling 39.79 Metal 8.254 Metal 8.254 Tu beside Hot Tubeside steam steam 1.000 1.000 227.90 227.90 20.000 20.000 0.337 0.337 Performance Exchanger Performance Exchanger Actual U 1006.60 Actual 2709.10 Required U 2709.10 Required Duty Transition Duty Flow Area Flow Area 26.7 Overdesign 26.7 Overdesign BKU BKU 23.2500 23.2500 11 11 0.00 0.00 Plain Plain 1.0000 1.0000 13.000 13.000 1.2500 1.2500 90 90 212 212 22 (Btu/ft2-hr-F) (Btu/ft2-hr-F) (Btu/ft2-hr-F) (Btu/ft2-hr-F) (MM Btu/hr) Btu/hr) (MM ((ft2) ft2) (%) (%) Baffle Geometry Geometry Baffle Baffle type (-) type Baffle (-) Baffle cut cut (Pct Dia.) Dia.) Baffle (Pct Baffle orientation orientation (-) Baffle (-) Central spacing spacing (inch) Central (inch) (-) Crosspasses Crosspasses (-) Shell inlet inlet Shell outlet Shell outlet Shell Inlet height height Inlet Outlet height height Outlet inlet Tube inlet Tube outlet Tube outlet Tube Velocities, ft/sec ft/sec Velocities, Shellside 0.99 Shellside 0.99 Tubeside 41.62 Tubeside 41.62 Crossflow 0.69 Crossflow 0.69 Window 0.00 Window 0.00 Nozzles Nozzles (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch) AA BB C C EE FF 5.6450 5.6450 0.000 0.000 226.98 226.98 19.832 19.832 0.000 0.000 0.00050 0.00050 361.84 361.84 272.12 272.12 5.4240 5.4240 746.925 746.925 32.97 32.97 Support Support 38.5000 38.5000 11 5.0470 5.0470 6.0650 6.0650 0.8750 0.8750 14.4303 14.4303 6.0650 6.0650 3.0680 3.0680 Flow Fractions Fractions Flow 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 10/520 10 / 520 REBOILERS R E B O I L E RS The following table compares the results from Xist with those obtained in previous examples using other methods. It can be seen that the three computer solutions are in reasonably good agreement, with the values calculated by Xist generally falling between those from HEXTRAN and TASC. Xist is somewhat more conservative than TASC with respect to both the boiling and condensing heat-transfer coefficients. Item Hand HEXTRAN HEXTRAN TASC Xist ho (Btu/h. ft2. oF) h, (Btu/h.f.·F) [(Do/Di) (1~hi + Ro»] RDi)]-1 (Btu/h. if2. oF) (D,/D») (/h ' (Btu/hf?·F) U» UD (Btu/h.f.·F) ( B t u / h . ft 2. oF) APi (psi) (psi) AP AP, (psi)? APo (psi)b AT,,(F) ATm (~ UDA Tm (Btu/h.4) (Btu/h 9ft2) U»AT, (q/qc) max (@/@)»a 523 523 1500 1500 297 0.3 0.3 0.2 25.6 7603 7603 0.11 0.11 936a 936° 857 a 857° 335 a 335° 0.43 0.43 0 27.1a 27.1° 9079a 9079° - 1146 1146 1090 392 0.35 0.35 0.055 25.4 25.4 9957 0.085 0.085 1007 1007 957 362 0.34 0.34 0.022 26.7 26.7 9665 0.10° 0.10c Area-weighted average over first five aArea-weighted five zones; zones; subcooled condensate zone not included. bFriction Friction and acceleration, excluding nozzle nozzle losses. CBased on specified duty. Based specified duty. a Example 10.11 10.11 boiler of Example 10.4 and Use Xist to rate the initial configuration for the vertical thermosyphon re reboiler compare the results with those obtained previously by other methods. Solution Data from Example 10.4 are entered on the Xist input forms as indicated below. (a) Geometry /Shell. Geometry/Shell. Case mode: Rating TEMA type: AEL Shell ID: 15.25 in. (b) Shell orientation: Vertical Hot fluid location: Shell side Geometry /Reboiler. Geometry/Reboiler. Reboiler type: Thermosyphon reboiler Number of boiling components: 11 Required liquid static head: 8 ft pressure location: At column bottom Inlet pressure Note: The The static head for a vertical thermosyphon reboiler is the vertical distance between the lower tubesheet tubesheet and the liquid level in the column sump. (c) Geometry/Tubes. Geometry/Tubes. Tube Tube OD: 1lin. in. Average wall thickness: 0.083 in. Tube Tube pitch: 1.25 in. Tube Tube layout angle: 30° 30 ~ (d) Geometry/Baffles. Baffle cut: 35% 35% Central baffle spacing: 6.1 in. Tube passes: 11 Tube length: 8ft 8 ft Tube count: 106 R E B O I LE RS REBOILERS 10 / 521 (e) Geometry/Clearances. Pairs of sealing strips: None (f) Geometry/Nozzles. Shell side Inlet ID: 4.026 in. Number: 11 Outlet ID: 2.067 in. Number: 11 Tube side Tube Inlet ID: 6.065 in. Number: 11 ID" 10.02 in. Outlet ID: Number: 11 (g) Piping. The detailed piping forms are used here to illustrate the procedure. They are invoked by checking the box for detailed piping on the main piping form. The inlet piping form is shown below: ei Input Summary-Piping-Inlet Standard [014Ns1_836_10 table Element Type 3 Inside Diameter -FE ·l Equivalent Length Height Change 100 -6 -4 2 Number of Increments Friction Factor Multiplier inch 1 2 .. . 6.065 3 4 5 The The piping elements are selected from a list box that appears when a blank field in the first column is clicked. In this case there are only three elements because because the straight pipe equivalent length is assumed to account for all entrance, exit, and fitting losses. Height changes are negative in the downward direction and positive in the upward direction. Height changes of individual elements are arbitrary here as long as they total to negative 8 ft. This puts the tubesheet a vertical distance of 8 ft below the liquid surface in the column sump. The lower tubesheet outlet piping form is similar and is shown below: Standard Jo14Ns1_836_10. table Element Type 1 Header (height only 2 Straight pipe 3 4 5 .Iglxl .m4 + - Input Summary-Piping-Outlet 3 Schedule [STD Inside Diameter Equivalent Length Height Change (inch) (ft) (ft) ... 10.02 ... ... ... ... 50 3 - 2 0 Number of Increments Friction Factor Multiplier d "" ' II '' Friction Factor 1 I' I ! - 10 / 522 10/522 R EBOILERS REBOILERS The The outlet header header extends extends from the upper upper tubesheet tubesheet to the return return pipe. Since the upper tubesheet is at the same elevation as the liquid surface in the column sump, the specified tubesheet height change puts the return height change return pipe a vertical distance of 2 ft above the surface of the liquid in the sump. (Note that the inlet and outlet piping specifications given here are completely those used with TASC in Examples 10.8 and 10.9.) equivalent to those (h) Process. Process. Fluid name Phase (1000lb/h) Flow rate (1000 Inlet fraction vapor Outlet fraction vapor Inlet pressure (psia) (psia) Fouling resistance (h (h-. ft?·F/Btu) ft2.~ Hot fluid fluid Cold fluid Cold Steam Condensing 2.397 Cyclohexane Boiling 113.814 113.814 00 11 0 18 18 16 16 0.0005 0 (i) Hot fluid properties. properties. VMG Thermo Thermo and Steam95 are selected for the property package. Pressure Pressure levels of 20, 18, and 16 psia are specified with a temperature temperature range of 200-230F, 200-230~ and the number number of data points is set at 20. (j) Cold fluid properties. () properties. Thermo and the Advanced Peng-Robinson method are selected for the cyclohexane VMG Thermo stream. Pressure Pressure levels of 20, 18, and 16 psia are specified with a temperature temperature range of 180220F, and 20 data points are again used. 220~ The Xist output summary summary for this case is shown below, from which the unit is seen to be The under-designed under-designed by about 21%. 