www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library SAVU9AS NVHIVNOT ONV uooruu3r3dl lvH9NlNNn)HVUVS l rou-cnc HllM )OOE ,SINSGNIS uSddn Stvtct3lAluSrNl DNtrnl I .==;-.:=€€ffireW% o1 GETTINGON page05 Pastandpresent verb forms Usesof auxiliary verbs Relationships Friendship Wordspot:gef Listening:Your pastand Dresent Reading:Creat sibling rivalries Listening:Characteristics of a good friend , , o2 Reading:Happiness:facts *;iir,T:-:;'""., "1i, and mlrths UPSAND DOWNS feel good Listening:Things that make you feel good Narrativetenses Continuousaspectin other tenses Mishaps C r i m ea n d p u n i s h m e n t Headtines Readingand [istening: News articles Useandnon-useofthe passive PassiVe formswith haveor get Mentalskitls Wordspot:mrnd Personal characteristics Listening:MentaIski[[s Reading:W_hat shapesour personality? Reviewof future forms More complexquestion forms Cettingtogether Coltoquia[ [anguage Reading:We may have 750 friendsonline,but we're lonely Listening:Onlinedating Perfecttenses Moreaboutthe Present perfectsimpleand continuous Human achievements Wordspot:/rrst page 16 j o3 IT ALLWENT WRONG page 25 o4 YOURMIND page35 o5 FACETO FACE page46 o6 BIGIDEAS page56 **,:,"r Study,Practice & Remember page131,Audioscriptspage167,lrregularverb listpage179 r.-tr www.pardistalk.ir/library 'l 'spronrr osotlllequrauou 8VL a8ed 'Z LvL aled af,rtrerdt ,(pnrS 'L 97; a8ed a)lperdB ,{pnrs 'spromeseqltaquaua1 57; a8ed yyy aBed'Z arperd t ,(PnrS 'L 97; a8ed arllerd t ,{pnrS 'sploMeseqlraquoulau 7y; aBed 'z ;7; a8ed arrlfeldt ,{Pnrs gy; eBed'L artrerd t ,{PnrS www.pardistalk.ir/library saoreq Bunsu6 :elnllnf Pllo/v\ qsel Bu;1ead5 :uol1eredal4 Bu1ua1s11 auuerBord nf e roj eePrue luosojd ul suottrsanb su.uo1 Buo.tlspuelea/l ssefls PJoA :>;se1 3u11ead5 Sulpeex :uol1ereder6 uotsstua:eds e uo oBo1aldoadesooqf suollsanD Pue slueualels ro uolleuolul eBessauu 1osad,{1:tu;l;.r/y\ auoqdalal Burlead5:1se1 qlgrur aql uo sr-ualqord Burualsrl:uogleredel4 :3u11eed5 3u11ea6 e ue16 en;1e3en3uel ,(pedreuurp,{se1ue; zernunulo elnleN :arniln) PFo/n a^rlelreu y :tu;tg.ttv\ suelqoJd elnuloJ aql ssaurddeq :€Jnunt PlJo/v\ 'spJoMasaqlJeqruaulau 99; a8ed Pelfadxaunql!/v\ :3u;1eed5 3u11ea6 anl'1e3en3uel 'sproMeseqliaquaulau 6E; eBed g E l e 8 e d ' Za ) r p e r dt , ( P n i S 'L 2g; eBed erperd t ,(PnrS 5 9 ; e 8 e d ' Za l r p e r d ' 6 ^ P n t S 'L 79;. a8ed arperd t ,(PnrS :4sel 3u11ead5 3urua1sr1 :uog1e.redel4 matn;oslutod o^ l tuorj &o1se 11a1 3u11ead5:>1se1 :uol1eredar4 3urua1s11 ,(aruns ssellPoC e Sur4elp ,{qderSorq qsel 3u11ead5 :Eu;11.t/v\ pue3uruue16 3utua1st1 pueSurpeax :uol1e.reder4 e daa; SutoBuotlesranuor gg; a8ed'sproMesaqlraquaua1 1aa;aldoadMoqot 'Z :3ur1eed5 Z€l a8ed artleld t ,{PnrS SurpuodsaX eng'1 e8en3uel l E l a B B d ' Le l r p e r d ' 3 , ( P n r S ft8uero uler Sutpuno5 unoN s3x$Jns Surpuno5 rgtaqledu,{s sqlanfietllxnY C*ruTHNT5 07 EVENTS Relativeclauses Quantifiers Celebrations andprotests SpeciaI events Wordspot:take Reading:We sawhistoryin the making Listening:Specialevents Page 66 o9 GETTINGIT RIGHT verbs Useandnon-use of articles PhrasaI Differentwaysof givini Wordspot:right andwrong emphasis Page86 11 LIFEISSUES Page106 HypotheticaI situations in the present HypotheticaI situations in the past Reading:How to stand out from the crowd Listening and writing: Takingnotes Scienceand processes Wordspot:/fe Study,Practice & Remember page131,Audioscriptspage167,lrregular verblist page179 www.pardistalk.ir/library 'sproaasaqlraqluaureu 991a8ed 'Z SgL aSPd arpPld 3 ^PnlS 'L t9L aBed errrrud ,8IPnIS www.pardistalk.ir/library qset SuqeedS 3u!1sads !^ eleh :uotrPiP&rd ur$^nSurSueq) puP3uru3lsr't ijoou aql PloH roccr 1<' "oFD PUProjt,v :Surtun 'sProM suoLuldo asaqlraqLuaLua! E9l €8ed 29t €8ed'zartperd ? ^Pnls Surrlodat:Suueads :a^I33sn3uel a)lrerd€ Xpnts t9t a8ed'L 'spro.\.seqlFquourau 09LeSed 'Z 6SL33ed ertpprdJ8,(pnrs 851sBed'terlpeld€ ^Pnrs rultilo sruat)saq1 rau.l3uu3^ol a^rrelnrads v:3ul1:ll 'sproM .rl^PE 3s.qlr.qurauts! lsI aSed Pue 'Z.rlperd)3,{pnls suorlsaSSns rBu!Ieads 95! aSPd 'L :a^I aBenSuEl ss! aSed .rlperd,t,{pnls 'sPrcMasaqlraqualu3u tst eSed €SLa8ed'Zarlpeld ? ^pnls Z9l a8ed'Lsrlperd 3 ^pnls 3ur)iP€dS lser :uoqEredard Surualsr'l s P L - :i c tPrsri^orruor€ ssnrs qsel Bu!)eeds ,&qnqe)o^ pueSurpP€U :uotlere&rd aPrrlPuessnrsrc leMo^puessarrsp-: .' P!PS aldoadleqMSulUodau 3ur)iP€dS:tse-L SurpeaX:uorrErsd€rd pallo:) srseqdu.rol ss.rts3u1._ sorltussuoPUE arrlodBupuncj Sulleads:)iseI /(]e]nqero^ puPSurpPaX :uorleredErd ru€^auero] sPsPluasard e/eqJo uroj leaM 3q1 3ut)Peds:)|sel ,0elnqe)o^ alSueu-L pue3u!peaU ruo!}gled3{ sPnu.r.raa 0ql sauErs^Lu o^/\rssnrslc suollenlrsleiros :3u!teads PTEMIMV 'sproM asaqlraqursur3! lua^i uP LSLaSed ogl aSed'zs.lperd,3 fpnls Jo Mar^arY:3u4u/t\ 3^!t a3en8uel 6tL aSed'La)Frerd3 ^pnls hid Itti H4I 2' 34. Speaking andlistening \r'\)t.rrl! ii ti,ii ;\ti,ri ill.trril:ill.: 1a Read A-F above.Think of at teasttwo thingsto say,about eachone. b Workin pairs.Teltyour partnerabout thethingsyouhavewritten. Yourpartnercanaskyouquestions. 2a 6i t.1 Listento sixspeakers.which itemfromexercise 1adoes eachspeakertatk about? mentions Listenagain.Which speaker thetopicsin the box? Whatdotheysayaboutthem? workingon a fiLm 3 l0d 1.2 Listenand completethe extractsfrom the recording. 1 We_ thereeverysumrner for ourhoL.days. it. _ 2 Nornally it'sfinebecause onprogramnes _ late...Butat themoment a filn. _ 3 t wasnryfirstjob,but thinkKathy_ differentjobs beforethat. threeor four vears. -ff 5 Somehow touch. 6 think we aboutfiveyears. 7 We were to eachotherandwe just 8 t sweetln the photoon Facebook. www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library Reading Workin pairsanddiscuss the questions betowthat arer€Levanttoyou, . Wouldyouliketo havea brotheror sister?Why? . Whataretheadvanta8es of being anontychitd? . Howcloseisyourrelatlonship withyoursibting(s)? . Areyousirnilarto eachother?n whatways? . AreyoLrctoser to onesibtingthan the other(s)? Whichoneandwhy? . Areyoucompetltive withyoursibting(s)? lfyes, grveexamPles. Venusand Serena Williams Workin pairsandLookatthe photos.What doyou know(orcanyouguess) aboutthepeople? Readthearticleandanswerthequestions. Whichfamous sibLings... 1 arefriends despite theirrivalry? 2 havecontinued theirrivatryintootdage? 3 havetakenlegalaction against eachother? 4 caused problems intheirlocaIcomnrunity becalse of theirrivatry? 5 oftencompeted against eachotherin impotant compet tionsl 6 oftencriticise eachotherin the firedia? Read thearticleagain.Complete thesentences beLow. 1 TheaLrthor of the articlefeltcompetitive towards nerstster Decause ,., 2 n herautobiography, boasted that I oanFontaine s h eh a d . . . 3 A lot of people werewatching whenOliviade Havitland... 4 NoelCatlagher onceattacked hisbrother Decause... 5 TheDasstebrotfers st.rredseparale.o'rpdrie( 6 Somepeop[e ir Herzogenaurach refused to socialise witheachotherbecause ... 7 Thewilliams sisters arebestfriends despite the factthat... I Weknowthe authorofthe articleisstilt cornpetitive towards hersisterbecause .,. Workin groupsanddiscuss the qu€stions below. . Whichcaseofsibling rivalry doyouthinkisthe mostextreme?Why? . Whichslblings'achievements arethemost impressive? ' Doyouknowanyother examples of serious sibtingrivatry? Formost people,the longestrelationship they will haveis with theirsibling.lt's a shame,then,that we can't choosethem.As children,my youngersister and I werealwayscompetingwith eacholher I wasjealousof her looksand shefelt threatened by my academicsuccess.But our valrywas nothing comparedto that of somefamoussiblings. Take1940smovestarsO iva de Havilland andJoan -he Fo_tdre. p berweelrlese conpe iivc.aario.rg'] s sterss thestuffof Holwvoodegend.'l married first, wo_t'e Os.a belqFO.v'ado. Aro irI diei's., s1el .,ldoLbtedly be ri\^gllbecdLse I beatl-erto t. Joa1 w ote n herautobography. Thekrvalrybecameverypubic n 1946whenOlivlawonan OscanJoanwasasked to presentthe awardbut O iviarefLtsed to evenshake herhand.'Theyjustdon'thavemuch a common,' commented onepersonat thetime.Now n thelr90s,the sistersapparently sUlloatheeachotherl Morerecently, the rivalrybetweenrockstarsNoeland LiamGa agherhashitthe news.As partof ihe band Oasis,theycreatedsomememorabemusic,but wheneverthey areinterviewed, the brothers cannotresist puttingeacholherdown.'Thereareonlyiv/othings wrongwrthLiam,'Noeloacesaid,'eveMhng hesays andeveMhng hedoes.'Whlethe brothers wereworkrng on theirsecondalbum,Liamnvitedsomefriendsto the studo fora party.Noe waslryingio workandendedup attacking Lanrwitha cricketbat.By2011,the brothers hadstoppedworkingtogeiherandweresuingeachother - a sorrystuationfor anybrothers io be in. www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library Listening andvocabutary i:lriondr[rin la work in pairs.Which characteristics belowdolqt de5cribe the behaviour ofa goodfriend? 'I You cantrustthem, 2 Theyatways tett youthe truth. 3 Theysometimes lie toyou. 4 Theyafefun to bewith. 5 Theygossipaboutyoubehindyou. back. 6 Youcanconfidein themaboutyourproblems. 7 Theyatways keeptheirpromis€s. b Workin groups.Think of two morecharacteristics ofa goodfriend.Which doyouthinkisthe most importantcharacteristic in a friend? Za rl 0r1.4Workin pairs.You aregoingto listento three conversations, Listento Mazconfiding in Anna,and answer the questions. 1 WhoisBen? 2 Whatproblem doesMazhave? 3 Wha do welea-1abourl4azard Bera. people? 4 WhatdoesAnna promise at theendofthe conversation? b rl !r 1.5ListentoJoetalkingto oneof thewomen fromthe previous conversation, andanswerthe quest|ons, 1 WhoisJoetalkingto? 2 Whataretheydjscussing? 3 Whatisthelrattitudetowards thesituation? 4 WhatdoesJoe proniseattheend? Language focus2 L!sesof auxi{,iary verhs 1 Complete sentences i-7 fromthe conversations with the endings or responses in the box. Hesaysheis. wiLLyou? lknowshewilt. isnl it? oh, areyou? we do havea goodtime iogether. r00r1,6tistentoJoetalkingtosomeone eLse, and answerthe questions, Youdon't thlnk he'sinterested?He say! rhet! I do lovehim,and_ Youwon't sayanythingto anyone, Haveyou seenBenand Mazat a[[? 1 Whoisloe tatkingto? 2 Whatisthesuprise thatlsmentioned? 3 WhatdoesJoe try to do in the conversation andwhy? 4 Howdoestheotherperson respond? l'm planning a bit of a sLrrprise for her. Its goingto costyoua fortune, She'lllilethis, Iistento atlthreeconversations again.Summarise the situationbetween the fourfriends. Workin pairsanddiscuss the questions. ' Doyouhavesympathy for Benor Maz? ' AreAnnaandloe goodfriends to BenandMaz? ' Should theysayor doanything? . Whatdoyouthinkwill happen between Ben andMaz? 2 6i 1.2Listen andcheck. 1 Und€rtinethe auxiLiaries inthe endings/responses in th€ box in exercise1. 2 which auxiliariesin exercise1 are usedto... 1 form tag questions? 4 torm a shortanswertoquestions? 5 avoidrepeatingwords orsentences? I ReadStudy 2, page 192 www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library Task Keepa conversation going www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library $"$[il Speaking 4 Areanyofthe phrases in the boxin exercise 3 Responding to how peoplefeel 1 inappropriate for anyofthe situations? Civeoneor two exampLes, andexpLain why. Lookat the Dhoto.Workin Dairsanddiscuss.Whodo you turn to if you needa sympath€ticlistener?Why? t 6d ,.ra,,","n,o fiu. rhrases saidin two diflerent way!. Whichsoundsmoresympathetic,a or b? 6i1 1.tg Listento threeshort conversations ano answerthe questions. '| Whatisthe person's problem in eachcase? 2 lsthe listener verysympathetic, reasonabty sympathetic or notverysympathetic? 3 what suggestion{s) doeshe/shemake? Checkyou understand the phrases in the box.Then readsituations1-7 belowandchooseoneor two appropriate responses in the boxfor each. Youmustbereallywonied. Don'ttakeanynoticeofhim/her. Don'tworry,it doesn'tmatter. Trynot to worryaboutit. Justignorehim/her/it/them. Theres no pointin gettingupset. Thatsounds a$4ull Howannoying! Cheerupl Nevermind. Catmdown! z 6i r.rs r"t"n to *'" phrases b€inssaidi; a symp.thetlcway.Repeatthe phrasesfromerercise3, payingattentionto th€ intonation. Workin pairs.Choose oneofthe situations in exercise 3 andprepare a conversation similartothe onesyou listened to. Actout yourconversation for the class.The others listenandsaywhichsituationyouareactingoutand whetheror notthe listeneris sympathetic. Writing Planninganddraftinga biography stepsdoyougo A visitofto yourhouse;sembarrassed because he's 1 a Workin pai6anddiscuss.What throughwhenyouwrite5omething in Engtish,for spiLted hisdrink. exampte a biography of a famousperson? A childtetlsyouthat hisbestfriendsaidsomething unkindto him. Yourbestfriendphones because she'shada rolv Tumto page133andreadthe'Fivestepstobetter with herboyfriend. writing'.whichid€asdoyoufind us€ful? 4 Yourfriendis in tearsat the endof a sadfitm. vou'lriendisworriedbecause hismorherisBoing intohospitat. 6 Everyore is laughing aryourfriend.newhai-style. 7 Yourfriendistoo scared to goto thedentistby herself www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library fr'\Ctrl1"1.e v!..r.r rr: r;;, ir; . tlii: i.)ri ir! ii5r! 5 a y1 ' r s r ; o . _ f i i r e s : e e b.ci'i.rFerod or wo rsi 3 r ! f i p y s r e . t 1 L l v9 e i - . f l . . n D a e . l l o . n \ , 1 7 5 %0 1 r . r FACTI Uosi p;reits i.\, iri.r sire..i r..l timc ,! tlr ihc r .f .lre. s i.r.i m-[85 'ifen h i p i e s r n r i e v . r , ! i , ! r t , i L : !: r r c : c : i : ! u lr i..ii i:l rdrer,iienr-to.iticiiare'i3 rei.r tee f9 nress..l ...1 i r strare.l A psychologst haslivented a phone app which he c a l m s w i l m a k el s e r sm o r es e l f - a w a raen d a b l e to make better-infornredlife choices.'Trackyour ' e e : n g s b e e p s' , e , a t dor po' ., n r" day. Useresaywhatthey are doing and choose a w o r dt o d e s c r i b eh o w t h e y f e e ,r e g i s t e r l n g th€ strensthoflhelrfee inss from one to five. The inventorstressesthat the app must be usec d!.in9 the activity(or immediateyafterwards), as he be ievesthat we often recolect our fee ings dlfferenty from howwe felt at thetime IN THISUNIT Vocabulary andspeaking Readthe factsat the top of the page.Thenwork in groupsand discuss.Do they surpriseyou? Canyou think of any explanations forthem? Readthe text aboveabout a new phoneapp. Answerthe questions. 1 Whatdoeslhe nventor clairiit y]i[[do? 2 Howdoesit work? 3 Doyouthinkan app[ikethiswoutdb€ useful to you? Work in pairs.Lookat the adjectivesbelowthat are usedin the app andcheckyouunderstandthem.Whichof the adjectivesdo you rarelyor neverfeet? amused awkward \ DOrec oepresseo Lmpatrent dissatisfied enthLrsrastrc {onety s[eepy stressed frust€ted gflrmpy unsociable upset cheerful confident curious www.pardistalk.ir/library paniclv Posrtve www.pardistalk.ir/library Reading andspeaking \.- Readquotes1-5 and choosethe oneyou agreewith most.Compareanswerswith the class, and l{anoiness is the ineaninc ter a"atm *hore tt'' 'r tU'' ".i""* human existen"" end-of Arir,o,l" Happiress is like a butterfly! the more you chce it, the more it wi escape you. But if you turn 'our attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on you shoulder. HenryDavkllhareau .ffi'\'"l\ i;l i',\'\i"' ir,i,'it If you want happiness for d hou! tate a nap, II yo-uuanr happiness for a day. go o\n,n€. U you han, happines< for a year, forrue. rr )ou \anr happines. :n}]e:'l-a for a lifetime, help soneone else. Chineseproverb l not in seeking The secet of happiness is t""'ro.rrr", to more, but in l€arning "oj"" Anyone who is happy all the time reeds to see a psychiarrist. Ananynous 2a Readthe statemenisbelow.Doyou think they are true or false? 1 S p e _ d i -r go n e r d o e . rr r o l e r o u h o p o . . than 2 Livingin a sunnycLlnrate makesyou happier livingln a cold country. 3 Talkingto strangers nakesyou feelbetter 4 Daydreaming nakesyou happy. than 5 People who livein citlesaremorernlsefab[e thosewho live in the country. 6 ThemoreyoL earn,the betteryoufeel 7 lvlenwho do lesshousework are happlerthan rnen who do a tot. a Forcingyoursetf to smlLemakesyo(rfeelbetter. b Work in groupsandcompareanswers. 3 Work in pairs.StudentA:readthe articleon this page.StudentB:turn to page127 and readthe articte.Discussthe questionsbeLow . Whichtopicsfromexercise 2a arementioned? . tl ^r'-.d . r'F ' ho <rr-e-onrr.re LeT l - , * :":'."I :::::::::::":: nal e you-dop:ei + yo,' aBW* aje i4' dno c. theayo-..en o.as-lp.se.)r.oes"o sisre-.,'sqow r l " a rh o w n - c h w e - a r 1 ' r a c l L at ? e s ! . p o r o _ . . o o - r -aop ne$ r-a- how r r.h o-'er p"op e e" r. What w e w a l r - o r o ' a I i sr o - a r n r o ' e t h " n o r r r e - d s a - d . o r e a g u e r .h s r i g ! e l o a . w q v L o u - . i e t i l e c . : 1 . 5 o . r . \ o r e a a . d . i e a v es e e nl h e a r e - . q e i n c o - e m o r et r E n o o u o r po " e r r h e l a , - 2 0 y e a ' s .b . 1 t a v F s p e _i o n c ' e a . e n L d o pn e i s . n t h e c a r eo ' S o u t h ro.ea, lre s!- +adion i rs adual/ fale". lowe\e , r - k o o F . ^ - n e a - , i a r w e d o 1 c a e d b o - Lo J r i - . o - F . A c ' o r d i 9 r o \ o b e l P z e - wn r r r 9 p ' v c ' o l o g s r o a n e K d l e - a " . . o n e yd o e , n o Lb u v y o J r a p o i l e s s b . r a I I I I I I I I I I I I I _:_,:"I M o s rp e o p e r l - n . r " a r c . v r o l l .a e . o . e s k e s s e da r o e s , a o p ? , h d r c o u . y t o l <W e l o w i t s o f c i a l ) 'r e:ciriesoeo on)bdd b yo,' heaIrwirh'Lei p o l u r i o l a . o o ' e c o { d . 9 . ( " e ) e a l s ob a o r o . y o { ' a o p n e , s .L s -(olomisL "9 a soe.a ,manploie.op. c e o 9 e M a c K e, o 1 . o l e c . e dd a t ao r w h e ' e w t e r d d why people &e e appy T-e ?eu rs wer" cle" . c t e s a e t n eJ . r i o p i e s tp a c e sr o i v e i - . f / o . a ' o h " p o r e s s a , b e r g o ' . r c a l e' r o r l r o 0 0 ( r ' e s ' e o r t e v o r r w e l - o en 9 o v o e t " e e - o r . a n o t , , e p o n i ' And which placesmake peop e happiest?Mo!l ad' e s s ' I I I I I I I I I I www.pardistalk.ir/library I www.pardistalk.ir/library Listening andvocabulary l ! ri i \l\ !,[l ]rt r 'l N,l \r '"i i'qrirl..'i$r: r:l 1 A groupof peoptewereasked'Which thingsin yourlife makeyoufeeLgood and whichmakeyoufeeLbad?'Look at the mostfrequentanswers below.lsanything importantmissing? rnomeror Securrry poodrftrud^sktps I -' ,: ' r Lr ii;:l :i:., tll,Iii',I...:.I.,,r,.:I. havingvarietyand exciternentin life t--t ^{ (tAAn,/ myIolbiEs exhaustion rndint[rG$t$ at/ur,snzfo*e ohas being an employer, not an emplgyee l " r :i : r l t :' I r r i , , 1 , i .i i r r . t r r l t l l lffik/,[milfiluth| examstress payingtaxes Lookatthe threepeopLe youguesswhich in the photos.Can thingsin exercise 1 makethemfeelgoodandbad? b 0 z.z Listenandcheckyouranswers. laeing Listenagain.Which thingsin the boxbetowdoe5eachperson mention?Are theygoodor badthings? lack of money spendingtimewithmyfamily anti-socialbehaviour havinganactivesocialtife not havingtimetorelax growup inteLLeciuat watchingnrychildren stimulation Work in g.oups.Maketistswiththe ideasin ex€rcise1. . things that make people feel good . things that make people feel bad . could be both Decideifthe phrasesin exerciset havean opposite.Addthem to the list. good friendships- lackof friends criticismfron athers - supportfram athers Workin pairsandsummarise thegoodandbadthingsabout eachperson's Life,givingas muchdetailasyoucan. Workin pairsanddiscuss.Which 1 and4a thingsin exercises doyouthinkmostaffectthe peoplebetow? . teachers . enFepreneurs . youngpeopLe . athletes . parents . etderty peopte Rudeness is a big prob/emlor schoolteachers. Youngpeopleworryaboutexamstress. Makea list ofthethingsin tifewhichmakeyoufeelgood/ bad,workin groupsandcompareyour answ€rs, www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library Task Do a classsurvev Preparation Listening Lookat the photosandquestions beLow. Whatcanyouseein each photoandwhichquestiondoyou thinkit relatesto? W \\h\Nil$W\HN\\\}hW\T,h$I rirwrii[\H$Hu$$\H\\ww}\\ sS 2 \D] 6i 2.4Listento fivepeople answering oneof the questions, Whichquestion doesthe speaker answ€r? what reasons andexamPtes dotheygive? Listenagainandtickthe phrases you hearin the Usefullanguage box. TaskSpeaking 2a Yourteacherwill giveeachstudenta question from exercise'1. Youaregoingtocarryout a classsurveyabout thistopic,First,think ofsomefottow-upqu€stions to ask. > Usefutlanguage b 1a Youaregoingto conducta surveyand taLkabout the questions in exercise 1. Readthe questions againandthinkof at leastoneanswerforeach. b MingLe with the cLass andaskyourquestions. tf possibte, interviewsix otherstudents. Makenotesaboutwhat 3a Workaloneor in pairs.Pr€pare yourfindings to 5ummarise b Thinkabouthowto exptain your answers, Makenotes,usingthe promptsbetow. Askyourteacherfor anywords/phrases you need. . Whydoyoufeetlikethis?Areyour feeljngs |ational? . Haveyoualways fettthisway? . Haveyouhadanyexperiences that havemadeyoufeelthisway? to the ctass, Thinkaboutthe ideasbelow. . anyanswers that cameupmorethanonce . thestrangest/most surprising youheard answers . anyfunnystodes you heardthat areworthrepeating > Usefullanguag€c Taketurnsto summarise yourfindingstothe ctass. Did youaL[havesimitarfeetings or weretherea widevariety > Usefutlanguage a www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library Findout first View 1a Whatarethe bestlabour-saving devices andetectron icgadgets that 2a Youaregoingto watcha videoabouthappiness. Lookat thewordsandphrases betowfromthe video.Dotheyhave a positive(P)or negative (N)effecton happiness? oruogery b Workin pairs.Dothe Consumer technotogy quizbeLow labour-saving devices stafingat a screenatlday b O watchthe videoandanswerthequestions. Consumerteclmology 1 What percentage of Indian householcls own a television? a approximately 25% b appro{mately 50% c approomately 75% What percentage of US households don't orl,n a television? a approximately 10% b approximately5% c appm).rmately1% How many motor vehicles are there in the world today? a around 100million b aroundonebillon c aromd ien billion How many mobile phones are in use in China? a ten million 1 Whatdoesthescience of happiness sayaboutmachines? 2 Whathavelabour-saving devices faiLed to do? 3 Whatdoestechnology pushout of ouf lives? 4 Whatarethethfeeingredients of happiness? 3 Watchthe videoagainandchoose the correctanswers (bothanswers maybecorrect). 1 Technology promises to bringusdrudgery/ newpossibilities. 2 n a technologicalutopia, wewouldhavemore fteetime/ fun. 3 Compared to 50yea|sago,we nowspendless/ more timeon househoLd chores. 4 Because oftechnotogy, we nowspendmoretirre alone/ withotherpeople. 5 On[inecon]munities makeusrnore/ lesssocialin the 6 Wenow knowthe keyto / a rccipefot happiness. 4 Doyouegreewith the recipefor happiness in thevideo? c overone billion Coonlineto checkyour answe.s or askyourteacher Whatother'ingred i€nts'doyouthinkareimportantfor a happyLife? Search: lndian/ljS households TV percentage / motof vehiclesworld/ mobi[ephonesin lse China www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library I IN THISUNIT Vocabulary Lookat the mishapsbeLowand checkyouunderstandthe wordsin bold.Thinkof more examptesto addto the List. ' ' . ' . . . . . . . . . . Youtoseyour keysandlockyourselfout. YoLget stuckin traffc andrnissan appointment. YoLsLipon sonreice. Youtrip and fatt over. Youget on the wrong train. Youget confusedand rnakea mistake. Youfcarbr€aksdown, Youbangyourhead. Yo! get lost. Yo! spiLL painton yourclothes. YoLrrun out of petrol. Youoversteepand missyour train. Youdropsomethlng valuable andbreakit. Youbofiowsornethingwlthout askinganddamagelt. Work in pairs.Which of the th ingsin exerciseI hashappenedto you?Taketurns to saywhercandwhen. www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library ffmsk Tella storyfrom two pointsof view PreparationListening 1 a Lookat the pictur€s.They showan incidentthat happen€dto BillandFrank aftertheyhadbe€nto a party.Matchthewordsin the boxto the pictures. taughyourheadoff thickice swayalloverthe place a steephitL Workin groups. Canyouguesswhathappened to BiLlandhisfriend?lsthereaMhingyou don't und€rstand fromthe pictures? 2 Workin groups. croupA:6i 3,4Listento whatBitltotdhislawyer afterthe incident. croupB:6i13,1Listen to whatthe otdladytotdthe police.listenasmanytimesasnecessaryto besure ofthe details. Makenotesif necessary. Task Speaking Practise re-tellingthe storywith students fromthe samegrouP. > Us€futlanguage a andb 2a Workin peirs,onepersonfromGroupAandone fromG.oupB.Taketurnsto reportwhatBit[andthe oLdladysaid. Makea list of diff€rencesbetweenthe two stories andanyinformation but that onepersonmentioned, the otherdidn't.Compare yourtistwith the ctass. > UsefulLanguage c Workin pairs.Discuss the questions beLow . Whosesideofthe storydoyoubetieve? ' Werethe poticerightto arrestBitlandhisfriend? ' WhatfurtheractiondoyouthinkthepoLice tookT www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library Vocabulary youranswers. 3a work in groupsandcompare Civereasons. ti.lrirurn I unripuniilltnren 1 Lista5 work in pairsandhavea race.lntwo minutes, manycrimesaspossibLe. muroe,... autgtary, andcheckthe meaningof 2a Read the questionnaire in bold. thewordsandphrases below. Discuss the questions . In whichcases doyouneedto knowmoreabout to makeyourdecision? the circumstances . Lnwhatcircumstances shouldajudgebevery Lenient/harsh? for the 4a Workin paksandwritetwo moresituations punishments. qui:,with possible b Workatone.Dothe questionnaire. turn5to discussyour b Workwith anotherpair.Tak€ your punishments. ExPlain possible and 5ituations chotces, Are you harsh or lenient? Tick the punishmentyou think is most appropriatefor eachcrime. 1 A university student buys an essayonline and submits it as her own. The university recognisesthe essayas plagiarism. ' Sheshouldreceivea warning. ! . Sheshouldbe expelled.tr . Sheshould be prosecutedfor fraud. tr . other(what?) 2 A l2-year-old girl consistently plays truant from school.The parentssaythat the childwon't listento them and they are powerlessto help. . Sheshouldbesuspended.tr . Sheshouldbe erpelled.! . Herparentsshouldbe prcsecuted.. other (what?) 3 A famity with eight children are living in a quiet street They are very noisy and the neighbours complain of anti-social behaviour. They are renting their house . The family should be evicted. . The parents shol d be prosecuted. n ' The neighbours should learn lo cope. ! . olher (what?) for manis arrested 4 A 2o-year-oid drink-drivi]lg aftercausinga minor accident, It's the first time he has been arrested. . He shonldbe let off with a warning. ! . He shouldlose his licence.I . He should be given 200 hours of community seruce. ! A homelessman is afiested for begging in the city centre.The iocatlawsdo not allowbeggingandhe has beenarrestedseveraltimesfor the samecrime. . He should be let off with a warning. ! . He shouldbe prosecuted.. He shouldbe fined. ! . other(what?) A student is arrestedfor wriiing political graffiti on a building. ' His parentsshouldbecalled.D . He shouldhaveio pay for the damage.! He shouldbe prosecuted.! other (what?) A mother of two young children is charged with the possession of illegal cbugs and found guilty. . She should be sentenced to six months injail ! . She should be gwen a suspended sentence ! . Her children should be taken into care. f . other(what?) www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library Vocabulary 2a Choosethe bestwordto comptetethe phrasesbetow. Whichartictedoyouthinkeachphrase comesfrom? F{endIines 1 1 claima pize / a competition 2 builda nucleatengine/ rcactor 3 violatesomeone's fiappiness/ privacy 4 access someone's emailaddress / account 5 reimburse a debt/perro, 6 gt thrcugha wedding/ divorce 7 splitanatom / radiation 8 buy radioactive materialsI stuff 9 payaff a debt / bankaccount Workin pairs.Read the newspaper headtines below andexplaineachstoryinyourownwords 1,T-I."I:*J*3:HJ Eea\,']/ ra,in set to cause t severe floodine! t b ReadartidesA{ quickly. wereyourpredictions corect? ctrm'? bra[!l[?erist az-year-otd It lrElscall$ totillilEn$alBty 3a ReadarticlesA-C on page33.Arestatements 1-12 give true(T)orfatse(F)?whichlinesin the articLes youthe information? lost in mazecall999 CouDle knewit wasa winningticketwhenshe 1 Arnanda foundit. TheStaceys spentallthemoney. Dorothyhadproofthat it washerticket. camelotthink Dorothyshootdhavebeen morecareful. *:1""T:.i:T"."*.r61f=J DeathtoLtcLimbsin aircrash B punishment Theminlmurn isfiveyears injai[. LeonandC[arawerestiL ivingtogether 7 Leonwasn'tClaG'sfirsthusband. 8 Mostpeopleunder25readtheirpartnelsemails. 2a Findwordsin the headtines whichhavethe sam€ meaning asthewordsbelow. 1 suppofts backs 2 promises goingto 3 isprobabLy 4 the numberof people whodied 5 peopte's demands HandL totdtheauthorities whatlie wasdoing. 1 0 Hepubticised thefacthewasdoingtheexperiments. materials anymore. 1 1 Hedoesn'thavethe nuclear in thefulure. 1 2 Fe plans lo dono-eexperi'Fenls whydoyou thinkthewordsin the headLineswere usedinstead? 3 Workin pairsanddiscussthe questions about headlines in generat. 1 Whichtenseisoftenusedto talkaboutthe pa5t? 2 Howdo headlines usualty referto the future? 3 Whichofthe grammaticalfeatures betoware commonty missing fromheadLines? . theverbbe . atticlesla/anlthe) . relativepronouns . nounsanonounpnrases . auxiLiary verbs b work in pairsandcheckyouranswers. 4 5a t d 3.8Listento threenewsstoriesvt4rich explainwhat youranswers happen€din the end.check to exercise 4 Listenagainandmakenoteson anyother you hear information Readingand listening 6 1 - Workin pairs.Lookat the newspaper headlines and introductions on page33.Maketwo guesses about whatis happening in eachstory. i r A r n ] ,r L e w o n - d n . . L e p h o t o h d , w o n t h e r o c l e r y . work in pairs.Discuss the questions beLow. . ThethreeanicLes Onlyoneperson areatltrLre stories. wasnotcharged.Who doyouthinkit was? . what doyouthinkhappened to theotherpeople? work in groups. Discuss th€ questions below. . Areyousurprised bythe outcomein anyofthese case5? . Doyouthinktheoutcomeof eachcasewasfair? Why/Whynot? . Doyouknowof anyrecent[ega[cases that hada controve|5ialoutcome?What happened? www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library Speaking Dealingwith unexpectedproblems 1a (J l.g Listento threeshortconv€rsation5. Thereisan unexpected probtemin each. Answerthe questions, 1 Wl_ere doe(theconversatior takepla(e' 2 Whatisthe probtem? Listenagainandcompletethe extractsbelow. Conversation 1 1l_ b u tl c o L r l dbnu' ty at i c k e t . 2 Canl_a W h y_ t b u y a _? ticketnow? 3 Look, this is _ ! I'm nota criminal. Conversation 2 4 Look, there'sbeena _. We didn't that youwantedto bepaid. 5 | don'tthink .Youshoutdhavetold usat thestart, 6 No,you _ really aren'tyour _.We cuStome15, Conversation 3 7 Whatdo you _you've It's not I Perhaps |_ givenit to someone wecouldn't finda parking that, but thisisveryunfair. to to the manager Workin pairsanddiscuss. Howwouldyoudeatwith eachsituationif it happened in yourcountry? lwauld pay the fine and makea camptatnt tater , 6i a.,o,,.,"n,o*nu,"nrenc€ beloweid in two different ways.How doesthe sp€aker 5oundeachtime: .alm or angry/annoyed? I ufderstand that but I coutdn'tbly a ticket. z" 6] :.tt tistento,"nt"n.es l-9 from exercise lt. Howdoesthe speaker soundin €ach sentence? b Practi* sayingthe *ntences. 3a Readthe situationsbeLowWhat mightyousayin eachsituation? Usethe phrases in boLdin exercise 1b. ' Youparkyourcarandgoshopplng.When you comeback,a trafficwardeniswritingyoua ticket. Youhaveoverstayed the 3o-minute limit. . Youbuysomefoodin a shopbutwhenyo! get outside,you reatise gaveyou thatthe shopkeeper too littlechange. Sherefuses to giveyouthe rest. . Youarriveat a hotelwhere youmadea reservation fortwo nights.They havero recordofyour reservation andthe hotelisfuLf. . Youtakea taxi.When youarrive, yourealise that tFeta, rreters1r\aorkng./oLtl-inlr1eta'i driver isasking toomuch. . Youtakeyourcomputer to a fepairshop.When you pickit up,the mansayshehasspenttwo days tryingto repairyourcomputer, but it stiLldoesn't work.Hegivesyoua biLtfor€120. Workin pairs.Choose a situationandprepare a conversation,Try to usethe phrases in exercise 1b. c Actout the conversation for the ctass. www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library hoveyou got? Whotisthe m ssingnumberin ihissequence? 9 6 9 5 9 2 8 7 ( ) 7 1 down os mony possibe 5 Wrife useslor o newspoperos you con in two minutes. to poge 126ond sludy hove o woll o gooi ond 2 Turn 6 You the thingsto buy/doin town' o cobboge wh ch oll hove to llstfor one rn nute.Thenclose yourbookond wlle downo I the th ngs you con temembeT How mony sidesdoes 3 th s igure hove? ore look ng ofier 4 You somechldrenfor the doy One illle g r, Anno, comes to you cry ng becouse lhe others won'i p oy with her Whol do you do? o Telltheotherchidrenofffor be ng meon b TelAnno lo sod t out hersef. c Glve Anno o biscul lo moke her feel better d Telthe childrenthey con oll hove o biscult f they promlse to ploywth Anno. e otherl www.pardistalk.ir/library be token ocrosso rlvef.Vou hove o smql fow ng booi in wh ch you con only toke one thingwithyou ot o time. Howevetifthe wof ond goot ore eft o one, the wolf will eot the goot. And f ihe goot ond gool w leol the cobboge. How con you get ocrossihe rver wllh the h^/oon molsond ihe cobboge? Howcreotve do you think 7 you ore? o veTycreolNe b creolve c ovefogerycreolve d oboui os creotive os q pototo www.pardistalk.ir/library Reading andspeaking 1a Workin pairsanddiscuss.what doyouunderstand or nurture'? bythe phrase'nature 1-4 betowsupportthetheoryof Dosentences natureor thetheoryof nurture? 1 Everythlng comesfrornourgenes. arejn ourupbringlng. 2 Therootsof personatity 3 Wecant change whow€are. ourpersonatity. 4 Ourenvironment inftu€nces paragraphs dothe pictures Readthe artic[e.Which iLtustrate? M/hat shapes ou pcil-sonality ls it lhe result of nature - what we are born with - or nurture - what we experience? We search tor the answer. i i i i i t i i il t r l , i i ! , , j t . i t i i , t : r f ' . _ i , f r , i i r t t r ' i r , l 1 Two and a harthousandyearsago,the ancient Greeksbelevedthai yourpersonaly was ths resuliof difierentfluids, o r ' h u m o . s 'i,n y o l r b o d y ,l k e b ood, phlegmand bile. Accordng lo Hippoclates, didyoulearnabout work in pairsanddiscuss.what thethings/peopte in the pictures? 3 the wordsin Workin pahs.Checkyouunderstand boldin the questions belowThenreadthe articLe againandanswerthe questions. traits whatpersonatity 1 According to Hippocrates, for? werebiteandbtoodfesponslble last? 2 Howtongdidthetheoryof the'fourhumo15' 3 r'r'|'r doyor rh 1\ people Lo,l(Lledoh-erolog<l( partners? aboutjob applicants andmarrlage 4 ExpLaln inyourownwords what'weareallbornas thisrelate to the blanksLat€s'neans. Howdoes quotefromSkinner? crimlnals who 5 Whatistheconnectlon between in the andchlldren wereexecuted ln anclent China LIKwhopLay truant? support 6 HowdoestheStanford Pfsonexperlmeni l L " 1 rr l J - er h e o l ? f r d o) o - \ l t t f a s 'infamous'? become 7 Accordlng to nurturetheory,shouldidenticaL twins whogrowup apartbesimitar?Why/Why not?what happens in practlce? 4 the questions. Workin groupsanddiscuss . Weblam€ourparents butwe for ourweaknesses Doyouagree? don'tthankthernfor ourstrengths. . Howwoutdyoudescribe yourpersonaLlty in terms traitsinthearticle? of the'bigflve'personallty . Whathasmost nfluenced yourpersonality? I 6i +.: rirt"nto tt'" *ordsbetowandma*the stress. inyolr language buthav€adifferent whi.h tooksimitar pronunciation? Listen againandpractke. www.pardistalk.ir/library bloodmadeyou brave wlh mentalillnesseswefe sometimeslreatedwltlr eeches in orderio restorethe balanceof theirhlmors. lt was only n tlre 1glh centuryihaiscientsts beganto doubtihe theoryol humors,althoughpatientsmay havenoticed muchearlerthatiheyweren'tgehingany betterl By the late 191hcentury,personaliiyhad beencorrecily '""oro Forar.Tfiswasabgaova,e.b.Lsore peopletook tioo lar and phrenoogyeme€ed believed as a new scence'.PhrenoLogists thaiihe brainatfectedthe shapeofthe d, head,and so byfeelingsomeone's head,theycoulddiscoverthe shapeof the r brainand ihereiore - includlng,lor theirpersonaliiy example,how rkelysomeonewas to commitmurdenAi the height oi its popularly, phrenoogists we€ consultedaboutpossible maniagepartn€rsof io give a backgroundcheckon job appicants.Job interv€ws riusthave beeninterestng n lhosedaysl havelookedtoour More€cently, scienlisis genesas the solrce oi personaliy.Whie ther€ scerranlya link,it s iar rromsmple. Fora start, a singe genemightbe involvedin manyd fiefeni - and we havearound aspectsof our personality 25,000genesin our body.And whenevena s m p l e t h i n gi k e t h e c o l o uori y o u r s k i n! st h e r€sultof morethan100d fierenlgenes,imagine how manyare nvoved in a charactertraii lke beingopen,extrovert,agreeable, consceni ous or ne!rcticthe big five'trats that psychologisis nowadq,suseto descdbehunranpeGonaliy). www.pardistalk.ir/library focus2 Language PRACTICE i l i t :, i )i,' ,I. j , l i rl i , r , , ,i ,l il , i : ' . t ,i t, ,. , ' t ' , . , r , t t r 'l 1 workin Read the text'Thefutureof yourmind.'Then true youthinkwitlcome pairs andsaywhichideas 2 below. the questions Workin pairs.Discuss . lf yourmindcou[dbemanipulated in assuggested youdownload f rst? theart cte,whatskjllwouLd . Whatideawouldyouplant, m nd? andinwhose . Whose woLldyoubuy?why? memofles picture, abouteach LJse theprompts to writesentences 1 read/palm She'shavingher paln read. Lookat the examplesand answerthequestions. The chaGctetsrecord thet erperiences. 2 read/horoscope pressure 4 take/blood Ihe charactershave bad nenoies erased. 1 who recordsthememori€sin the lirst sentence? 2 who erases them in the secordsentence? Findtwo other examptesin the articl€ withrave+ sometl,ing+ pastparticipleandanswerthequestions I What is thetensein eachexampLe? 2 Howisth s constructio.lsed in otherteises? Lookat the examplebelow,Noticethatwe canalso useget insteadof rave in this construction.ll is more informatthanhavebutthe meaningisthe sam€.Find an exampLe whhger + someti,rg + PastParticiplein 5 dye/hair 2 6 paint/nails Work in pairsand discussthe questions. we'li,et au bad nemaries ercsed. . which thingsln the pictures do/don'tyoudo yourself? . Doyou or haveyou everhadanything likethis s,etc.? beautician doneat the opticlan's, I Readstudy 2, pag€ 141 I sonretimesdye my hair m),seli,b!t I never.ut my www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library Mm$m Choosepeopleto go on a spacemission Preparation$i.cuding fo[owingthe sucessofth€ Mau 500mision,the Iniemational spaceAsency(IsA)hasdecjded to carrYout a noreextended simulat€dspacemission. 'Mhsion2050witLsend sden votnnteers to tivefor tenyea6 at anislated, top-ssEt desert to6tion, knownas'Ndaierra'. Volunteeucannotleavethe missionunLess theyaredticly ilt. ltey canontycontacttheir faniUesandfriendseverythrce 1a Readthe articteaboutMission 2O5O andsummarise the maininformation. s€ctionof nationatities, Ees . studyhowp€opleofdiff€rent sercs,aget reactundertnese b Workin pairsanddiscuss.What charaderistics do youthinkwilLbemostusefuIin Novaterra? 2a Youhavebeenaccepted for Mission 20501You have . studytheneeds andbehaviour ofanychiLdren bomintothere . ind outthemostimportant chalacteristi6that ntturespace Ite clinateandhabiiatof the IsAwill provid€toodcapsules 'Novatenn wilLbeadapted io fortnrceyea6,burthevotunte€6 reflectwhatisknoM aboutlials rhouLdbecome setf-sufficient after andthe njssjonwitl becLosety this. water emergeicy;edrcat monito.€dbyscientisE,doctoE supptierblanketsandbasic andpsychotogists res€Ehing how shetterwitlaLsobeprcvided.rhe to setuprcalspace cotonisin the rctunteeEwilLatteid a co|1|5e tuture.lt wittbeprcmotedas an @Eringsuruivalskitts,agdcltt!.e inportamsymbotof internationaL andnEt ajd,butpEcticatshtLs that vohntets Gn bringwil ot be€n asked whoshoutdgowithyou. . Readaboutthe otherninesholtIisted candidates. . Circle the factoEthatyouthinkmakethem suitable andunderline thefactors thatdonot. (Unless statedabove, atlcandidates arefreeof famityties,speakEnglish andareheatthy. ) Decide whichcandidatesyou wouLd andwouldnot liketo spendthe nexttenyearswith. ,;;l ,,,,....... l ., ''..1 i --.. .' -.. .\. 1r. '1 - - t- . \ . cald andsetf{dncientandgood . protu$orofenqinee ng . sjftedmWjchnandsingr . fi jendly, butver!inteltedual and'bookish' . tendsto beintrolertanduncomnunicative . beadticiaim iedtoat (beLow) . sociable andwelL-meaning butvery i verYextrovertandhumorous . ver!indivjdua[sticcanberebelLious . canbeneedyand aitention{eehng . fiveyearsin !Sarmy,nowabuitder . marrjedtosabhna(above) . strongphysicalty, but hasputona tot of t . dk.ipLinedin a,m!foraSgressive www.pardistalk.ir/library l . fornerbaLtroom dancingchampjon , friendtywithvsygood peopleskitls . ha5sufferediiom depressjon www.pardistalk.ir/library Findout first View 1a Workin pairs.Read the information belowaboutt he differences between malesandfemates andtryto gless the correctanswers, 2a Youaregoingto watcha videoaboutwhyboysandgirLs Likedifferenttoys.Whatgender-stereotyped toys do you thinkthevideowittmention? rrrrrrr--rri I Men versusWomen I Various scientific studies over the last I two decadeshave proved that there are I differencesbetween boys and girls at schoolin termsofhow good they are at certain skills (aithough we don't know the reasonsfor thosedi{ferences). For example, r6oys / girls tend to be better at spatialskills,for examplerotating growup, feeling. Vhen boys andgirls obiect in their mind, whlle'boys I I an 3nen we frnd, that / utomen make judging tend to what people I girls are bette! at more are money over the long telms when they invest in the stock market. We a.lsoturd that amenI uomen are more likely to have an accident while driving, despitebeingmore ableto see detailat a distance. I t I I t T I l I I I L-------r---J I I I I I b O watchthe video.Thenworkin pairsandanswer the questions. 1 Whatdoestheexperiment with to(dletsprove? what doestheexperiment w;thmonleysprove? Whymightmalesbeattradedto vehictes ljke helicopters andcars? Whatdoesthe presenter conclude aboutt he nature-nurtute de bate? T I I T I I T I I I I I b Goontinetocheckyouranswers or askyourteacher. Searchr boysveBusgirlsspatialskills / judgingfeelings women / menversus accidents stockmarket/ drivinS 3 Watchthevid€o againandtickthethreesentences that aretrue,Correctth€ false sentences. Before'15 months, boysandgirlsdon'tshowa preference for particutar toys. Thefirstexperiment withtoddlers isdesigned to testthe natureargument. aretrickedintobeUeving Thevolunteers thetoddlers are the opposite sex. Thefirstexperiment showsthat nurtureis probabt important. Thesecond experiment isnewandsurprising. Dr Hineschosemonkeys because shecoutdn'tfindthe rightkindof chitdren. Dr Hinesfoundthat bothmateandfemalemonkeys weremorelikelyto ptaywith ca6,trucksandsoon. ThecLassic sc ientifc viewisstil[supported by recent research. 4 ' Workin pairs.Wereyou surprised bythe outcomeofthe experim€nt?Wha are t yourviewsonthe naturc-nurture debatein termsofchildrenandtoys? www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library 'iilliilliitf riifrlilf Vocabulary i"ii.rll.i ilttr Ltlrl'L.tr'ii.,t 'l in A tekepartin the eventsin B? Whichof the peopLe Delegatesand speakers attendconferences. acqua ntances busine5s associates cIients a btinddate a business meeting a ceteDralon meat ex-cLassrnates friends guests i dating website a o nnerpafty a familyget together ar online forum party a housewarmrng a schooIreunion a summit ca[[ a conference site a socialnetworking poIiticalteaders speakers reEtves peopte lookingfor a partner strangers 2 in exercise 1. Matchthe v€rbsbelowto the waysof meeting . havea business meefing... . attend . use . make ! go on I thatyou have 3a Choose threewaysof meetingfromexercise notes on the topics below. experienced recentLy.l4ake ' whenandwhereit wash-"ld . whowasthefe . whetheryou it enjoyed eachevent,but b Workin groups. Taketurnsto brieftydescribe mustguess. don'tsaywhatit was.Theotherstudents www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library Reading andspeaking work in groupsanddiscuss beLow. the questions . Howimportant aretheseth ngsin yourinteractlon wth otherpeople: yourpnone soclalnetworking sites otherformsof onIne cornraun]cation? . n whatwaysdo you usethem? ' Havethesethingsjmproved yoursociatllfe?Why/ Why not? Readthe introductionto the articLe.Pfedictwhat the ]. writerwil[ sayaboutthe questions in exercise 3a Readthe articLeand checkyour answers. 'We may have 750 frien work in pairsandsummarise how communication mediaaffectsthe topic betow. ' the a!thor'saailyfouline ' sociaIevents andgigs l]kedinnerpartles ' hlsretatonships wlth hlsfrlends andgiflfriend Findthe wordsor sentencesin the artictethattel[ you the thingsbeLow. -l'par 1 o .o^dr' o(Ftoh<pforedldt.pLop. (para. rJ My phone and laptop are within conslant touching distance. 2 He receiv€s newsfrornh s friends on[]ne throughoLi 2) the day.(para. .ro - or,"a*.(pa-r.2) 3-le " " c . lo L. e l - " 4 He is not the onlyperson who feelslonelyin this way.(pafa.3) 5 Hisphonels not helpingh s relatonshipwlth h s (para.3) friends. 6 t's not easyfor hisgirtfrlend to get hlsattentlon. (para.4) 7 Hetalksto fr endsonllnewhenheshouldbe (para.5) working. 8 Hlsfrlendi d not concentrate fLrlly whenhewas play.(para.6) watchlngRihanna 9 Heandhlsfriends can'tglveup socaIrnedla. (para.7J work in groups.Readthe factsat the end of the articteand discussthe questions. ' Doyou knowanyonewho is I kethe althor of the article? ' Doyou recognlse in anyof the thingshe describes yourown liie? ' W h a t a d v i c e w o u l d ygov ue t o t h ea u t h oaf n d peopletikehlm? . Doyou thlnksocat networking feel makespeopte anxlous andinadeqLrate? ' D o r o ' I r l , o ' 8 P " o P ll"o d a ,r r " o r e l e l l o theywere n the past?Why/Whynot? www.pardistalk.ir/library Hespendshis lifeemailing, texting andtweeting.So why doesAndy Jonesfeelso isolated? 1 Whateverl'rndo ng whereverI am, r'l i€ll youaboli t. \,4/p' on€ a drl 'aptopc'e {i]a- corsld-' 'ou hi q d l i c - c e w h e t h e . I ne " i . g . d . n ( n g . I e ! h o { e d , d gigorwalchinglhe foolbal.Beforc| qet up everymomng, lcheckmy ernai,rnytextsand myTwinerfeed.By the I me l ' v eg o to u t o f r l r es h o w e rt s t i r n e r o d ot a g a l n . lromany oi ihe 2 lhav€ a constanldrp"dripoi nformation 750 onlinefrends and iollowersthal lassocialewth.Yet lhave neverfeLloneler.Howdoesa 28-yearoldrnangei llkethis?lam a ralionalproiessionamanwth a beauliiul girliriendand long-slanding nrates. l a m n o l a l o n ei n l e e n g l i k ea n i s a n d . I na r c c e nsl u r v e y oiyoungpeople,60perceft saidtheyfoundil dfUculllo makelriends in rcal fe comparedwith on ne.Im way beyondbeingan awkwardteen,bul I am w red !p mosl oi llre day,as are rnostot rnyiriends.I go 1opan es pubs and dinners,but lam ihereony in spirit.Farirornbfnging me closerlopeople,my phonedrivesrneiurtheraway. lcan tellyou how manyfo owerslhave on Twitter, bul cannoirememberiheasiiime lsaw my housernatesirom Socalnelworkingand lhe internethas rnademe need to scrolthrolgh somelhng constanly. l'll be due at the t 5 0 p . m .L ' l l s i lb e s t l n g o n n r yb e d p u ba t 9 p . m . A 8 thrmbingonljne.Theni's 9:30,ihen il's closingtimeand l'm sijllin rnyllai Aone in ihe dark,ldownloadalbums, thenanolher,blrl barelylsten to lhemilhe ihr is Looking Whenmy forlhingsio stenio ralherthanlhe lisl€ning. long suiferng girlJriend comesroufd she has io priseme irom my phoneor lhe lnternet.Themomenlshe'sgone, my mindwanlsthe hyperaclivity thai the nterneland socal neiworkingpfovide. www.pardistalk.ir/library Listening andvocabulary Blinddntr ,,.,fliI lr,r itr,t\i:ii tjrl 1a Workin pairsanddiscuss the questions. . Howpopu[ar ar€ online dating websites inyoLrr country? . Doyouthinkpeopte whousethemarealways honest aboutthernselves? flrsuh Pln'tct'. 2(r. libralian. rnects \rcb desieler,Josh Franlis. J8 Ursula on Josh Hapes before the date? JohnnyDeppor ColinFarrell. lle'sneitherof b Lookat theonlinedatingprofitebelow.Canyou guesswhichinformation is a lieor anexaggeration? Age: 27 Height: 175 cm First impressians? p e L ! ,L 5 ' e d o J t a . d - - e t e " t i 1 gt,w d - l o p - g he'd be wedringa suit, bllt he wasn't,His ollit Body shape: athletic Job: filrndirector Remind you of anyone? N,lyfathen Conversatian tapics? Our education,careergoals/favouritefilms, blah,blah, blah.Slandardfirst date conveTsations. About me: lL_ ard vely-na1.\ot rlo qL et r qfrs rn,and neverborlng lvlyPAca ls me a'partyanimal'. Fondol hangingolt with nry mates- someof them arece ebrUes.Keenon skydvingandparaglidlng. Awkward moments? Therewas a very embarrasslng incldentwhen a bit of the obsterhe was eating andedon my Lookingtor: A parinerln,crimeto join me on an advent!re.14ust be 20 25 yearsold,tall,blonde, chi ed out andready!o fa ln ovel Z Similaritiesbetween you? Neitherof us are motivatedby money. I thlnk that'sa goodthlng. 0 | 5.2Listento someinformation aboutontine datingandanswerthequestions. Marks out of ten? l' be generolsand give hrm a six, 1 Whatdo menandwomentendto lieaboutin theif profite? 2 Whatarethe ctuesthata profi[eis not acc!rate? 3 Whatarethe arguments ln favourof tying? 3 Listenagainand compLete the idiomsin botdbelow. Canyou guesstheir meaning? Themenhope,presurnably, thatwomenwillfalt hopeLessty in _with themon the firstdate... Soifyou wantto knowwhether a profi[e thatyo! are readingls mostlylies,keepan out fo. thfeethings. Thesecanbe a slgnthat soraeone ls being with the truth. Mostonlinedatersknowthattheyhaveto take whattheyreadwith a pinchof Telllng littte_ Anather meeting? Probabiynot. Language focus2 l,tr:li ,l r:: :iI i titI I iiri1 r]i :riririi .iii i)rfl)i1jl Workin pairs.Readtheartic{eaboutUrsulaand btinddateanddiscuss. Whatdoesthearticte Josh's describe? what doesUrsuLa thinkofJosh? 2a 0 | 5.3loshisbeinginterviewed abouthisopinion liesonlnecan ofthe date.Listenandmakenoteson hisanswers. Whoiskinderandwhoiscruet(er aboutthe other, lJrsuLa orJosh? positive benefit. 6 t's bestnot to stretch the _ 4 Work in pairsand discussthe questions. . Whatarethe advaniages anddisadvartages of ontinedatingwebsites? . Hasanyoneyou knoweverlsed one?Whatwere hls/herexperiences? b Listenagainandwrite the questionsthat the journaListasked. www.pardistalk.ir/library Cauldyou tell ne what yoLl were loaking far? www.pardistalk.ir/library **N*\.\lW;tltiiiW*N,**t Plana fantasydinnerparty sldlr,= ,6u Kla $ z.AN\ PbP ,l /d t $ Preparation t,iliil.$] utirliil I I YouaregoingtopLan a fantasydinner partywith two oth€r students. Readth6 information. Whichaspects of pLanning do you thinkwittbemostdifficutt? Z 0 l' 5.6Listento sixpeoptetalkingabout whotheywoutdinviteto dinner.Foreach suggested guest,makenotesonthe topics beLow. . reasors forinviting him/her . suitable subjects of conversation . questlons to askorthings to say 3a Listenagainandtickthe phrases in sectiona oftheUsefultanguage boxthatyouhear. I b Whosesuggestion doyouLikebest? i. www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library aresF.nS raqlo aql oqi . req/urq alr^ul01lueMno,{,(tlM . 5l lua^a eql leqi Pueare no^ oqM ' 'r\olaq srldol aqlepnl)ui uollpll^uLo j€l]31 e al!r/v\ pupsFonSrued rauulP^seuPrrno^,o auo asooql Su111.r6X dn ry1611e1 2puatleot a)lllsou.]no{ Plnol^^!ed louurPosoqy' . Zuor$aBBns oqi . pue3uLlsaratut lsour.ql ePPur leurBlro aray' . auoueqla:ouu{q uesoqrslsenB,(uP 2dno-r8 '^ olaqsuollsenb oqtssn)slo q 'supldBupeos pupstslllsanBrno^uleldxa ol surnta)el sdnor8reqlouror]sraPntsqtu!