WHAT IS DOMESTICATION? WHAT IS DOMESTICATION? • Domestication is the process of adapting wild plants and animals for human use. • Domestic species are raised for food, work, clothing, medicine, and many other uses. • The first attempt of domestication was made in the Old World during the Mesolithic Period. EARLY DOMESTICATION - Humans begin domesticating animals more than 10, 000 yrs. ago. - Domestication involves more than simply taming. Animals are considered to be domesticated when: • they are kept for a distinct purpose • humans control their breeding • their survival depends on humans • they develop traits that are not found in the wild ANIMAL DOMESTICATION • Since the Neolithic period, humans struggled to domesticate wild animals and use them as food sources (milk and meat), commodity manufacturers (silk and wool), protection, and transportation. Three Main Groups • Domestication for Companionship • Animals Farmed for Food • Working or Draft Animals EXAMPLES of DOMESTICATED ANIMALS DOG(Canis familiaris) • first animal to be domesticated by humans more than 15,000 yrs. ago. • wild ancestor- grey wolf • domesticated in Eastern and Western Eurasia from different wolf populations. CATTLE(Bos taurus) • domesticated 10,000-15,000 yrs. ago in Central Anatolia, the Levant and Western Iran. • wild ancestor- Eurasian Aurochs(Bos primigenius primigenius) SHEEP(Ovis aries) • domesticated in the mountains of Southest Europe and Central/Southwest Asia 11,000-15,000 yrs. ago • wild ancestor- Armenian Mouflon • favorable because of their wool and meat GOAT(Capra hircus) • Fertile Crescent Land- first domestication habitat for goat in Western Asia around 6000-7000 B.C. • wild ancestor- Bezoar Ibex • the domestication has a significant role in human society by providing valued products such as milk, meat, furs, and fiber, predominantly in China(Joshi, 2004). CAT(Felis catus) • first domesticated in the Near East around 8000-7500 BCE • wild ancestor- African Wildcat HORSE(Equus caballus) • first domesticated in the steppes of Kazakhstan 5,000 yrs. ago. • wild ancestor- Tarpan or European wild horse Buffalo(Bubalus bubalis) • domesticated approximately 5,000 yrs. ago in Eastern Europe and Western Asia. This area includes the countries of Mongolia and Siberia. • wild ancestor- Wild Water Buffalo 2 Types of Domestic Water Buffalo • a.) Swamp Buffalo ( B. bubalis carabenesis) • b.) Riverine Buffalo (B. bubalis bubalis) CHICKEN(Gallus gallus domesticus) • first domesticated in South Asia and Southeast Asia at 6000 BCE • wild ancestor- Bangladesh Red Junglefowl with some contribution from the Grey Junglefowl • PIG(Sus domesticus) • first domesticated in Western Asia 5,000-9,000 yrs. ago • wild ancestors- Anatolian Boar and Northern Chinese Boar What are the impacts of human domestication on animals? Positive Impacts on Humans Food Resources Labor Companionship Positive Impacts on Society Economic Contributions Scientific Advancements Positive Impacts on Animals Protection and Care Enhanced Lifespans Negative Impacts on Humans Health Risks Economic Dependency Negative Impacts on Society Environmental Degradation Economic Inequality Negative Impacts on Animals Loss of Natural Behaviors Health Issues Dependence on Humans THANK YOU!