21%. Data from the output summary and detailed output files were used to prepare results comparison shown in the table below. The used prepare the results The heat-transfer coefficients calculated by Xist are close to those computed by TASC. However, the circulation rates from the two programs the programs differ by more than a factor of two. Despite this fact, the total tube-side pressure pressure drop is nearly the same in both cases, 2.15 versus 2.17 psia. (The Xist value includes the nozzle losses but not the static head losses in the inlet and outlet headers. The latter are pressure drops reported by TASC and included with the inlet and outlet piping. Hence, the pressure Xist are equivalent.) Item Hand TASC Xist Circulation rate (lb/h) hi (Btu/h (Btu/h..f.·F) ft2. ~ h, ho (Btu/h.ft?··F) (Btu/h 9ft2. ~F) h, UD (Btu/h. ft2. ~ Uo (Btu/h.f?··F) APi (psi)° (psi) c AP AP, (psi) APo ATm (~ AT,, (F (~l/qc)m~ (@/~)»a 113,814 565a 565° 1500 (assumed) 1500 243a 243° 0.86 114,973 495 495 1584 1584 255.7 0.894 1.165 34 34 0.217 52,694 501 501 1290 250 0.74 0.55 0.55 33.8 0.38 34.75 34.7° 0.48 aArea-weighted average average of of values values for for sensible sensible heating heating and and boiling zones. Area-weighted boiling zones. bValue zone. 'Value for boiling boiling zone. CFriction acceleration, excluding excluding nozzle nozzle losses. losses. ·Friction and and acceleration, REBOILERS R EBOILERS 10// 523 10 10.11 Xist Output Summary for Example 10.11 US Units E Ver. 4.00 SP2 10/24/2005 20:42 SN: 1600201024 Xist EVer. Reboiler TEMA ALL AEL Shell With With Single-Segmental Baffles Rating -- Vertical Thermosiphon Reboi/er No Data Check Messages. See Runtime Message Report for Warning Messages. Hot Shellside Process Conditions Fluid name Steam Flow rate (1000 Ib/hr) lb/hr) 2.3970 Inlet/Outlet Y (Wt. frac vap.) 1.000 0.000 Inlet/Outlet T (Deg F) 222.34 220.66 Inlet P/Avg (psia) 17.725 18.000 dP/Allow. dP/AIIow. (psi) 0.551 0.000 Fouling (ft2-hr-F/Btu) 0.00000 Shell h Tube h Hot regime Cold regime regime EMTD (Btu/ft2-hr-F) (Btu/ft2-hr-F) () (-) (-) (-) (Deg F) Shell Geometry TEMA type (-) TEMA (-) ID Shell ID (inch) Series (-) Series (-) () Parallel Parallel (-) Orientation (deg) Tube Geometry Tube Geometry Tube type (-) type Tube (-) OD (inch) Tube OD (inch) (ft) Length Length (ft) ratio Pitch ratio (-) Pitch (-) Layout (deg) Layout (deg) Tubecount (-) Tubecount (-) Pass Tube Pass (-) Tube (-) Resistance, Thermal % Thermal Resistance, % Shell 19.44 Shell 19.44 59.82 Tube Tube 59.82 15.03 Fouling Fouling 15.03 5.706 Metal Metal 5.706 Tu beside Cold Tubeside Cyclohexane 52.6936° 52.6936* 0.000 0.288 182.51 183.60 18.470 17.383 2.172 0.000 0.00050 0.00050 Exchanger Performance Actual U 1289.83 Actual 501.26 Required U Gravity Duty Nucl Area 33.8 Overdesign 33.8 Overdesign AEL ALL 15.2500 15.2500 11 11 90.00 90.00 Plain Plain 1.0000 1.0000 8.000 8.000 1.2500 1.2500 30 30 106 106 11 250.34 (Btu/ft2-hr-F) (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 250.34 317.86 (Btu/ft2-hr-F) (Btu/ft2-h r- F) 317.86 2.3116 Btu/hr) (MM Btu/hr) 2.3116 214.952 (ft2) (ft2) 214.952 -21.24 (%) (%) -21.24 Geometry Baffle Geometry Baffle type (-) Single-Seg. type Baffle (-) Single-Seg. cut Baffle cut 35.00 Dia.) (Pct Dia.) Baffle (Pct 35.00 orientation PARALLEL (-) Baffle orientation (-) PARALLEL spacing 6.1000 (inch) Central spacing (inch) 6.1000 Cross passes 13 (-) Crosspasses (-) 13 Nozzles Nozzles Shell Inlet 4.0260 (inch) Shell (inch) 4.0260 outlet 2.0670 (inch) Shell outlet (inch) 2.0670 Inlet height height 1.6250 (inch) InJet (inch) 1.6250 Outlet height height 0.2500 (inch) Outlet (inch) 0.2500 inlet Tube inlet 6.0650 (inch) Tube (inch) 6.0650 Tube outlet outlet 10.0200 (inch) Tube (inch) 10.0200 Velocities, ft/sec ft/sec Velocities, 41.88 Shellside Shellside 41.88 Tubeside 18.89 Tubeside 18.89 Crossflow 49.66 Crossflow 49.66 Window 29.84 Window 29.84 AA BB C C EE FF Flow Fractions Fractions Flow 0.136 0.136 0.630 0.630 0.106 0.106 0.128 0.128 0.000 0.000 Example 10.1 10.12 Example 2 the vertical design for final design for the to obtain vertical thermosyphon reboiler of Xist to 10.4. obtain aa final thermosyphon reboiler of Example Use Xist Example 10.4. Use Solution Solution rated in 15.25-in. unit increased one the shell the 15.25-in. previous example, from the Starting from is increased unit rated example, the in the size shell size the previous one size size is Starting at aa time until aa suitable on the of previous obtained. Based configuration isis obtained. suitable configuration results of the the results time until Based on previous examples, examples, the at changes are are made following additional input data: data: made to to the additional changes the input following so that the will be tube count be determined based on on the that itit will determined by left unspecified count isis left the program 'The tube unspecified so by the program based 9• The layout. detailed tube tube layout. detailed B/d in in the baffle cut The central maintain B/ds adjusted to to maintain the range the baffle central baffle cut spacing isis adjusted 0.35--0.40, and baffle spacing and the range 0.35-0.40, 9• The accordingly. is adjusted adjusted accordingly. is 10/ 1 0 / 5524 24 REBOILERS R EBOILERS 2 • ° F/Btu is included for steam to provide an added safety 9• A fouling factor of 0.0005h ft2.~ 0.0005 h •9 ft margin. pressure is increased to 20 psia and the flow rate is increased to 2450 lb/h. •9 The The steam pressure With these these settings, the smallest viable unit is found to be a 19.25-in. exchanger. The Xist output summary for this case using the actual tube layout (after adding tie rods) as input is given below, 10%. The detailed output file from Xist was from which the over-design for the unit is seen to be about 10%. used to compile the design summary shown in the following table. The setting plan and tube layout used generated by Xist are also given. Minor changes in some design parameters are to be expected pending mechanical design calculations. Xist Output Summary for Example 10.12 10.12 US Units Ver. 4.00 SP2 10/26/2005 18.51 Xist E EVer. 18:51 SN: SN" 1600201024 - Vertical Thermosiphon Reboiler TEMA AEL Shell With Single-Segmental Baffles Rating -- No Data Check Messages. See Runtime Message Report for Warning Messages. Process Conditions Shellside Hot Shellslde ib/hr) (1000 lb/hr) (Wt. frac vap.) yap.) (Deg F) (DegF) (psia) (psi) (ft2-hr-F/Btu) (tt2-hr-F/Btu) Shell hh Tube Tube hh Hot regime Cold regime EMTD (Btu/ft2-hr-F) (Btu/ft2-hr-F) (-) (-) (-) (-) F) (Deg F) TEMA type Shell ID Series Parallel Orientation Tube type Tube OD Length Pitch ratio Layout Tubecount Tube Pass Shell Geometry (-) (-) (inch) (-) (-) (-) (-) (deg) Tube