\l]olv\ e€ q PuPe o8PnBuel lnlasn < '" { l l e uosrad 0 1 3 ) l l p , o l y a ! 1 s plnoLls ar'L\ )lurrlll " ,o D€fqns.Ltlplo^P/arnPo4tl ''' !o6snr5rp foqe puE 3u 1s.r€luttu3^e a^eq^lqeqordll$ ' ' ' q l L N l l s ^u\o1 e 3 1 I M " :iurq10,uoP) , 3 1 1 ^ u t o r B u (r rooBu ) i r€ Ml € r t 1 . a r ;IPe . M o C 'p s p p o o Be s , l ) r L q r( ] , u o p ) r a l h u t o l ruau.ar;e tulqteat q '' 1noqeqrn]1awlnoPu, o13uzeue3q Plnoall l q s r € q ! \ r alqs e o l i ^ o l P , ! " 3 q s^ q a / l n o q q Pu L q e _ raq)isP lnoqe Plnotr _ 1lroq€!.rrqolllel2se P, '" leau or p.rueMs^e^le.^ | 'au P4e!DsPls^EMl€s,lPql.uo3trlost,ll '" srlull ussoqra^, uos€3r.rl1 suolrs.t3nsrno^ ;u!u!eFx! e 'slsen8rno,()se ol lue,v\no^ teqlsuo!$3nb pue'P!o Polls3q areleql oldol 's:!dol uollela,ruor pooS,o Fll p eleN upldBulleesP uo ePlrac q 'lslt lsen8 e uo earBeol.&l puP eZ suolFaSSnsrno^aredLuol aarqtJosdnolSu!)loi e.SPnBuPtInlosn < 'Paauno^ ^uero}raq)ealrnoxlsv suo!}sa88ns sassqd/spro,{ rnol(/qtlsnlpueuteldx€ol r{oqlnoqe)u!ql q 'z 6s!rr3xau! slldol aL{luosalou a)el a)ualaleld}o iaPlo uluaql$d '1sa88ns ol qsen8 a^!j ro lutql ^llenP!^lPul)rolt eL SupXeod5 1se1 7 I Speaking I ?; Writing Dealingwith problemson the telephone Typesof message Workin groups. Discuss the questions below. ' Doyouenjoychattingon thephoneor doyou preferto keepyourcaLls shortandto the point? . Haveyouevergot annoyed or frustrated when makinga phonecall?Why? 2 la Lookat messages A-Eon page55andmatchthem 1-5 below. to descriptions 1 anernailgivingdetailsof travelarrangements fora business trip a noteto a famitymernber or flatmate a notepushed undersomeone's door aninformalemailto a friend to a friend ' a text message hd 5.7Listentothr€e t€Lephone conversations. Answeathe questions belowfor eachconversation. 1 Whoisspeaking to who? 2 Whatprobtem occufs? 3 Howdoestheconversation en d? 3a Listenagainandcomplete the sentences. Putmessages A-Ein the orderthattheyweresent. 18...5D c Comptete A-Ewith the phrases in the box. messages 1 Thanks for _ backto me. l_amessage_. Couldyouspeak_ Yourvoiceis a bit,ptease? Bythe way, We rebothrealLydetighted foryou!l Hopeyouhada gooddayatwork l'll beout of the officetomorfow (Fri) Please bemoreconsideraie infutur€ Can'twaitto seeu bothl you're_ 4 Sorry, up. 5 Cal ljust_your naneard pledse? l'llhaveto _you to another department. 7 lf you'ltjust me... _with I It's_youf ftights to lstanbulnext week. A ml - a t a b a dt i m e ? 10 bea timeto ca[[? b Lookat audioscript5.7on page172andunderline otherusefulphrases for t€lephoning c r00r5.8Listentothe sentences inexercise 3aand pradisesayingthem. 4 Workin pairs.Turnto page129andusethe prcmpts andpractise to prepare aconversation, Canyoulet m€ knowiftheseflightssuitASAP? Bestwishes, 2 Readmessages A-Eagain.Findat Least oneexample of the features betowWhichmessage isformal? 1 wordsbeingmissed outto makethe message shor|er 2 capitallettersandexcLamation marl6for extra emphasis 3 simplified'incorred' spettings 4 useof abbreviations www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library '&l Whatinventions ftavehadthegreatest impactonth€ uraywelive?Mostpeoplewoutdmentionthe wh€et, the printingpress, theintemet.andsoon.Butpausefor a momentafld consider thefoltowinqfivecontendeF. lh€y shape ourlivesin wa!'syoumayneverhavethoughtof! Standard time I N T H I SU N I T 0(, sotime hasatwaysexisted,but'standard tjme'hasn't.Imagine theworLdioday ifourctocksweren'tsynchronised.In the 18thand19thcenturies, townsaroundth{ worldusediheirownLocattime, whichwasdifturentfromtownto town.Thismeant that a inin couLd arriveinonetownbeforeir hadofficiatLy teftihe previouson€!In England, forexampte, itwasn't untit 1880that a tawwaspassed creatjrga'ttandar time" forthewhotecountry.Timezonesacrossthewortdwereoniysiandardis€d atl beginningofthe 20thcenturyr_. TheLastco!niryt0 adoptinternat time zoneswasNepal,in 1986. xunnrngwater Around4000 yearsagoon the GreekisLand of Crete,a paLace wasbuiLtwjth hot ard cotdrunnjngwat€rthatftowed fron tapsnadeofsitverandgotd.ThepalaceaLso housed thefirst knownflushinqtoitet.Asrecentty asthe earLy 2othceniury,howev mosthousesin[uropedidn't havetheirowntojLetorrunnjngwateLOneortwotojL wouldbesharcdbya whotestreet,andwatercamefroma coftmunatpump.Diseas andpoorpeBonathygjeneoere commoi.Thesedays,wefeeLit is onlynaturalrotat showers,ftushourtojtetsandwaterourgard€ns.WhiL€z, caused its ownprobtems, with eventhe UKfrequentty findjngitselfin dangerofrun Thetightbutb Whenthe electdciight bubnrst appeared in the 19thcentury,itcamewjth a warni sjgnto bep{aced on thewattnexttothe buLb:"Donot attemptto tiqhtwjih a maich Now,perhaps morethananyorherobjectinour tives,vvetakeitfor ganted.Lightbr ittumjnat€ourcihesandroadsat night,r_ andtheyenabteusto do m n o r ew i t ho u _h e et i m e . l m a g i nyeo u re v e n i n gwsi r h o u r e r c c t lai gc r- , 1 Reading andspeaking la Workin pai15 anddiscuss.What do youthinkhavebeenthe most importantfive inventionsofthe last 200 years? b Lookat the photosand the headingsin the articieabove.What impactdo you thinkeachinvention hashad? Readthe articLeand checkyouranswers.Work in pairsandanswer the questions abouteachinvention. 1 Whenvvasit invented? 2 Whatproblemdid t sotv-"? www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library Europeons lrovelo theAmericos inveniion ol lhewheel invenlion ol lhe prifling press Discoverylhol lhe Eorlhrololes round Buildlng ol roiwoys ondsTeom ships Listening Language focus1 inxF(rr*;xyit d6te$ Pertect tonsF-s Howdoyousaythe datesin the box? Whatapproximate datesdothe othertime expressions referto? 5000Bc 3200BC I600 1850 the 1860s 2050 the 7th centuryAD 1a Workin pairs.CompLete sentences 1-5 with anappropriate dateor timephrase fromexercise 1 above. Usethetimetine to hetPyou. 1 By-, people ln ancient Mesopotam ia,rad/ have/ will havelnvenrca thewheetbutthey,adr't / haven't/ won'thavelearnthowto write. 2 By.............- , Europeans had / have/ will have discovered howthe solarsystemworks,buttheyradr't / haven't/won'thavear i\,ecin AJsrra. a 3 By-, thesteamengine, railways andeven the firstcombustion had/ have/ wil[havebeen engine invented, butscientists stlllhadn't/ heven't/ won'thave discovered that bacteria causes diseasesl 4 Today,at , \\e had / have/ will havelanded onthemoonandinvented theinternet, butwestitlhadr?/ haven't/ won'thavefaunda cureforthecommoncotdl 5 Scientists believe thatwithin_, weradl have/ willhavesenta manned mission to Marsandfound a curefor manyserious illnesses, butweprobablyradr?/ haven't/ won'thavelearnthowto controltheweather. the 17thcentury the mid16thcentury the tate18thcentury the nextdecade or so within30yea|s the beginning of the 21stcent'rry Workin pairs.Lookat thetimelineof humanachievements, pastandfuture,Say approximately wheneachhappened/witl happen, usingthe phrases in exercise 1. Theinrcntianaf the wheelhappenedin about95AABC 3a Lookat the pastandfuturcachievements belowTryto matchthemto boxesa-f on thetimeline. 1 the discovery that bacteria causediseases 2 a cureforthecomrnon cold 3 theinvention of writing 4 humancontrolof extreme weatherevents, likehurricanes 5 thefirstmanned missiorto Mars 6 thearrivaIof Europears inAustralia b 6i 6.t Listenandcheckyour answers. 4 Listenagainandmakenotesaboutwhat elseyouLearnt.Work in pairsandcompare invenlion of intenol c0mbusl0n engine b Choose the correctv€rb formsinsentences 1-5. 1 Findan exampLe in ex€rcke 1b ofthe Pastperfect,the Present perfectandthe Futureperfect. How is eachtenseformed? 2 look at the timetineandthe sentences in exercise1b.Choose the corect answersinthe rutesbelowandfind an exdmpLeof 1 We lse the Pastperfecttodescribe eventire&/e /rta particulartinre in the past2 We usethePresent perfectto describe events'belo/erlow / atthe presentnoment. 3 We usethe Futurepe ect to describe eventsretore / at a particular time in the fuiure. study1,page1,16 I Read www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library :.::" . ,.:::t, . . t iiii'tt:i I it ii lri;:l:illii:iit, ( rre s e n ta n r o e aT o r a TV programme ZooTq one the country! leading Tv prcduction companres,$ making a new series ofshort programmes called f,'r e Top 50 human achievemenls Membels of the public are ifllrted to nominate topics ior lhe progmmmes by submilting a tlEee_minute video presentation, maLing the case for their choice Preparation 1 :::l:tii 4:! Readthe advertabout aTV seriesthat is beingplanned.summarisein your own words whatthe conceptis. The Tv company will select the best 50 nominations and use each presentationas ihe basis Ior a tenminute film. Tile films will be shown every weekday el€ninq for ten weeks aIld at the end, the public will vote for their favou te human achievement. 2a work in groups.Matchthe achievement\ betowto the suggestedcategorieson the 1 the inventon of the micfochiP of the py|amlds 2 the buitding Candhi of Mahatma 3 the leadershiP Artarctic 4 the storyof Scottof the 5 the novelsofTolstoy 6 rhecdreeo DFI; 7 the muslcof BobDylan Spietbe€ a the fitns of Steven 9 the Theoryof Evoution 10 the riShtto voteior women Visit our website for more in{ormation and grddelines. forthe categories Thinkofother exampLe5 on the website.Thencomparelistswith the class. 3a fi s.l Listento five peoptepresentingan andmakenotes ideaforthe programme aboutthe pointsbetow. . tne sLrDJect . the categoryof achievement . the argumentsn ravouf '):t)tt!tui/t,!itittr!:jititri! tlati : Task r I forthery a nomination Youaregoingto present the foltowing bearing programme. Firstchoosea topic, in mind. . Thetopicsho!ldinterest also you,butshoutd andlnsplre yoLrf classmates, whow]llvoteat theendfor appeatto te achievement. theirfavour . fyoucannot a topc canchoose thlnkof anything,yo! mentioned n thlsunit. already 2 research factsontine. lrepare whatyouwilLsay.lfpossible, yourteacherfor any Makenotesaboutthe pointsbetowAsk you need, words/phrases . thebackground to thlsachlevernent . whathappened . theinfluence/impact it hashaa ' whyyolrflndit nterestng/arnazlng Listenagainandtickthe phrasesfrom the boxyou hear Usefultanguage 4 Work in groupsand discussthe questions. ' Doyolr agreewlth what the sPeakers say? to the you more arguments Can addany onestheygive? . Whichachieverrents do you findmost amazing? > Uselut language a-c www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library Language focus2 Moreaboutthe Fresentrrerfect sinrpleandcontinuous 1 a completethewortdrecordsin the factfile with the phrases in the box. 'la He'slandedsuccessfully andbroken theworld recordfor basejumping. didit in nineminutes b le'sbeerlandnBsuccess'rl{y andbreal:ng the worldrecordfor basejumping. wascarrying300 kilosatthe time ',Dtn U N U S U A LW O B L D zooo,ngrisKazelniks ran20metresin 1 1.40seconds.He sietasseta newworldrecordwhen heswam200metres. Tom..- LTom eaOOyOoytecompleted1,868pressups in onehourin 1993.He ... , tnzoo+,sonyaThomas ate5 kilosof ;.]D tnzoto,enorewDahtinftated 23 inthreeminutes. He... b Turnto page128andcheckyouranswers. Whichrecorddoyouthinkisthe most impressive/dangero!s/ridiculous? 2a He'sheaded the balt2,377timeswithoutdropping it. it. b He'sbeenheading thebatl2,377timeswithoutdropping gfownherhairsince'1973. 3a She's b she'sbeengrowingherhairsince1973. 2 Lookat pictures1-5 onthe ght of more peoplewhoar€ attemptingor hotdunusual worLdrecords.choose thesentence which bestdescribes eachpicture. la Matchth€ sent€nce!ln €xercise? with the 1 lf an actionhappens in a momentandis perfect comptete, we usethePresent simple I .ontinuous. 2 lfan actionis not finish€d,we usethe Presentpefect s/mple / cont ruous. 3 lf we wantto emphasise that an actionhas we use lastedfor a longtimeor k repeated, the Presentperfectrinpie / corfinrors. 4 Howeverif we sayhow manytimes someonedidsomethin&we alwaysusethe Presentperfectiimple / .orft ooas. s Lfwe aredescribing a state(usingverbslike be,krow, etc.)weusuatlyusethe kesent pede.t sinple I continuous. 4a He'sbeena gardener for 90years. b He'sbeenbeinsa sardener for 90vears. b Choosethe corect answeBto compl€te the study2,page147 ) Read www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library I I Findoutfirst View 1 a Workin pairs.Lookat the tistof Britishheroes below. whichhaveyouheardof? Doyouknow whattheyarefamousfor? . wilIiamShakespeare . JOnn Lennon . Diana, Princess oi Wales . SirWinston Churchill . lsambard Brunel Kingdorn 3a Youaregoingto watcha videoaboutlsambar i5oftenthoughtot as Brunel,who Kingdom Lookatthe photosandread anunsunghero. the statementsbelow.Tryto guessthe correct 1 Hismostfamousworkisthe clilton BridgeI TheCrcatEasten shiP/ Suspension Paddingtonstation.' to be mlstake isconsidered 2 Hisgreatest the Clifton suspensionBridgeI TheGrcat Eastenship I PaddingtonStation. 3 Hediedat the ageof53 / 73/ 93. BtidgeI TheGrcat 4 TheCWon Suspension Easte shipI PaddingtonStatio, wa> fiveyea$afterhediedasa completed tributeto him. 1awith Tryto matchth€ peoplefromexercise beLow. the sentences He/she... andpopstar. 1 wasa songwriter 2 ledBritainduringtheSecondWorldWat etc. stations s ,hips, 3 designed andbuittbridges 4 wroteplaysandsonnets, numefous charities 5 supported or askyour to checkyouranswers GoonLine teacher. / s€arch:Wittiam shakespeare / lohnLennon / ofWales /winstonChurchiLL DlanaPincess Kingdom BruneL lsarnbard 2 in the top ten tist Thepeoptein 1aappeared Britons.In whatorderdoyoof'100Createst thinkthevcamein the list? b O watchthevideoandcheckyouranswers. 4 workin pairu watchthe videoagain.Then p€oPle and ofthe €xptain the significance and numbers below. 200yearsago photograPllers JohnScottRussell djrectors the company sixmen 38 passengers 53yearsotd 'greatest mistake'such WhywasBruneL's a failure?canyouthinkof anyothergreat mistakes famouspeoplehavemade? www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library fl.),.$il Speaking andvocabulary "l Lookat thephoto. Whatkindof eventdoyouthinkir is?Thinkof fiveothereventsthat drawLarEe crowdslikethis. Lookat newsextracts1-8 betow.Checkthemeaningofthe words in botd-Do the the wordsin botdretateto: - €vents peopte - actlvities things? Canyou think of any other wordsrelatedto thesecategories? I 'l'he 2 Hunarcds ofsupport€rsclrpped,cheeredandwavedtlags asihe team$ent paston theirvictory parsde. 3 li.e morchers u';ereaorrr r! plocqrds aTra bqnnels ac r]r l-r a,--ier [o! demonstration was lsg.ly peaceftl wilh protestors campaigning for an end to poverty. When the ministeraddressedfhe croryd. a iew people booed. 5 The cfowd al tlie festival $'€nt wild rtro tlie finar ao caoe or. A 5'n.rariai.rp ri proleslols ffcra..ri,rc,.ti-,tclqshedwitht,c a,. 7 Thecarnivalwasrrulyspectacular withsonanyfloats and peoplc $,eafjngcostumes. The stndiuD is usualiy a vcnue lor outdoor conc€rrs arxi sportnrg evenls, but )csterday the cro\rd were there to celebrate the ncw )€ar. Workin pairsanddiscuss. What'sthe biggestprotestor celebration thatyouhavebeento or seenonTV? www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library _rePuole) urllsnhsql JoqluoL!Lllulu aql urareldsa)P1l 'uaPplqrojere8u!lu!rppue 8ultEaalurv(ep'uppeure! jo le^llso]aql Sulnc a 'qnl) leDoselsrneuon€oLll dnor8urlq qt ^ sO66L oql urauet leuolteuratul lsru Puno]{leuq aH s0€6!aqt urSurprorer slqopeLu oPunBeS ^edluof ra8u!sueqnl S 'PFo^\ eql ulseareueqrnFeSrel€qlJo3uosrl Purql ul^lD u^ou)-alulp slSulnb8uoql $o^ -qtnos t 'adornl uruorDe.4le lsunolrelndodDoureql slll funlua) q15Laqlullltnqse,\\ ulreEzP€ lnquelsl PuerDaql € '(lolsrqurpueqraLlp{ue ueql spro)or eroLuplosereq(eq1 g76LurdnlrtdsseFEe€aql Z aetd sa]e|qtq^'leuu andealsuotdueq) Vfin aql .PiroM eq] ul aql srll IeN luo^a3u!!odslenuuepaqrleM-$our u! areldse)ElleuUenBeelsuoldurpqlVlln eql L 'PloqursPro/\^ aql qvt\ l.lels 3snq,3 llelar Sulugap-uou eBulsnmopq$)ueluesaql3ulqLuof Z 's€snql €^!lelarBulsn leded jo 3).ld eql uo sra/u\sue 6qlFoqe suollsenb rno^ /!1oqssrledullro/( l )se ol surnl aIeI sra/v\sue 'reoeojo i]old e uo.iaprouropuprulsle/vlsuprnorol!.il q 6fL.3ed'17^pnrspes!e lsEuuo) sp3.uBsnEP.^rel.rro ad^l't)rql € (asnep3^tlelarButuD.p-uou e srstql) zetru.1u.s 3qr ut uotlpurrolr'l,ellrc, sa^t8ptoqutasnq) q)!q/ Z (isn€p a^Flor Sutuuapp ststq! Zarualuas 3q1pu€rsrapun ot&pssarausLptoqutasneptl)tqr ! fped aqr passrur/(F€€ auroq lu€a or{M 'orpad -IUed aqr p€ssrlu ^ppa €uroq rusa oqM aso.n 'suolNanbaqxr.MsuEpue^\otaqs.rua$as aqt pear z sosnel);r^$elol iiurultirp'r.rou 0!e .tuiu t.: u.uoqrlq^l s.uorssM.u.rtl ruo4Pa$luo .q up)a^oqexoq.qru!unouoda lrep.uo rquo r 'pau5tsapattLt iq^un|pels aljst stgr 'entp4s pauotip otlMueu aqt sts19r aq a{ql zp.+uo.q unouord a^llEl aq1uEraot.q s.ruaru€s.qr]oq)tqMut q '€suqoq)Eautunouold€^!rq.I 3qtiultr€pun 'sasnel) .^ttqar .le a^oqexoqaqt u!s.serqd.qr er $unouo.r o,\rlpla! papu€rPalooaououlrLU s Era^oua'la uo^ oqM bsrtu! ut8aqor rnoqpse,,q)rqa a$qt araMoqM ort/s tEuDdn) p!o,^ aqrpaqrrer'\ ptaqstl lei]r arErqslar suolltu araq/$ rlelsor paPtlp orlM auro!utse^{qrtq/$ )paqr pue uaFI uaql xoq aql Luo4sosP.iqd ql!/t^e^oqPsalrolss^\ouaqroFldluol !z (9 ]e&o, uauonor-SLrlqtauros 8 'paxple] aleld e I laa]s{eMleno^ 'puPls no^llsnur auoaLuos l,Lre) 9 '/(ofua ^l]plnruedno,()tsnur auooLuos I no^ Sulqtauros ]noql^ ouroqa^ealia^su t '{eplloquo03,(Iensnno^qtuoursqt € 's]Pa^lelo^os rol|uaasl,ua^eqno^euoaujosZ 'llsl^ p,no^ ol e)ll ^llpsr srelde ! ...1oeureuoql a]!.ty' '^resse)au 'unouord ,! e^ltelare ql.r\ /v\oFqs€rGtueseql aloFluo) e L rlr)vud 3q)ra^o eolep€ds uoI[LU9!_Zt s]ce4eecersrL]l 'acual eprnol aql^q ppq itqeqordsrlue^aslods otbuFe pi ore proca aql ]nE le ]sefietoL]lro] 'Jlzer8pue -, fenbnln usa qoq ser\ ttes)tqcteuraqt lua^astrodse pMorcr.llntpBts te lsefiq a$ Iep slqlo] ulEuler eunt ururnrpers 096t guEeererlaqtur -r etdo€d000,002sqt r.N3A3 SrUOdsvrvol ouc Lsf,9uv]3Hr ! sasnpll oArlelau ! snroJe3en8u€rl .r.t6noue 6{q l,user\arenbs.Iqnd€ql sp 'pi oJc !e^e lse6q eql sselppesJa)ieads aql.teaqol eoeuEur aqls9 sprocaup Luptp .Insar sJ3q3.leur sseuurne6qlIq lsor\l loo8 e se IUe€ _-e slnoq pesru6ocar o^q qcleur llllssl I lr|q eq] 'slesrueblo 'uacuocaql6ulpuaP eql ua^apeqldtns ueqlleql€rpnsnse ls€tordaqlJoazs eql .srauueq pue 6u0erqetaJ lsnl Ilqeqod specetd 6ur^rec ,,(ueul .-. '€tdoad p,f o-o ol3rl uo! iu aerqtpunore paper e,-q aq] Joauos ree^ tue,a lsalord . _-, 3^f s,rea /\ 0N et6uts ]se6rej aqt re^1 eqtlsutebe6ulu6€durec z'qcBog€ueqecedoo aJaM se^A€nua^eLlI llzEl8 sroisalord.pto^ aql punore lle 'or6uef 6p olu ul ue.r,@ t00z tuetuq€lq19tuo ecetd uE^els pou e )oot tuotslqursellerre^ _Jlue pateurprooc Lt66l raqL€caolslc ]sa6rEtaq-L uo les sel proser^ auv u3A3ls3Loud IS3C9ts ]HL AUOLSIHNl lUfCNOa rsSe9lsfnr zo Blua q WESAWHISTORY IN THEMAKING Fffi?'? 2 THESUMMER OFLOVE 1 THEWALL STREEICRASI{ Duringthe 1960s, rebettion againstthe establishmentgrewin manypartsof thewortd, fromthellnitedStales io Czechostova kia, peopte Young beqan to adoptan aLtemative iifeswLechaiactensd by I :.. A I' THEtrAIROW] I.IARCH ctotlres, andto protest against 0dThurday24th october 1929,attheNewYork StockExchange onWatt s t r e e t! h , e u n i h i n k a b t e h a p pIenn oe nd e .d a y1,i m j t t i osnh a r e s c h a n s e d goverrments, sdchasthe hands* pricescotlapsed andthedream ofweatthwastransfomed into theijslrtmareof pov{ty.TheWattSbeetCGsh tedio a periodof thousandsofyoungpeopte,, unempLoymenl homete$n€s andhunqsattoverthe wortd.h the nexr gathercdintheHajsht-Ashbufy )i fewyea6,miltiods peopte's ofordinary Livsweredestroyed. neiqhbourhoodof sanFranciscoir ov€r5,000kma,ray, in theship-building townofJarowinth€ north to promotepeace, happiness I eastofEngtand, unempLoymentanors skitted wo{ingmenreached andtoveiiwhatbecam€ known l 65percentasa resuLtof the'creatDepresjon'thatfoLtowedtheWatt astheSumnrer oftove'. fiusic StreetCrash. h 0ctober 1936,207 menfromJatroweetbutonfoot. poetryreadjn9s, fesnvab, to march the480kmto London asa'protestagainststarvation , speeches andtheatre events 'fLouerpower',Howevs, TheJarowmarchets wereqheered andgivedfoodin ry€rytown cetebrat€d byoctober1962ryentrhadtakenan theypassed through, butwhentlr€y reached partjament, nothing L d a q . t t L r a , n F r d d r - qq b u , p i .aca n n a!lo, o .o v e .I n p a d so o . e f o a. e F .I " r e r w ee q i v p fn e a r 't o r. a e ii , o i organis€rc hetda'funer:land buntaoffin hbe[ed'summer of Lov€,. Reading andspeaking 4a MatchcommentsA-E on page69 to evants1-4. One event hastwo comments, 1a Workin groups. Lookat the photosandtittesand makea tistofanythingyouknowabouttheevents. canyouguesswhichevenr(s)the wordsberow relateto? the StockExchange the campaignfor Btackrights an alternativelifestyle 2a Readaboutevents t-4 aboveand checkyour ideas. Work in pairsanddiscussthe questions. ' . ' . 3 Whenandwhefedidtheseeventshappen? Weretheseeventsce[ebrations or protests? \ ^L ) ^ " " t 1 e p d n c i D a n l ' ( e . e o - d r : - g pg- o : t". Wereothercountriesaffected? Work in pairsand discuss.What do you think it was like to experience theseeventsat the time? Thinkof threewordsto describ€eachevent. What feelings of atmosphere doeseachperson describe? 5 Readthe texts and commentsagain.Are the statementsbetowprobablytrue (T) or probabLy fatse (F)?Underlinethe wordsthat tettyou. Events 1 ln 1929,people didnt belleve thatthe stock narket couldcollapse. 2 Ordinarypeople sympathised morewith th€ thanthe government did. JarrowMarchers 3 Theorgarlsers of the 'Sumnerof Love'thought r was a coTnptete 5uccess. 4 TheEastCermangoyeTnment wasmor€ oTless fofcedto openits borders. 5 Obarnaonlyjustwon the 2008presidentlal e[ect]on. Comments 6 Theclosure of the shipyards in ]arrowfetttiKe a ceathsentence to the town. 7 Manyolderpeoplein thel960swereshocked by the way h ppiesdressed. 8 People in the foffirerEastCermany dld not tfustthe governrnent. 9 BeioreObama's peopledld not electionbLack betieve that topjobswefeopento then. www.pardistalk.ir/library . www.pardistalk.ir/library l ' l l l i .dauou Sururnq,{uourerece ua e seulteuros 'sl€au!aa,g'saroF aa{ are,r{a'reql se,r!dtalcos ea4 E }€qrl^ 'sEr ulop?e{ teqi SuFoldxa era./\^ ar'.\'Sul.q ra^3 Jo ruoq ul,,ea{,,lnd el\ "' peluer\ no,{ ra eaoq sserpplnoc nol esnecaq learls aql uo pareaddBrapeJeqr Jo puFI ^re g elqrssodse^r3u l{ue allll peuaas tl ri.\ it. ., r,rr ; itLi \ rt|L !1,,\ i r,"llL1 flr i ,,r I , u ra131v alrluDn.:; . , t r r t i : L r ! : , r . i L . r ' t ri , , . ' t , ' ' , , , , , , "t , , , . 1 i r \ ! i r r r n i i r . ii , r r ' r ' i r \ : i , , , L l , i , ,r .i it L ; :i l , r i i \ r i i, , i : l i \ Li L r L " , l ,\i i\li) s?4qs aoJ t ij,\rir,,r,r,\, i (ti,.ir.i,\ I ir\(rr,,rfi,L\ir.iiiii , i t , , i r tL rr i r r i r r I ' i 1 , 1 r r , r \ r 1 \r : . L l 1 L r ( 1i j J r i \ r L \ i ' : I r i r r ! "\ i .r , j L i iL i , r t f \ t t r t L , L . i I i t L i r L , ;, r ' r . r ! i \ ' r i ' l :i Ll l r . r . r r L i ! : 1 , 1r,:,r,i r L r i : r :LLr L , i r L r i l f r \ r l r r : L L r tr ' , L r t L r , r , ,i ;. ., i, , 1i , i r i r i N i r , ' , l , ti it i : r \ i , , : r L ! ' r , r r i , r' i , r , , , \ l i L 1 \ 1 \ \ i l i l \ ' 1r \ r i , ! I r , . -t r i i\ i t r r rL, , Ll \ \ ii i r , ' .\ \ ,' r' . . l i . i , , i i i ! , , i . . r , i i . i . i r L .'ose, ar{l r33uol ou q ler.lJ',,al$b tou,, dPs plnor e/r,\'!lu4l aql s€^l dls aqlpFs euoerllos s€,u IJuaprsaid er{} JI SnOl pesolJsdEryrtE sSulql aia'| asoql d\,\ lnq 'alalqJB plnor e1\1 puP s,rolsoppeq \ ur orDla ,e]\1puPsre,{rvlel e ,e l .l€qlaes uer a,r r\ ou tnq 1!uI eql q .\!\ ,qs eql r(€s auoauos rp6q ol Suql auo s.u \\\lii ,r.il],\i.,:r:irf i |,r | ,-^ofle3r3 Jo 3ulaeJ e sprt eraql reqlo qrEa Sqce.rqura sen auorfua,ra pup eldoad Jo IIrUerai slaarls eql pellcxa os plqc eql roJ elelocoqcpue sE/\^I rSuI{Er{sspl$ I aup! qlp! sn pelaerBauoauos lq8ls FJec€editue € sE1[11 sprEn6eql ol sra' og 3uF!3 pue s.Ie. rer.It Jo lno Suqle8 elar eldoed q8noql pa^e,r{ era,u a^\ lr paqreer ar! ueq,1^tncl 'elaqt la8 ppoc pesolc aq lq8llu ll palrroM elaM a.1\€roJaq urES€ eM 6Proq aql ol a orp pue lec eqt olq relqSnBp Suldeelsmo papunq alv|fep lxeu eql elqFsodrul paueas l! Su elvraJe,,!\ Iaql " SurssorJ Jeproqaql le aldoadSulllroqsuolsl^elal uo serntrld /v!esarvruaql 'lI 6^ellaq l,upFor lsnl a]1ll arntn,^q paraqLuouror aq ll M l^qt esuorteraua8 rno^ ur slua^areqlo q)q^ . )Lrql no,{op aLulla}rt puesauoqr qy' alasrno^stu€^a U,{r.1,\'\ asalll]o ^!e paruauedxa €^eq ot a)lI no{ plnol r 2{ql lluPtodul seMlu ql no^ op slue^easaqllo qr qM , lsPol/lsoLr.r 2,(q/12Butseralu /Sur^ourlsoru pull no,(op lunorlp asoqM , 'suollsanb aql ssnrslcsdnorS ul )llol g 1 0 9 6 r^ l r e a i q u t r E u rr)€ q u t u L ! e W q t r Mu n 6 . qp e q l e q l q q b u) p e l qr o ,u E e d u oe l o u o q e u L u tanqr +y f u e uf q u a a s e h u o q r . Fs r N, o P r . r s a l , ' u e 6 ost n s o u e l s lqqr l d $ u o ) r e t q* I a A s e lou0ras+setreL0puepauodo aqflnoa saloa ^ l r L r a lsou o L t l u r uo dp e ql r p 6 1 n ou ps eu b f d u e r t e q u . p $d . aqtlFg orro4oqptnoM ' f l p a q + p a p $qLrpL u M ' I e!ir r r a E aqtleqtpatrunouueluauuo^ob s ' L r p a r 4 s p e q o q n ' e u Ppqt 0r o a 6 L ] ] s o D e p u e s n o q r P u n o r e u e u r a 9 l i e l a q l ' r o q u a ^qot 6Nu o ' € r n s a r d 6 u r u F qoM r o p3laqatarerousuo|l}u Fpun rraproqrL!qtuadool ue6aq slu.uura^ob rEql pu?aor601 Aueupue^1!aql u e b a q € d o runol 1 s e l J o s a u N n o r a q t ul sr .ut n o o o r o l u o a l s o d d o t o q a a r l sa q l p e u u e ! 'uo!u0 t6ho5rourolaqlu' suro+.r6uholo+'686tuunlnEuI a t d o oudo r l r ue r a ^ O ' e l e r q q aor1 ' o 6 E ) r q l 11V&Nn{t8 tHl l0llVJ tHI € 2 r d } u u 9u L p a r a q l e 6 u o r l r ue l 0 r a l r e neD - to pMoDv 5o14spatrun .qrl0 rusp'sard !rplq } n 9 a q ra & o r a q ^ r o p h otrdaaspuP^rolstqSt to sreafoozPeraueqs PUPqo )pere€roreuas flo rea^t, ' 8 0 0 z r e q u a ^LotNt su 0 lH9tN l{Ollf,tu S,VnVSO? Vocabulary andlistening Language focus2 Spr*ilioIevc.lr't:s Quantifiers 1 2 the quantifierthatbestreftectswhat 1 a Choose Workin pairsanddiscuss the questions. . Whatcanyouseein the photos? . Whicheventsdoyouassociate with? thesethings/peop[e . Haveyou beento anyeventsliketheserecenlly? Harriet,Bethany andDansaidaboutthe eventstheydescribed. Crossoutthe wordthat doesnot matchthe event.Rewriteit in the correctptace(s). costumes floats,crowds, a+rid€greeFni speciaI wedding: cake,speeches, a reception,mouTneTs, ad musicf€stivali presents, stewards, a stage, theheadline a party,guests, cards, merchandise, decoGtions engagement: hily 91!!"'i"c: : pyflfl"!i!"y:; i9199::r l:i:r:p".:tu! T"-:fi fair: oa..oons, a bridefoodstall,,oLeLes ! funeral:acoffin'a-erpnory',-ewo..5'.lowe,aralg6nent( . 3 h!1 z.zYouaregoingtohearthre€ p€opletalking aboutan eventfrom exercise 1,but the nam€ of the eventis bleeped out.Listen anddecide whicheventeachperson istatkingabout. 4 issues each Workin pairs.Makea list of positiveor negative speaker mentions.Listenagainandcheck. Harriet 1 Quiteafew of / All of my friendshadhuge weddings. 2 lhey hadoneor two / hundrcdsof guests. 3 Myfrienddidn'tknowsome/any ol the guests at herownwedding. shehadhadly any/enoughtimeto talk to herownfriends. 5 We'veinviteda/ew / load5of oldfriends. 6 We't[havea partya coupIeof /several weekslater. Bethany 7 Everyone eatsfar too muchI fat too tittle presents exchange I Veryfew I Mostpeople 9 /o; ralea l,ttle;a lot o/rardy-'o:tl^ek cs. Dan 10 fhete atetoo many/ plenty of faad stalls. 11 fheteisr't enough/ ary wateravailabLe. 12 lgo to no/ary festivalcan. b fr z.l Listen andcheck. www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library '.reuEdrno^ qll/l^suo!$0nD aqlreMsuePue)sv srledul)|lo/\ g '€tL aaeduot't JnorLuoJj Joq[loujoJ ldlJlgolpnele )ool 2sra/l,\sue no^uer guol$enbaqlJoIueLUl oH sia.,\,\sue Ja!,rq ol!r/v\Pueeretqt!^lsuo!$anbz L or u.rsll t 1 0 q ez '3ur33o[ pepr]ap oqsos'tuun Suua8 se^( ofZL 'ro.irel^rl l . l . j r r l t t a r a q u r l o . l S J r [ d BLsLt 'leqloLuslqa)ll aroLU s,aq srq-laeq)lh s^esouofua^l O! )ulqrI rnq'raqlPl 'r$ouSulql^ue raquJausr p,lLlslM l,uPrI ssnelaq'ernpaloql3u!np | 6 seoP^llesl aH suosselsruuoluo ^auou speolspuedsdrtlqd 8 Jo 'araqgl,no^suP rN l puruJno^ plnol I P,rol lldt ll,l ztuaLuou.r ?roM]e s,eqsallq^ Aqeqaql Je) raqlel s,uauiie)'AlaleLfuor 9 ')uleil uo SurPu€daP 'uodrreiql Luorrrd3 ol lroq Lp {lq3noi S '^pparEutl}sB uP,no^ ^lnq € ur er,e^'/(uoMl.uoc t lou 2ereurPl slqlqtlMIe snno^plnol'euresnlxl reqoDo ]sL€uo uee^olleH 'uo!lPrlsuourap s,^ePralsa^ ul )uliPlPoojl3B ol sarPld . ]lels ! lueuraloxa ! sepoods . slallot . sreds . gslou . alooxr . '^\olaqsrldoleql puesr.lJlluenbSuFl I lnoqepeqrc PooBse/rlleq/\ ^espupI aqlDs3o'q ue€qe^eqno^1eqlluo^aupJolulql srledull.roa 'sra^r\sue ereoruof, PUEsrleour+oi I 'uleei) all o)jlll.uop / qsu/llnr+/tsour /^ue / ou.ros t/ alr t I 'eraoo )lsnu / lerlsseP / rsnL! )por/ lsoLu/ {ue / aurose)ll t.uop| / alt I t 'oslou / oredsqrnurlou / qfnurool ft! tV € lou/ro tol e slsreql'asnoq / q8noua 'uaipllqr ro' s3!lrtDPl tou / sF)reluradns / qred q8nou3 'u,^ / qBnouo / to &uald/ arearaqt ot ^ur ul Z s^Pprtoq )tqnd )lsnuJ/ sle^ruref ^ueL!ool / sle^l]saj rru ul L / ^ 01e alnb / Mol&a^ 3reereq] "&lunor 'tle'u/v\ol ',(l not inol'rias,rnol tnoqeue) no^sesoue as onJl,(ueLu seeleurol Aloleqsldurordaql esn el elcoeclo spuPsnoqfL llU_fvu 'Z 0SL .8ed rpnrs pea! | 'qe rsa,xuPor o3l,uoP tq 'le^qsaj fue or o: tP5 'Surppaa uMoraqresrs€n8 aqrto,(ueaou) I uptppu.tr,^Hq '3ulPP.M uMoraq1€trsinSaqlloouros /r{oqr,uptppu.4 rN et 's8ulppaMStq ppq spualrr ruro Nr (tuA)) 'stutppa^ ppq 3tq spuafr ru Jo^€r Vq 's8utppa^\3tq ppqspualrl rulo eal e etrnoe€ 'naltot to f!3td ,P 3raqlq 'srsltor qSnou:elearaq.L ez 'poolqrnu ootalee?\\q 'pool tol e31Pa/AeI lo 2aotaqs€ru. asJosdnorS .qr u..ar!q Bulue.ur ut .ru.r3Jl!p.qr 5!r€q/$ € 2(S' qpq Jo (n) unou.tqprunorunup 1)) unou.nerunol e {q p€i oIoI L aslrax€ u! sr.lrllupnb.qr V Z 'ateJ u!o, lr€r.rot .r.ll esn /\^oFqdeu prc 1 Jo aql uorj.sPlqo e ql/t1zL-L serus esetalduof L $lel qEnoue!.qrr.u € naJda :s.BDUenD llPus z Jo sparPurr./ :$rrDuenb a?jet L 'aotaq suo!r!u!l.p.Lt101 L aslraxo u!sr.ulrupnb.ql t'|>tpri ! todsproA to €lEo tt \*N*)\lwtlxiw*N*w: Presentideasfor an event r,r:rr::lirulur'\, Preparation $l.,l,iri:lirr5:1 illrr:N 1a Lookat the photos.whicheventsin the boxdothey show? dn erribilospots day ( l a r s ; c a( lo n ( e n streetparty children's entertainr.ent f ancydresscompetition the Mayor's Big Evgttt f o o df e i t v . summeriair tlad itionat dancing Whateventu/llyolrorganise? TheMayor![r g t\': ha5beenrunningfor lix years.nthattme,lo.al 'esdentshaveorganisedeventsslrchasconcerls fai15 andaft exhiblUons Thiiyeaithe mayor,rvI Workin pairsanddiscuss thequestions. . Whatarethe peoplein eachphotodoirg? . Haveyoueverbeento (ororganised) ary events likethese? charit-.s Do youhavean deniors!.hafeveni: What is the Mayor's Big Event? 2a Readthewebsiteandanswerthe questions, t! af ar.!: elenllfars orgarr.l bt o.a peope ior ..i r..: : o tf r f c r : r : A t h e m . f e ft h r ! r : s e dg o e s l o . h r r r y T l e n a rp' a .on! otorganlifg annpror.r ig:hee!.nl 1 Whatisthe MayolsBigEvent? 2 HowcanyoLrtakepartin the competition? 3 Whichideawittwinthecompetition? Vfhele does tlle event happe4? i . a nt a [ ep a . e r t h e i . r n h a a o . a p a . la s h o p F i g . e . r r- e ar)"!heEe seyou.antr nko' Readthe advicefor organisers beLow andcheckthe phrases meaningofthe in bold. 1 Consider printingftyersandputtingup posters. 2 Youcanselltickets fortheevent,chargean entrancefee or makeit free. 3 Dont ignoreeasymoneyspinnerssuchasselling Dottled water, 4 lf you'reputtingon a concertor festivaIthen you needa headlineact to attract peopleand encourage word-of-mouthadvertising. or 5 Thinkabouttakingout anad inthelocalpaper sending outa mailshot. 6 Don'tforget,if therearestaltsat yourevent,you cancharg€a feeto the stallhotdersfor taking part. Doe5eachsentence describe a meansof promotion ora wayof raisingmoney? Workin pairsanddiscuss. Whatsortofeventdo youthinkwouldhavethe bestchanceofwinning sponsorship fromthe mayor?choosefromthe eventsin ex€acise 1a,oryourownideas. Task tilXr*itftiniry 'ta Workin groupsof two orthree.YouaregoingtopLar aneventthenpresentyour ideas. Choose thetypeo: eventthat you aregoingtoplan. Discuss the questions belowandmakenotesonyour . Whatwil[bethe rnainattraction at yo!r event? . Whatotheractivities andentertainment wi[[beor . . . . Where wltlyoustage theevent? Whatwittyoudoaboutfoodanddrink? Howwi[[youpfornote the event? Whatproblems mightyouencounter andhowwliL yo! solvethoseproblems? > UsefulLanguage a www.pardistalk.ir/library ( l www.pardistalk.ir/library I aSEn8uel lnlasn. i^qi Zsarorsosr aqlpB eeplqrlq/rIu/{orno^roJalo^t,ue)no,{)p+! $.q eqtro] alo^ s!lue s eql PeuuEloll./r/\ oqEis o] suorlsenb )iseruoll€luesald lireeJoPueaql lY s . 2rolo uos,leq,\ . 8u;Fyeuupueuoltouuo.rd lra^.. lulrPPuePoo,t .Jeaq qre6 no^ roj Moleqeld(rl uolFtuosord aql uosslou3)ieh suolle rasard Jaqloaql ot uetsll puessel)aql ol uollpuasad,rno^o^:3ol surnlalel cE q .SPnBuPt tnjasn < 'alqlssodsp a lperllp se seeplrno^a)ieuJ01 ^rl p€au nor sasuqd/spror'nr(ue.ro1.reqreal rno.( 1sy 'uoFe asardrnor( aslrerd uaqt luase/ lll,$ dnor3 eg qreo uoltellroJurjo sa)eldqllq/!\ ePpeo z Jo reqLUeLU .^a eql spuoi ol oPno^Ih 3sl. 1eq/ a^auoure)eu no^ tM^^oH 1lI r€w1 asurer suolrsanbSullsv ) - psuuEld 3^eqaa /uerPtqr rol ' r e l o! o $ r ! ^ | D € i o . 8 u u . p L ^ Paq $3req1 .sn€r3q r€tndod { P .q IL^ Na^aslql seaP!BulNas.rdq t t 1r;dEdt€roteqt ut pe uparqd) ptnor.,^ ' _ r n qP i p a r r t e s , r rapsuorpFoqsaa sdeqr.d lslatr]13ut]tas) aa arEMo'.los Z(^iuoura)pu)013uLo3 sueldtulleri e 3a Findsentenc€s in the reviewwhichmean the sameasthe onesbetow.Whatarcthe differenc€s? Writing A reviewof an event 1 1 Theyredefinitely oneof the bestlive bandswhoareperforming today. 2 Thetwo womenwhoweresittingnextto mewerecneef ng... 3 No onewhowassittingin thearena seefired to mind4 Quitea lot of thesongswerefromtheir latestatburn, whichis currently stardingat thetop of the charls. 5 I'Ltsit a bit furtherawayfromthetwo womenwithtuneless voiceswhowere tryingto singlouderthan theleadsinger. Workin pairsanddiscuss. Haveyou beento seeany wett-known bandsorsingersin concert? lfso,describe th€ exp€rience. lf not,whichgroup/singer wouldyouliketo see? 2a Readthe reviewandanswerth€ questions. 1 Whatdidthe reviewer [ikeaboutthe concert? 2 Whatdidn'theLike? b TickthethingsbeLowthat the reviewer describes. WhateLse doyouthinkheshouLd havedescribed? . the reason . the atmosphere forgoing . the reactions . of thecrowd thesongsplayed . howmanypeoplewerethere . the hightights . the qualityofthe performance . the negatives . thenames ofthebandmembers Crossout wordsfromth€ relativeclauses in thesentences betowif possibLe. 1 I feltsorryfor the peopte.#herrere queuing intherainto geta ticket. 2 Thebandwholwaswatching onthemain stagewereawiul, 3 Theperson whowassittingnextto rnefell asLeep. 4 Who'sthatgirtinthe crowdwhoiswaving at u5? 5 Thebandthatwearelisteningto are looking fora newdrummer,' 6 l haven'theardthissongthatisptaying now 7 | knowthat guywhoisplayingdrumson stage. I Wheredidyoudownload that musicwe're Listening to? Coldplay 3rrn'ttheyoungesl bandon the Inusicscene. or the cooiest, but they'redcfinrtrlyoneof the besLlivcbands petfotming today.Consequently, assoon2s lk'rcwthry wcre comingto Toronlo, wh{:reI live,I booked my ticketl standng in thearcra astnight,theatrnosphere wase ectrc. Thetwowornen stUngnextto rnewerecheer ngands nging iverybadly)beforethe bandhadevencomeon stage. Andwhen theconcert finally started an hourlaterthanp anned, noone seemed to rnind.Theconcerttself rstedfor overtwo houIsard incudedsome ofther b ggest h ts,suchasVivaLaV dai lhe crowdloved themal , thoughperhaps thehighlghtfor me was'Yelow frorntheirdebutalbunrPorocluie5 5 ng ng along to thatwiththethousards of otherfansr thearena wasan unforgettable experence. 4a Thinkofa festivat,play,comedyshow,etc. thatyou havebeento or seen,Makenotes on thetopicsin exercise 2b. Organise yournotesinto paragraphs, then writethe firstdraftofyour review 5a Writea finaldraftofyour reviewusingthe Theonlyprobernfor mewasthatthetrbighitsw€renlal that theyplayed. 0uitea lot of thesongswerefrorntheI atesta bum, currcnty standngat thetopofthecharts.haven t bought this albumalthoughthink !,/as theoniypersofn thearerawho hadn't. Asa resu t, whertheconc€rt finished, fe t liketd beento mybesttrlerds wedding bLrthadn't beenglvena plece of wedding cake. lt wasa greatexperience butsometh ngwasm ssinq. Nextt meCodplay arein townI deinitey goagan,but 'l make sureI knowthelratesta bumoffbyheartbeforehand andI s t a blt lurtherawayfrornthetwo wonenwlthtuneessvo cestryingto singloLrder thantheleads ngerl www.pardistalk.ir/library checktist betow. Haveyouusedinterestingandrichlanguage to describethe event? Haveyou usedrelativeclausescorrectly? Arethe spetting, grammarandpunctuation Haveyou incLuded informationaboutsome of the topicsin exercise2a? Workin pairs.Swapreviewswitha partn€r andtaketurnsto give€achotherfeedback www.pardistalk.ir/library lernlPu lsou aql Punos Lplq^ ePpaPpuesuorlpge^uo),sluepn$raqlo ol ua$!l ssel)eql ol suollpge^uo)rno^,o auo lno tJV q 'PJO5 . MaU rno,( UO lU rP e SlldSAUOAuIOS 'ojaqMro ueql\ raquraL!ar l,uPrno{tnq aroJeq leu aA,no{s{es ue^ fued e te ue^lot nor selnportur euo€Luos. '11 loo) ot Fdloq aqs/oqleqt s^psuoeodreqto sql poo8 Xlo^t,usLpoo] aqt teq] ]uauLlor no,('^ted e tV . 'dotdelrno{ uo 4oi auos op ol lupMno^ 'urerle uo uosroda,^ lqlel &a e ot lxau irP nol . ,tBunq I,u3reno{ }nqpoolnox3ura}louosdee)euo€uros, 'qzasprsrcruorlserueluas 3ursnseullxlsol o^rJ suollere^uorallr/r^pueo/\uesooq] ,Molaq ,o suollenllsle!)osPrP/r^),Me eqtle )ool srledul+ol e€ ' Z - ' e la8 tJt no{ llP)L 0t 'no{ot tue^ I,uop 6 '_o\ 1 u p . pl i o o q I I,uprp furosqO I s.voH 9 zduod ar sL! eqt sPr' uaqM S l $el siurqtasaql t,useoP li t 'erour Aue l,uop'qo € lles' I,uplnor'Allea|oN z ' Allear u,l ar u _ra seM lnq ]l L 'uo!leuo 'serualu esaq1 lel!lod aql3ur{dol ^esuaqf sa)ualues pupustsll9l (J . eqt alaldLr]o) 2uollenllsq)eaql!/v\lesPella€PIP/(llnrssarrns ,MoH23^oqeror\ suerno^olrelllulst!se/\ 'P!€s pZ ^llenpeeltegleL{i tno putJor uersltS l U q)Pe el-v sernprduruorlPnlls ulrpsno,{plno,Mteq,\'ssnrslppuesrled u!)lloy'A L suo!lPnl!s lP!)os PIP/v\lMV tuqeed5 iiiii jf' i:. ' 'irii i ,-l.i: riii i:lll iliii:li t\.d{ f \\\r j!:,L\ ri.ig-... h'v '*i'if,Jl*'il$Kfift R.t 'l Workin groupsanddiscuss.Which ofthe myste;ies beLow most interestyou whenyouchoose a film,book,etc.?Why? . ghoststories andthesupernatural . detect]ve stories . mysteries . reallifemyster]es ofthe naturaL world Workin pairs.Checkyou understand the phrases in the box.Think of examples ofthre€ofthesethingsandteLlthe class. a supernatur.levent an unexpLained natu.at phenomenon a tragic incident anunfortunatemishap an amazingcoin idence a mysteriou5 disappearance a stupidpubLicityltunt a practicaljoke thatwenttoo far ReadstorybeginningsA-E on page77.Workin pairsandanswer the questions beLow 1 Whichphotosrelateto eachstory? 2 Whefeandwhendid/does eachstorytakeplace? 3 Whatstrange eventsdoesit describe? 4 Matchthetopicsin exercise 2 to eachstory. 5 Howdoyo! thinkeachstoryends? 4a Matchthe storyendingsl-5on page77with storybeginnings A-E. b Workin paksanddiscuss the questions. . Didyoupredicttheendings correctly? ' Whichstrange events sti[[appeaf to beunexplained? . Haveyouchanged yourmindaboutthe besttopicfrom exercise 2 to descrlbe eachstory?Exptain why. Workin pairs.Findthewords/phras€s beLow in the storiesand expLain in yourownwordswhattheymean,usingthe contextto 1 litteredwlth (textA) toited(texrB) 3 tormentea (textB) 4 the baby's fallwasbroken (text c) www.pardistalk.ir/library potentiallydeadty(text D) faked(text 2) 7 lobe(text4) severed(text 4) www.pardistalk.ir/library 'apErur P srt €^o 3q qecot eclarncco s ql uFtoxeol € qE u€eq4l€€r seq 3uo ou st qtn4 eqt rEaI tu€^€€LuI aur€saq] ]€ aoqd 6u€s €rtt ul ra €u rq ,qeu !€ 6uur€r!lo p.loMeql la o !e s€sec u€aqe eq srar[ sr€N]punorbr€punuro4eulo5 r'€ql tBqlercneqssLtp e qi oro uo uraql]sodspple c[u€tlv€qluo4 Lts]€r{ petoc spu^ 0uo4stpq} ' 'et||sq sr€a^o^ ] ]sE 3q] lo urposnpordsraMsouru€d snour€jsrq]o |IelsoutE rs.resr'rclerc]$up u€ sEp$lro^ ^uo srt €snecaq sEr' eur4etrsrrtu! !o !L60cer oltri os p€ r€.€r q6oe ue uospereq] ^pluap3u puv ]ee eoLta €q] ]ou para^€sseM6qotr€ 3ql ,!uo ]eLt]q u elac Noop s l€rtM puer4qq pEoro ot s6!0qtne 3q1o1poI uaqrq0o9 LrE^ ]eLt]plE l!3unDe ur !t r€3q1l}otnc urn6n€olsruEaq]',pu3!]sq]eq] ''' etP04s3!l ot ue6€qec||d pu€ sL€dEds,v€u eq] se \El ^fcnqndeonqp€^r€oorasecaL{ pu€ urnpr slt }€ tu€ur@ple ^ol€q ou|ssercixa ]uauralBFB p€nssreuuv atd qr 'srE€Aa j Fet €!t urutq o1peueddeqppq lEqMlo tuoura! or peq pu€ Es€uurpuro4oqr€rns ueaqp€q aLtteql6u Es rr acloduopuojEoturpqe ^ u^!ec Fquac€q q tq{ 4oz 'soruoqF€ e{ pue spu€4 ^ rl]Pt ^q p€p p€unserd seM oq pup 6(a .o q!o! €ru ureuoq qqlEeu our€olpct o alt paEoddesp ur^rEC uqof .r€qc€elrauoJ ueqM Z00Zqc-et\ r 'lBtrosoq o] peqsnr^ alapar.. sE^ elecuelE rlpEep Aplu€]od sr uoue^ asor !3plds esnpsr uaorq 3lEr e lq uaurqs€^ eq '1002 u Lq-j 1 eq. saqa e ur Ea^oz re^o ]uads €ue3(EE pr^ecLrEuro]pcs6q sq ur6u eetou qr^ uJlqp OZJo30e oql lE U€prccEatc^crololue qlrai p €:'r ''' rcle| rB€I pet 3la^ rsql|alr 'p3mlu qqcq V I oroM^q€q eqt pLre)po 0B qonol E ple uqo4 sa I o s / q P qe q f t - o 0 : o r u o v o p . r s . o o u D n o lP r c 4 lrt/qeq s. E Lo4 err. .. e up oLrLBa, sBv !ro6u + roqplu ssaFrEc.raqlEl^llu€reddEpue 6uno^p ]o aI €Llr! led otqqr€urar E p€Iqd )pqe': uo..of p€urP.€orr{, tde,.,- o,tdpe lotb. c{ - 'up6ebuDlFi sEr'€u€cuBE,elEs^Bp 3 ] ]snf qq Fpds elti 6uhotp, al|| or)lcaq auoc IsnorclMur peq sDatsq ! s-adouaql lEr+pei€^ocsp agnu 3ql le^o pqralp oureqseMeq sp la aMoH 'uosudu srBo^ pLr? |9la^3so] p€3r€]Lras pnE4]o p€tc^uocer€r' s!/!\rec a$ qloqI pnNo^l '1002 p3loj u uml€l oi urq sssu)qsauoq pe 3 €r] €ste]E'ropeorqe Pun uooss€o p sl€qtEliaqt FoqPsLros equeqlpuE(ocuErE€ooEs aoPuoe] n€qlor uo a 6u t)rBe^€ re o rot €uroq ^Lrurel eq]Lrlu€ppr_t lrlof loa) pBqu^ jBc €uuv ^auour$u€rnsusjtu 000009Ju€qlerouujEc orr€prout,qlE€ps,usrEc polBtpeqepnoceql are^r\ eJr^\srt p!€ u r' rBc r€qllno peurniI porsolrP qloqpuE^ l€3tELUerp pabuELtc uolBnrs eL| tue^eeL{pe^,\rns qloq']!|PoEe3LroaopuM roou-qt rnolrcqlouE L!o4Luqlo ooi uo |3] sEuoLllpr^Ecp oi€a^ oM]luelurraqtoLre ueq^^€E ueouueop!|€6€ sEM|coFu rf\ i€uzeoeu 6rull 01oupocce ''' e]P3pLrls€ pnls luocer ]e^o ^or '€^o srq ,o looro s€ sse4sluJs|t o] I ]u€s pue l93 uao 5r 'pa]rcuuo] os lEU e sea qt Io rc or-ttErI seo6 ^rols eql .'LllEepsq €uE suoflr'r rtclal ol uo lue^ soururedsrLlqrtt ',!ra odu pue posuoooarun pe p tnq'af sq|19p€tolql 'snrua6cr0E4€sBtuolsrqu ui @ euoos€qqooe ue^Naeul^tstr€rtcnp tunNe3ql6! ar! ''' paFeoDnsa €q slsDuetcs euros t€opr papc etdoedlp3olqqLtM'Lts]pLUsr-Uhparo]llouroca sle€rtsac eql srnoqtae€s qse 6uuu6r pue€puru ^q FUEouro.cPs qcrqi^uteraqt ,sscsodep E^qr ro,qsllo urEU,€ u€eqseqe€q] $€I pdpunLtFetoli ro] alnf rc ^en tue^a loro to sc'r ^od 'remp'roHsq1u 'serels,([ .srl,]luoqp ^ oq nq siarnlEu ]o ^ueurol ra/l\su€eq] pep^ordssq e.!ar€ lR*lF,.t i,$:, IR:li.,l. -,r,, work in pairsanddiscuss, Haveyoueverwondercd bboutanyof the questions below?Doyouknowthe answers to anyof them? . Whycan'twetickleourselves? . Whydowe hiccup? . canwe catcha coldfrombeingcold? ' Whydowe steepwalk? Readthe articlebelowandcheckyourideas.Didyou learnanythingnew? i , : r ' r ,l 1 Lookatthe website.Why is .a, corr€ctin 1 butnot2? I 2 rr l, :r'rr' Findmodalsin the websitethatmean: 1 lt i5necessary have to 2 it is not atlowed 3 it is not iecessarv/itboDtional 4 it is a goodjdea,the rightthingto do' 5 it is a badideaor'the wrongthingto do' ii \itiijiri, 3 I l \ . . r i r iri l , 1 . ,f , , i | , , r r i . , l'4atchthe modalsyou chosetothe meanings betow. 1 it seemscertainthat this is vue 2 thisispossibty true Readthewebsiteagainandchoose the correct modaIverbs, 3 i t s e e m cs e d a i nt h i si s n ' t n u e 4 this is a genealposibility4 Why is ca, correctin 8 butnotpossibl€in 7 in I ReadStudyl, page 152 Dr Jord.an Wiley answers the questions you've always vfondered aboutl I flnd behg ti(kled horrible, so tnis might seem like a strange question, but ... nnt can't I tickle myselfl Askedbr Josirqfenion Inlef€stingquestion.Josn.Il oth.r !.o!lc rcar,/sto..ad iickle us then logicaly r'. sirol[d 'zcan - so{.hI 3muntz'f,/ car'f iel The /D€ able to d.kle ourselves rcasonis simlle lor somethirrg to tickleus, ilamwt/mightbc nnexpecied.\\'hen ne ticldeouselves,our bmn js easjlr.scaD/ abae ,o predicl lhc fcelru, so our bodr ncvcr le€ls ticlded. I sometimes get loud hircups when I'm in a restaurant. $rhat causes them? Askedb) tbr.snith Ii fu/,azA/ rrst beembanassing to getioudhi..upsin pnblic.Whrt iype of food a.elou eati.g rvhcnthcy stan?You r'rigit / .a, be aller€jcto it. Hiccupscomefroma ldSemuscleh )'ourcheslcdlled the diaphngni.If it eetslnllated. it 3.atr / Iras to startmoving i. a je*y !ay. caNinS hiccnps.To frake lhen go a\!ay yor erusrn" / .lot't haw to do anyrhine tbe' go ar.y natur.lly andrdely last long(althouthore pe6ondid hale.n.tt.ck Nhichlasled68 yca'si). My aunt often says to my daueltte\ 'You'll (atch a cold if you go out in this weathei' Can you really catch a cold from being cold? Askedb,! ela brooks,ll The shor! an$ver,Eva,is no rou cant, .nd rour aun! t\r.an't/ shouldn't try ta keepyour daushrerindoors.Someone ttshould/ niqht tell het rharvjrusescausecolds,rot rhe weatherIn fact,cold virusespreferwarn, indoor corditions,so children(andaduhs)really l2may/ otghtto go ortdoois a! n!.h as possible,evenin winter $lhy do $€ 6leep$alk? My flatmate does it and I s n m e l i n c . f r n d l e r A 5 l c c po r r h c L i l . h e n l l o o . i n the morning. Askedby younis_khm Ir 13can't/ alaesn\ haw to lie rery nice lor xour flahnateto wake up in a slrange foom in the moftng but shc {.ouklD't / snoztdn',worNioomxch [a]thoughshersmal/m6tnnd it easierio loct her door at night). No one knowsfor sure $'hat causesslee!{it.ltring,thougi in adultsit rscourd/m st be a sign olslress.Sone peoplesay lhal you rhrs,t',/ doD't nar€ ,o n*e a sleepwalker. so if you sec you lrierd sleeprrlking.il s lrobablx bcst ioiust lead hcr back lo bed. www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library eLr]erlxa ororaq asn no^ ue) (]ts zsa^lpalpe 'trlatnpsqe'fned' he ) erjrsualur qr!qA Ieurstu3^ pnol^.ra^ futl ^IF tua^ ^r8unq^ra^ i.n v 3u!t1^ra^ pes&a^ ,&8uefia^ rl3Prl snolnrpu tur^rets sno!nl 3!rFnEqx3 3ur!6le6p Y '€ xoquls8ulueaul aql rlllM Vxoq ul sa^lpelpeauruua aq] qrleN a^ sseJdur/a8uerls fta^ {]i^ Btq peq^re^ poo8&a^ tnrrrneaq fra^ lloq a1spl sraddadll qr op ^qA\ lsluelc LUo4 saseasrP qrler sLreurnq uPl 2no{llr)punospnole uel € relod ^qA\ z 2izaa4leal,sresq 1,uop qsuoc L 2aaals 'S-L sdnorSol xoq aqt u! sosp.rqd aqt qrlph q Suuunts'atrsrnbxa ln]ltneeq lnP\e s elqlpai)ui'aBnq ise,1oAsseur snourroua t alqe)reurar 'fuPuproertxe snoeBroB 3ulzelue € 1t!rat elqurot snopuaxoq Sullleddp Z 'qredns luollorxeL ln}apuo^fie 'dnoj8pallor aql ulI atu^\e!'&\oloq u!Suolaqlou S-LsdnorB saopqrlq^ e^lpalpeaulelueaql lno ssorJ ez 'aur1 eues aql alqtrroq le pue tnolrettq qpq st pal).t16utaa aql ]o SulueeL! Zploqursp.ro/,^ eql sl leqy' ,,'^olaq arusluasaqllp )oo-t L Je.rprausue eql )iulqt no^op leq,{.aurLuprSord orpera)uer)sI ulrUedxe jo pa)ispela,Mujeqllo llv.pUoM lprmeueqljo saDeF^L!lnoqp ^\oleqsuollsonbaql ppa! 'ra,a,tsue alqrssodeuo ueql erou.: aq ^eLUaraqt slppoLulrallor eql qV1 trcl aqt eleldurol . 'arnlnJaql ulpa^essq ppoqs f,eu / / ue26saNl aoLriteqtros {eM stql ul pel)e#ee.rpqeulue qllqM ^lpexa )ala)stP I,uqnoqs / $nu / ot a eqaslslluaps /i^oN.ursql ^q pa!elle a9 trldltu / oTe pg / plnorr slpLulueeuroslo sue$,{s sno lau a^lllsuesaql 1eqtU8noql sl tr!'soBueqr qtnsa ta)ad T,utsnw/ tuet / otqqel,uarpe sBuroq ueurnqqBnoqlNplaq lllau8Purs,qtel aqt ulsa3ueqrtqBtsol pa)iullsq{e.{, / plro, aql ]eql a^3ttaq faqt -aruepDutol a.lndeq / rers uoltEueldxa pu Kew I l,qsntu / T,ueirslql lpqt tde))e Mousls|]ueps,{ueh 'so)ienbqupa SuolF ^FpltspoureroJoqs,{eplsa^aslal]a !l oLuoraqqslJlPlleql para^olslpoqe i^eq sFquaDsasauede[ 'llnso.r pa e sp esAqeqord raMsa^!tro spuesnoqf.e)ienbqtea a8nqe ^q tq spMspeNalp fltoqs qltq^ ,8usq)teH ,o rlD aql atenrea ot paplrsp^eqltotsestp3uuro) e ole)purtr/6rar/ prno, uer€ soll.tp puno] qrodar teql ul qpujue 8uruuru urpj / ro lqtnoql su6 I aql ul slslluapsessurqJ'aldurexo .tol sl3]sestp lPjnleu ule?Jarplpard ot Luati dlat-jojseq / tQut I norz slpJjrJpJ elrD toinot^pqaq aqt leqte€|Pq a,loun<lluoDs{ueN 'stedtlaql Sutqrle^ a|ult aloLupuads ppotls oztq6no ststluatrs sdeqlad,sqenbquee tsnu! / / prpardol luaLudtnba ]rtluaDsa EuadxautSuDso^ul ueqll3qte! '-^,,,,,il,,;i;iJil 's.ramsue elqtssod -ro1 sselcaq11se urql Pueu/v\oP Luaqlel!r/\A zuoqePelaPuo/!^ sxe,Mlp e4,no^ ^uee eqno^oC ,, leql suoltsonb 'sraMsu€.rno^ aredulol pue alulleJSord e)ua!)sp uo sledxa aLuosot uars|I 1.8 U sa)enbquel 'suolu!do rnor ssaldxe o1,4111rqrssod asn Z aslrtaxa lo sqra,rlepour ol9a/.^sue rno^ssnrslp pupsdnorB ul),lo,l^ eF al(qy' 2l,uopsuelunq]eql e^pqsleurueeuos lqBrtu^lltqe teql r\oltsqlxal aql peau E L l)U_)vud 80 6nJ1 Inq.SrreJ rS I Musth't t.^ve lour molho, it'! v.rJ frgeht, Listening andspeaking i i r r r r r j 1 i t : t j \ , r t i i t l i r )\ la Lookat the pictures abouta womanwho in the box disappeared. Matchthe words/phrase5 with the pictures. a prescriptionfor rnedicine to vanishcompletety rne PGgue Work in pahs.Readthe beginningofthe story and guesswhat happened, usingthepictures. The'Great Exhibition',Pads1889.The city was packedwith visitors.Two lvealihyEnglishladies, Eleanor Redwood and her mother Clara. arrived in dreciry lookingfor a hotel.They wereon their way backio Londonfrom India. r! lr 8.2 Listenandcompareyour ideas.Were your predictionscorrect? 3a work in pairsandanswerthe questions below. 1 WhyhadEleanor andclaraRedwood leftIndia? 2 Whathappened whentheyarrlved at thehotel? 3 Whathappened whenEleanor ca[[ed thedoctof? 4 Where, $/hyandhowwasEleanor sentto get thenedicine? 5 How[ongdid thejourney take? 6 Whywasshesurprised whenshegot back? 7 whatdidshefindin room342? whenshewentto theBritlsh 8 Whathappened Embassy with hefstory? 9 WhataboutwhensheretLrrned to Britain? 10 Didsheevertracehermother? b Listenagainandcheck. below. Workin groupsanddiscuss the questions . Whatdoyouthlnkhappened to }4rsRedwood, andwhy? . Whatdoyouthlrkaboutthewaythehoteland BritshEmbassy treatedEleanor? . DoyouthinkEleanor waslnsane? (] s.t Listento a possibLe exptanation for the disappearance. Doyoufind it convincing? www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library 'e€ ursrdol eqlssnf,slppue srleou!ljo/l\ q '8ulopdaq ot paBeueur a ,no,(1eqtlnrrrrlp . 'MO!01a eqno,(1eqloSereof ualoPot o^eql,uPlPno^ . 'o8e ee3^ Szopt,uplnorsFGd . 'lnoqe '^llu3rar plnoqs nor . auop o^eq to8ror lnq 'fofus ppqnor . ^luolar op ot uq l,uprp - SurqtaLuos 'lldol e olraleadsqrPaqrlet{ t\oFq tjldot oqr oqe3up[elaldoad a !]re3q !^ no 9'8 q9 e€ 'a€[/ro !!ro})e.a.qlor 'z €s f e8ed ^pnrs ppat { -etqlssodul IllerBolsuraas 1eqrtuHr€uos g atqEsoo ^llerSol suaas lPqr SulqFuros Z urelrsr IllPrSolsu$aslPqr8ulqriuos L .aoFq suondlIs.p aqr ot stEpouraqt qqeN 'I es!r.x.u!l pu€9 s..ruarGsrelool € ^tr!lrqrssod,osjepon -u.ddq uoFu3De8ulr(pd!.tuaruas 3qr asE erd g p sp^ie$8ulqrauos z l,uplprnqpap!poo8 opot&Essarau se^1|Sulqr.uos I '/\^otaqsuolldlr]saPaql or stePou.qr qrreN '!.s!rr.x. u!8 pue€ saru. asre)pol z 'ane./}ouror)ie.aaql.rlroN:roqt Pu€uF e uarsll z uorlpBttqo,oslePoL.t -l ^rros {tPa u,t 6 ''' I ll Iq el.3lI I '_ s olr rnol 1l-8eq,\iu 1 _' nof'tlne,s,laqestl,useM rt 9 " t'eraqM^uP auoqd ^u put]t,us)| s '''.qs pauaaaPq t,leq,\ t 2P,ruvor 't'aurButID aresooqs;seql € faql 4el^llPararP'luared^W z ' _ I p a r o o s u rI, l oP ot .lqe ^Ieni,e seMuosradaqrButr$iurosz ^ rqeleFuaSe L '^ qepour oFq suottdlDsap .qt or €qlq4el4 'L as! ax. u!z pue saruaruasre)oot L t ,(t!l!qero slepo,4 sDUquaE€qralatdurorpueuatsr s 8 q9 ! Peelsur 3^eqp/noqsa{./s 'laiotl aqt ut )awau )aq val e^etlLuPlnoqs)oueaE ^ssequrlqsrtu€aql , rolropaql . raBeueL! JouPall. latoqaql 'auoPa eq luPtnoqs /Plnoqs/v\olaqeFoadaql ]eq/r $oqe solue esal! A z rouPsllleql elqlssoo sllt I uouPall)i\Jolsaloq,[aql Ps]ue^ui qsrt!€eqt) ^llnjsrer^ra^fiotrs (,{ssequrj s,rouP3ll@9 (auoeuosJ 'loloq pooMPau oql rh Mg-a5l$rr-Tu-jBT is s te (rl / ^eqf) "uoorluaretrPe sEr^--ii EtlEqf4iZr€ !uoo-ol trpq roueell ETEfInEF*qlsdEiFEii t (^aqf)re$r8a.i lolor.lotlturo4an1eu8ls s pooMpautih p5^-drlrEr-lt5iETnlrsFlFsodL4 tlAjE]nS € (rol'op.qt) ,&a&nsstqol luaMoqsuoqa ioueail ql4\ rerrale lilStioFoFEqt^jEms z 'ipveqlpp XeMe )oueaEryese^eq$nw IaqL (l(sqf)^louaqllap^e {erouPsll @ r 'rl.)pe4 ut 5pro4\aql ql!/v\uels &llqlssod sPo/v\PaullaPun aql4!r /\eu ! lolePo!!$Pd e3u!5n/v\olaq )peqrPueue$nt8 u z ^linl erour prpttsa ula eqp4orls &o$ s,rcueall / .te6!ts.^u!olpeq ^ssequrlqslti€ aqt I zuoososLuoojaql paPlo)ePer pup pasod9lP ^poq aqr a^eq t,utsnw Jo aq1(1arn5 I / pasodslpa^eqLuei t!e51a1oq fe ^ oLuos urrolroPaql ql!/v\a4dsuo,olpe{ / perldsuoe^eq$nu )e8pueuleloqaqf 9 'PrPul urorj)leq anSeld aqlTqBnorg e^eqt16!utIe eqtsnu poo,4 peu ehl a^alleq Mou s sdxl s lpql 'll!ool se^ aqsosneraq sJr{e ealLuPlno) PooMPal lllq.^eqr,ue. atl]€tltPlesrolroPaql t )oltop laloq aglPqpt.^eq $nu / .,otpeq^aq] pueIr laljaqloLuoql flalelpaurultsoLulvE 'slredul alqelle^e suroortselaqtJoo,{} >poqolP.aeueuI nor ^oql,(ilenluat z .q)uallalull fue^leedsotpeaeue.u lprto' salpelaqt L 'sa/l^suelf,eror eql esooql Pue08 oSed uo&ols eqllnoqe8rL setuauotPea! L slPPorulsed z snlol otenSuEl 3f tr)vud aO .ul tnq .5@rts Task U I S C U S St W O M V S T E T I E S PreparationReading andvocabulary Lookat the Dictures andreadthe introductions to two classic mysteries.When andwheredidthese mysteriestake ptaceandwho wasinvolved? 2 Workin pairs.Checkthe meaningofthewordsin the boxbetow.l4atch the wordswith thetwo stories. a Soldendisc gangsters a UFO to benaitedshut a beamof tight 3a Workin pairsorgroupsof four.Student/PairA: Turnto page128andreadthe storyof lsidorFink Student/Pair B:Turnto pag€130andreadthe Story of TravisWalton. b Makenotesonthe topicsbetow. . whothestoryisaboutandwhathappened to them . whoelsewasinvolved andwhattheydid . important detailsandctues TaskSpeaking ltl Youaregoingto tell your story to studentslvho have not readit. Practisetetting it, individualty orwith your partnerfuk your teacherfor anywords/phrases you need.Checkanydetailsyouarcstil[notsureol > ljsefullanguag€ a 2a Workin pai6or groupsoffourwith students whohavereadthe otherstory.Taketurnsto tell yourstories,Answer anyquestions the other students have. Summariseyour ideastothe cLass. DidyouatLreach similarconctusions? > usefullanguage d > UsefulLanguage a andb Workin pairs.Turn to page129andreadwhatpeople havesaidaboutthesecases sincetheyhappened. Discuss the questions below. ' Whichcasedo expefsnowagreeabout?What solutionhavetheycomeupwith? . Whatalternatives havebeensuggested in the othercase? . Didyourctass comeupwith anyofthe sameideas? . Haveyouchanged yourmindabout what happened? www.pardistalk.ir/library Discuss questions 1-6 undereach storyintroduction. > Usefullanguage c 3 4 www.pardistalk.ir/library 'suo!lnlosalqrssoa pueslus^aaql 3ululllnotoe$/(ur 3qt uoqe ellm : 'eufluoq!elaP eql q)reeser'alqlssodJl ,&e$^u aqlrol suolleueldxolueF lP PUPspeJ aql uo selouqPH : 'lnoqe ^\oq no^ ^rels^Lr.i alt lPei Pro )iulql io l!un slqllo lled raqrouP LuorJ^ra$^ur e esooqf ellsqa/v\sa/aJsf..rlsse,j) oqlroj ^lslsfur e uoqe al!r/v\ol BuloSare no E! liir"r dn rvro1lo1 11 1.r.,r,r suoluldosdnoJt aql tulru.sard P ' ' r P q 1 3 ^ . 1 .(qr , u e )|)' ^ l l € u o e g d -JL F u s d d € r t o ^ ePql n o M ' u 3 q 1 '" a^e! plnornq3!!!aH tew {lq lun/^lotllsu.ss1l '''.^eq 1,uPr/.^e9 rsnuraH suoluldopuEsuolleuEtdxa;ulssnrslo l z '.10! a^ oPpuv roraLtl.'laMoul (a - oqal'3urpuluriros s" Prl€lauas a^rq puetsr.pun ^IEarr,uop ;!Lqr auos, aql pu!$Fpun nor(reqrtul)|'aqf, q - 1ouroFqr.qMre.p ^tle.rlou s,1l _ prjl s a8uerssrreltlSutqrauo '" 1Eqlsu.as l/ItNarPddv tpPl aqlSLrlI.F! P Mel, :udaf "uetD unliotstq oco 01 at a4J UIU €661 $a rr pu" '!p.doltoJ l€rlM Puz rqstu 1"qr Jo Eua& rqt lnoq€ 'uo!trnpqe Gir€ prSolte ses". uaooJ'rsaq s,ptro4 Jo ro Puo/uv n D$oa lasdoJ rq rzau pa:eaddesrp uorlelq sh"{ esualleAq pepn :uolleA sl^er Findout first View 16 Workin pairs.Readaboutthefamous mysteries betowOnedetaitin each description is incorrect.Which detaiL doyouthinkit is? 2a YouaregoingtoWatcha videoaboutthe Bermuda Triangle.Where isthe Bermuda Triangte? Whyis it famous? In 2002theshipTheMary[elestevr'as found in caLm waters in theAtLantic ocean. lt wasin g00d.0 ditonandw:lhplenty o'_ood onboaro. The.argo andvaLlabLes wereuntouched b!t theseven crewwefemissing, aLonq withone Lifeboat. Theywereneverfound. answers O Watchthevideoandcheckyour to exercise 2a. Thenanswerthe questions betow 1 WhatdidCot!mbus seewhenhefirstlaiteo Inrome Befrruda Triang[e? 2 WLarisqtrdnge about ,F a) r1e(h p( d.dppea-l 3 Whichthreeplaces markthe boundaries oftheTrlangle? 4 Howmanyptanes andpeopte wereinvotved in Fllght19? 5 According to the pilot,whatproblems weretheyhaving? 6 Whatevenraddedto the rrysteryof Ftighr19? 3a Thesenumbers anddatesfromthevideoareincorrect. TheVoynich manuscript waswrittefin the 15thcentury. lt contains 1,240pages of iLtustrations andinformation aboutptantsand theirmedicaluses. Theplants, however, do notmatchanyc!fientlyknowfandthetextis writlen in a language thatis!nknown. Watchthe videoagainandcorrectthem. . tholsands of lives . 100ships , MgA . 1,000,000 square miles . 15thDecember, 1945 . 19nrlnLtes later CoonLine to checkyouranswers or askyourteacher. Workin pairs.Checkyouranswers andexplainthe significance of eachnumber Search: l'4aryCeteste /Voynich manuscript Canyouthinkofany possibLe explanations for the BermudaTriangle mystery?Would youtravetthroughit? www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library elou^qM/'(q/ aqt ul a^ort;qno^oC . aleurouered p ro snoua$,(!u aaruarodx; leu-uouered peq oq no^aLro,{ueseq io'no,(e,^pH, 'ssnrsrP sdnorS u!)lo A Pue q)lPl^.a^rB l)oq) ol uleSP re)eedsq)easaop(xuejtl suosear leLi/\ slnl I {arpnv 9 esrnots '- si &als^u] eql Jol uo l€ueldxaSUDurAuol lsoul aql'pu Ll-t,{L! 01 . " pen&E a^eq aldoad raqlo . leql 'aldood.uros . leql e^allaq ''' leql sr ur' ou)lle^ ssalsr leql . ''' lEql u^ ou)lleM s l ' ''' ul o8esres^ ueBeq,Oats^ur .qt . u..rallrnD u.8rnf€ ,(pua,\ z lolll L ;(o)PsPulur-uado sie/,,uou) l,uop^oqlro (N)ou'(l) ser rPsuosr€dq)eosaoc ,Zleuloueled aql ule^altaqnoroC,uoltsenb aql p9 Bu!a/,^sue aldoadua asq)te/\A O 'salouJno^ 'ure8eq)lel eleldluoJot ',(rpssa)au 'sJa\sueareouro) ,r s.iledul}o/'A q Pue 'no^dlaq ot ^\olaqrldLlord oql asfi ^ra$^!! uasoqrrnoxroj suorlpupldxa anrssoduo sqdpr8spdo^\1ro euo et!y' 8 , :" ^ qr.leeser rnof dn allr^ sinletspuelsr.lse:/ Lsearv/.Bueqauols :qrrees 'suorleuelcxe alqlssoc. snoujel aLuPreq trMoq r elour r 1llnoqesllelaP otYE, o9+ s+dtuuuJ 'a)usuadxa leL!roueiedro sno!eIful oqpBur)lelald€d aerql q)tE/l @ es e :lnoPulrol aulluoot 'e oqelsl3ql urorlsalrals^ur aqllo auoasooqf q /v\ar^Puol puelsl sanlels ralsP! , ls earv . aBua!auo1S. 2usqlnoqp,Mou) no,(op preaq qllql ^^oleq no^e^pq lelll ZeroleqJo sorpld/sBurql snousts^ul ]o seLlpuaql te )oot eZ Reading andspeaking 1 Workin groups. Doyouthinkthe quotationistrue? I you want to be successfuIin life,it is necessaryto ' get yoursetfnoticed. Za Which ofthe actionsbeLoware likelyto getyou noticed? . . . . . . wearlngclothesthat are differentto otherpeople's rnakingeyecontactwith peoplewhenyou fi|5t meet them relerfingto irnportantpeoplethatyoLrknow(of claimto know) listeningcarefullyto what otherpeoplesay sayingpubLlcty whatyo! believe in,evenif it's!npopular keeping youropinions to yo!fse[fandavoiding maklnga fuss Readthe articleon page87.Whichideasfrom exercise2a are mentioned?Whatother ideasdoesthe author mention? Readthe afticleagainand answerthequestionsbelow 1 Whyshoutd you tookpeopLe in the eyewhenyou make an entfance? 2 Whyshouldn't you moveyoLrhands? 3 Why is lt a goodldeato holdyourbreathwhenenterlrga room: 4 Why canlt be usefulto nertion the nar.esof otherexperts? 5 How canlanguagehelpyou to soundlikean expert? 6 Whenis it a badldeato btuff? 7 In what wayswas RosaPafksa leader? 8 Howaretr!e leadersdiffercntfrom'a lonevolcein the wildemess 9 Why are narcissists badleaders? Workin pairsanddiscuss. Howserious doyouthinkthisarticteis? Which piece of advice you do think is most/least usefut? www.pardistalk.ir/library sraMsuerno^sreduor pup sdnorSur)ron www.pardistalk.ir/library rl 'no^ot dn qool . o l d n ) o o ln o , { . s^esaqs/aqleqMlo tol e on sa)leLu, ur a^i liq ,{aqt}eqMro} dn spuels , r lqndu lno p.ssedseq , lql UrO4lno SpUelS, P,\r\Or) padsd tnaleafaqtreau auoaluosol dn )oo] / lo i^a laq no^ leLlIt epDepal[4 I fpnqnd IE sLrpaLU SulqlaLuosro, dn pupts suollsanD auaaaas)lt€ L{SnoJql aes / 6uiflstauoeaasteqlMar)s!paLuauoaLUos uo leu.roJ! s,eldoad)eqta asn lua^utsueaur dn Sulqlauros a)pul € I snoDsuounaaoaaq 6utqtpalqdo.?s sueoL!lno ssed z I d l o e r o L ;a ' J ' ; / aa4luaal|tp waassuenurp.MoD3qr Luortrno pupls 'sqre^ leserlldaql lo SuruE.L! parro. eql esooqrpueeprrreaqt ur9-L saserqd putl roq/!{^ ou) no^ auoaurosJo uosad snouJelelo )iulql p? ,fie1nqero' €ldoed reqlo3urruos notr s,I'no^Sur^res e doad leqlolnoqp ]noqe lousrdlqeepee-l e €l,n0lllp]e repe€l e ]0u{lqeq0rd er,n0r( lsrssrcrPu puPrepsal uaLl]'n0,(oldn!001 0leldoadroLllopaou no,{Jr e aqollusr\Illeer no^}lslrllrequreurel puv '"{leer "{ll?uu seqrapgal loMueql]P340s s.r€Mollol p pU€lapeele ueor$laq 0q]leqlS SSaur0plril aqlu e3l0A aU0l ocuaDlrptrluo aql s enbesen0(,Mol 0l oqM€ldo€d €qllm{ '^lr€alc pus se€p esoq]:urssardxa uaql eldmd eJun qorq^1 Surpul]]n0qe Il]ear seepr s,ilsdrqsuortelar Surplrnq ]n0 puPuorteJrunuuor pLsualsl sl drqtappal ureal ]noq9 ' u r a ^ a l e q € q lrl0elq0rn p 0 4 s o l a ^ e q l u t 0 0 a u t o s l ? s ] a p e slqBu aq]polreds aqsos3uopur llVlueua^ou l^rcuecLrauV p u ep E s a q s ,p0une l s 0 l 0p^nr q0 q s l l u r q l t , u s roqpl l0, p 'ueuro^ 01posnler )iceq I \!redesougE6lur[epauo? doad oirl{0l<,rq rqluoslpes .,.rt,/3o{p.-.,d,r,r,x,do.d )icelq eureqP ul ura^alaqno^ r0l0npu4s . ]eLl^r v 90961 rolpuels no^]eqr'^ doul p pup p .do,d."l r r^r,q.e o e)pd , o sr4 lua\cra 5 eo8 tq) . 'Moq s alH auo aurocoq u?J no^ rap9a : leqlJ€quraurar elrll3e,l,uop no{!oS{efileq}oqotur€a [aq]I€M]eq]uroq r.pooB aresrop9ol sulllu oospueslooq urpear n0^teqM a]ds.: ropeal e 0lrll3v i i(l0tepauurnotrqtn0rqlaas| ,traql pUeSasnrxa aAPA rnotr slPlx'uadxa€ere l€aLr0pn0[] '!adxeue padsnsu0^1traql ra^arlol] ] 3ur)teu er,n0{ idn } 'dnsiulqlarleur ar,no[ req]o 0l pre4e aqI uoc lu ql a doad ] 'upaul ql|Mrellusl Aaqlleqr ARcexa r' ouJl],Uoplnq slqlE splor$ 4e ald1alIsaNe euetlprea?peJedJsretle7elrlspror!\ asf sPu00ss?sielenbpPaLl , alqrssoil I 9t ol poeuI s^9soLlr\1 0l peeu auoor1ros ueqluadxa erouqsnuspunos lec l, idvsv0H pu€suoler^erqqe s{gsoqMouoaL!0S surluonp }0s}0as|] 'areql qlr^4 aldood anFre ],ure oq/,\ puesuadra q]^lonirpo]pleqs,l sla eul 0lrapreq ue^e asaqluo aurqlMeorie olspLr4tH lqueE tssn!rossEod / 0u)lnor{ oc,{es! durexa rol spuaulrno[ ap ioq]qinoql sesfadxasnour4oB l r ua di €dU0ar pu r p u l 0 l qeeaq{ e L 4. l u q l e , ov- o q . . d r d , r 1 1 q . 1t.P r r - . . notr e s.rn0q aarLlt oltuae^r:: l.uo^eq 1n0qp ll isrea[ 0l r0],{ep s,leqlturqlusls Uadxa ueauroJaq trlsor0lfuessoJa! : j0 srnoq e3]cPrd 0000I s^essrrltr,l0 roqtneloipel0uroqe,, uP0lllpun0s ua0xa z 'aldoadraLlloolparedurocuolrsod pur0 leoosrnosrsnletsrn0 00]lipoqol]ouDquraDror i ossed Lnotrr03u01 ]n€,^F^rl Mou{aMloqpqM'oure6snlElsaqltred 0qsoqucsap lisa^{r, pueluerpereroLu. n0AsaJj9tlrll uaqlpueu00lEoluirll?^t I 1 pl0q euolsuqofq]€y ordl?/'slo]rp r0lI00q srqul snleFfio,{ssrpu . qlealq prol, n0^ 0r01€q deop eo{€ld}oldLu ssrq}spueourocer 'Jloolno^sp 'uoqoc ssao] r' notr uoos a Lrspu€q;rqpeoq rnotr luap[uoJ ql€orqrno^poH aqlurrlj0roqlnP o^olsur)ileMno{uoqr\ . 'uoql turpFqurlel eql u,Mo urleMnotr , ruoor l, Iesrno(0llurrt] srqlslr 0^eqoq lauraaqllls puotard pa]],uop orolag eienotr notr{ropppoo8 s eg . Juapuuoc pueJoqenofpurlll]r1^oOq;noq]le)siu q]aseql no,{j ^puarlun qlh,\uol3auuog aldood siu leo]c 0pnol(lrn0,(0lloruel]gorour^ed trfealcpup{MoF lh4qdood 0]rbloqls,l- e{ooq}uraldo3d loqlo )iool$eHms,{esI?Ul . pueiuLtrurs'l||]s pLle peoq 3ulpads spupq tnotrtuldaol'poxrFr 'Lloor pocrtoueqo}tue^{no^! pMorcaql pup': e olui)leM no^ uoLlM uo4lno ]nqlLlFrrdnIasrno{BurploqsupoLu}eql snlpls in0{asr€1, o],uoq o}eoppooS es,l 'rxo0r eo}urllpM no{uoqt\ s,oFq os'uolss€rdur auo n:, lsrlle${eu0laJueqc }attrluo 03usjluo u?als$lI 'urpis polooue^o pue eqroiou {pssuodxe oq}}eqlpeou ll,no,( pue aJouno,{^edololdoad orouno/[l4orls uorlueDe tue/'ln0{00 iloodsoj -H[HJ f;J.fi,rirrffi) t(rtIIJ.Jftffimffii ffurfr&@lus ffillmld\lflLsi Language focus1 I'.hi*fltrtNn$r"l-Nsirrl r:rfnl\:irlnsr If you w€re a cdtoon characte4 'I Workin pairsanddiscuss. Haveyouever beento ajob interview?What questions did theyaskyou?Whatwouldyouexpecttobe askedin a job interview? a Readthe exampLes of weirdinteNiew questions askedatjob interviews in partA onthe teft.Which could/couldntyou answer? b Workin pairs.Discuss the questions below thencheckyouranswers in partB. . Whatkindof companies tendto usejob interview questions likethese? Whatdoyouthinkisthepointof them? Whatisthe bestwayto respond ifyou are askedquestions Likethisin aninterview? How rnary people woutd you say thete ate at univelsiry in rhe Utr/ Mexico/yoE coutry? 3 6i s.t completettrearticlewith a/ar,the or o (noarticLe).Then listenandcheck. i l l \ ; t r : , , r 1\ , . r i ! r I l r I r . I : , \ : l r : r i i . r i , t i { r \ L r f l Fofmanyjob seekers g€tting around'-world, 'job with 3top international company {ike aCoogleisspinnacte of theirambition. Butwithso 6_ rnanytalentedapplicants howdoes company find 7brightest andbestcandidates? 'n a - b$ 15ye;rs rherehasbeen,trendamongst top companies towards asking'o_ weirdandwacky questions jobinterviews,like inrrtheonesabove. r?ideaof thesequestions isto testr3creativity and quickness of a candidate, andto findout moreabout rawaythatr5candldate thinks. Mostcandidates areunlikely to give16 honestanswerto17 I I -stereotypical interviewquestion Like'What is r3biggest your faiturein life?'Butin answering a question like'WhatwouLd I findin yourrefdgerator fightnow?'theymay revealmore abour" _ kindo'pe6onthartheyare.5o whatare'?o correctanswers to thesesortsof questions? 'zr_ According to ProfessorAbdul Khalid, of z'?LondonlJniversity, manyofthemdo not haverightor wronganswersi23- mostimportant thingistackling '?aquestion inteLLigently.When it comesto weirdinterview __ oueqlions, ir seems orly w-ongan(weris 'l don'tknow.' www.pardistalk.ir/library L Lookatthesevenrulesbetow.Findanother exampleof eachrutein the questionsandarticle. We usea/arwhen... 1 the nounis oneof manylnd it hasn'tbeen mentioiedbefore. Far nany job seekets,settins a job with a tap campanyis thei ambition Z the nounhasbeenmentionedbefore. ... ta find aut nate about i/re way that the 3 the nounis unique(or uniquein that context). For manyjab seeketsa.aund the warld lf Holltwood made a novie abaut you.lile wha wauld play the lead .ale? 4 the ioun is definedby a phraseorclausethat follows(€notphrase,a relativectaus€, etc.). +ha iaaa -t r|'a<a ^ ,-.h^^. the kind af person that they are 5 the adjectivebeforetheioun defiiesit, for example,i1ht, wrang, etc. the coftect answel the fist lsecond tine, etc. Therek no artlclewhen.., 6 a pluraloruncountable noLrnG usedto makea Why a.e th. nanhole coversrcund? 7 the nounis a singularpropername. rl'c Gaagle ,hc Londan Unive.sity I ReadStudy 1, page 155 www.pardistalk.ir/library 'na's055t's0l6t 'rra'zloz'6661 ?rtsq) Pueua$n 2.6 (g l 'zlnbeql ulsuo!$enb 3qt rad\sue o1)iro^\sson8 ro ,!3ol 'eBpel^\oqrnoresn rled u|Iro A q 'Ll]lef ol unsujo{ ecuelsp . ''' st sa4suotDt uo rur9 6tI ol uns!.ro4ecuelsp . 'quef, ol uooururo4aeu€tsrp. €saql]o auou. )1. nuuosr.uLlns -uo 'rr. IeprnrPs ',(epuoN 'rra qlOZ'qtPNtt]s-uo laqusr&S -ut 'uoouraue 'Suturou 3urua^a u! 9 u! 5 u! t € Z ! 'qroqrc r 'aqr ql!^rMoteqsesPrqd aulreqr el.|duol puPseas8 (rlluPllv)suea)o (sllN)sra^! I e GrEw)sFuetd (s3puv)sasuPr ureunou,s s.)Pl t (etroDt^J totlxaN)sauNnor€ (ersv,sNau4uorz s.llrr t (slrPdJ 'SSr .Beduo r'5 {pnts ursrlasue nor( )raqf, 2u.ql.Draq rH asnaol.q s.reldqr!q/{ o 'egr'"e/elsn 3a'frr. 'slertdsoq saHsra^!un) suolrnlisut qr!,^^g 'r irirriuel?esnaa sellrs,.tdoad qt!,r z 4ljn6tqgnflFI1.666iqEql ','aqr'ueleosnaM'sa^|lPtadns qln I 'a oqeEt arlorax. utsuotrsanb .ql rc .p!ur aqt u.ro4raqrla .tduex€uepullpuE€-! s.tnrar.Furol Eassnta. E€Sleet8 . zlsrxslousaopsEesolmo oJoqrloq3tqM g arEnoi x z,opno^op leqM "pa6lEqcstp, puelod. q eue6tn8. .rqndo8 qcozC. i \ r l : ) i l . i I l 1 { Jt L i r \ r ' r \ \ \. r l r \ i . : r . j l ir L, tuP6unH. l,ureq noi p noi ,&lunocq.tq^ 'en6erd u 6uFas-lq6rs E^purnsul luoMpuE'surElunon 0uqulc ]ua^'E^plAra^tu uo dl4]EoqE rolruaMnoi]l rno/( zuolu!do u!!a/v\sue ol uollsanblnrujlp liolu/Falsea 3ql sl tl)lq/t|ssnrslP Pueslleou! uoy' . ,ueuroMtEurs^rs^ . lc€sutlcEtqpueper . 'rl rlltrr saoSr?qr aFls -oz.?m/r i,piq^petE srlPqll tq3lllpues 6r Jo tied tu€tlodu $oo srs,r! lrvr {rjDvr 4.laprts snaaolb qt^ tr,a aut ,tv) -,r ,aq pFoqs 3t1! iurqt nol op Pqd 'nod d'{dEr8orq-!r atolM auoauos JI Jo urlnq Zoururouj uet no^ sE^ep 6!rPs . ,uoourauEul 'uat no,{sP^ep tsurPs^v. . eALle no^ lI|^ 'uoouFlre^v.u)coc,o Z lE a^e6lno^l se0rc .{\oqlapualq Jo azls ",1+ o/rli vlu€aMlaqa3u€r€urpalull rnoq,lqbpw q eraqt 'seleouvso-t uryodre xvl ol uopuo-l ul Lod.V MorJrPe-l u-o,l[6t,.'ro]-t! zlno ra8 nol pl.ioa ,, u tnd puE lrued zror Truqs aru nod JI E jF8unq pto.^ -,r eleno^ pOJtWl V 3mc no.{prnor\ ^,!oH z -0r ur -6 saoc tarct rat?,r zlt€Jro .qr nuEt -r -, uo dplatduroc s1s3r +Br Jo uro$oq -! roqr@ -, rBqtqSnouaSuotsl ut€qr 'pieoqrao aol| no^ qrrqh prEoquo roqJ@ -, -r a^Er{ nol Eree rI.L{ paru tuBt e8rel -r rr! ar,no I z ur srqrnlM lBoqSuhor 'lo )o .tF'ue/e) epq)e ]Jd)o) aql ql!/v\^ oFq suollsanDaqt elelou.ro) eL '^ oloq '^iesse)au 'saPr e 6raq/v\ 4nb eql etald|llor01 Ppv ez 1fU_fvud 60 rq8lr ll8uluoC Language focus2 1 a Work in pairsand discuss.Haveyou evergivena presentation?lfyes, how did you feeLand how did it go? lf not, wouldyou liketo? Readthe conversationbetweenSophieand PauL.Why is Paulnervous?WhatadvicedoesSophiegive, 0 0r9.3 Listenandwrite the missingwords (marked^) in the conversation.You may needto changesomeother words.Whateffect do these wordshave? 1 Lookat the wordsyou addedto the conversationand answerthe questions. 1 w h i c ho f t h ef o ! r w o r d s y o !a d d e dg o i n f r o n to f . r adje.tveto makeit stronger? car yo! thinkof ary otherwordswhichmakeadjectives stronger? 2 What isthe dljferencebetweenJoandrr.h? 3 Findan exampleofan extra auxiliaryverbthat adds 4 F i n dt w o n r o r €e x a m p l e s s l m i L at hr teop h r a sien b o l , l Whatlneedissynpathyri9htna\9. 5 Whichwofdscai b€ addedto giveemphasis tu C ReadStudy 2, page |56 PRACTICE Match5entences1-10 with repliesa-j. 1 l'm exhausted.Let'sstay ln andwatcha fllm. 2 I tike living here becauseit's n€ar the centre. 3 Thanks for everything, we'vehada niceevening. 4 sLrppose you want to seeLiz. 5 Whyare we nsde on sucha beautifLlday2 6 OuchlThls toothls painfuL. 7 l l - d ls . l l t l - : sb r o l " rg l a .l w h a t h a v e y o beendoing? ,olr t-ierdwas loveLy.I hope .or I _ re I n ag" 9 Comeon, [et'sgo to that newclub. 1 0 I think you o!ght to apotogise to her PAUL: Thank you for coming. Before I start, I'd just like to say how wonderful you aU look loday ... oh dear SOPHIE: What areyou doing? Oh, I haveto give a presentaiionin class tomo ow I'm ^ nelvousl SOPHIE: 1^4ry^ arcyou nervous? PAUL: 1Mht, Becausepublic speai<ingis ^ ierrii/ing. of course. Don't be ^ a wimp. There are only nine studentsin your class. You're calling me a wimp? ^ yor! ^ a YesI wi[[.I th]nkhe enjoyedthe evening aswell. b Wel[,you wantedto spendthe dayat a mlseLrm c Why sho!tdI apotoglse? | didn'tstart the trouble. d Yo! rewelcome. ComeagalnsoonL e YoLrknowyou needto go to the dentist's. f l o o l l t h i n kl ! . r e ^ e \ a _ r. 0 1 e t , r e a r , r - " " g Oh,you re boring thes€days. want to go out. h That'strue,but it getsnoisy at night. i No actlallyI wantedto seeyou. j Dont blameme I didn't breakitL 0 1 9.4 How canyou givethe phrasesn botdmore emphasis?Li5tenandcompareyour answers. cried in the toilet before your lastjob SOPHIE: That was ar'l ^ important interview It was different. ^ I need ^ sl,mpathy right now, not PAULI cdticism. SOPHIE: You're right. I'm ^ sorry. I ^ slnpathise. \//hen I'm stressed,^ helps ^ to take 1 sentencestressis importantfor givingenphasis.Li5t€n againandmalkthewordsthatareespe.ialtstressed on audioscript9.4on page17s. I m absoLutelyexhausted.Let'sstay in ... ah,yau rc sa boring thesedays.lwantta ga aut. 2 Wolk in pairsandpractisesayingthe conversations. deepbreathsand listento sometelaxing Oh, OK, thank . .- and then you go and cry in the toilet? Paull Work in pairs.Chooseone of the conversations in exercise1a and extendit to six or eight lines.Tryto usedifferentwaysofgiving emphasis. www.pardistalk.ir/library > Unit 9, Study& Practice2, page156 www.pardistalk.ir/library '.ru!llloqs e u! urnler |Ll'oLuiol slaq 1Py'AO L ZLuelqorde areql sl lelnb,(:a,ruueesno1 6 -aJea^l a,teq/v\ 'Ilatelpaulul l e1sot tup/r^| op uaqy' iPs^ellaros u,l 'eur, plesropop srlf I {lelnlosqp ur,t 'luorj ql!/!^oer lleqeseq oqlle )|Jeq eql srq q)nsa)ll po)ooleH 3uleal^ up lorpr 'aul ol eep!poo8 P Ollt sPunoslPql23ulu3^es ql ezztd 'perof e,reii\ raq lnoqe seaplrnor tnq .Lr.rll oqt suoruldo pI t rno^ ot ua$ll ]e t,up 'ar] qtrMSurreldrol llneJ aql ura)|^ppaqllo llp.lo Z8uluatslt ^up qt!^,\aar8eeprcaorBpno^oC ssn)stp puesr!edulljoi iSulqtruesslurno^jo raqrlaplc ;!"::rs,raqloq)e3pue$Jopun no^ue] leu!pd rno^01L!*; Moqsuaqtreeperesapu rno^teqllteql srledu!)roy'l ^ra^rtep, 3uruueld, .r olaq strlool eql uo saloua)ieurpue{el eql ro ued puolosoqrot uersll9.6 et {J tu!)eu ro, senbluqrol Zsetou lnlasnraqlorup ^\oq no^oC c u/,^oinor s.l! tnq Jlasrno^ unq no,(Mou)| € '/!lOUpaJJO)SLUeeS arelf leql '' {pM slql lq alllll p arnprdaql e^oh z 'll lqBnoql rale enoq ^ a, p lsnl3u!)ro,{ peddols dotdel^ au /(hl L '6uoJ^ )o Jqflr qt!^\ uolsssrdxaue 3ulsn,{olaq ploq ur soserqdaql el!rr!\€.iuiql salnuluri aj p loj 6uotu pue yqbu y1n suorssa.rdxe aq1(pn15 z 'no^ ol lPql3urqtppqaqt pa rosapno f Pousddeq '^lotprpautuL,.)eld slql ul I '^ reJU n/,{U pa8pnlno q re, euoauos 'ueldpoo8e s,teql 3 ^Uadord3Lr)roMlouFuqroM slSulqlaLuos, ^lppqtno paurntro pelre]s,3u!.lt^ra^l e Burpeaq-qns Surpeeq urEul uollerAarqqp 3uIq3|q3tq Surull-r.pLrn luloalallnq '^\oleqsenbluqritaqlloselouaql ursaldLupxa pulj €€ i\ oleqsetoueql ol suolpsror o^ l qetu pueuersl.ls 6 ul q ,nol al ato aqn,ln41 ?q,, w4 14fu 6 4ma/ 4 polt ?t/t lkaw ol "?//r Qto/t)o de) ./t"/ ru + Fa ont arok . lno)2Ftu/r7p. .1uo4aql aql pue eqt}p sltuo4eqt ]P sj )aeq )req 'pero, aqol stlgasI P J 'uoos,!aA urnler L q lul.lqorcaql s,leqy' t/1aodW!odw i.tua/, o', = bmt'tnt / s7ra4?!/at d ?n, of M'H _ 7q0/"1e?nq?a ;eu {q lqBu1es,pq1 0 t iraqlnoqe Buo,.r4q3u,{la1a1dLro: erea,r no1 'punol^pMSuorMaqls,tl 5 8 .tq8u qool I I tnoqe s,tEqy'9 ZBuorM SurqloLr/Sulqlouros s,slaql S tr ql ^ SuorM 'tq8uno^sarues leql t 'Mou ,araqlq3 tqSu ! € 'SuorM.uoB s,3ulqt^te^lZ )reqrq3!eqll,t L 'Fe s3ulueeur qtlr suolssardxa aql qrlew ueqlouoril puelq6rrqll^\OL-Lsuotsserdxetp )oo-l ''' )opetold sePlls leaq tq?lul nor suolFluosord ol Papauuo)spron q)!q/t\ttr!peld,lsltl .stiolleluosaido !3 01,r oq uo)let plo lled lslu aqt ot ualsllol Sulo8ale no pZ UspreMralEsetourno^ qtlM op no^ op teqy' . Zsluod ^o) Me,e lsnl ro setouJo tol e etuM nof oC , 2Saloue)El ol e Pqno^ oPsuorlenlrs 1e!Mul . ',uo)eqsuolFenbeql ssn)slc sdno8 ur )ro/\ L r\rii\\ifII ijli.r{r tu11r.r,r,r PueSulualsrl tlrttn,l.,,r't hg,:it('$,1r lodsprol @ rqaTtlrSEtrrJg -''''- KMmItr Collectand presenttips > Howtoprepare foraiobint€ryiew )) Howto chooss therightcareel > Howtohave ahappy romantic rctationship )) How l0dross torsuccess intie workptacG )) Howto beagood lfiend )) Howtotearnaloreign tanguago yoursociat improvs > Howto tife )) Howtoh€succe$ful inexams togetlit andstayfit )) How )) y0urcotleagues Howt0 impress andh0ss > Howto e.thealthilyand cheapty Preparation neading 1 yolrtime > Howto manage Workin groups. Lookat thewebsiteaboveand discuss th€ questions betow . Whatkindofwebsiteis it? . Doyoueverlookonwebsites fortipsabolt things youneedto do?lf so,whathaveyou lookedup recently? ' Whichsection(s) onthiswebsite wouldyoufind particularly usefut?Why? . Tryto thinkof onetip foreachtopicon thewebsite. 2a Matchthe tipsfromthewebsiteon page93to th€ correctsections in thewebsite. Workin pairsanddiscuss, Doyouthinkthetipsgive goodadvice? Readthe tipsagainandund€rLineten usefulphrases for givingadvice. TaskSpeaking 1a Workin pairs.Choose a topicfromthewebsit€that interests you or chooseanothertopicthat you both Brainstorm asmanytipsasyoucanforthe topic.Ask yourteacherfor anywords/phrases youneed. Minglewith the ctass. Taketurnstotalkaboutthe topicandyourtips.Makenot€sofanygoodideas you hear. Prepare a shorttalk,givingadviceaboutyourchosen topic.Reviewyour tipsandsetectthe bestones. DecidehowyouwiLlpresentyourtips. > Usefullanguag€ a-c Workin groups. Listento eachother'stipsandmake notesonwhateachstudentsays. Voteon the most usefulsetof tips. www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library {aql uoru€s q)rLlM UurBrrolaq sse13 . ^3ql ue) stuapnls ieqlo ol urellr Moqs.al,sqeM P suolDes uo oB luorsrtp ol sdtlo^rjalul . ro 'uod Solqrno^ auM uoqlraprolelrSole olutLloqtsstue&o,sd11 $0q aqtpalas.passnrstp a^eqno( spalqnsaqljo p Burlr:,u auouosdttAut^tB,Bolq eteno{ aur8eLul. ,^oleqltdol e esooql L $u111r46 !n 6e1e1 l l i 'qolaq1 o1s11qs qrleulsaq rnor{ uernolrl$tlln0qe pue,pajtnbat stleqM Iutqluaql oJuei\pp urueJ notr lnoqe seqjnuselnopull0luIV , 's0urqlssaqllnoqs s^uelJasu0i IlJrplstluallJ l0ta,(0ldula allIJ0dsud Jn0IlsLll auJnsse 0llsaq 'r(puatalyp noi( s.y rrroul 's]leu '/fialF^aal alfls6utql]noqe l[Ufl Jta apoJ ssalp ea^eq suorlestue0ro s,(elr1y9 lsotupqltaquauar |uileq luesaop qjlqM.lueu0dut Is^au )aalu0slad n0,{ Ilpu0ras.urealq Dunlfileaddp i raqFaqla)jeuj . nol',(1trgsgglauaq or4sprlsrql6ur0p ale,{aql +eqa sri{ou)iollm auoau0s Lu04 dlaqJollsepup03uej0u6r i 0llallaqiels.ll.0p I rnolll,upe n0,{ leqlpualsjd l,u0p r uaql'u0ltPntts Jelnlued eut6ut0p ale nolleq,r fioDil,u0p noIll.dlsq l0l lse0Iple4p aqJs^oNg I I 1 'sa,{a rno,,( r sqlouatls puepnotd itaqleq,u I urale no,(sa1eu leqm I arupenolleqrr:uaqllnoqp pU stll 0I|]n0,,( lsorlJ pqft^oDliauled l00Ilal0)Atunlj0ddo ,{Ia^a alel ? i 'Jlls|]eai aqqIl oS.auo atenbs pue.saunfututsllnsa] n0,{ s}nd lp)jJeq u€Uo stql 'il)|Jrnb 00lss0l00ld puert} 0lsta)ipts u ltsseljauo g 'sllnsat sljsd€lqeaoeueu Iseqaqla^atqte lleus oluru^rrop $jsel)iealq 0qr,4 asoqlpql s/loqsqueasau 'upl0uorstlai p!l0s jtspqFou ie0l3 e e)ieu 0l st lut0d puelsllaqlss0tsnsostulrxeuLlrrrllpea 6upe1s pue6utuueld pJeq lluoleqlaat6e po4 7 spadxa 1J0M .Ieartquo tsnjl putsieqaq 10.€lstsuol pu0 oqM uoslad l,usa0p ,spuaul ^lai0lpieq st asnetoq anl6[Dieul l0 ji arueqt 0uspLl uosiad aqs,(efilv I Nau0qstp V.lsau0q I'm so fed uP Speakinp Sriggestio-ns andadvice 1 3a Tryto completethe sentencesbetowfrom the conversations.Then tistenagainandcheck. questions. work in pairsanddiscussthe . Doyouknowanyone whoisfedupwith theirjob? Why? . Whatadvicewouldyougivethem? 2a rl 0l 9.7Lisaisfedupwith herjobasa PA, Listento herconversation with herfriend Amyandchoose the correctanswers below. 1 Lisawantsa job that isbetterpaid/ morc live[yand i nteresting. 2 Lisa/ Amy comes upwiththe ideaof becoming anestateagent, 3 AmythinksLisahastherightpersonal qualities/ the fight qualificationsfol thejob. 4 Lisais unenthusiasticI intetestedbut a littteunsure aboutthe idea. 5 Amysuggests appt ngforjobsontine I contactinganacquaintance fot advice b l0ll 9.8 Now Listento Lisa'sconversation withJenny, Alex'smum.Choose the correct 1 Je^nyis unwitting/happy to adviseLisa. 2 shesaysthat quatifications are/ arenot the mostimportant thing. 3 shealsomentions ,nteior design/ computetskills. 4 Hermainsuggestion isdoirga collegecourse/ getting someparttime experience, Conversation 1 1 Any ? 2 Thismightsounda bit strange, but haveyou3 Yououghtto , youknow 4 Yeah, 5 You lool online,I 6 Or why intoanestateagent's andjustask? | you 7 knowwhat I why havea chatwithher? Conversation 2 1 I'dlike_aboutcareers. 2 l justwondered if you'vegot_ about_ do? 3 Youshould_ lookintothat. 4 Tobehonest, is oersonatitv 5 Obviousty, to havegoodcomputer skitls. 6 l woutdrecommend , _ youtry to get 7 Youknowwhatlwoutdadvise? _that a weekendjob with a localestateagent's. 8 That'sa reatLy goodidea,_ of that. 9 lf I wereyou | _ in the area. to alltheestateagenCs 10That'sgreat,thankyou, yolr advrce. b 6-i g.g M"t h th"r"ntencesin exercise 3ato the categones below. Thentistenandcheck. . asking for adviceandsuggestions . Sivingadviceandsuggestions . respondingto adviceandsuggestions Practise Doanyphrases sound sayingthesentences. particuLarly forrnalor informaL? 4 WorkinA/Bpairs.Turn to page129andactout oneof the situations, www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library rauF rno^]o Uerpleurl e 3lu^,\uoql sra al s,la$: r.pP6))eq) pueFuued p ql^\rengl rno^dp,,rs r€llel.rnoi ur asno1 z asr)Jaxe PUPJa 0l s,EsllL!o4 s€se.lqd, o r Surl.rM e-e10i Surqlauos, ]eql^uedurorsqt tnoqeFesol a^ltrsod qofreln)l!ed slql rol esrseqdLu. 01elueLladxa puestsarglu'sllr)s'sarlllenbaql 'rellel rno^ rc 4erP $r!j P e!r,! uaql ^\ol.q spepreqllnoqp lulq- a u0llYesr'1 'AIaJTJUTS SmO 'uoos no,{ruo{ Suumq ot pr€,{\roJ lool I 'no,i3TiiisjEiF_Slltrl lua tp $rr ustrrruepu)uE u€c Xu?duoc qtr.,! nod osue I{ }q8rlu}?q}S5i5ng5?I Smqro-Tltmtfuei roJ orutoprsuocplno^\ no,{Jr lrgeler8oq plno.r Tpu€ pesolcuasr AJ ,{J I '5itqo. $5i-5slT-T-{6lful?Jftrlplder uer pu? siiFF IfPoTS-mql] s4rpF stoITII€ siImrtfoEd poo@: iroJlro^\ ol e{ll plno\1t ipqt (uEdruo)Joeclfteq (llJerr srsr.txrc'trdrrEdlllerolu-5it-55l5Tn-qm^pto_J6prletc.up <sjJ-r?-l:5i?t r\5tre5.lj mlmq-eolrrrlos arr-.ftFfu6rfq,lijlEn] Eu J Jluorn) ur t. 'uo-mns€fJ.l'sairl}Tdlo @ 5]TRbur o-lq;urtu$ur€I pue'urllv ecll sl Ju€u (lt lunH rr\l teocls ,\(9 ts.I, 'spoo'I 'pu uolleu 89 €I02,{eI,{qlgl. €t998t0fl r0 (dI ZS'1 rsp00,1 'peod IIIH 'lmoJ u€.C 8r 'lZL a8eduo lueuraslta^ppoql ot ^ldare alur^ € 'LUslleurnolur alueuadxe ro] serlrun oddoro sd qsuralu )roi ^ue s^eq^aqlrraes 01'aulze8pur -/e, ot atu A Z ',}elssslesJol saDuere^,{uP e Pqroqll aaso1'uopuolut sdoqs ssqlop elqPuolrlse] ]o uleq) e ?sano01alr/1 L 'euos.rad P 'llasrnol aqj€qllo ue) no^ s,es!iol telluls lUaAU ! rO lal]3l e etlrM Pue,,v\oleq suolldoeql ,o euo esooql eE qluerl )PedsoslP uauul^pupua)odslloq ul tuonuure| 0L Pue'qsltBu: f11aa,14 6uu7sgqn4 ut .rotlpaaaure4p roj tuaurasFro^pe rno^ ot ^ldorur 5 gaqsllqndile.u5 qtrM luoLue)eld)roM qluolu-o,^1€ pot€ldurore^eqI I '^llnlqlpl srno^ 'LuepeN/rls resc I alqPlree aluauadxa)ro^ roJsalllunuoddo ro sdlqsurelur ^ue a^eqnolraqFq^i o.llnbuaot 9 3ulule{ slllls^ aN'sruauadxa la^ol-dolloeee^uat qttl s 'uorlPullolutraq!n, ^ue orlnbarno{}r qrnot ul }eBosealdt '3utte)leh u reerelP ensrnd olSurdoque pupsarpnls sseulsn€ ul aer8ape ro res^ leurlaql ul Iltu..lnl oc I E a rlell||rl jo slolL.lll^^ uogeds^rlPar)'1r,Lreu^p P r.lrP I z 6 sal)uere^ rplruJ s,(upro uorlrsod slql L s.serqdaql^q pa)plde-r z,ry\oleq aquel lallol sq] ul psullepunsaserqd qrlq,\ ' Pl'I slolxoc 'ro8eu?r^ieqJ! aqssaoPesleleql 2asol)uo aql uoqe,{eseqssaoptpqy' z z^uedLuo) 2liaeoqlnoqe^eseqsseoPteql L 'aolaq suolN3nbeql reMsue PUes, a3pelelsalerol e olre al s.esllpeau ! Jallal SurJe^ora^llelnradsv 3u;11.r6 NEWSPAPERS ANDMAGAZINES UKnewspaperreadershiFis declining I n l h e U K a n dt h € U S A , l . b t o i d ! ' higher circutationthan !roadih.i 2013 2010 .g 2000 50 s Themagazinefithihehiqhe5t<ircotation In mostnewspapers, over50.IntheUK, covet€g€of foreign in theUSAis for peopLe itsaTVtistingsmaqarine. newshasdecreased itsa carmagazine. InG€rmany, andloreign (orresp0rdont5have In Canada, it'sa cooKngmagazine. tosttheirjobs. Bycontrast,there :rvI l'50 r{;* ii entedainment news. iLr5lrxGstL_ .i.1,. APq I cooKrxc Reading andvocabulary Workin pai|5andhavea race.Scanthe mediainfographic and answerthe questions beLow 1 Whatklndof peopLe readthemostpopuLar nragazine in thetlS2 Howrnuchtimedoteenagers spendin frontof a screen? 3 Howmuchof ouronllretlmeisspentonsocial media? 4 Whathashappered to entertainment newsin newspapers? 5 Whois mostlikelyto watcha horrorfitm? 6 Howmuchvideoisuploaded ordownloaded every rninute (becarefutl). 7 Whatkindof newspaper ismostpopular intheUK? 8 Whatsortof programnres areprobably the mostpopularin Ind: 9 Whatsortof websiteisTwitter? Readthe infographic morecarefulty andcheckthemeaningofthe wordsin bold.workin pairsanddiscuss.Which information doyoL find most/least surprising? Why? www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library Ulou {q/\ /^qr'Allu rd e)eldarFlstalduorr.^. llrMlel3 p )utqt nor oC . Z^aqlarsMleqM5a,( {up pepeoldn noxa^eH . ]l zlauraluloql ot soePl^ pnporde) lsrp/a)tlno^oC . 2^q/ Ztuouereld 2ePaLLr leDosuoluads5 lpql jo qrnurMoH;,{ep o8ele^e upuola8 no{ opoujl uoorltqrnLLl MoH , rnoX J^qM2^r1uno) ureuze8eu.r relndodlsoluaqt s )urqtno,(opteqM . 2a^eqs ql llr^ pPaurtEq/\ sl uorlelnlrl r.deds^au qt no,(op ^q/U . z3ulllE] )u 'r\olaqsuotlsanb 3ql ssnlstc q '. ,60/9oapr^:outtuo E '.. ,olralP:surlrt PueAl z " 'eurtpea{l :seuzeSeur pups.todedsMau L ;)rqderSorulaql urorls3urpesq oarqreql ot ppeol spro^etpeu.t eroLlrlo )ulql no^ uel.sdnotSleus u ;::.. -!t s)iav dtdaed ra ja. e \u:\, -ot -: 1. .- '!e^ suera!/s _,: JLloslnoqPuorlpLurorul stourtoltaulJedrnc.4'sleMsuernox erpdluoapueleulpd / au p qlt^1>r:e : uo .e r )r r xe.j8! r.lt .lr.v l..r-l(ppo. d qsrar:: elPL ,(lt\oL p Lr.\AaL.TpBpr -o p o ::: ; \^o.ls\_,1. E:. : alrsqaMerpsLu-lp los relndoolsoLr.r a_: luaue)eld Dnpord q]r/l u-ri- : seraseu.rerP relncc:: . /J -: ei€dodeosrelndodlso(r]eql lo aJu€tpne ;-le3re1 ^ oqsluelel /... : Ill!.::a3era^orlo ]ol e pe,^lalarseqtpql lua^eslocs ! . '^rlunol rnoXu:BurMolloJ arll lo ssldutex.ro )iurLllpueslredur uc!. :< suvrl 'dnorErsqsueqtarourPuraucol 06Iaqt'?z-9rrr3lPru3restllturalr rol.ruelpns F6-q an! !960023c000r3s00!l 9s0002cs0000 sresI000'S uPqr6002urEtPp iuo|]tlrulgl rE sr urll PUoE s.ure' I t||| u!rere ro,tu€urarPrprt ll "'"#';"';" 'lllllls slPqt to tsot{ ,{epe €utllu..rrs JosJnoqrnol ot dn la6 satrlunol .(ueurut sra6euaol6uno 'tranr,!,[ 6 a]Iep tua^o tunorrP6u!58onor!.ue dn l3s etdoaduontrurEUO II/ B II 'e!pau urro] to a^lpr.ralu! lsouJaql s!I '€!p.ur tltro3 uolusds sraLurl sutruo tleJo%sz srrodsElo e6gl.^o) sD' 'puptpazMoNpueerput!ppeueat '5€!J.. EEelp e opostd€u€ srlr,sn €ql0t eDdo dE i! lo ,o apoedaue sr),n sql urr€^aMoqs t p€qrleMlsoui a{l 3Nt'tN0 hllll oNvAt Listening Questionsaboutthe media Workin pairs.Readquestions 1-10aboutthemedia. Whichthr€equestions you would most[iketohear ananswerto? 1 Whocontro{s the nedia? 2 HowcanI protectmy privacy onLine? 3 WillwestiLlreadnewspapers in the future? 4 Howhasthe internetaffected thewo{d of media? 5 Whatwitlhappen tory in the future? 6 Doesthe mediareflectwhatwethinkor control whatwe think? 7 Doesthe mediaportraywomenin a negative way? 8 Howdoesthe mediainfLuence us? 9 Whatisthe futureof books? '10 lsTVbadfor chitdren? rl0r 1O.1Listento aninterviewwith a professor of mediastudies.Which qu€stions dothe caLLers ask? Arethe foltowingstatements true(T),fal5e(F)or is therenoinformation(Nl)?Listenagainandcheck. 'I lhe term mass media'includes the intemet. 2 h tne fJtLre.therewiltbefewerthansixmajor mediacorpo€tions. 3 Newspaper editorsusedto bemorepowerful 4 WegetaLtournewsfrombigmediacorporations. 5 Mediaismoreinte€ctivenowthanin the past. '1986 6 Thetop-ratedTV showin the UKin wasa soaPopera. 7 Tabloid circutation hasfattenin mostcountries. That might be whatI said ... I'lu,tit wasn't what I meantl When public figures talk to the media, sometinres the words don t quite come out right. Here are lome of ou! fa!'ourite examples. I 'l owea lotto myparents,especially my motherandfather,' Australiangalfer 2 'Theleadcar is absolutely unique,exceptfd theonebehindit, whichis ideniical.' FomulaOnel\lotarspaftcammentatar 3 'll youexcludethe killings, Washington now actuallyhasa verylowcrimerate.' ex-L4ayoraf Washingtan 4 'Wereyoupresentwhenyourphotograph w6 taken?' Lawer questioning witnessn court 'Smoking people, 5 kills andif you'rekilled, you'velostan importantpartofyourlifo.' American acrrcssandanli smokngcampatgrw 6'l'd liketoplayforanltalian clublike Barcelona.' Eritishfootballer Z 'Theword'genius'is not applicable in foolb* A geniusis a guylikeNormanEinstein.' AmericanFoatballer 4a Arethe thingsMonicamentionsevidentinyour country? Choosethree orfourquestions in exercise 1 to discuss. Language focus1 Reportingpeople'sexactwords Wo* in groupsanddiscuss. Doyouknowanypubtic figureswhoar€famousfor sayingthingsthat don't makesense,when speakingto the media? 2a ThearticLe quotes abovecontainssomeunfortunate that havebeenreportedin the media.Readthe first one.Whydoesn'tit makes€nse? b Workin pairs.Readquotes2-13.Whichdoyou likebest? Matchreportedspeech sentences a-e beLow to five ofthe directouotesin the articte.UnderLinethe Dartswhicharedifferentin the reDorted versions. a Themayortoldjournatists that if youexcluded the kjttings,Washington actuatly hada verylow crimerate. Thelawyerasked thewitnesswhethershehad beenpresent whenherphotograph hadbeentakerl Theactress saldthatsmoking kitlspeopLe ar'rd addedthat ifyou arekilled,thenyouhavetostan importantpartofyour[ife. The[awyerasked thewitnesshowhisfirstmafiiage hadended.The witnessreptied that it hadended with death.The lawyerthenasked whosedeath hadendedthe marriage. Theminister saidthathedidn'tknowwhat hehad said,butthat heknewwhathethoughtandthat heassumed thatthatwaswhathehadsaid. www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library 'L .rtpe.rd ^Pnls',o!llun < 851aBPd € ,\\\$ 'sur€rledssorlsol uorlu.}lE:u rfed 's.r!.lu.s .qr 3ur](er€strlerdglL !;pd uot.O! 1d!trsotpnEle)oo] € 'Presuos.d reqxo€q1lEqMo^el.q 1,us.opr.le.ds .q1 F.t:ns quau4Elsqrtqm sruau.rpF eroLurq:r. or ualet t.0 L p_l 2!D$ed ss€[s aqr ut a]uira#tpaqr1 reqn z€ro v :qrnrlaqrtu IIsr stetqq.oqutqr oq/y\ 'Ples€qFue *Lt^^Sulrodarlldoad oMl or u.rsn r'01 'L 8SLo;Pd fpnrs pe€r I a):l.rualu:! ;qreapqrlM €l.lduor!r !P todar no^ op aoH p ar!.luas tp )ooi asluaualPr: lo s.L3sPrroderno^op aoH a pue) saruotloste )oo" leq^\'. aruetlosre )too,tar a)rtsuorrafi.t! ol suiddeLt ?!ra€dsP6uod.r! ,o! a)rl saserqo aurt ot s!.caP! leq^|e du.ru.s re )ooZsuot1'.nb P.rodir PueD.r P le.MFq rapropros u .r!arallLp.rt1srleq/ri lsuorls.n0P!!oa;l i]nPorl!r suoLrtrunluo L| Lt/ 'p P!e q saruiluas1e)ioo ul a . l n ra q 1 0 1 ! o1 d a r x !. e s r q st r ^ q A \r . r ! a 1 ! a s} E) o o l ^Iera!.81eqr,,\ Zqr..ds paroiar u s.su.t !ra^ 01suaddeq ' E . s D F v au ra - r saru.1!as01Suurarar'Motaqsuotrsorbaqrraasuv oppr ares.SueqrsnoDe^ipresouoeuosreqMuodar aa uaqrr 'pres tlenpe se/!{leqa Uodor PuesuorlPsrs^uor leurSuoaqr 01 uarsll z 0t. tg uetailad-<a , pes - ar' '' pue )iurq] leqM s,leq]eLr.rnsse I l lEqMI ou)lI lnq pres leqM^ ou) l,uop . c: -ree^^ro^f :sseul M .lEaI leqM :ra^^\e-l 'gL I nf :ssaul A/\ zLll.rqlo elep rno^ sr ]eqM :.re,4^\el zi lusptsad sn )aa)c: , eceadlnoqe 6uq el llleel ele et\ lel ]noqe tlle]a/n ueqr' leql Mou)lol no^ lue^ lsnl I. i i 4aleurele ro elerue srql sEM reAA\Pl 'prEaqe Lllr' lqbrequrnpeul]noqv tsseulM .Mes no^ uosredeql eqlrcsopno^ ueC ,e^r' el 0I .1OL9LUOAAA) lleqlAA]qSUrS , s a c e l r e qul o 1 le e su e cn o ^ ' l e > l lr,lu o p uor]rsoddo eql puelole selqqupla^eld srql] 6 z,ilpepueLlleeposoql^puv ,eI^ € l qlEopqlrM :ssoutrM .pue eoEureurlsrl,rrno,(prp MoH :re^Mel € liiri\i' , : j zPlesalooaoFqlo ulep sraleadsaq1op leqy' sarnpld rql le )ool \'?i: 'q)eeds Pallooerolul al)ltrpaql ut sstonbraqloaqllnd p t)U_fvud 01 ?lp€r\r Language focus2 \I,ilr'[ir, t$ul\: riuwllillrirritilr.". u,hili: gr,l'n$\s riil li 1 Workin pairsanddiscuss. DoyouwatchceLebrity interviews onTV?Doyouknowanythingaboutthe famousinterviews in the photos? Read the text on the rightabouttwo of the most famousryinterviews of aLLtime. Comptete the text with the phrases below. confesseito making admittedbeing admittedthat invited Rich.rdNixon to be explainedthai accusedher husbandof having b 6i to.s Listenandcheck.Why doyouthinkeach interviewwas soshocking atthe time? Readquotes1-€.Canyouguesswhichthreeare fromthe Dianainterviewandwhicharefromthe Nixoninterview?There aretwo extraquotes, 1 Mypoliticall]fe lsover(accept I deny/ invite) 2 hadb!limiaforanumberofyears. ladnh/denylrefuse) 3 | letdownmyfriends. | letdowrthecountry. \invite/ confess/ accuse) 4 l'm notgolrgto ta[kaboutmy private[ife.]tt too petsonal. (admit/ rcfuse/ confess) dontseemyself beingqu€en ofthiscountry. lexplainI inviteI deny) I didnotcommit, in myviewan...offence. \confess/ deny/ accuse) 7 | can'ttolerateit lthemedialbecalseit s become abnslve... \denyI invite/ accuse) I IoJld yo , |(e to saya DI rtoredbou( ll-e.r:Tes youcornmitted? (/rylre/ explain / tell) b Choose the bestverbin brackets in exercise 3ato reporteachquote, Diana, Princess of Wales WhenDiono, Pflncess olWoes,wos inlerv ewedonlelevis on n November l995,shewos slillmoffled lo Pr nce Chorles Diono rin ovewilh someone elseduring hermorroge cnd 'llrereloTionship p hodbeenrnore lhono frlendslr A t . e 5 0 mIeT p r r e _0.,op"oo's".p^.f trnttF: w0m0n ond_lhe stress hodedTooneoling disorder. Coming iromlhefuiure oueenof Engond,ih s wosexfroord nory Thehou ongnleryiewcoused o medio yeor, siormThefoliowing Diono ondChorles d vorced ondlwoyeors oler,she d edino cor croslrn Porls. Richard Nixon young ln 1977, Brlshrepoder Dovid fto$" iniervewed president onlelevis on ExLJS Nixon wosreported lo hovebeenpoid5600,000 p us20percent oftheprofits torhis invovemenl.ll pehops become lhemosllQrnousTV nleru ew ot olll meondwos evenmodenloo lim,Nixou lrodesigned lhepresdency n 1974otlefbengoccused ofcommttl ng 7_ Inthe nleru ew,Nixon "_ ihecrmesond ne .lou"e I oooo1"onj rir!t ., r rol t'ptuo er re e€ peopie Amercon downondhe o ol ol bodiudgmenls Theinlerv ewsWere hugey successlul ondmodeFrcslfomous. 1 Theverbsin exercise2. summarisewhatpeoplesay without repeatingeveryword. t'4atchthemto patterns 1 verb+ object+ t at assuresomeoneihat 4 v e r b+ p r e p o s i t i o+ng e r u n d 5 verb+ objed + preposition + geru.d 6 verb+ infinitive(withfo) Tverb+ object+ infinitive 2 Checkthe meaningofthe verbsbelow Matcheachveo to a Patternin exercise1, suggest recommend claim agree apologise btame offer pointout I ReadStudy 2, page 159 www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library .suo!$0nD 0ql r.^ suePue)sePue6zLaSedol urnl uaql saseri{d oqt8ufpn$ salnulur/,^a,e pu.ds srledu!)i.roA q 2ra/sueno^ 'uolsanbalqeld.rleues,l :V ],uo^{^qy' :ra]srurl4 3rE nol" lEJOTSSOJO-dunSJreq 'Suluor$enb I puv ro aurtsrqtotpaho 'FFaapBrors,nateqtjananE aEllmq fros urlr :g no^PIPq)nur^\oH 21da))e 'Pdelll dLrluueop1,upp ^lrlrur:dp t, tts aqlrqe l,use^ t! nq l-aF.CnFnqe se^^ '^suor,Lr sruosrco')ep p | )Prrlonils,]r'ss^, llay' :g zleqloPartrP.p slqla)el ol ql rid^pFal roMsue ou.roso{ € eldurrs e a^r8ot no^lueM sjaua$llrno irelslurt{:V ''' seq)ns senssr ol tLeM uorlsenb lLelrodLLl rroqe,ilet le.lt raMtueor trula8Tour,-r,l lrq &,os ur,lz:g Alaoorceql'ulPqdul\ln€ i^ ulolr Zieoolo^op {euoLutdarrelou ro,CpljroToI p.C, uor}senb slqlno^lseot a^€q Pre4e L!,1lelsrurh'os:v 'PAUU.raPun qrlq/v\ s! uolleurojul eqt uodar uePeeusrledul)iro/l PUPue!)!1!p0e ql!/\ /v\e!rualu! ilBSdS 'eLosluaxauol, saserqd oql atolduol eZ )iet pue)padsql/l4sluerBelp )raqr Pueue]slt9 01 (9 q 's$onB Ituqalal qlr/r^ s^ar^r.lulsarnteoJ Moqs-v EL lPn e ulsaPls o,^l aLlluaa^lsq suoFelloBau alp oreadZL 'slureluouoaql,uo^eq ^eql'u3qtaruls'ruaLun&e aBnqe peq(aqt LI 'srlool lueuoorurun 'srllod ,(lpu€ sl-IeuS tnoqeuo4Psre^uo) U, OL '^lrlrlue)rs ro L3.sp;q ol oerip,suo) uauosrlssrno{ol ol no,()sp {Euraldoad'talnb fue^slarlo^rno^rl 'ltsnul uPqt reqlers/ alruolu!puesul-auoqd spqorp€i I 'ssnrs!P ol lupMoldoad v 9 ,o slolpahnse srlurod 'uraql sBurql lnoqe poo8 ^Es no^'auosuros rlqBrq norjl S lo 'SLrruapreB uo s oq teqMtl oul eH t uooxauEs,eq:moqe 'luesard ales.raPrslno uaqMooqs ol sennPellor lroMrol ePnrr,ll € 'ueeur feqt teq/ifll]exa ^esot plP4er,ustpururroql oqM;uoeuios ^esno^teqMueqtlue]lodluq e.rou.r slop no,(teqrt ueqlJopnolsuoll)v, lpql supsur,spro/\\ ' et)o ryadsto uro, parro)eqlqIMi olaqsa)ualu€s oqlalolduro)eL .Yl?tPue{Pads 'elonbqleaJoaSpssau uleur€ql uoda.r usql elonDqfeetooal ol qJa lsaqaql asooq) (aabe as6olodepuawuodJ I I 'eure8 uo/\^ e Eq leql flnoqsey' tqBus.r,no^ )urql OL (puaawoa/ueM/asrDre) 'no^ €ns ll,l'/\€r^ers np8eue elui no^j o (as6opde/hllo/eabPJ 'u-ielqord srqtotul)oolll,l pupslptapeqt€ure^lD I (fuap/asnld /ssaluo) qnp eqlSur^eal ,o uoluelurous^eqpuparaqXddeq,ia^ureI 'orntnl,(u ualun ueeq seq lnoqp teqi elldse6I (.te!lo aaeg) qsqgn) tape / / osseMu{u eql leql llne}s,ro])orlP oqtse^ lt 9 \tsa|ua)/ llal /asnJd) 'ssenB'qofsq SuropFluo se^^aH ^uoLuaia) | .rersoaqt reqder8opqd s,115 aqttlq p1pI 'en-rt tp (eulelq asbopde/ fuap) / .snlo].tro^plnoqs no^)ulqlllllsI aqtlle.totfulos^lleorLu,lt lnq epeule^,eMsa)elslLu (puaww@ar/ ure^ / )alJoJterlB s,ll Lul[Mau,(Lu oospue03lle plnoqsno^lurqt | € (al!^ut esD)e ssaluD) / I 'arnlnlsqt urellol enurluol eqPUP llrM 'tsedaqtul pel seqaq'^ ou sLralsru Luaq1 Z Bur^l (reJla fuap $e66ns) I / ii uorol upal ^Lr.r Sulqteuos str^ no^l,uop,(qy' [ tnoqea^ltlsod lueP! lod e ro'ueet qiods e jole8euetu .ql lels LullJe :euoqrPsPresoq/\ 'elPeur eql ^q pouodeiaraMqrlqM^\opqOL-Lsalonbpeeu eZ 1a^ose^nelt le2ltltodslqle]]t palda))e uaxtNL 'qJeA peJrof,eql Sulsn 3]onbq)Ea odoipuee€as!,lercle ule8plool L todsprol l)U_tvud or qpaw ,N,N \*,,N'.:l'uol\\\\llii\ Dis c u sas n a r t i c l e \\,N Preparation iilrl ,itiintr,irr. ,f, ri!lri.rliri.,ri' 1 a Workin smatlgroups.Lookat the photosandheadLines. Makethreeguesse5 aboutwhateachstoryis about. Lookat the wordsandphrases in the box.Tryto guesswhjch artictetheyarefrom, rorensic investigators violatesomeone's privacy graphicviolence ratlngs undermine parentalauthoriry theAdvertising St.f iaris A!thority 2a Workin threegroups.CroupArR€adarticte1.CroupB:Read articte2. CroupCrReaderticte3.Whichheadline (A,g or C) doesit relateto? Reedthe articteagainandmemorise asmuchinformation as youcan.Compare whatyouremembea with anotherstudent fromyourgroup. Task l)i1:rr,',,n!,ir r,i1 1 a Youaregoingto 5ummariseyour articteto otherstudents, thenl€ada discussion aboutit. practise summarisingthe aruclewithyourpartner. > UsefuL language a Thinkof at leastfourdiscussion questions to askoth€r students aboutyourarticle, > Usefutlanguage b Da you thinkemployersshouldtry ta find an about candidates' personallives? Whatda you thinkabautvialenceon f\/? 2 Workin groupsofthreewith students whoreadother articles,Take turnsto summariseyour articlesandaskand answer yourdiscuss ionquestions, www.pardistalk.ir/library if ijf{"fftrU www.pardistalk.ir/library 'suoluldo 'qde.t8ered r nor Bul^13 toqs Petlr A P6s9n)slp a^pqno^saPlueaqtro eloul.io euolnoqeBolqe uo8ultueLuluo) a.tenoxeu8elll L l$ul:U,r,,,1,,1 dn rvrolloj 'lorl€uoJm strnpu?@.p '3ullled prequ Sme o.sp sla F^edoq rr ol enn o. sJ{otdu: ,t!€u 'uno. m pe$4un sEA uo4Gf.J roJ @^i3 uosed uomo3 Ea surud srqr.trqa \$qlo .{.?^ud ng aql :qI el's SuDFoar.uipoos e uo punoJq Jo s4elou oqe stql s€'suoBe$.^uo. surruo uo p.seq.replp@r ! p.Farerrnod.'6. l?qa el? ud ped ot ro s8nt1esproassrdro.] or .^q I5q1 1?(1l lup? t!.rDd 0I pmos qAno.F lsE p36t st 'r.^aaoH SunuN{qof !.qa plu rcu tl .!o.uor .rrq ol ro! suose.rroJ iuDtoott m E6q dtq?qod pFoqs .a lel0 Blqlouos X.ql 1€q1 fu.p sFfotdu. rsou t.{.,rc E srstrDp@ (qdu?y. roJ .o8ed)poq..eC ile3et u..$ ! q no,{l muop .rtqnd lqr u sr leql IRu4eE ietqetd.c.€ srqtsI aroJSuppot I.qr re r€q$ .\ rp.q. or s' ..ldupx6 roJ .VSO.qr '..rsn!.,Jo u8rs€ sestD1.pproassld r.iopuEq n !I tr F8.t '3m{n. ,{@duo. n.W ur tg s.rEptpmcqol?upFE ee sledotdu. .ltulsl.E ry( ltra oqa rcsad peplnoqpa R$ eleppuec.qrJr .es pw 'itooq..€g uo s6d,{otdu.Frru4od lno lr:q] or 3tr root .(iuleru ? .{eql]ew upti sle,{oldua slep.saqr sedotduaJo ts..l3d 06 p@ r'r slorr€iulgnb lnoq€pq p?qsepppuRrreqr u..4eq u.qa,{@ 'ped no,(leqa lltpu.d.q .sn€.eqslurctdruorIZ9-I 'qo,d.$ ?r^ Er€lduo. proser? pe^r$.r '!9002 u 01elqrssod.uIoieq sEq1rs.l?o,{ ls?3p?orqs€a qclqa !]l3.rp. tueoeror sE'BursEalrurlaoq srlJ pooJjo IIq sqlnou n3q sEqslo^pelnoq€sFr?lduorJo qll^\ Suduts sla)Fo.^\eaus requmuoqJ 'rueluo.snortrrer -II€. Buraoqs!a^pe pooJ-lsgr qtl^! o,!rrpu? 'rlctrd eqt ssorr? ^lFq.e se^\aurrj IIEJo ue.\F l€. s pq5in FII€qiooJ qcrq^\ " tnoqepourctdluor rsou lql Erauo pepnlcE slur?ldrqo. 8uoft{ ah pFo,{ llql l.^e,roH Jo sroqlunue8l?l pa^to..r ,{u€qdselqro 8uu?r-f,. retll st€^p" req0 ,{]uoqlru 'e.uolor^'xospourcluoc pluerBdeuluu.pun ro f5S moh"qeqs.ue+tqc a;uBq. llql riutqrtrtq"qordplnoi qureiduoc lsou eql prsnrj or r(tqrlun se^\!.^pe .ql sue^p" qrq^{ Smssani leql peFr ,{eql:}uBldruo3 oqrptoqdnrou prp aqJ 6uo,{uv alull ["Jo s!a^F VSr/ 'u.rpliq. Euotue srauu?ru e^rsuoJorsolueqlJo lsrtI otq€l peq e8BmosuepFo.\r tr l"qi peqsltqndseq(ySV) &uoqlnts poluoa ale,{ qu€l9d ,{u?ur sFepu€lsSurswe^pv)n .qI 'spuau! prE ltrD\'iog u3.q osp $q Pue-erejnr.E:: $ q.ns s06 ptr€s08eilt uo{ 3u1.qroj suedxaeJnodi: ptoJo suru.rs? pasr.lllr ltrueib.rl srs.u.s .rL s.runo^EJ '.io3pr^. Sotur@\: I.^ * sa^laasnoH.ttuadNae s.tFs Surulu8trot:qr..unet ,{qs.uF..^tos oqa srorEirrsa\r qRnHiu@rs asroll e!ue{ .nudoJ Jourot ? $rnt€.J IS1 'sD.,{ Iertp.u.qr apnt.q siu'r3r uanas rsEIeqt!r pr !i .praplroa qrh dor saoqs r.qro .ql loa slq rr 6ur'r q{g .qt sr:'.pEu u..q.d?q saposrd. 'Ie^rts.JuoKr^rt.l 0!Z rero IItut usorlso.aqrsnfseq otDl .ruol t eqrre .prapltors.ras qr€I ?luE 0002u sn aqr sSurrertsaqtq :qr rol prE\\r uI p.rl€ lsru sla rI'.praptro{ .ru.rpnY uosrnatefpuo'$u.rls.puno.0s u.qr arou ur .qr qrrd petuasard s€a'sei.l uollu 03 lsouteJo a.u.pn€ sq !r ressrq.rq^\'aoqs.q-l 'urEBE s.u.s uRsrru]]Err r.^raoH a.uatorr AJ p.q.r?^\tsoE puux.s s.8€ur .rqdu3 str s.ptro^\eqrsEp6u?! tr.aqs Jo roJsdnoiS,stmrEd{q p.srrrru. (uoprn-'rs.^!r au..s.uuJ) rsa Findout first View 1a Workin pairs.Dothe fitmand photography quizbetow 2a Youaregoingtowatcha videoaboutd€v€Lopments in fiLmtechnoLory. youwatch,readthe definitions Before betowandtry to choose the correctanswet stow-motionfootage a filmmaking technique in whichthe actionhappens slower/ fasterthanh rcaI life.Thismeansthatyoucan see eventsin detailwhichnorrnalty happen tooslow / tart. time-[apsefootage a fiLmmakingtechnique in whichthe actionhappens slower/taste. thanin reaL [ife.This means thatyoucan seein detaiIevents whichnormally happen overa short/ Iongpetiod. WEWWWS@MW,@MruM NMDFHWNO@&$PWK When was the frst 3D fltn tnade? a 1922 b 1970 c 2008 I 6 wlren were the fusi moving colour UnageE produced? a 1849 b 1902 c 1938 'when was the fr3t camera phone ifivented? a 1997 b 2002 c 2007 a time-sticephotograph a2Dl3Drecordof a momentin time.You seea single momentin timefromoneangte/ manydiffetentangles- wlen was the the first photograph taken? a 1726 b 1826 c 1926 'When $,as the flst aligital carnera created? a 1975 b 1985 c 1995 @When was th€ lhe fi5t bfktng flIlr made? a 1887 b 1907 c 192? ? When tyas the first DVD solat? a 1976 b 1986 c 1996 O watchthevid€oandcheckyouranswers. Watchthe videoagainandanswerth€questions. 