Geometry (-) (-) (inch) (inch) (ft) (ft) (-) (-) (deg) (deg) (-) (-) Thermal Resistance, % 14.76 61.08 20.00 4.150 Shell Tube Fouling Metal (-) (-) 1.000 227.90 20.000 0.350 Cold Tubeside Cyclohexane Steam Fluid name Flow rate Inlet/Outlet Y Inlet/Outlet T Inlet P/Avg P/Avg dP/Allow. dP/AIIow. Fouling 2.4500 0.000 226.92 19.825 0.000 0.00050 Exchanger Performance U 1232.22 Actual U U 356.63 Required U Gravity Duty Nucl Area 40.1 40.1 Overdesign AEL 19.2500 1 1 f1 90.00 Plain 1.0000 8.000 1.2500 30 177 f1 (Btu/ft2-hr-F) (Btu/ft2-hr-F) (MM Btu/hr) (ft2) (ft2) (%) Baffle Geometry (-) (Pct Dia.) (-) (inch) (-) Nozzles (inch) Shell Inlet (inch) Shell outlet Inlet height (inch) Outlet height (inch) (inch) Tube inlet (inch) Tube outlet Tube Baffle type Baffle cut Baffle orientation Central spacing Crosspasses Velocities, ft/sec 26.43 12.05 33.66 18.54 Shellside Tubeside Crossflow Window 0.000 182.51 182.51 18.428 2.020 A B C E E F F 75.1813° 75.1813" 0.203 184.01 184.01 17.418 0.000 0.00050 181.77 164.76 2.3531 2.3531 355.841 355.841 10.33 Single-Seg. 35.00 PERPEND. 7.0000 11 11 4.0260 2.0670 1.6715 0.3406 6.0650 10.0200 Flow Fractions 0.158 0.613 0.050 0.179 0.000 REBOILERS REBOILERS 10/525 10 / 525 The design obtained using Xist is similar to the 19.25-in. unit designed using TASC. However, The with 20-psia steam, a 17.25-in. exchanger exchanger was found to be adequate using TASC. Thus, Xist yields a more more conservative design in this case. Also, Xist does not issue a recommendation to consider a conical head as was used in the the TASC design. In fact, Xist does not provide an option for this type of head. However, a similar result can be achieved by specifying an axial tube-side exit nozzle on the the Geometry/Nozzles Geometry/Nozzles form. Using an axial nozzle gives a slightly smaller tube-side pressure pressure drop (2.017 psi) with corresponding corresponding differences differences in the circulation rate (78,786 lb/h) and exit vapor these changes fraction (0.194). Since these changes are insignificant, design parameters parameters for this modification are not listed in the table below. However, the setting plan for this case is included to illustrate the nozzle configuration. Item Steam design pressure (psia) (psia) Exchanger type Shell size (in.) (in.) Surface 2) Sur face area (ft (ft) Number of tubes Tube OD (in.) (in.) Tube length (ft) (ft) Tube BWG Tube passes (in.) Tube pitch (in.) Tube layout Tubesheet thickness (in.) (in.) Number of baffles Baffle cut (%) (%) Baffle thickness (in.) (in.) Central baffle spacing (in.) (in.) Inlet baffle spacing (in.) (in.) Outlet baffle spacing (in.) (in.) Sealing strip pairs Tube-side inlet nozzle Tube-side outlet nozzle Shell-side inlet nozzle Shell-side outlet nozzle AP (psi) APi AP, APo (psi) Circulation rate (lbm/h) 0bin/h) Exit vapor fraction Vapor generation rate (lbm/h) 0bin/h) Steam flow flow rate 0bm/h) (lbm/h) (~/ ( q / q~)»»a c ) max Flow stability assessment Two-phase flow flow regimes Boiling regime Value 20 AEL 19.25 19.25 355.8 177 177 1.0 1.0 8 14 14 11 1.25 Triangular 1.925 1.925 10 10 35 0.1875 7.00 16.28 16.28 12.87 12.87 0 6-in. schedule 40 6-in. 10-in. 10-in. schedule 40 4-in. schedule 40 4-in. 2-in. 2-in. schedule 40 2.02 2.02 0.35 75,181 75,181 0.203 15,262 15,262 2450 0.195 Stable Bubble, slug, annular Nucleate 10 / 526 526 10/ R EEBBO O I LIELE R SA S A Setting Plans Plans and Tube layout Layout for Example 10.12 10.12 Radial tube-side exit nozzle •t F � +T 19.2500 in. 19.2500 t i 8.000 8.000 ft i., J, t »] Axial tube-side exit nozzle ~r I »v 7T 19.2500 19.2500 in. % 8.000ft 8.000 ft i.-�-----------• I► tjlt..~ 4.0260 in. 4.0260 in. //• o@0?@@@@@@@@ o o o o+~o~O~o~o~o~o~o~o'~" I/OOOOOOO,OOOOOOO ' @@@@@@@@@@:i/ lO000000|174 -@@@@@@@@@@@}/ ~,: O OOOOOO,OOO OOO/I @9000@99@0: ~,, O 0_0 0.0_ 0 O _O.0 0 O_O@ .,';/ ' @@@@@@@@@@@ 8,,y,39,3,g RE; ~FO-O-| | O-OO O-O 07 ,2@6000000G %|174 @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@j • @@@@@@@@ ; • 0@@O° ---.,_G)_o _0.----2.0670 2.0670 in. 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Shinskey, E Mayfield, Design data for thermosyphon reboilers, FD. reboilers, Chem. Lee, D. C., J. W. Dorsey, G. Z. Moore and E D. Mayfield, 52, No. 4, 160-164, 1956. Prog., 52, Eng. Prog., bundles, Chapter Chapter 12 in heat transfer tube bundles, Kawaji, Two-phase flow and boiling heat transfer in tube Dowlati, R. and M. Kawaji, Change: Boiling eds, Boiling and Condensation, Condensation, S. G. Kandlikar, M. Shoji and V. K. Dhir, eds, Handbook of Phase Change: Taylor and Francis, Philadelphia, PA, 1999. need to design thermosyphon reboilers, 105-123, 1960. 39, No. 2, 105-123, What you need reboilers, Pet. Refiner, 39, Fair, J. R., What Prog., 79, 79, No. No. 3, 86-96, 1983. Thermal design of horizontal reboilers, reboilers, Chem. Eng. Prog., Fair, J. R. and A. Klip, Thermal Chem. Eng. Prog., 83, 83, No. 11, 64-70, 1987. reboilers, Chem. thermosyphon reboilers, shellside thermosyphon Yilmaz, S. B., Horizontal shellside Shires and T. R. 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McGraw-Hill, New 5th edn, York, Engineers' Handbook, 5th Perry, 1973. 10 / 528 ....o C O3 ~3 I\) A h/D 0o A h/D h/D h/D A A h/D A h/D h/D A A h/D A 0 m O O b"... ~5 OO oO L~ b.- C~ O O C~ oO O OO oO L~ L~ O o L~ L~ C~ O OO O L~ L~ C~ ,:::5 L~ L~ L~ L~ O OO L~ L~ O'3 ,::5 ,::5 O O L~ oO O OO L~ L~ C~ C~ oO L~ ,::5 O OO c~ O L~ OO O O oO O O b-- O ,::5 ,::5 O OO OO ,::5 O ,::5 O O L~ L~ L~ O O r "~ ~,OOO ,::5o O C~,1 ',~ t,..O o o O I..~ L~ L~ L~ t,,.O O o'3 . C~ L~ O O O'~OO O"~ t,,.O C'~ O c,~ r ~ t,~ OO 9 L~ C~ L~ ~,::5 C~ C~ c5 c5 ,::5 ~,::5 r L~ L~ L.~ r O'~ L~ ~.--~ ,,.-.~ oo t,,O L~ O L~ oO o o o o OO OO O ~ O O O ~,::5 OO ~O OO OO r c','3 O O O ~ C~ O O O O"~ ~"~ O"~ O 00 OO OO b,.. ~'-.- ~,.O OO O r C~ " ~ o,..., o,_q .,.~ 9~ -I- o'~ ~o... O o'-' h: height; D: diameter; and A: area. Rules for using table: (1) Divide height of segment by the diameter; multiply the area in the table corresponding to the quotient, height/diameter, by the diameter squared. When segment exceeds a semicircle, its area is: area of circle minus the area of a segment whose height is the circle diameter minus the height of the given segment. (2) To find the diameter when given the chord and the segment height: the diameter= [(% chord)/height] + height. Source: Ref. [18) O oO C~ ,::5 O O ,::5 c5 LC~ L~ L~ 9 OO 0 ~,,O OO O C~ Lr OO Lr b'-- l".- l"'.- OO ",~ t,,O OO O ~"'.. ~ C"~ O ".,~ L~ L~ L~ L~ ",~ C~ r "~ OO O'~ OOO (::~ O'~ OO C~ O L~ O O c~ ',"~ ~'... OO O'~ O O ~ O O O O O O O O (:3"~ ~"~ oo O O O C't3 ,::5 OO OOOOOOOOOO c."~ c",'3 c',"~ r ~.- ~.. ~.- b,... l"-.- c,'~ c,'3 r l",..- ~"--.. b-.- l'~.., b -.- ~'~ C,'3 C,'3 O b'-.. C~ ~"~'- ~ C'~ r r O Lr OO OO OO OO O b.- ~'-.- ~"-.. b,.- ~'--.- O O O O O O O O O O L~ ~'.. O C~ C'~ C~ C~,1C'q -,~ " ~ O O O O O c',~ t,~ b..- b,-- ~'-.- ~.. b-- oO O'b O L~ O C~ OO C~ t,~ O ',,~ OO oO O"b ~'~ C'q r QC:~ ~ - b--. b"-O O ~ O O O b-.- O O O O O O O OO ,,--~ ~',.- L~ 9' ~ L~ O O O ~ O ~ O O O O ~ O C~ L~ O O O O b-.- ~::~ b'..- ~-"~ O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ~:%1L~ (3'~ ~ O O O ~ O O O ~ O O O O O O OO O O O O O C'q (3~ O O O D-.- L~ L~ O O O O ~ OO OO ~ OO OO OO O ~ O O ~ O ~ O ~ - ~"-.- ~'-.. ~".- b-.O O O O O "~ ~ O O O L.~ ~ O O OO O O O OO O O O O O O O O 0.350 0.24498 0.400 0.29337 0.450 0.34278 0.352 0.24689 0.402 0.29533 0.452 0.34477 0.354 0.24880 0.404 0.29729 0.454 0.34676 0.356 0.25071 0.406 0.29926 0.456 0.34876 0.358 0.25263 0.408 0.30122 0.458 0.35075 0.360 0.25455 0.410 0.30319 0.460 0.35274 0.362 0.25647 0.412 0.30516 0.462 0.35474 0.364 0.25839 0.414 0.30712 0.464 0.35673 0.366 0.26032 0.416 0.30910 0.466 0.35873 0.368 0.26225 0.418 0.31107 0.468 0.36072 0.370 0.26418 0.420 0.31304 0.470 0.36272 0.372 0.26611 0.422 0.31502 0.472 0.36471 0.374 0.26805 0.424 0.31699 0.474 0.36671 0.376 0.26998 0.426 0.31897 0.476 0.36871 0.378 0.27192 0.428 0.32095 0.478 0.37071 0.380 0.27386 0.430 0.32293 0.480 0.37270 0.382 0.27580 0.432 0.32491 0.482 0.37470 0.384 0.27775 0.434 0.32689 0.484 0.37670 0.386 0.27969 0.436 0.32887 0.486 0.37870 0.388 0.28164 0.438 0.33086 0.488 0.38070 0.390 0.28359 0.440 0.33284 0.490 0.38270 0.392 0.28554 0.442 0.33483 0.492 0.38470 0.394 0.28750 0.444 0.33682 0.494 0.38670 0.396 0.28945 0.446 0.33880 0.496 0.38870 0.398 0.29141 0.448 0.34079 0.498 0.39070 0.400 0.29337 0.450 0.34278 0.500 0.39270 ,::5 b.,.. OO ,::5 ,::5 L~ r OO O C~ b".. OO L~ b".. O O O ,::5 O C~ L~ L~ O ~5 C~ O O L~ L~ O O O C~ O O O t"-.- OO O OO C~ ,::5 OO O 0.050 0.01468 0.100 0.04087 0.150 0.07387 0.200 0.11182 0.250 0.15355 0.300 0.19817 0.002 0.00012 0.052 0.01556 0.102 0.04208 0.152 0.07531 0.202 0.11343 0.252 0.15528 0.302 0.20000 0.004 0.00034 0.054 0.01646 0.104 0.04330 0.154 0.07675 0.204 0.11504 0.254 0.15702 0.304 0.20184 0.006 0.00062 0.056 0.01737 0.106 0.04452 0.156 0.07819 0.206 0.11665 0.256 0.15876 0.306 0.20368 0.008 0.00095 0.058 0.01830 0.108 0.04576 0.158 0.07965 0.208 0.11827 0.258 0.16051 0.308 0.20553 0.010 0.00133 0.060 0.01924 0.110 0.04701 0.160 0.08111 0.210 0.11990 0.260 0.16226 0.310 0.20738 0.012 0.00175 0.062 0.02020 0.112 0.04826 0.162 0.08258 0.212 0.12153 0.262 0.16402 0.312 0.20923 0.014 0.00220 0.064 0.02117 0.114 0.04953 0.164 0.08406 0.214 0.12317 0.264 0.16578 0.314 0.21108 0.016 0.00268 0.066 0.02215 0.116 0.05080 0.166 0.08554 0.216 0.12481 0.266 0.16755 0.316 0.21294 0.018 0.00320 0.068 0.02315 0.118 0.05209 0.168 0.08704 0.218 0.12646 0.268 0.16932 0.318 0.21480 0.020 0.00375 0.070 0.02417 0.120 0.05338 0.170 0.08854 0.220 0.12811 0.270 0.17109 0.320 0.21667 0.022 0.00432 0.072 0.02520 0.122 0.05469 0.172 0.09004 0.222 0.12977 0.272 0.17287 0.322 0.21853 0.024 0.00492 0.074 0.02624 0.124 0.05600 0.174 0.09155 0.224 0.13144 0.274 0.17465 0.324 0.22040 0.026 0.00555 0.076 0.02729 0.126 0.05733 0.176 0.09307 0.226 0.13311 0.276 0.17644 0.326 0.22228 0.028 0.00619 0.078 0.02836 0.128 0.05866 0.178 0.09460 0.228 0.13478 0.278 0.17823 0.328 0.22415 0.030 0.00687 0.080 0.02943 0.130 0.06000 0.180 0.09613 0.230 0.13646 0.280 0.18002 0.330 0.22603 0.032 0.00756 0.082 0.03053 0.132 0.06135 0.182 0.09767 0.232 0.13815 0.282 0.18182 0.332 0.22792 0.034 0.00827 0.084 0.03163 0.134 0.06271 0.184 0.09922 0.234 0.13984 0.284 0.18362 0.334 0.22980 0.036 0.00901 0.086 0.03275 0.136 0.06407 0.186 0.10077 0.236 0.14154 0.286 0.18542 0.336 0.23169 0.038 0.00976 0.088 0.03387 0.138 0.06545 0.188 0.10233 0.238 0.14324 0.288 0.18723 0.338 0.23358 0.040 0.01054 0.090 0.03501 0.140 0.06683 0.190 0.10390 0.240 0.14494 0.290 0.18905 0.340 0.23547 0.042 0.01133 0.092 0.03616 0.142 0.06822 0.192 0.10547 0.242 0.14666 0.292 0.19086 0.342 0.23737 0.044 0.01214 0.094 0.03732 0.144 0.06963 0.194 0.10705 0.244 0.14837 0.294 0.19268 0.344 0.23927 0.046 0.01297 0.096 0.03850 0.146 0.07103 0.196 0.10864 0.246 0.15009 0.296 0.19451 0.346 0.24117 0.048 0.01382 0.098 0.03968 0.148 0.07245 0.198 0.11023 0.248 0.15182 0.298 0.19634 0.348 0.24307 0.050 0.01468 0.100 0.04087 0.150 0.07387 0.200 0.11182 0.250 0.15355 0.300 0.19817 0.350 0.24498 O REBOILERS A E h/D (b A t~ h/D ,,< Appendix 10.A Areas of Circular Segments. c 0 r m :D G R BO ER S REB O I I LLE RS Notations Notations Heat-transfer surface area; circular sector area factor A A~ow Flow area B Baffle spacing Boiling range BR no @ C Heat capacity at constant pressure Heat capacity of liquid Parameter in Equation (9.20) Diameter D D, Diameter of tube bundle Db Da Internal diameter of reboiler exit line Dex D, Internal diameter of tube Di D,,, Internal diameter of reboiler inlet line Din External diameter of tube D, Do D, Internal diameter of shell D~ D, Internal diameter of tube in vertical thermosyphon reboiler Dt Ery ELw Convective enhancement factor in Liu-Winterton correlation F LMTD correction factor F, Factor defined by Equation (9.20) (9.20) that accounts for convective effects in boiling on Fb tube bundles Mixture correction factor for Mostinski correlation Fm F» Fp Pressure correction factor for Mostinski correlation F, Darcy friction factor ff Darcy friction factor for reboiler exit line fex fa Darcy friction factor for reboiler re boiler inlet line fr fin f friction for flow in vertical thermosyphon reboiler tubes Darcy factor ft G Mass flux G Mass flux in reboiler exit line G% Gex Mass flux in reboiler re boiler inlet line G% Gin Mass flux in nozzle G, Gn Mass flux in vertical thermosyphon reboiler tubes Gt G Gt,mist Tube-side mass flux at onset of mist flow Gist g Gravitational acceleration g, Unit conversion factor gc H Specific enthalpy H Specific enthalpy of reboiler feed stream HF He Specific enthalpy of liquid HL H, Specific enthalpy of vapor Hv H h Height of circular sector hb Convective boiling heat-transfer coefficient h» h:t Tube-side heat-transfer coefficient hi Heat-transfer coefficient for total flow as liquid hLo h) Nucleate boiling heat-transfer coefficient hnb Natural convection heat-transfer coefficient h)ne hnc Shell-side heat-transfer coefficient ho h k Thermal conductivity k; kL Thermal conductivity of liquid Thermal conductivity of tube wall kne ktube L Tube length Length of sensible heating zone in vertical thermosyphon reboiler LBc L,c boiler Length of boiling zone in vertical thermosyphon re reboiler Lcp LCD Equivalent length of reboiler exit line Le Lex Equivalent length of reboiler inlet line Lin I CL Cp,L C C1 10/ 10 / 529 10/530 10 / 530 RREBOILERS EBOI LERS Required tube tube length length Required Shell length length required required for for liquid liquid overflow overflow reservoir reservoir in in kettle kettle reboiler reboiler Shell Molecular weight weight M Molecular M m Mass flow flow rate rate Mass in minp Mass flow rate of reboiler reboiler