1 Whatdid Eadweard Muybridge showforthefirsttime? 2 Howmanyframespersecond isa)norrnalfilm, b)slow-motion footage? 3 Howdoyoumakea filmthat showsfruitrottingin 30 seconds? 4 Howdoyoutakea time-slice image? 5 Whatmightwe beabteto do bytheyear3,000? Goontineto checkyouranswers or asKyourteacher, Searchi first3Dfilrnlcolour film/ camera phone/photograph/digltat camera/talking motionpicture/DVD www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library Z,(ql 2no,{passardLUr,(lreln)rued e^eqsurlrJ ursllallolellids qrlqy' . zslroleleDsds aql oqe^es{eq}leqMqtl^ ssr8e no{ op'osl Zuorluauss)eeds aql su.rl!aql ^ueusasno^e^eH . ]o 'suollsanb eqt ssn)slppuesdnor8ul)iro/\ '" r slrol]lP salrDnPurrul ul/(eMraqlouv ] aqlq]|q/1^ ''' poo^ sr {llo€'PooM,{IoN e)rtun . .. sr aaLralalllp Btqlaqlouv . ''' slsoru{u pooM^llog e " slsolurllJpoo/!\(lloH e seoraqy'. ''' . ^e A eqlursarl!elluilsraqlnj erp areql '. sellsnPul.alql IV . 'nof dFq ol r\oleq sldurord puPsallpellurls aql isn saruererjlp OqlaslrPLuurns 'q).re€ser rno^tnoqesqdeJSered oi^l ro auoau/y\ 1 'selourno^ q1p/\ alaldLuotr ol (ress.leu r!urpBe 's,ra/v\sue areduofPuesdnorB ur!o/\ q qf,reasoJ rno^ dn allrl :qrreas PooMIlloH/ poo/v\{lloN / pooM,{llog Lr]eqlsalller' oq^ Pu€PlosaresurluaqlMoq . saurt/to$lerrd,(l ' [r$npu1q:eauryo,u aldoed,(upL!^ oq , a)purot qet sullr aqtBuol^ oq pueqrnLlr^ oq r alPLu ^eqtsllrlrllo pur)lPqM . a)Purf.ql sullj,(uPLu ^ oq . paterolare^aqtaraqM. 'alqPlaql alslduro) uraql Pesserdurl spata lel,3dseql qrlq/!\ul urllj P uoqe 3uDlel aldoede^!j qrlPn (] et /r^o!^Puol :slurodSuli olo, eql]noqEselouqeh seltsnpu! urllJaql lnoqearourlno PuljPue.ulluooD Coo,l{"{l-loH Poo,!\-{lloNOOOA!{11OS z^ oFq s3ulsnpulurllj oirql eqtlnoqe^\ou)noxoptel.ll What if ... ? , I' How wou d the world chanr. ' learntto communi.ate wlth .--_ species,like dogs or cows? 2 r3 Whar rl we had the po*er ro -eachotherl thoughrs- how l m a g i n ei f e v e r y o n ec o u l dc h o : i : t h e i r c h i l d r e n !a p p e a r a n c ef : wou d the human race change, Commen! 4 Suppose thar mencouldgivebi= just iikewomen- how wouidr': 5 Inraginethat a harnrlessdrug wri inventedso that we no ong€. neededto sleep.What wo!ld r: +1:+ 6 What if people had to passan eEbefore they co!ld becomepare.: how would society chanSel Language focus1 I Work in groups.Readquestions1-6 on the websiteaboveand discussthe questionsbelow . Haveyou thoughtabouttheseq!estionsbefore? . Doyo! evefthinkaboutothefquestonsljkethese? 2 Work in groupsand discusswhatyou think woutdhappenin the situationson the website.WhichthingswouLdbe beneficiaIto the world andwhich woutd be harmfut? www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library 'suoseeJ 3u!^!3isEap! arpduorpussrledu!+o/\ l lasrno^ roJsaru.ues1q3!elseelt€ sleld|.llo) q Auo fiI{sr!^ r - uarpllqc/srseed/Eulr€d/spu€rJJ,{ul r{era r II - (6sooqo) 3sn€caq ltllrcns €8€n€u€r r reqlouB pE€ pu€a o.r€€E€ e €a (u€o) lBods OI r}r (ecl/e €O tisla I I 6 'sscuB|sunc4c-&l€repun (re eu) r 8 _ Gsooqo) I 1l€d luslEnrlEEr r€cls.u 6uo ]ttsrd(@c) r r qtlaAts (eq) rssaq r qsra r I " esnmaq - oq or (ssooqc) d€p € roJ uo€I3d r €noul€r E rrlua €3cErd (3.3u8q, u€r) r JI 9 'plroa eqlul Euq1rtE€ roJ _ (aEu€qc rou) I t ''' (aauEqc) r ocu€rEadd€ ^E Foq€ 6ulqr ouo (o6u€qc E€c , r e JI e{ir (oq) 1I r€q,[ sul5€u4 ua$o I z "' (eq) r {uFi1 r I€rIIrnE ,{uE (oq prnoc) r II 1 LgLaSed'it {PnrsPeexI L jlleqM . qst& ^ ea I : s J o E n rs t u e ut e u r a ) . P o n J r o ' P3sna$qa^\ aw u! $serqd.rou 3.rq1lspatrp pull t sseql,o sa)uanbasuol 2suo!1enrF r(reur8eurtaqr ssnrslpor p.sn sturolqra qrqA € -s12o9sMaJe F6 pla 'snlo ]q6ho\r I ea sPuau] rno teqM ]no punoJ eM ]l 1oo) os a9 PtnoM | - Pelue4 ttPa +ad ^u ptlM M.ut t qslMt /0PutBeut3qr .q!)s.p 2suo|lPnrts ot P€sns!.sua1qlq,u Motsq$tdupxs.qrle)oot z rc rsed3ql zarnlnlAusssio ut suoqenrts rur8eur! tu a$qaM 6qt uo stdoad sqlaV L '/\^ol.qsuolF.nD€ql r.rcuv I 'slql^loqslPql quou.,ruor Pue9iL suoFenlls u! aSentuel.ql Ip eullopun suoltenlls^reu!3eru! lnoqeBulllq aJeollsqe\ eql uo.ldo.d aqI t I * > ItL uif'TfJf3,'* *o , Z^qA\Zqry,^ear8eno^ puesrledul)|lo \ q luop/op stu€llLuorqrlqi ssncslp 2ssatdxa,(aq1op seqs!/rpupseaplleql j8u[eFuroc ^eq] elEao]aq sous]uasq)rql .l0o30. tl ol u.lsl t,tt (g e€ i€aprwuS€ qrns.q p noM srqrdns]ou u.l eu,Seuitblrorls Mlrr ra3 p,.M5n spus,JrJno r€qa rno punotaall ,o 1q8noq1ltFar 'seep!r no^ ereduol pueslled u!Iro \ q 'U3ddsqpino.,v\)urql no^ teqi oqEel!^ pue 9OLa8eduo alrsqar\aql !uo4 suoltpnllse^tj.sooq] eZ arlupnoa 4Drnb lr]dd p.luaNreqptnoaqr]tq3u!t8 jo rpM ss3tur€d e $ant I ion]r se stqrljuo Jt tO l dtruual 'Punor)ool teqM 2(uaddeq) (pauueq sq)sle) dlqsiauMo e]e^trd ro aqt peq os (taB) uotullod teqt lt out8eurtI zsos lA,rourr-u DUP sPlo)llerol (p0-0^o)slp aq) arnl e JllusrarlP(eqso^IJno) MoH 9 aruerarllp leq^ zsa^llrnool (a)purt0 -lours asues ou (a eq) sM,!leulSeurl S lo ]eq^ z(aqsl)o#seqrJ - slo rpol (,1ole lou) saldnoresoddnst SLlisslre^s Zpasssrdep uorj eldoed(do]s)aq) leqt (patue^ur F^'^ o ' r":,:','n /5n i' rt roq € Z(usddeq) 3ulpa uo4 eldo3dSuruupq Mpl 1eq,111eauu e (sspd) uauula^oBeql tpqtsutBpL!lZ e]rr) 2(e8ueqr -,1 -tl ol.l ^laterpeu.rLursn (urnq) reqtBuo4sos{suor3q)lns aqtJltprl,^ ! 'st.)rerqu! sPro^\0q1JoruJo,lrsJroraql qry\ serue asaql atelduo) /v\oleq l-L suolpnlls^rpulBpurpeau no( I Supuerdp?qol anpsre suatqdd EpUd aql JorolVru.rpd? auioFq orEuruurJo uoDDUtFnb ,o puDlouoslo3.do.d reqrauB ir turqr t(tFnDv f,tudal ssen8| ,usr|eq,uu?r ql xq E pot lqSrurt at r.uptnoA 'u.ql3uBea uo llEr orrJnrurprtq ?.q ptnoarl 'uaqr qrh rEqrr 3^!q or |oor os.q ptnoart 'P3ru?altpal llqrrEqM pu!:uDlurwdaal.!rr€q^\ Maut tqsra tpu! eE) o^^rpu€8op€ ro3.4t Ft$ op plnoraa qsh l[Ea I tr r| FFqEr iou ou bN issoq atquroqlu qr$)JoarE unoq alou p@dsor. Etl ptnoaI ']. np,!a^ot,tu Japunsrnoq.soqr lE p!.ds ol.tqP aq l.uptnoaI iaFlroq aq ptnoMstq])ut!r I ) ,(l€) 6 s-LN3HNot 1)trfvud zauouseqqrlq/\ zsluauruo, o q seq qr!q/!\'3tsqe/,^ uollenlls 3ql uo 9_L suolFnts/CreurBelu! ot /tlolaqsluaululoraqt q4et{ e€ Interferingwith nature Sixty-fivemitlionyearsago,dinosaurs wereroamingtheearthwhenanasteroidstruck.causingdrainaticctimate yealsago,eadyhuman change andwipingthemout,Seventy-four thousand beings almostsuffered thesanefate whenlllountToba i n northern Sumatra, Indonesia erupt€d, triggeringa ten-year votcanic wintera(osstheplanet. Gtobal catastrophes arenothingnew.blt forthefirsttimein history, humans inaybemaHnq thetechnotogicat advanaes to prevent 5omeof th€m. IIIE IIIRTAI FiOII CLIiIIIIE CHANGE THETHREAT FROM ASTEROIDS Ctimatechangeis ausedbythe h 1908,anasieroid measuring Solutiont!vo: stjruptlreoceans Solution tworbuitda qiait umbrett! (quite extremely hiqbterebofdangdous rirettectua about40 metfesin diameter r! !!r!e tVedtures, a company smaLttoran sieojd) struck sibefia American l " r ' r v F ( 1 5! ir40 r e l rl o r o n b a ' HJayi"lelosh 9eophysicist particula{y (co,) andcaLrsed adm djoxide eiomousdamaqe. Nad haspoposed wdminq,h;spop6m bliidingagiant sLobar Itisestimaledlhaiave,ao€otobat ittanded i...-,-^^,. onBeijinq, NewYo*, or . , , - , . r -*.-^^ umbretliin space, onekjtomeffe " " , r r ' f c i L b P se. a c h anyoth€rli rge ' cjty,it wouldhave oDoJrroone,reto 9 r d u. I wide.Theaim isnottosiop ( y t u oa n d d e g c ebr ! t Le e l oo ' desboyed it. 5owhalp€paGnons astercids rler ro.r.rupr-poce...Why. €inin9downonomhmds th' rentury.eaUt1owlheefl"tu yourightoewoloerng aourowe shoutd wemake ta preventtuture butntherto coLtect andfocus sobr coutdbedtastrophic,butaEwe wanttoOottrisi,qqam,tneanswer enersy, ratlrer likea maqnj[,in! awaeoftheposjbLesotutions? jsscientjfi cattyvaul.Thebottom of Thisensqycouldbefocurd Solution orq buitda huaenuctear slas. th,"oceanis atmost fteezins andby onanasteroid andovertime, it ''.'...''.'..:-ltil|'nq''.0(o'dwdlelaortd(one &ob fton ea'th.It woutd deit€djtaway ftsa simFtesolunon: usea nudear wouLdtakeatLeastayeartowork, t ol h e 5 u r l ad. e n dd b s o rhbe qa n d ctaryasitsoonds,aEoupof C0,,aidsocooLrhepEnc bonbto destroy anapproaching a6de-ilsFomBriti:hun;versih€sstercid.Thissolution woutd Costa fewbiLtiondoLlau. probabtyworktor snaiter astercids i \ @lirve ychso Ben€fi isritwouldr'tb€a dangerio o i p e . ' e lLdoD v ar L o e D d . ( o o n . ' 1t 'o_'e r b : r n rp L d butahugenudearbombwouLd be p u n p er o ' n o u s q . r r i i t $ a n o r e c n n ? r y 0 o $ - _ D _ ' w needed forlrryerones, andthatis "oftoxicchemicals,auchassutphur ou.d Risks:thetubeswouLddisruptand a dangerin itseltWhatlfthe6ckel Risk5: it miglrttaketoo Long io wo*. po$ibty djonde, iiio theatmospherc. d$ircyra life,andtlre faitedandrhebombfeLtto eath? three:donothina andhop€ Surprisingty, thereisgoodscience phnmaynotwork. Tlreotherdanger isihattheast€f oid soLution behind theidea. ft echemicats nrightnotbedesircyed bui wolld Auyexpensi!€ solutioihas iosit thleerstoDbumino wo!rtd forma prote.tive liyerarcund Solutron splitintotwoorthrcebig pieces. probtems. rse decide to blitd theeadhthaiwoutdrcftecisunLight !e!5 Then w€wouLd havenotonehuge a hugenucLedbomb oragiant andsocoottheearlh,muchtikethe probtem butihree bis,Gdioactive umbreita,who pays? Thisisundoubtediythebesisotuijon Whocontrcb effects ofavotcanjc suption. butisiieattytikeLyto happeninth€ it?Sotheopnontodo nothinq tlresimplest aid most cosbaround$l0bittionayear. neainrire? Cosi:bittions andbittions ofdoth6. isalways thequ$nonis,isittlre Costlunknown,botintheshortt€inBenefi BenefiirrthisplanwouLdproduce ir: it maybeouronlyoption attEctive. iiwouLdprobablyinvotv€qLobat if there*n'i much atmostjnstanrfesutrs. tire before an Risk:rcLGdoes have alnostwip outhumani\rinihepstthrolgh Beiefits:ifsasinpteaid€ffective $sksrdowe reatlywantto buitda thetoxicchemicalirete*edinrheplai. bonbthatcouLd deshoy theplineil Risks:ifan astercid does threaten Risks: it mayatready betoolrte. earth,wewon'thavethetechnotogy without6djcaLaction, ihjspLan j6t mean'do could nothing'. ,'.s!i"ir,i,T1ffi li. E' :::"i* www.pardistalk.ir/library nd www.pardistalk.ir/library 'BuruJp^ lralfal u! aseeDu! ue asnet lpqol8 / osnoquaerD / 7t.tte uo ZO) a)|'lsaspB s 'dnldet / readdeslplua erd ot slopel8aLuos Sulsne) staBueqtalpurtl 'uo)Tnllod SeqLua I u! asea)ru!ue sesnet / otsaTnq!4uotauelddae^q Suttla^e{ '1113|luns peaar arnldet t,uop seqlol))rel€ z Tequo I / -alsel^ 07 eTnqyTuo) / pelle / tue^eld ot sd9! Surlr^)ei ! .(s)le/\^sue peror aql osooql € 'Buruutem ol salnquluor pue 1eqo13 quee oqt slpaqq)rq^ lLlSliuns palJer ol st stql 'Paseql ul qeluloq) 9 )rxollo lunoLue sql uo lredul:ue e eq Ll)lqM 'sluelo ees Aull u! aseeDutue sesne)uol aql 'sesnu^B eqt qllqM ^tplrlrals s olur t! urnl pueposnerp{eql uaqrt,{3raue eJmdersaurLl)eu pupso)tqasDraxa Buluunr oq_L 'rele^ Jopunleiddeslp puelst loql pup llri sls^oleaspejle lltMeBueqr aleLull) leql lpo]^eqf !notAeqaq ugar8ButBernorue ^q eBLreLl) ateLulp sleqLuo,llrrl^ qnp-oleues tl 'a;ueqr eleLullr luo^ d sdlaqq: rqm,,{lr:upala ueal),otPreua8 ot rateMotuotqSttuns pauer ^aq1 'L es!)J3xe U!r-eSa)Ualuas ol g*L suoseer qrleu ueql r'r'\oleq ploqulspro/6aqt))eqf ! ]ueJio rltlusrs t..l .rtdo4s€l€r ^latruilap no^plnoMuotlnlosqrtqA . 2{q/ 2pro^e J^q,^^ no^plno/ tealqtqrparol uoltnlosqJrq/. , zOsooqr 2$alFr8 eql st)ulqt no^op]earqlqlrLl/ . 'suo!$anb aql ssDstppuesdnorBlleurs u!)rol\ 'oserqrea uls!uoltnlos pr!qt3qt pueqlo^\ tpt{^ uollniosqtea Moq ^lpexe sp.lor\u,,v\o lno^ ulutpldxl 'u!e8psarnpldeql le )ool puelxet apq^\aqtpeau t )raqr ol ^lreuq ]xal aql uels zeqlqBtLu uollnlossqlleq^^pueot salepr.lnprd qrpeLualqord q)!q,,\ssanB no^ uel ;aq Plnot q)P3lo, uoseeraql .^oleqsalualuasen4aqtppeu ouprto^ r€tos rpapn! rprxop 'olqlssod aJaq^\suoseal. plnoqslauledlno !B 'e€eslrexoLlolj suo!$anbtliql Jeu]Jed ,rno,()sv \ qrnula^eqt,uopa^\, ,(essalaueq,(pul . a8ururp z\s.rlgedldq1;/eqol sLrse\. Sutqreordde ue,(orFapI,uplnoM. 2plorelsp eloL!aleelrlq8lLu , 1rueqtslualqojd 2sa^los zasooqlol ]seseeaqls . oLuos uo)roM^luoplnoM . isprolelsp :lsluotlnlos q:rqy'A € tuePnls jspalla.plsa^eqPlnoM. oA\^e,^aqtaSueq) ol a^eqa^,\ueeutplnon . ae,\rt l^Dtrnb)ro,aplno^ . tuele#pe slparltqSlur . 2eqdollspte) ot,(la)llunst . 2u,al uoqsaql ul ueddeq zernleuul suaddeq leq/^satdor . :(sJuotlnlos qrrqy'A v ]u3Pnls '^\oleqsuo[senbale!.]dordde aql ta,vrsr.ry splo.ralse lnoqeuolDos3qt pee!:gluapnlsa8ueq)aleurnr ]noqeuolpasaql peauiVluapnts.slred ut Uoy'AeE 'easaqlotrurlap,rod uor lo sauuola^utndtstluolls , 'qnpaql oi ap^r ro )lPM(oql l! sarlro, u aldoadsl.l uopuolul qnplqBiuauo a .slltq^lD!Dol€ ^ ol ^lqrpsr)ut seq3uo)BuoHut ur,(8ouo p 'vsn eqtuluasoco^efor,l aql urrol.lloq)eool ]xaueo]]tLu000'os€arearaqf tll ot uotlpuejtluoJlaqte^our ol sueld ^ ruqeurelellequt)Jopuelsliql ro sluaptsar eql 'ettqM aq Paluled ol e^Eqs3utplrnq ^ ou uo sjoorteu lle,eturollel u p )urqtno^op]eqi si$ssi)1}{t"t{l pt"{$:l i,}:}[.t$t:u\" flelnqeron oJedsut elarqurn € 3utplrnq . lue!3 quoqre€l)nu aBnq e 3urPlrnq . suearooql dn3ul]]tls . areqdsoullp eql olul sle)luJaqr rtxol Sudurnd . . \oFq seoP! eqt qlP\ sa.rnprd qrleh aql salnprd aql lp lool pue uorpnpo4utaql pe.t .solulsptorolsp pueeBueq) eleurl, :sulalqord agaqljoo,qquoqp s!ilal3qI ? a^q^ipuesauoqrlqi 2eLeslraxaulsr!.lqord eqlJo^u€tnoqp/Olo,uno^oC.s.Ied utlro^\ q 'spunospi o^ puesssrrsot uolruaUe tur(ed 'spioM aqtSutr(ps aslrrpt ?r€q)pupua$q z.r! z U 3rP]lfs rearo rfpsor'rp sarup^petp)Solou qrarslEluraqr1xol qanlt ssolSururnq ,Grau3relos suorldnr€ rtlerto^ sla^.leasBursli sqluoqrpapnu reModpu|M a8u€qra1eLlr, sslEnbqlea d,a)iulsprorarse uE arnleradlla1 .^peo/per uoDdnF pror.$e 2(s)surelqodrnool suorlnlosro (d)a)e,sBulaq upunq sLuolqotd se lpqt u€3s^IensnAeqlslv.xoq3ql ul sosplqd aql le )|ool ipass€4ss!qqpp(s q)tq^\ U^^opqsPloM nre/6rue!rsaqru!p$unouoi €ntqulq. \o^.ql.rei oF ! tulpeex Task issue Discuss a controversial PreparationListening ofmedical Youaregoingto discuss threedifficuttcases €thics.Lookat the photoson Page111andthe key vocabutarybetowTryto gue5swhat eachcaseis about. Case1 to bebullied seLf-esteem PeerPressure plasticsurgery drugs to prescribe Case2 attentiondeficit hyperactivity (ADHD) disorder easilydistracted 0epen0ency probtems behavioural long-termeffects Case3 a lifetong smoker a life-threatening illness lifeexpectancy valuefor money thetaxpayer theagingpoputation 2a 6D tt.g Listenandcheckyou.ideas. muchof eachcasesummarycanyou wo* in pairs,How complete? c Listenagainandcomplete the ca5esummanes. Readthe fact file.\lr'hichcasedo you think eachfact relatesto? Task Speaking OotionA 1 Workin pairs.Choosethe casethat mostinterestsyou.Think of thre€or four argumentsfor 6ndagainstthe surgery/drugs/ you need. treatm€nt.fuk yourteacherfor arrywords/phrases > Usefullanguage a andb 2 yourarguments for and workwith anotherpair.ExpLain reachan against, anddiscr.rss themwith yourgrcuP,Tryto agreement aboutlvhatshouldbedone.lfyouhavetime, discuss anothercase in a similarway. > ljs€ful languagea-c 3 case,andyour for andagainstthe Present the arguments restof the classthink? conclusions, to the class.Whatdothe OptionB croupA:Think about 1a workintwogroups. the arguments lol thesurgery/drugs/ ineachcase. croupB:Think treatment againstsurgery/drugs/ aboutthearguments treatmentin eachcase. work in pairswith a studentin yourgroup. Thinkof asmanyarguments asyoucanfor eachcase.Askyour teacherfor anywords/ phrasesyou need. > usefuttanguage a andb Workwith otherstudentsin yourgroupand comPare tdeas. Workin pairswith a studentfrom the other group.Discuss eachcasein tum,givingyour persuade arguments for or against,Tryto yourpartnerofyoursideof the argument. WhatisyourreaLpointof view?Compare yourviewswith the class. > Usefullanguage b andc www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library -:uotlsanbftI aql a rqnous raleqepcltqnd6ursnecs!3se33ql ^q/l^ :IEs sluouoddos,ZrO leqn :slrctunEres,z rc luaulFrl :spa3u pue queaq s,x sry\t :punorqcEq leuosrads,x srl lHvl.!wnsSsvc a -- FF- ':uo4sanbIaI 3q1 :slusurn6reureu pue aor^lo lulod s,raqre,srH ureurpue/l^3l^lo ltrlod s,ieqlolusrH rsruaurnore :paq!csard lueu4e34 aql pue LrolllpuosslH pUepunor6Iceq s,S^oa r{ULuel 3sYc ,^'uvL"t|/"rns ( Pr p ) . e r 8 e i u o pI { q1i\) ear8P.{tieroj r n q ' ! P a un o ^t P q / i . 3 s Eur..rBesrp/Buraar8v ) ''leLtt t a a t l n q r o l [ ] ] o s { t e i rt a ! } ' t P rD P r da qo l a ^ e qn o { ) ! q l ' otRlorM { t e r o us,j uo!do^uul ,' 0 1 1 q 3 a r L { p t n o qasi d o a)du r l t tI a i e q o1P.^1oll"o a! (r,u)Plnoqs.Lls/aH uotuldorno,ttudr9 q - FF.!s :uorFsnbI€l aql a"r-F pueuorrlsod.sluaiEd :suosEar :suose3,pue saqsrr's,)l ssrfl (aless []a:rnsa'1,rc! ro raLtFqalo uor]sinbe s,r i ( p t ' . pa q , l o s 1 q 3a! q ri n o q er e q / t 1 . I laq.!F'.ts PlnosaoH i{u rl !o sDau. uril Buotar.^1aaql) asoddns/lr req^\ $ute8e pue ro, sruaun&v e : c l a ' 3 6 e p u n o r 6 l 3 e qs . y s s r l / l 3sv9 ^uvwWns Language focus2 HypotheticaIsituationsin the past 'I with?why? Read thequotes.which doyoumostagree Neverregret. If it's good,it's wonderful. If it's bad, it's experience. Victoria Holt, author The stupid thingsyou do, you regret ... and if you don't regretthem,maybeyou're stupid, Katharine Hepbutn, actress regrets does 2a Read thetextontheright.Whose it describe? to page b whatwordsdoyouthinkaremissing?Turn What do p€opleregret whenthey cometo the end of their lives?Bronnie Wa{e, a carer from Australia, recordedthe regretsof her patientr in her blog ln spirationand Chni. Here are the top ffYe, a 'ffor y I'd had the courage to live a life ttlle to , not the life odrers expected of me.' . It's very important to ty to honour at least some ofyourdleams. b'Iwishlhadn'tworkedso . This came from every male paiient that I nursed. c l l o n l ) l d h d dr \ e c o u r a p er o e \ p r e s sm ) Many people suppressedtheir in order to peace keep the with others. 'I wish I'd stayed in touch rviih my . 126 and check. situations 3a Thesentences betowreferto hypothetical d in the past.Tryto guessthe missing words. 1 she sed ves'if asled herout. 2 | folLowed my beherenowif | parentswishes. 3 lf I keptin touchwith her,we_ be friendsnow. 4 lf | _ seen teftworkontime,| _ ny children beforetheywentto bed. 2a. Matchsentences 1-4to regretsa-e in exelcise c fi tt.+ Listenandcheck.which spealers expressregrets? Lookat the sentenceswth ilonly or Iwish in etet.ise 2a. Do they referto thingswhichhappenedor didn't which verb form foLLowsf only andI wish? Za which sentencesin exercise3a referto the pastonty? which referto the pastandthe present? whichvelbforms are usedin eachcase? 3 compLetethe sentencesbelowin two ways,one referringto the pastandthe otherto the present, usingthe wordsin brackets. 1 lf l'd beena bit mo.eambitious, I (beprcnoted / benanasel. 2 lf th€y hadn'tsuppr€ssedtheirfeelings for €achothel they (geftoget efl 3 lf she'dmademoreof an effortto keepin contaci,we l,ot losetouch I stillbeftiends). I ReadStudy2, page162 www.pardistalk.ir/library . Ii all comesdown to love andrelaiionshipsin the 'I wishthatI hadlet myselfbe . Many peopledid not realiseuniil too late thai is a choice. www.pardistalk.ir/library 5uopttttruea^eqnoi oO L Zsuoqtqwe 'suor$enb eqtre/v\sue red ur)iromreeqno^leql PUE)sv suo!$anD e lJaq] u/v\oP alrl^\pueua$!ls tL u, € 'a^rtll.r uoeod e st s! tqS4oql ltBuolMo.l zL '3^eq a ra eql ll.Mno,{{lrunuoddoxsq eql s: 'srrtrno/(Jo q8norqlpatsPl Four sPqleL.llouosr')le Lrlslqord/uolllqure v o[ 'rla {lrurP}'auroq.rnoK q]!^\Peuro)uol sjll rno^lo tpd eql q .rno 6 'no{ V8 llll lq3r,!rpq}sLosr;seeslp 'uraql rol sLlalqord alPoD ol -oleLu loJ no^ll 1 $aq rno,{op no,('auoauros 'a)l l,uoP^aql uollenllse ldal)e ilou rql qere \oruuorgses1ejBej oruesaq1 /rql Zslueqed e,reqlurr nor(lugqlnor(oC ssnlslppuesjed ul)|lo/t Z .asoqf, no{ suollenlls oql oqe{elo} surntq€lPUPsrlpdu!)ro/r l '/r^outuorajjlPeq Plno l leq/v\ ro peuaddEq e pqplnoi leqa lnoqe)ullll Luaql suolPnlsaarqlasooqfzeL tnoqE$]ou aleurPUP aspFxeurseuoeql allt stolSor{0, ta rnof eH q ol o^eq^aql uaq,4,(esgldoodteqi s! ,j , uot-rd 3ur^,teql ajrt {F)e{o slool arlets V 'leolj 10{ dleq ol lee^ no^ Sulqlauros sl v 'salPrauoslrd eqtllun {qlssod'uoslrdu! LujatSuole s! V g 'soq)eaq uoSulu/sorP uro4 oldodda^psol srqoletoqMouoauios sr VZ 'selrolsul sueooeq 5e^l ursupeui.-./jJ leqa ol fal- ul. ! Pasoddo lear '/'^olaq suorllulreP eql elqduo) Z .atualuasq)ee ule/, q r^saoBq)q^essqdlo pro^\eql oullopun q s,ajaqfislleql il lnoqeop uprno^Bulqlou s,rl ZL lnq 'azldeq] ur^ l,uplpno^leql 3u!tuloddeslp iuaqt ol llet Plnorno^ no^teqtallt osereslspour xe ^ eql !! loollsoLulP 'uPur alluaB'lernb e s!3u!)pprglparur'aBeLul ue.lrsqBnotslqsltdsacOL '1a)rPfrno^ uolnd oseald uq'Buqutsdrqsaqtlo ra3uppou s!eraql 6 'sn roJ 8ur)pL!srprolpuel tln)urp,&a rno']nosn,4^ojql {llenpel.uereqq8noqllv8 iaur] PJo alueqraql s.]lipeJluorprolarp pararouseqa{l 'Bulua1eelq1pu srssaulrslqi0ro^ t,uo6 9 'raprnur roj o)uatues e ua tB sp,rFsnlte aq1 .pau,Morp a eq B!!upl!q) aql'qrpaq eqlle^tnpuouaeql,uppqprenB oql]l t 'plromaqtlo sued$our ul SulsesDursr laLuo^pueuaL!qloqroJAueltadxa€ 'ate udslqtrnoqe suo!$enb sroMsue ra aure)reN ruueclope aqt z 'aulur jo uoltlqure Suolv p uaaqspq!.reJes e uoSuloDL a]!t 'uo!]FoolJelol oql ulI alr /v\oFq A sef,ue asaql LuorlPalllurou€aqseqajl!,pro/v\aql eL aln lodsprol "' qs!441 iur.l uo safs (lasle^eu) | qsl^,I 0 t i^ltusraJrplle trop plno,u I sanurur o^rt l)pq )lroP eql Jtnl (ueJ) I ^ Lo ,, 6 'Irpd leqr ol (oBra^iu) | qs|l^| 8 iqlnol! {ur (uodotou)| ]r tonaq Wnur- (aq) ]l iropreq(,{4} t4uo,, 9 'surrlerour(Molle)usl^,I 'luuaHrP &a^ (aq) sln {Lr req (t.ru tou) t., ;rr (^nq) | qst/r\| € itt (op tou) | qst,!,I z (u;ddeq ra^ou)P;u;ddeq a,^eq-:5Fbu -pnoM i 1r,{llnta.e)o.roru(lDLr)p-b)rrqr D ,, .slalrerqu! sqre^eql Jo t{rJo,poJjoreql qll Molaqsaru.lueseql.lalduof e l t)trfvud Speaking Reportingopinions Pn01EsI\ Workin pairsanddiscuss.Why areanimalsusedin medicalresearch? Whatarethe mainarguments for andagainst, doyouthink? 2 public ! 0r11.6Listento a report€rsummarising opinionpollson animalt€sting.Complete the four questions whichth€ presenter asks. ... 1 W h a t d o t h e? whatelsedo...? Whatdopeople feelabout... ? 4 Howwoutdyou...? 3 Listenagainandchoosethephraseyou hear. 1 Recent rcsea/c,/ op,hiorpol{ihavegivennewlife to thedebate onanimaItesting. 2 Atounloneinlive / orei, fe, peopLe believe that it is neveracceptable. 3 Aquarter/ Three-quarferr of people thinkthat experiments on monkeys andotherprimates shouldnot beallowed. 4 Motethar thrceout offive / four out offive peopte thinkthatexperiments whichcause severe suffering or painshouldbebanned. A 'for andagainst'essay 5 )ustoverhalf / underhalt thepeoptepolledalso saidthat expeiments on newmedicines should I Workin pairsanddiscussthe questions below. bealtowed. 6 Thevastmajoity / Atiny minority of people,avel 1 Howmanysituations canyouthinkof where 90percent, areagainst testingcosmetics onanirrals. animals areusedfor entertainment? zoos, 7 Onthe whole / Aenetallyspeaking,it's a ol,ixed bullfights, ... picture. Butthe results showthatmoreandmore 2 Canyouthinkof anyarguments for or against peopte areconcerned aboutanimaltesting. usinganirnals for entertainrrent? Writing 4 Readthe research beLow aboutDublicoDinion on smokingbans.Rephrase it usinglanguage from €xercise 3. 85%of peoplearenon-smoke$. 65%of peoDlesupporta banofl snoking tn aUpublicplace6. In 2001,only 35%of p€opte supported*e ldea, 48%.of DeoDle supporta banon 35%of peoplethink smoking shouldbemadeconptetety iltegal. 95%of psoplethink that the Inbimum ageto buycigarettes shortdbe 16or hi{her. 5a Workin pairs.StudentA:You area presenter on a radionewsshow.StudentB;Youarea reporterwho issummaris'ngthe res€arch on a smokingban.Act out aninterviewsimitartotheonein exercise 2, b Swaprolesandrep€at. 2 Readthefor andagainstessayon page115. Summadsethe arguments on bothsides,Werc any the sameasyours? 3 Choose the bestansweG betowto completeth€ essayon page115.Sometimes bothanswers ar€ possibte. t howevet / although 2 Arfhst / Fnstofall 3 lt'sinpoftanttoremenber / Dan'tfarget 4 SecandLy I Second 5 Lastly / Iast 6 ontheatherhand / however 7 forexampLe / suchas I Furthernorc/ Whatismore I Another argument / Also lOln conclusian lTo summarise 11lnmyopinion / Tomynind www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library q)eeUoddnsol lulodFqunlro sldurexe upro )ulql PUPtlUeLUnSJeNsSUOrlSsarqlrO O/t^lAql eSOOql aqqelulueuostuoLulrodxa 2PauuPq Plnoqs . eL!oraq zueue]a3e^ o1aldoada8ernorue aql plnoqS. lueurura^o3 aqSurlunq zPauueq Plnoqs. 'lsule8epue.ro,sluaurnSrp ]s!le sleN ro '/v\oFq s€1111,(esso aqllo auoasooqrPuesrledu! puero, e ell.r^\olSuloSarpno^ P9 )ro A ^esso]suleBe 'uerP 'u3r.ll leulJe e{r/!\ 'quaurllro)rno^aplnSot eqtesn suerp $lDitreq, s/eqloqteauo aururorol sunl s)PI rled uluol q 2uo!sniruoJ alll u!uoluldolpuosrsdrno^ua^t8no^ a eH . :eg tss!)axaul sasqqd/sprcM 8u!tu!leqrro tera^aspasnno^a pH , zrutoo€qun, Pio atour€xts ue q1!,v\ ruaun&p qrpaparroddnsno,(a pH . tsu!PAe aqder8ered /oJ qrPaulstuatun&Po/r^1lseol ]e apeuJno,(a^PH . 'qder3ered 2uoisnpuorpueqdprSued,lsu!e8e, 'uolpnPorlu!:sqderSered inol eraql erv . ,roJ, ^esserno^ lo tlerPlsrlJaql a+/v\u3r0rv\oFq$!D)3q, aqt peau €g 'lu6rmro4 ue le,rnq€u.r_Ieqlq srBuIuE gslpep.rd uo FncoJpmoqs e.i pnE sa l$sod ow rsle,v4no saa!4€8€u lusum!€q.Ielua .roJsIeEluB fi4da$I Jo -rr 'al€q3p orn 9q1 te e&oq ' Jo ssp_rs qloq uo slEeu\8.cE fuor,rs ar8 oreqq -0, lsol sI 's!q1Jo podt€ 6rlq osnE €g suEunq T€uollecnpe prmor€ e^ll r!€qt uer{nr rlluuopl anrl JI€ql asol -6 'II3r\ marn 1€o.4 ol st€1IIFreqtsqtsI paraqpq eq tr{r€o .ro proJ5€tlr€o ue$o sr€doart 4ern puE suolqlpuoolBJn?€Inm'padmEm ur 1da1l ft€nsn ede ,feqt sa I €lq".fo[tro pu€ oJBso arl 1ou op rledr s-rqlur p€Fn ar€ oq.u rl€tr4rr€ lsou '€r\8.re ' -e ,{er{1 uropssq 01 lqFlr €rlr '8qq8].r qBEIIIB l€qt rlFaFFns T oE a Eq . asn€Jeq q1!4^ssJF€€Tp', €6pr eioqi srlt ilueur4€.-l,Ialu3 roJ stellro€ ft{sn Jo s$euoddo )n eqlutuaddeq lllls slq8uBop're^e/v\oH / uorsrltuo q / elduexero! 'lar)ssul usddeq ualo ^altxqp6loll,uop olweuodwls,t / e!o$t4 IpqlEquew arPslqBqIPL!ruv lnqsaulunor $oururlPSallr 'e)ueltte 1a3no,(l Fd E se]loMe uMoupr no^'pplroliut'1srl|v I seqTns I aldwexeto! letr.ltreat1luospuadop1r{6ro.4?e aLuos ul I JeAeAOq I luewn6)elerltoue',salets plM Budaa)'VSneqtu le8allrslsledseqpLr]rup 'pouodxe pue pauodr!requerqeuruPqlrqMlnoqesilnrl)lrls dP dagl'elow s!TeqaI Tuaurnare )aqlouv / ourrequnt\al€,|udtdq aqtouuer saredspar.Buppua osry/ seqrns/ a4aexaroJ 'lueurUreuolue ro] pasnaquerqeu.rueqrlq/r^ Sururaluol s^ el plls arearaql'salrluno) $ou.rul 'asuas aleu l,uoP .roSuor^{ereleq}i olaq(s)aserqd aql lno ssorlr t ',{l$Itd€c 14 e$I plr€ elqeldep€ e.r€ steElu€ ',C€s rlotil3 Atgqr€ pu]/ pIIrrAl€e.r e €es .re^€ l!€ql ' IEU!u€ , eql q u uollcuru ItLi oldosd 13o1l1 leqg,{e$,{Iuo s€ gAeq E€ulrre de$I tRrroq€cnpe lus|lodEl qolql\tr Eecqd .reqgo pu€ sEnlr€nbE 'sooz 'erEr€ -, sJ31loddm ' lueEule?.rslu€ .roJ pesn e.r€ ,feqg u€ql^ @o.rJ peqceF.rd €rE r(€q+ pr!:€ lgq1 pr!-e l.Ioqs €^Eq rslJo plll eql ss Illu€s€eldrm -e 14 fleur!-{re ssamsnq luoculE1.l3laa aql 14 aJII €ne,{o[ue e.rcE prr€ .r3JBs E o €q rIEuruB lsou l€ql ,4€5 luam1nE?J31u3 roJ 8l€urnrE esn 01 yo sr lr a^ar3q oqM aeorn ' a a1sr4€98 pu-6 roJ srtroEn8rB oq1eJ€ leqlvr os qoedser eroE ar\"l3sap sI€G.ruB ' -, 1?W er\8re €Idoed suos I€.rrq€u 5€ T ees pu€ pe1lrE.s .!oJ s.rq! orrq sn Jo lsolI 'eldoed Inellelus oq pasn a.rE {FuoqErqrE flaEfirB .req+o rl|ilEu pu€ s3sn fir 'sumTJenb€ 'sooz uI awmNwwNrffi WNWWSffioffi& Reading andvocabulary lianxe 1 Workin pairsanddiscuss.Are you interested in ceLebrities? Whataboutyourfriendsandpeoplein yourcountrygenerally? 2a Workin pairs.Checkthe meaning ofthe phrases in boldbelow. Thenchoose fiveof the sentences.Wlite the nameof a petsonfor eachsentence, wetl-known He/She... . hasbeena househotd namefor decades. . drawshugecrowdswherever goes. he/she . is/wasanovernightsensation, . hasbeenspaashed acrossthe newspapers recentty. . hasa reputationfor actinglikea diva. . trieshardto stayin the mediaspottight. ' is itt-equipped to deatwith the pressure of fame. . istryingtomakea comeback. Workwith a newpartnerTaketurnsto saythe namesonyourList andguesswhyyour partnerchosethatperson. www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library .roJailssP 2e]llujapouu0a)uenllul peqPro PooBe ,(luleuselluqalar elv , oqlulluelrodru!os 2puo^urapoul euro)oqs^eqsartlqalol)utqt no,(op,{q/ . 2a Pqno{ opsueerPIPP ro PuqleqM'osJl 2snouleJ 3uleqpoqe ueerp,(ep ra^. no,(oC . 2auoq)rql 2tou^q,\ /^qr'Aj^tun oddoaql peqno^ trMoLsnt^]lper e u yed alet no,(p;n016 '^\olaqsuollsenbaqt ssnrslc.sdnolSul )lo A :c e ^q pete^rlour eroM auaaH turnrehl pue preqrlU ^qeqord 'ele siouleuaua aqt,Aj uO ]sadeaq) ol dul^llpalpq)]edu.rPs ' pasnpr spi jo salllqelsr 3su eqt,funluar q16Leqt ul € ,ouseMelaql esneraq s3rllqola) le^\e,t 3ra/ aloqtr,&nrual ql8L eql ul z _eopDio)aiProl srolelPelS olll r.l3u t 'aplte aql otSulpro)rpsarualutss.ql etalduof aldLutulPc orPuoo -..-- uorlpl .u:.H q)tedups (ue1opreaqnofpep;s"..", !uo4srollnsrlqrssod eldur^rlec olpuoc oL t a/o€ upsns pl3u3rrq,{a3ro.D r", "r"r"o peeu.slled "i".':[roo::]:'u: plp^\oH ssnrslppueel)lJEqoqaoqt ut)lo \ sl^rioMalBurs $atearB.saluqeleJ6 asnPr3q)!ull) r!rlelqr/(sd e ul auJl aLlosluodsel^o€uesns g ZU€d3q] urllo]allp se^ ]l)ulql no,(op^\oH Z sluolprpard s,loqre ut L ZerulSuluror teq,1^ A)urq]no,(ops,(e,1 'suo!$anb aql ra/!\sup pueeltltJeaql ol uo8rnpolul.ql pe€! e€ 'snoure,t aq ot podxasreBeuaetlo I focus1 Language ,..1. r'r,t|'\{I,r]Ili.:rrt.]r\:linfirrititt*r reaLLy lf someone work in pairsanddiscuss. kindof a cetebrity,what wantsto become personatity aretheytiketyto have?Haveyou evermetanyonelikethis? t gotoacLub to c€tebrate, Its afiiendt bnthdayand shewantsto Whatdoyou do? butshe's iotsurewhere. bump Likelyto whereyou're a Younrggeslgoing somewheretun 2 areintloduced to vadousnewpeople Youarcata parVwhercyou 2a Workin pairsanddotho quiz. usingthekeybetow b Addupyourscores to page130andcheckthe quiz then turn go.You'rc suggestions aboutwhereto Youdonl tikemaking to lindoutif youhavethekind conclusions decide. happytoteiotherpeopte Doyou personatity to become a ceLebrity. of go.If its not'the enddecidesto Yo!wajtandseewhereyourfi it says? agree with what rightphcetobeseen',you'ttmakeanexcuseaiddosomethrng namesand b€rpeopLe's a Youmakea biqeffortto remem somethingaboutthem. r-.memberpeopteveryw€lL. b Youfeettoo neryousto betierthanyou rememberyou c Youexpectotherpeopteto - thatt whatusuaLLy happens. remeriberthem having andtheyare someofeweatihy, Afrieid ofyoursismarryjng goabout guesis. Howdoyou a bigweddinq withrichandfamous choosjng anoutfitforthebigday? ptanri'rgtow€arand tookfor a Youaskotherpeoptewhattheyar€ 3 butjthasiobe speciattoweat b Youtookforsomething ir theiuture. thatyoucarwearagain something anoLrtfrtthatouilhines c YouputaLotofeffortintofinding rightpeopLe eLse, inctuding thebridellripressingthe everyoie atevenlllikethjsh exfienr€lyimportant 4 Woutdyou be despentetoinrpress Youmeetsom€onewhoyou're preparedtoteLttiesaboutyourseLf to makethe ghtimpression? asyouare,th€nthafstough a No.lfpeopLedon'trespectyou whatifpeopLefoundout? b YouwouLdn'tdaretetttjes c Whynot,ifit hetpstoqetyoufoticed? 5 ata sociat A ratherbonngex clasmateheadstowardsyou qathe rg. Howdoyourcact? ndsomeone f otto remember himaid quicktyfi a Yo!pr€tend g to tatkto. morejnterestif move0i makeaiexcuseto b Youhaveafrierdtychat,then whowon'tmindtatkingto you. to ind someoie c YouarereLiryed Underlineallthe infinitives(to + verb)in rhe quiz andcircleattthe gerunds(verb+ -i,9). Matchverbpatterns1-'10belowto other You suggest 9oin9 sonewhetetun. + gerund 2 preposltion . . . put effatt into ffnding an autfrt t h a ti s t h e s u b j e cotf a s e n t € n c e 3 agerund Being famausb the lastthing yau 4 verb(+ object)+ inflnltii,e A repotter asksyou to be in a phota. Yar nake an ellort to remembel 6 adjedive+ iniinltive Youre likely to bump inta ftiehd.. 7 too + adjectlve+ inflnltive Yar'rc taa sensibleto wotry abart it. why someone I an infiniuvethat describes doessomething(infinitlveof purPoseJ It's alldo.e to attract attenlton. e Gane)wherelane/kins + \adie.tive +) . . . suggestionsabout where to go 10 v€rb+ (objecr)+ infinitivewithoutfo You let athet people de<ide. I ReadStudy 1, page 164 6 Youarcat a chanryMnt anda reporterfromthe tocatneffipaper asksyouto bein a photograph.Howdoyouread? butyou keenonbeinsphotognphed, a Youaren'tespecjalty pradjsjng in ftontofthe b Youposehappity.You'vespentages tookgreatin plrotos mirrorsoyoualways hidebehirdsomeoretatt. c Youmanageto Q 1a: =2 b = 1 c = 3Q, 2 : a =b2= l c 3 0 3 : a = 1 b-=32, b'2 c1,06:a=2b=3c=1 Q4:a=2b=1F3,Q5:a=3 www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library ^ueaArB no^ 2saldurexe uel l&lunorrno,(uruedde!srq1.)rtsBuLql oC Zlou/{qlA/^q^ZqlrM ssr8eno,(l,uop/ope€ospraxa urrruolsrlqr qA\ sAau zsguols . tr u iot {.iosrseal/lsou lsa,no(oPoqt/. , 'Moleqsuor$anbaql ssn)slppuesdnor8u!)ro/1 ? eArB raluasard eq1saoc z Zsuorurdo,(ue r eqtro,a^r8Xaqlopsuoseer teql L esuoluldo 'suollsanbaqlreMsuBpuPurPBE uelsl -Moulol ',{pM lqBL aql e^eLlildoad ]uaral P E ur sa ellaquiqt pup'aSpurl )rtqndure er P saleerl,{]!qolar e Jl , '3uo.rMsPM { urel puellon aqt }o tuoLu}eoi}aq-La 's,ro0eosMau aql s,xs,t p lou'unq areuarplrqls[] lltlnp, ^)P lrd ol snourel r\ 1q3r.ql.^eq aldoad ' '.. ' ''.--.^', \ rr'prw: lqqw l ol ssnrxe uPseuarplrqr stqButsn sxq I 'serots qlns tuud leqt s.lededsMeuI aql3ur^nq roloLuelq ol oreltqndaq1€ ! ) 'suollsanDarll ssnrslP Puesrledullro,{ q d (ro):ie.lr eL ro prLde.Soro, sucerdolouc :ri.Jicnor'op q).lM g (elPrj -0110elJocro r qel.o,ro- (1"01)a_o,ee'aldoedraqto qltM uL(tU)'porllou (d.l.o {lL (1"3) r eu rol oC S "sooqi -ro saueu Zsarerrraql (iaqLuaLua4 s,d'€o.a ]p Jeuaq'lo1.rv t lraaurauraij 2Mou)no^alooaaq]rMu) lsj puatno^ op ro'Mou)l,uopno^€ldo€d rddeq o(are r1€ seruedtV € or(1e-)) /l.o 0310(d-otda{De€i(ro8) puodsno^ op aLuqq)nur Moq's3EraAE uO Z uo 3uuaqtP3 ZuMo.rno,{ leDos lnoqeleal no,(plnoM,1^oHL 3rq p ot (oB) uaqox 'sla)lrelqu!sqla aqlro L!ro, pexol aql qtl/l^n olaq suollssnbaql aFldurol eZ eLUUJs9 iore) jrt6!l[fa4'apltyt0.s0,.Foqepqtel(iq)-6rlous!lPql puElnoqppaflpr(aq) uEqrasror6uL'J1 .uo,!uos'ariqt n ^))ig 2$aq e)rl no^op solonbq)tqt )peq) pue ualsr'tL zL 0 tr q ^alsal Ie) J-e suoluldool raualsllaql qrreN q ;^IueJ puploh aql pue reurP!aluipolueuun aqlol)l16qlEduJ^ssraua$!l orpprp ol ua$q g zf eg Four arv n oL{suFeuoqd Ul 2reqlour roqpuppuelrohal]olreqlol peueddeq leqy' Z ;uoqre1eBe1 ue)et,reLleuetua p€urpuun, aqtspq^qy' L 'suollsanb aql rar!suePUPsauoF s^ aUo/v\feqf of uefsll Z'ZL t[ 0, Z uoNsuaduror e^rarer01 ^tBuorM auoa!uos asnrre01 suoqas,auooLuos orul)lrEq01 ! n o r u r i P . d a eo 1 ProuPreo arua!adxao1 p otqel e radedsMeu tsa4.E'tnat\tlanbod,'pt:^uot e alLrraqlu s€Mtoqur^s xas€ (aq) ,,, (3q)-,, rapatpu4{'uaUV [paa//l . t.!pl I rouqDruqlr!(3^a!u)P) ,.luPMr ')iro,{ q6norql ^u fi'tplroum tueMr,uopL l (a^6!qr€) " )a1p^\'4Loqaju ! ,iu]]ea (u€au) q6noua areno^a]$Mpaldnx€tuL aienof lPql 'luprnelsar p no,l(ra6)'" ulatqqpoob € louuq ., -0, qDnoua puHlsaq.qlslaup}qrar!/,lV; s!t:{o^Eq) uDasatatsuptuaaV, u41ua.qutwDtuaq -" qtroaBrErpqrs6utqrop . r n o q e( a t L a ) r0'(ppal ' ] l r o de r et p q i s 6 u t qBr r ! r ,r^a q r ! . , p e a p " arpnolsp uoosse'ua$otuot (aq)-, ]uen r,uopnof Ji, z ^rots fre^ud 011q3! e a^?qol lerDtDod^q/tsUrod^q e aq ol auo:Luosasp3lpup,qnq ol lSeul^Iurel SuorFP a^eqol uotpe leSata)etol r re}}Ptel|]eur-elrxaue a^eqo1 !D1'u4{'auuoNunurw .re$e (aq) , uoqp(u'parp) -,, s eu r yq r n us e r i a u s p i i e l i e { a q ) , L ^.rols sl^rols zlnoqe q)pa no^op aqtul saserqd rqt Jo teqi'saxoq )ulqt Bulueer.u aql paq3 erpauJ aq] pupsalllrqaFrlnoqe salrolss ^auo ^lrP3qolBuloSore no .rledul )Joy' uotpattD uan,adu . urq (a\ru6or.r)-r uo4 stdoad(lua^ard) sreia uaqi'urouijaa , rassEt6)rep (3uo]3q)-. aln sLqne sfrod oqn uosr.de sr,{uq.tar v 'slo))erq ul sqla eql i:l\il l)\.ilil }iir.:l.rrr:li:)li}r" tl Ii:xiii{.1.1 I selonbeql alaldcuo3e1 ,o ruroJparo) eqt qll^^.,uo1eq Eu1ue1sg1 at 1)u.)vud 6E?J Language foeusZ Whichcetebrity currentlyearnsthe nrostT Complete ih€ articlewith the phrases below I ookaLt'repnotos.WhdL do you knowaboureacl person?fyou'renot surewho eachpersonis,check on page'130. Readthe articleandmatchdescriptions A-Ewith the celebrities in the photos. Shedied 50 yearsago but achievedimmoria ity A through her rolesin {ilmssuchas SomeLikeit Hat. as an actor but shefound it hardto deal with the pfessureo{fame and somedirectorsfound her unprofessional. Hef deaih at the age of 36 was sufioundedin mystery.Sincethen,she hasbecome 'the most iconicperson in the world'accofdingto imageexpens, and sheis still regularlyvoted the __ womanthat - Her imagecurrentlyearns around$27 milliona year. Not n"ry peoole know thar he $a.red ou.ras p v ai ushergLid;ngpeopleLotrei- seatsi'r a cinemain Memphis.A recordingof lhat's A/right got him noticedand he becamean overnightsensatton, adoredfor his good looks,and changingthe face of popularmusicforeverTowafdstheend of his life, his ,later careerweniintodeclineand' photographsof him showthat he had become a-, bloated and unhealthy-looking. However, he stillmakesover $55 milliona year. Togerhe'wit1 l-isba'ro Le rccoroedl-isdebut ,^ \, d b,T n ten aoLr.s whle sLHef;-gtrom a cotd. The songshe wrote made him a livinglegendbut in 1975'andinsteaddevotedhimselftolooking ;riirii;it;11 i:tiirilll i iiirn] ii ' ' . . . . . he hatedbeingcriticised slredesperateLy !",/anted to be takenserious! sheotiens€emed to be suffering he bec€me notorioLs for not lookingafterr -.: he decdednot to focuson muslcanymore nroslm€nwo!Ldliketo havemet despte havingdiedln 1977 after hisyoung son. Fiveyearslater,just as he was makinga comeback,he was shot dead in NewYork. He stillsells millions of albumsandearnsarouno $12milliona year. Fe maoe ^:s musca oebut at t^e age of six, l\ l/ 6"6 1'u6t;r 1rr11.;iw'le l he wdsjust 11 ye",s going old, on to becomethernostfamouspersonon the planet.However,he found the mediaspotlight difficult,and " in the press.Incredibly, in o€arn, he may be makingrnoremoneyfromtouringthan whenhe wasa'ive.thanksto a stageshowbear-9 hisname.Aong with salesoJhismusic,he now earns about $170 milliona year B . - , " 1 9 8 3s, h eg o r h e r ' / s r b : 9 b . e d ( F E ,r ihe age or 16 whena reco.d.corpany executiveheardher demo tape by accident,and gavehe- a reco.di-gcont|acr.Sre d€velopeda reputationfor beinq unreliable, and from drink or drug problemsbut her songsand pedormances were often brilliant.Tragically, she died of alcoholpoisoningat the age ofjust 27. Duringher liJetime, albumssuchas Backto B/ack earnedher $10 million,but after her death,shewill probablyearnmuchmore. www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library 'FlJeLrJJedns aql ur €6ueqc 6uor^ eqt (a^6) o! I (tes) eL1l4s,lrtou ro r6qlaLl^ pue ileouol qcnuJ]set lluo,fi^olc^crq rnol leLtl ]ce, eqf -sa leter ro, slussard ^epqurq (^nq) IeuoL! q6noue re^eq louj 'dleq ^ue ]nolll!^ rauurp )jooc pue asnoq aqt ueelc burddous aql op ol rlcedx€, - 6 ness.)3u lt ulp3eu4s!t saru.ru.s.qt Bufps €slpsd q sproa.siqr rp 2parunouord /\^oHsPloepass€$.qt)|lpu pueu!e3euarsneZ si)uaN€s aql or:^ U3ql1proMruo sl taq,€)inuoF'pauor e) q)eautsproMloFqunu iqrrunor PUPs.)uaru.sxrsol u.rsl |zL 0-j L 'uorltsod Flcueuu rno/( ur ,uerptrqc(a eq) ol €lplstL! e sE/I,^lJ ]ou Jo leqlsqM 'q6noue InFsaccns lou er,no^ asneceq no^ q}l,|v\(aas) asrye,l oq/u sacuetuEnbcv ' .saqtolc /\Aeu uo (pueds) I€uor! Iue (e^Eq rou) '^ep[oL] uo 06 ol aKe /aq) I€uoL.r qEnoua (e^eq tou) € 'saped €tqeuorrlsetol (al|^uDre^aN z 'no^ uEql Injsssccns atoul (euocaq) rrlees spualJ]JnoI l|e Iq^^ 6uDepuoM - $n0uEl fllDl|c[10il0I,[0'{ 0l$[||!il||0t il il0[u[,t,ilrrt 'no^ buleaqg sr ]uElunocc€ )no, I ,,|outt ot loN / 6u!Mo6l +oN o t 'euroq pjlrjl rno^ rres ol / 6qt as Lt!o/v\ s,lj torJ ro raqFq.^ 6uUapuoM 'peddeupDt 6uleq / oulddeupD| AtI.lJel)no^ moqE outr(lroM 'tooc pue Jeueetc lnaJjneqc alqeller e 6urpuu atqno46u!^eH / a^eq o! 'pooqp uc FLUroue 6ut B.f/a^eq ot uorpllqc rno^ rot etqtssod s.il leqteqM 'sJadeds ^eu eq] ol ^Jols xerB as o7 / 6ul as u€lee.rql oq/v\ spustrJrt6 ro spuoufoq-xl 'slsleuJnol uojllsel ^q rresfcgrJc aq oI / aslcB Ja o, 6uo6 s! asues ssaJp JnoI lou ro JeLlleLlM 1 , 'slsll aJeduocpuPsrlPdullro A q :retndurolp asnot Moq^ ou) t,uop no^ esprexaelpq no^ a3PnBLrel auoueqtarour no^ t,uel lpsds ^lD Miu e ol e^ou noI p Moqs e uo arp no{ nl^trteer luetsoluol qol e no^ to8 l,ue^Pq tuoBrtlatul pue3u pooB,{leuarua s leuled rno^ . 1oo1 raSpuaale !r,no,{ , :rt lnoqe xljo^\ lou ol s8ulql a^rlJo lsll e a)eLUpue^rolaqsuolFnlls pZ aqlro aerql asooql sdnolSur }ot 'slePerq ul sqra^aqllo Lltoj p€JJo)aql ql!.Mlsllaqt etaldLuof.snourejpue q)!r -tON a.r,nortrlnoqe/iro/\^ ol s8ulql ual, ppsu q 'sre/v\suP pa,uol aql asootppue.snoLUpJ pue q)lr ar,no,{J! lnoqe ^r.ior ol s8utqtuel peau p! 1)u_)vud 'Z,(pnrs pe€rI S9rsBed (atdDi!€d lsed + 6ur e'i) punraRpot.d e - sLtd€,lboioLtd ayet ot / Burtet 6ur^rl s^€.ate aJe suEJ esnEceq ecead ^ue 6u!*e6 toN / outnag 'lqJed elq€uolqseJ € ol 06 no^ Je^aueq^\ Zzdeded e+l Aq pa^^olo! 6utag / 6ul^o oJ 'snoLlel auoeLuos qI/\ ueas 6ulaq / 6ulees oit Fntro 'no^ e)tllttear aFoed lou ro JeqleqM - I (.1dll]Ed rsed+ a/eq) i^rluuu|D.|.ce 9 l6ur+ or.^ + aq) a^lrrLrur snonurruor e 5 (aldlrred + ,u/aq) tsed purroS.^rssed e t a^rrurlur 3^lssEa e E \6uts+gra^+jlul p z punraSs^ne8a! rr)q4F! .^Brurlu .^np8aup ! 'aor.q suo!!pisap 3 q r0 1 r a s ! ) r . x au t P ) o qu t s q r . ^ a q rq r l e N $||0uul 0I,[['{ ilu ||clJ 0l$[||!u u0l ,!u0[uf,r,ltrrr H o l dt h e f l o o r l i ' \ j 1 Work in groups. Ta.keturN to choc€ dd speak about a topic from one ot the carrts. Each ropic can !e chosen ddly orce, 2 The speaL€r mat attempr ro speal on rhe ropic without hesitation or .epetnion. 3 Th€ sp€ali€r wim three points if they speal for 30 s€conds dd I Opoinrs if rhey sp€ak for a mirute, Anotter member of tb. group should k€ep time, 4Ifth€sp€alieriesitat$forloolongorrepeatsthesameiitea/point,anothe!grouphembercansay,cha:ll€nee',Ifthe group m.mbers aAree,the speake. loses a point. Tll€ sp€aker shodd rhen try to .ontitr!€ spealing for iI€ remaining rime. www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library 'o plnor' aqs/aq B sro^ sup eq1aut8euI 'au.:e3 eql urslrdolaqlJoororJl ro euolnoqeuraql)spnor qrqMurolroqr,tno^ {leu13euu1 uea11Li4. ]o ^l!qal6r e ql^l Mer^re1u1 'uoluldo 'aureB r nof r^r8 3u eqt ul rldot aqlJOauolnoqeallsqa,^ P.lO]luoLur,llor e a1l4\Ar 'd\oleqsuoltdoaqlJo auo asoor.l) fiutlrrs dn 6e11e1 r aBPnBuPt tnjasrr. $eq8lq zdnortq)eau! arotrs 'oure8oql^eld aql peqoq11se1ru aq1Bur/r^ollo, q puee o8en8upl lnlesn< 'se.plrno^ ol saseJqd oqlesnupr nor ,l/\oq Joaurosssajdxe oqe)iulq]pupxoqiBpn8uellnresneqlle)ool 'p€auno{ s.suqd/sproi (ue.:o;.nqrealrno,( )isv aureB€ql^eldnoxaoJeqlldol q)eaq seap!ro u!)iro/\ lslr€ alpt{ a^r,pueaarqluea,Mleq }o gdnoJ8 Su11ead5 1sp1 opro^pldlnjsssrrnsun aql plpleqM . 2BuorM Z,{q^puetsoqprpoq/\ . i]noqe Buqlel^eqlareeLrrpB eq1euorlsrrdolqcyq11. .suol$0nD iql pueeuue8 ra,usue aqlSut^eldaldoadeaJqtol ue$!ruaql sprer.ql uo s'dot eql peous.z! U, 'opol leq^ipue$Fpunno^leql Peqr pupeute8 eqllo selnraq] peaus]ldoluarerrtptnoqpq]3uel te leadsno^qrlqr!\u!aure8e AeldolButo3ereno zslqte)!r,rool,aqrBurploq,oqelao,no^op/r^oH ''',\rot tE sdupau u! 'aldoadreqto luorj ulql8ual te leadsot e pq to no^uaq^ suo!]entlslotgll e qer{ sdnor3ulllo A pue3u;uols!'tuotlelpdoJd 3u11eads Findoutfirst View 1a Workin pairs.Try to comptetethe factfileaboutMalawiby choosingthe correc answers, 2a Youaregoingtowatcha videoaboutMartha,agirlfrom Scottand whochanged the Lives ofchiLdren in Matawi. Lookatthe pictur€s. Howdoyouthinksh€didthis? FACTFILE MALAWI Populationl Arcund15 / 55 / 125 miLlion Lif€expectancyl 55/65/75yea"s Averageamount to liveon perday: 60pence/t6/t16 Percentage of adutts who canread: 34/54/74 Extraordinary fact: 20%of landis coveredby a desert/ water / aforcst b Coonlineto checkyouranswers or ask yourteacher. Search:Malawistatistics / Malawifactfile O wat€hthe vid€oandput the eventsin the order theyhappen€d. a l'4artha andherfamilyftewto Malawi.' b l"lartha's [oca[counciL herfromtakingphotos. banned c MartharaisedoverI100.000tl-rough do'rations on herslte. d shestarteda blogaboutherschooL dinners. e Manhabecame fedupwith herschooldinners. f Themoneywasusedto builda kitchenin l"latawi. g Thesitebecame evenmorepopuLar h Thebtogwentvirat. Matchthe startof a phrase fromthevideotoanending. Thenwatchthe videoagainandcheckyouranswers. 1 Martharaised 2 Hersimple blogwon 3 Marthapostedphotos 4 Shedidn'texpectto hit 5 Herlocalcouncilbannedher 6 Thedonations rolled 7 Marthaandfamity decided to I ManyMaLawians live 9 Twothousand children a the headlines at the ageof nine. b fromtakingphotos. c headto Matawi. go hungry. d Longer e rnoneyto buymeals in Malawi. f on60pa day. g wo{dwideattention. h to herblog. I in. Workin pairs.Useyouranswers to exercise 2band3 to retetlthe storyof Marthaandherblog. www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library .teln dod l,{lunor rno,(u! soltlreq) ro luPtrodullsoLuaql ateq)lq^ t Z^rlMpuP teqr'osll 2^tlPq)e dlaqolSutq ue auoPro ^auourpoFuopra^ono^aAeH. amoqe{lSuorFlae,no^teql sesnPl alqeueqlraqlo^uearsqlsrv . 2^qpo^our$ou lealno{ oPPALrOlluaLu sasner sql Joqrlqy' r 'l! pue ssnrslp rlolaq suol5anD aqlJoauo.soorl) sdno.rS u!)iroi l ''' dlaq ot spreMol seoB ^auoL! ^aql . / '" punorepsslPlspq 1l'up3aq 1refurs . ''' sesrer lnoqe lua^esql!ee^qrpl , 'suortpuop/drqsrosuods qEnorqt IauoLueslpr,(eql . 'selourno^eleldr!ol ot ule8eqrle \'/(]ps$)euJl 9e/v\sup puesrlPdu!)rol\ q rno^ereduror ' ' ' o l a P qs l u P c D l l e d . '" o)ulsareldSuqet ueeqspq tua^aslql . 'no^ dleqol /tlolaqslduord oqlasn peqtrleossr no,{leqt lua^o Sulslerpun,aql lnoqe sqderBered o/\^tro.uo etll,\ utrPW I qf,Jeesellnof dn elu^A 1/ ^llexloBuo|^ le^rra,^ / {eCasoNpa! / plrot aqllllqf:qrlpas u3&nf '(uollsenD ,(ra a lai suepu ^eurse)Peds auros)olqel oqtetelduof .Zesne, alqe eqt e dlaqro ot ^euoureleuop 01PAOUT {ar r3 anoxe eH,uolsenb aqlSu!e/,^sue aldoade^UqrF/ O eS ro] pasnsl (auouroqt leq^^ . pasrPlseq qlnLu^ oq . 11,(ouoLu s0^10^ul tua^oaql ]eqM r BuroB uaaqseqlr3uolmoq . :9 rodBul/.^olp,aql $oqe salou3)eN l noqe aroLulno puu ol aulluo oB puesluercSulslapunJleqolSaqlro auo asoor.lf /t^er^Puol lP ltseMf . ,(IP! loBuoh aqf . ,(PcasoNpa! . p o/ eql Il]!1 , 'a)elo s.)et tuo^o q)ee aJ3q,!\tno pulj ol eulluooD ;/v\opqslua € fllreq) eq]ro,(ue jo plpeq no,(e^eH ri.,lt'l.li.iil:i:ii.\,i1,"i,iiliiiiLr;t*,'\ii\ri-.lr,N\\, ll,l,ilii,.lur\\,rl.-\l1* Unit1:Wordspot i " r ,r , y . 1 Unit 4: Language focus1 r,li .lr'riir::f t,, rri't,r ',,, Iilrili. !.],,ir :111 StudentA 'l 'l Rewrite thesepassive sentences in a more conversational styte,usingtheactiveformandthe AskStudentB the questions below.StudentBshould givethe answers in brackets, word5in brackets. 1 Whatphrase withger meansto improve'? (getbetter) 2 WhatphrasaIverb withgetmeans'to contin!e with'?(getonwith) 3 whatdopeopte hopeto getontheirbirthday? \Pfesenrs] 4 Whatcanyo! getifyou don'thavea map? (gettost) 5 Whydopeople sonetines notlaugh at a joke? (theydon'tgetit) 6 What's theopposite of'Leave thehouse', (gethorn,C P AnswerStudentB'squestions. Unit4: Vocabulary andlistening i :r ,.' ' I r'' !a,"gzfoj"1/{i2t1w2 new toothbrvrh poti leiterj ligl^+bvlbs blr+6aat c^ra for 6r^^^f €^v€lo?et Thoneloy-wycarA have y assgorl Tholot laVen Unit 11:Language focus2 . , 1 1 , 1 . r , ,l l i r ' i i : , t l : ,I i wh:t do people regret when they.ome to the en l of th.ir live! aronnieW.re, a (arer from Aurtralia, rcco'ded the regret! of her patiot in her blog, lr?tEtton drd Cttqt.Here .re the top five. a 'lf only l'd had the courageto live a life true to mys€lf, not the life oth*s ei?€ctedof me.' . lt s very imponant to trf to honourat l€asrsme of b 'l wirh I hadnt work€dsohard.' c . Thjs cameiiom everymalepati€nt that I nursed. 'r only I'd had the courageto eryr€$ my feelings.' . Manyp€opl€suppressed thei feelingsin orderto k€epth€ p€acewjth orheE. d colle.t Arf cle^^i^g .heer€ : e I wish1d stayedin touchvith my friends.' . lt all comesdoM to loveandrelationshipsin the end. 'l wish lhat I had let myselfbehappier.' . Manypeopie didnot realise untiltoolatethat happines is a choice. www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library 'ctl 'qtEe 'a^rrc aera atddv tzvs 66 'ruo>lrer{ er^lls ol 6u ut i ddp aspald ltJM 'luepnts lns plnoM 'lelluassaaruerl 6ur^rC ola'slpaL! )iool )roMeLuoqesrruednso1 'looqls reuP pue arolaq(0I pue I pebe)sioq oMl roj arer ol )eeM e srnotlST peJrnber(elell]ejro aleL!) uosjedrllsersnqluepup ^lpua!J'elqrsuodsad poooleal snafou ol raqpar'\lulns uoL+erou sotD. 1 loll aoqs ol oo saop+ ]n€ &elospuD!1peq uopcnpa e)l eol3ol re+o alnsoelr.rl3L{ isiedns as6q1urluDlodo /ua t,us 4qDqord ro!_#raa I D, eq ol s i4uno3 o lddoq aoq selnsoeuqcrqe 'xapq,{+radsord unro6e] eql lo a^S dot a{11u D aro uepeas puo )irourLrac,lo \roN ro s34uno3 uDedornlLraqloueq1 .oDra^DuoL-+ reppc arc p ro^\eq1u sar4uno3 Feddoq oql to auos +o!1aoL.ls ^pnutuo3 s^e^rns oqo Dr€ aouiurrF s unsoql ueLta€ddolt aal l,usaoF, ort/"\' o raUV an4 aq ol s q1paclxa p noa epoad +sonl aoldood sql rolddoq eql ^r|unoc oql taluunssql EICINTfiITI=TIF'E5ITI-TEViT Eu;11't6:6 11u1 sqruou ^\at lxa! eqlre^o trauou r n o ^q 1 Mo p o l 6 u u ! e d a r , n o ,i(e t l M elrrr,srea^ uar u[uaraj]rp eq poLtesnoLt r( onba seroLt3 eL46urDq: €rDleuroapuouau aroleqO9OZ aq ,\1 ,enuuro.e6uoqr jo sepi tlerrnc ,! sou ddoL-t01qlod aq O\r,, olloj €ro )n 614 ut usru o lDr+ uoau l,us€op +oL_{ F^e^ oH .pelrollr ^og 01 ra{ourso op ort,!\asoql uor4 44ry arour oqo €r.^3q1 +unoLLro passa4sssel€ro froa.snoq aroLuop oL.t/!\esoql loLjl punol puo eeqol000't €^o peaarua& [a4o9]C troaesnoqloFoer op ^oql I ra odort 3ro u3u pL+ puno, ro+so3uotto ltis€ un €Ltr lo |F4!9 eu{oroJ ro ^q ^pqs +ua3€ro rq )i! qt lqorur noi 'iuou+oN bu op lotue iLorycDotdoadArDuraotl a)iroaesnoq sseulddortot lo ^rnol uDatC iljMa] lrnot doq ^ePqurql:au rno^ 6! l]3^a srLllrojsue d rnol s r n l n ]a q l r o j s a d o qr n o ^ P ! a ) a a / rs^l q lr o ' s u P l dr n o ^ a u D , s r e a ^ 0 gu i l u a r a l lp a q t r Mp | o N \6 L [ M o r e s r n o rq s i6 ! : s r ! l q s r u lnj o l u a q dr o j s u € t dr n o l laaa sr'lljo lsar oqlro' sue d rnol aLli}eqM s { p p ! e ^ e s} x a ua l r r a ^ o a ) L l a ql l M r a q r e a M uaqlroj slo ltr p€rd rno^ P!e s l r u o u r + oo t d n o tlrx a u . q l u s e r n l l L j 6 u l o c t s OLr!3ddoq pu $ tDqa lnoqc 0u lLjrtt01 ! ]nclsaqcro€ser aql io euo sD'.lsooDuorcua. !o si3r3q1lelnduoc o 6Lrsnrc ouuserel ,urDerplop 01sn ao o ttsr'-ta\seuo uoLtlraiddoq sn3)loLuot puel spueu 016u I 01 ro Ou$oFxa so q.ns +ueserdeq !o smo,rsnojou qr qs sa$l.v plnol LjcD4ereLt+'lddol.tsseero 6a,uodpiop ea ua!r\ pLrV 0u uoarplDp aur t O! fDr'4rno p lleolod 6.9t pusds €a t'q1 pLrnotqs ootoL.p^sd11e€^!n plo^DH ^q q.rDesar{laseu Fneq s Lt+rol lroddns 3u[ueos alJos sr oreqlaoN lua.€rcl3q1u 6u ^l rq punoteq uo3 sseuddoLl pqtsn €tslorlpo4snoibnarpuo o3r.]dosotqdluDn pulu ^ddoq o |ou s! pulutoulropuD,vl V , uOs aqr peeu ra^au plno,{ ea. 'p Dsltrg,'p!oa loop 'rD u , parepnocua leq ssolpu )t eL+iq pesrdrnsaroa iaql prall3o ! trq sour+€urosuo rdsns puD 4 usortporelunocLJ€ laql ,eu 01| 01. our^osuo|so Ar|ppr] ?rol aeN ur puu p no. ^eql 6.0lo le{tlo ^uo puo sralro3 1ee4suo 'sdo$ snq lD tc IeL]l srD3i 3erq1rol palorcl am ot ) 01aq1pe!o$ leqr tDr{ oepi €L$^q paiosut os aloA )iro aeN uo4 64ar. €puo ^roE znlrq !6u30pnrpuo asuasuouuo]lo!q o sannbel Ou$ooqC d qspu€r4puD ^sno ^qo .]1)l D1or eaouD4sLtcL_ta )cnlOupuglo:^€.uoF aL+sasDerc!I al ! set qrssodaeu dn suado sreouo4sor 6uqp1 eOLJolppnols ea lqoLt Ds.i 'uolresrM proqsrurc or Olprocro io urD3 aa ln€ uerplLr.]o suossot+EU eqtlo auo s,l eaDuo4sp o^o ar\ €ur t eq lo $on sra6uD4s ol ,llDl s u e l dr a a r e 'r n o ^ sqllou ae,lxou eql ur .)teu o] Ita)tr ere no,{s{.uriol itl:!! put rl"ej J)-eLtlCsJ!;J e r n t n j r e . ua ! l u u o 4 e r q € l a t r r o , t r eedr o j s u e l c l I luaPnls :Sllun 1 snrole8enBuel tulleedspueturpeey:711u1'1 Unit 1:Wordspot Unit 8: Task StudentB StudentA AnswerStudentA'squestions. AskStudentAthe questions betow.StudentAshouLd givethe answersin brackets. 