feed feed stream stream Mass flow rate of I~lF m; Mass flow flow rate rate of of tube-side tube-side fluid fluid Mass ini Mass flow flow rate rate of of liquid liquid Mass ~hL ii Mass flow rate of steam Mass flow rate of steam msteam l~lsteam hp, Mass flow rate ofTherminol® heat-transfer fluid fluid Mass flow rate of Therminol | heat-transfer ~hrh my Mass flow rate of vapor Mass flow rate of vapor inv Number of of pairs pairs (inlet/outlet) (inlet/ outlet) of of nozzles nozzles N, Number N. Nu Nusselt number number Nusselt Nu Number of of tube tube passes passes Number n~ np Number of of tubes tubes in in bundle bundle Number n+ nt Pressure at point A, B, C, C, D Din vertical thermosyphon thermosyphon reboiler reboiler system system Pressure at point A, B, in vertical PA.Pe.Pe.Po PA,PB,Pc,PD (Figure 10.8) 10.8) (Figure Critical pressure pressure Critical Pc P. Critical pressure pressure of of ith ith component component in in mixture mixture Critical Pc,i P Pseudo-critical pressure Pseudo-critical pressure P%% Pseudo-reduced pressure pressure Pseudo-reduced Reduced pressure pressure P, Reduced Prandtl number number of of liquid liquid Pr; Prandtl PrL Saturation pressure pressure Saturation Pao Psat Tube pitch pitch Tube Pr PT Rate of of heat heat transfer transfer qq Rate of heat transfer in sensible sensible heating heating zone zone of vertical vertical thermosyphon thermosyphon reboiler reboiler Rate of heat transfer BC qBc Rate of heat heat transfer transfer in in boiling boiling zone zone of vertical vertical thermosyphon thermosyphon reboiler reboiler Rate @CD qCD @ Heat flux Heat Critical heat heat flux flux qe heat flux for for boiling on tube tube bundle bundle Critical heat flux ~Q,bundle c,bundle heat for tube Critical heat flux for boiling on a single tube @e.ube qc,tube Fouling factor factor for for tube-side fluid Fouling Rpr RDi Fouling factor for shell-side fluid Fouling Rpo RDo number Re Reynolds number number for tube-side fluid Re; Reynolds number Rei number for flow in reboiler reboiler inlet line Reynolds number Re% Rein number for liquid phase phase flowing flowing alone Re; Reynolds number ReL number for total flow as liquid in reboiler reboiler exit line Reynolds number Re,o,es ReLo,ex number Re,, Reynolds number for flow in nozzle Ren Dome segment segment area area in kettle reboiler reboiler Dome SA Nucleate boiling suppression factor in Liu-Winterton correlation Sw SLW Slip ratio SR Specific gravity Specific Ss Specific gravity of liquid SL SL Temperature Temperature TT temperature; temperature temperature at inlet tubesheet tubesheet (Figure 10.8) Bubble-point temperature; T, TB Temperature at end of sensible heating zone (Figure 10.8) Temperature Tc Te Temperature of cyclohexane Temperature Tan, Tcyhx temperature Dew-point temperature TD T temperature Saturation temperature Ta Tsat Overall heat-transfer coefficient for design U» UD Required overall heat-transfer coefficient Ur%a Ureq Fluid velocity V Vapor loading VL Lr Lreq L, Ls »» REBOILERS REBOI LE RS V»»a Vmax Xtt X ave ):ave Xe Yy zz 24,28,2€,2D ZA,ZB,ZC,ZD 10// 531 10 Maximum fluid velocity Lockhart-Martinelli parameter Average value of vapor mass fraction mass fraction at reboiler exit Vapor mass Chisholm parameter Distance in vertical (upward) direction reboiler system Din Elevation at point A, B, C, D in vertical thermosyphon reboiler (Figure 10.8) Letters Greek Letters Greek tube side heads allocated for minor losses losses on tube Number of velocity heads Number Acceleration parameter defined by Equation (10.12) F Y sump and and surface surface in column sump difference between liquid surface surface of Ah Elevation difference boiling liquid in kettle reboiler. reboiler system head in kettle reboiler Ah; Available liquid head AhL due to fluid acceleration Pressure loss due Pressure APacc AP%e interval of vapor weight fraction Pressure loss due due to fluid acceleration in kth interval fraction vapor weight Pressure AP%as APacc,k due to fluid friction in straight loss due sections of tubes Pressure loss tubes straight sections APi Pressure AP loss in reboiler lines pressure loss reboiler feed lines Total frictional pressure AP% APfeecl APt drop for pressure drop for tube-side fluid Total pressure Aei Pressure loss loss in nozzles nozzles AP, Pressure APn Pressure drop AP, due to minor losses tube side to minor side drop due losses on tube Pressure APr acceleration in pressure drop in kettle kettle reboiler and acceleration drop due due to friction and reboiler Shell-side pressure APoter APreboiler pressure loss reboiler return lines lines from loss in from reboiler in return Total frictional pressure AP%cur APreturn due to static heads kettle reboiler pressure difference reboiler system heads in kettle system difference due Total pressure AP,eaic APstatic Total pressure acceleration, and loss in kettle kettle reboiler to friction, acceleration, pressure loss and due to reboiler system system due Total AP%at APtotal heads static heads A ~ static head due to static Pressure difference head of boiling in kettle kettle reboiler difference due re boiler boiling fluid in Pressure AP of vapor re boiler to static static head difference due due to vapor in Pressure difference head of in kettle kettle reboiler APv Pressure AP Frictional pressure liquid for total as liquid total flow pressure gradient gradient for flow as Frictional (AP;/D)Lo (APf /L)Lo difference AT Temperature difference AT Temperature Temperature difference zone in in vertical difference across sensible heating vertical thermosyphon heating zone across sensible thermosyphon Temperature AThc ATBc reboiler reboiler AT, mean temperature difference temperature difference Logarithmic mean ATln for counter-current difference for flow Logarithmic mean mean temperature temperature difference counter-current flow (Ti») Logarithmic (A Tin) cf Logarithmic mean flow difference for co-current flow for co-current mean temperature temperature difference current Logarithmic ((AT~) A Zln) eo co-current difference Mean temperature temperature difference AT% Mean ATm of saturation saturation curve Slope of curve (AT/AP)%a Slope (AT/AP)sat in yy for Change in for kth interval vapor-weight-fraction interval kth vapor-weight-fraction Change AFk A 7% Void fraction fraction €y Void ~V at reboiler reboiler exit Void fraction fraction at exit Void EV,e F~V,e } condensation or condensation Latent heat of vaporization vaporization or heat of Latent of heat steam of condensation Latent Latent heat of condensation of steam -steam )~steam #u Viscosity Viscosity wall temperature at average tube wall average tube viscosity at temperature Fluid viscosity Fluid #w w pp Density Density of boiling Estimated average fluid in reboiler density of in kettle boiling fluid kettle reboiler average density Estimated Pave Pave two-phase density