1 lf it s too far to walk,andyou can't afforda iaxi, whatcanyo! get?(getthe b!s) 2 Whatphfasal veb with gel meanshavea gooa (getor wettwth someone) relationship'? 3 Whatphfase is lhe opposiie of get better'? lSerworse) 4 Whatwlll probabty happenf youwatkfor ten (you'ltget tired) kitornetres? 5 lfyou afetravelling in a lift and t stopsbetween floofsth€nlr...?(getsstuck) 6 What'sthe oppositeof leavework'?(getto work) Unit 5: Language focus2 '1 n 2009, AgrisKazelniks ran20rnelres ln 11.40 seconas. Hewascarrying 300kgat thetlme 2 fom Sietas seta newworldrecord whenheswam 200metres. Hedid t Lrnderwater press 3 Paddy Doyle completed T,868 Lrps in one hourln 1993. Heonlyusedonearm. qe6(6;16 4 r 2 0 0 4S o r , a r o r r d . d l " . t 8 o Sto d i d i t i n n i n em n l r t e s . L-eF 5 l r 2 0 0 a l d - " . ! D d h I d l " d . ) b a l l o o r' r n l n u t e sH . e L r s e dh i s r o s e . Unit 6: Wordspot On9th l\r.rch1929, the bodyof31-yearoldlsldorFinkwasround in the b.ck roomof the laundryheownedon FifthAvenue, N e w ' o \ . I r I w " s d ni n m q r d n r r . o 4m o d e r n d a / L i t h u a n r c andit s€ems that hehadveryfew fr endsandnofamlly.on that ev€ning, hehadmadesewrallaundrydeliveries beforeGturninq to hk livingquarters at 10;15p,m.At 10:30hisneighbour heard ( r . a r 5 b - t r c 9 , n s | - o B r " ndoe q d e d oG | | epo'ir Apoliceoificerhappen€d to be nearbyandmanagedto.each thesceneonlya few minut€safterthefi6t(reams had been heard.Afterintervi€wingtheneighbo!ritheofiicertriedthe front doorbut foundthat it hadbeenlockedf.onthe inside. Testingthewindows,hefoundthemallnailedshutonthe insidqtoo. Becausethe wlndowsweretoo 5mallioran adutto g e t t h r o l g h , t h ep o i i c e o f f i c e r a 5 ka esdm al b o y t o c l i m bi . a n d Theoffker wasfinallyabletoget intothe apadmentandsurvey the (ene. Fink!body1ayon the flooi ten metresfromthe dooeay.Therewerethreegunshotwoundstothe body:nro in the chestandone in hisleftwrist.How€vbrtherewasno gun in the apartment. andno valuables hadbeenstolen:therewas moneybothin Flnk'spocketand in h scashreginer Ihe polkesearched rhe pfemkesforhiddendoo6, blt none werediscovered. TheyinvedigatedFink'sba.kground,but foundno (onnections with lhegangsteBwhotetrorired muchof NewYorkatthattime.However, Finkwascertainly frishtenedofsomething:he had madethe laundryinto a krnd of fortre$.Allthe windowshadheavt,iron barr.nd it was equippedwiththe bestlocksthatmoneyco!ldbuyNoohewaseverarrested forthe murderofkidorFinkand no motivewaseverfound,Iwoyearslaterln a radiointervi€wthe oftker in charseofthe investlgation, commissioner Mukooney, dedaredthecase'an unsolvable mystery'andto thisday it r€mainsin the'unsolvedcaseylilesof NewYorkclq Police. Whichexpression withtrJi... 1 'ra"r're are 1"" i g" or " o gL-' 2 meansinitia[[y ? 3 isthe opposite of lastthlngat night'? 4 meansthe thjngor placethatyo! or wantmost? q mpi.! nrrha L,an,ho.t. r r,,7 6 meansyou fatlin lovew th someone assoonas you meeithem? 7 |.lFir. L- i r.o --ra a-r'ro ,.'(o- I < l - - d " d o t p e o p l e o - r h r g , r " . r , o u g er L h" yo! first seethem? O i( : r,,.a ^f r mn a ma.li.il ..ra7 10 nreans'before everyth ngelse'? iIr,riilrr r : l ; I , i ,r www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library 2dnleadsol no^)spseu laurosaldosdoC 2)lP1llPurs]o lol e reaqro^ oPsuorserroteq^ uo ZL 2qlel areaa plno^ aldoad]o puL)teqn ur ed a)e1,(lqeqord 2ra!/L!rqe)ll ro^ oo 2^rluno) rnor u Moqs)lletrelndode aurPuno^ uel OL lsoq ereleqM',dorl5 zlnoqpBur)le1^aq] ]l 6 )let aldoed 23uqoorol saulol]t uaqi lpq^ Mou)no^lulql no^oC lnoqeBuqlelar,no,( o1 lllaeaq/+losurLq o1auoaLuos rol aqoraqltqSrLu suoseor leqy' I )1P1 ro XrBue 2Paseald eqno,(plnoM'norlo^lrl3q a)odsauoau.ros J 9 ol suorJrdo -ro^cadlro( oD .Jlasrlo( qt tnoqepurur ro'sBLl rnor)eads ot puatno^od S 21ou^ql /Iq^ 20ppr)lpl ot ue$rtra^ano^oO t asProM qeadgleqM'SLlxes all013upro)rv€ ueqlrapnol . L J d . l t s P . e vl € oo l r or oP qtL/\^ Moqrauoeuros sLuratBur)eadsuo 10uer,no^]l Z Z^epolsMauaqt ul slulodSuqletLreureqt areleql L i. il i. iifiii$i:ll 'tilir" iif rl! :! I iitl ril lodsprol^:OLllun 't6 a8pduo e€es!)axeLuorj sessqdaleUdorddp aLllDV ) Bursnlno suollpnt!s 'xPoqtg^e) e arnsr0lsMo!) ro r.llnllaq]slfro]s s,uolleM s Aertraq]aqM auoou'Iepslqlol ua^orduaaqra^asPqsrqllo euoLl laAaMoHsualleuoqepaleurn leqplP',urllrltM slep Sulsslu eqlNadsa^eq^eu pue]r ppe09lerole qIM ftpLrarlspMuollpl4]eq}p;uleir uaaque^aseqlL eap .tlt ueuraqt ue^lSa^e! ^eL!puearolaq^llroLls +sPrpPorq u..q ppqsuoDnpqeoJn inoqeaulurerSord At PIPL{1no \d.o, tuoa\tidarJ.olpJlioMueuts\l1e!l,1ued[o)f, aql+olnof.uoLxie3 o] dn poloolseMfuolsatoqM.ql leq] p;]s.33nsu..q sPqtl ^ro$ aqllnoqeterlda)sarP raqp aql u0 lnoq8norql oqM^ueuruaaqa^pq.raq]'pueq pa^lo^ur ^tasoposuaaq.^eqelLlodaq]araqMsasP)Mal pue'!oqrnpqP aler0qoxolol uPlo lun0l)es,au0au0s araqlEraqM sasPrM.l sassallrMafa fiupuros uaaqaAPLI ^uPururlensnun seMaseluolleMaql arearaq]:5IPM sfq ple s]toqasoql p qtrM3!ll33nrlsseMaq sespuPq srr.lleloqs.^p! fipu rareprnlraql ilslrMslquraloqtal nq e pe! aqfqM u p dx; ostplqSt!.rslrll roouaql uo pPap q arotaqJtasLx 3ursdeor pupuroor.qllsoDe3u raS3els MoqJuros LreqlpLre roop€rlllP sroopaql )rolol paSeuPLx raqloIluo aq.L loqsseMaqleq] sr'arol.r.ql'^1rrqlssod 'sroop pa)rolp!e perreq aqllo asneraq'padPrs. sMopurM pueurooraqlolurloSa^eLl raraprnur s Llpuvaprrln! luPr paulurLror !nB oN )ull o] a^eq],upraqos'punolseM pauadde!leqM /v\oq^aLl+a^.l.qMouslradxaaullrl , . , ,. , f' r . . t , arllp€ sa^8 V lro{Jo plagsyqqof? tr8ot srur:lug . '3.1!peroj 'raqr?arqsntu[ paJu.radxa ue 'V sallr"ordd" lqs/aH qo| $au € roJ .{prdrr qsn8ug ualocls rraqt aroidur or spaiu ortd tuipqs € sLI . (s€pl.IoJ EII ;8ed uo s 6ldttrs otpm 01urnt 'y) ar!^p€.roJsuotl€ruas.rdJo airuauadn. to role qtl{ ant€alor roruis?'y saqr€orddPaqs Fq os rr tnoq?oEot ^roq{ourt tusaop pur qlrloul rrcu sanS€allorIro{ ot uou":rursard ? a^!3 01 stq g . z uopenrls 'suousattns savur'Pu3uJ E g r3q/uLlparuonlolr srr{aqvaqln1t sreal]rtrl 'xas 3t$oddo 3qt to laquaur e^rt?€]!? u€ rotustLIY . 'suorisaSSns s3$u'pua l e'g aslnoituirc^au€ op ro r$€lui aan '?dn a)i?t 01SII?A pm dn pal sr V 'suollsatnnssiIEu'Pua'{ e'A eturqr € sluer pu! qofraw€q sa]sqy'rsr.la{!'j .,,. , t, )sPI:8llun ^esll!,{ no^}eqMBuluueld selnululJoeldnor e Puedssl uollen]lsaql leurot ^ oqlnoqP)ulql q reqloP dn Bueqno^) lo ln, l€3 no^ q aurt raqlouP)rEq euoqdol a3Lrereno^ E lPa^loserurelqordsrlt 9l MoH t raqloP l eulleql uo suralqord uosradSuorMaql3urua8doa)q ller ol eurrlPeqe s,lrP zsrnl)o uralqorc]eqy' € raqloa lno lqBruP eSueleol p e aBuerreot ) Sull.aursseLirsnq luLelcurore 3)eu ot q leqr ^lPuau,e roJE zlnoqeleq/ /{ql z raqloo spuaLrjoAl P sanBealoloAl f, Fluoqd.l.l/r.uro$nr q pual.rllrlS/pLr.Lr j^oq e sl oqy' L Z8ul)eeds ' . I uolr€nrls '/v\olaqsuollPntlseqllo auo asooql e ti lrj iltl,:.il:ri:lfirri:\ii :t.i,i I ir,l tuqeedg:6ltuq 3u11ead5:g 1;u1'1 Unit8: Task Unit 12:Language focus1 StudentB 9 1l*iirfs nr Fess O n 5 t h N o v e m b e r1, 9 7 5 , a forestryworker caled Travs Wa ton was driv ng home through the woods n e a rS f o w f l a k eA, r z o n a with six of his co leagues, go den disc about six meireswide suddenly appeared,hoverins a h e a do f t h e m .T h e s e v e nr n e ns t a r e c l r n amazenent.Then Travis did somethingextraordnary.He got out ofthe truck and wa ked towardsthe d sc. was afraid it would fy awayand wou d m ss the chanceof a lfetli.e,' ne As Travisgot c oser,the disc made a oud no se. Ihen, a c c o c ol ir o " e e - m - o b - o . o b . - 9 - . lghl shot out from the disc and he d Travs above the grouid before throw ng h m backwards.He anded severa metresawayand d dn't move. 'Let'sget olt of h e r e l ' s c r e a m eodn e o f t h e m e n i n t h e t r ! c k a n d t h e y After a sho.t dlstance,the mei stopped and decided t o 9 0 b a c ka n d i n d t h e i rJ re n d .W h e ni h e y g o t r o wherethe d sc had been, it was gone, aid so was Travls.The police were soon invoivedand searches began Blt no trace of him cou d be fou.d. A s t h e d a y sp a s s e dp, o i c e b e c a m es u s p i c o u so l t h e menl story.A lof the men were g ven a le detector test, which they al passed.Then, {ve daysatrerrhe dlsappearance,Travs'sbrothetsin-aw recelveda p h o i e c a l : ' T h i ss T r a v i sa n d n e e dh e l p .C o m ea n d g e t m e . ' T r a v lw s a sf o L r . do n t h e f l o o ro f t h e p h o n e b o o t hw e a r i n gt h e s a m ec o t h i n ga sw h e nh e h a o disappeared.He seemedafraidand !pset and kept t a l k i n ga b o u la l e n sw l t h t e i i i f y i n ge y e s .H e t h o l g h t he'd on y been gone for a few hours. Yo! lack confidence,and tend to hide behlnd otner peop e (sometimeslltera yl). You wotry too much aboL: w h a t o t h e rp e o p e i h i n ka n d a r e t i g h t e n e dt o s l a n d oLr'ro- te.ro^d B-n9'a-o.. s.te a,..1-n9 the world yo! wou d enjoy.There! noth ng wrong with that, but try to be ieve ln yo!rself a bit more. I t y o ! d o n ' t ,n o o n e e s e w l l l Celebtity potential: A/10 A - a ^ 7 to rJ pslnTs Yo! are seli-confdent and comfortab e ln your own sk n and yo! a waystryto treat other peop e with consderation Yo! are Jartoo sensibe to wony aboui b - 1 9 ' . - o i , I r o - a . - a r - -- o i - l - e t h a r s g ' e d ( b u t y o ! a r e . ' t 9 o i n 9t o o s ea n y s l e e po v e rl t l Ce/eb/ity potenlialj 5/l0 14 to 18 Boiil'ts Y o ! a r es ! p r e m ey c o n n d e ntth a t o t h € rp e o p l ef i n d yo! fascinating,and almost everythng you do is done to attract attention.Getti.g not ced is more mpo.tani t o y o u t h a . o t h e rp e o p e s f e e l n g s .( O t h e rp e o p e ' s fee ligs don't rea ly maiter to yo!.) Perhapsyou' I get . . r n d r a e . b c rb L o . - a r - 1 0 i t o - e , a r . e Celebtity poLential:1Ai1A Unit 12:Language focus2 - 01 eft ro igl'r. 1.,1 cl'd-rJa ,,o" ll\ i, DreJe). v d l ) . M o r r o e . l o h r L " , r o r . A^ ri ',e l o L s e Alter he recoverecl, Travisto d an exvaord narystory o t b e l n gi i s i d et h e U F O N e d e s c r i b e d s t r a n g ea l e n s w l l h e n o r m o u sb r o w ne y e sa n d h ! m a n sw h o s m i e o but said noth ng Soonafterthe event,Traviswas 9: . " r- d-r.c o. -\'. F- o.ao A av ,o. - . l.-6 he tooktwo more tests,both of wh.h he passed. www.pardistalk.ir/library n . - n ! ! ! ! ! ! ! www.pardistalk.ir/library lsol llrr str.IP/r{str.ll! /{ou) 1,uop.,r t 'Moursotstlslei^stHq -Mou ))eq r 1o3si.'$nq Folseal. ea slHe 'Flleasrtl lsol s,aluef -Mou 1ouuril1nqiarnorP^e4 e sea | ) rsunor l3^e4 P.q or P3snI q ' ^ o ur a l r n o . l . ^ e 4e u , l e sre.^ roj raunorl3^P4e sPPqroa I lP.ra^as 'P.qsru|}sea '.P3^lre.a usql ) leau .ql €ulre3ar./,l^.qt 'pa^!rre.a uiq,$ q '3u4P. 'pa^txe.a uaq,\ E uPSaq ^.qt 'pa^ur€ a^{ uaq^{ l.uurp Pltre1sP,^.qt ' ^ o u u r e d s0 1 o B . l ) '.ruo uEqlarourulPdsor1uia.,1^ q 'aruo P uleds ol .,\^ 1uaa ' s l e p l o q r n o r oui t p d so l o Bo t p a s n . / t ! ro u,.n4aot.q z(l).slPl ]_e rtuaur.t€$.rv Ft s3)uailasPtool I r rfu.fvudI arnlnl. | .<.-'-''', i >< =) /al,{pea4es,atleDiau qo (Mouer.q rou s..r.ts sqlorpa)ul.re lnq ruas.rd.qr oj.q puaddeqqrtqM s8ulttlrot pssnI qrtqM'rret.d uosordsqr or stql sredurot . arnlnl< lepunsha^a t,taLiaapue.t6lluataAol pd' '?uolMoqro sautr^ueu aq E r,uop.M'orpas, qll -uo ^luo u.ddeqleqr suolDerolorf,5 3snlouuo 3a rnq 'ol P.sr ro Pe.rsurslduFlsed3qr.sn s^er! uP)3t '1sPd 3q1ur sereFPUeslrqPqSurqurseP roJo?pasrem 3t (putur,{u 'Sulraplsuor =) plpg a,()eq^ 1tlaqe6u1\u!qtu,t tuott' ut st 1l (uoluldofu slslql =) !'lrr,t'tntal.lp a.t,ha[Iut|i IEle1s lsuqe! =) abl!.r e 6ut^e4d,,Gtt L tuat]}=) 'arrral r ip.tpue6^e4la|]:a!e$ (ssassod .r^1or rqJ e6u tuaut (stqlall ^llensn1ou staq ',(p^ sl(118u!^Eqaq slsq =) ,(tph|l,la^ 6ulaqtdH tuaNDg (raDaeqrstqstslqr=) 4prei{ /Ja^s,aH:ateF 'Sutueeur a8uPp lo € sraroql1nq suopP pue$lPls qloq aqlrsepupr sqra^auros . u\o adsa^PqDuolbqaa ' attet uaw aasteaq taa! s3su.s.^uoqr aqt)s€pleq1sqra^ r lue^ aleq a ol $t!1 ltataP aPe suo4ous.qf)$P leql sqra^ q P t t l t b q u d u o . v a ' t - d 6 . a l- - ' 6 e . P , - l - q - , . 6 suolutdoPue$sserordrqBnoL+ oqtr$P leql sqra^ e : e p n P u , . s a qs u r o t s r o l u r l L o )r P u n o{rt a r Par r e{ r l l 5 u o , p e ueqrr.qrer$lPls.qu)s.p (sqr. .lPrs)sqrsi\1oFqunuv sqra uotpe Pueelels E p.^ureaq | >< '.'.--.--''.--''- >< ) 'p6^uteaqautlaLfq aI Peqa]!el) 'lsPd.qr ul 3ur!r lulod e.rolaq ,o Fu.ddpq prqMstuiqrioj p.snsrpi,l3d rsed.ql . tr3#3d ]sed 9 (Mouaraqrl]or\ t,uopI 'rspdaW ul .{alatdu.ror =) 'r ee( o ro! ahdp'uls utp.:to^ I (MouaraqllJoMllls | =) 'rpan a^t.ol arode6utsupa],]oa.^,1 '3tduF rsedsqrasn3^{'$ed aqr uraur4]o Potraop€qstu[e aqlrsap01'1]3tr3olussardaq1.sn .^{ lu.sard aql 01dn au!1Jopolad e r3^o$nupor uolDeuelt . '.ra 6aozut uaq alaq )ade o6e l)1a .taLuansl4aaf)$e1 'sldutslsedaql qlrM pasnuato arPsasPrLld.uq3raql lsed .$ ut ,tlolatduo) Suraq seaas./r{qrtqMsaPrsrosuolperot pssnslstdutslsPdaql . (Moul qll/"\rellluerunue | =) ,a.eadpue)ejape Lue^eql (Mouu.torq s!t.l Fq =) 6at)aq uatdq r,eqs '^ ou et.r ruPlrooutro ruP ltls st1t ru.s.rd .qr or P3)uI stlnq '$ed aqr ut paGddequorDeue uaqMpasnsr D.Jr.d ru.ssrd3tu . 'ppd aq olut ud e ,\ubpphr tdtt^ 6uale6u!^!rPre^i 6op '.Fldurorut IPls aLlosul se.as a^ 1eqlro '$ed aql ut aurlllo lutod e lP s$r;ord u! 3r3M aql . 1Pqlsa1€Fio suotDPaqlrsapor pasnstsnonuryor15Pd ]e auoqpbaqs tepleteaf)eltdtaqu luheiaqiE^al tua^ aueI 'poopapunro pi1elsuauo srP.uaddPq uope oqr uaq^ autlaql .t€tduoc sPaasaMreql FPo.ql u!salElsrosuotlrPsqpsap ol p3snstalourtslsPdaql , snonulluor lsEd Pue qd!!!slsed z (porodporrolrero] =) aphrq,{q 6uluo u,t taa lqtnq' (op^lt€ns. re!^\ sls L.t1-)-yar' ot ulut aqt 4et t Ai?uoN '.uD ro PolFd P.Iull e €^o Sutu.ddeq ro .Flduorut '&produlr see.s .M rpqr sButqr rol P.snsrsnonurluolu.sard.ql'!.uPurad se.es .M leqrrc ^tretn? uaddeqleqr s3ulqirojpasnsratdulstuosirdsqrolq/r snonulluor lues d Pue apurlspasard t sruJo,q.ro^luasE.roPuels€d aldur!s lsPd Pue pa#€d lueserd I Z Choosethe corect verbfoffi. I PRACTICE 2 Whenlwasyounger,lraveplayed/ play I usedtoplay footbaltonthe beachwith nry fiiends. 1 write an auxiliaryverbin the.offect positionln each In his20s,Michaet,as lived/ Ityed/ ,sedto live in the USfor 1 Thetestwasn'iasdifficultasweexpected,^ it? 2 Youdon't tikeMadaverymuch,you? 3 Katewasnt keenon sportbefore,but shenow. 4 A: Steves decidedto lookfor a newjob. B: h€?What madehim wantto leave? 5 A : D i d y o us e ea n ) , t h i r g u n u s u at lhi n ep a * , l . 4 rB a l l ? 8: Yes,l. Therewasa groupof young menactingsuspiciously. 6 l4a na LookwelLshe? 7 A: We haventbeenherebefore. B: you?ThafssurprGing. Ihis week,Kateis iooklr9 atet / Iooksaftet I us€dfo rookatrer the shopfor the owne.. Unfortunately,th€ coicert tad statted I statted I usedto$artwhen we gotthere,sowe missedthe fiBtsong. I Md / wasrcading/ usedto readthe newspaper ihe other day,whenI sawan int€resiingjobadvertisemenr. 6 I haveseen/ sa\a/ usedto seeNeil yesterday. Can I call you backtaier?We're having / have | havehad Did it rain / Waslt hining / H8 it ralned when you Last Does/ t / Has this umbrellabelong / belonging I belonged 2 Rewfitetheunderli.edverbswith an auxitiary,to giv€ th€ sentenc€gr€dterempha5is. lenjovedth€ concertLastnight,itwas realtygood. t dtderja)tthe.ance11lan niltht.n )tas reallyaaad I llovevouf new hairstvle. 2 Atexrnske!me taugh. 3 I be3l!!you ihe first time. 4 l lhiob/oute right. 5 | Wsilcd for you for ages. 6 You$csk SoodErglishl Usesof auxiliaryverbs Auxiliaryverbs areoftenusedto enrphasise things,showinterest, askquestions or avoidrepetition. ldo hateitftlleh nr' ncigibaupiayshr!husic$ lt\ri Lnt!rc 1<lidln& thcdaar 3 lvatch5entences 1-10to responses a-j. Youcanshowinterestin whai sonreoiesaidby respondingwith a shortquestion usinganauxitiaryved. Theauxiliaryverbmust agreewiththetenseandpenonofthe mainsentence. A: I re qat \ir:dtattJ.hiklter 8r ijr/eyorl Horkrr.tr A: u1e.ridr t 1r/ierlret/a, .r r ll. Bt Re.l!!,.lidntyar. r,ltyron Noticeherethat positivequestions areusedwithpositive senteices, andnegativ€questions areusedwith negative 1 DoesAmy likecats? 2 Wewentto Parisat theweekend. 3 Doyou takesugar? 4 A r € y o us u r e y o uw a n t t oc o m e ? 5 | was21 yesterday. 6 HaveyouseenStarlrekl/? 7 Areyoujapanese? 8 We'vegot fourcats. 9 l'm goingshopping. CanI getyou anything? 10 Didyou spe6ktoSarahyesterday? the listener Questiontagsatthe endofa statementencourage to espond.Here,negativequestions areusedwithpositive sentences, andpositivequestions with negativesentences. r.t Neft qnbe.ed(+)yfu keys,hown t(-)yor? tr i\r't \ ). \,Pt)/ri.e day,is (+)i!? lf thereis no doubtaboutthe sratement, rhevoicegoesdown. \ li Br't arcly tic. day hitl lfthere is an elementofdoubt,ihevoicegoesup. a I haven'tbut the childrenhave. lar'rli rcnjetnL,eted \/au leo, hsv;n t,/.ua . To avoidrepetition W€ alsouseauxiliaryverbs to avoidrepeatingwhole phrases. i)uLIhastalntyltiendsdidn trttaye.lrheliltn vctytrt.t1L, t (= enjoyrhe film verymuch) ''1-.. r.r. ,.t. -,,.-"..f1-, /)!r lleran.rfado€s (= u'rde6taidltalian) Thisiscommonin answeru toyeslro questions. A: qave!o!o.'i.,v!rr horr.tr!/tl,er? B: t!r, a.nri4i, rialj (= donemy homework) c ldo needsomesugar. d Yes,ldo wantto, honestLy. e ldo, butlohn doesn't. r lanr but Kimisn't. g OhlDidyou? h Really? Wereyou? j Yes,ldid. www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library rno^uasataqrru€DrJlP 1s.ru zuPrPPuor.sPUP Etqe i+st . oqps&rs a^!r.qr aolol .^eq ptnoqs puapl$aq p rpqls.nlFnb.qr tnoqpqder;pfd e r+t/\ € uorl?r4rmdpxE reururerS3rq:dq LoI 1r{?3qc gErp l€rry .mo^ it! r ol {r€qpa.J .r{r aso lJ€rp I€rL{ s eeuoJ qJaa tcalb, eut,pasn,I a.ntI dLraqD4tlrlrd LlhLoM pestxI aanq Jast nn,at I ttl| an-qdnrotn ra4eq D eraql v :ser].ns suousanb{sY Jlasrno,{ lr {iraqtr ro luopnls €qtou€ o11JR4rno,{ aoqs {rsqpaeJ pw tuppa{c t 'lrLmr au4 € urqld !J?rp tsru e 31u1t rJBJP1TIJ 8 . ii. r, jli.rr r r:itli :.ri 1r 'l 'suoltlsod€rd ,(]essa).u r(uer€quaueus€ru. as a|ourexa srlrn ]' rrorrreaqta p€snaquerPqt lsll .qr u!sqra^rq3!5rseit r€ puH z ProM.sdlqsuoDeFr, i lsnrlol 5 l . rloodns t l).d$r : e^lpn4s.P or t z : .t duool : 'an!rn4s mo^ tg luop qr+I$ s"opr ,{u€ prlSol mo-{ .^ourau r.pro e olln s€€pr tnd tu.mrrruls A .^rp€h! .. t cFi '.tqel€qlJors .qr aFtdruor01&luolrrtpe asnz,o€Lroli)tp EtuFn $oqrtM ar.Furornor(uersqro^/sa^lpolpE 3ulsslu{ueurMoH ! 'apnpn xq8nunon s3ldul?r. pu8 sJrdol aql lsr1 uol?BuroJut tqraqrat pua E\mdard I 2aonol /(pp.{p no^ op sdsrs t|)!q/t\ qslt?u3ut Il.^!paj,5 .rou €r!401no^dPq lla aoleq sd.ls.^$.qr sProarq3! oqrBulpuu seaPr rnol Bursrue8ro lf .fvud z se.Ptqr$dnSutuor . reuuPr3 . I 3u llauos Suropdn pu. or srse..tdternreuSuBq Su,lFds .se€ptuaornor(F lslt aqr uorr.sooq) iqslt8ul u€rrthqrtM su.jqord uouuo) rsou rno,(arereqrr\ ! rureBeRurql.uosoPor ttHlo ol sdaF a ll 3u!l!.r^a.ronaq SurIEs sr.uo.uosleqM r.l or )l]oaorl.lor P.111.3or l)n$r.3or ssau|rue r. o 1.3or {roanof qrrMuor.a or iloouos qra (lFA)uo1.3or tsollr3 ol 'tuasad e F6 / t!ft^o p6 ro{ dlatt11,11 ltd slqralpl 9 auusea 3q',^ltnnuEql 'ajoql Sul^t ulq Aes I uaqapet!],o6 | Itoqt e 106| S suollerutenbauros1a3 01p.au no^qolraraqerr6 | )e'!qta6 ortuel1,na(! t '\te q h6ue p6 1(Epol$u3tr.dxa ButualqSfle slnb peit| € /rrrrstort 't!L!1! lpt uoF6 / qol aqlrai I iauoXuuntes,leql z 'PIoteta6 | $o1ta6t|,rat^eNresaq13)erl,uop no^lt I aserqdtsaq3qr .soorp t 3!o.@os$tut ol qrnrr.qlll3lor SunFe tutP tr e ruoauosD.dsaol uaopauoauos tndol auoauosaqPolor '/1^ou 1l BJrliS u.t f rjodoqrnq pto) peq{ perp pp.t.. 5 S u te l o u p o o S a q u a r p l t p n o iaseald 'auo{.a^. ql$ srcB rqs 3u,o3/sei,0.^ s lru € ')10/l{rno^ qr^/, 13BpueSuqlprdo$ no.(u€:, z ' .ui Su.rlrdsIeMtPs rq ssoqr,u 3te. I l3^o dn uo mo 3e@oroe oaalor aDqM,(ue luto?1,ui (dLrts!.EPlJE) uouuo) urrol e 3^Eq(lou)or )i)eqrtaqr Puqaq.uo.uos lnoqedBsolor .uo.uos qllMuo rai (1ou)or uMoP uo 3uoauos,qp€uarearql 1a€lor or roLadns/o!ajurlaal or .uosuor qr M rno llel or drqsuoirqa. r:rurs.p s €lo3uos ur sPuuor01 .uo€uos qth .l.duor o1 .uo.uos sPeMoru.tor^.q o1 .^rlroidnsaqo1 .uo.uos ro snoPaf3qot suoauosor PfoF PneIoliq or qla .q or unj aq 01 .uo.uos or osoPaq ol lPFA e r u . . u o s ti i . q t ) x o q . q t u r p j o M D a x o r e q rq I A aoFq s€ru.!.s .q1 .1.td!uor puptsll pFA egra ol € SdtHsNo[\n]t 2 Commonsuffixesfor adj€ctiv€s Formingadjectives , , . . t . . .. t : . t -.. . . 'I Prefixes usedto form opposites : -able*,-ibLe responsible I miserable, . "l - a n t .- e . r , physicdlpsvcho.ogicdl -ed ' -fut ' -k I .e.r... .. 'Notethatthese prefixescanalsobe usedwithsomeverbs, e.g.disagtee,unlock. depressed, talented : : successful !- pow€rful, - - : 'we i -' : 'ine : : ive : enthusiastic, scientific :: i insecure, unsure --- !'--'- -'- ' r exciting, frustrating ' aggressive. ntensive I tess resttess, (= withou!/ hopetess cruTPl:w::r:y. .. mis- ;-t-a"otooa, : l"afy,in tf'" *rong l : nFma4aSed , way : rcft+op non snoti.s ' without,1or ! der i oveFcooked : toomuch , 0",,- 0",;-*";' arte, , tr* t"-*". U"ror" ; pro+uropean I infavourof i p- ;"- - : I .,",10.,".n-g"i ugur sell . self-conra.n- : ,"U,'na,o 'u"i, I undeF : unneFcooked ! notenough g".ar.",,,0"r", coo*,"-0";"0 ie."o bad/badly Dal oad--erEre. l p l e a s a rvt ,o . e n t e, r f i c i e n r This "v suffixsometimesmeans'canbe'(wasrable= canbewashed) REMEMBERI N,lany adjectives to describe tuetings havebothaf lrgandan edform. The-ed formiescribeshowyoufeel. Inverytircd thisnoming The-lngfom d€scribes whatmakesyor feetthatway Lookiigafterbabiescanbev€ryti ng. Fowev€r, not atl-ed/-1,9 adjectives havebothforms. Benisa verytalentednai.ian. ronu|at ely,herlllnes isnt catching. I PRACTICE1 1 Add prefix€sto form the oppositeof the adjectivesbetow. 3 Loyal 6 7 8 9 10 frjendly 2 Choosethe corr€ctdefinition. 1 anri wat = agalnst / in favoutofwal 2 non'violent= agairsf/ wi#od violence = rooco"tdent I notco,fidentenough 3 oveFconfident 4 pre-paid= paidfortnadvanceI aftewatds s post-natat=be&'e / afer birth 6 misinformed= gtve, tne wrong infornation / intomed agaln 3 Whichword in eachgroupdoesnot beLong with the suffix? 1 succe*-| power I talent fuL z confid-/ pe5ist lpleasent 3 disappoint-| enthusiast-| pessinist- ic 4 health-/ inpon lwealthy s hape-| inagine lpenniless www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library 'latPqser)e uo o3 ueql lrtSr.a asotlo treMrou€qe srot,(lsalllrnotrg3Lreqf, /uoaD5r.rnduor Pjo 1rio4! rts a rno,(Ieq puadsueqlio{rol ralFq s re q s . 4 o r t lu a s r r s x .a l e r p u Er n oo 3 1 P q l ) u l qnr o ^ l , u o c 'al0oacM.u rieu ,o ^eMretndode auo)lq sequoor teq.1.uralu ueutof urot qra^.!tt seiuresaql{lpexa 3resuro! raqlo^ueh iUfAW3U3U - e o s r - . e .oc PL e l r r q eJ o ! r r o u P U e. i l e as . L { 3 . . 1 ro l o3leq1pu!,ss.ulLtrl.q1a^ordut or qe^roq^ .ldo.d ^ueh t 'urol,!t€tll u!€q Ptnoqsqrlqa PIoqu!spro/{ aq1.ul!.Pun !€3EUeua.u r.ql sPrEMol-lo 1ole l1.l ltels altl raBEUeuaa! i aql or .trlsott tua^araa ltels aqr 9 '.rt}}o !e 5L.r.l lsod.ql lo '.rulo aql^q Fod P.Ioldu. sLaH S ' l r o ^ P U E r r . P uune rI ' s n o t x u P o s a r P f q a P u e r r . P u nu e )I t n o ^ ' ^'r.^ Pa^Eq Puelou asop 'spuatrlasopfi3^ ua.q s^PMtP a^e't Pue^ou € ' ,o rot e 3^eqot psauro,('qolsrqloPo.L ' a ^ , l e . J {) r a ^ . q o r p a a !r o { ' q o l s r q lo P0 1 z . d d , qF . p r r , o f D r c . JPllq:e sP{ddeqno^.r€r' ! .,sru eqr serues llatduol .qlsueaur I os unoue qrta€ru€ruasPuor.s.r.11 uo4 sunourrerlsqe urol ot P.sn^tuouuor^'3^s tta/- . 'sqr.^uort surouDerlsqe urol 01P.snuortosltua&- . surouurroJ o1Pasr r.u areuosePueuot uo!r(s)-uoll- . 5 6 8 E ' . l l ] : j ] ] . s.^lpatpeuor] sunouuro] o! p.$ eref-pue ha!-'Ir!- . z 9 i.ql saurq.uros P!€ sla|aqsi.tdoadaqurs.pol Posn5ltsl- . sruP- arqs- ssau luau- ririr i: r,!r:i r i.!. r!,.lri. !i -.r i 'sunouDe4sqe.uos rtllM Pue sarSotoaprro suor8ll.iretn.!pd aq|lrsapol pasnualo 1 e5t . 'xoq €q1!rs€xlt ns aqr qIAMotaq suno!.qr ar.tduo:) L |i:] l] 1..]]].]: I z lftl)vud l i 'atdoodueo^\rsqsdrqsuorlpFr ro aJ|jo spoEd qtM Palraruor.soql^Ie radsesunoupersq€ uroJ 01p.snsLPoor/- r r o . r / ! 1 ,\ t i 1 ! . r ! i r ! r t i ' : ! r : i r : ri i r r r r l i r r r . r r ,:lrirjtr.lrr,r.r.rti :uoIesl3^uor uiro 'qorrelnrruea ti.ri llirir r:l : ]| il].l. ]1Ji] illj:r i ii].i i] : s l s tl o r u M u t . q u e )a s a ! . l 'sorlaluas€Flcuor olu $d 1ou.r€ tarl^ffe ro seopru.q^ . e op reqr s?ulglroatdoadro, p.sn uauoere.ro-pu€uP!ra- . ( p a u l e r B u r os qlo , . 1 u^ o e a d= ) i . , , r , 1 ( p a f o l d u sr t o r t ^ u o s r a = d) ..',i'rL r 'p3rlrotad stuotDeue uoqa uo uorao € aqlDsap01p.snttae- . :]]i' :.:i. . e a Pl e q l a q u t r s a0P 1 u n o u . l S ! L s osut . r 3 r t 1 u a q M t ! r ! t i . ! | . , / r i rI J rr i : r ! r r i rr:r : . 1 . | r r tr:ri r . (or.rl€^tltuUuLaql asn1ouuer./^) sEaPpE4sqPro serlr^nrE teralo3aq!trs.Por r p a s^nt u o u u o rs 1 t a l o t p r o ' a r ! . l ! . sa q l r oD a f q o r op . f q n sa l l ser3q!. !no! e sE.{eMalues.ql ur Pasns (uro} 6u!) PunraB.u l u o r o r 4 e u r S u r p usaa ^ D . f p p uo4 sunourrerFqeuro} ol P3snusrjo.re t ua- PuP.)uP- . sunouroJ sexl ns uouu.rol L spuniet pue sunouBulurol sPUnreD z t[ 2 CompLete the sentences. ADJFCTIVES TO DESCRIBE FEETINCS behaviourcreeps fortuie giggle nap security socialtife I Thesitlypictureonlake'sT-shidmadeeveryone 2 Mygrandparents are80, but stitlhavean active 3 Lotadecidedto join the civilseryice because ofthe WORD' WITHPREFJXES THATCHANCETHE MEANINC il ThatmaskyouarewearingreaLly givesme the 5 Whenhisfatherdied,Alistairinheriteaa 6 I t h i l k t h e c l - i l d r e sn r o u a i a ( e d oero?wegu out, or th€y'llbeiired. 7 Our re gtbouB havebeei reporredtolhe polke for anti-social goodandbadthingsin life Usinga dictionaryfor wordbuilding OIHER 1 Usethe extractsbetowto find... . the pasttense,-irg form andthkd pe6on(ne,ire, 14 . the nounfromiafit andiis opposite. ' thFe adjedi!erf or sdr,'s'.f,nd the ditleren(ein meaning, andthe oppositeofeachone. .:'ri.lj.rinn ,qc,rai.pli.l dt i l e o l - o p' , - - becauselou have achieved somethi4 toppasite = di\s.rti2f.t 7ianl sat.isfn dory \ setras'f.ektari\ adl sonetlxig that is satistactory secnB good enoLtghfor a pardcular sitraiion lopposiie = zTaarisjacrolgl to €iggle satistied \,sEtraslard\ arrj plcsed becausesomethtughas happened as you wanL.of becausevou have golrwhat you e?nt lopposiie = .iAearis]tedl I PRACTICE s{tisfl \,setrasfar\ ! satisfied, satisf}irg, saiisfresto mak-" someonepleasedb) doing what thcy Mnl ,: rl r.r L.1r i fi 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 l0 11 12 13 '14 hostitity sdlisryinE \ setFsfar rrj\dlj makhg you leel pieased and happy. b-a.auseyox have got Rhat you wanted loppasite - unsatLsJuins) 2 Completethe sentences belowwith a word retatedto sattt. Foreachmissingword,think about... . whetheryouneeda verb,noun,adjective, etc. . ifthere is morethanoneadjective, nounform,etc.Make surcyouchoosethe wordwhichmakessense in the gap. . iryou needto addany prefix€s, suffixes, (there etc. may be mor€thanone). 1 ltwas very_to beatourrivalsUnitedin the final. 2 Althoughwe colld stitldo better,our overaltprogress has fit 3 Thereis much_ 4 Thisworkis_ s He's_with [iil\\N www.pardistalk.ir/library with the government overrecent . Yo! wilt needto do it again. the investigation, andwantsa new on€ www.pardistalk.ir/library -!oP ruo{I eqr rno s{e{ eqra4flrd Jo udaqpttt I suqtxd sn^ I p ap4 puEpEs 3q.'eseq1pesn5 eq '.tnoq mo[ olu iuBpEn, Plnoa I IDdq 'n peluea P,I JI -\.axgqs N $ 8ulloot uaq p.tE paryot tH paryot pp$e I I .aseeld'nq?ruuu.pr euoseosr ptnoJ. 'wrq p4so p.r 3qtrtsasoa pr{s? oi 'doteq u?ursod / r/ 1, qW 3ultas u.aq t.updl / ars t.uqlp I uaa,Lupott r pw se6[. o.rq) Jol 6tuq {B n t{rit uaaqp.I I potlt I | 8u!q u.rt 'pr€s3q 'no{ roJt5l.?d e o^Eq .'erlluSls 3 spetr qqqa L 'ueuqsod eql sla Dop rI tt! @ 3uplrout so,i I papou\ p. I patpouLtunos @q Moqlc SuPFot so.ltparyoap. tpatuo\I tgryot[$e-l i{torD{ '{toux ,iI!r w turl ea uaiq pPqaq a,i!r }o['.^, irl//i i,o(.Dr trl]}]4 tl,a{O r Jf 'sPa^. l'ed ureu aqlloun dn onutluo)qrqM suorlrps.q!)s.p uauopu€ tua^. uelo uotrernP oqr s.sse'tdu. snonur orFajl.d lsPdaq.L p {.q1 ruas.rd p.^rrp.rtod aqi P3lE3ddes 'sqr.^ p.xo! .qr .soorp € iaqlo Fra8u.ssed .qlall Mopt'lasqrlo ol aln plno^ aq] ()se)-0, lno)oot pup'slel ]3Buvaqlra^o (^u) 6 ^aql lpql utq or -e (urpldx.) 4 pu,)Mi]) utqpreql Jo.uo uiqM sa$utur .urosro]leql3)|l (r!s)-r peaqsrq aH saaq iq u.a^ Fq L l r d D r e ^ e o l 3LLe . r ' u o n F oqds p r ) . . 1or ] u t 0 . 3 ) . pL.4 ,prparot(un, ^urruEd u, pue'SuBnoqs r ea8u.sspdaq1 jo lsol^ qstuedsu]^rp.lPx3tut)eads(!eF 4!.ppnt -, .I"]r toltdoqr @]d r.r.ru or rnoqe.ot (,(t fuuil uaq/,\o8peea^,u.J p ahbS!tqrouros lueddEq)-z elrauv qlnos utrltuJrDs.uop e uo (la pr) , pualtr!,1 'uro, paro).uo ueql.rour aq ,(Eui.r.ru 'snonulruo) D.!ad rsedro rralr€d $ed 'snonut o) lsed 'atduls Fed :asu.t rr.rjo) €qt u! rOoF .rl1 u! sqra^aqt rnd Z Ma] p roj Fqlo qreaM.q 4uo ^.qr.paupur lot ^.q1uaq,M .{psol lerta.pr).p l,upipllrs uqol '!)..ds s,upur15eqsrqerol.q srnoqoMl 'lqttu sP^\ Ie Pa^ous1r-a1rq,v\ araq^\.&a^s Suturou oqruraop!|M aqllotnopalooltuaq,M 5 aroraqreq anlqpafpq!^ auo^uP ,\es ra€u ,{.q1- otruer€addp srqrp p.zeurese^ auo[e^] rrnoq lpF^.srol P3rtea^!ql .1u.uarunouup up eppurfIeuU auo.uosourr .'11^q palPrlsnr,,ia^arai'\sra8uassed aq.l '.rolaq 3aleq1p.sl€ar /,\au srq^ pstuoossV rau t'puarrlUr8 'pararaa$fi r.rt .sn€..q p.H3aqs lPqr snor^qoseM1l rr.rLip.Lr arn1n,< | X - !;[/]rir)rrn, ir (rf4l Pa.ihildcsip p! Lrr'Ir.rtrr ; ir i t\po d,I jo t5podqr, d.e ^dq.L .^.rprrpu urPua r qlutsluo^33111€roriqqua^..qursapr.sualaraqlqlo€ snonuguorpallad $pd pupeldulsp.rr.d lsed z aurortlo8 faql 3u !€^\ se^\auotua^a 'rr;(irr;r1j rorn rr l,rtntea re"q rrDr ?r.ii o)i,lli] r-rt,lt 51ua^.!reuriqr rnonuouorFediql lo aunaql le ssartordulsuolDp saqrDsap pa^tre^aql e$]d srnlnt( .Jrod oqr p.Ier I >< rl.r.jl]ljr. rJ tDr-,c r.rr,or^|rp -- - X .1aLri l)N ;r,,ioJ JL/ifiltlr / 'a^rlexeu atdu lsrspdaqr . rsede utsl$ e uleu aqrseqlrssp snonultuor$ed PueaFurls$ed L Butlo^ 6u!-+qa^ + da /te^ 'r.pJoproa.qr atuep or p3au{€urnol sqra^aqtp€riol 'snonuDuo) rr.rradrsedro €tdutspoll€drsedsql utaq plnoqsaotaq.ruaussqre. utsqr6^€tduls|sed€Ll1lo6uo L I tftrfvud sosu.l o !lElleN I 2 Eachpah of sentences beLowi5 correct.what is the dlfterence betweeneachpak? Continuousaspectin other tenses subjed+ have/has been + 1ng Continuous vetufoms can: ' emphasis€ that an actionlastsfor sometime. t've.utn,yfingetr(= ac:.ianlasts for ontya moment) t'vebeencuttihgJne\toad.l=actionlastsfor somerime) . describe an actionthat is in progress but not complete. Ithiik t'Uwatcha filhr tonloiloyi.(= a completeaction) Dant.allne tll be watchingr,rr. (= jn proCress at rhat tim€) . emphasisethatan actionis repeated. tntls tauthr trDthttg F on e) t'vebeeniogingy.u aUinotnl,gr(= sev€rat times) ' describe a situationwhKl-is tenporary. shell stayvilh het\ittq afterlrte,iity. (= perhaps Longterm) shett bestayihgat het sistets iro6e tdr.1/e,vday!.(= temporary) REMEMBER! . l i y o t 'g i v e t h e n u m b e ruorfn e s t h a t s o m e t h l n g h a p p e n e d y o ! alwaysLrsethe simpleform,notthe continuous. B€rarwDnihrfeOrcafs NOT ]te t|+ia!*raal*#tsr / r,ee on:a/!. t.attett.ya,five tln)esye\tela! NOT / r{€++.4*9 '7o!,ve uiel leilerd.l. . Verbsthatdescbestatesareiot lsuatlyusedin the continuous form (seeUiit 1,5tudy1) I PRACTICE2 Choosethe bestalternativein the conten. g I've beenhutting I hutt my an. 2 Youseemout of breath.Haveyo! beenrunning/ run? 3 Shedidnl hearthedoorbellbecauseshedied I watdrying 4 l le bought I beenbuylng this new scooter Doyou like it? s weve finhhed / beenfintiti,g our work. can we go 5 Thistime nextweeL l'ltr.aval/ betravellingto Ausvalial 7 The Au5rralianswimmer hasbeenwinning / won the gold medaltwicebefor€A fthad nined / been.aining atl night, so everywherewas 1 a Kristinas goneto the $/m. b Kristinatbeengoingtothe $/m. 2 a Hechangedhismind. b HewaschanginghG mind. 3 a shehadphonedmy parentsse.retly. b shehadbeenphoningmy parentssecretly. 4 a 1'llwritethercportattheweekend. b I'llbe wdtingthe reportat the week€nd. 5 a ll€ft whenheariived. b lwas teavingwhen he arrived. 3 Tickthe bestr€lponse,a, b or c. 1Ar Wherewereyouat seveno clocktastnight? B: a I haddinner.Why? b I washavingdinner.Why? c Ive beenhavingdinner.Why? 2A: What'stheprobiemwithyourthumb? Br a I'vebeenbrcakingit. b l'd brokenit. c l'vebrokenit. 3A: Wh€n! the besttimeto phone? B: a Oh anytime.Wewon'tdo anlthingspecial. b Oh anyiime.We don'tdo anythingspeciat. c Oh anytime.We wont bedoinganJthingspeciat. 4A: Haveyou spokento MrsO'Brienyet? B: a No,Ive beentryingto get hersincenineo'clock. b \ o . I m t r v i n S t o8 e tl - e rr n c e . i n eo r l o c k . c No,ltied to get hersincenineo'clock 5A: Oh no,l'velost my wallet. B: a Whenhaveyou lastbeenusingit? b Whenwereyoulastusingit? c Whendid you lastuseit? 6 A: Youtooktired. B: a Yes,I'vebeenrunning c Yes,l'verun. 7A: What'syouraddress? B: a l'm stayingwithmy parentsatthe moment. b lstaywith my parentsatthe moment. c Ive beenstayingwithmy parentsat the moment. 8A: Didthey offeryou a ptaceat univeBity? B: a Yes,andl'vebeenaccepting it. b Yes,andl'veacceptedit. c Yes,andlacceptit. 9A: lneedth's Letterponing. b l'lt be doingit. < l ' l l d oi t . 10A: woutdyou likea doughnut? 8 : a N o t h a n l s . I v eb e e ne a t i n gb B c L i tasl l m o r n i n g . b Nothank,I've eatenbiscuitsaLlmorning. c N ot h a n k , l a t eb i s c u i tasl L m o r n i n g . www.pardistalk.ir/library liT$r www.pardistalk.ir/library ! r r : . r .r r l l r ! i r r- i . r 1 , r i i ! , 1 .8t ezeduo stt1f,N Pue spPrrss.uddeH uorJ suolle)ouor tnl.sn ro arou p qpN t pna{Jb pltrlal sr\n als I pn?{ rEroFara tuLLa IjlrD4 nt 41n patj.mp xte1qs.aH pm{ 'r}a rpDr rp.rqcJuen€u./xet spoo8.IoJaLrousEqrns 8mr]:uos lnr6 ol iapro ln 3ldoadtm-{'3raplo aur.1{1 Io rlrp,(4/ pn".rJ 'suolFrotp. rnol Pull pnel, F, Ilru! /tueuolplp .q1 le toot E -tulrpe /4galpeq /4!t6q ul)rnls ro3 ^aq1 'ne^ snolrtd e ulet s!t! I / ]ata {r/ Fddorp .H 9 'lxq / ,nq I ulert Auoiw aW uo pB a'.1 5 ',u.wa edaq ttulrpe / oodae{s.@osltds ulrs eueueqe a, auor au'alo sse,6e uo p.ddns aqs E / / 'auetdaW I AIrno / uldt.q pastlu tM z 'peaq tMoqtat'eq ^w pa8ueql L 'qF |{)ee q1!a lUrou s€opleqrProa.qttnossor) sNo[v)o]lo) .{ar,sqlr^ pasna^lDatpeue rart, qr a p3snd^ti;rpe L? 'uonip a'prpr{rra q}r6 prsnurr]o qrra ? 'arpdaqr qra pasnu3ilo qra^e _ pu!, pu! €€ aBeduo saprrre3ql re )ioot Z ir)i..t,riir!, L ljp3Y!;I {tre^uns,iloauos arelohor .rro^rpe qlnorql ol or uosradPisrnquFr 01 azude urep or ss.'e or 1!ap e]Jo/tu! 01 rlnorre tieuo s,auo.@os jiri,ir;rr(il ,rr,!it I r.;i'r ct if J,L;Iirirl, unou+ qia^ rrr i:'iri. r,fflr:li,f, ir,r,rirrl: unou+ a^t1ralpe . U]HIO a8e}ssrqr{q 43!zeue u.PPnseroue - u.rJo arPsuollProlo) qslltu! u!ternr€upunosol do^ d13qlIASurla pueqr..dsrno,( utsuo!*rolo, BuFn laqr.Bor rhrro ,qranba4 leqr spm^r ou jo oMtjo uoltpurquror€ sruorr€)ollo)V I .lqM e r.rJe silto-Ls DNn tS-Ltot s€x:I^ov Surwauosop or r.s aqo1 Sutqr.uos)l)eq01 suo!lp)ollo) SuUoqrueurar puetugrglop stNtl0vtH p€pu.dsns.q or arua)llrnol asolor 1o4adto unr peq3a arrp.aq{eaorcu c{ Jo roBr^ 9 tJnrs 'uo)orqPeq snqstilasn$.q dullooqrs aql uo4 )]eq o]elaFM^aqt '8rr,pa F .llrd urq rot,(.ql os "rtpd .qr qrq.lqno4 uru.aq peqail autl rsr4aqr seM1l ' q ; r u o rp j o s , l ou o 3 u r d c cst sc . l o s u ' t t P 3 t t r ostP q. q s p u e3 1 ^ l q q I A e o r e p e q s , a H -^ed 51qapstq upr aq oesqoloar SuDioas,aH 'ure Dq uqorq pup ualel seq^uuer8^N llo lto ri^o lno lno papuadsns e .^t3rarraB01 Surueh s 3^rararratol €retrolut u3l4 3qo1 lEriu, s'tluou xlsj ol P.truau.s3q or (3uurd e ql,tl}o l.r.q or 3) !.s (rrunuuotr@^r3.q or P.uu.qor p.tFdx..qor P3Dh..qor [- qr!M)p.&ee aqor IN]AHSINNd - uo DljtPrBalra ol s8nrpleB.lI ]o uorsssssod ruenrr^eF 01 usue,sqd(ruuo) ot 3uB?iq uMoP 'xoqaqr ut sproa .qr ql!, saru.ruas.ql .r€tduo:' rllejlu l)n$ r.3 ol u en tuorMaqr uo ra801 rol FB 01 € 'Pnul 3q 01 sea urPP.ruernsui.qt I Pateo^or 'p.snruo)^IF e seaI ute4Suoh aqr uo .qS 9 lo: 'luenrrBu{eld$oqe uLqSuturpallM | 5 -^re^!d,{ui to aleio!^p s,ltiqreua ,(u pe.r r,uerno^ t r8nrp ssossodqlh p.&€qr spa iqs € leSolt to no.{pro Z 2^es$sr$ urr!.|€lBeld 'ro^Lpxe1 e s€Maq osneraqpreq^:'.^seM.rua]t srqro asotaq! , 'ftess.cau &euo!D!p p asn.ppq u!spro], €qlrraxo) I Z su,LrFuosdorp01 {atqPntE^) ELrqFUosa8puepol uMoPlP:rqor (EulqFUos))iP:,qor peaqrno{BuPqor . In moreformaltexts,the pasive is prefeiiedbecause it is Useand non-useof the passive 1 Theactiveand the passive . In active sentences, thesubject istheageni(o. doer')ofthe I 'i L :r l , rf , r ': \ . , i i r , i l r r ri l , : r . ; : (subject) (verb) (obFct) . In passivese.terces,thesubject is notthe agent of theverb. I i . : l . :' , j l r L r r L l i r i . r , r t , , i i 1 r l r ! (subject) (verb) (us*t) . Ihe passive isformedwithbe+ pastpadiciple. te$ p€6onal.Thisisespecially true ln newspapers and n r . i e . t i i L .t e c h . ( a lo . d c a d e T k$ r i r - 9 . T h e. o l o wr g p a $ \ e constructions areparticutarly commoni. this kindofformat writing. i ,,r:rii,r,., i) j :f,:r,:l 3 ALternatives to the passiv€/.voiding the passive Inintorr. speech we'ar alod Lrngthepass:ve oyusing" subjecr llkewe,you,they, people, someone, etc.Thissounds more peBoraLand frlendly. Comparethefoltowiigpairsof seniences. r i : r i r r : i r L 1 , Ir r . r | i r . r . i i f i i r i , , : r ' j i.,Ll l i r h f . , i ) 1 . : : , r L r : r , r i r , i : . r : i r :i t l , i I i r i r i ) . r , : r it is makng \ ' , ' . ri , ' r , | Li j j r ( i r r l j L rl , r r ; r . i r . . r , , r r : r r r i i r r f i ! n ! i r L L \ ' r rri. r ' . . , r r i r i r .i : . , r : i . r i f i . r f , . r . , I PRACTICE i itwillmake : . . 1 Choosethe corectverb forms. ' It must be true - i making I read it in the tabloids 2 Reasonsfor using th€ passive . T h em a i nt o p i co f r h e s e r t e r cles n o t t h ea g e n t . I E n nglish,the mair topicofthe sentence normalLy comesar the beginniig,aid new informauonaboutthe topiccomesat the end. r i : i . : , , r . i , ' r r r ' , i r ' i . : , i r : l ( F r o ra n profile ofCameron, who isthe rnaii topicofthesentence.) lfthe agentis not the maintopicof the sentence, we usethe ' , r ' . r i : i , ! i ! . r r . L i r \ r : , r , i . . , r . r: . ( F r c ma na r t k l ea b o u t Avararwhichisthe maintopicof the sentence.) . Theagentis !nknown,unimpodanior obvious. I I . \ , . . r , n : r ) ' . r " . i L ' i . .(r= w e d o n ' tk n o w w h od i dt h i s ) i r i r i i i . , i . r r i r i r , . . : , i i r , ( = i t l n o t i m p o r t a n t w hdoo e sr h i s ) , i r i , \ \ r i : , l r r n , i ( = i t s o b v l o u s t hpeo l k ed i dr h i s ) REMEMBER! Jwe lndldethe ageft in the sentence,we lse by. MagisrraG IsabelleLe Tessiet 'sentenced / bd,s sez,€nc€d her old school teacn€r in Ronen,France Iast week. He Torced / D6tolced to wiie 'I must not breat the speediimit 25,000times. Lars Hombery md Anka Edlurd of Kaxlstadt, SFed€n ih.tae decided / haDe been dzciileal ta Eet 'Mned. aiier spending 19 hours sluck jn a lilt together erlier this month. Before fheir ord-"al they .haal not int oiluceal / had noa been introdwe.l. The State of Andhft Pradesh in lndia %as passed / ha! be€u ,oised a law saling lhaL myone vho 6catch€s / t.3caugnt cheating in school etmslttiil send I wlll be sent to pnson for ten yeaxs. Failed pllof Lariy Waliers rattacheal / u6 aftacheal 42 helium ba.loons to a kjtchen chat and spent 14 11ous flying above Los Angeles earli€r thjs week. Mr WalLers wha'\had tumed doun / heal been tumeal aloun by the US air lorce b€caus€of bad eye sjght roo,moa, lrtt / b6 elmost hit by teo plar€s rJier he i'DteD/ Dc blolon Lnexp€ctedly in ihe djrcctlon oi the www.pardistalk.ir/library N\N\\N www.pardistalk.ir/library isa^arno{ pa$al ra8 ptnoqtnol ) is.,(. r no,(1so}Ptnoqsno^ q ipatsars.^. rro,(1a3Ptnoqsnoi !:€ 'rr pear uBF r,ub saop leql t 2.(e5 rpqr' :v z 1 r p a r t e d 3 r . ^rpsqe l n o ^ p r u pa q / ) ;Parted r a^eq$el no^ prp!aq/A q a l r r i P d $ e l n o ^ P r Pu . q t e : € 'MoFsrqr*^ ^l^ :v 'rtre P.)oota^eq01P.a! I .r\ou) | ) 'rt1e8ur)ootsp..! Moq q lt I ? e P . ) o o i 1 1 3 ^ eoqr P a E U t ^ ou)| E:t '.sroua8ue4se Buueu s,.ur8ua r e) rnol :v :euop;u fdororoqdauosra8 tuer araLt/ .sal ) .uos aLrop lSur^dororottd la8 t!p) alaq/Asa^ q .urosro; uer t.raq/A s. e:g ZauopSurfdorolortd idl.q ^u€paouiof oA:V 'qltour lsei rr P.leror.Fr .^eq at .queql ) 'qluot! lselrrPaleror.pa peqa,\^.s)iueu q 'qluou' $el Patero.p.r 1rppq3/ 5)ueql e:8 ' u o o re t q l 3 ) | t:v l n r 1 t P e q . ^ Plqs n lt i q u e q l l ?nr I PeqFnla^,r 'queql q '11 nr 1sntP,t3)uPql P:8 ' a r r us l o o l r t e q rno :Y aeFqrer ^u paqspM FB I uet sal l aor.qrpr^u p.qspMra8uer l$l q a . r . q p . q s E M r e r ^ ut €r 3t u e ) s . l p : € / r t s ' n o ^ d t o tql e l : V Z no^ro] auop.tuld lot Lt ) 'no,(roJ paluud ouo.^eq Lt q 'no^rt auoparutrd.^eq p :€ 1l i.seatduror Suqooqe ou .^rBno^ uel ,v r 'c Joq P .suodsd lsaq .qt rsooq) € s,uetrtlaoue . s,ls[u.P€ . s,ropoP€ . )trtr^ra8rnrrtl.uso)e . s,ueDrlne3q e s,rass.rPr€q P s,roue.p-,tpe o o t t s r t e d a l a oeq s , i : l r , ; r i ri . : . 1 . , -r i I . i , j L r , r . " t a8ere8e '^eprloq uo aroair' uaqM (.I&rq rno)/ asnoLt I 'rejp! ) q t / s r + o\ a r d o o t . < p ed . ptlo) 9 '^epr.rsa^(te.ls pre) pqre! rood s lp.]] raq) / lsluaredrno^ ol ru.s.rd e 5p11.^B pue€qrorq rno.{qr^ (a)e1l oroqd I no{) no,( ,{qA , r,uop ,!1u€r3r.3upro(a,{p/ Ipq raq)-rars s fh € '{opl ^ltear iq asneriq,l prorE uer l)-slartur 3q seuoosse (a^our3r oouel srq)-ol3uroB srsot / z 'P'rq31t-roqs't.^ 1oB p e qt i s r e ) d o: . s p l f q { - p a n/ s 3 ^ r , ( ! J| ,p.( tset . '€td!r!!ed rsld + rat. e9 vrlM saru€las.qt €lalduor or sr6)pprqu!srduod aqr asn ! plr{.,i1 r.i.Ir !Lirif I .!rirr ,:i I |l,rrrr.d il',.rili rl ii.i i i i r L ; r o l r r . , , l4r i / , i i i r i . i r i r d x J j l i L l r r,ri j , r . . r , { , r i j r i 'luespaidun are telBsn ol uaddeqq)rqMsturqljo 'luapr]re ^q u.ddeq reqrs8utqlrol.tdr)|lJpd rsed+ r.6.sn a,1^. i.! Jrln,iir) rlL.li.rr I'jt irr,,i :t!rr.irjirri,!nj. ri4 ].i"i.!rtijir,i ' a u e so q i s r B u l u e aauq 1 1 n q teu|olul .roL! sl1 .tdr)qrpdlsed + p.Iqo + ra6asr orlp upr.n . .!irti{t(tu)ur,tirrrirotiTra/,11!!,,/irr'ir'i,,,i:rrrJri,r,fLarrr.;rr\i, .auopSurql.uroso^eqo1 rlnrulip se^ ttu.qa.ldpr}led lsed+ Dafqo+ ra6la eq osnol . ri/l:ir:,ir r. i, n . r,i,, r Diirriln iJi)r, tIir( if Ll rn roJop or sldo.dr.qlo ^ed aMBurqFuostnoqe )lel orpasnstetdDr]Jed rsed+ pafqo + a eq uroj a^rssed aq.L. ;af pue a ealq1!^ surol allsspd 'relsl -q sr.Ouour n€J 1r1 € raq (u.rntar) -,r ,{auour raH pio (,{es) .l"psl aqt ,,{FsEaos -, (aarerep ql€nsn lou) Ii r{euou queurol$ plo 0Ll1 Llll,r reruEa satnmu,,!€J e rls€r Ln(roJ prpd) -zr ste{rq laq ruerw ot aueld e (preoq) eqs\e uos.jrppb( ts"fie, d d lod dJ.'rJedP,euuort rdl,tj dr, tlur'! drrl lD DLIErreodoe,pt s uosru€pv ter.ll (pug) -1eqs {auoul ,dq dn IJrd ot t"pJo -ll , Lfi,vJ I -e dus ucrj\\ trq sru| pBrLerxos d,tJ rd^oluet| asmc eql roJ raq Lllrr\ T a €al pue rallat aunIoJ eqt ol,buoru aru a{el o} pepoauaqst€qt pue 'sllrdq rr^d (q r.uolr ldq -, f e uo ( dJe.O esm, a l}?ql u?ruoa eLIlpap?n$ad 'iZ ,uosuepv ?,{uos 'armIoJ rarl,{.ropl{\ plo-xEad-tge (rcI) -, eBll\ 000'0gg raq SuhrB olu Fuorsued e (Iq4J -. oqs :Ie$p oB?sreed,!tal ? (lsefie) -! 'VSO lop?roloC rn Fliat-aunloJ ]/ .sr.),erq ur (.^rssedjo .^!De) q$^ lqtlo r.lrol D€ror aqr qla sdp;.qr €t.Fuof 'xoqeqr u!sqr^aql6sn sa)etd €s€q119auopr.B lo.^pq no^ tpqr Sulqr.uo rsEalle €rlm fouour uo asJnt aaolueJ ol sro.IJiorollel-ormuoJ ie3rl )paqr Puaur xPM rnr a^p ualqBprts adEqs(;r) op 2 Which.haracteristics/mentaL skittsare not desirabLe/ necessary for eachPerson? TYPISOFINTILLIGENCE 1 A capeniershoutdhaveemotionalintel\gence / nathenatkal skilk / spatial intelligence. 2 A mountaineerk.estlient /selt ufficient / extrcve4. 3 A bossshouLdbe a.rogart / .aln / good in a tean. 4 A mathematician needslogic/ oryanisationalskills / p rc bIen -solvins ski lls. 5 The perfect gi friend/boyftierd is axention-teeking / hunorcus I needy. visuaLApatial intelligence to havesometh ngonyourminn 3 Tickthe b€stsentenc€for eachsituation. 'I youfsister,.ndshehasbeen Youar€shoppingwith tryingto decidewhichdresstobuy for half an hour. d P l e " 5red l e J p y o u , n i n o l : b Ple"5e.l-dn8eyour niaar' 2 Y o un e e dt o t a t k t o y o l r p a d n e r a b o u tpar o b l e m . a 'l'.1ymind'sgoneblank.' f b 'l'vegot something on my miid.' Youryoungerbrotheristryingto find out aboutyournew gidfriend/boyfriend, butyou dontwanttotellhim. a I\4indyolrown bus'nessl' fi b I dontmindl' ! YourflatmatehasLosthergla$es- againl a Youteso absentmlndedL' ! b Youre openminded! ! 5 Asmallchildhashis handnearadoorthatis ctosins a Mindyourfingerd L' ! ! PIRSONAICHARACTERISTICS OTHER io takeyourbloodPressure Guessingmeaningfrom context Decideif ea.hword betowin botdis a noun,verb, adjectiveoradverb.H€reissomeinformationto heLp. . typicalendings for differenttypesof words adlectites, ive, fut, - ibte nouns:-ion,-ne$,-ance advelbs:'t . wordswhichcomebefore... nouns:a,t e,adltcrves et .) vetus:auxjtiary or modatv€rbslbe,have,nay, shauL,t, l iRAcitai 1 ComDletethe tabtewith the noun/adiective form5. i adje.tiv. : noun Do polygraphs work? rorLnteer -N : Polvgraphs, also called 'li€ detectors . ar€ far'1ion infa.[ible. Th€rmeasure c€riainph]siological ehaues su.h ashedt raie and bloodprcssue, n'hi.h are couelated {ith bing. Thc Lelief ls thln deceptiv€ msr'-.fs producc llr,vsiologicu.lresponses Lhat cm b. ditrerentiated lron trutlilul ones. Cc ain rulesand proc€duresshouldbe dgomusly ,plled id'en trkiulobgralh tests.l om sta(, ihe pers.in\!ho administersihe test shouldnot be the one $'hojudgesfte rcsutts.and idealh 'nore thm onc pefsonshouldoller an interyretation www.pardistalk.ir/library 2 Thinkof a word thdt couldr€placeeachword in bold. www.pardistalk.ir/library 'uaqr ps,leql,qe3^ n o ^ o l ) e e d s e . p r p o o 3 's,unw)ata eat ntlAI a^eelsl no^.iolaq ]snflpr p au.^r3leqM no^ I.l rssenB | .{snq^r d oq o1,f,qru, / {p)r,, s,l qs. Pegaqltu / stxl )9re4 a$ aserut rnol noqe .^eal ralFq pialt 2aullleqarnoqv 1e.r3 aq plnoMiPql 'qlt no^t s,unu rno^ !uo4 dnnotpldn,! t dn noKtt4d ot 6u!o6u,tzt auq Jofruald ro8 a ,.^ leqlos'aarql punore-qd,(v le !.]tqauldddp s, / sdorp,,ialsrs^h Maqdaufu q , rarseg s,\'a ypt I a^tpor6ulobw,/0,paptrapa^,1,oN z.url Fetprp aMa uter aq1 etel no[ oO / aryr q 6u!o5no,{ar% 2a]oq1ra3 ol Moqnoqp Bnoqlno.{a^€q,fe^\ aq1I€ .^lrrexl zqnPurleqrool lsrttrnol olSuro8ueql rueuodur|.rouraq plnorleqMIa/^ ' puerslaPun ot 6u!o6t,.4t .luel]odut^Ieor /Pu4 apunn.gr dns u, 8ulqlauros i,t reqil.r or SuJo 6 at / at ,tt- u.tr '. ealllur / e^P.lt,! Putwl,uoh/pulul,usaops urnNrns Lu,tiqeaf'" 33rq}Ieq rnoqea^e.l olo^eq P,tsueaureql * uuH a)rop,o a^H 'au!uo P3)req) Fnta ,I" . Ure sr.rprst//,rersor6u!o6s,t+\at ''' aur1.qi uo spGdap os ^eprnresuo I s,uJnur ^u re r.^o qrunlrr?qn,aa / 6u! eqd.e(. " P.requrau.rai rsnf3^,trnq 'r.te.' ola^olpil 2ool €uruor ^)uel noft parepuoalsnlI 'Mo$i no^.rns L!,ts€',(1rlf?rd ! / 6ulre4 aez p€rlun fePrnlPsuo qrreu lteqroolrsrusrqol ures h\a\daufu.Ierot6ulo6ut I qel ,ltsl8qp) ur,tuosFr .ql iu.lsl iSutopnor .r.ao!] ,preq]! itl €t.tr\t alat[\r;lt.,i :5tt,Jvl ' .t li)rl,:,4 tr.t tt /f b'rri'ri?irir' .r ii(rirf'',i(ti' l;lt4.t\,: suPldpuesuoqual!rarnln]ssirdxsuer s.sprLtd.raqF ^upw sassqdraqro 9 :ctvH)t :stNvf :clYH)ru rsrNvl i'ri prr!r |ifj r ri.r.'lr ;rir dr ldstia! r)rlt 14 1][ 1r.) ' ln ^lntti ttl l t . '3ld@dFqio ol atqnor osnerlou lt$Sutqriuos leqlFa83nsor sFanb.r a)eur.M uaqMp.snoslesturolstr. t)rrl r |^t .!1rd rii'roiio{ !,ri rd),.rl t r t:tr.t ttr.l lt, 'sru.^. asrno) ro 'uoBua r ro Lretd reln)trpd r(uprnoqla teurou sqr lo rpd seriq Lraddeq srn l.qrisna/1^ I $ reqrSurqFuosrol snonutruo) snonu$uor srnrnl s :o!vHlN :S]NVI ...,$.,.t. 'pasnstolduF ru.sard.qt ,pexuXIEPlllouoaq seqro .lq eFuro rPlnturelo lled sr.rnlnlaql uruorl]pup !aq/ aloullslu€s3rdt ,iprrii/ ,r!.rit.r.ir'r :ctvHlE :S]NYf :otYH)u :stNvt 'sqra^psrror aql osooq) L ti.lurvu.i.l 'f r/nii!.q nr(eqr)xooficl..'rt_I U,irpry? hr t)al atqeriitu )ri ite)q d:i4ory/ts,rr!rnl !x/r!/ !1! igr'/] roj !)ro!/r lrrd| !|r ^]\lotpann.!li.].tt).t.r t\!.) .F 'al u!q)a. :' Fq I t " teqt atueq.poo6e t,daqt: - 01punoq aq o1.-01h$tD(un)aqolt or ,/ej]ar ag or 5e qrnsi.rnml €qrlnoqesuorptpord ateu ol seserqd raqlo](!p(llarearaql . 1]!\' 'sinrnJ.ql . 1noqepeJ atdurlse ss.idxaot . u4 asna^\ I nt/:a1 ,,!.rtt1.tdt)ntti t|l1)ltu/at6u!obr \uttt Na[.t nr'',l 'Bulue.luutaruarajlp ^ueurul ruprroduJou sraraLtl,saser 'uaatai6tt tan!],.tlta.rrtu,t ,ir./rr.rrod :€ t :Y 'tla isn a^ i3ruapt^. lu3s.rd u€Lllraq*r suo4ppadxa PuesJaNquaorno uo p.spqsruo]1'pardaqruaq/\ . (ItladorduaqlSuL&re)lou.r,no^aasup) t=) Itrlirpjro!;..no,{1nrrd)d.ro./rd.rp (, brrtodaJro{ ir4d,7:rf/l 'or 611063snflPnsn a^\ 'luas d aql uraru.pt^o.uos uo p.spqsruorptpardaql uaq/ . 'arnrnliqluoqe suotlrrpard a)€ur01 .44pueor 61106 asnat ir i.li.rl rtrn)li ai.r,i 'urol o?6qo63+ 01par.l.rd !.uo sLsnonurrorNasardaw,06slqr.^ uleu sLtlu3q/ . (p33u€reuaaqseqnq1=) rrit trtaLLt rttunt.a LLl i =) iii, '.r rLiti rrir:t.r t.t,.t Artat ut. (uoBualulleFua8 sru.ua;uere al uuapuoqe )llPt01 I asn^luo no parull .rou r rnonuluor lua$rd 3qtlo 3rn aql . itpr)t \). tt)r|.,4 / it.t.r)::.:;n at hutoft.u,l '.rflnt iq1$oqe u€r lu3$r 3rt11opeeFuror 6l]106.sns^EMlp )let or snonuquor 10\lPtrL.cta. s s 1ol ror r.d.ro rq- pLpor 6,,oblo as. aqj iufaw3uttu ,ilrl)l,tr. I' r, rtr!1,\',dr/ i li.lr.ra, a/.l '3rnln,(sqrq p.E!ere a^eq3^^ButqFuosrnoq€ ol snonuluorlFsard 3q1.snil Tel snonu$uo) ]uacard E l")t))?u jat at 6!to$.ta^aru,l 'arnrryrpsusql u roluelsrp.q rpur uorlrp aq|arnrnJ.$rol suollu.lu!1u3$rd*.rdxi or or 6ulo635narl 016uloDz 'pe.rsu3lauls sql ast tsaluna)uas2uoasse ruasd ra ttun 'te6uotsea,e.utt.ttp' olaq'uaq^ l!r.* u!^an t,uoa iura!!3W3d r,t.iajteLitI1.ron.i n.taH t, a9t. stlt tr.r''I-- n,i 'srsttopue$sruo]d pasn ro] oslp r!rr14 );teinat aaat,1 lt,l p roJi"oalrd asnir' €ur)ieads lo tliLuouraqlrespeuuorst).p IIIIA I ernlnl €ql u! suolslraPPUPsuPld surroloJnu,lo /r a| au suollrlPs.rd 5 Other ways of asking questions Ihe wods on earth,exactly,precliet can be usedto makea Morecomplexquestionforms 1 Compound questions , Alret what ot whi.h, you..n u5ea nounto folm questions. Whichrestaurantdidyau go to7 What infarmatiandayou heed? . After,o4 you €anusean adjectiveor adved to fom questions. How tunwonhy doyou thihkhe is? How quicklycanyou 9et herc? 2 Questions with pr€positions Some verbs andadjectiv€s takeprepositions, forexample, ret o,, takabour, of etc.Thepreposition comes aftertheverb ftightened or adjedive.Don'tomitthe preposition. lVhatirereyau talking aboutT vrhatareyou frightened otr 3 Statements and negative questions . Statemendwith a risingintonationoftenfunciionasquestions. Theyar€oftenusedto expresssurpise atwhatsomeonehas just saidorto checkinformation. A: lbaughtthreepaiBafshoes. t Bt rau baqhtthreeparsafthaet? At Sophiearived yesterday. / B: Sheadvedyesterdat? Ithoughtshewas a tihgtoday. . Negativequestions alsoexpress surpdse, an opinionorcheck that infonnation is iorect. Didntyou liketheboak? Dantyou thinkitwaukJbe betterlfyau taLked ta her? Daesnt it statt at two? . Noticethe way we answernegativequestions. Didh'tyou hearwhatI sald? No,ldidnt. (Whatdidyausay?) Yes,I did. (Yousail we were late ) Whaton earth areyau doing? whereefrctly/pre.isely dayau thinkh is? I PRACTICE2 I CompLet€ the questions. I 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 l0 Whrchcafedovou wantlo !oto? How do vou lnow her? food are you goingto taketo ihe picnic? washewhenhesawyou at the station? -sulPrised areyou flyingin to? -ailPoft Whatarevou thinl,ino ? W h oi 5 s h em a r i e d _ ? Whatarethevfamous ? WhoEreyoushouring_ ? How havevouknownher? 