Homogeneous two-phase density Homogeneous ,Ohom Phom Density of of liquid liquid Density PL PL ofvertical zone of vertical thermosyphon two-phase density in boiling Average two-phase re boiler density in boiling zone thermosyphon reboiler Average Ptp Ptp of vapor Density of vapor Density pv Pv of water water Density of Density Pwater Pwater (7 tension 0 Surface tension Surface Ol r 0tr 10 // 532 532 10 RREBOILERS EBOI LERS Correction factor factor for for critical critical heat heat flux flux in in tube tube bundles bundles Correction Viscosity correction correction factor factor for for tube-side tube-side fluid fluid Viscosity Square root root of of two-phase two-phase multiplier multiplier applied applied to to pressure pressure gradient gradient for for total total flow flow as as liquid liquid Lo Square CLo 2 --2 Average two-phase two-phase multiplier multiplier for for boiling boiling zone zone of ofvertical vertical thermosyphon thermosyphon reboiler reboiler Wio Average CLO Square root root of of two-phase two-phase multiplier multiplier in in reboiler reboiler exit exit line line PLO,er Square CLO,ex Dimensionless bundle bundle geometry geometry parameter parameter ~b Dimensionless h» d Cb r¢ Problems Problems (10.1) A A kettle kettle reboiler reboiler is is being being designed designed to to generate generate 75,000 75,000 lb/h lb/h of of vapor vapor having having aa density density of of (10.1) 0.40lbm/ft. The liquid liquid leaving leaving the the reboiler reboiler has has aa density density of of 41.3 41.3lbm/ft and aa surface surface 0.40 lbm/ft 3. The lbm/ft 3 and tension of of 16 16 dyne/cm. dyne/ cm. The The length length of ofthe the tube tube bundle bundle is is 15 15 ftft and and the the diameter diameter plus plus clearance clearance tension is 32 32in. is in. (a) Calculate Calculate the the vapor vapor loading loading and and dome dome segment segment area. area. (a) (b) Calculate Calculate the the diameter diameter required required for for the the enlarged enlarged section section of of the the K-shell. K-shell. (b) (c) How How many many pairs pairs of of shell-side shell-side nozzles nozzles should should be be used? used? (c) Ans. (a) (a) 572.9 572.91bm/h·ft and 8.73 8.73ft. Ans. l b m / h , ft3 and ft2. (b) 63 63in. (b) in. (e) 2. 2. (c) (10.2) The The reboiler re boiler of of Problem Problem 10.1 is is being being designed designed for for 65% 65% vaporization. vaporization. The The feed feed to to the the reboiler re boiler (10.2) has aa density density of of 41.2 41.2lbm/ft and aa viscosity viscosity of of 0.25 0.25 cp. cp. Assuming Assuming schedule schedule 40 40 pipe pipe is is used: used: has lbm/ft 3 and What size size inlet inlet nozzles nozzles are are required required to to meet meet TEMA TEMA specifications specifications without without using using (a) What impingement plates? plates? impingement (b) The The primary primary feed feed line line from from the the column column sump sump to to the the reboiler reboiler will contain contain 35 linear linear feet feet of pipe, pipe, two two 90 90°~ elbows elbows and and aa tee. tee. The The secondary secondary lines lines (from (from the the tee tee to to the the inlet inlet nozzles) nozzles) of will each each contain contain 44 linear linear feet feet of of pipe, pipe, one one 90 90°~ elbow elbow and and (if (if necessary) necessary) aa reducer. reducer. The The will secondary lines lines will will be be sized sized to to match match the the inlet inlet nozzles. nozzles. Size the the primary primary line line to to give give aa secondary fluid velocity velocity of of about about 5 ft/s. ft/ s. fluid Calculate the the friction friction loss loss in in the the feed feed lines. lines. (c) Calculate Ans. (a) 5-in. Ans. (b) All lines lines 5-in. (c) 0.58 psi. psi. (10.3) The The horizontal horizontal thermosyphon thermosyphon reboiler re boiler of Example Example 10.3 contains contains two two shell-side shell-side exit exit nozzles. nozzles. (10.3) The return return lines lines from from the the exit exit nozzles nozzles meet meet at at a tee, tee, from from which which the the combined combined stream stream flows flows The back to the the distillation distillation column. column. Each Each section section of line between between exit exit nozzle nozzle and and tee tee contains contains 8 back linear feet feet of 8-in. schedule schedule 40 pipe pipe and and one one 90 90°~ elbow. Between Between the the tee tee and and the the column column there there linear is an an 88x10 expander, 50 linear linear feet feet of 10-in. schedule schedule 40 pipe pipe and and one one 90 90°~ elbow. Calculate Calculate is x 10 expander, the total total friction friction loss loss in the the return return lines. lines. the For the the reboiler reboil er of ofExample and Problem Problem 10.3, the the vertical vertical distance distance between between the the reboiler reboil er Example 10.3 and (10.4) For exit and and the the point point at which which the the center center of the the return return line enters enters the the distillation column column is 8 ft. exit Calculate the the pressure pressure drop drop in the the return return line due due to the the static static head. head. Calculate Ans. 0.30 psi. Ans. (10.5) Considering the large large uncertainty uncertainty associated associated with convective boiling correlations, correlations, it might might Considering the be deemed deemed prudent design purposes purposes to include include a safety factor, Fr the Liu-Winterton Liu--Winterton prudent for design Pr, in the be correlation as follows: correlation 2 2 h, =F [ (Swha)' ++ (Ewhy) ]o.s REBOILERS REBOI LERS 10/533 10 / 533 In Example 10.4, repeat steps (q)-v (O-v through (t) using a safety margin of 20% 20% (F, (Fsf = 0.8) with the Liu-Winterton correlation. Ans. - 7.3 ft. L»et =7.3ft. Ans. Lreq (10.6) In Example 10.4, repeat steps (q) through (t) using the Chen correlation in place of the Liu-Winterton correlation. (10.7) In Example 10.4, repeat step (u) using the Katto-Ohno correlation to calculate the critical heat flux. Compare the resulting value of @/@, ~l/qc with the value of 0.217 obtained in Example 10.8 using TASC. (10.8) For the vertical thermosyphon reboiler of Example 10.4, suppose the tube length is increased from 8 ft to 12 ft and the surface of the liquid in the column sump is adjusted to remain at the level of the upper tubesheet. (a) Assuming an exit vapor fraction of 0.132 corresponding corresponding to a circulation rate of lbm/h, calculate a new circulation rate using Equation (10.15). 113,636 lbm/h, (b) Continue the iterations begun in part (a) to obtain a converged value for the circulation rate. (c) Use the result obtained in part (b) to calculate the tube length required in the boiling zone and compare this value with the available tube length. Ans. (a) 126,435 lbm/h. Ans. 1bm/h. (10.9) A kettle reboiler is required to supply 55,000 lb/h lb/h of hydrocarbon vapor to a distillation column. 