2 Wrlt€ a negativequestionto expresssurprlseat what th€ lp€aker !ays. Use the verbs in brackets. 1 A: Thatwasan awfulfitm. 4 Didnt vouLikeit? llike) 2 A: ldidnt knowshewasgettingmaiiied. (tell) B: -? 3 A: l'm silltdoingmy homewoft (finish) & -? 4 A: can I borowyour mobitephone? (havegot] B: _? s Ar Canyou explainitagain? (unde6tand) B: _? 5 A: Hetlo.Whatsyour name? Br ? We met lastyear.(rcmembe4 3 R€writeth€ questionstomakethem indk€ct. 1 what doesshedo for a living? Davauknowwhatshedaesfor a llvinq? 2 HowoLdisyoursister? 4 Indirectquestions . lndirectqueslionsareoftenmorepoliteor morefomal than normatquestions. usephras€s likecouldyo! tell meat the 5tartof the question. we useaffirmatjvewordord€rin indkect Couldyoutellnewherethebankis? Doyoukhowifthatrcstauantisopen? lwanted to khow whatyau thoughtof her. . Otherphrases canbe usedfor indked questions: /worder...' TeLlne ..j canyou rcnind ne --.?tl'd likelLoveto know... rel newhenyouatereadyta Leave. cahyou rcnind ne what tine out flight is? . Don'tus€do or did in the Present simpteandPastsimple. I wantedto kno9|whatyou thinkaf hel NOI t wantedto knawwhatdidjes+hi* af het. . Us€torwhefrerforyei/,o quesiions. cauldyoutelLneifthe.e s a banknearherc? Dayouknowwhethetthemeeting's gaingahead? Haveyou beenleamingEngLish fo. Long? coutd-? Howgoodarcyour liste.ingskiLls in EngLish? t_. WhenwilLyoube finishedin th€ bathroom? D o ? Arcyou goingto go out this evening? D o ? Howdo you say Of.ourse'jn your language? Coutd_? Do_? www.pardistalk.ir/library N,N\\N www.pardistalk.ir/library 'qll)lsBu!u.rs!l rno^ a^o/u.r! ot rfil 01op 013u!o3areno{ teq/v\ssnrslc q ipalqns eql spreMol apnlDp Fq/rlq slieql 2rnoqe3u!)tprra)pad5aqls! suoasanb rarseaSuqse[l}'llnr]Jrp oolsur..s 1€q/1^ Surue$|]Ell pro^\,ta^epueFrapunol Sul(lr pro^v '3.r, rol ^ltP3.l PPeotuaoP iq !€) ,(oFlol ro lt./,^ro^q.ldu€xa roj 's)roa rtsset) ^upl{ a8En8uplrno,( uroruatsl orqu ptnoa no,{reqr )ooq €.sooql .uoqdreLlrslo rafeld €dH rno^ uo rp) rno^ ur1rol Surua$!lpue)ooq otpn€upBut{nqrapFuol . '.lnosar Poot 'ule8v p qtMildo.d t oql sa3€n8uellsru raq1o Furalur {q ua)pdsqs|;ut or uarsllor/01'sra)ipadr qst:ut.^rrEU rou aie ploMoqr!!sF)€ds qsr8ul lo,( ofpulsp aql Lo ,'6Eli-uEa-qtlE-IT!r"1 p.^eq .e d€) I €l-ddEi-dF?lj t'6trrlll/$ iFj-uoiF.l.l sEioT/\ aur ot8ut-\jl^otlJ1Er € 3ur^pqar,a/v\ 9 F loo.r)5lerP3,( ^ u u r i q o r p s r r o q M . t o o 3r0o t ^ ! e o e d u t ^ e aq r . , ^ 5 siqtIE-rEq-Tpa-fi-qEEE6EEo s eqs t utnt M@t t-fnq-FEqlTE16! s,aH € 'tutua^ostitl to-FlTrr €d, a{-IM-5tr6"1ii6-FF e uo Suro8u.t z .r,t.:li.,r,.,r::;,!irri r_t e s.lt I 'tli-q-F5Fi.F--{'ujjJJlN 'lserqd ru.Frllp e'{IMsaserqdp.ulF.pun aqr aretdat L 'puqeapun oqissan; oltur luopno.(Fqrspro^joaureau ..-".._--,.._,il_"1_V-L_a-l 'sproM 'sproMueljodut 3qr uo snroj . pas$as oql ^Iensn 'lntasn^'a eq uer o}rqq pus aqnrno^spqrns )n $!sq./ utpaFa$rutoreno,(rtdorpasooqt qsuButur dllr o3pt^suoqrleMrc or uo$t pue,(ep,ia^aouuuo09 raaN or ino{ol]nrasn rsou ua.s aoteq sdlr rqt ,o rit!q/V\ '{pp &o^a lq alrrll e 3ulstrred r(q sugtsSulu.rslt rnor( s^oldtu! uer nol ez .tPql asqto 'Mou)l,uop tsp$M^!eur oot.rp araql arrarre uorotlrPPUersrpunl,uP) raqr.Bora3raurlle sproMaqt .. aseJool )l?aosalooed ,qslt8ut ualodspu€$$pun 013u!,(|tuaqa lulelduor uouuor lsou rno^ s! rpq^l L 4oiuosaollorsr3Mollol a^eqor .reElSexa ol p-poluaoP or (di AutqFuot aBrPWor .rer.Prsuor3q 01 !'HIO silr rqa Lq![] ]]4 o1 e qrLM;uqFuot qer 01 qrnrraqr q)r.4t 01 rcl o arc ueaariol f- qlfr) a^olul lFs.t.doq ne, 01 qrnn 3'I qrlA loLuolora aqo1 sNolol s111s rnoi(tu1,ro.rdu1 3u1ue1s11 euuoB rbirnr plor 03 ol raulavr. te ur pe3q{u ?uop s,.qs/s,.q (lpe) o pa]]tqr/(^)no lqror azoo! (&epl) .q or 1noP3ssalls (ptesauoauorleqa +)qlt.q or sr. trpsnor.Bueprcturi^3 ue doo) lniarer.€ I jqril oqr qr$ rtuouotraBur.qno,{a$ rc an4 rpqrst I 'uqrtw pto) oB orSutoB u,l ..t o) dn i lBdo1sor 3uto3ur,r 9 'puoll ;utlrs-:uot e s,.H .ulr tuot e utLl uaoq a^,t I laddadlo |])lld e qllMrr qe.Ls^esaqsreqMa^.Fq l,uoc t '3I q$| enlq e sea rt re.'t o1paileM eq reqMutq plol I € 'ltq e q1n4r.q Suiq)Frrss,iqs r.q .^6u.q 1.uop I z pusuJ1'.q rturqr$ .^ot ut ^lsraldt.quelet a^,i ! 'Proatraxol 2rq8rlv tDvncNvltvtnoo110) :uor^ q.ru.ruas qrp. u!proaauo € €qr qIA r!.ret&t iSurppr)iisnf:€ 'lno P3ss.4s^llelor u,i il,uoo :V eFuuore aoroq tuer'^eM.$ fE alqurars,leql :€ '^ouou sMoloq stre4e oH urpFq ^u rtlerol s,3H:v Surop eauo)MoH :€ '^ enrre saleu lsaq.{u auoqltaFsdn^Iear u,t :V Jo ;dn 5,1Pq/te^uol,{.H ;€ i uol,lq;Hv ;v |..u '.uu qre. u!pro/"r/ore.tl|d auo a)etder 'tPtnDollor ss.tl!qeuror uollesr.^uo)slqt qlhat z Perfecttenses l;,!*itlli]: ;;";J;";.; ; ;;;;" -ived : ;";;;;i;;; . p.*..t arruea 1asn1d . he arrledl Past . p6rfe.t : Vshel^ad ' affiled I l"adni arived futur. . perf€ct : l / h ew i l l h E v e l w o r i h a v e : anived arived t,ad yoJ . arrived" 'WillyoLhale . arriveo" ^, *,i*"** 'tt *" Oo.ts il rime.Tl'eys.ow a(l.onsbslqe a padiculariimein the present, pastorfuiure. 1 Presentperfect ThePresent perfectlinksactionsii the pasttoth€ preseit. < PresentPerfect *Y+iutlre beforeiow This can happenin a nunrberofways. . Theactioi is noi finished, butcontinuesintothe present. (= andwe stitllivehercnow) WehavelivedhereaUou,Liver. . Theadion took placein a periodof time whichis not finished. WeveaLlbeehillthisyeat.\= this yearis not finished) I ve beenta kaLyseveftL tunes.(= in my lire) . Theactionhappened veryrecenttyandis still news. Theyvejusthada baby. . T h er e s J l tos f d p a s a r d i o na r es r i l l i r p o a a nnr o w . Ive lostmyhabileph.hel . ThePresent perfectis oftenfoundwiththesetimephrases. atready eyet lot jun rcve. since safal thisnranth/nohihd/weel today yet REMEMBER! lfyou elate th€ actionto a speclfic pastunre,usethe Pastsimple. t fitnnlet jahi v)hpr, I was21/ in 20A,:i Pastperfect PastPerfect r-'-- 3 Futur€perfect TheFuture perfect link tlvoactions ortimesin theflture. ' . '-------.''-=='-= past now the pastofthe future pointin the futur€ We usethe Futureperfectwhenwe tookforwardto a time in the fuiureandthenthinkaboutsomething that will becompleted beforethat time.lt k oftenintroduced with by + futuretimephrase Caft,eoverabautten.WelI haveeatenbythen. a y t h e l i m e t m s o . n o p p tl l h a u p e a n e d c. . 9 1 o . ) . a ! N o t i c e t h e w o r d o r d e rFouf t u r e p e r f e c t q u e s t l o n s . 1 2 3 witl you havef i nished by tana rcw7 l.i,mc!Cf1 1 Lookatsentences1-3. Arestatementsa-. true (T),false(F) or lt isn't sure(Ns)? 1 They'vetivedin Francefor neadytlvo yeals. a Tl-eylive n F_a.ceiow. b Tl-eyused!o l:vei. F.ance c Tl-eyroved to Francearou.dtwo yea-sago. 2 DavehadhadhisdinnerwhensaLlyarrivedhome. a Davefr. +Fd eatin8be'o'eshearived hone. . b Davewar earrg w.en sle ariled hom€. : ,. Shearived beforeDavesdinner. 3 We Llhaveraisedmorethan€100,000bythe endoflanuary. a w F f a v e . i r a k e d€ 1 0 0 . 0 0 0 y e r t b wp llhave€100,000beforeFebuary t c we !e alreadyra sed€100.000. . 2 CompLete the sentences with the correctform of the verbsin ThePastperfectlinksapoi.t in the pastwith a time furth€rii the past.lt describes actionsthathappened'beforethe past'. , W€ canaho usecLauses with bythetine,when,et . fhe pattyhadfihishedbythetinte tarived. we wentan halkt.ywhenwe'dfinished autexan5 Noticethatwhenwe usebe&reandalteathe orderof eventsis obvious, so the Pastperfectis not alwaysnecessary. trehenbetedta lockupbeforelwentta b€d --i , , pasrmonreir shehadbeenittfat sanetire bet'arc \he died. Whenlgot hamethe caIhades.aped. l.4anyof the time phrases perfect oftenusedwith the Present arealsousedwilhthe Pastpe ect. Hadyauev.rseehthenan bet'arc tllarnight? t4atyhadn t beenabrcadfot nanyyeart. We canuseby+ pasttimephras€s withthe Pastperfect. B y e i g h t o ' . l o c k ) d ' tg ' \ , , h a dn t a n a g etdo e a . " 1 Thegrassis exlremelydry,it (not rain)for we€ks. 2 we (sitl at the tablefor about25 minutesbefore anyonecameto takeour order, 3 B y t h e t i m eh e w a s f i v e , J o e ( t e a r n ) t po l a y t h e gurtar. 4 at the endof nextmonth,we _ (live)in this flat for (make) s lt wasno goodtryingio peuuadehim - heup hismiid a longtimeago. 6 come andcallforme aboutseven,l {finish)my homeworkbythen. / l d o n t t h i n kl w o u t dr e c o g n i sAei i t a a n ym o r e (notsee)herfor yeaB. l- www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library real3qlIq lorllrq OgOZ sl aatupeq.e.l?^eq1!a/ paqcear serrrrll lPrllpaieurllse um{ 0€ }se aq}ro}rP?,(qe?atusrradE i uoqe ^q qptro,$aql tulseanu!uaaq seq/ paseen4se{01uo!}Etndod luo$qndodiutloldx3 's3|lr'nol0l.J|o LLort sLPa 000'F lellaow Eulpe oa ueeqseq/ petoelpt seuaau 'a|J,tls tll pepe o.seq/&twlp. ul 686I arulssu?reloSLsdad lc l,.eqss{s ^te]l 'rtodorocuro4rllale^e3uer1sutlc utl llo3 Fd.d F.ttlq .ql '3^11lsntlo e8ea!+ s,pueqsnq )aq lt eN)a+eaotseq/ uea L l€ asnott.slusJEd rPr,l t€3Lol €.ts3ur,t3H JosLortrpP4 dql qr^ aruepior La^a,olasroqeuPs;ql Jt peU peUt p?^!le eveAaql 1n8 eea,{E8 uEql€,\e} ou )alpeltrcwu.aqpeqlpeluew req pueeqs sSeuieur ueaqrrerrqpuEqsnq NoSuols,puo/r^ aq oI puaueuanorqse4lut rrq, l 'tol lo e8eaql l€ prlp / palpssrrruem8ue nr-tuaqM deatslart ur ,{itnle3red .[.l||iu rteiuot ..!tlof eql 's33apelqure]asroj prolarp'lot e Fs ol pe4 te a peq/palqJeMseu,auoor ']dtuslleplosa lnlssasrns l0q1 s,pl,roiaql slPolc eroleSs33apelquacs]o uor]lodtsaSrel aI sAZe7ll'l Eulsnue.q ereq I pesna eqj e\edX ut stlooJ , r.q|!{q F.[4q qflIoi.r 'tllrolsnon!1uo) pue s.r€rs3q!rs.p sqr.^auo5 3rtlur P.sn^llensnlou 3roi.r€q1are u3auItW!u r r i ) . i . ! r r ji r r l r i r i ' r , r i r i i r l 'tinrr,ir !r!r1 r::.r| Lrlr) iiri ,\; 1rrnLl.:l sllnsor ro uollslduor 3!|'rseqdue.re 3^^ssnP)aq 'p.sn e .^rBno^Jl sr std us aql r.qunu rf€ale rrorrsd luasard ,;rr,,i.i,, Itrll ,1:€ rlrr.i :V (InsaruLpal$Flur=l . !'! rr i,rrN rf \ i!r'i:r,r riririir.rriu+rlr!r nrslr r:€ =) .i i.ir), r:tr' r.t (ti.f ri I I \! \'riLriii:v (,(l^tpe ut p.1s3r.1ur no^a^eqlerl/l , uolFnb ,zPo^3tqrP ao q a u r o l . q l r a r \ s u e I ^ l h r p e u e t ol t n s 3 l . q ls s l s P q d u a . u atdutsiql .sn ./\^ ,esurrr nol luadsnof a^eqaoH, uotF.nb ualo urro,snoiulruor.qI 3qlsr3^sue1 ^r^ lrE !e s.qLDsoP 0u0c1u sul)tv]u8 'dol.q eP|rle.'{ru|suro,qra^ls.qaqrasooqf,€ '/ ou 3qFnur Paqsruu^!eau u.$9 9 . q ! - t r e o e u o [ e - u c - d dr r L u o ( " b d ) | s i u o o . { o r r l L €L ) r s ( e a r . . ^ a u ) (,{1d.,rc4 cLsrrq !(u e\r. (D'.() | | s 3t surLroufe ,t qrorou s L \L o (tut t ro{) z ? ro { r L . t , c ^ a r e q rr l l s ( q s t J U ' E r n e l s a r . q r l e B e q ,( a u^ E q ) - t ) u t q l t i o ut t o t sFt)erq u! sqra €q1to uro, snonuluo, rr.!.d ru.s€rd.tl1 rc atduFp.#ed N.s.rd aql qrlas€cu.ru.s eqr.r€tduol z {rr^qre ue rnoqeuo[sanbP L] ,(rr^tpeue,o sllnsar.ql roqe uo4sanbp 3 psttsull^t essar.u10! strlrtqa uorpPue J pale.d.r s LPlllauorlreue 3 p.u3dde,lspqSurql.Luos saurlroraquru aqr p uo|l)el38uole r O1er5 E q luauou e rot fluo rFel qrt'la uolp€ uE € 'olodra1€M Pqll s^eMle3^,18 el3luudaql Pax, nofa^eH I za€qrdn SutoPuaaqno^3^eqleqr 9 e^,1 5 fururoule no,(rreluor013ur^:'1loaq i)irup^u llrds.^,nol t srnoqlera^.srol apFlnoSutl!€auaaq3^,faql € s a u D l o s p . r p u naqt ^ o usr r q l u a aas , l z Lra.qsPq31e) L )roMsuoq Fq SuLop 'q-p suolrdps.p o18-! sa.ua!€s q)*N L z tf lL)vud sllnsar s^ sall^lpv € {P.qsull ^l!essoau rou s,1l=) r, iL.ru!,jj!:r,Lrr!rrlirrlxtI '$r.Jrl;rr1 Far.tduor =) !.1ei1l.nurruo)plnoraM urol snonulluoraql ro .Ftduoru I sruolpe aqlleqr sastseqdlua 'uroJ aldur|' aql .sn 01PuolaM pal3lauror sEuoll)eoql aase^ rl suollrE,alaldurotul, s^ suolpP.4alduol, z a p e u . ^ , 1 = )r ^ i i ui r r rrl r n r r , r r r: r : r : ! . r l . 1 ! rr,r ! t i l l r n , , i r i j . ) {i r (aL!!1auosslsel=) rilivrr:rr.if(rI ri irr,i..r.:il ( r u a u o up' r o , I t u os F e l = ) , i r i , r i l 1 L i , { n i . r l r ^ , r, r r I r " 'par€ada.r sP^\ro '.ur4 ]o Polode rot sanurro) uolpe oqlleql s.elseqdura uiol snonuruor.qI P.snsruro]ildus t€ ll .rlr'.ull uoqs/ta^ ero lu.urou e roJ^luo slselLronre ,^jeuaruolu, s .palP€dal, / ,3uol, L 'urol relnrlr.r€d e .sooqr sMue€ur qrtq^\stseqdur.uLs.ru.r.lltPorE3r3q1'saser Fou !r'ro^.i^ol.l ! L r r , ) . i ,I tf : i i r . i r p r r ^ r ls "ri ! , r , ) i 1 r , L j . , 1 i , . i l i r i r l r i n \ ' ir :; , 1 'o4 r..al.q Surueouutsrt]3l.], PlueuoduIou sl .q1 araLtlsauoauros a^oqePaqu)s.Pseru.sardaqr pu€rsedeqr)iull snonuluorpa]rec uas..rd.ql puesldutsrroFo lu.sardsql qro€ snonu!luol PUPaldurlspa}.todlu€sardoql lnoqe .rol^l I 2 Completethearti.t. with wordsin the box. ACHITVIMTNTS to foundan organisation, etc to developa th€ory/machine,etc. to teada poliricalgroup, etc. to makesomethin8 possible to donatemoneyto.harity to raise6oney for charty to set/break a {newlworldrecord TIM€PHRASES jn the earLy/mid/Late 16thcenrury had influence means enable make cause take had I No one doubis thal modern technologJ'has ' a t'ug€ impact ]_working life, bui has ril a positive or negatjve i ? nroil and ihe intem€t I us lo comu catewith colleaguesall ovef the world jn an i]rsiml, but th€J fu!€ also 6 to a cL hue where we earect insmntresponses.Becauseof globa]tine dllT€rcnces, this can resull r_ a sjtuaiion ilhere peopleend up workinglaie md unsoclable hous. Similarly,nobile phones. it possible for us to be airav from ou| iiesks nithout collcaguesor clienls hto{ing that $e are actualy on the beach.but ftose rvework Rith also jt tor granted tiEt they can get hold ot xs whenevcrtheyneed to. Thisr0_ihat it is hdder to siiich offftom work comptercty, and can _ a lot ol disruprion to family lile. 3 Wfite the nounforns ofthe verbs.whid nounsand verbsarethe same? OTHER to takelomethlnSfor gGnted I PRACTICE lmprovingyour speakingin the classroom 'l Decide if eachpair of sentences meanrhe sane thing.If not, what h the difference? 1 a BradPitt hasraiseda lot of moneyfor chadrz. b BradPiti hasdonateda lor of moneyto charity. Z a Wewill probabt lind a cur€withinthe nexttenyeau_ b We will probabt find a curewithinthe nexrdecade. 3 a Thedetective discovered a srrangestory. b Thedetectiveinventeda srrange story. 4 a Penicitlin hasenabledusto curemanyitlnesses. b Penicitlin hasmadeit possible for usto curemany 5 a b 6 a b TheconquercEexptorcdthe Westernlslands. TheconqueroB defeatedthe Wesrernlslands. Mobilephoneshavetransformed our lives. l'{obitephoneshaveinfluenced our Uves. 1 Asyour EngLish be.omesmoreadvanced, it is importantto improveyour a.curacyandfluencywhenspeaklng.which tips wiLLhetpmak€youmorea.curate,ftuento.both? 1 AtwaysuseEnglish durirgpairandgroupwork 2 ALways useEngtish to askquestions in ctass. 3 Try to speakasmuchasyou canduringctassdkcussions 4 In class(andat home)listento the prcnunciarion oi nen wordsandphrases andpractisesayingthem. 5 Tryto thinkin English whenever yo! can,andrry to avoi. trarnatingwordfor wordfromyourown language. 6 cive fullansweBratherthanansweringwith a wordor 7 Askyourteacherto writ€ downimponantcoffections andtellyou aboutthem afteryards 8 WherepossibLe, takea few momenrsto planwhatyou aregoingtosayandthinkof the bestwords,grammar structures, etc.lo express whatyou wantto say. 9 Listenwhenyourteachercorredsotherstudentr. 2 Whichthfee suggestions couldyou work moreon? iiix\l www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library ir.lseupe3q p t o{ u r 5 t ' s r . r pp a re B u u e . as l o } L M r } . l a q 1 !uoe u 3 q 1 uol$llod^q P.!trotte^lpeq u a o l s l o r j a o q r q l q M ' a P e 4 S u l q s g a9q l u a a qs e q ' s P ! . d . P ' u o n P u . r r o J u l . r o u o ^ e q l l l l a . r \ uneou^ I e ) l l , l s 'lnraler8,ldaap:q s,(pMle uorlPuatoqM3qr ueure srsH l1/'\ 'ap61no ol sn ptol PA ! Poou peqe ur sea $ruo[d..ar aql € '!ogeradourlou aq1P..u.a) ()ooq!l)l'ta r^oDtol asnep3^11elar rr:$rjriri, \ Lilai,i, irrirr'i)ri,il irl |i.r!,"! ir:ri:: l (ueu q)lq^ ^ oll ol asnet)a^[eFr aqlP3.u oMJ . i r r l r l . l . l! r i)ir.ioli:.Li 1..!Lr';i, ir:,:rrr' 'teuuor issPr !t ou ore arsql stql lnoqeBul)lel.ieaMuosrsd 3q1s.ulr.uos ro 8utqlqrlqr\ snIa101^res$rausrasnep.^r1el3r (spuuo)rnoqrtM)sasnPP€^!lel.r;uluuio s^3ulullaoz a^lletarBulullaP-uou sesnPP 15o u31s^tralnduor Maurno z Irrs stsornaPu€snoql1er.^3s 'unasnurPMousr'Pltqre 5ep.^llsu.))lc asnoqsrql I u3qM' uo asoqM' oqM' urorlMo1LplqM' qrlqMUl' 'xoq iqlut€serqdro P.roMP q1!as.rualu.s.qr ar.Furol € le qroMaq.riqM qresqaqr 8 r 8ur^e15ar,3M lrrqMl.loq 3q1 I uroqse^\tq)rqMe)eld3tl1 9 s.;Pn8!etle PooBs o'lM euoouros S a t E s j osl t o s n o oq q Ma t d n oar l r t ^epr.ls.,{Mes.M ueuoM3q1 € r3],rP s)ooloqMaloauos z sleurrue 5oue3l3lnduro)Pueq-Puo.ssllatleqMdoqsP L 'ur€ql1'.rro:) 2piroru! .re saserqdqrlqn z '166t ur sea'aenuSunofe P.sEalar .1€l .9 po^eld.rts ul!, lsrt] si113q)uel€ ur ?podasrpered { e P a q l s , f e p u n s5 r a q l o u p u e ] {8t ! l E ^ p u eo t t t e a a -'.ss/egPrlnoq 'M.F qsuJo pr'!) e s PPqaMrouuLprol t 'rllnq a s u e a r e t d o q r sts!q€ ] a q o l S u r o S s r t u E r q u ',&runor ttuou 3ql ut aqllo reL.,r Suerql z sr'puelleu ut saorrl5a33q !q1 1o3uosr ' , ( e p r e q laoq tr a d p d . q lu t s e Mo l o q d ueu aqls,leql I 'r.'rj r trr,irLi'niN I i.ri4 'oqalo pe.rsur.'roqeasn.M asers rtl urlErl!.rLloN unouora aNretsr3qraroj.qo3 uer {aqr qsll3ullpurol^'a^ urlnE ' !1l!'r'irii, i ' i q , t , Ir ' r ' i u . r : i , , r l i l '.snEpaqlJo P€ aqrr€o: ^lPurrousuo[sod.rd ii-t L'] r. I ri lil i:ir,,. rri ir. r.lr:i I i rrrir rrr + ,.,:r1;rr:r i r.:rIr,i i I :1irI i::tll,| 1r r'rrri I . i I i r i i r r r ! r 1r , r ; i r r r r . . r ' i . "l 'p.l1ruooslE arEsufouori'parxuo .re t]aqrpuP.raq qtl rr.Jqis aqro1r.r.r qr qMsProa.snePa 1€larE q1a sarual!.saurquror.Muaqr . . i . r j : rf, r i jr i i r , ii r r . i r r fi i r t r . , r .rri N L r r ' l , r ! 'i :r | i i i : i .r r , i: r : r i i r r l . i . r i , : , . 1 1 r . , i l , ; r t i r\ l ; r , , j 'teq )a aqr\'q.tqM\ua ue) no{ 'asnpp.^rlel.r .rt1jo pafqo.q}s tutqlro uosradPtt asnep 3 q 1 JD o e f q n€s q l s L u r o l o r3d^ 1 E l aarq r ' o ^ o qse. l d u r e xa.q ru L iUlSt'I3hl3d .I r i rj f . : i r J . r l r r . r r i , 1 i r , 1i 'ri:,rI l i r r r l ' . . / . q a q ! a s u o t l t s o d acrocr P . M l e q l a r l r o N aqr ar€ldurof, L araqa /(tuounouoi a^treF e qIA sarLraluas trlirn,i \ri I sLrrlr \ !rr.rrirr,rr.rr i'j!r i s.rPld . luotrtsoddd + leqllplq^'.)a'lA) rrlri r.rr!rlfti'r!r \riiqi !..lrlrr ntr 1.iii I (rro'/,) suolss.ssod . t lf trfvud I r:i--!-EF:i.]+:t ii jif jr.rr ii. ;. ; i.ri.,r,loN i!.xr'^'a\ r,zi^i sesnep Sutuu.p uou ur unouorda^rrEt.r3qr tno.^e.l ro!uPr no rriri .,r # ir!!r|ri,1; ; r r r r i , ,r j i l o N irirti:,r I i I ijr ||_- !rr'|rr.r!i.ri,!i.r.,r,, rrrrrf I ir!1 ri :. frii, rr rL.il 'unoue r3lJPlPtl4 esnol lrarorursrll ir!sW3w3u r,,r'riri,rlfr:.r.re.rfiirLrilixr,fl,,'r,r..,.jr,,r,\'i.:iirr,rjr'rrl r a s n e p S ! ! ] a P l o u u L r P q r . s n1 o l u e r f o 'liiriJ rr.- i:r.:ij rrr.! r!li/li:rl!,r{ rrririJi j rr i8a8w!l^tfu :rrili iirilir f'r,rr l rrlq4.qiii' ir_'ir.r,ri.ri ! ;'il rf :illi lr ! i lrr 1r!!rg$ i iLir,1! )!.{rr'.i! ixr r rl}ri q r l !!Lr rfr.,r (reqt''Plqa)sSurtll' '(uaqla .Jaq^ a'aL!^'oq/r 'reqr'q'q^) unouord3^l€Fr € 3!En seull puesareld'suorssassod '.tdoad s8utq1uoq€loBeurolutsn a^r; r.sneP3^[elal tPraua9L aql (ratp,!€ss.r.u I pue).roJaqseuuotrore3ra!l iase)slql u t u o l r € u r o j uer4 x a s . ^ t t r r - r n o q € S u f l E l s r e . M u o e a d / 8 ! r t l l 3w saurn.uos q)lrt/r\snIa101^res.)au lou slasnelra^Llelar (seuuo) qra) s€snep.^!rp|d 3u!u!t.P-uoN sasnelfaA!lPl€u Q u a n t i f i e r s w i t h c o u n t a b t e ua n cdo u n t a b l e n o u n s Quantifiers Countable and uncountabLenouns . Noursir English areeithercounrable or uncountable. tf€ rour js u n c o u n t a bilred,o e sn o th a v ea p t u r a l f o r m . . somenounsir English havecountabte anduncountabte forms. L. r i , , i l i i ,r . L " i : ; r : i : . . ' r , : , i . ; r , $ r r i f : r ( = u n c o u n t a b l e ) : r.::ri I ri,'ir:|.i,.iflj (= countable: cupso/cotree) . Someuncourtabte nounshavea pttratforrnwh]chis differertin ii]iLi..|'. jjL. i].ij ''.r.1 1.] ]ii l],|hil]|Lll (= urcountabletphysicatham) rri, I f. ii.r r ir liN,ji,i!j l= ptuat:financiaL Quantifie6with countabtenouns . sevent, one ot two, a <ouple,a few quite a few veryfew Afew, a coupLe andonear twa altmean a snr.I number,. I :rr :. rr ! rl ii! i I Nr|l\: or'r.!\r !r seyeralmeansmorethana few. "lh r,...r,! rjl Noticethat a/ew andqrtrea few emphasise the positive. . \ : i I i n $ r r : r r : : t \r , l i j r i l , I r : f n r wheteasfew andveryfe\r enphasise rhat it is a smarnurnDer. I j r ! i r L .r \r , r ' . r i i \ i ; r r r r i r : . r i.. \ ' r i f r . f r i r r i r r i r l . nany, a nunber ol toadsof, hundrcdsof, doens of, erc. T h e sa e r ea l L u s ewdi t hp t u G t c o u n t a bntoeu n s . Manyanda numbetofarcusedin moreformalsitrarionsto iatk abouta large,nonipecificn!mber. Loadsaf, hundreds of anddaze,ro/are mosttyusedinformaly. Ioo nary is usedwith co!nrableiouns to mean,morethanwe i ' . , .j : i r i r : fr | r , i r , , , : i r . j Quantifierswith uncountablenouns ' a little, very little, (guite) a bit of A little ard a bitof rcfetto uncounrable nouns abdoltendsto be usedin conversarion andinforrnatsiruatiors. i r . , I r r i i l r . )r r t . f i j r L j i l r rli. r i i , r r , i r : r r r r rr,:r . : r i ) r .I r i l r i r I . I ' f r . I r f . t r f i ; L/frlelyeryllttleemphasises a smaltquanrtry. I i ! r l Lr I' r il , r 'r ' i i , .i l .: , i Quireabdolis usedto emphasiserhe positiv€. We cannorsay i r r :r r ( t L . r ) l irjl r r r . : l i , r i J . . much,a gteat deal of, loadsof Jliri Muchis usedtotalkabortlargequarriries.tt is usedwirh uncountable nounsandis maintyusedin qu€stions andneg.tives. 4 greaidealo/ is usedin fornralcontexls - toadjo/ is infolmal. I , . ' . r f , 1 , . : i r i L l i \ ri ) j r , r " r | , r r r r .:., i t I i r , I r , ! , r . l : i rr,i irrfri i1ri,. iii Ioo nrc, is usedwith urco!ntablenounstomean morelnan i . i::l!fi r r fi i :..iri tir: r i r L r r r. r ; r , , Alorofis usedwith bothcountableard uncountable nours.tt is usedLess in formalsituations. tt is not usualLy usedin negative sentences aid qu€stio.s. lofs otis lsed in the sameway. . 1i,i " f . l r r . . ' r r r ' , : , . r ; r r . . I. i i i , i . E oughis usedwith borhcountableanduncountabte .orns ro mean asmuchaswe need. Plertyof means'morethanwe need. rr;. r:riirrriii -r: I r. \irrL. ji)i.riir jirr jr:,i. irrrfti!:,r r:f.t someanda/ryarebothusedwith pluralanduncounliorenouns, andin positiveandnegativesenrences. somerefersto a limitedquantityornumber.tt canbefollowed jlfi r..i ii , ilrirrl: iri il| i , r Li r r r i :$ ! r , , , r r r r r i r l J i it,r,tr:iirLri:r,rl 4ny refe6to an urtimitedquantityor number.With a positive ,.,r i, i rr.ij i.,rr,r.,rir i\ .1i). :.;i: (= all of them,ii doesr't Whereaswitha negativeverb,it means.one. r,. li ...II\ I,'iILi |i.,jLr, rf i. (= none) z l'inacirCr 1 choosethe phrasewhichis closesrin meaningtothe ones 1 slvqalpeople haveappliedforthejob. hundreds/ loads / note than a few 2 lhere aretoo marv peoplein the recording studio. dozensof / hundrcdsof I norc than weneed 3 We haveveN little tiflre beforerhe busteaves. enoughI not nuch / plentyof -5is 4 Drojelrhd, a rea€v!o\r r( a C]c!&eat of money. a bit of I a lot of / not enough 5 Youcanget a freemapat4ytourjst office. attofthem / noneofthem /someofthem 6 Dont buy aiy morefood,we ve got p!e!E. enough/ norethanenough/toonuch 7 Heeatsani/thing. everything / roth ing / @thin thi ngs 8 ldon't like5g!ie of herrecentsongs. all/cettain/'tl,ost 2 Choosethe quantifierwhich cannotbe used. 1 Iherc atea bit of / a few / qu ite a few / sevenI rhin$ ta say. 2 I hete is a bit ol / a little / vety fittle / very few norey teft. 3 lherc weteabitof / asrcatdealof / hundrcdsof/ roadsof peoplewaitirgforthe teamat the airport. 4 Ihete s enough/ much / plenty of / too nuch sahi. the sarp. 5 | foolishlydidr't foltowa / any / no / someal the adliceI wasgiven. 6 knewsomeofthe peopteir the room,buta/es /ary / nary / 5oDeof them r'd nevermet befor€. www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library sBulqt , 'LlsllBulu.todsrno^ !^ordur!01p.dpq seqt qrnu ^{oqsru3Pn$raqroqrlaereduor pu€ stesse uaqf qtuour€rc,uoI &1PUPseeP!€qt lo €Lro€sooql z 'urofu€rno^leqr e3iP lP)olrno^ urqnltrqsnButrc aSuEqt(auorreea^uore Pull 9 'rr^Psor eoq Peaqrnox urisqrprd puEuetdpue',{eso13^eqlq3turno{leqr Bulill ' o p u q a q i s u r t e u | 1 r r er r F . ^ t u n r n o ^ 1 es r u . P n r s u3!..,o1oluaorrno,(uI ststrno101SuqeidslroM 1e) qsll8utasno1.^eqrq8tu no^3r3qMsuooPnNlotutql 'Suqeads a)l|lsrou ua4osrqsn;ut lo at^15aql'8u|1!a.re no^ qtnoqlv slu3u.rLlor.l!M Pue utPa$aralular€no^D.iqns e lnoqeunroj aulluoue ulof 'ule8e asFPrd',0es.)au 1l u.lsll uoLlr PueulPSP Jt uoaeDunuordrnor()trort) jtaeno^ Pnoleit SulP€r .srpeld No!-c^c aq1uo rl ol ua$!lpuPl llun uo4 orpneJo uoFr3s}loqs€ esooq:) 'uollelrunuord F.!o) r no^u! otPneaql o13uru.lsll oql paqr o1tuPUorprP-ruru eqr anDerd Iq ouroqle sproaMaulouoBer)unuord rno^ ol u.lsll 01 5a)4srL1r Dalor PUe:ulPro.ar Fqresl rno^ )isPpu€'1e${es Ih no,(leqM.sorud Pue uetd'rra 'doldeyauoqd .Iqow )nof8usn a6pl 6u!In) uo4 qsel Sur)iP.ds .qi SuroPjPtno^ ulu ro Prorel 'nor(rol atqlssod.rereqr eot.q seipt aql )l)tl ftluno, uao rnor(q I oP01anlssodM s! r! $q 'uroo.rssPtr 3qt 3plslno?u!)Feds.slrr€d ol r.lsP€ qrnurs! 1!'/Orunor3u!)e.d5-qs!tBu! ue ut 8u!^!lalE no^ ll L ,{uoluarar E prerEtde E &opt^ p reot,e uoolEqe uroor3aptrq reuueqP uotlPrlsuouap e rte]e uolldararE p rorerrads ulllor € €Llnlso) e lPraunlP prsM4se €urnou E apered e oslPueqrrau '/\^ol.qsalro;aNr .qr o1xoq aqlu!sproM 3ql qtlPh ! 1}r)vud I !]HIO aug ino(.leror (^r^ErpNU e) dn al?r or {FnoFsturqr.uos qe} ol .)qd€lel01 )roa.rue te Bs.Je uel e rlele ruPdlFUaBeSuoue uotrerorap e .lnfore u,,rore or ial3r!er!a uP.SreLp le^!ur4e uoorSaprqe .prq€ uoolPqa .ldo.openrE01 ^leti^luueue s-tNlI l tvDtds (11uoorssep eql epgslnoqs;18ug a^eM eruels urolar taqar an.nb aloluord lsalord .pEred r3q1PB3t€rorap dep raaqr alerq3tar uStEduel asurol unou3qr.ie tPqA\ 2urol u n o u . q l s Pe u e s . q l p u . r P x o q3 q 1 u l s q r . ^ . ^ $q r l q ^ \ € sruoredrtaql $lte8e qset)/ pq t ualeduet e ara, sr.Seuoar^uew 9 -tred aql ularetd looqrslenuue / te.se / uedZunerU.],l5 'raqpur sLq/ooroqd e / Dle / dn saryr ay sqleu le PooS^tqur.l 1 33rD 'pt d. aq ot Pa^eMI Paddelt / pa.r{, pue^uoleq aql oluo rno.uetr tul) 3q1 € 'sreef )nat fra^a a'etd I go / rred otEl sldulto 3tt1 z 'waads stq ,nd aPzu / /PIP luiPts.rd.qr seruotFaraasroPrlsuouaPaq1 'sraMsue rs.q .q1 $oo'tf z a^eMe/.^eM or (.psed),Golrhe ueSolse lsureSe!o|lP!are lsureSe$a1ord e/lsaprd o1 uorlouoroe/apuoro o1 PereldE lnt{otlot plMo301 qxsdseqe(F^3or Aull3qte8et.qplor arerqu. ue/.)eiqui or qla qsepol deF 01 Faqr 01 uotre4.lar e/ore4alar ol u3eduer e/u8edub or rtuou3ratre r3uue!e iPAoD I $arPpe or s.lsttotd oNv sNotj vt€il]f, 4 Could Couldalsoexpresses possibility in threeways. . Ability(asth€ pan of cn) rte.ouldak!a,1l,Mlko, i1L bttthdaj: itu . Pemissioncooid/rrrirr.tlor r npreril . Present/future po$ibilityo/ t:.16e lctuldbegk\tg. Overviewof modalverbs Mustexpresses necessity. Thee arerwo typesof necessity. . Obligation I m q r t 4 . / r o m . r o y I f e g o tt . b ea t ' n a t Ie a t l ) l t t n o n a v . Musr,t means'obligediot to'l not altowedto'. rou nustn tsaoke itilerc!\/eu.oul.l4at aficl S May Generally, r?ay(,ot) expresses possibility in two ways. . Pemission(mainlyin first person:formaL) Mayt\tearla \:aD rna tnan,rri? . Prcsentfutu€possibiLity Therenay bea \!.nr laa! REMEMBER! Haveta andhavegat ta alsoexpressobltgatio..Murr often expresses 6 Might an obugation that comesfromthe speakerwhiLehavefo/havegorfo . Presenvfuture express possibilityty. $ighttee),au latet.r'r'eli\eewhat anobLigation that com€sfrornsomeone orsonrerhing eLse. rrrdJt9o/r.rrerr., /r'.it.i.. (= havedecided this) . Pemission(ratheroidjashianed)Might t atkyor Laipeal upa tifite? I veqat ta be.r ,'i.k'.. li t.tf .hirr rl.trin] (= my bossdecided this, hav€aneartynreeting, ek.) Theldeathatsomething isnot necessary isexpressed bydor'rhayefo. REMEMgER! f.ti dan t hafeta bLr!. ti.i.t;ll.i., tl.ti t tatila . Thediffer€nt degrees of probabiliry expressed bymodatverbs can besrmmaised tikethis. Herelnustrneansiromthe evidence tam surethisistru;'. H es r a i e h t | | . r i t gh i sp h o n e] l e m u t b e h a n i c e t i n g . lf we wantto saysomethingis logicaltyimpossible, we usecar't. Sur.lyh..anl be 6a,heariy iaaksabautla! 2 Shouldlshouldn't Shorld;susedfor obligations that arenot strong it is not necessaryto do someihingbut it is'a goodidea'orrightthing. v.u dtould beiti be.lbyna,r (= this isthe dChtrhinC) | 4outd'ir r , l - r r l o t d g o o dr d e d ) ". REMEMBER! . srouldcan befoLtowed bya conrinuous form. . r h ( r1 / n . I e L . . . , 1 n- , . Ougrrtuhasthe samemeariigassrorld. (-1orl far auEhr ta be in betl by h.t/'. 3 Can Canexpresses possibilityin threeways. . Ab'lity 5hpcanipp.kflaent tjetn.n (= sheis abtetospeakcerman) Bearle fo alsoexpresses ability. r-ne'3ableior,realflrer,r (ier"rr Whenthe sentence needsan infinitive(e.g.afterwarf or aftef anothermodalverb),usebeableta, not can. lvanttab4 ableto ling Liketrel CabI iktetnrT fot a h.nlerti (= is it possibLe ro irteriupt?) tt 5vetulat ir nlitn1.t,brt itcak bet.ezirl i1||ijt€t. Noticethatca, is not usedro talkabourspecificpossibitities eitherin the presentor in the future. La.Jkni rli..t pboarl i I coukti nay I'hight Lt,ii nve NOTr..l rrrr..Li/th.r.r lr+t,:)t1!h .. I tcAgr.-r i 'l Tick sentencea orb whichis ctosestin meaningto the fhst. 1 Yo! sho!ldn'tsayanything. a lt s notagood id€atosayanything. b lt s forbiddento sayanything. Youm!stn't sayanlthing. a lsayyor're not altowedtosayaiything. b lt s not necessaryto sayan)4hiig. Th'scan'tbethe rightwayl a l'm surethatthis isntthe rightway. b Peftapsthis isn'tthe rightway. Youdonl haveio tetlhim. a lt3 not necessaryto rellhim. b lt s prohibitedtotellhirn. ThatmustbeTim arthe door. a I m surethEtt Tim at the door. b Perhaps that'sTim at rhe door. a lt som€times snowsin lvarch. b Perhaps itwiltsnow in l4arch. Thematchcoutdbe ponponed. a Perhapsthe matchwaspostponed. b Perhapsthe match wiLlbepostponed. www.pardistalk.ir/library ! D ! tr tr . tr D - n tr D ! n www.pardistalk.ir/library isSeurll.qP.Bueq) '$qroP ,$!! rot e (Inq)-.qe) q {BFlduo) s,eqs ,o 'qol^{ou raq utlPurs )oot ol pep.dx. .qP) e s sea.qs sp seqrorrdru ro rolP ({nq)aluuvq .uoBs,rpo)rrtl suoq (o8)' V e dr e ) . q l u r rt'ruve t | r ss , r e ) r r t lr u o q ( o t ) 'sau!,o suazop -))elPUe era^ q al.q uaaq3^.I€qr- rsol (ra8) ...rqt rq -)ref riq iq p,,(3qrptes,(aqr- lsot (l€4 PUee$A P € .rruo pqsFutsrurpd Iu-3uDrp.ur (^pnd tq 8ullp^ell oBor papDaptrnq':uDrFu (fPnls)-le Z ':uoq u.t]1 no^ aruF ro3 nolq rno.{(a sal) uaasr,ua eq I tloa re s.ssprS 'o3e 6qr saFulur ^{.t e u.qrrq -nole u!uiqr Mest-)roa le sa$etBrnoI(3^Eat L 'rrqre4 ut sqa^ aqr uol pallor ro .qr puetepou rsedlrpldorddg uEqr!,$sde;.'D q.lduol ' .qMauosrsol1o3a equ?l /ap{{e@ 3qs'qortN or p.uaddPqr,reqaMou)il,uoPan 9 . suollrnllsuliqr ol uolusrlP arour PtPd. etl$nu I a eL!Hnolls3/\^-ssaurPur.r,.ar;puo \ oN 5 ',(etsot utq p.)loj euooN or pilu€a .q aulr,(up esnort3qr lalarzqrqEu /a ert noDpl ea v 'no^rol €ru3t$dx. lnj.l^Pu€ @eqa^eq$nu /rgolPerrl Toqs 3lq!ll3re se,{lsr\aua$ tule€q arnsuril E '3utr uo uo[Ersaqr 01F orgsnr Luppo) 'ped aql uo rujerl ,(uP^lPrPqse/t\araql z t ol e eL!ruplp eM os 'p3ruEM luoq lPqt I P.P!^ord Fuoqd I Isetuot splno {prs otpe{/prro, |'ra8eu.alPseaIu3ql lepour $eo p.!o, .r.tl.sooql I z r)trf,vudI '{al,alqe&u ateataq- ue^peu!papoqa eqotr46noaA4 'atd!)rred + anpqo r/rnos! otrqfno,o $ed aql rspd (1 PtPno,(lnq 'Paplpoo8Plusea s!q1=) ipq.alun laaPaqtlal a eql,uPlnoqsno^ (r!oPr,llPtPnof rnq 'Paplpoo8e seMs!$ =) 'inotua na[ a]olaqtoopaqlpapol a^eq Plnoqsna{ 'aldDlledrsed+ a p./ptroqsstplnoqsjoi!ro, rsed3q1 a^eqolrqdt oPuea^eqnnoqs =) (piu3dd?qslql rpql €lqtssodutsueesI ',(tlE]r3ol ,aPPele tnoqtw\tPM?€tfi)a^oP.qulP a eqLuet ^aqt (p3|l3ddeq slqrl€ql aNlssods!r!'Iller!8o]=) '^oPulMaq] q6ndql u!F6 a^Etl PD,o/tq6lu/[eu '{aql (p€ueddeq srqrleql urerar suri.s I ,!p)3ol=) 'pauaddetl peqyqApteaqnaIuaqfpauo uaeq^er!$nu na| .siql ,(rrrrqpqord slepor sqr sruatplnba$ed iqr re stepour ro lo e etl$nw'a eq (lou) 1q6w 'e^eq (tou) feu'e^eq (tou) pqo,'a et4t,ue) iauaaaaspalM o eqppot na{ lAapu^aqlla a ! ^ortri o1noflapdqs se^, 'r,uPtP rnq'u6ddeqol tu!qi.uos I rr €tqtssod sP^ r! uaq^rpasns!aneqP,,or turollsed 3q.L' 'urol3^!re8auaql ul ut p:sn.q uer o, aJqel{rsP,l4 Puer,upt,o, (uotseDorqnrtued e uo st$ ptpflenDeiq =) 'p.!n[u! t^eD ol arqese^/or padeueu aq \peq se^ aq q6not]|lv 'uolserrorlJp3dse uo plp^llnlssarrns no,{lertA lnoqe )flpr or p.sn de or atqe te^ pre 01pabeueN . (uotse))orElnrFed,{ueuo rou '^roaqrut=) 'PaNe$a^ )a^eu.rl^06pueauo) ppD./A )Ut)adsrou 's.qlllqelerauaS uoqP tler or P.sn^luo I p,not . 'or pr6€u.4 s.utl3uos ro 'o?8,gPre,4ro PPD st t]er lo $ed 3qI PIN03 'u1oJlune)Pe^ o1.^ett ruPlPlol peq I loaq)t ]e se^ t uaq\\ 'o1a^eq sl e^lP8au l,uPlP sossaJdx3 3ql pueorpeqs!Llliojrsed.qr 'uo|l?Bllqo rsr@u3q/\^ lqr ol Bulpro))e suro, rsPdlu.r.rrlP €^eq $uFuros qePoN slePou lsed .PUoa aqr '1lal sv I auo fluo s! ar.qr u! arnreaDFarPraql3q I 'IEMe suos I uiaqljo sarFurolq !! ateui, e ll.us suPUnq paqrld-q8lqqeu f.ql 9 ^q pr€aqaq-qrlqaspunos 'pll^t aqr ulrnre€D - no^ stqlrE.urnofJt{]MolsleMp l]eq ro lltrs^ers dunlor rte aqtutsirl.u ost rnoqP sarl slqe.qplno^{.lltirnrPir)slqlseqBtqsedunf 'uoostruru. puesleurlup puelF.rers,puoM 3qrlo auoq rl 3q'uroq8u!.q enoqu!qr!/iilP ,o .)pu faql z ,(atDisno.q $^!l ]]oqsraqr ,o rsour.r.11 'q/uq rl I ooLF^o re ulr fU^eu re3!1 .srollol PueFleluld qlour satJ qepaqr rPaq rsq 1{Untssod.uo uEqr ou.q {p!u !qr) 9a tppoue qrlr,rsde3.qr.retduot uaql r\otaquolleurroru!.'$or xoqaql u!qeurlue.qlqtlEN z 2 compt€te the gapswith €xtreme adjectives. MYSTIRIES AND ODDITIES 1 Thegroupwereso far away,altwe couldseeweresome figuresin the fardistance. _ 2 lt wasa(n)_ momentwhenviot€ncebrokeout betweenthe policeanathe demonstrators. 3 The crowd werc reaLly_ when the fefere€sent off the hometeams captain. 4 We weresittingrightin the front row,so at timesthe noiseof the groupwas Thefilm wasso_ thai manymembeEofthe audience walkedout beforetheend. Pictures ofthe concenwereprojectedonto a vdeo screen, so everyonecoutdseeperfectiy. Themarchlastedforhoursandafterthey'dbeen walkingfor sucha longtime everyone was_. Theeveninggotoff to a grearstarrwith a _speech by the prin.ipalthe whoteaudience waslaughing. Therewerehugequeuesatthefoodstalli,so by rhe time we got to the frontwe wereabsolutely . 1 0 All herguestsagreedthat Lucinda looked in her EXTREME ADIECTIVES OTHIR Memorisenew vocabulary 'l l.i*CrrcF 1 Replace the uf,derLined phraseswithaword/phraseinthe boxwith the samem€anins. a naturalphenor.enonmysteious a myth eyewitness UFO practicaljoke Doyou beLievethat story?lthink it's somethinswhicha tot ofpeoplethinkistrue but actuaLlListrtue. l d o n t t h i n ki t s s o m e t h ' nt g h a th a o o e nnsa t u E l t y a nids not strangein anvway. Thatt extraora inary.lt s reallyhardto undeBtandwhar happened. Wasthat a iqkqlhalrou dont tell buiwhereyouacruallv do something to someone. 5 she was the p€ag!_whaE\qi leppr!. 6 It looked Likea spaceshiottrcElnqlher+Laret. NNN when hemorisingn€w vocabutary, 5urprisingid€asand imagesa.emoremerno.ablethan ordinaryones,so use them to improveyourvocabulary.Readthe ideasbetow. Which do you think is most effective? 1 Whenyou arelearningnewwordsor phrases, fom a su?risingmentalpicture to helpyou.ForexampLe, to rememberthe phraseprb licity stunt, inaqine a megaphone (a symbolofpublicity)jumpingacros a iver on a motorbike(asymbolofastunt). 2 Recordnewwordsin a vocabulary notebook. Lookar it rcgutarlyandmakenewsent€nces inyour mindusingthe 3 f,1ake ridiculous fiymes with wordsor phEsesthat you aretryingto lea.n.(Youmight€ventry to setthemto Thisisyou fnst exquisitevisit,isit? coonline andgo to a searchengine. Typein a wordthat you aretryingto remember andseewharimagescome up.Choosethemostmemorable image,print it out and writethe wordon the page. Wite newwordson Post-itnotesandsrickthemto your fridge,bedroomdoor,€tc. Personatise wordsthaiyouwantto remember. Usethem lo saysomethingaboutyouEelf. 'festyoutself. Research showsthat testingis an effective way of rememberingnew information, andthe harderthe test,the bettefyou wiLlremember. www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library : .sdnor, r3'!o -d uer.lrJ3n€q ]u3 €d g8 pauro!3d &aqc o1 -" pr{ofip r€dq p"q oL r dno 'd"" a o&o ". .s^lsal ,uorlE4uaruor s?d araql nouaru Lri lnq Jo surral -,r u sdnof aorqt ll.a4aq !.ua€J}lp ou s€d eraqJ ' I ? P r \ a ! r r o up r pp r r r r r r -fl.$l$dl{.o,pJl rdrdrd ,.rtuopuocas-zr rurnS6aqJ ot psaolle ara,\r dnoiS 'sJrl - ,r ljw'.er.ud iLoJ oUe&ou€u rdq.l .d or parflsap s1s3lJo Gqurnu -0r FruroFscr {rsra run -o euq u n q d o \ r p s r s d . r r l l o . J o o n o r t { D n . c rro. -, .ulBrrl -r r4 uea]r\o Jo uopJnpoJd -! i.Illrr p31.3uuor aq n?u )iual puE flrlraql ,crouau -, u33,{}aq $ areq} sunep naloq:rs .,r3rpLy {qI 1"{r -, -z :um3 8ur\aqr ruo{ { dpnls Jo ro'lnE ryauaq ^tFrqJ€ uEr stdGd 1€ql pspo ar s?1{{pnF -L d3u lnq !r u€q 01p3 1 sxEq! a^Eq sraqr?qt lunE EulnaaqC 'aqrIo uele qtM rx.t sql.ratduol I r:rir r:t_l :r Lir:r.n:rrr,rrxtr..r,:isa^4r.fpea llelladnsq+$rvr. .l rr,rfi., iri).:rr.,:rLri ji( r , 1 r , , . . r ,: r ! r. :.,.,.\ri . 1 i . . : r , : rr: ,: r , . f r : , i L r .r, r r i .\r:rlr| tiffr r, rsuoseavsreaf . 'aPttre ou o)er s.serqc aLrltlraqlo i i r , r ' j i l . : i l : r i t t: s . l r n u . r / s a p e r a p i:iiLr lLi:i .ir trrir; 'aill ,Sutptrnq osi ai aqlrnoqe Suuutql.j€.^ ltla^aMol.l i r : i . : : r : r . i . r j rI r t . l lol ll.sn aa.sodrnd t e u r o ua q l p u e , r o l r n l t l s u r a q l r n oBque ) u r q ra r e . a u a q ^ .lrEe ou .sn sM ")la ,prrtlt fitsral,lun,uaslda\t sclo( \t\t tetldtoq,tphqr 'hlea lun 'u6td looqrs :suo$nlrlsul (uo1uo).q1Iq u.p aur[e =) ]..i.r. jJdu!,1.1 |,r:.,.. F u ( e ! os r q r r o l e . u oe q 1 = ) . ! j i i i r , , l I : , i , , , i ( u . r u o )a q 1 , (Pq3 U U a . pu p e = ) n i , , ) , " . , : i . : , r " ! i i , r r . r . r". . { . L os r q rd r o , a q. L o e . l r- ) .3urLre3uto oBu€qr e stotql mq aqrlnoqrtmroqlt/,^pasneq !pr $^tttlpe.saqr ,:.;li (.uo.!ros ar.$=) ,r.',;!r ii,i; ,::rrrr,r.\ 'aqt.sn a M , u o e . d a u o o r ) r J r ) a dssr q o i eJ r l n € h r ) d r l r . e , ( L e r d r Po r . . I = J . 'ueleasnse qorrEtnrtl]Ed € Sulopotdo.dfLreu.r e arawll su€lqo.jd asnsr uauo lErll sEajv z L I riirty* I r i L r c ' : 1 1 r ' r ! : ri t i r t ! ! l l r u , r lr r i : r . j r . r J i r l r i l , J i i r :r ir,:,r!initi atJt]qpl sleuer pre 5e35ee^! isaSuEruterlnow . I . r . r 1 ir r r . . ! , . . . r , r ; ; ! 1 . 3 1 ) t r € u e3 ) e r l o u o p $ t e l p u e s u r e n o u r e t n ) t r e d l o $ u e u a q l , ::: J iirl i |::|i.ri'ir llri,| ::ij )rtt aqt i)el t.r rt,,r rfitl iijjt( sr!msnur pue raD.IeS i5l31oqspur.up ,sa4p.q1to saueu .ql , j:iir i 11:,.i ,iirri!LLif ' r j . r l j : r r i : r t t r ! . ! , r i: . q 1 u e u e . l p l lou op querneF.r pue sdoqs3a8puq qrEd 5l3orrs,speor 15ol/.l i r : f : i i t . r l r r i L : r r i iI j r : r jn ! ] , r , : i i j r f : i \ , i . r : i I L . iur r : r r i : l n € , . 1 : :r i : ;r r .r r , t l l r r i r ; r r rt i . r . i r r i r '3Prue u E 3 s n 1 0 uo p . a , u o r S a r e r n o q e ) t e 1 a ^ \ t l i,:ii |l],rrr :11r:r:;f Jt,r|, .rr;.r! :|tr r;r:lr.iiri|rr:r: j i\,:i:suorldarxl arjr \r r J!l i.r-,r.i , :i': r !l ,i lii Jii r,t fir. i 'at)rtrp ue r)etpu op sar1|rpup ruMor sarut^ord 5a1P$ tpueFltlL.uouo) r.uluio) riaueld lsou lo saueu aql : i ( l r . r J r r . ; J Jr r r j . i . , : a p t u eo u r o i a i l ro ) e r u e r s u o s e . s . i 1 f ; : i ' r i r r ! I rr i I I s ^ e p l s q r u o u 1.'.fri.l:ri:ni .i r,:.rrjii ( J l r r r i r ] , r r ! . . , r i , r ,r : r n q ) .,., .i.. -1,. , . ' , , i , r , i , i , . Li r, . ii i , i r ! , , j r r i r . i i , , ! r i ^ e p . q l slleo . t o ir):ril riili.r :ji:j:r t| lt.jrl :rrjr,r i$lep . L rLi. |Lli ir! 5 L rL r r : i J l i r , r ! , lr: ir. iir,irr! ,ri,Lil '3ur^ .fI oltol oqi apnpur a$ql enphrpu asaqr ureal ollsoq srl sat)UreuoqllMpupqr$ s.s€jqdpoxjJ.{ueur arearaql ,.j,rrLr,i|.(Euorpis o.s) suorta)xa r(Lreuer€.raqrriq breld ro stdoodto s.Lleueqr qr$ . i t . i i i r i r : r r r r i f l i s u n o u o l q pn o r u nr o l p r n l d3 u s n : l e r a u au3r s 8 u r q l l n o q{ e € r a M u a q ^a p t r r eu €a s nr o uo p . / r;irr.Lrrllir,rtj I ri. illiifr;f 'rtsMo ot WtqMaserqdeql,{q p.uu.p sl 'jt'r'r i: ! r,,n jrli-: r j.rirt n{.\ ii rif :ii:i r ; r r.,,,r.jrl rrrri 'iro].q p3uoruaur u€q seq (aserstrtlut ,aulSua auo f l u o s . r e q r= ) i j j i r : i i i r i i r ! i , i r . \ r , ; t , . : ) f , . \ , + . , . , . . , . , 1 . r 1 (auo^juo sraraqr=) iri, ir, :;,1rij, 1rtr,r j rrj,i.r) '(ualuor tpw ut .nb !n ro) .nbrunsr . :uosadro 3urq1aqrasneraq q)rq^\ Mou) oai uelm dqr.sn.r ,auo sal)!!P a uuao :t1:r:ii' Jrj !r;trr.jr,\ r L , . t r : r , a r o J i q p 0 u o l l u a ! u a o q r o us e q '|f irrj r,ririf{r lfrrl ..nblun lou sl (slstue { u € u o r e . r a q r= ) , ! r i I L r e ! . , r ' , ( ! e ur o . u o s l :8urqlaLtlasnpraq,ouo q. q/{ aoDjl,uop oM,u.qM,s/e asni,. 'aqra)els.r€rqc.ult auos selnrrtsE€ I s€l)! e ro tsn-uouPueosn .ur!tjo s.serqd q.t,{aprr" PUP asn ro "r'rr"O "rn-uoii".]! E 2 Completethe text with a/an,fre ornoarticle (6). The UK's haxdest working man? '_ hadestwo*ing Irm jn ,_ UK has decided to take life I little easier Jmes Mcsponm has retired s a- only police oftce. on s_ Liny lslmd of Gighain 6- north'west ScotLuid. However.he will continue to sere Gigha's200 inlubitants in r_ ftmber of oLher roles, for he is also 3 onk posLmEn,,_ ambulance man, r0_ shopkeeperand 'r_ taxi driver for r'?- islad. ipoljce job wasnt denulrding, he told ta-TiiDiEs. ls,people on the island are ar either 16 relaties or ,friends, so 13 crime is u*nomrl 3 Adda or tne to the sentences below wherenecessary. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 My brotherworksast€vel represeitative in Canada. President of USAhasresigned! Sahara is largestdesertin Afdca. Hewaslastpe6onto seevictimalive. l'ltseeyounextweek. Weatheris betterin southofcountry. | livenearhospital. He'llbeherein monring. Canlhavetwo ticketsfor 9 p.m.film? My dreamls to retireto tropicalistandsomewhere. Different ways of giving emphasis 1 Intensifiers 3 Useof auxiliaryverbs WeoftenaddanauxiLiary verbin theposiuv€ for emphasis. l.r!i trllo d.eJ nr.;i.rr,.r i.rrqri. We also use auxiliaryverbs in the positiveto emphasisea contlast. doriN:rir, r/ri.flir;.r ijIiiI.{iori.itirnr Adniig.eally beforethe auxitiaryalso adds emphasis. I rc.ilv do ;rroio.l. l.r'llr!t /irif r)!,i..1. 4 Cleft sentences Theusualwordorderfora sentence in EnglGh G subject+ verb+ o b j e c+t ( a n v e r b ipahl l a s e1) .i ; r . - J o ,rrp r r . i l l N n i . i l l i , i ) , i , i i . i r i r However,if we wantto emphasisethatwe likehGsenseof humour(rnorethananlthingelseabouthim),we canusea cLeft sertencethatbeginswjth a wharclauseandtheverbbe. ll tr r Jti,!enturr arbo,iijo') isr:.r , r.I t. .,'ltrr., r. Similarty, if we wantto emphasise a pafticutarperson(morethan anyoneels€J, we usea cteftsentence withir+re + n o. l.iir N1N rtriidr.i 1'lcj:,r/lrr, ri!rit 5nltsrr wfoJr.rJr nrst ofirii Ita pronounis used,the objectpronounis moreusualthanthe subjectpronoun, rhoughsomeconsider thG incorrect riirJ,i,! | r.i.'r,rd',. 5 Emphatic questions nfomaLly,we canusethephraseo, ea.t,?aftera wr- question wordto emphasise surp.is€,annoyance, or the fact that we do not knowthe answertoa questioi. j , fi r ' r .o v p 1 , f . / r r d i l l i ! r D d c d n ! a r l l r r r i ! , r r r ! b r . t r r l I PRACTICE2 l Abetut 9, conptetety,reaA to We usethesewordsto add€mphasis to adjectives. rJrf,i,.f, i{.i. ii irsil(rt?t x/ilri;ri AbsaLutely a.d.anpleteLyareusuallyusedonly with ungGdabte (forexample adj€ctives /arfasflc,.trtl, etc.)whichaheady describe ai extremeorabsolutequality. i,.11.i./ .. .. /..ci {NOT.}*r*€1J.9€€dl lr! r,x i! ri /i.r/ D,rtlr.'r,rr.r r,,J ftrrDi.rel/iyirl. (Nor espl€&'j€d) far is usedfor emphasis with too + adje.tiveot too muchlnany+ Choosethe corect word5. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Thatry programme wasabsolutely/ conpleteIy / so funny. Believe-rle,| rea(y / did | ,ave try to phoneyou. That/ What/ WhichI likedaboutrhe film wasthe acting He|ft|What smy sanwhobtheexperton computers. Whatat I in / on eadhdo you meanby askingme that? joumeythat we lI wasso I su.h / veryan uncomfortabLe couldntsteepat atl. 7 Your new girlfriend k .ornpletely I really I absolutely nice. I lt s lat / tu / su.h r,]'orcdifficultthanyo! thinkto gei a goodjob thesedays. 9 That new exhibition is yery | such/ absolutely )nctedi6le. 10 Ldolsoltarbelieveyou.Youdon't havetorcpeatyouuetl 2 CompLetetheconversation, addingemphasis to B'sreplies. ri i.i:n r0.,rirr.li r/arlrh We alsouse/ar with comparative adjectives. )/or'r .rii I r;r]d' rrrii / d ,r),|lal.rd B: f.4etoo. What Like_ 2 So and such 50 is usedbeforeadjecrives to intensifythem. nr,r?,i,r rn iL{ir/l s,c, is usedbefo€ an adjective+ noun. It.'? rr.i!riaind, l,-'.LnrirlL?r.!xr,1 A/4, areusedafterruch.ir rtir((iJ r ii r.tirrrli)'l Noticethat with muchlmary r/f !. iiiLrri''nrl!q.li rrii is livingoutdoors. Yes,it's _too expensive for us. Why didyou buythat painting? Yo!te not interestedin what l'm saying. B : l_ wantto knowabouiyourday,blt Ine€dio wo*. lhate waitingfor buses. B: 6 A: Jorgethrewa rock.t Pedroroday B: What www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library i€rnrn, aqr u!&1no^ry8lu s^PAqrtqm z qr|3ul ur]lPl PUes.leussePql/t\ dn F.u qstl3ululsauet r.rduor ^Pld atdo.dSuqeodsqstlSulqrM spu.lJ sreul suole$ olperqslFuj ol uolsll {urp.$ara l qsftur peEr arenoflPql Fafqnse €sooqr)soulz€3eur qq8ul u!stuosol u31s!l (sraP€a!ulnBu.d € a ' p . p p r t r o l r o J t e u t 8 l o o q r u tq s l l 3 uut t q o o q p P a r ulsult} qreM . {s.tuqns }noq1$jo qlM) qsLlSut a$^au ro {lguolserro '^[u.nb.r] op nor(op qnqr 'uoorsspPaql oplslno qslfut qr!^{ a8e3ueub no,( teqr Mopq tr(EA ir.ll P€al I rc.>e q lPas,(t!ro rno 143 e 'rnot^eq3q sLqlro, PuPrs1,uoat'ralno.q PUPuMoPrls t u r s a ^ . ! r a qq ]o urro,rroqsaql1 e 'iatq$od se uoosse,ro]sPueFdvsv € ,Ceuo|l:tpe u!! puu q e D.dsar no^3uoauos Ise 'Surueau.qr Moul l,uop no^ z 'dn tr I loot 3n4lou srrPlqa,toF € Plol q luaun8rPuPr.qe urE8esPustr]aLrrorq e -dnepeu r,ue^eq o,^^!.q ol3ut)tei 1ouu,r L ltrls 'ppq u! sqra^ leserqdaq1ro, ?urue€ul)€rrct aqr .sootl) I iiriivuil (z) uoorssePaql ap;slnoqs11tu] 'qolaqlroJ3llElEIFEE-ubFEirpoparo-.qrlo8a,t5 'ouo slqolslql t ^ur u€qr r.lru-lo_sural u! r4t.qrset 'nafriirftud*-sii6iElllqa-!1a^eq ol Paaunol € ZO)E otIsEaTG-lE ji seFsrno^ aqu)s.pno^plno,l z Co-!'5qFF?FdqMrr--ad.qr or )ler s,Ft L BuioBro alPplpuPrqofqtqsl| poo8 predrarloq suorrerDl€nb 1q3f aoqeqr uoi, spro/!\qr!/$s.suqd p.ultispun .qr .)Etdar t !lHlo ir.quoqe luo,anqt! {.lqddo 3FA nor 'rLqrl^ 5,aFqL !uora Surqrou/turtlto@os t.u,(q1L]3uNs,1eql ,NOJ, _ o q rr , l s e ^ : g z n o l o l o B u e 4 s ) o o l s r q l s o o c : v9 'oN r€ ua)orqs,rt :v 5 _ 8uiL]rou t,i$qt r,usl]t " aq ,t iroMr,uoc :€ 2BuloB no,(arEraqt :v t '_ r,;u!'lt^l. utede qrnss,lt 'qo :€ l 'lasdnno^ are^ql :v € _ltp s,leql :g reuu rot ezzldiq8noq| :v z tp '.iri,r,ri' _'sa^ras1eql i€ '.srorjlPqluo fauour lol ersoll :v L lo '6!0rrl ro rq6! Ltra asei{d e BuEn ^tdar aqr.letduo) € 'uoF$r33Plo u31s Pse I ater raql -ra .N 5 €op tutu€ uEq!a'uaql3^alqreor prP'l )roM u3q1plP or stlnlssarrnsaq 01^eM193qaql '-1e saoul3t1s B e-olMoq 'Suqlel uaq/'A a'uoor 3q1uls.uro,srls sdoF auo^r. -rno^ 'pnoi.q puet!1s uer nol lln€j rno.{t,useart mq qofrno.(15otno^ Motr)il J{op ulP. or tu pue 'uorlet$sardrno^ rrelsno^olra€ 'rq8, nor $das rPql 'Mourq8u'aFq lq?N punoi^eaBuo .qr s,ll . tlr oqPqootll )rp! rq8u.q ,l 'BuorMauol s,8uqr&.^l ONV.lft'rU Hrlrl SISVXHd tutrq8ltq3rq S:IION 'NDVI s/r\ll^xlrNl sol ur. atFqno^ teqa Dt dn puersor (PMoD.ql uo4J mo puErsor P.Pl uel rcj PU€rs01 .uoauos qtnorqr3.s o1 rno ssedo1 !n BuqFUos.leu 01 auoauosor dn loot 01 s€tl^ lvswHd 3ruulu.ueqeuor qll! pE.qhof ploqor ^ a] E Frrou13Sol qeo8 aruerlua parlrou sqparqdaop qBrqpEaq € 0tarno{ot uoEu.}e poue o} dvsv a)el tas ra8 rno,(ptoi{ atEur uEstPur Y su^uoDe O]'IION laasue €ntssod auo ulqr 3lolu .q ,(pu aj€'.tr '€ tlor} unou puevuorlqli^e qr!^ aot.q sa)uaru€saqr .r.Fuol z DNIIL]9 Thev€rbark is mostcommonlyus€dto reportquestions, but wondet andwant to know ate sometim€sused,too. Question wordsareusedasconjunctionsto iniroducereportedquestions. ilr.rr.1|.c ii/Led(1,-,r.1 'rrlrrc ri: /ridbe.rn. il,q sBn&dro iror4 r./,it' tinteti iat!;raied h.nt! Withyeilro questions t or whet e/ areused. ,r r ^4 rdricd if v/!{Jfter)n | \tart.!l .t c.t ( n\1Nnp :tn4il Reportingpeople'sexactwords l Changeoftense Whenwereportwhatsomeone said,theve|bfoms generally moveonetenseintoth€past, /lfinn/c tlriii llrri I drrr.lotr0;: ti!ht \ljeitd.'lwill.at1ln.tc 5r-" J.id . hdJi.nd./r/'a, L/irir/i{i rv doing wasrirrt, ird lnat Pa'impre( dd) ..P :*l',llpll ry",t , ) : ,....:::::i.::::.:::::.:::.::.1::.:.:::.::::1.i...::::.:.--t:::.::.-,,,:.I:..::,: Presentcontinuous(/ rn doing Past contiauous(t w8 doind -::4, : ?ese.r perfectl/hrvedore) Pa$ perfectf/haddom) : , Pasrpedectfrrr,addo,e) Pastco.t'lLoJs l/wasdolrg) Pastpedectco.tinuous 4 Otherchanges in reportedspeech . Whenw€ reportwhatsomeonesaid,we needto showany , ) i............................ .. : (!h .d.!.":.!.d:!!9... ............ ..........: . :.ll:h"8"e9::jl!:...... i...13:l.eif-i.t-(1ridd9t"l . isgoingta , ro chaneeposslble .' , musl ..... : , wautd In both cases,thatcan be omitted. ! Pasts mplef/did) pe{ecl .on -inuous . Pasr ( th a db e e nd o i n s ) ' will REMEMBER! say does not take a direct object,but fell atwaysdoes. ii. ra irri?il/l:ll l. ',!r! ib.!i riir.. (r.,ii. NOT/i.i€sfr. /LtilJ,r. d !e rer rrirr.t-".t/!.ii. tt.: tnld)ne ltl at)tc ttn( irt!".r!d,r Ni!. ! i:i..i,. vasooirgrc chang€s inthesituation(e.9.a changein speakertimeor place) ydo rl.af lir.r,:arlaiel., t..rar. Diredspeech:/ r1/i.rlp Reported speech the nextday: ' ' 'lyD,) r.l!t,'nF. yrr\da./ . Herearesometyp'calchanges of time phGs€sin repo.ted speech. Noticethatth€ydo not happenautomaticallyit depends on the situation. hadta ThePastcontinuous fiequentlydoesnotchangein reportedspeech. '...:::. .......... that day/Iastruesday,et . REMEMBER! . Thechange oftenseoftenhappens because wharthepe6onsald rij riir./rrrrrJn ir.,tr?rld i,rd !t r,l,o.,ir/.,lrr i.r! irf'tJ!rf.Jr,'!1. ' f whatthe pe6or saysisstitltruereteva.tnow we oftendon't change tenses.l li te i.rel?/rru D.fr..l. ir,rt;.irjn,.1lb.iir.. (= the rieetingisstitlin the future) ' t is po$ibleto change but it is oftendoneln tensesin suchcases, moe formalconte*ls. 'irrn;,/!a!rr"a,rarrtrJ frJLl..pl'ttnrity ixe nt.ri.t 3at'i he , tiri:t.tr :.ii th.! L.i 4.t| .dtc.wt Na3a hr,i.ti. .t,r.:tt rrii'i (probably in a fewspaperoronthe news) the daybefare/thepreviousday the ne\t day/thefouowing day theyear beforclthe prcviousyeal the nonth beforelthefoUawingnonth I anhaurbefatelan houtearter . Howeverwe oftenomit the time reference if it is not important. ly..tr airh!! tr x:la4th,. t,'l).. itrktvcrir! 