80,000 lb/h lb/h ofliquid of liquid at 360F 360~ and 150 psia will be fed to the reboiler, and the duty is 106 Btu/h. at a design pressure pressure of275psia. of 275 psia. An existing 6.2 x 106 Btu/h. Heat will be supplied by steam ata carbon steel kettle containing 390 tubes is available at the plant site. The tubes are 1-in. 1-in. OD, 14 BWG, 12 ft long on 1.25-in. square pitch, and the bundle diameter is 30 in. Will this unit be suitable for the service? Data Data for for boiling-side fluid fluid Bubble point at 150 150psia: psia: 360°F 360~ Dew point at 150 psia: 380F 380 ~F Vapor exit temperature: 370F 370 ~ 70 psia Pseudo-critical pressure: 4470 (10.10) A reboiler re boiler must supply 15,000 kg/h vapor to a distillation column at an operating pressure k g / h of ofvapor of 250 kPa. The reboiler duty is 5.2 10° x 106 k/h kJ/h and the flow rate of ofthe of250kPa. the bottom product, which consists of an aromatic petroleum fraction, is specified to be 6000 kg/h. Heat will be supplied by a liquid organic heat-transfer fluid flowing on the tube side with a range of 220-190°C. 220-190~ A carbon steel kettle reboiler containing 510 tubes is available at the plant site. The tubes are 25.4-mm OD, 14 BWG, 4.57 m long on a 31.75-mm square pitch, and the bundle diameter mm. In this unit the organic heat-transfer fluid will provide a tube-side coefficient is 863 ram. m22.• K with an acceptable pressure of 1100 W//m pressure drop. Will the re boiler be suitable for this reboiler service? Data for for boiling-side fluid fluid Bubble point at 250 kPa: 165°C 165~ Dew point at 250kPa 250 kPa": 190°C 190~ 182~ Vapor exit temperature: 182°C Pseudo-critical pressure: pressure: 2200 kPa 10 / 534 10/534 REBOILERS REBOILERS (10.11) A reboiler reboiler must supply 80,000 lb/h lb/h of vapor to a distillation column at an operating pressure of 30 psia. The column bottoms, consisting of an aromatic petroleum fraction, will enter the reboiler as a (nearly) saturated liquid and the vapor fraction at the reboiler exit will be 0.2. 0.2. Heat will be supplied by steam at a design pressure of 235 psia. A used horizontal thermosyphon re boiler consisting of an X-shell containing 756 carbon steel tubes is available reboiler at the plant site. The tubes are 1-in. 1-in. OD, 14 BWG, 16ft 16 ft long on 1.25-in. 1.25-in. square pitch, and the bundle diameter is 40.4 in. Will the unit be suitable for this service? Data for boiling-side boiling-side fluid Bubble point at 30 psia: 335°F 335~ Dew point at 30 psia: 370F 370~ 30 psia and 0.2 vapor fraction: 344°F 344~ Saturation temperature at 30psia Enthalpy of liquid at 335°F: 335~ 245 Btu/lbm Enthalpy of liquid at 344 344~°F: 250 Btu/Ihm Btu/lbm Enthalpy of vapor at 344F: 344 ~ 385 Btu/Ihm Btu/lbm Pseudo-critical pressure: 320 psia (10.12) 105,000 lb/h of a distillation bottoms having the following composition will be partially 105,0001b/h vaporized in a kettle reboiler. Component Mole Mole%% Critical Criticalpressure (psia) (psia) Toluene m-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene o-Xylene 84 84 12 12 4 595.9 595.9 513.6 541.4 541.4 The boiler as a (nearly) saturated liquid at 35 psia. The dew-point The stream will enter the re reboiler temperature of the stream at 35 psia is 304.3°F. 304.3~ Saturated steam at a design pressure of 115 psia will be used as the heating medium. The reboiler must supply 75,000 lb/h of vapor to the distillation column. Physical property data are given in the following table. Design a kettle reboiler for this service. Property Vapor return feed Liquid Liquidoverflow overflow Vapor Reboiler feed T (oF) T ( H (Btu/Ibm) H (Btu/lbm) Cp (Btu/Ibm.~ C» (Btu/lbm.·F) k(Btu/h.ft.·F) (Btu/h. ft. ~ #u(cp) (cp) p (lbm/ft 3) (bm/It) oa(dyne/cm) (dyne/cm) Molecular weight 298.6 117.6 0.510 0.057 0.057 0.192 46.5 14.6 14.6 94.39 94.39 302.1 119.6 0.512 0.057 0.191 0.191 46.4 14.5 14.5 95.42 95.42 302.1 265.1 0.390 0.011 0.011 0.00965 0.429 93.98 The feed line for the reboiler of Problem 10.12 (10.13) The 10.12 will contain approximately 30 linear feet (10.13) of pipe while the vapor return line will require about 25 linear feet of pipe. The available elevation difference between the liquid level in the column sump and the reboiler inlet is 8 ft. Size the feed and return lines for the unit. REBOILERS REBOILERS (10.14) 10/535 10 / 535 100,000 lb/h lb/h of a distillation bottoms having the following composition will be partially vaporized in a kettle reboiler. Component Mole% Mole % Critical Criticalpressure (psia) (psia) Cumene m-diisopropylbenzene p-diisopropylbenzene 60 60 20 20 20 465.4 465.4 355.3 355.3 355.3 355.3 The The stream will enter the reboiler as a (nearly) saturated liquid at 60 psia. The dew-point temperature of the stream at 60 psia is 480.3F. 480.3~ Saturated steam at a design pressure of boiler must supply 60,000 b/h 760 psia will be used as the heating medium. The re reboiler lb/h of vapor to the distillation column. Physical property data are given in the following table. Design a kettle reboiler for this service. Property Reboiler Re boiler feed Liquid Liquidoverflow overflow Vapor Vaporreturn T (~ (F H (Btu/lbm) C» (Btu/Ibm.·F) Cp (Btu/lbm 9~ kk (Btu/h·ft.·F) (Btu/h. ft. ~ u# (cp) (cp) p (lbm/ft) 0bm/ft 3) ao (dyne/cm) Molecular weight 455.3 213.9 213.9 0.621 0.621 0.0481 0.0481 0.153 0.153 41.8 8.66 137.0 137.0 471.4 471.4 225.3 225.3 0.632 0.632 0.0481 0.0481 0.150 0.150 41.5 41.5 8.20 8.20 143.5 143.5 471.4 471.4 330.1 330.1 0.516 0.0158 0.0158 0.010 0.010 0.905 0.905 133.8 133.8 (10.15) For the reboiler of Problem 10.14, the feed line will contain approximately 27 linear feet of pipe while the vapor return line will require about 24 linear feet of pipe. The available elevation difference between the liquid level in the column sump and the reboiler inlet is 7.5 ft. Size the feed and return lines for the unit. (10.16) Use TASC, Xist, HEXTRAN, or other available software to design a kettle reboiler for the service of Problem 10.12. 10.12. (10.17) Use TASC, Xist, HEXTRAN, or other available software to design a kettle reboiler for the service of Problem 10.14. 10.14. (10.18) A distillation column bottoms having the composition specified in Problem 10.12 will be fed to a horizontal thermosyphon reboiler operating at 35 psia. The reboiler must supply 240,000 lb/h lb/h of vapor to the column. The lengths of feed and return lines, as well as the liquid level in the column sump, are as specified in Problem 10.13. 10.13. Use Xist, TASC, or other suitable software to design a reboiler system for this service. (10.19) A distillation column bottoms having the composition specified in Problem 10.14 will be fed to a horizontal thermosyphon reboiler re boiler operating at 60 psia. The reboiler must supply 180,0001b/h 180,000 lb/h of vapor to the column. The length of feed and return lines, as well as the liquid level in the column sump, are as specified in Problem 10.15. 