'I l tc.nn. ) 1..t :^ii ihzt r:htt\|.rc '.nI'rk)h r:p.n lltu NertieL . lf the reponingvedis ir the prcsentt€nse,there is no change. I.ltnr)sityttrnnitthr I PRACTICE1 ilu ".] t.httlii 2 Reported qu€stions Because reportedquestions areiot €aLquestions, the wordorder isthe sameasin statements. Wi{lytr tiriiBta ii(tiL iirtst:r.c! ilaj,arrrtnit ):i€'J rre i'rr'n;t; rt ;J(.r/ il rDrjylvorl<l:.tt i nt nt fi,lht tt . ..!.. 3 Some common reportingverbs and the constructions used after them . say:/l(:Jfnrlt,ir, /".,r ei.iriig ,s r,!r t.t) . t€t[ rlfi././rre irnd) nii f/.j.rt1],irn r,rrcf/Jil . . . . " -1 . . 1 . . . . . J . reply:tlrc /ql]lr,trlrlrr rr, rt.n a. t.t .tir .i n titrirl(l , add.:hr atit'lln1at ifr. tu^ii.{ti il,ilil14 !r/r/r.r.rri. 1 Corect the underlinedmistakes. I ThejournaList lqkl the primeminister!tL!sk!e!! anything 2 rhe ministersaldjournalists tas!yearhe!sil!resignif his poticyi5 notsuccessful, but he is stitlin hisjob. 3 Ihe manager tqkl that histeamhaddonethen bestye$r4by but jl the othersidehadsimptyptayedbetter. 4 Journalists 4kEl the ministerwhenwillhe makehisdecision. 5 rhe president saidhej5 speaking to otherleadeutater!h!! dayto discuss how theywtillreact. www.pardistalk.ir/library l www.pardistalk.ir/library (^uap)aroJ.qi?€rreu rno ! suorqordou peq3/14I (asnl., uorrp8[sa^ur eql uoqp )]e1r,!oa.r 9 (urpr')rtqr uoqe 6turejrfo{ Ial u.^. 1,uFnu no^ I (asturord)flLtFnororfisou]].epur aq1!1e3r$.^urL./r t (isrSotode] )..Mraqlo.qr^eae F):r1 aqraorttl | ^rrosuit € (1s.ffins)zo.pt^p qr1eMpueui rttru Frnb e a^eqaMleqs z : i , r i i ! i i ti , i r l ( p u ! u a , a ^ o l ' . . € t da l p te u t F ) r t 1 a q 1 $ do l r e q u a u r a t L 'slqrerq u! sqr.^ BuEodar .ql BuFnu€qr €l!r^\au PtPs a^eqxqtrurr9o$ .q1 ! | sr.rrueq, eqlsalonb auos €r€.raH . . i r ri r i r , r r . ,.. , r: ,, i r r i . I l| !,i., . , .l 'Pasn.qosleuPrs3 1urt! PUesPu .3 3^DP3aN iu3aw:Wtt lue^'putaal raPta rye ttai este) i : i , lr r , , r i , r , t : r t l u / e^!l!u!ru!+ pafqo + qra^ I luateang esladd tallo pueuap'appap 'aat6e:one) 'L! Lrrlrr.rlri:l , " r ,IIaq atull e olu sa4l Jno piulnl srad?dsdau aqt p € lotaur€C 'uaqt uaaaqog ndd?q slll]b aG6 a4 ipau€dd?q sql aropa. :aiilsaJq ;r.l?.uo]Il]1u -0. $uletq x">l" Jo sadoqr3'{1 (asr?rFlpau aqt 'aurEj prolq?l 'parro Jo tp odnoJ all't talq sJta-{ oiql, ils€l J3uq € ldarra 3ttllt 1o3slloJ ar0 'pua aql uI '$snuord 3s]"J,{ue per{ (i)lEtu) d panFp la^aaoq'sprrsJo para$ns -* Iaql ssa.qs ar{} ra^o iu?ftuor al]l (ans) Flmu p3uar1rai1pua\a -{.qJ ,.mrrol, qSnorql uaql SugFd pm -rL sadoq l13ql Susl"l xq lsa^rr.'raU$mJ/11oi3Mc) pasnit€ qll8ue eldno? .qJ s3ll'r laql (.rlrolloJox a^?q 'tuar4uodd"slp r{rnlu os ,{aqt) 1nq ,Lpslstsul -,r pesfolodE l?tJl.]]olopu€l) erdnoJ a'! (asruJ) 3 ruo.q"luo4uoc ,fi3u8 uR uI r1J cu-t {€p uci (ft3ddu -iL palurr sstu€duioJr1J l!le^3s Fldnor arll) r|{3!4ra1u]?r6npxa L'?roJ urnlar u Flor{ r€ls-.^u ! ur -,, paraJJoprorqet € ral"rpauur! dn s$ql aql (]nd) . p'ni rp r'!]i?n apr.dsap ? ',!'epllau aqJ t?U-{up 4aq1 (3r?3I -or -rr p.ropro nlx rsnomd (lno.{€E Au+r) SuFluar alaA roFur"C s,{ep08 qn{ru pa[odar 3q rsnu sra{Ji] rsol l"rtl p3le}s qrnj.d s.Itu aw ($arq t{eq}s1loJ) 6xal]] l€qt uoi0 llarl ot Furnlsl eq 'raFl qaaa xis Buu3dd?LLse{ ]€qa Foq? sDd€ds43u -s pauea pu? isnor{ 1,\€ (uror,r,nou/ardno? aw) rsqt ol suer ro1€311s3^ur ,{r3!1ot€ ,{?p llau 3qJ 'roq}Ir! palelus;.\ln aq pno,! 1r1"r{} pu€ iaumuiS seA urt€I. riaw xqnop ou (a^€u -1flal 01{]?q 8u?r uoos pup 'D]l€u /aqys]loJ, aqr) aq1 (31?3tsa^ur.) ! piar8€ sl'DsJo parcdd€'l pflI 's€srLE8ro &a!ot 3q1qla r€qa rEld:a pue lopuDc -! pap?n .d I?x (qrnor Lala8/prrEqsnuJ3q) ]3IIr€a s{3a^! p€^as {ee? sra{ct] .r{1 (aoq}) -, p.tTurp? uaql Ju4s luaa u-{!"lt.i aqumu mo sr,laqJ iuo.r aiLa/A,paueal's pw dn padunfiql I' 68 r?, Zr €-j ar!6 s€qunu 3qJ dn tr€au sEA uq?p ot rplq,!\ ui poll.d qruou-F,s .qt .snEJaq il\rlnb {Jq.I r d J d c r d r . d q p r ql d q , G L o r " L ,( u N ) '1?rt1 paur?N pr.'? rauu$ aq! 96t'n8t'i3 Jo azud ,fi311ol puorl?N ump C)ltrEJ) z puettus tsea qlou Io " ?arE4ar]11n auoauros 1",r{1pi?s u1aIIIrq s{3u ^J.rlJ, .lup?q,{aqt rlsd lsnu ?i3ql -, paFatnrs uxli"t l aoN lsrg s4.u aqt (q]1?d) pueqsnq€q lnq 'o3pr € qrl?r ot pallrBe lsnt aqs '8wa^a auo rauolt to8 lloJ .{qI uartr\\ rya\ uo{ palu Blpour oqt,tq a o lp 01 ua^Fc 'sqr. .qllo urro,lr.xor .q1tuFn tuo$.'{r.ratduo) L z t)tr)vud I :at Jal a^lltutJu!+ qr€A 9 luo auaauotaPnpJbuo. tol auoauosaaetq:are) punre8 + uolltsod€rd + palqo + qra^ 5 li r'.,,, .asp) lai traho uo)slsu!hJ as!6otode :ssalror r . i r r , \ r :f, i l j r : i l : i L l r n.r. , ,r i : : , Purua8+ uo[lsod€.rd + qro^ t l7u.wwoeJ tsa66ns[uaP :osP) \ , r 1 r I I r ) L r i \ l i : ) r r , r f i rLrrf:)) ) . : : . ' . . v u p e + qrs^ € PunraB lapene ad a ntte'uJe^ :o+) l L , r r r r , r , . i r r ' r r ll u r r : 1 nr tl \ : t e r (lP{r) + l)efqo + qra^ z Q'a66n'Ies' puauaa$!' istsu!'ulelduo atep aarbe:aqe) ,f : rrrr,f r Irl.\lr:|ri(lrrrri.ir:r:rledx. lP$ + qra^ ! '1ue]]odur sl ur41€d.uo ueql lsour.ql Jo.uos are.r. H alqlssod eq ol a^PqpuP^re^ .roLU'rqra^aurosqltl ^lar€red.sPoureat sqra^ar.qlMolloJ1erjlsuralPdaql Proaao^aSuFod.r lnoqla ^ e s . t d o a ldp q Ma s l p u r n s r e q l s q r . ^ t oF q u n u a S r e t e . r ea r a q l {es aldoadteqr* esg.reuruns +eql sqra1 I r ,r t : | r r : ' ii:,,.,:,r i:,rir!rrril:rirrirr L i,r\ irtr!!,r\ r ! . j \ . i , , , I r , i r , r L : , Ii r . ) | r : . i i i r , r .l , i f 'ppepuerye el AetBulsnplesuosr.d q)eareqM!od.! q ' l t n e t l u r o us r s s a us l q l B u r u S t s a rt o r u a r u l o u . ^ e qI I Jo z u 8 s a0r 1 8 uo ; n o f a r v 9 'ao€fauoF pr p.ldopE$nfa^Eqa,\ s stoueu FH'pltqr r11rno 'IauourSu|ssrur aqrlnoq€Mou) no^ plc t erarsturu zsnro uoql firuno) arttuni 01lsnl1no{op oqM's)tol € 'a^3|aqol preqalrnbreql Pu$I a^.lt.q olPreq alrnDreqrPuttlllasrapParrnolo lsoN z ' p l l o s l r o rs a 8 e r r e u r n o 'p.ro^rptu .3.re aa teqr snounr aql ol qln4ou sraraq.L ! lue!r!1!lode ro ^r!q.l.r e 'Flteurnolp :ao|€qsaiualussaql plpslurqr nor(op oqf pz to por.ray (men/wonen, etc.) way in a negauve/positive to controlwhat p€opt€think whydon tyou go andtalk to her? terms, B : l c a n t , W e ' r en o t o n _ Shesaidthatyou we.ehavingsomeproblems. B: Shedoesn'tknowwhatshes 6 A: lr€ailyhatepartieswhe.eldon't knowanyone. B : l . 4 et o o . l h a t em a k i n g s m a-t.l 3 Matchtheverbsin the box for lummarisingwhat p€opte sayto Phrases1-€. admit warn deny recommend agree apologiseoffer accuse 1 youtell a fri€ndthat theyshoutdtry a goodnewrestaurant brokethe computer,not you 2 you sayihai yourclassmate I yoL tellsomeoneto be care_ur be(ause-hefood s sP'cy 4 you teltyourteach€rthat you didn'tdo your homework 5 you s6ysorryfor something that you did 6 you saythatsomeone is rightandyou thinkthesame 7 you tell yourfriendyou will hetpthem movehouse 8 you saythatyoudidn'tbreakyourfriend'spen VERBS THATSUMMARISE WHATPEOPLI SAY actionsspeaklouderthanwords Effective revisiontechniques to knowwhatyou aretalkinS list of 1 How do you .evisefor an Engtishexam?.Makea to speakhiShlyof someone 2 Lookatthelist of revisiontechniquesbetow.Tickthe onesyou find effective.Crossthe onesyou don't think authority to undemineParental . . I PRACTICE 1 What connectsthe wordsin eachgfoupbelow?Whatare the differe.cesbetweenthe words? 1 dramase es soapopera talentshow ; r , r1 , , : r r i r i i l r . i i rI r , i r N r . , i 2 brcadsheettabloid 3 circuLationreadeBhip a microbtoggingsocialmedia s a foreigncotrespondentan editor andwod lisisin the Readihe grammarsummaries . Study& Practice sections. Studyin shortpeiodsofabout 20 30minutes.Most tr peoplecantconceni€tefor muchlongerthanlhat. Carryyourvocabulary bookwith you andcheckit o regularly(e.9.whentravellinson a but. youBetireadingout wordsor grammar Record n frcm the book. examples ! Studywitha friendandtesieachother. Lookat similarexampapersfromlhe pastandtry io n completethem in the altowedtime. whiLeK€epyourselfengagedwiihnewtechnlques Forexample, switchfromstudyingthegrammar sayingn€wwords. tr summaries to rccordingyouu€lf l'4akea revisionplansothatyouknowwhatyouare tr 2 CompLete the conversations. this weekend. 1 A: I'm SoingtocteanaLlthewindows B: Adions _than words. 2 A: I reallylikeher.she'sverysmart. B: She 3 A. ldon'iwantto offendanyone,so lshouldkeepquiet 8: No-eo on. volr mind. Revise d lrflle andoftenra'.errhar lor LorSsession!. n stoptryingto leamnew Asyour€xamcomesnearer, the ihingsyouhave thingsandfocuson consolidating I . shows Don'i alwaysstudyinthesameplace.Research that studyingina varietyofplacesis morceffective. . Whichtechnique5do you intendto usein the future? www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library 'rtztul! ryo r,uplp I uotntuo^ / ryoa l,usaop wa L \s!M I ol 'aurlr.ql oplqno6uIrP3araM Ie l P . P p o l / a 1 ea ^ ' f r t r n 6 r . n o q e u r P e ^ l l 3 a I 6 z.Ptstulunoraql ul .\aTrue(PIno lN^nnolh / pa?ueafPoqfj3^aJlleqn I 'rEds .^eat l,uplp | 6u! eatLuah / 5u! P.l],ualea$qslM| 1 -^):rN'paqol rut{ 6ulo5arel 06 no^.urrl s,ll 9 / iau qlM er.uer Xu anev/ r ettPFoM lpeq16uoI s 'Ptsrn! si agP,noA/ seraqs $qsla eu.ll )ur'lr t !L)req / no(elaa/ aq\no^ |ue t I hl\ e) tua^uroJ aqlro uouoq aqrlerutrd leussqr pearp,t € 'noi.e$e!se adttue edhptnot adtftPFo ttlst(t Z / I 'tEqeW lel aql or oBrt.rtuuaPP, 2!P\ or Naa I o5nla / oEnno | ll I 'sr€t\suPrrexot €ql3sooql € ')ror\ rol dn no^133olto auo8 lsnfseq)rot) ureternof pueO€91€ 3!ruroa ^ep!oN s,ll I 'lu.urluroodeluel.roourue roj a1q aq ol Sulot.re no,{pueuef rrlJe4e ul)rnrs arPno^ t 'ur€r01r]lEls1r lrtqs 1e pue:-!orlsur 3Plqnoarenol E Pue JroSuto8slurrPlErPr s,rnoqqBlouino^ no.(pueSutujoua!1uL)t)olr,oo^! s,ll z asneraqd.aF 1,uetr i i r r l , i l . r : r nr r r r . l i r r , n i 'eqreP€aq e 3^eqno,(pue,(!ed^sroue rP.re nol I PPq 'suorren1F asaqru! rol qsla u8!u no^ stulqr oMl to lulq.L z aotqsla I I ldn ^rnq) zfauourazrd.qr qrn (oPno{)-no,( asoddnsI reqa uotllladuoraq1(u$) 't!e lp.uroM no/.un!r d o r tP U P r s r a Po!-nu o t t r L e( . l P u r ) 9 llslML s 1 , ! $ t 1 n q ' n o , ( r oslt q l s l P F u e(4u e t r ) - a:rryroodI Xuunr(aq)- 'rosdn os(aqlou) tutqrqoqMaql t 'Sulfou!e ^ I e e rs , 1 t - . L ! 1 1 a qe1. u ( l d n r F 1 u t p u ) llnpeue qf ?utpe (rtels)-xolv M a u e ( { n qu r r ) - t nof qt$ | € sunsill z 'allqrolou . s D , ( e de ( l a 8 ) - t } 1 . u 1 3 € t ! l t ; i f i f i r , i . ! r i : r : tl r r i i , J r r N r r l .r.L r t l i l l f ! d l ; 1 . 1 . , ; . ! r r n ) i s r i 'aaI ttl aserqdaqlrar:{ePasnoslesr1sedlesrun3q1 . rr:r1 loN ..r \j,lr:1i: irtir}r'r+l 'i)!irr! rrr) 1i-i url i" sasnPpoa1iq1]o palqns.ql uaqMplnoa + t/t/a asnrouuer./r . (slql33ueqru$ no{ =) (slqisSueqrlouuer no^ =) i r i r irf ! r ; ; \ r / i r J : i ^ r l ' a l d r ! t s l s padq r . r n 1 s n ue M s S u e q r l o^ u r q r s s oodu s ! a r . q r l l (^ oF^r3 ;ulaq a.reno{=) l'rriIilr)),,f{trrr 'arue^ouue ol ss.rdx. P€snua!-ost (1,u)PpaMnaf+qqa t r!rjI !:r !riirr.lra oftr\r rj.I,1rn qrl' I (uoddEq n$ ^aq1)utql1,uop'ro{lnq)uaddeq013)!lplnoM nof reqls8utqlolraJ.r 010,4)Plnorl+ qslt asnorle uPra/'A . (auoa^€q1,uopa^^1nq=) ri I rr:iri irrlr rrfr(ii;' r lriili (o1'|l p,l1nq'qslu€ds )e.ds1,uPrl=) iii r.lli il!:iiirrirto)/ !r rI suorlenrF{reulBeurr.q!)$p qloq ^.q1.sneraqqrla/ pue,,l?uolr.tle1sedtesrunaqr asnoslea/t . qlt^ suo[enllsr0pu!8eurl fruol pueqsr,u z 'lr.,i F,! r ilr ir.r/.r ;ii !1rr,i 'ara.4 /,.serqd.qr ql$ uotlruro.llls sl rl l3^a/ioH PauotrlsefppPUeleurol ool slqlraplsuoreioo3oauros . l . r 1 t ! , 1 i t r r r r lr r | n r i La r ! ^ r i . : i l r . l l 'uon3dprtqlpuElsru aq1'llra r//aqslaq ulerrarul asnuer a^ 'lsedi€arunaql qll^\ sasPrqd : rr , , )r i r - ! F i , r l t o r i rtlLM'.4 'sqra^ asnu.l}o.Masnep ral1oro lepoLr.r Pl,oM uL,rrralEP.snualo ureu 3q1ut 3^oqesesarualuaslEuoqrPuor srlsedlFrun oql lear!n,sLllPaller$uD.uros sl slql ::i,ji!o iri;ft.rir d1d(trri+rr.r5un r,ll - L Jtrr:11irl!rJ r1 "Fed ,i,r.r, r i r . l 1 , r |t l r i t t ' r : r ) t r ^ t r r . - i , r r 1 1 l r i r , i . r t l 'lsedaqrorut3sLral auo)req oB3a 'arn$y ssord trleutSeul.]ote.llaqlodlqrnoqe3uflPr@q,r aql ! | s!o9pn1ts suoltPn]ls letlrsqrod{Hr /l qr!,,r'\ u! sqra^aqr p !!ro, 1r.!o) .Llr qrla s€ruau.s .qr .l€ldluof, L luassrdaql u! suollenllslerlleqlodrh I t ll|lf,vud 4 l €te fartoo muchlunch6ndl feelrealtysick. 5 | failedmy examsbecause I didn'tdo anywork. 6 | wentcountrydancingandbrokemy legl Hypotheticalsituationsin the past . when w€ talk hypothetjcatly aboutthe pastwith /, y'ort and / w5h,the Pastsimplebecomes the Pastperfect. IJarl! / t ||ishthad thoughtabatt i n1at..arefulltl ( = b u tl d i d n ' t ) tfto!'d lold tnerb.utthe ptobleneailiet,twautdhave.tan€ sancthntg.haut ir (= butyou didn'ttell me aboutit) . In conditionalsentenc€s, if the mainclauseabo refeutothe past,lvorldhave+ pastparticipleis used. lf .u.b-"n pla!-4hadntgotinjtE.l u,ewouldhavewar REMEMBER! Aswith presenthypotheticalsiruatla$, night haveandcoutdhave areoftenusedinsteadofworldrave. ti h. hatlnt beehiijltel v tnight/.ouldhaver.i. . Noticethat in th€ sentences above,boththe rtctauseand to havea the mainclauseref€rto the past.lt is alsopossibte sentenc€ wherethe y'clauserefe6to the pastandthe main ]f weli setoff eatli€r lpast),r/e dbe,t t/reloiel iDr (preseni) Altenativety,th€y'claus€may refertothe present,andth€ mainclalseto the past. he'vou/d,'t ,avegot I Dans fat:tre.wasnt ttlebars(present), Matchsentencebeginnings1-10 with sentenceendingsa-j. 2 Wewouldn'tbe late 3 lgorwouldhavebeenembaiiassed if 4 Youcouldhavefinishedyourdissertation by now 5 LfPeterhadwo*ed hardec 6 Lfyoud cometo the play, 7 lfyou d askedClara, 8 lf you hadn'tbeenweariig a seatbelt, 9 lf Kevinhadspentmoretime plactising, 10 5tevemighthavegot prcmoted a ifyou werent so Lazyl b if suehadnt takenso muchtime gettingrcady. he couldhavecaughtthe train. d he'dheardyou saythat. if he weremoretatented. f you mighthaveenjoyedyourseLf. t he couldbein a muchbetterjobnow you woutdhavehurt yourself. i l'm suresh€wouldhavehetpedyou. j hecolrldhavebecom€a professional pianist. 4 choosethe correctanswers. I wishwe d bought / would l,ave6or9lrt betier tickets. I cant seevery welt from here. Howwoutdyou havefelt if soneonehadtreatedI would I PRACTICE2 l Completeth€ sentence5 with the corect fom of the verbsin 1 lfyou (ietl)meyouwantedone,| - (buylyou (brjndyou a presentbackfrcm my holidaysif I (have)some moneyLeft. (get)to the restaurant if I 3 We beforeit closed, (not follow)to yourdirections. (have)a job 4 lf he _(notfail)alL hisexams,he - tl I had known I known you werecoming I woutd havernet 4 ll only I wouldn't havelost | ,adrot lort my iemperl 5 ll you stay I had stayed till the end of the film, you might z | s He {neverdo)anythingsostupid,if hisfriends (not encourage) him. _ (know)you we€ coming| (wait)foryou. 6 lf I (take)aphotoofwhat happened, perhapsyou 7 lf I _ (believe)me? (noibe) (listen)towhat ltoldyou, you 8 lfyou in thls situationnowl ll cattiona done I had done hetter in the interview she coutdhavegot th€job. \NewouldhavebeenI wouldbethereby now if we hadi't got stuckin the t6ffic. our tast hotidaywould re / wo uld havebeen gteat if the weatherhadbeenbetter. lf I had seenyou walkingalong the toad I night havegiven / 1 0 Now HenrywGhes he w€rr / radgore to universjty. 2 Thinkof two wishesthat the speakersbetowmight make.Use / wisrltorly to start the lentences. 1 l'velostmy job and I can'taffordto paythe rent. t \ x i s thh a d ni 1 a l rt n r j . b . lfDnlylha.tpnoughntoneyt.paythercnt 2 f,1yfamiLyhav€movedtoihe countryandlcanl drive,so I'm 3 l'velostmy phoneandI haven'twlitten rny friends'numbers www.pardistalk.ir/library N\.\N www.pardistalk.ir/library 'rs!tproa.ql u! sr.Msue .rno,( lraq) q aruaruas ^8iaua a,rll ra^\od quoq fruEpadxe ure.$o arnssardralpd prpn8 srrtstts uoldru€ t€nl teluaqr sset8 'q.a/\^ ,\ a, lx.u lqr u! u€ql €slrterd pue'8utp!.r lno{a ordu!ol op sp) nolieqr sButql oar ssooq) 2op no{t.uop/op tsl.qr u!€utql qrtq/r\ 'rxa1aql 3^eqno^l6{P pear tr Paqsluu a^€qnoffq/{jogurod uleu e$€sueuuns pue 'u.1 .pq^ aq' to SurPu€FraPUn ]PFU.8e 133or ^r1 'ual oqrSutpueFaPunolluP]lodu!^'3^ oqoi tr uraasrcrnrorl|q' ssalun'sproauaoqun arouSl ',!alalduor ! puPrsFpun SurPeelordaa)ipue r.uplpno,(saserqd ^ oull,uop no,(proMPpuu no^ iu$ /t'a€ dols 'P.qslu!a ,no^ ! ltlun anulluorpuerX31PpParo13u1qe ll€srno^Fs 'pp3rnof se llasrno^olsproaaql^Ps U S u r p e a r anr eo , ( s e p e a q r n o { u t p r o M q ) e . . r e t s u P r l ! 'sr.dedhau tButqrlue srap$r p.pert n $itsq.M - qstSul utuer no,(sEqrnu sPPe.! 'uMop1!Mols llla reql $tro .qr rno ssorl {rualrlrFlpaads3uP€3rrnor(.^odt!l IIA)utqr noI lPqt aol.q 5e3P!oql)p[ arnulu e sPo^{ ooz-o5Lrnoqps!pe.dsBulpearpooSv'{tlu.PHa Pear ot ruerrodu! s,r!'qslttul ut )roa ro {pnrs or 1ueanortt ! xq 8u!,qtu8eu, rtxol rtue)lo ssoJ llss l3ad purM urar-8uol arP^ld tslu aln €Ir re€Pn! rPlos ' € x o qu ! P l o M ep u ev x o q u l P r o a e Sulsnsunoupunoduor urol ui'{l rs!] P.roM.qrF^o:) PL 1f rt)vud I ltHLo .J[.re^!rd ]no^ .lI le.r ul InrlIP.r l.leu 01 .sP.sP3u|u.rParql-al|l e loirel.{ e PreiS.l[ e (rF'uoDquEbtous)suoPltle Du€ru.s.lI e .tll3]ll &uet .drc 4t aulr.t! elo.rueqrrql url Hrlll\ slsvlHd poadsAu!peorJno^ tu!^oJdiul ]DNVHI ONVStSSllOld lSll)SlO OrSSll prenBs]!le I la)pelajl e orarnqllor o1 Pquor o1 t dund 01 € rrattsr o1 {&suaiPtos ry)tua|])rlxol FAod put/rt FnllFsol Z uorldnrartue)lo^e quroqreal)nue qenbqrreaue .l!lsprorarse ue L 'sr€asuerno^ rol suosP€r dnor; qrp. u!rno 5uo ppo aql oultr€punZ $qSSu tru8eue sFnllLssoi .lenbqrr@us .3ueq, a1Eulll aqoonaPr s .)f1sP@a1seu? slsstfold oNv ])N!Ds Thefollowingnounsarefoltowedby the infinitivewith io: cr.rce, decisian,effon, apportunity, ti ne. iietle5t{irinceloy/rtlre!?aDe.. !t)&eie.or.lrdlt ile\, €.itnr.d. ar ettori to nr{e rrl'ee1Jlro,re Useof gerundsand infinitives 1Ge.und5 crammaticaLty, gerunds(the-lng formof the velb)areusedii the sameway asnou'rs/Proiouis. (SeeUnlt 2,study2 for a comparison betweenihe useofgerunds . Asthesubj€ctorobjectofthe sentence. Iaa rf;!trhiinhathitl! i\ ba'1f.t ,/outskij she: vet! qaal atoraanisingthinqs l]?..r.d wirlo,l t,\dkr9. . Certainvelbsarefoltowedbythegerund.These include: a.Jrrir..!.'rJi,rd. .orside/:di.y, enj.)!,h3te,int.9ine,!ikc, ttstke tbre (da)ii)ni1tt. rtrs, p/a.r^e,rJl nrqg-"rr . ThereareaLso somenounphras€s whichtakea gerund,for exanptethavedifficuLE,havetrcublet\/t te havinqtroublercatukinane||\tafj . Therearealsoa numberofusefulpatiems wiih /r+ gerund. /tr woifhreeDgth.qartehj n' J!, ret it sro,rd inltD! roie. i/r! doil'r.lange ter.ntrC. Sonething / nowherc, etc. + infinitive We oftenuseth€infinitivewith fo aft$words ljkenoore,rorhdg, nowhere,something,sanewhete,what, where, etc. fhetet.s northereto buy a n.!4p.perrt !/,;ritne d,lght rr.rl.))/aa!;k. ro@ethinrttoeatbetarcyauQal We usean infinitivewithtoto explainwhy someonedoes something-to €xpress purPose. /tr,eler i gore,rl fo ,'uyr ,.wJpaper ln moreformalEnglish, we can usein otdetto. Ir\e5 h.!. bee,nrreasediro/derfu red!.! irflitiof REMEMBERI W€iormthenegative i.finitive wlth,of + ro+ v,orb I toldyaunot to dothat. 3 Infinitives without to ifin itiveswithout io areused: REMEMBER: Notlceihenegatve formofthegerund. lwanttoachieve inmottalibJ thrcugh natdying. 2 Infinitiveswith to Iniinitivesarenotgenerallyusedasth€ subjectofsent€nces. They aremostcommont usedin the foltowingconstructions. C€rtainverbsae fotlowedbythe infinitivewith to. Themost impottant in llde: affont, aqrce,decide,expect,hope,manage, offeL plan, pretend,pronise, rcfuse,seem,tentl, thrcaten,want. u.tt )trt,d,..an,e ,t .da d : ". 5l1erefrss,tf,, arswef ary guerrDNrjboLill-!r erqa.le4ert. r.an't wairIor fhe!r..t-{d \'.ri nusthavebeenwalting{ot a lan! tine . attet hadbetter andwauld GtheL \{. drertergo /ro e rovl r'di" al,erwdtcr.i r(/?o !l;j.t. ro tijecnt.tna . aftetlet, nakeaft help. she,the krd nfpe&h Nhr reailj"na/<eiyocli.,g1, 'jthtnlv.i a tee.aqer,hy par-.rtJ,A'er{etDre5f./ortlarc. i:anyorhelptflecattyihe:tir.nJesto f,. crrl' (* Theinfinitivewith ro is alsopossible here.) I PRACTICE1 l Are the verbsandphrasesin the box fottowedby the gerund, lvlanyadjectives arefollowedby an infinltivewith fo. /r! earvtss.e !r!'r/,. sr)€-"rjo J!r.ei3|!1. ri. u/alr'ref,rsftos,iqqesranewapptat.h. Thrcecommonconstrucljions with adjective+ infinitivewiihfo . toa + adje.live + infinitive t r r o " , r c " i c r , . e d l a r P i t r JL " . ,of + adjective+ eroug, + infinitive trlnfi.isr'f oki $rzr9l to croorr on/rs o!, . adjective+/or + pe6on+ infinitive i r'seijr/torpeop{er$.:ri'ti.,/dmdrctr .re I th. intp.n.l the infinitiveorthe infinitiv€wlthout fo? offer enjoy too lazy practise wouldrather havetrouble wouldbetter refuse oldenoueh suggest miss Let don'tmind goodat seem it s wodh agree pretend . infinitivewitho!t ro www.pardistalk.ir/library '^ppqrrtqu.u {u uo ua^t83qo18u!D.dx.ur,l I ftpar l,ua^eqI uaqa .' .^eq ol puaFrdI sautlauros I aou lqB! " aq 01.)t ^Iesr p,l 9 _ 'aou u8u !s|;ul tudPnrsueql aqreqrerp,l I ' or aruoI t rnoqq;rau^u or lou )tP Peq o1.)ll raSunofseM uaq^ ' 01,\or{paureala^pq E P,l _ Lz PtorSutaq.1eq .. lupM1snf Bururour aql utdn qer\ luaq/.. , t 'no{ro} an4 ueqr Dieu ol s.ruaru.s a^!l.ralduol www.pardistalk.ir/library snouetjo sa^I .le^trd .ql ut a.raretuJ Zatdoed tou t u.t4u! or rouatltrt noqt erP3u3t11 )u!qr no{ oc 9 'uaasagorl aaso*.retd aqls,lt .r.ql o3 soliuq.l.r lo speot's,orPad uesre PooBf|elnrlred l,usrPoorsqr qBnoqrlv 5 'a\a ua Pseeq a^eqor I p3se!,a eqors:u Lots,rl adoqs,ra'taposlda1sel.ql u aasa^eq01/ ue.t dulaqrEll P,t t EruadrP)e sPPerJoAere{ot| 6uDpo agorese$al ou Mal3ql lo.uo .raag. sqor / 3qor5lqSnoqlsl prol uoslreH € '^etdaql Suunp sarnprdqet / qetor,lou 5np3)s€lueuerunouu€lql z iua!] pqse 6ulaq / 5u!1P. dols atdoaduaqa slPrlrron a e{ or / trolr.r ot, aurtl aq1'la.rls lLlr ut qderSorn€rr.qr rol parse ^lqPqords,ll qSnoqlv ! aq or ol setuqaFrro} 8ut,(ouue / {se 'surcl qr.^ D.xor €q1€sooq) L Zijri5tud_l ' u $ ] s n o n u r u o )a q l u t p a s np u s l P u n r a S . q I iLr!r.!o.i oer/ri/rFrir! !o 6uj4 oq ,r./1.Jp,r rorrFt 6oF?t[itq o] nri.rraf r!;ri tql 'suoqrn4suora^luuul ur rnonur o) ruas.rdaql pParturs.^4luuulsnonuFuorasnal lo sulroj snonulluof, t drqr raasfry Brli.qo;u / u;r.'I fsiriirnq I r.u/a,r 'p3plo^eu4ro oslesipunr.SD3]rad3ql srpueteuror ,(ra^spunosrnq'atqlssod 1/itrr.(, rr^4ou,onevraqr,p/tDrii 'or 1noqrlaurot a^olulJU!rrafadalli)rloN enE{oF ln r. i artDt)t tpLtltq rdatrl ut t9rl / itr,,&Ju.8 pa45.,^ oi alll ,,r adrrrrr-!r !,/ Jl{o ;alod iJrer\ 'ssnepurPuraqllroJ3q.u|le oleal .sneir a^4ruuul .rlrueqM (aldlltied lspd + r/eq o, .^trtullurpsrrsd 3q1asn3/rA suro, p.rr.d E (punre8.^Fsed).p.l r[r41Platbor.,i r.]!il !'/5 (o1lnoqll/,\a^fluuu!e^ssed)rlrrcu/u rltsqr.!r.!iP-/P.H (or qla .^rirulruta^tssed)n,ol. V.l tq oi nrlni Di,'i 'ul]oj a^Lss€d puesa^4rutlul aqr ur pasnaq uer spuruoB surro}.^!ssPdz $,,rijr ?fli.?tno,qr /'irFi.r.ir,! nraurt or ld!4 i 'xrfr .f oiro!jor(pi.l i 'ur.roJ.^rleBeuoql utposn aq uer sPuiFS puPse^|llullul slulo, a^rP8sN ! su.ro1pun.retpueerlllu!,ul tuoJa#lo P!a)Fe'\ trti Suttioqt.tj albtttlcld tt,t 16^^suEUn' e.+M PuesuolFanDrqllo uar asooq) q ?le3u deeqr 'poo; e r.B ol ssnoqrno{rFu araqMluearaqrsl tl ;qsli8ul utsaou3qr puP$FPunor nofiot fsear sl E! osntarnofoc zL Bul^13 ZeeB&q01^aLrour z q s l S utte a d so r r o . l t r M o l s l q n o 4 . r o u3 ^ e qn o / ( o C ! l iqsll8ul t6dsolsstrrud no^oPareqMpueuiq/t Ol. tuSru1e alq lno,(ersot uosploleo,(-gl rno,(lal nof plno,\^ 6 SullrlqpsuaP qlFNno^6^€H 8 iauoaLuos aql ut s)eee arouraq o1Pualnof oC I a3utuarcro Suturour zaourq8u ro A.LqrlPMaqraqFrno^plno/t 9 aq1Suurns r3urslur au.rs|rollPllPr r.q no,(arv 5 ol Ploool.qr.^3uPrno^)urqlno.{oO eFsrerBut3uEqr leq/v\ E Ztulopsreqno^op)iro^asnoq ePlqr3u'rofe aqorslu nof oc z no^.rereq/ I tlrl1oPorSuluueld aPuDt33,\\8ururor 'uaqr p.ro) Puesalelslur €ql pull aot.q suolFsnb.ql ut sa)srstluua^.te€rEalaqt PE au (e)n)-Faur t i u o f r s ^ . l u P MI z L aruP.ru.SlqP (.'let) r a p r ou t ' o i e t r q€ , q r e de r e ( a ^ r r e ) - F q l e r f l n o MI l l ..u (ar|lou) r l d o i d . t p u l l a r e , t r B u t . { a u r o(sp u t , ) {4 t'uorserrolue]lodut uero} r|Jlnoue 8u1^nqur,Lil oL '8ulFararulsrou Punos j]3s^u rnoqesa[ I.1 sautFtr]os| 6 rl3sIu (sleL!) 'o1)ler o l s n o u P , ouoou s,aFqrajaqMs.!!ed or (o3)-PuPrs1,uer 8 14out qroM rou are^.ql )utql I u .tdo3dsiou3ts.u$3uos I I '.rou u.qr iu (alepardde){qeur)-Fpro 3)eL!saurFuos I e u,au (..t (ltp^\)-.tdoad rarer ft! ur.ur dlaqplnorfaqlU;noql! trojta lePadsealeu PtnoM 5 Jr.uoouosor3)tu (aq)u€ ueqrerou puads.(Ueln;or 01^pp.r(F )-rnoq | ? 'ure oqM L -uawpadxa (r.quaua, t . l d o a dM a ur a a l ut u s q r € 'au (arouSt-aldoad aqteo z 'olqPuolqse,Lun ro deaqrPqool os'rFrpFoM | ! '^essaDuq.l') req/1 teqtllrp.inersro qntr e or (o3)- '(oirnoq]lMroqr!v!sr.)rprq u!sq$^aqllouroJ atlu!,u!ro pun$8€qr qI,' aoFq saru€ru€s.qrer.iduol z hlvhercareeris in nec[ne itL-equipped to deaLwith ... sptash€d acmssthe newspapem CONFIDENCE to becomfortable in yourown5kin to not losesleepoversomething CompLete the sentences with an appropriateword rlyou're 1 a Soodpubhcspeakeryou canalways a crowdto Listen to you. 2 Thestorywas acrossaltthe newspapeG. 3 ls Daa€nDavres really a comeba(\?| Lhought he hadreriredfor good. 4 |_ my debuton the stagein my schoolptay. 5 l wouldnt any deepoverit. ltt not a bigdeal. 5 Hackinginto someonetphoneis itlegal.Yo! shourd legalaction. _ 7 Didyou comp€nsation aftertheaccident? 8 Asa cetebrity, you constantlyhaveto_ forphotos. 9 Perhaps you shoJldbuy a newiuir loryour interuiew Youhaveto _the dght imprcssion. 3 Thereare six mistakesin the text b€low.Findth€ mistakes and corect rhem. to hldebehindotherPeopte My cousin Ch]oe CELEBRITIES AND THEMEDIA to accusesoneone wrcngly to havea riShtto privacy to haveanextra-marita I affair to be a hyPocite/hypocriticat to havea stDng fanily image to buUyandtese someone to hackintosomeonetphone My cousin Chloe is an actress and singer Even when she was a child it was clear that she wa,nted to be in th€ media light. 'I'm gojng io be a live legend,' sh€ said. She'snoi a legend yet, bui she doesrDv€ a rccord dealing. I didn'i ihir* it was very good. a.lthonghI didn't tell her thai. Shel supremely conndenl and very happy in her o$n slrin. Nonetheless,I think she'[ find the pressnre ol lamous hard it isnl easvhaving every detail of your life \,ashed across the nenspapers. OTHER to be introduced to someone makethe right impresion I PRACTICE Englishoutsidethe classroom(3) 1 Completeth€ conversations with the nounform of the adjectives in boLd.Use . dictionary to help you if 1 A: I'm obs€ssedwith Angelinajoti€. B: Why do you havean with her? 2 A: lwish lwas moreconfident. 8 : l d o n l t h i n k y o ul a c k 3 A: Hes a Legendary guitaris!. - I haven'theardof him. B: He can'tbe muchofa 4 A: lwantto becomeimmortatthroughmy songs. B: Brt you canr sing.r'laybeyou co.rldachieve in 5 ti she becamefamouswhenshewasstiltateenager. B: Howdidsheachiev€ ? 6 A: she'ssohypocriticat.Sheshoutdn'taccuseme of thingsthar shedoes. B : l k n o w l t h i n k s h e ta _ , t o o . 7 A: Im feetinga bit paranoidtoday. B: What is causingyour ? 1 PeoptetearningEnglishhavean advantageoverpeoplein the past- th€ internet.Tickthe thingsyou havetried. 'l Waichvideosin English on siteslikeYouTube or Vimeo. 2 Downloadpodcasts exampte, from BBC) on topics ihe for that interestyou3 somegroupsotrsociatnetworksoEaniseouringsand otheroppo*unitiesfor peopleto meetandpractisetheir English. Signup to oneof thesegroups. 4 Findonliie practiceexercises thai coverthe grammaror vocabulary thai you arenudyingin class. 5 Readaboutinteresting subjects on websites tikeWjkipedia. 6 Goto an onlinecorpusandtype in someof the words you arelearning.Iheresuttswjll showyouhow the words areusedby native-Engtish speakeEandwhatotherwords coltocate with them. 7 Try a language-exchange websitewhereyou helpa native-Engtish speaker Leamyour language, andthey hetp you learnEngLish. 8 Readthe newsfrom an Enelish-tanguag€ newswebsite. 9 Listento an English-language radiostationontine. 2 Whichofthese nethodswillyou usein the future? www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library r oqeFunBre 3 r a M a ^P q a D q u a o a r r i ! e r t n q a ^ l s , r e a l M a N r s e t t u a u n 8 r p u P PPq3M qe Atuarararnbr3rs6xu qE qra1n. ]]EjPrP un ou qo r,^ trsPdaqr urqr t rno uattPlnoI a^Pq iqo lqBr r^l lnoJ 'a3rqr'oar 'auo 03fN :bl oqMiun auoPooSesireqr '3urllo iriaM )iuql qo rno ou Ille.rlou oN Ia :Jo tuLqruer nolrelr ata SuLq uv padue,rq e a q u a s n o q l q S I | e u s e p e qn o l l q V l^loel aFrElP uo4 F u r u . r t i o q ep e q F uq u e a q t u p l i o r a r a q r r e q l l pnso l p t n o , r teussardrPu$lqrlor1ol qP un llal\ poo! 3qr3q+E u rpqMp p norl3u tpu a,r Zsturod It uel aSrqp uo! auo) r,uop 'aoul4tp.r r,uop -r,uop L un z ILMsqsMoDi '3u uPr noIftul nor ]sn! I lo oPsrPr lPtnoM pu snnor lo oN :v op ot rPqa PaP).P iLo,tupol3uqrIue,&st,uoMnol l,uo^eq4le.rIrsnpra€tno{Ih o u u n pI a u r P o o S e . n e o t P ueau Aou{ :^ q P . M P u e ' uq a ^ o o ;arnml ^!e s,araql !u qll,uoP no,{, raqr.Sor3u {eF p 1Uod oql s leqa ueau PUY:l/l rPsrlot r!sn teqaau Eurttallsnfs 3q)turqr sau rsuos ]nq !r aqsles.q 'uur{ :l.] s,.q)iurqrr,uoP no^ Pw :v zPa$ar3ru! ' o Po r r u e a tstuq1 p u es u e t fdu e u o s r o S . ^ , ' a u a o u l n o I _ t a r p u es t d o o a du e s s q l Suaas33ull1aues aqlFurop" araq3u ^'r ^ddeqfl])atrid '. 3!rrs aq u e a uI s 8 oq l a u e sa q r l u e d l l F r a M ) t u r q ] ] , ! o$Pn l o u , { u P 3r ro N : l ^ a 8 r e tueo 4 3 uu o l o s u o pr u e s o radq r a r e r e q1aq 3 ! ' u n ' o n r ) o : r ' L z L 9 N t C U OtfU t I | N n .3u I a! |,r .ursnr] qeN - oEoratqPaqlou rqSruaqslaqr Pue .3ueqr'rilt l,upr .LtsrsqrsBuqr'sue&r.!p 3)iputqSru.rtsostePuV . I lnotr.ie.ua)if )Neuorlouxnlar,nol'^aH l piloaq arolsq r a ql s e l t a r U | ] a P pa, tu s e a r l ) t s !e l o r q e 6 , 1) u r q r ' o u u n P : [ r 3 ^ o l I s q s ' j o P3 ) t t r a q a o url , u o Pn o l t o o r s , r3 r e uq e N , € ' o r t e q . e v . o q ou o d o 8 L o . d "r'"oP"i zaqsrus.oP I 5 qr a)i| ll,aqs qo 'aunlrolp no^ 2l lus n o o 1 ; u o S s l u e a u ; o S o r f l u e M o q s a F q a r o q t sdeo u l n o l ' u r 3 '' P t n o qnso ^ I U! r n o , ( l , u o tos a s r d r nssa t t z e t \ t a r nnso l P u u h : [ laq ol proa p fPs 1,uopos'ssldrns4atduo) p uoEaaaoarlauuns P s , r L r nr€L 3 ^ oot r E u r osB, 3 q'sP U P l)st 3r 3 r D rx.u suexaFq s.qsu!] aqsu3qMrol qroqsnro, unsaqrur Aeploq Srqs,qr)iooqot BuoSu,|taa unsaqrsa^ot.Lts^\oq^rcu)inorIaI\ :€ :u.qrrsqls,req/{ ;nof areLlo :f r a qr o l a s r d r nes l o t q e S u r u l e lud 4 t p n ] r v r € poo; s,8uqr^]aniou rnq lensi sefzeD i)trrtuL,(pms,aqs1$rS qpal :€ z)ozeN 2atpu ll]ELr]lP3uqr&a^. os :[ u.€=3 aof=l 9 DNt€UOftU I .t|Nn _ s P A a u P t o t o q s l e q]a] a I \ : v lparr4ss^no^ Mouror atoqMaqt 3u |a1 or r.3 a^,no,trnq 'ariuoi 'ou'oN 'u q or P r o Mp l E s l , u o a n o r asuord rnu nol arou gu q uplps plnoqstj Mouj I|par I uop Z{esaqspp,(tl]ExareqMos ua€rood 'uouuor uLq)nu rE$ 3^Pq,(IsarI.!r )iurql Lusaopaqs,GpoqrlopuaaqrrV .re laq] Iea Lql sSurqrqrr^ IdnEq '3uoA Ispi'al 'snor quE radnsuaaq ts,aqpue )Lueu{p rannspue s{pMtps:qs uEau atdoadruaral p,!a^aretraqr'rlourtnol |aI\ rv 'pale$e^apaq ll,aNisno!asrou 3r,nor { _ u q qr M qsu!] 013uol s,3qsrluqr lluo :v lno^I M ua€ol s ql uo tuau op nof r.€]eqM ],uop Iaa oN :V t" Pro.)-oo10 :f " 'lear uuLn :v ;)o tu qr&a^! lq$,{ :f 'Appraqroaqrzed qrhaaUo peq f,llpnlE a^pq $r :v t os :l z l l p t p z e ^p u e l a su s a sn o ^ a ^ e q Puuv=v aof=l ." ."€o 1"J ..te- - n I qls,lr ru qtr uop 'ouunpI]nq Buiqt^r.^apue ttaM ararta,tusBLroF 4 t e . r u o r a 8 a ^ \ u D U t - r s n T s r ' q ) n s s e 3 u o h B u l l o u s , a r a q r:ot .Nt 'IqI\ :V lSuoh s,leqM 'a@rouosl q E 3 Ir r . J l n o q en o ^ o r ) i t e r oPt a a u @ n ' I a a q $ i ;a^otu ltpeu I rs oMrio^ luag qr M ]]aa8u ol I rs gu qf$^a puv :v Puuv=v zstl=bl t DNtouoflu t JNn 'roolod ooroqdoq.b . " Y o - r n b1 0 0 - - q , c s ' s r q e qo r u r^ | e a rl o u u a u P u s r i F q u . u a r , u o Pt s i uq l 1 3 e ' , o F e r i e a M . . r q t t n o quer o !s e M r l u L | t ^ q e qe P e qa ^ e qa l d s l q P u p u 6 n o rI u ' r o u i q o . u o s q r i o t l l e a r B u r q r ^ u e l o ) t u ruqP r rr ' u ! 9 3u snluorIllPal sraFr ple 3au l lo aldoore iaqFSorrnouaaqIp3^,aM iuuqof r . u q o fp a | p )s p u p q s n q r apqu p f u u L t o l s 3 u ps u ,plar]IoqIupue ooteuul s suPUIu IFno ^qo ssne)aq6lear aruaPruror e.r nb st SuDitpl P3Uer $nfaa puprrqro q)eaor rxau3u puelsoraa aa 'su.ddeqr ss seltr as)raxa[ule].qrau stttuo@xsrnoqErcl Fq u4oDiftuo a^ euut s ^ru.rd errnbtou a^ auoauos'url s l p n t r t uq l . 1 6 6 1 rnoqEur Pa^ouaa uaql pupn4,( a^l tnoqProj 3i3qrp3^LlrM)uqr q r n u t u 3 ^ f u . M o rp a u a a a s u oo ur n q ' p u o 3 d q r \ n o r a ? u eapr n b ntqeqord sp^1r luIpu ]spl uaqr punol puodsLqlurqsurqrreSutre$ rnoq Puadsor Pasn I|Er sarouau rs.fe.{u lo.uos,leq! uapreS.qltouorloq rqr re puodEuzeue s qr rtrnqp,.q Pueueu p l ou eu o 4 a s n o q . q r t q S n p oe q q s l u a r e{ rd, ! u e p r e t S q e p e q r n q '33s3u Ft t ]]eu! a1'nbseMuroqsea raraqn asnoqaqriiquiuar qrnor15ota^,a( (oqauos ln! Euq uPrornolel M.u! 1,uopt'. npal rnol ro 331q1rolraq uaas l uPP aa '.,tuear "(qM IPPrtoquo 1u3rua^r 3a-srs.[]o.tdno) I,u3^Pqrnq sruo r3qralor Prol sPui4 poo?I|er ar3a 3,r'sn o! PresP.qs sSuqr tnlMeaqrlle .reduor pusraqrrtol 3allotre rot tno oBol p.sn. \ qinu osssoq srqrPaleqqroqaM.sner.qasop&a^.ue)aq an ^eM^!v reqr:rolaq sqofr!arall p aaj e peqpeLl^qtq )iutqr tnq'qolrsr!fu spMr pup 'ueuoM{rseuotqlroqtsou oLlttsnfeM aqsssoq F]nP fll4r s qlrol q l o qa r a e a M u a q d r a q F U , I q r P ) u FlDtroM t anlMa ,t alosq]rol 'tuurou aql autr reqr lo P a F u r o qo s l s a l r s n f t l n qE u r l s u a r Iu| E a r s i | 3 s r+ o M . q r u e . u i.uBu ts,r pueanLltnoqetpdn 8utrr.8u,t ,qe. ^lted Itted . r a q l . q o r a ^ e q P u eq I e u o S u ) i r o a u t u . u o u a q r r e l n € ' a l P l .lnbdn r.3 os arq rrersrelr s.uuerSoiduo)iroM asneraqiuus,rL ^te@rop u u e, l n l sp u e A l r o l) i r o M l o t o t e o pp u pr i $ i r p r p qp u , asnE)aq ruauou oqr le uatqordeto r q Pr,1|lp rp uo$d ?uLuroue tou rnfu 'Suurou aLtturRuul rsr! dn EurrFRMoul nor 's8u urou a t e qI m ! i 3 t r lt i u o p t P q l F s M s q t t o I P P I u P l | e arr u 5 . r a q ! ' 3 u r o l3 r q d t P D a d^s| e a re r n s e a l l reqt a)ifrn$ PUP3Pun,(u qraroDer aqruo 3uro3Pueqeurue o!1 |p l p.^otfprntosqe slepltoqrno rcl r.uuns &a^. aFqloS or Pasn . M ' p l e r a l s s I u p u eu n u f r , . iu a o o r P e s n i P u pi u eu n E ( u r P q l ure] 3q1]oaueu aql sea leqt asne)o!olo eqr rot urpl rpu€rnd 3^,1 s DNtouotluLltNn L DNICUO)]Ut J.INN 1d1.rcsolpnv Audio script i Oh no,soyou dont actuaLLy knowwhyyou feLLoui? N o , t w a s w e Lw L ,e w e r e , l t h l n k wwee r ea r g u l nagb o ust o m e t h ng rhathappened to usin the pan rhat we obviously hadn'ibroughr up Somerhingto dowith the fam Lymaybe? Yes,yeahfanything t w LL derinteiy hayebeento do with ihe famity Andwhenwasir twas at chr srmas,jid you say? But think cos because qu te itwas NewYear'sEveyoute feeLing emotionatandah,excitable an,l .. l.l: Andii wasyours ster? w: Yes,butwearguequ re a lotanyway.Ainwe re friendsnow. 3 W=Woman M=l'1an w : W h a t s t h e i d e a L a g eet o e t m a r r i eadn d w h y ? M: wett dont nec$sariLy beLele ihat therecan idealaeetogel m a d e dU . m , l m e a ns o n em e nf e e L t h a r r h en ye e nt o b e a L t t l eb t olderbeforetheyget ma( eti and um,a tot of womenfeelthattheyte '"dd ro8e -d "d" d mean,er,in um€sgoneby,peopLegot maniedquileyoung,andum er you know,erm thin[ my parentseot mariedwhenthey wer. a Lot yolnger er dont know ldon i the answertoihisquesuon,l'msorry. U N I T1 R E C O R D I N1G 3 A: ...andmostof the peoplerhereseemveryfriendLy, so,yeah attthat A r l i t j u s t i h a l . . w e L Ld, o n ' tw a n tt o s o u n d a ri f m m o a n n g a l r e a d y oranythlngbut vegot a bir ofa probtemwith my bossomehow. It'sa bit harnio expLain.whenyou first meeiher sheseoms perre.ityn ce you know,goodfun,andyoungand everyrhlngbut ldont know Shes got thiswayof kindof ignoringwhateversay. s h e d o e stn3 c t o a L d L tyc i s e m e ,n o t o p e n Lbyu t s h e j s t d o s n t seemto takeanyor my soggestions verf seriouny A: Yeah,weil,l'msupposedtobeheras!istantmanager, notrome juniorwhodoesnt knowanythineaboutthejob B: Thatsolnls awful.Baveyou edtatkingioanyoneelseabouiir? A : w e I n o n ' t k n o w d o ni f e e l a s f l ' m r e a L w L ye LeLn o u g h enablishen rhereyet A: ..well,iJwehurrywemehijlsreeiihere.Oh,no A i L . o k lL o o ka t t h er . a f f k l i s j u s t s o l d . o h d o n ' t b e L e v e i tm. e a n how 5 anyonesuPPose. toget around. OK Ok.Calmiown, caLmdownl w i L L y osut a p t e L L n g n e ct !a l md o w n ?r i s s o a n n o y l n 8 c. .o. m e Look,theresno pojntin gettingupseiabout t. ti3 ru3hhour. Theretboundtoboa Lotoftrarric. Yesan! whenwerurnupan hourLate,can maeinetheytegonna oK, comeon,wete not goingtobean hourLare.ltettyouwhat, U a c a l L a ntde l t t h e mw e t e s i u c I i nt r a f f c o , K? eivethem Y e a ho, K , l m e a nt h e r e s n om t u c he l s e w e c adnoi s r h e r es,h o r r o f buyjnga pr vateheL.opter mean!he traffc in thistown isju5t.. B: Simon?ts Lindahere A : O h h i . . .f i o w si t g o n g ? B: Theresa bit ofacrisis,a.iuatly.Thals why l'm ringng.ldont [now A: oh, dear.Youhayent lockedyouEelfout againhaveyou? 3r No,no,its .. it! Tony B; He shouldhavebeenbackhou6ago. meanhes alwaysherewhen g e t n f r o m w o r k , a t w a y s , ah ne d' s l u s t n o t h e rHee r d r a p p e a r e n A: WetL, nevefnin! I m surehelLcomeback.Heatways does,noesnt he? B: Yeahbut,youneverknowwhat mighfvehappenen. rmeanhe'snor usedio bengout on h 3 owi. A : H a v e y oL u o o k eudn n e r t hbee d ? r h a t s w h e h r eew a sL a s r t i m e . B: of.ou6e lhave.No,hes noi in the flat.He! gone.ljustdon'tknovl A: Look,L nda,try not to worryaboul r t-ie! probablyoutwith oneof his girttrlends or somelhng Haveyou@|Len h n? Necouldbe nfiegaden. 3r Yeah, ve Looked everywhefe. He'snot in anyofh5 usuaLplaces. UNIT2 RECORDING 2 t = F r a n k eR = R i . k N = N a n . y F: Yeah,weLLCue$itsallthe normaL stuff lor a stunentreatty.Having anacuvesoclallire makesne happyannmyfriendsaremportant. c o o d f r i € n d s h i p s a r e a L w a y r i n p o n a n t , a r e n t t hwehy a? tEerG me . . . ? wetl, gues LG myibje.t I jusienloytheinteLLectuaLstlnularion of phiLosophy evenlfthe tutorsarea bit . .razysometmes B u t t h eo t h e rs i n eo f i r t h a t d o n t e n l o y s o m u . h i s t h e L o n e l i A n el l $ thoselatenigh$nunyingonmy own.Andsometimesyou know, get netuolsaboutexams taiLed my Lasroneso. well,examstresss derlniteLy a probLenfor me.Andrguess d tiketo meermorepeopte. fs like,weLL La.kol.onf dencecanholdme backa b t, sometme' R: Lets srartwih therhingrtha! makemeteeLbad. What reauyhare i3lackofneep.li teavesmellst erhau5ted. An,ibecau5efrsorired faLLasleep n theevenngwhen rhouLnbe relaxng.50,yeah, not havngtlmeto rcLax is aGoa probLem.Ihe otherthingthar annoysme s cr t c 5miiofr my famity,lrom my wlfe n particuLar sheworkslong hoursiyouknow shesa cu.ren.ytraderln rhe . ty, sosomerimes when s h e c o m ehro m eh e r c o n p l a i nct sa nr c a L L y w im nd eup. BurrheposiiivesderlniteLy ourwei8hthe negarlves. tmean warching mychitdrengrowup r the mostlmponantthingin thewo.Ldto me, ipenningsomuchiime with them even fil isa bitethaustng AndL enjoybelngablt oJa nof-.onformkt.l'm the ont dadaroundherewho o o l . ae . t e . i o . " n o. " ! . b . 8 " b . a i l l e , ^ . . N : B e i n g t hC e E Oo f a b g c o m p a n y h aast o to f a d v a n i a g e o sr c, o u r e .t s m y c o m p a n y a nndo b o l y t e um s e l v h a t t od o . T h a f n s u m b e r o nfeo r m e rl L k eb e i n g a en m p t o y enf o, ra i e n p l o y e eY o uk n o w , l d o n tl i G f n gp e o p lbeu i l d o i t l f h a v e i o . T h eonf,c o ! 6 e ,f i n a n c i a l s e c u r i t y makesme Jeetgood earna goonsabry, bot I wolk hard ro deierue it Mycompanynoes marketresearch for .orporate.tient!so,yes,l'm the laceofthe company.ltlan importantroLe. s o w h a ! f r a k em s efeeLbaW d ?e L fLi r, i n g p e o p ltkee s a i d . a n d , w e t t personaLly th n(thetaxesin thiscountryaretoo hlgh so, no nont likepayingtaxes, butthen whodoes?And Bues worryaboutwhere socieryk eo ng.l worryaboutant socaLbehaviouronihesireers Thai m a k em s e f e e L b a d . A LaLLiLnt h o u g m h , h a p p y w t hL i f e .w o r k h a r a dnd UNIT2 RECORDING 4 1 -c"-a,eafe^lria8.h., " b u , p , o b . bol - c o r , b $ " . ". tearewoutd bespi!ets um, just reaLLy reaLLy hatethem um,the s m a LoLn e sa r e n 'st ob a db u t u m , w h e n y ogue t a ,a b i g o n eL k ei n t h e b a r hi f y o ul i n di t n t h e b a i h w h e ng o n , u m t h a f s j u s t r e a LrLeya L L y horible,um and cn'tfeauy, um, wouLdnteverwaniiotouchone o r a n y t h i ntgi k et h a t ,u m r o m e i i m eusm , , l g e ta h , s o n e b o d y t o C l no beroreme if lthinkrhatthere'sa l keLhood that therem ght bea rp ner 'a'oon r-.bu'r", h.l ' L " p ' o b d bol /r . o ! r bgg".' r 2 r'lyproblemi thatnea yeverythingmakesme glgglebecauset nepenns on my mood,tlepends if lve noihan muchsleeptorerample oh my goodness then ljusr cani holdthe Biggles in andihe more s e r l o ui sl k , u m ,L i k ief m a t w o r k o f i o m e i h n g , l h e w o 6 e t h e g i g g l e s C e . b e . .da L n o ^ ' . o - . p D o . d d r . dto S o i r s o m e b os da J. s .o "'rC."r f.d d,"r...Cin-..-a ie-tre-area.a higherandl'm atworkandiisa really mportantmeetlngand m a Lttlebtt red,thenrjust goro pieces, ii s t.rribLe,andsomebody can 'vegoneann cannorstopeither, lusi Lookat oe the wrongway and annthe more trytoslopthe horelnposible ltis anditteven happeningnow brilliant. 3 thinkir'sfa r t o s a y t h a t a mg o v e m ebdy t m e . t h i n k l r e s e n t but it s trueandthe ideaof be nglalejusl-l6t makesme,makesme - well really,retly sire$ed.Ia[vaystry annget a,ah,get somewhere a l w a l sf i y t o g e tw h e r e m g o i n g a t L e a s t h a l f a n h o u r l n a d v a n c e be.ause,the ideaof beingLatejust you [now theret a,rheres a www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library ,o '?eql uo.] .q] uo .lepdn Fqr,ni e €^e,., , ff;'"i"*""t iuaqlrot qrnu oor rsnrseal ""0 "^",,", Iaqr rturqr iDq ]noqpAuttuoa Frle ^ar.Fuotr tut a^er1paddors 'a|)Jeinof or 'Peu '.uop De8 ple p,atts p3sl*r Suro8 spM .q asrnor rpqa 4atitosqe to 'P!e l3uou '] 'saat lo q)nu $s flnoMaqsreqrlntrqnopsrl teSalraue 3qsrolaq saSero].Pun ^u rcl Surqrre.s sea aqs,4tlu.reddv isale,r 1 e U r a t o l r n o r o r s , ( 3 ) e r s a q r . I e l o r e. q I M q R e u o O r h r Na u ! or De! Suro8sPAtp qa-!,erraqroue oluo ro8 pueu,olleF 46oddo s l e F u 6 o d u r $ npf e . r s ul u s d s ^ p e a r t e p e q { . q r O O O 5 t ] 3 q 1 { e d a r o r 3q1oruorooPBuoraaqrlSnorqrrno )ireq.uer aqs4areunrolunrng 'sarto sdnroal,lnq or usqr r3P&la^iaoq 'irouP p 3H tsar4uL!L t] qraSuote'q8euoorr.l t.llnq uo[e]s.qt ollr 1u3a.rtspue!.rura ]o s ^ o l o o o ' 5 t r F u u r e u a r o q r ^ e d a i o t u . ! r p a r a p r o a Sapqnl fl 3 u o u .tpPtu aqrserr Puereqro reorroq3u reoMr usEMaqs uorc8 nP a$liaq rGds Ip6Ie peqsiarels aqrreqt patuau3t lelr 3qrrv rprB Iu os tnls puEearto sdD rq8noqple ]]o ro8 aldo3dpueauB 'srltod.qlP.urotur {FrErP3uutPUe oq] raill rsol Peqaqs Suole artnbrot dolsor P3snsurprls{epasoqlurpuE'uo|rPrauos 1e iu.ql rcl {qloroc !q)lr 3q1}orsuMo leql PstFar'qleuo@N Par.qr uea.ql puesrnoqNl e rol?u[F^er uaaqp,Iaqr ,{eartuV Fddo$ 'q)nu fFreunuorun uoa rritrq.qr Dqa azld ooo'o€raqrp.u ep pueqsnq P^errr,uPP Iaqr.sno.q uaqrroj?utqrttq e sea q)rqa'uose.r Fq pueepueuv l3)ireur.dnsdoo) uo F)rr1^Drrol lp)olra! lorooll.ql auos rol uoPuor013uLF^err.raa &qr pues.le,r ro rred.rou3r e u e PunolPpueuvuaqaoSesqDou.u u ]@PDurueol paPtarsa9rEq) pa^| Iiql 'anr1^taralduors,r ^ruareddetig qnrts fp.uor peqe otl aql r+LtlpuEPnerlto ^t nt punolar.a otdno,aqrq)rqMuLtP!1s 1|! e spunosqlqr ipln Pueune Pd8 {u rnoqe&ors {truet e r,aDql :r SuMolto]{eporlarerstaeqlh pueepueuvor q)E3tefutsquou Lr lo ip erlrunqosrlal s-uaruasP.Pu.dsnsuaoPpaPUP!uoloH)irEl^latPnf sqref no{)ue!l :g uo orerodP3qssrto ar3rdttq Para E qrLM'ss3rP }$q raq iraPtnoqsraq 'tu qso$C uuehl u Suqrs ueuoa floleal-og stqlsea araqlos'atqeraqrtp lauoa aqr la}lodarrio s lopuras u .snoqunoraq1apsrnouo4 a^tBuuod.! :V lo 3uoJor.Plnoqs.qruo PaPlelPusuoodsaqrto lu !lu.aoFrod prqseu.qr puE prEtuolu., PUeP3ddrro purl r'^|par uoseao! rcl '6uappnsuaqt'pueqfuuoiEtodpaqseulotiruoodsBrqeqtpeq 8 9NlCUOf,lU€ INn 'Ie aes I I reqt^)pnt^F^ sPMr ulqrursturqr a^su€dxolo srrosIp qrare) a^s6dxaa^eqqdoad pooqrnoqqBrau 3ru esrsrql u.tols!3^3 ',P3qloru33! a eqPlnoaPooqrnoqqRrau .!1ulsPr.!lreq arnsu, €s!ruo'tlou3rl1q)re)Puedn aleMor piladdeq /(lrq ^r.^ seMr '.8euep {ue op plnor^.q} aror.qu.L]r P4rale pue {FretFuuL ss.tro .rou .uer faqr'ss3!poo8)tueqr puE'IeaerqSre]rs lrtod .qr pallD t'uo SuoBseMreqMpas[eartsE uoossE{snor^!o 'uoq1o3ur)P.r! 013urfrlsMopurMrer iqr |E uo Sur8ueq ar laql Rutqrna^aartplno os'uoouInteqra rqSru reaP^F^ e seMr iretr aqror?utqrauosBuLop araalaqr reql p.rBou I u.qt $dtt 3u )toolfiseupuea s$raAe&a^ - )iunrp.FM &q1 aas Ptnorno.(BlquuP@.q fFnor^qopeqI'q-LEqlo qre. reBule.as pupSuLrnoqs'areld aq1r.^olP 8ur{ehssraa faq! .snoq^u iprsrno rsnluau Runo{oMrasaqlM6 puerno pa)tool| {eM&V !o SuoBspM isrnorto os''3ulnoqs uau - Fsrls reqM..s o1aoPLh 3qror ru oq1u sP6rno.sro! tnJPParP stqrPrEsq P3qorur)req ?u91.3seMtsv @oorqreq.q o r 0 3o l d n1 3 R opr P q r n q l E n s n s u eal1ePaqorauoS pPq '^esPiioat'3u urou .q1 ur)iroP,osuornoqpre p.u.ddeqttert:r' ,. lpue'ae)ai aqol oPlod paqseu .tqer eqr re soEeF !^ 8!was spM'IeaIuV passansarrnbtu|llilseattrFnor^qo os'lpurtartnb Ie sea r PlE s$rp tutus^aFuueiMseMiuona^a 1u!^a ueDs P srtnb s e a r 5 n o d . u , & a ^ s e tMo s l a 1 r e ne s E ? u l u t E r { uaeu o P l , u p sl q p.raM ^aqros sotqet3q1uo1eMor !4 pqse Iaqr pue'arsradsaprq 'fqMAou{ 1,uop )l]rs.r.M sr.rre^\aqrlo rol e pueu.^a r.uu p 3r9e ppLt^aqrqsoM M.l e rol Ftoq aqrre SuDiroM uaaqp r4]e'fepauo rn€ Aspi nbseMqrLta!e! aq1urp.d.s fIeuDN qol&4o!u lo pu t P 3qruou aal e rcl l!3oqe u qoleqr peq oBeeeal Majv :l 4lLsoor rlq rsnlI PsuaddEq peqleqa P.n uPe F^au l1nq ureRsraqro qr* 33sPtPa,1^iSuEnlsP o s s e M r P u e 18 u r , ( o f u . s e a t r e q t p u . r . i p u e r e 8 n s ! r p . r a ^ o r r a S r i q 3 u e . r a qrrE o r P e t l o s ^ e so l . 1 | o . o o rs e n . q P r P . q , r r o sq11eP 'P3r4ou aq)tutqrr,uop tple tutqtlue^es or Pa*erequ. oot sea I rn€ 'rtesto uore8nsrn!puep.snluo ro3 | req] qrnu Pea1surratunqiu osBut)llprspatpup snodauossea t q la3rnqtru piraproLIeaIuV Dlsnsrs€8rnq e(luo seMlrqBnoqr!a€ P€rt)xaPUesnodau ^|ed *a tpue luanelsar s ol arspe uo uaaqpitaujr rsrll.qr qLt seMr rnq .reP e uo u..q P, .utl lsrg aqrr,usear!Puv rno au Pris? Potlt^I$r t ^i3 s q1Ple Mnoqe sea iSusserpquarqearsea s q.r :f s 9NlcuoStut INn t . q r e t= t 3 ) i n=r 1 s r e l l= l I 9NlCUOlrU€ INn 'PlorFurzssrl 'xrtueunqs,t )tuLql ts8uLqlasoqlqnapnrs r,ra uo,lu.u or rou 'pillDr 44nlosqe8u!taa,1Fr $Llode u dn qoM rFreunuorun'un ?ue qnoid rsnf e qdoadarr Surraqdt3qr,uD no^ qq | ! 4 e l r n o q M . l e r n q r E q r F r l Pq r n u r a q u 3 u a r r , ! E r ' 1 $ u o a u eBElnquodn. odur pueuo)iroa uEraMMoutnol un sEurqrasoqr o! loDErssrtPd r.re.u aqror sna orPPuereraqrto )ltreq.qlul 'iPes.usrieu reqrqFr( un'os.lLl rsnfs,reqr asner.qdn lo.uos Ple s n p r q s n d r s n f l a qsln o r u € r s l t i u p t n o M { . q 1 } n q 5 e a u a l q o r d a q r sdodss.ull r.qrole Suqr.uos parnr.^,€Mseuoosse'ss.ull .lt s,r op reqa rno puupueuaLf 01) er o1p.trl a,r 'sn]e Sutlnoqs Patrelspue sIe4e faqr r.^ pue$x. ot s8utql.soqrstleM^lFr {pogouodoq.M rno rcl ea)LlloD lod oMrpuedn M.rp Fr.rtpd siql^tFpp6 rd!)4 '8!oF 3^ou orSuLFpleuiFA oM^lMoFpue p p.a1eqM s,1eq1 ll3M'fpoqou$ne)aqaootno^BlFsadap s,leqrple aq M r.^o araqr os 'un 'BuEs daP 'uoddnsrolFars aql ut pa)tred uor 3r.q1 asn€aq lurqrr,uoP toseoqor u3.s r,usaop araMleqrsreriql or uo ptaqaatr sEM pu! | s 'll3r &a^rEqrrif sturqlpuplu!^o! puereMpueauur ot r sBurqr llele a^ou Ptno)aMIPM{luo :qr reqt PasleariM lllPnrG^a le re ssa8ord/(!e Suleu r,u€raa3/y\Ilq reqt uMopra?ol RuLotroM .M MoqMoDtr,uprp 4l$r./1 aoul nol dlaqrotDqro !)ea or Rul|erpue '{uunl tu.^ u.., or ue3.q srqr ]]o sPeaqr noBuqSnq.FM .a Ple lte 'uosEar3uosrol^eM{uv ^raddFossearasner.q1snf1n9'tulqtfue rc lunrp sraa aa$nDo! loN urE Era^o|.1.M !4el spuorasoar pue'!n l.E p,a,r !a o Eurrtet rdit $nf.&'lloM'os Furqre lis l,uplnor .M Pue&addltsoslsnfspMr '3utBeuruer nol os'oo11tq daars,!le€l e uo seMuMoPSulleasraa.a PEoraql Ruto?3FM 3a 8r€qaaas seaI3q[eu 4lenrv 5]noq r,uptnorfllE.r aa *nD.q ?uLMousllrs lera^.src,t! ousu..q psqr puparaqM&3^.D )l]rqrsea.iaql 'Auparl lFlntosqE- plor ^r.^ 'tu.^ seM n tuerl pu.ulfu qr M,(lie! s e u r s L q l eu 0 4 i u o q S u r u o rs e M s s a n B l q S r u p r u r n o q e r e a r1€| -€=€ t 9Ntouoflu € INn oDrt^u qe.^ os .url€qrle {ddEqos au sa)iEursnlt srturqr lree aqr^llenDeriq q8iolr|ed s,reqllurqr.uoss r !e.{ qe PUe!3nel au sotEeq8netu q Bure.q un'qe.,(tuEeuernTs,rr'tsnfs,r Pue 'IddeLt(,t'f!dEq s,.q .relollrIsrq 3!raasun ',(olqra .u sU$ rsnl rr puEplroa aqrurSu ql lsiq aLf rsnls,r $nls, puealppnri^65eu e alltsu:^tl rsnfPUeuMoPlnr ]],aquaqtPueBuuPaDspuPFulrnols asnoq3q1PUnorP JoPUD1 ! aqra^r3qM urq reaque, tpue u30oroop r!o4.!1P.q,aquaqolooPruo4sqlqanorqltuLot'qe'PUePtroM .qt u Blrqrrsaq.qr €)i!tsr€uoq ot iuaqM{oq sDtjt{u turaas-Iu Ruaas qe pleFllel e auoaq 4luaru .^,i 'qe'Iddsq{re.r.u Dieu 'un ouorM.u3l ibs,fqlturql.uos'qe ! e q } 3 uq F u o s ) u t q r ! t r rq o pi$ansftqrp.Du ^tqpar)urFB | .u|r !o .! euuo8rou u i I P U p3 u o l l u e u o d u ^ r a ^ s r ' u n3 r a u r l u o t u a q r e q l l e sP t n o M I 'un os qrh r tftP r,uetrt 1,!?r $nf i puP{Poq{u ur uor]!€r tDtu3ql Audio script B: Thatsright cfeg LeonWalker, you'llremember, wasthe manlrom Rochester HiLLs ln r'lichigan whowas.hargedbackin2010,wthhackng into hiswifes emaiLaccount. Hemalntained h s nno.ence bur hiswife cLarawentontetevision roiaLkabouthowviolared shehanfet. weLl, creg,two yearsaftq Leonwascharged annrlehtbeJore hewasdueto go onlriaL,Pro5ecuto6 haveunexpectedt droppen rhecharges againstLeon. Andth€ reason?tturns outthat cLarahadbeenreadlng herhusband s terr messaBes whiLe lheywerestiLLma(led andhadadmittedio th s n anemaiL. Leondes.rbedhimselras relieved but angry. ArAstonishlng newslNow overto oufsportrderkwherelamehasrome B . . . a d l h " . " o . ' < e n . e. o r e s p od e ' P o b e aI " L L h e " 1 1 the studiow th me Robeft,beforewe caichup on aLLrhe Latest devetopmenls in the wofldotsclencecanyouteLlfre what happened A: Yes,absotuteLy Don weLL, asourlktenetsprobablyremember, Ri.hard Handlwasthemanwhorrledio set up a mininu.learrea.torin hisklt.hen.UsngradioactvemateriaLs rhat he'nbought,Mr Handt attemptedto splitlheatomandhe postedthe resuttsonline,alongwith the nowjamouspidureoi hi5cookerafterrheexperiment. A : O f c o u 6 ew h e n r h ep o L c e w e raeL e r t et o! w h a tM r l l a n d l w a s n o i n g , theyconfiscated alLhknudearmateriaL andhiscompurer. Mr HandL facedthe ProsPeci oJup to rwo yearslr prison,so,asyou sayDon, wharhashappenedlohih? weLL, the afsweris absoLutely nothing sincethey conrrcaie! his Gnioactive materiatseverat monrhsago, neilherlhepoL.enorthe Swe!ishRadlation Author!y havebeenii touch.so it tookslikeNlrHandLwonlbeproiecutedafterarl B: WeLLthat! goodnewsJoramateurscientsts guessNow ontothis week! olherscience storiesRob... you havebeensuchgoo! companyrhatforyou it s onLyf2s. c: Yes,mytouE. hopeyouthoughtitwasworththemoney. A : O h ,r i g h t , y e s ,l ,s e e . .e. f r . . . S: Lookthere'sbeen. misunnerstanding. We didnt reausethatyo! C: WeU,irt onLyf2s. t s mor€ol a gift reattylheLpyououtwth an informative tour andyou heLpme out wlrh a smattgift. 