10.15. Use Xist, TASC, or other suitable software to design a re boiler system for this service. reboiler 10/536 10 / 536 RREBOILERS E B O I LE RS (10.20) A A distillation distillation column column bottoms bottoms has has an an average average API API gravity gravity of of 48 48°~ and and the the following following assay assay (10.20) (ASTM D86 D86 distillation distillation at at atmospheric atmospheric pressure). pressure). (ASTM Volume% distilled Temperature Temperature (~ (F) Volume %distilled 00 10 10 20 20 30 30 40 40 50 50 60 60 70 70 80 80 90 90 100 100 100 100 153 153 190 190 224 224 257 257 284 284 311 311 329 329 361 361 397 397 423 423 This stream stream will will be be fed fed to to aa horizontal horizontal thermosyphon thermosyphon reboiler reboiler operating operating at at aa pressure pressure of of This 25 psia. psia. At At this this pressure, pressure, the the bubblebubble- and and dew-point dew-point temperatures temperatures of of the the feed feed are are 218.2~ 218.2F 25 and 353.6~ 353.6F, respectively. respectively. The The reboiler reboiler must must supply supply 200,000 200,0001b/h of vapor vapor to to the the distillation distillation and lb/h of column. Saturated Saturated steam steam at at aa design design pressure pressure of of 70 psia psia will will be be used used as as the the heating heating medium, medium, column. and approximately approximately 20% 20% by by weight weight of of the the feed feed will will be be vaporized vaporized in in the the reboiler. reboiler. Physical Physical and properties of of the the feed feed and and return return streams streams are are given given in in the the following following table. table. Design Design aa reboiler reboiler properties for this this service. service. for Property Property Liquid return return Vapor Vapor return return Reboiler feed Liquid (F TT (~ F) H (Btu/lbm) H C (Bm/lbm. (Btu/lbm.·F) Cp ~ (Btu/h.ft.·F) k (Btu/h. ft. oF) ttu (cp) 0bm/ft) p (lbm/ft 3) ao (dyne/cm) Pe (psia) Ppc 218.2 89.1 0.516 0.061 0.250 44.5 16.9 466.4 254.5 254.5 107.3 0.533 0.058 0.245 44.2 16.2 - 254.5 247.2 0.437 0.013 0.0092 0.287 - (10.21) Use Use HEXTRAN or or other other available software to to design design a horizontal horizontal thermosyphon thermosyphon reboiler reboiler for the the service service of Problem Problem 10.20. for (10.22) For For the the service service of Problem Problem 10.20, the the reboiler reboilerfeed and return return lines lines will each each contain contain approxfeed and linear feed of pipe, and the the available elevation difference difference between between the the liquid liquid level imately 35 linear the column column sump sump and the the reboiler reboiler inlet will be be 9.0 9.0ft. Use TASC or or other other available software in the ft. Use horizontal thermosyphon thermosyphon reboiler reboiler system system for this this service. service. The The size and and configdesign a horizontal to design uration of the the feed and and return return lines, along along with the the circulation circulation rate, are are to be be determined determined in uration the design design process. process. the cannot handle handle assay streams streams when when used used on a stand-alone basis. Therefore, Therefore, the the Note: TASC cannot must be be interfaced interfaced with either either HYSYS or Aspen Plus Plus in order order to solve this this problem. software must (10.23) Use TASC, Xist, or other other suitable suitable software to design design a vertical thermosyphon thermosyphon reboiler reboiler for the the service of Problem 10.12. Assume Assume that that the the liquid level in the the column sump sump will be be maintained service the elevation of the the upper upper tubesheet tubesheet in the the reboiler. Also assume assume that that the the at approximately the re boiler feed line will consist consist of 100 equivalent equivalentfeet the return return line will comprise comprise reboiler feet of pipe, while the R E BBO RSS OII L ER 10/ 10 / 537 50 equivalent feet of pipe. Pipe diameters and circulation rate are to be determined in the design process. (10.24) Use Xist, TASC, or other suitable software to design a vertical thermosyphon reboiler for the service of Problem 10.14. 10.14. The assumptions specified in Problem 10.23 10.23 are applicable here as well. 30,000 lb/h of vapor to a distillation column at an operating (10.25) A reboiler re boiler is required to supply 30,000lb/h pressure of 23 psia. The reboiler feed will have the following composition: pressure Component Mole% Mole % Ethanol 11 22 Isopropanol 1-Propanol 57 57 2-Methyl-1-propanol 16 2-Methyl-l-propanol 16 1-Butanol 24 1-Butanol 24 Saturated steam at a design pressure of 55 psia will be used as the heating medium. Use Xist, TASC, or other suitable software to design a vertical thermosyphon reboiler for this service. The assumptions stated in Problem 10.23 10.23 are also applicable to this problem. At reboiler 238 ~ and the dew point is 244F 244 oE operating pressure, the bubble point of the re boiler feed is 238F 139.5 Btu/lbm and that of the dew-point The specific enthalpy of the bubble-point liquid is 139.5 vapor is 408.5 Btu/lbm. 10.14 for the case in which the heating medium is hot oil (30° (30 ~ API, (10.26) Rework Problem 10.14 K,= Kw = 12.0) 12.0) with a range of 600--500F. 600-500~ Properties Properties of the oil are given in the following table. Assume that the oil is available at a pressure of 50 psia. Oil Oil property Value Value at 500OF 500~ Value 600~ Value at 600F C» Cp (Btu/lbm-·F) (Btu/lbm. ~ kk (Btu/h·ft.·F) (Btu/h. ft. oF) 0.69 0.049 0.49 43.2 43.2 0.75 0.044 0.044 0.31 0.31 40.4 40.4 # (cp) (cp) (lbm/ft3) p (bm/ft?) (10.27) Rework Problem 10.17 10.17 for the case in which the heating medium is hot oil as specified in (10.27) Problem 10.26. (10.28) Rework problem 10.19 10.19 for the case in which the heating medium is hot oil as specified in (10.28) Problem 10.26. (10.29) For the kettle reboiler of Example 10.2, 10.2, a possible design modification (see step (n) of the solution) is to use a 21.25-in. bundle containing 172 tubes. Determine the suitability of this configuration. (10.30) In Example 10.4 10.4 one of the suggested design modifications was to increase the tube length. Use TASC or Xist to implement this modification and obtain a final design for the reboiler. (10.31) (10.31) Treating the vapor and liquid phases separately, show that the term Gy/pr G2ty/PL in Equation (10.11) represents represents the difference in total momentum flux (mass flow rate x velocity/ crossvelocity/crosssectional area) across the boiling zone in a vertical thermosyphon reboiler tube.