3: ldon tthinkthats fair YoushouldhavetoLdusai ihe srart. c: Didntyou enjoythe iour? Nlostof my customeEare... B: Thats the thing yoosee.Wearent yourcustoned C: Well,Look.lcansee it'slusta bitola m su.dersran!inC andlappreclate wliaiyou resayng.L€ts cattit 120 B: No,you don't understand. we reallyaren'tyourcustometr. Thankyou foryourtihe but wete norBoingto payyou for t. comeon.lwant to go backtothatroomwiththe Romancoins. B: Hettowe bookedarabtefoftwo.Thenames PoLeP O L E. A: Ri8ht...yes, right.Ms Pole.Thattabtewar for e ght o cLocl,wa!nt t? B: Yes,e ght ottock.Thats rght. Ai WeLLlnafraidwe hadto SiveyourtabLe away.Asyou see,we re v.ry busyan! we werent 5ureif youwerecomlngsowe hadro giveyou. t a b L e t o r o m e oenles e . B: what doyou meanyouvegivenftlosomeoneelse? bookedit. e ,a d a m , W e g a A : W e L Li sr a l m o sqru a r t e r t o n i nm e tL o ! o f c u s t o m e r s bookingannnot turningupso generaLLy I anyoneis morethan halfan ho!r Late, we givetheirtabLeto someone eLre. B: oh, honestly.ltsnotmyfaultthatwecoutdnl finda parklfespace. A: unnetsbndthat,madamandl'm reaLLy sorry.Butasyoucansee,were Br rcan seethat, but thisis veryunfair.Perhap5Ineed to speakro UNIT3 RECORDING 9 A: Ticketspt€aseThankyouTickets, pLease Yourticket,sn? 'm Br sorrybut donthaveone.Themachineat the stalion ,d: Youneedavalidtckel sir,othetukeyou'llhaveto paya Is0fine. B : l l n d e r 5 t a n d t h abtu t r c o u l d tnb u y a t . k e t l h e m a c hn e w a s n t A: Wherenid you boardthe train,5ir? A: Thereta ticketoff ceat that station,sn.YoucouL!haveboughtyouf B : t d o e s nt o p e nu n t i t e i g h t o ' c l o . k at n hd istrain L € f t a7t . 3 0L. o o k , l w a n r t o b u y a i i c k e t , I hh a p p y t op a yf o r o n en o w b u t c a n ' t b u y o n e i l i h e Ai Bearwlthmea minuie,madam,andl'ttseewhatwe.an do Perhaps one.r our customeBwho bookenfor 3.30wonr shoy up. fyoujusi t a k ea s e a a t t t h eb a r . . UNIT4 RECORDING 5 A: RedLandStallSeeices B : H e L L om. t r y i n g t o h i rae n e wP A a n dw a s w o n d e i n g i f y o u c o u l d h e l p . A: CertainLys the PASolnetoworkwith you? B: Yesthats rlghr. ve hada few appticat onsbut go fron here mean,can havetheappLicants intetulewed? A: certainLyWecanprovldea detaitedreportonea.happLicant. You.a. evenhavethe r peBonalitles asse$ed. A r A n n y o uc a nh a v et h er ! Q t e i e d a s w e l lf y o u w a n t e v e n A: Well,l'msorrysirbut l'm Iustnoingmyjob.Youhaveto havea ticket beforcyou boardthe train. B: CanLmakea suggestion? why don t I buya tlcketnowandilien B: 1"1mh, ir aLLsoundseood canyou sendmesomeinformation about howmuchit attcosts A: orcouEe Letne takeyour emailaddres. A: 1...donl ih nk so,sir f you don'i havea ti.ket haveto f neyou. B: Lookthk is ridiculou3.l'mnoi a crlminal.lwanttopayfo. my tic[er] A: ...well...allrightsr.Buijustthsonce.whereareyourraveLLingto? N = newsreader B = science coiiespondeni N: Thisweekit hasbeenreportedthariheMars500 spacenission'has Ar Wow!what a hugespace, 'Landed aftermorerhan 17nonths With usto discu$th s fascinating si Yes,beautifuL. so muchto explore, erpe mentis ou. science coirespondent, DavidS mpson.Davin,for c: Thismu5eum wasont openedin 201Oyouknow rt'stheLargest n thoselGtene6who a.e noi famlllarwth the MaE 500missloncould UNIT4 RECORDING 6 C: Yes,it houres$me ofthe mostimportantRomanartifactsin the world. canshowyouroundsomeofihehighLighrs ifyou Llke A : W e t L , ewr h a t d o y o ut h i n kB e t h ? B : E r O Xl h e a n , l f y o u ' vgeo tt h et i m e . c : o h , s u r es, u r e . I t i k e tsoh o wp e o p treo u n d . c o m e ofno,t l o wm e . t L t a k e y o u f i r s t t o , .a i d a L L ot h f osecoinswtrefoundbyalarmerwhowd diSeingup h s rieLdLWhat a Luckyguyhuh? Br WowLHow interesting. c; 50,herewearebackwherewestarte!. A: weLL, thaik you somuch.IhatwasfeaLty kindoryou. c: oh, dont mentlonit. You[now, usually.haree €30tormytoursbut s: wettthe MaB 500nlssionw6 {tuattya simuLatedspace m$on in whichrix internationaL voLunteersthreeRu$ianstvvoother Europeansand a chineseman5pen1520 daysinaspacecapsuLe burled beneaiha carpark n asuburbofMoscow N: Andwhat exactlywasthe polnrofthat? s: weLL5centistswaniento studyrhephysi.aLand especallythe psychotoeicaLeffects ofspendlngthatamouniof t me in the confinement and ioLatlonofa spacecapsuLe, whichG or cou6ewhata spacecrewwoutdhaveto do lfthey gaveltedto Marsfor exanple. N; Aid why is ihat usefuL? www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library '3u4.q orore^aqlxtalllarou.ql1r s:snsuoauoslruo sq aql pisnsL,l, 5 1 ) u q 1 3 qs a o P 1 e q M ' I u uDnrt q s r i e u l e q l u L q$ o q e s ! l l e L l au l q I ' p o t t u e a p P u e s n o uqPAt t r n l o s que q p ul r s n l r e s n e ) 3sql u o s e o r pioMaqrPqrsau!1loraqunuaqr ^lrsrlr s3uqra qloJrnoeIaupdasl u l u n ' s s o o q r p l n oIar e q r u o s D . 'saLr^l]sou a q l p u v p l i o I j l r r p d r a u u r P ^D e roqraqMAoulor1ueMnoillos stRurpe.r.reno^Pqr alLlord r..u ol Pa eas^eMlei^,1 z .q}.q leqr '&enDe ^qdrnh aLPpr PtnoM Iaa se^lredrsuurP^u re sBuos !s sLreqroroqde asnoqM uau ol Pareduorpp ee.^req e pupalo s reqr l Up r6nu e u o s 3 u 6 o l r . ! l a S o s l e pP , U Pl P q rq L l s S u r qpru Eu o q s e P oloqdp esnol pualostELll .re ^llenr.pAaqlueQFuulls sssa^lasuaqr roq oqe{el PtnotsMiun rlleuaq} spu!}rqs aroqnPUes.qloPraq rG$i pupa8e.nrl)Eqrto ee.Ihol alPr{lDrd^luauot adeqs^poq oqele Fq )lseplnortGql Pue^led rauuP ssarp^lusl e aq^lqelord pup aSer .qr ur-uo stuordautuor'aq1urll4 uauoMreqrsallodr dor 3q1 'ptnqaBera^s noMrr'un IledFuurPe re a^eqorrsan8unl ^llEare.q p aqr lu 'lr u e q l r . q r e r , r q n r s n u,)o,rr13lqrP. I P 4 ..rr^^uu o r i ^ P qP l n o a tl A ! FuuuuP I^sseerru E l I ur v f i r ree! F I un eA?D aqr)s.Por 'aFuErarol Suuooqr3dPqs^poq sese^tasuaqr PLP!q3ra! rjaqlrnoqeallol IPtLl lsou areu3u !3.rs rraqluo4rredv 1lop tuqr pe] u uaqavd ps^e!Iaqrleqlu pltrorPu.rosle$'i xere sa^Lplllenrrernq - 3doq qrnu tu3^tiuEql'IaM re.rC :l ror)aiPuu e IIe.r r,us aqlPqlrnoPuuiaql uaqMarerlou PUe.rep1!! 'llqeunsard'idoq iql uousqr lrM a^olulIF$l.doq llell M uauoMreqr rlulqr sPuellte lsnf$q'^lal ullsP saIqo r[ u3u aqt trrrnPuiul! aqlro.)ueull ui )!oaolSururePsrsll uouuor lsou qntn rs.uorruPAP,noIlllseorP.lueal :3 2 uE S P 'uslqord all[.qr D qof]Eqrlo -uprrodul 3rt|ur )iroM /(.qr rPqlIllsnPuraqllnoqE :f arns ou I3lI qolr .qr rolP srllarueu Pql 3il uouuo lsou .ql .qr .reDE8exa uots3nbrsetauo lo ol l fuos qo sreqr tiueqrlFM')o :l !!oid rsou ro,le.iB oorrnl51 .]eFFSeb or uo,Frdu 3qr'^reaE) rl }eq P puPuarcs(tqssodua^as{Psor .^eq P,l uo+s.nbreqlarEll'qo '.lllo! auruorLaqrur.l aldoad]o %03r.^oasnEraq Deld rsrLl3qrur Pa!ers t E t n s r n . ^ r 3 n o ^ P l n o a u € r l o r n o s y e u l E q a ' , ^ l l e u L)loP U:el asoqllo^uereqrBllsldrnssdeqld s r!rns aulluo 133ram sdLqsuoEt.r Fau Mouvsn.qr uLsaldnoraau lo %09r3^o r|re.sar 3raro1SulPo'v 3,rletru s alrnb^llenrrear,3alulqr llaM :i uo mo passa4sra8qloq lelnsrn Pueno^ .lF Pparor .^Pqll,nor :! €rErelursMoq un aoN Bnopull ol suLzeSeu z'qs Plo lou qo :f zP.trrou3qslurqr l,uoPno/\ :t p u v q r i u & a ^ n o ^ ) i u e q ru o s d u r s P ^ eicl n i s s a r r s s P u n o s I l u r p r r a ) 'parnou3qs)iurqr rsrP iaq r,uoP r4Ll)nllns r e q ! p u e r s l u P r n o { . u o o u o t q l n a u o l e s l e! tpz t u P u a d t a u ! 8 e u: N 'I _ p3 $n[ ! o P a P l qP l e a r e l d^ u t o a 3 D D r s q o l^ u l o : r 3 r d e l u o d3 u or e l l a l iraqroqr$ qLtluP P rsnlraqr {lPrseq 5i!3u s,€q}oqna !o zsru.dou PrPMye,(!e a^Pqno^pp os f a q r a s n p r a q ' u o s s r d ^tel zpa t o q M 3 q l r . ] r 3 q r o q r e o o r q o d s ^ l P r e q 'lltpar rarsqol'Mou) rtqelord I 3row$aq aql L l,usea l seMllli,l :s ! 3 q u a u a . r t ro t l o q r p u ? 2 3 6 1u l u o $ u s r e d su e 6 s n e Poot ^r.^ PunosI us.oplEqI iqo t P a G d d e q r e q M p u: N v 'lleP uoF3 I,uplPr3qFSoluo!ss!u iqs rPqa or Suruar{l,usea llPqrrarsqollu lPaor8lrtul isnq os 3qMaserauospa ar.q] lnq MaD e!o eiqusuaa'o4aqr s P n 3 u [ . q r ] o $ o u l s a u o qa ! o r F r n € l l n r s l P i n r l n r ' M o D i n o l punor83q1Iq parroddns itluaL)Lllns3u.!lou re iaqr reql ulelduo) t l l e l 3 a ) i u l q ru n : f u n l s l o u o st e q rp u Eq o o q P u es u l l l o q e P'sai sr or Nr) 3)eds.!1ro] uouuo) 1r lorluor uo s u 1ercD PunorS 'e qo il F norarnoqeller nol )o dot Moul reqa Pue reLta PlP lla^ rs iql sPreaolP.lr.r p aqol Plar slonErfn4 ,saar).w ^llPr.uaS r a r ' r '' - . q P l n o v uo sMar)reql la,ideqra^.r saoc iN iuo ra8r,!op Itdu6 s qr qLl suoBsLu }| uoradiuo asoor+or PeqU ln! {tPdllD|r]ed ur.uoou lltsA\ :J &ess.r.u araqadrqe.pealap^ordr.r'ueal e sPYoa Pueraqp s,reql :I ^Fnor^qoPUearnssard zronoiputu.r 3qrprp oq$'ot)o r r,us oillord .!1 s^eMlE q)e.!r|A uoF3 or 3F? aqol paauPlnoM{3111 l!3noq13u lo lq8noqr3qsreLla raPUnuter fersoralqP3qo1.^eqPlnoMA.qlosplEuollenlLs sEMrr'ouqo r[ aqs Eapou pB a^, luslFrxl lear8Pqoot Poot{llear lntrsi4sltqrPJru ueosles srql uoEsruaqlauilnP.suP+tureqr pue iPooEetnsrnlouoFsardurlsrUrno{tiuse,^ :l p3padiauniqrlE qrM le.P or slqP3q or PueuoLrelos sustqord neqlr usPMqnen uorade^l PUe.ruo^agu.aalaq xruv uoparoq.tq Par)uaqr qIAleaP or lusDrgn*lFs llausrris oq or e Ml s s a n S l l l a M ' , q o: J z M o un l o I ' , a ur o l : u o a q r . q P , a q s P q r S l l d os q a^PqPlnoauoEeu qrns{uelo daD iq1 ruo6nPuorsnor^lou errar SuEql|ls srePPaqr nes te 1F/Y\ :s .re ar.$lu qr rnq 'P.s^leue alePsqr arolaqrol turlool araa nofreqa.u ll.l no^ plnor'qsof oS :! 23rnrnruruosslu e qrns)ol alqerrns qsol=t r.uodd=u arereql aldo3nlo Pur\aqr rnoqeuMerPaquPrsuosnpuorreqa os :N 1e p:rlool'q or 'leuorEur.luleqAlurPrratr rso4lP PEqPql san$raqrto auosPAs ql os IMeeri o! uorssruarnrnl,(uerellFquau3r or.^eq noln!'^lqlstod :s iues 2^rlleuo|}eu u..q l,upeqrtaru+aP€! eeal ualrsq 3sorl1!lplotE3ilar i3^ossMletll .q1lo G3q Pequ.u iql lle, raBeau$q 3^PqlLl,uplnoM:N oloqde pasnIle.]tr p,aHUrol unpueuralns e FuLreaa Pue0t oqeseM, s s L l l P u o r e ur a t P 'arorM.qs 'rcoP.Llr lSnorqrPlleM oqd uo$d aql u^'F3qror Buloa .qluiaMraq suouualuerr- oslpar.MarsqlPLP .uoq)peq,sPu.ul e laau pueAuuuhs 3ur!is. palolui oqMrriueqruiur$^ur PlorPaA_62 usrs)l PuPIluet rlaqrq1|4r)Pruorlsou aql PerloqMra^osaEnolealosle olEulr.dxa rlernersirP01ru.a aqs qaa 3q] uotuolsFq Parsod araa 3r3q1suaFord pasnersLqrPue!re, sIP4e r lseM pPol)l]oaaqr palp)FleP au|lloauo !a^.aoLl!e}ool qlnlr.qr qrrarFor lou 1saqs,r reqrrt.l sea1' pue s3^t3su.qrasiuPaoPuerio arEqsor Peq^3q1 uillord e qrqM'qse1ple $roqrJo rol e peq u3u.qriluPx3rol aql or dn a^t or noiEllSernoua& 1la!a! riof!r rasno^ lelr sprepuers .uo)aq ^t eo uE $FnoPaflleus s3rlPrsuntD lnlssr$ ^lqBu $.rll a^r6od Pa^eqoqeuer a![uos3f 3r qa ir1 ] 3urF|Ies lo qrud eqlM ur1eqrsuaasrLPUe!.qF8or sqrlou l! lo uorlPlosr PueuoFroq pearlaqr lpqaqelol a^eq^aqr1gqrMolt t.reP aulluonoh rE 6lenr.e aql qr M teaPor Pequiu xu aqr reqrFqusu3r ol a^eqno^ Ia,^ :s no(ueqr(lnl$.rns $q PUP)a^ lrerle $llaPlo ereno^reqra^alFq Ih qdo.d q$n aqr]lir nol I asno3qpaladxa$^a s,r sdeqr.dal lod 3 u t u o r n o l ur r qa l r E a r r o l I ] e s s o .s! r I r E q r ' F ^ a M o{qe s q d o o d s u o s !3n$ .raM.reqr qSnoqrleue.r e sPfllnlss.rtrnspqron PueIiM uo ,{ddeq,pue,;!Brr3, ue$FqrPr',Pesrou,r,Euroq pE uau x s aqrtteD^oleqr-^ruoBv aredsue.dorn!aq] -YSl aqr^q pu, seltasraq ro lt3surqalDsePl]la rErrE alduexaDls]u.u.lers a ! sod :s P3ss s u..q seqrr3lqa lan.aoH'pisileueSuraqllrs s elePaqlI3,^^ or uaqlr3lsrdor Pu.lSu l areoqasldo.dsruauar4sa^Be8:urorlio Puv :N ipuu ^3q] P p1eLIM a,(aupda3)i'4pr!r puv'tlLraaurn I .ql uoaqlllMr r.Feaaq1!3quauar rrlll!o Prlea! ots sr3rtluoDeuiolurssalaqr!31qFqusu ora^eq M{aqrreqrsal]o lpqlsanssLloPUL)Iaq] PUeP.rorlou ^llnr.re)araa spoou Ple tole8! arpo^eoluEA(aqruaqMs3llloldr3rloqsal^sldoad,qlnrlaql e.q uE)as.ql s.lllordElroqs larcl ss.rlss,aar)aqr alduexsrolos uossuro puDislqruluPd qr|MtD uouoi, BuLaq sr.uoauosteqluBLs 3)ietot.tdo.dlo PuD[qEr.q1].ala! ol3rnrnl u dlaqPlnoalll3,\\ ;s 6puo3s s ro uo4 s^t.tio ouen p ol .rls.Pe srru€r sLqrIl 3reddv 9 DNIOUOfIU5 flNn z 9NlcuofruI rlNn € DNICUOf]U5 IINN II Audio script becaseromepeoplej6t ae fuiny, otherpeopteaien't.AndIm reaLLy interested to knowwhatthat magicalingredient is and tyou.ani€ach It or if hes atwaysbeenfunnywhlchprobabLy hehas.Andwhat doeshe preferliketo,um,to do most,un, standup in front of an audience or movlesan! ry or ntery ews I d be intereste!to knowthe answer,un to Ah,lf I couldchoose, um,som€onetoinvitelthlnk it wouLnbe,ah, NlotherTheresa, um,Ithink itt som€one thats alwaysah,fascinated me,um,having- havingrravelled, ah,quitea loi andseenwhatyousee ln, un in countriesthar arent yourownandthe povertyandtheillness thinkit s,um,guiteamazlngthatsomeonegave uptheirwhoteLifeto, thatt reaLLy ah,to try andaddress that problem.And,ah,it s someone fas.inatedme lor!uite a lonetime.l'daskherwhyshechoseio, um,to giveup herlife ann,ah,andhelpotheE um. .lihinkthat shed be,um, justso fascinatingtotalkto, um,andlttsomeone reattyadmiresod m€. kindol liketo saythankyoufor- for the inspi.atlontharshe'sgiven l! loveto neet 14arilyn Monroe,solwould deflnitetyinviteher,and that beautifulann the f rst reasonwouldbebecause to havesomebody amding in a roomwouldjustbephenomenal anda oneoft, andlthen coulda5kherquestions Likewhat colourlipsticki, the bestredthatyou girlie!uestionsthatyou couldaskbut then d ask canget,andaLLthose herstulf abouthermovi€care€randwhether,um,shefeLttikeshed everbeenin loveand,um,whothosepeoptewouLnbethat shereally felt sheloved.and thinkl'd askherif shehadn'thavebeen,um,ir she hadnt havedienwhenshed d what shewouLdhavelikedto havegone lwould chooseanyklngor queenfrom historybut probably, um,I peEonto hav€at my dinnerpany wouldbe thinkthe mostinteresting the Firctbecause therewouL!beso muchto askher QueenElluabeth aboutandihet sucha fasclnating, um,figureun, fiEtof allld llketo askherhowshenanagedto besucha poweful qleenfor so Longwhen be nEawomanin thosedayswasdlfficuttenough;and,um,howshe maintained um,andof cou6eId like hefpower,um,overallthoseyeats, to askheraboutherdayto daylife andall thos€nomestic!etaiLsllke, ^ o . h ed b t .r o b - u \ hh . - a a t l o o w d . . h p b d l d u-de he wiSo.you knowso manyinteresting deiaiBwhich thinkwouldbe,itwouk beamaziigtofind our the truth aboutrhemand,um,andhowshe reaLLy felt aboutbeingQueenot Enghnn,um andwhatthatmeant 5 Um,iflcould invlteanybodywantedto a dinnerparty,er,thinkl wouti inviteDavldB€ckham. Be.ausenotontisheextremelyEood Looklng, um,butaGolthink he'dhavesomereallygoodstorlesto tell aboutpLaces he'dbeenandp€opt€he'dmetand,un,you know,the wo d Cupandwhat it feeGlike,just what it feeLs liketo bea5famous ashe is,reaLLy.Andwhat hGtilet Llke,ruppose.Yeah he'dbe really Br Yesits chrisrineFord,andthepostcode isr4Na6DK. C OK that s flneandhowcanwe helpyouthis nornlnS? you sentme a bluwhichI ihlnk paidthreeweeksago,butyouve Br WeLL, sentfre a letterwhichsaysthat unLe$lpay itwithinsevendaysyou Ll... c: sorryto stopyouthere. llhavetoputyouthroughtoanorher department aswe don'tactuaLLy dealwithinvoceswhlcharemorethan thfeeweeksoLd.fyou'lljust bearwith me... D: Hetto,CustomerServlce Department. Br Yes,it's abouta letteryou senime.Thecusiomerreference G V29O 6 3 6 Ka n n s e n t y o u . . . pLeas€? oi Canyoujust confirmyour nameandpostcodeforme, B: velustg venaLLthis man.Do Ihave information to anotheryoung to gothroughallthk again?lt's MNa6DKandmy nameis chfttine F o . dN . o wa b o utth i sb i l l y o us a y h a v e n t p a i d , n o w l k n o w l n a l e t h e D: sorryisthat M Ior Mlchael, N forNi8et... A: Yes,heuo,LindaBatesspeakinE. B: Hi, it tJaneMarkham Ilightsto lrom AdonisTravel.t s regardingyour lstanbulne*!wee( vejusl got a coupteofquerles... A oh, ye5.Hetlo.oh sorry,justa second...NolNotiherelwhere lroLd you by the bookcase... sorry... S: Yes,ljustwantedio knowlfyou'd dinn taklnga fllShta bit laterthan theonewedhcu$e!... C: Mum?l'4um?Naveyou seenmytEine6 anpvhere? A: Please,lont ntenuptmewhen monthe phone,yessorry,youwere B: No,dor'tworry...amlcalljngarabadum Le cL a ? LbLa c kL a t ei rf i ! s A : D o y o u m i n di t t j u s t t h a t t h e r e a r e s o m e l e l i v e r y m e n , a n d , , . w i t t y o u B : N o p . o b l e m . . . w h e n w obuel dag o o d t i m e t o call? a: oh, ifyou givelt aboutan hourthingswillhave setileddowna bii... B: oK, lLspeaktoyoutater. UNIT6 RECORDING 1 Ihe Mesopotamians wereprobablythe first peopleto inventwriring in about3,200EC, that it wasaLsoinv€ntedseparately althoughitG believed in severaldifiefentplaces- by the Ancientchineseandthenlaterby the tribeswhoLivedin modemdayM€xlco. 2 Bythe midnGof 16thcentury,Araband European astronomershad discovered a greatneaLabout howour solarsystemwork5.How€verat thk po nt, Europeans stiLLhadn'tfiavelle! to manypartsof theirown planer. cotumbusha!onLyanivedin theAmercasin 1492,Australiawasni Hello?Hetto?sorry?Y€s,that! righ! thisis stephenLloyd,yes,thanksfor gettlngbackto me..yeah,um,It€ft a message discovered wasnt ea ieraboutthe furnltlre by Europeans untilthe 1fth century,andAntarctica exploreduntilthe 13rhand19rhc€nturiesL thatyou rerupposedto bedeuvering to meat the en! ofthisweek...andI 3 w o n d e r e d. l. f. s o r r y ? . . . n o , n o i i ! j u s t t hmaot n a t r a n a n d l k e e p t o s l n g you ...we,we keepgoin€intotunnels...I said keeplo5ingyouwheneve. Bythe middleofthe 19thcentury,we hadmadebi€advances in scence which ^" go inroa 1 n e (orl. )or speal.p a b' pha.. No,,olr Lor p b andengineering.In r860the lirstcombusrion enginewaslnvented, v e r y f a i n t . . y e a h , y et a hh a t 5 b e t t e r y e a h , , . y e a h , l c a n h e a r y o u p e r f e d tLed y to the inventionof the motorcar.However, we sull hannt dkcovered yeah...sorry,yousaidthatyouI benefveringthefurnituE that bacteracausediseases, on Friday, isthat an! di!n't realisethat we reenedto washour handsin orderto preventthespreadofgermsLltwasn t unrittheworkof righi?Aboutwharime?sorry?No,yourvoicehasgoneveryfaint.,,lcan publkhedinthe ls60sthatthis leawas the Frenchman LouGPasteurwas hafdlyhearyou...sorry,youre breaking up. shau| .. shaLLrneyou back? put foruard,annev€nthen manyscientktslnitiaLty dismGsed hisideasas LookIm golngtocaltyoubackoK? HeUo? HelLo? UNIT5 RECORDING 7 A: FelLo,thankyou fo. phoningcasLlne.Youhavethreeoptions:ifyou wanttoenquireaboutnewGasProiucis,Press1. fyou haveanenquiry aboutan outstanding bitt,Press 2. Thankyouwete nowgoingtoconnectyouto oneof our saLes team. B: HeLLo, weLconeto CasLine.My namet Andy,howGn helpyou? yes,Im caUlng !eLLo, aboutmy biLL Haveyou got your clstomerreference number,ptease? Um...yeah,il s V290636K, oK,just g€tyour fiLeupon the screen. can ljust confnmyour name Today,at the beginning of the 21stcenturywe havemaneth€mosi €rtraordinary technologiGlaivances We have nventedthe aeroplane, tandedon the moon,inventedcompute6andihe wondwidewebaswetL piecesofrechnoLogy. ascountless otheramazing Floweverbizairely, we haven'tyerdiscov€red a cureforth€ commoncold.A scientlficbreak which throughhasrecenttybeenmadeat cambidgeUnive6itythough, meansthata curemaybefoun! ln the nextdecaleor sol www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library ' r q 1 J p l a qal ^ P Hl s E U u o o t ' q o i v llnrlllear u,trn! srtu tua^ sEAl nolruprtlou'|qo r€ '3r34 rsst.qr a^PHarou auoso^eq uoos ^rtunq.q rsnu no|p.!s !t .^,noI 'etl.8'qo :v 5 9NrCUOf3UL LtNn llnoqe ]PqMzuos3lsrqrBulnp s.routuP u.)iel nor.^eH zl a u a o l r n o l u r a r e t d u . ) i s ta r Bs u . ^ a t e r u o l s r q r u e r r o l u , ( u e o ^rer H l{epor araq1.3 01no^ -iet tLP p SuotMoHor ll sea te!,\l lrr.ruor e u redua)lelra^ano'(3^PH 5 iFqlplrnon roraqloBrnof arlereaddeto sural ! arou ra]]P3lp1no^ oPoq,{ 3 2lloar4no^Slrqlrsrlsqls,reqa auoq 3^!rEno^ u.it,r I 2{Fnouasuoqr qEr no{oo zlqd no{ op srrodsqr !,\^ 9 ;oq,r lu.rpt q) |eus lo srD.)ierora^eq ia^o ioloo 5 laq rlPlnoaleqMlsar.lulro uodsMaue dn )loordoill t e rier, or io^sIrE auoauoslt € 2uMoPl sD dn puelsno^ op ^uears,oqMauo^uPnoDt no^ oo z toqM iroroq,i8uDtelre poo8 "te.s z t u r u b ua q r u d n S u r r r a B o u ' l r n o i a r t e l i ] ] p unr o luo c r t 9Ntouof lu L I|Nn arou3.s or -.uD arou peq qsM rsnltsru etduor,tueu a^eql,u.P I rqr uo4uedv der e pull orsatiu )i1eaor.^eq s,G4e no^ pueWlp ro qtea or rarea3u rla8rcl sler q8nou.louMooino{roreM qtnouara€u s,3raq1qBnoqlaus^o!ues^eatereL]rtuq] auor,araqlilslou Wnu oolrpl PU:dsS{PMIP'.tn19pue s!!qs I P!e!'3tEsuo asLPueqDuro s P e ostl e a t es , 3 r 3 qsrn n o r] o P U p d P a q ) s rl o 3 ! o ! q B n o q r - ) u x P P u e poolInq ors erslo ^rualdre3r3qrpuE Fn.nb.^sseu sleateire .Fq}q8noqr-srairor qtnola {Iensn3rp3rrq1poo8^r}ardareso)etd rsou ur s3r trel.ql,(es PtnoM sIeP.s.qr 2.stareqa id3.F qBiouaF3 F^au t1q3ruiql]o lsou nn Iets usrto pue poqsuu a^eqsPUp!aqrrsue tq?tupu Foqe s!e1sr ear,(!ed aqI ^|ear auo^ueorSuDFl FA uD noI 'o€qdsourerEat E 4le6n s iraql lnq raqro ueqrF tpua4 ap I lauos '.3ersureu.ql uo?urua€ aqrlo puaaqrtp !p aultpEaq 3qror dnSuLpInq 'fSers ru.ratrp p3^rs uo spup!Ipus 3qrrsr! tuL{qdrrp$ orrnole are S ua q{ s n ! o ss p na q s a s n p r qs p u a l l l a o r a qo r l ] e ro t a u n i u p { l p r p q p e qa q sz ] P q r s^rz p , M o ql e a u I l u a o r s q l e s $ a n B s q r l a ouosMour u o ^ a r , uP Ps P u s l t I u j o a u ou P 3 u s P u s u l , s t u a r E ad q rl o s p e o' ts r $ n t {Ier.}lt Puear.!s,&.^a sturuaSue,eraaoulo sPeot'a)ie) lo sparPunq a^6seue ssarPa^su.dx.-e3aue.tLl LltrMsPunod tosPuesnoqlPue sPuanoq]rso qluMl- laSnq^tornlosqe peqsPua4 ^u F ea] e arno z DNlcuoflu L llNn IepolptDAaqru rEnu lo arpl aqt a8ueqrqp'or p p ^aqrlPqa or - ot P.lq.Pu |e rP 3M 3a rPql)turqrI sn'PUY PlP! {sM rqt u uaorS a n e qt i u P t n o a ) s n ud o du a q r r n o q r M ' q P { e P o r { r r n P u) s n u a q ru r t . l S ua qt E s . ) u t s n l ur 3 q t - r t 3 q r r P $ : j u l q t q e P u e a n l r o a u n r 5 a t * a ge - e a u e uu e r f p o q & a ^ . ' u n^ $ . t . u D q e . r n p u a u ' as F u o s r 3 ! 1 q e @ n ' p u e r 6 i uP a s t e q o t l ^ o q u1 n ' r 6 n u d o dq e i q I , u P t n o M 3 r 3 q ur i q r o q r MP u e ' f e p o l lM r o D t i M s e ) u n uq ep a s L u o r l n t o M r I a q r ' q EI a q r ' q p l r 3 f q nIru m l q p $ t l p a 8a q r l n o q p ) l l p r o ] r tpL,l s '4pa 3uor o]ep3lrol ]]3Mlol llEsnot uaoprartu |,reqrlo sD3rarq!)uLql Pue1r PrPPusa?ernorr3ql PuPlerau r.qr $at ^|ear ol p4uehoqMlpoqauoslotapouatore s,t '.tduexa!e s,r 'es,r asner.qseq,(Feqord IeM.Fqnseu )j!tqlIrnq qiret or u^1oP I )rpq puereqrrorioSu dunlu q ^q Iele polueQ PlroMaql spq aqr sPqlsePlno no{!P3u snoaSerno{IEar s,1Pq1!urqrpuPqrrPlaqr srqt lo s.?paa+ or ill$rrl'illuarrl sarppunoq tpuonads q paqsnd,(n3 ueau arnLpErEd E qrhFdunlpuPsrpdsotur uoo|PqPUrdn aaoqM ^nS.qrFwe8Dnes xlrl apnpurot rtrl p,Lrn!parul &.^ aiesaretd Ies.rep'sruauan.rqreueunqlrlUdorrnoqeSuDiter.r,noll'IaM rroqsI@ ro1lor u'q oreuuou ora)itptnoa uosearreqrrot PUpuaas 13€sEqPtrcMaqrrPLFariPra lo loroqFP un'Pearltspra un lsou aql',un',flqeqoris iq PtroMaq]ra^o|esalunor u ParPnFPUe p.)npord3rEsvoMs q'un puElpoqtus^ao1srtlnrl$3t.ur1 $ieads .q pueuoErau.S&r^rroJ Fruanu ar aque)sr(etd sqlu qr 'un pue 'ui tuorsq tnoq8norqr ]ou ro I nout ^a!rr.qraqMqe s.^Lls,auo^ra^a p a q ) i o r o s l e s , auqn l n q P l r c M ^ r e r . a { q r ' q e ' a qur r} u e F e a qu n s 'un 4 u o 1 o u ' u n a p o d s r e q su e I A \ ' u n ' a i e l t u o uo r o ^ e qp t n o M sPueqaqrseru.u.r )xa to dn PInqeqrs,3r31+Plealt or sauo) o)eldiql p u e ? u o r s u r v t r a N q p a l oas^ r r . a d n a d o ur E u L q r l o r o l p r n d q r r e l IlAoF ple 5tua1rolr sauor auotua^.f|enp4t puedn ilea no,( uo lo aqr rPUoohaql uo4 )t)EqButoouutql t un Ptron:pqM.qrrcl .qr uaqnBurtaar aq] o^olI sa^lasuiqrIofu. ol.)itoraql @aqlj. ]]p'Moul r o l I a M s e u . ^ a ? u r S u e q r - 3 l r e s ! l u q 1s te f tl | u t q r - u n ' . ^ . t w e not atdoad s p l e s n o q r ^pqa p u n o r n s F u auqo 4 F E n o l l o s p u e s n o q p u e ol rln) ,rP .]inb ^lle.r 3u lrauos Puelua^.3lEeue ues,r a)il sFal s,rl tpqt znq Auzeue s qr s iraqt'a^DE nof uiqa Furrrxa l]lpar s,4pale llos r PUeMou{3opuq).r dou qtrnuosro3 .^,.a- sea r Moulnof E or 38puPU se)tro( latrD aa4 P310rol urnrarur'PrpMars r3F 'un ts.urlruos osseMu.qr ,Golouqr.r'un reqroPvsvN p phoq'leql oPaq Pp ue, I n ,tup$a! ,o rrou or o? 'ine' rp:4 ll e lo r q e u $.nB r M o Ni u i r l d e q l e q r p r p M o q a o q a o 6 ! u q l P u el e r p e q l o o l s M n o u u a r c t s q l ? u q r a u o s s , l r t , 1 r ) t l r q rtr us n f u o o u a q r u o )P A o t u e u ^eareqr ur aru ^lle.r s t _ {3)iMotarnbltes,r ^Up3l r s r l t a q rq P ; u o r l s u r v t r s Nq E s q P t n o Mu n u o r l P u U o rut e l u q v m 9 5 P ! a q r r o tl p u e r a t r { e r o r . a o D a u o s d o u ) i n o { l e a uPr o }a s n o q s,auo.uosot Pauur ar no,(] rl F le@se alel tqSru nof tPrpr ro srussrd 'sre.IluatrarurIturerrar'u suotru.^urqe rueuodo tsou aqlloauo .tueq)xa atdo3nMalrra^ 'teDrauuo ^Uqnrrrpdrcus,r llBu srdrns pueuolerunuuor puea8patMoullo laaq s1 )iuql un fSotouqtrar tn€ op or Puv Bu|leapaqsuI3^,nolraqp ^pp,{zptfuarde s,rL,llerEeq s u r 3 lu ' u n ' i p l o M a q r l o q r n uo s ' r np a u a d o s ,ars n e ) a q p a @ a ^ a q r E r a l F q S u r q r o u 1 o 3 a ^ , nqorl rl e a o r u n l p p u q s , r e q r o s q r o r a r r p u e E u r E u pu es e M r l u q r t p u e F u ) a r ua q rp a a ^ u L { | e n Dopq M a t d G d '..uoo|eq ' Pue_ s.unrso pus sreoutu zpup q I qlrM _Luo qneM r a q r o l s F u o u s araat u r a au l p i | e r u e u p s P M l ' , u n r s u r . r u l oslpuer noireqraperen3qe osles,ar.qlpue uos.q)ted 8rq l ueqrool rqrlo uor1u3^u 3q1 un aq PtnoMsuuuBord 3q1lo]]3kN.ql s,(ealearearaqf Al qrreMpuepunorer s |e ^aql osa^ou upl 'iun tPra^as u . . q s , r i u n i s l p uu o u 0 1 3 ) t r t p l n o a tlPqrt!3u3^a q)e.qt 3!o ouu:qrpuE''pootq)o(oorretsreaaoo&o^apue'saqsrplPLrads q l M t e a u P $ d s E l u p r n e l s aPru r o i u o q r e F q r a t u r 3 q r p 8 I t U P J t req . ^ e q^ . q t s . j t i u e l , , a qq] l a p u a d s . F o a il s o u 1 P q r l e pe 4 l D r e q s , l l € D N T O U O ) I9Ui t N n ' F ^ e a q s P u . 4s i a q l o u i u l o . u o u ' | s $ r l s o u) $ e r u e l . q i Pue spui 4 rno |e qr M orerqalaror rarelsr..M lo.tdnor e Aueda1u e a^pq 'rEUMaurnouo pladso1sn3^e3 ruared Iu ^o!ou aqr3u^esar,3M ll,3r PUeuordsrsra$ PuPfuouararaqr01spuo4 ptoMal e PUPflupt ssot) p.}hu lsnls^,3aos lurarrp rFratduo Su qrauosp31upM aa papDap 'IeaIue qrnu os rsnt oorrEt sraqr sPM Pue.rPParl lPLoe.du oolrellle s e M rP r u e . s . q l ] o t P r a r c s o l u $Pq, t ' i p s s e I P M I u v l r t u s s n o t nP rr s , r u q ^ e p 3 r q . q r a r o r ad qn r : p p u I a q r l t q r n t q 8 i o qIr l . q r o r . u o l r,uPp ^trEouMelu ,aqrou .!r '4rlarpdnv'. sruau.Suere3!1ro^oaPl -uLraqtou armnJraLtqrrM1no|at spuarlIu lo raqrouviuo sD)o lnj{of passans4tParSu e a:jt'j3q01Fsoddnsst uaqMpueqorotaq rrststdoad 3qssFGd or ar tod rnoqes.uors3$qr IP rPsqno{ uaql Plv tdoq r,uPrP !a^a snor.Suep aq ptnoarrleqr.^ala! srsDu.)s Iueu'Paapursauer!rnq rosurolsrt,r srua^oraqreaMauaitxaNi^aioDtonuor o1(oq urP3l ansqIh aa 1eqlrtillun ,(]aua4!i srt rn! ils aqrou sqror8u!$^q '3OOZ u sr nu,(lo Furrras iqrlo luouarsr Fu u:no 3q1lPlplurer[et.p orptsSeupu 5eqsrqrpaapur luauur3^o;a$urq) 3q1'3uopu.aq,(pearte 'sreMIsus uLrLI]tpou or aoq rursat.^eq 4qeqordIh a,r laqr€M aql ahreqrtsar3e srr.dxarso@ torruo)or Moqrurerts eqr,uoM,!qeqord 'ia^.MoH uaqriq saseas p r.qro PuPra)ue)lo surol iueu rol arD e Puoola^e! Ih aa reql a^aLFqoste5roloc iualdeqol eq] Fu MouP MEtepasseo ^tluo)arseqaPuassn a!1 leh oluossu P3UUaU P 1u3s3^EqIh aMosro npa,(Iruanr urqrn rPrlla^artrqsFdr. rsor! 5 Audio script B: No, reatly.I couLdn t nana€eany more. Ar oK. Maybe Llfin!h tthen. UNIT8 RECORDING 2 2 A A-/^"y^tle ^",^ar.e Ohr l IdsosoO BeUa ger B: oh, don tworry, satly.lcanwashlt wh€n gethome. A: t wasreallystupi!olme B: lt doesn'imatter.Thesethingshappen. 3 A: HiBeLLa. ftsbeenawh Lehasntit? How haveyoubeen? B : O h ,h l t h e r e .m f n e t h a n l sH o wa r e y o ! ? A: Oh,goodgood.Youknow,sameoLd $me oLd, B: so ...wow ...it! beena Longtime.when q4 the lasttime A: oh at that partyatJakes housetrhink. B: oh, thafs right.And how s everythinggoing?Youknow,job,home Ar Yes,everlthlng!fine,ihanls.we'vejust movedhouseand.. B: Thatmani5realtyannoyinel A: who,lames?My newboyfriend? B: ls heyour newboytiienn? oh sorry,l didnt realise.l hopeldidn t A: No,notat aLLNk laughsveryannoying. B : l a m e s L C o uytodu t u r ni t n o w na b i t ? 5 A: so, anyway,bytheiime loundoutwh€rehewaslwasgoingcrazy wlthworry.lmean,hes ioordlnarycat,asyou know He! got such a sweetPeronaL ty. Anlway... B; sally,sorryto interruptyoubul lthink there'ssomeoneat the A: oh, dont worry.I tLhold l'msureyouwanttoknowwhat h a p p e n ej ndt h e e n d L Bi weLLy€s, but knowyoure reauybusysoldonlwanttokeep you.Ill caltyou il I get a chancenextweek. A: Oh,oK Bettasure. A iew lats berorethe creai Exhlolti." c"'. ** a* io ri",t, t*o mlL,n " Lades,claE Redwood andheriwenty-yeaFold dauehter Eleanorarlvedin the clq,on theirwaybackto London f.om ndia,wheretheywereescapng the larestoutbreak ol the pLague. Neitherwoman couldrpeakfruch French an! it wasverydifficulr to finda hoteLroom but aftersearching lor sometne theyeventuaUy managed to booktheLast rwo roomsavailable at oneofthe mosrfamoushotelsln Pars Afterarrivingatthe hotetbothwomens gnedrheregister, andwereshown upiotheir roons.Themotherwasgiven room342,a partj.uLady luxurols roomnecorate!with beautifuL .edvetveicurrans. Ahon lmmediately however, the motherfell iLLand they hadto caLlthe hoteLsdoctorHe€xamine!l'1tsRedwood carefuLly, the. calledthe hotel mana€sandspokeu€eitLyto himin French. Eleanor didnt undeEtand whattheyweresayingbut aftera lew minutes, the doctofexplainen in Englirhthat hecouLdntLeave MfsRedwood be.auseshewasioo iLl,$ he gaveEleanora prcsdipiionandaskedhe.to goandfetchrhe menicine her motherneede!,whlchwasavaiLabLe ontyat hissurgery onrheothersineof ThedocrorLentEteanor h s owncarlagero traveLln, bufthejourneywas trlstGtlngt sLow, andit wasfo!r hou6beforeEleanorfinaLLy returned with the nedlclne.sherushedinrothe hotelfoyerannasken the manager anxlously howhermorherwas. Themanagsdaredat herbLankly. Whatde youtatkingabouiManam h eea?s k e n . ' l [ n o w n o t h nygoouf r m o t h e f . Y o u arivedhereatone.Thehoteldocto.aGodeniedev€rme€tinghermother, annwhenEteanor insiied on seeingthehotelre8Cter, ontytheyoung wohant slgnature wa5there Eleanor hanagedto persuade theF ro takeherbackioroom342,but her motherhadvanished annihe roomwasempty,Evenmoremystero!st, the d€corations appeared to havebeeicompLetetrepLaed, andthe bsot flL redvetvetcunains haddisappea.ed gi{ rushedto the BrltishEmba$yto iell he.story,butofliclab ThedGtraught retused ro believeher Eleanor becameevermorefranti.wlthworry,ann whensheretu.n€dtoBritainshewasdecLared iisaneandputnamental hospitatNowever, rhegirLcontinued to insisrthaiha stdryw6 tlue,aid docto6neverfound anyoiherevinence thatshewasmenraLLy lU.Eventually shewasreleased but hermothers bodywa neverfound UNIT8 RECORDING 1 UNIT8 RECORDING 3 1 0ofishsleep?Ihe answersyes ..andno Fishdont .toseihen eyesand dreamllkehumanr,andromeoi them,suchassharkshaveto keepmoving or theydle.Butfsh do seemto belessactivephysicaLty andmenratty, at cenaintihesandthisseemsto performthe samefunctionassteepin so what is the explanation forihis strangedisappearance? Manyexperts in hGtoricat mysterles beLievethat MG Renwood mlghthavebroughrrhe backwithherfrom h!ia. ithi3 newshadbecomewideLy known, PLague itwould certainlyhaveruinedthe 6reat Exhbitioi,5o the hotelnanager mlShthaveconspired wirhthe do.torto keeptheteiriblenewia secfet. They.ertal.tynun haveconspired togetherin somewayor other. However, the BritishEmbassy Letthe youngwomandowndkgracefutty, theyshouLd havelnvenieated hersrorymorefllly at the veryteast.on the otherhann,sufelythe hoietstaffcan'thavedisposen of the bonyand fedecorated.oom 342 njust four houts?PedapsafterattEteanor was insaneandshemadeihewholestoryup.Butin th case,whaidldhappen tohermother,andwhywasshenevertra.edagain,deadoraLive? 2 why don'tpolarbears'feetfreeze? PoLar bearsareprobabLythe best insulated animakon lani. Theyhaveaboutl0 cm of fat beneathrheirthick fur.Theirfeetarecoveredin furtoo asw€LLas a thicklaye.ofdeads[in whichProte.tsrhemwhentheycomeinto contactwiththe ice.Thats why 3 c a na t o u d 5 0 h dk i L L y o u Y?e si,t . a n .s o u n db e c o m epsa i n l u l a t a r o u n d 130neclbek- alet enginearound20 or 30 metresawaymakesthis kind ot sounn.At aroun!120lecibelsyour eardrums burstanna sounnoJ200 decibels wiLtprobabty k LLyou. c a n h u m a n s c a t c h d k e a s e s f r o m pH Lu an a t sn?s c a i ' i c a r c h d i s e a s e s causedby virusesor bacteriaifom plantshoweverthey canhavean aLLergic reactontothen. tvery summerniLLions of peoplesulferfrom hayrever andthis k causedby plants. 5 Why do chiulpeppers tastehot?Theytastehor because ofa chemicat in them calledcapsaicin This.hemicaL trlcksyour bodyinto thinkingir is beingburned, evenwhenit isa.tuaLLy nor.Thecapsici doerrhaim you Itk atLinyourmiid. Because q!allties,capsacini ure! by oJirs unusual the pollc€in somecounfiiesin a speciat form ca[enpepperspray.lt.auses tenPorarybtindne$but doesnt do anylong,termdamage UNIT8 RECORDING 6 Twenty-flve yeatsagoyou couldn'tsendemaitsandtexts.so nowyou cancontactsomebody reallyurgentlyannget a qulckresponse, but iwenq,JiveyeaEagoyou couLnn t. S o m e t h i n cgo u t d o t h e nt h a il c a n s t i U d o n o iws s p e a k l t a l i a wne. livedin Mitanfor fouryeaEwhenlwar youngann becamefluentthen Well, m the morherofum teenagech Ldren annsofrethingldldnt havetodotenyea6ago,which havetodo nowissupedisechiLdren s homeworkandlhus! sayirt on€ofthe mostifustratngtasks could Yeste.dayalworkhadtoulkto somebody becausethe.e'd beena cofrplaintaboutthem. !idn'twantto doir becausereallyllkethai pe6on,but,wett it s partor mylob,so hadto do it. U m , L s h o u l d h a v e p o s tLeedt at e r t h j s a f t e r n o o n a n d l f e m e m b e r ^ J r ' g i 8 ! lp a ! . . h p eo. o r r . . r . l f o € o r aa b o r i "rd www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library L]rMopolBu qrtrra^.!r P3r$rauLiq or prau noI^Fnor^qo isasnoq pue'luapLluo) pueSuro8rno tu.^ aqol p33uop no{ Iuteuor.d rr Eurqlrue]rodutsou.!r'$auoq.q orrn€ tp loot or sarBqar q)qn noI|aluPr leq] orur)tool/(larull.p ptnoqsnoI os'qofaql u sdSord orupMnoltr suor1e)lrenb po.u ^tu erro io,(|oM'ul/\l Moul1,uoP Z I t d n er s . f u o r o ? a a u t e q l s u o D e r l r e nabr . q ta r eu e a u ; o p plnoqst req(]^o!e al^Pe Iuero3.^,norl p.rsPuoarsif Pue uia ple a8upqr !!3Ae 3rsrs3upBuruoaq urporsarar!u,t _ |.e F.rPr erotBuNol,(IEar u,tlnq lauou oql le Yd psEEuDtroM u si Surqr.lj1 AErusq lraaiprtnoqpar ppauosatrl p, la,r ; n o f r o t o p u e r r s q , r| e r o r ? u r o 8 r : n n o , 4 p r p s x a t v l t p r e r o N nof3u]|e) a u P u r ur , u o pn o ^ . d o ! t l a q u n ! r n o l a u . ^ p 3 r . t v u o si n o l 'ualN psrrs,3ue!fu rn! auMooD,uop no^ uoslreHsi'll ollaqqo :l 3u )ie.!s uosleN fuuiT ottaF f I DNTCUO)IU 6 l-tNn qupql qp3{- usqr)o Ia,^ :l FA puexav yalU,tlrou &n lte) e raq.^r3 uo 09 lou alnol )lurqrnof oc lPuru P,aqs 'ar u ^llear'illEars,3qs 2.qqrarPqrP3^PLtno^r,uopIq,\'i)^peiuo,noi!^FP,aqs3rns u, ru.8e arersuesq or Pasnunu srNtxaN PuallluF!u3u3l ' plnoqs op nolleqaaout t Lo SuEHuPsu no^ ]eq, Mou:! uul^ rot BuDioot.r,,(aqr relaaou) reql os'noDino^ .) ^pp a u o s a u i ^ r 8 p l n o o q M a u o . u o s M . ! )I p o o S . q p l n o a l r u u l , . l '3^tretruL MortsoqMatdooda)t1t^oqt ahs u,t l)ise$nl Pues, iFE . r e 1 9 u p o r u r o 3 t o u ^ q a r oS u r q l l o r r o s r e q r r n o q e u o r l p u r o l u 3u ^r?sarLsqaaaq rsnu ariql asodlns au[!.)]ool ptnornor qEnoqrrrsr ol araqaaoDir,uop t'. olu8no rqELr,no,( sdeqrad'qe.l 'aoul nor 1r ou )iootolutno nor(_ atdo3dBurpEn$! le poot pue ruapuuor-lorreqrrotlt euoradlo puL)i ]q3Lr3qrrot llsriuLtapa^,noIpue'ft euoreds,t to rote arnsu, 'rouro 1roPor Pa$rrEnD u,u e.prou a^iDnq srolsqrlnoqp rqEnoqts^pqItjpnDE'qear 'untspue uo sauuertord,ordoi SurqrreM sIeMle.r,noI ru s,ald@dFlp punorluqool 3^otno{ q)nu aotl aoDi PUPsasnoq no,r paP PooF,(Ieaieqplnoalr )iurqr zlua3earers.ueSuruoaq rnoqE r q F n o q r F ^nao ^ a ^ e q t n q. 3 u e r $ r q e p u n o s r q S r u s q l lsuor$aFnsf,uv '. s qluErtlrsrlaqEurqtsuosaqrsnu araqttnq oulnP 'ltt]roousar nb sMoltol Aensnrs.l 3qr'$!rl3$qr qtiorq'to8 uer noII os SuDie.ds u Sa! nol uaqMrsaqSrq are!a^al ssarFrnolasneraq lnrttrP rsou aqt uarloareasaql uoEruasard rnoflo sautrcl rsrr 3q1tn.qe,(llnlaro)tuqr ol eap'poo8e s r '^puoas sProMpuPsnoqr P qrroMsarn!de saoFFuriPsiq] sePlv 'sProM rou ue't1r3rr3q stsPrlsPuo sProrDMaltEqlostpraquauat ^ruqd sl )ilelrno,(ro $rnuru onr nrrc rol sprts3uo4t?rauaDr ips olEuro8are ^oqrMoqpueres ortuLoS4enrrp:rsr.q! lPq{ rnoqE)uLqlort.tro},Gqr reqrsapF p3reurueln|nop) I)uel loFs eSuredddSuolospu.dsAaql rtpu naruosoi!teqr.tersru )rsseFaqrslsrqrrel !tTads no^ seiof ol uoaL:rP {pd or atqeaq],uoM,(aqlpuepeotF^ouoneurolu'uo4 ratns a aruarPnp rnol l!e4.ot s reql {44nuru o€ e rol sipN lrr qr 3^Pq norl 5ip F lo lotp upqlranaqaresaprrsraailarou s $at:atnrstdutr srqlraqu.uuot{rt uoqprussardrnolEuruuptdloso uP r sPl ut n o q s n o l sButqriqtretoots ralMou op I,Lptnoqs nolsELrqraqlrEp)oota^,aMos 9 9N|OUO)]U6 LtNn 'no{or ar u aq |,,Gql puee.qr or.Ju aq oS '3u r uo qs!U ^Feqo! Puetre$ no,(oins.)ieuor ^! a.lror eF, areFdsop e.uolra€ uaqauotp asardEto puaaqlrE4qDupd Su4ea1dal a! o r u e q l a r u r p nuPP r o l E ! o u l P " r . . . F , q , " N t t q , . t * L " dr : ' P l : l l : : : &a^ aquetrr 'r raSraua.qorBuL(r'uoor.qtlo ruortaqrtp punore FuDuepareno^l pue.r o^rno^or p.snr.3 or au rlo trq e.)ua pneue s$tplr ltrrsspueqpuepe.qino^da.) !oleru.srd e loSu uur8.qoqrre ^Ie )rd$ rseloolltet b qrnu ool punoiea^ou ol rou tur'Atploraspuv ld!)s rnoIEurPP:l {q rsnltsu]laq]lpq uruoreumlu aups3qlra8ptnor^aqrtpqrastpor I)p'nb |ra.)u. pnerno,(puear o^ rnol !r uotrEuotlr snouorououe rol sa)leul5a1ou rnoSuPe.rauoauosolSuiurlsrluPql3)L3PnPuerol Suroq oDu Flrqlousr.Fqt uo leru.srd rnol o pe.rF^au {}sr l op o}lou ^rr plnoqsno^s8uq] aqrareasoqtnupd ruelolu Mate qr M rrerss rat 19 l 'tdrlitd@sisoqt aoltotnoll aqor paaul usaop r tns qre.PuPqlu3^aralerssr rspalre rnlo iuos )ol'itdoa! to |nl uoor P reqlsueaus qr 3u lpadsntqnd!r 3l tu rpal3!oFquiu lo ruo4 urSurPuers s , a t d o a d t s osu. r p n r s . u o s o t B u p r o r r e T 2t ra l ^ p s s q r p 3 a u . a o p , ( q a u Dhppaqros .tdoad Puvsuo 1enr6asaqllprol.nrl sr3^r3013uro3 rnol areJunuuor or.tqeBu.q uospuidiP JodnorEe oI IFN]rata seapr uatlorllt urssa))nsPlv ParPunq Mole ueq]ioqreratdoodaale rsifaq {P4 3)mpneiq]pue saPussePro santeaFrot uoto slepasaqrsuonPus$i rieu or a^eqIP aM stdo3dlo srololEUD]e]a;Prse uoSupuprsuPsursnl stqParuts^rDol noll l,uoPI uoPtuissrc ^Pstu3qa aoN ,suorPtusssrd '4te1u3p ru \$pLIuloUV UoDeru3$rdea^i3 rooq{u u aFetp^e3rp or MoqlnoqeIepor,pl olSuro8u pue.ppM errala! s .ueu [,! oteH 5 DNTOUO)]U 5 l.tNn IttEnr.eu, Futqrsuosuoqe )iterpue atdoada.u ra.u pue-uto qoTe tuaiatptuqr.uosopallueMrsnlr'r r q r l o r n ol a Et a r a q M J oo - . . r L I - r ' " r d q ' r r ' . s € e I s s o qv o - - r - q - v ' I e ) a d 5 3. d a . l ZdnFl SutaalI rs no{ irv il]oa s MoF rV Psl=l IUV=V 1 DNICUOfIU 6 r.rNn 'srsqaaIu$^3se.td'se.P {u rnoqsarouurPitotueaio{lMourq8lrctautr.^equernoqes,leqr'os .or lx.u SuDru.re ^oqrlora,i aq1 qraraMsu?srtl ssnrsp orsur auos ouarPneriol a^ F uaqrple uo$anb e )iseno^I sqsq r $u rauos ) er iqr lo lers oql reauuor! doriaqlrol oue pnernoltsv Uoper3rurauos apnplrol taFrolI uop iipitqr puv puerrodnerptrnqor ?u p!Prsr3pun 'itq $od se{lPa se.)$ pnp3qr!r otdo3dqra sdtaq^Upirsrq'L rrsruo).,G steu orr3quauarot s raluasardro rol p sdpq^tearreqrd r puor.s.ql 'uaqr ur Pu ll a sprer.qr'3td@d^ueu rolreal trq e srqlqa {Esot ruea iiq] reqMFAo, I.qr rr '{er teql ) er ^aqrat qa xuPU le )ioolPuePtoquPrtuqltEqr sPro !o sproa^ol o^eqearuasard I.M;dtaq uer sdtr1gq,riuorplusqd rno^3uD^lap rnoq?tEqMpuv uoru0or$uoq rEqlrol )lse usqlPUEGrsrrPue160r3u th sroqMpu.ul p pL! r a^r8no^roraq.ruo rno^.sEerd or ^rr Suru!etd rsPalre uorlPluisord to surarur'4tsetpu! aqr ParrPFoqnsu r,BeMt iaeSolode Ptnoqsqreo uo{q/\\ r€ r3q or asrSopdp or lqBnonoI)tuLqrl|par :v o! io)qr^!eau s,x .uoq ru.Mia.uLls,li)tlrqrop,4lp3r )ool r€ ' q n t ) n i ur P q t o l o Ss , F t ' u oa u o r : v 6 :€ tt.a*3u ua^. aqr pa,(ofu.6ler aq)iuq llnrlal 'urP8p u q atr^u'tt,nolodoqop ,(].^ot\e.r seMpu.utrnol :v I i r a l o r qo q M a u t u s e a l i e u o u e F l , u o o : € e8uopuaaqno,(a^prtqrr6 uo reql issetBli)torqsq]Ue s,FqM :v I s,rstruaP 3qt or ol ol p33uilpar notraoDtno,\ r€ lnlu p0ossrqtools ql iqrno :v 9 'unasnu e IeP aqlPuadsor lP PausMoqMnolsEMr lF,\\ r€ l^eplnrrne.q e qrnsuo apsu .Mare que. uoiq,\\ :v S $s or PaueM no{sea} ^|enrtreoN :€ ?r aas01lueMno^ asoddns :v t auo) auortaMarnol r€ iuoosurESe ?u L3€ar u e qrnsppqa^oM'Buqrira^arol srtupqr:v E '!q?,urp {s,ou 4lpa, sra8l n!'3nr s,lPq|s to rru.).!lreau oss r ssnerq 3r3qEui^l3)|tll]earI iv z rno o3 or ruea ts,tupisaqrSuloqos 3r,noI'qo r€ '!aor ' u l l e q ) r e ap u eu ( e r r s r . r PrrsnPq..f.rnlosqeu t DNtcuoftu5 LtNn Audio script M: weLl,orcolrselts ntraduced a totof newwordsroourLanguage oh wettl'm certainlyalLofthoserh ngs J I . . . a n d o b v i o u st sl ya s e n t h l t o h a v e e o o d c o m p u l e r s k i l l s , a n d t h e r e Who hadheardof m.robloegingbeforerhentehet?Bui mofe nterneihasmademeda moreinteracnve. lmpodandy beLiev,"the urenotvery d a y i y o un e e d C o o ! d i g i t a L p h o t o g r a p hsyosikfyl Lo G Medause!to bea one-waypro.essthey spokeandweLiened takingacou6e. Eoodwitha camera,woutdrecommend Now irl muchmoreti[e a d alogueEveryan]cLehasrea.l.r.omment No actually cando borholthosethings. beLowlt, ev.ry .oncertisrevlewed aid discu$edonrwliier WelL t h a is g o o d. . .m m m . Y o uk n o w w h al tw o u l d a d v i s lew?o u l d ' ggFr' o madeusall moresepaGte Unfo.tunately,lthinkthe lnternet hasalso ' t n e e l e d j o r o i a o J " . r " l s o g e , " " C " /o. andLnenlngtodlfferentthings from eachothe..we re all watchinC showingpeopleroundhouses. A Lotof enateagenrshaveextrastatr YoungaduLtsnawprobably!ontevenrem.mbertherimewhen just forthe weekend, becusethey re so busythen. thinkthatwooLn andthentalkedabout everyone watchedthe sameth nc on relevGion bereallyuseful,thai wayyou canseewhetheryou.eaUyLkeit and tthe ne!!day at workor college.n l9a6thetoP ratedTVrhowl. obvously t wouldgiveyoua b i or experience. rhe UKgot30 mlLLonvleweEthafs halfthe populauon.rwenry Thatr a reallygoonldea,lhadnlthoughrof ihat. Thankyou.How do file yea6 Laterihetop ratedshow8ot le$ ihan haLrthai nlmber y o ut h i n kl s h o u l da p p t ? anymore.We As a so. ety wejust ion t shde the sameerperienc€s lf wer€you,I d just wriie to aUthe esiateagenfsln rhe areaw th war.h andLnento dfferentlhl.gs. your cv, ieLLingthem a b t aboutyourselfandwhatyou wantto do, P : o K i h a n k sM o nc a ,a n d i h a n kDsa m i afno r r h a t q u e s t i owne v e g o i you'Uf ndsomethng. l'msureif youiry hardenough, !o moveoi, we'veontygotlime lor onemorequestion,lihnk,wh.h youradvl.e. appreciate Thai3grealthankyou,I reaLLy k fram Lisaln Eilnburgh andgoonluck,ihopeyouf ndsomethng J i YoureweLcome U N I T1 OR E C O R D I N1G P = P r e s e n t e lr' 4= M o n i c a E = E w a n F = F r e d H = H a n n a hD = D a m i e nL " L i s a 3 leveokn c a P: Andnowii!tlheforQu'zrheFrped.ourexpertthisw o reo u r l i s t e n esbh er i a s L L bfea m i L i a r t o r o m J e s s oM p .o n i c a w workedata numberoftopuK unvetrities. Coodio haveyouon the programme l"lonlca. P: so I'lonca,ourfnn questloncomesfrom a callern southwales P: Whats yourluenion foroufexpert,Ewan? E; O(,well, a questionve atwayswantedto a5k s:whoactualty M: Hi Lisa.Whai s your question? L: weLL,you mentioned newspapebeaier Theytehavnea frardtme ofthings.wittwe stlllreadne$pape6 ntherulure? nihe Lart M: Mostcountrles have5een a dfop n newspapercir.uLatlon tewyeaG particuLarly broansheeir. Theytef nd nglt nuch riarderio s o t u i v e a nnda n y h a v e g o n e o u tbo6f n s s . f s n o t j 6 t i h e t o $ o r makeaLmost 90% ol readersthatisa problem.lnrhe us newspapeG theirmoneyfrom anvertislng. when cncuhtiondfoF, fewetPeoPle wantto advertkein the newspaper andtheywont payasm!.h io io talklo you andtlia.ks P: oK thanksl'4onca FarcinatngasaLways for takingpan li Qdn!/leErparr.Now it s ume for travelnewr cary, U N I T1 OR E C O R D I N4 G 1 Theweath€rfore.ansaidiiwasgoingto be nicetoday. l'4:wettEwan,theslmple answe.is:ltdepennsn sofre.ounirie5 2 Thepoti.eofficerroldusrherewasnoih ngto worryabout. the government .ontroGthe meda.In othercolntres it s Prvare 3 our tea.hersaldlhe testwasBo ng!o beeasy individuals orcompanieswho ownii.Whatwe caltmassmedla 4 cLareroLd me shewasstayingin tonight iowadaysaLsoincLudesihe nternetandyou.ouLdarguerhatwe s J o i n i e s a i d t hdeo n e y w a rh i s a L L o w i t h a t b e . a u s e w e c a n a l l s e t o p a w eHboswi ieev ei hf e r e a r e 6 s h e 5 a iidh e c o u t d nal l f o r d r o c o moeu rf o r a m e a L w i tuh, .ertalntysomeverytargemediacorporato.s rhd own andcontroLa l o i o f w h a tw e s o ea n dh e a r .n t h e U S a r o u n d z 5 y e a c a 8 o t h e r e w - " r e 7 Rl.ksaidhewouldbehomeearly. 3 Alextoldme she'dpassen theexam 5 0 m a j o r m e d l a c o r p o r a iN i oonws t h e r e a r e j u s t s l x , P: Doesthal answeryourquenionEwanl E : Y e s . .l.i h i n k i t d o e s , t h a n k s . P: crear stuff.Nowonto Fredfron Bristol. Fr Thank5 Doug.l'lonica,m !nterestednyourop nion.Doesthetreda _ oh" "o[.t vh. . . " d o l d s e . oo a ^ 3 ( - o . l d . n i \ " refle.twhatwethinl or doesth. media.ontroLwhatwe think?L . r8e J Lo.h"nee.-e shapeol "" 10 . 'hou8 o onao. e o' d' mean,you knou io wejusi rh nk abourihe thingsthat the meda girlsschooLhas thar peerpre$ureto look bullie,iherabourt, sheJeels wantsusto rhinkabout? aitra.tlveis veryiirong a.n shesaysthe issues affectinghefselr-esteem M: Ah,lheeternalquesuon, Fred t usedto besaidthal the mon annma[ingherdepre$ed.t is MissK s ambtionto becomea corporate powerfulpe6oninthecounrrywasthenewipaperenltorbe.ause LawlerandshebeLleves tharhernosewiLl aGoaffed hercar€erprospects. he,andiiatwayswasa he decdedwhatwentonthetronr page parenrs HerweaLthy don'tbeLlevethai hefnoser sucha serousprobLem andsodecidedwhaiwaiimportantandwhatwasnt. Howeverthe i5at least21,asshemayteeL annfeeliharsheshouLd waituntiL5he internethashadan impa.t Now,anyone.an(eare newsWth the ror theyhavesaidrhartheywiLLPay differenny aboutft byrhen.However, .amerain ouf rmartphanes we .an re.orda h gh def nitionvideoor ihe 5ureery lf doc.o6aereethat t is in theirdaughtersbestlnterests. an eveni uploanit to ihe lnrernetandheypresto,peopleattoverrhe w o r L cda n s e eB. i g m e d icao r p o r a t o n s abreei n g c u t o ust i.t e sL k e A sir-yeaFold boy s, hasbeendiagnosed by doctorswith atbnr on defict gLobaLvoicesonLlne orgarebringnBthenewsdire.tlyrromihe people have dkorder(ADHD)andprescriben a newdrugwhichhewitLprobabLy . p a soi o-.^e ^ ' o d e e p e e n . e I i l s i d e^ a 7 o - e s ' o d ro ta[e untitheGan adutrThedrugis noi tholghi to teadto dependeicy, to your questionwhiLethe melia doesstill contol whatwe thinkto but the lonetermeffectsarenot fuLLy know. llis mother,whois seParated someextenr,peopLe afenowabLetoure the medlato retLe.twriai is keento try fromhisfatherandwhoha5custodyoflhe rihreechiLdren, hk Llfebothat schootann the drug.Shesayshisprobtemr bantyaffectine P That! a fascinaring iiea. mustche.kitout Thanksforthat atrchooL, k alreanyfaLLng behindotherchlldren ai home.He s,iistracred q u e s u oFnr e i . N o w w e h a v D e a m l ainn L e e d H s .i D a m l a nW h a t 5 n hisschooLwork, annhk. rea.he6a.eunsympatheiic al home,hGbad behaviour .aus.s.onstanrsrre$,andhs mothersaysthat the onLything D: Oh,yes,eryoumentlonedhowthe ntehet has.hangednews, gamesH s rather,wholivesl00 that keepsh m .alm k pLaying computer thjngs?Howhasn Monica.NoweLsehasthe internei.hanged [iLometres away,is againsihimtakingihenrug Hesaysihal hk soni5 affectedthe worldol media? just a iohaLboy whoiee,is!o moveto a mor. disclpllned schoolwth nore a calmerworkingenvronm.nt andthat heneensto pLayoutside games. insteadof $ayingindoorsandpLaylng computer U N I T 1 1 R E C O R D I N3G www.pardistalk.ir/library www.pardistalk.ir/library - uo4 rrsnu suos aou puv srqSnoqrrno^areqsple snleuaro rxal ]]P) 2lurqrnol opleqd oS Bu|er rcl no^lueqr Fqo! iraqr rurod?u !s3r.rutI].A tou larlrod{q tEaraqr3reoqMr tqnd Zsrntpurnofaq] 3't13a1rl,usros aaqloe Fq PuePLPtrohsrrotPqf rnole sorols 3qrpeu oqM3tdo3daups rqr ltqeqoi ar {sqrlaa-.re rodeasMi! .qr)ujqlIaq] atqL,.rMoq3uL(esnoItuDx.r atdoadi!1PUV 'sr.dedsM.u itas.uo srqr.ll s.uorsreqlaoul tsnu Ia$ os uoql Pe.ror ruea aFoa! leqr lu ql,(.qr lls.lors qstlqnd^uo lidpdsNu proFelteqr e q l o p s L r . $ e u . q t ] ) e t r s . / ( ' a a r p u v E u r u rP oo uo s t o ztuorssrqrrnoqe ruroduir3up e 3!pu 01lupMnol uopuorLr uaqot rns oot3soqr rol lrnu ^l3^ no,()uPqros'jeur3c serurodsues aqrSuDieuslleua Pues1X4jo r.qunu.aet e Pans)u a^.M'euua9 no^)ueql llaM 'eunen ]o P!r)l reqlrcj.resu.duor ue) 3urqr^ue )ujqr r,uop oslu qr l,uoP oN tq8norqruaaqi^eq IsqlAu!atns aqrrol dn s!!eu reqr)tuqrr,uopno^Itqeuntai n€ uollesuaduotr u spunodPuPsnoqlParPunqtPra^sa^Erro1^l'it.Eitruel Pueloh .qr rEqrMout olp aa PUPUosldortuas aqPtnoraq'Illnt PunolsrtuLrrPqlo p3snrrps oqMtsreurnols$I aenor to lloM 'u.0deqol paaoue srEuWro puq srqrreqra^.lt.q r,uerlsnf qe € aqor p:upqsP lsl au $)eu {lled r Pue.rer8ePesF!1ouDq ot PaGddPq reqM)uLqrlsqrouraq ple p!elrol,.!aloleql ol P p r:.p.h.u ']qtu s,]eql srqrreqa reaqol uP PalsnSs PAort^esor rlPA rsnft ituorsplElroh arlofeq)aql oqellptorrupM non euu.st pre) u EUUa9or F^o Mou )o eau31srrno uo4 F^latrar.^,adleqr q eua Puesrxarraqro ^usu ur P.ssardr.uorudo ues,r lorelPqr rol io^lueql itill]s'1ltF rr.ror. ors,r uarPlqrsqparo& oluorrrE t e B . t B u D i e r r o u s^rl xd u 6 s ^ e s . q s{ . 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P.ueuunuv I z DNlouofru zLllNn ''sM.uraqro otuo Pqsesdn Punorl.ug reql rol no^lueql lla,^ )o rN Suqsalteuueroqe FUD)uor areatdoadirou puparou reql aoqsilu e!.r sltnsaroqt ]n€ orn])t! p:vtu ps,l EultEadsI|eFuaD:t a l l P r a ^ o s l l o d a q r s s l p u u n s n o ^ P l n o a a o: N qos l " u . " L o ' . 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H: Ch.llengerepetltionl 2 I I thj.k it musta€tEuybemoredrflcutt b.e6. I don'ttlink you MUld knowwhoweresenuinefriends.nd whoj6t want€dto be fi.nds with you because youwerefamous,I lhinkthat,ah,bei.g famoosbnigsit5,it5ownprcbleru,I thinksudd€nty everyone wants to beyourfriend,rnd therefoEto€jng any5odol ih, e.l lrieidshlp with ensne, .h, nBt beHlly ditncuLt, let alonefofting . Elatioshlp wlth someone ol tne oppditesd that youml8htwant to, um,maByor be,ah,be. pannerwlth. E: Welldone,thafs 30 sond' i: t wouUtoveto appearona ealiry ry pogrammeerpeciallyir it w.s onewhereyo! coutdlsn ro drne Eallywell I thinklearning to dane wouldbeamanne.id wh.t . gr€t opportunlty.um .., sorryyou haltatedthere. 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